Miscellaneous botanical notes XVIII

C.G.G.J. van Steenis


Schischkiniella — Bull. Steen., nom. nov. Gastrocalyx Schischkin, Mus. Cauc. Tifls

Gardn. in Ann. Nat. Hist. based 12 (1919) 200; non Gastrocalyx Mag. I (1838) 176, on

G. connatus Gardn. l.c., descr. geti.-spec. (Gentianaceae).

S. ampullata (Boiss.) Steen., comb. nov. — Silene ampullata Boiss. Diagn. sér. I, 1 (1842)

26; Fl. Orient. 1 (1867) 606. — Gastrocalyx ampullata (Boiss.) Schischk. l.c. Gardner's overlooked Index which For a long time genus was in Kewensis, is obviously the reason that Dr. Schischkin, in whose honour the new name is proposed, was not

aware of the homonymy.



In 1959 I described this New Caledonian genus (Nova Guinea, n.s., 10, pt 2, p. 208) but then only oneimmaturefruit was available to me. In his new explorations Dr. McKee first and naturally continued to have interest in the he detected in February 1966 he sent some mature fruits and seed. He wrote that ripe fruits open very quickly and remained attached the fruit valves but were picked up below the tree; seeds to may fruit does differ also fall off soon. As can be observed (fig. 1), the mature not very much

Fruits in virious Fig. 1. Deltaria brachyblastophora Steen. stages of opening, X 1½, seeds x 3.

the have in size from the immature one I used for original description. In the figure I

the is attached the of depicted stages of fruit opening; each of the three seeds at apex the cell and less notchlike embedded the of two valve halves. The more or in pericarp seed is black, minutely tubercled and puberulous; the hilum is running over almost its entire length. There is a faint indication of a chalazal strophiola. 146 BLUMEA VOL. XV, No. i, 1967


In revision of Malesian Bot. my (Bull. Jard. Btzg III, 10, 1928, 282) have some names, mostly nomina nuda or subnuda, could not be placed. I gradually

collected information and can now account for all of them.

Fl. Bignonia comosa Roxb. (Hort. Beng. 1814, 95) Ind. ed. Carey, 3 (1832) 103, non Fl. Ind. Cham. 1832; DC. Prod. 9 (1845) 144; Miq. Bat. 2 (1858) 751; Steen. Act. Bot.

Neerl. 2 (1953) 305. — Spathodea comosa (Roxb.) G. Don, Gen. Syst. 4 (1838) 222.

the Brussels Described from Moluccas, no drawing at Kew, but the type at (herb.

Martius); the leaves exactly match the description, a detached fruit does not belong

to it; the species is doubtless Clerodendron lanuginosum Bl. 1825 ( Verbenaceae).

Bignonia fraxinoides Perrottet, Mém. Soc. Linn. Paris 3 (1824) 102, 94, nomen semi-nudum.

Paris Said to grow at Surabaya, E. Java; no material preserved at and according to the the text (I.e. 94) not collected; the letters M. C., added to the description, point to fact the that the plant was observed only in Mascarenes Is and at Cayenne, Guyana. remains be buried into oblivion. Mme Tardieu-Blot Identification a mystery, better to is thanked for essential help.

Bignonia longiflora Reinw. MS ex De Vriese, Pl. Ind. Bat. Orient. (1856) 9, nomen = Trichosporum longiflorum Bl. (Gesneraceae) .

Bignonia moluccana DC. Prod. 9 (1845) 144; Miq. Fl. Ind. Bat. 2 (1858) 751. — B. discolor

A. Rich. Sert. Astrol. (1834) xxix, non R.Br. 1814.

Said to have been collected in the Moluccas at Ambon. Leaves simple, pubescent

beneath, flowers terminal, in bracteate spikes, yellow. The description would point to Gmelina Paris asiatica (Verben.) but the type at with an indubitably original label was

correctly identified by E. Bureau as Bignonia capreolata L. 1 have seen it and had made

a drawing of it. It does not at all tally with the description and some confusion with

labels and specimens must have taken place, as B. capreolata has glabrous leaves, axillary

flowers, not yellow, and not in bracteate racemes.

DichrotrichumReinw. De Reinwardt's Reis = Bignonia ternatea ex Vriese, (1858) 495, 644 ternatum Bl. (Gesneraceae).

Verh. = Bignonia tripinnata Norona, Bat. Gen. K. & W. 5 (1790) art. 5, p. 8, nomen Oroxylum indicum (L.) Vent. Norona's description in the Paris MS is clear.

Gard. — filicifolium (Bull) Nicholson, Diet. 4 (1887) 13. Campsidium filicifolium

Bull, Wholesale List New Beaut. & Rare Pi. (1874) fig.; Cat., ex Johnson & Hogg,

A. T. Pom. Journ. Hort. 51 (1874) 366; van Geert, Catal. n. 74 (1874); Moore, Fl. et Cf. Gard. sub and (1874) 280. R. Hort. Soc. Diet. 3 (1951) 1477 , 4 (1951) 2085.

William Bull first published this in a Catalogue in which he offered for sale, 'from giving a description and a plate. His material related to a slender woody climber,

the Feejee Islands, and referred doubtfully to Campsidium, from the analogy of its in. and foliage. It has opposite imparipinnate leaves, c. 5 long, including a petiole I in.,

consist of nine pairs of leaflets, small, ovate, deeply cut into two or three lobes on each

side, the large lobes being sometimes also toothed. A very elegant stove climber'.

interest and N. Y. I in- Through the care of our late friend Sandwith, got the vital C. G. G. J. VAN STBENIS: Miscellaneous botanical notes XVIII 147

of Pandorea formation on literature and material. He unearthed in the Polynesian cover austrocaledonica (Bur.) Seem, at Kew, material of this garden specimen, which N. E.

Brown had identified and this is certainly correct. the material of Pandorea To me origin Fiji seems doubtful, as no Fiji pandorana (Andr.) into Also Steen. to which I refer P. austrocaledonica, has ever come my hands. Parham, in his newest account of Fiji plants (1964) 210, does not mention it, although he lists about dozen other cultivated conclusion that must have hailed a Bignoniaceae. My is it

from .

The herbarium specimens differ a little from Bull's plate by having fewer leaflets. As their and serration varies sometimes Sandwith remarked number very greatly, even known that of show wide on one twig, and it is well juveniles P. pandorana vegetative and useless for variation are taxonomic purpose.

This removes then the occurrence of nativeBignoniaceae from SE. Polynesia, the advanced of this the Pacific most posts family in West being Dolichandrone spathacea in the Solomons & New Caledonia, Pandoreapandorana and Deplanchea in New Caledonia, Three of and Tecomanthe speciosa in the Kings Islands, North New Zealand.


Callicarpa saccata Steen., sp. nov.

Affinitate C. havilandii differt j'oliis ovato-oblongis, longe accuminatis, basi abrupte attenuatis, duas in saccas auriculiformias productis; flores tetrameri. Typus : Sarawak, Sibat ak. Luang

S 23637 (L). — Fig. 2.

A treelet —6 Indument all over brown 3 m; stem 3—cm 0. conspicuous, coarsely less hispid by more-celled, more or tubercle-based hairs, further a very short, puberulous the tomentum consisting of simple and stellate hairs, sparsely on leaf, densely and brownish on the stem and-cymes; undersurface of the leaves besides with fairly dense, regularly interspersed, fine, pitted glands, on the auricled lobes also large nectarial glands. base rounded and Leaves ovate- to elliptic-oblong, apex long-acuminate, ± abruptly into narrowed, equal-sided or unequal-sided, widened two auriculiform, bullate sacs

blade some I—ij cm long; margin shortly dentate; proper c. 10—17 by 5 —11 cm, in specimens markedly anisophyllous; petiole J—IJ cm. Cymes fairly many-flowered, and old outside axillary on the wood, c. 2—2-J cm long. Flowers 4-merous. Calyx densely and shortly brown stellate-hairy, inside sparsely stellate-hairy, hypanthium in flower teeth. thicker upwards; fruit calyx more distinctly cup-shaped with 4 minute Corolla

tube twice as long as the 4 oblong blunt lobes, in total c. 74 mm long. Stamens not protruding, style slightly so. Ovary 4-celled, each cell with 2 dissepiment-attached ovules.

Fruit almost globular, c. 4 mm 0, with scattered, yellow, pulverulent glands (as on the each ovary), breaking up into 8 segmental pyrenes; pericarp withering; pyrene with small containing a small seed without endosperm and 2 cotyledons in a outer besides all with air-filled cavity; pyrenes an inner empty, cavity, obviously capable of floating.

BORNEO. Sarawak: Bt 60 S S S Iju, Ulu Arip, Balingian, m, on hillslope, 23637 (type); 23773, 23728; Sg Belaga, Ashton S 18286 ; 3rd Division, Bt Raya, Kapit, E. Wright S 23866; Sarawak, M. Hirano and

M. Hotta 1118 (Kyoto Univ. Herb.).

Field hill land notes and Ecology: From the lowland to c. 450 m, on slopes, slips along noted of his that branches weak river, clayey or sandy-clay soils. Ashton specimens are 148 BLUMEA VOL. XV, No. i, 1967

Fig. 2. Callicarpa saccata Steen. a. Habit, x ½, b—c.leaf-base, with glands, x 1½, d. flower, x 3, e. opened

corolla, X 3, f. stamen, x 4½ g. ovary and style, x 4½, h. section of young ovary, x 15, i. fruit, x 3,

section j. section offruit, x 3,1. mericarps (pyrene), one with remains of pericarp, x 3, m. lengthwise of n. cross section pyrene, x 4½, of pyrene, x 9, o. hair, x 6. — Callicarpa havilandii (K. & G.) H. J.

— S Lam, k. cross section offruit, X 3 (a h, j, 1—o. SAR 23637, i. Ashton 18286, k. Haviland 3549). C. G. G. J. VAN STEENIS: Miscellaneous botanical notes XVIII 149

is and and sagging to the ground. The fruit red or bright red, petals, stamens, style all covered with hairs. white; parts rusty The makes of Remarks. species part of an assemblage of rusty-rough-haired species the auricles Borneo and the Philippines. Its most remarkable feature is sac-like at the base of the blade, reminding exactly of those of some tropical American Melastomataceae and belonging to the group of genera Tococa, Myrmedone, Maieta,Microphysca, Calophysa, have similar formicarium. Of have which a course some other plants glandular auricles,

but these much smaller like in Thus it as Adenia, are and not ant-inhabited, ours. represents another example of convergence among formicaria (compare Beccari, Malesia 2: 234).

In American above I found that looking up some literature on the genera mentioned Gleason remarked that 'formicaria (in Pulle, Fl. Surin. 3, 1935, 235) in Tococa guianensis he from are sometimes absent'; whether means some specimens or only occasionally all leaves from some leaves is not quite clear. Anyway, in this new Callicarpa possess the inflorescences these unique sacs. It is remarkable that cauliflorous (only collected also found by Ashton) differ markedly in structure from the axillary ones. This is in involucrata branched C. (see below); they are hardly fascicles on knobs.

Affinity. Doubtless allied to C. havilandii (K. & G.) H. J. Lam, C. superposita Merr., also C. barbata Ridl., C. fulvohirsuta Merr., all of Borneo; but the affinity affects some The shows the need of revision of this Philippine species. present occasion a thorough


It also necessitates to reconsider the generic difference between Geunsia and Callicarpa. in Geunsia have Lam, his thesis (1919, p. 29—30) cited for that it would always some leaves besides alternate the decussate ones, that the nodes show an interpetiolar margin of that the anther-cells would in the of the that the hairs, only open apical part slit,

cells are —and 2-seeded. the ovary (3 King (J. Asiat. Soc. Beng., 74, 2, 1897, 801) on other hand separated Geunsia from Callicarpa only by the 5-merous flowers and 5 —10

Lam flowers pyrenes. discarded the merousness of the as generic distinction (I.e. 52), under with flowers describing C. havilandii a var. tetramera H. J. Lam 4-merous and fruit.

I have examined it ( Haviland 3549), but the peculiar fact is that it has 8 i-seeded pyrenes exactly as in C. saccata, although both Lam and King cite an isomerous number. Fig. 2k.

The the only character which might hold between genera or subgenera is the isomerous

and fruit in andthe and in Geunsia. If division ovary Callicarpa bimerous ovary fruit such a data established the is possible, and are for all species, one might again consider specific affinity in order to find out whether the division is natural or artificial. Bakhuizen van

den his later Brink, in treatment (Bull. Jard. Bot. Btzg III, 3, 1921, 9) merged Callicarpa and Geunsia, but I do not believe, and at least can not make out from his key, that he detail the all This then examined in structure of ovary and fruit in species. is an interesting Geunsia task for a future revisor. Moldenke (Phytologia 13,1966, 425 —426) recently kept

from but into For the I separate Callicarpa did not critically go the matter. present accept tentatively one genus, Callicarpa.

There several which occur interesting Callicarpas in Borneo from I want to mention here one in more detail:

involucrata Mal. Callicarpa Merr., J. R. Soc., Br. 1 (1923) 31.

BORNEO. M. Ramos Soc. Corner & 1523 (type); BRUN 5248 Ashton; R. Exp. 1647 Chew, Stainton; A G.H.S. Endert and SAN 3986 Wood; 3836, 3742, 3631; SAR K 79 Anderson & Keng; as f. clemensae

Bakh.: Clemens 27320/31306, 29963, 28285. BLUMEA 150 VOL. XV, No. I, 1967

Fig. 3.Myxopyrum enerve Steen. a. Habit, X 2/3, b. bud, X 6, c. section ofbud, X 12, d. opened corolla, X both 6, e. anther, faces, x 12, f. ovary, X 12, g. ditto, in section, x 12, h. ditto, lengthwise, X 12, i. fruit, X 2, j. seed, X 4, k. undersurface leaf base, with glands, x 4 (a—k S 22740). STEENIS: C. G. G. J. VAN Miscellaneous botanical notes XVIII 151

A remarkable species with cauliflorous and ramiflorous inflorescences. The flowers fascicles fascicles clusters and are born in either axillary or in or on knobs on the stem absence twigs; by of fruit setting they appear to grow into thick, woody, brachyblasts with fascicles situation found in lenghtening to 15 cm, on top, a similarly Rapanea,

Deltaria, etc. multitude From related species easily distinct by entirely glabrous leaves and twigs, a of immersed dots both leaf each with (in sicco) on surfaces, a fine, globular, yellow

and less swollen leaf base with few to gland, a more or upper many flat-crateriform, sessile, larger, prominent glands.

small tree m with ochraceous flowers berries white A 3—5 pale papery bark; white,

then red. Stamens 4. Seed surrounded by a corky tissue. Whether clemensae found Kinabalu tenable f. Bakh., on Mt. at c. 1500 m, is is doubtful;

the smaller leaves seem to be the only difference.

the and Merr. from the To same affinity belong C. cauliflora Merr. C. ramiflora

Philippines, both according to Merrill erroneously reduced to C. pentandra Roxb. They

are brown-haired species.



This described first Blumc Bat. genus of Oleaceae was by in 1850 (Mus. Bot. Lugd. 1:

320); its lectotype should be M. nervosum Bl. It is distributed from continental SE. Asia Malesia far and the Bismarcks. The all lianas with through as as New Guinea species are

panicles ofmany small flowers; fruits are drupaceous.

Knoblauch (in Engler-Prantl, Nat. Pfl. Fam. 4, 2, 1895, 13) placed it next to Ligustrum, in the subfamily Oleoideae, tribe Oleineae.

In it identifying with his tribal key, however, there appears to be a remarkable discrep- that this tribe ovules each whereas ancy in is characterized by 2 in of the 2 ovarial cells,

in his Ba-Bb key sub Myxopyrum is differentiated in having 1—3 ascending ('aufsteigende') ovules.

How he came to this definition is partly not clear, as Blume described it with 3 ovules

but far Bentham & Hooker per cell, nobody, as as I know, with 1 ovule per cell. (Gen. Pi. noted ovules' for the 2, 1876, 680) '1—2 (vel 3?) laterally attached subbasal genus.

This be his discrepancy appears to a rather serious question, because Johnson in new

subdivision of the family (Contr. N.S.W. Nat. Herb. 2, 1957, 395) attributed to subfam. Oleoideae 2 pendulous ovules, but arranged Myxopyrum as a new subfamily Myxopyrae with ovules Knoblauch cited. The number (I.e. 397) 1—3 ascending per cell, similarly as and of the ovules thus oleaceous essential character. position is in an

In dissecting and drawing the details of the ovarial structure of the remarkable new

species described found in flowers below, we many definitely 2 collateral, pendulous, in each In subapically attached, anatropous ovules cell. checking the same character with material of from the found. M. nervosum Java, exactly same structure was

I conclude therefore, that Blume must have made an erroneous observation or made

flowers close a writing error; the are very small and the ovules are very together; an

error is not without excuse.

Hill, in his revision of the genus (Kew Bull. 1910, 37—44) did not mention anything

about the ovules and the systematic position within the family. In identifying Myxopyrum with Johnson's key to hisOleoideaeand accepting thepresence of ovules cell arrives the fork 2 pendulous per one directly at discriminating Ligustrum and Tetrapilus. BLUMEA VOL. No. 152 XV, I, 1967

is its in the My conclusion that affinity was correctly pointed out by Knoblauch

Oleoideae and that it should wanted to have be the near Ligustrum, not, as Johnson it, it is all anomalous in type of a separate subfamily Myxopyrae and that not at Oleeae

as Johnson suggested (I.e. 406).

Next to its climbing habit, Myxopyrum had one useful vegetative character, namely

its Strychnos-like triple-nerved leaves in all species described (13, not 3 as Johnson cited, the I.e. 406). Unfortunately this character breaks down in new species described below, similar of which is doubtless a Myxopyrum. A occurrence triple-nerved and enerved

of the Melastomataceae. species in one genus is similarly observed in Memecylon

Myxopyrum enerve Steen., sp. nov. sed Fortasse Myxopyro elliptico affine, a speciebus omnibus differt foliis non-triplinerviis,

duo Asah S subtus glandulis generis mutiitis, nervis vix conspicuis. Typus ak Luang 22740

(L; isotypes K, Sar). — Fig. 3. older lenticellate. Liana, 44 m. Twigs terete at apex, parts only faintly 4-gonous, dark-coloured broad- Leaves on a strong, in sicco petiole I—IJ cm long, ovate-oblong, thick- cuneate to rounded at the base, the larger ones attenuate-acuminate to apex, very

with recurved the venation visible faint coriaceous, margin, only as very impressions, of without of midrib consisting 5 —6 arching nerves, trace triplinervedness, impressed the leaves the inflorescence smal- above, prominent beneath, —12 by 3—6 cm, below undersurface rounded basal besides with lest, densely finely gland-dotted, in the parts

a fairly large number of crateriform, impressed glands. Panicles terminal but obviously

later with bracts rather pushed aside and seemingly axillary, at base or their scars, narrow,

c. 74 cm long; branching decussate, subtended by acute, ± rhomboidbracts, 3—5 mm less long. Flowers in triads or more together, c. 1—14 mm pedicelled. Calyx cupular,

Corolla than halfway obtusely 5-lobed, c. 2 mm 0, persistent. induplicate-valvate,

c. 2 mm high, over halfway 4-lobed, without rim or hairs in throat. Stamens 2, wider

than with broad and blunt long, c. \ mm wide, connective short apical appendage,

almost sessile at incision of corolla lobes. Pistil a little over I mm long, bottle-shaped, base and with linear cells each with the style widened to at apex 2 lateral stigmas; 2,

2 pendent, collateral, subapically attached anatropous ovules. No disk. Fruit broad-

6 ellipsoid, c. mm, tipped by style base; seed 1.

BORNEO. Sarawak: G. Dulit, at Ulu Atun, foot ofsandstone cliff, c. 1300 in alt., fruit green with purple

flesh, 15-4-65, Asah ak Luang S 22740 (SAR, K, L).

Notes. Possibly allied to M. ellipticum A. W. Hill, also from Sarawak, which has also

coriaceous leaves gland-dotted beneath but which has, as in all other species hitherto

described, strongly triple-nerved leaves.


the Father J. A. J. Verheijen collected, mainly for purpose of assembling materials

for a dictionary of the languages of Flores, a collection of plants with vernacular names which have far them we identified, as as possible. Amongst are some most unexpected

records. Some are eastern-extended ranges of mainly rainforest plants which are rare

in Some Java. others, however, suggest a distinct northern element from Central Malesia, Lobelia borneensis and e.g. (Hook, f.) Moeliono, hitherto only known from Borneo the similar of Celebes, in montane zone. A distribution is that Drimys piperita Hook. f. and that ofLycianthes banahaense Elm. from the Philippines and Celebes. This Central C. G. G. J. VAN STEENTS: Miscellaneous botanical notes XVIII 153

Malesian 'element' found the South Malesian and the was never in Province (Java Lesser

Sunda Is). Whether these are exceptions, or that Flores occupies an exceptional place abundant later in the Lesser Sunda Is can only be verified by more collections, especially the forest. of volcanic its in wet montane As Flores is largely geology, and as many of

is volcanoes, which constitute the mountains, are fairly young, a 'peculiar' position not

very likely.

Aspidopterys elliptica (Bl.) Juss. Verheijen 2260.

From West Malesia, formerly not known east of the line Philippines, Borneo, and Bali.

Capparis floribunda Wight, Verheijen 2262, 2314. earlier from the According to Dr. Jacobs a remarkable form; the species not known

Lesser Sunda Is.

Christisonia sp. Verheijen 1699. the The in SE. Differs from Aeginetia by regularly lobed calyx. genus centers Asia,

i sp. described from the Malay Peninsula, one from the Philippines, one specimen collected

by a Japanese botanist in SW. Celebes (during the war, unpublished).

arachnites Cryptostylis Rchb. Verheijen 2039.

Known eastwards of Java only from Bali and Batjan.

alt. Drimys piperita Hook. f. Verheijen 1671/72, 2001/02, at 1500—1930 m of the Never found west of Borneo, and south Celebes and Moluccas.

Erythrodes sp. Verheijen 1991/92. and The genus was only known from Malaya, Sumatra, Java.

Erythropalum scandens Bi. Verheijen 2267.

New for the Lesser Sunda Is.

Geniostoma rupestris Forst. Verheijen 1683/84.

characteristic also collected earlier Posthumus A very narrow-leaved form, ( 3237) in Flores, reminding of G. stenophyllum Merr. from the Philippines, considered


Hedyotis sp. Verheijen 2218. found A small woody species, never in Java.

Lobelia borneensis (Hook, f.) Moeliono. Verheijen 2174/73.

Hitherto only known from Borneo and Central Celebes.

Lycianthes banahaensis (Elm.) Bitt. Verheijen 2149/30.

Hitherto only known from the Philippines and Celebes.

Phaeanthus sp. Verheijen 1037/38. This Malesia neither known from from the Lesser Sunda genus was in Java nor Is.

Po W. A. Bondei. lygala wightiana & Verheijen 1918/19, near New for Malesia (det. J. Adema), further only known from the Deccan Peninsula. BLUMEA VOL. No. 154 XV, I, 1967

Strychnos colubrina L. Verheijen 1498/ gg, at Sita.

First record from the Lesser Sunda Is.



excelsus (Bl.) Miers, Trans. Linn. Soc. II, 1 (1875) 112; Shaw, Kew Bull.

(1949) 152.

WEST in NEW GUINEA. Salawati I., near Kaloal, BIV 467; (Chr. Versteegh), 30 Jan. 1956, primary forest, inundated along tidal river, swampy terrain on clay, during wet season, at sealevel, a common tree, 12 m,

pale green, style yellow. Ripe fruit brown. Specimen distributed as Barringtonia sp.

Distribution. This and Andaman monotypic genus ranges now from Tenasserim the and the Is eastwards through Sumatra, Borneo, Java, Lesser Sunda Is (Bali, Sumbawa)

to New Guinea.


Sisyrinchium micranthum Cav., Diss. 6 (1788) 345, t. 191; Bot. Mag. 47 (1819), t. 2116; Fl. Fl. Handb. Bth., Austr. 6 (1873) 412; F. M. Bailey, Queensl. 5 (1902) 1603; Backer, Fl. Fl. Java pt 3 (1924) 125; Oliver, in Cheesem., Man. N. Z. ed. 2 (1925) 1060; Ewart, Arb. Fl. Cal. Fl. Vict. (1930) 302; Johnston, J. Arn. 19 (1938) 390; Guillaumin, Nouv.

2 Mus. Nat. Hist. 8 H. Handb. (1948) 57; Mem. Nat. ser. B. Bot. (1959) 187; J. Willis,

Pi. Victoria 1 (1962) 335.

EAST NEW GUINEA. Morobe Distr., top of Edie Creek, 1950 m, bushy herb with equitant light green

local but then on low with black leaves, very abundant, openslope among grasses, tepals yellow purplish P. midrib, fruits brown, van Royen NGF 16028.

This S. American plant, ranging from NW. Argentina and S. Brazil to Central first Indo- about America, was obviously introduced in 1870 in Queensland.

Later it spread to New South Wales and Victoria, and also New Zealand (North I.).

In West Java it was found naturalized in lawns in the MountainGarden at Tjibodas,

at c. 1425 m.

The introduction in New Guinea of this alien, known as 'scour weed' in Australia, and have from is probably recent must come Australia. In all probability it will spread

other gradually to terrains in Papua.


Chenopodium pumilio R.Br., Prod. (1810) 407; Black, Fl. S. Austr. 2 (1948J 289; Aellen,

in Hegi, 111. Fl. Mitt.Eur. 3,2 (pt 2) (i960) 578, 597, fig. 255 D-E.

TEKKITORY NEW GUINEA. B. D. Leron OF Morobe Distr., G. Cattle Station, 500 ft alt., bare patch in aromatic herb, with flowers, E. E. Henty NGF: 16668, browsed grassland, small soft prostrate green Aug. 1,


the first This is the second species of Chenopodium to be reported from New Guinea, Mal. be from being C. carinatum R. Br. (Fl. I, 4, 1954, 595;. It can easily distinguished the discernible C. carinatum R. Br. by narrow, not crested perianth segments, nut being

between them.

from it As C. carinatum it is assumedly a new introduction Australia where is widely

distributed, occurring also in New Zealand. C. G. G. J. VAN STEENIS: Miscellaneous botanical notes XVIII 155


Coldenia procumbens L.; Merr., En. Philip. 3 (1923) 375; Beumee, Trop. Natuur 15

(1926) 82—85, fig. 1—2; Back. & Bakh./, Fl. Java 2 (1965) 460.

NEW GUINEA. Papua, Central Distr., Laloki R., 13 miles from Pt Moresby, bare patches of ground

among Mimosa clumps, J. S. Womersley NGF 17709•

weed of fallow and other bare A pantropical open dry places, rice-fields, roadsides,

or sparsely grown grounds, very heliophilous, prostrate with rosette-like branching.

It is extremely indifferent to soil and climate conditions, occurring in the wettest parts

of Borneo as well as in the dusty, driest areas in NE. Java and Madura, with localities

in intermediate stations. It is found on marl, black soils, limestone, sandy beaches, but

also on clays and laterite. Beumee (I.e.) gave valuable ecological and some anatomical

he the such data; pointed to very high soil temperatures to which prostrate plants are subjected during the daytime (40—50°) and the role dew plays in providing moisture the of similar rosette-habit Dentella during dry season. Among species he mentions

repens, Tribulus cistoides, Polygonum plebejum, and Trianthema and Glinus species. be the that Though making the impression to an introduced weed, fact remains it in Borneo is was already found nearly 130 years ago which unlikely for post-Columbian The the Northern introductions. same holds for the occurrence in Territory ofAustralia.

In Malaya it was only recently found and may be a local new introduction; this may

also be the case in New Guinea.


Longetia nitida (Miq.) Steen., Blumea 12 (1964) 362.

WEST NEW GUINEA. Div. in Hollandia, Wiligimaan, the Balim, 1700 m, BW 10478 (Chr. Versteegh),

in forest 8 dbh 25-6-61,meptekeh (Dani lang.), young secondary on stony sand, scarce, a young tree m,

15 cm, fruits yellow to brownish red (L, CANB).

This well with material from specimen agrees Borneo and Celebes. There are two other numbers collected the Wissel of Longetia from New Guinea, BIV 3060 near Lakes the other from the Arfak at 1750 m, Mts, Anggi Gigi, at 2100 m. They have

smaller leaves than usual but a forest facies of this may represent mountain mossy species. The genus which is common in West Malesia, but which has also several species Caledonia and recorded from in New one in Queensland, was not yet New Guinea.