Dec 18, 2010 Prestige Philately - Auction No 161 Page: 3

Prestige Points #161

1. Welcome to our last sale for what has been an eventful 2010. All of us at Prestige Philately thank you for your support in the past and look forward to being of service to you for many years to come.

2. Our October sale provided us with a good test. It was scheduled for the Gary Watson Saturday after the Australian Football League Grand Final, a sporting event that Director and Auctioneer has far more impact on the local populace than even the Melbourne Cup. Imagine our concern when the match was a draw (only the third in 150 years), and the Company Secretary: replay was scheduled for the same time as our auction! Needing to act decisively, Lakshini Watson we felt that the prospect of an empty auction room was an unacceptable risk for our rd Email: [email protected] vendors. We therefore moved the sale to the next day, the 3 of October, and set about advising everyone of the situation. General Manager: This is the first time we have ever held an auction on a Sunday. We are deeply Daniel Brown appreciative of the way our clients took it in their stride. We especially appreciate Email: [email protected] those who had made arrangements to come from interstate for the sale and who, in

spite of their travel and accommodation plans being disrupted, happily went with Accounts: the flow. Our phone-bidders also accepted the change in good spirits and, of Bev Woods course, our valued staff willingly gave up their Sunday to make it all happen. Email: [email protected] The net outcome was a strong turnout, an active room, and a fine result. To all Despatch and Client Liaison: those who were in some way inconvenienced by the disruption to our schedule, I Nick Anning extend my regrets and apologies. To all, I offer my grateful thanks for proving once Email: [email protected] again that “stampies” are a flexible and resilient bunch.

Lotting and Client Liaison: 3. Of course, the October sale was the first in our new premises at Boronia, in

Matt Hancock Melbourne’s outer-eastern suburbs. Much to our relief and satisfaction, despite Email: [email protected] some modification to our well-honed practices, and the introduction of some new procedures, everything went off remarkably well. Richard Kennedy Client feedback has been universally positive. The vast and free parking options at Email: [email protected] Floriston Road made everyone smile, and those who came by train were relieved Client Support: to find that we are only a short walk from Boronia station. The bright and informal

Leo Djuhari entrance foyer provided a warm welcome to our new home, and the quality of the Email: [email protected] lighting in the viewing room received favourable comment. The improved amenities situation was greatly appreciated. Even our new caterers got the Our Sydney Office: thumbs-up.

Level 39, 2 Park Street 4. Clients who regularly attend our sales often remark on the warm welcome Sydney NSW 2000 they receive and the positive vibe that filters through our premises. The auction-day experience at Prestige is designed to be inclusive, stress-free, and a lot of fun. If Stephen Browne you have never been to one of our sales, I would encourage you to make a point of Phone: (02) 9004 7300 doing so. With airfares so competitively priced these days, and with us having now Email: [email protected] moved closer to both the CBD and the airport, it’s never been easier to come along. Our Perth Agent: We have some clients who take their annual leave to coincide with a Prestige Ross Duberal auction. They say it’s a highlight of their holidays. Although the internet now Phone: (08) 9341 3576 provides you with greatly enhanced access to and appreciation for the material Email: [email protected] being offered, there is still no substitute for the experience of actually being in the Our British Agents: room to soak up the auction atmosphere. Come and join us: I’m sure you will want

Roger Lee to become one of our regulars. Phone/Fax (01869) 240 555 5. As you might expect, moving to new premises involves many changes. Email: [email protected] Naturally, our postal address has changed. We can still accept mail at our Belgrave mailbox. However, letters and parcels sent there can be delayed several Patrick Reid days. This has already caused some clients’ bids to arrive after the October sale. Phone (01344) 300 309 Please, please, please, make a note of our new contact details, which you will find Email: [email protected] on the inside front cover of this catalogue.

Our American Agent: It is especially important if you are sending items to us by courier, that you Steve Schumann MUST provide our physical street address, Unit A, 8 Floriston Road, Boronia, Cell Phone: (510) 415 6158 Victoria. If your package is addressed to Belgrave you will probably get it back, Email: [email protected] thereby incurring aggravated delays and additional expense. Page: 4 Website: Dec 18, 2010

6. Another, unexpected, change occurred when Kim Campbell announced that she was leaving to take up a position with a medical research company. We thank Kim for her 8 years of dedicated service (in two stints) and we wish her success in her new career. Proving the value of a team-based working environment, Daniel, Bev, Nick and Matt have all willingly added parts of Kim’s functions to their job descriptions. We also saw Kim’s departure as an opportunity to add new skills to our team. Lakshini, Daniel and I weighed up the options and decided to appoint not one, but two, new people. Leo Djuhari has well-developed computer skills. In addition to taking on some of Kim’s administrative tasks, Leo is also providing valuable support to Daniel on the IT side of things. In Daniel’s absence on leave, and with Nick’s assistance, Leo has done most of the scans for this catalogue. I think you will agree he has done a fine job. (Leo can also respond to correspondence in Indonesian.) Richard Kennedy has been appointed as a trainee describer. I have long held the view that I could take an intelligent person who has a thirst for knowledge and attention to detail, and develop that person into an expert philatelic describer. Richard comes to us with no stamp knowledge, and no collecting background. However, he has enthusiastically accepted the challenge I placed before him. He is certainly a fast learner and, as you will see from the credits at the base of page 2, with guidance from Matt, he has already contributed to the lotting of this sale. Leo and Richard are both personable young men possessed of an admirable work ethic. They have slotted easily into the Prestige Team. All our staff are very pleased to have them both share in our journey. I’m sure you will also enjoy your interactions with them. 7. This sale comes hot on the heels of our Walkley/Nelson Double Header held at the end of November. Dozens of collections are scattered throughout the sale and represent some very good opportunities. The Kangaroos section offers range and quality. An exciting new discovery is revealed at Lot 183. The Australian postal history section includes some well-developed studies from a European vendor, plus more fascinating studies from our old friend Robin Occleshaw in England. The Australian Colonies material offers an array of beautiful proofs, high quality Classics and three sensational Victorian covers. There are also attractive ranges of the ever-popular Victorian postmarks and Western Australian railway stamps. In the Rest of the World, we have an unusual Antarctic array plus Falklands varieties, a fabulous Trinidad cover, a selection of Holocaust covers and ephemera, a further selection of Bahawalpur rarities, a magnificent block of New Zealand 6d Chalons and a group of intriguing United States inter-bank registered parcel tags. We also have three exceptional mid-1850s covers from India to Victoria, one of them mis-sent to Penang! 8. Looking ahead, in the past few weeks we have received for sale, from different sources, fine collections of New Guinea and Papua, plus a swag of presentation proofs of Papua New Guinea. These properties offer us the opportunity to develop around them a sale dedicated to the Pacific Islands, to be held on Saturday, 26th February 2011. If you have an appropriate collection, study, or even better single item(s) that you would like to consign for this sale, please act now. Material must be received by early January. 9. Finally, as this year rushes towards its inevitable conclusion, please accept from all of us at Prestige, our very best wishes to you for a blessed Christmas, a peaceful Hanukkah, or just a jolly good time during your end-of-year break.

and the Team at Prestige Philately: Lakshini Watson, Daniel Brown, Nick Anning, Bev Woods, Matt Hancock, Leo Djuhari and Richard Kennedy.

Dec 18, 2010 Prestige Philately - Auction No 161 Page: 5

Understanding our Symbols & Unique Grading System

At Prestige Philately we utilise much the same symbols as other firms, but with some additional categories that you should be aware of. We are the only major firm in the world that actually grades the quality of the material we offer. While some clients have struggled with the whole concept of grading, most have clearly embraced the idea and we receive much favourable comment about the system. It is important that you understand our Grading System because the symbols used form part of the lot description. We are confident that once you are comfortable with our gradings, you will always be satisfied with the quality of the material you purchase from us. And, in the event that we have missed a tear or a thin and consequently overgraded an item, we WANT you to return it. We stand behind the Prestige Grading System.

1. Firstly, we have the lot number. If it is in bold and printed in bright red, the item is illustrated: e.g. 1234. (The actual location of the illustration is given at the end of the description: e.g. {Page 41.8} is position 8 on page 41.) 2. The second column contains a symbol, which represents the item(s) in the lot: ** Mint, unmounted o.g. * Mint, mounted o.g. Ω Unused, no gum Δ Piece C Cover or card PS Postal Stationery CL Cover, long CX Cover, oversize A Albums and accessories B Booklet E Essay L Literature P Proof R Reprint S Stamp (“Postmarks” lots) or, in the case of used stamps, a grading of the cancellation: V Neat postmark, leaving most of the stamp design clear O Used, quality unspecified F Neat postmark, across at least half of the stamp design G Untidy or indistinct postmark H Heavy or poorly struck postmark 3. The third column gives an overall quality assessment for the lot, from ‘A’ to ‘D’. The same standard applies to mint and used stamps, to covers, postal stationery, literature etc. An item graded ‘A’ is very fine; it has no faults. ‘B’ items are fine and may have minor imperfections. A ‘C’ item will exhibit obvious faults. Items in poor condition are rated ‘D’. Occasionally, an item in truly superb condition will be rated ‘A+’. This grading is used sparingly and is not applied to modern material, which one would normally expect to be in very fine to superb condition. An otherwise very fine item which has a subsidiary problem may be allocated an ‘A-’. This may be a stamp with writing or a hinge remainder on the reverse. A cover may have a receiver’s endorsement on the face. The halves of a letter card may be stuck together. A book may have a previous owner’s notations. Whether this factor makes the item an ‘A-’ or ‘B’ is a matter of degree. NB: An expertiser’s signature or handstamp on a cover or the reverse of a stamp will not normally be cause for downgrading the quality of an item: such marks will be mentioned and you should make your decision as to whether or not such an item is of the standard that you personally require. Occasionally, the symbol ‘A’ to ‘C’ will appear in brackets: eg (B). This signifies that the item has been renovated or repaired and improved to the grade indicated by the letter. The brackets indicate a qualified grading, the cause for which will be mentioned in the description of the lot. 4. The fourth column is relevant to perforated stamps, and also to lots listed under the sub-heading ‘Postmarks’. For perforated stamps, this column gives a grading for both centring and perforations. The letter ‘A’ to ‘D’ relates to centring. ‘A’ stamps are very well centred; ‘B’ stamps are slightly off-centre; ‘C’ stamps are significantly off-centre, and may have the perforations slightly into the design; ‘D’ stamps are badly off-centre, with the perforations well into the design. [NB: These gradings are the same for all perforated issues, whether Australian Decimals, De La Rue Colonial keyplates or 19th Century American issues. However, it should be understood that for many issues poor centring is the norm. Thus ‘C’, and even ‘D’, gradings should be expected and accepted. For such issues a ‘B’ stamp will be above-average and an ‘A’ stamp will be considered an exceptional copy.] Following the letter ‘A’ to ‘D’ is a number ‘1’ to ‘4’. A stamp with all perforations intact is ‘1’. One or two short perfs, or normal rough perforations, will drop the grading to ‘2’. More notable perforation problems such as the perfs down one side being trimmed will result in a ‘3’ grading. A stamp with major perforation faults will be a ‘4’. [NB: A stamp graded ‘A1’ is well-centred with all perforations intact. In many cases, particularly with modern issues, this is the norm. However, for many issues, ‘B2’ or even ‘C3’ may be normal and quite acceptable.] For lots listed under the sub-headings “Postmarks” and “Ship/Paquebot Markings”, or similar, this column gives a grading for quality of the strike of the marking itself, and completeness. Quality is graded from ‘A’ (very fine) to ‘D’ (poor). Completeness is graded from ‘1’ (complete) to ‘5’ (identifiable only). ‘+’ is used for superb strikes; ‘-’ is used for postmarks that are lightly struck, a little doubled, or otherwise a bit short of the mark. 5. The symbols in the second, third and fourth columns, and the illustrations of lots, form part of the lot description. 6. Figures in the right-hand column are our estimate of value. (If a lot attracts tax for Australian buyers, the estimate is in green, followed by a small "T".) You may bid at, above or below estimate. The reserve price for almost every lot is 75% of estimate (rounded to the nearest bidding step). Bids below this level will not be considered. 7. We use the following standardised abbreviations: o.g. original gum opt(d) overprint(ed) PPC picture postcard d/s datestamp cds circular datestamp h/s handstamp mss manuscript; handwritten ERD earliest recorded date LRD latest recorded date o/o opened-out RLabel registration label M/S(s) miniature sheet(s)

Page: 6 Website: Dec 18, 2010 Prestige Philately - Public Auction Terms of Sale (amended as at 1st March 2010: see in particular Paragraph 10 as to the unavailability of extensions to have perfins expertised)

1. AUCTIONEER: Prestige Philately Pty Ltd (Prestige), a company incorporated in the State of Victoria, is the auctioneer, and adheres to the standard terms of sale of the Australasian Philatelic Traders Association. 2. DESCRIPTIONS: We endeavour to describe lots fully and accurately. The description of a lot comprises 1) the codes to the left of the description (for details of our symbols and grading codes, see the previous page of this catalogue); 2) the description; and 3) any illustration of the lot or part of the lot whether in the printed catalogue or in our on-line catalogue. 3. ESTIMATES: The figure in the right-hand column following each lot description is our estimated value of the lot in Australian dollars. A bidder may bid at, above or below the estimate. Bids below the reserve price (usually 75% of the estimate) are unlikely to be accepted. If the term “Offer” appears in place of an estimate figure, there is no reserve. 4. BIDDING: Bids may be made to Prestige by mail, by fax, by e-mail, by phone, or from our website. Bids received by phone must be confirmed in writing. At public auctions, bids may also be made in person, by phone (by prior arrangement) or through an agent attending an auction. An agent must advise Prestige of the person(s) for whom bids are being submitted or else the agent will be personally liable for payment and delivery of any lots purchased. Prestige reserves the right to refuse any bid, or to refuse bids from any person, for any reason. In most cases, Prestige's bidding steps are as follows: $150 - 300 $10 rises $3000 - 5000 $200 rises $300 - 500 $20 rises $5000 - 10000 $250 rises $500 - 750 $25 rises $10000 - 15000 $500 rises Under $ 50 $2 rises $750 - 1500 $50 rises $15000 - 30000 $1000 rises $50 - 150 $5 rises $1500 - 3000 $100 rises over $30000 average of 5% rises Prestige reserves the right to raise or lower postal bids (depending on the bidder's apparent intention) to conform to these bidding steps. 5. TELEPHONE BIDDING: Bidding by telephone during the course of a public auction is permitted. However, clients wishing to use this service must contact Prestige at least 24 hours before the auction regarding the special conditions that apply. [To see these special conditions, go to from where the Telephone Bidding Terms can be read and downloaded.] 6. GOODS & SERVICES TAX (GST): Australian law requires that GST equal to 10% of the knock-down or sale price of a taxed lot shall be payable by the buyer, unless the taxed lot is exported to another country. Taxed lots are indicated in the catalogue by the estimate figure: being printed in bright green, followed by a small "T". GST equal to 10% of the amount of any fees or charges added by Prestige is also payable by Australian buyers. 7. BUYER: The buyer of a lot shall be the person to whom the lot is sold ("knocked-down") by Prestige. In the event of equal bids being received, the earliest such bid shall be successful. In the event of a bidding dispute, Prestige shall have absolute discretion in the settling of the dispute. A lot is at the buyer's risk once it has been sold ("knocked-down") but ownership (legal title) will not pass to the buyer until Prestige has received payment in full for the lot. 8. PAYMENT: Payment is due immediately a lot is sold, or immediately upon receipt of an invoice. In addition to the price for which a lot is sold, the buyer shall pay a premium of 15% of that price, plus any fees for postage packing and insurance or credit card use that are charged by Prestige, plus GST as appropriate. No buyer's premium is charged or payable in respect of on-line literature auctions. (Payment should always be made in Australian dollars. If payment is made in another currency the buyer shall add the equivalent of $A50 towards bank fees, any resulting credit being placed to the buyer's account.) In the event that the buyer does not make payment in full for the lot(s) within 30 days from the date of the invoice, Prestige shall have the right to exercise any one or more of the following rights and remedies: 1) To impose an accounting fee of $10 per month (or part thereof) plus compound interest at the rate of 2.5% per month (or part thereof) of the total amount outstanding; 2) To terminate the contract with the buyer, in which case any monies received from the buyer shall be forfeited to Prestige; 3) To terminate the contract and resell the lot(s) at any time - and impose a penalty commission rate of 30% - in which case any resulting shortfall, plus costs including accounting fees, interest, insurance and resale expenses, shall be met by the original buyer; 4) To apply any monies due at any time from Prestige to the buyer in payment of the outstanding amount; 5) To take legal action against the buyer for damages for breach of contract. 9. RETURN OF LOTS: A lot may be returned, within a reasonable time, only because of an error in the description: see clause 2 for the definition of "the description". A lot that has been inspected by the buyer or by the buyer's agent cannot be returned for any reason. A lot that is illustrated in the printed catalogue or the on-line catalogue or of which an illustration has been supplied to the buyer or to the buyer's agent cannot be returned for any reason that is apparent from the illustration. A lot expressed to be a "range", "group", "selection", "array", "collection"," accumulation" or similar, or any other lot containing more than 10 items - excepting sets of stamps - is always offered "as is" and cannot be returned for any reason. Similarly, other lots expressed to be offered "as is" cannot be returned. 10. "EXTENSIONS": A request for an extension to submit a lot to a recognised expert or expert committee for a Certificate of Authenticity must be made in writing prior to or on the day of the auction. Prestige shall have an absolute discretion not to grant an extension. [In particular, an extension will not normally be granted if the lot is offered with a recent Certificate of Authenticity or if the stamp(s) has/have perforated initials (perfins).] If an extension is granted, the buyer must make payment in full for the lot including the buyer's premium, in accordance with the terms of Paragraph 8. The amount paid including the buyer's premium will be refunded in full if the lot is returned with an acceptable "bad" Certificate. All costs associated with obtaining a certificate shall be borne by the buyer, unless the lot is found to be not as identified in the catalogue, in which case all costs associated with obtaining the Certificate shall be refunded to the buyer. A lot described as being defective in any way may not be returned should the Certificate obtained mention any fault not noted in the lot description. The buyer shall not be entitled to reject an item if the certificate includes any finding that does not materially affect the grading of the lot. Unless otherwise agreed, nomination of the appropriate expert or expert committee shall be made by Prestige, and Prestige will be responsible for submitting the lot to that expert or expert committee. Should Prestige agree to the buyer's nomination of an expert or expert committee, the extension granted will be for a period of no more than 90 days from the date of the auction. If a Certificate has not been obtained within 90 days from the date of the auction, the extension shall lapse and Prestige may thereafter refuse to accept the return of the lot. 11. GOVERNING LAW: These Terms of Sale shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of Victoria. 12. Submitting a bid by any method constitutes acknowledgment and acceptance of these Terms of Sale.

Dec 18, 2010 Prestige Philately - Auction No 161 Page: 7 Prestige's Country Index & Topical Cross-Reference Listing South Africa: 717, 726-727 Cross Reference for Country and Regional Classification South Africa (Provinces): 717 Aden: 650 South : 365, 370, 383-410, 474 Antarctica: 545-553 Spain: 9, 618 Antigua: 555 St. Kitts-Nevis: 560 Argentina: 546 St. Vincent: 561 Australia, Commonwealth of: 5, 10, 17, 20, 23-28, 32-46, 48-50, Straits Settlements: 574, 628 54-286, 325-382, 549, 572-575, 622-623, 653, 655-660, 663-670, Supplementary Lots: 728-743 699-701 Sweden: 484, 571 Australia, Commonwealth of - Kangaroo Issues: 70-145 Switzerland: 262, 482, 718 Australia, Commonwealth of - Other Pre-Decimals: 168-187, Syria: 654 209-211 : 50, 242, 273, 276, 281, 411-443 Australian Antarctic Territory: 237, 547-548 Tonga: 593, 719 Australian Capital Territory: 220 Trinidad: 563 Australian Colonies - General: 8, 17, 20, 59, 61, 203-204, Turkey: 654 273-544 United States of America: 221, 316, 547, 590, 714, 720-723 Austria: 214, 230, 263, 473, 539, 554 Victoria: 28, 54, 157, 227, 253, 273, 276, 365, 403, 435-436, 444-513, Bahamas: 555 556, 627-629, 718 Bahawalpur: 635-645 Western Australia: 17, 216, 223, 245, 253-254, 272, 514-544 Barbados: 555 Yugoslavia: 223 Bechuanaland: 2 Zanzibar: 724-725 Belgium: 7, 14, 549 Zululand: 726-727 British Antarctic Territory: 545, 550, 552 Cross Reference for Thematic and Topical Classification British Honduras: 557 British West Indies: 555-563 Advertising: 17, 51, 53, 201, 229, 234, 318, 384, 683-685 Canada: 24, 564-565 Airmail Covers - Commercial: 66, 205-206, 210-214, 222, 224-225, Canal Zone: 218 228, 230, 266, 473, 547, 573, 575, 591, 652, 700, 713-714, 719 Cape of Good Hope: 717 Airmail Stamps: 171-172, 253-254, 671-673 Ceylon: 566-567 Alcohol & Temperance: 309, 410 Chile: 553 Animals: 106, 195, 228, 384, 429-430, 600, 614, 638, 658-660 China: 47, 52, 568-571, 620-624 Apparel: 181 Christmas Island: 572-573 Architecture: 641, 700-701 Cocos Islands: 574-575 Art & Craft: 188, 236, 238-252 Cook Islands: 576 Autographs: 48, 437, 695-696 Czechoslovakia: 220 Automobiles: 697 Dominica: 560 Aviators: 173-174 Egypt: 651 Aviators - Sir Charles Kingsford Smith: 174 Falkland Islands: 545 Banking & Finance: 435, 720-723 Federated Malay States: 14 Barred Numerals: 372-382 Fiji: 583-596 Beer Duty Labels: 309 Finland: 597 Birds: 170, 188, 221, 223-224, 231, 317, 382, 514-544, 656, 671-672 France: 219, 482, 484, 598-599, 617 Bisects: 2, 560 French Community: 598-599, 725 Booklets: 171, 192-193, 196-200 Gambia: 600 Bridges: 168, 175-178 GB stamps only: 614 Cancelled to Order (from Presentation Sets): 63, 68-69, 71-72, 112, German Colonies: 6, 656, 663-666 465, 489, 492 Germany: 6, 228, 256, 259, 261, 406, 601, 619, 713 Cartoon: 251 Gilbert & Ellice Islands: 593, 602 Censored Mail: 5, 218, 255-264, 591, 602, 622-624, 714 Great Britain: 2, 231-232, 437, 482, 603-619, 624, 652, 657-659, Charity: 351, 486, 687 726 Children: 252 Great Britain - Channel Islands: 9 Christmas: 246, 249, 361, 547 Great Britain - KGV Seahorses (including Overprints): Cinderellas: 25-28, 66-67, 253, 371, 475, 523-537, 583, 696 658-660 Classic (Pre-1860) Stamp Issues: 6, 22, 273-276, 287-298, 311-314, Great Britain Stamps Overprinted: 657-660 326-330, 367, 373-374, 376-378, 383, 385-390, 395-396, 403, 410, Greece: 9 414-415, 431, 435-436, 444-463, 471-472, 474, 476-485, 514-521, Hong Kong: 2, 620-624 563, 566, 603, 605-610, 617, 627-629, 649, 675-682, 692, 718 Hungary: 625 Coil Stamps: 77, 186 India: 264, 273, 575, 626-645, 724 Coins: 29-47, 50 India Used Abroad: 650, 725 Coins & Banknotes: 29-47, 719 Indian States: 631-634 combination covers: 230, 272, 368, 473, 549, 629 Indian States: 631, 635-645 Consular Mail: 484 Indian States: 631 Convict Mail: 700-701 Ireland: 2, 366, 477 Dead Letter Office Mail: 216, 404, 406, 622-623 Italy: 616 Decimals: 188-195 Jamaica: 558-559 Documents & Ephemera: 28, 48-51, 310, 601 Japan: 6, 16 Education & Universities: 265, 405 Japanese Occupation: 622-623 Essays: 331, 337, 340-342, 348, 394 Kenya Uganda & Tanganyika: 646 Exhibitions: 198-200, 221, 251, 544 Korea: 6, 16 Explorers & Pioneers: 168, 187, 245, 545-553 Kuwait: 652 Express Mail: 226, 228, 474-475, 493, 565, 652, 697 Latin America: 647 Federation of Australia (1901): 236, 238 Lebanon: 654 First Day Covers: 32, 192 Macau: 624 First Day Covers: 157, 210, 235-252, 491, 539, 548, 576, 697-698, 735 Malta: 407 Flags: 247 Mauritius: 648-649 Flight Covers: 23, 66, 174, 209, 253-254, 554, 591, 630, 693, 695-696 Mexico: 247 Flowers: 689 Middle East: 650-654 Forgeries: 254, 295, 597, 690, 726 Montserrat: 562 Forwarding Agents: 475, 629 Nauru: 655-660 Framas: 57, 192, 194 Netherlands: 7, 263-264, 661 Franked Mail: 593 Netherlands Indies: 23, 224 Free Mail: 256-264, 402, 437, 590 New Guinea: 662-673 freemasonry: 200 New Guinea: 663-666 Fruit: 508 New Guinea - German: 260, 662-666 Gambling: 251 New Guinea - North-West Pacific Islands: 662, 667-670 Gemstones: 232 New South Wales: 13, 51, 161, 229, 256-264, 272-273, 275, 281, Heraldry: 182-183, 238, 240-241, 302-303, 614 287-324, 370, 402, 470, 626 Hotels: 361 New Zealand: 13, 15, 24, 174, 540, 576, 596, 674-698 Illustrated Covers: 17, 188, 235-252, 384, 697 Norfolk Island: 699-701 Imprints & Plate Numbers: 27, 78, 101, 103, 106, 136-137, 163-166, 170, 172, 180-182, 184-185, 301, 393, 417, 421-422, 430, 559, 568, Norway: 484 583-584, 672, 702, 716 Pakistan: 635-645 Insurance: 475 Palestine: 653 International Exchange Offices: 618 Panama: 217, 694 Interrupted Mail: 549 Papua: 2 Islands: 441, 555-563, 572-582, 602, 648-650, 655-660, 699-701, 719, Papua: 13, 703-714 724-725 Portuguese Colonies: 624 Judaica: 601 Queensland: 51, 229, 317, 325-382, 713 Kangaroo Issues: 58, 60, 68-75, 207, 218, 220, 380, 382, 670 Rhodesia: 2 KGV Issues: 58, 60, 68-69, 146-167, 208, 220, 572, 669 Russia: 5 Lighthouses: 691 Samoa: 596, 716 Literature: 674 Scotland: 617 Local Stamps: 475 Page: 8 Website: Dec 18, 2010

Maps: 173-174, 237, 579-582, 584 Postmarks - Duplex Cancellations: 366, 513, 540, 618, 724 Marine Life: 573, 658-659 Postmarks - Instructional/Informative Markings: 202, 227, Medical & Health: 237, 486, 640, 687 316-317, 362-363, 365-366, 369, 404, 406-407, 437, 468, 478, 482, Military & Censor Mail: 49, 220, 231-233, 255-264, 398, 401, 484, 540, 549, 617-618, 622-623, 626-629, 634, 713, 718, 725 509, 627-629, 640 Postmarks - Machines & Meters: 233-234 Military - Air Force: 689 Postmarks - Manuscript Cancellations: 483, 487 Military - Army: 602 Postmarks - Numerals: 54, 276, 290, 311-312, 315, 320-321, Military - Boer War: 351 358, 360, 363, 366, 368, 372-382, 408, 435-436, 448, 480, Military - Navy: 322 484-485, 501, 504-505, 508, 511, 538, 617-618, 627-629, 677, 679, Military - Peacetime: 619 692 Military - World War I: 5, 27, 218-219, 255-264, 663-670 Postmarks - Pictorial: 554 Military - World War II: 575, 590-591, 596, 601-602, 616, Postmarks - Relief Cancellations: 497 622-624, 645, 661, 714 Postmarks - Squared-Circle Datestamps: 407-409 Miniature Sheets: 57, 168, 194, 221, 391, 647 Postmarks - Straight-Line Cancellations: 588 Mining: 361, 375, 381, 402, 410, 475, 483, 503, 517, 541-542, 544, Pre Stamp: 7, 402, 470, 557, 626 573, 673 Primary Industry - Agriculture: 228, 508, 636-637, 644 Miscellaneous: 1-24 Prisoners of War & Internees: 13, 255-264, 624 Missent Mail: 263, 365-366, 628 Private Mail Services: 356 Monograms: 78, 301 Proofs: 156, 299-300, 302, 325-326, 330-332, 334, 336-348, 351, Monuments: 632 383, 388-389, 392, 416-422, 431, 518-519, 598, 600, 687-688, 691 Mourning Covers: 472 Radio: 562 Municipal Mail: 485 Railway Stamps: 307, 357-358, 523-537 Myths & Legends: 428-429, 614, 658-660 Receiving Offices: 157, 442-443 Newspapers: 476, 594 Red Cross: 261-262 Number Ones of the World: 78, 326, 385, 514-515, 603, Redirected Mail: 596 605-608 Registered Mail: 4-5, 21, 174, 209-211, 216, 220, 226, 228, 236, Official Mail: 13, 219, 236, 369, 397-401, 404-405, 436-437, 470, 265-266, 313, 317, 322, 324, 360, 362-363, 370-372, 405, 448, 477, 494, 544, 549, 573, 593, 595, 638, 642, 701, 713 482, 486-487, 498, 509-510, 540, 561, 564, 589, 650, 666, 720-723, Official Stamps: 60, 68-69, 71, 89-90, 121, 133, 161-162, 725 165-167, 172-173, 219, 305, 380, 395-396, 404-405, 465, 564, 615, Registration Labels: 466 631, 642, 670-672, 690-691, 703, 713 Reprints: 431-432 Overprinted Stamps & Stationery: 13, 70, 94, 109-110, Revenues: 8, 59, 203-204, 277, 286, 308-310, 359, 368, 428-430, 433, 113-114, 117-118, 120, 130, 132, 173, 179, 183, 198-200, 253, 467, 522, 586-587, 631, 645, 717 270, 305, 308, 390, 393, 395-401, 404-405, 428, 430, 433, 532, 552, 564, 572, 586, 615, 633, 638, 642, 652, 657-660, 663-672, Royalty: 181, 240-241, 272, 302, 348, 615, 632, 635-637, 644 701, 703, 705-709, 711, 713, 725-726 Se-Tenant Issues: 236 Parcel Post: 215, 219, 356, 369, 438, 523-537, 595, 720-723 Self-Adhesives: 719 Perfins: 68-69, 89-90, 121, 133, 161-162, 165-167, 219, 265, Sex & Nudity: 580 395-396, 585, 670 Ship Letter: 478 Perfins - Commercial Firms: 529, 720-721 Ship Mail: 403, 435, 484, 626, 725 Perfins - Official: 58, 60, 71-72, 89-90, 121, 133, 161-162, Ship/Paquebot Markings: 713 165-167, 172, 380, 395-396, 465, 564, 713 Specimen Stamps: 63, 68-70, 85, 94, 109-110, 113-114, 117-118, 120, Philatelic Numismatic Covers: 32 130, 132, 183, 308, 331, 333, 357, 428, 534, 585 Photographs: 28, 551 Sport: 247 Picture Postcards: 16, 52-54, 283, 285, 318, 407, 411, 554, 632 Sport - Cricket: 48 Police, Law & Order: 639 Sport - Cycling: 361 Post Office Labels: 26, 215, 226, 371, 438 Sport - Golf: 509 Postage Dues: 14, 227, 265, 306, 317, 363, 407, 482, 564, 634, Sport - Olympic Games: 247 651, 698, 703, 713 Stamp Dealers: 198-200 Postal Fiscals: 359, 368, 428-430, 467, 522 Stamps on Stamps: 188 Postal History: 5, 17, 67, 201-234, 284, 311-319, 360-371, Tattersalls (George Adams) Sweepstakes: 317, 438 402-407, 434-438, 468-489, 493-494, 498, 538-544, 556-557, 563, Telegraph Offices: 542, 574 565, 571, 574, 588-596, 598, 616-619, 623, 626-630, 634, 638-644, Thematics & Subjects: 57, 194, 233-234, 269, 545, 548, 576, 625, 655 654, 674, 692-699, 712-714, 719-724 Trains: 237, 524-536, 573 Postal Notes: 25 Transport: 552 Postal Seals: 406, 656 Transport - Aeroplanes: 171-174, 673 Postal Stationery: 13, 16, 18, 210, 216, 221, 255-272, 284-285, Transport - Motor Vehicles: 534-536 319, 371, 468, 488-489, 511, 539, 543, 573, 590, 616, 619, Transport - Railways & Trains: 237, 307, 438, 523-537, 542 653-654, 695, 725 Transport - Ships & Boats: 53, 187, 245, 250, 552, 703-714 Postal Stationery - Aerogrammes: 13, 266, 562, 573, 653 Transport - Trams & Cable Cars: 307 Postal Stationery - Envelopes: 221, 267-269, 695, 725 Travelling Post Offices: 323-324, 482, 540, 617 Postal Stationery - Envelopes (Official): 216, 265, 468 Unissued Stamps: 348, 567 Postal Stationery - Envelopes (PTPO): 270 Universal Postal Union: 614, 642-643 Postal Stationery - Formular Issues: 573 Unusual Origins or Destinations: 217-220, 223-224, 260, 407, 556, Postal Stationery - Franks: 544 562, 571, 596, 618, 626-629, 653, 694, 718 Postal Stationery - Letter Cards: 255 Varieties & Flaws: 2-3, 13, 71, 74, 77, 79, 81, 88, 99, 102, 105-106, Postal Stationery - Postal Cards: 266, 319, 488-489, 511, 539, 117-118, 120-121, 134, 136-137, 140, 147-155, 158-161, 163, 562, 654 165-167, 171, 174, 179-180, 185, 193, 195-197, 228, 292, 297-298, Postal Stationery - Postal Cards (PTPO): 554 303-305, 333-334, 353, 391, 398, 412-413, 423-427, 444, 455-457, Postal Stationery - Registration Envelopes: 265-266, 735-736 459-460, 464, 482, 489, 510, 516, 545, 552, 559-560, 577, 579-582, Postal Stationery - Scenic: 255, 271-272, 319 584, 620-621, 636-637, 646, 648, 667, 686, 689, 702, 715, 720, 725, Postal Stationery - Wartime: 13, 256-264, 616 727 Postmarks: 54, 157, 202, 206, 283-284, 315, 320-324, 363, 367, Writers: 716 372-382, 402, 408-410, 434, 437, 439-443, 468, 470, 485, 490-513, Zeppelins & Airships: 554 538, 541-542, 546, 550, 553, 557, 561-562, 588-589, 592-593, 595, 598, 633, 635, 654, 661, 669, 674, 679, 694, 712

Stanley Gibbons British Empire Catalogue 2011 Edition At Prestige, we are committed to providing you with the most up-to-date data. Just as we were finalising the text for our catalogue, the new Gibbons Part 1 landed on our desks. We thus took the opportunity to review the quoted catalogue prices. While there were few dramatic increases involved, rises of 10%+ over last year’s quotes were commonplace.

Dec 18, 2010 Prestige Philately - Auction No 161 Page: 9

Contents of Auction #161 Please note that our featured “Gallery Sections” are listed in Red Lot Numbers

Miscellaneous Lots 1 - 24 “Cinderellas” 25 - 28 Coins & Banknotes 29 - 47 Documents & Ephemera 48 - 51 Picture Postcards 52 - 54

COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA 55 - 272 General & Miscellaneous Lots 55 - 69 Kangaroo Issues 70 - 145 - General Lots 70 - 75 - First Watermark 76 - 90 - Second Watermark 91 - 99 - Third Watermark 100 - 121 - Small Multiple Watermark 122 - 133 - CofA Watermark 134 - 145 King George V Issues 146 - 167 Other Pre-Decimal Issues 168 - 187 - including Arms ‘SPECIMEN’ Blocks of 4 183 Decimal Issues 188 - 195 Booklets 196 - 200 Postal History - General (including a fine collection from Europe) 201 - 234 First Day Covers 235 - 252 - illustrated by Jack Peake 238 - 252 Flight Covers 253 - 254 Military & Censor Mail - World War I 255 - 264 - Trial Bay Detention Barracks 257 - 264 Postal Stationery 265 - 272

AUSTRALIAN COLONIES 273 - 544 General & Miscellaneous Lots 273 - 286 New South Wales 287 - 323 - Postal History & Postmarks 311 - 323 Queensland 324 - 382 - Postal History & Postmarks (mostly Ex John Forrest) 360 - 382 South Australia 383 - 410 - Official Stamps including Departmental Overprints 395 - 401 - Postal History & Postmarks 402 - 410 Tasmania 411 - 443 - Postal History & Postmarks 434 - 443 Victoria 444 - 513 - Postal History including Three Sensational Covers 468 - 489 - Postmarks including Barred Numerals 490 - 513 Western Australia 514 - 544 - Railway Stamps 523 - 537 - Postal History & Postmarks 538 - 544 Page: 10 Website: Dec 18, 2010

Contents of Auction #161 - continued Please note that our featured “Gallery Sections” are shown in Red Lot Numbers


Antarctica 545 - 553 Austria 554 British West Indies - including a fabulous Trinidad cover 555 - 563 Canada 564 - 565 Ceylon 566 - 567 China 568 - 571 Christmas Island 572 - 573 Cocos Islands 574 - 575 Cook Islands 576 Falkland Islands and Dependencies 577 - 582 Fiji 583 - 596 Finland 597 French Community - Guinea & Monaco 598 - 599 Gambia 600 Germany - Concentration Camps Mail 601 Gilbert & Ellice Islands 602 Great Britain 603 - 619 Hong Kong 620 - 624 Hungary 625 India - Postal History including three Terrific Covers to Victoria 626 - 630 Indian States 631 - 645 - including Bahawalpur 635 - 645 Kenya Uganda & Tanganyika 646 Latin America - Mexico 647 Mauritius 648 - 649 Middle East 650 - 654 Nauru 655 - 660 Netherlands 661 New Guinea 662 - 673 New Zealand 674 - 698 Norfolk Island 699 - 701 Nyasaland 702 Papua 703 - 714 Rhodesia 715 Samoa 716 South African Provinces - Cape of Good Hope 717 Switzerland - an 1872 Wrapper to Victoria 718 Tonga 719 United States of America - Inter-Bank Registered Parcel Tags 720 - 723 Zanzibar 724 - 725 Zululand 726 - 727

Recommended Auction Agents The following agents regularly represent clients at our auctions, and are highly regarded as bidding agents. You may wish to contact them directly to engage their services. Matt Hancock (in his private capacity) - Phone: +61 401 976018 - Email: [email protected] Hugh Freeman (Sydney) - Phone: +61 2 9977 5635 - Email: [email protected] Mark Knothe (relocating to Victoria) - Phone: +61 414 894991 - Email: [email protected] Dec 18, 2010 Prestige Philately - Auction No 161 Page: 11

Lot Type Grading Description Est $A MISCELLANEOUS 1 W*O British Commonwealth in two albums, mostly mint with lots of pickings including useful ranges from Bermuda including KGVI to 12/6d & QEII to £1, Fiji, Gibraltar, Gold Coast, Jamaica, KUT, New Guinea with NWPI Overprints to 5/- + used £1 & Bulolo £1 corner example **, Norfolk Island, Papua etc, condition rather mixed but inspection will be rewarded. (many 100s) 600

Ex Lot 2 Ex Lot 3 2 *O - assortment in albums & on leaves with Bechuanaland including 1938 set *, Hong Kong, Great Britain with Seahorses to 10/-, Ireland overprints mostly used but including Thom 10/- Seahorse * (blemishes, Cat £950), Malta 1902 'One Pnney' in pair *, Papua with Lakatois to 2/6d * or used, Rhodesia 1896 Overprints 6d block of 4 used, St Vincent 1881 3d on 6d bisect, etc, mixed condition. Heaps to view.{Page 11.1} (many 100s) 400 3 *OC - selection including Bahamas 1860 1d dull lake SG 2 * (2, both with APS Certificates), 1938 KGVI to 5/- (2) & £1 *; Canada 1908 Quebec to 10c (7c thin) * plus 15c & 20c used; COGH 1d Triangles x2 (one on Blued Paper, both with shaved margins) unused, Nova Scotia 1851 3d deep blue apparently unused & 3d pale blue (cleaned) plus 3d deep blue on cover; Ceylon with imperforates including 1d SG 2 unused (Cat £800, PF Certificate states "repaired and regummed") & 6d x4, perforated to 1/- x4, Sidefaces including 96c Watermark Inverted SG 132w (Cat £190); Falklands KGV MCA 3/- corner example *; South Georgia 1963 set * (ex £1 grey-black); Gibraltar KGVI Perf 14 3d & 5/- SG 125a & 129 and Perf 13½ 2/- SG 128a (each with APS Certificate); Natal 1857-61 1d to 1/- reprints; etc, mixed condition. {Page 11.2} (116 + 1 cover) 1,250T 4 *O - in Gibbons "King George VI" album containing mostly short/part sets to 1/- or 5/- mint or used plus UPU sets complete mint; also three "New Age" albums two of which are reasonably populated with early QEII short/part sets mint or used; albums alone are worth a good proportion of the estimate. (many 100s) 500

Ex Lot 17 Ex Lot 5 5 CPS Commercial covers from Russia to Australia 1917-20 Revolution period, two registered at Vladivostok & two with Censor labels, a bit soiled; GRI 2d on 10pf Postal Card, very fine unused; and NSW 1857 town letter with Imperf Diadem 1d (faults).{Page 11.3} (5 items) 800 6 *WO Foreign array on leaves including China, Czechoslovakia, Germany with States & Colonies, Japan, Korea, Mexico & Switzerland; also "Lincoln" album with some useful Asian material; mixed condition. (many 100s) 250 7 C Foreign letters with pre-stamps including 1842 Vienna-Trieste, 1851 Marseilles-Trieste, USA 1835 with superb 'BINGHAMTON/NY' cds, Holland 1868 with Imperf 10c & boxed 'GROOT-ZUNDERT' b/s, Belgium 1863 to Holland with Imperf 20c pair & 1862 to Belfast with Imperf 40c, condition variable. (16) 200 8 OC Glory box with Australian Colonies including NSW 10/- Long Type, Queensland 10/- Buffalo Fly revenue, Australia with Roos to 2/-; also British Commonwealth plus covers; mixed condition. (many 100s) 200 9 */**O Large "Lighthouse" stockbook with a neat but disorderly array from Greece, Spain & Colonies, Switzerland etc with significant duplication of some sections, and a smaller stockbook with a mostly mint array from the Channel Islands with much unmounted material. (1000s) 250 10 O Large carton of schoolboy albums plus a quantity of mostly Australian duplicates partly sorted into old envelopes. Inspection strongly recommended. (1000s) 300 11 *OC Large plastic tub with a 1930s schoolboy collection, six Hagner albums with a chaotic array of Australia, Great Britain & world stamps with some heavy duplication. We did note some better singles and quite a bit of Australian postage, also some covers including Great Britain 1900 to a soldier in the Boer War with 'RECOVERED FROM MAILS/LOOTED BY THE ENEMY' h/s in red. Careful inspection is sure to be be rewarded. (Qty) 400 Page: 12 Website: Dec 18, 2010

MISCELLANEOUS (continued) Lot Type Grading Description Est $A 12 *OC Mishmash including New Zealand QV revenues & mint Centennial set, NSW with 20/- & Jubilee 2d imperforate pair (a little cut-into), Roos including mint 1/- with Watermark Sideways & 5/- on piece, KGV low values used array, 1930 airmail covers to London with 6d Roo x2 + KGV 2d or 6d Roo x3 + KGV 3d x2, some FDCs & flight covers. (100s) 250 13 CPS New Zealand WWII 'SIX PENCE' on 1/- POW Aerogramme to Germany, internal fault; Papua 2½d Monocolour on OHMS cover to Paris, two vertical folds; & NSW 1877 fine cover with De La Rue 2d & RPSofL Certificate (1980) that states the stamp is the then SG 210aa with 'TWO PENCE' Double Impression at Right (that nobody can see, even when the impression is greatly enlarged!!) (3 items) 300T 14 */**O Odd lot including Belgium 1897 Brussels Exhibition 10c purple-brown SG 98 complete sheet with imprints (minor gum blemishes) **; Malayan Postal Union (FMS) Postage Dues 1951 8c SG D19 (perf separations) & 10c on 8c SG D29 complete sheets **; British Commonwealth mint with Australia 1930s sets including Macarthur, ANZAC & Silver Jubilee, plus better Fiji, Hong Kong & Seychelles, Cat £1500+; condition variable. (100s) 350 15 *OC Oddments from New Zealand including mint Christchurch Exhibition set (hinge remainders), Auckland Exhibition set (no certificates but they appear to be genuine) & Smiling Boys (toning), also Arms Surcharges 11/- 22/- x2 & 35/- apparently postally used (toning); Papua 1910 2/6d fine mint & 2d with 'BONAGAI SED' relief cds; Australia 3d Roo on 1924 cover to the USA; Tasmania 4d Courier apparently fine unused but cleaned; etc. (24 + cover) 250 16 CPS Overseas covers etc with a range of very fine Postal Stationery including Transvaal to Russia (2), British Bechuanaland 1d to Cape Town, Gold Coast 1901 with fancy 'POST PAID' h/s & Netherlands Indies with straight-line cancels (2) etc, PPCs including Korea 1901 to Austria with 2r to 4ch tied by 'CHEMULPO' cds, etc (50 approx); also some ordinary Japanese stamps. 250 17 C/CL Postal History group including Western Australia 1901 front with hand-drawn cartoon; Victoria 1899 BHP wrapper with printed 'HALF-YEARLY REPORT', 1900 & 1903 registered covers to Haiti (!) with New York exchange office labels & 1912 cover with ½d "Bantam" & '100 POSTED' h/s; 1929 philatelic usage of Maltese 2d Registration Envelope to Costa Rica with Australian 1½d & 4½d; Guadeloupe 1937 commercial cover to Victoria; Norfolk Island 1974 1c local rate cover; etc, condition very mixed.{Page 11.4} (11 items) 400 18 PS A/B Postal Stationery bundle of mostly QV-period issues from Ceylon (16), India (10), Hong Kong, Malaya, China etc, generally fine to very fine & mostly unused. (43 items) 200T 19 *O Scrappy little lot but inspection will be rewarded. We noted South Australia Thick 'POSTAGE' 6d perf 'SA' x60 approx (study opportunity), a 5/- Roo, NWPI mint blocks & values on piece, an always-popular Hesshaimer facsimile of the BNG ½d & some handy European stamps. (200+) 200 20 **O Sheet file with Australian 1940s-50s large blocks including Booklet Plate 2½d red block of 72, GB High Values used, Tattersalls tickets, and an album of Australian Colonies duplicates with some pickings. (100s) 400 21 * A/B Trio of 1940s-70s collections mostly mint with Japan including 1949 Postal Week & Portraits, 1950-51 set of 4 M/Ss SG MS600-603, 1951 Nihon-Daira, Airs 1951 75y & 1952 75y; Russia including 1951 Scientists & 1953 Leningrad Views plus M/Ss including 1955 Agricultral Exhibition set of 3, 1955 North Pole & 1957 Philatelic Exhibition; also a well-filled volume of Poland; toning concerns throughout, high catalogue value. (1000s) 400 22 *O Two cartons with "Lincoln" album including Canada 1864 2c rose red unused, Hong Kong 1874 Perf 15½x15 $2 & $3 postally used, St Vincent 1888 6d violet *, Turks & Caicos 1881 Setting 1 ½d on 6d SG 7 unused, Zululand 1893 Overprint on Natal 6d *; also Australia & Territories, British Commonwealth, general worldwide collections and an unused (shrink-wrapped) stockbook. Plenty to sort through. (1000s) 300 23 C A/B Useful bundle of flight covers including Netherlands Indies-Australia 1931 (2) & 1934 MacRobertson Air Race; Australia 1929 Hay-Melbourne with "Angel" airmail label & 1938 Perth-New York with boxed 'AERIAL SERVICE/ COMPLETED SYDNEY' h/s, both commercial; 1931 NZ-Singapore signed "CKingsfordSmith" in red; etc, condition variable. (24) 200T 24 O pre-WWII album pages with useful ranges of Canada with better 1930s values and New Zealand with 2d+1d Smiling Boy & some postmark interest, then an attractive range of Kangaroos with multiples including First Wmk 3d Dies I-II, 6d & 9d blocks of 4 and Second Wmk 1/- pair, etc, finally KGV Penny Reds with shades & better varieties noted including Substituted Clichés x2 & Die III x2 etc. An old-time lot that invites close examination. (100s) 350 CINDERELLAS 25 WC AUSTRALIA: 1920s Pals group with Airmail brown (poor) & red, Admiral Coontz & USS "Seattle", Rural Scenes set of 6 & Animals set of 6, all without gum; WWII War Savings 6d Spitfire x8 on "Here's to You" folder & x20 on green/buff folder (unfolded); finally Victorian Postal Notes 2/- (1938) & 3/- (1955) + $1 Postal Order.{Page 16.1} 300 26 **O - Box jam-packed with an array of PMG's Department and Australia Post labels. Fantastic lot for the "Cinderella" collector or serious postal historian. Ex Robin Occleshaw. (many 100s) OfferT 27 ** A/A- - World War I "Liberty Loan" x3 different with Mullett Imprint corner blocks of 4 + a complete sheet of 25 (5x5, some bends) of the "You can fight too..." design, and GB "War Loan" x2 different with Green imprint corner blocks of 4, unmounted.{Page 16.6} (45) 400T 28 ? A- AUSTRALIA - VICTORIA: c.1900 (?) photographic reproduction of Naish 2d with vignette of "belle in a boater". [Similar novelties were commonplace during WWI. This is the earliest such item we have seen]{Page 16.2} 100 COINS & BANKNOTES

29 $ World collection on Hagners with Australia KGVI 10/- & £1, QEII paper $1(2) $2 (3) & $5 Unc, 1988 Bicentenary $10 (5) aUnc, Great Britain 1940 £1 K.O.Peppiatt small corner stain aUnc, circulated currency from Europe, NZ, Fiji, USA, Indonesia and Japan. (69) 150 30 $ World collection in stockbook, mostly uncirculated modern issues with British Armed Forces 10p to £1, 1970s China (58), Afghanistan, Iraq, Eastern Europe and South America. (appx 200) 150T Dec 18, 2010 Prestige Philately - Auction No 161 Page: 13

COINS & BANKNOTES (continued) Lot Type Grading Description Est $A 31 $ Worldwide duplicated banknotes with emissions from Burma, Cambodia, Indonesia, Israel, Latvia, Lebanon & Peru amongst others, a few with minor foxing, uncirculated. (148) 100 32 C A AUSTRALIA : PNCs including 1999 Older Persons Year, 2000 For Valour, Last Anzacs & Olympic Sports (2) and 2002 Golden Jubilee, plus a group of more recent emissions.{Page 14.1} (22) 400 33 $ A - RAM silver product with 1988 $2 (2), 1990-94 $10 Birds (6), 2001 $1 Millennium (2) 2003 $1 Roo (3) & $5 Rugby 'Selectively gold plated' proof coins (12), $5 Finale "hologram" (2) etc. Approx 30oz of silver. (39) 500 34 $ A - $5 (2) and $10 'first and last' (polymer/paper) note folders, the $10 with red serial "BD93002705" Unc. (3) 150

Lot 35 Lot 36 35 $ A- - 1949 10/- Coombs/Watt Renniks #14 center fold, EF, Cat $750.{Page 13.1} 500 36 $ A- - 1933 £1 Riddle/Sheehan R#28 centre crease gVF/EF, Cat $2250 for EF.{Page 13.2} 750 37 $ A- - 1942 £1 Armitage/McFarlane R#30b light center fold, a crisp note, gEF, Cat $350. {Page 14.2} 100 38 $ B - 1941 £5 Armitage/McFarlane R#46, F. 100 39 $ A - 1992 $5 Fraser/Cole R#214 consecutive run of 20 "AA14 866281/300" plus 6 more to "310" Unc. (26) 500 40 $ A - 2001 $5 McFarlane/Evans R#219 "BC01 647399/404" plus "BE01 717848/850" Unc. (9) 100 41 $ A - 2003 $5 McFarlane/Henry R#220e last year prefix "EA03 423120" Unc. Offer 42 $ A - 1988 $10 Bicentenary 1st printing prefixes AB15, AB19 aUnc, AB22 & AB30 second printing AB19 (4) and folder issue AA11. (9) 150 43 $ A - 1998 $10 McFarlane/Evans R#320 "DE98 973546/549" plus one prefix "FD" Unc. (5) 100 44 $ A- - 1967 $20 Coombs/Randall First prefix XBQ 532589 R#402f light center fold, gVF, Cat $1450 for VF.{Page 14.3} 750 45 $ A - 2005 $20 McFarlane/Henry R#420d "AC" (2) and "BC" prefixes Unc. (10) 250 46 $ A- - 1985 $100 Johnston/Fraser R#609 "ZCZ427258/261" light pay packet bends, aUnc. (4) 500 47 $ CHINA: 1920s-40s banknotes including Kee Kwan Motor Road Co 5c 10c 20c & 50c, Central Bank of China 1943 500y & 2000y, Farmers Bank of China 20c & 10y, Mengchiang Bank (puppet bank) 1940 1 chiao, plus others fom the Bank of China, etc; also a provincial bank private issue not listed in Pick; condition is good to very fine uncirculated. (33) 150 DOCUMENTS & EPHEMERA

48 L A AUSTRALIA: 1982 two typed letters from sports journalist Jack Pollard to Sir Donald Bradman the first (March 26) asking for Bradman's approval of a draft for entry into Pollard's "big cricket book" with a handwritten response from Bradman initialled "DGB" (yes, it looks like "ASB"), the second (April 4) asking for clarification of batting statistics. 150T 49 ? - WWII military metal insignia comprising Lewis Gun (25), Machine Gunner (25), Buglers (30) & 'X' Rifles (15); collar badges for Engineers (40) & Corps of Signals (10); hat & collars for Chaplain (4 sets); also Australian Military Forces Buttons (20). (177) 200 50 $ B AUSTRALIA - TASMANIA: Bank of Van Diemen's Land 1824 (watermarked) 1825 & 1826 all-different cheques drawn in Spanish dollars, minor faults. Rare. [Between 1822 & 1826 Van Diemen's Land used both pounds sterling & Spanish dollars because of the then shortage of British currency in the Colony. A similar threesome sold for $1092 at our auction of 3/10/2010]{Page 14.5} (3) 850 51 C A- AUSTRALIA - VICTORIA: 1872 Golden Valley & Havelock Junction promissory note for £1000 actionable in the event of the goldmine being sold, light folds. [The mine was at Bet Bet in the Central Highlands] 150 PICTURE POSTCARDS

52 C A/B Hotchpotch with Australia scenic types, China including 1935 to Hong Kong showing ship "Conte Rosso", China views x12 in presentation envelope, Kelly & Walsh (Shanghai) "A Christmas Carmen" booklet of scenes some animated, Great Britain 1923 Chinese Students annual dinner at Randolph Hotel (Oxford), Japan Kirifuri Waterfall embroidered, plus others from Cyprus, etc. (approx 100) 150 53 C A AUSTRALIA: 1910 Howard Smith Co Ltd PPC of a coastal ship, to NSW with Qld 1d tied by Melbourne machine. 75T 54 CPS - VICTORIA: Shoebox of mostly PPCs including a few advertising types & a few Postal Cards, wide variety of Victorian postmarks, also 1890s-1900s covers & a few earlier, some Barred Numerals.{Page 14.4} (200+) 400 Page: 14 Website: Dec 18, 2010

Lot 37 - Armitage/McFarlane Pound Ex Lot 32 - Twenty-Two PNCs

Lot 44 - Coombs/Randall First Prefix Ex Lot 54 - Victorian PPCs x200+

Ex Lot 50 - Tasmanian Cheques in Spanish Dollars

Ex Lot 201 - Advertising Covers etc

Ex Lot 211 - 1953-65 Excellent Covers Lot Dec 18, 2010 Prestige Philately - Auction No 161 Page: 15

Lot Type Grading Description Est $A COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA - General & Miscellaneous Lots

55 O Patchy collection to early 1970s in Seven Seas hingeless album & on Hagners with used Roos including 4d yellow-orange perf 'OS/NSW', KGV Heads including SMult Perf 13½x12½ 1/4d **, most 1930s commemorative sets * or used (no 5/- Bridge), Thick Paper £1 Robes with part-imprint *, Arms optd 'SPECIMEN' trio *, £sd Navigators **, some 1960s-1970s sets in block of 4 **, condition variable.{Page 16.3} (100s) 350 56 *O Postage Dues accumulation on Hagners with a few better values noted & a few varieties, condition very mixed. Close inspection recommended. (100s) 250 57 ** A Exercise book with Roos to 5/- used, KGV Heads CofA to 5d Imprint blocks of 4 */** (mounted across the gutters), KGVI 3d Die I block of 4 **, 1936 Australian National Games label, also pre-decimal mint multiples & FDCs and a little foreign material. (few 100s) 300 58 */**O Mostly used accumulation with Roos to 2/- including heavily duplicated SMult Wmk perf 'OS' 6d, KGV Heads to 1/4d (2), commemoratives to 2/- with duplicated 9d & 1/- values, KGVI & early QEII part-sheets & large multiples */**; also a few decimals & modest Australian Colonies; mixed condition. (many 100s) 250 59 */**O Basic collection in four Seven Seas albums with pickings in the mostly used pre-decimals then a fair degree of completeness from 1966 to 1996 */** or used (1990s issues **); also Australia Post albums of Gold Medallist sheetlets for the 2000 Sydney & 2004 Athens Olympics plus the 2006 Melbourne Commonwealth Games. 200 60 *O Officials on Leuchtturm leaves mostly used with Kangaroos including First Wmk perf Large 'OS' 2½d 6d 2/- & 5/- and perf Small 'OS' 4d 5d 6d 1/- & a mint 2/-, Second Wmk 5/- with parcel cancels, Third Wmk 9d (mint), 2/- brown & 10/- (CTO); KGV selection incl Rough Paper 1d red Die II & 'OS' Overprints mint or used; a few mostly CTO Commemoratives; condition variable. (120 approx) 500 61 *O Oddly constructed collection that requires close inspection but we noted a fine mint 5/- Bridge & a used perf Large 'OS' 2½d so there should be other pickings, also some unmounted decimals/postage & an array of Australian Colonies/States.{Page 16.4} (many 100s) 400 62 */**OB Box of "goodies" with a Lighthouse stockbook home to some mint Roos including SMult Wmk to 2/- & KGV Heads to 1/4d x3 including 4d orange x3 (one an aged "lemon"), these in rather mixed condition; a large stockbook of collector's duplicates; quantity of decimals in packets - we noted a complete 1966 60c booklet - etc. (100s) 200T 63 *V Pre-WWII album with the contents of a c.1930 Specimen pack including Kangaroos First Wmk to 1/- plus Third Wmk 'SPECIMEN' Opts Type B £1 brown & blue and £2 and Type C 10/- with Damaged 'C' (very scarce, Cat $3500) & £1 grey, KGV to 1/4d & a few Commems all CTO, crudely hinged causing some to be stuck &/or damaged but we have been able to liberate the 3 key 'SPECIMEN' stamps - which are all very fine - so a little TLC will go a long way.{Page 16.5} (43 + scraps) 2,500 64 *O Chaotic collection on leaves with lots of pickings including used Roos to 5/- x2 (one CTO), Engraved 6d CTO, KGV SMult Wmk Perf 14 1/4d (parcel cancel), Jubilee 2/- with superb 'TANTANOOLA' cds, 'OS' Overprints CTO, Robes Thick Paper set mint & used, £sd Navigators used, varieties including Roos 6d brown Broken Leg & KGV Sgl Wmk 1/4d Thick '1' both commercially used etc. (100s) 300T 65 O Large carton with a veritable hoard of Roos, KGV Heads etc partly sorted into old envelopes. Stated not to have been touched for 40+ years. We don't have time to wade through consignments such as this, so it's a real mystery lot. If you have the time, you may find it to be a goldmine. (many 1000s) 500 66 *L/C Airmail-related material with a few covers, various airmail & baggage labels, 1923 complete "Pals" magazine + 12 "Pals" labels (not airmail types), Qantas promotional covers & PPCs etc. Also fine/very fine copies of "50 Years of Australian Air Mails" x2 & "Basil G Watson" x2 both by Eustis, "Qantas Empire Airways comes of Age" (c.1955?), "The Air Race England to New Zealand in 1953" & "The High Way" published by ANA (?) in the 1930s. Ex Robin Occleshaw.{Page 16.7} (Qty) 250T 67 **C Consignment balance including ½d orange Roo large-part sheets with annotated varities, annotated modern telegram envelopes, huge imperforate sheet of airmail labels, range of unused Aerogrammes, WWII £1 War Savings Certificate + three propaganda labels on covers, 1884 Queensland Post Offices & Railways Map (decrepit) & Queensland Revenues on documents, condition variable. Ex Robin Occleshaw. OfferT

Ex Lot 68 68 V** A+ c.1932 specimen folder inscribed 'AUSTRALIAN POSTAGE STAMPS' with Kangaroos to 5/- plus perf 'OS' 2/- 5/- & 10/-, Third Wmk £1 grey & £2 and the very scarce Small Multiple Wmk 10/- all with 'SPECIMEN' overprint Type C, Engraved Kooka, KGV to 1/4d including 4½d Die II plus some 'OS' perfins & overprints, commemoratives including 5/- Bridge, overprinted 'OS' including Kingsford Smith 2d & 3d etc. All values to 5/- are CTO, and all have full unmounted o.g. Superb! With the original buff manilla envelope. [A similar but c.1938 folder with the standard CofA Type D 'SPECIMEN' set, sold for $2530 at our auction of 10/4/2010]{Page 15.1} (65) 2,500

15% Buyer’s Premium will be added to the Hammer Price. Page: 16 Website: Dec 18, 2010

Lot 28

Lot 25 - "Pals" Labels

Ex Lot 55 Ex Lot 61

Ex Lot 63 - from an old-time album Ex Lot 27 - WWI Patriotic Labels

Ex Lot 66 - Australian Airmail Related Material

Lot 151 - Cracked Electro Lot 154 - Fraction Ex Lot 173 - Certificate

Lot 152 - Cracked Electro Lot 153 - Another One! Lot 160 - Cracked Electro Dec 18, 2010 Prestige Philately - Auction No 161 Page: 17

COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA - General & Miscellaneous Lots (continued) Lot Type Grading Description Est $A

Ex Lot 69 69 V** - another c.1934 folder with a slightly different selection but all the same key stamps, a few are more off-centre & we noted a couple with perf faults. Again, with the original envelope.{Page 17.1} (68) 1,500 COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA - Kangaroo Issues

Ex Lot 70 70 * Selection on Hagners with First Wmk 4d, 5d x3, 9d with Break in Left Frameline, 'Specimen' h/s 10/- x2 £1 & £2; Second Wmk 2d, 2½d, 9d, 1/- x2 & 2/-; Third Wmk 1/- with Watermark Sideways, 2/- brown, 2/- maroon and 5/-; SMult Wmk to 2/- x3, 5/-, & 10/- optd 'SPECIMEN'; CofA 5/- plus optd 'SPECIMEN' 10/- x4 & £2; very mixed condition but priced accordingly.{Page 17.2} (87) 800

Ex Lot 71 71 *OV Annotated mostly used collection balance including First Wmk CTO 4d x2, 5d x2, 9d, 1/- Watermark Inverted & 5/- x3 plus 10/- with fake cds; Second Wmk very fine 2/-; Third Wmk 6d blue Die II Wmk Inverted, 2/- brown x10, 10/- (4, three are perf 'OS' CTO) & £1 grey (well-centred); SMult Wmk 5/- (4, two perf 'OS') & 10/-; CofA Wmk 5/- (7, three are CTO); also lots of varieties including Inverted Watermarks, 6d brown Broken Leg commercially used (very scarce but with a rounded corner) & 1/- Watermark Sideways (fake cancel), multiples including First Wmk ½d perf 'OS' pair with German New Guinea defaced seal cancellation, SMult Wmk 1/- block of 4, CofA Wmk 9d block of 8 & 2/- block of 4 etc, condition very mixed. Inspection highly recommended.{Page 17.3} (100s) 1,250

Ex Lot 72 Ex Lot 73 72 *OV A/A- Third Wmk 10/- (Roo Misplaced into the Sea at U/L) perf 'OS' CTO with full unmounted o.g.; SMult Wmk 9d, 1/- (excellent centring) & 2/- fine mint; and CofA Wmk £1 grey sound used, Cat $750.{Page 17.4} (5) 300 73 */** A/B Selection including First Wmk 3d Die I, 4d, 5d, 6d & 9d (over-inked at left) *; Second Wmk 2d & 2½d ** plus 1/- *; Third Wmk mostly ** including 2/- maroon plus a regummed 2/- brown & 5/- mint (two tiny pinholes); SMult Wmk to 1/- (2) ** plus 2/- * & **; CofA 5/- * and optd 'SPECIMEN' trio **; condition of the First Wmk issues is a tad variable otherwise mostly fine, Cat $4000+.{Page 17.5} (12) 1,800 Page: 18 Website: Dec 18, 2010

COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA - Kangaroo Issues (continued) Lot Type Grading Description Est $A

Ex Lot 74 74 *O Collection in Leuchtturm hingeless album mint with First Wmk ½d coil strip of 4, ½d 'ROSTAGE' (**) in block of 4, 6d & 9d; Second Wmk 6d & 9d; Third Wmk 6d blue, 1/- with Watermark Sideways (2, one "suntanned"), 2/- maroon, 5/- (aged), 10/- & £1 grey (toning); SMult Wmk to 5/- plus £2 (attractive but with a surface abrasion in the margin at right & the gum a bit disturbed); CofA 2/- varieties including '$' Flaw in a vertical strip of 3; and used with First Wmk 1/- with Watermark Inverted (fine commercially used) & 2/-; Third Wmk 2/- brown (3), 5/- (2), 10/- and £1 brown & blue; CofA 5/- to £2; lots of mostly used varieties, some multiples, condition variable. A good basis for expansion.{Page 18.1} (100s) 2,500

Ex Lot 75 75 * Mint selection with First Wmk 4d both shades, 5d, 6d, 9d, 2/- & 5/-; Second Wmk 2½d to 2/-; Third Wmk 3d Die II, 6d blue, 2/- brown & 2/- maroon; SMult Wmk 6d to 5/-; and CofA 6d to 5/-; some fine stamps but most have gum-side problems, Cat $4800+.{Page 18.2} (36) 1,000 COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA - Kangaroos - First Watermark

Ex Lot 76 Lot 79

Lot 78 76 */** A/B ½d to 2/- complete plus 3d olive-green Die I Watermark Inverted, variable centring, the 9d is regummed & the 2/- has a hinge remainder, others are mostly lightly mounted with some low values - including the 4d & 6d - possibly unmounted, Cat $1400+.{Page 18.3} (12) 600 77 */** A ½d green coil strip of 10 with Coil Join and 'ROSTAGE' (Second State) BW #1ha, right-hand perfs trimmed as usual, a couple of tone spots, a few reinforced perfs otherwise unmounted. 200 78 ** A B1 ½d green Plate 2 'CA' Monogram BW #1za being the central unit in a strip of 3, unmounted, Cat $200+ (mounted). Ex Barry Gribble: sold for $460 at our auction of 10/3/2007.{Page 18.4} 400 79 ** A B2 2d grey Watermark Inverted BW #5a, a few rough perfs, unmounted, Cat $175 (mounted). Advertised retail $375. {Page 18.5} 200

ACSC “Kangaroos”: the best source of specialist information about Australia's classic stamp issue. Available from Prestige Philately for $110 (plus GST if applicable). Dec 18, 2010 Prestige Philately - Auction No 161 Page: 19

COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA - Kangaroos - First Watermark (continued) Lot Type Grading Description Est $A

Lot 81 Lot 82 Lot 80 Lot 83 Lot 84 80 ** B A2 9d violet marginal example from the left of the sheet, remarkably well centred for this value, a few short perfs, unmounted. Advertised retail $575. [One of the best centred Ninepenny Firsts we have seen]{Page 19.3} 400 81 ** A- B1 9d violet Break in Upper-Right Frame BW #24f, well centred, slightly yellowed gum, unmounted, Cat $425+.{Page 19.1} 250 82 ** A- B1 1/- emerald BW #30, well centred, slightly yellowed gum, unmounted, Cat $750+.{Page 19.2} 400 83 ** A+ B1 5/- grey & yellow BW #42B, very well centred, marginal watermark line at the top, unmounted, Cat $1750. Superb! [The finest example we have offered, being better centred than the unmounted example that sold for $1840 in our auction of 24/6/2006]{Page 19.4} 1,750 84 * A B1 10/- grey & pink (vibrant shade), well centred, marginal watermark line at the top, Cat $1000.{Page 19.5} 750

Lot 86 Lot 85 Lot 87 85 * 10/-, £1 & £2 all with 'Specimen' handstamp, strong colours, a few short perfs & the £2 has been reperforated, Cat $1725. {Page 19.7} (3) 600 86 * B B1 £1 brown & blue, well-centred, a few minor tonespots & a trifle aged, Cat $3000. {Page 19.6} 1,500 87 * B C1 £1 brown & blue BW #51A, the gum a bit aged, Cat $3000.{Page 19.8} 1,500

Lot 88 88 * A B1 £2 jet-black & rose with Kangaroo's Left Ear Broken BW #55B(V)q, very well centred, rich vibrant colours, minor hinge remainder, Cat $8000. A stunner! Advertised retail "Price on Request". Dunkerley Certificate (2006) states "...very fine mint with original gum & modest hinge remnant. The stamp has no faults of any kind".{Page 19.9} 7,000 Page: 20 Website: Dec 18, 2010

Lot Type Grading Description Est $A COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA - Kangaroos - First Watermark - Official Stamps

Lot 89 89 H A/B PERFORATED SMALL 'OS': 4d orange BW #15bb horizontal strip of 6, well centred, a few tonespots on the last two units, heavy Sydney cds, Cat $750+. Rare multiple.{Page 20.1} 400T

Lot 90 Lot 91 Ex Lot 93 Lot 95

Lot 94 90 ** A B1 - 6d ultramarine BW #17Aba, well centred, unmounted, Cat $500 (2004). Advertised retail $750.{Page 20.2} 500 COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA - Kangaroos - Second Watermark

91 ** A B1 2d grey marginal example from left of the right-hand pane, unmounted, undercatalogued at $175. Advertised retail $375. Examples of this quality are rarely available. [Acquired for $390 in our sale of 4/3/2006]{Page 20.3} 350 92 * A B1 6d ultramarine BW #18A, very lightly mounted, Cat $250. 200 93 */** A/A- 6d deep ultramarine BW #18B very lightly mounted, and 9d violet BW #25A with a tiny gum blemish but unmounted, Cat $1750. {Page 20.5} (2) 600 94 ** B B1 9d violet BW #25A corner example from the upper-right of the left-hand pane, well centred, the gum a little aged, unmounted, Cat $1250.{Page 20.4} 750 95 * A A1 2/- brown BW #36, excellent centring, Cat $850. Examples this well centred are rarely encountered.{Page 20.6} 850

Lot 96 Lot 97 96 ** A B1 2/- brown, well centred, unmounted, Cat $4000. BPA Certificate (1986). Acquired for $4270 in our Rarities Auction of 24/05/2008.{Page 20.7} 4,000 97 ** A+ B1 2/- brown BW #36, well centred, unmounted, Cat $4000. A gem! Of superior quality to the example that sold for $4838 at our auction of 19/10/2007. {Page 20.8} 5,000

Use “Limit Bidding” to cover all lots in which you are interested. Dec 18, 2010 Prestige Philately - Auction No 161 Page: 21

COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA - Kangaroos - Second Watermark (continued) Lot Type Grading Description Est $A

Lot 98 Lot 99 98 * A C1 5/- deep grey & chrome-yellow BW #43B, very lightly mounted (sadly acquired by our vendor as unmounted), Cat $1250. Advertised retail $1375.{Page 21.1} 1,000 99 * A A1 5/- deep grey & chrome-yellow with the Watermark Inverted BW #43Ba, excellent centring, Cat $1500. A handsome stamp. Advertised retail $1750 +50% for the centring.{Page 21.2} 1,400 COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA - Kangaroos - Third Watermark

Lot 100

Lot 101 100 ** A+ B1 6d blue BW #19B from the lower-right corner of the left-hand pane, well centred, unmounted, Cat $325 (2004). Advertised retail $425. Superb!{Page 21.3} 400 101 */** A/B 9d violet Die IIB Plate 4 Mullett Imprint block of 8 BW #27zb, one lower unit with minor gum toning, the upper-left and upper-right units lightly mounted otherwise unmounted, Cat $750 for a mounted imprint block of 4. {Page 21.4} 750

Lot 102 Lot 104 Lot 105 Lot 107

Lot 106 102 ** A 1/- bright blue-green Watermark Inverted BW #32a additionally with Diagonal Scratch from 'O' of 'ONE' to Lower-Left Frameline, unmounted, Cat $250 (mounted); unpriced unmounted. Acquired for $506 at our auction of 24/6/2006.{Page 21.5} 500 103 ** A C1 1/- deep blue-green Die IIB Mullett Imprint pair as BW #33zb, unmounted, Cat $1000 (for a mounted block of 4). 400 104 **? A+ A1 5/- grey-black & chrome BW #44A with marginal watermark line at the right, excceptional centring, possibly unmounted, Cat $350 (mounted) +50% for the centring. Superb!{Page 21.6} 500 105 * A- B1 5/- grey & pale yellow with the Watermark Inverted BW #44Da, the gum a little disturbed, Cat $1250.{Page 21.8} 750 Page: 22 Website: Dec 18, 2010

COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA - Kangaroos - Third Watermark (continued) Lot Type Grading Description Est $A 106 ** A- C1 5/- grey & pale yellow Harrison Imprint pair with White Flaw off NSW Coast BW #44ze, light even gum-toning, unmounted, Cat $2250 (mounted); unpriced unmounted. Acquired for $1322 at our auction of 2/9/2006. [Similarly centred mounted pairs have sold for $1800+].{Page 21.7} 2,000 107 * A B1 10/- grey & deep "aniline" pink BW #48B, vibrant shade, very well centred, Cat $700. Advertised retail $850.{Page 21.9} 600

Lot 109 Lot 108 Lot 110 108 ** A C1 10/- grey & deep "aniline" pink BW #48B marginal example from right of the sheet, tiny natural paper inclusion on 'P' of 'POSTAGE', unmounted, Cat $1500.{Page 22.2} 1,200 109 * A+ A1 10/- grey & deep "aniline" pink with Type B 'SPECIMEN' Overprint BW #48Bx, excellent centring, with the faintest evidence of having been mounted, Cat $350. Advertised retail $350 +50% for the centring. Superb!{Page 22.1} 350 110 ** A C1 10/- grey & deep "aniline" pink with Type B 'SPECIMEN' Overprint (unusually heavily impressed) BW #48Bx, unmounted, Cat $600. Advertised retail $750.{Page 22.3} 400

Lot 111 111 * A A1 £1 olive-brown & blue BW #52E, excellent centring, very lightly mounted, Cat $4000. As fine an example as we have seen of this scarce shade combination.{Page 22.4} 4,000

Lot 113 Lot 112 Lot 114 112 V B B2 £1 light brown & pale blue with GPO Melbourne CTO cancellation BW #52Dw, well centred, a few short perfs, no gum, Cat $3000. Very scarce: most high values from presentation sets and collectors' sets were overprinted 'SPECIMEN'.{Page 22.6} 800 113 * A A1 £1 light brown & pale blue with Type B 'SPECIMEN' Overprint BW #52Dx, very well centred, very lightly mounted, Cat $675. Advertised retail $750 + 50% for the centring.{Page 22.5} 700 114 ** A B1 £1 light brown & pale blue with Type B 'SPECIMEN' Overprint BW #52Dx, unmounted, Cat $1500. {Page 22.7} 1,200 Dec 18, 2010 Prestige Philately - Auction No 161 Page: 23

COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA - Kangaroos - Third Watermark (continued) Lot Type Grading Description Est $A

Lot 115 Lot 116 Lot 117 Ex Lot 118 115 * A- A2 £1 grey, exceptional centring, a few shortish perfs, lightly mounted, Cat $750.{Page 23.1} 450 116 * A B1 £1 grey BW #53A, lightly mounted, Cat $750.{Page 23.2} 450 117 W B B2 £1 grey overprinted 'SPECIMEN' Type C1 variant (Shaved 'S' and Damaged 'C') BW #53xc, some short perfs & no gum, Cat $1250 as mounted mint. Ceremuga Certificate (2010) states only 184 examples can exist & "...late state showing strong damage to left side of 'S'...overprint postion 25." {Page 23.3} 300 118 */** A A1 £1 grey & £2 purple-black & rose both with 'SPECIMEN' Type C overprint, the £2 with Deformed 'C' (the so-called Type C1a variant) #BW53xa & 56xe, excellent centring, the £1 very lightly mounted & the £2 is unmounted. Advertised retail $1125 +50% for the centring.{Page 23.4} (2) 750

Lot 119 119 ** A B1 £2 grey-black & crimson BW #56B with horizontal marginal watermark line at the top, gorgeous deep shade, tiny & insignificant natural paper inclusion to the left of the value tablet (mentioned only for total accuracy), unmounted, Cat $8500. A beautiful stamp.{Page 23.5} 6,000 120 * B C1 £2 purple-black & rose with 'SPECIMEN' Type C overprint with Deformed 'C' (Type C1a variant) #BW56xe, disturbed gum, Cat $475. 250 COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA - Kangaroos - Third Watermark - Official Stamps

121 ** PERFORATED 'OS': Plate 3 6d chestnut BW #21ba block of 48 (6x8) being the lower 8 rows of the left-hand pane with Hairline from Value Circle to Map [L54], variable centring as usual, some creasing but about 20 units are unaffected, unmounted, Cat $2900+. A rare multiple. 400 Page: 24 Website: Dec 18, 2010

Lot Type Grading Description Est $A COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA - Kangaroos - Small Multiple Watermark

Lot 122 Lot 123 Lot 124 122 * A- A2 5/- grey & yellow-orange, exceptional centring, a few shortish perfs & a faint bend, Cat $300. Advertised retail $375.{Page 24.1} 200 123 ** A B1 5/- grey & yellow-orange, well centred, unmounted, Cat $700.{Page 24.2} 700 124 ** A B1 5/- grey & yellow-orange, well centred, unmounted, Cat $700. {Page 24.3} 700

Lot 125 Lot 126 Lot 127 Lot 129 Lot 128 125 * A B1 10/- grey & pink, very fresh & very lightly mounted, Cat $700. Advertised retail $750.{Page 24.4} 500 126 * A A1 10/- grey & pale pink, exceptional centring, tiny natural paper inclusion in the margin at the top, Cat $700. An extremely difficult stamp to obtain this well centred.{Page 24.5} 600 127 * A A1 10/- grey & pale pink, excellent centring, lightly mounted, Cat $700. Advertised retail $625 +50% for the centring.{Page 24.6} 600 128 ** A- B2 10/- grey & pink marginal example from the top of the sheet, well centred, a few nibbled perfs at lower-right, unmounted, Cat $1500.{Page 24.7} 1,000 129 ** A B1 10/- grey & pale pink, very well centred, unmounted, Cat $1500. An extremely difficult stamp to find this fine.{Page 24.8} 1,250

Lot 130 Lot 132

Lot 131 130 ** A+ B1 10/- grey & pale pink overprinted 'SPECIMEN' BW #49x, well centred, unmounted, Cat $650. Advertised retail "POR". Superb!{Page 24.9} 650 131 * A B1 £2 grey & rose-crimson BW #57A, well centred, lightly mounted, Cat $4250. An exceptional example of one of the most difficult of all the Kangaroos to obtain in such fine condition. [Better centred than the example sold for $12,075 at our auction of 24/10/2009]{Page 24.10} 7,500 132 ** A+ A1 £2 black & carmine overprinted 'SPECIMEN' BW #57x, excellent centring, unmounted, Cat $700. Advertised retail $825 +50% for the centring. A gem!{Page 24.11} 850 Dec 18, 2010 Prestige Philately - Auction No 161 Page: 25

Lot Type Grading Description Est $A COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA - Kangaroos - Small Multiple Watermark - Official Stamps

Lot 133 Lot 134 Lot 135 133 ** A+ A1 PERFORATED 'OS': 2/- maroon BW #39b, excellent centring, unmounted, Cat $500. Advertised retail $625 +50% for the centring. Superb!{Page 25.1} 600 COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA - Kangaroos - CofA Watermark

134 G B C1 2/- maroon BW #40 with "Atlas - Confetti - Flaw" on the Roo's shoulder, minor crease, Sydney parcel cancel largely clear of the variety.{Page 25.2} 100 135 * A B1 5/- grey & yellow-orange BW #46A, well centred, unmounted, Cat $525{Page 25.3} 400

Lot 136

Lot 137 136 * A B1 5/- grey & yellow-buff Ash Imprint pair - the right-hand unit with Open-Mouth Kangaroo - BW #46za, unusually well centred - especially the left-hand unit - for an imprint piece, minor bend in the lower margin only, very lightly mounted across the gutter, Cat $1000. [Far more attractive than off-centre pairs that sold for $862, $1092 & $719 in our auctions of 22/4/2006, 10/3/2007 (Barry Gribble) & 24/10/2009 respectively]{Page 25.4} 850 137 */** A B1 5/- grey & yellow-orange Ash Imprint block of 4 with Open-Mouthed Roo BW #46z, well centred, lightly mounted in the central gutter (just impinging on the upper-left unit) otherwise unmounted, Cat $2750 (mounted). Acquired for $3335 at our auction of 10/3/2007.{Page 25.5} 3,500

Lot 138 Lot 139 Lot 140 138 * A B1 10/- grey & pink BW #50A, well centred, very lightly mounted, Cat $525. Advertised retail $625.{Page 25.6} 500 139 * A B1 10/- grey-black & bright pink BW #50B, deep striking shades, well centred, Cat $525+. {Page 25.7} 500 140 ** A B1 10/- grey & pink "Fox-Faced Roo" BW #50An, unmounted. Ex Greg Pope: acquired for $1232 at our auction of 24/1/2004.{Page 25.8} 1,250

PASSION! it’s the key ingredient in “The Prestige Difference”. Page: 26 Website: Dec 18, 2010

COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA - Kangaroos - CofA Watermark (continued) Lot Type Grading Description Est $A

Lot 141 Lot 142 Lot 143 Lot 144 Lot 145 141 * A C1 £1 grey marginal example from the right of the left-hand pane, very lightly mounted, Cat $700.{Page 26.1} 500 142 * A- B2 £1 grey, well centred, a single nibbled perf at the top, lightly mounted, Cat $700. Advertised retail $925.{Page 26.2} 600 143 * A A1 £1 grey, very well centred, Cat $700. Advertised retail $925 +50% for the centring.{Page 26.3} 750 144 V AB1 £1 grey, neat WA cds, Cat $300. {Page 26.4} 250 145 * A- B2 £2 grey-black & rose-crimson BW #58B, well centred, reperforated, very lightly mounted, Cat $3750.{Page 26.5} 2,000 COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA - King George V Issues

Ex Lot 146 146 **V A B1 Complete simplified set including 4d lemon & all Dies (the 4½d Die II is CTO without gum), plus the 'OS' overprints, generally well centred, odd blemish but mostly fine to very fine unmounted. {Page 26.6} (72) 3,000 147 *O Collection on Leuchtturm hingeless leaves, most of the value in the mint material with Single Wmk to 1/4d including 4d lemon & 4½d Mullett Imprint pair, SMult Wmk Perf 14 to 4½d & Perf 13½x12½ simplified set, CofA set & an Engraved 6d Kookaburra; good representation of used material with numerous shades & varieties including Rough Paper 1d red Die II Substituted Cliché & SMult Perf 14 1/4d (superb!), condition a bit mixed but inspection will be rewarded, Cat $2000+. (100s) 500 148 O Varieties annotated array on Hagners, some useful items noted plus some misidentified ones, also perf 'OS' range etc, condition variable. Have a look. (100s) 200 149 *O Accumulation on Hagners etc with a modest mint group to 4½d, album of mainly Penny Reds mostly in date order plus varieties, other used material including Rough Paper 1d red perf 'OS' Dies I-II block of 4 & a lovely 4d lemon, some multiples & some postmark interest. Inspection bound to be rewarded. (Qty) 500 150 O pre-WWII album with an array of Heads including shades & varieties, notable section of Penny Reds including Secret Mark x23, "Ferns" x24, 'RA' Joined x14, 'N-Y' Joined x4, Corner Dot x31, Roo's Tongue x29, Run 'N' x23 etc. We're told this hasn't been touched for 40+ years so specialists should inspect. (100s) 300 COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA - KGV - Single Watermark

151 G A C1 ½d green Electro 2 with Crack through 'P' of 'POSTAGE' BW #63(2)j on the left-hand unit of a horizontal pair, slogan cancel partly obscures the variety, Cat $2000.{Page 16.8} 750 152 H A C1 ½d emerald Electro 3 Cracked Electro through Lower-Left Corner BW #63A(3)h, untidy cds but well clear of the variety, Cat $2000.{Page 16.11} 600T 153 G A B1 ½d emerald Electro 3 Cracked Electro through Lower-Left Corner BW #63A(3)h, well centred, bold machine cancel just clear of the flaw, Cat $2000. [Examples sold for $1092 in our auctions of 7/2/2009 (machine cancel impinges on the flaw) & 5/12/2009 (light vertical crease, cds clear of the flaw)]{Page 16.12} 750 154 H A- C1 ½d emerald Electro 3 with Clubbed Fraction at Left BW #63A(3)j, horizontal crease at the top, bold cds cancellation completely clear of the variety, Cat $1250. [Examples sold for $1265 & $862 at our auctions of 12/5/2007 & 10/4/2010 respectively] {Page 16.9} 600T

Avoid your bids arriving late: bid by fax, e-mail or directly from our website. Dec 18, 2010 Prestige Philately - Auction No 161 Page: 27

COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA - KGV - Single Watermark (continued) Lot Type Grading Description Est $A

Lot 156 Lot 155 Lot 157 155 G A C1 Single-Line Perf ½d emerald with unlocated variety Crack through Left-Hand Wattles & 'USTRA' BW #64m, from the left of the pane with Vertical Watermark Line, cancelled with machine datehead well clear of the flaw, Cat $4000. A very rare variety: our vendor states that only three examples are recorded "this being the finest". [The ACSC states "Variety m is in the first column of a pane"]{Page 27.2} 2,500 156 P A/A- 1d imperforate plate proof singles in black, pale carmine (marginal), carmine-rose & pale dull mauve BW #70PP(2)A B C & F, a couple of tiny imperfections but generally very fine, Cat $850.{Page 27.1} 500 157 F A B1 Single-Line Perf 1d carmine-red BW #70, very fine large-part strike of the rare 'NEWCOMB[ES]/17JY-4/VIC' cds, the date putporting to be the First Day of Issue. Buyer beware! [The ACSC states "Date of Issue: 17 July 1914 (in Sydney & Melbourne)". Newcombe's, 14km W of Jeparit in the far west of the State, was a Receiving Office only 16/8/1911; closed 21/1/1926. There is an infinitesimally small possibility of the new 1d stamp having been available at Jeparit on the same day it was issued in Melbourne, but none whatsoever for it being available at a tiny & remote RO. No contemporary example of this cds is recorded. However, post-dated examples of 19DE28, 16JY32 & 8FE59 have been noted]{Page 27.3} Offer

Lot 159 Lot 158 Lot 161 158 G A D1 Comb Perf Smooth Paper 1d carmine-red with No Watermark BW #70aa, Melbourne machine cancellation, Cat $5000. RPSofV Certificate (1997). [The first used example we have offered]{Page 27.5} 2,500 159 V A A1 1½d brown with Scab on Back of King's Head & Earliest State of Cracked Electro (tiny white spur above 'P' of 'POSTAGE'), excellent centring, light cds cancellation well clear of the varieties. The "Scab" Flaw is a large variety that needs to be properly recorded in the literature. [Our vendor states that this is an early state of Guy et al Cracked Electro C163, & that this has been confirmed by one of the contributors, Bill Fiora]{Page 27.4} 250 160 G A D1 1½d red with Cracked Electro through Right Value Tablet to Right Frame BW #89(U)n, Tanunda (SA) cds cancellation well clear of the variety, Cat $500. {Page 16.13} 400 COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA - KGV - Single Watermark - Official Stamps

161 G A+ B1 PERFORATED 'OS/NSW': ½d emerald Electro 3 Cracked Electro through the Lower-Left Corner BW #63(3)h, very well centred, Sydney machine cancel clear of the variety, Cat $2000+. Superb! [The ACSC states that varieties in this issue are priced at double for perf 'OS' stamps. They are even scarcer with State official perfins. Non-perfin examples of this flaw sold for $1092 at our auctions of 7/2/2009 & 5/12/2009]{Page 27.6} 1,000 162 ** A PERFORATED 'OS': Smooth Paper 1d red Plate 3 block of 36 (6x6) from the top of the sheet with margins on two sides, most units well centred, mounted in the margins only otherwise unmounted, Cat $1260++. 750 COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA - KGV - Small Multiple Watermark P14

163 ** A C1 4½d violet Ash Imprint block of 8 with Break in Left-Hand Frame [R55] BW #119za, the lower-left and lower-right units are lightly mounted leaving the imprint block of 4 unmounted, Cat $560+. 350 164 ** A- B1 1/4d pale greenish blue Mullett Imprint pair BW #129z, well centred, minor diagonal gum bend, lightly mounted in the central gutter but the stamps are unmounted, Cat $1800+ (as two unmounted singles). A very scarce imprint item.{Page 28.2} 1,000 COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA - KGV - Small Multiple Watermark P13½x12½ - Official Stamps

165 ** A PERFORATED 'OS': Plate 1 1½d red BW #92(1) complete sheet of 120 with Ash Imprint & single Plate Dot, a few listed varieties, unmounted, Cat $1000+. 300 166 ** A - a similar sheet. 300 167 ** A - 3d blue Die Ia BW #107ba left-hand pane of 60 (excepting the lower-left corner block of 4) with eight Type A/Type B pairs BW #107ca, generally well to very well centred, unmounted, Cat $12,000++. A rare multiple.{Page 28.1} (56) 3,000 Page: 28 Website: Dec 18, 2010

Part of Lot 167 - BW #107ba, Cat $12,000+

Lot 164 - SMult Perf 14 Imprint Lot 171 - Booklet Pane with "Long Wing"

Lot 176 - Unmounted Lot 177 - Postally used Lot 178 - CTO ** Dec 18, 2010 Prestige Philately - Auction No 161 Page: 29

Lot Type Grading Description Est $A COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA - Other Pre-Decimals

Ex Lot 168 168 */** Collection in Seven Seas album largely complete with Kooka M/S, commemoratives including 5/- Bridge corner example (*), KGVI issues including all 3d blue Dies, Robes Thick & Thin Papers (10/- toning) & Arms, Navigators including White Papers, some toning issues but mostly fine unmounted.{Page 29.1} (approx 300) 750 169 */**O 1927-65 Issues largely complete - ex 5/- Bridge & Robes Thin Paper £1 - mint (mostly) or used, a few better things including KSmith 6d with Re-Entry, Vic Centenary Perf 11½ 1/- **, NSW Sesqui 2d Man with Tail used, KGVI 3d Die II with White Face used, some better blocks of 4 including Robes Thick Paper £1 (one unit damaged) on piece, Arms 10/-, Wattle 2/3d on White Paper & Cattle 5/-, etc, condition rather mixed. (100s) 300

Lot 170 170 ** A 1914 Engraved Kookaburra 6d maroon marginal horizontal strip of 4 from the top of the sheet with Imprint & Plate 'No 2' BW #60Aza, well centred (especially the first unit, which is a gorgeous stamp), unmounted, Cat $1000++. Simon Dunkerley Certificate (2006) states "...all four stamps mint never hinged with original faults of any kind".{Page 29.2} 1,250 171 ** A C1 1929 Airmail 3d green Type A (Vertical Mesh) booklet pane of 4, the third unit with "Long Wing at Left" BW #136d, unmounted, Cat $750+. {Page 28.3} 600 172 ** A B1 - 3d green Type B (Horizontal Mesh) perforated 'OS' upper-left Plate '3' block of 4 BW #135bzc, unmounted, Cat $800 (mounted): see note 2 in the ACSC. {Page 30.1} 600 173 ** A B1 1931 Kingsford Smith 2d red & 3d blue both overprinted 'OS', well centred, unmounted, Cat $800. Ceremuga Certificate (2001) states "Mint with never hinged original gum, without any faults".{Page 16.10} (2) 600 174 V A A1 - 6d violet Re-Entry to 'T' of 'AUSTRALIA' in a pair tied to 1934 registered flight cover (minor stain on the reverse) to New Zealand by Sydney cds & flight cachet in violet. 150 175 * B B1 1932 Sydney Harbour Bridge 5/- green, toned gum & hinge remainder, cat $500. 200 176 ** A+ A1 - excellent centring, unmounted, Cat $1000. Advertised retail $1500. A gem!{Page 28.4} 1,000 177 V A B1 - 5/- green, well centred, lightly cancelled, an unusually fine postally used example, Cat $500. [NB: although this stamp might appear to be CTO, the cancel - while Victorian - is NOT of Melbourne. Most postally used examples have heavy cancellations. This is one of the finest postally used examples we have seen]{Page 28.5} 500 178 V A A1 - 5/- green, excellent centring, CTO with full unmounted o.g., Cat $300. A premium example.{Page 28.6} 300 179 ** A A1 1941 Surcharges '2½d' on 2d scarlet with Medallion Flaw BW #222d [R2/5] in a marginal block of 24 (8x3), unusually well centred, unmounted, Cat $300+. 200T 180 ** A C1 1937-49 Definitives Perf 15x14 6d Kookaburra No Imprint lower-left corner block of 4 with Cracked Plate in the Margin BW #203zk, unmounted, Cat $300. 200 181 ** A A1 1938-49 Robes Thick Paper £1 dull blue Ash Imprint block of 4 BW #216z, very well centred, unmounted, Cat $450.{Page 30.3} 400 182 ** A/A- 1948-56 Arms 5/- to £2 imprint blocks of 4, the £1 blue with a light bend in the sheet margin, unmounted, Cat $1050.{Page 30.2} (16) 600 Page: 30 Website: Dec 18, 2010

Lot 172 - Horizontal Mesh (Type B)

Ex Lot 182 - Don't Miss Lot 183

Lot 181 - Well Centred and Unmounted

Ex Lot 200 - Overprinted Booklets

Ex Lot 281 - Mixed Lot

Ex Lot 187 - Pre-Decimal Set of 6

Lot 288 - Myrtle Green Lot 303 - Error Lot 290 - Rare Block of 4 Dec 18, 2010 Prestige Philately - Auction No 161 Page: 31

COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA - Other Pre-Decimals (continued) Lot Type Grading Description Est $A

Lot 183 183 ** A B1 - 10/- violet, £1 blue & £2 overprinted 'SPECIMEN' blocks of 4, unmounted. A wonderful discovery! [The ACSC states "Multiples were never distributed". However, it records one 10/- block of 4 (with imprint!), one £1 corner block of 4, but no multiples of the £2]{Page 31.1} 7,500 184 ** A A1 1952-1965 Aborigine No Watermark 2/6d block No Imprint block of 4 BW #267za, unmounted, Cat $350. 250 185 ** A B1 1955-57 QEII New Designs 10d deep grey-blue lower-right corner block of 6 (3x2, one unit VLMtd) & upper-right corner horizontal strip of 3 that together show the complete 'CENTRE OF WORK' Inscription in the margin between the upper & lower plates BW #322z/za, Cat $200+. (2 items) 150T 186 ** A 1959-63 QEII New Designs 3d blue-green Coil Perf large-part sheet of 256 (= 64 blocks of 4) BW #350bg, margins at the top - some perf-splitting - & at the base, unmounted, Cat $384++ (SG 311b, Cat £704++). OfferT 187 ** A B1 1963-65 Navigators 4/- to £2 marginal blocks of 4, all but the 7/6d and £2 are corner blocks, unmounted, Cat $840+.{Page 30.5} (24) 500 COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA - Decimal Issues

188 CL A Hand-illustrated covers with 1981 Airmail Anniversary 22c on two watercolour covers and 1978-80 Bird Definitives eight values to 30c on two pen & ink covers (with watercolour highlights) with Springwood (Qld) cds, signed by the artist "FA Tite". The illustrations are unrelated to the stamp issues but are beautifully executed. (4) 200 189 ** A 1981-2009 Australia Post year albums complete plus an extra 1985 edition and a 1987 de-luxe edition; also 1990-91, 1991-92 & 1992-93 Collectors' Yearbooks. (34) 600 190 **B A Australia Post emissions Athens 2004 Olympics gold medallist sheetlet album, AFL Centenary Stamp Booklet Collection, also numerous hardbound special editions & other "product". (40+ items) 150 191 */**O 1981-2003 unmounted collection in four hingeless Seven Seas albums approximately 40% complete with some M/Ss; also multiples in stockbooks including blocks of 4 to $5, plus a smattering of Australian Territories. Face value unknown so calculators required. (many 100s) 350 192 */**O Huge Australia Post new issues service accumulation haphazardly crammed into three cartons with se-tenants, gutter strips, stamp packs, International Post, Framas, booklets, FDCs & high values in multiples. Careful appraisal required and the estimate is likely to prove very conservative. (many 100s) 2,000 193 BO Vending Machine Folders study on display pages; also QEII 7c quantity in stockbook. Ex Robin Occleshaw. (Qty) OfferT 194 ** A 1966-2008 collection in four volumes complete as per Seven Seas leaves with 1971 Christmas block of 25, also Framas, se-tenant strips, International Post and M/Ss including 2006 Red-Back Spider. High face value. 1,000

Extract Lot 195 195 V A 1981-83 Wildlife 24c Thylacine BW #902 with the Inscriptions Misplaced 5mm to the Left horizontal pair tied to a large OHMS cover by 'MINYIP/-JY[8]1/VIC-3392' cds. Unlisted in the ACSC, and all the more remarkable for being used in the first month of issue, on an undoubtedly commercial cover.{Page 31.2} 750 Page: 32 Website: Dec 18, 2010

Ex Lot 202 - CofA Period Victorian Covers Ex Lot 210 - KGVI Period Covers Collection

Ex Lot 212 - Scarce Frankings etc Lot 215 - Parcel Labels/Forms Ex Occleshaw

Ex Lot 226 - Certifed Mail Ex Occleshaw Lot 219 - with Third Wmk 2/- Brown

Lot 227 - 5d Die II Pair Lot 220 - Triple-Rate to Czechoslovakia Dec 18, 2010 Prestige Philately - Auction No 161 Page: 33

Lot Type Grading Description Est $A COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA - Booklets

196 B A 1953-57 QEII 3/6d (No Wmk 3½d) with Wax Interleaving BW #B58a plated examples stated to be from Electro 5 Positions [2-8], Cat $1050+. Ex. Robin Occleshaw. (7) 300T 197 B A 1962-64 Pink & Green Cover 5/- (5d blue) BW #B66 large-part reconstruction of single panes of 6 comprising 27 of 32 positions from Rows G to J from the master sheet, Cat $540 as panes; also a similar reconstruction of the front cover comprising positions G1-6, H1-8, I1-8 & J1-5. Remarkable lot. Ex Robin Occleshaw. 300T 198 B A 1992-96 "Specials" all-different selection comprising various issues overprinted for APTA or SCDAA shows, others for exhibitions, society anniversaries & even for Boonah Rotary, Pfeffer Cat $557. [Lists for this & the next two lots are available with our on-line catalogue, or on request] (20) 200T 199 B A - a similar selection but of slightly different composition, Pfeffer Cat $564. (20) 200T 200 B A 2005 "Specials" all-different selection comprising various issues overprinted for APTA or SCDAA shows, others for exhibitions, Rotary Tsunami Appeal & Masonic "Gathering of the Clans" (2 different), Pfeffer Cat $532.{Page 30.4} (15) 200T COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA - Postal History

201 C/CL Shoebox of advertising covers & fronts, mostly QEII period but some very attractive earlier items as well.{Page 14.7} (200+) 300 202 C Box of Victorian covers with an array of unclaimed & similar handstamps, tax markings etc, some better postmarks including 'BOLTON/VIC.-AUST.', 27½mm 'KULWIN/VIC', black 'PAID AT WARRACKNABEAL/VIC-AUST', 1956 oval 'NOT KNOWN BY POSTMAN/BRUNSWICK' datestamp (ERD), also 1938 with boxed 'MISSENT TO/BOORT' etc, many are registered, condition variable. A good lot.{Page 32.1} (150 approx) 400 203 C/CL A/B KGV 4d rate covers to the USA comprising 1921 with 2d orange x2 (different shades), 1922 4d violet (corner fault, the cover missing the flap) & 4d blue solo frankings; also 1931 internal registered cover with 4d olive. (4) 150 204 C Decimal covers with solo frankings including 1968 registered to Israel with 40c Tasman, 1977 Seaman's Mail with 45c Flower, 1976 40c Cyclist, 1977 45c Christmas, 1979 50c Locomotive, 1980 50c Fishing; multiple frankings including 1970 registered with 30c QANTAS and 1973 Overseas Express Delivery, also 1980s-90s consular or Priority Paid mail. (100+) 200 205 CPS Bundle of mostly 1940s-50s airmail covers from Queensland POs mainly to England including 1940 5/10d rate from Tully, 1958 from Bell with 'INSUFFICIENT POSTAGE/FOR AIRMAIL' h/s, 1956 with cut-down 'CTMS/T ("66")' h/s etc, also 1913 Kangaroo 1d Postal Card uprated to Germany, 1923 with scarce red/white 'HOME HILL' registration label, etc, condition variable. (36) 250T 206 C/CL Shoebox of decimal-era covers with an array of commercial airmail covers mostly to England but we also noted items to Central Europe, Latvia, Russia & Denmark, wide array of solo & multiple frankings including better values such as 1970 Cook 30c pair to Switzerland & 1974 35c Christmas solo franking & a number with International stamps, 1967 & 1968 PPCs with 13c Bird or 5c Bird + 8c Fish etc; also bundles of small covers with an array of 45c frankings & selected for the Queensland or Tasmanian cds. Generally a very clean lot. (350+) 400

Ex Lot 207 Ex Lot 208 207 CPS This & the next 4 lots comprise a collection of covers, PPCs and Postal Stationery selected for their quality, with attention to rates, postmarks & destinations, generally well above average condition for such collections. Selection of Kangaroo frankings including 1913 part-cover with First Wmk ½d 1d & 9d, 1913 NSW 1d scenic Postal Card to Germany uprated with 1d Roo & 1d Engraved, 1914 to Holland with 5d chestnut, 1924 within WA with 3d olive + KGV 1½d green & 'AERIAL MAIL' h/s, 1920 double-rate to Czechoslovakia with 2d & 2½d + KGV ½d on 4d orange Registration Envelope, 1923 registered Adelaide-Germany with 6d blue, 1937 double-rate airmail to Germany with 2/- x2 + KGV 1d etc{Page 33.1} (32) 1,250 208 CPS King George V Sideface frankings including 1922 to Java x2 with 2d scarlet pair or 4d blue, 1922 to Germany with 4d violet, 1922 PPC to Czechoslovakia at 2d rate with message in Esperanto, 1923 Resch's PTPO 1½d Envelope to Germany with 1½d red, 1924 within WA with 1½d green strip of 3 & 'BY/AIR MAIL' h/s, 1933 to Germany with 1½d brown pair, 1934 flight cover with 5d on 4½d tied by 'WAVE HILL/NT' cds, 1937 airmail to Germany with 5d & 1/4d, 1938 registered First Day of Empire Rate Airmail with 5d & KGVI 3d etc; also Official mail with 'OS' perfins including ½d green on postcard & 1d violet on wrapper, perf 'VG' 5d on 1935 local registered cover. Excellent lot.{Page 33.2} (93) 1,500 Page: 34 Website: Dec 18, 2010

COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA - Postal History (continued) Lot Type Grading Description Est $A

Ex Lot 209 209 C 1927-36 Commemoratives etc with Canberra 1½d on PPC to Turkey, Kookaburra 3d single & pair on two FDCs with Exhibition cds in red plus M/S on registered cover to GB with Exhibition cds in red & blank provisional registration label, & a single on commercial cover to USA, Airmail 3d group, Sturt 1½d x2 & 3d registered 'BUNTINE' (WA) to Germany, Kingsford Smith 3d pair registered to Holland & 6d registered to USA, Large Lyrebird 1/- registered to Germany, Macarthur 2d with 'ROYAL TRAIN/AUSTRALIA' cds & 'FOUND OPEN' label on reverse, etc, also a group of flight covers.{Page 34.1} (80 approx) 1,000 210 C 1937-52 KGVI Period in two volumes with Definitives 1/4d + KGV 5d airmail to Switzerland, NSW Sesqui 3d & 9d pair airmail to Germany, 9d airmail to Singapore & 9d + KGV ½d on KGV 1½d Postal Card by air to Germany, Forces & POW mail including POW 1/- lettersheet to Germany & scarce Military PO cds, several to Palestine & four to Malta, post-WWII several to Occupied Germany (one with a makeshift Esperanto label), 1951 airmail to Falklands, registereds, advertising, censored etc.{Page 32.2} (200 approx) 800 211 C 1953-65 QEII Period in two volumes with Food 3d on bank passbook envelope & strip of 3 on correctly rated airmail to Germany, Olympics 7½d surface to Germany, 2d brown pair on PPC to NZ, Animals 9d strip of 3 & 1/2d (printed matter) both airmail to Germany, Flowers 2/- + 2/3d on White Paper registered air to Germany & 3/- solo registered air to Gilbert & Ellice Islands, Cattle 5/- + 1/6d registered air to Germany, Colombo Plan 1/- solo to Sarawak, most of the 2/- & 2/3d Commemoratives on commercial airmail covers including double-rates & registered, formular aerogrammes, military concession rates including from Vietnam, etc.{Page 14.6} (140 approx) 1,000 212 CPS Cigar tin with commercial airmails, FDCs, military etc, a few better items noted including War Medal Wrapper used (faults), QE 1/0½d Registration Envelope uprated with 5/- Arms, 1d Roo Postal Card to Liverpool Concentration Camp, commercial airmails including 1968 Intelsat 25c, 1972 Food 35c & Christmas 35c etc, also AAT 8d on Abbott promotional PPC of Wilkes Base, generally fine to very fine.{Page 32.3} (50+) 350 213 CPS Small cover album with many items to Europe including commercial airmails with scarce solo frankings of Games 2/3d, Airmail 2/3d & Produce Food 35c etc, a few decimal period PPCs, some FDCs etc. (80 approx) 300 214 C A/B Box of 1960s-1980s mostly philatelic airmail covers to Austria, some are commercial (including from stamp dealers) with better contemporary frankings including Birds 15c + 30c & 30c + Olympics 25c both registered, 1968 Christmas 25c, Flowers 15c postcard & printed matter rates, 30c Cook & 30c Royal Visit etc. (73) 250 215 C Parcel Post group with PP labels including c.1910 Victoria x2 (one damaged), 1930s-40s types x6; & Parcel Post Customs Declaration Forms including 1890s long cover to GB with NSW form on the reverse, 1910 large-part Queensland black/pink form with 1/- pair tied by 'PARCEL POST/ROCKHAMPTON' cds, 1935 CofA form with KGV 1/4d tied by 'NEBO/QUEENSLAND' cds, 1940s various forms from food parcels at 3/7d (2) or 5/10d rates (3) with adhesives to 5/-; etc, condition rather mixed, also some post-WWII unused labels including "...Liquids" types & forms. Ex Robin Occleshaw.{Page 32.4} 500T 216 CPS Dead Letter Office group including WWI & WWII covers to servicemen, Western Australia 1899-1918 four different DLO Envelopes - two registered - including a rare long type, condition variable. Ex Robin Occleshaw. (26) 300T 217 C B 1914 commercial double-rate cover to "Canal Zone/Panama/Cent America" with Kangaroos First Wmk 1d red & 4d orange tied by Goulburn (NSW) cds, 'EMPIRE CZ/RECD' arrival b/s, minor blemishes. Excellent destination. 300T 218 C A 1915 cover to "Balboa Heights/Canal Zone" with Second Wmk 2½d tied by cds, 'PASSED' h/s in violet of Melbourne. 150T 219 C B 1917 large piece from a parcel addressed to a soldier in France (?) with remarkable franking of KGV 1d red (defective) & 4d yellow-orange + Kangaroos Third Wmk 2/- brown (defective) all with 'OS' perfin & tied by Melbourne cds. A very rare item.{Page 32.5} 750T 220 C A 1922 triple-rate cover to "Czekko-Slovakia" [sic] witrh scarce franking of Kangaroos Third Wmk 6d blue & KGV Single Wmk 5d tied by 'DUNTROON/AUSTRALIA' cds, scarce red/white 'NSW/DUNTROON' registration label, rare 'QUEANBEYAN A/NSW' b/s also Sydney & London transit b/s. [The rate was 4d for the first ounce + 2d for each additional ounce x2 = 8d + 3d registration]{Page 32.8} 500 221 PS B 1929 double-rate usage of KGVI Oval 1½d Envelope to Colorado uprated with Kookaburra 3d from a M/S! & tied by 'CUNDERDIN' (WA) cds, minor blemishes. [The rate was 3d for the first ounce + 1½d for each additional ounce] 150 Dec 18, 2010 Prestige Philately - Auction No 161 Page: 35

COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA - Postal History (continued) Lot Type Grading Description Est $A 222 CL B 1937 Swift & Co double-rate cover to England "Per Australian-Singapore-England Air Mail" with Roos 9d vertical pair, KGV 4d olive block of 4 plus 2d all tied by multiple 'AIR MAIL/BRISBANE QLD' cds, minor edge blemishes. 200 223 C B 1938 registered cover to "Zagreb Hrvatska" (= Croatia) with Large Kookaburra 6d tied by 'MANJIMUP_' (WA) cds, Ljubljana transit in red & Zagreb arrival b/s, vertical fold. 150 224 C A- - airmail cover to "Macassar/Netherlands East Indies" with Large Kookaburra 6d & KGVI 3d blue Die II tied by Sydney slogan cancel, endorsed on the flap "Send by/Royal Netherlands Indies Airways", 'MAKASSER' arrival b/s. 150 225 C A/B 1951-65 bundle of mostly overseas airmail covers & PPCs (3) with better frankings including 1/3d Bull (+ 6d Kooka), Food 3d strip of 3, 2/3d Cable & 2/3d ANZAC, two underpaid with Austrian Postage Dues added, mostly to GB but also to Japan, South Africa & Kenya, postmarks including 'MORWELL HEIGHTS' & 'QUARRY HILL'. (32) 250 226 C 1956-96 Box jam-packed with the definitive collection of Australia's Certified Mail (Recorded Delivery) service with an array of covers plus a plethiora of post office forms, blocks & sheets of labels, copies of Post Office notices about the service, etc; also a bundle of 1980s Security Post material. Ex Robin Occleshaw.{Page 32.6} (Qty) 300T 227 C A- 1960 stampless local cover with Melbourne cds & 'T 10D' h/s in red, Postage Dues No Watermark 5d Die II BW #D151 vertical pair (Cat $200 on cover for a single in 1999) with initials in pen, a couple of insignificant opening faults.{Page 32.7} 300T

Lot 228 Lot 230 228 C A 1964 registered airmail cover with German Restitution Office imprint, to Germany with scarce franking of Cattle 5/- White Paper +3d pair tied by Sydney cds, white/red Express label, Dusseldorf arrival b/s. [The rate was 2/3d + 2/- registration + 1/3d express fee = 5/6d]{Page 35.1} 250 229 C A- 1965 commercial usage of Motels of Australia Ltd lettersheet with Travelodge & Caravilla "watermark", B&W photo of the Grafton South motel on the reverse. 100 230 C B 1966 commercial airmail cover to Austria with rare dual-currency franking of ICY 2/3d + QEII 3c tied by 'HORNSBY/18MY66/NSW-AUST' cds, minor blemishes. [From 14/2/1966 the rate was 25c. 2/- = 20c + 3d = 2c + 3c = 25c]{Page 35.2} 250 231 C A 1969 British Forces in Australia concession rate cover to England sent by a member of the British Defence Liaison Staff at Canberra with 6c Honeyeater tied by Canberra machine cancel, boxed 'DEFENCE FORCES/POSTAGE RATE' h/s. Rare usage. 200 232 C B - a similar cover from British Defence Liaison Staff with Gem 6c pair (double-rate ?) tied by Canberra slogan cancel, twin strikes 'BRITISH DEFENCE FORCES MAIL/(crown)' circular h/s in violet, vertical fold & opened-out. 150 233 DC MACHINE CANCELLATIONS: Annotated collection - plus some duplicated material - of continuous-machine cancellations from the early-1900s to the 1930s (+ 1951 Southport!), mostly Krag types & many with slogans especially WWI military & loan subjects, many scarce to rare types (but sadly no Melbourne oblong "flag"). There are approximately 80 covers or fronts including OHMS mail with 'OS' perfins & advertising covers, also 1922 Melbourne-Launceston cover with rare domestic franking of KGV 4d blue. An excellent lot, of broad appeal. Ex Robin Occleshaw.{Page 36.1} (100s) 600T 234 DC - the continuation lot comprising the best & most wide-ranging collection of slogan cancellations we have ever seen, virtually all mounted on neatly annotated pages in five boxes/small cartons, scads of unusual/regional/local slogans noted. While the strength is in the post-WWII period, there is quite an array of earlier material including some continuous-machine types. The majority are on neatly trimmed pieces (yes, including the dateheads!) but there is a quantity of covers as well including many advertising types, postal stationery etc. The WWII period includes numerous censored covers. Also included are many copies of internal PMG's Department memos regarding slogan-issuing procedures. Terrific thematic content! Ex Robin Occleshaw. (1000s) 1,000T COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA - First Day Covers

235 C A 1942-50 Definitives 1½d Queen Mother vertical pair tied to plain FDC by '(POR)T LINCOLN/1DE42/SOUTH AUST' cds (a bit indistinct against the green stamps, but undoubted), Cat $800. 300 236 C A 1951 Federation 3d se-tenant pair & 5d tied to PMG's Department OHMS cover registered to the United States by 'GPO SYDNEY 130/1MY51/NSW-AUST' cds, three American backstamps in purple. 200 237 C A/A- 1954-55 Railways, ANARE & Nursing FDCs with Brisbane (2) or New Farm cds, typed addresses & unsealed flaps, a couple of very minor blemishes. Scarce. See MWP at page 69: "Queensland Photographic Cachets". (3) 150 Page: 36 Website: Dec 18, 2010

Ex Lot 233 - Early Machine Cancels Ex Occleshaw Ex Lot 239 - Jack Peake First Day Covers

Ex Lot 243 - Peake Woodcut FDCs Ex Lot 244 - Unaddressed Woodcut FDCs

Lot 245 - Ditk Hartog FDC Ex Lot 246 - 1966 & 1969 Christmas

Ex Lot 248 - Eight Different FDCs

Lot 247 - 1968 Mexico Olympics Dec 18, 2010 Prestige Philately - Auction No 161 Page: 37

Lot Type Grading Description Est $A COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA - First Day Covers - "Jack Peake" Covers [All lots in this section are covers hand-illustrated in colour by the late AJ ("Jack") Peake of Adelaide. From the early-1950s Jack also handmade his covers from high-quality art paper. We have been advised that of most subjects Jack produced no more than 4 covers of varying designs (of which most have been previously dispersed). However, on occasion he produced separate covers for each value in a set plus covers bearing the full set. Where possible, sets are offered complete.

Lot 238 Lot 240 238 C A 1951 Federation Jubilee complete set tied by Karoonda cds of 1MY51.{Page 37.1} 200 239 C A 1950-52 KGVI Definitives 6½d brown & 7½d blue, Karoonda cds of 20FE52 or 31OC51.{Page 36.2} (2) 300 240 C A 1953 Coronation set tied by Gladstone cds of 25MY53, lion rampant illustration. {Page 37.2} 200 241 CL A 1953 Tasmanian Sesquicentenary set tied to long cover by Gladstone cds of 23SE53. 150 242 C A 1953 Tasmanian Stamp Centenary 3d pair tied by Gladstone cds of 11NO53. 100 243 C A 1954-56 group with woodcut illustrations comprising Telegraph Centenary (#33 of 36), Red Cross (#6/37), WA Stamp Centenary (#7/45), Railways (#14/35, unaddressed), USA Memorial (#29/60, unaddressed), Cobb & Co (#24/40) & YMCA (unnumbered), cancelled on the appropriate dates at Gladstone (4) or Nailsworth (3). {Page 36.3} (7) 350 244 C A - a similar but unaddressed group with woodcut illustrations comprising Red Cross (#22/37), WA Stamp Centenary unnumbered), Railways (#11/35), USA Memorial (#36/60), YMCA (unnumbered) & Olympics 4d (unnumbered), cancelled on the appropriate dates at Gladstone (3) or Nailsworth (3).{Page 36.4} (6) 300 245 C A 1966 Dirk Hartog 4c tied by Stock Exchange cds of 24OC66, unaddressed.{Page 36.5} 150 246 C A 1966 Christmas & 1969 Christmas 5c, Stock Exchange cds of 19OC66 or 15OC69.{Page 36.6} (2) 250 247 C A 1968 Olympic Games 5c & 25c on unusual size cover (210x135mm) with Stock Exchange cds of 2OC68, unaddressed.{Page 36.7} 200 248 C A/A- 1970-79 group comprising Qantas 6c, Stock Exchange (addressed), QEII 7c, Women's Year, 1975 Christmas 15c, 1976 Olympics x2 (18c Soccer & 18c Gymnastics) & Year of the Child, unaddressed.{Page 36.8} (8) 500 249 CL A 1976 Christmas 15c & 45c, 1977 Christmas 15c & 45c and 1978 Christmas 15c & 55c, all with Hindmarsh FDI cds, unaddressed. (3) 300 250 CL A 1978-1988 commemorative sets comprising 1978 Trees, 1984 Clipper Ships and 1988 Art of the Desert, all tied by Hindmarsh cds, unaddressed. (3) 250

Lot 251 251 CL A 1988 Bicentennial Series 2c 3c 5c & 30c tied by Hindmarsh FDI cds, unaddressed. Hilarious illustration of philatelic judges tossing a coin in front of the frames: "Heads...a Gold; Tails...a Bronze!"{Page 37.3} 150 252 CL A 1994 Year of the Family set, Glenelg FDI cds, unaddressed. Gorgeous! 150 Page: 38 Website: Dec 18, 2010

Lot 253 - Superb Airmail Label

Lot 254 - Faked Cover!

Lot 255 - Great Letter Card Usage

Ex Lot 257 - Trial Bay Camp x7 Items

Lot 256 - Exuberantly Censored!

Lot 258 - Very Fine POW Cover Dec 18, 2010 Prestige Philately - Auction No 161 Page: 39

Lot Type Grading Description Est $A COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA - Flight Covers

253 C A 1920 (July 30) Melbourne-Traralgon flight cover AAMC #47 with a superb example of the violet/yellow 'HERALD/AERIAL/DELIVERY' label tied to the face by 'HERALD & WEEKLY TIMES' "clock" cds and WA ½d (fault) & 'ONE PENNY' on 2d cancelled on arrival with 'TRARALGON/VIC' cds, Cat $1200. Most examples seen have faults such as vertical folds, toning etc. In addition, most are overfranked, this being one of the few we have seen paid at the correct rate of 1½d. [A similar cover sold for $1725 at our auction of 22/4/2006]{Page 38.1} 1,000T 254 C B 1921 (Dec 3) cover to Derby with ½d 1d 1½d & 2d tied by Fremantle cds, light strike of the 'PERTH DERBY/ AERIAL MAIL' cds - the forgery, note Wide Second 'A' in 'AERIAL' - at lower-left & another part-strike on the 2d AAMC #56c, 'DERBY' arrival b/s, minor blemishes, Cat $400. NB: the entire cover is a fabrication. The stamps are genuine but ALL the markings are forgeries!{Page 38.2} 250T COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA - Military - World War I

255 PS A 1915 (March) usage of KGV Sideface 1d Letter Card ("MURRAY RIVER WEST AUST" In an unusual red shade) to a civilian internee at "Berrima Det Barracks" with Edgecliffe (NSW) cds & a largely superb strike of the rare 'CENSORED/BERRIMA DETENTION BARRACKS/BERRIMA NSW' cachet in violet on the viewside. An exceptional & rare inwards item.{Page 38.3} 500 256 PS B 1918 usage of POW lettersheet with 29mm printed Free "cachet" & seriffed heading, from Holdsworthy Camp (NSW) to Germany with large Lt Col Holman cachet in violet & 'PASSED BY CENSOR/16AU18/=C.S=' cds in magenta applied at Sydney, 50% of the letter within totally obliterated by the censor, minor blemishes. Terrific example of an extensively censored letter being allowed to continue to destination.{Page 38.6} 300 257 PS B/(B) TRIAL BAY DETENTION BARRACKS (NSW): 1916-18 group of Prisoners of War postal stationery comprising 1) envelope (repaired tears) with 24mm Free h/s in violet to Germany, plus the enclosed letter; 2) envelope with 26mm Free h/s to Sydney; 3) envelope with 25mm printed Free "cachet" & seriffed heading to Queensland; 4) ditto but with sans serif heading & unusually small 'RSSands LT COL/...' h/s in blue to the USA, plus the enclosed 'CONCENTRATION CAMPS, AUSTRALIA/.../TRIAL BAY...' letterhead; & 5) lettersheet with 29mm printed "cachet" to Sydney; good to fine. [The letter to the USA states: "We have now a good theatre...bowling alleys, tennis courts, football, fishing...Most prisoners belong to an educated class...from China ports, Siam, Malaya, Philippines, Australasia..."]{Page 38.4} (7 items) 500 258 PS A - 1916 usage of POW envelope with 25mm printed Free "cachet" & seriffed heading, to Queensland with large Lt Col Holman cachet in blue & fine strike of the scarce 'CENSORED/DETENTION BARRACKS/TRIAL BAY NSW' cachet in violet, 'KEMPSEY/17NO16/=NSW=' cds.{Page 38.5} 250

Extract Lot 259 259 PS/L A+ - 1917 usage of POW envelope with 25mm printed Free "cachet" & seriffed heading, to Germany with large Lt Col Holman cachet & boxed 'PASSED BY/CENSOR SD' cachet both in violet, with the enclosed letter headed "TBay 29 Nov 17" on 'CONCENTRATION CAMPS, AUSTRALIA/PRISONER OF WAR LETTER' letterhead. Superb!{Page 39.1} (2 items) 400 260 PS A- - 1917 usage of POW envelope with 25mm printed Free "cachet" & sans serif heading, to Occupied German New Guinea endorsed on the flap "HRaum, Det Barr Trial Bay", with boxed 'PASSED BY/CENSOR SD' h/s in violet applied at Sydney & poor Brisbane transit cds, very fine '[crown]/PASSED CENSOR/18OCT1917/RABAUL' d/s in violet. Ex Banwell. [The sender was the Lutheran missionary Hans Raum who was accused of being a German collaborator & interned in 1915. He was writing to his wife Marie, at Finschhafen]{Page 40.1} 500 261 PS A - Inwards Mail: 1915 usage of German Red Cross POW reply postcard to Liverpool Camp with British transit censor cachet, on arrival endorsed "Trial Bay" in red. 250 262 C B - 1916 stampless POW cover from the Swiss Red Cross to Trial Bay with Geneva machine cancel & boxed 'PASSED BY/CENSOR SD' cachet in violet applied at Sydney. 200 263 C B - 1918 stampless cover to Trial Bay with Amsterdam cds, missent to Austria where triangular censor cachet in red applied & 'GESCHLOSSEN/von d Zensur d GZNB' label affixed to the flap, boxed 'PASSED BY/CENSOR SD' cachet in violet applied at Sydney. Unusual missent item. 250 264 C B - 1918 stampless cover from POW camp in India to Trial Bay with 'Lieut Colonel/Sup Civil Camp/Sholapur' & 'PASSED CENSOR/SHOLAPUR' cachets and light 'SHOLAPUR' cds backstamp, 'CENSORED/GERMAN CONCENTRATION CAMP/LIVERPOOL' h/s in blue & resealed with a small piece of mauve tape, minor blemishes. Excellent inter-camp mail. [Sholapur was a sub-camp near Ahmednagar]{Page 40.2} 300 Page: 40 Website: Dec 18, 2010

Lot 264 - from POW in an Indian Camp Lot 260 - Missionary Internee to New Guinea

Ex Lot 272 - State/CofA Frankings x4 Ex Lot 271 - Valuable Scenic Letter Cards x13

Ex Lot 273 - First Time on the Market

Ex Lot 284 - Good Lot

Lot 316 - 6d Rate x10! Lot 312 - Last Sold for $1000 over Estimate Dec 18, 2010 Prestige Philately - Auction No 161 Page: 41

Lot Type Grading Description Est $A COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA - Postal Stationery

265 PS B/A PTPO Envelope 1d Roo with 'OS'-of-Dots-in-the-Die for Victorian Education Department used in 1923 with 'YARCK/VIC' cds & 'T ("1d")' h/s, small defects; & Registration Envelope KGV Sideface 5d with Red Star on the Flap RE7 to England with KGV 2d orange & scarce red & black/white 'GEORGE STREET' (Qld) registration label. 150

Ex Lot 266 Ex Lot 267 266 PS Single-volume mostly used pre-decimal collection with Postal Cards (16), non-scenic Letter Cards (8), Envelopes (21), Official Envelopes with 'OS'-in-the-Die KGV 1d red & 1½d brown, Registration Envelopes (29, including 4d Roo with boxed 'REGISTERED' used but defective, 4d Roo RE2 to NZ with red/white 'ALBANY' (WA) label, KGVI 5½d to Egypt & 8½d to Occupied Germany uprated with 5/- Arms), Wrappers (11, including Roo ½d), Aerogrammes (21, including two registered), & a few others, generally fine to very fine.{Page 41.1} (100 approx) 600 267 PS A/A- ENVELOPES: Handy selection including Kangaroo 1d red Die II, KGV 1d red Dies I & II, "Star" ½d green (PTPO) & 2d orange, 'POSTAGE' Added 2d orange & 2d scarlet, 'THREE/HALFPENCE' on No 'POSTAGE' 2d orange & 'POSTAGE' 2d scarlet, stock variants in the KGV & KGVI Embossed Oval issues, 133x116mm Sizes KGVI 2½d 3d & 3½d and QEII 3½d, 1962 RAS Show 5d (2), Long Types 5d light blue & 5d red, early decimal issues complete simplified, unused & generally fine to very fine. An excellent basis for expansion.{Page 41.2} (59) 750

Lot 268 Lot 270 268 PS A - 1913 Kangaroos 1d red Die I #E1 two examples in the original post office band with printed 'ONE PENNY/ STAMPED ENVELOPES/Two, 2½d.', unused. Rare "pack" as sold over the post office counter.{Page 41.3} 500 269 PS A - 1978-99 collection in three massive plastic albums, apparently complete unused. High thematic content, impressive bulk, and significant face value. (Qty) 200 270 PS B ENVELOPES - PTPO: 1947 1½d green & Four Bars on 2½d red Menuz #67 window envelope - the window measures 118x35mm - for Warburton Franki (Melb) Ltd, the Overprint Slightly Misplaced away from the Original Value Tablets (and the only such variety we have seen), Melbourne machine cancel of 13AUG/1947, opened-out & a couple of minor blemishes, Cat $US1100. [Sinfield states that the Post Office made an error in applying the 2½d embossing and corrected it in this manner to the requisitioned denomination. John Sinfield's example - with minor blemishes - sold for $1380 at our auction of 20/11/2004. Steve Schumann's example - with a vertical fold - sold for $1955 at our auction of ]22/4/2006 {Page 41.4} 1,250T 271 PS A/B LETTER CARDS: Valuable group of scenic issues comprising Fullface 1d unused & used (3) plus 1d+1d Reply Letter Card used but without a message, Kangaroo 1d used (2, one of Feb 1913 uprated with 1d Roo + NSW ½d), KGV Sideface used (2), 'THREE/HALFPENCE' in Blue on 1d CTO, 1½d brown CTO, 1½d purple unused & 2d orange/white CTO ("suntanned" on the face), fine to very fine.{Page 40.4} (13) 800 272 PS A/A- POSTAL CARDS: 1911 Coronation 1d KGV in ornate oblong, Queen Mary in oval of laurel, Prince of Wales in diffused oval & in wreath of oakleaves, all commercially used to Germany & uprated with NSW ½d (2) or WA ½d (2). A very desirable quartet.{Page 40.3} (4) 1,000 Page: 42 Website: Dec 18, 2010

Lot 289 - Very Fine 3d SG 42 Pair Lot 291 - Ex Tomasini Lot 296 SG 108 Pair

Lot 294 - 6d Green-Grey Ex Lot 295 - Imperforate 8d Group

Lot 297 - Major Retouches SG 136b

Lot 300 - Diffused Die Proof Lot 302 - Triptych

Lot 301 Lot 304 Lot 305 - New Listing Ex Lot 306 Dec 18, 2010 Prestige Philately - Auction No 161 Page: 43

Lot Type Grading Description Est $A AUSTRALIAN COLONIES/STATES - General & Miscellaneous Lots

273 C 1850s-1880s recently liberated family covers from Victoria (12, all with Emblems or Woodblocks frankings, one with 'GEELONG GAS COMPANY' imprint), NSW (4, one with octagonal 'DOWN TRAIN/ MG2 /VICTORIA' and 'WABDALLAH/VICTORIA' b/s) or Tasmania (3) plus a large-part cover from India with 4a green & 8a rose block of 6 tied by 'MAHABLESHWA RS' duplex, mostly to Major Henry Berthon at his properties "Weatherboard Station" or "Lullote" - both at Inverleigh (Vic) - & a few from Inverleigh to Tasmania, various frankings & postmarks, condition very mixed. [See also under Tasmania, Victoria, India and Switzerland]{Page 40.5} (20 items) 500T 274 *WO Stockbook with selections from all Colonies/States with many useful pickings throughout including Classic imperf & perforated Issues, values to 10/- etc, mostly used, condition very mixed so inspection is recommended. (1300+) 600T 275 O New South Wales selection on stock pages with Classics range including a few attractive stamps; also a page of South Australia including Imperf 2d single (very fine) & vertical pair (a little cut-into) plus '3-PENCE' in Red on 4d, etc, condition mixed. (380 approx) 300T 276 O*/** Victoria Half-Lengths comprising 1d SG 28c, 2d SG 16b with Butterfly '29' of Port Fairy/Belfast, 3d SG 7 & 3d SG 29a, condition variable, Cat £440; also Tasmania Sidefaces 9d 'TAS' Wmk & V/Crown Wmk blocks of 4, both with the lower units unmounted, Cat £80++. (12) 200T 277 C Bundle of documents with revenues or postage stamps used fiscally & values to 1/-, noted 1880 (Sep 30) usage of Tasmanian Platypus 1d grey (stated to be the earliest recorded usage on document), some duplication, generally fine. (50+ documents) 300 278 O Large shoebox with a completely unsorted array of loose stamps from all Colonies/States. We noted high values, official & commercial perfins, railway stamps, revenues & fiscally used postage stamps etc etc. The vendor states that he included some Victorian Laureates with Emergency Watermarks but that he has otherwise not checked watermarks & perfs etc. Many hours of fun! (1000s) 500

Ex Lot 279 279 * Mint stock from all Colonies/States with NSW Sidefaces to 1/-, Centennials to 1/- (14) & Perf 10 20/-, later to 2/6d (4) & 5/- (2), also 'OS' Overprints to 1/- (5) & 12½d (3); Queensland Second Sidefaces to 2/- (4), Large Chalons to 10/- (3) & £1 (2), 'COMMONWEALTH' 9d (7); South Australia Thin 'POSTAGE' to 1/- & Thick 'POSTAGE' to 5/-; Tasmania Sidefaces to 5/-, Tablets to 2/6d (2), 1900 Pictorials to 6d (6), Platypus to 1/- (3); Victoria Middle Period to 2/- (9) & 2/6d, later 19th Century to 5/- including 1/- (8), 1/6d blue (toned), 1/6d orange (3) & 2/- (5), CofA Period to 5/- (2) including 9d (8), 1/- (9) & 2/- (2); Western Australia 8d 9d 10d 1/- (4) 2/- 2/6d & 5/-; etc, condition variable but heaps of potential for shades, watermarks etc, STC £14,000+. Ideal lot for the re-seller or for a collector starting out on a new adventure.{Page 43.1} (1500 approx) 2,500

Ex Lot 280 280 W*O Collection in stockbook & on Hagners with some useful material from NSW including a very fine Sydney View 2d, Laureates 2d unused, 1888 5/- & 20/-, Charities pair mint, & an unused 5/- Map optd 'OS'; Queensland Imperf 1d (very close margins) & a sound 2d; South Australia with earlies including '3-PENCE' in Red on 4d; Tasmania 1899-1900 Pictorials mint to 6d; Western Australia with a sound Penny Black, 1861 2d blue with Grossly Misplaced Perforations ('POSTAGE' at the Base) & unused 4d vermilion cut from the sheet, CA 3d mint block of 4, later to 5/- with 2/6d mint, & another used with 'F&G' commercial perfin; etc, rather disorganised & condition variable but close inspection will be rewarded.{Page 43.2} (100s) 1,000 281 *WO Selection including NSW imperfs Sydney Views No Clouds 1d marginal example (repaired at base), Laureates including 1d Two Leaves Right of 'SOUTH' SG 48a in a pair with BN '65' cancel, 1d orange-vermilion SG 83 unused (cut-into at top left) & No Leaves Right of 'SOUTH' SG 83a cleaned fiscal, 3d SG 67 vertical pair & 6d (2, faults), later issues including optd 'SPECIMEN' to 1/-; Tasmania 4d Courier (2, one with major faults), imperforate Chalons (19) mostly cleaned fiscals but including Large Star 4d x4 postally used; very mixed condition.{Page 30.6} (100+) 1,000T 282 O Mystery lot. Inspection recommended (or you won't know what's in it!). (100s) OfferT Page: 44 Website: Dec 18, 2010

Lot 308 - Unlisted Value Lot 330 - Proof

Ex Lot 323 - TPOs Selection

Ex Lot 310 - Bundle of Wagebook Extracts

Ex Lot 334 - Second Sidefaces Group

Lot 331 - Bell Essay Ex Lot 332 - Plate Proofs Lot 335 - Rare Perfs, Unused

Lot 343 - Plate Proofs Ex Lot 336 - Colour Trials Lot 339 - Die Proof Dec 18, 2010 Prestige Philately - Auction No 161 Page: 45

AUSTRALIAN COLONIES/STATES - General & Miscellaneous Lots (continued) Lot Type Grading Description Est $A 283 CPS A/B Folio of covers, Postal Stationery & PPCs with some better usages & postmark interest, destinations including Bosnia, Schwerin x2 & Danzig; also a few CofA including 1920 to Holland with 3d Roo perf 'OS'; a few NZ and Samoa 1914 PPC with Opts ½d & endorsed "Active Service"; condition variable. (92) 350 284 CPS Bulging album of used Postal Cards & other stationery plus some PPCs & covers. NSW includes 1906 local printed matter PPC, 1901 2½d rate to Newfoundland & 1910 with complete 'TRAIN PO 1 NORTH' machine b/s; Queensland with eight scenic Postal Cards including 1d in claret & in yellow-brown; Tasmania with a very scarce KEVII ½d green Wrapper to New Zealand; Western Australia with 1896 usage to Germany of 1d Postal Card uprated with 1d x2; postmark & destination interest, generally fine to very fine. {Page 40.6} (110+) 600 285 CPS Squat cover album with an array of PPCs including some attractive subjects & Postal Stationery with a very fine unused group including Queensland 1d+1d Reply Letter Card, etc, also some CofA covers. (100 approx) 200 286 OC REVENUES: Stamp Duty mint multiples with NSW 1929-50 4d Numeral irregular block of 26, Victoria 1915 2d Numeral marginal block of 12 with full offset, others from Queensland and South Australia; embossed duty including Victoria 1888 Colonial Bank cheques (7) with 1d colourless embossing & 1887-92 cheques with 6d (13) or 1/- (5) coloured embossings; also CofA Tax Instalment $20 (6) & $40 (17); condition variable. (100s) 200 NEW SOUTH WALES

Lot 287 Lot 293 287 W A 1850-51 Sydney Views Plate II (Clouds) on Hard Bluish Paper 1d pale red SG 5 [16], good even margins, unused, Cat £6500. Ex Crocker (1938). RPSofV Certificate (2010).{Page 45.1} 6,000T 288 G A+ - Yellowish Wove Paper 3d myrtle-green SG 40, very early impression, margins good to large, bold bars cancel of Sydney, Cat £1200. A superb example of this very scarce stamp.{Page 30.8} 1,500T 289 G A - Bluish to Grey Wove Paper 3d yellow-green SG 42 horizontal pair [1-2], margins good to large, indistinct numeral cancels, Cat £450+. Ex Ferrari & Wiggins. [One of the finest recorded pairs of this stamp]{Page 42.1} 800T 290 H A/B 1851-55 Laureates Plate I Fine Impressions on Blue to Greyish Medium Paper 2d greyish blue SG 55 block of 4, margins close to large, the third unit with a thin at upper-right, untidy BN '68' cancels of Scone, Cat £140++. A rare multiple. {Page 30.9} 600T 291 G A - Medium Bluish Paper 8d yellow-orange SG 80, good even margins, neat bars cancel of Sydney, Cat £600. Ex Tomasini, who was renowned as a connoisseur.{Page 42.2} 750T 292 G A+ 18551-55 Laureates Numeral Watermark 3d yellow-green with 'WACES' at Right SG 87a, margins good to large with fragments of three adjoining units, bars cancel of Sydney completely clear of the variety, Cat £160. An exceptional example. 200T 293 W A 1854-59 Large Diadems 5d dull green SG 88, margins close to large with a fragment of the adjoining unit at right, unusually deep rich shade, unused, Cat £1100. [A larger & more attractive stamp than the example that sold for $1437 at our auction of 3/10/2010]{Page 45.2} 1,500T 294 W (A) - 6d greenish grey SG 90, margins good to large, closed scissor-cut in the margin at lower-left just touches the design, unused, Cat £700. {Page 42.4} 500T 295 O - 8d yellow (2 shades) & 8d dull yellow-orange SG 97 & 98, all with margins close/just clear to large, a few problems but quite attractive, Cat £4000+. Caveat emptor. [Mounted on an old album page - to which at least two of them do not belong - along with another worm-eaten example! & three perforated stamps with the perforations removed]{Page 42.5} (7) 500T 296 * B/A 1856-60 Small Diadems 1d carmine-vermilion SG 108 horizontal pair, margins close to large, the first unit with an ironed-out vertical crease, large-part o.g., Cat £360+. Scarce multiple.{Page 42.3} 300T 297 G/F A-/A 1860-72 Diadems Perf 12 2d blue four examples with Major Retouches SG 136b, one a little aged, two with fine Rays '84' or '178' cancels of Tenterfield or Marengo, Cat £1600.{Page 42.6} 450 298 G A - Perf 12 2d blue with Extensive Retouching at Left SG 136b, an unusually large stamp, Sydney duplex largely clear of the retouched areas, Cat £400. 200T 299 P B/A 1870s De La Rue 2d die proof in black on highly glazed card (92x60mm), vertical crease clear of the impression; also a similar proof reduced to stamp-size, appears to be a rejected or unfinished die. (2 items) 250 Page: 46 Website: Dec 18, 2010

Ex Lot 315 - 1880s Covers x60+ Lot 313 - Rare Franking

Ex Lot 361 - Queensland Advertising Group Lot 317 - to Tattersalls in Brisbane

Lot 364 - pre-1901 Covers Lot 368 - Postal Fiscal from Stanthorpe

Ex Lot 370 - Border Mail ex Barringun & Oontoo Ex Lot 372 - Numeral Covers x100+ Dec 18, 2010 Prestige Philately - Auction No 161 Page: 47 NEW SOUTH WALES (continued) Lot Type Grading Description Est $A 300 P A+ - 4d die proof in red-brown on highly glazed card (92x60mm), the ink widely diffused. Superb! [At first glance, this item appears to be defective as a result of the impression being badly rubbed. However, there is no evidence of any rubbing. It seems that the die was over-inked]{Page 42.7} 350 301 F A B1 1862-65 De La Rue No Watermark 2d blue SG 188 marginal example from the top of the sheet with Plate Number '1' (unusually in an oval device), light cds cancel. Rare. [The only other plate number item from this issue that we have seen was a mint single that sold for $575 at our auction of 10/4/2010]{Page 42.9} 150T 302 P B 1897-99 Jubilee 1d 2d and 2½d triptyche of proof impressions in purple on a single piece of glazed paper (137x94mm), a little soiled. [Far superior to Sir Gawaine Baillie's similar but defective item that sold for $460 at auction in 2005] {Page 42.8} 500T 303 * A - Arms 1d Die II horizontal pair in a bright aniline shade, the left-hand unit Imperf at Right & the right-hand unit Imperf Three Sides, large-part o.g. Unlisted by Gibbons and rare. RPSofL Certificate (2002) as SG 290c(var). [This error is different from the vertical pairs from the right-hand side of the left-hand pane that are imperforate three sides with a large wing-margin]{Page 30.7} 800 304 * A 1899 Chalk-Surfaced Paper 6d emerald Imperforate Pair SG 307a, large-part o.g., undercatalogued at £475.{Page 42.10} 600 305 * A OFFICIAL STAMPS: 1882-85 Perf 10 3d yellow-green with Double Overprint One Albino newly listed as SG O22aa, characteristic rough perfs, large-part o.g., undercatalogued at £100. RPSofV Certificate (2009).{Page 42.11} 500T 306 * A/A- POSTAGE DUES: 1891-92 ½d to 20/- SG D1-10, a few minor blemishes & the 1d without gum otherwise large-part o.g., Cat £1100.{Page 42.12} (10) 450T 307 ** A PRIVATE RAILWAYS: Silverton Tramway First Issue 1d 1½d 3d & 6d plus 1½d block of 4 (some reinforcing), Later Issue 1d & 6d blocks of 4, 1966 1c block of 4, unmounted. (20) 100T 308 W A REVENUES: 1866 embossed stamped paper £1/3/8d proof impression on wove paper overprinted 'SPECIMEN' in blue in a seriffed font. This particular value is not listed by Elsmore Online.{Page 44.1} 200T 309 G (B) - Beer Duty 1891 6d green & scarlet 101x80mm, straight-edge at right, C Jefferies Britten datestamp of 1AUG94 in violet, small faults/repairs. [Beer Duty stamps were supposed to be heavily defaced & were often cut-in-half] 150T 310 O - Wages Tax 1930s array on bundle of wagebook extracts, highly catalogued by Elsmore Online; also some ephemera including a couple of WWI items & a pile of rubbishy stamps.{Page 44.5} (100s) 400 NEW SOUTH WALES - Postal History

311 C B 1851 envelope to "Gresford/Upper Paterson" with very fine Sydney Views Plate IV 2d SG 31 (large even margins) just touched by BN '55' of 'NEWCASTLE' (b/s), minor soiling; and 1852 large-part outer to Scotland with Sydney Views 3d yellow-green (two large margins, shaved at base & left), ironed-out vertical fold clear of the stamp. (2) 300 312 C B 1852 entire to England "pr Formosa Steamer/via Southampton" with the letter headed "Bullalara/Braidwood", Sydney Views 3d yellow-green SG 42 (full margins) & Laureate 2d Plate I SG 54 (marginal example from the base of the sheet, small fault at top) tied by light but clear strikes of BN '36' of 'BRAIDWOOD' (oval b/s), ironed-out vertical fold that passes between the stamps & horizontal fold that crosses the stamps but is apparent only under very close inspection. Ex "Manwood" (1995): realised $US2090 (1995): sold for $2645 at our auction of 24/6/2006. [Lightly cancelled 4-margin 3d "Views" are rarities in their own right]{Page 40.8} 1,500 313 C B 1860 cover to Sydney with rare franking of Small Diadems 2d + Laureates Perf 12 'REGISTERED' (6d) orange & Prussian blue SG 119 - a couple of concealed faults - tied by poor numeral cancels of 'PICTON' (b/s), unusual 'SYDNEY/ A /=NSW=/ B ' arrival b/s. [This issue is much scarcer on cover than the earlier & more highly catalogued imperforate version]{Page 46.1} 450T 314 C B - (Dec 22) large-part cover-front to London with 'VIA/MARSEILLES' embossed "ribbon" & four-colour franking of Diadems 1d 2d 3d & 6d tied by Sydney duplex, a couple of small faults. Pretty. 150T 315 C 1880s bundle of covers to the one addressee in Sydney virtually all with DLR 1d x2 or 2d frankings, mostly from the south-east of the Colony with many from Bega (one with 6d & 'REGISTERED/BEGA' h/s), Pambula & Bombala, also two with mss "X" cancels & "Wyndham" endorsements and 1882 with 'WYNDHAM' cds (ERD), two with Rays '617' of 'WOLLONGOUGH' both with 'MARSDENS' & 'MORANGARELL' transit b/s, etc, interest also in the Sydney backstamps, condition rather mixed.{Page 46.2} (60+) 400 316 C B 1883 cover front to California with Perf 10 6d mauve x6 & 1/- black pair tied by Sydney duplex, 'PAID ALL'-in-oval h/s in purple, minor blemishes. Remarkable item paying ten times the 6d rate.{Page 40.7} 300 317 C B 1895 (Oct 31) cover to "Tattersalls/The Telegraph Chambers/Brisbane" with 2d Emu only tied by poor '1204' of 'STANMORE ROAD' (b/s), endorsed "OR 3d" (= Officially Registered) & with 'MORE TO PAY' h/s, 'NEWTOWN' & 'TRAVELLING PO NORTH/NSW' transit b/s, minor blemishes. Stanmore Road PO from Stanmore 6/9/1886; renamed Enmore 1/11/1895. [The Tattersalls sweepstakes business operated from Brisbane for only a short time in the 1890s before being enticed by the Tasmanian Goverment to relocate to . Tatts covers from the brief Brisbane period are rare & much sought-after. A similar cover sold for $719 at our auction of 14/8/2010]{Page 46.3} 400T 318 C (B) 1911 oversize (166x122mm) advertising postcard for Edouard Fischer Manufacturers' Agent to Germany with ½d & 1d, reinforced vertical crease & repaired peripheral faults still an impressive article. 100 319 PS POSTAL STATIONERY: Album with attractive used selection with Postal Cards including 1887 with undated 'TPO/No 1 N/ A ' cancel, four scenic issues including " MARKET" etc, also some Envelopes, Wrappers etc, generally fine to very fine. (36) 250 NEW SOUTH WALES - Postmarks 320 SD Duplicated array of numerals etc on album pages & in a stockboook etc. (100s) 250 Page: 48 Website: Dec 18, 2010

NEW SOUTH WALES - Postmarks (continued) Lot Type Grading Description Est $A 321 SDC Heavily duplicated postmarks from West Maitland with BN '64' (Reversed '4'), other numeral types, several covers including a few early ones, condition variable. Ex John Forrest. (70 approx) OfferT 322 DC Quakers Hill Royal Australian Navy Apprentices Training Establishment: 1958-60 album of duplicated material with an array of '___RA/NSW-AUST' "relief" cds including on certified & registered (2) covers, similar lot of 'RANATE QUAKERS HILL' types including certified (8) & registered (12, all philatelic) covers. (100s) 100 323 SD TRAVELLING POST OFFICES: Apparently all-different selection of mostly good to very fine strikes on stamp or piece with twelve early undated types, 'WEE WAA/TPO', 'TPO FORBES LINE' etc. {Page 44.3} (47 items) 300

Ex Lot 324 324 SDC - Mounted collection with lots of loose material including scarce early undated types plus covers/cards with undated 'TPO/No 1 N', 'TPO/No 1 N/ A ', 'TPO/No 3 N/ 3 ' & 'TPO/No 1 S/ A ' (part-cover), also 1888 'TRAVELLING PO NORTH', 1896 'TRAVELLING PO No3 NORTH B/ U ', 1901 'MOREE TO WERRIS CK/TPO' (registered), 1904 'TRAVELLING PO No 3 SOUTH A' (registered), 1897 'TRAVELLING PO SOUTH No 3' (to England), 1890 'TRAVELLING PO No 1 WB' (x2; one with a superb strike), 1888 'TRAVELLING PO No 2 WEST', 1907 'TPO No 2 WEST' etc. Ex John Forrest. Outstanding opportunity.{Page 48.1} (26 covers etc) 1,600 QUEENSLAND

Ex Lot 325 325 P A/B Selection of mostly imperforate Chalon plate proofs comprising 1d (2), 2d (3, one in black), 3d (2, one a marginal example in steel blue), 4d in pale blue, 6d & 1/- plus Lithographed High Values set all defaced with blue pencil (the 2/6d 5/- & 20/- are perforated), a few problems but generally fine to very fine.{Page 48.2} (17) 1,000T

Lot 326 Lot 327 326 P A 1860 Imperforate die proof of the Chalon vignette only in black on thick ungummed unwatermarked wove paper. Ex Perkins Bacon Archives.{Page 48.3} 2,000T 327 W A - 6d green SG 3, margins close to large with complete outer framelines, unused, Cat £7000. RPSofV Certificate (2010). [One of the finest examples recorded: at least the equal of Bernie Manning's example that sold for $16,675 at our auction of 12/5/2007]{Page 48.4} 12,500T 328 W A- 1862-67 Thick Toned Unwatermarked Paper Rough Perf 13 1d Indian red SG 21, a few faint tonespots on the reverse, unused, Cat £375. Underrated. 200 329 * A/A- - 1d orange-vermilion to 1/- grey simplified set between SG 22 & 29, the 2d & 6d cut from the sheets to preserve the designs, large-part o.g., Cat £540. (5) 200 Dec 18, 2010 Prestige Philately - Auction No 161 Page: 49

QUEENSLAND (continued) Lot Type Grading Description Est $A 330 P A 1868-78 Crown/Q (Type '5') Perf 13 4d First Transfer (No Additional Ornament at Right) imperforate plate proof vertical pair in yellow on thin card, margins good to large with complete outer framelines. [A similar marginal pair sold for $529 at our auction of 5/12/2009]{Page 44.2} 400T 331 E A 1879-80 First Sidefaces William Bell ½d Type C essay with Void Background & Corrected 'Q' imperforate plate proof pair in carmine-pink on ungummed watermarked paper, margins close to large, 'SPECIMEN' handstamp diagonally in black. {Page 44.6} 400 332 P* A/B - plate proof pairs on ungummed unwatermarked paper comprising 1d in red-brown or coral-pink, 2d in bright ultramarine & 6d in green, also 1/- singles x3; 2d plate proof pair in grey-blue on watermarked paper imperforate except at top where Perf 12; plus 'Half-penny' on 1d reddish brown Die I & Die II singles SG 151 & 151a, large-part o.g., Cat £850; a few minor faults. Colourful.{Page 44.7} (10 items) 1,000 333 * B 1882-95 Large Chalons Thin Paper Wmk '5' 5/- carmine as SG 154 but with Double Printing, 'SPECIMEN' h/s horizontally in blue, a few small tonespots, large-part o.g. Double Prints are unrecorded in the literature. Ex Bernie Manning. RPSofV Certificate (2010) states "showing partial kiss print". 300 334 WOP A/B 1882-95 Second Sidefaces apparently imperforate singles comprising 2d blue SG 168 (2), Redrawn 2d blue SG 180 (3, one a cleaned fiscal) & 1890-94 1d (fiscal); Watermark Inverted 1d pale vermilion-red as SG 166 (unused) & 2d blue as SG 168 horizontal pair x2; 1895 Q/Crown plate proofs 1d perforated pair in orange-red & 2d imperf strip of 3 in blue.{Page 44.4} (10 items) 800 335 *W A/(A) - 1884 Perf 9½x12 1d (large-part o.g.), 2d (unused) & 1/- (unused, repaired at right) SG 176-178, Cat £890. Very scarce.{Page 44.8} 300 336 P A/A- 1895-96 Wmk Q/Crown Type '6' 5d perforated plate proof blocks of 4 in slate-blue, dull orange, yellow-brown, dull grey-brown & three shades of brown-purple, all on gummed unwatermarked paper, a few minor blemishes, large-part o.g. with some units being unmounted.{Page 44.9} (7 blocks) 650

Lot 337 Ex Lot 340 337 E B 1896-1902 Redrawn Values (Figures in Lower Corners Only) 6d imperforate proof in brown on ungummed unwatermarked wove paper BW #Q42(DP)1F, minor thinning at top, Cat $3000. Ex Manning. [This is a progressive design with the spandrels in the lower corners represented by small white triangles only. The ACSC characterises such proofs as die proofs, and not plate proofs (but note there are traces of units at both left & right). They exist in 8 different colours, of each of which between 2 & 6 examples only are recorded]{Page 49.1} 1,000 338 P B 1897-1908 Figures in Four Corners ½d perforated plate proof marginal horizontal strip of 5 from the top of the sheet in blue-green on gummed unwatermarked wove paper, a few bends, large-part o.g. 200 339 P C/A - 1d die proof block of 4 in dull carmine on ungummed unwatermarked wove paper, large margins, the upper units thinned. Unlisted in the ACSC. Ex Manning. [No die proofs for this value are listed but similar die proof blocks of 4 are listed for the 3d 4d & 6d, Cat $4000 to $5000 each]{Page 44.10} 500 340 P A/B - Two Figures 2½d imperforate plate proof blocks of 4 (x5) or 6 on ungummed blue-grey wove paper, in grey-brown (the block of 6), dull brown-purple, dull violet, dull rose, dull carmine or carmine BW #Q23(PP)1A to G (ex D, in green), the last two are marginal blocks endorsed "carmine" or "carmine appd" - though nothing like the issued colour - in the margins, generally fine but some minor thinning & a few bends, Cat $13,250. A rare & desirable group. Ex Wm Knight, JH Chapman & Colonel Harrie Evans: sold for $2352 (2002). At that time we had not recognised that these proofs belonged to the 1897 issue, for which - by virtue of their unusual nature - they are more highly regarded. [The ACSC confirms that these proofs were colour trials for the "Four Figures" 2½d on blue paper, issued in January 1899]{Page 49.2} (6 blocks) 2,000 341 P A- - Two Figures 2½d imperf plate proof single in orange-brown & horizontal pair in yellow-brown on ungummed unwatermarked blue-grey paper as BW #Q23(PP)1 but in unlisted colours, margins just clear to large, minor shallow thinnings. 200 342 P A/B - Two Figures 2½d perforated plate proof marginal block of 12 (4x3) from the right of the sheet in carmine-pink on gummed unwatermarked blue-grey paper BW #Q23(PP)2, some thinning, large-part o.g. with six units being unmounted, Cat $3000+. Ex Manning. {Page 50.1} 650 343 P A-/B - Four Figures 2½d perforated plate proof blocks of 4 in carmine or dull claret on gummed watermarked blue-grey paper BW #Q23(PP)3A & C, a few tonespots, Cat $2000. Ex Manning. {Page 44.11} 500 Page: 50 Website: Dec 18, 2010

Ex Lot 351 Lot 349 - Perf 12

Lot 342 - Colour Trial

Ex Lot 354

Lot 374 - Fine Block

Lot 355

Lot 359 - Nineteen Pounds Fifteen Shillings Lot 373 Lot 377

Lot 379 Ex Lot 357

Lot 385 - SG 1 Ex Lot 383 - Plate Proofs

Lot 376 - Red Lot 378 Dec 18, 2010 Prestige Philately - Auction No 161 Page: 51

QUEENSLAND (continued) Lot Type Grading Description Est $A

Lot 344

Lot 347 344 P A/B - 4d die proof block of 4 in yellow-orange on ungummed unwatermarked wove paper as BW #Q25(DP)1 but all units are Die II, huge margins, the lower units creased, Cat $4000+. Ex Manning. [The ACSC states "It is believed that all the recorded blocks are Die I"]{Page 51.1} 2,000 345 P A - 4d perforated plate proof in pale yellow-orange on gummed watermarked paper marginal block of 6 (3x2, the first four units are Die II) from the right of the sheet, endorsed on the reverse "prf for colour/not apprd 14.5.98" BW #Q28(PP)1A, Double Perforations at right, large-part o.g., Cat $1500. Ex Wm Knight, JH Chapman & Colonel Harrie Evans. 400 346 P A - ditto, marginal block of 6 from the left of the sheet in a deeper shade, endorsed on the reverse "proof for colour/apprd 14.5.98" BW #Q28(PP)1B, Double Perforations at left, large-part o.g., Cat $1500. Ex Wm Knight, JH Chapman & Colonel Harrie Evans. 400 347 P B/A - 6d die proof block of 4 in green on ungummed unwatermarked wove paper BW #Q39(DP)1, huge margins, the upper units with minor thins that don't affect the very fine appearance, Cat $5000. Ex Manning. [The ACSC states "Two blocks are recorded, one of which is in the Royal Collection"]{Page 51.2} 2,800 348 E A/B 1899-1906 Widow's Weeds ½d perforated plate proof with '1837 - 1897' Removed from the Lower Corners (Blank Tablets) BW #Q1(PP)1 block of 4 in blue-green on ungummed unwatermarked wove paper, small stain between the first & third units, Cat $2000+. Ex Manning. [The ACSC states this was "a plate proof block of 40...It was rejected...It is probable that not the whole of the block has survived. There is a strip of 10 in the HL White Collection in the Mitchell Library"] 1,000 349 * A B2 - Perf 12 ½d deep blue-green BW #Q3A (SG 262b) block of 4, large-part o.g., Cat $2000+ (Cat £400+). Ex Manning. {Page 50.3} 500 350 * A/A- - Perf 12 ½d deep grey-green BW #Q3B (SG 262b shade) block of 4, a few short perfs, large-part o.g., Cat $2000+ (Cat £400+). Ex Manning. 250 351 *P A/B 1900 Boer War Charity 1d & 2d SG 264a-b, large-part o.g., plus 1d imperforate plate proof singles in indigo, pale ultramarine, yellow-green & dull green; a few small imperfections.{Page 50.2} (6) 700 352 */** A 1906 Redrawn Die 2d blue BW #Q18 (SG 281) block of 4 & three marginal blocks of 6 in various shades, large-part o.g. with most units being unmounted, Cat $660++ (Cat £220++). (22) 100 353 G A C1 1907-11 Crown/A 1d scarlet-vermilion apparently Printed on the Gummed Side, 'TOWOOMBA' machine cancellation of 31OCT12. Not listed in the ACSC. Offered "as is". Reasonable offers considered. 200 354 * A 1907-11 Crown/A Large Chalons 2/6d the four listed shades (BW #Q55D on Thinner Paper is a marginal example), 5/- the three listed shades, 10/- & £1 #Q65A & B (between SG 309 & 312), large-part o.g., Cat $3300 (£1550+). A very scarce & desirable assemblage of the various shades (missing only the 10/- on Thinner Paper & the £1 yellow-green: see the next lot). A generally under-rated issue. [Note that Gibbons state that the Thinner Papers were issued in 1912. In fact, all values were issued in 1911]{Page 50.4} (10) 1,200

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QUEENSLAND (continued) Lot Type Grading Description Est $A 355 * A C1 - £1 deep green on Thinner Paper #Q65C (SG 312d), a few shortish perfs, Cat £1700 ($2500). A rare stamp. Ex John Williams. RPSofV Certificate (2010) states "known as deep yellowish green, 1911 printing on thin paper". [This is a good example of a misleading shade descriptor. Viewed in isolation, we doubt if anyone would call this shade "yellow-green" as it is in the catalogues. When compared with #Q65B it is clearly less "blue" but it is nonetheless a blue-green variant. Elsewhere this stamp has been charactised as "myrtle-green", which is also inaccurate & unhelpful. It is a deep green shade (as noted by Gibbons but oddly not by the ACSC) but the more important factor is the thinner pre-gummed paper. Our view is that the Thin Papers should be catalogued separately, a distinction drawn with the initial Large Chalon printings of 1882-95]{Page 50.5} 1,250 356 W A CARRIER STAMPS: Bryce Ltd 1950 1/- orange block of 4, unused. 150T 357 W A RAILWAY STAMPS: 1896 Wmk Crown/Q 1d 3d 6d & 1/- set of 4 with 'CANCELLED' handstamp (inverted on the 1d), thick ungummed paper, characteristic rough perforations.{Page 50.10} (4) 250T 358 WO A/B - 1976 Tropical Gum 5c to $5 #QR144-151 in horizontal pairs all for Theebine, one unit in each pair with per favour '145' barred cancel in violet, also 5c block of 10 and 1988 World Expo 10c & 20c strips of 5 with similar cancels in the sheet margins plus a World Expo $2 strip unused; plus Theebine Station Parcel Stamp counter book (battered condition, no stamps) signed off 31/3/1989 on the station's closure. (15 items) 150 359 D A REVENUES: 1872 piece (163x138mm) from a document with exceptional franking of Postal Fiscals 1866-68 10/- green & 20/- pink x19 (including a block of 6) + 1871-72 5/- ochre tied by 'SUPREME COURT OFFICE' cds, some stamps have faults but the overall appearance is very fine.{Page 50.7} 600 QUEENSLAND - Postal History 360 SD Postmarks collection on leaves in large carton with a huge quantity of numerals, two-line 'REGISTERED/...' handstamps & datestamps, strength is in material from 1901-07 Tatts covers but there are some earlier items and a quantity of later material to the mid-1960s. Our vendor took out some items but, aside from removing the covers, the collection is completely unchecked by us and is bound to be full of scarce to rare markings. Ex John Forrest. Most of the other Queensland postal history & postmark lots in this sale are also from this source. (1000s) 2,000T 361 CPS Early advertising group with imprints of hotels & traders, handstamps of three different goldmine companies, illustrated Dunlop Tyres cover, notices on Postal Cards including for Castlemaine Brewery & 1880 for Watson Ferguson & Co promoting Christmas Cards!, condition variable. Scarce lot.{Page 46.4} (24) 500T

Ex Lot 362 Ex Lot 363 362 C Tattersalls covers with all-different selection of the two-line 'REGISTERED/...' handstamps '.../ADAVALE' to '.../YULEBA' including '.../ALPHA', '.../BOLLON', '.../DIRRANBANDI', '.../EMUFORD', '.../GOLDEN GATE', '.../HOPETOWN', '.../JUNDAH', '.../LAKES CREEK', '.../MOUNT GARNET', '.../MUNGARR', '.../PENTLAND', '.../PRATTEN', '.../TUMMAVILLE', '.../YEPPOON' (with superb 'POST OFFICE/[crown]/YEPPOON' mailbag seal in wax on the flap) etc, numeral, cds & TPO interest, condition very mixed. {Page 52.1} (59 items) 600T 363 CPS Shoebox of mostly early Tatts covers from all over the State with an array of cds including many better types, numerals including some rare but illegible ones, many registered covers including some with two-line 'REGISTERED/...' h/s, a few taxed including 1907 Brisbane-Gympie with boxed 'DEFICIENT POSTAGE 1D/FINE 1D - 2D' h/s etc, very mixed condition.{Page 52.2} (250 approx) 750T 364 CPS pre-1901 group including 1861 with 2d SG 15 apparently missent to England (part-flap with a key b/s is missing), 1872 OHMS with embossed 'THE TREASURY QUEENSLAND', 1880 to GB with First Sidefaces 4d x2, 1885 to Austria with Second Sidefaces 1/-, a couple with TPO b/s, several Postal Cards, condition variable.{Page 46.5} 400T 365 C B 1868 cover from Maryborough to South Australia with 6d, large-part strike of boxed 'MIS-SENT TO/ MELBOURNE- VICTORIA' h/s, Melbourne transit & Kapunda arrival b/s, flap removed. 200 366 C (B) 1874 (Dec 24; Christmas Eve) cover from Ireland to "Woodlands Cambooya/Darling Downs" with GB 3d rose Plate 15 vertical strip of 3 tied by 'DUBLIN - 186' duplex, largely fine strike of the rare 'MISSENT' h/s in black, Rockhampton & Brisbane backstamps, repaired fault at right and a piece from the back is missing. 200 367 C A- 1878 local cover with Chalon 1d vermilion tied by 'QL'-in-Brunswick-Star cancel, 'BRISBANE/QLD' cds alongside, a couple of insignificant pinholes. A very fine town-rate cover. 300T 368 C A- 1885 cover to NSW with rare "combination franking" of Second Sidefaces 1d pair + Postal Fiscals 1d blue SG F1 tied by Rays '163' of 'STANTHORPE' (cds below), endorsed "via Tenterfield" (poor transit b/s), Sydney transit & 'ASHFIELD' arrival b/s, minor blemishes. [Scarce inland routing, by-passing Brisbane. Stanthorpe is 55km S of Warwick, close to the NSW border]{Page 46.6} 1,000 Dec 18, 2010 Prestige Philately - Auction No 161 Page: 53

QUEENSLAND - Postal History (continued) Lot Type Grading Description Est $A

Lot 369 369 CL C 1892 OHMS cover front with Surveyor-General's office imprint at lower-left & endorsed "Lithos" at upper-left, to Melbourne with rare franking of Second Sidefaces 4d yellow pair & 1/- violet pair tied by the scarce 'PARCELS POST/BRISBANE' cds, two water-affected strikes of the rare 'THIS PARCEL HAVING BEEN/PREPAID, NO FEES ARE TO BE/PAID ON DELIVERY' h/s in violet, a few faults. A remarkable item, apparently used as an address label on a packet of lithographic prints to a firm of stock & station agents. The h/s is not recorded by Campbell & has not previously been seen by us.{Page 53.1} 400T 370 C B 1904 Tattersalls covers 1) with 'OONTOO/SE24/04/QUEENSLAND' cds & transits of 'INNAMINCKA/SA' sq-circle, 'FARINA/SA' sq-circle & 'P.A. RAILWAY/SA' cds; and 2) registered with Queensland 2d strip of 3 tied by 'BARRINGUN/NSW' cds, 'BOURKE/NSW' transit b/s. Rare border mails. [Oontoo is a ghost town 1330km WNW of Brisbane on the South Australian border. The Customs House closed in 1903 & the town was deserted. Frew states the PO closed c.-/2/1903! Barringun straddles the NSW/Qld border, but the PO has always been in NSW. It is 105km S of Cunnamulla (Qld) & 122km N of Bourke]{Page 46.7} (2) 300T 371 **O REGISTRATION LABELS: Shoebox of mainly Queensland labels, some annotated, part-pad of blue/white 'CONDAMINE' labels & a quantity of sheets of 25 blank provisional labels including distinctive Queensland types, also a few covers. Ex Robin Occleshaw. (Qty) 400T QUEENSLAND - Barred Numeral Cancellations

372 CPS Box of mostly Tatts covers with an all-different array of legible to superb Rays & Barred Numerals with the cds "ties" plus '7'-in-Circles, rated items include Rays '110' of Tiaro on Chalon 2d (rated RRR), '252' (RR), '318' (RR), '347' (RR) & 'LAURA' cds, '363', 1st Type '409' (RR, one stamp ripped-off), '422' (RRR) & 'LAKE CLARENDON' cds, '429' (RR), '533' (RR), '582' (RR), '584' (RR), '592' duplex with numerals facing left & facing right, '605' (RR), '618' (RR), '624' (RR) '629' (RRR), some on PPCs or Postal Stationery, condition is very mixed.{Page 46.8} (100+) 1,000T 373 S C A2 39: Rays '39' of Calliope bold strike on Imperf 1/- grey (thinned). Rated RRRR on Chalons.{Page 50.8} 100T 374 S A B1 40: Rays '40' of Burdekin on Crown/Q 6d yellow-green (deep shade) block of 4. Rated RR on Chalons. [Scarce multiple]{Page 50.6} 100T 375 C B B1 63: BN '63' largely fine strike on Tattersalls cover with 'BROOKVILLE/SP5/1904/QUEENSLAND' cds (LRD), Ravenswood & Townsville transit b/s. Rated RRRR. From RO to PO 1902; reduced to RO -/10/1905; closed -/10/1909. Goldmining; now a ghost town. [Only in Queensland could you have more than one PO using the same numeral! Rays '63' of Bowen and Clermont! are both common. Cowan & Dell record the cds used AU11/1903 to SP7/1903 only] 400T 376 S A A2 84: Rays '84' of Springsure in red on Sideface 2d. Rated RRRRR in red.{Page 50.12} 100T 377 S A A2 140: Rays '140' of Cania or Kroombit bold strike on Chalon 2d pair. Rated RRRR. [Not illustrated by Manning]{Page 50.9} 200T 378 S A A2 144: Rays '144' of Yatala fine strike on Chalon 2d. Rated RRRRR on Chalons.{Page 50.13} 100T 379 S A A2 471: Barred Numeral '471' of Canoona fine strike on 1882 Second Sidefaces Lined Background 2d. Unrecorded. PO 15/9/1889; closed 1896. '471' was subsequently re-allocated to Tiaro c.1906.{Page 50.11} 200T 380 S A/B B1-486: Barred Numeral '486' of Petrie Terrace three light strikes on Roos 1d red perf Large 'OS' strip of 3. Rated RRRR on CofA issues. 75T 381 C B B1 499: BN '499' largely fine strike on Tattersalls cover with 'WETHERON/OC14/07/QUEENSLAND' cds (ERD), Maryborough arrival b/s. Rated RRRR. PO -/5/1906; closed 21/6/1966. [The BN was transferred from Cairns, from where examples are common. Cowan & Dell record only one example of the cds, of MA30/12]{Page 54.1} 400T 382 S A B1- 631: Barred Numeral '631' of Eagle Junction light strike on 1d Roo. Rated RRRRR on CofA issues. 100T

Overseas clients pay no Australian Goods & Sales Tax (GST). Page: 54 Website: Dec 18, 2010

Lot 381 - '498' & 'WETHERON' cds Ex Lot 411 - Hobart from the Bay Study

Lot 405 - Gibbons' On-Cover Factor x50+

Lot 402 - Burra Overland to Sydney via Melbourne Lot 471 - Very Fine SG 17b Cover

Lot 472 - Major Flaw on the Stamp Lot 473 - Detained for Postage Dec 18, 2010 Prestige Philately - Auction No 161 Page: 55

Lot Type Grading Description Est $A SOUTH AUSTRALIA

383 P A/A- Imperforate plate proofs comprising 1) 1867 Perkins Bacon 2/- in black block of 6 [100-102/110-112], the last unit with a minor crease; 2) 1868 De La Rue 2d in magenta block of 4; & 3) Perkins Bacon 4d single in green on grey paper. [The last is of unknown status, is poorly printed, & is considered by us to be a facsimile]{Page 50.15} (3 items) 600 384 PO Plate Proofs with Tannenberg 5d imperforate marginal block of 4 in dull purple & ½d "Bantam" block of 10 in green, both ** ; also duplicated array in stockbooks including Long Toms Perf 'OS' Thin 'POSTAGE' 4d (114) and Thick 'POSTAGE' 4d (179) & 6d (158), Overprinted or Perf 'OS' to 6d with heavy duplication. (100s) 300 385 V A 1855 London Printings 1d dark green SG 1, good even margins, lightly cancelled, Cat £475. [This is a relatively common stamp. However, examples with clear margins are rarely seen, & lightly cancelled examples are even more elusive]{Page 50.14} 800T 386 W A - 2d rose-carmine SG 2, margins good to large, unused, Cat £550. Unusually fine & attractive. Ceremuga Certificate (2009). 800T 387 F/G A - 2d rose-carmine SG 2 horizontal strip of 6, the margins unevenly cut but remarkably virtually complete touching in only a couple of places, bars cancels of Adelaide, Cat £480++. A rare multiple. 600T 388 P (A) 1860-69 Second Rouletted Issue 2/- imperforate plate proof single in dull red-violet, ironed-out horizontal crease at the top. Rare; only a few singles are recorded. 400 389 P A- - 2/- imperforate plate proof single in dull violet, a couple of pre-printing paper-creases. Rare; only a few singles are recorded. 400 390 * A 1876-1900 Broad Star '3-PENCE' on 4d ultramarine SG 112 horizontal pair, large-part o.g., Cat £220++. 200T

Lot 391 391 ** A-/A+ - 1896 1/- sepia marginal block of 8 (4x2) from the right of the sheet perforated all around but otherwise Imperforate Vertically including at Right between the Stamps & Margin SG 130a/var, light vertical gum-crease affects the left-hand units, full unmonted o.g., Cat £1100+ (for four hinged horizontal pairs). A spectacular "miniature sheet" exhibition item!{Page 55.1} 5,000T 392 P A/B 1868-70 De La Rue 2d imperforate plate proof blocks of 4 in rose-carmine (one unit defective), dull violet (creased), bright blue & indigo, close even margins. (4 blocks) 300T 393 **/* A 1891-93 Surcharges Perf 10 '2½d' on 4d pale green SG 229 Plate Number '1' block of 30 (6x5) from the lower-right corner of the sheet, unit 7 with '2' and '½' Closer Together, unit 22 with Round Stop after 'd', thin in upper-right sheet margin, most units full unmounted o.g., Cat £240++. 150 394 EP A/B 1891-96 selection of Post Office competition essays by "Anglo-Saxon" (2), "Labor omnia vincit" (2), "Mail Steamer" (3, photographic reproductions), "Spero" (3) etc, also a cut-down De La Rue die proof of the Tannenburg 5d. An interesting if amateurish group. (15 designs) 3,000 SOUTH AUSTRALIA - Official Stamps

395 F/G B/A OVERPRINTED 'O.S.': 1876-85 Perf 10x11½-12½ 6d bright blue SG O18 horizontal strip of 5, minor toning, squared circle cancels; and 6d Prussian blue (this shade not recorded by Gibbons overprinted 'O.S.') horizontal strip of 6, untidy cancels. Rare multiples. (2 strips) 400 396 G A - 1891-1903 Perf 10x 11½-12½ 2/- rose-carmine SG O35 block of 4, GPO cds. Very scarce multiple. 150

As at 8th November 2010, $A100 = $US101, £62, €72 or ¥8250 Page: 56 Website: Dec 18, 2010

Lot 416 Lot 422 - Gorgeous Colour Trials Lot 420

Lot 423 - Imperforate Pair

Lot 430 - Imperf Vertically Lot 417 - Plate Number Lot 421 - Control Number

Lot 441 - Rated RRR

Lot 443 - RRRR

Lot 429 - SG F30 Magnificent Unmounted Mint Multiple Lot 442 - Rated RRR Dec 18, 2010 Prestige Philately - Auction No 161 Page: 57

Lot Type Grading Description Est $A SOUTH AUSTRALIA - Official Stamps - Departmental Overprints 397 WO Mostly used selection comprising overprints in Red (5), Blue (6) or Black (28) including variants rated RRR (2) & RRRR (4, including Black 'P.S.' on Rouletted 6d, with Ceremuga Certificate), very mixed condition but a handy starter lot. (39) 500 398 V B COMMISSARIAT OFFICE: Black 'C.O ' of Commissariat Office (Stop Omitted after Raised 'O' - Inserted by Hand?) on 2/- pink, characteristically faint print, poor centring, minor blemishes. Rated RRR+. Harry Lower's example sold for $506 at our auction of 5/9/2009. 200 399 F B CROWN LANDS: Blue 'C.L.' on Rouletted 4d, fault at upper-right. Overrated at RRRRR = "only one copy recorded". Ex Vic Bullock: acquired for $661 at our auction of 1/9/2007. RPSofV Certificate (2007). ["Sir Humphrey's" fine example sold for $1322] 750 400 F B - Black 'C.L.' on Star Perf 12 4d, trimmed perfs at base. Rated RRRR. Ex "Sir Humphrey": acquired for $345 at our auction of 8/10/2005. 300 401 * A- MILITARY: Red 'M.' on Rouletted 6d ultramarine, cut from the sheet to preserve the design, large-part o.g. Rated RRRR. 750 SOUTH AUSTRALIA - Postal History

402 C B 1852 outer headed "Aberdeen Burra Burra" to Sydney "Via Overland" with an almost fine strike of the 'KOORINGA' cds & a poor strike of the '[crown]/FREE' datestamp in red, Melbourne transit & Sydney arrival b/s. [The overland rate was 8d. The two "4" markings apparently represent 4d pre-paid + 4d payable on arrival. The letter states "There are a great number of vacant houses at this place now..." Copper mining]{Page 54.4} 450 403 C B 1859 ladies cover to Melbourne "per Havilah" with First Roulettes 6d slate-blue SG 17 not tied by dumb cancellation of Adealide & 'PAID' cds in blue alongside), a bit soiled. 180 404 CL (B) 1887 OHMS cover with 'Surveyor-General's Office' imprint to "Yarralena/via Beltana" with 'O.S.' Opts 6d bright blue SG O18 tied by Adelaide duplex, 'FARINA' arrival b/s, endorsed "Not Known/here" & with 'UNCLAIMED' h/s, returned with 'PA RAILWAY' squared-circle transit & very fine 27½mm DLO b/s in red, a few repaired peripheral tears. [Farina is 657km N of Adelaide, so Yarralena - not mentioned by Martin Walker & not known to us - must have been a very remote locality] 250T 405 CL B 1898 Education Department printed registration envelope with Type 2 'O.S.' Overprints 2d orange & 2½d violet-blue SG O75 pair (very scarce stamp on cover, Cat £15+ x50+) tied by Adelaide squared-circles, vertical fold at left. {Page 54.3} 400 406 C C 1903 commercial cover from Germany to Magill (b/s) but readdressed to the GPO, unframed 'UNCLAIMED' h/s & boxed 'REBUTS' h/s in red both on the face, Adelaide DLO cds also in red on the reverse, German boxed 'Zuruck' h/s in violet, damaged in transit & repaired with five blue wafers of two different types, minor faults & opened-out. 200 407 C A- 1905 PPC to Malta with 1d only tied by 'ABERDEEN' squared-circle, scarce 'T/15CTS' h/s, 'SUEZ' & 'MALTA' transit & 'COSPICUA/MALTA' arrival cds, endorsed "Refused", 'RETD LETTER OFFICE/MALTA' & 'DEAD LETTER OFFICE/ADELAIDE' (in red) cds. 200 SOUTH AUSTRALIA - Postmarks 408 SDC Duplicated selection from 'SALISBURY' including 22mm unframed cds x4 & squared-circles with various time codes etc; and 'VICTOR HARBOR' including 25mm unframed cds x4 (one on 2/-, another on piece with Diamond Numeral '176'), four more strikes of the numeral, 27mm squared-circle multiple strikes on Thick 'POSTAGE' 10d block of 6 - a very scarce multiple, Cat $150+ - & 9d Kangaroo etc. Ex John Forrest. (140 approx) OfferT 409 SD Starter collection on KGV Heads & Commemoratives with many very fine strikes throughout & bound to be some better items, noted a few late usages of squared-circles. (500+) 140 410 D A A1 Barossa Goldfield (1): unframed 'BAROSSA GOLDFIELD/SP1/69/S.A' three good to very fine strikes tying Perf 11½-12½ 1d SG 51 pair to small piece. Opened 1868; closed 1/7/1876. 250 TASMANIA

411 C Exhibit pages showing origins & development of the "Hobart from the Bay" design used for the 1898 Pictorials 2d. John Watt Beattie is generally credited with the 2d design: included is a non-contemporary transparency derived from Beattie's glass negative of his photograph of a painting by Haughton Forrest, which is now known to be the genesis of the design. A remarkable range of variants are shown on PPCs from a number of publishers including a 1906 Walch & Sons PPC of the original painting. An extraordinary group, of great interest to stamp & postcard collectors alike, condition variable.{Page 54.2} (19 items) 500 412 O Pictorials 1d & 2d annotated selection of plate flaws. Stated to be Ex Keith Lancaster. (15) 100 413 **W A/A- Crown/A Perforation Varieties comprising 1d Perf 11x12½x11x11 two unmounted vertical pairs (previously a strip of 4), 9d Perf 12½x12½x12½x11, 9d Perf 11x11x11x12 and 1/- Perf 12½x12½12½x12½, the last three with no gum, Cat $2100. Very scarce. (7) 600

When you are ready to sell your collection, remember that Prestige Philately offers you the critical combination of beautiful catalogues, scholarly descriptions, access to an exceptional Mailing List, and outstanding results. Page: 58 Website: Dec 18, 2010

TASMANIA (continued) Lot Type Grading Description Est $A

Lot 414 Lot 415 414 G A+ 1855 Large Star 4d deep blue SG 17, margins good to enormous with a fragment of the adjoining unit at the base & "chunks" of the adjoining units at left & right, light undiscernible numeral cancellation, Cat £110++. An extraordinary stamp of epic proportions & superb quality! Ex David Cohen. BPA Certificate (2007).{Page 58.1} 1,000T 415 F A 1863-71 Experimental Separations Pin Perf 5½ to 9½ at Longford 4d blue SG 106, well centred, BN '54' of Longford, undercatalogued at £400. Ceremuga Certificate (2010) states "Genuine in all respects, contemporary separation. Extrememly rare" (a statement with which we concur).{Page 58.2} 1,000 416 P A 1870 Sidefaces imperforate plate proofs/colour trials on Crown/CC paper 2d in deep green marginal block of 4 from the left of the sheet, large-part o.g. with the lower units being unmounted.{Page 56.1} 500T 417 P A - ditto, 4d in black marginal block from the top of the sheet with Plate Number '3', with two minor pinholes in the margin.{Page 56.5} 600

Lot 418 Lot 419 418 P A - 9d in dull yellow-orange marginal block of 4 from the right of the sheet, large-part o.g. with the lower units being unmounted.{Page 58.3} 500T 419 P A - 9d in bright red-violet marginal block of 4 from the right of the sheet, ungummed.{Page 58.4} 500T 420 P A - 9d in bright violet marginal block of 4 from the right of the sheet, large-part o.g. with the lower units being unmounted.{Page 56.3} 500T 421 P A - 9d in dull violet marginal block of 4 from the base of the sheet with Plate Number '50', large-part o.g. with the lower units being unmounted.{Page 56.7} 600T 422 P A - 10d in purple block of 4, large-part o.g. with the lower units being unmounted.{Page 56.2} 500T 423 * A 1871-78 Sidefaces Perf 11½ 9d blue Imperforate Pair SG 148a from the left of the sheet, margins close to large, large-part o.g., Cat £400.{Page 56.4} 350T 424 ** A/A+ 1880-91 Sidefaces Perf 11½ ½d deep orange SG 159a lower-right corner block of 24 (6x4), Units 58-59 with Pronounced Horizontal Plate Scratch, piece of selvedge missing at the base, unmounted. 200T 425 * A 1891 (Apr-Aug) Sidefaces Perf 12 ½d deep orange Imperforate Pair SG 172a from the left of the sheet, margins good to humungous, large-part o.g., Cat £200. 200T 426 * C/A/A 1906-07 Sidefaces Wmk Crown/A Compound Perfs comprising 9d BW #T70 (SG 256b) two variants Perf 11x12½x12½x12½ (rounded corner & aged) & Perf 11x12½x11x11 and 9d Perf 12½x12x12½x12½ #T71a (SG 256c), large-part o.g., Cat $700 (£460). [Gibbons price these stamps mint only; the ACSC prices #T71a mint only] 300 427 G A B1 1906-07 Tablets Wmk Crown/A Compound Perfs 1/- Perf 12½x12½x12x12½ #T79 (SG 257c), Cat $300 (£160 mint; unpriced used in both catalogues) and 10/- Perf 12½ #T80 (SG 258), Cat $700 (£225). 400 428 * A/B POSTAL FISCALS: 1863-80 St George & the Dragon Perf 12 2/6d carmine (faded), 5/- sage-green & 10/- orange SG F13 15 & 16 overprinted 'SPECIMEN', characteristic rough perforations, large-part o.g. Rare.{Page 60.1} 800

We will travel to you to accept a major consignment. Talk to us now to make the arrangements. Dec 18, 2010 Prestige Philately - Auction No 161 Page: 59

TASMANIA (continued) Lot Type Grading Description Est $A 429 ** A/A+ - 1888 Wmk 'TAS' Perf 12 2/6d carmine-lake SG F30 marginal block of 20 (5x4) from the top of the sheet, full unmounted o.g., Cat £1500++. Exceptional quality. BPA Certificate (2008). [From a technical printing perspective, this is a highly interesting and significant block. It highlights the chaotic laying-down of the plate that resulted in many units abutting their neighbours; there are numerous plate varieties, most noticeably hairline flaws on units R2/1 R3/1 & R3/2; and the varying degrees of plate wear are very evident, especially in the last row where three units remain quite sharp while the last is lacking most detail]{Page 56.10} 2,000T 430 * A - 1900 'REVENUE' Overprints Perf 12 1d blue Platypus marginal horizontal pair Imperforate Vertically from the right of the sheet so also Imperforate at Right SG F36b(var), with Plate Number '1', with large-part o.g., Cat £350++. BPA Certificate (2004).{Page 56.6} 1,000T 431 P A REPRINTS: Chalons 4d imperforate pair in pale dull ultramarine on thin card, margins close to large. 100 432 R A - 1870-71 Sidefaces 4d imperforate block of 12 (6x2) in blue on thin card with margins at both sides. 300T 433 O A REVENUES: 1935-40 three pages from a wages book with 'WAGES/TAX' Overprints comprising 1) 8mm Spacing 4d 1/- 2/6d & 10/-; 2) 3mm Spacing 1/- & 5/-; & 3) 3mm Spacing 5d 1/- & 5/-. Scarce & attractive.{Page 60.2} (3 documents) 500 TASMANIA - Postal History

434 C B 1829 part-entire to Campbell Town with an unusually fine strike of the small undated oval 'HOBART TOWN/V.D.L' h/s, minor overall soiling. [Most examples are barely legible] 350T

Lot 435 435 CL C 1855 long cover to "Henry Berthon/Weatherboard Station/Lower Leigh/Geelong" endorsed "Per Royal Shepherd" with Courier Plate II 4d dull orange SG 11 single (very fine, margins just touched - at the top - to large) and vertical pair (the upper unit badly damaged from rough opening but the lower unit very fine with good to large margins) tied by BN '64', light 'GENERAL-POST-OFFICE/HOBART-TOWN/[crown]' cds in red below, wax seal with impressed 'BANK OF AUSTRALIA/[shaking hands]/HOBART-TOWN' across the flap, 'SHIP LETTER/FREE/GEELONG- VICTORIA' b/s in red, contemporary pencil notes & sketches on both sides (mostly on the reverse), soiling & a vertical fold, a piece from the flap & archival tape used to effect repairs to the opening faults at upper-left & upper-right. A remarkable item, notwithstanding the faults/repairs.{Page 59.1} 1,000T 436 CL C 1866 long cover to "Captain Henry Berthon/Lallote/Inverleigh/Geelong" with scarce solo franking of 'TASMANIA' Chalon 1/- vermilion SG 41 (margins just clear to large with a fragment of the adjoining unit at the base) tied by BN '52', fine diamond 'POST-OFFICE/LAUNCESTON/[crown]' d/s in red below, central fold, the stamp a bit aged, & few minor repairs. [See also Lot XXX] 250T 437 CL B 1873 OPSO cover with 'GOVERNMENT OF TASMANIA/[Arms]' embossed in red on the flap to England with superb '[crown]/FREE' cds in red & signed "HVBuckland", four different London backstamps, minor soiling. 250T 438 C 1904-07 "pseudo-parcels" (one a large piece only) with all-different 'TASMANIAN GOVERNMENT RAILWAYS/ PARCEL' labels on white, bluish (2) or greenish (2) stocks, a few faults/repairs but quite presentable. [Sending mail by rail subverted the postal prohibition on delivery to Tattersalls] (5 items) 300 TASMANIA - Postmarks

439 S A B2 Glen Fern (2): 'GLEN FERN/JA -/13/TAS[MANIA]' largely fine strike on Pictorials 1d. Rated RRR. PO 1/4/1900; closed 30/4/1919. [A very fine example sold for $406 at a postal auction in 2007] 200 440 S C A2 Legana: 'LEGANA/7AU12/TASMANIA' largely very fine strike on Pictorial 1d (faults). Rated RRR. RO 1/4/1910; PO 1/4/1911. [Patrick Reid's very fine example sold for $322 at our sale of 9/2/2008] 150 441 S A A1 Long Island: 'LONG ISLAND/NO1/02/TASMANIA' (original state) very fine strike on Pictorials 1d. Rated RRR+. RO 1888; PO 1/7/1893; closed 31/12/1903. [A similar example sold for $1092 at our auction of 3/10/2010]{Page 56.8} 750 442 S A B1 Ridgeway (1): 'RIDGEWAY/AP7/09/TASMANIA' fine strike on Pictorials ½d. Rated RRRR. RO 9/10/1888; closed 31/12/1903. [A slightly superior strike sold for $1017 at a postal sale in 2007]{Page 56.11} 650 443 S A- A1- Verona: First type 'VERONA/6NO/12/TASMANIA' largely fine strike on Pictorials 1d. Rated RRR. RO only 1/8/1906; closed 31/8/1926. [A similar example sold for $852 at a postal auction in 2007]{Page 56.9} 450 Page: 60 Website: Dec 18, 2010

Lot 428 - optd 'SPECIMEN Ex Lot 433 - Extract Only

Ex Lot 445 - Blue Opt

Ex Lot 446 Lot 447 - Unised

Lot 449

Lot 448 - Superb Stamps Lot 450 - SG 61

Lot 451 - Exceptional Quality Lot 454

Lot 452 Lot 453 Lot 459 Lot 460 Dec 18, 2010 Prestige Philately - Auction No 161 Page: 61

Lot Type Grading Description Est $A VICTORIA 444 OW Range on leaves including Half-Lengths 1d & 3d (2), 2d Queen-on-Throne (4), Woodblocks 6d orange (3) & 1/- 'REGISTERED', 1d Queen-on-Throne strip of 3, rouletted 6d Queen-on-Throne (4, one possibly unused), Beaded Ovals, 6d Adapted Design Misperforated, Laureates to 5/- (3) including 8d orange, mixed condition. (83) 400 445 *WO Stockbook with selections of Half-Lengths, Woodblocks, Shilling Octagonals, Emblems, Beaded Ovals & Laureates with some better values & a smattering of unused/mint values to 5/-, Middle Period with 'STAMP - DUTY' Overprints unused & used plus some useful mint values including 1900 Charity pair, later issues used to 5/- x12 & mint to 2/- x2, a few perfins, Revenues to £5 etc including a fine fiscally used 'STAMP - DUTY' Opt in Blue on 1/- SG 306b (we have sold examples for up to $400 each), condition - especially of the Classic issues - is very mixed so inspection is recommended., STC £18,000+.{Page 60.3} (1000s) 2,000T 446 OW* Collection on Hagners with useful range of Classics, Middle Period with some unused/mint values, Commonwealth Period mint multiples etc, condition variable but close inspection will be rewarded.{Page 60.5} (100s) 500 447 W B 1854-56 Queen-on-Throne Campbell & Co Weak Impressions 2d purple-black on Toned Paper SG 21a horizontal pair [UX-WZ], margins just touched (at upper-left) to large, unused, Cat £500+. Scarce multiple.{Page 60.4} 400 448 F A+ 1854-57 Woodblocks 1/- 'REGISTERED' rose-pink & blue SG 34, two unusually large examples 1) with margins good to huge & a fragment of the unit above; & 2) a huge marginal example from the left of the sheet with margins just touching (at lower-right) to humungous, Barred Oval '42' of Gisborne; Cat £340+. A superb duo.{Page 60.7} 400 449 W ? (B) - 2/- dull bluish green/pale yellow SG 35, margins just clear to large, ironed-out vertical crease, a couple of tiny surface marks but apparently unused, Cat £2500. Offered "as is".{Page 60.6} 200T 450 F A - 1857 Experimental Separations 6d yellow-orange Compound of Serrated Perf 19 and Serpentine Roulette 10-10½ SG 61, Cat £170. A very fine example of this unusual & underrated stamp.{Page 60.8} 200 451 F A+ 1857-63 Emblems Wmk Star imperf 1d yellow-green SG 41 horizontal strip of 3 with a chunk of the adjoining unit at left, good even margins, marginal watermark lines at right, Cat £57++. Superb multiple!{Page 60.10} 150 452 W A - Imperf with Large Star Wmk 4d dull rose SG 44, margins close to large, unused, Cat £325.{Page 60.11} 350T 453 W A - Smooth Vertically Laid Paper Rouletted 5½-6½ 2d brown-lilac SG 69a, unused, undercatalogued at £275. This stamp is much scarcer than the Horizontally Laid variant SG 69. Kellow at page 120 states "Unused copies are rare" & no multiples are recorded. NB: Ken Barelli had no unused example.{Page 60.12} 500T 454 W* A-/(B) 1859 Perf 12 by Robinson 1/- blue SG 81 vertical pair, the upper unit with minor thinning, the lower unit with ironed-out creases but large-part o.g., Cat £400+. Ex Perry & Kellow. [Only two unused blocks of 4 & a handful of pairs are recorded]{Page 60.9} 300 455 O C - 1/- Octagonal SG 81a with Enormous Retouch at Left extending from above the 'I' of 'VICTORIA' to below the 'E' of 'ONE', significant thinning doesn't detract from the very fine appearance, light duplex that only slightly intrudes on this huge retouch. Ex Kellow: with part of his exhibit page where he states "This is the most extensive retouch in all Victorian lithographs" & "The only example so far recorded". RPSofV Certificate (2008).{Page 68.1} 1,500T 456 O B B2 1860-66 Wmk Words of Value 6d grey-black SG 94 with Re-Entry to Value Tablet at Right, a few short perfs at the top. With a normal stamp for comparison. 150 457 G B 1862-64 Redrawn Perf 12 Wmk Single-Lined '6' 6d grey-black as SG 107b but with the Watermark Sideways horizontal pair, minor blemishes. Unlisted by Gibbons & unrecorded by Kellow.{Page 68.2} 400 458 * A-/A 1863-83 Laureates Single-Lined Numeral Wmk 4d dull rose Perf 12½x12 SG 110d, a huge but poorly centred example from the lower-right corner of the forme of 15, a few short/trimmed perfs; and 6d blue Perf 12x13 SG 111b, unusually well centred; both with large-part o.g., Cat £165. (2) 150 459 * A+ C1 - Saunders Paper 4d rose Perf 12x13 SG 121a, large-part o.g., Cat £150. Superb!{Page 60.13} 200 460 * A+ B1 - V/Crown Perf 13 2d dull lilac SG 132h with Major Frame Break at Lower-Left, large-part o.g., Cat £65+. Superb!{Page 60.14} 200 461 * A+/A - V/Crown Perf 13 4d dull rose SG 135, & another very pale shade (Ex Wise), both with large-part o.g., Cat £170. The first is superb! (2) 150 462 H (A) - V/Crown 5/- blue/yellow SG 139, attractive example but it has been repaired, Cat £400.{Page 68.3} Offer 463 * A 1867-70 Emergency Printings Perkins Bacon Paper with Double-Lined Numeral Watermarks 2d grey-lilac Wmk '4' SG 155 block of 4, rejoined/reinforced along the perfs, large-part (streaky brown) o.g., Cat £640++. Ex Perry. [Kellow at page 156 states "Only one unused block of 4 is known"] 600 464 ** A+ C1 1896-99 Wmk '82' ½d carmine-pink with the Watermark Upright SG 330c marginal example from the left of the sheet, full unmounted o.g., undercatalogued at £100. Superb! 180 465 V A A1 OFFICIALS: 1901-10 V/Crown Perf 11 KEVII £1 rose CTO BW #V126ba, excellent centring, Cat $250. 150 466 ** A RAILWAY STAMPS: Decimals low denominations from a wide array of stations, unmounted. (96) 50 467 OD REVENUES: Collection on Hagners with some better values, 'CATTLE' & 'SWINE' overprints including on documents, Wages Tax group, receipts with values to 5/- etc, condition variable. (100s) 300 VICTORIA - Postal History

468 CPS B 1861 cover from Melbourne with crowned-oval 'BATESFORD' arrival backstamp; 1889 Postal Card with boxed 'UNCLAIMED...' h/s; 1906 Department of Agriculture cover with 1d perf 'OS; Education Department 1d with 'OS'-in-the-Die Envelopes used at Beechworth in 1919 (taxed) or at Bonnie Doon in 1921; a few blemishes. (5) 200 469 SDC Hagner album with a group of 1850s entires with the stamps removed, Melbourne postmark duplicates, "Belt & Buckles", TPOs etc, & a 1916 form with oval 'POST & TELEGRAPH OFFICE/CLUNES' d/s in blue.{Page 68.6} Offer Page: 62 Website: Dec 18, 2010

Lot 476 - One of only Four Half-Length Usages on Complete Newspaper

Lot 477 - Rare Solo 'REGISTERED' Franking Lot 474 - Adams Express Cachet in Red

Lot 479 - Pretty Two-Issue Franking Lot 480 - Attractive 3d Pair

Lot 487 - Rare Manuscript Cancellation Lot 485 - Rare 'MANSFIELD' Crowned-Oval Dec 18, 2010 Prestige Philately - Auction No 161 Page: 63

VICTORIA - Postal History (continued) Lot Type Grading Description Est $A 470 C B 1846 & 1847 OHMS entires to the Commissioner of Crown Lands at "Broken River" (Benalla) with poor 'SEYMOUR/PORT PHILLIP' or an above-average framed-oval 'OVENS/PORT PHILLIP' backstamps, rated "8" or "10" the latter amended to "9". (2) 400 471 C A 1852 outer with very fine Half-Lengths Ham Printing 2d pale dull brown SG 17b (margins just shaved - at lower-right - to good) tied by light Barred Oval '2' of 'GEELONG' (b/s), Melbourne arrival b/s, ironed-out fold at the base. An unusually fine Half-Lengths cover & one of the finest bearing this shade. Ex Pack. Sismondo Certificate (2003) as SG 17 & he has signed in pencil below the stamp. [Finer & more attractive than Gary Diffen's SG 17b cover that sold for £411 (2007). NB: the transfers on the stone were placed very close together causing stamps with full margins to be rare]{Page 54.5} 1,200T 472 C B - mourning cover to England with Ham Half-Length Second State of the Dies 3d blue SG 7 [4], the stamp an unusually large example with margins close to large & Major Plate Wear (White Void) at Upper-Right, Barred Oval '1' of Melbourne (b/s in red), minor blemishes. Photocopy of Rodney Perry Certificate (2007).{Page 54.6} 600 473 C B 1854 (Jan 20) stampless cover Geelong (b/s) to Hobart endorsed on the flap "unpd" & on the face "Detained for 5d postage", transit b/s of Melbourne & Launceston (30JA30), rounded-boxed 'SHIPLETTER INWARDS FREE/ 31JA31/1854' arrival d/s in red on the face, minor faults. An early postage due article.{Page 54.7} 400 474 C (B) - (Sep 6) cover front to Adelaide with 1/- Octagonal (4 margins but stained) & Melbourne d/s alongside but endorsed "By Adams Cos Express pAriadne" and with a light but clear strike of the rare chamfered-boxed 'ADAMS & CO/EXPRESS/MELBOURNE/NSW' cachet in red at lower-left a little obscured by the Adelaide arrival cds, has been repaired & it is apparent that a label (stamps?) has been removed at left. Ex Bill Hornadge & Michael Silvasich. RPSofV Certificate (2010) which doesn't mention the problems. [A very rare item handled by both a private express company and the Post Office]{Page 62.2} 2,000

Lot 475 475 CL B - (Sep 15) entire (230x110mm) to "Bank of Victoria/Geelong" & endorsed at lower-left "per Burdell's Express", fine example of the rare 'FORWARDED BY/BURDELL & CO'S/BRITISH & AUSTRALIAN/EXPRESS' imperforate label (characteristically a little cut-into & uncancelled) affixed at upper-right, brief note within regarding the enclosed life insurance policy (now not included), 'LIVERPOOL & LONDON INSURANCE COMPANY' wax seal on the flap, minor peripheral tears caused by the bulky contents & a little soiled. A world-class carrier or local stamp cover.

The Burdell's label was the first local post or similar stamp issued in Australasia. A mere nine examples are recorded, of which only four are on cover, this being the earliest recorded usage. As noted on the label, Burdell's operated between Melbourne, Geelong, Sydney, Adelaide, Launceston, "the Diggings" and Great Britain, "forwarding and delivering Gold Dust, Specie, Bankers and other valuable packages..." etc.{Page 63.1} 6,000 476 CX C - complete edition of "The Argus" (folded to 240x180mm) to England "Per first opportunity" with rare franking of Half-Lengths 1d dull red SG 23b tied by a fair strike of the oval 'NEWSPAPER/[crown]/MELBOURNE' datestamp, 'MOTTRAM' arrival cds alongside, extensive soiling & some damage still presentable. Ex Rodney Perry & Gary Diffen. [Gary Diffen has advised us that some 13 Half-Length "newspaper" usages are recorded, most being commercial Prices Current. He states there are only four usages on entire newspapers, of which this is "the most famous and complete". Pictured in "Victoria Illustrated 1834-1984"]{Page 62.1} 3,000T 477 C B 1855 (March 3) cover to Ireland "Per first Mail" with the postage apparently paid in cash, endorsed "7007/ Registered/314" & with Woodblock 'REGISTERED' 1/- SG 34 (3 margins, a little cut-into at the base; Cat £170 x8 on cover) affixed but not tied by Barred Oval cancel of Melbourne (b/s), very fine 'AUSTRALIAN/LIVERPOOL/ =PACKET=' & Dublin transit b/s, light 'SKIBBERRAN' arrival b/s in red, minor blemishes. Offered "as is". [Pre-payment of postage was compulsory from 1/1/1855 but we can see no evidence of a stamp having been removed. Max Watson's similar very fine cover of 15/12/1854 - in the one month when such solo usage of the 'REGISTERED' stamp was permitted - sold for $6900 at our auction of 8/10/2005]{Page 62.3} 500 478 C B 1856 entire to England "Per Sardinian" with Imperf Woodblock 6d (3 margins) tied by very fine BN '2' of Geelong (b/s) & one of two strikes of the rare '1d' h/s in red, Melbourne transit b/s & British 'AUSTRALIAN/PACKET' cds. 200T 479 C (A) - (Nov 24) outer from Ballarat to Geelong with Half-Lengths 3d greenish blue SG 31a (margins close to huge with a fragment of the adjoining unit at left) + Queen-on-Throne Rouletted 1d yellow-green, both affected by an ironed-out filing crease.{Page 62.5} 350 Page: 64 Website: Dec 18, 2010

Lot 483 - Unique Collou's Goldfields Express

Lot 510 - Superb Registered Cover

Lot 484 - Underpaid Consular Mail Lot 509 - Eastern Golf Club

Ex Lot 543 - Postal Stationery Collection Lot 544 - WA Exhibition Frank Handstamp Dec 18, 2010 Prestige Philately - Auction No 161 Page: 65

VICTORIA - Postal History (continued) Lot Type Grading Description Est $A 480 C B 1858 (Nov 12) cover to Wiltshire per "OLand Mail" with Half-Lengths 3d pair (full margins) tied by BN '10' of Warrnambool, scarce 'SHIP LETTER/FREE/[GEELONG] VICTORIA' in black & oval 'SHIP LETTER/FREE/GPO VICTORIA' in red transit b/s & light 'MELKSHAM' arrival b/s, minor blemishes & a small repaired fault well away from the stamps.{Page 62.4} 400 481 C B 1859 (Dec) cover to England "Per Overland Mail/via Marseilles" with Half-Length 3d blue Perf 12 SG 78 (rounded upper-right corner) + Queen-on-Throne 6d tied by Barred Numeral '1' of Melbourne (b/s), Stafford arrival b/s. 200

Lot 482 482 C B - (Dec 2) cover to Switzerland with rare franking of Shilling Octagonal horizontal strip of 3 [35-37] & Queen-on-Throne 6d tied by poor to fine BN '25' of 'HEPBURN' (poor oval b/s), registration markings including the sender's signature on the flap as required by the Regulations, numerous transit markings including '[crown]/ REGISTERED' & 'PD'-in-circle h/s of London both in red, French 'CHARGE' h/s & 'ANGL/AMB CALAIS B' cds, Swiss 'BASEL' & 'BIASCA' (?) & octagonal postage due calculation h/s all on the reverse, minor blemishes on the face & a bit stained on the reverse. Ex Dr Geoff Kellow RDP & Michael Silvasich.

A unique franking. The first 1/- unit has the Major Retouch 'SHILL--G' and Defective '+' at Right which is not at all obstructed by the cancels. Apparently an attempt to correct a Creased Transfer. This is undoubtedly one of the most outstanding lithographic transfer variety covers of the British Empire.{Page 65.1} 8,000T 483 C C 1860 (March 12) cover to England (b/s) with fine strike of the rare curved 'Victoria Express' handstamp on the reverse, placed into the mails with Emblems Perf 12 1d SG 74 x6 each cancelled with manuscript "X" & manuscript "Lamplough/12 3 60" on the reverse, Melbourne transit backstamp, a bit soiled but one of the great "Goldfields Express" covers, being the only recorded usage of the handstamp. Ex Michael Silvasich: acquired for $6612 at our auction of 22/4/2006. RPSofV Certificate (2008).

Illustrated at page 36 of the "Australian Philatelist" (Autumn 1989): a copy of Allan Levy's article is included. S Collou began his express service at Lamplough in January 1860, the same month in which the local post office opened. However the government service was quite unsatisfactory, the town newspaper reporting "...complaints are numerous of persons having to wait for hours before they can obtain their letters..." The miners soon moved on to new finds, and Collou relocated to Inglewood by April 1860. Thus the handstamp had a life of less than 4 months. Lamplough PO - 6km ESE of Ararat - opened 1/1/1860 but clearly two months later BN '271' & the oval datestamp - no example recorded - were yet to be received. The earliest recorded cds is of 1907!{Page 64.1} 8,000T 484 C B 1862 page from a government report, to Europe but with an address label apparently lost, fine strike of the elaborate 'KONIGL SVENSKA OCC NORRSKA CONSULATET PORT PHILLIP' cachet on the reverse, Shilling Octagonal x3 tied by Melbourne "killer" '1' & rounded-boxed 'INSUFFICIENTLY PAID/VIA THE/UNITED KINGDOM' h/s, French 'POSS ANG V SUEZ/A MARSEILLE A' mailboat sorter b/s in red, minor blemishes. Most unusual, especially with the late usage of a rarely seen Port Phillip consular cachet. {Page 64.4} 750T 485 C C 1866 large-part outer to "Borough Chambers/Sandridge" with Laureates 4d tied by First Type BN '156' (rated RR), clear strike of the rare 'MANSFIELD/[crown]/JA9/1866/VICTORIA' b/s (LRD of only 3 recorded), heavy vertical filing crease. PO 18/1/1858. [Our earliest recorded Mansfield cds is of DC4/68]{Page 62.7} 300 486 CL C 1897 large-part commercial cover to Sydney with rare commercial franking of Charity 1d x7 (including two pairs) & 2½d overpaying by ½d the triple-rate of 2d x3 + 3d registration, multiple 'REGISTERED/MELBOURNE VIC' cds, some spotting, Cat £220 x4 on cover. 200 487 C B 1907 registered Tatts cover to Hobart with 2d only & manuscript cancel "Pirron/Yallock" plus very unusual endorsement "3d Pd" alongside apparently because the office had run out of 3d stamps, 'PIRRON YALOAK' [sic] b/s, minor blemishes. Ex Gary Watson (many years ago!). RPSofV Certificate (2008). A very rare & unusual cover. [Virtually all such manuscript cancels in indelible pencil were applied at the GPO to registered mail that arrived uncancelled. This is an originating office marking]{Page 62.6} 300 Page: 66 Website: Dec 18, 2010

VICTORIA - Postal History (continued) Lot Type Grading Description Est $A 488 PS POSTAL STATIONERY: Album of mostly Postal Cards with a few Federation types, Letter Cards including 1889 uprated to Adelaide & 1893 taxed with 2d Postage Due affixed, PTPO Envelopes including 1d with octagonal 'DOWN TRAIN/MG13' cancel, also Franks & Wrappers. No rare items but some nice usages including to Argentina & Hungary and generally fine to very fine used. (81) 400 489 PS B - 1899 No 'POSTAGE' 1½d+1½d reply card Imperforate along the Join Stieg #P22d, minor discolouration, CTO AP6/01, Cat $US300 (2001); also Bell 1d+1d reply card, unfolded & CTO. (2 items) 200 VICTORIA - Postmarks 490 SD Early 20th Century array of mostly Colonial & early CofA type cds, bound to be pickings & we noted the rare 'MOUNT WYCHEPROOF' & 'TRAINERS LAGOON' (error), also a few Barred Numerals.{Page 68.4} (100s) 400 491 C Box of First Day Covers with a wide variety of mostly suburban cds including eight noted as rated RRR or RRRR by WWW, some attractive private cachets & many are unaddressed. (160+) 250 492 DC Array of mostly recent per favor strikes plus some posted covers including with Postal Manager types. (100s) Offer 493 C/CL Fantastic array of mostly 1980s-1990s covers with strength in the variety of postmarks especially 100s of Priority Paid covers etc, also Money Order & Postal Manager types, some earlier material back to KGV, commercially used commemorative PSEs etc. A wonderful lot for the collector of modern postal history with numerous rarely seen values on cover. (1000++) 500 494 CL 1980s stampless OHMS covers with a huge array of steel cds & boxed accountancy handstamps from all around the State. (1000+) 150 495 D Carton of partly sorted marterial noted as "duplicates" so unlikely to be exciting but there's lots of it.. (1000s) Offer 496 D Carton of partly sorted mostly modern array of pieces from post offices all over Victoria. Marked by the collector "to be checked" - which we haven't - so there could be anything in here. (1000s) 150 497 DC/CL Box of 'RELIEF' datestamps mostly on cover but only occasionally with a "tie" & only one registered, the majority from 1980s-1990s but some 1950s material noticed. (100+ covers) 100

Ex Lot 498 498 C Shoebox of registered covers mostly from the 1940s-1950s but some earlier material noted including 1912 with black/white 'GPO Melbourne/A 448' label, several with red/white labels including 1927 'CURDIES RIVER' & Boxsell covers from 'Archdale Junction' & 'ELINGAMITE' both of which had no cds, 1914 bank envelope with printed 'No Coin to be Enclosed in this Envelope' & mss "R Lexton", 1930s with hand-drawn "labels" from Bendigo, Ballan, Caniambo, Eurobin & Hedley, etc, generally fine. A very desirable lot.{Page 66.1} (100 approx) 500 499 SD KGV to modern array in three stockbooks. Must be pickings. (100s) Offer

Ex Lot 500 500 SDC An extensive but poorly presented collection in umpteen crummy albums crammed into six cartons. Having painted a glowing word-picture, it must be said that careful inspection will reveal numerous scarce items throughout. While there is lots of earlier material, the strength is in the KGVI-QEII era through to modern "rubbers". The first album includes fine strikes of 'A1 MINE SETTLEMENT', 'ABERFELDY', 'ADELAIDE LEAD', 'ANNUELLO' (3 different), unframed 'ANGUSTOWN' (superb!) & 'ARCHERTON/VIC.'. Allow at least a half a day to view properly. Enticing estimate for this quantity of material, which should appeal to someone looking for a well-developed foundational collection.{Page 66.2} (Huge Quantity) 1,000 Dec 18, 2010 Prestige Philately - Auction No 161 Page: 67

VICTORIA - Postmarks (continued) Lot Type Grading Description Est $A

Ex Lot 501 501 SD BARRED NUMERALS: Neat little collection on leaves with numerous excellent strikes and a surprising weighting towards the upper end including fine to superb strikes of RRR Type 1 '43', Type 7 '148', Type 1 '196', '369', '409', '510', '532', '610', '955', Type 1 'M/96', 'MCCCC/85', 'MD/7', '1713' & '1952'; and RRRR Type 4 '82' (2, one in blue), 'MCCC/4', 'MCCC/74' & '1924'. There are also many partial to poor strikes of other highly rated numbers including RRRR Type 1 '542', '596', '636', Type 1 'MCCC/85', 'MCCC/90', 'MCCCC/10', 'MCCCC/32' & 'MCCCC/46'; and RRRRR 'MCCCC/84', 'MD/64', '1687' & '2061'. All in all, a very appealing lot.{Page 67.1} (100s) 2,000 502 SDB - Modest starter collection with lots of fine to very fine strikes & a few better including Type 2 '89' (rated RR) & 'MCCC/38' (x2, one in magenta, rated RR) etc. Also a fine copy of "Barred Numerals" by Purves. (100s + book) 200 503 S A A2- - Type 3 '79' (12mm numerals) of Streatham largely very fine strike on Naish 2d mauve. Rated RRRR. 150 504 S A B2 - Type 1 '289' (with sidebars) of Hotham bold strike on Laureates 1d. Rated RRR. 75 505 S A- A2 - '305' of Hartwell (1) very fine large-part strike on Bell 2d. Rated RRRR. PO 11/7/1860; closed 14/5/1883.{Page 68.5} 250 506 S A B1- - '646' of Green's Creek largely fine strike on Reading 1d brown. Rated RRR. 100 507 S A A2 - '900' of Spring Bank very fine strike on 1d pink. Rated RRR. 100 508 S A A2- - 'MD' of Cherry Tree almost very fine strike on Reading 1d brown. Rated RRRRR. PO 1/3/1886; closed 27/9/1892. [c.20km SW of Bealiba] 300 509 C A A1- Eastern Golf Club: 'FIELD P.O./VIC./24SE53/AUST/EASTERN GOLF CLUB' two good to fine strikes (& a superb b/s) & 'FIELD PO/EASTERN GOLF CLUB' on provisional registration label. Rare: opened one day only. WWW rated RRR. [Examples on an ordinary cover, a commemorative postcard & an official cover sold for $241, $437 & $747 in our earlier auctions. This is the first registered cover we have offered]{Page 64.3} 400 510 C A- A1+ Koimbo: 30mm 'KOIMBO/1OC34/VIC.' four very fine to superb strikes (one on the reverse) on Myer cover, mss "KOIMBO" on blue & black/white provisional label with "rat's tail" variety, opened-out. Rated RR. Stunning! RO 25/9/1922; PO 1/7/1927; closed 31/1/1968. [16km N of Manangatang]{Page 64.2} 250 511 PS B A1- Little Brighton: unframed 'LITTLE BRIGHTON/AU6/88/VIC' largely very fine strike on 1d Postal Card with 2nd Type BN '161', minor blemishes. Renamed from Brighton North (1) 1/3/1887; renamed Brighton North (2) 15/9/1891. The first example we have recorded.{Page 68.7} 250 512 SD Melbourne: Single-volume collection with 1853 pre-stamp entire, Butterfly '1' on very attractive Half-Length 2d, various Barred Numeral '1' types, duplex complete strikes on piece, 1890s cds array, double-circles including the rare '= 1 =', and some "back of book" material. Clean lot.{Page 68.9} (100s) 300 513 CPS A/B - 1868-98 covers etc with various Melbourne duplex or cds with time-codes, includes 1868 to Ireland with BN '377' cancels, 1887 & 1889 to Germany at 8½d or 6d rates, 1897 usage of 1½d on 1d+1½d on 1d reply card to Switzerland etc, a few blemishes. (10) 300

Other firms will offer you all manner of inducements to sell to or through them. What they can’t offer you

is access to the "Prestige Difference".

Page: 68 Website: Dec 18, 2010

Lot 455 - Retouch Lot 457 - Watermark Sideways Lot 462 - Cheap!

Lot 505 - Rated RRRR Ex Lot 490 Ex Lot 469 - Extract

Ex Lot 512 - Melbournes Lot 511 - New Discovery Lot 518 - Proof

Lot 514 - Unused Lot 516 - Variety Lot 517 - Golden Bronze Lot 515 - Unused

Lot 519 - Plate Proofs Lot 520 - Gorgeous Dec 18, 2010 Prestige Philately - Auction No 161 Page: 69

Lot Type Grading Description Est $A WESTERN AUSTRALIA 514 W A 1854 "Penny Black" Imperf 1d black SG 1, margins just clear to large, unused, Cat £950.{Page 68.10} 600T 515 W A - Imperf 1d black SG 1, margins close to large, unused, Cat £950. A very attractive example of this famous "Number One".{Page 68.13} 650T 516 F A 1857-59 Hillman Lithographs Imperf 2d brown-black/red Printed on Both Sides SG 15a, margins close to large with a fragment of the adjoining unit at left, tiny inkstain makes the lower-left corner appear to be missing, light void-grid cancellation, Cat £800. Enzo Diena Certificate (1987) states "in perfect condition".{Page 68.11} 400 517 V A - Imperf 6d golden-bronze SG 17, margins just touching to large with a fragment of the adjoining unit above, light void grid cancel, Cat £1800. RPSofV Certificate (2010).{Page 68.12} 2,000T 518 P B 1861 Printed by Perkins Bacon 2d imperforate plate proof in deep blue on ungummed unwatermarked paper, margins very close but virtually complete, small thin at upper-left. Rare. Ceremuga Certificate (2009) states "probably only one sheet printed". In fact, only 20 units were excised from the imprimatur sheet and most of those have faults.{Page 68.8} 750T 519 P A/A- - 2d 4d & 6d imperforate plate proof singles in black on ungummed unwatermarked paper, margins close to good except the 6d which is touched at lower-left, the 4d with minor stains. Stated to be Ex "Austin" (1985). [Fine examples of the 4d & 6d sold for $1150 at our auction of 11/7/2008]{Page 68.14} 800T 520 W A - Very Rough Perf 14-16 1/- deep green SG 46, gorgeous rich shade, mis-perforated (imperf at top & right) & cut from the sheet to preserve the design, unused, Cat £2000. [Caspary's example - similarly cut from the sheet - sold for $5290 at our auction of 11/7/2008]{Page 68.15} 1,500T 521 F/G A 1864-79 CC 1/- bright green SG 61 block of 4, light cancels, Cat £68+. A rare block. Stated to be Ex "Austin" (1985).{Page 72.1} 300T 522 * A B1 POSTAL FISCALS: 1893 CA 3/- dull purple, large-part o.g. Unlisted by Gibbons.{Page 72.2} 400 WESTERN AUSTRALIA - Railway Stamps

Ex Lot 523 523 *O Balance of the collection with 1905-06 Small Format Perf 12 6d 9d & 1/-, Perf 11 3d 6d 9d 1/- x2 shades & 5/- (serious fault), 1907 Large Format ¼d (mint, badly toned) 3d 6d 9d 1/- & 2/6d, No Wmk 6d, Thin Paper 3d 6d 9d 1/- 2/- x2 (one poor) & 2/6d, 1952 New Designs 9d (mint) 1/- & 3/-, and 1961 3d (mint) & 4/-, condition rather m ixed.{Page 69.1} (28) 500

Ex Lot 524 Ex Lot 526 Lot 525 524 * A/B 1905 (Aug 1) Small Format No Watermark Perf 12 ¼d green (a few jumped perforations) to 10/- red (corner crease) complete, a few minor imperfections, 6d with part-o.g. otherwise mostly very lightly mounted with large-part o.g., Elsmore On-Line Cat $1500+. Very scarce set. [NB: ¼d to 2d are inscribed 'NEWSPAPER' at the top]{Page 69.2} (12) 1,500 525 * A- B1 - ¼d green inscribed 'NEWSPAPER' at the top, well centred, a couple of almost imperceptible tonespots, large-part o.g., Elsmore On-Line Cat $90. [A similar example sold for $368 at our auction of 24/10/2009] {Page 69.4} 250 526 O A/B - 1d 6d 9d 1/- & 5/-; also 1906 Perf 11 1d 3d 6d 9d 1/- & 2/6d plus additional very distinctive shades of the 3d 6d 9d & 2/6d; a few small imperfections but mostly fine to very fine, Elsmore On-Line Cat $580+. {Page 69.3} (15) 500 Page: 70 Website: Dec 18, 2010

WESTERN AUSTRALIA - Railway Stamps (continued) Lot Type Grading Description Est $A

Ex Lot 527 Ex Lot 528 Lot 529 527 * A/B 1907 Large Format Wmk 'WA/[crown]/GR' ¼d green (tonespots), ½d yellow, 1d orange (tonespots) & 3d ultramarine, large-part o.g., Elsmore On-Line Cat $390.{Page 70.1} (4) 250 528 O - 3d 6d 9d 1/- 2/- 2/6d 4/- (thinned) & 10/- plus distinctive shades of the 3d 6d & 2/6d, a few minor faults but generally fine to very fine, Elsmore On-Line Cat $300.{Page 70.2} (11) 200 529 O A B1 - 2/- brown with 'GDCo' perfin of Goode Durrant & Co , well centred, neat '12' cancellation, Elsmore On-Line Cat $200.{Page 70.3} 200 530 O 1912 No Watermark ¼d pair (very scarce multiple, toning), 1d 3d 6d 9d 1/- 2/- (a bit creased) & 4/-, generally fine to very fine, Elsmore On-Line Cat $225. (9) 200

Lot 532 Ex Lot 531 Ex Lot 534 531 O A/B 1916 Wmk 'WA/[crown]/GR' all-different shades comprising 3d (3), 6d (3), 9d (2), 1/-, 1/6d (2), 2/- (2), 2/6d (2), 4/- & 5/-, generally fine to very fine, Elsmore On-Line Cat $280 plus the unlisted 1/6d x2.{Page 70.4} (17) 300 532 O A B1 1918 Surcharge '½D' on No Wmk 1d orange, '49' cancel, Elsmore On-Line Cat $100 but we expect this is a very scarce little beastie.{Page 70.5} 200 533 G A 1923 New Value 1/3d brown marginal example with straight-edge at the top, Elsmore On-Line Cat $80. 75 534 * A/A- 1952 New Designs (Trains & Buses) 1d to £1 complete all with 'PERTH' Station Name, each with 'SPECIMEN' handstamp twice, a few minor blemishes, large-part o.g., Elsmore On-Line Cat $1500. {Page 70.6} (15) 1,000 535 * A/B - with Station Name at the Base 1d 'NORTHAM'; or with Diagonal Station Name 3d 'NEWDEGATE' and 9d 1/- & 1/3d all 'WAGIN', some minor tonespots, large-part o.g., Elsmore On-Line Cat $270. (5) 150 536 O A/B - all-different selection comprising with Station Name at the Base 3d, 6d (2), 1/- (2), 1/6d, 1/9d, 2/- (2), 2/6d, 3/-, 4/-, 5/- (2) & 10/-; or with Diagonal Station Name 6d, 1/- (2), 1/6d & 4/-; a few faults but generally fine to very fine, Elsmore On-Line Cat $490. (20) 300 537 *O 1961 'SAFETY/AND/SERVICE' all-different selection comprising with Station Name at the Base 3d, 9d (defective), 1/3d, 1/9d (on piece), 4/- & 10/-; or with Diagonal Station Name 3d, 6d, 1/-, 1/3d, 1/6d (defective), 3/- & 10/-; 1966 Decimals mint or used selection to $1 (2); Westrail mostly mint to $5 (2); Total West five values to $3 used; and Baird's Pty Ltd 5/3d meter in blue; condition of the used material is rather mixed, Elsmore On-Line Cat $1000 approximately. {Page 72.3} (72) 400

Bid boldly: you may not get another opportunity! Dec 18, 2010 Prestige Philately - Auction No 161 Page: 71

Lot Type Grading Description Est $A WESTERN AUSTRALIA - Postal History

Lot 538 538 C (B) 1880 cover to "Mr James Arbour/Boyacup/Hay River" with Perf 14 1d olive pair, light strikes of 15-bar '10' cancels & largely fine strike of the rare unframed 'GEEJELUP/("5.11.80")/POST OFFICE' h/s, part-Perth transit b/s, flap missing, professionally cleaned. Pope & Reynolds Census #1 for Bridgetown (& the only such cover with the Geejelup h/s). Geejelup 14/4/1864; renamed Bridgetown -/2/1872. Ex Dr Cecil Walkley (inadvertently omitted from our sale on 27/11/2010). [An important cover. One Geejelup cover is recorded before the name change. This is the only Bridgetown-period cover, proving usage of the h/s for at least 9 years after the name-change. This item was unknown when the relevant PMI section was published in April 1986; the ERD for a 'BRIGETOWN' cds was given as JA6/96, but the Census (2005) lists 1891 & 1895 covers]{Page 71.1} 3,000

Lot 539

Lot 540 539 PS B 1891 (Jan 1) usage of 1d Postal Card to Austria uprated with De La Rue 1d tied by 'ALBANY/JA2/91/WA - KGS' duplex, bumped corners. Rare. Ex Mogens Juhl - acquired for $242 at the Macray Watson auction of 19/10/1993 - & Dr Cecil Walkley: inadvertently omitted from our sale of 27/11/2010. [The 2d postcard rate to Europe was in force for only two months, from 1/1/1891 - the date of the message on this card! - until 28/2/1891]{Page 71.2} 500 540 C B 1894 cover to New Zealand with 1d bistre, 2d yellow x2 & 2d grey tied by 'GUILDFORD/WESTERN AUSTRALIA - G ' duplex, '[crown]/REGISTERED' h/s at lower-left, 'TRAVELLING POST OFFICE/ A /WA' & Albany transit & Dunedin arrival b/s, minor blemishes.{Page 71.3} 600T 541 SD POSTMARKS: 'COOLGARDIE', 'LAWLERS', 'MOUNT MAGNET' & 'NORTHAMPTON' pages from the John Forrest Collection, a few better items including part-strikes of scarce oval types, some duplication. (120 approx) 100T 542 D A B2 - triple-oval 'POST & TELEGRAPH OFFICE/5MAR96/COOLGARDIE RAILWAY' d/s in violet on 2d grey on piece. PO -/9/1895; closed 19/5/1896. Rare: PMI records a single part-strike only. [A better strike on a similar piece sold for $368 at our auction of 14/8/2010]{Page 72.10} 250T 543 PS POSTAL STATIONERY: Basic collection with some better items including Postal Cards 1910 1d on Surfaced & Unsurfaced Stocks both unused, Letter Card 'ONE PENNY' on 2d commercially used but uncancelled, Envelopes 2d used & 2½d unused (aged but rare) and five CTO items including Postal Card QV 1½d & Wrapper ½d with Solid Borderlines etc, condition a bit mixed.{Page 64.5} (41 items) 750T 544 PS A- - 'WESTERN AUSTRALIA EXHIBITION/FRANK/[swan]/STAMP/COOLGARDIE 1898' largely fine h/s in purple on unusual OPSO cover printed in pale blue with 3-line Exhibition imprint at lower-left & Exhibition seal on the (sideways) flap (which was damaged on opening).{Page 64.6} 400T Page: 72 Website: Dec 18, 2010

Lot 521 - Rare Block Lot 522 - Mint Ex Lot 537 - Western Australian Railways

Ex Lot 566 Lot 560 - Nevis Bisect

Ex Lot 583 - Handy Selection

Ex Lot 587 Lot 567 - Unissued

Ex Lot 584 - KGVI Varieties

Lot 542 - Coolgardie Rly Stn Ex Lot 586 - Fiji Revenues Ex Lot 585

Lot 605 - Unused? Lot 607 Lot 611 Lot 612 - "Spacefiller" Dec 18, 2010 Prestige Philately - Auction No 161 Page: 73

Lot Type Grading Description Est $A ANTARCTICA

Ex Lot 545 Ex Lot 552 545 */** A Comprehensive collection of British Antarctic Territory with varieties including 1980 Society 22p Wmk Inverted unmounted; Falklands Dependencies including Overprints 6d shades, Thick Maps unlisted varieties, Thin Maps Dot in 'I' set, later varieties including 1977 Jubilee 11p Wmk Inverted, Decimal Surcharges '½p' on ½d Wmk Sideways, gutter pairs, issues to Ships mostly mounted; and South Georgia including 1972 Wedding 5p Wmk Inverted, unmounted; Cat £1600+ (unmounted). High thematic content.{Page 73.1} (100s) 600 546 C ARGENTINE: Annotated covers mostly 1960s-1970s but including 1942 with 'ISLAS ORCADES DEL SUD/ ARGENTINA' cds, good range of Base cds plus cachets & labels, a few signed. Rarely seen in this country. (40) 200 547 C A- AUSTRALIAN: 1959 (Dec 1) cover endorsed "Air Mail" with huge American 'WILKES STATION/USARP' cachet & 'AUST ANTARCTIC TERRITORY/[seal]/OPENING OF/WILKES POST OFFICE' handstamp both in purple, commercially used to Melbourne with Australian 1d & 6d tied by Wilkes cds. With the enclosed Christmas greetings on American '[crest]/ANTARCTICA/IGY/1957-1958' notepaper headed "Wilkes" & signed "George". 150 548 PS A - Two bulging plastic albums of First Day Covers to 2003 arranged by Base with Macquarie Island from 1959, Mawson from 1971, Davis from 1971 & Casey from 1972, unaddressed. 200

Lot 549 Ex Lot 550 549 C B BELGIAN: 1967 (Nov) OHMS cover to Antarctic Expedition headquarters in Brussels with rare albeit philatelically inspired dual-currency franking of 1962 Games 5d + QE 3c Coil, arrival cds above 'RETOUR/SERVICE SUSPENDU' h/s & returned to Melbourne. An enigma.{Page 73.3} 300 550 C/CL A/B BRITISH: 1959-80 bundle of covers from the various Bases with some unusual cachets including South Georgia mailbag seal, a few registered, minor duplication, some soiling.{Page 73.4} (41) 300 551 C A/B - 1958-59 group of small photographs of wildlife (9), whalers' graveyard, entrance to Tonsberg House at Signy, & Base at Factory Cove, also US Palmer Station covers (3, one processed through Argentine Islands). (17 items) Offer 552 */** A/A- - 1971 Decimal Surcharges '3p' on 3d (unmounted), '10p' on 2/- (hinge rmainder) & '50p' on 10/- (unmounted) all with the Watermark Inverted SG 29w 34w & 37w, Cat £800 (unmounted).{Page 73.2} (3) 400 553 C CHILE: 1960s-1970s covers with various Base cds plus cachets & a few signed. Rarely seen in this country. (39) 200 AUSTRIA

554 PS A- 1913 5h PTPO Postal Card of Zeppelin "Sachsen" superimposed on a village panorama, superb strike of the rubber 'ZEPPELIN-SCHIFF SACHSEN/9NOVEMBER1913/FLUGPLATZ HAIDA BOHMEN' cds. Very early non-German Zeppelin item. Reasonable offers considered. 150 BRITISH WEST INDIES 555 *WO Nineteenth century array with Antigua 1863-87 to 6d (11); Bahamas including 1863-77 Perf 14 4d x9, 1863-80 Perf 14 1/- x19 including a block of 4, 1882 Perf 12 4d x13, 1882-98 Perf 14 1/- x21 & 1883 4d on 6d (thins, Cat £400); Barbados 1861-70 4d dull rose-red (3, one *), 4d dull vermilion x2 unused, 4d dull brown-red x6 used, 4d lake-rose and 6d bright orange-vermilion unused; high catalogue value but the condition is very mixed.{Page 74.1} (200+) 600T 556 C B BRITISH GUIANA: c.1900 Argosy newspaper wrapper to Melbourne (Vic) with Ship 4c tied by poor cds, some soiling. Unusual destination. 150 557 C B BRITISH HONDURAS: 1854 stampless cover to Leicester with light but obvious 29½mm 'BELIZE' backstamp, rated "6", London transit b/s in red, soiling and flap fault. 150 558 * A- B1 JAMAICA: 1883-97 Wmk CA 1d blue SG 17, a trifle aged, large-part o.g., Cat £325. 100 Page: 74 Website: Dec 18, 2010

BRITISH WEST INDIES (continued) Lot Type Grading Description Est $A

Ex Lot 555

Lot 559 559 ** A/A- - 1905-11 Queen Victoria Wmk MCA 1/- brown with '$HILLING' Flaw SG 53b being the last unit in an upper-left corner block of 4 with Current Number '173', exceptional centring, minor abrasion in the upper margin & a couple of almost imperceptible tonespots, unmounted, Cat £1360+ (mounted). Ex John Williams: acquired for $1150 at our auction of 6/3/2010 but the buyer reneged. BPA Certificate (2010).{Page 74.2} 1,000 560 D B NEVIS: 1883 (Mar 25) part-cover franked with bisected 1d vermilion-red SG 17a (Cat £3000 on cover) and Crown CA 1d lilac-mauve SG 26 x2 all tied by 'A09' cancels with 'NEVIS/MR25/83' and fine 'DOMINICA/MR27/83' datestamps to the left, some toning.{Page 72.4} 800T 561 C ST VINCENT: Album of mostly 1960s collector's covers to Australia, arranged alphabetically 'ARNOS VALE' to 'UNION ISLAND' with minor duplication, some are registered, also a few official covers including a formular aerogramme, generally fine but the quality of the strikes is rather variable. (115) 300 562 C - Postal Cards 1897 1d to USA, 1898 1d to Trinidad & 1914 1½d to England; KGVI covers x3, 1970-80s group to Radio Antilles Montserrat; also used & unused aerogrammes, etc, condition variable. (46) 100

Lot 563 563 C A TRINIDAD: 1861 (Mar 23) quadruple-rate outer to Scotland with exceptional franking of 1859 Pin-Perf 12½ 1/- purple-slate SG 37 horizontal pair (cut from the sheet to preserve the design and of outstanding quality) tied by poor BN '1' of Port-of-Spain, good strike of the '[crown]/PAID/AT/TRINIDAD' h/s & poor 'TRINIDAD' cds b/s, London transit cds in red on the face & 'EDINR M2' arrival b/s, Cat £2600 x4+ on cover. An exceptional cover. Ex Charlton Henry & John Marriott: acquired for £3680 (2001). BPA Certificate (2002).

Marriott & Ramkissoon state at page 32 "...there was only one small consignment of 3000 1/- stamps" and at page 33 "Two covers are known with the 1/-, one having a pair", which is also noted as the only recorded multiple. Illustrated on Plate 6. John Marriott obviously considered this cover to be one of his greatest items: he selected it (and an unused "Lady McLeod" stamp) to illustrate his entry at page 97 of the "Amphilex 96" catalogue. He did not have an unused or used single of this rare & underrated stamp.{Page 74.3} 10,000T Dec 18, 2010 Prestige Philately - Auction No 161 Page: 75

Lot Type Grading Description Est $A CANADA

564 *O "BACK OF THE BOOK": Attractive collection of Officials with perfins mostly KGVI issues to $1 (both) plus 7c used block of 6, & OHMS Overprints 1949-53 issues mint; also a selection of Postage Dues & Registration stamps, & an album of covers with machine cancels. (128 + covers) 250 565 *OC SPECIAL DELIVERY: Beautifully presented single-volume collection with the stamps apparently complete mint &/or used plus extras including 1935 Allegory with 'CNR' perfin, plate block of 6 (**) & an imperforate single, 1942 10c plate block of 4, a few with 'OH/MS' perfins & OHMS or 'G' overprints, then six First Day Covers, a selection of 16 mostly apparently commercial covers both domestic & to overseas including to Belgium, and finally 1917 & 1918 covers from the Bahamas both with 'SPECIAL/DELIVERY' Overprint on 5d Staircase SG S2.{Page 76.1} 500 CEYLON 566 *W A/B Selection on stockcards including imperforate No Wmk ½d reddish lilac on Blued Paper SG 16 (very tight margins & creased, Cat £4000) & ½d dull mauve SG 17, perforated including Crown/CC Type 5 ½d (2, one with Papermaker's Watermark 'N' only), 5d red-brown & 6d, Type 6 4d (2, shades), 5d, 9d bistre-brown Watermark Reversed (Cat £450) & 9d blackish brown, some perf faults but generally fine unused or with part-o.g., Cat £5700+. [Under ultra-violet light, all appear to be unused]{Page 72.5} (12) 600T 567 * A- B2 1883-98 Wmk Crown CA Perf 14 24c brown-purple SG 152, a few slightly trimmed perfs at the base, part-o.g., Cat £1500. Unissued. [Prepared for use but issued only surcharged].{Page 72.8} 500T CHINA 568 *W A Mint multiples including 1938-41 Sun Yat-sen $5 imperforate corner block of 8, 1949 Mao $70 to $2000 in duplicated imprint corner blocks of 10 some with Plate Numbers, mostly without gum as issued. (23 blocks) 150T 569 W*/** Hagner album with 1940s twelve blocks of 50 of various values, Revenues large blocks, a few varieties. (100s) 250 570 **VC A Chinese stockbook with unmounted mint Chrysanthmums (& a used set), 1964 Anniversary se-tenant strip of 3, 1971 Anniversary set & extra se-tenant strip of 3 , 1972 Ships, 1973 Pandas, Gymnastics & Machinery, 1974 Acrobats etc, also some useful used material including Cultural Revolution values & a few covers, generally very fine. (100s) 500 571 C/CO A/B 1920s-30s mail to Sweden (4, including a PPC, one from the Swedish Mission at Hoyang), the United States (3, one with very fine 'KWANCHENGTZE' cds) or Germany (270x190mm, registered with 5c imprint block of 10 & 10c strip of 4), finally a PPC 'KULING' to Shanghai, generally fine to very fine. (9) 150T CHRISTMAS ISLAND

572 C A 1932 philatelic cover to England with Australian KGV 2d on 1½d tied by double-circle 'CHRISTMAS ISLAND/ + ' cds.{Page 76.2} 500T

Lot 573 Lot 574 573 PS A+ 1963 official usage to Canada of Australian Territories formular aerogramme with 1963 Pictorials 8c Train, 10c Phosphate Mining & 12c Flying Fish Cove tied by #1 cds, typed message from the postmaster. Superb! Christmas Island usages of formular aerogrammes are rare.{Page 75.1} 500T COCOS ISLANDS

574 C A 1932 philatelic cover to the United States with very fine strike of the rare double-circle 'EASTERN EXTENSION AUSTRALASIA & CHINA TELEGRAPH COMPANY, LIMITED/COCOS/25AUG1932/BRANCH' cds in violet at lower-left & Straits KGV 1c x4 cancelled in transit at Singapore, endorsed at upper-left "EDTomkins/Cocos Island". [The Post Office opened 1/4/1933. Consigned as a result of a similar cover with an inferior strike of the cachet selling for $3680 at our auction of 14/8/2010]{Page 75.2} 2,750T 575 C B 1945 stampless airmail cover to GB with 'FPO No 46/23NOV45' cds used at Cocos Islands, opened a little roughly & minor blemishes. 180T COOK ISLANDS

576 C 1960s-2000 box of First Day Covers from Cooks Aitutaki & Penrhyn, mostly addressed to New Zealand, a few unaddressed, generally very fine. (100 approx) 100 Page: 76 Website: Dec 18, 2010

Lot 565 - Special Delivery Collection Lot 572 - 'CHRISTMAS ISLAND'

Ex Lot 592 - Suva Cancellations Ex Lot 590 - US Forces in Fiji

Ex Lot 593 - Fiji Franks Study etc Ex Lot 591 - Airmail Covers x17

Lot 596 - NZ - Fiji - Samoa Ex Lot 623 - to Hong Kong x4 Dec 18, 2010 Prestige Philately - Auction No 161 Page: 77

Lot Type Grading Description Est $A FALKLAND ISLANDS 577 W*/** Small stockbook with 1878-79 No Wmk 4d (used) 6d & 1/- unused, Wmk Sideways 1d unused, 1889-91 Wmk Upright 1d red-brown & 4d olive grey-black SG 11 & 12 unused, 1891-1902 array with better shades & Reversed Watermarks noted, various KGV issues to 6d, Centenary to 6d, Jubilee x6 sets, KGVI 1938-50 Pictorials 5/- & 10/- stated to be SG 162a, 1960-66 Birds ½d & 1d shades, later issues to £5 with some watermark varieties, also some Dependencies including Thin Maps x2 sets (only one 4d but extra 2½d x2), a few problems in the earlies but generally fine to very fine. (280+) 600

Lot 578 Ex Lot 579 Ex Lot 580 578 * A A1 1878-79 No Watermark 4d grey-black SG 2, exceptional centring, large-part o.g., Cat £1200. A premium-grade example.{Page 77.2} 800 579 */** A B1 DEPENDENCIES: 1946-49 Thick Maps ½d, 1d, 2d, 3d (unmounted) & 6d all with Missing 'I' in 'South Shetland Is' SG G1b-4b & 6b, Cat £880 (unmounted). [NB: This is all the values on which this variety is listed]{Page 77.1} (5) 400 580 */** A/A- - ½d (unmounted), 4d (hinge remainder), 6d (unmounted), 9d & 1/- (unmounted) all with 'SOUTH/POKE' SG G1c G5c-8c, Cat £830 (unmounted). [NB: This is all the values on which this variety is listed]{Page 77.3} (5) 500

Ex Lot 581 Ex Lot 582 581 */** A B1 - 1d (unmounted), 3d in horizontal pair (unmounted) & 6d all with Extra Island at Upper-Left of Map SG G2aa 4aa & 6aa, Cat £490 (unmounted).{Page 77.4} (4) 300 582 * A B1 - 1d 2d & 6d all with Extra Dot at Upper-Right of the Map SG G2d 3d & 6d, very lightly mounted, Cat £545 (unmounted). {Page 77.5} (3) 300 FIJI 583 W*O Hagners with Fiji Times Express 1d SG 5 unused (thinned), 'VR' issues including a few jumbo stamps & Perf 10 4d strip of 4 with red cds, QV 5/- postally used, 1891-1902 ½d blocks in various perfs, KGV 1/- blocks with shades & papers, Postage Dues 1d green used, etc, 'FIJI BOMBER FUND' label mint corner single, 'FIJI/GIFTS/TO BRITAIN' label (faults) etc, condition variable.{Page 72.6} (150 approx) 600T 584 *O 1938-55 KGVI Pictorials annotated group of varieties including ½d plate block of 4 with Extra Palm Frond SG 249ba (toning), 2d Map Extra Line SG 253a on piece & Scratch thru Value SG 253b in used pair, 2½d Extra Island all 3 perfs used, 3d Spur on Arms Medallion SG 257a on piece, 1941 '2½d' imprint block with Broken '2' in '½', etc, Cat £500+ plus unlisted items. Scarce group.{Page 72.9} (18 items) 400T 585 * A B1 - ½d to 5/- SG 249-266 perf 'SPECIMEN', unusually fine for this issue & lightly mounted, Cat £600. A similarly fine set sold for $920 at our auction of 5/12/2009.{Page 72.12} (18) 750 586 *O REVENUES: Hagners with postage stamps fiscally used, Stamp Duty QV array including 2/- (6), 3/- (2), 4/- (3), 5/- (2), 10/- (4) & £1 (3), 1d postally used (3, one with cds), 'R' Opts including KEVII 1d red with faked opt (not previously seen by us) & both £1, and on KGV values to £1 etc, condition variable & a few mint.{Page 72.11} (160+) 400T 587 * A/B - 1883 Stamp Duty Perf 10 1d 3d 6d & 1/- (rough perfs) plus Perf 12½ 2/- 3/- 4/- 10/- & £1, a few minor faults, large-part o.g. Mint examples, especially of the higher values, are rarely seen.{Page 72.7} (9) 400T

If your collection deserves the most professional treatment and a magnificent reference catalogue for posterity, talk to Gary Watson about our "Signature Series" of sales. Page: 78 Website: Dec 18, 2010

Lot Type Grading Description Est $A FIJI - Postal History

Ex Lot 588 588 S Useful group of postmarks on Hagners with brass straight-line types including fine to very fine strikes of 'CICIA', 'DAVUTU', 'ELLINGTON', 'MANGO', 'NADARIVATU', 'NAILAGA', 'TAVUKI' (on New Hebrides Opts 1d!), 'TUBA' & 'VUNA', double-circle 'POST OFFICE SAVU SAVU', 2-line 'BRODZIAK & Co/NAUSORI', KGV group including fine to very fine 'PO BA', PO BUA', 'PO NAISERELAGI' (inverted date), 'PO NAVUA', 'PO RAKI RAKI', 'PO VIRIA', 'PO VUNA', 'PO VUNIDAWA' & 'PO WAIYEVO' etc. A good basis for expansion.{Page 78.1} (200 approx) 500T 589 C A/B Levuka commercial covers with 1912 'LEVUKA/FIJI', 1917 28mm 'PO LEVUKA', 1923 registered with blue/white registration label, 1928 27mm 'PO LEVUKA' registered (philatelic), 1931 'LEVUKA/FIJI' registered, & 1947 'PO/LEVUKA FIJI' registered with American 'Supposed liable to customs duty' h/s. (6) 300T 590 CPS A/B Excellent group of WWII US Forces in Fiji - APOs 37, 706 & 913 - including various censor tapes, two Red Cross items, V-Mail with envelope (scarce from Fiji), inter-island cover with letter, inwards registered with 'RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED' h/s, attractive 'V - POST CARD' & 'OFFICIAL ABSENTEE BALLOT/OFFICIAL ELECTION WAR BALLOT' Envelope with the contents (marvellous Postal Stationery item) etc.{Page 76.3} (22 items) 500T 591 C A/B Airmails group including 1939 per "Aotearoa", 1941 "Clipper" mail signed "Capt John H Tilton", 1945 "Coriolanus" flights both signed "ODenny", commercial items including 1941 by air from Honolulu to Canada with Canadian censor label, 1945 to USA airmail to Hawaii with Censor 'X 117' label, etc, generally fine.{Page 76.6} (17) 400T 592 C/CL 1895-1977 covers from Suva with an array of cds types including the very scarce 26mm double-circle 'SUVA' + ' cds (1929), noted registered, airmail, paquebot, censored, postage due, advertising & official items, also 1937 USS naval covers with Suva cancels of USS "Astoria" (2), "Preston" & "Smith", 1909 Chinese merchant's cover, 1936 Bank of NSW cover with scarce 'SHIP SIDE/SUVA' cds, destinations include Hawaii & Fanning Island (Burns Philp cover), generally fine. A good lot.{Page 76.4} (49 items) 600T 593 CL B Balance of consignment including a bundle of OHMS Wrappers with printed '.../Government/FRANK/...' variants etc (handy study lot of 21 entires or fronts), 1982 printed 'FIJIBATT MFO/SINAI' envelope by air through US Forces PO to Canada, 1954 commercial cover with poor mailbag seal cancel & boxed 'R - CICIA' registration h/s both in green, inwards from NZ (1897 with mss "Unclaimed" in red), India (1907) & Gilberts (1939), etc; also a few other Gilberts covers including 1950s "London Village, Christmas Island, Pacific" PPC with GB 3d & BFPO cds, and Tonga including 1943 censored mission cover from 'VAVAU'; condition variable.{Page 76.5} (48 items) 500T 594 C A- 1883 (Jan 17) complete "Fiji Times" broadsheet newspaper addressed to "Mr Robt Stewart/co Mr Knight Tovu Tovu/Lower Rewa" with 'VR' Perf 10 1d blue (rounded corner) tied by poor sunburst cancel of Suva, several folds but remarkably fine. A rare survivor.{Page 86.1} 600T

Ex Lot 595 595 CL B 1926 long OHMS cover (266x115mm) with printed 'Containing Receipted Parcel Entries' amended by hand to "Apia/Parcel bill No 16", to Wellington with GPO cds and a good strike of the very rare boxed 'PARCELS OFFICE/9DEC1926/SUVA, FIJI.' d/s (60x27mm), minor faults. Unrecorded by Campbell, Rodger & Proud whose ERD for a Parcels cds is 28OCT27. [Also with a poor small-part strike in violet on KGV 2/6d. The only examples known to us]{Page 78.2} (2 items) 500T 596 C B 1942 censored cover from Wellington to NZ Base PO Suva with various internal redirections & finally boxed 'NOT FIJI/PLEASE FORWARD' h/s in purple, then endorsed "Samoan Defence Force/Pacific Sect/2 NZEF" & with Apia arrival b/s.{Page 76.7} 250T Dec 18, 2010 Prestige Philately - Auction No 161 Page: 79

Lot Type Grading Description Est $A FINLAND

597 G A A1 Fournier Forgeries of 1891 Error of Colour 3.50k black & yellow (on Vertically Laid Paper) as Mi 46F (genuine stamp Cat €15,000) and 7r black & yellow (crease). (2) 200 FRENCH COMMUNITY

Ex Lot 598 Lot 600 598 *OC GUINEA: Still-born would-be exhibit with the basic stamps largely complete mint or used plus Peace & Commerce 40c with Country Name Doubled mint (Dallay Cat €525), 1942 Airmails deluxe proofs of the high value frame in ochre, greenish black or carmine, also some ** post-Independence material including Kennedy deluxe proofs, '45F' on 20fr Bananas Double Overprint, 1960 Olympics Airs plus 500fr with Overprint Inverted etc; then a group of covers (20) & PPCs (9) with various postmarks & a range of loose stamps with potsmarks, finally 1903 Avis de Réception tab (billet) with Commerce 10c.{Page 79.1} (100s) 750 599 */**O MONACO: 1885-1994 collection in two Davo albums including 1938 Prince Louis 65c & 1fr blocks of 4 */** & 10fr Fête Day M/S * (gumside blemishes) & CTO, patchy 1940-70s with sets & part/short sets *, 1980 onwards mostly ** with sets & M/Ss, toning issues throughout. 250T GAMBIA

600 P A 1922-29 Definitives imperforate plate proof of the 5d frame design only (KGV omitted) in black on ungummed unwatermarked wove paper.{Page 79.2} 150 GERMANY

Ex Lot 601 601 C Folio of Concentration Camp envelopes & letters including from Dachau, Sachsenhausen, Gusen, Auschwitz & Stutthof (Danzig) and the slave labour camps Grossrosen, Ravensbruck & Oranienburg, condition variable as one would expect but a few are surprisingly fine; also a few documents including a remarkably fine identity card. A chilling & poignant archive, supported by copies of magazine articles & photographs.{Page 79.3} (40 items) 1,000 GILBERT & ELLICE ISLANDS

602 C B 1945 (Feb 15) native cover to Samoa with 1d pair tied by poor rubber Funafuti cds & boxed Censor h/s (the numeral excised) both in violet, endorsed on the flap "From TTalu/.../G&E L Corps/Funafuti Island". 250T

When might you see another one? Page: 80 Website: Dec 18, 2010

Lot 606 - Plates 8, 4 and 5 Ex Lot 608

Lot 609 - Black Plates Lot 610 - Thin Lines Plate 15

Lot 656 - Nauru

Lot 649 - SG 23 Vertical Strip of 4

Ex Lot 657

Ex Lot 658 Ex Lot 662 Ex Lot 659 Lot 665

Ex Lot 663 Lot 673 - Unmounted Ex Lot 664 Dec 18, 2010 Prestige Philately - Auction No 161 Page: 81

Lot Type Grading Description Est $A GREAT BRITAIN

Ex Lot 603 603 O Stockcard with two Penny Black spacefillers, Imperf 1d red with Watermark Inverted (creased), Embossed 6d & 1/- both cut-square & 10d cut-to-shape, 1867 5/- (reperforated), 1867-83 10/- greenish grey SG 128 (exceptional centring but a small repair at lower-right), Jubilee £1 green (a nice stamp) etc, condition rather mixed. High catalogue value.{Page 81.1} (13) 750

Ex Lot 604 604 *O 1840-1952 Collection in hingeless Leuchtturm album, mostly used with four Penny Blacks (one with good margins but with a concealed fault), Imperf Penny Red with very fine Maltese Cross #9, Embossed 10d cut-square, Penny Plates range, ½d x11 (including a pair) & 1½d x2, some attractive Surface Printed values to 10/- with Lilacs & Greens to 1/- (no 9d), KEVII to 10/-, Seahorses to 10/- x2, a very fine mint PUC Pound, Re-Engraved Seahorses, a selection of low denomination Controls, Postage Dues to 2/6d x3, some Officials etc, condition variable but better than many general collections.{Page 81.2} (100s) 1,750 605 W? C 1840 "Penny Black" 1d black SG 2, margins just clear to good, a bit knocked-about with ironed-out creases & a small tear but apparently unused, Cat £10,000. Offered "as is", on the basis that one would be unlikely to obtain a certificate for an example in this condition. Potential for being an inexpensive spacefiller.{Page 72.13} Offer 606 G A - 1d intense black SG 1 Plate 8 [I-J] and 1d black SG 2 Plate 4 [N-I], Plate 5 [E-C], all with full margins, Cat £1000.{Page 80.1} 600 607 F A - 1d black SG 2 Plate 3 [S-J], good to large even margins, light Maltese Cross cancel, Cat £375.{Page 72.14} 250 608 F/G B/A - 1d black Plate 5 [L-F], on piece that is probably not original, ironed-out vertical crease, light Maltese Cross in red; & Plate 8 [O-E], very fine with Maltese Cross in black; both with good to large margins, Cat £675. {Page 80.2} (2) 400T 609 G/V A 1841 Printed from the "Black" Plates 1d red-brown SG 7 Plate 5 [K-G] & Plate 9 [M-D], both with good margins, the first with superb Maltese Cross in black, the other very lightly cancelled, Cat £375. Brandon Certificate (2010) for the Plate 9.{Page 80.3} 250T 610 * A 1858-79 White Lines Added Perf 14 2d deep blue (Thin Lines) SG 47 Plate 15 horizontal strip of 3 [T-A to T-C], marginal horizontal watermark lines across the lower-half of the stamps, a few split perfs & redistributed o.g., Cat £1200+. {Page 80.4} 500T 611 W B C2 1867-80 Spray of Rose 2/- blue Plate '1' SG 118, one short perf at the base, unused, Cat £3250.{Page 72.15} 500 612 H C B2 1884 Three Crowns £1 brown-lilac SG 185, fault at right, ironed-out creases & heavy cancels, Cat £2500. A handy "spacefiller".{Page 72.16} Offer

Lot 613 613 F A B1 1888 High Values Wmk Three Orbs £1 brown-lilac SG186 [P-B], well centred, two London duplex cancels, Cat £4000. A very fine example of this elusive stamp.{Page 81.3} 3,000 Page: 82 Website: Dec 18, 2010

GREAT BRITAIN (continued) Lot Type Grading Description Est $A

Lot 614 Lot 615 614 G A B1 1929 Postal Union Congress (PUC) £1 black SG 438, well centred, a couple of ironed-out wrinkles, indistinct parcels cancellation in violet, Cat £550.{Page 82.1} 250 615 */** A+ A1 OFFICIALS: Royal Household 1902 'R.H./OFFICIAL' Overprint on KEVII ½d blue-green SG O91 block of 4, exceptional centring, the upper units lightly mounted & the lower units unmounted, Cat £1500++ (mounted). Superb! BPA Certificate (2008).{Page 82.2} 3,000T GREAT BRITAIN - Postal History

616 CPS Box of mostly stampless 1943-45 covers & Active Service envelopes etc from Forces in Italy, airmail items including aerogrammes (some Blue Triangle types) with GB 3d, a few registered items noted, wide array of datestamps & censor cachets but some duplication, generally fine. (120+) 250T

Lot 617 Lot 618 617 C A- 1856 (Feb 19) outer to France with exceptional franking of Highly Glazed Deeply Blued Paper with Wmk Small Garter 4d carmine SG 62 very fine & unusually well centred horizontal pair tied by Scottish "Buckle" '61' cancels of 'FALKIRK' & French 'ANGL/AMB CALAIS D' cds, 'P.D' h/s in red, 'PARIS A BORDEAUX 2o/ D ' TPO backstamp, ironed-out filing fold well clear of the stamps. Ex Wise (1944) & Forster Family. BPA Certificate (2007). A remarkably fine cover of this important issue, being the first Surface-Printed stamp of Great Britain.{Page 82.3} 1,250T 618 C A- 1873 (Sep 25) outer to Spain with very fine 'BENJUMEA Y Ca/LONDON' cachet in blue at lower-left, superb 6d grey Plate 12 tied by 'LONDON EC - 75' duplex & very fine 'PD'-in-oval h/s in red, superb 'ESTAFETA DE CAMBIO/MADRID' (= Exchange Office) arrival b/s, with an ironed-out vertical fold otherwise remarkably clean and attractive.{Page 82.4} 1,000T 619 CPS 1946-70 Occupation of/FPOs in Germany covers & Active Service envelopes etc, some official & registered items noted, wide array of datestamps & cachets but, some duplication, condition a bit mixed. (300+) 250T HONG KONG

620 * A/A- 1938-52 KGVI $1 dull lilac & blue with Short Right Leg to 'R' of 'DOLLAR' SG 155ba; & $10 green & violet SG 161, excellent centring, small wrinkle at left; characteristic tropicalised gum, Cat £750. (2) 250 621 ** A/A- 1965 International Co-operation Year 10c SG 216 complete sheet of 50 including a vertical strip of 6 units from the centre of the sheet (Row 5-3 to Row 10-3) with Missing Hyphen and Broken Lettering in 'INTERNATIONAL CO-OPERATION YEAR', in addition several other units on the sheet have Missing Hyphen, sheet almost separated centrally & a few minor bends otherwise fine unmounted. 500T

Taxed lots are indicated by a small ‘T’ after the estimate. However, overseas clients pay no Australian tax. Dec 18, 2010 Prestige Philately - Auction No 161 Page: 83

HONG KONG (continued) Lot Type Grading Description Est $A

Ex Lot 622 622 C/CL A/B 1941 (Aug-Dec) commercial airmail covers to Australia via Chungking & "Over the Hump" to Rangoon to connect with British Overseas Airways service, two sent at triple rate (one registered) with KGVI $1 or Centennial $1 blocks of 4, the others at quadruple rate with KGVI $1 (one with Short Right Leg to 'R' SG 155a - Cat £150 - and with poignant notation "Darling Daddy's last letters") & $5 SG 159, some spotting/soiling; also 1941 5c unsealed greetings card rate cover with 'NOT OPENED/BY/CENSOR' censor h/s in violet, and 1950 formular aerogramme with 20c pair.{Page 83.1} (6 items) 600 623 C B - (Nov 25 to Dec 12) censored airmail covers from Prahran (Vic) to Hong Kong with 9d x3 or 1/6d frankings, 'NOT TRANSMISSIBLE/SERVICE SUSPENDED' (2) or 'UNDELIVERABLE/RETURN TO SENDER' h/s in violet, all with 'Fickle Finger' h/s plus Sydney or Melbourne DLO cds in red on reverse, some peripheral blemishes. [The Japanese invaded Hong Kong on 8/12/1941]{Page 76.8} (4) 500 624 C B/C 1943 & 1944 inwards Prisoners of War mail 1) cover from Macau to Camp "N" with 20a orange; & 2) stampless POW cover from GB to Stanley Camp; a few characteristic faults.{Page 86.5} (2) 400 HUNGARY

625 O 1870s-1990s collector's duplicates in three stockbooks with heavily duplication in places, lots of "eye-appeal" but the Cat value of €2300+ is largely comprised of commoner issues. (1000s) 100 INDIA - Postal History

626 C A- 1844 outer from NSW rated "3" in red for an outgoing shipletter with 'PAID SHIP LETTER/SYDNEY' d/s in red, boxed 'CALCUTTA/SHIP LETTER/Bearing...' b/s in black crossed-through & 'CALCUTTA/Paid...' b/s applied in red, readdressed to "Tumbook". Ex Brian Peace: acquired for $661 at our auction of 5/9/2009.{Page 86.2} 700

Lot 627 627 C B 1856 cover to "Major Berthon/late of Bombay Engineers/Weatherboard Station/River Leigh/Geelong/Port Phillip" with very fine pair of the 1854 Imperf 2a green SG 31 (large margins clear of the outer framelines on all sides) & superb '25'-in-diamond-of-bars cancels in blue, largely fine boxed 'DEESA' b/s in red, Bombay cds b/s & poor 'BOMBAY/BPP/Paid' h/s in red on the face with 'INDIA'-in-oval h/s also in red alongside, endorsed "To be forwarded from Bombay by the very first opportunity", 'SHIP LETTER/FREE/GPO VICTORIA' transit & largely fine oval 'SHELFORD/[crown]/VICTORIA' arrival b/s, minor blemishes. Outstanding destination. Shelford was renamed from The Leigh 1/1/1854.{Page 83.2} 1,750T Page: 84 Website: Dec 18, 2010

INDIA - Postal History (continued) Lot Type Grading Description Est $A

Lot 628 628 C C - a similar cover from the same correspondence endorsed "Paid per first Mail for China/and Australia" with 1854 4a blue & red (neatly cut to shape) & poor numeral cancel in black, light but clear strike of the boxed 'DEESA/1857AUG25/Paid' b/s in red, two different Bombay transit b/s & boxed 'INDIA PAID' h/s in red on the face, endorsed on the flap "Missent to Penang/4Oct57" but no Straits markings, oval 'SHIP LETTER/FREE/GPO VICTORIA' b/s & remarkable irregular usage of Barred Numeral '1', soiled but full of character.{Page 84.1} 2,000T

Lot 629 629 C B 1857 (June) cover to "Captain H Berthon/Inverleigh, Geelong/Port Phillip/care of Mr Augustus Wolfen/Elizabeth Street/Melbourne" with 1854 4a blue & red (neatly cut-to-shape) tied by '1'-in-diamond-bars cancellation, 'BOMBAY/BPP/Paid' h/s in red on the face & Bombay cds b/s in black, Melbourne arrival b/s & endorsed "forwarded by A Wolfen/Melbourne", the latter part of the address crossed-through & Emblems 4d rose (margins just shaved - at base - to large) affixed partly across the 4a, fine BN '1' ties both stamps, minor blemishes & inconsequential flap fault. An exceptional combination franking & a highly desirable cover for the collector of Indian or Victorian postal history, or of the forwarding agents. [Under Victorian Regulations, until 1865 payment of additional postage as a redirection fee was required]

This and the two previous lots are from a recently liberated family correspondence that has never before been on the market. The balance are listed under Tasmania & Victoria.{Page 84.2} 5,000T 630 C AIRMAIL COVERS: 1932-37 group with 1932 (Oct 14) Karachi-Bombay & Bombay-Karachi; 1932 (Nov 9) Karachi-Basra-Cairo-GB; 1933 (July 11) Calcutta-Karachi & Jodhpur-Karachi (both aged); 1934 (Dec 4-6) Sukkur-Karachi & Karachi-Sukkur; 1935 (Jan 4-5) Bombay-Hyderabad & Hyderabad-Bombay; & 1937 (Oct 5) commercial cover to England per flying boat "Camilla"; generally fine to very fine. (11) 350T Dec 18, 2010 Prestige Philately - Auction No 161 Page: 85

Lot Type Grading Description Est $A INDIAN STATES

Ex Lot 631 Lot 633 Lot 635 631 *OW Collection on leaves with Convention States including Gwalior 1885-97 13-14mm Overprint 1r slate SG 33 *, Jind 1937 2a6p to 12a plus 5r used & 1941 1r & 2r, plus Nabha & Patiala; Feudatory States including primitives from Bamra, Bhor, Bussahir, Jammu & Kashmir, Junagadh (Soruth) including 1869 1a SG 10 x2 both on piece, & Poonch; also India revenues including 1870 Postal Note Rs2As8 on 12a *; condition variable.{Page 85.2} (100s) 500 632 C A/A+ BHAVNAGAR: c.1940 (?) official invitation cards (178x116mm) with State Crest on the reverse and all-different coloured scenes including "Bhavnagar Imperial Service Lancers Parade", "Bhavnagar City Railway Station" & "Gogo Gate Street", "Alfred High School", "Sir Takhtsinhji Hospital" & three palaces etc, unused. Superb! [A similar set sold for $437 at our auction of 14/8/2010] (20) 200 633 G A B1 GWALIOR: 1899-1911 QV High Values 3r green & brown SG 44, used in 1914 with 'GWALIOR STATE/LASHKAR' cds, Cat £250. BPA Certificate (2010).{Page 85.1} 200T 634 C B JAMMU & KASHMIR: c.1884 native cover with ½a red - affixed face-down!! - tied to the reverse by bars cancel, 'SIALKOT & 'AMRITSAR' cds & boxed 'POSTAGE DUE/1 ANNA', small faults. 400T INDIAN FEUDATORY STATES - Bahawalpur Some time ago we began receiving occasional consignments of Bahawalpur including a number of covers. This was quite startling as the remarkable "Hyphasis" Collection - sold by us on 8.10.2005 - had very little cover material. To say that eyebrows were raised by the new "discoveries" would be an understatement. However, many of the items were recorded and in some cases illustrated in the monumental work "The Amirate of Bahawalpur" by Isani & Abid (2006). Our enquiries have revealed that all of the "new" material - including specimen stamps, proofs and revenues - is from the personal collection of the Amir of Bahawalpur. After his death in 1966, the Amir's estate was sequestered as legal battles raged within his family. These matters were finally resolved only a few years ago, resulting in the philatelic material being acquired by two Pakistani collectors, who are our vendors. Apparently fearing that this material is either not genuine, or that a great quantity exists, some collectors have decided not to participate in our recent sales. We have sought to allay these fears. We have requested the vendors to obtain certificates of authenticity before sending material to us and this they have done: many of the certificates are signed by Dr Isani. We have also been assured that there is no huge hoard of material lurking in Pakistan. Some of the covers, especially those with high values or with handstamped Star & Crescent devices, were almost certainly philatelically contrived. However, if it weren't for the Amir having organised the return to him of such covers, most of this material would simply not exist. At least it has passed through the postal system. And many of the covers have all the attributres of being undoubtedly commercial or official mail. Our expectation is that once this source is exhausted, we will return to the days when Bahawalpur covers were rarely seen. And then we expect that many collectors will express their regret at not having participated in our auctions when the Amir's covers first came onto the market. 635 S A- B1 1935 usage of Indian KGV 1r with large-part 'SUPPORT THE/JUBILEE FUND/16MAY35245PM/BAHAWALPUR' cancel over a faint cds. PFP Certificate (2010).{Page 85.3} 100T 636 */** A/B 1949 Silver Jubilee 3p to 1a SG 39-42 two sets printed from Vignette Plates 1 (lightly shaded) & Vignette Plates 2 (more heavily shaded), a few blemishes. (8) OfferT

Ex Lot 637 637 ** A+ - 3p to 1a SG 39-42 Imperforate Imprint/Plate Number '1' blocks of 10 (5x2) from the base of the sheets, unmounted, Gibbons Cat £100++; Murray Payne Cat £75++; Isani & Abid Cat £400++ as imprint/plate number blocks (of 6?). Superb! [The "Hyphassis" imprint/plate number blocks of 6 sold for $747]{Page 85.4} (4 blocks) 750T Page: 86 Website: Dec 18, 2010

Lot 594 - Complete 1883 "Fiji Times"

Lot 626 - 1844 Sydney to Calcutta

Lot 644 - Bahawalpur

Lot 638

Ex Lot 624 - to Internees in Hong Kong Lot 640 - Nursing Friends in Bahawalpur Dec 18, 2010 Prestige Philately - Auction No 161 Page: 87

INDIAN FEUDATORY STATES - Bahawalpur (continued) Lot Type Grading Description Est $A 638 C A POSTAL HISTORY: 1947 internal official cover with Arms embossed in black on the flap and 'Household Secretary.../Sadiq Garh Palace' h/s in violet, with a superb example of the 2a black & violet Deer overprinted "Sarkari" in Red SG O3 tied by a light 'CHOLISTAN No1/29APR47/BAHAWALPUR-STATE' cds, small filing punch at upper-left, Isani & Abid #42 Cat £500 on cover. PFP Certificate (2010).{Page 86.3} 750T

Lot 639 639 C A+ - 1947 internal cover to a Police Superintendent at Horoonabad franked with the rare Star & Crescent handstamp in violet on KGV ½a green optd 'SERVICE' tied by "bridge"-type 'SADIQ-GARH/10SEP47/BAHAWALPUR' cds, Isani & Abid #190A Cat £2000 on cover. PFP Certificate (2010) states that the handstamp is in purple & that the KGV ½a "is not recorded by Isani & Abid" but this has been corrected by Dr Isani. A great rarity, and in superb condition.

The handstamped issues are unrecorded by Gibbons, and were denounced by Ron Wood as "dubious" and "spurious". However, I&A state at page 191 "This issue was investigated thoroughly in 1990 and found to be genuine...the sources from which the few known copies had emerged were impeccable..." [A cover franked with the similarly unrecorded handstamped KGV 2a scarlet sold for $4370 at our auction of 3/10/2010]{Page 87.1} 2,000T 640 C A- - internal cover apparently between two British (?) nurses with 1½a Multan Campaign tied by an indistinct Cholistan cds, opened a trifle roughly (which would not have amused the Amir!), Isani & Abid #323 Cat £300 on cover. PFP Certificate (2010). [See Isani & Abid at page 321 for another similarly addressed cover]{Page 86.6} 500T 641 C A- - 1949 internal cover with Star & Crescent embossed on the flap, 1948 Pictorials 6a Fort Derawar tied by 'CHOLISTAN PO No 1/12OCT49/BAHAWALPUR-STATE' cds, small opening fault at top, Isani & Abid #231 Cat £1000 on cover. PFP Certificate (2010). [A similar cover sold for $833 at our auction of 3/10/2010]{Page 96.1} 700T 642 C (B) - 1950 internal cover with UPU 1½a overprinted "Sarkari" in Red SG O30 tied by 'CHOLISTAN No2/ 7DEC50/BAHAWALPUR-STATE' cds, roughly opened & repaired with archival tape, Isani & Abid #413 Cat £300 on cover. PFP Certificate (2010). 300T 643 C A- - 1951 internal cover with UPU 1a black & magenta SG 44 tied by light 'DEH-RAWAL/21MAR51/BAHAWALPUR' cds, a couple of minor opening faults, Isani & Abid #367 Cat £300 on cover. PFP Certificate (2010).{Page 96.2} 400T 644 C A - 1952 internal cover with Silver Jubilee ½a Wheat SG 40 tied by light 'BAHAWAL-GARH/28JAN52/ BAHAWALPUR' cds, small filing punchhole at upper-right, Isani & Abid #339 Cat £400 on cover. PFP Certificate (2010).{Page 86.4} 600T 645 C A- REVENUES: India Defence Stamps 1r violet x10 affixed within a printed folder & tied by multiple 'KHANPUR/24APR43/BAHAWALPUR' telegraph cancels, minor blemishes. [A similar item sold for $345 in our auction of 5/12/2009] 250 KENYA UGANDA & TANGANYIKA

646 * A- A1 1935 Silver Jubilee 65c Dot to Left of Chapel SG 126g, hinge remainder, Cat £325. 150 LATIN AMERICA

647 */**O MEXICO: 1956-2001 used collection with some M/Ss; also duplicates with used from early imperfs to modern pictorials plus mint with Airs, 1940s part-sets & sets including 1946 ONU and 1970s-90s issues **, condition variable, stated to Cat £3000+ (not checked by us). (many100s) 350

The price will be forgotten but the pleasure of ownership will endure. Page: 88 Website: Dec 18, 2010

Lot Type Grading Description Est $A MAURITIUS

Ex Lot 648 648 */**O A/(B) Selection including 1848-59 'POST PAID' 1d SG 23 with Sismondo Certificate "genuine, but repaired", 1910 MCA 1c to 6c blocks of 4 */**, 1937 20c Coronation Line by Sceptre SG 251a *, 1938 1r with Battered 'A' of 'MAURITIUS' SG 260ba (no gum) & 1r with unlisted Damaged First 'I' of 'MAURITIUS' **, 1946 Victory 20c corner block of 9 ** the central unit with unlisted Line of Dots (with a note from Murray Payne confirming it as a constant variety), 1942 Perf 15x14 10c block of 4 **, Cat £1275+.{Page 88.1} (45) 500T 649 F A/B 1848-59 'POST PAID' Latest Impression 1d red on Bluish Paper SG 23 vertical strip of 4, margins close to large except 1st & 3rd units which are slightly cut-into, the fourth unit repaired at base, all tied by multiple void-grid cancels to a large piece to Marseilles, double-oval 'CHARLES DANIEL & CO/PORT LOUIS/ILE MAURICE' merchant's h/s in blue at left, Cat £2200++.{Page 80.5} 2,000T MIDDLE EAST

Ex Lot 654

Lot 650 650 C B ADEN - PERIM: 1930 philatelic cover to South Africa with India 1a 2a & 4a tied by three very fine strikes of 'PERIM' cds (Proud State II) & boxed 'PERIM' h/s on defective registration label, Aden transit b/s, a little soiled and central fold.{Page 88.2} 250 651 *WO B EGYPT: Postage Due selection including 1884 Impressed Watermark 20pa & 2pi (gum traces) * and 1pi used, 1886 No Watermark 10pa unused, 20pa used, 1pi x2 and 2pi x2 *, 1888 1p & 2pi *, some heavy mounting and/or toning, Cat £900+. (18) 300T 652 C/CO KUWAIT: 1959-66 commercial airmail covers to England, the earliest with QEII 50np on 9d block of 4 (cover faults), three with British-type 'POST OFFICE/EXPRESS/DELIVERY' labels (one additionally with 'EXPRESS FEE PAID' h/s), two registered (both 255x175mm, one wrecked). (7) 200 653 CPS A-/B PALESTINE: WWII covers to Australia with Palestinian (3) or Australian adhesives; 1945 usage of 25m Air Letter to Perth with very fine 'HERTSELIYA' cds, two internal panels removed, minor blemishes; also 1946 usage of Australian 7d Air Letter to Lydda with poor Palestine arrival b/s, vertical fold. (6) 200T 654 CPS SYRIA: Mostly pre-WWII selection of covers with various postmarks of Damascus, Aleppo, Beirut, Tripoli etc, including 1867 outer to France with Napoleon 40c '5082' cancel & 'BEYROUTH/SYRIE' cds, 1879 internal & 1887 to Switzerland both with 'ALEP/TURQUIE' cds, 1892 Postal Card with '.../ALEP' cds & 'POSTES OTTOMANES/ DEPART/...' cds in blue, 1896 Postal Card & 1902 cover both to Germany with Turkish "cartouche" cancels (the first in blue), 1898 Postal Card with '.../DAMAS' cds, 1911 Postal Card with '.../HALEP' cds, c.1900 cover with superb '.../HAMIDIE (DAMAS)' cds in green, 1909 German POs trader's cover with 'BEIRUT' cds, 1917 German Bulletin d'expédition with Ottoman stamp added on arrival, etc, also some postmarks on stamp or piece, condition generally fine to very fine. [Our vendor had intended to exhibit this material but his interests have changed]{Page 88.3} (27 + 30 pmks) 750 NAURU

655 **/* A 1919-1998 Collection in Seven Seas hingeless album complete from the Bradbury Wilkinson Seahorses 2/6d (both shades, lightly mounted) with Ships Rough Paper (mounted) & Shiny Paper, 1937 Ships-onwards are apparently all unmounted, Cat £750+. High thematic content. (100s) 350 656 ** A+ German Colonial Period '.../[eagle]/NAURU/MARSCHALL-INSELN' blue/white scalloped postal seal, full unmounted o.g. Superb!{Page 80.6} 100 657 *O ** 1916-23 Overprints on Great Britain Low Overprint ½d to 1/- SG 1-12 including the 2d Die II plus ½d & 2d both with the Overprint Double One Albino SG 1b & 4b, also Central Overprints ½d to 2d SG 13-16, unmounted, Cat £390.{Page 80.7} (18) 400 Dec 18, 2010 Prestige Philately - Auction No 161 Page: 89

NAURU (continued) Lot Type Grading Description Est $A 658 * A-/B - Seahorses De La Rue 2/6d sepia and 10/- deep bright blue (well centred) SG 19 & 23d, yellowed gum, Cat £1100.{Page 80.8} (2) 500 659 ** A B1 - Seahorses De La Rue 2/6d yellow-brown, 2/6d brown, 5/- bright carmine & 10/- pale blue SG 20-23, unmounted, Cat £485.{Page 80.10} (4) 500 660 **? A/B - Seahorses De La Rue 5/- carmine (well centred) & 10/- pale blue (a few small tonespots) SG 22 & 23, both apparently unmounted, Cat £350 (mounted). (2) 250 NETHERLANDS

661 CPS 1939-45 mounted and annotated collection of Veldpost mail with a wide array of the datestamps on Forces, official or philatelic covers, also 1940 stampless card sent through the civil post office, 1941 card with 'Chef Militair Hospital/UTRECHT' cachet, a few PPCs including three with military subjects, etc (40 items) 250T NEW GUINEA

662 *C B/C DNG Overprints on 6 values to 50pf on 1902 cover with faults; NWPI selection including LMult ½d block of 30 (3 units removed) with Eight Wattles at Left (toning) & 5/- with bogus cancel; and 1935 Bulolo £5 emerald (very attractive & lightly mounted but with minor toning).{Page 80.9} (41 + cover) 400 NEW GUINEA - 'G.R.I.' Overprints

663 */** A/B Selection comprising 6mm Spacing 1d on 5pf & 2d on 20pf both *, 2½d on 10pf & 2½d on 20pf both ** and 3d on 30pf (Hoffmann guarantee h/s) *; 5mm Spacing 1d on 3pf (minor stain) to 2d on 20pf plus 4d on 40pf & 5d on 50pf (both with Hoffmann guarantee h/s) all *; also optd 'O.S.' duo *; condition mostly fine, Cat £1200.{Page 80.12} (13) 1,000 664 ** A/A+ 1914-15 5mm Spacing on German New Guinea '3d.' on 25pf black and red/yellow and '3d,' on 30pf black & orange/buff (excellent centring) SG 22 & 23, both unmounted, Cat £280++.{Page 80.14} (2) 350 665 F A C1 - '8d.' on 80pf black and carmine/rose SG 26, oval Rabaul datestamp in violet, Cat £500.{Page 80.11} 450

Ex Lot 666 666 */W A/B 1915 '3d.' on German-Type Registration Labels comprising Sans-Serif Rabaul SG 33 (without gum), Friedrich-Wilhelmshafen SG 35 (large-part o.g), Kieta SG 38 (re-gummed), Manus SG 39 (part-gum, minor wrinkling) and Serifs Käwieng SG 41 (part-gum), Cat £1275.{Page 89.1} (5) 750 NEW GUINEA - 'N.W./PACIFIC/ISLANDS' Overprints

Ex Lot 667 Lot 669

Lot 670 667 *W Mint selection on leaves with Kangaroos including 3d greenish-olive SG 76c & 3d Die II SG 96a (with Hollow Stop), 2/- (4), 5/- (2), 10/- (2, one without gum), £1 SG 85 & £1 SG 99, KGV including 4d chrome-yellow SG 70b (gum thin), 1d Die II SG 103b, 'One Penny' Surcharges, New Colours including ½d Watermark Inverted, also a few abc strips, generally fine, Cat £3000 approximately. {Page 89.2} (81) 1,500 668 */**O Mostly mint collection on Hagners including Kangaroos to 5/- (3), 10/- (3) & £1, KGV including 1d red Dies I-II pair SG 67/c (**) & used Die II SG 103b, New Colours plus 2d orange perf 'OS', 'One Penny' Surcharges etc, also abc strips to Second Wmk 5/- including 1d block of 18 (6x3), a few other multiples including 5d block of 15, condition a bit variable but many are fine to very fine. (170+) 600 669 F A 1921-22 KGV New Colours 4d violet SG 123 rejoined pair with very fine large-part strike of the scarce 'MOKARENG/NEW GUINEA' cds, Cat £80++.{Page 89.4} 200T 670 ** A B1 PERFORATED 'OS': 1919-23 Kangaroos 2d grey SG O6 block of 4, well centred, unmounted, Cat £1200++ (mounted). A rare multiple.{Page 89.3} 1,500T Page: 90 Website: Dec 18, 2010

Lot 679 - Postmark Ex Lot 681

Ex Lot 705 Ex Lot 703 Ex Lot 675 Lot 676 - Unused

Lot 683 - Penny Full Reconstruction of 240 Positions Dec 18, 2010 Prestige Philately - Auction No 161 Page: 91

Lot Type Grading Description Est $A NEW GUINEA - Mandated Territory Issues

Ex Lot 671 671 * A/B Mostly complete sets including Huts plus Airs and 'OS' Opts, Dated Birds Airs & 'OS' Opts, Undated Birds + Airs & 'OS' Opts, 1939 Bulolo to £1 (ex 5/-, the 10/- & £1 are very lightly mounted), a few toning issues but mostly fine, Cat £2500+.{Page 91.1} (139) 1,250 672 */**O Mostly mint collection on Hagners including Undated Birds & Airs, optd 'OS' Huts, Dated Birds & Undated Birds, also range of imprint blocks of 4 including Dated Birds to 6d & Dated Birds optd 'OS' to 6d etc, condition a bit variable but many are fine to very fine, Cat £1000+. (200+) 400 673 ** A B1 1935 Bulolo Airmails £2 bright violet SG 204 marginal example from the left of the sheet, unmounted, Cat £300 (mounted).{Page 80.13} 300 NEW ZEALAND

674 L B/C "The Postage Stamps of New Zealand" Volumes I to VII complete, varying degrees of foxing from having lived in Brisbane for many years still a serviceable set; also "Recovered Mail 1918-1978" by Nierinck and "A History of Wreck Covers" by Hopkins both with minor foxing. (9 books) 300 675 O B/C 1855-67 Chalons comprising Imperf 2d blue/blued paper SG 5, rich colour, margins in places; 2d pale blue SG 9, margins just touching to large, tiny surface abrasion at upper-left; & 1d dull carmine SG 35var (CP #A1e5), margins just touching to large, minor blemishes, manuscript cancel; and Perf 12½ 4d yellow SG 120, closed tear; & 1/- yellow-green SG 125; Cat £1000. Separate Odenweller Certificates (2010).{Page 90.4} (5) OfferT 676 W B 1857-63 No Watermark Imperf 1d dull orange SG 8, margins clear to good except at lower-left where slightly cut-into, with an ironed-out crease at the top and minor stain at lower-left, unused, Cat £3000. Odenweller Certificate (2010).{Page 90.5} 400T

Lot 677 Lot 680 Lot 678 677 F A+ - 2d pale blue SG 9, margins good to large, light BN '6' (or '9'?) cancel, Cat £180. Superb!{Page 91.2} 400T 678 W A 1862 Large Star Imperf 3d brown-lilac SG 40, margins close to good, unused, Cat £600. Odenweller Certificate (2010) states "the deep brown-lilac shade CP #A3a(2)".{Page 91.4} 400T 679 F B/A - Imperf 6d black-brown SG 41, 3½ margins & just shaved at upper-right, & 1/- yellow-green SG 45, margins close to good, reunited as a "pair" with very fine strike of the scarce ' 5 /OTAHUHU/ A ' undated oval handstamp, Cat £480. Most attractive.{Page 90.1} 300T 680 * A+ 1864 Watermark 'NZ' Perf 12½ at Auckland 6d red-brown SG 108, exceptional colour and appearance being remarkably well centred for this issue, very lightly mounted with virtually full o.g., Cat £600. A magnificent example of this underrated stamp. Ex Sir Gawaine Baillie (sold for £1265 in February 2006) & Joseph Hackmey (sold for $US1440 in February 2009, one of the bargains of the sale). RPSofL Certificate (2006). [Odenweller at pages 123-4 "As with other issues on which the perforations or separations were inaccurate, the users found it necessary to use scissors to separate them"] {Page 91.3} 2,500T 681 W* A/B 1864-71 Large Star selection comprising 1d carmine-vermilion, 2d Plate II (2), 1/- yellow-green single & pair (tonespots, large-part o.g.) and 1d brown (2), all apparently unused, Cat £1975+.{Page 90.2} (8) 500 682 */** A/A+ 1871 Large Star Perf 12½ 6d pale blue SG 136 marginal block of 15 (5x3) from the right of the sheet, well centred for this issue, large-part to full o.g. with one unit being unmounted, Cat £3000++ (mounted). An exceptional block of great rarity and beauty. Ex Joseph Hackmey: acquired for $US9875 (Feb 2009) against a low estimate of $US2000-3000. BPA Certificate (2009).{Page 93.1} 14,000T

Starting Prices are updated on our website until 1pm on 18th December Page: 92 Website: Dec 18, 2010

Lot 684 - Twopence Complete Reconstruction of 240 Positions

Ex Lot 706 Ex Lot 687 - Proofs

Lot 715

Ex Lot 726 Ex Lot 707 Dec 18, 2010 Prestige Philately - Auction No 161 Page: 93

NEW ZEALAND (continued) Lot Type Grading Description Est $A

Lot 682 683 O 1882-1900 Sidefaces with Advertisements on the Reverse 1d complete reconstruction of the 240 positions in red & stated to be the First Setting, a few pairs noted, condition variable. [This work - and the next lot - was completed many years before the publication in 2006 of Jim Robb's marvellous research into & re-writing of the advertising stamps story. Consequently, the plating is probably flawed. However, re-working a lot like this is bound to be loads of fun]{Page 90.7} 500 684 O - 2d complete reconstruction of the 240 positions in red-brown & stated to be the First Setting, condition variable. {Page 92.1} 500 685 * A/B - Perf 10 4d (Dodghsun's Tweed), 5d (Beecham's Pills, tonespots) & 8d (TM&R Advertising Contractors) the adverts all in brown-purple SG 222d 223a & 225, large-part o.g., Cat £415. 200T 686 * B 1898 Pictorials No Watermark 1d bistre & blue SG 262 (Perf 15) with Full Offset of the Vignette on the Reverse CP #E2a[V], a few blemishes, large-part o.g. , Cat $NZ1000. 150T 687 P A+ 1955 Health (Medallion) matching imperforate plate proof pairs in the issued colours on gummed watermarked paper, unmounted. Ex Bradbury Wilkinson Archives.{Page 92.2} (3 pairs) 300T 688 P 1955-59 Large Numerals 1d 2d & 4d imperforate plate proof pairs in the issued colours on card, the 1d (very minor) & 2d with paperclip indents. (3 pairs) 100 689 P A- 1967 Decimals 7c Flower Imperforate block of 4 (small corner fault at lower-right) tied to airmail cover to England by light strikes of 'WHENUAPAI/11JL70/AIR FORCE' cds. Unlisted by Gibbons & Campbell Paterson. [Probably of proof status] 300T 690 W* A-/A OFFICIAL STAMPS: 1891-1906 'O.P.S.O.' Handstamp in rosine on Perf 10 ½d black SG O2, unused, Cat £500 used but unpriced unused; and a Perf 11 1d (unrecorded in the OPSO series) with forged 'O.P.S.O.' h/s in violet (unrecorded on the 1d), large-part o.g. 300T 691 P A - Life Insurance 1947-65 Lighthouses 3d imperforate plate proof block of 4 in issued colours on gummed watermarked paper, unmounted. 150T NEW ZEALAND - Postal History

692 C B 1859 flapless cover to Dunedin with very fine Imperf 2d blue (large even margins), '18' cancel & 'OTAGO/ JU2/1859/NEW-ZEALAND' cds at lower-left, minor soiling. 200T 693 C 1900-15 covers & PPCs including ½d printed matter rate to Quebec, covers to British Columbia & Prince Edward Island, stampless to USA & taxed etc, also a few 1930s flights, generally fine. Reasonable offers considered. (12) 100T 694 C A 1913 commercial cover to "Canal Zone/Panama" with Pictorials 2½d tied by Oamaru machine cancellation, 'EMPIRE CZ/RECD' arrival backstamp. Excellent destination. 100T 695 PS B 1921 (Jan 31) Canterbury (NZ) Aviation Co Timaru-Christchurch flight cover #26e being a KEVII ½d Envelope uprated with KGV 7½d - paying the correct rate of 2d postage + 6d airmail fee - tied by 'TIMARU' cds, typed 'PER AERIAL POST' at upper-left, signed by the pilot "Euan Dickson" at lower-left, minor blemishes, guarantee h/s on reverse, Cat $NZ1500 (2009). [Stapleton's similar cover sold for $920 at our auction of 18/11/2006] {Page 96.3} 1,000T 696 */**C 1931 (Jan) 'Dominion Airways Ltd.' 6d label x2, 'DOMINION AIRWAYS LTD.' 6d label single (thinned) & sheetlets of 6 (the last unit with No Stop) x2 (one unmounted), & another single with typed "AIRLINES", large-part o.g.; also final issue with 'SIXPENCE' cut-out used on pilot-signed cover. 200T Page: 94 Website: Dec 18, 2010

NEW ZEALAND - Postal History (continued) Lot Type Grading Description Est $A

Lot 697 Lot 698 697 C A FIRST DAY COVERS: 1939 illustrated generic FDC with Express 6d violet SG E6 (CP #U2a) & KGVI 1d scarlet (issued in 1938) tied by superb 'WHAKATANE/16AU39/NZ' cds, neatly addressed, Cat $NZ500.{Page 94.1} 300T 698 C A - 1939 illustrated generic FDC with Postage Dues ½d to 3d SG D41-44 (CP #Y19a-22a) tied by superb 'WHAKATANE/16AU39/NZ' cds, neatly addressed, Cat $NZ400.{Page 94.2} 300T NORFOLK ISLAND

699 CPS A/B First Day Covers comprising 1958 Surcharges (Wesley), 1960 Surcharges 1/1d & 2/5d (official) & 2/8d (Wesley) and Pictorials 10/- Bird (official, registered, very scarce); 1961-62 airmail covers to Belgium with scarce/rare albeit philatelic frankings of Pitcairners 3d & 2/-, Ball Bay 2/- blue, '2/5' Surcharge + 8d Hibiscus, and Pictorials 1d 2d 5d 8d & 9d; 1980s commercial airmail covers (2) & postcard, a group of scarce albeit philatelic frankings including 1960s Second Class Air to USA with Surcharges 1c 4c & 5c, two different 1970 formular Aerogrammes with Official Post cachets but probably not sent. (21) 300 700 C A 1954 apparently commercial airmail cover to the United States with scarce franking of 1953 Pictorials 8½d Barracks x2 & 10d Salt House tied by 'NORFOLK ISLAND/AUST' cds & overpaying by 3d the 2/- airmail rate. 150 701 C A 1960 OHMS cover with 'Norfolk Island Administration' imprint at lower-left, to GB with scarce franking of 7d on 7½d Residence & 8d on 8½d Barracks tied by 'NORFOLK/ISLAND' cds. 150 NYASALAND

Lot 702 702 ** A+ A1 1921-33 KGV Script 10/- green & red/pale emerald SG 113 upper-right corner block of 4 with Plate Number '1' & Sheet Number '1424', the second unit with Break in Scroll [R1/12] SG 113a & the fourth unit with Broken Crown & Scroll [R2/12] SG 113b, gorgeous colours & exceptional centring, unmounted, Cat £1150++ (mounted). Superb! BPA Certificate (2007). [An exquisite positional piece for the serious Nyasaland connoisseur]{Page 94.3} 6,000T

15% Buyer’s Premium will be added to the Hammer Price. Dec 18, 2010 Prestige Philately - Auction No 161 Page: 95

Lot Type Grading Description Est $A PAPUA

703 */** On leaves mostly mint with 1910 Large 'PAPUA' to 2/6d (both), Surcharges set, 1932 Pictorials, 1938-39 Airs, 'OS' Overprints to 2/6d (both); also PNG to 1979 including 1952 Pictorials & Postage Dues (ex SG D1), condition mostly fine, 1960s-70s issues mostly unmounted, Cat £1000 approximately. {Page 90.3} (400+) 400 704 */**O Mostly mint collection on Hagners including Monocolours, 'ONE PENNY' Surcharges x2 with Rigo cds & a set of Monogram singles, 'POSTACE' varieties, 1938 (*) & 1939-41 (**) Airmail sets, lots of Monogram or Imprint strips & blocks including a few CTO, condition a bit variable. (200+) 400 705 * A B1 1901-05 British New Guinea Watermark Horizontal Thick Paper ½d to 2/6d (well centred) SG 1-8, Cat £750. {Page 90.6} (8) 600 706 * A/B - Watermark Vertical Thick Paper ½d to 1/- SG 9-15, plus Thin Papers to 1/- (well centred, toned perfs) & 2/6d SG 9a-16a; Thick Paper issues with a few toning concerns, some hinge remainders, Cat £1600+.{Page 92.3} (13) 800 707 * A B1 1906 Large 'Papua' Overprints Watermark Horizontal Thick Paper 4d to 2/6d SG 17-20 & Thin Paper ½d to 6d SG 21-26 (2d toning), mostly well centred, Cat £725. {Page 92.4} (10) 500

Lot 708 Ex Lot 709 Lot 710 Ex Lot 711 708 * B B2 - Watermark Vertical Thick Paper 1/- black & orange SG 27, faint bend & hinge remainders, Cat £1600. BPA Certificate (2001). [Peter Troy's very fine example sold for $1610 at our auction of 28/7/2009]{Page 95.1} 750 709 * A/B 1907 Small 'Papua' Overprints Watermark Horizontal Thin Paper ½d, 2½d x2 including dull blue shade SG 35ac, Thick Paper 1/- (a tad oxidised) & 2/6d; Watermark Vertical Thin Paper ½d to 6d SG 38-43 plus 1/- SG 44a & 2/6d SG 45a, mostly well centred, Cat £660.{Page 95.2} (13) 400 710 * A B1 - Watermark Horizontal Thick Paper ½d black & yellow-green SG 34. A rare stamp: not priced in Gibbons. [John Williams' well centred marginal example sold for $1380 in our sale of 6/3/2010]{Page 95.3} 750 711 * 1907-1941 selection including Large 'PAPUA' Perf 11 2/6d & Perf 12½ to 2/6d (2), Small 'PAPUA' Wmk Upright & Wmk Sideways Perf 11 & Perf 12½ sets (ex Wmk Sideways Perf 12½ 6d but including Wmk Upright Perf 12½ 2½d black & bright ultramarine), also Monocolours, Bicolours, Surcharges & Overprints (ex SG 115) sets, 1932 Pictorials to 10/-, 'OS' Opts to 2/6d (2), some toning and/or heavy mounting but condition is generally fine, Cat £1500+{Page 95.4} (150+) 800 PAPUA - Postal History 712 SDC Duplicated postmarks from Daru including 'DARU/BNG' x4, a couple of later types & two covers; also Samoa Express reprints & a couple that may be genuine; condition variable. Ex John Forrest. OfferT 713 CL (B) 1935 OHMS double-rate cover to Germany endorsed for airmail "Aust-Italy" with Government Storekeeper cachet on the reverse, excellent franking of perf 'OS' 6d x6 (three pairs) & optd 'OS' 2d tied by Brisbane cds with boxed 'PAQUEBOT' h/s below, 'CTMS/T ("50")'-in-oval h/s, a little reduced at right & corner repaired at upper-left still a remarkable cover. [The rate was 1/9d for the first ½oz + 1/8d for each subsequent ½oz = 3/5d so postage was shortpaid 3d]{Page 96.5} 400 714 C B 1939 (Sep 22) apparently commercial cover to United States with Pictorials ½d 1d 1½d & 6d plus Possession 2d, typed endorsement "Via Airmail to Sydney/via Steamer to USA" in red, early usage of red/white 'OPENED BY CENSOR' label (Lee #C5) folded-over at left, typed "Morgan Reynolds/Port Moresby" on the flap. [Morgan Reynolds was the photographer with the Fairchild Aerial Survey of Papua: the cover is to the FAS in Los Angeles] 300 RHODESIA

715 F* A/B 1913-22 Admirals ½d deep green Imperforate at the Top between the Stamp & the Inter-Pane Margin, 'SALISBURY/7JUN22' cds, and 1d carmine vertical inter-pane pair with the same variety, mint but aged gum.{Page 92.6} 300T SAMOA

716 ** A/B 1939 Robert Louis Stevenson 1d to 7d SG 195-198 x160 sets in complete sheets of 80 with Bradbury Wilkinson Imprint/Plate 'A1', some minor toning, unmounted, Cat £1760+. (640) 300 SOUTH AFRICA (Provinces)

717 L A CAPE OF GOOD HOPE: 1905-09 Deed of Transfer documents x12 attractively franked with KEVII revenues to £1 (9) & £2 (5), two documents have been re-used with KGV or KGVI revenue added. (12 items) 150T

Read what our vendors think about selling through Prestige Philately: go to and click on "Feedback" Page: 96 Website: Dec 18, 2010

Lot 643 - Rare UPU Solo Franking Lot 641 - Bahawalpur 1949 Internal Cover

Ex Lot 719 - Tonga Die Cuts Lot 695 - 1921 Timaru-C'church Flight

Lot 713 - Paquebot, Taxed & Airmail! Lot 720 - with $5 x3

Lot 725 - 'Zanzibar' Opts with Varieties Ex Lot 721 - Inter-Bank Parcel Tag Dec 18, 2010 Prestige Philately - Auction No 161 Page: 97

Lot Type Grading Description Est $A SWITZERLAND

Lot 718 718 C B 1872 plain wrapper to "Inverleigh/Victoria/Sth Australia" [sic] endorsed "Via Brindisi" with Seated Helvetia 2c grey & 10c carmine tied by Geneva cds, 'PP' h/s struck in error, crossed-through with red-pencil & partly overstruck with 'PD' h/s, 'INVERLEIGH/VICTORIA' arrival b/s, minor soiling. A very scarce item of great appeal.{Page 97.1} 1,000T TONGA

719 C** 1960s-1970s covers to Australia & Germany with an array of mostly self-adhesive frankings including Coins & other die-cut stamps including better values & some imperfs, plus inwards covers mostly from Germany plus one from Portugal uncancelled but with makeshift 'MAIL DAMAGED IN AIRPLANE CRASH IN LOS ANGELES' label affixed to the face; finally a packet of "Coin" stamps; condition rather mixed still an appealing lot.{Page 96.4} (28) 300 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA - Postal History

720 C B INTER-BANK REGISTERED PARCEL TAGS: 1920s Federal Reserve Bank linen tag to the Philadelphia branch with 1917 Perf 10 $5 Marshall SC #480 single (straight-edge at right) & horizontal pair + 5c Roosevelt strip of 3 (one defective - with Double Perfins) & $1 Lincoln Memorial - all with '2B' perfins - on the reverse, undated 'FED RESERVE STA/NY' cancels plus 'New York (Federal Reserve Station)/REGISTERED' cds in purple, minor soiling. [Scott prices a normal single on cover at $US1250]{Page 96.6} 300 721 C B - two similar complete tags & a similar Nassau County National Bank tag rated $6.15 (one 5c stamp missing) $8.23 or $US5.80 respectively, each with values to Franklin $5 black & green (the second item also with 1922-25 Pictorials $1 & $2) on the reverse, the stamps with 'FRB/NY' or 'P/NB' (?) perfins, a few blemishes & small faults. [Scott prices a normal $5 single on cover at $US2500]{Page 96.8} (3) 500

Lot 722 722 C B - 1936 Fifth Third National Bank (?) linen tag rated $66.22c (!) with exceptional franking including 1922-25 Pictorials $5 Liberty Sc #573 pairs x2 & a remarkable block of 9 with void oval cancels on the reverse, 'CINCINATTI, OHIO/REGISTERED' cds on the face & New York arrival b/s, minor blemishes & - not surprisingly - a couple of the stamps have small faults. [Scott prices a $5 single on cover at $US175]{Page 97.2} 500 Page: 98 Website: Dec 18, 2010

UNITED STATES OF AMERICA - Postal History (continued) Lot Type Grading Description Est $A

Lot 723 723 C A - a similar usage of 1936 Bank of America at Sacramento card tag rated $75 with exceptional franking of 1922-25 Pictorials $5 Liberty Sc #573 strip of 5 (one defective) & a remarkable block of 10 (5x2) on the reverse with undated oval cancels.{Page 98.1} 500 ZANZIBAR

Lot 724 724 C B 1880s native cover with address in Indian script, East India 1a brown pair (pale shade) & two strips of 3 tied to the reverse by 'BRITISH/PO/ZANZIBAR/JUN30 - B ' duplex (no year), a few blemishes & a little truncated at left. [Part of the address transcribed as "at Zanzibar" which suggests this was a local cover - highly unlikely given the 8a postage - or a shipletter that was received uncancelled]{Page 98.2} 2,000T 725 PS B 1896 philatelic usage of Overprints on India 2a6p Envelope to Germany with six values - four with Small Raised Second 'z' - (Cat £30 x30++) tied by 24mm 'ZANZIBAR/REG' cds, 'R'-in-circle h/s & 'REUNION A MARSEILLE/ LV No3' marine-sorter d/s, minor blemishes.{Page 96.7} 250 ZULULAND 726 *W A/A- Overprints on Great Britain to 1/- * plus a used 5/- but the 'ESHOWE' cds is forged, Overprints on Natal ½d With Stop (without gum) & 6d, 1896 2/6d & 4/-, odd minor blemish, mostly fine, Cat £800+.{Page 92.5} (15) 400 727 * A B1 1894-96 Keyplates ½d dull mauve & green Watemark Inverted SG 20w, lightly mounted, Cat £180. 150