Histomorphology of attrition in temporary teeth

Lezcano, Melisa R.*; Solis Arce, Elena P**.; Gili, Maria A.***; Zamudio Maria E.****

Abstract A research project was conducted at the School of Dentistry of the National University of the Northeast, Corrientes, Argentina. The histologic features of the enamel and den- tin of temporary teeth under the physiological process of attrition were studied. For this study 25 temporary teeth were obtained from patients attending the Pediatric Dentistry Department for dental care. Samples were categorized and classified according to a modi- fied version of Gerasimov’s scale. The teeth were processed using the technical wear approach for observation through a microscope. It was determined that 48% of cases showed grade I wear, 36% grade II wear, and 16% grade III wear. In cases where only the was affected, the section of the enamel prisms was observed. When both the enamel and the dentin were affected, reaching grade II and grade III wear levels, cases of both scle- rotic dentin and dead tracts were observed.

Keywords: dental wear, prisms, sclerotic dentin.

* Dentist, Research Trainee, Secretariat of Research in Science and Technology; Assistant Professor at the Histology and Embryology De- partment. Universidad Nacional del Nordeste. Argentina. ** Dentist, Research Trainee, Secretariat of Research in Science and Technology; Assistant Professor at the Biomaterials Department. Uni- versidad Nacional del Nordeste. Argentina. *** Dentist, Specialist in University Education and Management. Associate Professor at the Histology and Embryology Department. Uni- versidad Nacional del Nordeste. Argentina. **** Dentist, Masters Degree in Methodology and Research. Professor at the Biomaterials Department. Universidad Nacional del Nordeste. Argentina. Received on: 14 Jun 14 - Accepted on: 25 Jun 15

4 Lezcano, Melisa R.*; Solis Arce, Elena P**.; Gili, Maria A.***; Zamudio Maria E.**** Introduction: ities. The enamel thickness of deciduous teeth is half of that of permanent teeth, and varies Human beings experience two types of den- across the different areas of the crown. The tition, the deciduous one, which undergoes hydroxyapatite crystals of are a process of physiological resorption, and the arranged in small groups, forming the prisms; permanent one, which does not. The tem- the peripheral edges of immature prisms are porary or deciduous dentition consists of partially surrounded by a non-crystalline sec- 20 teeth, with sets of incisors, canines and tion of this matrix called prism sheath (3). molars (Fig. 1). The primary dentition must These prisms resemble drops of water, due to be complete at approximately 3 years of age the long and fine shape of their tails. There and remains “unchanged” for about 4 years. are tiny areas of water content that make up (1) 0.1% of healthy enamel, which grow in size and number as early enamel caries progresses (1, 2). Regarding dentin, it should be noted that the center areas of the crown and the root are harder in permanent teeth than in tempo- rary teeth, whereas the rest of the dentin, in both kinds of teeth, shows no difference in hardness. Dentin is also less thick in primary teeth than in permanent teeth, which is re- lated to the size of the pulp chambers. Tu- Fig. 1. Temporary dentition bules in the dentin areas close to the enamel are narrower, and this is where the changes that tend to obliterate them take place. As a Loss of enamel is the first consequence of wear consequence of the apposition of peritubular resulting from attrition. Recent studies have dentin, dentinal tubules become increasingly found that the average value of enamel hard- narrow throughout life. This is why defensive ness in permanent teeth ranges between 3.1 responses to lesions in the enamel or direct and 4.7 gigapascals (GPa). The corresponding lesions in the dentin give rise to regressive hardness of permanent tooth enamel in the disorders with dentin sclerosis phenomena, Mohs scale is 5. The dentin of primary teeth called dead tract dentin or translucent den- is slightly less hard than that of permanent tin. Attrition is the wear, or physiological teeth. Tooth tissues exhibit several differenc- and mechanical process, experienced by teeth es, and even though the process of odonto- when chewing, speaking or swallowing. It is genesis is basically the same, formation times normal, natural, and many times it is related are shorter for the deciduous dentition (1-3). to the age of the patient. It occurs on incisal Despite the fact that these teeth last only 5 to and occlusal surfaces (which are constantly in 10 years, they undergo great changes during contact) and on interproximal surfaces (when this brief period, of which attrition is one of teeth are moved). This takes place without the most notable characteristics. the mediation of any product, unlike other The enamel of temporary teeth is structural- dental tissue loss processes, such as erosion or ly made up of the same tissues as permanent . teeth, but with some differences and peculiar- Temporary teeth show increased attrition be- cause they are less mineralized than perma-

Histomorphology of attrition in temporary teeth 5 nent teeth and their surface is more porous, Materials and methods which makes them less resistant to abrasion and attrition. Studies suggest that this type of 25 temporary teeth were obtained from 20 problem is not only connected to stress, but patients who came to the Pediatric Dentist- that it also depends on other factors, such as ry Department of the School of Dentistry, age, sex, diet and harmful habits. Movement Universidad Nacional del Nordeste located in of the teeth and anomalies, or the the capital of Corrientes, Argentina, for den- clash between surfaces that are usually sepa- tal care. The patients considered were chil- rated, are consequences of the loss of dental dren aged between 4 and 12, of both sexes, tissue due to the contact of teeth (2-5). whose clinical records were prepared, includ- is a common habit during the mixed ing their family history and diet chart, and dentition stage, and there are children who the odontogram was filled in. The tooth was also develop bruxism patterns in the arches, photographed before extraction and the writ- which can even flatten their temporary teeth. ten informed consent of a parent or guard- Correct tooth wear, on the other hand, deter- ian was requested. The sample was processed mines the correct growth of the maxillae, as and identified with the following informa- well as the location of the permanent teeth tion: patient identification, date, material in the dental arch and an adequate occlusion obtained, method used to obtain it, clinical (4-8). The wear technique is used for micro- data. Samples were fixed using physiological scopic observation and for studying the den- saline solution in order to prevent dessication tal enamel. The structure of a tooth obtained and loss of properties. The following details with the wear technique that preserves the ar- were recorded before processing the samples: chitecture of the tooth by not subjecting the tooth organ, affected surface of the tooth tooth to decalcification was analyzed in par- and extent of attrition measured in millime- ticular. This technique includes the progres- ters. Most of the teeth obtained were from sive and sequential wear of a tooth, in order the anterior sets of teeth, which was deemed to obtain thin sheets, measuring between 15 normal, taking into account that the age of and 30 microns. This enables the light emit- the patients that come for dental care to the ted by the optical microscope to go through. Pediatric Dentistry Department ranges be- Changes caused by attrition in the hard tissue tween 4 and 7 years of age. This is consistent of temporary teeth, unlike those occurring in with the exfoliation period of these organs, permanent teeth, are hardly ever mentioned unlike the other groups of teeth. The degree in published papers or in the reviewed litera- of attrition of each tooth and group of teeth ture. was determined, with attrition being defined The general goal of the research was to identi- as the physiological tooth wear resulting from fy the histologic and morphologic changes in the contact between teeth during mastica- enamel and dentin using the wear technique tion. The teeth were classified according to on temporary teeth with attrition. The spe- a modified Gerasimov’s tooth wear scale, as cific goals established were to apply the wear agreed by the work group, in which degrees technique to temporary teeth with attrition 1, 5 and 6 of the original scale were not taken and to identify the histologic and morpho- into account because they were deemed to be logic changes in enamel and dentin. irrelevant for this research, since grade 1 is for absence of wear, grade 5 for a fully exposed crown and 6 for absence of dental crown

6 Lezcano, Melisa R.*; Solis Arce, Elena P**.; Gili, Maria A.***; Zamudio Maria E.**** (completely worn off). Due to the above, the Gerasimov scale used in this study was mod- ified taking into account the observed tooth wear, and ranges between grade I and III, as shown in Fig. 2.

Grade I Enamel wear Grade II There are isolated spots of ex- posed dentin Grade III Concave surfaces of the ex- Fig. 4. 20x microscope image of enamel in posed dentin are observed a tooth with grade I wear Fig. 2. Modified Gerasimov’s tooth wear scale

The teeth were hemisected to obtain two histologic specimens from each sample. The hemisection was made using a disc with car- borundum at a low speed, starting at the pe- riphery of the teeth (Fig. 3). The hemisected teeth were worn down to thin sheets, mea- suring between 15 and 30 microns, using Ar- kansas stones. The sheets were then placed on slides and covered with coverslips. Fig. 5. 20x microscope image of dentin in a tooth with grade I wear

Fig. 3. Tooth hemisection procedure

The histologic specimens obtained were clas- sified according to the scale mentioned above, and analyzed using an optical microscope at different magnifications: 10x, 20x and 40x (Figs. 4-8). Fig. 6. 20x microscope image of dentin in a tooth with grade II wear

Histomorphology of attrition in temporary teeth 7 Fig. 9. Tooth wear distribution (occlusal/ Fig. 7. 20x microscope image of enamel incisal) according to the modified Gerasi- and dentin in a tooth with grade III wear mov’s scale

The enamel wear of teeth with Grade I wear was examined macroscopically on the oc- clusal/incisal surface, which showed microf- ractures that can be seen under white light. The areas of attrition appeared as polished and shiny surfaces when they only included enamel. The section of the enamel prisms of teeth with grade I wear was observed under the optical microscope at 20x magnification (Fig. 4). Dentin was translucent and yellow- ish, due to the deposit of peritubular dentin Fig. 8. 40x microscope image of enamel obliterating the dentinal tubules, all of which and dentin in a tooth with grade III wear is consistent with sclerotic dentin (Fig. 5). In the cases where attrition only reached the Results enamel, the section of the adamantine prisms observed was consistent with tissue that does 48% of the teeth analyzed showed grade I not respond to any stimuli. The presence of occlusal/incisal wear, 36% showed grade II reactive or defensive dentin was observed. wear and the remaining 16% showed grade The microscopic examination of the teeth III wear, according to the modified Gerasi- with grade II wear, according to the modified mov’s scale (Fig. 9). The wear on the proximal scale, showed discontinuities on the enamel surfaces of all groups of teeth was classified as on the areas closest to the outer tooth sur- grade I. face, and the peripheral areas of the dentin showed wear in small spots (Fig. 6). The teeth with grade III wear showed exposed dentin, and a central opaque yellow concavity sur- rounded by irregularly worn enamel which was visible to the naked eye. Sclerotic den-

8 Lezcano, Melisa R.*; Solis Arce, Elena P**.; Gili, Maria A.***; Zamudio Maria E.**** tin was observed in the periphery, and dead ies suggest that wear could also be connected or devitalized tract dentin was observed in to the biochemistry of saliva, and the degree the center of the teeth under the optical mi- of hardness of the enamel (10). croscope at a 20x magnification (Fig. 7). At The direct correlation between the amount a higher magnification (40x), it can be seen of worn down dental tissue and the rate at that the dentinal tubules were empty, covered which the tooth is worn down must be taken in germs and organic residue from the mouth into account, as it is a sign of the fact that (Fig. 8). They seemed dark due to the con- the maxillae are growing adequately and, tamination with the wear technique material therefore, that occlusion is evolving correct- and the balm used to prepare the histologic ly. During the microscopic examination we specimen. Dead tract dentin was visible with found sclerotic or translucid dentin, which, 20x and 40x magnification due to the fact according to some authors (4), is only pro- that the wear took place in a short period of duced in the presence of the odontoblast pro- time and there was no time for the odonto- cesses that secrete the matrix inside the lumen blasts to retract. However, some teeth showed of the tubules (Fig. 7). The formation of scle- both types of dentin. rotic dentin is a defense mechanism for com- pensating the regional loss of surface dentin. Its quality and quantity are connected to the Discussion duration and intensity of the stimulus. There- The significance of dental attrition in estab- fore, if it is formed quickly, the tubular pat- lishing an anatomically functional occlusion, tern will be irregular and there can often be in order for the teeth to be in correct occlusal odontoblasts included. Exposure of the pulp relations (9) is recognized. The analysis of the and dentinal sensitivity are not common be- results showed a correlation between the in- cause loss of the tooth structure is slow, thus crease in the degree of attrition and the age enabling the apposition of the secondary-re- of the patient. There are clear signs of attri- parative dentin (10). No variation was found tion in the deciduous dentition stage, during in the direction of the dentinal tubules. The which half and up to two thirds of the orig- analysis of the dentin during noncarious pro- inal height of the dental crown can be lost, cesses has shown that the variability in the ir- after the normal exfoliation period has passed regular or atubular dentin is not related to the and it remains in the mouth. Tooth wear be- type of harmful stimulus or to the destructive gins on the lateral surfaces of the crowns, not process of teeth, although a mild change in its on the occlusal surfaces. The estimation of a path has been detected. person’s age based on tooth wear is not con- clusive, since there are sections that are worn down at different angles and rates. On the Conclusion other hand, there are pathological processes Attrition on the incisal edges and occlusal sur- associated to attrition, such as bruxism: con- faces in temporary teeth is apparent during tinuous and excessive contact of the teeth due the exfoliation period. Moderate attrition is to parafunctions of the stomatognathic sys- deemed to be an integral part of the function- tem. Bruxism is associated with changes in ality of teeth. This study enabled us to ob- the sensory system (stress), although a clear serve the changes or alterations experienced direct cause is yet to be identified. Some stud- by the hard tissues of deciduous teeth during

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Melisa Raquel Lezcano: [email protected]

Histomorphology of attrition in temporary teeth 11