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PRACTICAL NOTE FOR FILLING IN THE APPLICATION FORM, AND PREPARING THE OTHER DOCUMENTS REQUESTED The purpose of this short Practical Note is to provide technical instructions to potential applicants on how to correctly fill the application form, and prepare other documents requested. This is important for eligibility and automatic treatment of the application.

In order to prepare correctly the application, the more exhaustive Application Guide must be consulted beforehand on Please check especially the Section 7.4 Evaluation Criteria.

1.1 Documents requested and further The following documents must be joined to the application (and named accordingly).

 “NameApplicant_ApplicationForm” (fully dated and signed)  “NameApplicant_ID” (a copy of the identity proof, like valid passport)  “NameApplicant_CV-TrackRecord” (max 5 pages)  “NameApplicant_ResearchProject” (max 7 pages incl. budget/references following the mandatory template provided in the call platform).  “NameApplicant_PhDdegree” or “NameApplicant_PhDLetterofCommitment” (a letter in English from the PhD delivering University to attest the near future delivery of the PhD). If you do not have a PhD degree (and it is not planned either), provide Work certificate(s) (name it/them as: “NameApplicant_WorkCertificate”). For the two latter cases, please fill in carefully the section 1.3 of the Application Form. For the PhD degree / work certificate(s), a copy of the original and non-certified English-translated copies are needed (certified translations will be requested in case applicant is selected).  “NameApplicant_RecommendationLetter1” and “NameApplicant_RecommendationLetter2”. The recommendation letters (in English) shall be provided from prior supervisors, professors, co-workers, and they shall precise their position (director, researcher, etc.), title (Prof., Dr., Mr., Mrs...), name, first name, e-mail, and number. Please note that a recommendation letter cannot be provided by your future host. IMPORTANT: Letters of recommendations which are not signed will not be taken into account, and make the application non-eligible. The recommendation letters should also be drafted on letterhead paper.  If applicable: “NameApplicant_EthicsSelf-Assessment”

1.2 Application Form Please check the below instructions to fill in carefully the Application From.

Main instruction: Please save your Application Form in pdf. No scanned pages.

General instructions: . Keep the same structure of the file, do not change the font (Font: Verdana, Size: 10, color: black) . Do not delete or add any line.

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. Use the characters “-“ or “/“ instead of leaving a field empty (do not delete this line). . Do not use or special characters. . Avoid comments (especially in the date fields).

Administrative data: . Use the following format for the date: DD/MM/YYYY. . For the field Gender, indicate: “Woman” or “Man” or “Non-Binary”. . ORCID-ID is a used to identify researchers and authors of academic and scientific contributions, imposed by the major publishers. It must be in the format: 0000-000X-XXXX- XXXX and not an http link.

Place of activity / place of residence prior to the call deadline: . In the fields Period from (DD/MM/YYYY) and Period to (DD/MM/YYYY), indicate only the date and do not add any comment. . In the field Country, specify only the country and not the address or the name of the city.

Future host organization and supervisor: . The field Domain of Major Interest (DMI) must contain only the name of the DMI (or text Out of DIM) and no other comments (ACAV+, MAP, MATH’INNOV, ONEHEALTH, RESPORE, SIRTEQ, QI2, THERAPIE GENIQUE, ELICIT, RFSI, PhASIF, GEROND’IF, STCN, Out of DIM).

1.3 CV - track record Please enclose your CV-Track Record to your application as a separate document named “NameApplicant_CV-TrackRecord”.

The CV-Track record should be limited to a max 5 pages in total (incl. list of publications) and should include the standard academic and research record. We recommend you to include the following information (exhaustive list, please select what is applicable for you): 1. Education 2. Current and previous positions (please highlight international and cross-domain experience) 3. Fellowships, prizes and awards. Institutional responsibilities. Memberships of scientific societies. 4. Teaching, supervising and mentoring activities 5. Scientific evaluation/ reviewing activities 6. Organization of international conferences in your field(s) of research, including membership in the steering and/or programme committee. 7. Examples of participation in industrial innovation, and granted patents. Any other extra- academic professional activity 8. Funding received so far, and on-going fellowship and grant applications 9. Major collaborations 10. Career breaks 11. 10 major publications in peer-reviewed scientific journals, peer-reviewed conference proceedings and/or monographs of their respective research fields, indicating also the number of citations (excluding self-citations) they have attracted 12. Research monographs, chapters in collective volumes and any translations thereof

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13. Invited presentations to peer-reviewed, internationally established conferences and/or international advanced schools 14. Research expeditions led by the applicant 15. Any other track record item that permits to evaluate the applicant’s potential for leadership, openness and creativity, and (including outreach) skills Please notice that any research career gaps and/or unconventional paths should be clearly explained (reason/ duration) so that this can be fairly assessed and taken into account by the independent evaluators.

1.4 Description of the research project Please enclose your research project description to your application as a separate document named “NameApplicant_ResearchProject”.

Please provide a max 7-page description of your research project (incl. budget and references) for a 2-year duration using the mandatory template and the structure given (sections 1-4, and the budget table/description). Please use font Verdana, size: 9, all margins 1.5 cm. The title must be max 200 characters and understandable to the non-specialist.

1.5 Descriptors Please use this list to provide the descriptors in section 3.3 of the Application Form. As an example, a descriptor is Bioinorganic chemistry or again Catalytic materials (thus not the title C1 – Inorganic chemistry).

Chemistry (CHE)

C1 – Inorganic Chemistry

Bioinorganic chemistry Catalytic materials Coordination chemistry

Chemistry of non-metals Inorganic chemistry Organometallic chemistry

Radiation and nuclear chemistry Solid state materials

C2 – Organic, Polymer and Molecular Chemistry

Carbohydrates Chirality Click chemistry

Combinatorial chemistry Heterocyclic chemistry Macromolecular chemistry

Molecular architecture and structure Molecular chemistry Natural product synthesis

Nucleic acid chemistry Organic chemistry Organic reaction mechanisms

Peptide chemistry Polymer chemistry Stereochemistry

Supramolecular chemistry Synthetic organic chemistry

C3 – Physical and Analytical Chemistry

Chemical instrumentation and Chemical reactions: instrumental techniques mechanisms, dynamics, Analytical chemistry kinetics and catalytic reactions

Chemistry of condensed matter Crystallography and X-ray diffraction Chromatography

Colloid chemistry Corrosion Crystallisation

Electrochemistry, electro dialysis, Forensic chemistry Homogeneous catalysis

microfluidics, sensors

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Heterogeneous catalysis Ionic liquids Magnetic resonance

Mass spectrometry Method development in chemistry Microscopy

Molecular dynamics Molecular electronics Photocatalysis

Photochemistry Physical chemistry Physical chemistry of biological systems

Quantum chemistry Separation techniques/extraction Spectroscopic and spectrometric techniques

Surface chemistry Theoretical and computational Trace analysis chemistry

C4 – Applied and Industrial Chemistry

Batteries Biological chemistry, biochemistry Biomaterials, biomaterial synthesis

Ceramics Coating Enzymology

Food chemistry Fuel cells Graphene, carbon nanotubes

Green chemistry Hydrogen production/storage Intelligent materials, self- assembled materials

Materials for sensors Medicinal chemistry Nanochemistry

Nano-materials: oxides, alloys, Pharmaceutical processes and Plastics composite, organic-inorganic production, Regulatory aspects, hybrid, nanoparticles quality assurance, good manufacturing practice

Porous materials, metal organic Solar cells Structural properties of materials framework (MOFs)

Surface modification Targeted drug delivery/discovery Thin films

Toxicology Water splitting Water treatment/purification

Economic Sciences (ECO)

E1 – Economics

Applied research econometrics Behavioural and experimental Economic geography economics

Economic growth Economic history Economics of education

Environment economics Financial econometrics Game theory

Global macroeconomic challenges Health economics Industrial economics

International trade Labour economics Macroeconomics theory

Monetary economics, international Political economy Public economics finance

Social economics, welfare economics Statistics and big data Urban and regional economics

E2 – Economic Development

Circular economy Cluster development Environment issues in development economics

Key enabling technologies for Natural resources management Public administration development

Research & Open innovation, Competitiveness

E3 – Management

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Corporate governance and Human resources management Industrial organization management

Research and innovation Start-up's, new business models in Strategy, marketing management entrepreneurship, social entrepreneurship

Value chain and optimisation

E4 – Finance

Accounting, international Banks, insurance companies, Corporate finance, fundamentals accounting standards, reporting, financial intermediaries & fund, analysis, capital budgeting, tax issues related to Accounting credit rating Agencies venture capital, risk assessment

Financial markets, stock markets, fixed income markets, other markets investments, asset pricing, bonds, derivatives, Commodities

Information Science and Engineering (ENG)

G1 - Computer science and informatics

Algorithms, distributed, parallel and Artificial intelligence, intelligent Bioinformatics, e-Health, medical network algorithms, algorithmic systems, multi agent systems informatics game theory

Cognitive modelling, cognitive Complexity and cryptography, Theorem proving, symbolic, engineering, cognitive sciences electronic security, privacy, algebraic computations biometrics

Pervasive computing, ubiquitous Computer games, computer Computer graphics, computer computing, ambient intelligence, geometry, multi-media, augmented vision, multimedia, computer internet of things and virtual reality games

Parallel/distributed systems, GPGPU, E-commerce, e-business, E-learning, user modelling, grid, cloud processing systems computational collaborative systems


Intelligent robotics, cybernetics Internet and semantic web, Machine learning, data ontologies, database systems mining, statistical data and libraries processing and applications

Modelling engineering, human Numerical analysis, simulation, Scientific computing and data computer interaction, natural optimisation, modelling tools processing language processing

Sensor networks, embedded Software engineering, operating Neural networks, connectionist systems, hardware platforms systems, computer languages systems, fuzzy logic

Evolutionary computing, biologically- Theoretical computer science, formal Quantum computing, DNA inspired computing Methods computing, photonic computing

G2 - Systems and Communication Engineering: Electrical, electronic, communication, optical and systems engineering

Control Engineering Diagnostic and implantable devices, Electrical and electronic environmental monitoring engineering: semiconductors, components, systems

Electronics, photonics Human-computer-interfaces Nano engineering

Networks (communication networks, Optical engineering, photonics, Signal processing sensor networks, networks of robots, lasers etc.)

Simulation engineering and Systems engineering, sensorics, Wireless , modelling actorics, automation communication, high

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frequency, mobile technology

G3 - Products and Processes Engineering: Product design, process design and control, construction methods, civil engineering, energy processes, material engineering

Aerospace engineering Architecture, smart buildings, smart Chemical engineering, technical cities, urban engineering chemistry

Civil engineering Computational engineering and Energy collection, conversion and computer aided design storage, renewable energy

Energy systems, smart energy, Environmental engineering and Fluid mechanics, hydraulic-, smart grids, wireless energy transfer geotechnics turbo-, and piston engines

Industrial bioengineering Industrial design (product design, Lightweight construction, textile ergonomics, man-machine technology interfaces, etc.)

Maritime engineering Materials engineering Mechanical and manufacturing engineering (shaping, mounting, joining, separation)

Production technology, process Sustainable design (for recycling, for Transport engineering, intelligent engineering environment, eco-design) transport systems

Waste treatment

Environmental and Geosciences (ENV)

V1 - Environment and society

Clean technologies, circular Environmental determinants of Environmental regulations, economy, life cycle assessment health climate negotiations and citizen science

Environmental risk assessment, Mobility and transportation Social and industrial ecology, monitoring sustainable development

Spatial and regional planning Urbanization and urban planning, Waste, by-products and residue (including landscape and land cities management (including from management), GIS agriculture)

V2 - Earth system science

Atmospheric chemistry, atmospheric Biogeochemistry, biogeochemical Clean exploration and composition, air pollution, indoor air cycles exploitation of natural resources quality

Climatology and climate change Cryosphere, dynamics of snow and Earth observations from ice cover, sea ice, permafrost and space/remote sensing ice sheets

Environmental chemistry, Geochemistry, crystal chemistry, Geology, tectonics, volcanology, environmental forensics isotope, geochemistry of earth's interior, seismology

Hydrology, water management Meteorology, Mineralogy, petrology, igneous and dynamics petrology, metamorphic petrology

Natural hazards Noise pollution Oceanography, marine science, coastal engineering

Paleoclimatology, paleoecology Physical geography Pollution (water, soil, sediment), rehabilitation and reconstruction of polluted areas, clean technologies

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Sedimentology, soil science, Terrestrial ecology, land cover palaeontology change

V3 - Evolutionary, population and environmental biology

Animal behaviour Biogeography, macro-ecology Biodiversity, conservation biology

Comparative biology Ecology Ecotoxicology

Environmental, marine and Population biology, population Species interactions (e.g. freshwater biology dynamics, population genetics food-webs, symbiosis, parasitism, mutualism, bio- invasion)

Systems evolution, biological adaptation, phylogenetics, systematics

V4 - Food Science, Agriculture, Forestry and Non-Medical Biotechnology

Agriculture production systems Agriculture production systems Applied plant biology (animals) (crops), including fertilisation and nutrient management

Applied biotechnology (non- Aquaculture, fisheries Biohazards, biological medical), bioreactors, applied containment, biosafety, microbiology biosecurity

Biomass and biofuels production Biomimetics Crop protection, pest and disease control

Environmental biotechnology, Food sciences, safety, traceability, Forestry and forest management, bioremediation, biodegradation authenticity, agroindustry agroforestry

Soil biology, soil functionality, soil management

Life Sciences (LIF)

L1 - Molecular and Structural Biology

Biophysics (e.g. transport DNA synthesis and degradation DNA repair and recombination mechanisms, bioenergetics, fluorescence)

Molecular metabolism Molecular interactions Protein synthesis, folding, modification and turnover

Lipid synthesis, modification and Carbohydrate synthesis, modification RNA synthesis, processing, turnover and turnover modification and degradation

Structural biology (e.g. crystallography, EM, NMR, PET)

L2 - Genetics, Genomics, Bioinformatics and Systems Biology

Applied genetic engineering, Bioinformatics Biological systems analysis, transgenic organisms, recombinant modelling and simulation proteins, biosensors

Biostatistics Computational biology Epigenetics and gene regulation

Genetic epidemiology Genomics and functional genomics Genetic and genomic variation and related disorders

Comparative, evolutionary and Chromosome structure organization Metabolomics (including population genomics and dynamics glycomics)

Molecular genetics, reverse genetics Proteomics Quantitative genetics and RNAi

Systems biology Transcriptomics Plant genetics

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Genome editing Genetic pharmacology

L3 - Cellular and Developmental Biology

Developmental biology and Pattern formation and embryology in Molecular transport mechanisms technology animal organisms

Mechanisms of growth control and Cell differentiation, physiology and Morphology and functional cell proliferation imaging of cells dynamics

Organelle biology Plant development pattern formation Molecular mechanisms of signal and embryology in plants transduction

Stem cells and cellular programming Mechanisms and dynamics of cell migration

L4 - Physiology, Pathophysiology and Endocrinology

Ageing Cancer and its biological basis Cardiovascular diseases

Comparative physiology Endocrinology Metabolism, biological basis of metabolism related disorders

Organ physiology and Environmental physiology Rare/orphan Diseases pathophysiology

Reproductive biomedicine (reproductive physiology and endocrinology, infertility and pregnancy research)

L5 - Neurosciences and neural disorders

Behavioural neuroscience (e.g. Cognitive neuroscience (e.g. Neural development and sleep, rhythms, , learning, memory, emotions, neuroplasticity handedness) consciousness)

Mechanisms of pain Molecular and cellular neuroscience Neuroanatomy and excitability

Physiology of nerves and motor Medicines, psychoactive drugs and Neuroimaging and computational systems pharmacology, poison. neuroscience

Psychiatric disorders and clinical Sensory perception (nose and psychology (e.g. schizophrenia, smell, tongue and taste, eyes Neurological disorders (e.g. autism, Tourette's syndrome, and vision, ears and hearing, Alzheimer's disease, obsessive compulsive disorder, skin, pain, touch and Huntington's disease, Parkinson's depression, bipolar disorder, movements) disease) attention deficit, hyperactivity disorder, addiction)

L6 - Immunity and infection

Bacteriology Biological basis of cancer immunity Biological basis of auto- immunity/ tolerance

Biological basis of immunity related Biological basis of other immunity Cellular and adaptive immunity inflammatory disorders related disorders

Immunogenetics Immunological memory and Immunosignalling tolerance

Microbiology Parasitology Phagocytosis and innate immunity

Prevention and treatment of Veterinary medicine and infectious infection by pathogens (e.g. diseases in animals vaccination, antibiotics, fungicide) Virology

L7 - Diagnostic tools, therapies and public health

Diagnostic tools (e.g. genetic, Drug discovery and design Drug therapy and clinical studies molecular diagnostic) (formulation and delivery)

In vivo bio and medical imaging In vitro cell and tissue imaging Environment and health risks,

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occupational medicine

Gene therapy, cell therapy, Tissue regeneration and engineering Immunotherapy (vaccine regenerative medicine discovery, genetic vaccines)

Personalised medicine (diagnostic/prognostic Health services, health care research Medical engineering and technology biomarker, patient- orientated management solutions)

Pharmacology, pharmacogenomics Public health and epidemiology Radiation therapy


Mathematics (MAT)

M1 - Mathematics

Algebraic geometry Algebraic number theory Algebraic topology

Algorithms and complexity Analytic number theory Category theory and algebraic structures

Combinatorics Complex analysis Complex geometry

Differential Geometry Functional analysis Game Theory

General topology Graph Theory Group Theory

Harmonic analysis Homological algebra Low dimensional topology

Mathematical logic and set theory Non commutative Geometry Ordinary Differential Equations and Dynamic Systems

Partial Differential Equations Probability Ring theory

Set theory

M2 – Applied Mathematics

Control Theory Data Analysis Mathematical aspects of Biology

Mathematical aspects of Computer Mathematical aspects of Economy Mathematical aspects of Physics Science and


Mathematics in Engineering and Numerical analysis and scientific Operational Research other computing

Applied Sciences

Optimization Scientific Computing Statistics

Physics (PHY)

P1 – Particle and

Fundamental interactions and fields Neutrino oscillations Nuclear physics, heavy ions

Nuclear physics, nuclear structure Particle accelerators and detectors , experiment

Particle physics, Supersymmetric particles Quantum chromodynamics theory/phenomenology

Quantum field theory

P2 – Atomic and ,

Atomic physics Cold/Ultra-cold atoms and

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Laser physics Metrology and measurement Molecular physics

Nano-optics Non-linear optics Interferometry

Optical physics Photonics Statistical physics (gases)

Quantum optics Quantum electrodynamics

P3 -

Condensed matter, thermal Condensed matter, transport Condensed matter, mechanical properties properties and acoustical properties, lattice dynamics

Electronic properties of materials, Films and Interfaces Fluid dynamics surfaces, interfaces

Gas and plasma physics High pressure physics Low-temperature physics

Nanophysics: nanoelectronics, Magnetism and strongly correlated Mesoscopic physics nanophotonics, systems nanomagnetism, nanoelectromechanics

Phase transitions, phase equilibria Polymer physics Semiconductors and insulators

Soft condensed matter Spintronics (condensed matter)

Structure of solids and liquids Superconductivity Superfluids

Surface Physics

P4 – , Cosmology, Space science

Active Galactic Nucleus (AGN) , QSO Astrobiology, astrochemistry Astrometry

Astronomical instrumentation: Astrophysical jets, accretion Big bang nucleosynthesis telescopes, detectors, techniques phenomena

Clusters of galaxies and large scale Cosmic Microwave Background Cosmology structures (CMB)

Dark matter, dark energy Formation and evolution of galaxies Formation, structure and evolution of stars

Extrasolar planets and exoplanets Gravitational lensing Gravitational waves

High energy astrophysics Interstellar medium Nuclear astrophysics

Radio astronomy Relativistic astrophysics Solar physics

Solar system and planetary science Space weather

P5 –

Acoustics Agrophysics and biophysical techniques

Communication Physics Complex systems, Networks

Geophysics Laser applications

Nanotechnology: nanomaterials, Optical engineering Optoelectronics tools and techniques, applications of nanotechnology

Photodetectors Photonics applications Photovoltaics and solar cells

Plasmonics Quantum electronics Quantum Technology and Quantum Devices

Solid-state devices

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Social Sciences and Humanities (SOC) S1 - Sociology, social anthropology

Ageing, health social policies Attitudes and values Demography, population issues and policies

Fertility, family dynamics, policies Gender studies Globalization, glocalization, antiglobalism

Inequalities, discrimination, Kinship, cultural dimensions of Migration, refugees, asylum, prejudice, aggression and classification and cognition, identity interethnic relations, conflicts violence, antisocial behaviour and integration of migrants

Myth, ritual, symbolic Qualitative methods, ethnography, Rural population, agriculture, representations, religious studies case studies innovation, depopulation

Social economy, social Social influence, power and Social integration, exclusion, entrepreneurship group behaviour, classroom inequalities, participation and management prosocial behaviour

Social structure, social mobility Social theory Social welfare and neoliberalism

Sociology of education Sociology of knowledge Transformation of societies, democratization, social movements

Urban sociology, urban theory, urban Work, employment, precariousness Youth studies

studies, global cities, territorialisation

S2 - Political science

Comparative politics Development studies Electoral politics, Political parties,

Citizenship and public engagement

EU and European politics Foreign policy Game theory, Logic of collective choice

Human, economic and social International relations, Global Migration policy geography governance,

International politics and history; geopolitics

Political economy Political systems and institutions, Political theory, Political thought, governance Political philosophy; Ideologies

Politics of gender, Race, Public administration, Public policies Regional and territorial politics Discrimination and inequalities; Identity politics

Relations with public interest groups Theories of conflict, violence and security; Negotiation and mediation

S3 – Law

Business, corporate and securities Comparative law Criminal law law

Education law Employment and labour law, social European law law

Family and juvenile law Health law Intellectual property and innovation law; Data protection law, IT law

International law, human and civil Legal systems, constitutions, Private law, consumer protection rights; Violence, conflict and foundations of law law peacebuilding

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Public law, immigration law, Sports and entertainment law environmental law

S4 – Communication

Communication networks, media, Crisis and Digital social research, including social media, information procedures audiovisual social services society

Information & communication Information society and education Institutional communication technology and the world of work

Lobbying and strategy Social communication, verbal and non verbal communication

Social studies of science and technology

S5 - Cognition, psychology, linguistics

Biological psychology: mind-body Cognitive psychology: learning, Development across the life-span connection, health, stress and cognition and developmental disease psychopathology

Ergonomics, human factors, user Evolution of mind and cognitive Formal, cognitive, functional and modelling, and neuroergonomics functions, animal communication computational linguistics

Neuropsychology and Psycholinguistics: acquisition, Socio-cultural psychology and neurolinguistics comprehension, production social cognition

Use of language: pragmatics, sociolinguistics, discourse Typological, historical and analysis, second language comparative linguistics teaching and learning, lexicography, terminology

S6 – Philosophy

Aesthetics and philosophy of culture Analytic philosophy Epistemology, logic, philosophy and anthropology of science

Ethics and morality, bioethics History of philosophy Metaphysics

Phenomenology Philosophy of religion Social and political philosophy

S7 – Education

Education systems, institutions and Educational assessment, feedback Learning technologies, e- policies, sociology of education learning, tutoring systems, learning analytics

Lifelong learning, workplace Philosophy of education, Teaching and learning learning and training, heutagogy human development methodologies, pedagogy, andragogy, psychology of education

S8 - Literature, arts, music, cultural and comparative studies

African literature Classics, ancient Greek and Latin Comparative literature literature and art

Computational modelling and Contemporary literature Cultural memory, intangible digitisation in the cultural Sphere cultural heritage

Cultural studies, cultural diversity History of art and architecture, arts- History of art criticism based research

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History of books, codicology History of collections History of fashion design

History of literature Latin American literature Library and archival science; Librarianship

Literary theory and comparative Medieval literature Modern literature literature, literary styles

Museums and exhibitions, Music and musicology, history of Oriental and East Asian literature conservation and restoration music

Textual philology, palaeography and Visual arts, performing arts, film, epigraphy design

S9 - Archaeology, history and memory

American archaeology, art and Ancient history Asian archaeology, art and culture culture

Classical archaeology and art, Collective memories, identities, Colonial and post-colonial history of archaeology lieux de mémoire, oral history history, global and transnational history, entangled histories

Cultural heritage, cultural memory Cultural history; History of collective Diplomatics identities and memories

Early and modern archaeology Egyptology and ancient near eastern Gender history archaeology, art and culture

General archaeology, Historiography, theory and History of ideas, intellectual archaeometry, landscape methods in history, including the history, history of science, archaeology analysis of digital data techniques and technologies

Industrial archaeology Medieval history Military history

Modern and contemporary Modern and contemporary history Numismatics, epigraphy archaeology

Prehistory, palaeoanthropology, Social, economic, cultural and palaeodemography, protohistory political history

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