MOTORWAY DREAMER Page1 Motorway Dreamer is is “ edited” and published by John Nielsen Hall Please direct all contributions,letter of comment, and pictures of your wife or girlfriend doing things that you promised her were solely for you and that you promised would never ever be shown to anyone else to: Coachman's Cottage, Marridge Hill Ramsbury, Wilts SN8 2HG U.K. E-mail:
[email protected] In This Issue: Editorial Just this once, Uncle Page 3 Johnny says what it is My Legacy Roy Kettle exhibits various Page 4 documents he half -hitched during his final days in Whitehall Me and Buddhism- Johnny again- you can have Page 28 a sleep during this bit if An Explanation you like Pizza Deliverance Graham James tells a tale Page 36 from a former life Obligatory Poetry This ish – a Blast From The Page 39 Past Section Back Seat Drivers The readers protest their Page 40 own suffering Art & Picture Credits Cover Bruce Townley Pages 4&25 Adrian Teal Page 17 Roy Nixon Pages 29,33 & 38 Brian Zaikowski Page 30 DAF © LNEB Page 35 V Stanlinski Everything else.... Shamelessly pirated from the web or clip-art Page2 Motorway Dreamer is an Electronic Printed Fanzine. The Electronic version is available at by the grace of Bodhisattva Bill Burns. That is also where all the previous issues live. If you are holding in your hands a printed copy this is because: You have Locced You have contributed to this or past issues You are a fellow faned. Salutations from the great beyond of ish future! You have asked for a copy ( Its up to you now) Johnny thinks you are a lovely person and should have one anyway (He's fickle, though) Roy Kettle insists you should have an opportunity to admire his finely crafted prose.