MUSIC Overture MUSIC Racing Advanced Jazz Mix - Yellow 1. Scene of Grand Prix around the World Winner 1st place - Racing Car – Grand Prix de France 1908 Grand Prix Deutschland 1908, British Grand Prix 1909 Early 20th century – costumes – cars – ended with crash so car burnt out.

2. Scene of Old Garage and Farm – dirty – children playing cars in old burnt car Lizzie: Where are we going? Annie: Come on Lizzie, we’re going to find the others. Lizzie: But where are they? Annie: They’re at the old farm. Lizzie: Not old Coggin’s farm? Annie: Well yes, but…hey look there’s Sam and Ed! Ed: Hey girls! You coming to play? Sam: Come on it’s over here, come on everyone! Annie: What’s over here? Ed: They’ve found an old car! Annie: An old car? Sam: Yes, the Potts children are playing in it. Come on! Lizzie: But this is Coggins farm….we can’t go in there…. Annie: Come on…. MUSIC - CHICK CHICK CHICK CHICKEN - Baby Ballet Sam: You’re going too fast! Jo: You need to go left! Charlie: Keep going, we’re going to win! Ed: Pull over, pull over! Jemima: Slow down, we’re going to crash! George: Broooom, broom Sam: Nyeeeeee, Nyeeeeeee Hey Lizzie, hey Annie! Annie: Wow, this is amazing Lizzie: Move over, let us on too! Jo: Hang on we’re coming to a bend! George: You’re going too fast! Sam: No I’m not, hang on! Ed: Broooooom, brooooom Charlie: Peep, peep Jo: And we’re coming into the final straight…. Jemima: We’re leading….. George: Nearly there….! All children: We win!!! Annie: Poor old car, it’s never going to win anything every again Jemima: We need to cheer it up. It feels sad. Lizzie: How about giving it a wash! Jo: A really good wash Sam: And a really good scrub! All children: Yes! Jemima: That’ll cheer the old car up! MUSIC – Car Wash Belinda: What do you call this old piece of junk then? Betsy (spy 2): What’s this burnt out piece of junk. Belinda: I’ll give you 10 bob for it. Bert: Piece of junk? Don’t be daft, that’s no heap of iron. This was once a great car! Won the Grand Prix three years running. Betsy: Ha ha, so it’s a car is it? Charlie: Certainly it’s a car! Jo: It’s a racing car! Sam: And we’re winning the race. Annie: Well you’re in the way. Lizzie: Yes, please move out of the way! Charlie: Move out of the way! Belinda: You’ll be in the way for a whole lot of trouble young man, if I have any more of your lip! Betsy: Right, I’ll give you 15 bob for it. Bert: Make it 30 bob, and she’s yours. Charlie: Mr.Coggins, you’re not going to sell her are you? Belinda: Aww shut up, what do you think he’s running here, a children’s playground? Alright, 30 bob, I’ll pick her up Wednesday. Jo: But Mr.Coggins, you promised we could play in her. Bert: Well, I’m sorry my dears, but she ain’t any use to me. Times are hard. Sam: But you can’t take her away. Charlie: She’s not just any old car Lizzie, Jemima and Annie: She’s ours! Bert: Not any more she ain’t. Ed and George: (Start to cry) But she’s our car Annie: You’re upsetting the little ones Belinda: I’ll see you tomorrow Bert. Charlie: But what are you going to do with her? Belinda: I’ll tell you what we’re gonna do… Betsy: We’re going to put her in the clapper…. Children: No! Belinda: We’re gonna crunch her up Children: Oooh! Betsy: Then we’re gonna put her in a fiery furnace Children: Ouch! Belinda: And we’re going to melt her down! (The old car shivers and drops to the ground) Charlie: Now look what you’ve done Annabella: You’ve frightened her Sam: See, she’s a very special car George: If you put her in a fiery furnace, Lizzie: You’ll be guilty of murder Ed: Yeah murder! Jemima: Yes murder! Belinda: Yeah, and if you don’t get out of it, I’ll be guilty of a whole lot of murders. (The children scream) Betsy: Go on now, out of it! Charlie: Please Mr.Coggins, Sam: You can’t sell our lovely car to that nasty man. Bert: I’m sorry children, but I’m afraid I already have. Jo: I know, Daddy will buy it from him, won’t he Jemima? Jemima: Of course he will! Sam: Mr, Coggins, promise you won’t let it go until they come back? Bert: Ha, well mind, thirty shillings, not a penny less. Jo: Please promise? Jemima: Please? Bert: Ha, ha, ha, alright, I promise. Jo: Come on Jemima! Charlie: Yeah, Jo, Jemima and George are going to buy our car! Lizzie: I like driving in our car! MUSIC – I LIKE DRIVING IN MY CAR – Principal children singing (They nearly crash into two ladies coming the other way) Truly: Well, careful, you could do someone some damage! Children: We’re very sorry Miss! Scrumptious: You need to watch where you’re going! Truly: Why aren’t you in school? Scrumptious: It isn’t a holiday or anything is it? (the children shake their heads) Truly: Well come along, we’ll take you home Scrumptious: So we know that you’re safe. Truly: What are your names? Jemima: Jemima! George: George! Jo: Jo! Scrumptious: Well I’m called Scrumptious. Scrummy for short. Jemima: What a lovely name! Truly: And I’m Truly. Jemima: A truly pretty name too. Truly: Why, thank you.

3. The Windmill – home of the Potts Family Scrumptious: Don’t you have something to say to your father? Jo: Ooh, yes Daddy, Mr Coggins says… Jemima: She doesn’t mean about that…. George: She means about…..(nods sincerely at Truly and Scrummy) Jo: Oh, yes…. Jemima: Daddy, we didn’t go to school today. Mr Potts: Uh huh, I see, well it’ll errr give the other children a chance to catch up, won’t it? Run along children.. Children: Goodbye…!! / Bye Scrummy! Bye Truly! / Come on angel! (Angel the dog) Truly: But….errrr….but… Grandpa: Afternoon Miss, and Miss, can’t stop, just off to have a cup of tea with the maharaja… (Scrumptious and Truly are aghast)

Workshop Scene – strange inventions smoking and whistling all around Machines scene in Workshop Truly: Mr.Potts, Scrumptious: Mr.Potts. Well perhaps you’re simply not aware that your children are just running about. Truly: And in the road too! Scrumptious: And after all, its not a playground. And if you…. Mr.P: Would you mind just pressing that switch there.. Scrumptious: Switch? Mr.P: Yes, that one over there, at the bottom Truly: (looks around for the switch) This one? Mr.P: Thank you Truly: You really should try to exercise more control over them Mr P: Yes, well thank you, Scrumptious: Don’t your children go to school? Mr P: Oh, I see, now you’re the truant officer Srummy: No, I’m not the truant officer. Mr P: Well, didn’t you ever play truant, just the once? Scrummy: No, we most certainly did not! Mr P: Mmmmm, I bet you didn’t. Truly: Would it be too much to ask what this is? This errrm, contraption, this thing? Mr P: Little invention of mine. I, mmm, haven’t quite perfected it yet. Drama of robots and parts breaking Scrumptious: (Starting to laugh) And what’s this? Mr P: Well, one day, I hope to transmit moving pictures by wireless. I do believe I can do it! Scrumptious: Is that so? You really believe in your inventions do you? MUSIC I’m a Believer – Singing Truly: And this machine? Mr P: This madam, is a sweet making machine. Truly: And is this one of the sweets? Mr P: Yes it is. Scrumptious: And is it supposed to have all those holes in it? Mr P: No. Actually I think there’s a problem… Truly: The boiling point of your sugar is too high. Mr P: Oh, an expert on sweet making are we? Scrumptious: Well, as a matter of fact, we… Mr P: And an expert on child welfare… Truly: We were only trying to help… Mr P: I do not see how my children behave, is any concern of yours Truly: We were merely trying to…. Mr P: Well if you’d be so kind as to merely take yourself off and go and do good somewhere else. Scrumptious: Well, I’ve never been spoken… Mr P: Spoken to in that way before, well maybe it’s about time someone did. Truly: Oh, well really… Mr P: Good afternoon Madam. And Madam (They storm out crashing into the machines) MIND THE MACHINES! (going into the sitting room/dining room) Confounded women – who do they think they are? Unbelievable! Mimsie: Hello dear. (Mimsie is serving dinner. Soup and bread) Potts: Mimsie dear. Mimsie: Who’s unbelievable? Potts: Those 2 women! Jo: Well I liked them. George: So did I. Jemima: I thought they were pretty Mr P: They certainly were. Grandpa : Do I smell food? Mr P: Bring the salt and pepper please Father. Grandpa : Right a way Sir! Mimsie: And the bread please Grandfather! Grandpa : Right a way, Sir. Mr P: How was India? Grandpa: India? Well, I’ll tell you something. I got up this morning, and I saw an elephant in my pyjamas, and I wondered…. Grandpa and children: How the elephant got into my pyjamas, I shall never know. Grandpa: You’ve heard it before. (They all laugh) Jemima: Daddy, can we ask you something. Jo: It’s about Mr.Coggins Mr P: Mr. Coggins? Jo: You see, the gentleman wanted to take it away George: She’s going to take it away Jo: And she’s going to melt it down Mr P: What are you talking about? Children: Our car! Mimsie: Yes, and what about it? Jemima: Mr Coggins is selling it to the junk people. Jo: And the junk men are going to put it into the fiery furnace. And squash it all up. George: Until there’s nothing left. Mr P: Ohhh. Well that’s terrible. Mimsie: We can’t let that happen can we Grandpa? Grandpa: Errrm, no we can’t let that happen. Children: We knew you wouldn’t let it happen! Jo: And he promised you could have it, if you gave him thirty shillings. Mr P: Err thirty shillings Jemima: That’s right, you can give him the money in the morning Daddy. Mr P: Hmm, yes, well Mimsie: I’m sure we can work something out somehow. Children: Hooray!!!!! Mr P: Well are you just about finished? Children: Yes Mimsie: Right, well if you can just pop on upstairs and get ready for bed now. Jemima: Goodnight Grandpa, Goodnight Mummy. Goodnight Daddy. Jo: Goodnight Grandpa, goodnight Daddy Goodnight Mummy.. George: Goodnight Mummy. Goodnight Grandpa, goodnight Daddy! Grandpa, Mimsie and Mr P: Goodnight children. Grandpa : Hmmmm, yes well, you’ve gone and done it now haven’t you? Thirty shillings! Mr P: Do you thing Coggins might do a deal? Mimsie: Something a week? Grandpa: Bert Coggins? What him down the road? He’s so mean, he wouldn’t light your pipe if his house was on fire. Mimsie: Well there must be something we can do. Grandpa : You need to get out there and earn a proper wage my son. At your age, I was working a full day… Mr P: Polishing the Brigadier’s boots Grandpa : When my Brigadier went into action, the fuzzy wuzzys were so blinded by the shine on his boots, they couldn’t see to fight.. Mr P: So you keep telling me… Grandpa: Its all about pride son, taking pride in your work…and then tasting the glory…. Mr P: I will make it Grandpa. I know it. I’m so close….I can taste it….I’m on the edge… MUSIC – ABOUT to make it – Edge of Glory - Jazz Mr P: Who wants sweets with holes in them? (Throws it onto floor) Angel: (Picks up sweet and starts whistling sweet) Mr P: Angel, stop that racket….Angel, that whistling….(goes over to look at the sweet and the dog) Angel, you’re a genius!

4. Scene – Sweets Office, Factory and Shop Music – Sugarplum Fairy - Ballet Alma: Employment offices are in the rear. Mr P: Ahh, yes well you see I’ve invented these sweets. Alma: Oh really. Name? Mr P: Oh, errr, Name? Well Whistling Sweets. Alma: Mr Whistling Mimsie: No, no…. Truly: Hello children! Children: Truly! Truly: Now, I wonder why you children would be in a sweet factory Children: Scrummy! Alma: Oh good morning Miss Truly and Miss Scrummy! Truly: Albert, please tell our mother that we’re here. Mr P: Your mother….Truly…Scrummy…Sweets…..ah… Alma: Yes of course the Sweets girls. Mimsie: Oh Caraaticus, you’ve messed this up before we’ve begun. Alma: I’ll find out when she can see you. Mr P: So you’re the Sweets girls ….her daughters… Truly: (nodding) Her daughters yes. Posy: Daughters to Dame Sweets. Mr P: Come along children… Children: Oh daddy, show Truly your invention… Truly: Your invention? Mr P: You’ve seen them…somehow I don’t think it’ll do much good Scrumptious: Oh those sweets? Mr P: Err yes, but you see with the holes…. Jo: Blow on one Scrummy Scrummy (whistling on the sweet) Oh yes! Truly: How ingenious! Alma: Please come through Miss Sweets. And you? You can come back in three weeks. Honey: Morning Albert! Alma: Morning Miss Sweets. Mr P: There’s more of you? Honey: Yes, I’m afraid there are 5 of the Sweets girls, Alma: Ah honey, your mother wishes to see you privately! Honey: Although I’m the one that’s always in trouble! Mimsie: Oh dear. Araminta: You’re just a little too sweet, aren’t you Honey! Candy: Sweet and sickly, she doesn’t quite know when to stop, do you Honey? Honey: Well I always mean well, it’s just…. Araminta: Never mind Honey, Mother won’t kill you. She’ll just have some sort of punishment up her . Candy: She certainly does seem to always be able to invent a new one. Mr P: Invent a new sweet? Candy: No. New punishment. Mimsie: Ah! Mr P : I see. (all the girls shudder a bit) Alma: Are you still here? Truly: Show Mr Potts through to our mother immediately Albert. Alma: Immediately Miss Scrumptious? Scrumptious: Immediately. Mr P: Well maybe I should come back in three weeks Jo: Oh Daddy Jemima: Go on Daddy George: Show them your sweets Mr P: Hmmm ok. Scrumptious: And don’t let her bully you. Truly: Show her your new… Honey: …and ingenious… Truly: and ingenious sweets. Scrumptious: But be persistant Araminta: Be persuasive Candy: Be strong Honey: Be charismatic (they all look her confused) Honey: Well mother has always been partial to a man’s charms Mimsie: Well then, be charismatic Honey; Exactly Truly: But most of all Srummy: Show her what a talented inventor you are. Truly: Come on girls, let’s show the Potts Family, how to do it. Honey: I think Truly and Scrummy have taken quite a shine to you! MUSIC – Let’s hear it For the Girls (Sweets Girls)

SCENE – SWEETS OFFICE Albert: Mr Potts Sir Dame Sweets: Who’s this? Where are my daughters? Albert: They insisted you see him, Sir. Dame S: Oh very well, what’s this all about? Mr P: Sweets Sir. Dame S: Well I hardly thought it was nuts and bolts – we’re in a sweet factory. Let’s have a look. Mr P: Yes Madam Dame S: Hurry up man! Mr P: If I may be allowed to explain Madam Dame S: You have exactly 20 seconds Mr P: Well, not only are these sweets delicious, but due to exact positioning of the holes, when you actually do errr blow through the sweet, well errr, if I can show you…. Cook: Tasting time Madame Dame S: Too late, had your chance – muffed it. Cook: This way Dame Sweets. Dame S: Madame. Truly: (whispering from the side with the children) Go on, follow her….

SCENE - The Sweet Factory MUSIC – Candy/Candyman - Jazz Mr P: So if you would just allow me to demonstrate Dame Scrumptious Dame S: (ignoring him completely) Raspberry? Cook: Yes Dame Scrumptious. Will you try the sherbet? Dame S: A little too sweet, less sugar, more fruit. Where are my girls? Truly,Scrummy? Are these the newest sherbet candies? Cook: Yes Madam, the newest. What about the lime? Candy: Here we are mother (making notes) Dame S: Are there you are girls. Where have you been? The working day commences at zero nine hundred hours girls…. Scrummy: Keep going….. Mr P: You see, you just place the sweet in your mouth and blow… Dame S: Are you still here? Children: He’s not doing very well is he? Truly: Go on…. Scrumptious: Keep trying…. Mr P: And they’re available in different flavours…strawberry Dame S: What shapes are these? Cook: These are triangle Dame Sweets. Honey: These are cylindrical mother, shortened tubes…. Mr P: lemon Dame S: Change this Araminta, I don’t like it Araminta: Yes Mother Mr P: pineapple Dame S: Will someone escort this man off the premises. Alma: Yes Madame Dame S: Change this tubeshape Honey: Yes Mother Cook: Do you want to stay with the triangles Dame Sweets? Dame S: What is it now man? (as Mr P runs in front of her and stops him walking, finally Mimsie stops her) Mimsie: Please stop! Taste! Enjoy! Dame S: Well really! Who is this woman? Sweets Girls: Just try it mother! Dame S: Good shape. Good taste. And… All: And….? Dame S: A whistle too! Truly: Music mother! Scrummy: What fun…whistling sweets Dame S: Tremendous! Cook: She likes it! Mr P: She likes it! (Everyone on stage starts to whistle, and dogs start running in through the auditorium) Dame S: What is going on? Get that man out of here! And these sweets! And these dogs!!!!!!! MUSIC – Who let the dogs out? Into One of a Kind (102 Dalmations) (There is chaos) Jo: Don’t be sad daddy Jemima: It wasn’t your fault George: It was all those naughty dogs Mimsie: Children, about the car and this thirty shillings… Mr P: I’m afraid until I sell my invention…we haven’t any money for anything….but don’t you worry children… Truly: Mr Potts! Mr Potts! Scrummy: Thank heavens we found you all. Mummy loved them. Honey: Mr Potts! You’ve done it. Candy: Your whistling sweets…. Araminta…they start production on Monday….. for dogs! (they all start to laugh) Mr P: Sweets for dogs? Candy: That’s right. Scrummy: You’ve made it! Truly: You’re rich! Here’s your first installment (she hands him a wad of notes)….you’ve done it Mr Potts. Mr P: …things are going to come right…this is my moment at last, to shine. Truly and Scrummy: This is really your chance to shine. MUSIC - Shine

5. SCENE – The Windmill – home of the Potts Family (Mr P buys the old car and brings it home) (All children, the Potts family) Mr P: I’ve bought it. What do you think of this? Jemima: Oh Daddy / George: You got it / Jo: You managed! Mimsie: Isn’t she a beauty? Grandpa: That’s a nice pile of junk you got there m’boy Mr P: Well she needs a little work, but there’s a fine engine under there. Grandpa: It doesn’t go though does it? Mr P: No, no, not yet. Mimsie: But it will, it will. Jo: You can make it go, can’t you daddy? Mr P: Well, I’m gonna give it a try. Right come on everybody, give us a hand to push it into the shed. Charlie: I’ll give you a hand Mr Potts Sir. Mr P: Comfortable there Grandpa? Grandpa: Oh alright, I’ll help. (hardly pushing at all) Won’t work of course. Lizzie: He’ll get it working, Annabella: Won’t you Sir? Children: Of course he will / yes he will / He’s amazing he is Grandpa : Right you are children, you’d better go. Mimsie: You know what’s your dad’s like when he’s working – needs to be alone. Children: Oh but we want to stay / We’d like to watch / Oh Grandpa, we love this car Mimsie: Come on, let’s go and have a nice cup of tea. Grandpa: Don’t over do it, will you my boy! Mr P: Right Grandpa Grandpa : You might exhaust yourself. MUSIC – Greased Lightning

Jo: Daddy said the car would be finished today. Jemima: He promised George: It’s got to be ready today Grandpa: Children, you’ll be waiting a month of Sundays before that car’s ready. Mimsie: Grandpa! MUSIC – AS THE CAR APPEARS Mr P: Children!!!! (hoot hoot) George: Gosh! Jemima: She’s beautiful! Jo: She’s the most amazing car I’ve ever seen in my life! Children: You’re so clever / You’re amazing / Well done daddy! Mr P: Oh yes. Children: Can we take her out? / Can we go for a drive? / Can we go out in her? Mr P: Out for a drive? Well I have a better idea. How about a picnic? Children: oooh yes / a picnic / yes please! Mr P: Alright you get the basket, and everything we need Children: Grandpa come on / We’re going on a picnic / Come with us Grandpa Grandpa : It’ll never work SOUND – THE ENGINE STARTS Grandpa: Well it’ll never keep going. Anyway, its’ far too hot. I’m off to Alaska. Mr P: Are you ready? Children: Yes! Mr P: Here we go! Colonel: Those are such smelly things motor cars. Jo: What’s that noise… Jemima: It’s making a funny noise Mr P: It’s talking to us George: What’s it saying? Jemima: It’s saying chitty chitty, chitty chitty, George: chitty chitty, chitty chitty Jo: Bang Bang Mr P:That’s it! MUSIC :

6. SCENE – THE BEACH Truly: Hello children! Scrummy: What are you all up to? Jemima: We’re going to have a picnic on the beach Jo: We’ve just come here in our new car George: Daddy built it – isn’t it wonderful! Scrummy: Well yes. Truly: So your daddy can build cars as well! Jemima: Do you want to come with us? Truly: We’d love to join you. Scrummy: Why not? A day at the beach. Music –Beach boys Medley – Tap (The Potts family are picnicking, and Truly and Scrummy are nearby on their own picnic blanket. Honey and Lizzie wander by.) Mimsie: Isn’t it beautiful here Mr P: Lovely, just lovely. Mimsie: They are really very kind the Sweets ladies Mr P: Do you know? I was wrong about them. You’re absolutely right, and what they don’t know about sweets. Jo: George? Now what are you doing? George: (George is opening a telescope to look out over the audience) I’m keeping a look out for pirates Jemima: There aren’t any pirates round here, are there Mummy? Mimsie: Oh, I’m sure there are. Hundreds of them….. George: Course there are. Jo: This is where they bury their treasure, isn’t it? Jemima: Daddy, daddy, will you tell us a story about pirates? Mr P: A story about pirates huh? George: A boat, I can see a boat! Mr P: A boat? That’s not just any boat, that’s the notorious pirate boat of the Baron Bombast who is coming here to steal the greatest car in the world – Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, built by the most famous inventor in the world, Caraticus Potts. Truly: And he wants to secrets of The Sweets Family to make Vulgaria’s greatest candy. Children: Baron Bonbast? / Steal Chitty? / Sweets Secrets?? Mr P: And he has come over here to steal the car and take it back to Vulgaria with him! (Begin mime of Pirates and Baron) Jemima: That’s awful Jo: Terrible George: Horrible Jemima: We have to get away Jo: Quickly daddy Mr P: But I’m afraid its not that simple, Mimsie: because while we’ve been sitting here, the tide has come in, Mr P: and now we’re completed surrounded by water Children: ooh nooo daddy / help daddy / Truly help! Mr P: Everyone stay calm! Mimsie: Is there anything I can do to help? Mr P: The throttle! Press on the throttle! Jemima: Quickly daddy, please! Jo: Before they get here! George: We mustn’t let them get Chitty, daddy please! Mimsie: It’s no good it won’t start! Mr P: We’re going to have to swim for it! Mimsie: We must, come on! Mr P: Qhickly children, over the side (Children are screaming and panicking the whole time) There is the noise of the canon being fired which makes them all scream! Chitty turns into a floating machine! Mr P: This is impossible! Mrs P: Well you built it! Jo: It’s a magic car! George: You said it was a magic car! Mr P: I did? Hang on everybody….we’re off!

Scene – The Pirates Ship Music – A Pirate’s Life For Me Drama – Pirates Poem

We are Pirates so faithful and true We do whatever we’re told to do. With an aye aye captain And a barrel of rum We’ll slit your throats Till the work’s all done! Grrrrrrr Baron: There’s the car – I want that car! (looking through his telescope) And there are those Sweets girls, the Baroness wants her own, new sweets! Pirate Crew: Oh yes / there it is / the car / it’s there / ooh the car! / the sweets / the truly scrummy sweets Baron: I want it, I want them, I want everything!! And I don’t care how I get it! Pirate 1: Stand by the boats Pirate 2: Stand by the boats Pirate 3: Load the canon Pirate 4: Load the canon Pirate Crew: Stand / the boats / load / canon / oooh ahhh / ooh ahh (and other pirate noises) Music – Pirates and Baron of Vulgaria Ship – Pirates of the Caribbean Baron: Look they are completely cut off by the tide Crew: (more pirate noises) Baron: I haven’t seen a good drowning in years! Crew: laugh nastily Baron: A floating car? What do you think of that? Pirate 5: Ay Ay captain! It’s a car Captain. Pirate 6: Floating on the water. Baron: I want that car! Follow that car! Attention! And Fire! Fire! Sound of canons firing at the shore! Pirate 7: Action stations everybody Pirate 8: We’re going ashore to get that car! (Scene as pirates jump Honey, Sam and Lizzie who fight them off and excape whilst singing) MUSIC – HELP sung by Honey, Sam and Lizzie who escape. Baron: Useless pirates. Couldn’t even catch a girl and a couple of children! Where are my two spies? Spy 1: Here! Spy 2: Here! Baron: Ah, there you are. Now then. I have a secret mission for you. You will go ashore and find that car. Then you need to find those sweets – the ones with holes in. They’ll make the perfect pressie for the Baroness! BUT if you fail, I will cut off your heads! Spy 1: Yes Sir! Spy 2: Yes Sir! Baron: Ohhhhh, I want new sweets and I want that car! (looking through his telescope) There! Who are those? That’s a sweets girl and two of the car children…..get them!!!!!!!!!! Comedy section of spies with magnifying glasses Spy 1: Where are we? Spy 2: I have a map! Spy 1: I know where we are! Stupid! We are in England. And when you are in England, what do we do? Spy 2: You play cricket! Spy 1: You play….nooo. WE speak like Englishmen! Spy 1: Wonderful weather we are having Cuthbert? Spy 2: Oh rather! Cup of English tea Rupert? The 2 Spies go to Caracatus Potts House, but they find Grandpa by mistake. Spy 1: Are you Potts? Grandpa: That is me! Spy 2: You’re Mr Potts? Grandpa: Please excuse me, I am off to India! Spy 1: That’s him! Spy 2: Oh yes, the India thing was to try to put us off the scent Spy 1: There! Look, those are the important Sweets Girls (Truly and Scrummy are on their way home from the picnic) Spy 2: Come in Baron!!! (on the radio) Spy 1: WE have found them all! Spies: Commence mission kidnap! Baron: Get them!!! (Baron, Pirates and Spies collect Grandpa’s shed / house, with Grandpa in it, and push Truly and Scrummy in as well) Grandpa: Hello? What’s your game then? Baron: Hooray! Grandpa: What’s going on? Who are you? Truly: I’m Truly. What’s happening? Spy 1: You’re being kidnapped! Scrummy: And I’m Scrummy. (the all shake hands) Why? Spy 2: For the Baron. Grandpa: Well how exciting. We are going up in the world! We is now, very POSH! MUSIC – POSH – Grandpa Jo: Look! Mimsie: What’s that? Grandpa: (shouting from the Baron’s ship) My boy Potts, I’ve been kidnapped Mr P: Grandpa, what do you think you’re doing? Grandpa: Caracticus it’s me! Your father! Help me! Mr P: Well they’re not going to get away with that! (Children scream all of this at the same time) Jemima: Grandpa! Jo: Grandpa! George: Oh no Grandpa! Jemima: Quickly daddy! Jo: Quickly! George: Daddy, quickly, help him! Grandpa: Caracticus! Truly: Help! Scrummy: help us! Children: Daddy, quickly….! Mimsie: Hold on, they’ve got the Sweets ladies too! Grandpa, we’re coming (they turn the car around and start to chase). Grandpa: Help me! Potts: Hay! What do you think you’re doing? Grandpa: Help! Mimsie, Potts and Children: (still screaming) Grandpa/Hold on/ we’re coming/ quickly!/Truly/Scrummy! (Chitty in hot pursuit, drives straight over the cliff…ahhhhhhh…..) MUSIC – DRAMATIC ABOUT TO CRASH MUSIC (As Chitty drops off cliff, she puts out wings and flies into the air, a flying car!) Mimsie: Oh what’s happening? It’s fantastic! You’re a genius! Potts: Oh it’s nothing really! Jo: A flying car! Jemima: Look there they are! Potts: We’ll catch them up! (they disappear into a cloud) George: Oh no we’ve lost them! Jo: They’ve gone into the clouds! MUSIC – Cloud music – INTRO OF SKYFALL Mimsie: What about Truly and Scrummy? Jemima: What about Grandpa? Potts: Don’t you worry about Grandpa, he can look after himself. (Flight and journey to Vulgaria) MUSIC – SKYFALL – Pointe work Ballet


ACT 2 7. Scene – Vulgaria Castle Flight attendant: Good morning! Grandpa: Good morning! Truly: Morning! Scrummy: Morning! Grandpa: who are you? Truly: : Scrummy Grandpa: Grandpa Potts All: How do you do (they all shake hands) Flight attendant: We will shortly be arriving in Vulgaria. Grandpa: Where? Flight attendant: Vulgaria! Grandpa: Oh! Flight attendant: If you’ll please fasten your seatbelt. Spy 1: Extinguish your cigarettes. Truly: I don’t smoke! Spy 2: Check your life jackets Scrummy: Will we need one? Flight Attendant: Which are under your seats Grandpa: oh right! Flight Attendant: Your exits are here, here, here, here (indicating everywhere around the flying box) Grandpa: Thank you. All attendants: You’re welcome.

Arrival at Vulgaria Baron: We have guests. Please welcome him in the usual way. Boss: Professor Potts, Ladies please walk this way Sir. MUSIC – BOMBE SAMBA – Advanced Theatre BIG COURT AND WELCOMING COMMITTEE Madam: You’re early. Precisely 5 minutes late! Tut tut! Grandpa: But, but…..(looking around him in a hesitant way, they’re all really bizarre) Baron (now dressed in a Kings outfit): Ah Professor Potts? Grandpa: Professor? Baron: Inventor extrordinaire…(shaking hands with Grandpa) Grandpa: I think there’s been some sort of mistake. I’m not Professor Potts? Baron: You’re not? An imposter? EXECUTIONER! Grandpa: Ah, well in that case….what would you like me invent Sir? Baron: Ah, let me show you! (Grandpa follows the Baron, and they pass by the Baroness and her maid, and ladies in waiting) Baroness: Oh, how fine you look today Baron dear! Ah, but who is this? Baron: This is Professor Potts. The most brilliant inventor in the world! Baroness: Pleased to meet you dear Mr Potts. And who are these? Baron: These are Truly and Scrummy the famous inventors of sweets, from Dame Sweets Factory itself! Baroness: Oh my sweets! I love sweets, I want those sherbety, Madam: glittery, Mischief: shiny, Mad: sparkly, Marvellous: sprinkly, Baron: poppy, Baroness: slurpy, Grandpa: yummy All: sweets! Truly: Well, we’re not used to making sweets away from our factory Scrummy: And Dame Sweets has all the secret recipes so….. Truly: So really there’s been some sort of mistake Scrummy: As we can’t invent without our sisters, and our factory, and our secret recipes…. Baron: You’re not able to make our sweets? Imposters? EXECUTIONER! Truly: Oh I’m sure we could create anything you wish Baron Sir. Scummy: Hmmm truly anything you desire. Madam: Mr.Potts (curtsey on each Mr Potts) Mischief: Mr Potts Mad: Mr Potts Marvellous: Mr Potts (they all move back to busily beautifying the Baroness) Boss: Truly Bully: Scrummy Brave 3: Truly Baby 4: Scrummy Baroness: Ooh my little poppy popsicle – you brought sweet makers here for me! Baron: Well yes. Just for you my little pommie bear. Baroness: And I’ll be able to choose whatever I like! Baron: Well yes. Just whatever my little fluffy bunny wunny would like to have for her own little ickle chewy sweetie! (pulls a face of disgust behind her back) Baroness: Ooooh my little angel pumpkin. Baron: And I’ll get me car! Baroness: You’ll get what my sweetie? Baron: No I’ll not get your sweetie, all the sweets are for you my precious. MUSIC – Truly Scrumptious sung by Truly, Scrumptious, Baron and Baroness with Maids/Butlers.

The Science Laboratory Baron: Here is everything you need! Grandpa: Oh well, its not that easy…. Baron: You will make my car float or I will have your head stuffed with sour krout! Baroness: And you….you make my all singing all dancing sweets. Or it’s the tower for you! Boss: You have 24 hours Bully: 24 hours working Brave: So put your nose to the grindstone. Baby: Or its Sour Krout for you! (they leave) Truly: I think, for the first time in my life, I’m truly frightened. Scrumptious: Me too. Grandpa: Well, what an odd sense of humour they have, eh? Drama – Scientists Scientist 1: That’s not a sense of humour! Scientist 2: The baron never makes jokes. Scientist 10: And the Baroness? She’s so nasty. Scientist 11: We can never escape from here. Scientist 3: Look at us? We’ve been here for years and years. Scientist 4: I came here for repair the telephone, That was 24 years ago. Scientist 5: They have terrible tortures…..(all nod sadly) Scientist 6: The thumbscrew…. Scientist 7: The rack! Scientist 8: They stretch you and stretch you…. Scientist 9: (tallest one) When I arrived I was a midget! Grandpa: But….I mean…a flying car..that’s impossible. Scientist 10: Nothing’s impossible! Grandpa: That’s what my boy Potts always says. Scientists: We’ll help you! Scientist 1: With a few good friends Scientist 2: We will succeed Scientist 3: You’ve just found friends in us. Scientist 4: All of us! MUSIC – Advanced Tap Machine - Science Laboratory Grandpa: Well we’d better get on with it then or it’ll be (draws finger across throat) for me! Truly: We need to start inventing Scrummy: Or it’ll be the tower for us! Scientists: Come on my friends, we’ll work together!

8. Scene The Streets of Vulgaria (Chitty Arrives) Section to be used if flying Jemima: Look down there! George: A castle! Jo: That’s it! Chitty has found Grandpa! Potts: Not yet we haven’t but we will. Hang on everybody, we’re coming in to land. Children: Clever daddy! Mimsie: Yes he certainly is. Mimsie: Where do you think we are? Potts: I think we’re in Vulgaria. Right we need to find that castle. They walk into the streets of Vulgaria. It’s absolutely silent. Potts: Excuse me we’re looking for the castle. Mimsie: Le chateau? Potts: Excuse me, can you help us? What are you staring at? Mimsie: I think it’s the children. Potts: The children? Mimsie: Haven’t you noticed? There aren’t any children. Potts: Please can you help us MUSIC – DO YOU HEAR THE PEOPLE SING? – SINGING Drama – Citizens of Vulgaria The Baron, rules our kingdom hard, we cannot live happy. His soldiers march the streets each day, to stop our liberty. He hates us smiling, looking glad. He makes our lives so tough. The soldiers live with strength and might. And always treat us rough. All toys and play things in the land, were snatched by royal decree. And now we live in a grey, dull world, and abject poverty. We dare not smile, we dare not speak, our lives are empty and bare. We live behind closed doors by day, and keep our memories there. Mimsie: But this is awful! It was not always ruled this way, these laws of loss and fear. But when she the Baroness, his wife, could not have children here. Then our lives turned upside down, we could not see the way As all the children disappeared throughout that longest day. Each child was grabbed, their little face, was never seen again And we have no clue where they are, our beautiful children. Potts: Your children were kidnapped? Citizens: Yes. Mimsie: And you don’t know where they are? Citizens: No. Mrs Weaver: We cannot complain. Mrs Baker: We cannot fight back. Mrs Weaver: They stay in their homes and moan. Mrs Baker: And now each day passes, just like this, and we all grow old alone. Citizens: Ahhhhh soldiers! Mrs Weaver: The Childcatcher! Mrs Baker: Watch out! Mrs Weaver: Watch out! Citizens: The soldiers are coming! We cannot fight back. Just hide and save your life. The children are gone. There’s nothing to do. Save each husband and wife. (they all start screaming an run to their houses) The Toymaker: Quickly, this way, hide in here. Potts: Thank you. Mrs Toymaker: Get those children out of sight! Weaver: Quickly! Baker: Quickly! Mimsie: But why the children? Toymaker: Quickly before the soldiers get here. Potts: But why? Mrs Toymaker: If the soldiers find them, they will take them away. Potts: What for? Toymaker: No one in Vulgaria is allowed to have children. Potts: But why? Mrs Toymaker: It’s the Baroness, she hates children! Mimsie: Who could hate children? Toymaker: Quickly hide, hide, and whatever you do, don’t make a sound. Mrs Toymaker: Not a sound! Drama – Toys in Vulgaria toyshop come to life

(The soldiers arrive with the childcatcher) MUSIC – Fighter / Nasty / War - Jazz Drama – Soldiers Soldiers We are strong and we are brave. We are strong and we are brave We’ll put you in prison if you don’t behave. We’ll put you in prison if you don’t behave. The Baron rules us every one. The Baron rules us every one. Hs rules with fear in his kingdom. He rules with fear in his Kingdom. Be scared! Be scared! Be scared! Be scared! Soldier 5: Halt! Soldier 1: I want every house in this area to be searched from top to bottom. Soldier 2: Yes Sir! Soldier 1: First section over there and search! Solider 2: Second section, over there and search! Soldier 3: Quick over there. Soldier 4: Turn that over. Soldier 5: Break that door down. Soldier 6: Search in there. Soldier 7: We must find them. Childcatcher: Here now, little children. Here now! I can smell them. Ah huh.. Captain – I think we’ve got them (he taps his nose and heads towards the toymaker’s shop and hiding place of the children) Soldier 1: HERE, over here! Soldier 2: Break down the toymaker’s door! Toymaker: Alright, I’m coming. Don’t break down the door! You don’t have to come in here like this.. Childcatcher: Ah ha! There are children in here, somewhere. I can feel it in my bones. Somewhere children…. (looking around) Toymaker: Don’t break anything, these are toys for the Baron’s birthday! Childcatcher: Let me tell you something Toymaker. This nose has never failed me. And if there are children here, then you….will….die (evil laugh) (He finds the loose floorboard and laughs nastily.) Ah huh! Soldier 3: Quick, open it up. Soldier 4: Quick get down there and search the cellar! (the soldiers run down the steps searching) Toycatcher: The Baroness will have your teeth for a necklace (to Mrs Toymaker) and your eyeballs for earrings (to Toymaker). Soldier 5: Nobody down here Sir. Childcatcher: You fools! Idiot! Out of my way! You have to know where to look! Like cockcroaches…under the floor…in the cracks in the walls…in the woodwork…(Mrs Weaver, Mrs Baker, Jemima, Jo, George, Mimsie and Potts all pop up as toy jack-in-the-boxes, and the childcatcher if tricked into believing they are not real) I don’t trust a man who makes toys in a land where children are forbidden. Toymaker: Every toy I make is exclusively for his royal Excellency The Baron. Soldier 6: Sir, we’ve captured the flying car! Soldier 7,8 and 9: The flying car! Let’s go…. Childcatcher: Very well…but I’ll be watching you..Toymaker. Soldier 1: Take the car to the castle! (all soldiers cheer and exit) (they come out of their hiding places) George: They’ve found Chitty Daddy. Jo: Do something daddy. Jemima: They can’t take Chitty away. Toymaker: What are you going to do? Potts: Well, I don’t know, but I’m not just going to stand here. Mrs Toymaker: Are you mad? Toymaker: Are you going to take on the whole Vulgarian army single handed? Potts: What sort of a country is this? No children. Everybody terrified out of their lives. Toymaker: My friend, take some good advice. Take your children and your good lady and get out of Vulgaria. Mimsie: And leave Grandpa locked up in the castle? And Truly and Scrumptious Sweets stuck in the laboratories? Potts: Oh no, we came to get them out, and that’s what we’re going to do. Just tell me how to get there. Can you help me? Toymaker: I’m only a toymaker. If I don’t finish this toy for the Baron’s birthday tomorrow, I’ll be a dead toymaker. Mrs Toymaker: Oh don’t! Potts: Alright. I’ll go myself. Mimsie you stay here with the children. Toymaker: Alright. Alright (gets up and gets ready to come with him) but you don’t know what you’re letting yourself in for, I can tell you. Mrs Toymaker: And you be careful, both of you. Mimsie: Yes, please take care both of you. Potts: And you be good children. Toymaker: Well? Are you coming? (they run through the streets terrified) We’ll never get in the front way. Come on, let me show you the underground way, but we mustn’t cause any trouble! MUSIC – Troublemaker - Jazz (Back in the Toymakers house) Mrs Toymaker: We haven’t a scrap of food left in the house. We only get the left overs from the Baron and Baroness you see? Jemima: I’m very hungry George: Me too Jo: I’m so hungry my tummy keeps on rumbling Mrs Toymaker: We need to find something for them (they leave the children and go out) Mrs Baker: I have some bread at home. Mrs Weaver: Yes, and I have fresh clothes Mimsie: Well, I’ll go and fetch something for them Mrs Toymaker: You can’t go alone. Mrs Weaver: They’ll know you’re new around here. Mimsie: Then we must go together Mrs Toymaker: Children, you have to promise not to move from this room. Mimsie: You stay right here until we get back. Children: We promise!

(The Childcatcher - wheeling a sweets cart around the cage, and ringing a bell) Childcatcher: Here we are children! Come and get your lollipops! Lollipops! Come along my little ones! Lollipops! Ice cream, chocolate, all free today! Jo: Listen! Jemima: What’s that Childcatcher: Children, where are you? I know you’re here somewhere? I’ve got some lovely goodies for you. George: Jo you mustn’t! Childcatcher: Lollipops! And all free today! Cherry pie. Cream pots. Ice cream! Treacle tarts. Jemima: treacle tarts! George: And ice cream! Jo: And all free! Childcatcher: Come along little kiddy winkies! Jo: Come on! Jemima: But Jo, mummy said we mustn’t! George: And the kind lady told us to stay here. Jo: But it all sounds delicious George: And it is all free today! Jemima: We can get mummy some as well (running after the childcatcher) Wait for us! Mrs Baker: Children, come back inside! Jo: Wait! George: Please wait! Mrs Weaver: Wait children, come back here! : Come along my little chick-a-tees! Come to me! What will it be? Jo: Ice cream / Jemima: yes lollipops yes / George: Strawberry, oh yes please Childcatcher: Ice cream or lollipops? Strawberry or Chocolate? Come on inside here…step inside my dears….this way my little dears….(then he shoves them into the cart, the sides fall away, and the cage is revealed) Children: (screaming) Oh help, help help!! Please! Childcatcher: Ha ha haaaaaa! Mimsie: Children!!! Mrs Toymaker: Oh no the children!!!! Children: (screaming) Oh help, help help!! Please! Potts: Mimsie…what is it? What’s happened? Mimsie: The children! He took the children!

9. The Castle (the cage is brought before the Baron) Childcatcher: Children your highness. Foreign children. Unique specimens! Baroness: You’re sure they can’t get out! Childcatcher: No your highness. Perhaps you’d care to examine them? Nasty little creatures. Very very treacherous. Foreign. Boss: Ooh nasty children! Madam: Don’t go too close Madam! (goes to poke them) Children: Aghhh! Butlers and Maids: Aggghhhhhhh! Jemima: Just you wait till our daddy hears about this Jo: He’ll come and he’ll blow up the whole castle. Courtiers: Ooohh (disgusted by them) Baroness: Take them away! To the tower! George: You nasty horrid, mean old lady! Jemima: And very ugly! (the Baroness faints in shock)

The Caves (Toymaker, Mrs Toymaker, Potts and Mimsie make their way in a boat from the moat and into the mountain) Toymaker: 200 feet above us, through that solid rock is the castle of the Baron. (they arrive into the children, all dirty, starving and dressed in old rags) MUSIC – ELECTRICITY – Singing Toymaker: These are our children. For five years we have hidden them here. Mrs Toymaker: Look at them huh? They don’t know what a tree looks like, or what it is to run or to laugh. Toymaker: They don’t know what sunshine is, do you eh? Peter: There are strangers here – bringing food! Lizzie: (Whistling) Food is here! Robert: Scraps for everyone! Mrs Toymaker: Look at them all. Like rats they run, up and down the sewers looking for scraps of our scraps. Toymaker: The food from the kitchens, which they throw out. Potts: Son! Son! We’re looking for our children. Mimsie: We think they’re up there in the castle. Potts: With their grandfather. Lizzie: Have you seen anything of them? Natasha: No, nothing at all. David: A little boy and girl? Mimsie: yes! Belinda: They’re up in the tower Potts: And the grandfather? David: is that the old man? Charlotte: He’s in the dungeon Alice: Under the castle. Natasha: and there are more there too. Peggy: The two ladies? Toymaker: Yes? Natasha: They’re in the laboratories Elizabeth: Inventing sweets for the Baroness. Children: Nasty lady / horrid woman / erghhhh yuk David: There are lots of scientists Belinda: Inventing things the Barons wants... Peter: Nasty, evil contraptions to hurt people. Annabella: They know every way to frighten you. Lizzie: We don’t stand a chance Peter: There is nothing anyone can do. Elizabeth: Sir? Have you come to help us? Molly: Are you going to get us out of here? Potts: What’s your name? Elizabeth: Elizabeth Molly: Molly Belinda: My name’s Belinda. Charlotte: And I’m Charlotte. Alice: This is Natasha Natasha: and this is Alice Mimsie: And yours? David: I’m David Annabella: Annabella Robert: I’m Robert Toymaker: and this is Lizzie and Peggy Mrs Toymaker: You’ve been here a long time haven’t you Charlotte? Charlotte: Yes, all my life. I’ve never seen the sun. David: Neither have I. Potts: Well David, you shouldn’t be afraid Mimsie: Even in a terrible place like this. Potts: Because there’s always hope, living inside you. Sparking inside you like electricity. That’s what I always tell my children, when they’re afraid. MUSIC – Electricity reprise Mimsie: Do you know what we’re going to do? Potts: We’re going to get up into that castle! Toymaker: It is impossible. Potts: Well we’ll see. Mrs Toymaker: What are you going to do? Potts: Well everyone listen to me! You want to get out of here don’t you? Tomorrow is the Baron’s birthday isn’t it? Children: Booo boooo Toymaker: Well yes it is. Potts: We’re going to give him a birthday party – he’ll never forget! Children: (cheering)

The Castle Baron: Happy Birthday to me….happy birthday to me….morning, my darling… Baroness: Ahhh, happy birthday my little coochee bear!

MUSIC – Reprise Bombe samba Baron : (SITTING LOOKING MISERABLE) Stop the dancing! Get off! Rubbish! I hate dancing!!!! Oh what a rotten birthday party Baroness: Never mind my little bonbon. I have a surprise for you! Baron: Surprises! Ohhh I love surprises! Baroness: Sit down quickly! Summon the toymaker! Boss: Summon the toymaker! Bully: Summon the toymaker! Brave: Open the gates! Baby: Open the castle! Baron: Come on, hurry up hurry up, don’t waste time. Toymaker: On this happy day your excellency, may we take this opportunity to wish you… Baron: Never mind that… what have you make me for my birthday? Toymaker: What have I made you? Such a toy! Mrs Toymaker: Such a work of mechanical perfection. Baron: Well, well, where is it? Bring it in! Toymaker: Oh yes, very well. Bring it in this way, be careful! (2 boxes are brought in) Mrs Toymaker: In this year your Excellency, we have surpassed even ourselves! All these months he has been working night and day, perfecting every detail in order to bring you this….. Baron: Dolls! I have thousands of dolls! Toymaker: But these are no ordinary dolls your Excellency!

MUSIC – and reprise

Baron: Oh wunderbar…. (The other box opens and a clown puppet comes forwards with other clowns. Baron clapping and very excited)

MUSIC – Be a Clown - Tap

Baron: Just a minute! (he looks closely and suspiciously at the clown and the living doll)

MUSIC – Reprise of Be a clown (They all carry on dancing together whilst the children start to crawl in from the vents and gutters). Baron: Oh I’m so happy I could jump for joy (they throw a net over the Baron) Baroness: Children!!!!! Ohhhh! Help!!!!! Boss: Sir! Sir! What are we going to do? Madam: Madam! Are you alright? Baron/Baroness: No we’re not! Help! Help! Boss/Madam: Help!!!! (The children storm the room putting nets over the grown up courtiers and catching everyone. The soldiers arrive and they all slip over on the treacle which the children have poured.) Baron: Where are all these children coming from? Baroness: I don’t know my little pumpkin! Baron: I thought we had passed a law against children! Madam: You did Sir! Boss: We must escape through the dungeons Baron: But I don’t want to get my clothes dirty Baroness: Come on my sweetness Baron: My crown…I’ve lost my crown! Children: (All cheering) Hooray! (All the children capture the Baron and Baroness and cheering take them away. The Childcatcher makes his entrance in to stop the children and they capture him too.) Potts: We have to find the children Mrs Toymaker: Up in the tower? Mimsie: Children! Potts: They could be anywhere! Mimsie: Children! Jemima/Jo/George: We’re here! Mummy! Daddy! We’re here! (The children are in a dirty prison in the tower) Potts: We’ve found them! Toymaker: Quick let’s break down the door! Mimsie: Children, stand away from the door! (The family and Toymakers arrive back into the chaos) Jemima: Look there’s Chitty Jo: Chitty’s coming to save us George: Look there’s Chitty – hooray! Grandpa: That’s the car – what’s that doing here? Mimsie: And Grandpa…there’s Grandpa! Grandpa: Caracticus my boy! Children! (they all hug) Mimsie: And Truly and Scrumptious! Truly: How can we every thank you? Scrummy: You’ve saved us all! Potts: Well it was the children. They wanted to be free again. Mimsie: Grandpa. Truly. Scrummy. Come on children, into Chitty. Potts: Stand back for the propellers! Children: Let’s go home! Boss: And so after that Bully: Vulgaria became a free country Brave: and all the children laughed and played in the sunshine Baby: and were very, very happy. Madam: And Chitty? Mischief: Well he flew high over the mountains, Mad: and everyone was safe and sound Marvellous: and lived happily very after.

MUSIC - Reprise Chitty Chitty Bang Bang MUSIC – END SONG

Copyright Amelia Appleby March 2013