Antiterrorism Advisory Council - PA Introduction May 19th 2010

DoD HAZMAT Conference, 2010 20092008Intelligence Specialist, U.S. 20052007Attorney’s2006 Office  Government contracting st 21 CeCenturyntury  Theological Training :  Private industry History, Perspective, Development  US2010… Army, Military ? Intelligence

John Marsh Intelligence Specialist

US Attorney’s Office – Middle District of Pennsylvania (717) 221-4482

The Overall Classification of this Briefing is: UNCLASSIFIED 1 2

One Analyst’s View Road Map

 Terrorism in the In The follow presents the opinions of the speaker and does not necessarily represent the views of the US History, in the USA Attorney, the FBI, or the Department of Justice.  Understand the

‘Self censorship and political correctness Misunderstandings will destroy our ability to discuss issues critical to our survival’  “Thoughts”

Bernard Lewis, author of Crisis in Islam, Princeton University, professor emeritus of ME history

3 4

Defining Terrorism: USA PATRIOT Act

 [An] act of terrorism means any activity that  (A) involves a violent act or an act dangerous to human life that is a violation of the criminal laws of the or any State, or that would be a criminal violation if committed within the jurisdiction of the United States or of any State; and  (B) appears to be intended  (i) to intimidate or coerce a civilian population;  (ii) to influence the policy of a government by TERRORISM intimidation or coercion; or IN HISTORY  (iii) to affect the conduct of a government by IN THE US assassination or kidnapping. Title VIII, Section 802 of the USA PATRIOT Act

5 6

1 Terrorism in History XXI st Century Global, Transnational Origins Modern ‘50’s Non-State ‘‘ 770s 0 s Pre-Modern Terrorism Terror International

Ist Cent XVIIIst Cent XXst Cent XXst Cent 9/11/2001 Scarii (dagger) - Fr. Revolution Non-state International Jews killing Reign of actors – PLO-plane Roman occupiers Terror to Nationalism hijacking No Longer One-on-One/Few transform IRA Black Sept st XI+ Cent monarchy. PKK -70 Munich Threat of WMD… Olympics  Destructive Potential of ‘ashhashin Violence will Tamil Tigers Muslim - WMD usher in a assassins usher in a Suicide Hijacking/  Access to WMD better system bomber hostage 7 8

Philadelphia’s Own – Jane Millions

  Colleen R. LaRose Threat:  Charged with Internet Vastly recruiting of jihadist fighters  Women with passports and arithmic Scale) Scale) arithmic g increased the ability tor travel around 20th Europe  Recruiting for violent attacks Deaths (Lo Century and overseas  Lethality  Related arrests in Ireland -Ones -Ones

Century 9 10

Iran’s Nuclear Facilities Domestic/International Mexican Drug Cartels

Natanz, Iran

Trans-national violence – Terrorism?

11 12

2 Homegrown Jihadis2002- 2002-20092009 8 Find the Terrorist 2002-2008 2009

2 1 1 1 3 2 0

2 Inescapable Facts: 1. All Say they are Muslim 1. US Citizens or long- 2. All believe they are termsacting asresidents followers 2. Increasing of the true activity Islam

30 APR 10: Wesam el‐Hanafi and Sabirhan Hasanoff, US Citizens and New York residents, 1 May 2010 New York's Times Square were charged with providing material evacuated after the discovery of a car support to Al Qaeda between 2007 and 2010. bomb. confesses. 13 14

UNCLASSIFIED//FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Find the Terrorist Committed Attack US Citizen U.S. Army Recruiting Station, Little Rock, AR

(U) What’s been reported in the news:

- (U) Abdulhakim Mujahid MUHAMED (formerly Carlos BLEDSOE) - (U) Killed 1 U.S. Army Soldier, wounded 1 - (U) 1 June 2009 - (U) Little Rock Recruiting Station - (U) Lone Offender - (U) Trip to Yemen and detained




UNCLASSIFIED//FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY UNCLASSIFIED//FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY FBI Disrupted Virginia Attack FBI Disrupted New York Attack Against Quantico VA, Marine Corps Base Resident US Citizen Alien

(U) What’s been reported in the news: (U) What’s been reported in the news:

- (U) Daniel Patrick BOYDet Al (total 7 co-conspirators) - (U) ; Muhamed Wali ZAZI; Ahmed Wais AFZALI - (U) 27 July 2009 - (U) charged with making false/fraudulent statement - (U) Quantico VA - (U) 14 September 2009 - (U) Charges: - (U) New York City - Consppypiracy to provide material supp ort to terrorists - (U) Triacetone Triporoxide (()TATP) - Conspiracy to , kidnap, maim and injure - (U) London 2007 - Receiving firearm through interstate commerce - (U) Sauerland 2007 - possession of firearm in furtherance of crime of violence - (U) Barcelona 2008 - knowing sale of firearm to convicted felon - 2 counts false statement - (U) Legal Resident, Childhood in New York

- (U) All USPER except one Kosovo born legal resident KOSOVO - (U) Trip to Pakistan from AUG 08 to JAN 09 PAKISTAN VIRGINIA - (U) Terror Training Camps Pakistan/ early 1990’s Peshwar and Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA) PAKISTAN - (U) Fought in Afghanistan 1992 NORTH CAROLINA AFGHANISTAN - (U) 3 E-mail accounts - (U) Travel to Gaza ‘06, Israel ‘06 and ’07 in attempt to fight jihad ISRAEL - (U) Travel to Kosovo ‘08 to fight jihad - (U) Laptop, Web Searches - (U) Conducted tactics and weapons training on private property


3 UNCLASSIFIED//FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY UNCLASSIFIED//FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY FBI Disrupted Attack Jihad Recruiting Resident Against Financial Comerce Building Minneapolis Minnesota Alien US Citizen

(U) What’s been reported in the news: (U) What’s been reported in the news:

- (U) Hosam Maher SMADI - (U) Salah Osman Ahmed - (U) Attempt to use a Weapon of Mass Destruction (WMD) - (U) Kamal Hassan, - (U) 24 September 2009 - (U) Abdifatah Yusuf Isse - (U) Fountain Place Building, Dallas TX - (U) False Statements to FBI, Material Support - (U) Car Bomb (VBIED ) - (U) 13 JJyuly 2009, 12 August 2009 - (U) Jordanian, Legal Resident Alien - (U) Traveled to Dubai, Kenya to join Jihad in Somalia - (U) Trained with Al Shabaab (the Youth) - (U) his “…dream is to support Islam and…Sheik Usama...”(Usama Bin Laden) - (U) Smadi selected the target, and method




UNCLASSIFIED//FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY UNCLASSIFIED//FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY FBI Disrupted Boston Cell MAJ US Citizen Assault on a shopping mall US Citizen Ft. Hood, TX attack

(U) What’s been reported in the news: (U) What’s been reported:

- (U) Tarek Mehanna (and others) - (U) MAJ Hasan, US Army psychiatrist - (U) Allegedly planned to purchase weapons to attack shopping mall - (U) Nov 5, 2009 handgun attack killed 14, wounded 30 - (U) Allegedly attempted to radicalize others - (U) Communicated with know radical imam & - (U) Attempted to travel to middle east 2004 al-Qaeda recruiter - (U) Previous case of l yin g to Federal A gent in Januar y - (U) Briefin g in 2007 disturbed militaryyp contemporaries - (U) One alleged co-conspirator in Syria - (U) Behavior just prior to NOV 5th attack followed pattern of jihadi suicide attackers - (U) Allegedly shouted “Allu Akbar”, a jihadi battle cry during the attack


ARKANSAS Iraq Ft Hood, TX Anwar al-Awlaki


Homegrown Jihadis2002- 2002-20092009 8 2002-2008 2009

2 1 1 1 3 2 0

Two Inescapable Facts: 1. All Say they are Muslim  Understand the 2. All believe they are Misunderstandings acting as followers of the true Islam

30 APR 10: Wesam el‐Hanafi and Sabirhan Hasanoff, US Citizens and New York residents, 1 May 2010 New York's Times Square were charged with providing material evacuated after the discovery of a car support to Al Qaeda between 2007 and 2010. bomb. Faisal Shahzad confesses. 23 24

4 No one wants to look like an idiot… Sun Tzu, The Art of War

 If you know the enemy and know yourself,  you need not fear the result of a hundred battles;  If you know yourself but not the enemy,  for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat;  If you know neither the enemy nor yourself  you will succumb in every battle.

400 BC 25 26

Road Map: Misunderstandings

1. Nature of Islam (the religion) 11.. NATURE OF ISLAM (THE RELIGION) 2. Nature of Muslims  Nature of Muslims (the people) (the people)  NtNature o fthCf the Con flitflict  Start of the Conflict 3. Nature of the Conflict  Who is the Enemy

4. Start of the Conflict

5. Who is the Enemy?

27 28

Disclaimer 1: Difference Between Ideas & Individuals

TO UNDERSTAND Our heritage holds that… ISLAMIST TERRORISM, اﺳﻼم WE NEED TO It is permissible to UNDERSTAND ISLAM. critique the truth claims (IDEAS) of a Islam = religion or religious “Submission” ideology. The Religion

29 30

5 Disclaimer 1: Difference Between Ideas & Individuals Antiterrorism Advisory Council - PA

Our heritage holds that… History of Islam INDIVIDUALS have a right under law to their “Classical View” individual beliefs and Muslim = “One the public critique avoids criticizing who submits” individuals. The Person

31 The Overall Classification of this Briefing is: UNCLASSIFIED 32

AntiterrorismIslam’s Advisory Foundation: Council - PA Muhammad and Islam’s Early History Muhammad – birth and early life

- Born in 570 A.D. 1. Mohammad (HdithHadithss,, S)Sunna) -Orphan 22.. Qur’an (Koran) - Caravan merchant - Married Khadijah

The Overall Classification of this Briefing is: UNCLASSIFIED 33 34

Muhammad and Islam’s Muhammad and Islam’s Early History Early History Muhammad’s beginnings as a prophet Muhammad Actions (Repeat) - Deeply affected by social situation in Mecca - Established leadership of “umma“umma”” - Reflective nature -UiUnion o f Sta te+Religion - Angelic visitation at age 4040;; “Repeat” Surah Al-Alaq (96) 1-5 -Base of Power Increased - Frightened, bewildered, reluctant; Proclaim in the name of thy Lord and - Initiated military conquests ….reassured byCherisher Khadijah WhoSurah created At-Tur Created (52) 29 -Consolidated Muslim rule over Prophet’s “Choices” -‘ …a prophet to theman outArabs?’ of a clotTherefore of congealed proclaim blood thou the praises the rest of Arabia 1. Convert to Islam Proclaim! And thy Lord is 2. Pay poll tax (jizya) - Revelations continued for(of 22 thy yearsLord): For (610(610- by the-632 Grace632) )of -Islamic History 78 battles 3. Fight/Die Most Bountifulthy Lord thou art no (vulgar) He Who taughtsoothsayer (the use of) nor the art pen thou one -Succeeded by Four Caliphs Taught man thatpossessed. which he knew not. -100 years of Expansion 35 36

6 Antiterrorism Advisory Council - PA The Five Pillars of Islam The Religious Beliefs & Practices Hadiths ) Of Is lam Sunna Militant Islamist addition

Pillars (Sawm Fasting Doctrines (Salat) Prayer

World View Pilgrimage (Hajj) Shari’a (Shahada) Creed Holy War Holy War (jihad) Almsgiving (Zakat) Almsgiving

The Overall Classification of this Briefing is: UNCLASSIFIED 37 38

Doctrines of Islam Doctrines of Islam~ Eternity - Judgment

Christianity/ Judaism Old Testament (Torah) / New Testament (Injil(Injil)) Creation Story Life Eternity Koran / Hadiths


39 40

Comparison of Doctrines of Islam~ Judaism:Christianity: Messiah Messiah is FUTURE(Jesus) PAST Worldviews (Internal(Internal Belief)Belief) Eternity - Judgment God w/ Man Heaven: Messiah/Faith Gen 33::99 Man w/ God Judeo- Rev 7 Chri sti an Old Testament (Torah) / New Testament (Injil(Injil)) Creation Creation Life Eternity Story Life Eternity Koran / Hadiths Do right things (External Actions)

Islam Paradise: Allah Apart Man/Works Man Apart From Man From God 41 42

7 Doctrines of Islam Law Fear Motivation

Of Allah Qur’an Hadith Ijma Qiyas ((InshaInshaAllah – God Willing) (Holy Book) (Traditions) (Scholars) (Reasoning) Of Et ernal D amnati on (works) Of Apostasy Of The West Of Democracy Sharia

Sharia: Foundation of society 43 44

John Marsh, Intelligence Specialist US Attorney’s Office, Harrisburg, PA , Jan 15, 2010 Sharia Law Shariah Law in Islam Sharia

• Revealed – not legislated Foundation of society • Interpreted not codified • Systematizes ALL human acts • Human Rights Issues Ummah Political Economics Societal • Inequality of Women Communal Economic Interest Rights: Women’s • Inequality of Non-Non-MuslimsMuslims Da’wa Banking Children Transcendant Jihad Honor/Shame • Hudud punishments Food • Apostates Appearance • Jihad against Dar ul Harb 45 46

A Major World Religion Founded by a man, Mohammad  Nature of Islam (the religion) Derives Authority from 11.. NATURE OF ISLAM Mohammad’s deeds and (THE RELIGION) Sacred Books 22.. NATURE OF MUSLIMS A Religion of Works for (THE PEOPLE) Salvation  Nature of Muslims (the people)  Nature of the Conflict  NtNature o fthCf the Con flitflict Significantly Motivated by Fear of Hellfire/Damnation  Start of the Conflict  Start of the Conflict Implements Shariah Law  Who is the Enemy  Who is the Enemy

47 48

8 Disclaimer 2: Disclaimer 2: A Broad Muslim Belief Spectrum A Broad Muslim Belief Spectrum

Muslim Two ‘Faces’ Muslim Islamist Of Islam Can separate politics, religion Muslim Muslim Can coco--existexist with other Salafi religions  Follow way of Mohammad Islamist  7th Cen tury cus toms, lifest yl e Islamist Women can be independent Wahhabi Islamist Salafi  Militant Islam Politics & Religion together  Strict Sharia law, 7th Century Shariah Law for all Muslims Wahhabi  Moderate Muslims=kufar Nations Jihadi Women are not equal Jahadi (holy warrior) Supporters Terrorists Harsh Punishments  Material Support

Cannot be changed 49  Terrorist acts 50

Muslim People Today PositiveAppreciating Muslim Contributions People

Contributions by Muslims اﺳﻼم ScienceAstronomy & mathematics 1.3 billion Muslims Scientific Inventions MfMIlIsIlIanyslamlam f= ormer is “ SbSt heu b worcmission”h hhiurc ld’hses in TeAlllescopelgebra – al jabr (20% of the world) thesecond EU are largest now religionmosques PendulumAlgorithm – al khawarizmi Watch Zenith – cenit Islam = ““Peace?”Peace for the one Mariners Compass Azimuth – al sumut who submits to Allah” Soap Experimental Method Many Muslims Do Desire Peace Windmill

51 52

PositiveAppreciating Muslim Contributions People PositiveAppreciating Muslim Contributions People CultureContributions and Contributions Homelandsby Muslims by Muslims Philosophy Art and architecture GeographyMedical Science & exploration

Ibn Batuta Ibn Sina (Avicenna) 53 54

9 Where Do the Most What are the main Muslims Live? (Top 10 Countries) groups within Islam? 11.. Indonesia ((171171 million) 85 percent of Muslims Sunni 10 % of all Muslims 22.. Pakistan ((150150 million) Leader chosen by Shiite “Monarchial” Linage 33.. India ((126126 million) Mysticsconsensus within of elders.the Sufi of leadership 4. Bldh(Bangladesh (110 million ) MuslimClaim dfaithirect 55.. Iran ((6767 million) OriginallyReligiouscontinuation ordersfollowers of thethat of thefollowfaith fourth asmystical defined caliph Ali by 66.. Turkey ((6666 million) interpretations of MajorityMuhammad in Iran 77.. Egypt ((5959 million) Arab/Tribal Islamic doctrines and 88.. Nigeria ((4545 million) practicesName comes from the 99.. Algeria ((3030 million) Arab/Tribal ""SunnahSunnah"" 1010.. Morocco (28(28 million) Arab/Tribal

55 56

Sunni and Shia Distribution Muslims’ Supra-national Center

Sunni –Shia– Shia 40% of World’s Oil 60% – 40% “Islam” & “ummah” Transcend ““NationNation”” or “Nation“Nation--State”State”

57 58

Islam in America Post PrePre-WWII-18601860 Muslim African Postslave 1960 trade. It is 19701970’s’s--PresentPresent estimated that18601860- as -1960many1960 as immigrationMulticulturalism to the U.S. • Large influx into 30 percentSeparation of the blacks &;70000broughtImmigration to America to as avoid Western Societies slaves Assimilationcamewars from and nationsinternal accessed 4/19/2010 European 60000predominantlyconflicts controlled in Turkey, demographics, social by MuslimsMiddle andEast, the South welfare 50000 teachings of Islam.Asia – Well, maybe… •NiNationa lism struggl es 40000 Assimilation Assimilation Separation & 30000 Public Identity AMERICAN MUSLIMS 20000 10000

0 1959 1965 1971 1977 1983 1956 1962 1968 1974 1980 1986

59 Information courtesy of Dr. Carl 60 Ellis

10 Islam in America Islam in America American born vs. overseas born U.S. Muslims’ ethnic diversity

African-American Immigrants 42% 56%

South Asian 24.4%

American-born Arab 12.4% 44%

Whites 1.6%

Information courtesy of Dr. Carl 61 Information courtesy of Dr. Carl 62 Ellis Ellis

Islam in America Demographics of American-  Nature of Islam (the religion) Two ‘Faces’ Of Islam born converts to Islam 22.. NATURE OF MUSLIMS Muslim (THE PEOPLE) African-Americans  NtNature o fthCf the Con flitflict Islamist 56%  Start of the Conflict  Who is the Enemy Other Salafi 8% Whites Wahhabi Increasingly Hispanic 36% Jihadi Supporters Terrorists

Information courtesy of Dr. Carl 63 64 Ellis

Nature of the Conflict: Actions Before Hadi bin Mubarak Qahtani exploded himself into an anonymous fireball, he was young and interested only in  Nature of Islam (the religion) "fooling around." Like many Saudis, he was said to have  Nature of Muslims (the people) experienced a religious awakening after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks on the United States and dedicated himself to Allah, insppyired by "the holy attack that demolished the 3. NATURE OF THE CONFLICT foolish infidel Americans and caused many young men  Start of the Conflict to awaken from their deep sleep,"  Who is the Enemy

Religious nature of the conflict

65 66

11 Nature of the Conflict: Words What’s a “fatwa”? A religious juridical verdict,  August, 1996 First Fatwa legal opinion  "Declaration of War against the Americans Authority for: Qur’an and Occupying the Land of the Two Holy Places.“ Sunnah.  Al Quds Al Arabi, a London-based newspaper,  February, 1998 Second Fatwa  Issued by: mufti, (Islamic  Declares a holy war, or jihad,jihad, against the West Judges) and Israel.  Osama bin Laden, head of al Qaeda; Importance:  Ayman al-Zawahiri, head of Jihad Group in Egypt It gives religious sanction Prepared by Chaplain Hussain  other Islamic terrorist groups. to war ShaikhShaikh,, LT, CHC, USNR Osama Bin Laden 67 68

Nature of the Conflict: AntiterrorismWhat Advisory about Council jihad - PA ? Islamist Worldview • Literally ‘struggle’ • ‘jj--hh--d’d’ • to strive, to overcome, to exert physically. • Any struggle done on a daily basis by obeying the shar’iah will bring one closer to God. Bible: Conquest “ofThe world Jihad of the Sword ••DefensiveDefensive Canaan?belongs to Allah”NlNo Major Muslim group Limited• to protect ethnically one’s life property, communityhas ever renouncedwhen the attacked upon is also a lesser form of jihad. Limited geographically doctrines of jihad of the Limited in time sword.  Mohammad’s Example  Material Benefits

Prepared by Chaplain Hussain ShaikhShaikh,, LT, CHC, USNR The Overall Classification of this Briefing is: UNCLASSIFIED 69 70

A Religious Conflict As Defined by Enemy  Nature of Islam (the religion) Powered by  Nature of Islam (the religion)  Nature of Muslims (the people) Religious Actions,  Nature of Muslims (the people) Words, Ideology &  Nature of the Conflict 3. NATURE OF THE CONFLICTWorldview  Start of the Conflict (Perspective) 44.. START OF THE CONFLICT  Who is the Enemy  Who is the Enemy

71 72

12 99//1111 Was NOT the Start of This Conflict

73 74

Roman Empire 45 AD Roman Empire45185 313AD AD65 AD AD Western Civ. Western Civ. (abridged) (abridged) 313 Edict of Milan.

Rome Constantinople Rome Constantinople

• 320320AD“ChristianityAD Christianity spread becomesby the the blood religion of the of the Empiremartyrs” (State (physical/verbal +Religion) testimony) 75 •State enforced orthodoxy 76

Eastern Christian – a Minority Church The History of Islam & the West

Nivekath Samarkan Bejing Tabriz

Baghdad Xian Jerusalem Basara Tarigut In Majority Patma Mohammad Rejected: Against People of Book Nestorian (Assyrian) Christian Medina 622 -632 In Minority Metropolitans (400-800 AD) Mohammed Sought Approval : Mecca 610-622 Pro-People of Book

77 78

13 The History of Islam The History of Islam & the West & the West

Rightly Guided Mecca – 632 Death of Caliphs – 632-661 Mohammad 79 80

1st Jihad Ends: 732 The History of Islam The History of Islam & the West & the West

Golden Classical Age of Period of Islam Islam The Crusades 1096 ––12911291 632- 732

Umayyad Caliphate – Abbasid Caliphate – 661-750 81 750-1248 82

The History of Islam The History of Islam & the West & the West 22nd1529nd JihadOttoman Ends: surge Septblunted 11 at, 1682siege Viennaof Vienna

Mongol 1492 GoldenExpansion 11001100--13001300 European Colonial Expansion 1453Age – of 15001500--18001800 ConstantinopleIslam Falls The Crusades 1096 ––12911291

Abbasid Caliphate – Abbasid Caliphate –

750-1248 83 750-1248 84

14 The History Islam & Antiterrorism Advisory Council - PA the West

Development of XXIst - Third Era of Jihad Today’s Middle East Islamist Terrorism

The Overall Classification of this Briefing is: UNCLASSIFIED 85 86

What are the Roots of TheThe History History Islam & Today’s Terrorism? Wahhab’s Mongol Religious Reform the West Invasion Islam & the West + Crusades CONCLUSION:1492 – Defeat in ‘Andulseia’ Movement Islam is 1682Islam - in Ottoman Decline Turks retreat re-connected from Vienna NOT PURE religious ideology salaf QUESTION:1600’sIslam - is European NOTWhy? PUREColonialism 1922 Caliphate + jihad of the 1300 1740 1800s sword today Abolished (Turkey)

Ibn 1918 Fr Br Tayyhimya Reform Wahhab Reform Divide ME & Saud Coalition Broken Promises Crushed by WWI Ottoman Turks Mistrust

87 88

20th Century: Nationalism The History Islam & Fails – Wahhabism Resurgent the West – 19701970’s’s CONCLUSION:1492 – Defeat in ‘Andulseia’ 1682Islam - in Ottoman Decline Turks retreat from Vienna QUESTION:1600’sIslam - is European NOTWhy? PUREColonialism 1740 1800s 1928

Wahhab Reform EGYPT - Muslim Islam Humiliates & Saud Coalition Brotherhood Crushed by America (Superpower#(Superpower#11)) Ottoman Turks INDIA – Tablighi Jamaat

89 90

15 The History Islam & OBL Quote – after 1989 defeat the West – 19801980’s’s of the USSR in Afghanistan "In the final phase of the ongoing struggle, the world of the infidels was divided between two superpowers: the United States and the Soviet Union. Now we have defeated and destroyed the more difficult and the more dangerous of the two. Islam Defeats Dealing with the pampered and effeminate Americans USSR (#(#22 Superpower)! will be easy."

91 92

The History Islam & Islam Resurgent - the West – 19901990’s’s WahhabismWahhabists in universities Mogadishu, Somalia influence impressionable young students….

1800s 1928 1970 2006 Azzam Blackhawk Down’Down’9393 Al Zawhari Wahhab Reform EGYPT - Muslim Bin Laden Provoke US/West to Attack & Saud Coalition Brotherhood Crushed by and cause uprising of Ottoman Turks Islamist INDIA – Tablighi expansion Muslim umma Jamaat

93 94

The History Islam & Presence of Radical Islamist the West – 2003 Cells 1996-1996-20102010

West Responds

Map provided by the Investigative Project

95 96

16 Internal Islamic Failures / Collapse Response: Islamist Religious Reform Conclusion: Victims of  Nature of Islam (the religion) West/ West Culture  Nature of Muslims (the people)  Nature of Islam (the religion) Result  Violence  Nature of the Conflict  Nature of Muslims (the people) Did NOT Start on 9/11  NtNature o fthCf the Con flitflict 44.. START OF THE CONFLICT632 AD – 2010 AD  Start of the Conflict  Who is the Enemy ~1400 years 55.. WHO IS THE ENEMY?

97 98

Next Generation Clarifying Critique: The Enemy: “Al-Qaeda”

 Global jihadist network vs. monolithic entity. -Recruited -Radicalized -Trained -Autonomous  Three distinct entities. 1. Core vanguard, (Al-Qaeda prime Osama bin Laden and his trusted associates. 2. Al-Qaeda franchise groups such as Al-Qaeda in Iraq, 3. Grassroots jihadist movement inspired by Al-Qaeda prime and the franchise groups

99 “Jihadism in 2010: The Trends Continue,” by Scott Stewart, 6 January 2010.100

Al-Qaeda Prime Al-Qaeda Franchise Groups

 Under intense pressure by the U.S.  Local or regional terrorist or insurgent government and its allies, groups that have adopted jihadist ideology.  Reduced in size since 9/11  Some adopt PUBLICLY:  al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) or  Remains relatively small because of  al Qaed a in the A rabi an P eni nsul a (AQAP). operational security concerns.  Other groups PRIVATELY adopt some or all of al  Laying low in Pakistan near the Afghan Qaeda’s jihadist ideology and cooperate with the border and comprises only a small portion of core group, the larger jihadist universe.  Maintain their independence for a variety of reasons.  E.g. Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP), Laskar-e-Taiba (LeT) and Harkat-ul-Jihad e-Islami (HUJI)

“Jihadism in 2010: The Trends Continue,” by Scott Stewart, 6 January 2010.101 “Jihadism in 2010: The Trends Continue,” by Scott Stewart, 6 January 2010.102

17 Grassroots Jihadist 2009 US Attacks Movement Q Operational  AQ Prime Capability, u Expertise, a  People Worldwide Skill sets l i  inspired by the al Qaeda core and the t franchise ggproups y /  AQ Fran-  but who may have little or no actual Q chise Umar Abdul Mutalla, NIGERIA/YEMEN u Somali al-Shabaab Recruits, SOMALIA connection to these groups. a n Nidal Hasan, Ft. Hood, TX Numbers, t Daniel BOYD, et al, Quantico VA Geographic i  Grass- ‘reach’, Najibullah ZAZI, Denver, NYC t roots Comm (I’net) y MUHAMED (Carlos BLEDSOE), AR Hosam Maher SMADI, Dallas TX

103 Michael C. FINTON, Springfield IL “Jihadism in 2010: The Trends Continue,” by Scott Stewart, 6 January 2010. 104

Road Map

5. “Thoug hts ” What’s Important and why?

105 106

1. We have important values Our Values are Threatened to Appreciate & Protect..

 Rights – Declaration of Holy Land Foundation Trial Documents: Independence Muslim Brotherhood – In America (1980’s)  .. All men are created equal, The Ikhwan [MB] must understand that their  that they are endowed by their Ideological Creator with certain inalienable Foundation work in America is a kind of grand Jihad in rights.. eliminating and destroying the Western  “Life, liberty, pursuit of happiness” civilization from within and ‘sabotaging' its  Freedoms – Constitution miserable house by their hands and the  Speech hands of the believers so that it is  Religion Operational eliminated and Allah's religion is made  Press Basis  Assembly victorious over all other religions."  Petition the Government

107 108

18 2. A Framework to Understand A Framework to Understand b. Four ‘Wars’ a. Components of National Power POLITICAL

Ideological Military

Economic 109 The Sources and Patterns of Terrorism in Islamic Law, William Gawthrop 110

Ideological 1. The War of Ideas War of Ideas – the jihadis  They can’t War of Ideas blame it on poverty or any Freedom, Equality, Liberty… of that stuff. Individual freedom! They will have to realize it’s an ideology Participants: Citizens, You & I and it’s a way Weapons: The Pen, Ideas, Omar Hammami, el Shabbab leader & US of life that Beliefs, Hopes, Ideals Citizen, Alabama makes people change.

The Sources and Patterns of Terrorism in Islamic Law, William Gawthrop 111 112

War of Ideas – War of Ideas – the jihadi Stragetists Fundamentalist Perspective

 “..What matters is not whether [he] July 2005 Al Zawahiri Letter to is a fanatic or not, he's doing the Al Zarwqai will of a fanatic God. It doesn't  worried about Iraq matter if he's a terrorist or a  Need to maintain popularMedia support. ! traditional Muslim. At the end of the  SiSunni-movement and Shiit e sect - clhlash day a tditilMliiditraditional Muslim is doing inevitable, "more than half the will of a fanatic,  Rebukes insurgency’sof the tactics battle is fundamentalist, terrorist God. I  Be inclusive of Sunni to avoid know this is harsh to say. Most Mosab Hassan Yousef democratization taking place governments avoid this subject. 'Son of Hamas' Author  Win majority Shiite "public support" They don't want to admit this is  Don’t attack mosques,on the ordinary battlefield people an ideological war.  Brutality – ‘use bulletsof therather media than beheading’." 2010 03 06 WSJ “They Need to be Liberated from Their God”, The on his conversion  (Press, 10/7/2005) to Christianity, spying for Israel, and shaming his family. MATTHEW KAMINSKI 113 114

19 Political 22.. Operational Conflict Economic Clash of Civilizations

Clash of Civilizations Islam is CONVINCED of the superiority of its CULTURE; and OBSESSED with the inferiority of its

Participants: National Leaders POWER Finances, SanctionsSanctions,, Treaties, Samuel Huntington, Clash of Civilizations TheGNP, Sources World and Patterns Opinion, of Terrorism in ImmigrationIslamic Law, William Gawthrop The Sources and Patterns of Terrorism in Islamic Law, William Gawthrop 115 116

Military 33.. The Ground War Tactical Level – Ground War

Al Zawahiri’s - Four Stage Strategy 2005 Letter

1. Expel Western/American ~2020 forces from Iraq 2. Establish a caliphate in Iraq 3. Extend the jihad - Ground War neighboring countries (21 Arab, +24 ‘Muslim’ nations) 4. Finally, Obtain WMDs 1. Destroy Israel. 2. Intimidate Europe (Eur- Arabia) Participants: Soldiers 3. Blackmail America

Weapons:The Sources and Patterns Guns of Terrorism in Islamic Law, William Gawthrop 117 118

Counterinsurgency Strategy Strategy (COIN) (Afghanistan/Taliban I)

Holy Texts • Qur’an Holy •Hadiths (Mohammad’s Holy Texts •Sunna example Texts •Shariah Law Leaders/Clerics • Sheiks •Mohammad Leaders •Imam (Iran) Leaders/ People •Mufti People / Clerics •Mosques Clerics People Clerics • Mohammad •General Population •WorldView (12’er- •Imam (Iran) •Urban/Rural Mahdi’s Return) •Mufti •Media •Mosques •Universities •WorldView (12’er- Mahdi’s Return)

119 120

20 Political Counterinsurgency Strategy Ideological 44.. Civilizational Jihad (COIN – Iraq Surge, Afghanistan II) Economic

People •General Holy Population •Urban/Rural Texts •Media •Universities

Clerics People ““CiviliationalCiviliationalJihad”

Courts, Media, Public Opinion Multiculturalism, Secularism Culture TACTICAL Civilization/ Civilization/ Participants:Political Civilians, Correctness Juries, Lawyers, Media, Academia, Charities

121 The Sources and Patterns of Terrorism in Islamic Law, William Gawthrop 122

Civilizational Jihad: USA

Muslim Brotherhood ?? Bernard Lewis

author of Crisis in Islam, Princeton University, professor emeritus of ME ?? history, World authorit y on Islam

Holy Land Foundation ?? “Self censorship and political correctness will destroy our ability to discuss issues critical to our survival” HAMAS 123 124

Recommended Reading

 Authors/Books  Bernard Lewis: Crisis in Islam  Patrick Soohkdeo: Global Jihad, Faith, Power & Territory  Robert Spencer: Stealth Jihad Best  Mark Steyn: America Alone  Bat Ye’ or: EurAsia, Dhimminitude Reads  Web/ Newspapers/Columnists:  Global Intelligence: STRATFOR (Strategic Forecasting) ERIC HOLDER free intelligence reports, daily podcasts  WSJ Opinion Journal,  Islam: (magazine inserts)  World Magazine:  Herb Meyer: Four Major World Transformations

125 126

21 Summary

 Terrorism in the In History, in the USA  Understand the Misunderstandings  “Thoughts”

127 128

US Attorney’s Office SOURCES John Marsh

- (U) National Intelligence Estimate, ODNI - July 2007 - (U) Annual Threat Assessment, ODNI – January 2008 - (U) Counterterrorism White Paper Update, USDOJ – December 2007 - (U) US Attorneys’ Case Management System, September 2009 - (U) Joint Regional Intelligence Center / LA-RTTAC Bulletin – October 2009 - (U) “Target: America” The September 2009 New York/Denver Terror Plot Arrests - The NEFA Foundation, - October 2009 - (U) Somalia Extremist OSINT Report 20 NOV-3 DEC 08; 1st Information Operations Command, San Antonio TX - (U) A Call to Jihad, Answered in America; New York Times; Andrea Elliot – 11 July 2009 - (U) “Somalis In Minnesota “ More Details Emerge, Laura Yuen, Minnesota Public Radio, 20 October 2009 Any - (U) Denmark Plot, BBC News, Tim Allman, 28 October 2009, - (U) Memorandum of Law in Support of the Government’s Motion for a Permanent Order of Detention; Questions? F.#2009R01793; United States vs. Najibullah Zazi; 09-CR-663 (RJD) - (U) United States vs. NAJIBULLAH ZAZI, Case No. 09-MJ-03001; CRIMINAL COMPLAINT; U.S. Court, District Colorado; 19 September 2009 FBI Joint Terrorism TF - (U) United States vs. ; Case No. 3-09-MJ-286; CRIMINAL COMPLAINT; US. Philadelphia, PA Court, Northern District of Texas; 24 September 2009 - (U) United States vs. MICHAEL C. FINTON; Case No. 09-3048-M; CRIMINAL COMPLAINT; U.S. Court, Central (215) 418-4000 District of Illinois; 24 September 2009 - (U) United States vs. ; Case No. 5:09ci216-I FL; U.S. Court, Eastern District of North Carolina; 22 July 2009 - (U) United States vs. TAHAWWUR HUSSAIN RANA, CRIMINAL COMPLAINT posted to Chicago Tribune 30 October 2009;,0,5879769.htmlpage [email protected] - (U) Department of Justice Press Releases – July 27. 2009 thru October 21, 2009

129 130