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Howard D. Winters s


VALLEYin Illinois mmm* THE

3 1367

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Illinois State Museum



by Howard D. Winters

Printed by Authority of the State of Illinois Springfield, Illinois 1967 BOARD OF THE ILLINOIS STATE MUSEUM

Everett P. Coleman, M.D., Chairman Coleman Clinic, Canton Myers John C.Watson Albert Vice-President, Myers Bros. Director, Department of Springfield Registration and Education

Sol Tax, Ph.D., Secretary William Sylvester White of Anthropology Professor Judge, Circuit Court Dean, University Extension Cook County, University of Chicago

Leland Webber C. Leplie Kanatzar, Ph.D. E. Museum of Dean of MacMurray College Director, Field History, Chicago Jacksonville Natural FOREWORD TO THE REVISED EDITION SOME MINOR CHANGES have been made for this printing and a number of typo- graphical errors corrected. Only the section on the Allison Culture has been considerably rev.sed since much more information has become available on what was originally termed the Allison Complex. Th,s new information has resulted from excavations by Dr Tames Keliar at the in Posey County, , and from excavations by Messrs. Denzil; Orhn, and Lynn Stephens at the in Crawford County, Illinois. Howard . „„ D. Winters AugUSt 1966 Charlottesville, Virginia


IN 1961 HOWARD D. WINTERS AND DENZIL STEPHENS were engaged by the Illinois State Museum to make archaeological excavations of three shell of the Riverton Culture in the central Wabash Valley. The report of this investigation was completed in 1962 and is scheduled for publication at an early date. The present paper is an analysis of a subsequent archaeological survey of the Illinois side of the Wabash made by Winters in 1962 and enhanced by the results of Stephens' earlier surveys in the area. Ihe central Wabash has been one of the last major unknown archaeological areas of Illinois and since more survey and excavations are planned for 1963, it seemed to mimeograph the present edition. On completion of this report, Mr. Winters joined the teaching staff of the , must therefore acknowledge the contribution of Dr. Robert L. Hall, Curator ot Anthropology, Ilhnois State Museum, who kindly undertook the task of designing and editing this report. Additional thanks also go to Orvetta M. Robinson, Museum Librarian and Registrar far critically reading the manuscript and to Charles W. Hodge, Museum Photographer, far photographic reductions of all illustrations. Joseph R. Caldwell Head . Curator A , ,„, of Anthropologyf aj 1963 T„- c Illinois State Museum

> — —


WE SHOULD LIKE TO EXPRESS our deepest appreciation to Mr. Denzil Stephens a member of the Council for Illinois , of Annapolis, Illinois. His thorough surveying in Clark, Crawford, and Lawrence counties in recent years provided invaluable data, and his identification of major characteristics of the La Motte Culture greatly simpli- fied both field work and laboratory analysis. Were the results of such intelligent and dedicated reconnaissance available everywhere, the work of the archaeologist would be both easier and more productive. Mr. Stephens also provided a number of specimens for illustration for the final report from important sites from which adequate collections could not be obtained. Among these were: the gift of an Embarrass Simple Stamped jar from bite Cw282 and sherds from the Townsend Site (Jpll7) and the Dhom Site (Ipl35)- the loan of sherds from the North York Site No. 1 (C1188), the Musgrave Site (Cw205)' the Lowe Site (Cwl07), the Minnow Slough Site (Cwl64), the Purgatory Swamp Site' mble Ske ( ' and the IOan f ' ^ ° fluted ints from ' P° *e CoIIiflower SiteSWr(Cw360^n and^ , the Heathsville Site (Cwl 92). In addition, Mr. Stephens permitted materkl HiS SUfVey COlleCti°nS fr°m the Lowe Site fr Too?* ^ (Cwl07), Stoner Site (Cw 09) Purgatory Swamp Site (Lw 95), Minnow Slough Site (Cwl64), Fox-McCarthy Ch n°Weth Site (CI185 North ! >> York Site (C1188), Barbee North Site (C vI u (Cw352),in Barbee South Site (Cw364), and Etchison Site (C1128 and C1129) We also wish to express our thanks to Mr. Lynn Stephens for his capable work as field assistant during most of the survey period; to Mr. Orlin Stephens for the gift of artifacts from the Stoner Site (Cwl09), the Minnow Slough Site (Cwl64) and the U t0 ; PaUl Parmake °f thC I1Hn0iS S-e Museum 'for Men dfic ^^ ^ •fication off shellh if , Lo and bone; and to Mr. James Porter of the Museum of 8 ^^ thin- SeCti0ns of sherds andM ? r 1 - ^ Joseph Caldwell, Dr. Robert Hall J Wn IHi iS W^^ * »r°vM Vakiable Su^estions and Stic^m h° J"' u° tT3 t0 abS°,Ve theSC " gentkmen h°Wever from a responsibility " " ' ' for eZerrors in interpretation, ^ either factual or theoretical McDonald Mefford of Lawrenceville, Mr. Robert Baumgart of Mt. Carmel and Mr °f KeenSbUfg aH PfOVlded VdUable ZZZn *«*™«* information! sitesln Mr. John Henry provided information on the Albee Complex and arranged for the zi^z:^:ira site in vermmion — * -• f Befry g° ° ASSlStant in Anthropology at Sate ^ ' the Illinois StateMusTrfMuseum forf^fthe care ^ and attention she has given to the preparationanon ofot maps, illustrations maps and stencils used in this report December 1962 R D _ w_





CLASSIFICATION AND ANALYSIS CULTURES AND CULTURE AREAS OF THE CENTRAL AND LOWER WABASH VALLEY Paleo-Indian Occupations Dalton-Meserve Tradition Archaic Occupations Midcontinent Tradition of the Archaic: The Riverton Culture In" Early Woodland Occupations Middle Woodland Cultures 44 The Havana Tradition fA The Allison Culture The Crab Orchard Tradition ' ' ] The La Motte Culture Late Woodland 2 Occupations ^ The Albee Complex °° The Duffy Complex 7 The Yankeetown Culture Other Late Woodland Remains ...... I? Mississippian Manifestations The Vincennes Culture 71 The Etchison Complex 83 McCleary's Bluff Sites 8 ^ Historic Sites ... 84 APPENDIX I Embarrass Ceramic Series. Edward V. McMichael and Howard D. Winters 85 APPENDIX II

Albee Cordmarked

APPENDIX III Duffy Ceramic Series . 89 APPENDIX IV Lowe Flared Base Projectile Points of the Tamms Type Cluster 90 BIBLIOGRAPHY . . • 93




1 Distribution Map: New Sites, . . . 1962 Survey . 10 2 Distribution Map: Faulkner Side Notched, Thebes Type Cluster 21 3 Types 23 4 Projectile Point Types 25 Projectile 5 Point Types 27 6 Archaic Artifacts 29 7 Distribution Map: Sites of the Havana Tradition, Allison Culture, and Crab Orchard Tradition 37 8 Havana Tradition Sherds from the Denzil Stephens Collection 39 9 Havana Tradition Sherds from the Denzil Stephens Collection 41 10 Havana and Crab Orchard Tradition Sherds 43 1 Distribution Map: La Motte Culture 53 12 Sketch Map of the Bumble Bee Sites, v Cl 233 55 13 La Motte Culture Artifacts 57 14 La Motte Culture and Allison Culture Artifacts 59 15 Distribution Map: Duffy Complex, Albee Complex, Yankeetown Pottery 61 16 Albee Complex Artifacts 63 17 " Sherds of the Albee Complex from the Thomas Razmus Collection. ... 65 18 Duffy Complex and Yankeetown Culture 57 19 Distribution Map: Mississippian Sites _ 73 20 Vincennes Culture Sherds -,< 21 Vincennes Culture Sherds 77 22 Vincennes Culture Sherds 79 23 Vincennes Culture Artifacts 81


1 Tentative Cultural Sequence for the Central and Lower Wabash Valley 16 2 Comparative Trait List of the Robeson Hills, Riverton, and Swan Island Sites: Artifacts of the Riverton Culture 33 3 Combined Trait List of the Stoner, Garden, and Allison Villages: Artifacts of the Allison Culture 40 4 Combined Trait List of the Murphy and Chenoweth Sites in Illinois and the Albee , Shaffer Cemetery, and Catlin Site in Indiana: Artifacts of the Albee Complex 69 > Trait List of the Gray Estate Site, Lawrence County, Illinois: Artifacts of the Vincennes Culture g2

) Tamms Type Cluster— Type: Lowe Flared Base 9! 7 The Tamms Type Cluster in Illinois 92

9 Winters: Wabash Valley 10 1967

Figure 1







IN THE FOLLOWING REPORT a is summary adequate in so far as location was concerned but presented of the results of a survey undertaken by should be extensively revised to provide the sort the author for the Illinois State Museum from 20 of cultural and scientific data which is needed for March to 15 May 1962. Operations were limited use in archaeological research. to the Illinois side of the Wabash Valley proper About 10 per cent of the survey records could from the Indiana state line to near Carmi, Illinois, be considered useful research documents without an a distance of approximately 100 miles. In addition, absolute necessity of revisiting the site area. If sur- several major tributaries were partially surveyed vey records are prepared with the aim of research in for a distance of five to ten miles from their junc- mind instead of a perfunctory location of an area tion with the Wabash. The tributaries included which was somehow involved in , these Mill Creek, Hutson Creek, Sugar Creek, No Busi- records can become an invaluable adjunct to many ness Creek, the Embarrass River, La Motte Creek, types of research projects. Raccoon Creek, Crawfish Creek, and Bonpas Creek. . Survey Procedures. Site surveying is at an op- Principal tributaries remaining to be checked in the timal productivity from about the end of March to survey area include Big Creek in Clark County and the middle of May in the Wabash. Prior to this the Little . period, plowed areas are limited; and, following Before discussing the survey results, we should this period, agricultural activities keep the soil too like to comment on some of the problems and pro- disturbed to permit location of many sites and the cedures suggested by survey operations. satisfactory sampling of the contents of sites. Ex- Survey Records. Although a very large number pressed in terms of costs, expenses assignable to of survery records has been accumulated in Illinois site location averaged around $5.00 per site during through the years, about 10 per cent of the site the earlier portion of the survey but had risen to records used in the present survey were worthless around $15.00 per site during the last two weeks of because of faulty or inadequate location data and the survey period. We suspect that the cost would a dearth of description. These records should prob- have been prohibitively high after the crops had ably be eliminated from survey files since they do achieved considerable growth. nothing more than occupy a site number and there A second period suitable for site surveying would is no hope of their relocation. begin around the middle of October and last until On most of these sheets, sites were recorded perhaps the middle of November, following fall either by quarter-section or a quarter of a quarter- plowing and lasting until the fall rains make sur- section. Unless very good descriptions or ac- maps veying extremely difficult. company such location data or the site is a very For an extended survey period in the spring, it unusual one with distinctive features, the site lo- would be best to begin operations in the lower cated only within 160 or 40 acres can rarely be Wabash, gradually moving north as spring plowing relocated, particularly when a major river valley is advanced. involved with its multitudes of small camps and With respect to site recording, we urge the loca- other sites. A minimal location, in terms of sections, tion and description of all areas which show signs should be a quarter of a quarter of a quarter-section, of prehistoric activity. In terms of the solution of and even such placement within a ten acre area can archaeological problems, a simple gathering camp, be ambiguous if small camps are being recorded. with its numerous manos, , and little else, is Sites should also be recorded on a suitable map quite as important as a large village with its often (such as the USGS 15-minute and 7.5-minute se- thin and mixed cultural deposits left by thousands ries), preferably at the time of discovery of the of years of occupation. site. County road maps or plat books can some- We also urge the division of seemingly continu- times be used, but these do not usually provide ous occupation areas into smaller units on the basis adequate physiographic data for accurate location of natural features such as knolls or simple arbi- of the site. These latter items can be valuable tech- trary units. Such divisions of the site often reveal nical aids for site recording, however. areas assignable to quite different cultural mani- Another 80 per cent of the survey records proved festations or activities.

11 of Investigations, Illinois State Museum No. 10 L2 Reports

it would be advisable to insure the safe Adequacy of the Survey. Rarely can an ade- a survey, of the material by using cloth bags. While quate survey of an area be completed within a single return the initial investment in cloth bags is much greater year. We estimate that about 90 per cent of likely than for paper bags, the former can be re-used and locations noted in the present survey could not be should more than compensate for examined because of heavy pasture cover, wheat the safety factor the greater cost. stubble, weeds, or flooding of the lowlands. Thus. In addition to the equipment normally provided we suggest that a survey in any given area of the survey, we should recommend the addition of Midwest should cover a three-year period, by which for a an~Edscorp Range Finder and binoculars. The for- time about 30 per cent of possible site locations mer item has an accuracy within 2 per cent up to should have become available. valuable adjunct to quick Survey Equipment. The use of paper bags for 200 feet and would be a preparation of sketch maps. The latter item would survey work has proved very frustrating. Constant saved some rather fruitless half-mile trips to rebagging of materials was necessary, with the have covered with wheat stubble. Both items would paper bags sometimes not even surviving the dis- fields lead to reduced expenses in site recording and tance between the site and the car on a rainy day. greater productivity through the time saved. In view of the cost of recovery of material during


were available through the A TOTAL OF 175 SITES were recorded from the In addition, records Survey (IAS) of an earlier 1962 survey with mound groups counted as single Illinois Archaeological Vreeland and Kinietz (Kinietz 1933) sites. From these sites a total of 4355 sherds and suryey__by reconnaissance in Lawrence, Craw- 2125 stone, shell, pottery, and bone artifacts were and a limited counties by William Beeson collected. A full range of cultures was covered, ford, and dark J. Also in the Illinois State Museum from Paleo-Indian to sites that may be protohistoric. (Beeson 1952). provided by surveys Coverage was very thorough for the Wabash Valley fileTalelmrnerous site records in the latter counties. in Clark, Crawford, and Lawrence counties, partial of Denzil Stephens the various survey records are for Wabash County, and very spotty for White Supplementing the Hubele Site County. No reconnaissance was attempted in Gal- publications on the excavations at ( and Fowler latin County. However, previous surveys by the and the Wilson Site (Gillihan and Beeson Illinois State Museum (ISM) in 1950 covered 1952) and the Gamble Albee Mound in Indi- portions of the latter two counties, and Dr. Melvin 1960) in Illinois, and at the Also of help were the sur- L. Fowler kindly permitted examination and analy- ana (MacLean 1931). Indiana Historical Bureau sis of survey collections from Wabash, White, and veys published by the Gibson County Gallatin counties at the Museum of Southern Illi- for Vigo County (Helmen 1952), (Adams 1949), nois University (SIU) collected by Mr. James E. (Dragoo 1955) and Posey County Indiana prehistory by Gillihan. The Southern Illinois University surface and the general summary of collections include material from such important Lilly (1937). have attempted to sites as the Duffy Site (coded as ISM number G28 In the following summary, we areal dis- and SIU number 25B2-4); the Pepper Site (ISM synthesize as many data as possible into of the Wh93, SIU 25B2-3); Bennett's Wabash Site (ISM tribution patterns. Thus the organization boundaries in Wh92!siU 25B2-2); the Dunkel Site (ISM W71, report overrides county and state prehistoric culture areas SIU 23C1-2); the Gamble Site (ISM Lwll, SIU order to better present 23A4-U; and the M. G. Klutz (Weber) Site in and complexes. Gibson County, Indiana. :


UNDOUBTEDLY OUR CLASSIFICATORY creasingly rigid application of the terms as abso- PROCEDURES will seem loose. They are inten- lute classificatory units and to note with approval tionally so. It seems better to utilize flexible units Caldwell's stricture on their usage (Caldwell 1962;. which can be modified as needed than to construct Of course, traditions and phases themselves often or follow prematurely a rigid and internally logical contain a number of regional variants through space system. We have used the term tradition to indicate and time. When a number of sites have assemblages very large units of shared behavioral patterns which so similar within a limited temporal and geographic for the present report are defined largely in terms range that direct and common sharing of behavioral of material culture. patterns are implied, we have used the term culture In general, we have been guided by Caldwell's ( i.e., regional variant within a tradition ) . In respect usage of the term tradition (Caldwell 1958). Cald- to the survey, the term culture has been reserved for well states (p. 3) clusterings of sites with sufficiently unmixed mate- rial that a large number of items within such diver- "The concept of tradition, becoming increasingly sified functional categories as general utility , useful in Americanist archeology, is in the pres- weapons, fabricating and processing tools, wood- ent view another specific kind of pattern. In a working tools, domestic implements, ornaments, general sense, any culturally transmitted pattern ceremonial equipment, digging tools, and recrea- of action seen through time is a tradition, with tional equipment could be assumed to belong to- or without an archeologically preserved product, gether. When only a few artifacts could be shown or it may be action with no material product at as occurring consistently together, the term complex all. In our special use of this term we shall re- has been used with the assumption that, eventually, gard a culture-historical tradition as a main-line, sufficient data will become available to relate the areally based continuity of what would theo- complex to a culture. retically be a cultural whole. In some cases one No attempt has been made at establishing any horizon within a tradition might represent the sort of quantitative qualifiers for classificatory pro- culture of a single people or ethnic group. More cedures. If the data from survey operations is not often it would include several ethnic groups overwhelmingly suggestive of classificatory posi- which were culturally pretty much alike. What tion, quantification would probably provide only is always true of the tradition as we here con- spurious orders of classificatory relationship. sider it, however, is that its space-time limits On file at the Illinois State Museum are full rec- mark the effective contrast with neighboring ords of analyses of materials from each site. It had traditions. In other words, the boundaries are originally been planned to include these records as drawn to represent the maximum usefulness in an appendix with this report, but their considerable studying traditions in terms of each other." length would have made the report prohibitively long and delayed publication of the preliminary Traditions, in turn, have been divided into statement on prehistoric occupations of the Wabash. phases, based upon major shifts in cultural content. We felt that it would be better to omit the raw data Phases have a decided advantage in that they avoid rather than to delay the report. the dilemma of the tripartite temporal terminology, Most of the terms used in the classification of which inevitably gets caught up in such absurdities artifacts are already familiar, but a few are new. as "Early Late Woodland" as the need for new se- Some common terms are also used in a more re- quential distinctions are recognized. At the same stricted sense. time, we have retained such terms as Early, Middle, One category not previously published in the and Late Woodland to serve as informal time divi- Midwest is that of shredder. These are irregular sions for the Midwest. However, we should like to flakes or cores which have one steeply keeled face express a certain amount of distress about the in- chipped to a straight, toothed edge. Presumably

13 u Reports of Investigations, Illinois State Museum No. 10

Archaic to Mississippian and are generally they would have been used for tearing raw mate- from referred to as cores, choppers, blanks, or rejects. rials of some sort into strips of fibers. These imple- the presence of the traditional chipping ments are very common in Illinois and are found However, techniques and use-patterns characteristic of blades in sites ranging from Archaic to Mississippian against placement within any of the (Fig. 22A). would argue themselves are quite Another category we have termed strike-a-lite. latter categories, which in groupings. Backed blades These are small squares or rectangles (Fig. legitimate classificatory the result 22C) which show along one of the edges numerous are generally included with the latter as classificatory procedures based hinge fractures resulting from repeated blows. We of rather subjective alone or crudeness of appearance. doubt that they would be very effective as choppers, upon form of projectile point types conform, gener- in view of their small size, but they would serve Names developed for the Cache River admirably for producing sparks. ally, to terminology in southern Illinois (Winters, n.d., a). The term bammerstone is reserved strictly for Valley published or commonly implements showing usage only as hammers. This Where possible, previously circulated names have been used ( Scully 1951; Ford restriction of usage is based upon a detailed study and Krieger 1954; Bell of some 2000 of the pitted and unpitted pebbles and Webb 1956; Suhm names have been dropped which normally are called in Illinois 1958). Some common these were found to be based upon inadequate and elsewhere. There is no longer any doubt for us when classification on the basis of point that most of these are manos, and that a "pure" data, such as or base shape alone. is a comparatively rare item. The outline two new names hammering usage observable on the edges of manos It has been necessary to create for description of certain Archaic points common is probably the result of pounding seeds, nuts, roots Valley. These are Bristol Diagonally and the like prior to grinding on a with a in the Wabash Corner Notched. Both should . Certainly, pestles, which are undoubtedly Notched and Barbee until adequate data grinding implements, show such hammer usage on be considered provisional types a larger sample and from strati- the poll. can be secured from of these provisional Blades () have been distinguished from fied contexts. Formal definition until then. projectile points on the basis of the chipping of the types will be delayed is a formal statement edges. Blades have wavy, saw-like edges produced Included as Appendix I check-stamped, and cord- by the removal of alternate flakes from the two of the simple-stamped, Embarrass Ceramic Series, faces of the implements. Projectile points have marked pottery of the of Dr. Edward V. edges chipped to a straight line. Of course, many which summarizes the work Virginia Geological and points have edges which have been reworked into McMichael of the West author of this report on edges. (Lamellar flake blades represent an Economic Survey and the origins, and relationships of the exception to the foregoing statement.) These dis- . the characteristics, Motte Culture of the tinctions between blades and points have been distinctive ceramics of the La based upon the results of an analysis of 9000 such Wabash Valley. provisional state- implements from the Cache River drainage. Appendices II and III present types, Albee The term backed has been used to refer to ments on two new "Late Woodland" lanceolate, ovate, rectanguloid, and triangular forms Cordmarked and Duffy Plain. the major attributes of which have one side left unthinned as a gripping In Appendix IV, some of projectile point surface, with deliberate crushing of the edges of the Lowe Flared Base, the diagnostic summarized. unthinned side a common . Backed blades of the La Motte Culture, are are plentiful on Illinois sites in contexts ranging CULTURES AND CULTURE AREAS OF THE CENTRAL AND LOWER WABASH VALLEY

IN THE FOLLOWING SECTIONS, summaries of Archaic, the La Motte Culture, and the Murphy the prehistoric Wabash occupations are presented. Complex). An exception to the foregoing state- Since the interpretation of these traditions, cul- ment, of course, would be the Clovis Tradition of tures, and complexes on the Illinois side of the Paleo-Indian, which has a very wide distribution in Wabash is dependent in large part on data from . surface collections rather than excavations, ade- That such a salient of prolonged southern pene- quacy of definition will vary considerably. A further tration into the Midwest should exist is an interest- complication in the present analysis arises from the ing problem in itself. Partial explanation may be fact that many of the prehistoric occupations of the offered on the basis of two known factors, one Wabash have no precise equivalents in contiguous geographical and the other ecological. First of all, areas of the Midwest, since the Wabash throughout the Wabash flows from north to south in its lower prehistory was often linked culturally to the South and central portions, and empties into the Ohio not rather than to the Midwest. Thus, with the excep- far from the confluences of the Cumberland and tion of the Havana and Crab Orchard traditions, with the same river. Thus, ready access which are well known from excavations in other from the south is provided by a practically direct areas of Illinois, cultural definition has had to de- route. Secondly, the biota of the Wabash Valley has pend, primarily, on internal evidence from the many southern characteristics (Adams 1949; Wabash Valley alone. Of course, the sizable quan- Helmen 1952; Winters and Stephens n.d.) , perhaps tity of published material on other areas of Illinois providing a general environment more conducive and Indiana has been useful in interpreting gen- to penetration by southern groups than other areas eral cultural succession, since some traits are prac- of the Midwest. Such factors fail to explain, how- tically pan-eastern in their order of appearance. ever, why the La Motte and Riverton cultures are A tentative sequence for the lower and central concentrated in the central Wabash near the Wabash is presented as Table 1. Where survey re- prairie margins of the Springfield Plains, rather sults were inadequate for even preliminary defini- than in the lower Wabash which is typified by the tion of a cultural unit the term undefined has been rolling terrain of the Mt. Vernon Hill Country. used. We regret that so many new terms have been Only much more reconnaissance on both the Illinois used in the Wabash Valley sequence, but we have and Indiana sides of the valley and extensive excava- seen no point in trying to force the distinctive tions can provide the data needed for solving the Wabash Valley cultural manifestations into pre- enigma of the southern salient in the Midwest. existing classificatory systems, particularly since so That physiography and vegetation have both many of the older classificatory units such as Hope- been important determinants throughout the pre- well, Baumer, Lewis, Raymond, Dillinger, and historic occupations is borne out by the present Weaver are badly in need either of re-definition or reconnaissance and by previous excavations. With clarification. the exception of Paleo-Indian and the earlier Ar- Furthermore, the problem of southern cultural chaic occupations, the various occupations within affiliation, which was mentioned in the first para- the Wabash tend to be confined within graph rather small of this section, must be met when establish- geographic areas which can be qualified ing by specific a classificatory system for the Wabash. With the physiographic and environmental factors. For' ex- exception of the Havana Tradition and the Albee ample, the Crab Orchard Tradition, the Duffy Com- Complex, which have their closest ties to the north plex, the Yankeetown Culture, and and the Murphy the west, all of the prehistoric occupations of Complex are concentrated in the lower the Wabash in Wabash either relate to the lower Ohio Valley the Mt. Vernon Hill Country of the Central Low- (Faulkner and Thebes complexes of the Archaic, lands Province, an area typified by the Western the Crab Orchard Tradition, the Allison Culture Mesophytic Forest, while the Riverton in Culture, part, the Duffy Complex, the Yankeetown Cul- Havana Tradition, Allison Culture, La ture, Motte Cul- and the Vincennes Culture in part) or to even ture, the Vincennes Culture, and the Etchison Com- more southern areas (Riverton Culture of the plex all have limited distributions on or near the

15 of Investigations, Illinois State Museum No. 10 16 Reports


North South Central Wabash Central Wabash Lower Wabash

Culture "McCleary Murphy Mississippian 1500 Etchison Complex Vincennes Complex" Complex

Undefined Duffy Yankeetown Late Woodland 1000 Albee Complex Complex Culture

Crab Orchard Tradition 500 La Motte Culture La Motte Culture Hopewellian Phase Middle A.D. Allison Culture Allison Culture — —Unnamed Phase Woodland B.C. Unknown Havana Tradition —Unnamed Phase —Unnamed Phase

500 Undefined Unknown Early Woodland 1000 Undefined Riverton Riverton 1500 Culture Culture 2000

2500 Undefined Undefined Undefined




Archaic 4500

5000 Faulkner Faulkner ? Faulkner ?

5500 Complex Complex Com plex Thebes 6000 Thebes Complex 6500 Complex

? 7000 ? p

? 7500 ?


? ?

Paleo- 8500 Clovis Clovis

Indian 9000 Tradition Tradition

9500 Unknown

I 10000 ? ? 1967 Winters: Wabash Valley 17

prairies of the Springfield Plains (see Figs. 7, 11, "In addition, Denzil Stephens has three fluted 15, 19). Such consistency of distribution of cultural points in his Wabash Valley survey collections. remains over fairly small areas has, of course, been One of these is from the Colliflower of considerable Site (ISM help in defining the prehistoric cul- Cw360), which is located on a low, sand tures of the Wabash through knoll analysis of surface on the T-l immediately west of the collections alone. Wabash River. Another is from a upland area (ISM Cwl92) PALEO-INDIAN near Heathsville, Illinois. OCCUPATIONS The elevation is in excess of 30 meters above the The presence of the Paleo-Indian Culture is at- T-0 of the Wabash. A third Clovis point is from tested for the Wabash by the finding of three fluted a high clay ridge (ISM points Cw394) about % miles of the Clovis type during the 1962 survey. north of the Embarrass River and Since the information on 13 miles west these fluted points has of the Wabash in Honey Creek Township of been published previously (Winters 1962C), we Crawford County. Elevation of shall the ridge is in quote from a slightly revised version of that excess of 25 meters above the report. T-0 of the Em- barrass. "One of these (fluted points) was from Mur- "Mr. Stephens phy also reports the recovery of a No. 2 (ISM C1229), a site located on a silty Clovis point from ISM Site Cw366. sand knoll with The latter an elevation of about two meters point came from a clay, upland outlier of the above the surface of the T-l of the Wabash River. Bristol Hill mass, with an elevation in excess of Snyder Creek lies about I/4 mile to the north of 25 meters above the T-0 of La Motte Creek, the site, and the Wabash River now occupies a which is about Va miles north of the site. Fox channel about two miles east of the site. A second Creek is about V2 mile east of the site, and the fluted point fragment was found on the Barbee Wabash River is about four miles to the South Site (ISM east. Cw364), which is on a clay Another Clovis point is reported by Mr. Stephens knoll on the T-l of the Wabash and immediately as coming from the Sand Ridge Site in Sullivan south of Sugar Creek. fragment A of a lanceolate County, Indiana. The Sand Ridge Site is on the point with heavy side grinding from the latter T-l of the Wabash on a sand knoll and has an site may also be from a fluted point. A third point appearance quite similar to that of Murphy No came from the Bunyan Site (ISM Lw270) , which 2 (ISMC1229). is on a sandy clay knoll on the T-l of the Embar- "The fluted point base from the Colliflower rass Site River about nine miles from the junction of is white quartzite, while the fluted point from the Embarrass and the Wabash. Cwl92 is made from cream-colored Mississippian "The specimen from Murphy No. 2 has heavy chert. Both have heavy basal and side basal grinding and side grinding and was fluted by the and were manufactured by the Clovis Clovis straight straight base technique. The basal frag- base technique. The specimen from Cwl92 had ment is too small to permit definite identification two flakes removed from one of form, face and a single but there is enough to suggest that the flake from the other face. point The fluted point from was very slightly constricted toward the Cw374 is tan chert of unknown origin base. Local and was gravels were probably the source for also manufactured by the Clovis straight base the chert. The Barbee South point has straight, technique." parallel sides with heavy side grinding. Since the base is missing, the fluting technique cannot be Wabash Valley fluted points are very similar determined. An unusual to feature of the blade is fluted points found elsewhere in southern Illinois. a light serration. The chert source was probably Points of the Clovis type again predominate throughout the local Wabash River gravels. The Bun- the area, and Cumberland (Ohio) and yan Site other fluted point has straight, parallel sides with types are extremely rare. light side grinding and no basal grinding. Fluting Distribution patterns are the same was accomplished as those for by the Clovis straight base the Cache and Big Muddy drainages, with Clovis technique with only one side having been fluted. points occurring in the Fluting Wabash on the present T-l had been attempted on the other face, or on ridges with an elevation but in excess of 25 meters an imperfection in the rather coarse chalce- but not on the T-2 or equivalent dony had elevations. The T-l prevented the successful fluting of the loci are generally sand or sandy clay knolls and the second face. upland loci are clay ridges. No. 10 Reports of Investigations, Illinois State Museum 18

survey vators. Our total of three from the For additional data on the relationship of the pat- hardly reflects the common occurrence of this Wabash fluted points to general distribution shall in the Wabash Valley. terns of fluted points in southern Illinois, we theoretical this topic Another difficulty lies in the realm of refer the reader to the earlier paper on of the Archaic. For many years, the (Winters 1962C). interpretation Archaic has been used to indicate cultures typified THE DALTON-MESERVE TRADITION by seasonal hunting and gathering patterns, absence plant tending, and by a dis- By Dalton-Meserve Tradition we are referring of pottery, absence of Meserve tinctive group of lithic artifacts. The probability of to the complexes typified by the Dalton and types stages or phases within the long continuum of the projectile point types and related southern (e.g., Willey is cen- Archaic has been recognized, of course and varieties. The Dalton-Meserve Tradition adjacent and Phillips 1958, Caldwell 1958, Fowler 1959, tered in the central Mississippi Valley and earlier Winters 1959). But work by the author in Illinois drainages and is presumably derived from that the Illinois, the during the past seven years has indicated fluted point cultures. In the State of connected with the development of and Cache and Big Muddy drainages have sufficient problems might within the Archaic are much more complex quantities of the diagnostic points that they change previously been realized. be termed common. Apparently, these points are than has Archaic Illinois river For example, evidence from three Late much rarer in both the Kaskaskia and of the middens excavated in the Wabash Valley in drainages. So far, no trace has been found shell Stephens n.d.) would indicate Dalton-Meserve Tradition in the Wabash Valley 1961 (Winters and settlement pattern and system was that of although we have heard that there are a few ex- that the represent Woodland cultures with sites classifiable amples in private collections. If so, they succeeding which settlements, transient camps, base camps, and rarities in terms of the quantities of material as and that at least some Late Archaic were examined in survey and private collections. hunting camps anything but simple, migratory hunters Nor are lanceolate points of any type common. groups were Culture infra.) Site ( and gathers. (See the Riverton There is one point base from the Nash W83) all a few preliminary observations reminiscent of Quad points, but we are not at But we can make occupations in the Wabash. Projectile sure of the identification of the specimen. on Archaic Tradition points such as Faulkner Side Notched ( Fig. 3, K-P) It would seem almost that the Clovis the Ar- Cluster (Winters n.d., a), and of Paleo-Indian was followed directly by of the Cairo Type Diagonal Notched is a hiatus be- (Fig. 3, A-B) and Bristol chaic. It is equally possible that there Cache Thebes Type Cluster (Winters tween Paleo-Indian and Archaic occupations, and (Fig. 3, E-G) of the the Wabash Valley, with we cannot disregard the possibility that there may n.d., a) are common in of basal grinding (86% have been an overlap between Paleo-Indian and the very high incidence for Thebes) placing most of Archaic cultures in the Wabash Valley. But there for Faulkner, 80% peri- Valley these points within the early and middle time is certainly no evidence from the Wabash clusters. The heavy representation which would indicate a transition from Paleo- ods of their type would indicate affiliations with tradi- Indian into Archaic. of these types lower Ohio tions of the Archaic centering in the ARCHAIC OCCUPATIONS Valley. points time, it should be noted that Although many artifacts were found which could At the same the same shape as Faulkner Side Notched be related to Archaic occupations on typological having a much in of the Thebes Type Cluster have grounds, little can be said about the Archaic and those Lewis distribution than the Ohio Valley area. the Wabash as yet. Part of the difficulty stems from wider Big Sandy Side Notched the low density of concentration of artifacts on and Kneberg's (1959) Side are identical in shape to Faulkner Archaic sites, part from the mixed occupations on points points. as are Holland's (I960) Type M many sites, and part from heavy collecting of many Notched and are inadequate, both geographically of these sites for fine examples of worked chert or Survey data define precisely the area of maxi- . For example, numerous full-grooved quantitatively, to of Faulkner Side Notched; but axes can be seen in private collections in the Wa- mum concentration southern to be most common in bash Valley, and even the non-collector is fully aware they would seem Ohio, Kentucky, Tennessee of the existence of "tomahawks." Thus, these items Illinois, Indiana, and and northern . Points of are steadily removed by both collectors and culti- western Virginia, 1967 Winters: Wabash Valley 19

the Thebes Type Cluster have a similar distribution, Another point of interest, in except that connection with they are not as yet reported for Virginia. settlement patterns for groups Variant forms typified by Faulkner are known from Missouri and Geor- and Thebes points, is that gia (Caldwell there are large areas in 1958: Fig. 1, Dairy Field) and occur tiie Wabash where these points in considerable do not occur at all. quantity in the Illinois River Valley Some of these localities are ideally situated in re- in the lower portions and in the Archaic levels at spect to physiographic Starved Rock. position, with large streams One type of the Thebes Cluster is nearby, good drainage, and large, well illustrated for Starved level knolls. In Rock by Mayer-Oakes other drainages of the State, such locations ( 1951 Fig. 100 B) would : . But since classification in most have been covered with Archaic of these areas has been material; but in based entirely upon shape, the Wabash, these areas not only do not have Archa- we do not deem it advisable to suggest more than ic remains but also there is no evidence a high probability of for any sort close typological similarity of occupation outside of a fringe zone among the points of the along their various areas cited. edges. The largest of these areas, known Another newly defined today as type, Barbee Corner the Sand Barrens, Allison Prairie, and La Motte Notched (Fig. 3, H-J), may have similar connec- Prairie, are typified by dune formations and large tions. Although its cultural affiliations are still expanses of sand or extremely sandy clay. poorly defined, the high incidence The pre- of basal grinding historic r avoidance of these zones (85 r may point to their ) indicates Early to Middle Archaic temporal having been barren position. expanses of sand until the spread of the prairies during the But the projectile Hypsithermal with points commonly found in the prairies precluding occupation sites of the northern by later groups. Mississippi Valley, such as Occupation by later Archaic groups is evidenced Modoc (Fowler 1959, Fowler and Winters 1956), by the presence of Saratoga are either Parallel Stem, Saratoga totally missing or very rare in the Wabash Expanding Stem and Saratoga Broad Bladed Valley. No Modoc (Side) Notched, Hidden (Fig. Valley, 4, A-F) Karnak , Stemmed (Fig. 4, G-H) , "Twisted or definitely identifiable Raddatz Side Notched Blade" ( Fig. 4, J-K ) , and "Marcos" Corner Notched points were found during the survey or observed in (Fig. 4, I) points (Winters n.d., private collections. a, Winters and Stephens n.d.). Probably the triangular and lanceo- Distribution patterns of the aforementioned Ar- late bladed, Bifurcated Base points (Fig. 4, P-Q) chaic types overlap, but Faulkner points rarely occur are also Middle on to Late Archaic since they are rarely the same sites as points of the Thebes Cluster found in association (Fig. with pottery. Similar Bifurcated 2). In addition, Faulkner points apparently Base points are are known from Coe's excavations on distributed throughout the valley while points the Pee Dee River of the Thebes in North Carolina (Witthoft Cluster become quite scarce north of 1959), where they are early in the Lawrence County. Thus, sequence of Ar- we shall suggest as hypo- chaic points. Missing, or rare, in the Wabash theses that Faulkner and Thebes are points pertain to the Late Archaic points and the majority of separate occupations (Faulkner and atlatl Thebes com- weight types found by Fowler ( 1957) at the Ferry plexes), that occupations by these groups were in site some twenty part miles south of the Wabash. contemporaneous, that sites were generally But, quantitatively, the used by only number of Late Archaic one of the two groups, that the sites points was surprisingly with the low in comparison to ear- Thebes points are outliers of a tradition lier Archaic points. Totals are which has a presented below with major concentration farther to the south points of the Riverton Culture and Adena in Kentucky and Tennessee, and points that the Thebes excluded. The former culture represents a very spe- Complex appears in the Wabash Valley somewhat cialized intrusion into the Wabash and some of the earlier than the Faulkner Complex. (The latter two Adena points probably hypotheses pertain to Archaic occupa- are based, in part, upon unpublished tions, others to fully developed data from the Woodland occupa- Dillow and Duran rock shelters in tions (Winters and Stephens n.d.). Since southern Illinois where only five points of the Thebes Cluster Adena mderhe points or blades were found, their exclusion points such as Faulkner Side Notched and will not affect the results very :,ire found much. in the same levels as points of the Dalton- vleserve Tradition.) Investigations, Illinois State Museum No. 10 20 Reports of

Early and Middle Archaic Points

Barbee Corner Notched Thebes Type Cluster straight based, 6 concave based; 1 1 convex Faulkner Side Notched ( 19 based; 2 unclassified)

Late Archaic Points

Saratoga Type Cluster Twisted Blade Points Karnak Stemmed "Marcos" Stemmed

and period coupled with already available quantitative Thus there are 70 points from the time distributional data on Archaic sites in southern roughly between 8000 and 3000 B.C. and only 19 Correct- Illinois. points from between 3000 and 1000 B.C. would Besides projectile points, the numerous full- ing for differences in time span, the figure rarely three-quarter the early grooved axes (Fig. 6, J; very still be 7.0 points per 500-year unit from of atlatl weights ( Fig. 6, A-C; unit grooved) , a scattering period as opposed to 4.8 points per 500-year hemispherical, paneled, crescent, prismoidal, pick- from the later period. (Fig. along shaped), and rare examples of conical pestles Nor are Late Archaic points often found occupations. Un- con- 6, I) give evidence of Archaic the smaller tributaries of the Wabash, being doubtedly many of the leaf-shaped and lanceolate centrated along the T-l of the Wabash and very ( Fig. F-H flake 6, ) , blades ( Fig. 6, E , end scrapers tributaries such as the Embarrass. This pat- ) large D). and Middle scrapers, simple and "V-Head" drills (Fig. 6, tern is quite different from that of Early abraders, simple manos, pitted manos, nut- Archaic, since points from these temporal periods grooved shredders found sites ting stones, boulder metates, and occur along all tributaries. The latter Archaic during the survey also pertain to the Archaic; but are distributed over a wide range of physiographic cul- the since these artifacts persist unchanged into later zones, including sandy knolls on the T-l of have avoided making specific assignment Wabash, clay knolls near tributary streams, knolls tures, we Archaic. Only excavation can provide data on the T-2 of the Wabash, and upland locations in to the permit the assignment of these general- excess of 30 meters above the T-0 of the Wabash. which will to the "Wabash Archaic." Unfortunate- In area, the sites range from one-eighth acre to as ized artifacts many date, no site has been found, among the much as two acres. ly, to Archaic sites, which is sufficiently Such a differentiaMn concentration contrasts known Wabash enough to assure that sound data sharply with areas such as the Cache River Valley- unmixed or deep pertain would be derived from excavation. Where by far the greater number of points on the Archaic evidence small- to raw materials, there is no to the late period of the Archaic and even the In respect peo- sites importation of such items by Archaic est tributaries have numerous Late Archaic for the banks along the Wabash along them. We can only speculate at present as to ples. Numerous gravel nodules and the large pebbles used why the Wabash Valley should present a trend provide chert banded Illi- manos, and metates; the gray-green .which is the reverse of other areas in southern for axes, weights also ' shale? ) used for atlatl nois. Perhaps the spread of prairies into the Wabash slate ( indurated the same gravel banks; and during the Hypsithermal accounts for a reduction occurs in quantity in for grooved abraders, nutting in occupation, with the wooded hills and valleys of the sandstone used and metates has many ex- the southernmost part of the State becoming "refuge stones, and some manos areas" for various Archaic populations. Pollen analy- posures along the Wabash.

sis would help in solution of such a problem when 1967 Winters: Wabash Valley 21



+ Faulkner Side Notched x Thebes Type Cluster ^ Faulkner and Thebes


of Investigations, Illinois State Museum No. 10 22 Reports


PROJECTILE POINT TYPES (approx. three-quarters scale)

Cache Diagonal Notched Points (Thebes Type Cluster) A. Shidler No. 4, Lw274 B. Near Zaynor Mound, Lwl83

Bristol Diagonal Notched Points ( ?

C. Collins No. 1, Lw245 D. Near Ravelette Site, Lw2 11

Bristol Diagonal Notched Points E. Garden Site, Lw2 19 F. Africa Ridge No. 2, Cw34l G. No. 4, Lw2 30

Barbee Corner Notched Points H. Gognat, Lw231

I. No. 1, Lw207 No. 2, Lw208 J. Ensor

Faulkner Side Notched Points K. Purgatory Swamp Site, Lw9 L. BellewoodNo. l,Lw24l M. Akin No. l,Lw232 N Storm No. l,Lw339 O Green Site, Lw 191 P. Blair Site, Lw201 1967 Winters. Wabash Valu 23

Figure 3



L M n FAULKNER SIDE NOTCHED Reports of Investigations, Illinois State Museum No. 10 24


PROJECTILE POINT TYPES (approx. three-quarters scale)

Saratoga Type Cluster A. Spillman No. 3, Lw224 B. Lowe Site, Cw 107 C. Colliflower Site, Cw360 D. Bunyan Site, Lw270 E. Fox Ridge Site, W78

Saratoga Broad Bladed F. Rochester No. 4, W87

Karnak Stemmed G. Brooks No. 4, Lw2 30 H. Parmenter Site, W98

"Marcos" Corner Notched

I. Robeson Hills Site, Lwl

Twisted Blade Points Spillman No. 3, Lw224 J. K. Spillman No. 4, Lw225 Merom Expanding Stem L. , Cw3 19 M. Swan Island Site, Cw319

Trimble Side Notched N. Swan Island Site, Cw3 19

Robeson Constricted Stem O. Ross Goodwin Site, Lw294

Bifurcated Base Points

P. Killdeer No. 1, Lw212 Q. Africa Ridge No. 9, Cw348 1967 Winters: Wabash Valley 25

Figure 4




Investigations, Illinois State Museum No. 10 16 Reports of


PROJECTILE POINT TYPES (approx. three-quarters scale)

Motley Flared Base, (Tamms Type Cluster) A. Rains Site, Cw362

Dickson Broad Bladed, (Belknap Type Cluster) B. Bumble Bee Site, C1233 C. Purgatory Swamp Site, Lw95

D. Levee No. 1, Lw2l6

Bradshaw Stemmed E. Barbee South, Cw362

Affinis Snyders Corner Notched F. North York 1 or 2, CI 188 or 199

Adena Stemmed G. W. A. Smith No. 2, Lw277 H. Bumble Bee Site, C12 3

I. Ensor No. 2, Lw207

Mounds Stemless, Group I Brooks No. 4, Lw230 J. K. KilldeerNo. 2, Lw213 L. AkinNo.2,Lw233 M. Doll Site, Location I, Lwl94 N. Road'sEndNo.2,Cw321

Mounds Stemless, Group II O. Pinkstaff No. 5, Lw264 P. Gray Estate Site, Lw243 Q. Pinkstaff No. 3, Lw262

Mounds Stemless, Group III R. Murphy No. 1.CI83

S. Beard Site, Lw206 T. Doll Site, Location III, Lw 196

Mounds Stemless, Group IV U. Pierson Site, Lw265 V. KilldeerNo. 2, Lw213 W. Peankishaw Bend Site, W100 1967 Winters: Wabash Valley 27

Figure 5



R S T U V w GROUP III GROUP IV Reports of Investigations, Illinois State Museum No. 10


ARCHAIC ARTIFACTS (approx. three-quarters scale)

Atlatl Weights A. Hemispherical, banded green slate, Bristol Hill No. l,Cw333 slate, Akin No. B. Crescent ( ? ) , banded green

2, Lw233 C. Panel, banded green slate, Long Pond Site, Cw325

Simple Tapered Drill D. Wabash chert, Lone Tree No. 1, C1225

Leaf-Shaped Blade E. Wabash chert, Killdeer No. 2, Lw213

End Scrapers F. Wabash chert, Weger No. 1, Lwl44 G. Wabash chert, Africa Ridge No. 5, Cw344 H. Wabash chert, Africa Ridge No. 7, Cw346


I. Igneous rock, Craig No. 2, C1222

Full Grooved rock, Shidler No. 4, Lw274 J. Igneous 1967 Winters: Wabash Valley 29

Figure 6 Museum No. 10 Reports of Investigations, Illinois State JO weapons, TRADITION domestic implements, low incidence of MIDCONTINENT low percentages THE ARCHAIC: high percentages of deer bone and OF and the presence of migra- THE RIVERTON CULTURE of fish and small game, fowl. was first defined tor)' The Archaic Riverton Culture upper and The transient camp, of which the of three shell middens by through the excavation of Swan lower levels of the five-foot-deep in 1961 (Winters and the Illinois State Museum but does have Island are an example, has no houses One of the most important of these, Stephens n.d.). Storage pits are scarce, destroyed by clay or sandstone floors. Hills Site, has now been the Robeson proportion to other func- shallow weapons are very high in pit operations, except for a highway borrow game, fish, and tional tool categories, and small the site. Since the results area at the north end of low have very high percentage in contrast to the Illinois State Museum turtle are to be published by pres- deer. Migratory fowl are also here to round percentages of we shall present only a brief summary in the Swan Island midden. prehistoric cultures of the Wa- ent out our coverage of eight-foot-deep The base camp, of which the bash Valley. has no houses, the midden of Riverton is an example, Pattern. The three major sites of Settlement scarce. Weapons and clay floors and storage pits are are spaced at ten-mile intervals Riverton Culture of the assem- constitute from 40 to 50 per cent in Crawford and Lawrence coun- along the Wabash percentages much higher and Swan blage Deer is present in the sites (Riverton, Cwl70, ties Two of lower than at Robeson Wa- than at Swan Island but Cw319) are on the T-0 of the Island, number of species present is is on Hills and the total while the third (Robeson Hills, Lwl) bash Island but higher than feet much lower than Swan has an elevation in excess of 100 a bluff which were found, al- Robeson Hills. No migratory fowl Wabash. Other small sites are scattered above the bone from Riverton was vicinity of the though the sample of the T-l of the Wabash in the along the other two sites larger than the samples from Robeson Hills and Riverton sites. reconnais- combined. Settlement System. Excavation and No. 2 (Cw365), of the Hunting camps, such as Lowe indicate that the settlement system sance Beard (Lw206), Gognat complex. But before dis- Doll No. 2 (Lwl95), Riverton Culture is very Barbee South Pinkstaff No. 4 ( Lw263 ) , complexities of the system, we should ( Lw23 1 ) cussing the Prather No. 2 (Lw294) , indicate (Cw364) , Ross Goodwin point out that six radiocarbon dates clearly and Fox Creek No. 2 (Cw328) are two of the sites, Robeson (Cw331), the contemporaneity of projec- a thin scattering of the the very close agree- identifiable only by Hills and Riverton. In view of Merom diagnostic of the culture (Fig. 4 among the artifacts of the three tile points ment in typology Constricted Stem con- Expanding Stemmed, Robeson we can assume that Swan Island is also sites All of the Crawford proportionate dif- Trimble Side Notched). temporaneous. Thus, absolute or Law- to Riverton while the the sites may County sites are close ferences among the assemblages from the exception of Ross of func- rence County sites, with interpreted as representing some sort be immediately adjacent to Swan of the sites. Goodwin which is tional differentiation in utilization near Robeson Hills. tentatively that the sites of Island, are We are proposing hunt- data, then, indicate that settle- Our present survey Riverton Culture may be classified as the of both settlements hunting ing camps are a normal adjunct ments, transient camps, base camps, and of transient camps. The types has and base camps but not and /or gathering camps. Each of these the pattern, the Ross Good- easily recog- single deviation from distinctive characteristics which are it seems. The Site, may not be the exception stratified sites with good preservation win nized in deep, Swan Island by only single latter site is separated from remains or in smaller, non-stratified, of faunal represent a minor undisturbed about 100 yards and may simply component sites which are sufficiently by the residents ol sample of utilization of an adjacent area to permit the recovery of a representative since the most numerous in some Swan Island, especially cultural materials by either excavation or, contrast, the hunting camps is the mano. In instances, surface collecting. miles distant from Robeson four-foot-deep mid- are from one to five The settlement, of which the be a pattern would char- Hills or Riverton. Perhaps such den of Robeson Hills would be an example, is disparities in faunal remains house floors expected in view of the acterized by numerous postholes, clay Robeson Island on the one hand and numerous storage pits, high inci- between Swan or working areas, The high propor- and Hills and Riverton on the other. dence of fabricating and processing tools )

1967 Winters: Wabash Valley 31

tions of small mammals, fish, and turtle at Swan occupations has occurred, for sites which lack good Island could indicate primary dependence on the preservation of bone, shell, and other perishable faunal resources of the adjacent valley bottomlands materials, or sites which have been analyzed by and bayous. using only non-functional categories. As a test, the There is still considerable doubt whether gather- index has been derived for Modoc, with very good ing camps are a part of the Riverton settlement sys- correlation with Fowler's (1959) interpretation of tem. Such sites are, of course, typified by concentra- the nature of successive occupations in the shelter. tions of pebble manos and boulder metates and little Partially satisfactory results were also obtained for else of diagnostic value is associated. At present, all Graham . that we can say is that such sites are known in the Briefly summarized, the ratios for hunting camps vicinity of Riverton sites but that they may pertain range between 0.3 and 0.6, for base camps between to other occupations in the same areas. Only excava- 0.9 and 1.1, for transient camps between 1.5 and tion of such neglected cultural manifestations can 2.0, and for settlements between 5 and 20. But let demonstrate what their role is in Wabash Valley us be clear in stressing that this index is an illustra- prehistory. tive device, not an analytic tool. Perhaps with a few As for seasonal occupation of sites within the sys- centuries of refinement, such indices can be applied tem, we can note the following points. The settle- uncritically and routinely to raw and processed data; ment, Robeson Hills, has houses, numerous storage but with the primitive field and laboratory techni- pits, and the bones of migratory fowl. Such a com- ques and theoretical models of our own era, such bination would suggest that the site was being application could only do a considerable disservice occupied for a considerable time during inclement to the development of archaeological method and weather (houses), that natural food crops were theory. being stored (pits), and that the site was occupied We also recognize that our model for the River- at some time during the sprihg or fall (migratory ton settlement system is simplistic and that it will fowl). Such a combination might suggest a fall and change as better techniques of functional analysis winter occupation. Swan Island also has migratory are developed and more data become available from fowl but no houses and few storage pits, suggesting larger excavation units in the shell middens. At the that Swan Island may have been more briefly oc- same time, it is obvious from proportional analyses cupied during the spring and fall by groups en of our functional artifact and feature categories and route to or returning from a base camp such as from faunal data that decided differences exist Riverton which has no houses, few storage pits, and among these closely related and contemporaneous no migratory fowl. (Unfortunately, we have been sites. Certainly, we cannot continue to ignore the unable to utilize deer skulls as verifying data for implications of such data in our search for techni- such patterns of seasonality since only the mandi- ques for understanding some of the simpler organi- bles occur with any frequency in the middens, and zational principles of prehistoric societies in the even these are rare. Midwest. A by-product of the analysis of artifacts by func- Site Descriptions. The Robeson Hills site oc- tional categories for use in settlement system studies cupies three acres on the eastern periphery of the has been the derivation of an index (Systemic steep-sided hill mass of the same name, with the Index) which under certain conditions can be use- site having an elevation in excess of 100 feet above ful in expressing mathematically the functional the T-0 of the Wabash. A slight depression on the nature of the site. The index is simply a ratio deter- western side of the site was intensively utilized for mined by dividing the sum of fabricating and pro- house construction although such features were cessing tools and "domestic implements by weapons. scattered over most of the midden area. Storage pits, These items were chosen because they should ex- clay floors, and were numerous throughout press something of the relationship between hunt- the areas excavated. The latter features ranged from ing activities and more sedentary patterns charac- shallow, clay basins five feet in diameter to small terized by the processing of a wide range of raw unprepared areas on midden surfaces. Both Swan materials and the manufacture of basic implements Island and Riverton were located on knolls on the of production. By experimenting with data from T-0 and were close to the Wabash River or sloughs i number of sites, it was discovered that the index thereof. Swan Island has an area of about three acres can rarely be used for surface collections for or while Riverton covers about an acre. However, the multi- component sites where heavy mixture of total area of the latter site is probably much larger No. 10 Reports of Investigations, Illinois State Museum J2

of these species from valley reasons for the disappearance there has been extensive silting of the since investigation and the central Wabash are unknown, but the area of that site. Both Swan Island rloor in inferring unpre- of the problem might be of help for Riverton have many hearths, both of the climatic change and/or riverine conditions during pared and prepared types; storage pits are scarce; of the central Wabash by at Swan and after the occupation and clay floors range from fairly common the peoples of the Riverton Culture. scarce at Riverton. Island to the Mussel shells were distributed throughout Hunting camps were on sand or clay knolls on concentrated lenses eighth of midden, generally occurring as the edge of the T-l and ranged from an were less hunting near areas or in refuse pits. Shells an acre to an acre in area. In all instances, of the midden, occupational common in the upper one to two feet camps have only a thin scattering of a result of preservation internal struc- but the decrease is probably debris, and nothing is known of the pattern. factors rather than a change in subsistence unexcavated sites. ture of these were changed Carbonized nut shells (hickory and pecan) Assuming that vegetative cover has not plant remains Hills also found in the excavated sites. Such radically in the past 3500 years, Robeson are often used for postulating season of occupation; would have been an open expanse throughout most data on the storage the adjacent but in view of ethnographic of its history, with woods covering are not sure the hilltop patterns of historic Indian groups, we bluff tops and sides. Our surmise that such a purpose. supposition that that nut fragments can be used for was open is based in part on the stored their nuts the site For example, the Caddoan Indians the heavy cultural activity observable at pits in the ground in the fall but were still using would have eliminated heavy forest cover and the in following year residue the nuts well into August of the observation that the rich midden soil left as a (Swanton 1942). Since we have no idea what the from specimen washing has remained barren for a Archaic Indians adjacent storage and use patterns of Late and a half, even though immediately year ambiguous high lime may have been, we prefer to rely on less areas have plant cover. Perhaps the very pro- data for determining season of occupation. content added by disintegrating mussel shells samples collected from pits have not yet been an environment unfavorable for the growth Soil duces Con- washed and sifted for recovery of small seeds. of many plants. for preservation of such food remains are Both Swan Island and Riverton would have ditions in the shell middens, and we expect informa- been surrounded by the heavy woods of the flood ideal considerably hunting tion on the utilization of plants to be plain and by swampy areas. The many amplified when such recovery techniques are used. camps along the edge of the T-l (Lowe No. 2, While we would classify the subsistence pattern Barbee South, Beard, etc.) would have been in hunting of the Riverton Culture as one based on wooded areas near large expanses of prairie. Such hunting would and gathering, we feel that it was a type of fringe loci between river, woods, and prairies and gathering that permitted a rather settled way have offered a great range of potential sources for only Riverton sites so far have been found both hunting and gathering activities. of life. but within a thirty-mile range, are few in number, Subsistence Pattern, Analyses of faunal remains were intensively occupied for a five-hundred-year by Dr. Paul Parmalee, Curator of Zoology at the had at- raccoon period. Apparently, the Riverton peoples Illinois State Museum, show that deer and of the tained such efficiency in the exploitation were the most important mammals hunted by the that subsistence potential of the Wabash Valley peoples of the Riverton Culture. Many smaller exist- they were able to maintain a semi-sedentary mammals were also taken, as well as birds (prin- through a sea- ence for a protracted period of time cipally turkey), turtle, and fish. As indicated in the round quite comparable to that of Woodland previous section on settlement system, there was sonal in historic times. considerable variation from site to site in the impor- groups were Trade. With few exceptions, raw materials tance of the various vertebrate remains. or obtained from local gravels, sandstones, shales, Mussels were also a very important component implements of faunal remains. The few examples of of diet; and, with few exceptions, the species typologically aber- re- made from imported are mussels in the middens were the same as those the Riverton Culture and have stratigraphic ported from the rich mussel beds of the Wabash rant for with contexts suggesting that they may belong River in historic times. A few species, such as by early and late occupations of the sites LampSflis ovata, have a more southern distribution minor other Archaic groups. in the lower Wabash and Ohio valleys today. The 1967 Winters: Wabash Valley $3



Robeson Swan Hills Riverton Island GENERAL UTILITY TOOLS Blades Leaf-shaped c C C Lanceolate R C s Rectanguloid — R _ Stemmed — S _ Triangulat — S — Pentagonal — R Random flake R — R Backed R C R Scrapers Flake R s R End, triangular — R _ End, reworked projectile point — — R Choppers R R Hammerstones R WEAPONS S R Hunting Equipment Projectile points *Robeson Constricted Stem R R R *Merom Expanding Stemmed C C C *Trimble Side Notched R C C *Riverton Parallel Stemmed — R R Antler points, tanged S C C Antler points, untanged c s s *Antler points, notched sides R R R Fishing Equipment Gorges R ? *Sinkers, grooved C _ _ Spatulae, forked )RNAMENTS Beads Tubular bone

Perforated Campeloma shells Pearl Shell Pendants incisor Bear canine Wolf canine Miscellaneous carnivore canines Shell Pebble Bone Mandibles, cut and perforated No. 10 Reports of Investigations, Illinois State Museum 34

Table 2 (Continued) Robeson Swan Hills Riverton Island

TOOLS WOODWORKING X? Axes, full grooved *Axes grooved, chipped limonite FABRICATING OR PROCESSING TOOLS Chert Working Implements Flakers Drifts or punches Anvils Perforating Tools Awls Deer metacarpal Deer metatarsal Deer ulna Miscellaneous long bone Splinter Drills Simple "O" Head "V" Head Flake Side-notched Micro *Micro-perforators Reamers Abrading Tools Abraders, sandstone Narrow-grooved Broad-grooved

Files, sandstone Chiseling Tools Chisels, beaver incisor Chisels, porcupine incisor Tools Shuttles Simple *Open End *Tubular *Expanded head Sewing Tools Needles Flensing Tools Antler Gouges *Robeson *Simple *Hafted Tongue-shaped Bone *Gouges, hemi-cylindrical 1967 Winters: Wabash Valley V)

Table 2 (Concluded)

Robeson Swan Hills Island CEREMONIAL *Pipes, tubular sandstone *Flutes, double perforation *Rattles, turtle carapace DIGGING IMPLEMENTS Hoes, shell RECREATIONAL EQUIPMENT "Tallies" — R R Deer phalanges, cut and perforated — S Deer S phalanges, cut but unperforated R DOMESTIC EQUIPMENT R Manos Simple c C C Pitted c C R R - - Spoons Shell R _ *Antler R X - FIRE-MAKING EQUIPMENT Strike-a-lite ? FEATURES s ? Single postmolds C s S Floors, clay c c c Floors, sandstone c — House R patterns c — Hearths, clay-lined c c C Hearths, sandstone c _ Hearths, unprepared c c c Pits, storage c R s Workshop areas R - 5URIAL COMPLEX S Burials, extended C? ? Burials, flexed R? c Burials, cremated — R _ Burials, in refuse pits c? _ Burials, in special pits R? C Red ochre on burials R c with burials C? - MISCELLANEOUS X "Polishing" stones R _ "Shredders" R s s "Pins", bone — — Mandibles, R cut and polished — R _ Turtle carapaces, cut or ground R R _ Antler mid-sections and cut tines C C c Cut gar jaws — R c "Tubes", bone R — R Discs, bone

Paint cups, mussel shell R-Rare S= Scarce C=Co^o7 X= Reported Association — or identification uncertain -"Diagnostic" artifacts ,


Indian Knoll type with many of the artifacts of sites of the id Culture. The most striking important Iithic and bone artifacts the small projectile points, the Riverton Culture are shell atlatl weights, handles, and hooks; type. ( fishhooks; perforators of the gravers or the Riverton assem- All gorgets, etc.) missing from lanceolate blades, and scrapers. leaf-shaped or of the Riverton Culture, comparison blage and items diagnostic chert artifacts are so small in of these gouges, unrepresented in the Indian contemporaneous Archaic such as antler to equivalent artifacts in sites. the term 'micro-tools Knoll complexes that we have used of we are faced with the problem The application of the Once again, to designate them as a group. traditions. defining regional variants within larger artifacts may not be felicitous term to the Riverton Kneberg (1959), we shall of the Following Lewis and specialized usage in other parts in view of its Midcontinent Tradition of the Archaic convenient rubric for use the term but it serves as a very world regional manifestations as the Ten- of Riverton to include such contrasting the small chert implements sequence, the Indian Knoll Culture, and succeeding cul- nessee Valley with those of both preceding there will be Woodland and and the Riverton Culture. Probably, the Midwest. Only in Late tures in differentiation of cultures within the of com- need for finer cultures are projectile points Mississippian greater control of spatial, points (Fig. tradition as we attain size found; and the Riverton Mid- parable and technological data from the for Late Wood- temporal, 4 L-O) are in fact, often mistaken similarity continent area. although there is really little land points Six radiocarbon dates from smallness. Temporal Position. between Riverton and later points beyond Phoenix Memorial Laboratory at the University smallness of Iithic im- the While we emphasize the Riverton Culture of Michigan indicate that the Riverton Culture, we should also plements in the B.C. in the Wabash existed between 1500 and 1000 central Wabash many Archaic point out that in the are from River- Valley These dates, four of which points and other tools are much types of projectile Hills, will be published drainages ton and two from Robeson their counterparts in other smaller than the Wabash Valley shell tendency in the excavation report on Midwest. In part, this generalized of the (Winters and Stephens n.d.). Such dates on the basis of the middens to smallness can be explained the very end These would place the Riverton Culture at chert nodules in the local gravels. size of the probably later than some Wood- in shape of the Archaic and rarely large, are very irregular nodules are the Midwest. manufacture or land manifestations in and contain many impurities. The would not general y implements of "normal" size EARLY WOODLAND OCCUPATIONS the Riverton artifacts probably be practicable, and that could be related to Early of Little was recovered ultimate economy in the utilization A represent an occupations of the Wabash Valley. the use of Woodland raw materials. In contrast, when pottery with local few sherds of a thick grit-tempered from southern Illinois and large nodules of chert and fabric-marked exteriors, Middle cordmarked interiors common in Early and Early Indiana became probably pertain to some sort of their or vice versa, tools corresponded in size to type Woodland times, Woodland occupation, however. Sherds of this the Midwest equivalent types in other areas of Killdeer No. 1 have been found on the surface at artifacts are summarized in Winters Other characteristic Robeson Hills Site (Lwl; sink- (Lw212), the these are grooved sandstone Table 2. Among and Mefford No. 1 (Lw234). gouges, and Stephens n.d.), "cloudblower" pipes, antler and bone pottery from. ers, Denzil Stephens also reports similar None of these are known from and antler spoons. Clark County. Midwest north of Aurora Bend in other Archaic complexes in the be associated No other artifacts can definitely the . infer what its relation- with this pottery, nor can we are no known anteced- Cultural Affiliation. There or Marion Thick. ship may be to Fayette Thick in the Wabash Valley, Riverton Culture A ) ents for the the Motley Flared Base ( Fig. 5 deriva- Perhaps some of any evidence that would point to Bradshaw nor is there Broad Bladed (Fig. 5, B-D), complexes or cultures in Dickson tion from known Archaic and Adena Stemmed points the Stemmed (Fig. 5, E), north of the Ohio River. Instead, Woodland the Midwest belong with the Early Riverton Cul- (Fig. 5, G-I) most likely sources for the intrusive Valley where in the which the ture are found positions of the sites on pipes, ^Physiographic antler gouges, "cloudblower" from the distinctive pottery was found range Late cord-fabric marked sandstone sinkers are found in Aurora and grooved Mefford No. 1, and resemblance to the T-l (Killdeer, Archaic shell middens. There is less 1967 Winters. Wabash Valley M

Figure 7

Havana Tradition A Allison Complex x Crab Orchard Tradition v&Havana and "Hubele" Sherds es Villages and Hamlets




Naples Stamped, dentate variety A-E. Purgatory Swamp Site, Lw95

Havana Zoned 188 F. North York No. 1, CI 1967 Winters: Wabash Valley No. 10 Reports of Investigations, Illinois State Museum 40



Naples Stamped, dentate variety A-B, E-F, I-K. Purgatory Swamp Site, Lw95 G, L. Gamble Site, Lwll K Lowe Site, Cw 107

Naples Ovoid Stamped

O. North York No. 1, CI 188

Naples Ovoid Stamped, miniature variety

C. Purgatory Swamp Site, Lw95

Hummel Stamped, dentate variety D. Minnow Slough Site, Cwl64

Havana Zoned, dentate variety M. Purgatory Swamp Site, Lw95 N North York No. 1, CI 188

Neteler Stamped

P. Purgatory Swamp Site, Lw95 1967 Winters: Wabash Valley 41

Figure 9 Reports of Investigations, Illinois State Museum No. 10 42


HAVANA AND CRAB ORCHARD TRADI- TION SHERDS (approx. three-quarters scale)

Havana Ware, punctated sherds A, D. Purgatory Swamp Site, Lw95

Naples Stamped, dentate variety B-C, G. Purgatory Swamp Site, Lw95

Havana Zoned, dentate variety

E. Purgatory Swamp Site, Lw95

Sister Creeks Punctated

F. Purgatory Swamp Site, Lw95 H. Doll Mound, Lw 193

"Hubele" Plain Site, Lw95 I. Purgatory Swamp

"Hubele" Zoned, dentate variety DunkelSite, W71 J.

"Hubele" Zoned, unclassified variety K. DunkelSite, W71

"Hubele" Zoned, unclassified variety O. DunkelSite, W71

"Hubele" Zoned, unclassified variety

L. North York No. 1, CI 188

"Hubele" Zoned, unclassified variety

M. Spillman No. 3, Lw224 N Garden Site, Lw2 19

of Denzil A-G and I are from the collection State Stephens. Other sherds are from Illinois Museum collections. 1967 Winters: Wabash Valley . , ;

Investigations, Illinois State Museum No. 10 •H Reports of

through space and time which to a bluff top over regional variants Bend), to the T-0 | Riverton), should be accorded a lesser taxonomic status. The 100 feet above the T-0 (Robeson Hills). Wood- work of both Stuart Streuver and James Brown Another site which may have an "Early ) is demonstrating that ) ( personal communications land" occupation is Bennett's Wabash Site ( Wh92 within the impressed such areal variants can be recognized Both thick cordmarked and paddle edge fre- Illinois Valley and adjacent drainages by the common on this site, which is notable pottery are and exposed quencies and combinations of design elements for the large quantities of shell and bone layout of decorated Ha- for highway motifs and general design along its eastern edge by excavation pots. Such an analysis has not yet been the Wabash River. None vana Ware fill and the cutting in of from the Wabash Sugar Hill performed for the Havana sherds of the pottery is noded, and it resembles Valley, but there is no doubt that certain Wabash Cordmarked and early forms of Crab Orchard Fabric ceramics represent a regional variant of the Havana Impressed (Maxwell 1951). Thus, the site may Tradition, and we suspect that its strongest ties are equate with the early part of the Crab Orchard Illinois Valley variant illustrated correct, the with the central Tradition. But if such an equation is early period by Griffin (1952). site probably should be assigned to an Settlement Pattern and System. Since there are Woodland rather than to Early Wood- of Middle mate- only two sites with any quantity of Havana land. (Fig. rials known to date in the Wabash Valley 7), Perhaps the general paucity of Early Woodland inferences about either it is rather difficult to make remains in the Wabash Valley indicates a continua- village, the Gam- unfavor- settlement pattern or system. One tion from the Late Archaic of conditions I960), is on a ridge substan- ble Site (Gillihan and Beeson able for large concentrations of population above the T-0 of the Embarrass River, upon hunting and gathering for some 60 feet tially dependent (Lw95 while the other, the Purgatory Swamp Site ) their subsistence. Probably we are overemphasizing channel of the Wa- the is on the T-l of an abandoned the importance of the effects of the spread of heavily wooded bash. The latter channel is still a the Wabash Valley during the Hypsither- prairie in other swamp in the area around the village. One such a change in environment is the only mal, but C1204), area, the North York sites (C1188, C1199, large natural change which can be inferred, from the T-l of Mill which lie on conjoined ridges on evidence, to explain the population decline present but Creek, produces a scattering of Havana sherds, of the Wabash during the Late Archaic and Early sherds are occupational it not clear whether these periods. is Woodland plowed- debris or are coming from the numerous down mounds which are present on the ridges. can be CULTURES Additional occurrences of Havana sherds MIDDLE WOODLAND Doll summarized very briefly: the Mississippian We are using the term Middle Woodland here (Lwl93) had two Sister Creeks Punctated manifestations such as the Havana Tradi- Mound to cover Cordmarked sherds (Fig. 10, H) and a Havana the Hopewellian Phase of the Crab Orchard tion, Naples Dentate in the eroding mound fill. One Tradition, and the Allison Culture. sherd Killdeer No. 2 ( Lw2 1 3 ) Havana Tradition Stamped sherd came from 4 dentate stamped sherd from Brooks No. Following the general agreement reached among another single dentate stamped sherd from the First (Lw230) ; and a the majority of Illinois archaeologists at Two Motte Culture Lowe Site (Cwl07). Havana Conference at Carlyle, Illinois, July 14-15, the La sherds from the additional dentate stamped Havana 1962, we are using the term Havana Tradition to Stephens collection, latter site are in the Denzil include all cultural units which have Havana Ware sherd from which also contains a dentate Havana (Griffin 1952) as their basic pottery along with All of these the Minnow Slough Site (Cwl64). projectile points such as Snyders Notched (Scully of the Embarrass or Wa- Snyders Notched latter sites are on the T-l 1951; Winters n.d, a), Affims Mound which Broad bash with the exception of the Doll Fig. 5, F; Winters n.d., a), and Dickson I Such a location is rath- Winters is on the T-0 of the Wabash. Bladed knives ( Fig. 5, B-D; Winters 1961; the Wabash peculiar in terms of most cultures of basic tools. While the limits of the er n.d., a) as of a since the sherds were from the fill easily be traced in Illinois, Valley, but Havana Tradition can does mound, their presence at the site Indiana, southern Wisconsin, eastern Mississippian northern minor Havana not necessarily indicate even a Iowa, Missouri, and northeastern Oklahoma, it is occupation. recognized that within that area there are many 1967 Winthrs: Wabash Vai.i.ry 45

In addition CO the ceramic material listed above, face collections. While the chances of sampling eight Affinis Snyders points were recovered from error in comparisons between excavated and surface six sites (CI 188, C1204, C1233; Cwl07, Cw363; collections are formidable, one should still raise

Lw283). But it must be noted that while all Ha- the question whether the comparative scarcity of vana Tradition sites have Snyders or Affinis Snyders Neteler at Purgatory Swamp may not indicate a points (Fig. 5F), not all points of the Snyders somewhat later date for Purgatory than Gamble. cluster are Havana. There is good evidence, from (For seriation studies on Havana ceramics see the Crab Orchard area, for example, that Snyders Bluhm 1951; Fowler 1952, 1955; Wray and Mac- points appear in quantity during a period of inter- Neish 1961.) If the occupation of these settlements action between the Havana and Crab Orchard are, then, sequential, we should have a system in- Tradition (Joseph R. Caldwell, personal communi- volving a single settlement (village?) surrounded cation; Winters, unpublished research). Appar- by a few camps or homesteads. ently, a similar situation pertains in the Wabash What the relationship of the numerous mounds Valley where Snyders points appear at the Crab at North York and Purgatory Swamp may be to the Orchard Tradition Hubele Site (Wh30) along with Havana Tradition is a complete unknown since in other projectile point types more commonly asso- each area there are sizable La Motte Culture and ciated with the latter tradition. We should prob- Mississippian occupations. ably be justified in including the specimens from Site Descriptions. The mixed occupations of both the North York sites (C1188, C1204), where Ha- the known villages prevent any adequate description vana sherds occur consistently, as representing the of either the appearance or the area of the sites dur- Havana Tradition. But other sites such as Bumble ing their Havana occupations. Unfortunately, ex- Bee (C1233) and Lowe (Cwl07) are primarily cavations at the Gamble Site had to be confined to La Motte Culture sites, and the significance of an the highway right-of-way which traversed only the occasional Snyders point or Havana sherd on such edge of the occupation area. sites is not clear. The remaining two sites (New Subsistence Pattern. No data were recovered Providence No. 1, Cw363; Brushy Creek, Lw283) relevant to subsistence pattern during the survey. are small camp sites with little diagnostic material. Animal bone and shell were recovered at Gamble (The preceding remarks on cultural affiliation also ( Gillihan and Beeson I960) , but there is no way of pertain to the Dickson Broad Bladed knives.) relating such remains to the four or more compo- But in spite of the sparseness of the sherd mate- nents at the site. rial and the problems of cultural affiliations of Trade. Little evidence was found for trade. projectile point types, one point about settlement Two Affinis Snyders from Bumble Bee and North York pattern is clear. Ninety-two per cent of the 173 are the blue-gray cherts of southern Illinois or In- Havana sherds in the Illinois State Museum and diana, and another two from and Brushy Denzil Stephens' collections come from within a Lowe Creek are a lustrous, cream-colored chert of exotic seven-mile radius of Lawrenceville, Illinois. (The origin. Only the North York specimen can be percentage would be even higher if surface collec- assumed to be Havana. But most of the raw mate- tions had been made at the Gamble Site ) . Thus, we rials from the sites to can say that the area around the junction of the Havana seem be derived from the cherts and pebbles in the local river Embarrass and Wabash is the center for a minor occupation of the Wabash Valley by peoples of the gravels. Havana Tradition. Furthermore, most of the Ha- Material Culture. Little can be inferred about vana loci are on the T-l, and all loci are on sandy material culture for Havana sites in the Wabash, clay ridges. aside from ceramic remains and projectile points. As for settlement system, we can only submit the Lamellar flake blades, bifacially chipped blades, following hypotheses at present. First of all, the gravers, choppers, pebble manos, grooved sand- excavations at the Gamble Site produced a total of stone abraders, end scrapers, drills, celts, and other 34 Neteler Stamped sherds (Gillihan and Beeson lithic implements occur on the Havana sites; but

I960), while only one Neteler Stamped sherd is with our present inadequate techniques of lithic known from surface collections at Purgatory analysis, none of these can be assigned specifically Swamp. Naples Stamped and various dentate to the Havana occupation. stamped sherds totaled 55 sherds in the Gamble As has been indicated previously, Snyders Corner excavations and 54 in the Purgatory Swamp sur- Notched and Affinis Snyders are diagnostic of the ,

Investigations, Illinois State Museum No. 10 46 Reports of

than of Purgatory Swamp. In the Havana Tradition, apparently from its earliest pe- er that of Gamble Denzil Stephens collection there are 2 Naples Ovoid riod. Snyders points and Affinis Snyders points Stamped (Fig. 9, 0), 2 Havana Dentate Stamped, differ in size, cross section, and technique of prep- 1 Havana Zoned (Fig. 8, F; 9, N). However, aration. Snyders points probably were made on a and other decorated sherds from this site are much large flake which had been worked down to a piano the grog-tempered, decorated sherds of surface prior to the striking off of the flake from closer to the Hubele Site. a core. After removal of the flake, the unworked Other decorated Havana sherds from Lowe, side of the flake was then chipped down to the and Minnow Slough sites are illustrated desired shape and thickness. The result was a thin Gamble, Figure D, G, H, L. projectile point with a plano-convex cross section. in 9, characteristics of Havana Cordmarked are Affinis Snyders points are prepared by a "core" tech- The described by Gillihan and Beeson nique, with both faces being chipped to produce adequately for the Wabash Valley under the descrip- convex surfaces. The result is a rather thick projec- (I960) Snyders tive category of Cordmarked I. The problem noted tile point with a lenticular cross section. authors of the large quantities of sand points also tend to be considerably larger than by the latter presentation of the in the Wabash sherds remains, and in the absence Affinis Snyders points. ( A full technical studies, one can only note attributes of these two groups will be included in of any further the clays in the areas where Havana sherds a forthcoming bulletin of the Illinois Archaeological that extremely sandy. Obviously, detailed Survey.) occur are all both local clays The preceding remarks on preparation techni- comparative studies are needed of of the Wabash Havana sherds. ques also apply in the Wabash Valley to Dickson and a large series one permits the Broad Bladed knives and Adena points, each of Cultural Affiliations. Unless paramount importance in which has varieties comparable to those of the ware concept to assume within the Mid- Snyders Type Cluster. determining cultural affiliation difficulty in relating the Ceramics are easily classifiable in terms of the west, there should be no to the Havana ceramics types and varieties published by Griffin (1952), Wabash ceramics directly Valley. For us, the sandiness with a few sherds probably representing new vari- of the sherds is an item of minor im- eties. Comparison of the survey collections with the of the Havana possibility that such an attribute excavated materials from Gamble is difficult since portance, with the relevant on the cultural level. In other in the report on the latter site, Naples Stamped is is not even share identical vessel forms, not broken down by types or varieties and Cord- respects, the two areas than motifs, and many arrangements of motifs marked I, decorated, apparently includes more decorative Havana Zoned types. But, if the illustrations are into patterns. Position. cannot agree with Gil- representative it would seem that Neteler Stamped, Temporal We occupation of Naples Ovoid Stamped, and Havana Zoned Stamped lihan and Beeson that the Havana around A.D. 300. For are dominant decorated types at Gamble. the Gamble Site begins of the Havana occupa- But analysis of the collections of the Illinois State fixing the temporal limits noted. No sherds of Museum and of Denzil Stephens from Purgatory tion, two points should be diagnostic of the early phase Swamp indicates that this site differs from Gamble Fettie Incised, a type Tradition, were found at either in the proportions of types and varieties of deco- of the Havana Two sherds from rated Havana sherds. Naples Stamped is predomi- Gamble or Purgatory Swamp. (Fig. 10, C, G) might, however, nant (43 dentate-stamped, 1 plain stamped, 6 cord- Purgatory Swamp Fettie Incised. Nor have any wrapped-stick stamped; Fig. 8, A-E; 9, A-B, E-L; 10, be derivatives of Weaver Ware ap- B-C, G); while Naples Ovoid Stamped (1 sherd, sherds of classic Hopewell or Thus Fig. peared in any of the Wabash Havana sites. Fig. 9, C ) and Neteler Stamped ( 1 sherd, 9, J ) the Sis- the Wabash sites should be dated later than Havana Zoned ( 2 sherds, Fig. 9, M, 10, E) and phase and prior to the "Hopewellian ter Creeks Punctated ( 1 reed-punctated, 3 hemi- earliest of Havana. Using Illinois radiocarbon dates conical-punctated, 1 punched; Fig. 10, A, D, F) are Phase" example, Griffin 1958) very minor. As indicated previously, such a shift in as a rough guide (See, for portion of the time types of decorated Havana sherds may indicate that we shall suggest that some B.C. and A.D. 1 would cover Purgatory Swamp is later than Gamble. span between 500 and Purgatory Swamp The very small sample from North York may not the occupation of the Gamble be fully representative, but the composition is near- sites. 1967 Winters: Wabash Vai.i.ey 47

The Allison Culture centration of sites in eastern Crawford County in Sites of the Allison Culture are associated with the vicinity of Stoner and Fox-McCarty, another Stoner Cordmarked pottery which occurs in large in eastern Lawrence County around Allison and quantities on the Stoner Site (Cwl09), the Fox- Garden some thirty miles south of the first group, McCarty Site (Cwl25), the Allison Village and Mann constituting a third unit some 100 or (Lw249), and the Garden Site (Lw219). There more miles by river to the south of the Lawrence are also a few sherds of Stoner Cordmarked at County unit. the Purgatory Swamp Site (Lw95), a multicom- Other sites located by Stephens (n.d.) appear ponent site with Archaic, La Motte, Havana, and as a thin scatter in the Embarrass and central Mississippian occupations. Wabash valleys and may represent sites ancillary Subsequent survey work by Denzil Stephens (n.d.) to the main concentrations. Obviously, a survey of

has added twenty-three sites with minor repre- the Indiana side of the Wabash is needed for sentations of the Allison Culture in the Wabash determining whether Allison Culture sites extend and Embarrass drainages. southward to Mann along a corridor bypassing the More recently still, considerable quantities of area of the putatively contemporaneous Crab Or- Allison Culaire ceramics and projectile points chard Culture, the sites of which occupy the west- have been recovered by James Kellar of Indiana ern side of the lower Wabash valley. University at the Mann Site (Adams 1949) in Description of Sites. Only the Stoner and Gar- Posey County, Indiana. This multicomponent site den sites could be checked adequately during the

is located on the Ohio River near its junction with survey. Stoner covers an area of some three to the Wabash and may have been a regional "cere- five acres, Garden only about an acre. Only fringe monial" center for the smaller village clusters of zones of Allison and Fox-McCarty were open for the Allison Culture. At least the assemblage re- checking, and part of the latter site was covered covered by Kellar is more elaborate than that by a heavy La Motte Culture occupation. Mann, of

known from our surface reconnaissance or from course, covers a very large area, but it is not known the 1963 excavations of Mssrs. Denzil, Orlin, and how much of this actually pertains to the Allison Lynn Stephens at the Stoner Site in the central occupation.

Wabash Valley. Mounds are found in conjunction with all the Settlement Pattern and System. All of the sites 1963 sites, excepting Garden. None of these of the 1963 survey were located on the T-l, with mounds can be identified as to cultural affiliation,

the Stoner and Fox-McCarty sites on the south but the fill in a mound (Cwl04) excavated by side of Sugar Creek where it cuts through the Stephens (n.d.) at the La Motte Culture Lowe

T-l of the Wabash, the Allison Village and Purga- Site, which is only a short distance downstream tory Swamp sites on the edge of the T-l of aban- from Stoner, has midden material characteristic doned channels of the Wabash, and the Garden of the Allison Culture placed around the central Site on the T-l of the Embarrass. The Mann Site burial, possibly indicating construction of the

is ". described by Adams (ibid.) as being . . lo- mound by Allison peoples, although a few sherds cated upon a terrace of the Ohio River which is of Embarrass Simple Stamped are also reported

normally flood free ... a slough separates the from the same fill. occupied area from the present river channel." A single large mound occurs at Stoner at the Data are not as yet available on the twenty-three northeast corner of the semicircular village. Ten new loci reported on the Stephens (n.d.). mounds are immediately north of the Allison Vil- All of the sites are on level, extremely sandy lage, and another ten have been reported as being clay areas, with the exception of the Stoner Site, with this group. But north of the Allison mounds

which is located on slightly sandy clay, and the is another La Motte Culture village. The fifteen

Mann Site is described by Adams ( 1949) as being mounds of Fox-McCarty and the sixteen mounds on a "sandy clay loam." Apparently the preference of Purgatory Swamp are, of course, unassignable

for T-l loci and sandy clay areas is quite con- to any of the components on either of these sites. sistent. Excavations at the Stoner Site (Stephens n.d.) It is impossible at present to reconstruct the uncovered evidence for superimposed circular settlement system, but the known villages do tend houses and shallow, rather amorphously-shaped to form clusrers, with one unit consisting of a con- pits. Reports of Investigations, Illinois State Museum No. 10



GENERAL UTILITY TOOLS DOMESTIC EQUIPMENT Leaf-shaped knives Pebble manos Lanceolate knives Pottery jars, bowls, and plates Backed knives WOODWORKING EQUIPMENT Lamellar flake knives Tapered poll celts Dickson Broad Bladed knives Rectanguloid celts Flake side-scrapers Rectanguloid Flake end-scrapers ORNAMENTS Keeled end-scrapers Rectanguloid gorgets (2-hole) FABRICATING AND PROCESSING TOOLS CEREMONIAL EQUIPMENT Grooved sandstone abraders Clay elbow pipes Sandstone elbow pipes Sandstone files Reamers WEAPONS Bone awls Gravers Lowe Flared Base points Drills Spokeshaves Affinis Snyders points

Subsistence Pattern. No vegetable remains were notching of the lip (rarely interior or exterior reported by Stephens from the Stoner excavations, notching), but a single stamped sherd (Fig. 14, 0) contains and the scarce bone fragments were unidentifiable, is known from Allison Village. The paste surface often but the excavations at Mound Cwl04 produced a copious quantities of sand and the vessel quantity of faunal material, predominantly deer, feels like a fine-grained sandpaper. The only shape with but including river mussels, small mammals, a few form known is a jar of an unknown eversion of the bird bones, turtle, and fish common to the Wabash moderate neck constriction and to mm. today. rim. Wall thickness ranges from 5 8 Cordmarked Trade. Numerous artifacts of blue-gray Missis- Stoner Plain is identical to Stoner vessel shape, sippian chert attest to the importation of this raw in paste, but nothing is known about that material from or Illinois. Ste- decoration, or rim type. It is conceivable

is nothing but the lower portion of phens (n.d. ) also reports scraps of mica from the Stoner Plain Stoner excavations. Four Brangenberg rims, one Stoner Cordmarked vessels. for the Allison of which is red-filmed, and a complicated stamped Cultural Affiliation. Antecedents Valley, and sherd may also be trade items at Stoner, as might Culture are unknown in the Wabash singled out as be a rocker-stamped sherd of the Hubele type no other Midwestern culture can be at Garden. a specific source. also Material Culture (Table 3). Among the diag- A connection with the La Motte Culture is of the dis- nostic items of the Allison Culture, in addition to suggested on the basis of the sharing in features the pottery, are Lowe Flared Base points (Appen- tinctive Lowe Flared Base points and a dix IV) made predominantly of imported blue- of the ceramic complex. Stoner Cordmarked is (Ap- gray chert. These points are also diagnostic of the likely antecedent for Embarrass Cordmarked notching as La Motte Culture, although recent studies by Lynn pendix I), which has vertical lip and Stephens (personal communication) leads him to well as interior lip notching. Both Allison flake conclude that the points of the La Motte Culture La Motte also have long, narrow lamellar can be distinguished from those of the Allison blades which contrast with the short, broad lamel- cultures Culture on the basis of the angle made by the base lar flake blades of other Middle Woodland shall and the sides of the stem. For the time being, we in the Wabash Valley. As a hypothesis, we to the shall consider the distinction as pertaining to the suggest that Allison is in part antecedent varietal level of a projectile point type that has La Motte Culture (below). Allison undergone slight changes through time. Temporal Position. Our guess is that the later than Stoner Cordmarked pottery (Fig. 14, K-N) is Culture is earlier than A.D. 400 and rims are typified by broadly spaced (2-3 mm. apart), deep- A.D. 1, assuming that the Brangenberg Motte ly impressed cordmarking which runs vertically trade materials at Stoner and that the La Culture. from the squared rim. Cords are tightly twisted Culture is derived in part from the Allison

and decoration is usually confined to deep, vertical Winters: 1967 Wahash Valley 49

The Crab Orchard Tradition Whether or not one accepts the Illinois State Extending across the Shawnee Hills and the Museum radiocarbon date of A.D. 565 ± 200, lower portion of the Mt. Vernon Hill Country we feel that Baumer represents a separate and per- is a series of sites which show great similarity in haps later intrusion of another segment of the their paddle-edge impressed and cordmarked cer- Middle Eastern Tradition into a geographically amics and lithic material. There is a growing tend- very delimited area of the Ohio Valley. Such a ency to refer to these sites as components of a conclusion is based upon the very high proportion regional tradition which has been named after of limestone-tempered "fabric-impressed" pottery pottery types defined by Maxwell ( 1951 ) for sites as contrasted to cordmarked pottery, the high fre- along Crab Orchard Creek, a tributary of the Big quency of Copenoid blades (Cf. Cole 1951: Fig. Muddy River. 62, Nos. 15-18), and the presence of reel-shaped Definition of the Crab Orchard Tradition is gorgets with holes drilled from one side in the rather difficult in terms of a precise statement of Adena fashion. While the latter items are present its material content since its origins apparently in Crab Orchard, they are drilled from both sides involve the hybridization of a local culture with and occur predominantly in the middle zone at an intrusive southern culture, and its development the Sugar Hill Site (Maxwell 1951: 123). Crab through time involves subsequent interactions with Orchard does not have limestone-tempered pottery, more remote northern and southern groups. and Copenoid blades are rare. In terms of origins, Crab Orchard probably be- But since Crab Orchard and Baumer do share gan with a mixing of a local culture typified by common vessel forms and one of the types of the the Sugar Hill series of ceramics (Maxwell 1951) Tamms Type Cluster (Type 4E of Maxwell 1951: and an intrusive culture typified by paddle-edge or 246; Cole 1951: Fig. 62, No. 5), we view their cord-wrapped-stick impressed pottery (Maxwell's relationship as one of derivation from a larger cul- Crab Orchard Fabric Impressed ) . Evidence for this tural unit of the Middle Eastern Tradition rather hypothesis is still unpublished, although Maxwell than one of direct interaction or derivation of one (1951: 170) notes that "Sugar Hill Cordmarked from the other. pottery appears to decrease in popularity in direct Furthermore, salvage work at the Geodesic Dome proportion to the increase in popularity of Crab Site, (SIU 24B4-44) on the Southern Illinois Uni- Orchard Fabric Marked." Subsequent excavation versity campus has led to the discovery of a sizable and surface survey by the author in the Cache occupation area with Sugar Hill Cordmarked and River Valley showed that Sugar Hill Cordmarked Crab Orchard Plain pottery, but without the Crab occurs only in the northern section of the valley Orchard series (Melvin L. Fowler, personal com- which is immediately adjacent to the Big Muddy munication). Fowler's work for the Illinois State drainage. Also in Kerr Canyon Shelter No. 10 Museum at the Weber Village would also tend to (SIU 24B4-98) Sugar Hill sherds occur without substantiate the present hypothesis of the priority admixture of Crab Orchard sherds. The Crab Or- of the Sugar Hill Culture in the Big Muddy drain- chard series, on the other hand, extends throughout age (Fowler, personal communication). the Cache drainage and is continuous in distribu- The earliest phase, then, of the Crab Orchard tion with the paddle-edge or cord-wrapped-stick Tradition would be typified by grit-tempered impressed pottery of Caldwell's (1958) Middle ceramics such as unnoded Crab Orchard Fabric Eastern Tradition. (Baumer sherds are limited to Marked and a late form of Sugar Hill Cordmarked six sherds from the upper 30 centimeters of the which resembles Crab Orchard Cordmarked with- Duran , SIU 24D2-137, with no sherds out noding. It is difficult to say what projectile from surface collections, although the Cache River point types were associated with this phase since drainage is directly contiguous to the Baumer area the lower zone at Sugar Hill contains a large num- in Pope and Massac counties. Obviously, Baumer ber of points which would normally be associated is a very localized manifestation pf the Middle with the Late Archaic. Furthermore, Maxwell's Eastern Tradition which has from the historical form types would include in some cases a number accident of its early excavation assumed an im- of discrete and culturally distinctive types. For portance in the literature somewha^ out of pro- example, Type 3B (Maxwell 1951: 246) includes portion to its role in the prehistory of southern Snyders Notched, Affinis Snyders Notched and Illinois.) some examples of the earlier and contemporaneous Reports of Investigations, Illinois State Museum No. 10 50

But the most striking characteristic of the latter Tamms Type Cluster, while Type 4E includes ex- and portion of this phase is the evidence of the partici- amples of the Archaic Saratoga Stemmed in a much of pation of the Crab Orchard Tradition Cypress Expanding Stemmed and some points with a Type larger interaction sphere (Hopewellian) the Early and Middle Woodland Tamms elaboration. Two large centers only a re- resultant cultural Cluster (Winters n.d, a). Apparently, on the Big Mud- of later appear: one, the Twenhafel Site analysis of the projectile points in terms and dy-Mississippi flood plain, and the other, the stratigraphic data can resolve this problem, plain. The func- of the Hubele Site on the Wabash flood such an analysis may be difficult in view but they are original col- tion of these centers is unknown, present scattered distribution of the assumed to be ceremonial centers. Only Data from new excavations in single usually lections. data suitable provide better much larger excavations can provide component sites would probably function, but the than the for solving the problems of site information for typological purposes Woodland elaborate ceramics of these two centers do stand mixed Archaic, Early, Middle, and Late utili- in marked contrast to the predominantly of the Sugar Hill Site. (The preceding components hamlets tarian pottery of the surrounding simple remarks would also apply to many of the "classic" also multicom- or villages. type sites of Illinois which are cannot begin to cover the complex problem When many of these sites were dug, the We ponenr. "middle" phase and of the decorated ceramics of the Archaic was barely postulated or defined, shall indicate Wood- in such a short summary, but we Archaic materials are often presented as something of the nature of the problems. First of land in the reports.) Havana Ware sherds found for all, at Twenhafel, decorated So far no good evidence has been intrusive items in Crab Orchard, later phase of the Crab Orchard Tradition appear as the early Brangenberg, be such being replaced by Hopewell Ware, in the Wabash Valley although there may is more remi- as Ben- and a zone-decorated pottery which a component at the shell midden known of pottery of more southern affiliations Site (Wh92). niscent nett's Wabash on R. Caldwell, personal communication ; However, the succeeding "middle" phase of the (Joseph decorated pottery in the the Twenhafel excavations) . The Crab Orchard Tradition is well represented later material) from Hubele with (excluding obviously j lower twenty miles of the Wabash (Fig. 7) with the pottery ; the mouth is very similar to the Twenhafel one site as far north as 36 miles from [Weber] exception that classic Hopewell, in Griffin's (1952) in Gibson County, Indiana, (M. G. Klutz does not appear or is also Crab usage of the term, either j Site, SIU 23C1-10). There were 27 and Fow- rare. Thus we feel that Neumann's Orchard Fabric Impressed sherds at the Gamble very Hopewell to describe these are ler's (1952) use of the term ; Site (Gillihan and Beeson I960), but zoned and stamped creamics of Hubele is in probably best regarded as trade sherds. the with which a suggestion ; exceedingly complex and prob- need of re-examination, This phase is communi- more Fowler enthusiastically agrees (personal ably will have to be divided into two or August, 1962). The foregoing conclusion phases or sub-phases. Changes that take place in cation, from James the has recently been reinforced by reports utility pottery include the introduction of thin-sections of five zoned and stamped noded Crab Orchard Cordmarked, the use of grog Porter on (Cf. from the Hubele Site. A plain-zoned tempering, and a thinning of the vessel walls (e.g., sherds Fowler 1952: PI. 88) and a rocker- 1951: 154-155, 160-161). In connection Neumann and Maxwell with sherd were found to be tempered with the question of tempering, we should like stamped ten- sand-tempered grog. A dentate-stamped sherd to note that thin-sections of two "paddle-edged" Neteler Stamped probably and one cordmarked sherd of the Crab tatively identified as sherds sherd sand and grit tempering. A punctated Orchard series from Hubele have been analyzed had dentate-stamped sherd had either crushed by James Porter of the Museum of Southern Illi- and a tempering. Thus, there would seem three were grog-tempered with sand or grit nois University. All Hubele series of decorated sherds from itself probably tempered with sand. to be two the grog Ware and having affinities with Havana In addition, Snyders or Affinis Snyders points one grog-tempered group with affinities to are added as an important companion type to types another other sites or previously, zoned pottery from Twenhafel and of the Tamms Cluster. As indicated southern distribution. Snyders points are a basic artifact of the Havana more Tradition. , -

1967 Winters: Wabash Vali ey 51

We also suspect that some of the Hubele sherds of providing abundant data bearing on the nature identified as Hopewell Plain and Wabash Bar- and processes involved in producing what is called stamped are actually Late Woodland types associ- by some Illinois archeologists the Hopewellian In- ated with the Duffy Complex located near the teraction Sphere. mouth of the Wabash. Within the Wabash Valley north of the Crab We shall not elaborate on the variety of items Orchard area, there is some evidence for either which appear as grave goods during this phase, limited movements of Crab Orchard peoples or but simply note that structural features and grave trade. In the eroding fill of the Doll Mound goods of the Wilson Mound Group (Neumann (Lwl93) there was a single rocker-stamped sherd; and Fowler 1952) are probably typical of the at Garden (Lw219), a rocker-stamped and a zoned lower Wabash Valley mortuary practices. stamped sherd; at Spillman No. 3 (Lw224), three Before concluding our summary remarks on the rocker-stamped sherds (Fig. 10M) and one punc- Crab Orchard Tradition in the Wabash Valley, tated sherd (Fig. ION); at Minnow Slough we shall comment on changes in distribution pat- (Cwl64), one punctated sherd, two rocker-stamped terns of the Crab Orchard Tradition. Pottery and sherds, one incised sherd, and two fine-paste sherds; projectile points of early Crab Orchard are widely at Lowe (Cwl07), a zoned sherd reminiscent of distributed in southwestern Illinois in the Shawnee zoned sherds from Hubele (Fig. 14P); at North Hills area and the lower portion of the Mt. Vernon York (CU88), one dentate rocker-stamped rim Hill Country. With the subsequent phase, however, (Fig. 10L), one zoned dentate-stamped sherd with there is a marked withdrawal from the Shawnee Hubele paste; and at Dunkel (W71), three zoned Hills area and a concentration of large sites on sherds (Fig. 10, J-K, O) and one dentate rocker- the broad T-l of the Big Muddy. For example, stamped sherd. Four of these sites (Minnow from some 420 sites in the Cache Valley which Slough, Lowe, North York, and Dunkel) have were intensively surveyed, over a five-year period, heavy La Motte Culture occupations, suggesting items assignable to the later phase include one that if these are trade sherds, there may have been platform pipe, 37 Snyders points (including points some overlap between La Motte and the Hope- reworked into scrapers, spokeshaves, and gravers ) wellian Phase of the Crab Orchard Tradition. one zoned sherd, two dentate-stamped sherds, one As for the dating of the Crab Orchard Tradition rocker-stamped sherd, and 16 Crab Orchard Cord- in the Wabash Valley, there is but one firm anchor marked or Fabric Impressed sherds. The total is point at present—the three dates from Mound hardly impressive from a valley that had been 6 of the Wilson Group (Neumann and Fowler one of the most heavily occupied areas of the 1952; Griffin 1958: 12, Fig. 2). The range of Midwest during the latter part of the Archaic. these dates, given as 130 B.C. to A.D. 0, is a clue As previously noted, there was also apparently to the period of full participation of Wabash a movement ; into the Wabash Valley after the Crab Orchard in the Hopewellian Interaction early period, with heaviest occupation being north Sphere, in view of the effigy platform pipes and ' of the Shawnee Hills on the broad T-l of the copper in the tomb of Mound 6. ( We reject river. In addition, in both the Twenhafel and ( Libby's subsequent date from the same sample

; Hubele areas, use was made of the flood plain of A.D. 1227 as being completely impossible.) for "ceremonial centers" and living areas, a prac- As a tentative temporal sequence, then, we shall tice which departs radically from earlier Wood- propose the following: land settlement patterns. Why such a shift should | (1) The "Early Phase" of Crab Orchard is have occurred from a dispersed pattern covering sparsely represented in the Wabash so far, indi- a variety of physiographic zones to a | concentrated cating that the tradition may not have appeared pattern emphasizing occupation of both a broad there much before 500 B.C. T-l and the T-0 itself can only be solved by (2) The "Early Middle Phase" of Crab Orchard excavations with techniques oriented toward the may be marked by the presence of trade sherds solution of such a problem. One might j propose of Havana Ware, including Neteler Stamped. As as a negative hypothesis that the Crab Orchard previously indicated, we do not feel that the Ha- people were doing something besides shooting vana Tradition persisted in the Wabash much after deer and gathering nuts. A.D. 1. Accordingly, we shall suggest a range be- I The rich "Hopewellian" content of the Crab tween 500 B.C. and A.D. 1 for the "Early Middle : Orchard sites in the Wabash also gives promise Phase." Reports of Investigations, Illinois State Museum No. 10 52

Phase The villages are often located along the edge of (3) The Hopewellian ("Middle Middle") at points with a the T-l of the Wabash and Embarrass of Crab Orchard would date after A.D. 1 tributaries cut through the edge of somewhere in the vicinity of A.D. where small terminal date wooded basis of the terrace. Villages were placed in open 500. Such a terminus is predicated on the expanses of prairie from the areas on the edges of the vast the radiocarbon date of A.D. 432 ± 200 grass known historically as La Motte, Allison, and Rutherford Mound (Fowler 1957) which is lo- and Oblong prairies, and the Sand Barrens, and close cated not far from the mouth of the Wabash the Wabash within the to the sloughs and thick woods of has ceramics suggestive of a lateness flood plain. Apparently the La Motte culture had Hopewellian Interaction Sphere. decided prairie orientation, since 97 per cent The foregoing sequence would provide a gen- a the Spring- equivalent of the known villages occur on or near eral basis for cross-correlation with slightly field Plains (Fig. 11). Extremely sandy or archaeological manifestations in better dated areas can be sandy clays underlie the village areas. of the Midwest, but considerable revision Village size varies, ranging from five to ten stratigraphic sequences and more expected once Chenoweth Tradi- acres in total extent. However, the dates become available from Crab Orchard and has Site is much larger (about 60 acres) tion sites in the Wabash drainage. numerous large and small mounds on the site LA MOTTE CULTURE ceremonial or THE itself. Perhaps the latter site is a the more interesting cultures of the One of "political" center for the thirty La Motte villages Motte Valley is the newly denned La the Wabash (Fig. 11) which we have located so far in simple stamped pottery commonly Culture. The Wabash Valley. The village plan is uniform, con- La Motte sites has been known for some found on sisting of a circular, central plaza surrounded by little was (Beeson 1952; Helman 1952), but a circle time a dark midden area presumed to represent about either its cultural context, distribu- several known of houses (Fig. 12). A feature noted for tion patterns, or temporal position. Fortunately, circle so villages is the placement of the house the present survey, we were able to locate Such an during that one portion covers a natural knoll. examples of the circular La Motte vil- since numerous arrangement seems to have been intentional of them unmixed or only slightly mixed lages, many the entire village could easily have been accommo- later materials. We were also able can with earlier or dated on adjacent level areas. Only excavation extensive information accumulated to draw on the provide the solution of the latter enigma. recent years about sites by Denzil Stephens in Near some of the villages are groups of small, Culture. His critical analysis of of the La Motte conical mounds with some of the larger groups of collections had already provided much Little is surface having as many as forty to fifty mounds. data for definition of the new culture, many the basic known about the mound contents, although the existence of circular villages. gone by. including of them have been "potted" in years of the La Motte Culture are concentrated of Sites Certainly, we shall need to investigate some the edge of the Springfield Plains in Clark beliefs and along these to learn about the religious on the northern edge of and Crawford counties, customs of the La Motte people. Hill Country around Lawrenceville sherds the Mt. Vernon Other small sites with a few La Motte an unknown distance up the Embarrass seasonally and for or points are probably the remains of Although the aforementioned near- drainage (Fig. 11). occupied camps or represent interaction with constitute the "heart" of the La Motte Cul- areas by cultures. the distinctive ceramics of the culture are and un- ture, Material culture is amazingly uniform south as the mouth of the known from as far changing throughout the sites of the La Motte Cul- and as far north as the Kankakee and pottery, which Wabash ture. Perhaps most obvious is the in north- St. Joseph drainages in St. Joseph County prevalent in is quite different from the ceramics Indiana (data from Ernest Young Collection, section ern other areas of Illinois. (The following Illinois State Museum), but the Embarrass cer- of 884 simple is based on analysis of a sample very rare in these latter areas. and 34 amics are stamped sherds, 552 cordmarked sherds, thin- check stamped sherds, and the analysis of six •This section is a revised version of Report Cord- sections of Embarrass Simple Stamped and No. 9, Council for Illinois Archaeology (Winters Porter of the Museum of 1962b). marked by James 1967 Winters: Wabash Valley 53

Figure 11







• Minor Occurrences of Sherds a Points

BOUNDARY BETWEEN SPRINGFIELD PLAINS Scale In Miles a THE MT VERNON HILL COUNTRY t Investigations, Illinois State Museum No. 10 54 Reports of

(rarely concave or convex) base; beveling of all Southern Illinois University.) The pottery is pre- of the stem; frequent grinding dominantly simple stamped (Fig. 13, A-E), with edges of the sides sides of the stem; beveling of the base; such sherds constituting from 60 to 65 per cent of the frequent beveling of the edges of the blade; high of the pottery on a La Motte site. Decoration is incidence of hexagonal and lenticular cross sec- limited to interior notching of the rim or lip, lanceolate or triangular blade. Over with notching often so pronounced that the rim tions; and a per cent of the points are made from blue or has a distinct pie crust effect, and to a few cylindri- 85 vessel. gray cherts (Dongola Series) which would have cal or reed punctates on the exterior of the have been imported from sources in the Vessel shapes include elongated jars with rounded had to southern Illinois or Indiana some 100 miles bottoms, slightly constricted necks, and slightly hills of the attributes of these points have everted rims, and constricted orifice bowls. Tem- away. Once learned, we doubt that there would be any pering consists of both sand and grit which often been possibility of confusing Lowe points with other occurs as large unmodified pebbles. A companion expanding stem types. type is check stamped pottery (Fig. 13, H-J), are lamellar flake blades which never exceeds one to two per cent of the Other common artifacts (Fig. 14E), also made of the imported blue chert, total sherds on a La Motte site. These types, which with rectanguloid cross sections made have been named Embarrass Simple Stamped and elbow pipes made are prob- of sandstone, rectanguloid celts (Fig. 14A) Embarrass Check Stamped ( Appendix I ) of slate or from igneous river pebbles, rectangu- ably related to similar ceramics which occur com- loid gorgets (Fig. 14B) made of slate, limestone, monly in Tennessee, northern , and other or various exotic stone, and perforated with holes areas of the South. from both sides, numerous pebble manos, Less common than the simple stamped pottery drilled grooved standstone abraders (Fig. 14D), and bar- is Embarrass Cordmarked (Fig. 13, F-G), which weights (Fig. 14C) made of limestone. averages from 30 to 35 per cent of the sherds on type atlatl concepts of linearity and rectangularity dom- La Motte sites. The cordmarked vessels are similar The inate the shape preference throughout the tech- in most technical details to the simple and check of the La Motte people. stamped pottery, but there is a wider range of nology have mentioned previously that Lowe points vessel shapes. Another important difference be- We lamellar flake blades were made of imported tween the two groups is found in the manner of and curious anomaly exists in connec- paddling of the surface. The of the simple blue cherts. A on the site, however. stamped pottery run parallel (rarely diagonally tion with the chert spalls are predominantly from the small chert or vertically) to the vessel rim while the cord- The spalls found in the local gravels and marking runs vertically (rarely diagonally or hori- pebbles which are nodules of blue chert. One might leap zontally) from the rim. Cordmarking is quite not from that the points and flake blades variable, ranging from closely spaced, tightly to the conclusion elsewhere, but we suspect that the twisted, fine cordmarking to rather widely spaced, were made in the realm of . The flake loosely twisted, coarse cordmarking. Occasionally answer lies are obviously struck off prepared cores and the cordmarking is partially obliterated by smooth- blades to have been made on large flakes ing, a technique which is very common on the the points seem prepared. Such a technique simple stamped pottery. which were similarly leaves relatively little waste Although technically fascinating, the La Motte of tool manufacture very small spalls. The coarse, pottery can safely be said to be one of the aestheti- and then only as cherts, the other hand, were apparently cally less imaginative and more monotonous pot- local on the manufacture of rather crude tery series of the Midwest. used only for and shredders. The local chert Another diagnostic artifact is an expanding blades, choppers, impure and occur only as small, stem projectile point type we call Lowe Flared pebbles, which are pebbles, were made directly into tools, Base (Fig. 14, F-J; Appendix II). These points irregular wastage of large spalls and dis- are quite distinctive and so far are extremely with considerable pieces of chert. rare outside of the area of the La Motte Culture, carding of flawed features of the La Motte although some Swift Creek points have the same As for origins of some must turn to the South. shape (Fairbanks 1952: Fig. 157B; Kellar et al. Culture, we feel that one simple and check stamped pottery, 1962: Fig. 3K). Salient characteristics include: The complex of pipes, and the plaza concept, a markedly flaring, straight-sided stem; straight rectanguloid elbow r 1967 Winters: Wabash Valley >")

Figure 12


vv^ x* ° .^V


Village Circle

Half Section Line - x — x—^x X )

J %ir j. , Investigations, Illinois State Museum No. 10 56 Reports of


A, approx. LA MOTTE CULTURE ARTIFACTS ( one-fifth scale; B, F-H, approx. three-eighths scale; C-E, I-K, approx. three-quarters scale.

Embarrass Simple Stamped Jar A. SiteCw282

Embarrass Simple Stamped

B. Jar rim. Chenoweth Site, C1185 E. Bowl rim. Bumble Bee Site, C1233

Embarrass Simple Stamped, decorated varieties

C. Reed punctate. Chenoweth Site, CI 185 D. Incised. Lowe Site, Cwl07

Embarrass Check Stamped H. Site unknown.

I. Purgatory Swamp Site, Lw95 Site, Cw205 J. Musgrave

Embarrass Cordmarked

F. Chenoweth Site, CI 185 G. Bumble Bee Site, C1233

Unclassified Zoned Sherd

K. Lowe Site, Cwl07

State J-K, Denzil Stephens collection; A-I, Illinois Museum collections; A was a gift of Denzil Stephens. 1967 Winters: Wabash Vallby 57

Figure 13 Reports of Investigations, Illinois State Museum No. 10 58


LA MOTTE CULTURE AND ALLISON CUL- three-eighths TURE ARTIFACTS ( A-D, approx. scale; E-P, approx. three-quarters scale)

Rectanguloid Celt A. Bumble Bee Site, C1233

Rectanguloid Gorget

B. Bumble Bee Site, C1233

Bar Atlatl Weight

C. Bumble Bee Site, C1233

Sandstone Abrader

D. Lowe Site, Cw 107

Lamellar Flake Blade

E. Lowe Site, Cwl07

Lowe Flared Base Projectile Points

F. Chenoweth Site, C1185 G. Bumble Bee Site, C1233 H. Chenoweth Site, CI185

I. Lowe Site, Cwl07 Site, Cwl07 (reworked into a drill) J. Lowe

Stoner Cordmarked Sherds

K. Stoner Site, Cwl09 L. Fox-McCarty Site, Cw 1 2 5 M. Stoner Site, Cwl09 N. Stoner Site, Cwl09

Stoner Plain Sherd, Cord Decorated Variety O. Allison Mounds, Lw250-Lw259

Unclassified Zoned Sherd

P. Lowe Site, Cwl07 Denzil A-O, Illinois State Museum collections; P, Stephens collection. 1967 Winti-rs: Wahash Vai i BY 59

Figure 14 of Investigations, Illinois State Museum No. 10 60 Reports

adjacent Havana Tradition and pre-Mississippian in age. all point to the Tennessee Valley and One should also note that in the heart area of areas as possible loci for the derivation of the the La Motte Culture there is only a thin repre- La Motte Culture. One should also note that the sentation of the Allison Culture which presumably Archaic Riverton Culture which occurs in the and follows the Havana Tradition and that the Havana same area as the La Motte Culture ( Winters not persist long enough ties with the Tennessee Tradition apparently does Stephens n.d. ) has strong in the valley for classic to appear. Valley rather than with indigenous Archaic cul- pattern Since we cannot quite conceive that the valley tures of the Wabash Valley. Perhaps the remained a partial cultural vacuum for several of southern infiltration into the central Wabash centuries, we shall suggest tentatively that the Valley involves a very old and long enduring dis- La Motte Culture appeared before A.D. 400 and cultural nexus which took advantage of the "Indiana persisted until A.D. 1000, with the possibility of tinctively southern biota typifying the some overlap with Mississippian. Pocket" in the central and lower Wabash. Perhaps the La Motte Culture was also a source But the La Motte Culture represents more than into for some of the simple and check stamped pottery an intrusion of a southern group or influence which appeared in the Illinois Valley in late times. the Wabash Valley. The presumably earlier Alli- relationship to stamped Owasco, Iroquois, and son Culture, which occurs in the same area as the Its if any, is obscure, but most of these La Motte Culture, could well have been the source Plains pottery, Base are probably later than the Embarrass Series. for Embarrass Cordmarked and Lowe Flared our traits Only excavation can verify and amplify points. Embarrass Cordmarked shares many observations. Certainly, the La Motte Culture offers of rim decoration with Stoner Cordmarked, and the most promising opportunities for the Lowe points are basic to both the Allison Culture some of of anthropological problems that we have and the La Motte Culture. Present evidence would solution ever seen in an archaeological survey. indicate, then, that La Motte represents a fusion complex with of elements from an indigenous WOODLAND OCCUPATIONS intrusive elements from the South. The processes LATE Under Late Woodland we shall include the by which such an integration of may Complex, the Duffy Complex, and the have taken place are a complete unknown. Albee other that Yankeetown Culture. There are undoubtedly Dating is still uncertain, but we do know minor Late Woodland representations in the Wa- a La Motte village is on top of the Gamble Site evidence was found to permit (Lwll). Thus the La Motte Culture should post- bash, but too little of preliminary description. date the Havana Tradition occupation at this site. any sort The Albee Complex Curiously enough, the presence of Embarrass Sim- survey Albee Complex is known from the ple Stamped pottery was not noted at the Gamble The (Fig. 15). Three it from four sites in Clark County Site by Gillihan and Beeson (I960) although the conjoined sand knolls designated surface material from the site in of these are is common in The and 3 (C183, C1229, C1230). the research collections of the Museum of Southern Murphy 1, 2, Albee site is the Chenoweth Site, where Illinois University. The companion type to Embar- fourth with material occurs as a thin scattering on a site rass Simple Stamped, Embarrass Cordmarked, is La Motte and a light Mississippian occu- illustrated, however, and quantitatively comprises a heavy of these Albee sites can be considered 59 per cent of the identifiable sherds from the site pation. None than camps of some sort. All of (Gillihan and Beeson: Fig. 35; Fig. 40B). Fowler as much more the County sites are on the T-l of (1957) reports a tetrapodal simple stamped vessel the Clark from the Rutherford Mound, a late Middle Wood- Wabash. to Actually the Clark County sites would seem land site, which has a radiocarbon date of A.D. heavier occupation to the north 432 ±200; but we are not sure that the latter be outliers of a coun- in Sullivan, Greene, and Vermillion vessel belongs within the Embarrass Series since and east be Included in the latter area would tetrapodal supports are unknown in the Embarrass ties, Indiana. Mound (MacLean 1931) in Sullivan Series. Emily Blasingham has also informed us the' Albee the Catlin Site and other "villages" that simple stamped pottery is associated with County and County, recently reported by Mr. Yankeetown sherds at the bottom of the Equality in Vermillion Razmus of Georgetown, Illinois, and Mr. Salt Springs Site in Gallatin County, Illinois. Thus Thomas of Danville, Illinois. The Vermillion we can say that the La Motte Culture is post- John Henry 1967 Winters: Wabash Valley 61

Figure 15





^^^^nxSS^ + A,bee Comp,ex - »*rf Yft»i» 7-«- 1 a Yankeetown Pottery


1 fe- lt )

Investigations, Illinois State Museum No. 10 62 Reports of


ALBEE COMPLEX ARTIFACTS (A, approx. three-eighths scale; B-N, approx. three-quarters scale

Albee Cordmarked Sherds A. Cambered rim, cordmarked lip. Catlin Site, Vermillion County, Indiana B. Peaked rim, interior notched rim. Catlin Site, Vermillion County, Indiana C. Cambered rim, exterior punctate, plain lip. Catlin Site, Vermillion County, Indiana D. Exterior punctate, interior notched rim. Catlin Site, Vermillion County, Indiana Site, F. Channeled rim, cordmarked lip. Catlin Vermillion County, Indiana G. Cambered rim, cordmarked lip. Murphy No.

1, C183

Albee Fabric Impressed Sherd

H. Catlin Site, Vermillion County, Indiana

Notched Fillet Rim

E. Murphy No. 3,C183

Mounds Stemless Points

I. Catlin Site, Vermillion County, Indiana Site, Vermillion County, Indiana J. Catlin

Diagonally Notched, Pentagonal Blade Points

K. Catlin Site, Vermillion County, Indiana

L. Catlin Site, Vermillion County, Indiana

Notched Head Drill

M. Murphy No. 2, C1229

Bone Gaming Piece N. Catlin Site, Vermillion County, Indiana

A-D, F, I-L, Thomas Razmus collection, George- town, Illinois; E, G-H, M-N, Illinois State Museum collections. l')

Figure 16 Reports of Investigations, Illinois State Museum No. 10


TRADE" SHERDS OF THE ALBEE COMPLEX From the Thomas Razmus Collection (approx. three-quarters scale)

Ramey Incised Sherds

A. Catlin Site, Vermillion County, Indiana B. Catlin Site, Vermillion County, Indiana

Powell Plain Sherds D. Catlin Site, Vermillion County, Indiana

F. Catlin Site, Vermillion County, Indiana

Polished Black

E. Catlin Site, Vermillion County, Indiana

Bean Pot

C. Catlin Site, Vermillion County, Indiana 1967 Winters: Wabash Valley 65

Figure 17 Reports of Investigations, Illinois State Museum No. 10 66


DUFFY COMPLEX AND YANKEETOWN CULTURE (approx. three-quarters scale)

Duffy Decorated, Bar Stamped Variety

A. Jar. Little Chain Site, Wh90 C Jar. Little Chain Site, Wh90 E. Jar. Little Chain Site, Wh90 H. Bowl. Little Chain Site, Wh90

Duffy Decorated, Incised Variety

B. Jar. Little Chain Site, Wh90

Duffy Plain D. Bowl. Little Chain Site, Wh90

Duffy Cordmarked

F. Jar. Little Chain Site, Wh90 G. Jar. Little Chain Site, Wh90

Unclassified Collared Rim

I. Peankishaw Bend Site, W 100

Yankeetown Incised

Little Chain Site, Wh90 J. K. Purgatory Swamp Site, Lw95

L. Peankishaw Bend Site, W 100

Yankeetown Filletted M. Peankishaw Bend Site, W100

collection; A-J, L-M, Illinois State Museum K, Denzil Stephens collection. 1967 Winters: Wabash Valley

i ^

M 68 Reports of Investigations, Illinois State Museum No. 10

County sites are located both upon upland ridges Busycon columella, Marginella beads and Littorina and lower sandy terraces bordering the Wabash palliata beads also indicate distant sources of raw Valley. The Catlin Site has several examples of materials or imported "luxury" items. Ramey Incised, Powell Plain, and bean pot sherds C/tlt/tral Affiliations. The wedge-shaped, cam- which were found in refuse pits with Albee ceram- bered, and peaked-rim jars suggest relationships ics (Fig. 17). So far as we know, Ramey Incised with ceramics from and southern and Powell Plain have not been previously re- Wisconsin. The latter series of ceramics is ex- ported from the Wabash Valley. The Shaffer Ceme- tremely complex, and we should hesitate to infer tery (Black 1933) in Greene County, Indiana, what the relationship of types such as Albee Cord- also belongs to the Albee Complex and is on the marked in the Wabash Valley might be to similar southern margin of the area covered by the Albee material known from the Illinois Valley at Starved

Complex as presently known. Rock and other sites and from Wisconsin at sites The most distinctive artifact of the Albee Com- such as Aztalan. Dr. Robert Hall of the Illinois plex is a grit-tempered cordmarked jar with a State Museum has commented upon the similarity folded wedge-shaped or cambered rim. A number of pottery from Starved Rock to Albee Cord- of such vessels are illustrated for the Albee Mound marked but points out that rims of his type Starved (MacLean 1931). Typically they are slightly elon- Rock Collared always have inner lip notching, gated or globular, with a constricted neck and Albee rarely; Albee rims sometimes have chan- everted rim. Both the wedge-shaped rim and the neled rims, Starved Rock never; Albee sometimes body are covered with closely spaced cord impres- has exterior punctates, Starved Rock never; Starved sions which run vertically from the lip (Fig. 16, Rock Collared is tempered with black angular

A-D, F-G). Occasionally, the interior of the lip is grit, Albee Cordmarked with sand and mixed grit decorated with short, vertical or diagonal impres- of variable size. sions made by a plain or a cord-wrapped stick A vessel very similar to the Albee Cordmarkec1

(Fig. 16, B,D). A few cylindrical punctations jar is also reported from Mound 1, Group 1, of

(Fig. 16, C-D) were also noted on sherds from the Utica Mounds (Griffin 1941: PI. 53, Fig. 1 the Catlin Site in Vermillion County, Indiana, and Henriksen 1957: PI. 35B). The view illustratec a vessel from the Shaffer Cemerery has a row of by Henriksen shows that there are no notches or vertical incisions on the neck. Some of the rims the interior lip and clearly shows the punctatei

from the Cadin Site were peaked. design on the exterior. This vessel is attributed t< Also present in the Indiana sites were sherds an intrusive burial in the mound. of a distinctive fabric impressed type (Fig. 16, H). It should be pointed out again that the Albe'

The warp is apparently a rather large, stiff, widely Complex has not been found south of souther:

spaced rod, while the weft is much finer, and also Clark County and that it is concentrated alon widely spaced. The impressions in the clay are the Wabash north of there. As a hypothesis w

quite deep. should suggest that the corridor leading from th-

Other artifacts assignable to the Albee Complex Illinois River through its tributary the Vermilio are listed in Table 4. River and thence over a low and narrow divic Many of the Mounds Stemless points (Fig. 16, to the Vermilion River of the Wabash may ha\ I-J) are isosceles triangles with concave sides. been the route by which the Albee Complex coul Such concave-sided points are rarely found in the have entered the Wabash Valley. Certainly, thei

Wabash Valley outside of the sites of the Albee is no material known at present which could ha\

Complex, and these points may be a diagnostic been antecedent to the Albee Complex in tl trait. Pentagonally bladed, diagonally notched Wabash Valley. points are also diagnostic of Albee (Fig. 16, K-L). Relationships with Mississippian are more dif

Trade. Some material has been found in associa- cult to define. We have already indicated tl tion with sites of the Albee Complex that would presence of Ramey Incised and other contemp suggest rather distant trade relationships. The cop- raneous Mississippian pottery at the Catlin Sn per beads and copper gorget of the Albee Mounds Small quantities of plain and cordmarked Miss

would, of course, suggest the importation of copper, sippian pottery are also present at Murphy 1 ai

and the presence of Ramey Incised and other con- 2, but not at Murphy 3. Thus, the question mi temporary types would indicate some sort of rela- be raised whether these Mississippian sherds repi tionship with rather distant sites. The presence of sent trade, a separate and transient Mississippi' ) ) )

1967 Winters: Wabash Valley 69


GENERAL UTILITY TOOLS DOMESTIC EQUIPMENT Ovate blades Simple pebble manos Leaf-shaped blades Albee Cordmarked and Fabric Impressed jars Reaanguloid blades Notched fillet jars Backed blades ( leaf-shaped and free flake) Nutting stones Lamellar flake blades WOODWORKING IMPLEMENTS Mounds Stemless blades ( triangular and Rectanguloid chert gouges ( ? lanceolate ORNAMENTS Reaanguloid end-scrapers Cut deer jaws Flake side-scrapers Cylindrical copper beads Keeled scrapers Cylindrical shell beads (Busycon columella) Pebble hammerstones Marginella shell beads Chert choppers Littorina palliata shell beads Trapezoidal copper gorget 7EAPONS Rectanguloid slate gorgets Mounds Stemless points (triangular, lanceolate, Trapezoidal stone gorgets (single perforation side-notched, or diagonally notched) near top) AGRICULTURAL OR DIGGING ABRICATING AND PROCESSING TOOLS IMPLEMENTS Keeled gravers None reported Simple drills CEREMONIAL ITEMS Notched, "V"-Head drills (Fig. 16M) Turtle carapaces ( ? Deer bone awls RECREATIONAL EQUIPMENT Bird bone awls Rectanguloid bone gaming pieces Bone shuttles Cut and perforated deer phalanges (cup-and-pin Deer bone beamers game) Antler flakers MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS Grooved sandstone abraders "Strike-a-lites"

xupation, or the introduction of some Mississip- The Duffy Complex an pottery through the acquisition of ceramic Only the distinctive ceramics of the Duffy Com- pecialists" who produced it locally. Only excava- plex have so far been identified, and these are )n and technical analyses of clays and tempering limited to three sites in the lower ten miles of n indicate which of the above possibilities would the Wabash Valley (Duffy, G28; Pepper, Wh93; ' more likely. and Little Chain, Wh90), with a possible exten- Temporal Position. In view of the association sion as far north as the Hubele Site, some seven- Ramey Incised with the Albee Complex, we teen miles from the river's mouth (Fig. 15). The ould suggest that the complex has its beginning latter surmise is based upon the examination of metime before A.D. 1000 with a possible range photographs in Neumann and Fowler (1952) of am A.D. 800-1000 or slightly later. their Hopewell Plain and Wabash Bar-stamped. The presence of a single early French gun We suspect that many of these sherds are actually i Murphy No. 2 probably is not relevant to Duffy Plain or Stamped and represent a later ting of the complex, but we should undoubtedly occupation at Hubele. The high incidence of these prepared to alter our views as research con- sherds in the surface materials as opposed to Layer iues. Certainly, there is nothing else to suggest 2 also points out the need for a re-analysis of the at the Albee Complex survived into historic Hubele sherds. nes. Museum No. 10 Reports of Investigations, Illinois State 70 Culture from data The Yankeetown From visual inspection of sherds and No actual villages, camps, or other evidence of James Porter from the examination provided by of the Yankeetown pottery major occupations by groups of a single sherd, Duffy of a thin-section been found on Thick- Culture (Curry 1954) has actually seem to be basically grog-tempered. would the Wabash during any of the vessel shape, the Illinois side of variable, depending in part on ness is in that area. The few being rather surveys of or excavations with simple bowls (Fig. 18, D,H) are clearly Yankeetown from sites (Fig. 18, A-C, sherds which thick (ca. 8 to 11 mm.) and jars on the Illinois side might better be considered thinner (ca. 5 to 10 mm.). Sur- E-G) somewhat of Yan- trade sherds. Summarized, the occurrences plain but are occasionally cord- faces are generally of the Wa- double keetown pottery from the Illinois side Decoration consists of single or marked. Gillihan and Beeson bash are as follows (Fig. 15) : curved or straight, incised lines rows of slightly Yankeetown Plain sherds from rows of lines (I960) report 10 bars. On one example the or stamped in Level dec- the Gamble Site (Lwll), with one 2, by reed punctates. On jars the are separated Level and one from bands seven in Level 3, one from 4, are on the exterior with orative bands sherds, two A-C, a feature; 23 Yankeetown cordmarked on the neck or shoulder (Fig. 18, beginning in Level 2. in Level 3, and 21 in features; and 12 rounded or flattened lips are sometimes E) The Yankeetown sherd decora- The same report mentions a the exterior. On simple bowls notched on Plate 18A,u. on the from Kincaid, citing Cole's (1951) limited to a row of incised lines tion is of a burial below the Since Plate 18A is an illustration rim or the body of the vessel interior foreign sherd illus predominantly the reference must be to the (Fig. 18H). Surface color is rim this sherd is identi gray- trated as Plate 27A,u; however, are also many examples of buff, but there sherd wit! fied in the plate caption as a foreign and orange-buff. Fulton Aspect (-Red River area) affilia as beinj tions. Yankeetown sherds are also noted of the complex, triangular As for the remainder Southern Mi in the collections of the Museum of points predominate on the sites Mounds Stemless recen nois University from the Duffy Site. A where Duffy pottery occurs. Some of the discoidals, examination of the latter material and Illinot and rectanguloid celts, pottery spindle tapered the author would in blades State Museum collections by whorls, and triangular Mounds Stemless the majority of the material from Duff Duffy Complex. How- dicate that probably belong with the Yankee pertains to the Duffy Complex and not to presence of a small quantity of Mississip- ever, the do have th Crab town. Both Duffy and Yankeetown pian pottery on one of the sites, some earlier and a few Yankeetow' few sherds same paste and tempering, Orchard pottery on all of the sites, and a occur at the site, perhaps accounting k on all of sherds of Embarrass Check or Simple Stamped identification. assignment of these arti- the previous the sites makes specific Yankeetow In addition, there is an incised facts inadvisable at present. (Lw95) I sherd from the Purgatory Swamp Site Stephens (Fig. 18K). of the the collection of Denzil Cultural affiliation and temporal position From the 1962 survey, two sherds from tl Duffy Complex are difficult to assess, but the pre- Site (W100) in souther pot- Peankishaw (sic) Bend ponderance of plain surfaced, grog-tempered Wabash County may be examples of filleted ar presumptive association of triangular tery with the L-M). Complex incised Yankeetown (Fig. 18, points would suggest that the Duffy illustrates a decorated Yanke in Lilly ( 1937 ) also should equate temporally with Yankeetown Mound, which is and town vessel from the and that both Duffy mile south of Vincennes, Indiana. Yankeetown may derive from a similar base. How- there is a minor concentr the two in Generally speaking, ever, the decided differences between the Vincennes-Lawrenc suggestions tion of Yankeetown in decorative techniques would preclude Valley. No Yankeetov the two. ville area of the Wabash of any very strong relationship between of that area and very liti Mississip- has been found north Since Yankeetown sherds occur beneath Lawrenceville area seems Gallatin south of it. Since the pian levels at the Equality Springs Site in involved in most cultural developmer (personal communication from have been County, Illinois the exce the lower and central Wabash, with shall suggest that both in Emily Blasingham), we the pr the Albee and Duffy complexes, Yankeetown and Duffy date somewhere around tion of ence of Yankeetown is not too surprising. A.D. 1000. 19o7 Winters: Wabash Valley 71

Other Late Woodland Remains Lawrence counties, and we shall accordingly desig- No sires were found which could be classified nate the Lawrence County manifestation of Missis- is Lewis (Cole 1951), Raymond, or Dillinger sippian as the Vincennes Culture and the West (Maxwell 1951). A very few collared rims were Union materials as the Etchison Complex. The dif- during bund die survey (Fig. 18,1), and Gillihan ference in classificatory levels between the two is ind Beeson ( 1960) illustrate collared rims among based upon the amount of data available for the two heir 24 Category IV sherds (Fig. 40C). The latter areas. In the Lawrenceville area, sufficient surface ource also illustrates sherds which are compared materials were available from unmixed sites to 1 Raymond and Lewis (Fig. 40B; p. 64). The permit a rather general description of an entire iuthors have wisely refrained from assigning type cultural unit while the Etchison Complex at pres- lames, however. While their sherds undoubtedly ent represents little more than a ceramic inventory. epresent some sort of connection with traditions vhich include the Dillinger and Lewis cultures : The Vincennes Culture here is no evidence that the sherds have any direct Settlement Pattern. Sites are tightly clustered, ies with either Lewis or Dillinger, which have with distances of one to five miles between settle- (uite limited spatial distributions in southern Illi- ments. With the exception of Merom Bluff in tois. Lewis is rarely found outside of Pope or Sullivan County, Indiana, all sites are contained -fassac counties, and Dillinger is limited, with few within a five-mile radius of Lawrenceville (Fig. xceptions, to the lower Big Muddy drainage 19), close to the junction of the Embarrass and the i the southwestern corner of the State (Winters Wabash. Physiographic positioning is varied, with 962a). the main town and two of the hamlets on the T-l, two other hamlets on the T-0, and minor occupa- MISSISSIPPIAN MANIFESTATIONS tions (farmsteads or camps) on the T-l and the In the area covered by the 1962 survey of the lower outliers of hill masses. llinois side of the Wabash, there are two, and Settlement System. The settlement system is ossibly three, distinct Mississippian complexes a familiar one for Mississippian. Around a large Fig. 19). There is undoubtedly a fourth complex town with many large platform mounds, there are c the mouth of the Wabash (Fig. 19) represented small hamlets with a single, small y the Murphy Site in Posey County, Indiana or no mounds. Interspersed among and extending Moorehead 1906; Griffin 1946; Adams 1949), outward from the area of the former sites are Lit none of the sites on the Illinois side have pro- numerous small sites which yield little more than uced materials which would suggest any rela- a few sherds or triangular projectile points. In onship with the Murphy Site. Since the Murphy addition, one site forty miles to the north (Merom ite has long been an anomaly in the area, with Bluff, Indiana) may be a bluff-top fortress and ttle evidence to link it either with Kincaid or cemetery linked to the central area. The latter ngel (Griffin 1946), we shall not attempt any statement represents little more than a hypothesis iterpretation of the materials from the site. Suf- at present, being based upon a brief description :e it to say that at present Murphy largely repre- and a few sherds illustrated by Putnam (in Foster •nts a burial complex typified by disc pipes, ear 1878) and by Lilly (1937: 48-51, 245). How- •naments of cut conch columella or copper-cov- ever, the sherds illustrated are typical of those of ed wood, copper spiral ear ornaments, triangular the Vincennes Culture, and it has been observed 3ints, tubular copper beads, disc- and barrel- during earlier surveys by the author in southern aped shell beads, a stirrup-necked jar, effigy Illinois that Mississippian cemeteries are some- ater bottles, slender necked water bottles, arcaded times as much as forty miles distant from the bowls, m noded bowls, handled bowls, effigy nearest Mississippian town. Thus we shall tenta- >wls, and an engraved plate. tively describe the system for the Vincennes Cul- Mississippian sites are not plentiful on the Illi- ture as consisting of a central political and reli- )is side of the Wabash, but there are three con- gious center with nearby hamlets, dispersed farm- ntrations of sites, one being in the vicinity of steads and/or hunting and gathering camps, and Lwrenceville, another east of West Union in a possible fortress-cemetery (Fig. 19). ark County, and a third atop McCleary's Bluff Description of Sites. The central town (Otter Wabash County. There is some dissimilarity Site, Pond Lwl25 ) covers from 60 to 100 acres on 'tween the ceramics from the sites in Clark and the T-l of the Embarrass and has 12 large platform Reports of Investigations, Illinois State Museum No. 10 72

occupied dur- around they were occupied or they were not arranged in a rectangular pattern mounds detailed ing the spring and fall of the year. Only Soils range from a very sandy a central plaza. can provide prefer- geological study and site excavations sandy clay, with no particular "loam" to problem. terms of intensity us with the clues to the latter ence indicated for either type in Estate and Doll sites was today yield little The soil of the Gray of occupation. Surface collections the Zaynor Site, a; abundance a very sandy clay and that of more than pottery, of which there is an wide area and slightly sandy clay. site is well known over a since the picture of pottery The Gray Estate Site gives us the best collected. The bulk of the is regularly and has been shell-tempered a hamlet since it is unmixed culturally consists of plain and cordmarked, flooding. A small central red-filmed, shell- protected by a levee from sherds, with a few fine-paste, and south end is Sjifj heads (Fig. plaza with a low mound at the tempered sherds. In addition two effigy about fifty feet in found during rounded by a dark midden area C,F) and an incised sherd were 21 could not have been more that handles, width. Presumably, there survey. Local collectors report the row of houses around the of any sort are than a single or double effigy heads, or appendages lugs single small mound adornos plaza. The Doll Site also has a rare at the site. The few such extremely of midden did nor character- but the occasional exposures have seen appear to have paste that we of the hamlet plan ceramic material, permit the exact delineation istics differing from the common was present at the Zaynor Site, but items were imported from No mound and it may be that such a plaza area was evident material has appeared village circle around other areas. Certainly, no such such as the Mefford Sit, hamlets or other Farmsteads or camps in the collections from the to date : (Lw295) and Weger No. 1 (Lwl44) have only small sites. and cordmarked sherds and triangula were very scarce in the surface few plain Lithic artifacts would undoubtedl them projectile points. Excavation from Otter Pond, and many of collections somewhat, but the indica Woodland occu- increase the inventory may pertain to an extensive Late wa very limited range of activities least the western tions are that a pation which is present on at at such loci. I Thus, we cannot say whether taking place portion of the site. one can say httl side Subsistence Pattern. Naturally, blades, flake gravers, flake the lamellar flake surface survey subsistence pattern from a blades, choppers, and about and end scrapers, backed and an; concentrations of mussel shell pertain to the Mississippi But heavy simple pebble manos would indica. at the Gray Estate Site occupations. mal bone or Late Woodland part t and game were an important Estate Site (Lw243), that mussels Hamlets include the Gray th some period of the year. Perhaps and Zaynor Site (Lwl46). the diet at the Doll Site (Lwl96), the river ma of hamlets on the T-0 of should be included in this placement Possibly two more sites subsistence pa have significance in terms of Quick (Lwl56) and Purgatory Swamp also category, plain locations may have be< Mississippian compo- tern Such flood (Lw95), which also have food sour- for ready access to a stable personal communication). selected nents (Denzil Stephens, lor tl; and to the rich bottomlands adequate samples such as mussels Since we were not able to obtain crops. cov- growing of | or good estimates of the area from these sites been indicated previously that their place- Trade. It has ered by the Mississippian components, may to sherds at the Otter Pond Site system and exact affi- few of the ment within the settlement only other iter been of extraneous origin. The liations must remain in abeyance. survey colic were of foreign origin in our and Gray Estate sites cover which Both the Zaynor . M t.ons were hoe fragments of the Doll Site probably covers about five acres, and the Cache River which is a tributary of the area of the latter Creek, a similar acreage. Estimates of exposures ot Illinois, has numerous since silting from southwestern site were somewhat difficult aboriginal quarn tabular chert. Many Site is on distinctive flooding is heavy. The Zaynor Lre repeated indicate that the Mill Wabash, and and "hoe factories" T-l of a small tributary of the the man the major prehistoric center for are on the Valley was a the Quick and Purgatory Swamp sites prod*. hoes with the manufactured the Wabash. The facture of T-l of an abandoned channel of the CahoM over a wide area, including have been a slough in distributed latter channel is reported to Valley, and central Illinois River and Doll sites region, the historic times. Both the Gray Estate yet who v Wabash Valley. One cannot say, as the Wabash. Either flooding was w- are on the T-0 of or how the hoes Wabash when doing the manufacturing not an important problem in the 1967 Winters: Wabash Valley 73

Figure 19 )

Investigations, Illinois State Museum No. 1( 74 Reports of


VINCENNES CULTURE SHERDS scale ( approx. three-quarters

Cordmarked, Shell-tempered Sherds

A. Otter Pond Site, Lwl25 B. Gray Estate Site, Lw243 E. Gray Estate Site, Lw243

Plain, Shell-tempered Sherd

F. Gray Estate Site, Lw243

Incised, Shell-tempered Sherd C Otter Pond Site, Lwl25

Fabric Impressed, Shell-tempered Sherd D. Doll Mound, Lwl93

Engraved, Shell-tempered Sherd G. Gray Estate Site, Lw243 1967 Winters: Wabash Valley />

Figure 20 Investigations, Illinois State Museum No. l( 76 Reports of


VINCENNES CULTURE SHERDS (approx. three-quarters scale)

Plain, Shell-tempered Sherds

A. Simple bowl. Gray Estate Site, Lw243 B. Plate. Gray Estate Site, Lw243 D. Plate. Gray Estate Site, Lw243

E. Jar. Gray Estate Site, Lw243

Shell-tempered Effigy Lugs

C. Otter Pond Site, Lwl25

F. Otter Pond Site, Lwl25 1967 Winters: Wabash Valley 77

Figure 21 Investigations, Illinois State Museum No. 10 78 Reports of


VINCENNES CULTURE SHERDS (approx. three-quarters scale)

Shredder A. Chert. Gray Estate Site, Lw243

Flake Side

B. Mill Creek Chert (reworked hoe fragment). Gray Estate Site, Lw243

"Strike-a-lite" C Chert. Gray Estate Site, Lw243

Choppers D. Chert. Gray Estate Site, Lw243

E. Shale. Gray Estate Site, Lw243

Rectanguloid Gorget

F. Shale. Gray Estate Site, Lw243

Leaf-Shaped Blade

G. Chert. Gray Estate Site, Lw243

Grooved Abrader H. Sandstone. Gray Estate Site, Lw243 Hoe

I. Shell (Elliptio crassidens). Gray Estate Site, Lw243

Spindle Whorl pottery. Zaynor J. Shell-tempered, cordmarked Site, Lwl46

Hammerstone K. Chert. Gray Estate Site, Lw243

Contracting Stemmed Blade

L. Shale. Gray Estate Site, Lw243 1967 Winters: Wabash Valley 79

Figure 22 Investigations, Illinois State Museum No. 10 80 Reports of


VINCENNES CULTURE ARTIFACTS (approx. three-quarters scale)

Rectanguloid Celt

A. Igneous rock. Gray Estate Site, Lw 243

Pebble Mario

B. Unidentified rock. Gray Estate Site, Lw243


C. Sandstone (One side showing metate usage Estate Site, and the other, mano wear) . Gray Lw243 1967 Winters: Wabash Valley of Investigations. Illinois State Museum No. 10 82 Reports


GENERAL UTILITY TOOLS DOMESTIC (pitted and unpitted) Flake side-scrapers (free flakes) Pebble manos metates Flake blades (lamellar and free) Boulder and bowls Leaf-shaped blades Plain jars, plates, Triangular blades Cordmarked jars vessels Flake end-scrapers (free flakes) Fabric-impressed Red-filmed bowls Backed blades (?) Hammerstones (pebble and faceted chert DIGGING OR AGRICULTURAL nodules) IMPLEMENTS Mounds Stemless blades, lanceolate form Shell hoes Choppers (chert and igneous) Chert hoes (Mill Creek chert) WEAPONS ORNAMENTS Mounds Stemless points, Madison type (Scully) Rectanguloid gorgets Mounds Stemless points, leaf-shaped CEREMONIAL Mounds Stemless points, lanceolate Effigy vessels FABRICATING AND PROCESSING TOOLS MISCELLANEOUS Grooved sandstone abraders ( triangular grooves) Palettes (?) Pottery spindle whorls WOODWORKING Shredders "Strike-a-lites" Rectanguloid celts

But the ceramic complex is sufficiently distinctive distributed, and we can only point out that being identifying cul- that we feel justified in using an "hoe factories" have large quantities of finished the Mississippian term to separate this regional and unfinished specimens and but little tural apparently exist variant from the many others that evidence of normal occupational debris. A thorough generally identified might in the Midwest but which are study of the distribution of Mill Creek hoes Tennessee-Cumber- eco- only under the vague rubrics of well throw additional light on Mississippian , or similar terms. nomic patterns. land, Culture bulk of the sherds from a Vincennes Materia! Culture. Table 5 lists those artifacts The plates, and simple consists of a plain ware ( jars, which can at present be assigned to the Vincennes site Both are tempered collec- bowls) and cordmarked jars. Culture and is based in large part on surface amounts of coarsely crushed shell. The from the Gray Estate Site, an unmixed com- with liberal tions to ware (Fig. 20F; 21, A-B, D-E) is similar ponent of the Vincennes Culture. When data from plain while the pottery from Kincaid and Angel, excavation become available, we can expect some plain cordmarked pottery (Fig. 20, A-B, E) is identical of the functional categories used in this table of the Trappist phase in particularly with Cahokia Cordmarked to be expanded considerably in content, The identity of the cord- processing tools which the American Bottoms. that of fabricating and upon pottery from the two areas is based contain many items of bone and marked would normally Vogel of examination of the specimens by Joseph antler. A representative selection of artifacts from in 1961 to 1964 the Illinois State Museum, who the Vincennes Culture is shown in Figures 22 and excavations at Ca- analyzed pottery from extensive dissimilar- Mr. Vogel also commented on the Most of the stone artifacts are very similar to hokia. the Wabash to plain the ity of the plain pottery from those of other Mississippian manifestations in the American Bottoms. require a more refined lithic ceramics in Midwest, and it will cordmarked ratio between the plain and typology than we have at present to discover sig- The always pre- sherds varies, but the plain pottery is nificant differentiating criteria, if any, among many central town, ponderant. Thus, at Otter Pond, the of the stone implements of the various regional outlying hamlet. is 7 to 1; at Zaynor, an Mississippian variants in this broad area. the ratio 1967 Winters: Wabash Vai.i.ky 83

I to I; and at Gray Estate, another hamlet, 1.5 to 1. The Etchison Complex These differences in ratio in part, may be, the result The Etchison Complex (Fig. 19) is known pri- sampling error o( and, in part, functional differ- marily from pottery and has been named after the ences among the sites. Collections at Otter Pond Etchison Site (CI 128), where a heavy concentra- were made only around the plaza and mound area tion of the shell-tempered pottery occurs. The and not in outlying portions of the site while both sherds are predominantly plain, but there are a few Zaynor and Gray Estate were thoroughly examined shell-tempered, cordmarked sherds with a ratio be- over their entire areas. However, Zaynor is very tween the two of 15 to 1. Vessel forms include extensively collected by a number of individuals, plates, simple bowls, and flaring rim jars. The plain and only the Gray Estate collections come from a black pottery is notable for its crudeness and in- site which is unmixed with Woodland occupations different smoothing; and it has decorative features and not easily accessible for surface collecting. The which are normally associated with Woodland ce- low ratios at both Zaynor and Gray Estate may also ramics, rather than Mississippian pottery, in the reflect a typical grouping of household ceramics, Wabash Valley. These features include broad, shal- while the Otter Pond material may be more typ- low notched lips and "piecrust" rims, which were ical of the ceremonial and administrative sectors found on about 40 per cent of the rims examined. of the large central town. No other decorative features are known for this Another way to exemplify the distinctiveness of pottery, and no appendages or lugs have been re- the Vincennes Culture is to contrast it with a site ported from the site. Thus, decorative treatment such as Kincaid. Vessels are limited to the few suggests Woodland affiliation, but vessel forms are simple shapes noted above, with such Kincaid identical with those found in the Vincennes Cul- forms as water bottles, lobed jars, and flaring rim ture. Perhaps the Etchison Complex is a special bowls totally missing in a sample of 1,166 Mis- variant of the latter culture with a localized devel- sissippian sherds. Nor have .any handles, lugs, or opment around the area of the Etchison Site. negative painted sherds been recovered from any Small quantities of plain and cordmarked Missis- of the sites. Decorated sherds consist of two effigy sippian sherds found at the Murphy No. 1 (C183), heads (Fig. 21, C,F) from the Otter Pond Site, an Murphy No. 2 (C1229), Mill Creek No. 2 (C1132), incised sherd (Fig. 20C) from Otter Pond, an North York No. 2 (CI 199), and the Chenoweth engraved sherd (Fig. 20G) from Gray Estate, and sites (CI 185) would indicate minor occurrences five red-filmed sherds from Otter Pond and the Doll of the Etchison Complex outside of the Etchison mound. Obviously, what little decorated material Site itself. has been found on sites of the Vincennes Culture Refuse pits excavated by Denzil Stephens at the is concentrated at the central town. The simplicity west edge of the Etchison Site contained, in addi- of the Vincennes ceramics stands in marked con- tion to the diagnostic pottery, Mounds Stemless trast to the varied and elaborate ceramic expressions points of Group I and Group II, a convex based, of Kincaid. leaf-shaped blade, a "spokeshave," and a graver. In addition, cordmarked sherds are present at These items should undoubtedly be included within Kincaid only as trade items, which have been iden- the Etchison Complex. tified as Cahokia Cordmarked (Cole 1951: 151), while they are a dominant type at sites of the Vin- McCleary's Bluff Sites cennes Culture. All of the McCleary's Bluff sites (W69, W96, Origins of the Vincennes Culture are obscure at W97) were in heavy cover, preventing adequate present, but there is a seeming hybridization of ce- surveying of these well known and heavily collected ramic traditions typical of the Cahokia area (Ca- sites. In spite of the large amount of material re- hokia Cordmarked ) and the Kincaid area (Kincaid moved from these sites through the years, we have Plain). But if such a hybridization does exist, a been unable to find any large samples in private great deal of the content of the original cultures has or institutional collections. been lost in the process. At any rate, the Vincennes A survey record at the Museum of Southern Illi- Culture is probably a very late Mississippian mani- nois University mentions that Dr. Jacob Schneck of festation. Mt. Carmel had removed a large quantity of mate- Investigations, Illinois State Museum No. 10 84 Reports of

from a site on century. Helmen (1952) reports trade goods rial from the site in the nineteenth Among pipes the grounds of the federal penitentiary south of these artifacts were long-necked bottles, effigy figurine. Terre Haute. of potter)', pottery rattles, and a fluorspar the A silver medallion, dated 1716, along with un- Such items are unknown in our other sites on the specified historic objects are reported by Vreeland Illinois side of the Wabash, and probably (University of Illinois Survey, 1930) as having will eventually either be clas- McCleary's Bluff sites mounds other Mis- been removed from the Africa Ridge sified as a distinct complex or related to or (Cw6l, Cw62) east of Palestine, Illinois. sissippian manifestations of the lower Wabash that In Wabash County, historic material or associa- Ohio River valleys. There is little likelihood for two relation- tions are reported by James E. Gillihan the McCleary's Bluff sites have any direct South- the small Wabash County sites (Survey files, Museum, ship with the Vincennes Culture since, in were ern Illinois University). One of these, the Hanging collections that we were able to obtain, there of Rock Site (ISM W127, SIU 23C2-4), was de- no examples of the cordmarked pottery typical scribed by Schneck as having twenty circular house the iatter culture. HISTORIC SITES patterns on the flood plain of the Wabash River. Miami occu- present survey The site was associated by him with a No sites were found during the pation. Material reported by Gillihan as coming which could be interpreted as historic, although from the site included triangular projectile points, numerous references exist to historic occupations Mascouten, stemmed projectile points, and shell-tempered pot- by Miami, Piankeshaw, Kickapoo, Shawnee, and Delaware (Temple 1958). Probably, tery. (ISM date to a Another site, the Dunkel mound group the occupations by most of these groups pottery W72-W76, SIU 23C1-2), was also described by period long after they had stopped making Dr. Schneck as having a copper kettle and china and stone implements or after such native indus- pottery to im- beads, along with burials, flint implements, tries had become of secondary importance fragments, and bear and wolf canine pendants with ported goods available through trading posts. Some Haute two drilled holes. These mounds were visited dur- of the most important sites were near Terre ing the present survey and were found to be riddled and Vincennes, Indiana, and these may have been care- with pits. However, it might be possible, by destroyed long ago. excavation, to salvage some information from However, there are reports of trade materials in ful example, them. Indian sites' in the Wabash Valley. For APPENDIX I

Embarrass Ceramic Series

Edward V. McMichael and Howard D. Winters

THE FOLLOWING TYPE DESCRIPTIONS are based on data from the Beeson Survey of the Embarrass and Wabash drainages (Beeson n.d.: 72-74), a later summary of available data by the senior author (McMichael n.d.), and analyses by the junior author of extensive collections in the Illinois State Museum from the 1962 Wabash Valley survey, collections in the Museum of Southern Illinois University, and the

Denzil Stephens survey collections from the central Wabash Valley. Grateful acknowledgement is made to all institutions and individuals who have made data and collections available.

Information on tempering was provided by Mr. James Porter, the Museum, Southern Illinois University, from two thin-sections of each type.


Paste: 50 per cent of the notched lips have such deeply Method of manufacture. Coiling, paddle and an- impressed and closely spaced notches that the vil. rim has a distinct "piecrust" effect. A single reed-

Temper. Sand and large grit. Varies in propor- punctated sherd is known from Chenoweth Site tions from sherd to sherd. Temper is well mixed (ISM CI 185), a cylindrically punctuated sherd in some sherds, poorly in others, with inclu- with a deep groove from the North York Site sions of pebbles sometimes almost as thick as (ISM Cwl88), and a sherd with two parallel, the vessel walls. Sand may in many cases be a finely incised lines from the Lowe Site (ISM constituent of the local clays. Cwl07). One sherd from the Lowe Site has sim- Texture. Varies from well mixed and smooth to ple stamping over cordmarking. very laminar. Color. Varies from black to gray to tan to tan- Form: orange, with grays and tans predominant. Predominantly elongated jars with semi-conoidal Core. Dark or light gray, occasionally buff. bases (78%), and simple or coconut-shaped Surface Finish: bowls (22%). Exterior is marked with grooved paddle or Lip. flat ; Generally and squared ( 92 % ) occa- wrapped paddle. Grooves are wide and shallow sionally rounded ( 8% ) . Frequent interior notch- and lands are narrow. Grooves run parallel and ing with stick or hollow implement. vary from 3 to 5 mm. apart. Grooves generally Rim. Moderate neck constriction and moderate run parallel to rim (93%), rarely vertically eversion. Constricted orifices also occur. (5%) or diagonally (2%). Stamped surface has generally been smoothed, making measure- Body. Elongated jars (Fig. 13A). Exact shape of ment of grooves difficult. bowls not known. Jars occasionally have per- Decoration: forated rim (suspension or lacing holes?).

Frequent interior notching of lip (65% of all Base. Semi-conoidal. vessels; 76% for jars; 25% for bowls). About Thickness. 3-7 mm., averaging 5 mm.

85 .

of Investigations, Illinois State Museum No. 10 86 Reports

and may have been an im- Geographical Range: tetrapodal supports port from elsewhere.) Nor is there any indica- Presently known from the Embarrass and Wa- tion of extensive overlap with Mississippian oc- bash valleys, with possible extension into White cupations of the Wabash Valley. We shall, River Valley, Indiana. About 35 sites in Coles, accordingly, make an estimate that Embarrass , Clark. Crawford, Lawrence, and Wabash Simple Stamped persisted from A.D. 400 to 1000. counties. Illinois, have produced this type (Bee- Indiana, Embarrass son n.d.; Winters 1962). In Cultural Affiliation: from five sites in Vigo Simple Stamped is known A diagnostic type of the La Motte Culture in the marked pottery"), County (Helmen 1952, "strip Wabash-Embarrass drainage (Winters 1962B). (Denzil Stephens: and three in Sullivan County Always quantitatively dominant over compan- By far the heaviest personal communication). ion types (Embarrass Check Stamped and Em- of concentration is found on the eastern margin barrass Cordmarked ) the Springfield Plains of the Interior Lowlands Province (Fig. 11). Examples are known from Probable Relationships: drain- stamped pottery such as Madisonville as far north as the Kankakee and St. Joseph Simple (Griffin 1943) or Danner ages and as far south as the Duffy Site in Gallatin Grooved Paddle Paddle (Brown 1961) is historic or County, Illinois, but Embarrass Simple Stamped Grooved protohistoric in the Midwest. Possibly Embarrass is exceedingly rare in these areas. Simple Stamped might be a source for the deriva- In the case of the latter Chronological Position: tion of these late types. type, however, about the only similarity to Em- Little is known about chronological placement, stamped barrass Simple Stamped is the use of a grooved but there is reason to believe that simple paddle in stamping the surface (Cf. Brown pottery is later than both the Havana Tradition Fig. 13A). Embarrass Simple Stamped and the Allison Culture in the Wabash Valley. 1961: simple and the Ruther- seems to have its strongest ties with ( A simple stamped vessel came from stamped pottery in the South and South- ford Mound (Fowler 1957), which has been check source east and is probably derived from some dated to A.D. 432±200 years, but this vessel in that area. differs from the present specimens in having


exterior notching of the lip. It should Essentially the same as Embarrass Simple Stamped squared with noted that the latter rim is the only example except for surface treatment. The check stamped be with exterior notching in the Embarrass Series. surface is the result of the application of a cross- eleven Embarrass Check Stamped is known from paddle. Individual checks are 5-7 mm. grooved and sites in Jasper, Clark, Crawford, Lawrence, across and usually show smoothing of the surface Wabash counties, Illinois. Check Stamped pottery while the clay was still wet, making identification Hubele Site (ISM Wh30) and the Pepper but from the sometimes difficult. Checks tend to be bold, from Site (ISM Wh93) in White County, Illinois, narrow lands. Both square and rec- shallow, with ( Black the Hastings Site in Greene County, Indiana tangular checks are known. County, Indiana 1933 ), and the Mann Site in Posey Embarrass Simple Consistently associated with Embarrass Check Stamped ( Adams ( 1949) , may be Stamped, but quantitatively very minor in La Motte Site or related types or varieties. However, the Mann ratios ranging from 25:1 to 50:1. un- Culture sites, with sherds are grog-tempered and have a paste quite form or dec- simple Very little is known about either like that of Embarrass Check Stamped. Other rep- oration, since both rim sherds and large body or check stamped sherds from Mann perhaps resident sherds are scarce. Two rim sherds are from jars with resent imported vessels from the South or slight neck constriction and slightly everted rims. manufacture by southern technicians.

One of the rims is plain and square, the other is 1967 Winters: Wabash Valley 87 EMBARRASS CORDMARKED

A still poorly defined type which is consist- ably greater variability in details of the cordmarked ently associated with Embarrass Simple and Check vessels, with perhaps a greater emphasis on bowls Stamped in considerable quantity. Embarrass Sim- rather than elongated jar forms (67% jars, 33% ple Stamped sherds outnumber the cordmarked bowls). in ratios sherds ranging from 1.5:1 to 4:1. Paste Cordmarking is quite variable, ranging from fine, characteristics are identical for the stamped and tightly twisted, closely spaced cord impressions to cordmarked types. coarse, loosely twisted, widely spaced impressions.

Unlike Embarrass Simple Stamped, Embarrass Embarrass Cordmarked is sometimes found with- Cordmarked is predominantly vertically paddled out stamped pottery or with only a few sherds of from the rim (80% vertical, 12% diagonal, 8% the latter. Such a distribution pattern and typolog- horizontal). Frequency of interior notching of the ical similarities to Stoner Cordmarked suggest that lip is lower for much Embarrass Cordmarked ( 32 % the Embarrass Ceramic Series may represent a hy- interior notched, 12% vertically notched) , and only bridization of a southern stamped tradition with an 25 per cent of the sherds have a "piecrust" rim. indigenous cordmarked tradition. Thus one might

Bowls rarely have notched rims ( 17% ), while jars suggest that the La Motte Culture itself represents are more frequently notched on the rim (46%). a culture derived from the Allison Culture and a Vessel shapes are apparently the same as those of dominant, intrusive southern complex. Embarrass Simple Stamped although there is prob- APPENDIX II

Albee Cordmarked Pottery

from sites Murphy No. 1, No. 2, No. 3 THE FOLLOWING TYPE DESCRIPTION is based on sherds collections. A large collec- 7 and the Chenoweth Site in the Illinois State Museum ( C183 CP 9 and CP30) through the Site in Vermillion County, Indiana, was also used tion of sherds' from refuse pits at the Catlin Illinois Archae- Illinois. Mr. John Henry of the Council or courtesy of Mr. Thomas Razmus of Georgetown, Published data on the Albee Mound (MacLean 1931) and ology arranged for the loan of the latter sherds. also useful in defining the new type. the Shaffer Cemetery ( Black 1933 ) were


Chronological Position: Paste: The association of Ramey Incised and Powell Method of manufacture. Paddle and anvil (?). Plain with Albee Cordmarked in refuse pits sug- Temper. Finely crushed rock and sand. gests a dating centering on A.D. 1000. Texture. Varies from well mixed to coarse. Cultural Affiliation: Color. Surfaces gray to black, rarely buff; cores A diagnostic ceramic type of the Albee Complex, buff to gray. and ceme- which is known from village refuse Surface Finish: Albee Complex paddle. teries. Published data on the Exterior is marked with a cordwrapped the Al- rim includes the MacLean (1931) report on Cordmarking is applied vertically from the report on the bee Mound and the Black ( 1933) and covers the entire exterior surface of the Shaffer Cemetery. vessel. Cord impressions are closely spaced. Relationships: Decoration: Probable distinctive wedge- ver- Albee Cordmarked shares its Decoration is rare and is limited to short, shaped or cambered rims with pottery from the or diagonal impressions of a plain or cord- tical northern Illinois River Valley and other areas of wrapped stick on the interior of the lip. A few Dr. Illinois and Indiana, and southern Wisconsin. examples are known of cylindrical punctations Robert Hall of the Illinois State Museum has or vertical incisions on the exterior of the vessel. Albee Cordmarked is very sim- Form: pointed out that pottery from the Starved Rock area globular jars with rounded ilar to some Slightly elongated or commu- in the Illinois River Valley (personal bottoms. dif- nication 1962). However, the latter pottery Lip. Flat, rounded, and very narrow. Lip often from Albee Cordmarked in that the Starved shows cordmarking. fers Rock specimens always have inner lip notching, Rim. Folded, wedge-shaped or cambered rim. have ex- Albee rarely; Starved Rock sherds never Moderate neck constriction and moderate ever- the Starved terior punctates, Albee occasionally; sion. Occasionally there is a narrow channel Rock sherds are tempered with black angular around the interior rim. Rims can be easily dis- mixed grit grit; Albee Cordmarked with sand and tinguished from those of other Late Woodland size. culmres and complexes in the Wabash Valley. of variable is vessel very similar to Albee Cordmarked or globular jars. A Body. Elongated and illustrated by Griffin (1941: PI. 53, Fig. 1) Base. Rounded. on PI. 35B) in their reports Geographical Range: Henriksen (1957: mounds in the Illinois River Valley. only from Vermillion, Sullivan, and the Utica Known the Albee Cordmarked is intrusive into counties in Indiana, and from Clark Perhaps Greene the Valley from the Illinois area, via Illinois. So far, Albee Cordmarked Wabash County in of Vermilion of the Illinois and the Vermilion has not been found outside the upper portion the Wabash. of the central Wabash Valley. APPENDIX III

Duffy Ceramic Series

THE FOLLOWING TYPE DESCRIPTIONS are based on an analysis of sherds from the Little Chain Site (Wh90) and the Duffy Site (G28) in the Illinois State Museum survey collections of 1950. In addition,

sherds from the Duffy Site and the Pepper Site ( Wh93 ) in the collections of the Museum of Southern Illinois University were analyzed through the courtesy of Dr. Melvin L. Fowler, Curator of North American Archaeology. Mr. James Porter of the same institution provided data on tempering from a thin-section of Duffy Decorated.


Paste: Form: Method of manufacture. Coiling (?), paddle Jar of unknown shape and simple bowls. and anvil. Lip. Rounded or flattened. Sometimes notched Temper. Grog. on the exterior. Texture. Generally well mixed and smooth. Rim. Moderate neck constriction and moderate Color. Predominantly buff but also many exam- eversion. ples of light gray, dark gray, and orange-buff. Bases. Unknown. Core. Buff or gray. Thickness. Jars range from 5 to 10 mm. in thick- Surface Finish: ness, simple bowls from 8 to 1 1 mm. Well smoothed over entire surface of vessel. A companion cordmarked type is known, but it Geographical Range: is quantitatively small in proportion to the plain Known only from the lower fifteen miles of the pottery. Definition must await a larger sample. Wabash Valley. Probably a very localized type. Decoration: Limited to horizontal, widely spaced, single or Chronological Position: double rows of vertically incised or stamped lines Grog tempering combined with predominance which are either straight or slightly curved. On of plain surfaces suggest that Duffy should be one jar sherd in the Southern Illinois University contemporaneous with the nearby Yankeetown collections, the bands of lines are separated by Culture. The Duffy Series probably would date, reed punctates. Decoration is limited to the then, sometime before and after A.D. 1000. exterior of jars with the rows of incised or stamped lines beginning on the neck or shoulder. Probable Relationships:

Jar lips are sometimes notched on the exterior. Derivation of the Duffy Series is unknown. Per- Decoration is always on the interior of simple haps Duffy and Yankeetown derive from a com-

bowls with the bands of lines placed on the rim mon source. No comparable pottery is known or below the rim. from elsewhere in the Midwest.


Duffy Plain has characteristics identical with those of Duffy Decorated, lacking only decorated areas. Undoubtedly many of the sherds classified as Duffy Plain are simply sherds from portions of jars below the neck or shoulder of decorated vessels. APPENDIX IV

Lowe Flared Base Projectile Points of the Tamms Type Cluster

have not as yet been found in pure middens of the LOWE FLARED BASE is one of four established Havana Tradition in the Illinois, Kaskaskia, and types and three provisional types which have been River valleys, thus indicating that these included in the Tamms Cluster (Winters, unpub- Wabash for expanding stem points points may be an important cultural diagnostic lished research ) . All of these Illinois area. share the majority of their attributes but differ from the the Wabash Valley, points designated Merom one another in technique of preparation of the ex- In Stem (Fig. 4, L-M) are commonly panding stem, linearity or convexity of the base Expanding associated with sites of the Late Archaic Riverton itself, length to width proportions, and in other Culture (Winters and Stephens, n.d.), which dates attributes. Ultimately the guide to establishment between 1500 and 1000 B.C. These miniature ver- of the type has depended upon consistent associa- the sions of the larger points generally typifying tion with denned cultural manifestations in the Culture with cluster are a diagnostic of the Riverton Midwest and its absence or rare association limited elsewhere in the State to a few ex- other cultural units in the same area. Table 7 sum- and are the Cache River Valley. marizes some of the data on geographical distribu- amples from the Flared Base points, some of the attributes tion, temporal range, and cultural affiliation of Lowe are summarized in Table 6, are character- established types. for which of ized by a distinctive combination of attributes: By far the heaviest concentration of the points of flaring, straight-sided stem; beveling this cluster are in southern Illinois in the Cache and markedly stem and, frequently, the blade; Big Muddy drainages. In this area points identical all edges of the the sides of the stem; and high inci- with the Motley points (Fig. 5A) of the lower grinding of hexagonal cross sections of both stem and Mississippi Valley (Bell 1958: 62-3; Ford, Phillips dence of association of these features is and Haag 1955: 129-30; Ford and Webb 1956: blade. Consistent on other types within the cluster. Lowe 56) are the dominant type in sites of the Early not found dominant type on sites of the Allison Woodland Sugar Hill Culture. Motley points are points are the La Motte are and its partial derivative, the rare elsewhere in the State, although a few Culture known from the Wabash Valley. Another type, Culture. of general, the earliest types of the Tamms Crater Flared Base, is commonly found in sites In Illinois to have appeared in southern the Crab Orchard Tradition. The latter type has a Cluster seem early prior to 1500 B.C. Eventually the straight-sided stem, a convex base and a clearly sometime displaced by Crater points, with defined demarcation between stem and shoulder. Motley points were of these points appearing in While the data cannot at present be conclusive, distribution exclaves River Valley around 50 B.C. and there are indications that Crater Flared Base may the lower Illinois later in the lower Missouri have displaced Motley points rather abruptly during probably considerably separate intrusions of points of the the period of fusion between the indigenous Sugar Valley. Two Val- are postulated for the Wabash Hill Culture and an intrusive culture of the Middle Tamms Cluster to 1000 B.C. and another Eastern Tradition, a hybridization which produced ley, one between 1500 cluster has types with marked the Crab Orchard Tradition. Crater points are also after A.D. 1. The and types defined for the Tennessee the dominant points in sites of the Kampsville type resemblances to areas valleys, and ultimately the latter in the lower Illinois River Valley (Stuart Struever, Mississippi considered for any definitive formu- personal communication) where they are associated will have to be Type Cluster. with Pike Ware. Interestingly enough, Crater points lation of the Tamms

90 Winters: Wabash Valley 91




Length 9 3.0-7.7 cm. 4.2 cm. < Maximum Width 21 1.6-2.8 cm. 2.3 cm. Z Maximum Thickness 10 0.5-0.8 cm. 0.7 cm. Blade Length 9 1.7-6.3 cm. 2.9 cm. 6 Stem Length 30 1.1-1.8 cm. 1.4 cm. w Stem Width, Top 32 1.3-2.0 cm. 1.6 cm. CO Stem Width, Base 24 1.8-2.6 cm. 2.1cm.


Basal Grinding 31% n Side Grinding of Stem 67% z Blade Beveling 68% Basal Beveling 92% H U Side Beveling of Stem 100% W Serration CO 13% Basal Thinning 97%


> a -a C o Cross-section x "3 ~3

35% 50% 6% 6% 6% u Z Triangular Lanceolate Blade Shape 72% 28% H U tq CO Convex Straight Concave Blade Edges 28% 72% Base Edges 20% 74% 6%

Sloping Square Barbed Shoulders 69% 28% 3%


Q o c c Chert ta



River Valley Cultural Cultural Temporal Distribution Period Association Type Range

La Motte Lowe Flared A.D. 400- Central Wabash Culture Base 900*

Allison Lowe Flared A.D. 1-400* Central Wabash Culture Base

Middle Kampsville Crater Flared 50 B.C.— Lower Illinois Woodland Complex Base A.D. 250

Crab Orchard Crater Flared 500 B.C.— Big Muddy, Cache, Tradition Base A.D. 400* and Lower Wabash

and Early Sugar Hill Motley 1500-500 B.C.* Big Muddy Woodland Culture Cache

Late Riverton Merom Expand- 1500-1000 B.C. Central Wabash Archaic Culture ing Stemmed

"The dates given are provisional. BIBLIOGRAPHY

Adams, William R. Cole, Fay-Cooper, and others 1949 Archaeological Notes on Posey County. In- 1951 Kincaid, A Prehistoric Illinois Metropolis. diana Historical Bureau, . University of Chicago Press. Beeson, William J. Curry, Hilda J. 1952 An Archaeological Survey of Seven Illinois 1954 Archaeological Notes on Warrick County, Counties in the Embarrass and Adjacent Indiana. Indiana Historical Bureau, Indian- Wabash River Drainages. M.A. Thesis, Uni- apolis. versity of Illinois, Urbana. Deuel, Thorne, ed.

Bell, Robert E. 1952 Hopewellian Communities in Illinois. Sci-

1958 Guide to the Identification of Certain Amer- entific Papers, Vol. 5, Illinois State Museum, ican Indian Projectile Points. Special Bulle- Springfield. tin No. 1, Oklahoma Anthropological So- Dragoo, Don W. ciety, Norman. 1955 An Archaeological Survey of Gibson Coun- Black, Glenn A. ty, Indiana. Indiana Historical Bureau, In- 1933 The Archaeology of Greene County. Indiana dianapolis. History Bulletin, Vol. 10, No. 5. Indiana Fairbanks, Charles H. Historical Bureau, Indianapolis. 1952 Creek and Pre-Creek. In Archeology of Bluhm, Elaine A. Eastern (James B. Griffin 1951 Ceramic Sequence in Central Basin and ed.), pp. 285-300. University of Chicago Hopewell Sites in Central Illinois. Ameri- Press. can Antiquity. Vol. 16,'No. 4. Ford, James A., and Clarence Webb. Bluhm, Elaine A., ed. 1956 Poverty Point, a Late Archaic Site in Louisi- 1959 Illinois Archaeology. Bulletin No. 1, Illinois ana. Anthropological Papers, Vol. 46, Part

Archaeological Survey, University of Il- I, American Museum of Natural History, linois, Urbana. New York. i960 Indian Mounds and Villages in Illinois. Ford, James A., Philip Phillips, and William G. Bulletin No. 2, Illinois Archaeological Sur- Haag vey, University of Illinois, Urbana. 1955 The in West Central Mis- 1961 Chicago Area Archaeology. Bulletin No. 3, sissippi. American Museum of Natural His- Illinois Archaeological Survey, University tory Anthropological Papers, No. 45, Part

of Illinois, Urbana. I. New York. Braidwood, Robert and Gordon R. Willey, eds. J. Foster, J. W. 1962 Courses Toward Urban Life. Viking Fund 1878 Prehistoric Races. Griggs and Co., Chicago. Publication in Anthropology, No. 32, New Fowler, Melvin L. York. 1951 The Ethel R. Wilson Site: A Preliminary Brown, James A., ed. Report. Journal of the Illinois State Archae-

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