Egister Action One;
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SECTIONS ONE EGISTER ACTION ONE; VOaJMEXXIWNO.,34/ BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 12,1942, PAGES 1 TOW, Navesink Firemen Twin Boro Loan University^ Of Life Rats Put Phone 3d Registration Freeholders Adopt Out Of Kilter Buying Two $500 Association Gives Feb. 14, 15, 16 For several 'days tho tele- Men within the age bracket of phone in Highlands police head- Defense Bonds Excellent Report 20 to 45, who have not regis- The County Budget quarters and the extension up- tered previously, should regis- stairs In the borough, hall had' ter with the local board having been out of kilter. To Apply for Needed Assets Increased - jurisdiction over the area In Prominent Speakers To ' Telephone' company, trouble- -which their permanent resi- Lively Discussion Between Mayer shooters hod Investigated and Equipment From Funds 24 Percent During dence is located. If this Is not were convinced that one of the possible, register with the near- Address Baptist Church Group receivers was being left off the for Civilian Defense the Past Year est 'board and give as your ad- And Crosson Feature Meeting hook by someone. The, police dress your permanent residence. and officials after a checkup Monmouth county's 1042 budget Mandatory expenditures, ltam» be- The third annual University o! were as sure that, this was not Navesink fire company at a meet- A statement of condition of the Prepare for registration. Do cuss the International situation. He not put It off until the last me- was adopted by the board of free- yond our control, have increased Life, which has been featured for the will bo followed by Rev. Caesar Bon- trie case, as were the telephone ing last'Thursday night in the fire Twin Boro Federal Sayings and Loan put five Sunday afternoons at the association of Eatontown, is of the ment. holders Monday But not until after and the property owner not only tuccl, pastor ot the Italian Baptist men that their, diagnosis was house of that village decided to buy Joseph Mayer, director, and George First Baptist church, Maple aVenue church oJ Newark. Mr. Santucct correct., . , a, $500 defense bond and voted to close ot business on.the 31st of De- has to foot thli bill but has no vote*' and Oakland street; will come to a cember, 1941, has been received by L. Crosaon, 402 Fourth avenue, Brad- In it. came to Amerlca-at the age of 18, The mystery was finally make a, similar purchase-next ley Beach, bead of the Monmouth close, Sunday afternoon. Rev. Charles worked in a steel plant for 5 years, month. Its shareholders. It shows that this "Why should we be critltixtd »<» A. Thunn, pastor of tho church it solved lost Friday when: a com- association Is In excellent condition, county unit of the state civil serv- blatantly," Mr. Mayer added, "by; served with the A. E. F. In France, pany employee found that rats A communication was read from Fire Department ice association. had staged another very gratified at the attendance those finished his education otter the war having increased its assets 24 per- employees who have been votid )if«« had gnawed a hole In the closet U. S. Senator W. Warren Barbour round in the battle over salaries time1 jobs by the people of thlscouo.4 seBslonlhaverrecelved this year and and then went to Rome for a year of Locust, an honorary member of cent during the past year. Owing feelo thla third'annual program has of nn-jipstalrs rear room, for- Holding Annual paid county employees- ty? Sometimes I think publloktlonr of He will speak on merly usedbyrthe late U. Grant the fire company, advising the mem- to good management on the part of been most outstanding In every par- "The Italians and the.Fifth Column." its officers and directors the institu- Mr. Crosson began the discussion of every salary paid might ba s) Johnson as the borough clerk's bers to make application as soon as when, during the public hearing on good think. They compar* favopf ticular. : • ' Tea will be served by Miss Ida office, and had chewed off much possible for extra fire equipment tion has only $2,500 worth of real Orover's cla«» of women. estate on Its records. Ball Saturday the budget, he charged the board ably with those paid by privet* coa« of tho Insulation from the tele- deemed necessary and thus take ad- with bad faith, saying Mr. Mayer cerns In the county to their employ-3 The paitori Rev. Charles A. Thunn, phone wires. •vantage of the recently passed Con- Besides being In excellent condi- had assured him when the matter who Inaugurated and who has been tion this association Is making mort- ees. Furthermore thli very board! gressional .measure appropriating Affair at Molly was laid before the board at a pub- restored every salary to Its old level in charge of the University qf Life $100,000,000 for national civilian de- gage loans regularly; has adequate lic meeting early last month that series, has. been greatly pleased at reserves set aqide; and as of Decem- alter the reductions -wens mads." - fense. Pitcher Highlight before the budget wan adopted the The -board- of ireeholden, Mr1, tba response thus far this year, which Owing "to-the close proxlmity-of ber 31st paid a caoh dividend of 3 association's representatives would haa exceeded In both attendance and Reserve Officers percent on all Investment shares be- Mayer also explained, could not ba Fort Hancock, Sandy Hook', to which of Winter Season be given an opportunity to present held accountable for the shrinkage!, interest the series held in post years. the Navesink fire company has al- sides crediting 3 percent to all hold- It Is expected that the attendance of their side of the case. Mr. Mayer In county ratables and incomer loaf ways been on call, together with era of saving shares. In addition .the final session thls.aundey will-be Association Out One of the Important social events said then that there was little like- through that fact, . ,. Highlands and Sea Bright, ex- to the regular 3 per cent the asso- oven greater than that which has ; of theiWintor" eeason_ls_the., lihood of anyone making more, than Mr. Mayer then went to lorad pected that these companies will be ciation has credited an extra, half $1,200 a year getting & ralte and the greeted previous sessions, and for For Duration and one per cent on regular month- nual ball of the Red Bank fire de- ength to attack Mr. Crosson foB this reason an exceptionally fine pro- among to first to be adequately jioard later supported this view with criticisms which, he said, wars Uv* equipped through the civilian de- ly payments. L resolution to that effect. gram was arranged for this occa- The Twin Boro Is the only feder- eled at certain members • of that sion. fense funds for any fire emergency. When we Introduced the resolu- county board at a civil service meet* Lt. Col. N. E. Titu* A special committee consisting of ally chartered savings and' loan as- sociation In Monmouth county. H. tion asking for an Increase in sal- ng last week. , Donald A. Johnson, assistant chief larles;" Mr. Crosson began, "we were "We did meet your, group and WsJ Announces Plan—: of the Middletown township fire de- Whitney Conrow of Oceanport is its president and has been since it or- told we would be given an oppor- did say we'd go along with you oni. Little Silver partment;' William Pape, foreman, tunity to be heard. That we were the question of salaries for eoilrCi Active Duty Reason arid Henry H,ahson, Matthew Locke ganized In 1910. Federal savings and loan associa- not is water over the dam and we'll attendants. Furthermore w« dldl and Samuel P.OBten, assistant fore- forget If agree to meet the problem and WorK The Reserve Officers' association tions are mutual, locally managed Borough Budget men, was appointed to make recom- "Recently there have been at- out a solution with you." of the United States announced Frl mendations as to the needed equip- thrift institutions, based on sound, tempts In the press to create; er di- "It might also be added," Mr^ day through Lt. Col. Norman'T. Tl ment and to report at a special time-tested financial principles, oper- Is Introduced ated under federal charter and un- vision between the county's officials Mayer said, "that the county al< meeting to be held within a few and its employees. It has been days. This progressive, wide-awake der strict federal supervision. Every ready has more employees than ls| federal association must be Insured. charged that the officials have been consistent with the greatest measure; f company has already bought fog REV. tt-MERRILL LENOX. Estimated Tax Rate All share accounts In a federal well paid for doing little work. It of:economy. The ten per cent prcx nozzles and gas masks out of its Is up to your conscience to reconcile own funds for emergehcy purposes. association are non-assessable' and posal is without merit and wouldn't Rev, Thunn has been assjsted by h $3.65—PubHc no repurchases or withdrawal fees, your work with the salaries paid be considered anywhere. The first' Professor J, ^William Helm, principal of any kind may be charged. Also, you. I'm sure the conscience of each duty of this board, insofar as a*U ot the River street s'ohoo), -who has Hearing February 27 every member's account is insured of your employees Is clear.