Jesty, and to Alter the Tolls and Charges Thereby Authorized To
4026 and tenth years of the reign of Her present Ma- Town, in Sheerness, at a place called Banks Town, in jesty, and to alter the tolls and charges thereby the parish of Minster in Sheppey, in the Isle of Shep- authorized to be taken: And also to amend and pey, in the county of Kent, at a messuage now or lately enlarge some of the powers and provisions of the occupied by John Eaton, which said branch railway several Acts relating to the Thames and Medway will pass from, in, through, or info the several parishes, Canal and the Gravesend and Rochester Railway townships, and extra-parochial or other places next and Canal, passed respectively in the thirty-ninth hereinafter mentioned, or some of them, that is to and fortieth, and forty-fourth, fiftieth, and fifty- say, Halstow the Lower, Upchurch, Iwade, East- eighth years of the reign of King George the Third, church, Minster in Sheppey, Queenborough, the and the fifth year of the reign of King George borough of Quinborowe, Miletown, Bluetown, the Fourth, and the eighth and ninth, and ninth Banks Town and Sheerness, in the said county of and tenth years of the reign of Her present Kent. Majesty. Also another branch railway or railways com- And it is further proposed by such intended Act mencing from and out of the said intended main to authorise the construction and maintenance, by line in the parish of Preston next Faversham, in the South-Eastern Railway Company, of the rail- the county of Kent, at or near a footpath leading way, branch railways, and diverging line, hereinafter from Macknade
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