Our Lady of Lourdes Church Our Lady of Lourdes Church Parish Newsletter for Sunday 45b Burnt Ash Hill, Lee, 13th SEPTEMBER 2020 London, SE12 0AE. Phone/Fax: 0208 857 5006 TWENTY FOURTH SUNDAY email:
[email protected] IN ORDINARY TIME - Website: olol-lee.org Clergy: Fr Chukwuemeka Nnaji YEAR A Response to the Psalm: Mystery of Faith: The Lord is compassion and love, slow to anger and When we eat this Bread and Drink this Cup, we rich in mercy. proclaim your Death, O Lord, until you come again. Please remember in your We, the priest and parishioners of Our Lady of Lourdes Church, Lee, seek to continue to James Williams, Edward Taplin, M give witness to God’s inclusive love by welcoming everyone. prayers: the sick and the housebound, at home, in hos pital or in residential THIS WEEK – MASS TIMES AND INTENTIONS care. Saturday 12th 6.00pm First Mass of Sunday Maire & Edna Mckenna We remember especially: RIP Ellen Altringham, Felicity Sunday 13th 10.00am Twenty Fourth Sunday Rita Rajakariar RIP Goddard, Veronica Hurtswaite, in Ordinary Time – Dominic Nutt, Rowena A, Pat Year A Sullivan, Donald Terry, Josephine th Terry, Shaun Wilkinson, Doreen Monday 14 10.00am The Exaltation of The Mary Pass RIP Wood, Margaret Maloney, Merlyn Holy Cross Lee, Jackie McNamara, Margaret Tuesday 15th 10.00am Our Lady of Sorrows Bernard Berberat RIP Mizen, Richard Cox, Kathleen Wednes- 26th 7.00pm St Cornelius & St Dave Donnelly RIP Dillon, Phil McNamara, Patricia day Cyprian Holland, Louisa Brown, Teresa De th Acosta Thursday 17 10.00am Joseph Lai RIP May the Lord bring them comfort Friday 18th 10.00am Elderly lonely people and healing and bring strength to Saturday 19th 6.00pm First Mass of Sunday Peter Thang RIP those who care for them.