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Genetic strategy for analyzin specificity of dimer formation: Escheric aia coli vclic AMP receptor protein mutant .s dimerization specificity

J. Keith Joung, Eugene H. Chung, Gareth King, Channing Yu, Andrew S. Hirsh, and Ann ~ochschild' Department of Microbiology and Molecular Genetics, Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts 021 15 USA

Many transcriptional regulators function in homo- or heterodimeric combinations. The same protein can carry out distinct regulatory functions depending on the partner with which it associates. Here, we describe a mutant of the Escherichia coli CAMP receptor protein (CRP) that has an altered dimerization specificity; that is, mutantlmutant homodimers form preferentially over wild-type/mutant heterodimers. CRP dimerization involves the formation of a parallel coiled-coil structure, and our CRP mutant bears an amino acid substitution affecting the first "d" position residue within the a-helix that mediates CRP dimerization. The genetic strategy we used to isolate this CRP altered dimerization specificity (ADS) mutant is generalizable and could be utilized to isolate ADS mutants of other dimeric transcriptional regulators. [Key Words: CRP; dimerization specificity; heterodimers; coiled coil; transcriptional regulators; genetics] Received May 18, 1995; revised version accepted October 13, 1995.

Many transcriptional regulators in both prokaryotes and more 22-bp recognition sites located upstream (or eukaryotes bind DNA as dimers. Several structural mo- within) each CRP-responsive promoter. The CRP recog- tifs have been described that mediate dimerization (e.g., nition sites exhibit twofold rotational symmetry, with the and the helix-loophelix motifs) one CRP monomer contacting each "half -site". Each (Landschultz et al. 1988; O'Shea et al. 199 1; Ferre-D'Am- CRP monomer consists of a large amino domain (resi- are et al. 1993; Ellenberger et al. 1994), and families of dues 1-134) that binds cAMP and mediates dimer forma- structurally related proteins possessing these motifs tion and a smaller carboxyl domain (residues 139-209) have been identified. Different members of these fami- that contains a helix-turn-helix DNA-binding motif lies exert their effects on transcription as homodimers (McKay and Steitz 1981; Weber and Steitz 1987) as well and/or in heterodimeric combination with other mem- as residues implicated in transcriptional activation (Bell bers of the same family (Lamb and McKnight 1991; et al. 1990; Eschenlauer and Reznikoff 1991; Zhou et al. Amati and Land 1994).An important question is, How is 1993; Niu et al. 1994). In the three-dimensional crystal intrafamily specificity achieved? (Baxevanis and Vinson structure of the CRP dimer complexed with DNA 1993).Here, we describe a genetic approach for analyzing (Schultz et al. 1991 ), monomer-monomer contacts are dimerization specificity. provided primarily by an a-helix in the CRP amino do- We have designed a genetic selection to facilitate the main (termed a-helix c);the two C helices wrap around isolation of mutants that exhibit altered dimerization one another in a parallel fashion, forming a short coiled specificities (ADS mutants). We define an ADS mutant coil (Crick 1953; Cohen and Parry 1990; O'Shea et al. as one that associates more efficiently with itself than 1991). The cocrystal structure identifies at least 8 resi- with the wild-type parent protein (Fig. 1).Here, we report dues in each monomer that contact their counterparts the isolation of an ADS mutant of the Escherichia coli along the monomer-monomer interface. Our CRP ADS cAMP receptor protein (CRP). mutant was found to bear an amino acid substitution CRP is a dimeric transcriptional regulator that acti- involving 1 of these 8 residues. vates the transcription of many genes in E. coli under conditions of glucose depletion (for review, see Kolb et Results al. 1993).When complexed with CAMP,it binds to one or Construction of a AcI-CRP fusion protein To examine CRP dimerization, we took advantage of a 'Corresponding author. general approach devised by Hu et al. (1990)and created

2986 GENES & DEVELOPMENT 9:298&2996 O 1995 by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press ISSN 0890-9369195 $5.00 Downloaded from on October 6, 2021 - Published by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press

Altered dimerization specificity mutant

ADS mutants by plating doubly transformed selection strain cells doubly transformed with plasmids expressing CRP and LCF2 on medium seeded with hcI- phage and looking for survivors that form blue colonies when 0 0 streaked on indicator plates containing the chromogenic wild type mutant lactose analog X-gal (see Fig. 2B).

A CRP Cdomain homodimer heterodimer homodimet CRP Ndornain M linker Figure 1. Dimerization properties of ADS mutant. The dia- hcI Ndomain gram depicts a wild type monomer and an ADS mutant mono- LCFl LCF2 mer (top],as well as the permitted homodimeric species (bot- tom). By definition, mutantimutant homodimer forms prefer- B entially over wild-typeimutant heterodimer.

-immune, pale a fusion protein (called LCF1) consisting of residues 1-132 of h (its DNA-binding domain and LCF2 linker) connected to residues 2-209 of CRP (Fig.2A). The homodimer CRP moiety confers on LCFl the ability to dimerize ef- ficiently, thus permitting it to bind to h operators and to render cells immune to phage (see below). In addition, LCFl binds to CRP-recognition sites in vivo and in vitro + sensitive, blue using its ordinary CRP DNA-binding domain (data not a - shown; also see below). We also created an LCFl deriv- ative (called LCF2) bearing a single amino acid substitu- wt CRPI LCFP WT CRP heterodimer homod~mer tion (R180G1see Zhang and Ebright 1990) in the CRP DNA-binding domain that prevents the fusion protein from binding to CRP-recognition sites but has no effect on its ability to bind to h operators (data not shown) (Fig. 2A].

Selection strategy LCFP ADS CRP homodimer hornodimer To isolate CRP ADS mutants we took advantage of the fact that LCF2 can form heterodimers with wild-type Figure 2. Genetic strategy for isolation of CRP ADS mutants. CRP. Cells expressing the fusion protein are immune to (A)hcI-CRP fusion (LCF)protein. The fusion protein was cre- h phage, whereas cells expressing both the fusion protein ated to facilitate the isolation of CRP ADS mutants. LCFl can and an excess of wild-type CRP are sensitive, presum- bind to both A operators and CRP recognition sites, whereas ably because LCF2 is sequestered in CRP/LCF2 het- LCFZ bears a single amino acid substitution in its CRP DNA- binding domain (indicated by the x signs], and therefore cannot erodimers that can not bind to A operators (Fig. 2B). Un- bind to CRP-recognition sites. The abilities of LCFl and LCF2 der these circumstances, CRP mutants can be selected to dimerize (and therefore to bind to A operators) do not depend that are unable to sequester LCF2 in heterodimer form upon CAMP (J. Joung and A. Hochschild, unpubl.). (B]Selection and therefore permit the cells to survive phage challenge. strain cells containing LCFZ only (i)are immune to infecting Immune survivors can then be screened for those that phage, but form pale colonies on indicator plates because lacZ contain CRP mutants capable of forming biologically ac- transcription is unstimulated. However, selection strain cells tive homodimers able to stimulate transcription from a containing LCF2 and an excess of wild-type (wt) CRP (ii)are CRP-dependent promoter. sensitive to phage because wild-type CRP sequesters LCF2 into To carry out this two-step selection/screen procedure, LCF2iwt CRP heterodimers. These cells form blue colonies on we made use of a single "selection strain" and a pair of indicator plates because lacZ transcription is stimulated by wild-type CRP homodimer. In contrast, selection strain cells compatible vectors directing the expression of LCF2 and containing LCF2 and an excess of ADS CRP (iii) are immune CRP. The selection strain (see Materials and methods) because ADS CRP does not sequester LCF2 in heterodimer bears a deletion removing the chromosomal crp gene and form. These cells also form blue colonies on indicator plates carries a CRP-dependent promoter driving expression of because lacZ transcription is stimulated by ADS CRP ho- the lacZ gene. We reasoned that we could identify CRP modimer.

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Isolation of ADS mutant candidates Table 1. Effects of wild-type and mutant CRPs on lacZ transcription from CRP-dependent promoters Mutagenesis was targeted to the region of crp encoding the amino domain, which contains determinants for f3-Galactosidase units dimer formation, using the polymerase chain reaction JCB40Acrp45 JCB40Acrp45 (PCR).For technical reasons, it was necessary to intro- Plasmid-encoded protein [+mut32Ia (+lac32Ib duce the mutagenized CRP-encoding plasmid into the selection strain before introducing the plasmid encoding No CRP 122 78 LCF2 (see Materials and methods). Therefore, selection wt CRP 386 2780 strain cells were transformed with the pools of muta- CRP [TlOA, L113R1 317 2400 CRP [KlOOR, G141VI 250 2340 genized CRP-encoding plasmid, and the resulting trans- CRP [I112T] 215 1800 formants were used to make pools of competent cells CRP [A118P] 213 1550 that were then transformed with the LCF2-expressing CRP [S1 1 7P] 165 1230 plasmid and spread on plates seeded with hcI-h80 phage (see Materials and methods). Cells containing -14,000 Cells harboring pHA7E plasmids expressing the various mutant mutant CRP candidates were transformed with the CRPs listed were assayed for P-galactosidase activity. For the control without CRP, the cells were transformed with plasmid LCF2-encoding plasmid, and five different CRP mutants pLR 1AcI. were identified that permitted the secondary transfor- "Transformants of strain JCB40Acrp45[+mut32](the selection mants to survive phage challenge (Materials and meth- strain) were assayed. Two independent transformants of each ods). All five also permitted the cells to form blue colo- type were assayed in duplicate, and the values shown were ob- nies on indicator plates containing X-gal. tained by averaging the results for the independent transfor- The plasmids encoding these ADS mutant candidates mants. These measurements differed by <12% in each case. were purified, and the mutations responsible for the ADS The same experiment was repeated on a separate occasion and phenotypes were mapped to specific restriction frag- yielded similar results. ments (see Materials and methods). DNA sequencing of b~ransformantsof strain JCB40Acrp45[+lac32]were assayed in these fragments revealed mutations resulting in the fol- duplicate, and the values shown are the averages; the duplicate values differed by

CRP mutants stimulate lacZ transcription in vivo

To quantify the effects of the five CRP mutants on lac2 pairwise combinations. Cross-streak tests were done us- transcription from CRP-dependent promoters, we rein- ing the hcI-h80 phage to assess the relative immunities troduced the plasmids encoding the CRP mutants into of the various transformants. Table 2A shows that cells the selection strain (this time without the LCF2-encod- containing LCFl and wild-type CRP were sensitive, ing plasmid) and a similar strain bearing a lacZ gene whereas those containing either LCF 1 alone or LCF 1 and under the control of a promoter with a stronger CRP- CRP[TlOA,L113R] were immune. binding site. P-Galactosidase assays were performed, To determine the contribution of each amino acid sub- and as shown in Table 1, all of the mutants stimulated stitution, we introduced each mutation separately into lacZ transcription above the basal level measured the wild-type crp gene and tested for h immunity as be- in the absence of CRP. The two double mutants, fore (Table 2A). Mutant CRP[TlOA] behaved essentially CRP[TlOA,L113R] and CRP[KlOOR,G141V], most like wild-type CRP, rendering selection strain cells con- closely resembled wild-type CRP in their stirnulatory taining LCFl sensitive to the phage, whereas mutant abilities. We chose CRP[TlOA,L113R],which stimulated CRP[L113R] behaved indistinguishably from the double lac2 transcription in the selection strain somewhat bet- mutant in this assay. However, because of the physical ter than CRP[KlOOR,G141V], for further analysis. proximity of TI0 and L113 in the three-dimensional structure of CRP (see Discussion), we chose to retain the double mutant for further analysis. CRP[TI OA, L113RI fails to sequester LCF protein To further test the idea that CRP[TlOA,L113R] is an bearing a wild-type dimerization domain but ADS mutant, we introduced the TlOA and L113R sub- sequesters LCF protein bearing TI OA and L113R stitutions into LCF1, thus generating a new version of substitutions the fusion protein called LCF5. If these substitutions al- Cross-streak immunity tests were performed to recon- ter the dimerization specificity of CRP, then cells con- firm the inability of CRP[TlOA,L113R]to sequester LCF taining LCF5 should be immune to infecting h phage in protein containing a wild-type CRP dimerization do- the presence of high levels of wild-type CRP, but not main. Cells deleted for the chromosomal crp gene were CRP[TlOA,L113R], owing to the greater ability of transformed with plasmids encoding either wild-type CRP[TlOA,L1 13R] to sequester LCF5 in heterodimer CRP, CRP[TlOA,L113R], LCFl (able to bind to both h form. operators and CRP-recognition sites), or the relevant Cells deleted for the chromosomal crp gene were

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Altered dimerization specificity mutant

Table 2. Results of immunity tests to assess sequestration of LCF1 and LCF5 by wild-type CRP and CRP [Tl OA, L113RI Proteins expressed from pBR322-based vector pACYC 184-based vector Immunity to XcI-h80 A. Sequestration of LCFl

- sensitive wt CRP sensitive CRP [T1 OA, L 113R] - sensitive - LCFl immune wt CRP LCF 1 sensitive CRP [TlOA, L1 13R] LCF 1 immune CRP [TlOAl - sensitive CRP [L113R] sensitive CRP [TlOA] LCF 1 sensitive CRP [L113R] LCFl immune

B. Sequestration of LCF5

- sensitive wt CRP sensitive CRP [TlOA, L 113R] - sensitive - LCF5 immune wt CRP LCFS immunea CRP [TlOA, L113Rj LCFS sensitive JCB43Acrp3, cells containing plasmids expressing the various combinations of proteins shown were tested for their immunity to AcI-h80 phage by cross-streak analysis (see Materials and methods). All of the CRP proteins were encoded on derivatives of pHA7E, and the LCF proteins were encoded by PAC-LCF1 or PAC-LCF5. The pBR322-based control vector was pLR1 AcI, and the pACYC184- based control vector was pAD325. [The cells also contained a low-copy-number plasmid (pP,,A-50; Joung et al. 1994) that is not relevant to this experiment]. Cross-streaks were repeated at least five times with reproducible results. Experiments in A were performed in the absence of IPTG, whereas experiments in B were performed with 3 PM IPTG in the plate media. IPTG addition was necessary to express a level of LCF5 sufficient to confer immunity, because the intracellular concentration of LCF5 is lower than that of LCFl as judged by Western blot analysis (data not shown). "With this transformant, some of the cells in the stripe were lysed by the phage (i.e., the stripe was noticeably thinner after crossing the zone of phage), suggesting that the concentration of LCF5 homodimer in these cells is at the threshold required for immunity.

transformed with either wild-type CRP, CRP[TlOA, resis (Fig. 3A). Extracts prepared from cells expressing L113R], LCF5, or the relevant pairwise combinations. only wild-type CRP, only CRP[TlOA,L1 13R], only LCF 1, Consistent with the prediction, cells containing LCFS or only LCFS contained the expected homodimeric and CRP[TlOA,Ll13R] were sensitive, whereas cells DNA-binding species (lanes 2-4,7). Extracts prepared containing LCFS and wild-type CRP were immune (Ta- from cells expressing both wild-type CRP and LCFl con- ble 2B). tained CRP homodimer and a new species migrating in the region expected for the heterodimer but no detect- Direct visualization of predicted homo- and able LCF~homodimer (lane 5). In contrast, extracts pre- heterodimeric species by electrophoretic pared from cells expressing both CRP[TlOA,L113R] and mobility-shift analysis LCFl contained the two homodimeric species and no detectable heterodimer (lane 6). Extracts prepared from To obtain direct evidence for the presence of the pre- cells expressing both CRP[TlOA,Ll13R] and LCF5 con- dicted homo- and heterodimeric protein species in cells tained CRP homodimer as well as the predicted het- containing CRP (either wild-type or TlOA,L113R) and erodimeric species (lane 9). This analysis yielded one fusion protein (either LCFl or LCFS), we performed elec- anomaly: Despite the fact that cells expressing wild-type trophoretic mobility-shift analysis using cell extracts CRP and LCF5 contained LCF5 homodimer as judged by (see Materials and methods). We took advantage of the their immunity to A phage (Table 2B), we did not detect fact that all three species, CRP homodimers, LCF ho- the LCF5 homodimer (nor any heterodimer) in extracts modimers, and CRP / LCF heterodimers, are expected to prepared from these cells (lane 8). bind CRP-recognition sites and to yield complexes that We suspected that the various dimeric species in these have different mobilities on a native polyacrylamide gel extracts were competing for a limited amount of DNA (a general approach first used by Hope and Struhl 1987). probe under the conditions of the binding assay. To look We incubated the various extracts with a radiolabeled directly at the relative amounts of CRP and LCF protein double-stranded DNA probe bearing a high-affinity CRP- in the various extracts, we subjected samples of each binding site and subjected the samples to gel electropho- extract to denaturing polyacrylamide electrophoresis

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LCF5) was the same whether or not the relevant cell extract also contained CRP and (2)that the concentra- tions of CRP[TlOA,L113R] and LCF5 were lower than the concentrations of CRP and LCF1, respectively (data not shown). Thus, cells expressing wild-type CRP to- gether with LCFS contained less fusion protein relative to CRP than cells expressing any other protein combi- nation, providing a possible explanation for our failure to ash - detect the LCFS homodimer in extracts prepared from - LCF hornodirner -CRPI LCF heterodimer these cells. I -CRP hornodimer To facilitate detection of the LCFS homodimer, we performed electrophoretic mobility-shift assays using a DNA probe bearing a high-affinity h operator to which only LCF homodimers are expected to bind. Consistent with the results of the immunity tests (Table 2B), this assay revealed that cells expressing wild-type CRP to- - Free probe gether with LCFS did contain LCF5 homodimer (Fig. 3B). With this assay we were able to detect h operator binding activity in all extracts that contained fusion protein. As anticipated on the basis of the results of the immunity tests, cells expressing wild-type CRP and LCF5 con- tained more LCFS homodimer than cells expressing CRP[T10ArL113R]and LCF5 (cf. lanes 8 and 9 and lanes 10 and 1l), whereas cells expressing CRP[T1OAlLl13R] and LCFl contained more LCFl homodimer than cells expressing wild-type CRP and LCFl (cf. lanes 5 and 6).

Discussion We have described the isolation of a CRP mutant - LCF hornodirner [TIOA,L113R]altered in its dimerization specificity such that it associates more efficiently with itself than with the dimerization domain of wild-type CRP. This mutant was isolated based on (1)its inability to sequester a hcI- CRP fusion protein in CRPIfusion protein heterodimers Free probe and (2)its ability to form homodimers capable of stim- ulating lacZ transcription from a CRP-dependent pro- moter. Figure 3. Electrophoretic mobility-shift assays to detect pres- We further tested our hypothesis that CRP- ence of various homo- and heterodimeric species. Electropho- [T1OAIL113R]is an ADS mutant by constructing a ver- retic mobility-shift assays were performed with cell extracts sion of the hcI-CRP fusion protein bearing the TlOA and and an internally labeled DNA fragment bearing a consensus CRP binding site (A), or a single A operator site (see Materials L113R substitutions (called LCF5) and comparing the and methods) (B).The extracts were prepared from JCB43Acrp3, abilities of wild-type CRP and CRP[T10AtL113R]to se- cells expressing the proteins indicated (see Materials and meth- quester LCFS in CRPILCFS heterodimers. The construc- ods]. (A]The amount of total cellular protein in each reaction tion of LCF5 enabled us to exclude an alternative expla- was 4.8 wg except for the reaction loaded in lane 8, which con- nation for the isolation of CRP[T1OAIL113R]:namely, tained 2.4 pg; cells expressing wild-type CRP and LCF5 grew that the substitutions TlOA and L113R decrease the ef- more slowly. The experiment was repeated subsequently

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LCF5 as determined by both immunity tests (Table 2BJ and electrophoretic mobility-shift analysis (Fig. 3B). In the case of the four other CRP mutants that we isolated, we have no evidence that they are actually al- tered in their dimerization specificities. We note that three of the four bear amino acid substitutions within the C a-helix. We were surprised initially that among the CRP mutants we isolated, none were completely defec- tive in their abilities to dimerize and hence to stimulate lac2 transcription in the selection strain cells. However, because Acrp cells grow more slowly than their wild- type counterparts, we speculate that selection strain cells lacking any CRP activity may have failed to form B visible colonies under the conditions of our selection. Rp AadR The crystal structures of CRP reveal that the two C Bj FixK a-helices of the monomers interact, wrapping around Xc CLP each other to form a parallel coiled coil (McKay et al. Ec CRP 1982; Schultz et al. 1991).In a coiled-coil structure, each Ec FNR a-helix contains 3.5 amino acid residues per turn, and Ap HlyX thus, the structure is characterized by a heptad repeat Pa Anr (Crick 1953; for review, see Alber 1992). By convention, Rl FnrN the seven different amino acid positions are designated Ac FixK "abcdefgll, and the residues that pack most closely Figure 4. Coiled-coil structure and amino acid sequence align- against one another along the dimerization interface are ments. (A) Helical wheel representation of coiled-coil struc- assigned to the a and d positions (Fig. 4A). The a and d ture. The seven amino acid positions are designated with the residues are typically hydrophobic, and each of these res- letters a-g for one of the a-helices, and a'-g' for the other. idues within one a-helix can interact with its counter- Residues at positions a and a' pack against each other above the part in the other helix (e.g., see O'Shea et al. 1991). In plane of the page, and residues at positions d and d' pack against CRP, residue L113 lies within the C a-helix near its each other below the plane of the page. (B]Amino acid sequence amino-terminal end, and it is the first d position residue of the C a-helix of CRP and aligned sequences from eight related in that helix. The crystal structure of the CRP dimer proteins: E, coli (Ec)FNR protein (Shaw et al. 1983), Rhodo- complexed with DNA indicates that the two L113 resi- pseudomonaspalustris (Rp)AadRprotein (Dispensa et al. 19921, Bradyrhizobium japonicum (Bj]FixK protein (Anthamatten et dues face each other and interact at the monomer-mono- al. 1992),Xanthomonas campestris (Xc)CLP protein (Dong and mer interface (Schultz et al. 1991). Although residue 10 Ebright 1992), Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae (Ap) HlyX is well separated from residue 113 in the primary se- protein (MacInnes et al. 1990), Pseudomonas aeruginosa (Pa) quence of CRP, the crystal structure reveals that T10, Anr protein (Sawers 1991), Rhizobium legurninosarum (Rl] which is located at the amino terminus of a-helix A, FnrN protein (Colonna-Romanoet al. 1990),and Azorhizobium closely approaches the amino-terminal end of a-helix C. caulinodans (Ac)FixK protein (Kaminski et al. 1991). The se- In fact, the hydroxyl side chain of TI0 forms a hydrogen quences are aligned as reported previously (Spiro and Guest bond with the carbonyl side chain of Dl 11, the first res- 1990; Anthamatten et al. 1992; Dispensa et al. 1992; Dong and idue of a-helix C. Nevertheless, we found that cells bear- Ebright 1992).Shown in line 4 is the amino acid sequence of ing the single mutant CRP[L113R] and LCFl were im- CRP's dimerization region (residues 110-1341, the C a-helix ex- tending from residue 111 to 134. (.)a and d position residues 2A) mune to phage infection (Table and that CRP[L113R] [except P110, which is not part of the a-helix) that pack against stimulated lacZ transcription from CRP-dependent pro- their counterparts at the monomer-monomer interface. The moters approximately as efficiently as the double mu- residues corresponding to L113 of CRP (the first d position res- tant (data not shown). We do not know, therefore, idue in the helix1 have been boxed. whether the TlOA substitution contributes to the ADS phenotype of CRP[TlOA,Ll13R]. CRP is a member of a family of transcriptional regu- lators defined by amino acid sequence similarities. Ths family includes the E. coli FNR protein as well as related chemical evidence implicates a predicted C a-helix proteins from a variety of other microorganisms (for re- counterpart in FNR dimerization (Kiley and Reznikoff view, see Spiro and Guest 1990; Kolb et al. 1993).CRP is 1991; Lazazzera et al. 1993).Alignment of the putative C the only member of this family whose structure has been helix of FNR with that of CRP reveals similar or identi- determined, but sequence alignments suggest that other cal residues corresponding to 5 of 8 CRP residues that family members resemble CRP in overall structure (Fig. participate directly in contacts at the monomer-mono- 4BJ (Shaw et al. 1983; Cherfils et al. 1989; Spiro and mer interface (Fig. 4B). Guest 1990). In the case of FNR, an iron-binding tran- Strikingly, wild-type FNR bears an arginine residue at scriptional regulator that activates the expression of the position corresponding to L113 in CRP, raising the many genes in response to anaerobiosis, genetic and bio- possibility that our CRP ADS mutant and FNR may uti-

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Joung et al. lize this arginine in similar fashions. Alignment of the alternatively, in heterodimeric combination with an- amino acid sequences of seven CRP-related proteins other partner in the cell. with those of CRP and FNR indicates that at least two The isolation of ADS mutants of other proteins, other proteins (the HlyX protein of Actinobacillus pleu- whether they function as homodimers or heterodimers, ropneumoniae and the Anr protein of Pseudomonas should provide useful insight into the amino acid inter- aeruginosa) also bear an argnine residue at this position actions that dictate the relevant dimerization specifici- (Fig. 4B). ties. As the approach is genetic, our strategy should per- These comparisons suggest that an arginine at the d mit the analysis of proteins for which no structural in- position closest to the amino-terminal end of the helix is formation is available. A variation of the approach at least compatible with specific coiled-coil formation. should also permit the isolation of ADS mutants that Examination of a-fibrous proteins that form extended have lost the ability to associate with a particular partner dimeric coiled coils reveals, however, that arginine res- while retaining the ability to form biologically active idues are rarely found at the d position (Conway and homodimers. Parry 1990),presumably because their presence destabi- lizes interhelical interactions. It is possible that an argi- Materials and methods nine at the amino-terminal d position may function somewhat differently than an arginine at other d posi- General techniques tions within such helices. In this regard, we note that Hu DNA sequencing and P-galactosidase assays were performed as et al. (1990),in their mutational analysis of the described previously (Joung et al. 1993). Site-directed mutagen- leucine zipper fused to the h repressor amino domain, esis was performed using the method of Kunkel et al. (1987). found that mutants bearing arginine substitutions at var- ious d positions in the zipper behaved differently: A mu- Bacterial strains tant bearing an arginine at the amino-terminal d position was capable of homodimerization, whereas mutants The selection strain was constructed by lysogenizing strain [F- A(gpt-proAB-arg-1ac)XIII bearing an arginine at any of the other d positions were JCB40 zaj::TnlO] (Joung et al. 1993)with a h phage derivative designated 4Mut32 (see below), unable to dimerize at all. identifying lysogens bearing a single prophage, and then delet- Previous studies of leucine zipper dimerization motifs ing the chromosomal crp gene by transducing the strain to have indicated that residues at the e and g positions can streptomycin resistance with PIVir phage grown on strain dictate dimerization specificity. The e and g residues in CA8445.1 (Jounget al. 1993). Strain JCB40Acrp45[+lac32]was leucine zipper sequences are often charged, and inter- constructed in an analogous manner. Strain JCB43Acrp3, (F-, helical salt bridges involving these residues have been A-, lacZ-, Acrp,,) has been described previously (Joung et al. observed (O'Shea et al. 1991; Ellenberger et al. 1992; but 1994). see Lumb and Kim 1995). In the case of the Fos and Jun proteins, which preferentially form heterodimers, Phages O'Shea et al. (1992)demonstrated that in the context of a GCN4 leucine zipper peptide, the Fos and Jun e and g +Mut32 This phage A derivative contains a P22 immunity re- residues are sufficient to specify heterodimer formation gion and also bears a lac2 gene whose expression is driven by a and that preferential heterodimer formation is driven by modified version of the lacPl promoter designated the "weak destabilizing interhelical electrostatic interactions in site template" that has been described previously (Jounget al. 1993). This lac promoter contains a point mutation within its the homodimer bearing the Fos e and g residues (see also CRP-binding site that reduces the ability of CRP to stimulate O'Shea et al. 1993).Vinson et al. (1993) have also dem- transcription - 10-fold. onstrated the importance of e and g position residues in determining dimerization specificity among bZIP family +lac32 This phage A derivative is identical to +Mut32 except proteins (see also Krylov et al. 1994). Our isolation of that it bears an essentially wild-type lacPl promoter (Jounget CRP[TlOA,Ll13R] as an ADS mutant indicates that the al. 1993). identity of at least one d position residue can also dictate dimerization specificity. AcI- and AcIPh80 These phage h clear mutants differ in their The genetic method we have described should facili- host ranges such that the h80 phage is able to infect cells that do tate the isolation of ADS mutants of other dimeric not express the lamB receptor. transcriptional regulators from both prokaryotes and eu- karyotes. ADS mutants may provide useful biologcal Plasmids reagents in a variety of situations. For example, experi- ments that involve the introduction of a particular mu- pHA 7E Plasrnid pHA7E, a derivative of plasmid pHA7 (Aiba et tant protein into cells are often complicated by the as- al. 1982),was used to express high levels of wild-type CRP and was constructed as follows: First, the unique EagI site within sociation of the mutant protein with one or more endog- the vector sequences of plasmid pHA7 was removed by digest- enous proteins, resulting in the formation of unwanted ing it with EagI, blunting the ends with the Klenow fragment of heterodimers. The use of ADS mutants could simplify DNA polymerase I (Klenow), and then inserting a single XbaI the analysis under such circumstances. ADS mutants linker (New England Biolabs, linker 1083) between the blunted may also provide helpful tools for determining whether a ends. Second, a point mutation was introduced into the crp gene given protein exerts a specific effect as a homodimer or, at amino acid position 140 (ACG to ACC) that creates an EagI

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Altered dimerization specificity mutant restriction site without changing the amino acid specified by tains a single high-affinity A operator (5'-TATCACCGC- that codon (see below). CAGTGGTA-3'). pLCF1 To generate a plasmid encoding the desired LCFl pro- Genetic selection tein, it was first necessary to introduce two changes into the crp gene: (1)a point mutation at CRP amino acid 140 (ACG to ACC) Mutagenesis of plasmid pHA7E To randomly mutagenize the that creates an EagI restriction site without changing the amino crp gene encoded by plasmid pHA7E, we used the PCR mu- acid specified by the codon at that position and (2)four point tagenesis technique of Ebright and colleagues (Zhou et al. 1991). mutations within and just upstream of the crp initiation codon We targeted the mutagenesis to the portion of the gene encoding that create a SalI restriction site and that eliminate the crp the amino-terminal domain of CRP by using primers that flank initiation codon. To permit site-directed mutagenesis of the crp the unique HindIII and EagI restriction sites found in pHA7E. gene, an -1-kb HindIII-EcoRI fragment encoding wild-type The resulting PCR product was digested with HindIII and EagI CRP from plasmid pHA7 (Aiba et al. 1982)was inserted between restriction enzymes and purified by polyacrylamide gel electro- the unique HindIII and EcoRI sites in phagemid EMBL9+ phoresis, yielding mutagenized fragments of DNA encoding (Dente et al. 1983) to create plasmid EM9HA7. EM9HA7 was amino acids 1-140 of CRP. Eight independently generated pools then digested with EcoRI, the ends were blunted with Klenow, of such fragments were ligated to vector sequences from plas- and a BamHI linker was inserted at this position to generate mid pHA7E that had been digested with HindIII and EagI. Each plasmid EM9HA7-Bum. The insertion of this linker introduces ligation reaction thus contains a pool of regenerated plasmids a unique BamHI restriction site but also regenerates two flank- with random mutations distributed between the HindIII and ing EcoRI sites. Two oligonucleotides, 5'-GCGGCCGGT- EagI sites. CACGTCG-3' and 5'-CCAAGCACCGTCGACGGTTATCC- 3') were then used to introduce the desired mutations (boldface) into the crp gene on EM9HA7-Bum. To fuse CRP residues Selection procedure for isolating CRP ADS mutant candida- 2-209 to AcI residues 1-132, the resulting plasmid was digested tes Strains deleted for crp are not as healthy as crp' strains. with SalI and BamHI and the fragment containing CRP coding We therefore anticipated that cells containing LCF2 only, sequences ligated to the large SalI-BamHI fragment of plasmid which retains some residual CRP DNA-binding activity, would pJH370 (Hu et al. 1990)to generate plasmid pLCF1. pLCFl con- be under a selective pressure to increase the level of LCF2 ex- tains a pBR322 origin of replication, provides ampicillin resis- pression. To avoid enriching for such mutants prior to the in- tance, and directs expression of the LCFl fusion protein under troduction of pHA7E, we first transformed selection strain cells the control of the lacUV5 promoter. with pools of mutated pHA7E plasmid. The resulting transfor- mants were harvested and made competent, and these cells pLCF2 The pLCF2 plasmid is identical to plasmid pLCFl ex- were then transformed with PAC-LCF2 and plated on lawns of cept for the presence of a mutation that changes amino acid 180 AcI- phage. This selection procedure was performed with eight of CRP from an Arg to a Gly (Zhang and Ebright 1990),which independently derived pools of mutated pHA7E plasmid. was introduced using the oligonucleotide 5'-GGTTTCACCA- In the case of the first pool of mutated pHA7E plasmid, we GAACA-3' . obtained -300 transformants using selection strain cells made competent by a divalent cation procedure. These transformants were pooled and transformed with plasmid PAC-LCF2 and pA C-LCFI and pA C-LCF2 Plasmids PAC-LCF 1 and PAC- plated on TYE agar containing antibiotics (100 yglml carbeni- LCF2 were used to express LCFl and LCF2, respectively. PAC- cillin and 30 yg/ml of chloramphenicol) and seeded with AcI- LCFl and PAC-LCF2 were constructed by digesting plasmids and AcI-h80 phage (lo9 pfu each). Four isolates of mutant pLCFl and pLCF2, respectively, with EcoRI, blunting the ends CRP[TlOA,L113R] were recovered. Upon retransforming the with Klenow, and isolating the - 1.4-kb fragments containing plasmid encoding this mutant into selection strain cells con- the lacUV5 promoter and coding sequences for the fusion pro- taining LCF2, we found that the doubly transformed cells were teins. These blunt-ended fragments were each ligated to plas- immune to hcIPh80 but not to AcI- phage, suggesting that in- mid pAD325 (Derman et al. 1993; see below) that had been sufficient LCF2 is expressed under these experimental condi- linearized with BamHI and treated with Klenow to blunt the tions to render the selection strain cells immune to AcI- phage. ends. Recombinants that contained a single insertion in the (Note that although we were able to determine in advance that same orientation as the disrupted tetracycline gene were iden- selection strain cells containing PAC-LCF2 only were immune tified and designated PAC-LCF1 and PAC-LCF2. Note that to AcIPh80 infection, we could not assess whether those cells these plasmids provide chloramphenicol resistance and also en- were also immune to hcI- infection because this phage enters E. code a lacP gene product that can repress the lacUV5 promoter coli using the lamB receptor and the selection strain fails to that controls LCF protein expression. express this receptor efficiently owing to the deletion of its chromosomal crp gene.) We hypothesize that under the condi- PAC-LCFS Plasmid PAC-LCF5 was used to express LCF5 and tions of the initial plating we simultaneously selected for a CRP is identical to PAC-LCF1 except that it contains the TlOA mutant to relieve LCF2 sequestration and also a bacterial cell (GCC to ACC) and L113R (CTG to CGG) mutations within the mutant to provide resistance to AcI- (host range A). Thus, in our crp portion of the fusion protein gene. subsequent selection experiments, we chose to use only hcI-h80 phage (2x 10'' pfu). Other plasmids Plasmid pAD325 is a derivative of plasmid In the case of each of the seven other pools of mutated pHA7E pACYC184 that contains a lacP gene (Derman et al. 1993).The plasmid, we obtained -2000 primary transformants by electro- control plasmid pLRlhcI encodes neither functional AcI nor porating the selection strain cells. Two of the pools yielded one CRP (Whipple et al. 1994).Plasmid pMH-ConsIRM93 contains isolate of CRP[K100R1G141V] and CRP[I112T], respectively, a consensus CRP-binding site, 5'-AAATGTGATCTAGATCA- and one pool yielded four isolates of CRP[S117P]and one isolate CATTT-3', derived from plasmid pP,A-50ICRP (Jounget al. of CRP[A118P].We hypothesize that multiple isolations of the 1994). Plasmid pBS-O,1 (Hayashibara and Verdine 1992) con- same mutation within a given pool could be attributable either

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Joung et al. to amplification of a mutation during PCR mutagenesis or to mglml of lysozyme, 2 mM CAMP)and left on ice for 10 minutes. the replication of mutants that occurs when the primary trans- One hundred microliters of ice-cold solution B (10 mM Tris at formants (containing mutagenized pHA7E) are grown into col- pH 8.0, 60 mM MgCl,, 0.9% Brij-58, 2 mM CAMP)was then onies prior to their preparation as competent cells. added, and the entire sample was mixed gently and returned to ice for 5 min. The cell debris was removed by centrifugation, Identification of CRP ADS mutant candidates Colonies that and 140 p1 of supernatant was removed, frozen rapidly, and survived the selection process were purified and retested for A stored at -80°C. The concentration of total protein in each immunity by cross-streak analysis (see below). To determine extract was determined by Bradford assay, and the extracts were which of the candidate colonies that passed the cross-streak test diluted, if necessary, using a 1:1 mixture of solutions A and B. were immune owing to mutations in the CRP-encoding plas- mid, pHA7E DNA was purified from each candidate and then Electrophoretic mobility-shift assays The assays with the cotransformed with PAC-LCF2 into selection strain cells, and consensus CRP-binding site and the h operator were performed the resulting transformants were then retested for immunity by in essentially the same manner, except that the CRP binding cross-streak. Transformants that remained immune at this step reactions contained cAMP and the h repressor binding reactions were then streaked on media containing X-gal to assess colony contained CaC1,. Cell extract (3 p1) was preincubated on ice color. All candidates remaining at this step yielded blue colo- with 2 p1 of nucleic acid cocktail (0.5 mglml of poly[d(I-C)],0.5 nies of varying intensity. In the next step, we determined that mg/ml of poly[d(A-T)],340 pg/ml of chick blood DNA) for 20 both phenotypes (immunity and blue color) were linked to the min. Five microliters of labeled DNA cocktail (20 mM Tris at HindIII-EagI fragment within each of the mutant pHA7E plas- pH 8.0,6 mM EDTA, 2 mglml of tRNA, 20% glycerol, 2 mglml mids except for one. In the case of the one exception (the plas- of bovine serum albumin, fraction V, 91 pg/ml of chick blood mid encoding CRP[KlOOR,G14 lV]), the phenotypes could not DNA, 4 mM dithiothreitol, labeled DNA fragment, and either be mapped to the HindIII-EagI fragment because one of the 400 p~ cAMP or 50 mM CaC1,) was then added; the entire mutations eliminates the EagI site; we therefore mapped the reaction was gently mixed and returned to ice for 1 hr. The phenotypes to the HindIII-EcoRI fragment that contains the reaction was loaded onto a running 10% native polyacrylamide entire crp gene. After the mutant phenotypes were mapped, we gel (acrylamide/bisacrylamide ratio 75 :1) containing 1x TBE sequenced the appropriate fragments to identify the mutations. and either 200 p~ cAMP or 2 mM CaC1, in both the gel and the running buffer. The gel was loaded and run at a constant voltage of 420 V and kept between 20°C and 25°C using a refrigerated, Cross-streak immunity tests circulating water bath apparatus. The gel was exposed to Kodak Cross-streak tests were performed to assess immunity to h X-Omat AR film for autoradiography. phage. Phage (- lo9 pfu) were striped down the center of an agar plate, and cells from single colonies were streaked perpendicu- Acknowledgments larly across the phage stripe with a toothpick. We thank Jim Hu for plasmid pJH370, Ashley Wive1 for con- structing plasmid pLCF2, Simon Lynch for providing the whole- Electrophoretic mobility-shift analysis cell extract procedure, Todd Arnold for providing the DNA la- beling protocol, and Vladimir Podolny and Ana Pis-Lopez for Labeling of DNA fragments We used PCR to generate two internally 32P-labeledDNA fragments containing either a con- technical assistance. We also thank Mark Ptashne for helpful sensus CRP-binding site or the h operator 0,l. Plasmid pMH- comments on the manuscript and Tom Ellenberger, Mark ConsIRM93 and two primers, 5'-TAGAGCACCGGGGATC-3' Rould, Carl Pabo, and Pehr Harbury for their invaluable assis- and 5'-CCTATAAAAATAGGCGTATCACGAGGCCCT3'), tance in visualizing and interpreting the CRPIDNA cocrystal were used to amplify a 104-bp DNA fragment containing the structure. This work was supported by the National Science CRP-binding site. To label this DNA fragment, 150 pCi of Foundation Presidential Young Investigator Award to A.H. [cx-~~PI~TTP(3000 Cilmmole) was used with 200 p~ dGTP, The publication costs of this article were defrayed in part by dATP, and dCTP. Plasmid pBS-O,1 (Hayashibara and Verdine payment of page charges. This article must therefore be hereby 1992) and two primers, (5'-AGCGGATAACAATTTCACA- marked "advertisement" in accordance with 18 USC section CAGGA-3' and 5'-CGCCAGGGTTTTCCCAGTCACGAC-3', 1734 solely to indicate this fact. were used to amplify a 233-bp DNA fragment containing the h operator. To label this DNA fragment, 20 pCi of [CX-~~PI~ATPNote added in proof (3000 Ci/mmole)was used with 200 p~ dGTP, dCTP, and dTTP and 20 p~ dATP. The desired fragments were purified after Two recent papers [Bunker and Kmgston, NARA 23: 269 (1995) separation by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. and Marchetti et al., 1. Mol. 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Genetic strategy for analyzing specificity of dimer formation: Escherichia coli cyclic AMP receptor protein mutant altered in its dimerization specificity.

J K Joung, E H Chung, G King, et al.

Genes Dev. 1995, 9: Access the most recent version at doi:10.1101/gad.9.23.2986

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