0311 Reporter
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November/December 2003 The Newsletter of The Society Hill Civic Association SOCIETY HILL Reporter www.societyhillcivic.com Pennsylvania Hospital Hosts November Meeting f the rapid changes in hospital ownership accompany them. Director Mike Aichenbaum Iover the past decade have left you confused, will explain how Hosts for Hospitals, a nonprof- bring your questions to the November meeting it agency, fulfills this need and also how we can of the Society Hill Civic Association (SHCA). assist in this endeavor. (See page 8 for more Timothy O. Morgan, executive director of on Hosts for Hospitals.) Pennsylvania Hospital, will kick off a lively Finally, former SHCA president Malcolm Lazin and informative program in the hospital’s will present an up-to-date report on Penn’s Zubrow Auditorium. His comments will focus Landing. Roberts, Wallace & Todd, architects on the future of Pennsylvania Hospital and its specializing in land planning, will display the relationship with our neighborhood. With a BA vision that was developed for this important in nursing from LaSalle and a master’s in busi- waterfront parcel through input obtained from ness administration from Temple University, 11 community organizations, including SHCA. Morgan served as a consultant in the estab- It is hoped every Society Hill resident will take Timothy O. Morgan, lishment of trauma centers at ten hospitals. this opportunity to compare the result of the Executive Director, In 1995, he joined the Hospital of the University community effort with plans proposed by the Pennsylvania Hospital of Pennsylvania. In 1999 he was named to his developers selected by the city. present post, where he oversees the operations of not only Pennsylvania Hospital but also its Let Us “Teller” You About Our Social affiliates — Benjamin Franklin Clinic, J. Edwin Wood Clinic, Hall Mercer Hospital, Women ank on having a great time at our Fall and Children’s Health Services and Delancey BSocial on Thursday, November 13 from Corporation. (See page 9 for more on 7 to 9 p.m. The friendly folks at Commerce Pennsylvania Hospital.) Bank, 2nd and Lombard, are right on the People from all over the world travel to money when it comes to hosting a fun-filled Philadelphia to receive care at our renowned evening for neighbors. An open bar and yum- hospitals, which are in the forefront of medical my hors d’oeuvres are free for SHCA members. advancement. Suitable lodging is often a prob- Non-members can join the association at the lem for individuals who are being treated as door. RSVP to Matt DeJulio, 215-629-1288, by outpatients and for family members who November 10. We count on seeing you there! WED. MARK YOUR CALENDAR ROLL UP YOUR SLEEVES! November Society Hill Civic Association Meetings Clean Up Day Saturday, Nov. 15 Wednesday, November 19, 2003 SHCA will join with by 1 p.m. at major Washington Square intersections on Pennsylvania Hospital, 800 Spruce Street West Civic Association Locust, Spruce, Pine 19 on Saturday, November and Lombard where 6:00 p.m. Board Meeting 15 to spiff up our they cross numbered Cheston Conference Room historic neighborhood. streets. Return the 2nd floor, just above the auditorium Meet at Three Bears brooms to Three Bears All SHCA members are welcome to attend. Park after 8 a.m. to Park by 2 p.m. Clean grab brooms, trash Up Day occurs rain or General Membership Meeting bags and gloves and then shine. If you have any Zubrow Auditorium get hustling! After you questions, problems or All Society Hill residents are welcome to attend. sweep your sidewalks, would like to volunteer, 7:00 p.m. Meet Your Neighbors streets and alleys, leave contact Tania Rorke bagged leaves and trash at 215-370-6485 or 7:30 p.m. Meeting and Program (no household rubbish) [email protected]. PAGE 2 SOCIETY HILL Reporter The Green Tree SOCIETY HILL Perpetual Assurance Company Reporter November/December Deadlines for Reporter Editors January/February issue Sandra Rothman Editorial: Dec. 11, 2003 Vicki Chatley Advertising: Dec. 1, 2003 Signed letters to the Editor Editorial Board are always welcome and Bernice Hamel may be published. Carol LeFaivre-Rochester Send submissions to: Contributors Society Hill Civic Assn. Carter Buller P.O. Box 63503 Winchell Carroll Philadelphia, PA 19147 Matthew DeJulio tel: 215-629-1288 Michael Erdos fax: 215-629-9914 Frank Hoban Martha Levine January/February Richard Lush Reporter Editors Tania Rorke Bernice Hamel Jacqueline Schultz Carole LeFaivre-Rochester Liza Seltzer Visit our website Keri White www.societyhillcivic.com David Woods To Submit Copy to the Reporter Insuring Homes Since 1784 One of the goals of the Reporter is to print news of interest to Society Hill residents — especially happenings in and around our community. If your organization would like to have information about an event it is sponsoring included in this newsletter, copy should be submitted to the SHCA office by e-mail ([email protected]), mail (Society Hill Civic Association, P.O. Box 63503, Philadelphia, If you own your home PA 19147) or fax (215-629-9914). Material must be submitted in writing and include the name and why not own the insurance phone number of a contact person. Promotional items may appear if there is space; otherwise, on your home? upcoming events will be listed in the calendar. Copy may be edited. The deadline for submission of material is around the tenth of the month in February, April, June, August, October and December. The deadlines for the next issue are listed above. The Reporter is dis- Comprehensive Homeowners Insurance tributed between the third and tenth day of January, An Insurance Expense Becomes an Asset March, May, July, September and November. Annual Savings Begin Immediately Entire Deposit Is Fully Refundable In this Issue… Page 8 Page 19 Meet Hosts for Give parents 1.800.468.TREE (8733) Hospitals the gift of time 215.925.0609 Page 11 Page 24 www.thegreentree.com Hey—we’re in The “Dazzling” Anne the movies! Willing Bingham Page 13 Page 30 Good Morning, Noteworthy Neighbor: Philadelphia John Alchin JULYNOVEMBER/ AUGUST/ DECEMBER2003 2003 PAGE 3 PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE Quality of Life in Society Hill: Assembly Required e chose Society Hill as our community securing funds for fountain renovation at Wbecause our quality of life here is high. Washington Square; and endorsement and Tree-lined streets, attractive architecture, prox- financial support for the refurbishment of imity to numerous amenities, and the opportu- playground equipment at Three Bears Park. nity to meet many wonderful people who live Problem: Potentially inappropriate development here are just some of the most obvious reasons adjacent to Society Hill Society Hill is a great place to call home. SHCA Action: In concert with Councilman That said, we know our neighborhood faces DiCicco and ten other civic associations, SHCA real issues. Some are mere nuisances; others is rejecting the current administration’s rushed call into question our personal safety. How we efforts to develop Penn’s Landing and instead face these problems will determine whether or is lobbying for a community-driven approach Liza Seltzer not we will be successful in overcoming them. to deciding what happens at this important SHCA president If we can count on your participation, we will waterfront site so close to our doorsteps. all be better off. This is just a sampling of the work your When difficulties arise, the first step is always Association regularly and pro-actively to identify the problem and its cause. The next performs on behalf of the neighborhood. Not step is to take a strategic approach to solving it. one of these actions would have occurred if Our civic association has an excellent track concerned neighbors hadn’t volunteered their record of facing these challenges. Recent time and talents to identify and address the examples include: problem. We should all be grateful for their involvement, but we need your help, too. Problem: Vandalism and theft SHCA Action: The formation of Safe and Sound We — the SHCA Board of Directors and Society Hill, a new SHCA committee, focuses on SHCA committee members — are always open neighborhood vigilance and building awareness to complaints and criticism, but we’d much of how to deal with crime when it happens. In rather have your ideas about how to improve a addition, Society Hill Town Watch, under the challenging situation. So come to our meetings, auspices of the citywide Operation Town give us a call, or send us an e-mail. Help us do a Watch, was recently resurrected and facilitates better job of helping Society Hill. Our goal is to a working relationship with Philadelphia police. work with you to ensure that the reasons we love Society Hill remain intact and that our Problem: Dilapidated public spaces quality of life here is never compromised. SHCA Action: Examples include creation of an architectural design plan for Foglietta Plaza On behalf of the SHCA, I wish you the (at Spruce near Columbus Boulevard) with very best for Thanksgiving, Hanukkah and fundraising in support of revitalizing that area; Christmas, and I look forward to working formation of a new Gardening Committee; with you in 2004! TOWN WATCH MEMBERS WALK THE WALK fter many years in hibernation, Society Hill and follow a protocol that stresses safety. ATown Watch has made a long-awaited suc- Whether you want to make new friends, get cessfull return! With more than 60 members some exercise or play an active role in your signing up in the first six weeks alone, Society community, Society Hill Town Watch delivers. Hill Town Watch promises to play a major role What a great way to give something back to a in keeping our neighborhood safe and sound.