The Luzerne Legal Register Decedents’ Estates C
THE LUZERNE LEGAL REGISTER DECEDENTS’ ESTATES C. Ciavarella, Executor; Donald T. Notice is hereby given that Rogers, Esquire, 63 West River letters testamentary or of admin- St., Wilkes-Barre, PA 18702 istration have been granted in the following estates. All persons ESTATE OF GERALDINE M. COUSIN indebted to said estates are re- a/k/a Geraldine Cousin, late of quired to make payment and Plymouth (died December 14, those having claims or demands 2018), Gerald Cousin, Executor; to present the same without de- Michael D. Rogers, Esquire, 63 lay to the administrators or ex- West River St., Wilkes-Barre, PA ecutors named or their attorneys 18702 FIRST PUBLICATION ESTATE OF EBERT B. DRASHER ESTATE OF JOLYNN ANSKIS, late of a/k/a Ebert Drasher, late of Den- Newport Twp. (died September 30, nison Twp. (died November 28, 2018), Joseph Kirschner, Admin- 2018), Lois Jones and Barry istrator; Matthew P. Kelly, Es- Drasher, Co-Executors; Daniel A. quire, 400 Third Ave., Suite 205, Miscavige, Esquire, Gillespie Mis- Kingston, PA 18704 cavige & Ferdinand, LLC, 67 North Church St., Hazleton, PA 18201 ESTATE OF MICHAEL J. BAHARA, late of Dallas (died November 25, ESTATE OF NANCY FALZONE, late 2018), Marylee Schirg, Executrix; of Exeter (died December 27, Sean M. McNealis, Esquire, 5929 2018), Angela Grady, Executrix; Main Rd., Hunlock Creek, PA Bregman & Lantz, LLC, 1205 18621 Wyoming Ave., Forty Fort, PA 18704 ESTATE OF LINN BELLES a/k/a Linn F. Belles, late of Nanticoke ESTATE OF WILLIAM S. GOGOLA, (died December 11, 2018), Chris- late of Hazle Twp. (died November topher Belles, Executor; James T.
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