RE Final Draft
Connected to Community: Jewish Ritual, Meaning, and Gender at Brandeis University Master’s Thesis Presented to The Faculty of the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences Brandeis University Hornstein Program for Jewish Professional Leadership Department of Near Eastern and Judaic Studies Sylvia Barack Fishman, Advisor Amy L. Sales, Reader In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree Master of Arts in Jewish Professional Leadership and Near Eastern and Judaic Studies by Rachel Elizabeth Eisen May 2016 Acknowledgements One of the first classes I took as a graduate student was called “Half-Jews, Queer- Jews, and Bu-Jews: Mapping Jewish Identities in America,” taught by then-PhD-candidate Emily Sigalow. I went into the class intrigued by intersectional identities and I came out intrigued by qualitative research. Although I had no idea what I wanted to study for my (then still so far off) master’s thesis, I knew how I wanted to study it. This thesis has truly been a labor of love, emphasis on labor. Beyond Emily’s class, I had very little idea of what goes into sociological research, and, in my typical fashion, I dove straight in, and asked questions later. I am grateful to Emily not only for introducing me to this field of research but also for introducing me to her dissertation advisor, Sylvia Barack Fishman. Professors Fishman and Amy L. Sales, my advisors in this thesis, have offered me guidance and support throughout, encouraging me all along. I am also indebted to Harry Abrahams, Jewish Student Life Associate at Brandeis Hillel, Rabbi Peretz Chein of Chabad House Brandeis, Rabbi David Pardo of the Jewish Learning Initiative at Brandeis, and Rabbi Elyse Winick, the Jewish Chaplain at Brandeis, along with multiple student leaders at Brandeis Hillel, for their assistance in recruiting research participants.
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