Fall 2012 Newsletter

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Fall 2012 Newsletter

Newsletter East Asian Studies Fall 2012 Program and Department

Beginning in 2012, this Newsletter will be At present, his research focuses on several from (2012). She published in the fall by the EAS Program postwar treatises by Ito Sei, Hirano Ken also studied at the Chinese University and Department in order to introduce new and other critics. of Hong Kong for a semester. Her major members of the Princeton community in field of interest is early and early medieval East Asian Studies. We apologize for any Yecheng Cao (A&A) was born and raised Chinese literature, with a primary focus errors and omissions. The Annual Report, in China, and went to the U.K. at the age on poetry and poetics in the Six Dynasties. published in the spring of each year, will of sixteen. As an undergraduate he read Ar- Her interests also include early intellectual be retrospective, focusing on the past aca- chaeology and Anthropology at University history of China. demic year’s events. London and the London School of Economics and . In Elijah Jordan Greenstein (EAS) earned New Graduate : 2011 he received his Masters in Archaeol- his B.A. in History from the University ogy from the University of Oxford. His of in 2010 after complet- Peihua An (HIS) graduated from Peking research interest is changes in ritual and in University with a B.A. in Chinese History ing a thesis on Chinese reactions to ritual bronzes in the transition from Shang Japanese imperialism in Northeast China. in 2009, and an M.A.in Modern Chinese to Zhou. History in 2012. Her major field of interest After graduation, he entered Japan’s JET is 20th century China, with a particular Eun Jeong Choi (EAS) was born in Programme and taught English in a rural focus on the development of modern sci- Korea. She received a B.A. in Sociology village in Nagano Prefecture for a year. ence in China. Her recent research interests from the University of Wisconsin, Madison He then traded in Nagano’s mountains for include history of Soviet Union and the in 2007 and an M.A. in Film Studies from Tokyo’s skyscrapers and spent a second cultural and scientific exchange between Columbia University in 2010. She just year in Japan studying Japanese in Keio Soviet Union and China after 1949. completed her second M.A. in Interdisci- University’s Japanese Language Program. plinary Information Studies at The Univer- He is interested in modern Chinese and Kyle Bond (REL) graduated from Seattle sity of Tokyo. She is currently interested Japanese history, and looks forward to new University with a B.A. in Philosophy in in cinema culture and filmic experience challenges at Princeton. 2006 and from the University of Washing- in Japan and Korea from the late colonial Jinsong Guo (EAS) graduated from ton with an M.A. in Comparative Religion period through the postwar period. in 2011. After a year at Stanford’s IUC in University with a B.S. in as- Japan, he joined the Department of Reli- Kay Jane Duffy (EAS) comes to the EAS tronomy in 2009, and then received his gion in 2012, choosing the Asian Religions Department from the University of Colo- M.A. in early medieval Chinese history subfield. His areas of interest include rado at Boulder, where she completed her from Peking University in 2012. His major theory and method in the study of reli- M.A. in Chinese literature in 2012. Her re- interest is history of astronomy/astrology gions, Buddhist studies, oral tradition stud- search interests include literary aspects of and chronography in imperial China. He ies, Zen studies, and phenomenology of historical writing in early medieval China, is expecting new friends, knowledge and religion. For the time being, his research is the construction of the past in collections inspirations. both thematic and historical, studying the of anecdotes and short stories compiled by real as well as the ideal, the textual as well literati in the Tang dynasty, and the recep- Claire Kaup (EAS) is joining EAS with a as the oral dimensions of the transmission tion of Chinese literature in Japan. Prior J.D. and M.A. in Japanese Studies (Univer- of Buddhist tradition in medieval Japan. to studying in Boulder, she lived in New sity of Michigan 2012). Her major field of Mexico, where she received a B.A. and interest is the intersectionality of law and David Boyd (EAS) completed his B.A. M.A. from St. John’s College in Santa Fe. postwar Japanese literature, with particu- in East Asian Studies at UCLA and his lar focus on war responsibility and the M.A. in Contemporary Literary Studies Su Fu (EAS) received her B.A. in Chinese “performance” of guilt and innocence in at the University of Tokyo. He is primar- Language and Literature from Tsinghua the novel. Her interests also include queer ily interested in modern Japanese fiction, University in Beijing (2010) and M.A. theory and the legal regulation of sexual- literary aesthetics and translation studies. in East Asian Languages and Cultures ity and gender identity in modern Japan. Outside of her academic pursuits, she prepare the EAS Newsletter. She supports year, she will teach a course on Contem- enjoys musical theatre, finding new ramen the program by organizing the various porary Chinese Culture and Society in restaurants, and talking about her dachs- lectures, conferences, and workshops to the fall and co-teach the spring semester hunds at length to unsuspecting colleagues include flyer production and advertis- sequence “East Asian .” She and friends. ing. She also maintains the Program’s has also made documentary films in China webpage. Prior to this, she worked in the and Cameroon. James Lee (POL) is a graduate in Department of Art and Archaeology as the the Department of Politics, specializing Events Coordinator. Dawn Murphy (CWP) specializes in in international relations and political Chinese foreign policy and international economy. He received his B.A. from the relations. Her current research analyzes , San Diego in New Faculty and Fellows: China’s interests and behavior as a rising 2012 and has been an exchange student Lei Guo (EAS) is currently a Ph.D. global power towards the existing inter- at the National University of Singapore, student majoring in Curriculum and national order. Specifically, she examines National Taiwan Normal University, and Instruction with an emphasis on Second China’s relations with the Middle East the Free University of Berlin. His main re- Language Acquisition, with a minor in and Sub-Saharan Africa. As a CWP fel- search interest is in the Chinese Linguistics and Teaching Meth- low, she will work on a book manuscript of Chinese investment in the United States odology. Lei has been a graduate teaching based on her dissertation entitled “Rising and the European Union. assistant in the Department of Curriculum Revisionist? China’s Relations with the and Teaching at the . Middle East and Sub-Saharan Africa in Tomoko Slutsky (Comparative Literature) the Post- Era.” This project is was born and raised in Tokyo and gradu- Yinan He (CWP) is Visiting Fellow at Princeton University and Associate Profes- based on extensive field work conducted ated from Tsuda College with a B.A. in as a Visiting Scholar with the Chinese English Literature with a focus on the sor at the Whitehead School of Diplomacy and International Relations at Seton Hall Academy of Social Sciences in Beijing, novels of the early 20th century. She spent China; a Visiting Research Fellow with some time at UCLA pursuing French stud- University. She was a Princeton-Harvard China and the World Postdoctoral Fel- the American University in Cairo, Egypt; ies and did her M.A. work in French/Fran- and a Visiting Researcher at Stellenbosch cophone Literature at . low in 2007-2008. Her research focuses on politics of memory and reconciliation, University’s Centre for Chinese Studies Her interests include Japanese Noh theater in South Africa. She received her Ph.D. in and its aesthetics, Zen Buddhism and its East Asian international security, Chinese and Japanese foreign policy, and national Political Science at dialogue with the postmodern theory/ University. philosophy, memory/forgetfulness, and identity mobilization and nationalism in spatial/temporal in the process of East Asia. She is the author of The Search Xiaoyu Pu (CWP) has research interests East Asianfor Reconciliation: Sino-Japanese Studies and identity construction. in international security, international rela- German-Polish Relations since World War tions theories, and Chinese foreign policy. New Staff II (Cambridge University Press, 2009). During the CWP fellowship period, he will Lisa Ball joins the East Asian Studies Soyoun Kim (EAS) earned her Ph.D. at be working on a book manuscript based on Department as the Academic Specialist, (2010), where she has his dissertation entitled “Limited Rebrand- succeeding June Balint, who retired in taught Advanced Readings in Korean and ing: Status Signaling, Multiple Audiences, June 2012. Lisa will be the department Readings in Korean Literature, with a and the Incoherence of China’s Grand liaison between the EAS department focus on Contemporary Korea. Strategy.” He will also work on such top- representative, EAS faculty, Office of ics as diplomatic signaling, rising powers, the Dean of the College, and Registrar’s Jie Li (Council of the Humanities) is a and the change of international order. He office. She works closely with the depart- Cotsen Postdoctoral Fellow in the Princ- has received grants and awards from the ment manager on maintaining the depart- eton Society of Fellows in the Liberal Mershon Center for International Security ment website, university compliance, and Arts. She holds a Ph.D. in East Asian Studies and the American Sociological As- processing appointments for visitors and Languages and Civilizations from Harvard sociation. He holds degrees from Nankai lecturers. Prior to her appointment in EAS, University. Her first book project, “Uto- University (Tianjin) and Kent State Uni- Lisa was the Assistant to the Chair/Under- pian Ruins: A Memory Museum of the versity, and received his Ph.D. in political graduate Coordinator in the Department of Maoist Era,” explores contemporary cul- science from the . tural memories of the 1950s to the 1970s Art and Archaeology and Faculty Assistant Yongtao Zhang (EAS) recently complet- in the Department of Molecular Biology. through textual, audiovisual, and material artifacts including police files, photo- ed his Ph.D. in Applied Linguistics and Patty Lieb joins the East Asian Studies graphs, documentary films, and museums. Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language Program in the Position of Program Co- Her second book project, “Cinematic at the Communication University of China ordinator, succeeding Beate Witzler, who Manchuria: A Transnational History,” (Beijing). He taught at Princeton in Bei- moved to a position as Assistant Director examines films produced under Japanese jing in 2010 and 2011. of the Fung Global Fellows Program at colonial rule in Manchuria and later cin- the Princeton Institute for International ematic representations of the region along and Regional Studies (PIIRS). Patty will with production and exhibition practices. For Upcoming Events, see administer the Program Certificate and At Princeton in the 2012-2013 academic http://www.princeton.edu/eap/events/

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