2014 Legislative Preview / Main 3 New Mayor in Chehalis / Main 4 $1 Early Week Edition Tuesday, Jan. 14, 2014 Reaching 110,000 Readers in Print and Online — www.chronline.com Money for Schools Lisa Broadt /
[email protected] Sen. John Braun, R-Centralia, works Eight Local Districts Seeking Approval of Levies in February on the state Senate loor Monday. Six Local Lawmakers Return to Olympia BACK TO WORK: Senators and Representatives From Lewis County Try to Keep Local Issues at Forefront of Session By Lisa Broadt
[email protected] OLYMPIA — Lewis Coun- ty’s legislators on Monday gath- ered here at the statehouse for opening day of the Washing- ton state Legislature’s 2014 ses- sion, which runs from Jan. 13 through March 13. Rep. Richard DeBolt, R- Chehalis, Rep. Ed Orcutt, R- Kalama and Sen. John Braun, Pete Caster /
[email protected] R-Centralia, legislators from Centralia High School junior Austin Davis works on a project in metals shop on Monday afternoon at the high school. The metals shop, along with a handful of other the 20th District who represent classes ofered at the high school, is part of the school district's Career and Technical Education program. This February's levy would include funding for educational the majority of Lewis County programs such as CTE, along with building maintenance and continuing education for teachers. citizens, and Rep. Dean Takko, D-Longview, Rep. Brian Blake, SEEKING SUPPORT: that expires soon. D-Aberdeen and Sen. Brian Centralia school Superin- Hatfield, D-Raymond, legis- Centralia the Largest tendent Steve Bodnar said the lators from the 19th District, District Looking for district could have asked for who represent citizens in por- more money from voters, but tions of southwest Lewis Coun- Voters’ Approval settled on the $5.6 million per ty, were among the lawmakers By Christopher Brewer year figure because they be- who returned to the Capitol for lieved it was in the best interests the year’s first session.