If rf Conserruathnpa]ays off forr mnovathiue farmer J D 5

- " I I ■ GGlafisified __- - C "Wur 0of Snake3 , : pGuraranteed Ads- . te g io n 'EB’: • • RlRun 1 week, gat 2nd2r week FREE! River-- D 1 BuhlE win.q lose3 8 - C 1 " _____ ^M apketplacc 733-0626 7 :;: 1 j /

■1LT .J^ = ::TY O'

a Copyllghtcts m S i U.gut the house is Mejia threatened suicidicidc Friday night reporlirtedly not well-stocked with j TWIN FALLS - Asi nimidnight iipproached before be locking himself andid hhis 6-ycar-old and Thehe three inside the house! rcccivcdre a light i Saturday, police enteiite ro d th e ir 27th h o u r 9-,9-year-old daughter in hihis home, at 235 brpakikfast eariy Saturday momiiming bccause thc ! outside a Twin FallsIs I h o m e w h e re a m a n RtR am ajJeS t. kfflsvI were hungry, Du Fresne sal . ^ remained barricadcdid with' his two young D u F re sn e said thcy_believiieve Mejia moved to Antnd while neighbora and hlocal iiist-food. daughters. TwinTv Falls from the Pocatellttollo/Blackfoot areo redtb';‘aurant8-are keeping'offl)fnrG rs'outsidr~^^^H “He’ll either come out tonigh^ or pass out a ab b o u t a w eejt o g o ...... suppli)lied with food and drinks,1,-the tl three inside ...... tonight,"PaulDuFrVBrnjsne, Twin Falls' safety It took m ore th a n a dayi to make a positive havee received no meals sinsince Saturday “ dircctoiTBaid:;------id the 97-degree heheat, police have sendsIs thc kids out,” Du Frcsni said. ‘ Wc’ll im m igrant, who w as depoeported in 1986 and 1984. dccided de< to wait Mejia out. ThThoy fear storming feedt^the kids out here. H e knowsws th at.” An hour earlier, at approximatelyapi 11 p.m., the thi house or using toar gasas couldi jeopardize Aftcrter a long, sultry night,, p tried to negotiators thought theycy had1 convinced Mejia the thc girls. sh u t 0off power to thc house eaearly Soturday _____to leave hia houBC . ___ Police arc in nearly comlon stan t te le p h o n e __r^

S i n g ii n g B tr i d g e

d e t e rr i o r a t ii o n \ r . 't.

p o s e ss d i l e im m a I

B y K IRK MITCHELL Times-News writer Rebuildd prospects - Bl

Y t o “ f ALLS - EJven v e on,hot trucka-fromom crossing. '{ nights, Enid Henson1 k e e p s h e r The chang«nge could be minimal - or '.V windows closed to shut out th e diesel il could be d ramr atic. fumes, and she dreads thetht prospect , “1 feel like{c iit m ay not be a lot but it of even more trucks rumlambling paat may be somome," M iles said. “This h e r home in th e future. structure is quite old and it’.s —We're already-gettinging way-too- -basically.wearearing o u t.", many trucks going by’ h(here," said, ‘ Loweringg thct limits even a little ------Enid-Henson,'^ho-has-li\-livcd-at 172- would-be--•--a—blow—to—several— — Blue-LakesBoulcvard'SoiSouth‘for'39 businesaes'iij'ih the cifyVrndusirial— years. _ - ______p a rk t h ntt use the bridge for t Forly-ton trucks thattat now use shipping, fortorcing them to take five- I Washington Street Southh ccould soon mile-long detours, ( said City fi be diverted to Henson’ss sstreet.and Engineer Garlary Y oung. I ' other alternate routescs if state RickMittorton, tru c k in g m an ag er for .1 officials decide to lowewer weight BlickTruckinting Inc., which carries40 I lim its on thc Singing B ridgedge. ’ truckloads9 of raw product to I E a rlie r th is y ear, th es state sl gave Universal FrozenFr Foods each duy, I the bridge a rating of 4 on ai scalc of said about 60BO percent of those trucks | - —100 - anindication-tha^the-ihe-structure-cross the-Sinpnging-Bridgc:------Tkn* is detoriorating faster thanrnn it can be The majorit)rity already run close to __ Some traffic onn W ashington Street SouthS m ay be diverteded if officials dedde to> 1low er lim its on th e SingingSit Bridge ! i maintained.' thc existing Wlweight limits, he said, Jeff Miles, bridge inspection in "If they wowould lower it anything 1 e n g in e e r for*- th ee Idaho I’m sure it wcwould affect us," Mitton L X o w m a nI e v a c u ate t d a s Irco n T riani Transportation Depart^n^«ient, said said, igle fire s p r e a d s w ithin two m onths his de]:department The leastt amounta that the state By The Associated Press F o r e stt! Service officials arare asking the publllic to divertedcd ttwo retardant planes likely will post new limitsa tlthat could would lowerr thetl limit is by a ton, or from makingng drops( on a new blaze The Iron Triangle fire corontinucd to ______s t a j; ^ away from the McltcPherson Creek an prohibit some trucks - inciticluding fire • See BRIIillDGE on Page A2 £ £ 2 ______reported in1 ththc Sawtooth National burn out of control latei i S a tu rd a y ____Id a h o __Higiighw^„21_between_fij_firefighterg.were.battling.ti :.the_blazc9._Forc8t._Dubb abbed_thc-McPhearaon__ ' ToTcing'lhc ev acu atio n ofXoLowman as . Lowman andnd Idaho C ity h as been in the Boise National Forcsiest, “neariy Fire, it has18 consumedc up to 1500 flames entored the town. clo se d , an d the th fire “has increasod one or for every aero Iburned."^ acrcs since breakingbre out around 1:30 Thc Haven Lodge was ddestroyed substantially,ly, and is m oving to t^c A I D 3 w mo ransportation and a The governors' associatior-ion sought to steer clear faster fa rate lhan they are being repaired or 2 com pla9K B ^c fedeleral government is of portisanship- during? itsi meeting, which—rcrcplaced.1 ______o Is iS i ;>• 1 ; IJ 3 hoahoarding m a|j|Pihat shouldd be spent on highways concludcs co Tuesday, andd fplanned to focus'on Thc report called for morelore regional and fedeml 7 3 ' " ' and airports. effortsof to improve,U.S.!. p e r fo rm a n c e in th c pliplanning, increased use of A ddison of lolls, developer feoa jnfortunately, wheren it . c o m e s to inlintornational economy. anand other user fees, an d relirelease of uncommitted ^w ^rtation, Amcrica is olofton stuck in neutral,” Thc bipartisan asaociati(ition released a report • Se© GOVERNOR!) R S o n P o g o A 2 O m d e jif eat sennds chillll m essqige to unnions S . Park HKImberly^ v By'By WARREN BROWN “UAW SooB U n g 'T c n n Ga:Jain -I- -campaign tacticctics employed by the Tbe Washington Post A‘Vn^ysis r DeD espite Election Loss a t Niesieean," thc—company-tofriglrrighten workers uwuy-—------^ i hcjheadline on thc release said.'i. Thc from voting forfo ro i union. ■ f ■■■ ■ ^ SMYRNA, a Tenn. — Maxeysy Irwin . thc outcomc thalhat they abruptly repre p o rte rs shrugged. They haclad ju sl But tU lK ^Wrge n r^ could hnvc been W : - stoo : _ , O rchard______3tood outside of th c U nited AiAuto canceled a 4 a.nQ.m. news conference, • ■ retrelum ed from intorviowing' scorcss of, m ade by thc companycon against the . m ______L • Wotrt^orkcra hall try in g to m akee scn.scf of scheduled to followfoil the com pany’s clatod cla anti-union workers allithe t . unionaswell.ili. It waa a rough ;hc loss. ■ • announcementitofthcvoto. o . ’'.plaplant. I t w as hard to see a ny y “iong-' contost; accordii>rding to those involved, Hia union w as beaton. Sixc yearay of Wiiy.didtheue union fail in w hat totorm r gain" for the UAW in thithat both sides threwrew mud with equal - -tryiiryintlQ .otganize N issan Motlotor _ .. could Have been•en ita first success.at crocrow d. fervor. W ith'somsome help from the , MarVlanufacturing Corp. ended earlyei organizing anI inindependently owned 1The press release did nol clclarify um'on, th e commpartydidabcttor.job pt ;* Thurhursday moOpung in a lopsidided Japanese auto0 pplant in thc Unitod hovhow the union,couldgain fronom what of making its■ chargeschi slick. ’ ' vote'ote: L622 w orkers a g a in st thcth S tato s? ThcJ ninorm olly loquacioai mom ost thought was a hum ilialitling A case in pointo in t; In m any group : [ >^nioinion, 711 in fav o r.' Irw in shrugged:d andi passed out press dcfdefeat fo rth e UAW. Instoad,l,it meetings withh th eir employees, UAW organizers w ere so upsetup by releases. blablam ed tho UAW’s defeat onn unfair\ • S e o U N•ilON IC on Page A2 f ...... / A-2 TimoG-Nows, Twinn Falls,Ft Idnho Sunday, July 3030,.1 9 8 9 ___ Goiwernors1 ______Union - •' C o n tin u e d fn o m; P.P o f o A l , fcdederal debt a p p e a r smaller.r. • C ontinued fromjm P ugeA l l-Biobtr’art I re m a r ic s " a s w e ll a s the truck body stam ping plailant here. balancess ini federal trust funds foror highways,1 aviation,— •(“Our view is'that moneyley represents tax dollars 2d that the UAW statflmenu N issan ofUcibls argued I nU ofthoUA W dissidents, , “Don’t gel m e wrong- It't!t'snotthatI mass Iraniinsit and waterways, ready paid by the peoplelc ofo: this country, and they w as atrikc-happy. T hata t c rc a te d fear. Laarm ann s£ a id . don't believe in change.i. 1B ut I'm A t nn opening oj news conference,e, Baliles and Illinois Ight to be spent for the purpjurpoBO for w hich they wero The jobs provided by-Nit-Nissan, paying Foritap3 part, the UAW tried to do—>— protty happy now. I cnnn talk to my Republicacan-Gov. JamesJThompsoison charged that the . ,Heeled, and not used to playlay jgam ea iffith th e sizo of tho about $l>1.80nn hour,areare tho best itsowncxfjxploiting of w orker fear byy m anagers if I w ant to, andai I ju st B ush adiministralion m and the Reagjogan administration idgct deficit in W ashingtop,'0,' Bnlilesjsaid.E , m any workers here havcavc ever had. attemptinging to tap the conservatism1 don't see how the UAW'comingin c before il havchf withheld billions o f doldollars from the states ;19 billion w as held in the two A strike would jeopardardize their and nng-wi-waving patriotism ofthis here is going to make aniny change for in highwawoy and airport trust fununds. They said the , Bnliles said u s m uch ns S19 b employment. To makee itsit point, the nrea. It wwn a s e m p h a s i z e d to tho b ette rJ’- ___ am o u n ts} ssent to the atnte were resrestricted in order to tru.su.st funds from m oney collecjllected through the federal com pany gathered clipflips of the UAW employeescs that tho Nissan plant is Still, according to bothith pro-union count thec reservesi in the federal bubudget and mako the laxexcs on gasoline and airplane,ne fares.f prom oting ita strike defe:efense tb ^ owned b y fforeigners trying to gej^ and anti-im ion.w orkersi h e re , N issan dTasidenl raenibcrswho'cfio'claim 'tho them to. workfaBtcfonthc'wo wofld bc wrong to take} ttoo m uch f . •- union has gone soft onI managemenl.mi company’s>^s a s s e m b ly lin e s , comfort in its victory ov(ver th e UAW. •* e s ------L ast m onth, in nnnttcmimpl p lo combat “Pressurlu re f o r m o r e p r o d u c tiv ity in M any young w orkers w/ho h joined the' • Contiit i n u e d fro m P a g e A l^ another smoky inferno,0 for the third Battalionn andar other units throughout th at allegation a l the uni(LinionV , Smyrna coicomcs from pcr^ns company in 1983 wontingng no more so thin thohot only eight people werere straight year, Gov. Cececil Andrus on the stote.0 a:nre assisting with daily convention in Anaheim,n, CCalif., UAW unknown-i — outsiders 6,000 m ilea: than a d ecent job and gotfood w ages a v a ila ble le lo fight the new blaze,:e. F rid a y declared a sLaUlie of extreme supply runs. rui They also have P resident Owon BieberT sjsaid his inBp* raaioad one UAW hando^'D tfrt eay they feel abused andid used by “We've glit bt 601 on eight other fires andnd e m erg en cy in Idaho, putI'uttirig m ilitary contributedted large1 a ll-te rra in trucks. union has authorized 800^strikes1 'handout CO)concluded: “The parent. Nissan. Most of these pcc•eople, based 30 workiniing with Boise (Nalionalal reinforcements on callall to jo in th e U p to) 3,3,000 firefighters wore , since' 1986. A etriko authoth o rizatio n is companyf 6,6,000jniles aw ay will listen*n on random interview s, a:are workers Forest), 80so we just don't have thehe b a ttle against the fires.I. concernedcd 'with some 16,000 acres not a atrike. It ia a routimi tin e p a r to f to 2,400 unilinitcd w orkers." The laat linenc who havc sustained on*ththe-job resources.”3.” she said. The emergency prereclam ation, burning in 1Idaho’s national forests collective bargaining, mme ean t to was topped>cd b y a n A m e ric a iv flag injuries nnd who, rightlyly or wrongly. She adviiIviscd travelers to stay outu l au thorizing the use of Id;Idaho Nalional and Bureau-eau of Lond Management increase pressure on marn arm gem entto^ waving inn aa.circle of stars. But, as i^ feel th a t the com pany noW jonget______nf tho O rnr lh Gunrd troops and eqequipment if rangeland,nd, said Jerry Rohnert, 1 settle contracts. But Ni^s[jisan offjcials ■ turned out,it, most w orkers here aaid wants them . L ake, anid d to avoid a reas betweenan neccBsary, will last 30) cdays’orlahtir Informatiortion-officor-for-tlie-Boise------oscd-Bteber’s-remarksI to-to b o ls to r------thaH hty-w“wcrBTnorcTonccrned ------Charl(j9Hott729rwKol0 senoufily tHTNTForf^ k o f the”Boiae”River andiiH fire danger subsides, Inlei^gencyncyPirJC..$Mad«r.Ai^9e — ADVamSEMEWT— of thundoritorrn'fl Sundunduy aflomoon 7> - _ roads not dtdesigned for truck traffic,:, Tom Lyons, shipping foremanfc for M _ through Mondny. Highligha from the (sf/ y-^-\ cause morerc trafTlc hazards and be a Longview Fibre 6 ). S% {Financially mid 90s to a few dogreg reo a o v o r 100 K ✓ n \ / " ^ nuisance toU) quiet( neighborhoods. Bccausc roads incluluding Park 3 ______Sun day. Nal_quiU> ao wowarm Mondny L exposed to enough safetyy Avenue nre nol_dcsigneiled for trucjc_ _ S p e a k i n g wilh' htBha'ln tho OOa.iTXo b w a. U u n d a y— problem s aias it is without having to0 . tra ffic , they will break up rapidlyThc night in tho lowor 60a.1. W inda m o a tly :h residential areas," said cotnntD Ught Sunday. IT go through d said . FUUKULPlAMn ’ Camaa Prairia andid \Wood Rlvar nfl/ 1 Walt Bertjrkenbile. director off “It would lurn it intoito gravel V*Uay: K operations} nlnt Willis, Shaw Express, nothing flat," he said. ' Fair Sunday inornirning. Partly \AV^ y - ..... - -_Jf.thc.Sinjinging Bridge is closed,,, He said about 16 Longdgview Fibre iTheBiB iW e e isfy cloudy Sundoy oftornornoon through 90 Willis, Shn>mw would send nbout 200 trucks that now cross tl Monday with n aHghtjht chanco of V ll^i^D m ated ( n u m ^ j trucks a weweek all the way throughh Bridge would be divertir S f n i u f M o m thundorstonni. HighsI in m id 60a innd ^ lown on Bluelue Lakes Boulevard. Lakes Boulevard South,hwith.on.c talastw«weeks column we lower 90s Sundny undmd in the 80a **j the possible benefits “It will1 lllook like a real truck< tru c k s on the road a t 3 a.n •d M onday..L owi Sundayy nni ig h t fro m 45 •weekTy m o rtg a g e , but to GO. Winda m ostly lightsh l S u n d n y . m oicrS: p arad e,” hee said.s Skinner aaid BluI-,,;-.-''.- sstion remained - why • NoitbamUtabudNa'N e v a d a : . He h as nnightmares nlrcndy off Boulevard has road wei'eight limits bother?? ThereTi are other Utah — Fnir Sundnyny ondi Sundny W mm ' TBWI owary ____ children s'tnbreaking out from behind1 during spring thaw that tl could ways to0 produccpi the same night with isolnCed thui:hundcratorfna parked cartirs and cars backing up) require truckcrs to reducluce loads or positivee benefitsD< Ic; — " n o u r lho'friojuitrilr»"Tn't}in U»c ufUitTioon “ ^ unexpecVedl.idly out, of drivewiiys, heJ find a new route. 1 . Hugeje interestil savings f and ovoning. Highs inn tltho mid and flBipHjBH Jim Skinner, port owm^ner of Twin 2 . The! conventionalcq 30 year u p p o r 90s. Lows fromI tho thi low 60a to_ ttrav r elin g 20 mph will go) Falls Transportation, sa ___ nonr 70. Fair to pnn inrtly cToiidy PUU iSm m I B»fd Without beinTlS^dM ud^f in 18 years, Mondny with'a fow thuiChundcrntorms A/>^a li about 52 feetet before a driver can stop) practical access to the t city 8 Asimplinple alternative Is developing in'tho nflorr•emoon. Gualy «CCU-»-Weather® forecastisl tof Sunday ^ it-orabou_^ij_ ^ t\^ e os fa^as a y ir,Jie__:!__industrial gork^hc cityty^ro^d^e_ jh ls; 0(l_J)n a conventional 30 winds noar IhundorBtom-o r m ^ HiRhH in Oaytimime Conditions andTd High Temperatulures .sai'dr...... Ihandicapped in “lii'riiFing other year loanan oT85:OO0i at'10% ' th « m id and upper 9(te. I City Manannger Tom Courtney saidt b1 usinesses into the nren. interestt wiwith a monthly ■ , Nevnda — Mostlyly .m .ly on B lu e L a kcs e s Boulevard could bc! Berkenbilc said he iss concernedi parentnt ofc $745.94 why ______Sundni_i'nd_Mondny_\y_wJlh.guaty._ ___ ------affectcd-the-1C- mostrStores-alon^the1——that-the-city-could-end-uf 1 up-spending- o fto m o o n winds; Highala SSi u n d n y fro m S.E=onSI5.'§^? -me ■ u p p e r 80a lo upper 90s.. A littlo cooler p street couldId loso businoBR becauseI as< much money repairingns nltarmt« gJJSill l bet. repaid in the ■ Mondny with higha from>m th o m id SOn I shoppers do not want to (Ight theI roi u tes o s it wouJd on a newiwbndgc. same 188 vearsu and therefore to lo w e r 90*. O v ern igghl h t lows from ______already heava v y traffic to get to them. A m ajor reconstructio:ion project again, iviliwill n et a h u g e m id 40s to mid GO*. he said. alreadyI planned on Orch;hard Drive irflerest: savings.sa' ------A yrictiltur«l ontlook— ______Increasedd trelTicI would qjao b e ^ . __f from EasUand to the rnilnIroad track.q F rornaka lender's point of _ .. ______A low pressure aysttrative a h e a d a c h e s the tho week bringing coolerler weather lo • “I Two otherer altcriyite truck routes I f th e detours will beI uused for a leeist o( a ll o f idnho. Thora willIt h, bo a c a tto ro d to the industriitrial park are: Ilong lime, “I suspcct we’ie’rc talking ^ V w h ich is ahowera nnd thundershoshowerH with * A five-mimile detour, turning,from oa b o u t m ajo r damage," he•said. s; v _ n-iL L T-^not, 26 thia system. Most of the>e rrainfnll will r-— «9 P E N IN < • competingIng for business who 3 • Mondny, 40 Tuesday, TO^WO'Wcdnoaday, TuoadaK thtthen rtcnltcrod showorR skiskies across mool of I^aho■> excepti MM Maa _caii-get an. 90 Thuraday. Sunriao90 d e w p o i n t n n d ,lh u n d ocrsfiowora n Wodnoiidny. for-.thc.HOUthenat for whora-pat ------HOURS.- teiw. attentionn a:are Hkely to'^ttract ny, Windn sundny will be mostly mo cloudy conditiona exiati •------S — to m p e m tu r o s Sundiiy ■|ina’ lih'i M 6 n d « y ■' D ry'thursdn'y, p.m.,m. 7Mfsvsers m ore borrcarrowers then their w ill be 36 degrcon in tho> westwi portion vnrinblo 5 to0 1 10 m p h , 1Tho highont tompornture m ore anonl o n ^ o u s to 46 dograes in thcjonaijnat portion. BtuteHtUI S n tu rd n y w na 106 d e gsroB. r ot 7 Oay A LUNCHiCHj DINNER counterpar Evaporntion rntoa 'winvill bo nonr i Sunsmaryy Mountain Mo Home. Stanley ro;•oported A Week — ( ( h ^ Htii'P'lfjiso 2 . Paymennents' can bc linked n o rm a l. T otal m infull willvill bo a te n th LightninKlg (Ii-tuclion oquipmeni the lowest ut 36 dogrooa. GM wAiiAflii to automat:natic deposit plans, of an inch or loss. In the wont ithowcd n quiluict HunriHv ticrosH thu Elscwboro E in the nation Snti(iturdqy, ______RDEN ^ ______making it nnecessary for p o rtio n th e best chancot for foi rnin will Gom Stiito.o. The lnst lightning tht' thf highcat tem perature wiwaa 106 B R E AQKFAST I 11 LUNCU C H I I DINNER BUIJFFET borrowers’rs toI m a in tain ■ bc^Tueaday. The onnl portionpo will occurrcd nroiround -1 n.m. nenr Twin dogrcon dog a t Qorrcgo Springa,n. C n lif. S P EtCIALS C BUFFi? F E T $^9 s with the lender havo isolated n ii f l e r n o o n FnllH. • Tho T ht lowoat waa ,39 dogrcrcea nl 7:00 a.m.-l)..ll;00fl.m. All You CcCan Eat ^1“ „ S r a Sautomatic deposit) thundorHhowors onch duy'throiighdu; , .Snti'lliu- im in n g e r y Mhowcri c lc u r Mnrquclto, Mni Mich. CHILOEN(3-10}D|*3“ 3 . The lemlender hopes he,will Sct.ittibicoextra loans and K .n u i C,r, 9? 755 PoflUrxJ. 0»» eo) SIS7 TcxMr'a c ------Si.'uu. Dcllctt___ !!!._ _ jnterest withwit the possibility _ N ational------lMV*o T o u Over 30 ttc sendees to the borrower, ASwna »: 74 . ' MlamrO••c^ e^vOO5 7# S3 I ' choosij! itomillftc >>01,■[(>>-% A hkc ^ • such as autauto loans & 0©«ton 87 t i 3535 . M,h.a{iW. - 70 J.. Spokao. fl71 SC“ - . . M., M cncaoo 74 sa MK>r>«w»lit - eo 656 ^ iO-.. waixoQion eaI as45 OJ Do-M IOO 5S9 ------checkingg a( accounts, • - D»U»------»#- 76 ------»>M.QrUani------J i . 73 .. ______w ft • Althoughigh you would cxpect 0«M r 93 M 02)2 NwYortk M 6 ? - — ■ ------ilQsvetinfenIkiestjates^sjofss^ Dm Moinn 09 70 owuwma c>iv aa 73; -^T tv^lirF alli^ wahofaw e5*~s. 0.nu 87 a Pf«>«nu ( „t00 #4I m io.m y 97. S9g ™ MeCal BS 4: is not necc!2ccssarily true with : HooMoo 91 74 PiTnbvio'* < S? UI l4»I V«lBf M S7f Poealaiio --99 W lna*napoin U Porttnno, «p - S7’ M 92 SSJ Salmon M( h“ a t e S |- : £ j W ee Don'tf Wean t costs a s?oclated ^ l with bi- . weekly tinainancing m a y lim it; __ ^ H ' o r disallowow Interest - '- - - Index- te discounts. Until lenders can I accurately•ly iassess ...... D5-8 Letters ...... A 4 SS p p o r t s ...... lush Yonu, But.„ Agri/busine»...... Cl-3 ® administratiirative costs for such - Classified...... C 3 - 8 M a g ic \ ^ c ...... Bl Sp-Spotlisht...... Dl ight we tiad better tellII yyou while there Is slillII time. loaris over'er Ithe years & until e-out Time at Ttielsen1 rMotors. Yes, we are h< jattems arc clear Crossword/people...... A 6— Nation...... j \ 7 . B 4 - 5 ValVcdley happenings ...... ,'.'.'.!d 3 I''® Close- liaving gf-S^sffcy loans are not likejy Dear Abby...... D4 Obituaries..s...... B2 \alV W lc y life ...... !Ed 'i -5 3nnuaual factory authorized! Ciose-out C Sale to clea3ar the sources ofo f cd is c o u n t...... _. m ak e way for the 199C»90 m odels. This mean: Idaho/West....;...... B 3 O p in io n ...... A. 4 -5 WoWorld...... IB6-7 ^ ns the iusi on: bi-weekly :■ I best price:es of the year and treitrem endous saVings for)r you. m ortgagesies 20.25 for 3 monlha,« « 1.988. . Snanc'ingoi3 option as well as 117.00 per yv a rd a ilr only. >8.33 pe ------Burioy-nupert-Pnui-Oiiklry'•y; • ^ G 78-2652' fortl month*. »117.< i»r ------Looking fofor .Iuxury?^_Uncoln TowTo ri'C ars for onJy $21,:i,488l o th er mortcortgage possibilities' Buhl-Cnatleford (bra montha. >50.10 for0 months, a vamd d e c isio n .— - iri.gunday only. >5.40 per monlh. >1JH.20 We recomimmend lhat you hurryry In while M lwtion is'cr a t i f s ' " Filer-Hogerjffn-Hollislcr 32C-537Q a month., J32T4I32.40'for 0 montha. >04.60 peryear. ‘ Ttvin F a lls a n d nil othur iircn» 733-0844 Student »nd »ervic«rviccman m to, by mail only: >7.50 p best. Don'in't Panic but do get to Theisen.M otors a s qu3Uicklv-- W e-feelthathat o aying o ff ~ month for dally and Sunday. fe earty s h o u ld b e a ' News plwn llirttfrn', mi>n>«ins<«ins •ditr.r a s possitjiftale b ecau se it's Close-oii-out time at Theisen Moltotorsi :one o f everyone's • - If you hnvo n news tip or wishrish to tiilk lo somcuno in thu, c< lon ------retirement!nt plan. dopnrtmcnt. ciill 733-0931 betweenbct 9:30 ii.m. nnd G:30 p.np-m. T l.r Timei-N«wi’• (U(UI>S63I-0a0; ia publlahod daily i Emmett Haminison-s TTie Lagend1 Continues...O Our Reputationn (GmwR Fo*" m ore Ir wi'ckdnyK. Tb roport Inlo newscwa o n d nj>ort« rciiullJi nftcr G:30G:3 n n d Third Sl- W.. TVtnrtn Kallt.i Idaho. tCUOl. by Ma«lc Va isio N A r* ‘° " “ “ =. - on weckendM. cnll 733-0931.1. .. .S'cwmpaparslAC.S«iL Second-ctaaa poeUfe paJd at Twin n c SERVICES. INC.;- by The 'nme»-New«.lewa. Onidal cily and county newapj Advertising iwi in.w. .uj..n:I..n..tn*dlr««w Rrst Intcrstat■stale B ank Bkig . p u n u n n t (o Sectiontion GC-lOH ofthe Idaho Code. Thui Telephonen e 7‘ 3 4 - 4 5 4 F Ify o u w ish to pliicv nn ndvortiortincm ont. cnll 733-0931. CInnInnnificd i* hrrrhy dralsnal«claled ai the day of the week on whic for a conveni nds. cnll 733-0626 Mondny Ihrth ro u g h F rid n y from 8 n.m. unu n til G Irk-al noticea wiltIt be publlahrd. i" THIEISENIMOTOR i/enicnt appointm ent. p.m. nnd Snturdnys from 8 a.m.a.n until noon. Infurmnlion.. oi(,n Po«lmnatfr, pleweaw aarnd chanEe of addrrna form loo- :!P.O '''93/S aiand Years Tha Easiest Pla®/ac© In The Wortd To Buy// A Car JwIwxiM n R. Lov«, d isp lay uds ia nvniliibic weckdckdnya only. iloz MH, IVin Falla.'alia. Idaho 83303. 701 Main Avo E. TwinIn Falls______73a0-7700 I c«tm#df•d Fb«neUI .PUnn«r

4 ^ Brief hly Suodoyoy. July 30. 19B9 Timos-Nov-Novvs. Twin Foils. Idnho A-3 M rs. Q uayle lohobbies for funds "T he only thing: we’ve wi been able to do rightht now is lLicnt received 700 culls Wayno Duddloslon, onoo: of the “FriiindHhipip State”S or “Lono Star = — ’'rticic said. ___ l^e 1988 convention.1. about the nonow plate. There, hare tthree highway commitl i s s i o n e r s , S tate” on theirheir platen. “1 needed to ta lkk' itto 'h iih tb size him' up lo see’ifhest ■■ beenhundt-u[t-uds more"sirice"thDn."surdthnrhe-hnd-^ot-the 6 fie-Blightcst ------"li=-nothinging-elfleT-this-nap-has* ------Publisher foundnd shot to death was OK for th^pjoj)jqgram_,"_S]_aton, soid.J!!..fe f lt.lh c ------T o m m ie - -Pinkardi— -I highway-i'-idca;ithe-licenac..plQte.c_dccisjon_..educatod penpeople about what the ...... --ATCHISON, Konrair (AP)'==The’publisher”of"of th e young m an'fii'in, b)Ut u t I Had to bc sure of his altiittilude.” departmentnt spokeswoman, said vwould cause such a furor.r. - real m otto of'!ofTexas is," he said. .Atchison Daily.Globe*» vwaa found-flhot to deathI aai t his A telephone call to Lowe’s agent in Los Angeljcles late that exactlyy Ithree people liked tho ,..;home S atu rd ay , policece said.t Saturday was not imimmediately r returned, liccnse plate,to. The rest hated it. j by an The agreementt wwas part of the stale’s pretrialpi -\Vo made . Thc body of Larryry !Sarvey, 38, was found bj de un error in that we jr ■ ^'30^ OFF! .. employee who had1 bibeen trying to reach hinlim by intervention progngram , “a hybrid alternatiItive” lo didn’t see whwhat an emotional issue jI telephone earlier inn thetl day, said A tchison Police Po prosecution for you:'o u n g . nonviolent firs t Ijffefenders, this would beb e,” she said. “Y ou hove I S h m ^ H fram ing For i ChierRon Pickrirtinr’ ...... Slaton said. S u p re mme i Court ruling that ,1I C ounty Fair i ------1 r e t a r d e d youngsters yi cun bo iJ Entries w ith j ------executed—- nand no one - soys -I this coupon I I— . i H B H B B l — ~ OoodthieughAiqwilS I - l_ anythmg. Yo/ou get something like II ■ r'? -M J-M Navy denin i e s G r e e nnpeace sto]>pped launIIU II this, that ISI oionly words, and it gets II m r t l P H voryemotiomsnal." II ------— ■ ------^ s i d e ^ p — ! I rtCfUttFIUMlNO* CUSIOM MAT1AmUC.riNEABT : . PENSACOLA, Fla, (AP)\P ) — The S ecretary of the! Navy N in the Atlantic aboutlUt I50 m iles off the cape. , , So far, threetl gubernatorial J\ •mEAKTCOaOBNa‘ ■ (J .^_,.on S aturday den ied th at Grecnpeace( protesters forcedfor A statement issuec;ucd by the Navy said the lalaunch was pjmdidates haveht comc out against ,1 COBNtROf MAIHttHOtHONE.IE. rWIN FAUS • ^ ;;' -lhe Navy to scrap a Trid(ridcnt 2 missile launch oftr CCape postponed “becauseisc of intentional interfere from the new platlate. Ann Richards, a V ’iCanaveral. foreign fiag ships in ia designated hazardous o{opcrnuonal Democraticc candidate, suid that Instead,:foreign flag skships prompted officials to.to.call a re a .” Some Greenpe.ipeaco vessels fly foreign flailags.,- “Friendshipip Stale" was just too -;^.o£C-Krida-y-8-«choduled-t«i-toBt,-said-Navy-Secretnrji iry-H.— —^Wc.did-noL-dististupL-the-prQDQsed shot y Lawrence Garrett. because of the Grei!reenpeace activity." Garrrrettsaid, , , ^ 0 H ousluston City Council -i M i The Navy canceled the Trident 2 te st several hohours “[There were foreigi•ign flag vessels in t^e unirea. It s a -puesday npiipproved a resolution •after four Greenpeace! U,S,A.U, vessels p en etrateded th e rtormal precaution1 thith a t w e take, and if wc hoveve to delay, ^ 7 safety zono a n d chased a aubmarinea involved in thele 'tesl _it’s still not going lo0 ddisrupt the schedule.” llpOf— -I ^ Hostagee — ------I • Continued fromiPogoA P l on Mejia withith him . ' oflofTer them any assistance. ;;; ;down, or'at leaat convinccince him that T he 200 block bIc of Ramage Street, “They told us to leave asaf soon ns t it’s best to rele a se tho childfiildren. plus two bloc!locks of Highland Avenue possible," po said CarLCox, nsIS hc sal on lU y JUMMJh s s Seeim] m E ; *lt takes his mind awayf/ay from the between Was'ashington and Ramage, a i neighbor's shaded doorjirstcp lale I " A d d a T c'o u c h o f c la sss tof y o u r r anger," Du Fresne^.sa.said . "O ur have been :losedcloi to IrafTic. Saturday Sa afternoon. “Thcy’v,-’ve offered I Speecial Occasion ;• motivation is to malcee 1:him more A small jroupgro of onlookers braved U.S u.s no housing, no m e a ls nndnd no place y » « " . V — . " ••responsible fo r th o peipeople he’s the heat andrd m osquitos Friday nighl. to to clean up," • r‘ 'holding hostage.” Som e even hihid in the bushes across iCox, and his wife Dnrla,I, live next 3 2 C Du Fresno saTd Mcjiiejia'had'an" the slreet. ■ dOidoor lo the barricaded mtnan. They u 2 4 - 2 3 9 ^ C argument vrith his wfe earlyeai Fridny The eeriee silences was broken by say they never heard anyly fighiing__ 1-N HirA.tj First 25 pe<:ople to call & say they rking from-ncighborhood- T Jii'ght'. S he to ld ’ poiic’ecc'thal ’ her poriodic barki coim ng from the houser s a w O>ur l ad w ill reci:cieve, ; husband assaulted, herh . and dogs or the policcp< talking over their |But, in retrospect. Cari1 Cox i soid ess system. t threatened her with a smtsmall-caliber public address his last talk with Mejia iiI Ifew days 1 Hl O U R F RLEE E . --C- handgun.------O fficers fin;finally evacuated-several ago jj wus disturbing. LIMOUSINEE SERVICE (2 lIOUR'MMINIMUM) n t ’ After the wife lefl, Mejiiiejin knocked R a m a g e Stre tre e t, h om es ju s t before H“He came by lo aak iff I’d-secn L in c o ln1 Plaza Mall JeJe ro m e 0 • and made midnight Frid 1. on neighbor's door a riday. anybody prowling around.hi;his hou-se," C threats to the neighborT asa well as They allowi)wed several residents to Cox said. T; -promising to k ill himself,f, re tu rn to' theiheir homes on Saturday. Wheny Cox said he hadn'.n'l,'Mejiu J; Hc retreated to his smtsmall rented But neighborlors on each side of the said g^j he was concerned forr his little. !■ 'home shortly aftorwardirds and the surrounded^o 1 u se and across the g irls------—:------I . standoff began, police saidTiidT” sfrecl weree sinrkepii out ol their' I ' “No ahots hflivc been firefired. No ono residences, . “Hc lold me he had a gunin and that I has been hurt. He’s calmilm and he’s ‘ While theyey are concerned about h his is o ld est giri knew how to use ^ tired," Du Fresne. "Butu t 1he’s very the safety ofth f tl e little girls inside the Cox Co; said. “He said hc was ccconcerncd t stubborn." Vc neighbors said they for f’or h is children's safety the:ien. And j J____Officers sa y M ejia speal)eoks broken nn^rryy_that t the police didn’t' .dordon't think ho will harm then ’ : English and d em ands to0 speak s| only : to Spanish-speaking ofTicert:ers. , —;------Mejia-has-asked-several-ral-times-for— ------"S in ce N utri/^System , I don’t— : his wife and a truck to allow'himall a C safe getaway, police saidlaid. Hc has' 3Void a full len g th mnirrors il aiW m ore I also aakcd fo r weoponsj Dolores Bront lo m the wavway,»»io tooka i l n t a ^ e ------— -;Du P resn c- s a id -M e jiaiia-bccomc5“ ------lostfitt 85 tba: on th e NlHlliySYSTEiTEM* W eight Programm. ' r quite upset when police sugsuggest that ______------CalitodBTtaleaileafrrmoro ~T- he might h arm his cTTiiaren, about the co n ip r • He’s made no threati;ats lo his ^M[j NUTRI/SYST^ - . . Weight Loss Pn>Proflmm.^ H childrensinoe-he-Iocked-thethem-insidOr— ------| ^ O l C Du Fresftc said. • * pSEr^tio.tsiionnalro r- However, he aaid, Mejia:jia usea his to idonury your3ur pofsonali >' children as a shield, holdinjding them in ^ . woight lou problom;prol >. fronl of him, whenever he,e lolooks out a V •Avnnotvotdfl)f dollcious i NuSnLnCiiCuWb«* •j; window or door. - • moalsond1 arwanacks moons > City police have dcdicatciated al least ■ ■' i y«J ofo novorrvor hungry. two'shifts of officers to monitoringmi B v k * BthsvtofBfM . to leam thaowoy Wl ? the scene. They are joined jo by tosuccoM. officers from the countylly sheriffs ' ■ ■ H A H •NutrtOoomntandB»h*viof bfFjce and the U.S. B orderr P ■ '■counmangtnf^lor long-lorm The s ta te p o lic e hihas ulso.B ^^^^^H OU'CWIC 'diaptchyd'a s^e'ciaV tactic umtTo Oolort* Orvnl the scene, An official from the U.S. Walt. S Immigration Service also ______CalLTodjroday.. ' ' > late Saturday night, bringi 0 n^You.- MM ■ ^ F O L fr- JB ------r^ l------rn n m HICKEN IS UP,EGG{IGS ARE DOWN... ^ n i ^ H I WIT t s I consumers are obviously gellietiing ttie message about low)werlng JESTIOIV . , .lheir, chplealestcrol leve s bccause Ihey (he have nearly doubledd their pUon of-poul ry in Ihe lastist 2 2 years,"accordingMtto~the > HH tiieiIE most" ffi/^ysiei;lem Healtn & Fitness Informalmation Bureau. Tho UnitedI SStates s i M ml ol Agriculiure reporls that perpei capita consumption ol ctichicken POWAT S r Sim, , 33.3 pounds in 1965 to3 62.2 6: pounds in 1987, whiihile ior ^ ’*** rose Irom 7,5 ()OuncJs lo 15.1I pcpounds. Meanwhile Ihc pcrcr capita COIXEC.ECHO.. S l ' l)li'on l of eggs decreased trom]m 315 to 250 in the samele time ut, it you're concerncd aboutt eaeating too many eggs, be wcwarned grB sim IIVOSIE ' PA',"S„,“Ahal more: andar more proccsscdloods are3re Incorporating Ihem. main-means , :: k H m I '' STOIrOREliV keep an eyeye on labels. IDAHO —

Cl I Utter txptres s w r r o r ainters i In i ITOUnIT 18-5-89 ” FRI _.No.rthAnAmerica I » ------1 ' ■' ■ NlMUTRI/DATA® Compiiputer Weight Analy: 1 _ ! TWIIIN F A L L S BURLEY . I 525 Bluee L1 ak o s N. • 73^-0405 1201 Normal • 687-978781 I

FKFancrul coreuibDon. You m kvn you 16 j .^ e 'ie a th ’erm T«i>» tklU help you leu «tlgni and Un if oil al al lon. As [COM «iry, to doet and Individujl's•jwclgWloa. ve I ? 138 Main Ave. S. • 734-4^4-4fl18 L

cv- • J

A-4 Sunday. July 30. 1909 - Timbs-Nows, Twin Falls, idaho

' // , ropl i n i o> n •te’S' —J 4 .'

: ...... Wllll.mi E. w.ircl Thc members of Ihele WilU.ini C. Ul.jkc ^ editorial board ondJ A'flisiii(i D ired o r wrilers of odrtoniils ore . All.'ii Wil!,ou •' Sti:plii’ii Miirlcicii Slephen 1 l.irlgen .md M.iii.iijliici iulit'jt J C'liciil.illoii M.iii.iQiT . Wllllaiii t'.. hioward

...... Mutiiual self-iiinterest (iNrta^ofCiuRstSE. V(OuiD gec« 0 drives!S labor nre la tio n s s f e w * * ? . V J W W D T W E , ______The lopsidedI vn innd successes, ...... The B-2.bomber-ia gigiving ste a lth tocHnoIogy a- “ It ia therefore not ssurprising uri that Congress losf - - 7------^NiB8on-ia-hurdirdly-the-l'irst convptmj■ny*~to-le n rn I h a t - g o o d — b'a3 name. Tho com tiinlination of radar-evadmg TrGliksman------wcckn'otcd-to-cut-portlbrtlbns-of-the-program-e------benefits and poaloaitive employee relatations ia the key to a‘ techniquea known coliellectively a s stealth will-bele ' “ “ funding, with the Houseuse calling for a two-year productive, non—1—union workforce, invaluable in meeting/B Am erica’s future defense'c The bat-shaped B-2i-2 is slow, lacks agility and purchase restriction, Across the couruuntry, in industry afle:ler industry, the sam e' needs. Keeping manneiled bombers in businesswill'■ill has no w eapons to defiiefend itself. Oncc spotted, thoho U nfortunately, ns a reresult of the national debate combination hasIS re s u lte d in s h a r p ly ddeclining unionizationI not. game is o v er, sincc■ liklikely targ ets would be wSll o v e r the B-2, stealth novnow ap p ears to m any as ah ■ OH workers heco'come partners ratherer lhan the enem y in1 Unfortunately, few ppeople c a n sny “stealth" defended. ex orbitantly priced cosn:osmelic, desperately applied achieving con»parjany goals. without saying “bombe:3er" in th e sam e breath, In b rief, th e best thtith a t can be said for thc B-2 isg .in an attempt lo reviveve £an antiquated strategic Tho result is na waning' power of uniolionization in A m orica; And now. a s the embib attled B*2 program faceses that it w ould bo a niceicc capability to have. But it is concept. B ut no m attor whatIt th e fate of the B-2 program , ; t h e o n c e m ig h tyy UAW I hns lost a thirdd of^ its m em bership inI an uncertain funding futurefu in Houso-Senate not essential fordetenterrence o r defense: , conference, that guilt, bby association has hinderet th e technology shouldd nno ot b e sacrificed. There aro Q dccndo. In marlany stales, unionizaliorion of the workforce is rod In thoso financiallylly stringent1 tim es, this is a fair assessm ent of th(,ho technology’s potontial • praise for a bomber program(n numerous military situaituations in which thc - • - under 20 percentIt Jland declining. especially damning pr value in other m ilitary•y sy.stems, with a $70 billion botto:ittom line. . Sec GLIKSW:SMANonPagoA5 In somo locatioiLions, there m ay be a tctemptation on the part —; ------of-bnckwnrd comiimpanies to return to thc-he worker e.'ppoHition to the i)-2, That makes calamiljlily of delay. Thanjly toothcrs.thathat w e know nol of? —:------n -n d -th c m rfn ’kCTpylTplnceW orkers and "mana'ge m menr'nTC“not—------Thopassngo wnsponrnnod‘by"Mnrkoy defense—...... T o r w ould S tealth bo:boar ibe'whips and scorns off ‘ T hus consciehce'shoulcoiild ihake cautious I likely lo agree onx)n every point in businos:OSS re la tio n s. . aide Jeff Duncan, but HiHamlet himself mifjht havevo time. legislators of us all; But the Nissann vote,v we think, is indieJicutive of a long-term snid something like it: Tho lack o f mi.ssion.m. Ithe untried technology, And thus the hue of B-2 booslerism t r e n d in w h ic h th»the old hostility betweeeen management ond ■B-2, o r not D-2: T hatU is the question, The great expense,!. llthe inevitable delays, Must be replaced withith th e sobe> cast of thought, : labor will continunue to .fade, to be replfplaced by cooperation W hether'tis nobler in th e m in d ’to sufTer The excessive secrocrocy. and tho cuts . And this enterprise of g{ re a t pith and moment, ■ "bused orrmutuiilI sts e ir - in te r e s V - '■ ------...... thc slings and arrow s'8 ofpulrageous-cxpenst*; — That must be mudele f(fo rG ram m 'R u d m an...... Be halted now beforere it further proceeds,...... That, it seemsi to us. is a positivo stepp in: d e e d . O r to take a rm s againinst a sea of deficits target’s sak e. A handsome bomber'r yyt e s , b ut better ^ And by oppo.sing endI tthem. To cut; lo spend: Whon we ourselvess m ight today Stealth's N o tto be." W e sh i m lixrthooiigtTtfujtuse o,7fproje(?ct^"huTdg^siiurplus^ In rendirn;llie now.sartarticle ' " " Second, it would give• nrelief toward bea “rainyny-day fund" th n t would beI in Ono could put paramettetcrs on the fund educatiication and other'programs , reviewing the ccmmentsits rmade hy R e p. . Bruce 1 Newcomb a tax that 1 consider to be the m ost the form ofof a constitutional fund by establishing thatIt noi more than appropriatel;ately without increasing, form c r Go ve rrio r Sm yl ie nddres.singii ' “ unfair,' ______amendmenlic n U .___ :______6 perc_cnt of the, total budgdgct could b e___ Laxea.and.woLwould avoid having to adopt-...... how best to tlio upcom:oming surplu.s It is mly y opinion i that we should firstst ,•. Property tnx is a lax lhthat ono m ust Tho reasi?ason being is th a t I would • put in such a ft,ind in anyy one( y e a r and austere policlolicies. in the slate revenues. I coicould not help, use lhe.Sr)3■)3 million surplus to fund pay even if no money is n'mnde lo pay like lo maki;flke the fund exclusively the fund could not exceed•d m ore than — - It wouldd helph( avoid having to play ------w-ithTill-duETTCspect.-butIt ddisagree.'' progmmsns nppropriale!y,-hclp countieses th e tax. It also cxemplifiefiesthe ever---— dedicatedd tot< the “fihortfair years, -• 12 percent of the previousus y e a r’s — — catch-up, w hichh we never seem to First, former^^yernorlorSmylie was and citiess withm monies to help restk)re-L' • present fact that no one inir A m orica We coulduld create such a fund by budget. accomplish,sh. probably nol nware of the[he projected some oflhehe degraded infrastructure re^illy owns an>lhing beci■cause even if statute, 3butut it could alw ays be ta p ^ed d In othor words, once thetho fund 1 would1 ho|hope that in the upcoming $100 million fiiirplas for■fiscal fis year in our slateUe and then return the one owns property "outrig•ight." it is by .statute,0. reaches thc maximum, no m ore could session we.0. aail legislators, can 1990. rem ainderLT of( the surplus (hopefully alw ays subject to a tax lielien. Wilh a fundfui created by. be added until thc balanceICC is reduced implementit theseth suggestions into Ify o u take the SM millicillion .surplus there woulduld be onu) to tho citizens of Third, economically it\t would be loss constitutionional am endm ent, it could be by making up for a shortfitfall o r ifth e policy for the bonofit of our this yunr (not minus nett fromfn S78 Iboth m om ingng and evening: and the numbnber Cattlemen hailave lots of nerve FA U LT. SMITH ‘up Regiorion 10. \ ) f cow s is likeikelyto increase, You can'i imnj'ine thele elationel 1 Celt wher) I ^ , Shades o f“Lonesorssome Dove": T w in F alls You asiisk. “W here did'w e get thisIS ssocialist The Oysitujituation p ut here is out of contt retid in thu J u ly J l odilionion of The * The Idaho Cattlemlemen’s Association just schem e olof regionalism?" Richnrd1 NNixnn w ith fly speck:*cks which do not scrub olT Times-iNVw.-< tlial the «iarilarinn salary inequity ■ finished stealing fishilsh nnd game liccnsc a th re a t f a v i iiioto us by-E xecutive O rder.■ LtLater ' Covering ourbi r beauliful homes. The odor is fo r so m c irf the local schoohool ad m inistm tors Rtegionalism G | poses a , m oney an'd now asksk loI be on tho Idaho Fish played with il a little bit amand not un d er contontrol, nor are his lights shielc ha.s been corri’rtcd, ULet's tnke a look at n situatioiItion Hint .should R flB on P and G am e Commissiiission. Now that’s a real I it, thereby making il his: ororder. And II isorir hop(lope you. as our goi'emment Such a correction for thesetht "old-timers" mak,akc nny thoughtful p erso n bccomobcc chnngcdi “poke." then lateror. F eb ru ary 22, 1983, ho revrevoked the representative:ives for this county.and the on .>i...... t^rrilrritoriee. Others have themI in stntutes. hut .^w.stnulio hay are SUll N okkentved1 foifo rth e series o nlhe INEL am t|iere. iuiut I hope I have sparked thoJie interest tell stories on in hisis cicolum n. di.stricl for back payl th e stntutesS' are being alKiIished, lie problems. im loving, thought provokini According to thee FrauF i while fishing at I'm Curther delijihted corconcerriini: i Ih' 'WW l hat does this m ean? T h inik k nbouta it. How ■ ‘‘"K T he seriess ofo f articles was’ertrom ely wo Ills. We carinot let this happt ‘ Mormon Reservoir,r, SwS en Inid his pole down, . iHiard’.H position on alU’r• hoursho cnnn 3you prove you arc a cilizenenor c mdmdunli ppen to w ritte n and abO NG MEI another reversal of earlier B D elegotcs reconsicnsidcred the !P All County obligatations, except ' in tak en b y th e Com m ittee of tl question of salariesOS ofc State electcd “' S school indebtedness,18, would be paid CASUAL PAN1fTS SHORRITS& SPSPORT SHIRTS I le, thc C onvention voted to sborl Bruce, Cross Crook, - o n icere, raising thefie Ilevel for the • f). n . , . c u rre n tly out of the3 (County’s general • f illy m ain tain th e State Capitol Reg. $20.00 lo $45 cha, Goncrro. London Fog, : Governor and Attomom oy G eneral by fund. W.H.CIaggettitt of Shoshone 1500 SWIMIWEAR_ gS' 0 fora period of 20 years, /— .1 J ainlzen, n )zi Groenlmo. Arrow. : . SSOO each. .. C ounty sa id th e Com.mmittee proposal le Constitution would not permi G otcha,I, C otler, Rog^eg. $11.00 lo $43,00 ■ ------: ' — T h o G ovem or’a salaalary waa set a t — . - __.would ollow_Counlie_scs to operat e ______/egislature'to cha'ngc'the’Bcafo MOW ______Greenline, Jolontzen, O.P.______$3,000.00 and thc AttoUtornoy Goncnir« ‘7 ? m o re on a cash basisiis, ^ving them' ^ mmcnt, until the expiration of — NOW------■ — : a t $2,000.00. The SeerocrcUiryofSlaU, . greater ficxibility inin m eeting $ 0 year period. Tho Committee 1 OFF $p ' a n d S tate A uditor wcwere scl nt .“j;/ obligntiona. i^holc h ad e a rlie r approved a 1( ^12°° .0^27 riginol Prices O ' $1,800.00 and the Supiluperintendantor A nu m b er of deleg;3gates objected to lim it. Public InstmctionI at $1,600.00. J " " ' ' ; the Committee propoposal, contending •. Reid o f th e N ez Perce county Yesterday the salaryaryofthcStaU! " 'j that special purpose■c levies: and funds orted the 20 y e a r period, static, T re a su re r w as set,atSl,000.00. a t ‘tnl necessary to adeiIcquately financc iccessary to encourage capital >ARTMEN E d g a r Wilson ofrA A( da County m ado _ critical Cojmty needsds, such a s road __ BC;OYS PEPi itmentin the Boise Valley.------th em o tlo n to' increasea.eth~c^Atl»rtfev- - ■' ,'m and~bridRe construct!ction and repair ___ e-want-toencouragethe-citizer ------“ G eW raTs salary. He said, “WTHo not ' ’ and indfgcnt hospitala l carc. - ZCASUALPANTUS SHORns& __ ^SB»PORTSHIRTS-|- reside h ere now a nd who may Cotler. P.C.H. jgle Boy, Gotcha, P.C.H. ■ w an t the S tate to b)o e fforced to p ut up “y W.B.HcybumofSShoshone.'County 1 hereafter, to erect palatial Reg. $23.00 fo $29.0^ 0 0 SWIM1IIWEAR !og. $11.00 lo $28.00 ■ a $1,500.00 m an again:ainst a $10,000.00 ar^ ed that funds rai'aised for roods, otior, P.C.H. !s, so th a t o u r capitol city may Gotcha, Cotl m a n when it is a corporporation.' * bridges and indigentithospital'care NOW NOW ■ : attra c tiv e a s a n y in thc west," A lex E, M ayhewV of Shoshone. o ’ ahould be se t aside scsolely for those $ OFF $ 0 said. County agreed; contentendingthat Reid sa, purposes ond not useised to m eet W V 1 774^ 4 0 ^ riginal Prices ^ Gliksnm an—— • C o n tin u e d frof ro m P a g o A 4 h jmaterials and design An'amountapproacaching the LADI»IES REAEDY TO Wl application of stealthlth would be charact4icteristics to a irc ra ft, ships andanc b o m b er's $22 billion RR&D budget H decisive. These needed toI identified. potentiatially to other military systemfems could conceivably ha>a v e been spent SUMMERWE/EAR PEENOLETONSPOlORTSWE/W I ..One.is.al ready obvibvious. Inthe past could nr :______nn-rfovf>lnping-thp_tAglichnntnpy nlnnr> ___ Fntir• -JEWELILRY HANOB(BAGS I own scrteor and d ataa pprocessor, that Entire Stock O)f f White ' And . All S p rin g A nd Sumummer Styles And . can be packaged In cliclusters. ' , Summer Fashin(inon Colors. ^Fabrics Now Reduceijced - Lots Of Styles H M ost of these newV systemsj s, A n d C olors Tob SelectS from. H - — '— however,-flhovrtheirarramarts-onlyin— the vicinity of the targirget. -Reconnaissance, surveirveillance and NOW 3 0r-QFF ' target-acquisition techechnologies ------r - ....- save4Cf l i O F ^ (RCTA, pronounced, “rista")“ri are the i e c e S e t s ^ H^lZ key to getting themlhcthere. RSTA ' 45 Pie covera a variety of systemsys s, such ae television-camcra-cquiequipped drones A DOMESSTICS and aircraft with heat-mt-detecting A Beach Towels SelectS Group in fra re d sensors. O fth e various RSTArTA system s in > development, “Joint: SlSTARS" - the ______Joint.{AirEorcerAnnymy) Surveillaocc__ _ j — ------I ^ O F F Target Attack Radarir SystemS — is W»bw5C the most ambitious. PackcdPc with a sophisticated radar amand th e latest in ____ advaiiced computersBand ai software. __ _ this airborne'systemipromiBCBto pi ------GIIIRLS DEPiARTMEN' have th e capacity to) siisim ultaneously . identify, track and tar{^ rg e t large SUMMER SPOIORTSWEAR ORESESSES I n u m b ers of tanks andid o ther mobile All Shorls. Tanks, S kirls, PoPonts and Crop Tops All Summer Sundressesises And Dressy Dresses. systems ocross hundrcidreds o f square m iles, including a re a s Ideep inaide Q u aalicy i O neida stainlesss flatwf are service forr 8 in your m • East Bloc territory.. ^ o)ice i c of bcautriful patterterns. C om plete set iiincludes 8 NOWREDUCE B ut a s currently conJronfigurcd Joint cach;h ; salad fork, dirincr forifork, dinner kqife, teasa s p o o n a nd STARS h as two m ajoor r

• r ; A-6 nmos-Nows, Twin'In fFalls, Idaho Sundny. July^30, 31 ,1989. e o p l e

■ “ BEARING UP THEE Sunday CiDrosswordI Swdnimerr gave hlier 'besst shot’ By Wiiiiam Canin n in e E tte n s o n Edited by Herb Etti LOS AN(iNGELES (AP) — CanadiarUan a refrigerator." ^ K T ^ ly during'filming ^ ^ B Q o f "Thc FocU in ACROSS m arath on ssw im m er Vicki K eith, still■lill Director likes uworking 1 W h lia-w ato r jio 111 ji2"Tir"BBiT"Ti6“ ha |i7 I tired fromom crossing the Engllsli ^R B Ith e Cose of M. i> flo a ta r ______Channol twtwo weeks ago, had to aban-^ out of ^ew Yorlrk^ L.A Hij^HValdcmar.'' 6 Son ot Z«us don her efforteff( to butterfly from Son­UJ; PITTSBURGH (AP) — Director "A nything's 9 Saturday night -pj George Romero is backck at the scene a ^ l B l a ? ta Catalinaina Island to the mainland ^^^^Icheaper than New 14 ••Enlarprlae" - i i EIE i------after 19 houlOurs. of hiB first, 1968 ho rroir r classic, "The ^ ^ ^ ■ Y o r k or (Los An- Joum ay " I don’tVt considor this a failure,”p. - Night of tho Living De.)cad,''Jo make ^^Q Q geles), but that’s 18 a*n. Bradley l|i she said.. " "I figure I just went out his Ilth feature film. y il^ ^ n o t really thc fac- IB Ultimata "Now it’s sort of bcC'ccomc a signa- ' 20 ■"Ttia P arlla' o f ■ there andIg g, a v e It m y b est shot." 'ta r'rr “ r,” Romero aaid. j„j turo. I’m known as. tlthat guy who GEOR< ...... Paulina" a.o- .. ^-1 .-l" .. .Koilh’s! support i crew persuaded J f r o "U’s a varied kind 21 O o -fa r tz «3 j j j j ’ works'irr Pittsburgh," h(he said recent* ' ROMEl ofiook:------22 Baara’ laadar her to quitLiit after the exhausted and 24 Baar'a 'Bama ■ n------hallucinatirIting athlete gained lessess a q u ad ■ ______than halff ia milo in tho last eight 20 Spaca craft PP hours Fridriday, said crew'member 27 intanaa laar r suMrIM ER N O V ET L sSle^ .. . 28 Waddlns p = i ! = = C raig Willialliam s. c»ram ony She hadid covered< rhorc th a n 18 ofr 20-25V. OFF O n Popupular LDS Novels 30 Bridga aeat thc 24 mileliles across the San. Pedrodro ______, 31 Mlatakas Z “ “ - _ -ChanncLwhiwheaahc.gava-in----- ^— ;------—Tlirough-July-S ------* t - = - - t n i d d l a r - ^ — 20% 0FFn 33 "Put a — on m______Keith thothought Uut a huge tankerker ^ All Children's Bor painfully tissue, 82 Shakaspeara Alter 109 Perceiy's Day" (V. week. RogorTcrhune of Pompano DOWN 61* P e rso n , p la c e o r , "0 in g ro w n toenails. t Radio:liosu'rgery is the . villain — ___ ,hlng J5 Ariz.AJ cily o o nb«rt) a l lunch in rst a in looking for someone 64 Bouquet 1 Dir. P o lan sk i ' Carpenter's Po,„, ne Conventionali\ s u r g e r y l a t e s tt t«technique that 2 Tampico pal z r/ho™ .' Theodore kc. 1 66 Air maneuver 62 Pieter Willem of gn for ingrown nslails CDlten corrects:ts ingrown nails. ------a Chariaian . 66 Calcutta coin S. Afr. 96 Wl lahue or . ' Beach burstle was told Mike wasn't results in theirr returning R adiosi)surgical units 4 Eng. river I 66 C alil. t>ear 54 F o u r- p o s te r 100 EPrinceton Pri J o T o n ,,8 ler named Mike.began Verbally abusing 0 o as well as> painful have be 6 Clay once e been effective in ; 90 Piggish 56 River of msscot mi niekni 6 S q u e a led M-rv 'Vhen henployeos, polico said, andid scarrino. ■ erad ica'eating warts, 91 Civil wrong fo rg e tfu ln e s s 101 Make Ml amends 7 Qlacler ridge s o Slar there, hc be WitR radioosurgical excisingig neuromas ( or 92 Drs.' easts. *88 T eam b o o s te r a |— ked him to quiet down, 6 Belle played by 5 equipment, aI beam of benign 93 Bizarre 60 Do the crawl mama pair of emplled me un old man," said n tumors), and TIsm ey 94 Sturdy fabric 82 Manuel’a milk SQ Rogers oskechis day thc s ta r o f th e pro„ electrons is gegenerated treatingig < deep cracks in 9 Yogi and Dale -g,66 Sluggish gg lency of callusedacJheels. 96 See 79 D 10 Jackle’e aocond ^ [■■mg n m “He calledcircuit and still powerfully m a te q; fiWalllalal Rogers, in hi. 99 c'est moll" 67 Major.worka ' ffl Kuid: ' If'yTju w ant u plui'u^ s e c o n d , —» * - >K W » » ------=' — 102 Opposed (to) ------i l c»pii>g)vB d av tce 68 61 Ring out E wrestling clrcan hove m e rig h t now .' ■rom ihcflficcs of; 106 Noetrlle rectifiea, andi d i r e c t e d 12 Actr^s Signa 69 T Lass on the ■! id Him again st a w all nnd 110 Relevant beam In '72 id through a hara n d p i e c e . Dr. d )r. Duvid Bliickmcr 13 Feeds portcere f; of me, you ca 113 Ancient galley 14 "Bad Nawa 70 » Lowest - hilv up a choir.nnd threw it at T he resu lta n t w a v e a c t s Twin win Falls 7.13-3HK1 114 Paria pupil Bears" star point M " I pushedrs said. "I gave him a shotot w^h greater p r e c i s i o n nur Burlcy67«-I5l5 . 116 D iam ond 16 Social worker 71 Solo I a iic picked stup have flown five feet intoto b e a n J .c o b ■ 72 Part of HRH I ■ me," Rogers 117 Grizzly Adams* 16 Snorri aaga 73 Disturber of ilf a ______b e a r ...... 17 - over (fall) I beam’ peace ■ | and hc must I V : 119 Bumpkin 20 Sea duck 76I Racalrack ^ ¥ ^ . 1 2 0 Main course . 23 Showy (lower m av en 2 S B • ^ K y W d d l e o l 66 A: 2S.Luncli hour 77 ^ Wire nail I 5 78 Qral'a zero 11^ 26 Angry person 34 La Douce j 36 Thailand once 7, SnI [ § ^ iC o n w n :a n d y lovc/er’s delij n o w ; By Joel Glenn Brenner ' interest w as Bounty, a co- Many companies are y o u 'v e g o t a lII l i t : The Washington Poal fit|o n a a- by M&M-Mars. The candy/ ireach the health-consciou Also o fjng ir been a best-seller in Eu-• with' itoms like tofu ch tt a k e s t(;o g e t • WASHINGTON - E ^^. w a vitam in-enriched, low-' i:is a $26 billion industry, ugar's] and no - The annual convention3Com and cot- ness, makinir that became hip in the - CO’Connell, president o f grnnola'bars;th ------•tional Candy Wholesalerands. ' Milk bors, 1 Confectioners Association.s coated with .tion, which has turned ori thi o f the N a- calorie bar :ton Convention Center ilersher Associa- 1960s. has dono lit- ,ant confectionary, withtho .i Washing-^ om satisfying ...... each offering dclectoble delh ere into a pi-' = SRAUIolesale-candy ; 'Alas, this caloric displi[1 .630 booths V * 1 said Richard only to th e professional delights. sv ------j thc National in tho candy industry.splay B is open BtJRRITOSS & BREV M '£,000 registered buyers,I sweet tl tooths Annual "B illy BrsIraun Street Da tion is a time to decide. B ut for the ■ g u s t 1 s t , X 9 < Jind what’s not from theI, the conven- 2 n d A:uesday, Augi ------iikc-Hcrshc)*s-ond-thc-ile what’s hot nP«i like Black Forest, whichhe of old-timers * «S t. E d w a r^ d 3 s ~ C h u rc h treats shaped like dinosau r n e r o f 2 nd St. E. &i (6th Ave E., T w iniq 1 I and, yo-s, spacc crontures.I oJTers chewy 8 IV ■ " I f yoii loye candy, thissaurs. ii worms . c6rn D a n c e : 7' - lo p.m. B u y O li n e P Uz z a ; to be,” said wholesaler Tims. ______^ 2 ! l p eer_ t p ersq n — ^ I f you’re didbetioi—this ie -is the place > 8 9 ■ you." Pina Maslcns. e r Camlly Buyers were buzzingie-could-kill— n ------*5*” p e r t a ^ " GelOI n e f ntEEJ j ehoy Chocolate U.S.A.'s n erages & Nachosos w ill be avail: • lato bor callcd Sjmph: about Hor- creamy milk chocolate is e: 5 ncw choco- n ___ __»fexicati D innttier: 6 - 9 P - m hit tho shelves by Septemiphony. bt The B c v e i Buy any Size3 Original( Rouijnd Pizza at: regular i * ^ scnbod a? "upscole.’' whicls cxpected to *4““ Sorir a d u lts 1 ( plies to itii pricc. nber. Itis de- price andid get the idenQtical pizza freree! | "We cxpect it to be voryhich also ap- ? 2 ‘” £orjr chlldrei^ unde Ib rr)' Freison. dirccu>r of tn I proceeds w U l so to St.C. E dw ardJ C atholic Schliab le opment Tor tlio I’uniisvlvati:ry big," said I „ . -ny. f trad e devcl- WJM W e C a e ;) s a r s P“i i z z ^ .•atiia compn- , ■ Bl ■ valuable couppen ■■*1 >1 l e r I * I ^ “I got Walk into Littletie Caesars*with ourr Coupon and You'll'11 walk’ sses H c h o o l * ( out w ith a freeJ pizza.p Bccause Wheleneveryou buy o nle e Little ! in or; my glas - C aesars p iz z.a a you'll ; take the seco:rond one home frtjc!:! Two'I delicious pizzasaa for the price o f oneie...two great reasonsins why Bring your oyowoai suntain W ost . we’re Thehe Worlds largest carirry-out pizza chainn Optical. Wo Start n v e hour!1 0 W g l a s s e s _rigHt horp_. .. Right n□ar c proscription to Moui ited i|i th e i n Moyntain W ost'st iiworking on your no' p o s s ib lo . ^ L ocat ! Am erican Plaza Our'commitrnont tonovi/t c . Wo know thu qualil3 in-storo lab rnaKon tl n o t l'n th o . 7 3 3’1 -7 7 5 6 . ’’W A IT IN G ". o quality m akor. it ngfit. ality is in the "DOING” ^^^V;Mountai LUE LAKES BLVD. N. mH O U R S : Mon.-Fri. 9:00-6:00 ^( & m m [4-EYES ------C I O l6 d ‘S a l u r d * y W l i e t i you makek e paza tfiis good.I, one |ust isn't eno 73^TWIN FALLS AAfter Hours by Appointm . T " ( f )

tm ent Sundny, July 30, 1009 TimosmoS'Nowa.TwinFolls,Idaho ' A-7' rOINa-ation ifl-1 y ^ Bush-iCongreiISS h o n ee y m p p nI on theijx^cks ByJIMDRINKARD—- ing such an accord carl;irly is no lo n g er tioard, and n q f y j c i g ______^ Associated Press Writciitcr ■ ~ ^ — ■ ------— ------■oloy, D -W ash..iW nlcd rccent nTdoHBtfTsnarelyr------^--- -C o mI i B P o w nhfbr-ttie- - I — WASHINGTON (AP) P)- — Six months after Presi-■si- ing relationship with thethc new Democratic leader- B ush continued b insinsist F rid a y th a t hc is not dcnt Bush's inAugura)1 speechs ; oniering the hand of ship team " in the House,ise, said R ep. Beryl Anthony,y, looking for a Tight w ithth omocratic-controUcd na'me-caller.r-i-' s'- IflGIISB* ' House ham m ered the adadministnition on its de- E u t Dcmoc raU seem:m in creasin g ly tess willing MpnhMiig«of*2S fenso plans by slashinglg ^w eapons system s Bush fa- to ta k e such com m entsts a1 t facc value, -J vorcd and odding som\e e 1he didn’t. " B u sh wofila’'lciiidersr 1arid g e n tle r’ wMlc his peo-1 But it had been deteriie rio ra ti^ g for w eeks, as the pie a re gnawing >-our Ic]legs ofT," said Rep. Byron , : itt White House negotiateded positions with congres- D organ, D-N.D. xu •tUsOOiia : sional DemocratD on aa w ide ran g e o f issues and1 Proponents of the weevedge strategy, from Sununu icourtcd their votes onlylly to h av e Republican law- to House GOP Whip Ne>>Iewt G ingrich o f Georgia and ABankOniaw rtna gipg ^m akers and cam paignn O]o p e ra tiv e s lato r u n d e iv ‘ncine Edward Rollins, chairmrman of tW National Repub-ub- ...... 1; the agreements^______~llCQnCongressional Conk>mimitWe, "h av e absolutelyEly ■ LFOOD » FUN « FOBT>b t u n e Democrats complainoiined th a t B ush was playingg aa no in terest in anythingg exe cep t b urning the bamI ^ ______BARTON’S■»S ^public "good guy" rolo.e. ccalling for political peacece * '^ o w n ." 'H e ia id r'If (BuVlushns'gG ing U) Kave'n two-0- land harmony, while priviriv atcly signaling his GOPp tra c k system , th at's notlot going to w ork... What — ttroops to'uliajk'fronTTRcth e re a r” tra c k is the president onon?" • . " I think thc president*‘n t'i^ going to Hnd his good M ore than 80 Democnicrats e x p ressed a sim ilar will here ia going to dimiminiBh.” i said Rep. Sander sentim ent on F riday, co:com plaining to Bush in a let- Levin, D-Mich. “ T hat's's notr a threat, it's just a re- ter that Rollins’organizilization took m ore than 20lof of a lity ."...... __them_to ta sk jn new8_relreleasegjpr supporting thee , . . ______president’s position agaijainat random drug testing L Particularly galling' to House lead ers has been'n g______i i apot_ln-l^.Nav«d« ------Bush’s eagerness to seek•ek a n am en d m en t to t h e __ _fbt5taU» Dopartment cnemployees in a floorvotc— " JACKPOT. NeVAPAIDA______^______------Constitutionagainst-naplag'dcsecrationto'countcr a last m onth. “ G E O RIGE G l B U S H reccnt Supreme Court. decision,dc and his use of a " I t was a dilTicuIt poli•olitical voto for those of us Relationship with CongressCc deteriorating speech at the Iwo Jima memorialn to put pressure 3 who care about the w ari r on( d ru g s," said Rep. PeterIter oh Congress to act. Congress," Anthony^aid.lid, adding that thc result Hoagland, D-Neb., one0 o0 f th e victim s of the pressss They also believe thlat a t Bush has been busily would be legislative stale.alem ate. "A nd in a stale­ releases. "It's ju st inexcixcusable." making expensive promimises, from a $100 million1 m ated governm ent, it’s's alwal ays tho president Another signer ofthele Iletter. Rep. Richard A T E L L K H 0 R .NI P. L A Z A development programI for fo Poland to a capital - who’s hurt." Stallings, D-ldaho, recei;alled Bush’s inaugural _ gains ta?rbrcaK~and a jnm o t n n c d m ission to M ars, _ “ We believe there's a p attern ," said Rep. Steny' statem en t that '*thc Amcmerican people await ac- ____ thcoiiandiiigiongrGSS-tfB-tfie^Slll8-to-pay7.’“ — -irT.rHoyer', D-Md.'fChairman'an orthG-House Democraticc - tion:-They didn’tsond us bere to bicker They ask- In remarkably candid'lid co m m en ts this week, Caucus. “Tho presidentrit ssay s nice things, and on us to rise above the merely e n p a rtisa n ." Houso Minority L eaderr PR o b ert M ichel, R-Ill., indi-idi- the o th er hand John Sunuimunu say s 'u se th is as a " T h a t was the line thaj}at got th e b est response" in cated that White Housee CChief of Staff John Sunununu wedge issue.' T hey're talktalking out of two sides of the Jan u ary speech, hce saids . “ B u t'it’s become a was indeed Tully involvedved in th e stra te g y “ to de- thoir mouth." onc-wiiy street, a s I see>e iit. And what will happen A possible vidim oflhelhe ill will could be the is We'll stop supportingg hhim , a n d they'll wind up ffiC velop the wedge issues"3” ssuch a s th e flag that would put D em ocrats on ithc defensive. hoped-for agreem ent betv)ctwcen Bush and CongressI w ith a lot of probloms thithat will bo of their own MEXICAN FIESTA'GRGRANDE I “ T hat docs not bode' w(well for a b ip artisan work-k- on a fiscal y ear 1991 budgjdget outline. Talk of reach-I- making." Hot mariachis. Sniooloolh inarcaritas. All this and morcwilc will be youn at Elkhom Plaza's maniviiloso Mc^dcanan Ficsia CnimJc, Ju s tic e Departm ] n e n t re le a s e s d e a tth row stta tis tic s Adcliciousbi. huffcl ol'auihcniic Moidoan cuisine;ine willv bc served right here on ■ lhe PlazjI undiTur 3 jiini icni from 6 p.m.. acconccompanled by the exotic sounds By JAMES ROWLEY spent an1 aaverage of six yeors andid said. cent werere in prisons in Western of marlariachi!.- Al 7 p.m. an incredible 23 l/2hourshowkicksofrreaiuring\l'. Associated Press Writercr eight montjnths awaiting execution for)r At year’s end, 2,12-1 pri)risoners wore states. SixSixteen pcrccnt were on Flamenco danccr> and native folkloiilkloricodancerJ from Sonora. j their crimmes. e u n d er d eath sentences in 34 o f thc 37 death rowsws in state prisons .in thc ' y Snjoin us when Elkhom PlazaPlaz bccomes Idaho's "Liitlc WASHINGTON — Eleven' Louisianiana and Texas each execut-t- states that authorize ca;apital punish- Midwest anand almost 6 percent were A Mcxicii" for opc gloriousous evening.( Bring your huaridias. prisoners were executeded in six states ed three inmatesini last yoar, with two10 m ent. T hore were no deceath-row pris-' awaiting cx8 cording to the study, sentenced1 tott die la s t y e a r were whitejte JSL invited. H uiaksialucgo! ; year, the Justice Depaipartment said and five bliblack males were executedid Of the nation's death-iv ro w inm ates m ales whilelile 89 were black and four •• ‘ Augustsist 5 (Saturday), from 6 p.m. • Saturday. last year, la st y e a r, 1,238 — o r 58.:8.3 percent — wore malele American Indians and 5 -Bufrciandshow:$l8— adults-- Thc executions in 1988988 brought to DuringJ 1: 1988, sta te courts sent 296)6 w ere white and 853 — *10.10.2 perceni— were malele AV sians. T hc group includ- I S 9-chi1drtnl4andundcr j 104 thc total number of inmatesi put defendantsIts to d eath rows in statc were black. Tho study ssaid 21 were cd three whwhile women and two blacki # to death since 1976,6 , ' When th e prisons foifollowing their convictionn American Indians ancnd 12 w ere womcn; Thi:'hirty-werc Hispanic. - L . Show only: S I-a d u lts . Supreme Court rcinstaistated capital and sonteni.encing for m u rd er, .the re-J- Asinn. Last yeaicar, Florida had the most $ 3 — children Uandundcr punishment. port said, T his group included 23J3 women. new prisone)ners on d e a th row — 42 — The department, i'n a study t by its The deal!ath sentences of 116 inm ates'S State prisons in Soutu thern states followed by T ex as, w here 34 dcfen- ; n 'v A l l e y S . ; Bureau of Justice, Stattatistic s, said already on death row were vacattdd held 59 p ercent of the nallatio'n's death- dants werere o rd e re d se n t to prison to those put to death duririring 19^ had or commutluted last yenr, the studyy row inmates last year, wv. hile 19 per- be executed,ed. A G O P ^ oo a ts overr D em o craa t defectcors BUS RESORT . Sun Viillcy. Idaho 83354 By RITA BEAMISH gave reasoiisons designed to sell welt:t legiance is really to the GOP.G' 1 B w i f i ! (208)6224511 Associated Press Writer?r with the cit:city’s overwhelming majori- Wliile Democrats contrtrol all of the B V T jr^ ty of blackck nnd Democratic voters. south's1 state legislature!res, Rcpubli- ^ K h BBI W ^HINGTON — Three The formercr chief, who is black, cited^ cans, now sit in five outLofllg^ver- c r l ' 'R ep u b lican s Bush’s ” ^tii’kinder-gentler" "effort,-his , times last week, the 'F nor's chairs. gloated and thc Democrocrats winced anti-crime e1 and anti-drug campaign, ( The Democrats say con the one WHB n o w a lso ^ ^ T Z . DAILY 7^)5 9:10 B S«] ' as President Bush welcoicomed Demo- ond his bidlid lo project concern about SUNDAY enJ . hand that the party-swititching4 trend cratic defectors into thee GGOP fold. civil righlghts and minority cn- | fn 5H)0 7^)5 9:10 irship. 'is overblown, that thc ERepublicans The -White-House_..didoors wore Ireprenoursl S S B H K S S f f l icaa-Nationnl Committee, hnve attra c te d only two statewst id e of- opened wido to show caseISC i w T S f W — —•ficiala-and two memberajajitCongrcas __ . g g K l W riV H^D OVER^TH^ IBIC WEEK HELD OVERk/ER-3RD SMASH WEEK coups. Bush personallyy t e:Aended a Chairman 1L Lee Atwater.VSouth Ga’r- * i l i i f l ...... BATM AN (PCPC-13) DEAD POCT'SPOE SOCIETY (PC) " M S k tive whose exptfrtiso in^ '— Robinson and Rep. BiBill Grant of DAILY 7:10'0 9 :4 0 DAU)AILY 7:10 9:25 fiRJ fraternal bnd to retiringing District of “I™ . Florida. „Y . SAT-SUN_2:10 4:4040 7:10 9:40 SAT-SUNN 2:40 2 4:55 7:10 9:25 G f l Columbia Police Chieflier Mnuricc southern popolitics is widely acknowl- ^ MATINEE SAT-feN ONLY embarked on a campaign1 Democrats accused MeMcKeithen of ' * Turner — widely consideiidered a may- edged, is cr TT pI T t o m h a nIKS k ; IN A C T IO N MCM O V IE O F THE YEARI ' 0 9 ' / making deal with tbe GOIOJ>topayofr >N SAT-SUN FROM 12 TO 6 . qral prospect for the caplapital - and • ^ dem onstnstratc to potential party i ALL ADULTS ONLY t u r n e r s , h o)OCH(PC) o LETHALIAL WEAPON 2 (R) _ |S 3 : Robinson of switchers I ththat their constituents' al-- hisI S400.000 cam paign debt • ______DAlLY.7aoaQ 9 3 0 ------D)AILY A II 7 ^0 9 3 0 ------B I S l ^ ------^ to- R ep r-'T o m m y - Ro! . $3;5P SAT-SUN 1:30 3 i} 0 5530700930 i SAT-SUN 131130 330 530 730 930 I g P ' Arkansas, a potential gubernatorial gui 1------candidate. In thc third case, the president B H J ^ “ v^ E K E N D A T T H E I8ERNIES W EIRD AAL IS HEREl U H F R D S H O W S NIGHTLY NU 9:00 ONLY P igI telephoned Louisiana Secretary SC' of iyjijiTTirfTTaWriW?I f (PC ) BU ______7 :0 0 9.-000______(PC) State Fox McKeithen andmd congratu------lated-him-on-joining-the-ile-GOP-whil©------WALT DISNEY'S HONEY, I JAMES BONDS) EBACK! DISNEY'SEY'S PETER PAN (O) I -5HRUNKTHFinDS-(PG)—:)------LICCNSE-TO KlLlHL '(P G -13)------DAILS\ILY_7.dD.ONLY______| ! 3 _____ L McKeiUien's father, thc th form er DAILY 7:tS 9:15 DAILY 7 :1 0 9:9:40 SAT-SUNUN 12:55 235 4:10 *fS eight-year Democratic: (Gov. John ‘ •> AT-SUN 1:15 3:15 5:15 7:15 9:119:15 SAT-SUN 2:10 4:40!0 7:10 9:40 5:5 :5 0 7 3 0 H McKeithcn told his son,1, “You ' must _ S U Ni D A i r f N O W O>N N six presiden- n 7 H iNCH! tial elections. The defectors’ statedI nreasons for' Enijpy c our fam ous Sununday Cham pagne • -changing parties -arc n >" <@) I. n desire to BrunCich, served in the GG; ala Showroom fa '7 : 3 0 9 : 3 0 the tough-on- , , , da ilyV IW n I . DAIL'AILY 7 :1 0 9 :4 0 S align themselves with the ) SAT-SUN•4 2:2:10 4:40 7:10 9:40 S crime, pro-defense thrustist of the Rc- a.a . m . CO 3 : 3 0 p . m . ■ SAT-SUN 1 3 0 3:2?:30 5:30 7:30 9:30 publican Party and theJie domestic . Jf’s5 az delightful m edleyey of hearty entreese s , d e l i ' agenda lumped under tbtho "family N E W YORK values" category. They dedescribe the CIOUS> salads,S delectable apjippetizers, luscious pastriesp Q g ' H A S A Democratic Party as libuntural, special- . a n d , o O f c o u r s e , c o m p l i mm c entary cham pagn interest oriented and nott represcnta-n o ^ lEW PROBLEM 1 /StoM K i ; t.95 per person. tive o f their constituencies.es. tW SC!St o f all, it’s ju st $ 4 . 9 TERROR BEGINS! Some southern switchersiers said they W h a t a DAILY 7:45 9:45 became Republicans for politicol SAT-SUN 1:45 3:45 delicious w M A H M n M survival after witnessingng tho GOP 5:45 7:45 9:45 9 9 OASCWTMiESAU voting strength in reccntL eielections. I ' to start yoL Turner, who has notit idampened ^ 3 f l S u n d a y ! speculation about n majnayoral bid, S S Q n i T T ? i r i W l ^ nCSlOCNTIAl. ANO COMMCtlCIALClALDCBlONlNo'^ ^OP^^I-SAT*SUN OPEN 7 NIGHTS ------1 MM SsSffl SHOWTIMF9:15 rlOWSNICHTLY9:15 5 _ 3 • - OPEN FRI THRU VE Ih e AD^iNhntE Of )buR Utre n R SHOWS TWICE NH . B»ml*moyt>*d*od. S ^ 7rf>0&9rf>0 tHrth*‘ii1ltl I H MACCHIO - f S d i t f W^pp^lh»llf»o(fn* l l S potty. 1 ruoxrzA £120 td i h b rhe. fsg ; 7 ir a te (S ^

CO-HIT AT 11K)0 2 d K ft)-HIT AT 11:00 ^ S G H O S T B U S T E R S II rtJU jnK ”SAv;AY ANYTHING" j LAKf'lULTO N: TWlf g g g g B B ^M s n s n s B u w : A -e Timos-Nows. Twin FailJ•alls. Idaho Sunday, July 30.30 . 1D09

I '

I'j"; r e B iB B E m[m w itf f i i l ^ rea«ivecreim t o n 7 z^agjfith it^ a tt t h e > u r t e , 1 ^ 1 StJM •reoEyoi P p - f ''■£^ f - M C p . P? 5TOREVw j d e A Z I ^ t SCHWEIGER- - m SOUTHWEST SECTIONAL With Oak Trirrii^Rci*., $1999.‘)5S: g SUNSET RICHAA R D S ^ S ^ now^1695»^ MAUVETEXTUu r e d _ ^ ^ ^ ^ > * ^ ■ FFLOORXSMP” + 200 BO N U SS B U C K S ______R

K. NNOW * 2 1 9 ^


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o nVK TABLE c h £ r rRV^ABLE TOP’ STYLISH: BBLUE-GREY Witlith BRASS TRIM1 ! DESK WINGBACCK CHAIR ------SL-. V '-R cg .;. ;$229:95------W/QuL-eiw1 Aiinc Legs, R«!7S49999.9,‘i Reg, $349,95 - I NOV>w ^ l 9 9 ^ ^ ______^__.N O w i33 9 9 « ^ ______N O W * 2 9> 9 9'« ' - ■— ^—


NOVA 4 BULB POW ELL JJEW ELRY y ^______IJSX ' LO^aUILLLCJEtAE'£X _____^CONTEIJMEQRARi:__ UPRIGHT!r CHEST______SOF.'FA TABLE: l1 a m p 8 Drawers. Cherlierry Finish. \ Rcg,_$. $«59.95. Super ComliirIbriablc WitivBrjis.ss Base, Reg,, ,$199,9.SS ^ Reg. S499.95 1 7 9 9 s .995 NOV,W * 7 4 9 ’-'® n o w *1 n o w _ * 4 2 9

LOO B O N U S BUU C K S + 3 0 B CO N U S B U C Kcs S + 30'BONN U S B U C K S

+ 1C SAL]W e n lDS B •______^ UST^X^ I ^ t ~ AUJM 2 3 m = ■ t li- |C ■ra IJl « i

berai Trades ee Parking - A sv o lv in g In arg e ' i f c ^ KBjg------• Rexee Delivery rA V lB X A C h,i e a r a n c e — e n te r 204 Main Awe.Ai N .' I IWin Faialls ^ M BiaiON DOLLAR BL 33-7111 ^______'Q uoIIIY Furnis:ishings At AffordabIble Prices' Sincee 1946 ^93i1^1 t a = i < Burma POWER 7 3 ; n- ■/ I ■'■ f i

S unday. July 30, 19B9J9 Timos-Nowo, Twin Foils. Idoho “ ■ “Obituaries,:s/hospitals B2 * t ■ ' Idaho/We:e s t B,4 W n i m : ------B - W o r l d - B e6 -7 — ------SIpElann for H rfl ew/ b rid ^ ^ still ion hold y I : V v •***■ M l ByKmKMlTCHrC H ELL' ■"...... 'M M TimcS'Ncwi! tvrirwriter

Q l TWIN FALl^ , .1^ - If thc past is a reliable 1-H‘ l gauge. Singinglg DBridge may be falling down before ils rcplncolacoment is built,' - City Engineerecr Gary Young said repeated jilH - setbacks of thc1C rreplacement dale mny indi­ I j m cate th at it willll neverm be built, h SM Thc state is sscheduled tp-replace-lhe bridge in 19^1,I, bibut thc likelihood pf keeping that dole is questiicstionable. - The project hnihos been pushed back several tim es. If il hodid bbcen built when it was first _ scheduled, theJ re]replacement bridge would be •__' five years old,, YoYoung .said, _ I n 1977. the bridge b wa.s scheduled for i^acem enlforllbr liW, he said, Sincc then, il hash been laken off and then ^ 2 put back on theho Ilist for replacement twice, said Jim Carpcntcenter. District 4 ossistant engi- ______y ' ______Sjb nccr for thehe state Transportation •’ V-- |H . ..Department, “Wc feel this3 yearye it will move up to 1933," ------Carpenter said,i, *1“There is quite a bit of sup- Jm l port for replacinging the bridge." ■ H E v en if a n uproar upi from residents and' ^ 9 ------trucking-compani(aniesdoea-perBuade-stateoffi------cials to move thciie projectI up; thc multi-phase preconstructionion process could take four 5 5 ^ ------:-year«, Carpenters«r_said^- - • Before construciruclion. th V std te wbiild h a v e ...... S||iM to conduct.length;igthy relocation studies, hold -environm ental: impact im hearings, design the bridge, purchaseISC lond1 for a wider four-lone bridge and obtainain rightsI of way, hc said, T h e $3,5 millioillion cost of replacing thc Singing Bridgegc :is more than the state M receives in federaleral funds for auch projects in M; oumf y y e a r, said Jleff e ff Miles, bridge inspection engineer for thee TrTransportation Deportment, : Local residetiients and members off thet Hispanic communiimity gather for the dedi dication of the newly; revampedr Twin FallsIs mt ig ra n t la b o r ca m p The state is relureluctant to use all ils money' on ono projcct, hc isoid. ______Meantime, thohe c citv is nlnnriinp tn hiiilH n______SI.<1 million bridgedge over Rock Creek Canyon .connecting Victcictory. Avenue _with_Sixth______Avenue West thothot could offer thc best alter- - ^ w mn F a lli's la b o3 r c a i rn p ^ it s n e tw life ‘ note route U> theic industrialin pork. But that projectject is also .uncertain. It could ByMICHELLECOLEILE . area Hispaipanic leaders gathcred.to. Even thc F arm ers Associociation. . With more pipublic.and-private .Wit Witli luck, thc Milagro Housi hinge on a|$700700.000 federal -Economic - ...... Time^zNews writer d ra w a tte.tention to thc progress which w owned and operatated the funding, augmimcntcd by u lol of Proje bjcct will bccomc a model' I Devdopment Admidministralion grant that the they’ve mamade in building a better laborh cam p until May 1988.8. admit- elbow grease on on the part of camp olherier migrant camps nround ttb e , city haa applied1 for,foi soid City Tom ■ TWIN FALLS - ThThirteen years life for the.he m ore than 50 fam ilies tedU that conditions at the2 •40-ocre residents, the ; ccouncil has Iran.s- state,tc, F ucntes said, “Il provc8•^5 we Courtney, ago frustrated fon'arm workers whocallthi thc cam p home. ' facility f{ were deplorable. SSo they formed 18 «hoclucks inlo nuiit. live- can1 dod( a lot o f things wilh coopcper- Ifit is built, itt CO!could take more than a year staged a march fromm theI city cen- Cl&sterc2red around a row of offered o: the camp to thee Idaho able dwellings.{. ation.'on." ' to com plete, hc saicsoid. ■ te r out to the Twin1 FtFalls migrant newly painitinted houses, representa- M W igrant Council. “Thc local people pOi call thi.s'll]e ThrPhrough a special prograrom The bridge woul^ould be 360 feet long and 40 labor camp in an efforteff to draw tives froi ro m Id a h o ’s M ig r a n t Wilh the help of private;te loans 'Milagro Housirsing Project,'" aaid ' withLh the College of Southeilern feet wide, with1 a ]pedestrian sidewolk and attention to thc misciiscrable condi- Council diidiscussed how far area and ai public economic develojlopment Humberto Fucuenlcs. executive Idaho,iho, m uch o f the work was doilone two lanes, tions in which theyjy were boing farm work)rkers have come sincc grants, gi thc council was aable to director of thehe state's Migrant by residentsres enrolled in ca^enti forced to live.. • th e ir 1976'6 protest | - and how far purchase pi the land nnind its Council. “‘Milagagro' means 'mirn- classesses. O n S aturday, farmm ^workers and they still haveho to go. ramshacklen. buildings for SII5130,000. c le 'a n d th a t’s jusju st whal il 18.“ • See S< CAMP on Pago B?^ Buhl (chief Studern tV pairents^€ettle“suil i t ^ t h privatee ^ h o o receiMives- By M ICHELLE COLE ...... , . . saay y whether any additiona»nal m oney w a s, a student.It, court papers said. ____ inform Immnrnanuel Lutheran officials that“ S s a f e t y ; Times-News writer ■invflivolved inthe settlement.' In fact,;t, the Duncans contend, scho:hool ofTicinls had previousljusly been diagnosed with a tea y award *There was an ogreemcnt amamong all parties told themm R.D. did not have Attenti‘ntion Deficit disability. TWIN-PALLS--A-Twin-rin-Pallrfamiiy-has-set:—not- ot‘to"divulge*anynnf6riiiution ion-regardrng-thc—Bisorden r and-no-apeeial-afieietance-J nl.nlsft dnnipH Ihnt it hnd nvnre r m is- By M IKEL BENTOJTON tJcd a dispute with a local;:al private school out of settettlcmcnt,’’ Thomas High, attorneyat for the • sory forh:his academic program, led R.D.’s parelarenLs. ------^— TimvS’News-corr^j■r^pondent______court. Dunluncans, said Friday. As thee 1987-88 school y e a r dreww 1to a closc. Claiming: theirth« son liad suffered "mentaital and o i h ti » Last week 5th Distjs tr ic t jJu d g c _D anieJ R .^ Duncan was enrolled in thei third grade the parentints said school ofHcials toldId them R.D, einetioha l^ibiiso b ii a t thc hands of (the schfhnnivi BUHL-AprogrcDgram here to encourage thc . H u rlb u tt agreed to dismisfiiuss a low suinnvcilvihg"'atTitTmm'anuel EutHcrafi m AUgusgust ISSTTEarlter, wasstilFSI doing wellTn~cIass but need(e'ded'o'hilor. agents," thei DuncansD' “ask’cd ihe court to | } has-received 8tale-re,cogni------Roy and Marlene Duncancan and the Immanuel the1C 9-year-old boy had beejp11 diagnosedd with The Du:)uncans soid an independenti;nt examina- them more thathan SIO,000 in damages. The < Lutheran School. Atlomeytleys on both sides m ade Altcntion ltc Deficit Disorder, ancand according to tion of R.E:.D.’s progress found hc hadd ini fact foil- am ount woulduld be proved a t trial, court pap“™pt Ohitrf LLes Cochran recently thc request for dismissal.ll. courDurt papers, his parents believlieved R.D. would cn behiiiind while attending I:Immanuel said. ^ received a specialcial award from the Idaho „ •, S a fe ty R estrain t C The Duncans and Immanuel Im Lutheran recejceive more academic helpp f from a private Luthortiri.ri. . M arlene DuiDuncan did not wish to comme it Coalition for his dcport- ag re e d to pay their own1 lawyers’la fees, accord* scho;hool. In theirir answ er,to thc Duncan.s'■ lalawsuit, the the case Fridaiday. High said R.D., who turS n c e n t 's e ffo i^ to> bo.boost community education — . f. ,, und involvement wi ing to court records. Butlul neither side would Iniiial In reports showed R.D.. wi was excelling os school conD ntended thfit the parents hahad failed lo ^next week, will Attend public school this fo it with the safety bell issue, . Hc is'onc .ofthele i: 13 c h ie fs in th c s ta te to . receive the silvor}Lsafety_belt.pIaquB.and_lhc st ______only ch ief in the MagicMoj Valley. IN E tbbrain ffr ^ t m ^n t SuirrVdlle^ytourimm to get While pleasedd w:with the award. Cochran sa id Cpl, Michocicl HottmonF: is the Buhl ofPi- cer mosl deservingk'ing. “He kind o f organized D n e t o r y i ------nnd-spenThendcd-thd-thireffort;^CochrDn-sald: on roaid to svuccess me boost-fn^omstate ttle pockets together." "He pul all the little Tfi^AssocTaled'Prcss------...... boro los-Nowa ______e provided bumper stickers )ron-compound-would_T)e_inj(injccled-inlo-thii __T heJim c: I______tii‘_to g r ow, HaHawkins said.___ .______T he coalition prc i-tho-dopartmont-combined ------j.patititient who is,.then bombardedded by neutrons, O thers in1 lhc lh Mpgic Valley and Woodrrr. 1 ------and-pins,-which-th( )ns,donated by Arctic Circle ARCO - The future remainsrer bright for-a The1C borfin thill reaches the tumtur or could kill TWIN.lJ. F A L L S -T h c Sun V alleyley-Ketchum Valley recciveiv in g g ra n ts a re Soulh Ce:i River coupons i icse packets were given to project at tho Idaho Natillational .Engineonng it. Cham ber;r of Commerce will recciveivc $165,690 Idaho Regionrional T ravel Commission. $61 These ere wearing their seol belts. Labiiratory that would convertcor a m othballed Clinical Cli trials would be conconducted on lab from thc10 Idaho Travel Council totc promote Idaho'Outfiltili t e r s nnd G uides. $5,998; I I j U ’ m o to rists who wereB a courtesy stop, time per- nuclear reactor into a facilityfac to cure bra;n animlimals beforehand. Resfearchechers had feared tourism. Campgroundnd O w ners, SG,900; Burley Idaho -Wc would make a conditions w ere Hafc," said c a n c e r. Sen. Jam es McCluClure says. th aat t if the Senate concurred2d w ith th e $5.3 Thc gjra n n t wos the la rg e s t o f' thell: awards Regatta, $25.0115.000; Stonley-^wtooth Chany m iltin g , and if com ning how tho packets were McClurc, R-Idaho, iss ooptimistic the'pro- mill:illion requested by’ the Dush approvedd during thc council’s two-d}-day confer- $1-1.W0: and1 theth Lost River Vallc/s Chanompcr. Cochran, cxplaininj gram will not be curtailediled bccause o f inado- AdmIministration and approvedd bby the House, ence last9t w eek in Boise. The mononey comcs $2,800, dialribulcd. cnt then dccidcd to target quato funding in thc comirming fiscal year. The. thee EBoron project woidd be setlet Iback by up to fro^theic 2 percent hotcl-motel ta Ui x , and is No one inI thcIhi Magic Valley and Wood I . p. The departmentmd .set up a c a r a t the only ■ _ & natc has passed thc fisciiacal year 1990 appro- two■0 }years. ^ designedd to help promote-totmsm-tm —The-Slt2—Vn I lt»-v-wlio-n7 n-million. help Idahoho’s booming touriBm industustry conUn- Departm ent'st's Itravel promotion division. linRup. ihnt the policc department Cochran said thntue the program . “Wc have intends to conlinue t he upcoming achool year,' somc plans for thean ongoingi effort." The Lopttery: what \ kinnds of p(^oiDle p)lay the game?c hc said. “It’s still an o •d of Id ah o an s conform to A bout one-third o Qi!uck! Under Idaho Fact‘acts, what * liveived in a state w ith ^ lotteryy ' ex tra m oney toI throwth nround, J got tery■y titickcts to see how they drcs ring them to buckle up» essed state law requirin; c an you do in o ur fair state Diana befcMforc. So I d e c i d e d ask arcround kids, a mortgage,ge, car iasurance andd w hat kind of c a r thoy drove a state Transportation- ...... — /e, according to a s sig n o f w ealth, a sign o f po\poverty, »nd see w hether o r not there■ waa-a-v AND a husband."i.::------— surero 8signs of tho,rich and famou ey. The M percent compli- -Hooiey ^ - ous;' Department survey. sign of sin and.a sign of faitfaith all H S B f l H iifference of opinion or just aran I reminded icrher then that there ■ ll cou:ould bo that wealthy pcopie i bit from 30 pcrccnt earlier rolled into one? Country opp;ipparent difference of opinionan. was a statisticalII chnncec that she ruggci^gcd, individualistic slate likeJ in a . ance rate is up a Ibit for below the nationwide No, I’m nol talking aboutout taking neighbors . It it was a lady a t thc groceryry storo could win and vinwir b ig -b ig enough ourovr own, sim ply don’t like lo putke ■ this year but slillcent. fa uton average of 46 percent out a b a n k loan lo buy farm ' ' ' thh a a t t tdid m e she would not plalay the for several husbaibands, which only airs,s, hbut thc one man I saw pur- ates for stales bordering ,r- -C o m p lian ce rates ground. I’m talking aboutIt tlthe Idaho mine, loso your5ur soul in the process, ^“ttcottery because il was a gamle e for ■ seem ed to so u rhermorponthe he chasirising a tickct was wearing cu Igton, 80 percent; M ontana, rut- Idaho a re Washingtoi lottery, those slick designer" " tic k e ts How can thishis new feature o f life ^he woalthy,' whole idea, j . off jcojean s an d driving a VW Bug 44 percent, Orcgort, which g 62 percent; Utah, 44 you c a n purchase for n pittiiiittance jn Idaho createlie such conflicting "Me?* she soid, "Ploy the lollot- I checked herrtheoryout,'! tl minusnus a rear fender. I remcmbe aw, 42^>ercent; Nevada, 36 ber has no seat belt law, and, according to one friendend of feelings? I don’on’t know. I’ve never ^ryery? Are you kidding? I don’tI’t have w atched a few peoplepec buying lot- ming, 25 pereent. Seo H O O L E Y o n P a g e 1 percent; andWyomin B-2 TifTios-Nows, Twin1 Falls,Fa Idaho Sunday. July 30.0. i1989 ises Dietrich.I school booard lookirinq for dri lilder oDf m ilitary bas ByTERRELLWnXIAWAMS McCowann iwas re-elected as chair*r- being added to make aQ placej for thc g g i string Ibasses Timcs-Neivs corrcspondiindent m a n a n d1 JJohn Green was namedd pep band to sit d u rin g gngam es, RATbuibIdcr of J vice chainrirman. Southwick was reap-)- Asbestos training TorDr the mnintc- c v a 'v'^i ILE (AP) — Hammondnd of Ashley, his partnerr Dave .Wilson an Abrahaitham Prcscott restored bass DIETRICH - T h e DieDietrich School pointed clcrIcrk. nance and custodial stfjtaff ha? been bbAIIL -Anhlcy-ttsgtscd-tu-build iia^ul bascsr t570eO; uiid a P aol~TDnlgggg5— District wants to hirere :someone.lo Perronn :rODOrtPfl ju-complet«h-Pe*nnr8triiirf l . ; - ' ses and m issile bases. Now fnmily set-up," bass worth:rth SlO.Oto. drivo a hnndicnppcdcd 8tuden]r~ui Jackie Nj^ye has i^signed to work atit L o c a l r e s id e n t Brinn ri Cooper radar basci ow “W e're m ore like a fn ) string basses for classical su basic two- , Jorom e during thu schoollooryerir. , Clarkston,n. Wash., in the physicalll donated a computcr'terErminal a n i a * cal sa id A shley. “T h e re ’s . pVn basses have sold for about . musicians who play with A nyone in lD reatcdd can c contact educationn department.< The boardd modem to the school.I. T h o bo ard an d ja z z m ith year apprenticeship, buhut no ones in . ^hcjrh o /ro m ade with wood pur- - Ic Symphony Orchestra and SuperintDndcnt Wayno/no Perron or ogreed toD advertisea for someone to0 thanked him for his geneacroBity. Seattle 1 nd th is b u s in e s s to m aiake a lot of only from specialty loggers ups. School Clerk Jerrio SoutlDuthwick a t th e fill N ye’s positionpo as a special educa-1- Perron said he hasi receivi ed a a “ lh e r Broup! m oney." th at cut thetho trees they want, such as school office. tio n a nd ph;physical education tcacher. approved agreement fro'rom the state Ashley iais thc founder of Hammondnd A sh le y , 87, n e v e r trained t nsia Washingtonjlon maples. &metimes they Perron told the SetSchool Board Perron1 saidBt a six-month asbestoss ito operate Dietrich's three-dayth per Ashley Assissociates, one of thc most38t lu th ie r. H e rc c c iv « di a . degree in „jr,jry theLhc custom cut wood for four ------reccntlythc'poBition-ni;i-nlso-rcquifcB—inspection-'n-was-recently completed1 - week kindergarten and1 alsot to oper—sought-aftcfter- luthiers.-a- maket-of.-of-m echanical— onginoo jfore tu m in g it into a n in s tru -— Bome work with’severvcrely hnndi- by Wanleflless Southwick and thcE iate the national schoollol lunch and stringed inalnatruments, in the country,y- Stanford Universityt ini 1924 a n d capped children in Jeromromo. asbestos-co'covered pipes in thc gym-- icom m odity p ro g ra m inI EDietrich. Out of a workshop in a woodeded worked in construction1 iuntil oponing players of Ashley basses In other mattqtf Randy nasium areire being contained with a1 The board agreed to,0 h a v e a bus o re a ju s t. sisouth of Scattle-Tacomana a cabinet-m aking shop'inl929. ir Local pit M cG ow an a n d P a t IviIvicgel were wall aroundmd them. While this wall isB stopi at Bingham resideilence for any- Internatiorional Airport comos a The shop operated imtutil 1«0, when include SeattleSeal Symphony O rchestra, sworn in ns boardd members, being builtlilt, an extension ie also} t one needing a ride. stream ofr bbasses, cellos, violas andnd A shley w ent to build nannvnl bases in bassist BruceBn Lawrence and jazz ... , ■______violins madiado with Washington stateite t he P a c ific.-H e stayed1 on o until »H . musiciansns DouglasI Lilla and Buddy . wood and ththe skilled crafLamansHipiip th e n jo In e 3 lh e ATmiiTy'CorpB-of-Gotlett. ------• Engineers to build dam:ras in Oregon. -,A,hley'.sGy’s) instruments ought to go pOblU:uaries— radar stations in Alaskska and other ! as much. His restored bass* ■ C a nm p — - projects in North Afrfrica. Pans, -•onderful,” snid C atlett, who Germany and Greece, I Viva Batates A private family gruvei/Cflide aer- • C o nItinued tll from Page Bl has playetyed with Quincy Jones, ' Vico will bo held. Tho fnn u It was in Germany tlth a t hiB rela- Hera■Icnderson and Cal T jader. T W IN FALLSFA — Viva BDtos, 04, V' imily aug. They arere not only improving thc gcBlB momorial contribulii tionship with stringedj instruments i L o g a n1 ,, Utah nnd form erly of .lionH mny ^j^ey/ lilive in, they arc learning, bo mado lo the Castlcfor ® began. Ho purchasod aun old string “Ashley'sly's basses are the beat, as — _ T w in F a llaUa. , died Friday, July 28. r . m a rk e ta b lele skills, said Tim Lopez,, Reaponsa. Those m oy hi " bass in Mittenwald inn 1953, on h is far.^; a s II’m ’ conccrned,” said J 9 8 9 .n tththe e Lo«an Valley Nurainff “ r housing operatiom for tbe Whito M ortuary in Twii/i!i F iiIi'k directorofhi way to Paris. In Greecece he found a Lawrence.e. '1'/h ) takes so m uch c afe in antrCo uncil,------^------Arrangoments aro undor'tlu t] r dircc------local-Migran ~ bass loacherrHe-bougught-a nother—ehecking-thc-thc-tone-electronicQlly._and_ __ S h o aa born Doc. fl. 1894 in ^ "Aroundi here 1- you have to know tion of Whita M ortuary. j, bass and-shipped bothh back to thc thc exteriorriors arc as good as those f Granlnvillo.llo. Utah, Iho douRhtor of how to do> everything,"e cnmp resi- P o t e r F . nnd Anna Chrlalinn United States, where he10 returned in from tho I7thI7tl and 18th centuries." U r dent D annyy \Velez said. - Johnson AiAndorson. Sho came to mUlarn M U oyd Keitei tho late 1950’s to work wilvith Boeing on ^elez first moved to the also learned the profession Idaho al Ihotho aRO o f 18. S ho m o rried -BURLEY ------W iJJia mm...iloyd . When Vel jg some missile-related p .d Friday, camp a fewCW months ago from his :, although he knew wood- ■ GIonT. nnt.{(itea in O ak lo y in A pril o f Kollar. Ki 77, of Burloy. diod also operated a cabinct-n July 28. 1989, at tho0 Caaaia home in EII Paso,P T ex as, he said con- from his father, a shop . J9I.1 a n d ho10 Iprocodcd hor in donth on Ji ness on'thc side with h N o v . 6 , 1971971. Their marraiRO wo8 Memorial M Hoapilal in Burleyey. ■ ditions w ereire so b a d th a t “your foot He was an operator for the, n son. l a t e r Hot<;mAmnizod in tho Snll Lako H o w u s born Jan. 8,, 11912. in would go rigright th ro u g h thc floor" in , . , , n u c le a r reactors rea ut Hanford, but - City-L;D:d.S. ‘Tompio. Sho rajBcd her • MMarahneldrMo.Tlh<^ non «ofOiidell mosthomes.-!S.- ...... - ...... -- T he sh o p th riv e d , bi ■deskw ork...... 1 .T-win-Falla—Thay-then—T -Palmore^ond-Gora-Bthel Pi rel-Rndei— : N6w, ho“snsaid. “11 ma"kes me proudy—yeafs-agD'he-hnndcdth! livod 'olifomia for 40 yonrs and K Ki o lle r. H o attended schchoolK. in to Ijvg here."i." building p a rt over to hiss sson and con- Onco heic jojoined Hammond Ashley, . c n m v k to Twin Fulla in 196Q. Site ' Springfluld, Sp Mo, and graduntinlc-d from ^^did his w ife, who live in a centraled on making in stru m e n ts, about 17-yoayoars ago, “I never wanted und hor huihuBband had tho 'Nighl high hi Hchool in Libortyville, y^t-to-be refrefurbished dormitory onn Without any classical1 ttra in in g or.^ to d o anythinthing else,” Wilson said ...... _C/iaWcs D. Farmemer H o w k a ” ddnnco m bond for atjoul 20 graduatedgr from tl)o Unive n apprentice, work, he aapproached , )^e’reif in the m ig ran n t t c a m p gro u n d s, aro on gh he has' retired from a F IL E R - Ch:»rIcB D. 'JFnmior, GC, yoara in thohe Moffic Valloy. Sho wua Miaaouri M with a B.S. De. ]. building instrum ents by; studyings the • Although ond organist and taught Agricullurnl A( Educalion undidfn'M.s" thewaiUnpli’ list for one of tho romod- professions'and has hoaring of Filor nnd formorly' ofTwino( FnllB, « planiBl on c physics of sound nnd thee instrumi ents «en cs o f prof V. 1909.oflung muaicformcmnny yoar*. Degree D« in Educalion. Whil.liie nt the ^ c d umtS. He Ht says he’s sure that thc and sightit problems,p Ashley'isn’t died Thuredny, July 27, 1 n them selves. cnncur in the Veteran’"n’n Ho»pilal in She wnaa u mombor of the L.DiS. Univeraity Uc of Misnouri. ho hiianngwith building expxperience will help him quit being a luthier, even at id was the orgaruet for the th j job some duy. “Some of our early instrumentsin Boiho. Church und ' tho Burrel Choir. Followpwing his land a good jl His wife of over 60 years, J wua o tompio worker in quite ajContrast betweenn didn’t' look loo p retty , but He wnn born A u rt.. 16,1 1922, in w n rd . S h e w Hchooling, he taught agricuculture at There is qi till by his side, Struwn, Cofroy Couniyn ty , Knn.. Iho Iho U a AnRingelcB Temple for n num- B Qj irc h treo , Mo. u n d W rig h t City.Ci Mo. th e h o m e s5 lhat ll are waiting to bee ducei good-.sounding in stn son of Chnrlcii L.. nndo Snrnh bcrofyenni. He went into activo duljJty in the refurbishedd andi thc newly-paintedj started: on basses, and wiWC jcamed a "My doclorctor lold mc last fall that I ing uro two dnuRhtora, F n n n e r . lie (;riidunU*d•dfromSlmwn fi , Survivinfi A rm y on Ju n e 1. IJ^U. H e wn^•n» a liai- versions, Ilot by doing rep air work,"," he snid. minht liv-nc_£iMavftr-rJ)ut-m-y^ytrdor5 fo ------m«n 1962Rrnd- Emily BurdI'rdett of Lngunn Niguel, E^Ir Ii School in 1»10, w ni i non pilot flying a» a Mpolterer for llu- in 1939 If): o r 19-10 nnn vnrnnt—1------Hamiiiuild Ashley Asscisociales slill tor told mo1C tlthat I was living on bor­ ujiU' o f thi> KnnHiin Tciiehnchor’s ColloRc C n l if .. anc:ind Anno KollinR of field j-jp iirtillerv and mhw rnr nm liat-iti------houso .stundsds with knee-high weedss ,does a lot of repair work.k. Ashley has rowed limic,” e,” he snid. ______of Rm porin whpri-iJii!-hr rugciviiti-ii----- K r t r h iim : nr Now G uinea, th e S o u th (Uiil'" " '’I’l"''"' outside. T heiliere is bare wood in theL‘ Hiicholor'M D eftrro in induBtriiil ind nrtH A rro y o G:Gri^nd. Calif.; 16 grand- the Birtmark Archipelngo. an md l.uz„n |,jn,|,5 „ p „lint j„ peels from mildewedi • h >-K » 2 and in I9S0 received re hia children; nrond 45 Rreat-grandchil- while on aciive duly. He «erv knobs fell off bathroom ____ /^niilor'ii ofScipncc.DcinD£ree,______d ro n , o n d 20M Krent-groat;Rrondchil-____n:»ccvC-onicer_foUowinK.acti «l>!llA'idJy wna preccded'iiTBonth by ■gago. _ He wn^.draflwd'intm tho Alitnco Lorralnouroa Loi 12:30 - 2 p.np.m. TuoBdny. In lieu of ^ lit-laden apricot tree and fFunert"td ^ comlfTercial agriculture sj or enemy fire. nowerH. thele ffnmily hurrohU memo- sprayer blooming letunias.pet New paint and batllofieldit while undor i fro m 1953 u n til 19K.';. wli Whon tho wnr ended in iEurope, ho ri"' contribuibullona mny bo made lo M ion le cheerful curlirtains greet the visitor retire d . wira hoiiiK triuiH fcrrod! to thc Pflcinc Prim nry Chil:hildron'H HoHpiUil in S a lt of the inside., uuih. *He waH a meml.er c; )el uronn wlieii poiico camslfiO a m onlh for the two- . Mdvorn. Kan., whore h •e he conched CASTLEFEFORD - Dhincho M, S u riv in g arc- hi» w ife o fHurley: ii bedroom, .')00-00-square-foot dwelling. foolbnll, hnnkothnll nndnd 'trnck with R„cd. 84. < . of Camleford. diod two daughters. Miquolytyn Lopu/. said thetia' council is p7oud that_ * ^ 2 4 6 6 AAddison Aveve. East J mnny winnihK toiimu. He nluoi »au*hl S a tu rd a y . Jul; }uly29. lOffl, n t h o r homo. PickenN .>• of Hounton. ToxaicaaT'and ' iTcan offer fanfamilic.s a good home. ' drnflini; and driver* trrIrnininR. He shu wan b i born Mny 22, 1905. in E lizntrath O. C ibbn o f S il v e r Springa.S| m a rr ie d V irKiniii K. BocBock on Nov. Colton. Wn»h.«h., the dnughter of John Md.; one «on. Robert Lloyd KiKeller o f. W jr T t,: Twini F a U s 7 3 3 -{-4900 ^ A 28, 19r>H, in I’ociitello.1, InI 1959, ho a n d M ny Mny Inyor. Tho family movod CroHtview. _ Flu;; two sisUTH.' slnrtod tcnchlnR nnd conconching bn*- to Spoknrift,t, V W niih., w h o ru u h o w a s. .. Blanton of Ornnby. Col., and t i o oy i l e y — - kulball at Twin PailHI HI rH School educated nncnnd studied muBtc. She Vorheia of PrOacoil. Ariz.z.; nine • Continu wherr he worked for 15 ;yonrs. The phiyed violinin tond piano in bands nnd nued from PageBl grnndchildr.-n; a"H .i-v.-il noxl 10 ye arn ho wnt« nlhlmhlelic dircc- orcheatran. ShSh.. TT»>t Fm.-Ht T nu«a-— ^ " ------uucausc 1 noie(iled his d irty c a r engine, grnndchildren. He was prece a i hiliT Hik Ii iiIho a muKicIacian, and thoy wore mnr- ^ This is in keikeeping with an hypothe- Jculh by Ilia parents und one a School. Bocaiua- of illnoHHlOSH he nairod rjt-d June 0.0, 1927. in L oh A ngelen. slsdcvelnpodbd by that friend ofminc—..... in 19&I. Thc funoral will be nt K C a U f. T h e!v y bought a home in -U n i.rd -.- -.-wlK)-tUnkiJ>uyiuyine.»jQ.ttf>.r>Ltickot is • ------8urvlvtnfrnTo-Iinr-\»ir)?W nn>rK1lor:----- innlywood. (Ja M o n d n y —1*1—lhe—B urlgy-l -- •Ci-nir.T w here w an' • 'W®' >7th S t.. like selling you'o u r soul. Ho says poor • four childn-n. Karen Cluor,Cli Mnrk ,m orchoHlra Methodial Church on E. 27t ra muHician at several orTiciiii- pwpfo. not thehe rich, a rc the ones who. ! P^irmer. Collo..n F.irmcrn e r iiiid N eal ,„ „ j o r m o tio;ion i p ic tu r e BtudlDH. In *ilh the Uev. John I. WatlM ol in the i)uy lottery lickickets. Fiirm cr; three riiHtoniom. Uertha ism4 lh e fammily i moved lo KmeNl's '"K-ng. Burial will follow i _e they g ot lo lose'.’’ he MudKo. Kdith Fiirm er.rr. nnd. Irma pnrentn‘ farn>rm in Caalleford. She i»lea«anl * View Cem elery wilfith mili. '^'Iial have t Griffin; and unu brolholhor, Elnicr tat^chl-ptttna-np-niid viulrrrm ntirth>— ^*’’3.ary^itosrundor:ilr.>-ndrn fami he poor an d th e sinful fam ily »uRKe»t« niem oriiilriiil contribu- Holnley o f Ca»t iona may be made to the Amtmerican not. in fnct'. the !a»tleford; one grandson. tionn , were your basilisic lottery types. This _ tio n n m a y h - n .a d.- tc. I Mincer Society in-Cart:_tfLl ___on c .K ran d d uuughtcr...und-twQ.grcul-__Ci>i!j u t jjii WiTs a dinTt^ll'lll'UiskTTspcrallyflgur-— ’ C a n co r AHNOuiiitiiin. Krandchildren,en, Morilo rtu a ry . ing oul w hetherie r o r n ot lottery ticket r 4 • purcliasors wcr.-ere genuine sinners, F in e ------’nlcrc•'s^v■^onc•■^lospecific-wnyofdrcss:— Servicees— — ing o r opening)g a purse or wallet lhat Q u a lity TW IN FAI.I>! — A inemlemoriitl wr- SprinRM Rancinch Inn in Ketchum. celolelobration for Helen Miirie■ >Sliuey lets you know:/: • "T here stan d s a vice for (’hind.- C, I>ratliti .Jr., fil, of Futierul urran,■angementn nnd crcmn- I.oveove. HI. ofShoahnne. who dietied Jan. depraved perso•son." Sjicrani.-nto, Calif., und1 fornii'rlyfo of lion an- underJer the direction of the IG,5, w will be a t IO;r») a .m . M ondnday in Finally I litlk'tlked lo someone who Twin FallH, wh.Mlird July,lly-i;, willbe Hove-Hobert.-ot.Hon Funeral Chapel in lheleShoahone S City Park, thought buyinglg a n Idaho lottery tick- at II II.m. toiloy iil the FirnlFin Clmrch Jeruine. el was all right,ht, even fun. Up snid it____ of God,in .Jerome. There•re will I..- a ------a sign ot TallH! ^ jHitluck dinner fiillowinj;; lheihi Hervicc. H U I» F » T — ------"fttJi'r-Kltn — 'I'he funera -Yeah, I’ve bebought a couple. Big —- — C iv n i nTtOTT------roBk "ilTace i>T7 m vice for iniffor•ford F . S h a rk e y . 7H. o f E rmrma i Seaman Quarnatrom, f o.dyjhi:ovvs_monpy away Sacramento. Thc familyily «UKf:i-"t!i Rup«rrt. w ho> died rfi W ed n e ad n v . will Uu'pt!u'pt!rt, who died Fridnv-_wilLb deal. Kverybod: • an o th er, w hether they ------mumaciiil contribuUoa.. TTMDTfcn ry- a t IheT i m i m, Monday at the Rupertt iStake in one wpy or ar made tu lhc Ami-ricniican Hi'iirl C.-meU-ry wiihIlh A rvin Haniw-n ofTici- Cent*o n te r. 324 E, 18lh S t, w ith BBiahop '^“'■0 to admit, il o r not. T hey buy A’iNOciatiuit. ating. FriendnclM may cnll nt the Nnm'orman Bagnnll officiating. B u ria l ja n k food, p a y tooti much fora shirt, HanHon MortiuiUuiry Chapel. 710 Sixth willill be in the Rup(?rl Comoilelery. gel ripped.on a reali e sta te deal. Is HAGKIIMAN - A menu■emoriiil M-r- .-^t, in H u p e rt•I .)on M o n d n y u n lil th e F riorienda i mny cnll nt thc Hnianaen there one thin1 chancecl of somc kind of vice for Owen Otlo Sini|JNl|iNun. (W, o f lim e o f lh e r*erv■rvice. Mortunry orti Chapcl thin nllxjmoorton a n d c o m pon.sation1 forfc th e monoy they H iij:erm nn. w ho «iied Thiirre; Mr-' Hohni.i H ulch.nm >niof cl CAsauME;M E M O R L \L H O S P IT A L lory type, I don't)n't consider myself 'Filer; nnd AnKcIa Cnikins nndnd iMra: Um-1 A nim bula. Ixith1. ..fnl . 1A dm ittod wt'allhy, poor,. sisin fu l.'o r faithful. But MAGIC Twin Fallii. M aria Alvnrez. Alice0 HareH and Beatrice Rittnllal. all of rgj,] reasonn I won't be playing is I ReleaiJeaaed B u rle y ; S<>rn A llen nndd Letter L Boyd, both of Dcclo;lo; Jordon don't consider'm'myself particularly FLORAIi- , i Baby Hoy Barker of Kimbeiib e rly : Wi-k1.-v l.aGraiuie o(of liowen of Heyburn; nndSr"on. P«tor Juhnmin. Stephenlen Molvin GnrrniTi of Burley•ley; Douglaa Bngley of Rupci in M agic Valle Biilil; and Mrf. .Marc Andernfl Dinnn Hooley^y w rite r h e r bi-weekly ’ N ew bry, a n d Mr.s. P e n n is Wockjecka. allofTwiii Fall,,, Frt'e«lono.orMnlla: and>d KimH Hood of Parm n. ier farm home near 7 3 3 -1141 Birthirtha , . Birth column from her .•^inn to M r. a n d M rs. Hod McHtfcKny of Je ro m e nnd .Mr. andind A bnb y to M r. nnd Mr».1. Deciderio Di Cnbral of Murtau^,u({h. Indian Cove. . SuSunday. July 30, 1989 Tlmofllmoo-Nov*o. Twin Foils, Idaho B-3 Idaho/¥Wes t

' ^ \ Ns — ------’I t ______' Drueg j m s lt : — : Officerss seize ^ grams ■ d f • 2 t \ . _ of cocaiiine; four'jaile(d ' w r Q w ' The Times-News T h e fcfour are in jail awaitinging aTToigniin m e n t M onday.------JE R O M E - F o uir r ipeople are in Otherjr charges and arrests areire jail here following a lip last week pending,lg, Gold said . that a rural home le contained a Twinn Falls' Police received a large amount of drugs 1^8- C rim eatcstoppers tip Thursday thatla t O ffic e rs fj^om four fo i locol law u,e heuseise contained a large amount _ enforcement flgenci ■ E ““ “S “ "I”* “ or drugags and that it may be used ------search -warranLat_abi «44ffgr6old^niTiFOffl11 ______Minidoka County foror insufncient amounts.■.3, and six semi-automatic•ic PtietePt>0 oourtvay ot Tn* Nonnild* H m funda. w e a p o ns. s.' Gold said. The Twir/in FaUs Sherifrs Dcpai>artment SWAT team apprehendaf some of thele suspects In a J e r o mTie e drug bust I _ Alaskca oil sp3ill couleing th e best, extended pcperiods last' year, and hadi i nance outage, there werere 11 cases in Stevens- Gullsl i s t a n ~ The Woshington Fablublic Power just one automatic ai shutdown orr \ w hich c o b lin g '^ slc ih ' va'valves closed . m B v Elevens- Guiu l i s t a n Supply System plant g ot £a 1 in em er- “scram ,” comparedcoi with six tho yoar• otr the wrong time. 55 oz. Heavaviest 4 5 o z . Dupolint TREVIEF:RA I Stainm aaster Stain-Pnroof M I S irNGLE•PREPMIUM — Sculptured-CkCarpet ------Saxony Pluilush ______M _ M U U,TI-MILUC l ONDOLL/ B A B 'n i l Regular I f i Let's assume2 tgrandpa and grancndm^ have a brand1 newn grandson andYd w ould - Qi Regular 2 i 8®= i like to do somlethind et very special. How special?? Each1 grandparent.I t agrees to make a $10,000$: gift fora t 4 9 5 , $20,000 to th€heir new grandson,n, by purchasing foror him a Single Pr< N o w 22“ I ______a a n .______Novy 1 ^ Assume gran'andson is age 1 atit issue of the contnitract and that he i attending colleg<2ge at ages l9, 20,D, 21 and 22. We wiwithdraw $25,000 1 WEEK ONLY ( 1 W EEK OONLY ^ ■ for four (4) y e aars. n At age 265 grandson; gets manarried and draws outo l $30,000 as a1 d o ^ r payment on a mn e w hom e, When he is ageaq 28, his wife delleliyers a beautiful bab; g^lrl, and he w ithithdraws $20,000 totc purchase a Single I- Premiurn Plan f(fo r his Haiighfpr'g_fi ------ly, iy/2U ancH3r*2l, he withdrawaw s$25^0^^ year to cover heier colleqe expenseses. ■ After college,e , h is d aughter tell;:11s him that she's H getting marrieded. At da(is age 552 he draws out® $20,000 to footoLthebill. , MM At age 60 hee ^decides to start fisFishing full-time and " starts d^rawing $!$100,000 a year, T his is a h a p p y story ‘ as he lives pap ast a g e 9 5 . All fromm $20,000 d^osi)sit in a Single Preremium Plan this manlan had^^^^^^^ drawn out $3,6!.623,000 and the dday he turned 95,, tlth e In su ran ce Consm pany | H | H send him a ched2ck for $24,679,4222 3 itown Mall f iN AND r ^ Downtov i J2 Main ' he's stillill fishing everyday! iCBroM :nue East ■ THE MODREi YOU LOOK)K or use our J-2108 revolving crcdit planij„^^Pianos Furniturire Carpet V ' THE BETTTER THIS±OOFDKS rpT<19 : 3rd FLOOR r r m c a l l nNOW o ’ FOR ALL THE PLUSS d o es /]it better! . FIRST INTERSTAlFATE BANK BLDG. - - y r PROFESSESSIGNAL ECONOMIC a C v m ^ n E s i _____ TWIN FALLS. IDAHAHO ~ 7 - ~ SERVICEICES, INC. 734-4545 _ JAMES R.itiP-VEJJERTIFlED LL EINAWCIALELFUNNER------M — l l v S t B a a a a ataaBH O dieBB SERVINGIG IDAHO&THErMlAGIC VALLEY FOBi 0OVER 25 YEARS. i«rtssasS 5Sa B a M M E J I M ■■

I 0 -4 Timoo-Now3, TwiiTwin Falls, tdaho Sunday, Ju(yluly 30. J9Q9

- J a t i o n

\ p i y j g f i c -a i t j c u t s _ _ ^ Pooi> / c h a hig^ i potif i c y t d Ia x l m i t Ib l a c k s - -Budgi SALUDA. S.C.C. (AP) — The re- vhcn threatened wilh evictio ccnt burring ofDf black teen-agers by the■ Jaycees, Ji but wilhout appai Iess„tlhan advvertised from a pool ownoi/ned by the Jaycccs ent bittertem css. that flll'Qul the agreement, in- resulted Trom trntradition and habit 1 ^ , it’s the moral thingg t<)t 'The Baltimore Sunn tion tha ;ling the government how much th at lives on in thiithis small town, r e ^ do," lub president Robert Boot struclinf ,n-tax.nnd_spend in the coming ...... idents My.- ' WASHINGTON-— O n u sunpy.day iL_can_ti Bush and a gagglo year; The Saluda Swim Sv and Tennis lIH ^ in April, President B nlly, everybody treated itI a of congressioniil leai;aders gathered in Thele rcresull. however, wiil be some- Club capitulated>d quickly< when its M jkm a privaleate membership club as an; .. _ the Itose G arden andnd promi.scd to cul_ thingI Jf t h a n advertised. Th e ____ ------whitcs-onlyruic“\vc-\%-na challengedH t-H |H IS counlry clubs," said Ralplilp h $28 billion from th e fiscalI 1990 feder- Gramm-:nm-Rudmnn law provides a SIO iiuid it will admitlit bblacks when it re- Shealy,•, editore of the Saluda Stantan- al budget deficit, billionin cu.shionct before autom atic cuts , opens S atu rd ay’ afafler reviewing all dard*&nlcntinel. " I hope th o —wholjb- White House andi Congress have attracted 24, referred to blacks and been busily taking ththe step s to imple- designed to exaggtrate the tion a fte r the July Ji 13- incident ml by w hich th e deficit would involvihg three■ bblack teen-agers in Saluda as " fam ily ." ment the , agreemetient. Or, perhaps amount ' •pretend to imple- actuallylily 1be pared. Yet law m akers and with a group off IUnited Methodist olTicials notqd th a t th e poo!jqq] more accurately. t 0 ‘p utslde pressure forcedI ththis Saluda. S.C. pool"‘‘“/'■ “nae administinistration officials have en^^____^ Church membersrs from across the .7 “ IS willed to the town in 1932iQoo' ment it. ■J ______During-the-last-fefew ^w eeksrscores— slorage of your• 1989 I w orth m ore lhan Sl million for a pro-pro for new conslruclion5 0of federally nid- quire that tht approved projects'be3e lo- < > crop. W e have ppie l e n t y > WASHINGTON -- .A little-knovm ject owrwned in part by a prominenlent ed housing, cnted in areas with a documenten ted S federal program proviiovidcd millions of Republic>Iican, Edward Weidenfeld, theth( HUD sources, who0 asked1 nol lo be shortagege of moderoUjly priced reni•ental S > o f s t o r a g e a t a l l < ; d ollars in low- o r no-inj-interest loans to legal cocounsel for Ronald Reagnn'inn’s identified, said that tlthe HoDAG pro- housing,g^______< Locations. O ur- rcr a t e s ? ord- gram was opernted oul0 of the agen- —g u m i ; politically influentialtiai developers, 1980 pre(residential campaign, accord < a r e v e r y ; consultants and forme-mer top officials ing to HHUD documents. The action.*ions cy’s Washington heaeadquarters and : of the Department. of Housing and have betbeen challenged by federalI inin- that Deborah Gore IDean, who be- > Competitive/ e S Urban Development,nt, according to vestigateato rs, came the executive asassistant lo then- HUD records. T he program, p known as Housingsing HUD S ecretary Samut,ucl H. Piercc J r — ■ M i j l In addition, R. Hunilunter Cushing, 0 DevelopiDpment Grants or HoDAG,Gs,s in June 198-1. was a'key a- decision- ^■sTrl^ - former deputy assistaislant secretary of first dististributed funds in 19&1, At thothe maker in the awardrding of grants. I J B o y S e:outs e se t ui p c a m p f m I Roobert D . Thu:u r s t o n ^ J __ _Certrtified Puhlic.Accccountant . . is pleased to announu n c c t i o n a l J a nm b o r e e tho opening ofhis officTice at: : ■ FORT A.P. HILL... Va.\ (AP) — A four y ear■ars. • 516 2nd Street EfEast - • m etropolis o f ten ts will be Virginia’s 'A 7,000XX)-acre area a l the Arm y fortort P.O. Box 3522 : 16th larg e st city for eigeight days 'vhen will holdaid the tent city, which willvill ^ 8 3 3 0 3 Twin Falls, Idaho ; 7o-D ate P rice 30,000 Boy Scouts set)et up comp for havc a populationpi of 94.000. countinging C a l l UJs i F o r An X_^-To- • their NotionalJamboreoree. scouts,, ststan*and volunteers, ■ 7 3 3 - 3 3 9 9 Before You ContrI t r a c t ! 11 ------^----- The-gathering,-whiclhich-will-include----- 'W orkoikors have been busy for a year2ar S c r v iing n All Your Accountnting Needs 1 a high-tcch video sho'show as well a s installingng services, including a new • Accoun/itif! &6 Auditing • Tax Planniinin^ & Preparation • outing activities water ondan sewer system, a bnnk. a : more traditional scout /iookkeepittg •* ,Financial Statements • Litigalioni Support* like archery and flag-ng-raising, begins 160-bcd1 hhospital, three po-st. offices, Husiness Counseling _ ' W ednesday. and even'en a daily newspaper calledled [m£______il^ S i ."The logistics of runrunning an opera- The Jamm lboree Todny. tion of this size —- ifs: quite an . FoodI beingb trucked in includes 10If’ i ' ' achievem ent in its owiown right," sf\id tons of■ b u tter. 20.000 heads of let-cl- R on G arlan d , directoror oc f public re la - • luce. 380,(»,000 pints o f milk. 90,000 hoL- *• tiona for th e jam boree.i'e. , dogs, 70.00.000 ham burgers, ond a mil- F o rt A .P. Hill, outsidisido-Frodoncks- __lion.cans.

:e 'S h o p -AT-H o m e; JS e r v i c e ' Y o u w i l l f i mnd all this and m

\\V y - S in, c c i c l 9 1 6 , .• havc'pridcJ mirsclvc.ses on nieetin}^ tlic needsJs of' M ;iyic V alley w itlit h a; ^ TnulTiClirion ot tricndly, .scraijiTTJ;lTrfi)r\vari.lri'n-sonTil~ ■sciVlceT“ T!ie confiileiTo.•nee of over 30j000 " - l i i A luic Valley cu.sroincrs hash; m ade tis one of tiiee 1strongest and most staistable savings iMl . i, r v S ill I ^ in stitiirions tit in the N orthwhwesr. We constaiitly u11 p d ; U e our savinj»s, chenietownkvn locatii>ns. Our . r j . ; H oim r n etown ow nership mrrn eans rhar ynii deal wir!irh th e’’ decision makers'ers" and rcccive " - question, prohlctn. or a|application. 0[-’cn an ai l u i „ r ______c k c r r o -s p o n > c c

t'inj's Plans “ H otne Loans ! ™ < £ A [~AUUI I lUNAL MF 4 n - ■ P a s s b o o k s Purchase or Retin• l i n a n c e ,V).>ii..y Ai-riiiir ,______N e w Ci^nstruciioi j !ho sulf; pnc \ L SATIN iUID______I . R o g a l S ntiii Dr;:'tapirs I C^USTCrOM DRAPERIES C ertificates of D eposit;ic I lom e Iii.|uitv I andTopTrtj.'ilt■nlt7io n ls I 100 colo,.ilors coordinate with 100 Individual R etircinenrnr Plans (1RA'>) H om e ImproveiiuL-iiicnr I ^ ^ ^ ^ wi»i ihis^^ou^Dupon ■ I. in' R egal P lu sh C nrpelm g I % n d R egjgal j Salin Bedspfcnds eeking A ccounts Interest Karnini’;Illi A ccounts Interest E;jrniny .'\ccc5c c n in ts O ther Loans "Super NOW Accouni•inrs A uto Loans ^ ^ - j s A W V E 4 0 % wV ff t l” TA K E Af itom atic Teller M achinl i n e ( A T M ) Any-Good-Reasi.•asi>n-Li'ans 1 c r \n c : ! * t-B L IN D S I ADDITIONALL 5' - . O F F I « w y oO l D B L IN IJS ■ety D eposit Boxes PersonalLoansiis ' j l h e s a l e pnciricool I « p l !^aAirtO.St-fA!)! i S I W o o d a n d M e) tatal l Blinds j • nONiJi ■YCO.Vir- f'Ll AlA1 S) lAIll S , I wim m iu coupoupon ^ j • v i .n iUCAL K BLINOS JCIN-rir\<.y IK. ■ pmSxMMtl* I S.llepticCS:cs Ol cbslom diapcties includc Firrst Fedeeral Savvings l.ibrle. l.iboibor, lining .ind InsUll.ition. a Sale priccscs ot blinds .ind shodes o - « - - —r- ’ ; 0 ; . Include insinsLill.illon.PcrocnUgc* oil &L(Loan Associ;iation of Twii v i n - F a l l s _ ccpiescnisiII sortings Itom rcgul.ir prices. • Extcod«d P»rmt|.m«ilPUn Sale c n a . S .1- Iw.i, K.lU . • T « i.. aJwavwb>bl« » S ept 2, |9S9. oSi.N. •' NM.i,:k-V.ilkv M.lll

- T w l i-.iiiv •Riil'cii ncADTUST^OE3DAY FOR-A FREEEE-IN-HOME ------7 ' I S50 Bf’iiv l..iU-vfv llMv.i. N: 7701 Till S iy ii 4 U.-OSCS______CONSULTATICION: S T E ...... - n •Ri.h! i Ki A^■c. 1i:^ Ni-rtii Bro,uK..,> Magic Valley MW a li...... 734-0832 54i-H8vSl - Health Cicare — Sunday. July 30, 1989 Timi in ihe-Iown()• crash -concerngjlu.rfiigpH in thi. piihlir minrl ^ (Jourt decided in eariy•Jy ■July to uphold Koreann investigator^s probe thcthe understand it wns pro!t>bobly a very. flta££eiting-wa3_shiirp.rc_d.gedged, while ohotocopied serious crash or seriesJ olof very specialized. It wavas like an art," letters a r a M issouri law rcstrici.ricting abortion, . wreckagiage of a Korea Air DC-10I in very rare catastrophicc incident.i « are Hat and fuzzy- a t the - . and im plicitly invited>d othero states to Tripoli1 that Ui killed a t least 75 peopleiple 'D espite r^assurancncos from the — i,..evei) when they are lateriter Howerton.3aid-“-£rintiiting.used.to bc edges. ' e n a c t a b o rtio n cu rb s.'• on Thursiu-sday, 50 airlines around the experts and'from Tre'rqnsportation— on mnintenance, pilot error•ror a v ery respected tradition — T h ey/'re ’re good, but they’re not that 'to " Benjamin Franklin waf'as a printer.... good," saic The—Federation1 ofc F em in ist world areare.8till.flyingD_Crl0s.._ ---S - ecretary 5am ucl SkSniinner, who last >r p7oblem s unrelated'to said Dalton, who heads thc Women’sTioalth'CenteinterarwKlch'haa— >r-recent-inci3ents-involvinging—weck-doclaTcd^h'e^C )C^0-snfc7thc—“ f^ty r-t!Ve~aIrliner-itwin^ ....— *-‘‘NQWrolH'ou-have-tt-tobe-ablctodo—CharlestontonSocretScrvlco-ofnco. HaHeadquaders here,-c, idemonstrated the widede-bodied a irlin e r'b u ilt by_ by airliner has bccomee the butt o f 'Tini Co(('ote, a ^Vashington aviationton thc homc.abortion protJrocedure a t the McDonnelLncll Oouglas include: jokes, loose talk and s. ■ Iowa crash, more pasassengers aro problem is a much higher guarantee ____ i'i— j . ! I h e ___r e s p o n s e ___—wae^.pxetty ------*A-UnUnited-plane-that-landed-.©d—chooeey-obout-what-pl planftahoy-fly—than I coulc)uld gel on any new car rightght — C .rem arkable," said CaCarol Downer,- withoutint incident in Los Angeles afterter and some want to sitit in sections now,’^hesasaid. ------• executive director off ththe federation, a network of 20 aborti >rtion clinics in U / a nidering r pilot California, Oregon,1, W\ aahington, !" Gieorgia and FlondarSa. She'said that' v lo n lii h IwBH h e w a n t e d severol thousand dolliollars worth of > rTil tiln't Bg; A BeeHer Stain r: printed and videotapepe instructional materials, as well as ae menstrual om m it suicide ::: extractron devicfcs, werwere sold a t the SHELBLBY: Ohio (AP) - Thomas conference. Root, whoi'he survived after his plane ^MTT&lAMBSiT rnsmiMm :: NOW President Molllolly Yard said wandereded 800 milps along the Enst For over a decadede, laser surgery has bee7een-redudr>g the pain, ::: that the group has no' ofTicialoff position Coast andnd crasTied'into the Atlantic, . r risk and recover/y time of man/ surgicalll pprocedures In a wkle- on the procedure, howevvcver. said Saturturday he did not set out to range of medk:al:I speclatlles. Now, manyiy «of these benefits are available to the pococnatrlc patient. Ms. Downer plans18 to t teach the kill Himseiself, but briefly considered ;;; procedure during a natnationwide tour suicide wa:waiting for rescue. Laser surgery Is thett most advanced methlethod used In podiatry. j;; of women’s health cententers this'fall, " It was?as at that moment that — Now with a beam1 cof light many toot probler3lems can be con'ecled. much as she did in 197119^ when she and onlyy tlthat moment — that I everer Reg. 19.61 Laser Is more prejeclse therefore causest lessle: trauma and pain, There Is less bleeeeding. swelling, and scarring. sot Because the introduced the prociocedure to a stared ttfeMa notion of suicide right in laser creates a stcsterile environment, chanciance of post operative'; g en eratio n of ch ild -b earin g theN^cti," Root said. " I t sent — it Infectlori is reducecBd. :: American women whcvho th en w ere iW a jolt of electricity, right prohibited by law fromom undergoirig . tl^ughT ime. The very thought Iniigrown X»emn a ils ;; an abortion. . runningJ tthrough my mind. ... • I :!f!mdew NOW; “We need to get thee word w out. We started iswiniming, swimmingIS • Resists Wealather ^ A nail Ifl Ingrowwa when one or bdtb!i cicornera of (be aall m ust g et this' knowlowledge and erraticfill;Illy anc) hard, and wasted g ro w Into tb e sliikla of tlie toe caaslaglg ri e ^ e a a , a w e lU a g , - capability into women’sn’s hands," Ms. energy in the process before. I paln;^attd tnfeccloBi Downer said. "The Supsupreme Court calmed mymyself down." U nder localI ianestheslat Ingrowna Uioenallfl eaa be ____i_has-shown.that.w hatt tlthe.S uptem e ;1—Rooijnjmade-his_CQmmenta in. nn corrected wllbb mlnloul pain aad excf t x c e l l e a t l o a g t e r m ; Court giveth, it canI eakethea away, interview!W broadcast Saturday by mt corr^lon. They’ve alreody starteded thet process.’ radio statta tio n WSWR. Root is a n • _ : In a menstnifll extracraction,'a four- owner off tthe station in th is , n o r th - ■| m illim eter plastic tubeibe is inserted central Ohii)hio community. 1641 HighlandI Ave.J East • TWin Falls,lls, 10 * 733-1120 jnto the uterus, whoae.cle.contents are WSWRI reporterr Jim Norris saidd Hours: 7:3130 • 5:30 Monday tlIrouB^igh Saiurday suctioned into a jar• withwi a hand- Hewed Root Thursday at the pump. The federationosDllsthekil. si Root’s parents in Plymouth, ______■; for $89.95 but the tools> areai basic and 5,°” “ :, ■; can be purchased in hardardware stores ?hio, whenlere he has been recoveringg ______:: and medical supply shopslops. injuries, which included an The procedure takeikes 20 to 30 unexplaineined gunshot wound. Root, , minutes, compared withrith about five reached thcthere Saiurday morning by : m inutes for ari aborllortion u sin g The Associociated P ress, declined to ___ : electronic means.______comment[further. fu = We(ekentd Ice S h o ^ iV Spe(scial

' This sumniiner enjoySun-\-V alley's-' ------. r - “ - 4 i i i a l Buffet and1 Ice’ Show on Lodgege T err^e. M i ni i d o k a C oo u n t y Weekends World cla!ass skaters ; from June 224 “ ^ and'vai II aS]i*-& R o dd e o Through J u l y 3 11st s thru August S51 th , 1 9 8 9 September ------S in g le ^ RlHupert Idahh o Our Ice Sh(low Package D o u b le^ : $123.00 • Michael Marlin Murpl»phy I’alty L oveless includes 2 nnights luxurioui ■ Appearing accommodalations, gourmel R (P a cckage rates aree per person. ■ -----Elve----^ ix-and-gratuity-iy^ineluded-on ------jfiH Monday - t ^ buttet dininjlg and dancmg f luffet dinner. Ro^.oom tax not |P July 31st I outdoors onn Sun Valley's — f ------T -aincluded-in . pactckage price.) K 8:00 p.m. I r _ + ilNG^FpR EVVERYONEI _l ISQMEIH] ------^ A u g u G r a n d m a ' K atarii D raft Horse Q u e e n 1988 & 1984 Oh'u s t - 5 - — — S h o w W l i b e ( B a s t G l ■r Crowned At rina W itt- August Sth R o d e o T ra c y Wilsoi;on & Dlympic Cham pion harlene Wong ^ 6 p .m . Last Year's R o b ert McC;Call G e rm a n y ) idiari Olympic 'I'camm — Q u e e n ------M yrtle Bean 1988 Olympic)ic M edalists, CanucJiiiJian Oancc (Jhanipion C h EIRA Rodeo (^aiuid :: A ujgust g 2 & 3 8:00 p.i o n s : 2 N D A]sn>IN U A L O PETiiv C L A S S B£1E F S H Co w T h u r ss; ;./ Aufi^t 3rd •• 1:0(0 0 p . m . C ontacfjudy n t Weeks:s f o r F uurther i Intormatictio n (208) 436-9748 U O pen Gynf^m kbana • A rt Exhibits! ii • Liviestock:k • Stock Horsrse & M ule w ; ^ Show • CeiCeramics • Maci c h i n e r y • I » ______tdrafts o • Flower;TS ______I : H For Furth

Ites Figure Skating / B-6 T}mos-Nowo. Twin(in FFoils. Idaho Sunday. July'3 3( 0 .1 9 8 9 ^orld I ^ ‘L cft-riradicar ars. w as formed L eaderiors of the new organizatic I ^Q iiiiiiH m S atu rd ay by 360 legIcgislaloni who sa id cnoinough contributions had been bet I gathered to plan their strategy for receivedjd to begin a newspaper. greater political nnd ecoi^mic i re- Tail Bocharov, a deputy froifrom "foiTnar su b u rblan an Moscow; said the newspi•spa- I • Even the ofTicial rnews agcncy p e r The10 People's Deputy will stastart I o47 *FUer Avenue • TwinFalls1 I I — — Tafis said the hiBtoricc e'e v e n t could be w ith a circulation of 300,000 and sc r H i e i i w described as "the birthrth o f the Soviet for aboutiUt 80 conts a copy. Avawie Filer |-| oppoflition." T h at. itis morc than 18 times th e I . , . Tass callcd the organganization "left* cost ' th e Communist P a rty newj radical." ' . . p a p e r PPravda n but' considerably 'S"lot | | _ B ^a»Y DEPAikRTMENT ~|| In another dcyelopnopmcnt, Latvia th a n a SSoviet o ’ fashion magazine, joined th e two o ther BalBaltic republics, Historicirian Yuri Aftyiasiev, Lithuania and Estonia,Ja, in.dcclaring.^^^^r d ep u ty fnfrom Moscow, said th ^ iy'pup u l AFreahBaktled — ite'eir "sovereign” withith th e rig h t to |cS^7r^H --w ill-niliretfet'Sunday and hopes to reac veto Soviet laws on its i territory, agrecmlent cn on a platform, " ' |Treii< j ; il O O ] | Tass reported. T ass pipredicted Yeltsin would b 'AnronjrtHgTTrGTTi bcrg~(rrofthc~oppoBl~^M E~;^ ^^~ j^jM ~ electcdiciicnder-buf/yanasicvindicnl Uon group arc humana rirights activist - ed tho gro^roup is leaning toward a gov^ I j cBreai •' Andrei Sakharov; maveiivcrick Commu* e rn in g ccouncil o i with several d eputiesics. I. _ - nist Boris Yeltsin; VitaI'italy Korotich, Thc organization o n is still a smal """ I^F resh l ,— __editor of thc refonr)rm magazine______*pu»fphoio minorityy_iJJhc_J,25Cbseal^j!erM r e s s _ E Baked~m>.toaoaf \ | Ogonyoky; and econornomist Gavriil Boris VYeltsin holds up newswspaper put out by thelenedgllng p/^eople’lie’s Deputies, the Soviet par ' Popov. operatTuxnnaeTttem ie— sition with a headline thatth{ reads 'power to ththe people------NikoIai-Mcdvcdev.-adeput’futy-l R aisu i Intcr-Rcgiond] Deputies'lOfl Group. from Lithithuania, said m ost o f his col ^ ■ Elena Kotova, who participatedpa in Thc Lefteft Socialist Revolutionaries03 pres.sed'in 1922. leagues from fi the Baltic republic!£ 1 1 B r e a d ____ the meeting but is notot a legislator, was tho lailast opposition party lo sur-ir- President iMikhail S. S. G orbachev left Mosciiscow for thc weekend b bui ut I said, "O ur desired aimTl iiis to have tho vive thc BBolshevik purges followinglg has ordered ' many reforms re since when theyloy returned they could adc equivalent of a Westernm {party." thc 1917? revolution. Il was sup-p- coming- lo pow er in 1985 I but has uploWOn0 m em bers to the group. I IRoast Beee£ ~1 I Sweet Deli Fresh Rol...... Dlls I 6 f o r ...... Israeliii s d i s m i sSS criticissm of Olb e i d a b dduction JERUSALEM (AP)-) — Israeli leaders on Sat-'?'7 ^ President Bush said1 FridayF he could not con- ITMENT ~l| urday dismissed criticisicism of Israel's abduction. dono tho commando raidaid and did not know if it of a pro-Iranian Moslemom cleric and said he led a would help U.S. Marinele I Ll. Col William R. Hig- "fanatical" group thotat 1had launched terrorist gins, ono of 17 foreig:‘igners held hostage in I ^ BdnelessES atta c k s on Israel. Lebanon. Sheik Abdul Karim OLObold, allegedly linked to British Prime Minisltister Margaret Thatcher I Riimi th e capture of iHraelii soldiersst in Lebanon and criticized the kidnappinjing, saying il could hurt p W m the kidnapping o f a U.SU.S. M arine held hostage the hostages. Roasigt there, was abductedI FridnyF from his south Pazner said Saturdaylay, "I don’t remember Lebanon home and carrarried to Israel in a heli- hearing the same kindnd of indignation when copter. Sheik Obeid's people were wc involved in bloody I ^ F a U s B l "T h ere m ay bo somo10 peoplef who voice disap- Irand 16 oz. terrorist attacks fromI southS' Lebanon into Is- provai, but public opinioinion will u n derstand that ruel.” this act was taken again:ainst one of the leaders of one of thc most fanaticiilical groups in Lebanon," The Israeli arm y saidid Obeid sen'ed as com- [B a t said Prime MinisterUer Yitzhak Shamir’s mander : of Hezbollah in1 sisouth Lebanon and that spokesm an. Avi Pazner.:r. Ithe group had orgoniw^;d at least 20 raids on Is- Israel and U.S. olTiciulciuls havc said Obcid is a rael ' and its allies hi &ulhuth Lebanon. leader of tho Iranian-bat•backed Hezbollah. Obeid Yossi Sand, a Icfl-wi-wing Israeli legislator, -USausage RRon------h as denied belonging lo.0 thetl group. •said, "Tho question isi nol n whal worid public I I John Morrell. 16 02 In Paris on Saturday,ly, U.N. Socretary-G enor- opinion ‘ is, but if (thc rai('aid) is helpful in freeing I iGround BprK)to kidnapping Obcid nnd saidsai the act could lead to rillns > am b u sh ed th e ir patiatrol, and air force navi- SHEIK ABDUIlUL KARIM OBEID increased extremism andind viiiionce in lhe Middle gator f Ron Arad, seizedI C Oct. 16. 19S6. when his I I P R O D I JRTM ENT l l ______Unked.to.kldnapiapping of U.S. MarineI E ast. planeI w as sh o t down. UCE DEPAJ India staa g es tokesn withdra*awal, op€erts n e g o^tiations I f Ripe, Red, SI TRI’n COMALEE, Srii Lanka L (AP) stop cscalatlating assassinations andI v. agreement. I n d ia n troop In • carrier M agar, - tiatoes — India staged a tokenn wthdrawalv attacks onI Premadasa'sP government__ The Indian force swcldied at o;ie carrying onlyonl their rifles. Some said■ l i T o n i — • of 600 soldiers Saturdayy 'anda opened by ullranatiiitionalist members of the' ppoint to a peak o f a t leastsl70,000men ihey woree told'ofI their dopartu^ ' a negotiations with Sri LarLanka on the Sinhalese memajority ethnic group. vwho bogged down in theirir own jungle on ly a few/ hihours in advance. departure of thc rest of its 45,000- The radiciicnls oppose an Indian- vwarwithTamil rebels. " A b o u tI 6600 arc leaving today,’' I ^Mix *Em orr Match ’Em :T— man-for^e-sent-tp-quejuell-ethnic -brokered.peai.eace.plan to g ra n t linjiltd___ Both Indian. and_Sr3ri.-Lankan_Gcn. AmarjiirjiuKalknt, commandcr of . violence. , autonomy to minority Tamils in the oofficials said’thoy did nolit know1 when the Indiann peacekeepingf force.' told^ I Peachess-or-^^p^ President RaRanosinghc north and1 cast e of this island off more n Indian troops tv’ouldJd leave. Sri reportersB al thc harbor in Premadasa, who had demlomandod thc India's souihiihemcoast. I,Lankan und Indian tea:lams began Trincpmalca le c , ab o u t 145 m ilo: s H ^Nectariiin e s removal o f'th e last Indieidian soldier” Indian ppeacekeeping forces, three tl day.n o f talk s in Ne>lew Delhi on n o rth e a st of Colombo. by the end of July, sought'htto portray initially nuilumbering barely 2,000. Saturday S on the issutue. Indian Thc Magjigar, whose Hindi name S a tu r d a y ’s hlTstTIy arranged i ^.arrived in Srit>r .Lanka on July 3Cn9g I/" 18 Count,I:, Meadow Gold relief effcort w w nn p i ~ ^ KHARTOUM. Sudan (AP).r- (AI The [ P o p 'T r e a t s rainy seaso n has hit southeilhern Sudan, EJU f U . ;ondod-to-gct------■■■ food to the region i.H behindind schedule ■ t / ' an^ hindered by soggy’ nroads and ||| fears of rebel attacks. I 4Ron In Kosti south of K hartoutoum , 17,500 n n^ n ^I f ^ I f $ |w | tons of emergency supplieslies are just ■ m m m m m t m now being loudtd on NilNile River — |v ,Batfaro«T O U s s u e barges lh at were to IiaveI gogone south ' u.’nnlfg _ _ -ly^flK Stickfflhilne Boxcars loaded with K.Tif,350_tons o f O E Bonaet olhor supplies are parkedd in i a rail- P rond yard . imnii>viibk* foror fear the ^ ■PECIAL ISTORE- train will bo iitUickud by r y rebels or ^ ,j Delaylp Get to Blackeiker's as fast a's youJ can. Dbg Days areai here! Every [[Marganine starving peusinits, ns prt'vi(L'vious ones were. I t e m i n our store that is 6) monthsrr old or oldersr has been slashedid to-the "Bone", While n early three-fourthrth.s of the ' PIuS SCijcratched, dented orr cone-of-a-Wnds are) ;all raducedl...lt's enoughei to make targeted 105,000 tons rcaclieched redis- you "Ho^owl!" But hurry...Stufluff W on’t Last Longl Bounty Papper Towels tribution points before ihtthe rains, I B o u n ty ...... 69^(1 which will m ake them inncolers I — -One-cannot-speak“of'a"■a"disaBtcr" — • j 4 Pack...... for the moment, bul some)c iof those ' I areiifl wit! have trouble,” saidsai Fran- BO ucts, 6 Pack HU cis Junod of the Inlernation:ional Com- D ie t Coke. iSpritc, Dr. PPc; e p p e r ® I mitlec of the Red Cross, "ThiThe extent depends on the ecologicalII situations Tomato Cat * and the peace talks. V 3 2 02. J u g , D.;! Mot You Can Bi^luy Your | Operation Lifeline Sudan,un, coordi- Bartles& Ji Lottery Tickcke^ At I nated by the Uniled Nationsins and us- 7 3 3 ' 3 2 3 3 2ND B ortlcs & J a m e s , 4 _..ing truc_k,s._train-H.and.bnrfics ] Markets have provided enough supi — 1 3 0 ^ Coke Produ I_ help people displaced by thetht south- 1 6 OZ. C an s. C o k e ,! cm’ civil war survive lhee sus m m er monsoon*likc rainx. ■ H h i cialialist W orkers abandoninglg thell infiexible rule.« and ' In another apparentt victoryv for control of ■tl the military nnd foreign | Party is not an atheisti jparty hut n I ing freedom of conscience /o hard'liners policy muttutters and will choose a . lo party, committed to thi party conservatives, two 1 ------;hc c a u s c of, th. party,”j,,,, MTI reported. Ile _ :_were named to the rulinging Politburo prime miininister to head, the social progress," Central P resid en t Wojciechch Jaruzelski. right, anand Prime Minister parly’.s bylaws will be : lh u'flhakcup that-came-cle-on-the-last—govornmonU — Mieczysiaw-Rakow:iVskidurins-Central-CoCommittee meeting -----___m em b er. Jano8.Bc_ro_cz_,8 P»' 'l day of a Communist PartyrtyplenuSn. PAP saidlid the gathering of the afler the committee S F r ve I h a v e food p ric e•s s jAug. 1, R akow ski w a s8 B'erocz, who prcsescntcd lhc nppro'cil- > — most reformers or)r linked to Rakowski i i?l to 41 to replace suppori si from thousandsds of party believed to0 have1 galhel-cd supportt •______> Jaruzelski — were droppjpped. Party Jaruzelski.i. I Bisztyga said Rakowski members," cr Rakowski ttold stale from hard-lin•liners and p arty m em b ers spokesman Janusz Bisztjfztyga called was thc onlyJy candidate. television tc latcr_._"I am awiware of the fearful of thithe growing influence of —i^thc-movc-a-drivc for*newfiw^aces;" ------T h c s c l eection-of'tho'62Tfcar-l51d—|r c ” lmpoi^ncc"of thc’jobrandnd'rboHeve Solidarityr ; In addition to quittinging as party Rakowski cuculminated a remarkable th th a t we c a n ifind a way’ out o of this Rakowski{j iis disliked by Solidarity H w liEEHroVE ^'cKicl, JaruzclsR i also resHesignea'from ^Ifical riseise by the politician who ^tlifTicull Si situation," 1 ■ f^or his anlagcQgonism to w a il the union Z the Politburo and the poii)olicy-sctting joined thefie Politburo only in Rakowski has beenn sharply during t^e mrmartial-law crackdown of rstartiiig AAugust lst ^ : Central Committee in whathat appeared’ Decemberr 1 1987 a f te r h a v in g been criticized cr fo r the way ho hrhandled th c 1981 and' forr Ihis decision last year to ; to be an_effort to ahow sh ‘total dropped froVom the government in cconomy ec during his nine; monthar as closc thc LcLenin Shipyard, where Come See * commitment to lh$ presideiidency. 1^, along' wwith soveral other hard- , ,ptprim e m in ister. Soiidarily^wtwas founded nine years ; Jaiiizelski had promiseiised to give liners. But despite triple-digitil inflation, ugo. uUsAt BriefJf ly —. Baker, S»hevardr nadze Dur New ; Genscher retecovers from hheart i attack t LococationAt ^ BONN, West GermaiTiany (AP) — Foreign Miniinister Hans-Dietrich begin ^ pl.lanning summits ’ G enscher left a city hohospital Saturday, nine da;days ofler sufTering a 1751S Blue Lakes h e a rt attack. PARIS (AP) - Thc Unitlited States Churkin stressessed thc positive aspects ' Tho 62-year*old politiciticion was picked up nt Bononn’tt Mallese Hospilal and the Soviel Union begat:an plotting of the meetinling, which ran an hour tivd. Worth I by his wife, Barbara.’ na !superpower summit Satuturday and a n d 10 mil'ninutcs longer than I He walked down thethc hospilal sidewalk wilhithout help and shook ^Soviet Foreign Minister EduardE A. scheduled, • Custom Framing I hands with his doctorss beforeb leaving. He lookedd pale| but m onaged to Shevardnadze said Prcsidiident Bush Thoy said Sf1 Shevardnadze had pven Frame* • Custom M atting shout “Get well!" to1 ptpatients who waved at hihim from a hospital nnd Mikhai’l S. GorbachevV will' m eet B aker a letter:er from Soviet President • A rt G allery balcony. “ra“rath er soon" if all goes wcllbII. Gorbachev ’ Itto Bush as well as a Gallery : • He and his wife wervere driven to their privalt-ate home in a Bonn The sm iling Soviet officficial gave series of menemoranda lo further 178 Bluc.Lnke* B lvd. N&lo .-T w in FnIK ID 83301 (208)j 734-2755 ' suburb. lhisihi optim istic assessmcncni. and a economic andnd cultural cooperation The Foreign Ministry3try said in a statement ththot Genscher "feels b'tJ’generally rosy view of supuperpower nnd a reportort on human right s ; good" and plana lo staiitart his four-week vacatiotion, which had been ’’‘yrelalions except fordisagreireement on developmentsts iinthe Soviel Union, . planned earlier. Il didd nnot say if he would returnrh lo work right afler Afghanistan, nfter a ihree-le-hour and Dominatinjing the meeting was . ; the vacation. 10-minute10-: m eeting with SecKcretary of Gorbachev'sI piprogram to restructure , __i G enscher w as hospitaltlalizcd July 20 a fter a m ildd h eart attack, Slale Sic Jam es A. Baker 11111 at thc the Soviet ecorconomy. In his report on — ^------So\Soviet ombassyhoro.------—^------^^-T-perestroika,*3-,' • Shevardnadze, Baker said hc wouliuld meet expressed syisympathy for striking Rocket barrai■age blasts Kabbul Sh!Shevardnadze again Sepi!pt. 19-20, miners andd i said they wcrc not < _ KABUL. Afghanistanm (A( P)— A barrag e o f rodcle were killed Saiurday. HcHe said eight people A Soviet foreign ministerir official, Al a joint ,m news conference in a locking your moneney away. Arid died and 40 were injureiurcd whon the rocket hitit I tho b a z a a r. O lh er ViliVilaly Churkin, said Sheva/ardnadze sunny courtyar^ard, Shevardnadze aaid you don't need1 a big initial rockets landed around thethi centcr and south of thcIC icapital, killing four had registered his govcrr■rnment’s of prospects forfoi Bush’s first sum m it ■_ oalance to get staitarted. C a ll us people and inju rin g 16,, hche said. *di£■disappointment" with conontinuing with Gorbache\hey: “If we prepare well today-for all the2 d c t a i l s - n n d - J i • ------U;SU;S.-^vcnpons'5hipmonts'lb'r)'febcls in and succcssfuH'ully then a sumfflt, wHk. V n w ^ j free 1 prospectus. Hashimoto mmay be prime nminister Afghanistan who a re Irying;t<'to unseat lake place rathi lhe pro-Moscow governniment of U.S, officia:ials sintf^^cTuttk^W The W ashington Post Presid_enl.r!J«jib.u]lah.______Shevardnadzec DmcctingWSeptcmbCr—- m i m —Bob E Seibel----- ^^ene Sturgill - - — TOKYO — Kyutard-Hi-HasHiniolo, a telcgonic 51*3il-year-old polilil-inn. .But both. Shcvardnad:dzc. and probablywill.bei.bc a t Jackson Holci.. ■708'Shoshohe has emerged as the clearear front-runner to bdcomce t.Japan’s next primo ^ I ^ b R I ~S3~4~BIarAfSTSiiiinoro— 7oi StTE. minister, indicating thatal tthe ruling Liberal Democi3cratic Party may be - H S b i _____?ii’hone: 733-4925 PIPhone: 734-9106 on thc verge of scrappin,ping'its longstanding traditilition of choosing its Conferenee-i-strives 7to e n d ^ r i f c — leaders according to senioiniority. H If he is selected to suc be a tough1 general-election g< buttle sonom etim e in the n e x t' . goyj Ion, includino a tree >oviel Union, begin an interrirnalional government. pfospcclus wilM cuficnl yiclii,1, nd>advisory Ites and otticf ------fcwmonths:— ------:------;------confonfcrcnce today aimed at-etrding-u ei ------Bakermet-foi-for-3V*-hours-Saluni^y expenses, coniact you; Edwati)ltd D.D Jonca & Co ■Such a m ove could havlave more than cosmetic imimportance, becau.se conlonflict in- Cambodia lhlhat thc with Soviet Foreoreign-Mhiistcr Eduari ___ Representation Please tcad Ificthe pptospcclus catelully belore invcstino cr sending nioniiioney the LQI^traditional mclmethod of choosing prime‘ ministersn has been t’arring factions appear unjnablc to Shevardnadze. widely c r i t l c j ^ a.'i.bcingng (corrupting. esolve, . - — . 1^**7 03V3nTmnh7cd v^ol(t cndtnnno Qj0?/'.»//H9 wn5-B<18ro------______^ ^ ___-i\ftfir.thrcc-daysM of moototingfuin— I Avcfage porilalio matuuly wasis 7 1d.iys. Itiisyiuld wii: Britakr^tradidites robbery suspects prepreparation for the conferenencc, the I vaty as snort tctm iniorest raloslos change.c. )ur Cambodian factions agre LONDON (AP) - AuAuthorities chargcd a mman Saiurday in reed only connection with one of BriBritain’s biggest cash robbeiberies, the 1983 theft n sealing arrangements forfo th e ir epresentatives and on the ququality of of n early SIO million fromom a security company’s hhei eadquarters, police catered lunch. said. The suspcct, Frederickck Forem: an. 57, w ts ex traidited d i from Spain on Loft for-thc ihterniin a tio n a l confonference lo tacklc ar Friday. ’ a re th e . _____ He_appcared Saturday!‘y. .beforc__n^p^rntcs atJxMIx^ndon’a.B o w S lre c L - ^ 'lotTjloring 1 of_Victnani'H_mm i l i t a r y ^ ^ ^ 5 — court and was orderedd jailedji pending his nextt ccourt appearance P illlout from 'C am bodia; thc slshape of n interim Cambodian govenjrnm ent; Friday, said Scotland Yarcard. He did not apply fo r bai:)ail., «"!'■ ORGGAN C LASSES i A police spokeswomanin ssaid he was'charged withth taking port in the nd lhe future role of lhe! KI h m er aflcr the robbery. ouge, ousted from power af NO Thq robbery occurredi inir April 1983 at the Londoicion h eadquarters o f ielnamese invasion in 1978, 3W FORIMING Security Express, a firmn s|specializing in m oving cashis h and bullion. _ On the eve of the men eetin g . ______Seenscretary o f S ta te Jam es A. B aker for ^ Beeglnnlng Adulu lts Jtalian pnlira kil > WEEKS OlOF in kidnap shoot(itout H jH iip UJlL ISTRUCTIOION ROME (AP) — PoiiordispjguiBcd~as ' j . relatives of a kidnapped busimsinessman I ISjuBB 2 9 5 killed two bandits in a hihighw ay O M £ . shootout Saturday after tricki Includes all matorialsIs kidnappers into thinking theyy wcrc« on the trail ofS3.7 million in ranson:som. AAKINiB MUSIilC FOR FUN ATION police ANDRELAXA1t Following thc shooting, N o h(hobby offers so muiluch Joy as playing a musical Instrumentent. If you've combed the countryside outside Rome IBtiyBa in 'Soarch of the victim, Dante se cre tlytly wished you coulcJ l d make your own mn u s ic th is Is y o u r opportunity. o|: Belardinelli, whose Jollyly Caffe E nroll1 nnow a n d we*H h a v eB you) playing in 6 we€je k s i business-diBtributes coffee.andaad-oChcr.-. Ail mmusic, InsriiCtion, anda private practice:e facilities are incluc:iuded In the fMd products, sm a ll fee.fe ENROLL NOW - PH ONE OR VISIT OURO ORGAN DEPT.: (YOUO N E E D ' The shootout, which olso] le two NOTOV3WN AN ORGAN.) bandits and four policemen wounded,woi ??TH ?M iTFiPTlllK occurred a day before a deadline[ine scl by - Wurlitzerer - Kawai • Lowr.frey • Yamaha Belardinelli’s kidnapper?.' Slices of both his ears werea fofound in W W J D an envelope in a bor Julylly 23 in H f J Bologna, along with a pho of 1 m Belardinelli after his ear lobea were MAGIC VALLEYEY MALL • IWin Falls. IDO • (208)733-1298 cut off.and a-damand.for raransom money, reportedly $3.7 million.

9 D-0 Timos-Nowa. Twin FoIlG.Ills. Idnho Sunday. July 30.0. J9B9

) r k a l e A t I S t ]H o m e 5 W 0 I S a Find terrific sasavings-.for -thee hom e on soiom e of the be:ie s t ■ m, n a m e3 sS i n c l u d i n g Biraun, n Belgiqu(le, O neida, Fi('ieldcrest and1 i o t h e r s . Z“ ''"T:‘Staits_5_July: 3 0 - ■

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% ■ ' Scores anind stats ,C2 ■ Baseball C2( torts ______c

—- ^ Top[) seeds T N T f^ tT. .. fn -* ;.': /ance - LINE I adv< t--'- 1 in CClosed______jGood_moniing._lg. It's Sunday. Julv ...... - 30...... jH TheTirhes-NevNews Saturday’s scoi:ores r j l g -|H TWIN FALI.ALI^ — The top three seeds in the m en 's opeiopen singles division advanced A handily into[) the lh semifinals on the first day ■ of th e Time.s-ie.s-News Idnho Clo.Hod Tennis • American Leagague TournamentIt SiiSiiturdiiy. llo.lon.va.vtUndO t I - Top-seededcd Kovii\ D ibelius of B oise' S.iiild H.Oakkmia I m oved intoI tlu tho sem ifinals w hen his cjuar- , l>«lniil a, MIiuwkU 3. 10 terfin al opponiijoniinl defaulted, Steve Appleton - ,-and Ed-Pcrkirrkins of-Boisc.‘-thc-sccond-and ------T- - - I Qiic.uo.trjiifomi.,, tlUIll- ^ ,- I third seed s,, opened op with strnight-sct victo- . .! s 1 National Leagugue ries o v e r Lane*ance LaShello'of Twin Fulls and S o mi Tim C rist off Ketchum.Kc respectively, Cliic«r> 10, SswYorkJ IfautUinH, Sail FmnclKu an Ohio Stale U niv ersity junior. ____ ;______MuniiT.l.:,S»J,nuuO__ jnlrn nnn Ri Rink Srhiill>;m)>ii»r of n nii;r> in Cinclnnail 4, AtUnU I I’hitxIrlphiaO, I'lUiburgllurgh a one semifinalnal al 8:30 a.m. at Frontier l^iAngtltxilSan I.to" R uffle Fjcid, whilelo 1Perkins und Apnicton-Will_____ jnjuTet in th e: otherotl .semi a t th e sam e hour, ^ |M . The champion;^ionship match is scheduled for 1 11 a .m . a t Fron'rontior. S | H b Perkins.andand Dar Walters .of Boise, tho . Today flRNM ' top seeds in1 men'smi open doubles, made tho ' I.KGIOSUASEUALI.' ,Sui.-l»-Wum*m.nl.Km, Kmntl»rKi»ld: semifinals aftciiftor a tough 6M. 6-7, 7-6 victory v>. Muunuii • over Schultsmcsmcier and.Crist, while second-____ P'i.iltndUnj W Iluhlv«.9l..NUfl«.«p.i seeded Dibeliuelius and Appleton won thcir Twin Kalli V*. CMurrd'^AUn*. d'A 7 (j.m. lALSBynr openerlraight in straisets. They'll decide the TKSNI.H Cory SStapleton ta of-St. Maries,s, right. Is caught In a rundowni against Twli'win Fa^U S atu rd ay cham pion a l1 12: 12:30 p.m. a t F ro n tie r, ^ W.hoao«d, Kronil»rKi.rKl.ld.atlday. W allers comiombined with last year's Idaho Closed womenncn's open singles champion I Ja n e Chi o f' MeMeridian fo r a 6-3, 6-4 victory ■ over SchulstmImeicr ei ond M artin nnd the open II a.m. — Chanmlf >1,., 12. AuU nclnf. T>1ltd>|i> fiOO. ; B u h mixed doublesbles championship. Only two .8. Olympic K»>llvnl, egion: Noon —Chnnn*l 13, U.S. C B'U «;oa p m. - CH*nn.l 8.0. Mi<>urW IcBiiuv kmtball: Cifttin- team s w ere enteredent( in th a t division, naiLiiAUinii. T h ere w ass no open women’s singles com- •iWVp m. — Cluinn»l B, W erry Norrla. petition this yoar.yoa 2.»pm . — ChJinn«1ill.11. 12.1 I*GA Golf: l!uJckOp.n, n- W ith one exception, exc the top seeds in all 3pm. -C)-nncl.7. W.91. iJrtui; rpciiitf: NHHA Summer. P^ o c a tie llo aid v a nICC olhor divisionsmg iadvanced into to d ay ’s semfi* nitionali iNUO Sporuworldi. nal rounds, Alan Ali Howa, the top sood in 3 p.m. ~Chann«ir>. AutolOo' mrlns’i Inwmallorul Kicr of ingles, was upset in his first- ■ Chumpton*. By LARRY HOVEY tododay’s startin g lim es willI not n be as an- By thallal lime, the Savages had1 fput u,. 3 mi)rn. —Ch.nnel^'^r, Tsnnia: Suvran lUnk CIbmIc. ;.3. Olympic and STEVE CRUMPP noLounced for the other gamamos although gether aI 6-06-( lead an d four closing hithits thnt round match. .. TlmcH-Ncws wri(ern paiairings Will rem ain the samemc. , netted twolwo runs in the. seventh 1 In today’s action al Froi^rontier Field, mattered,d. . ■ TWIN FALLS -- IBuhl an d Pocatello Le\,ewis-Clark (29-18) and Moulountain Home “Ycah.tlI, they were a little loo maluturo for 'Mv1 White I earned the host distriinricl .standard into the (35-i5-ll) will collide at 9 a.m.I. i:in a loser-out us,’ agreed'ccd Twin Falls Davevc Slot- 2 quarterfinals, but hihomestanding Twin garamc. wilh Meridian (,2&5)) anda P ocatello ten, “Butit't it's th e sam e old sto ry : youou have • I Orioles gett Moreland ■ • Falls fell into the loserisers’ brack et S atu rd ay (34-J4-15-1) witl p la y one winnnners’ bracket to make‘ th the routine plays. Wc dididn't do V in trade wit/ith Detroit in the first round of th?t slate American garamc at noon and Buhl (29-9) (2: ,and St. lhat againlin and that along vrith the0 walks l' goes — --Legion "B'-baBoball-toi[-tournament ------.Malarics (3(>-5).wilL.piay-thaolh(ilhec-at-4. ______ju sl killed’d i u a .l ...... ;------DETROIT (AP) ■—“- The BalUmorcTOn'- Pocatello cam c upip vwith a 1-0. 90-m inule CC^eur d'Alene, now 13-16-16, a n d Tw in Miko NciNeumann got Sl. Maries ofoft to a _j____ TP ' oles acquired Keith1th Moreland from the victory ov er MountainLain Home as l^ft-han- Faialls will play a t 7 p.m, in the o th e r loser- flying starltart when he opened with . '1 in a trade for a minor der Avery Qriggsi tlthrow a two-hitter, outat contest. fiiV lo thinhird on an errant picktfTby to liPexas league pitcher Fridajday nighl. while BiDil eked out■ its I9th s tra ig h l victo-, TTho tournam ent will lailast nt least son and scoscored on a groundout, ‘‘ double ThoAkaocintodled Press • Moreland, 35, wasvas leading the Tigers ry wilh a 1-Ml win ovei3vcr C oeur d ’Alene, ' thr(irough Tuesday evening although a the Pearsonon started a onc-to-three d with a .299 average,ge. He has five home ouble-elimination afTair could last play to kill.{ill .a St, M a rie s th re a t in thi Jason Huntley toss ning..Neun}umann started the third v. Maries right-hander ing. Chicago general manager an Dubois to the TigTigers. Dubois was as- St Marios was loo matureure and Lewis double andmd a walk and fielder’s choice c “ " ' “ ‘>"''8. down Twin Falls forfor six innings before 9 s thought essential for his ro- signed to AAIA T oledo. 10 sharp for T w in Falls. thiit retiredred no one loaded the bases,•s Tw^ Lorry Himes th notching a 7-2 decisionion inthe nightcap. too. building prograigram, Even if it was -“Mr. ■, 10-21, immediately-opt- LL«wis gave up an infieldtl singles in. the . runs scoredred on a little humpback lin Twin F alls, now 40-2 Z White Sox.- Stewart takess 1-stroke lead . ed to exercise its righ-ight to re m a in in the firslrst and a lcadofT,hit,to Timm IS o ran in th e M ^e Lewisv/is and that was enough fo “We m a d e1 ouourselves a better_club_naw ...... } m eet despite being in tc^d and then breezed fronrom th e re lo ovgr Sutton at Buick Open * evening game ofthe mi and for the fulufuture with this trade," Himes le-ouVhit by Jaso n Pearsonn ini th e sixth. • S e e the losers’ bracket.. BccauseB( of th a t, the one- ee LEGION on Page CC3 aaid Saturdayly i aflor completing the five- .. ------GRAND BLANC^rh:i,Mich.-(AP)— Payne— - ■ player-deal-thatthat-brought-Fletcher-back-to ------Stewart, displayingg thet skills that have C hicago alo n g withw: two top p ro sp ects. made, him one of■ tfthe PGA Tour’s top • s ^hia-giVM_u3i ua.a solid doubl

The fight was annotnounced earlier in the week, but a date andnd location was unde- term in ed .' Larry BBird fra(ictures back;1 uivili be cDut 4-6i weeks ------Arum dc.scribcd th(thc money figure as By HOWARD ULMAN lower)r back, Celtics spokesmanan Jeff Twiss “vory, very high." • — 7^h^m>c4oted Press______------____ said*,'^,ndfiing_that treatment wcwoulci involve reslTTrmassagc. medication, elcct slim u -' . WALTHAM, M ass.--- LarryI Bird frac-. lationin and application of ico. tured a bone in his back:k ffive minutes into Twiwiss said no disc o r neurolcrological prob- his first scrim m age a t thithe Boston Celtics lemss \wore found. • summer camp Saturdayly night! an d is ex- Thebe Celtics cam p runs throu;ough Tuesday » 4 pected to bc sidelined forr fourfo lo six w eeks, night,it, but Tw iss said Bird would w( return |r Bird, who. missed almosnosl all of last sea- homee toi Indiana. I’ni goingI t o g i v e i t son wilh heel problems,, wiwas hurt when he Afterter being.hurt. Bird answoiA'orcd. “sore e v e r y t h i n g I’ve got. collided with Kelvin Upshashaw and fell to the whenn asked how he felt. He golgot into a cur • floor. and \was driven away by D I r. A rnold 1 g o i n g t o ...... , _____ T h e n I ’m £ - • “ I'm going'-lo-have-to3 gelgi to g eth er w ith - Schelli•Her, the C eltics-team-phyeic/sician ------' " get'on-myr k n e e , g e t o u r doctor an d get a full'ull report,” B oston Birdird and Celtics coaches hadlad hoped the •coach Jimmy Rodgers saidaid, "and then go in sevenn scrimmages planned thrthrough Tues- up and give;e it every- the washroom and throw'u up p ," . day ninight would give an indicai:cati(m'Trf how thing all ovone in his back duringng a summer camp c -2 Timoo-Novva. Twinvin IFalls. Idaho Sur>day. Ju ly 303 0 . 1989 Astros>s cut Giiants do'3wn to ssize witth barraage of 4rhoirierirs, &-1 owd o f 4 7 ^ attended the HOUSTON (AP) -— The Houston " hifl th ird complete gamme and second C in c tm hits in 7 1-3 innings, stistruck out three . A crowd nnati 4 vhjch featured the rctiring ol Afitroa arc known for pitching, not N alational League shutout. It wafl the sev«VBnth .h u t» u t and walked two. Brow)wning had lost game, whjc 'b No. 32. CarlloD, who speni power. On Saturday,^ theyU got plenty ‘ — o fh is career, ita 1 four consocutivo decisiisions since July Carltori’B N B 24 seasona in P.hiladclphia, of both. . » and mad(ide his only mistake in thoho ; ATLAN1OTA (AP) — Eric Davis anam d 4. Rob Dibble and Johohn Franco fin- 15 o f his 24 last year with wins and .Mark Portugol pitch)tchcdj>_^reo-hit* third inniiming, when.Will Clark home-1C- K cn Hill; 6-6, lost deslespite p itching Todd Benzenzinger hit solo homc run;'uns ished thc com bined fivfive-hitter, with retired last t«r and rookie Eric: A nthon/s‘'firer~rcd: aiv-hitfor. Ho Btnirkk o ut five a n d and KenI GriffeyG snapped a tie witht h ai Franco gaining his 24thth sa v e . 4,136 strikerikeouts, the second-most in ------mujor-leugi 2uguc history” b ^ n d Woian -mujor league hit, a ttwo-run homc w alked none in his secc‘Cond com plete two-run inplcin Salunluy night astbt run, started a four-Homi^oriier barrage as . It was Portugal’s firat majoror .samoofthcseason. Cincinnatilli Reds beat thc Atlantainto Philadelphia 6S Ryo"- th(i Afllros routed S anin 1Francisco 8-1, league corromplcCe game sincc Sept. 21,n . Braves 4-1 for their third straighl pulling Houston within■un two games of 1986, w hcric n he pitched for Minnesota.3. Montreal, which has6 won 12 o f its* victory Pittsburgh 2 Bob Walh/alk, &-7, went into tho eighth the NL Westrleading Gi.Giants. Giantss imanager Roger Craig wasas last 17, took thc lead intl thet fifth. Tim with a 2-1 lead b ut walked Von Anthony, playing: irin his sccond im pressedled with both newcomcrs. Wallach hit his league-je-leading 31st Cincinnainati, which lost 10 straighlight PHILADELPHIA (A(AP) — John Hayes. KniECnik followed with his fourth ------m ajo r league—g amne e - a f te r -being— — —— ----- d6uble~and Bcorcd”on'n”Fitzgerald'8 before thoho winning s tre a k , h a d not nol Kruk hit a tw o-run, go-'o-ahead homer homer of) f thet] season, hifl first with - called up from Class38 t AA Columbus "H e looked loo good,” Craig said of single, won threese in a row sinbe J u n e 7-10,-10, in thc eighth inning Saliturday as the the Phillieslies. Kruk, acquired June 2 Friday, followed aQ ;^cond-inning Portugal,ll. "H e had four good pitchescs when thc RedsR won four s tra ig h t. beat b< the Pitts- fron Sann Diego;E had iiot homered walk to Ken Caminititi vwith a 414-foot and goodid command. If Minnesota^ Chicago Cubs_l burgh Pirates 6-2 on Steve £ Carlton since Maya y 23 o ft th e M els' Dwight drive into thc right-fieldield seats. has 10 botletter pitchers than hirn^ they IQ ------^— Tom’ Bro Jrowning, 8-10,- allow ed-fourb u r—Night.------Gooden. ‘ ought to w:w in the Am erican League." New Yot^Mets> l Anthony was loadinging the Southern — ■ ' CHICAGO (AP) — Rylyne Sandberg League in homera witivith 28 when he G ian tss sstarter Rick Rcuschcl, 13-5^5^ a n d D am on Berryhill eaijach had three 5 ;:;— four innings, allowing 'sixIx -hits, including a hom'me run, and — c^reis af 'was called up but w ent'•ntO -for^inF ri- pitched fo d ay night’s 3-2 loss. hits andI :four runs, including tworo D w ight Sm ith had four-kHuhita a s the VI%T»LJ• l_H ' 1 2 1 1 B 1 AlMrtJru Qsnxxe-i menMENS OPEN 6M9LES hom ers. But E he said a recurring,lg. CSiicago Cubs mounted1 a'^SniMivhigha ORrolloa _ ..,E -OOiimO(!r-arcMM).LLa)-... u OanQarMrflntii ______"At the start of^esteistordays pame. groin injurju r y lhat forced him to lea ve'c IS-hit a tta ck Saturday in a I M victo- ik------Orkr *T«14. Allirl* t a>-T>ona, CWaOMdit. Trwta.br •W.WT41-0-0-OTO— :------30=0- OffllVrtW-eOaii ««»■ 4Miaa;.aiMm*tr.di(.Dr1na>ai-_ I was real nervous butJt vwhen I caught his la s t stjstart didnTbotfier him thisIS iy*'ove?“ih'c~8ltimpin^lg N ew YoTk A .L . standings S t IKSSIMvrli. n>«nlfl02. 0:P«klniMen M*» - iM. U O id)i.l-l.»l my first ball and tookk nmy first hnck, time, M ets. U rr^r^ra —Mm.'QM; Fir*. AflTknaUOr S nma. B BfHsiiai: > UdO^unl...... ------il»~HR£nB0 80 , F1r«FlfWrowU ...... thc bultcrH ies w ent awiaway," Anthony UERCW LEMXJE 44.A-SJH, A .O n » aAjMMrdd.arn- i-i; w;cfwdirf. wwv m , w — said. "It felt good to geiget thc first hit "It was18 noi trouble," Reuschel aoid.J. T hc loss extendedd the Meta’ ^ EM0»>Mn — Bread■l0 710 4 1 I 2 1 men W L K . CD OttM. ______out o fth e way."______" I ’ve h add a little problem but it’s's longest losing streak ofr theti season to nJtho™ M O a —______nM.TtMOtMCRE KAWacmr Fn»n» M£mCP£N0CU3LES ninhTng~ai~ana~gcttlng~tg~flr&t~baBC~ Q—fivtrgamBflpyhilirthgrealJabs^won^ora— -oe™w— tl B ,«B 4 BAnkndn d 4000Mlnnd 40JS anoRt ------Anthony—just nimilsWd anoihe7“ m o iF lh am n pitching. iBont think J’vee six th tim e in th e irla st seseven games. 22T « Sf .« S PGf«yffnyff c c seocsrwai 4ooo m v•r:annl.Ereil:TT>lnl.Wilen.: 0«ni hit the top of the lefl-fie-field wall for a ways somncthing cl wrong but I’m as 1000 Greg Maddux, Il-d, wasw the wiiH X ■ JO V* OnuWirlkrf 20t0MnHart4 110 T-l;« >:m.A—11.47a per c e n t a s rycc.y er been.!------— n e r - W ally-W hitehurstT-•T-making- his'-T ------—tMRDMMI»• ------M tlUr*1 » - - JOBCPKBCIff OOOO------...... Swfcrte*in««tlBiU.M.7A. ____ double. W LPetGD S U M• * JOOCUKttrlnel n o first major league.starart, took the cwienM B s JU — wmgniim jooofv*MJb4iio &M4FPFTVSN HCUSrCN , y e N M D ^ DOBLEB ' . loss. CtMM »l fl J . nft>- 3000MMnnB41 10 «xtt)l Orttt ' C2ani Glenn D avis also hit hil a two-run MontrCi-ea! 2 Tmm a « M r TturrpnB 2110 OulMrc " hd'mer'and Craig BiggiojioandCamini- c# f^M i KavaOryr 9 4/ i4t 7 TeUk 2>0)ffIttM MStlS DNm’^‘d 'o ^ o S r S * ' 4000 • s a ..«e a - ■ RT>U»>b X> lOOCDcrxS) 2101' ti added solo shots for the-Astros, uis 0 Sandberg and BerrrrjWlI both isKausiNaLcs " • • O 4B0 O'* - DaRlrpcr*sn -5525?r5 ■np OOeOCOa1i164 1** MEKl ------who-hadn't-hit four homem ers in the As- M O N TRIREAL (AP)— Dennis Mar-— homered 1 in a four-run U^rdtl inning, ■• o SB .crw* • tc«*cnj n a - ioooCfM*t60000 O a n • F»lF>kky^O«T« -^OF-OrtlnWllmor«1,K«MCnrl.LflB— W3vt>irtiW 3lltP tfiia 4010 OuHMfdd.OMrnin. ■ trodome in 13 years. tincz scattottored eight hits to win hiss e < ra s in g a 2-0 M et lead. OMIInnr*]or«3,Knaorrisa-«iikon. Mimi«nir i0BBcamHt3bi2ii oydd>«;Odia09 beat the St, Louis Cardi- off the thira IW«DU< f> HACnBOSO tfMm:Ts9b 40»0rofvd 1100 vsfcWv•MWVM.M. Portugal, who was rcrecalled from troal E x p o s J e ro n ie 'W alton led of . . . MkTweu 7.’.OMfonj Oa Wg«n« BWlmortrm K«nnMyMye 3BB(Po(ti«ilplB00 FlrMMrMreind f Class AAA Tuc»n whenhen M ike Scott nals 2-0 Siaturday a t night for their sev-■ with i a single, the first: ofc his three k.yor1i2 - aMnMLJ«L>11 4 14 4 11 lAwnXimge OOOB UMI«M.BUiala. >ry in nine games. i tVTaal TTwmcrtert 1 1 1 1 0 0 U rtaal a 1000 7AMAM: BMldd,aDdMtn.K».*4;. was injured earlier thishis month, felt enth victory h its, a n d & n d b e rg follow)wcd with his Sju TITo,KnBOtr3.tllrr«ngiJ HiMf ' ' 1 0 0 0 B 0 i^ p BBBO OrW«kw dd. arnnm . IA 7A »4: KM- 'he needed a good outiniting to stoy in ]13th h&mcr. Dwight Smilnith doubled, cwnwiMicM.C N ^ S KanMsOr• Orr R uM m p 1000 nwiun ia M . u e v . By MaA. Mnii7. Illrw gi A w > ent to third on an infiefield out and Umpl f■ lfcmI «.tol;Flw.fti»;ac- Toua • 'x iia c U M 321111 l4EHae w o 10 DOUBLES ^ ' through six irmings in1 hish last start was throwntvn out stealing for thc sec*■ scored' { on - a sacrificc.2 fly beforo ftaenlCMim MO cntQucU;ucU; Thnl Miy. ItandreMi) MiMnd* T -^:u4.A-4CB1 .A . aviFnritnjtm cDwrmn—1 against Philadelphia. ond tim e iin two nighu*j.'Coleman,. B 1 erryhill hit his third hom)m crun. - - r- HuMnm monk—« :«tfin«v{WI. M. OutM*. who h ad stcsto len 50 consecutive bases1 OMrB«a,MirrMtm n ta t aimlrgi LO»-«l-«viFmkail.Kiat»LS- SBActiBdwMm (M, »llIlrg»MdB» 6-1.7A* S.B«RWor*0 SEATriELE OAKLMO OaKM.M l Artfay. (I), "I hoped last week woiwouldn't be my before Nelsiilson Santovcnia threw him Walton sirjglcd to openen a two-run DlgsloCr3C7).ViO««(K).aD»li(2a, V04E04EN 8 OA IXXfLES igal said. "You out a t seconond base Fridoy night, wasI fourth f that also includedid singles by cHaviacM ■ a 111 IflHanR 0400 QnMOnom.ai—Bl0Bls }2l1QMesaC000 OtLGF-F—Ooim. want to be succeasful ondone open some ..cnught byy < Mike Fitzgerald! S £ an d b erg . Sm ith and MtMark Gracc. TonnsMs«»t)«NMYorkn,n .m L a m )*Itl 6liartma)4021 SxFrar rn k D Vihltn^Wtr»y W7<; ' e>«8 and right now I thii JOM»7)aCW<*Und(F*r. CO*-rt iiiM BreioBO M I_tU 4 • 4 4 I 1 dd.d. RkRW>+«ax H . H. 7<; c w * -- , think I’m here to stay."" has45stolerle n bases this season. the i Cubs added three m onire runs. B&m. Kircvycfref S22COHttn«tS010 TWImOO - * 2 1 4 4 2 0 M. WtW)' tia M ti. X M, M. L M n n »«)aD«rat Pra*%a)» - 42ia«a>i> sdtoo Oea«iOt ■ 2 2 0 B B 2 8B/«J»refc 4 11 S M o io to io . maBTiBn MIXE13IIXED1000UBLE8 . Portugal walked threeroe and struck Martinez,>z, 12-1, extended his own Sandberg walked in lhe ll seventh BSlSSTtSE;Onim20)«KwM«0ly va«iafam 121ff^ni(aa40l0 Pomigil3«i^W>l > 3 I t 1 I (nandiaundnm rd for consecutive victories, a carecr-high •Kt. Dknprf 400B DK-^TM I HwBvOcnwdd. out eight ~ including NL Nl c\\ib record and) scored on Smith's c a 74) ■ CMk»na (CFln- HtlMJb 4000 ’a-H xna. Pmil; Fim. 0»nai; SgdwM U 74; M txeO m r leader Kevin Mitchell threethr U m es- He struck outoi five and walked four in ffourth h it, a double to centnter. Spin. J » w d llB O . 3rand.II].lknin:TTiintHHvw. dd.ue■f.UMI»Tr«rta,Ml«-l. aMni»{»cim4rj»*i)eDemnii(a»iwt tqum susirruk ntsj r—2:aUA—s.n . , U4),2:CSpA. UEfraEmiSSINQLEB <4i^M)-aTaainyan teatl* BtXUO~M ■ Ow«randtkmli tn. O M MI lonxxD—e NEWvavem CHicuo Akn«jMdd,Hrtavl- mmPraky2.DP-SMRb I. a>tq _ MvtM s .nM: ; a944j2 raIMVOAM. ^ TwA^tielPraB-'- - SD-nMIMHvn}(4;).l.nfardf|1«), «» - HJmnXnab -- 40010o«T«p 000tp a ia n rt2l01 4;ailllliau ilk ^ M, Frmk. K . M: WNm^ game Vwith vicl:tdry oveer Ghicaago “1 MeRyUil f.O rtr.K M » Rjewwnwjn w M t 4 ( ) 7 s jdrwMa• & 4BiatoryriineSt}2 IB o JO — • £MnS.t e lB0CLa>3b S02t MEVS 7 7 s } VMnmpIp 0100 NwlvHwivamia, *7.7A 74; CravWMt- sincc July 1 with last-irit-inning relief ' innings ir fof his fourth save.’e. PlttBur^ ■< 0 210 1 0 0 4 0 ImMp 1000 n^ih FUshraerv NMoi TeuM Mimiuk 4onian cxarart•rartlnali . Detroit 3 ’ Bmriwcaa> «l a .K7 — Unvlra-H:—HanM, Kc«: FItK. TrvlaHdfaidd. Sox 2-1 S atu rd ay night. ly H am iltorton (18^). Tho modem . Kiaol : «»; amwil OiBirm; TNra...... Ni»YofliX» oxost3>-} • 03n«,aiinallOtoan. »-1. *4; MMdvWiftln The victory was thee AAngels' 10th record is sixix b y Eddie (Collins in 1912. Minnesota ^ 2 »...... CMOIBS3 OW Ott.-# Wtt«rE*- « s g^• T— *—«,»«...... E-e«®nOninOrmCP-MivYerkl. plrmiaB d d , »«ioCn>m Ml t-1. M straight at home. Tho• AAngels,, who ' _ D E T R O IT (AP) - Ga3ary Pettis « ‘ M « a ...... O*K03 t t. LCO-Mn Ynn 7. OHCW31 est.lead over Storm Davis, Da W . matched his wwent 4-for-5, including a1 jgame-win- win* «> e 401 a ______rmiHMwMwDXEOODOSLES improvedjtheir AL West u-^iOMTm Bcarxw ------1 a c v c tA fo ------!lmr(<).ant»rg(t]).OtrnifiiM SvnNIni O akland to 2\'2 gomes, alsoala have won shortest cartareer outing, retiring only nining hit in the TOQi inning,j.a s th o D c - • VortJ _ . NMtei *>rei n.sP—-Oanca0 16 o f thoir la st 17 a t Ajiahcim nal Stadi-. one b a tte r anda r giving up scvcA.runs. lrtroit Tigers defeated thes 1M innesota pntMwrffinpn.FNUiMintS.M>orr>* S 1 imnmS>40IB B> HnERBeao auiik^lim^ fOW, 7A 2A M PNMd«(WLPnLPitaeuf»\i.we«~ - 5” - 40tCF*milnM9006 NwYor> ------allearTwd, ...... T'Twins 3-2 Saiurday night. SLLeu lir a WarttrtralO nDm«.aif ■ ' S02VMm(tf> 1000 MNtmi.;ILA1 'ao'i^'V oo ...... S«I o8i5 c£ o McCaskill, had a shutouti go- ilK ia iriJ Qnatwrtn» lllO C M tH 4000 Irra « 4 4 0 0 Oanafi __ «T < Ocnl(T«l 2 lOCPOSrlnlMOlO WM Pmiidd,QiddtDn. ___^ ing until one out jn thte_ninlh ej when Davis. 11-^;l-l lifetime againsi Scal- Reliever Mike Hennemaia n , 7-4. re- 4liaWltr1 }OBB Am 2 11110 M.M;«M; SMpp dd. UMr. U. M OM b - 211KimianSJB00-----0 * g ^ -0 -di^,-au« Darvl Boston doubledid and Ivan tic, lost to the'Ma'nriersToTthc“nfgt“th “ lIi^d'lhirTv.-irislnlI] order inn the^Oth■tbI ■ ■ e— ,-aud«H,U:BrdtuniM.OM. - »OStX3______A .114 ( 1 1 1 9 1 •■I.M..M CfildeTTnrsingled-for-thc_EcIiVhile_{>px iim e_sincer7Iiiy"26,"1986; : a n ^ s~~gn"Ufe*wTir-Jflck-Morris-p g t -pitctad-thc— iFrvOiml I------aiR idd. E M . (-I. Udd vilh a single off loser Gary ar Wayne, » third as Howell singled - - - - Piluuaiii (Onw*a»7) *Ptn«w(ru----- ...... Rosenberg, 3-7, m oved t( Baltimo,o re 0 ■ 3-2. J] M ike Briirriley folldw'cwed w ith a «« »* ...... A t f iinfic r WCMEIfUENS4J8]NaLES 1 CITY, Mo. (API - Luis so S i M i- A i a w anin»«.w.wW.M I 2 0 B 1 2 SObtEnSPSPOMr.NJ.(AP)—t o r a (FtauHnmlRClrt) Claudell Washington's double d< and KANSAS C sacrifice bunt lo put Stranenge in scor- ^ 1 0 B B 0 1 Odi%>t»dd,Cwniiidl. scored on Johnny R ay's sacrificesai fly. Aquino sh uIt t out’Baitjmore-on three- -ing ini position for Pettis. - ~------tu rd a y night and hot-hit- W M). Q:Sp.m. :ci SjaOfWdi te ik Rosenberg, pitching his first mo- singles S atu r _ .3inFnroace(l«: due,: u e mrre4.0OGUO(.ES < i S r " ' ” ” ■ ^ ^ r . ' . v . v jor league complete ganjame with a ting Willie WiW ilson drove in every run » 5 7 - w a s (non (M»—at Oivtvtli City fashioned a 543 victo- ^ Mta7-«|«teDM9> VW»—««*. rvn 3M9-W Hai»QaaiM. sevcr^hitter. latgr gave_m^up a homer_ as Kansas Cil ■ar-Hdj. K . H:.Fonifrf*««.«f.______to Tony Armas leadingJ offoi thc nah ry lo handi I th(^ slumping AL East -Toronto 2------*tarWT|^;TWnlT*fM». o*,^KIr,^ EllWW>n»MNity. 7A 74: Odmr^Oali dd. n d n M - t a Of«liumAunvWttox M. >A U inning. It was A rm as’ scvc«:venthofthe leaders thoirir ininth loss in 10 games. NEW YORK (AP) -- Slumping A .L box[)X scores nutJorm season. DonDc Mattingly got threee hits and totontd W'WRCn N .l. bRm

■ _ *M * J J Sur:undny, July 30, 1909 iT imlos-N os- ow s. Twin Fnlla. Idnho C-3 Legionl ~ ; ■ ■ ■ • C o n t i n u e d firom3m Page C l-- eriiirs anand' lhe"'pitching Uirew m Williams, who alscso ended the John Harrirrclson to pop out to the~ in- ^ S e h Ic c te d 0I 0 2 -0 07 ■ Pearson compounded!led hi? m ise ry in three walkalks while Buhl rnanaged hitsila game wth ll'strikcouUIla, hod worited field ahdi tht en got D elaney on a Ionco n e ' ••.the fo u rth when he unconcorked consec- from Ruiituhter, Chad Schabot andnd himself out of seriousus trouble the fiy ball ;ol o end t th e gam e. •''utive wild pitches thalal let1 two more Shane WigViggins. previous inning aRcrr ho gave up ■] threwVW a lot o f fastballs (in th the e OW H appy Ads ~ 004 Hflppy Ads - 007 Jobs of Inlorost ‘ runs in a n d B rian Mille;i!lcr then d e lw - .. *We'vc’_e got ( two outs with the bases>es leodoff singles to' Bo;o Barrus and first andji-scv en th ),’* ia id Huntley. "I “ ADVERTISING . ■ . ored a th ird w ilh a singleagio. . loadetl, we’nTUe’d w( 5-5 and it’s u rou-)u- 'Shane Proc&r and ” w alked Jim just triedd to t- keep it undor control andand I t lULIOS l O - - *Buhll4,C3oourdVrd’AlcneU tine ploy,y tht at takoa us out of th e in­in- Robinson, tho No. 9 hitter. h But he thr^w strikrikes."^ SALES ft (^lU ondcjerfui Doy ‘m ) % ••REPRESENTATIVE Unearned runa werejrc the rule as ning." saidaid Coeur d'Alene coach P alul u l struck out Stan Hales'; o0 n n 3.2 pitch, fy. nov^-3-J, ended tho gumo ° s to Y ou!!^*!^* Tho Timos-Nov^o is Book­ .tQ_his-crcw.aftcr-tha4nning,-lg.— got-Sung-6u-Pak-to-ny- ht stnkeouG I ing an advortislna solos ■'errors ond Buhl repliedlied w th six — "But wc makom the throwing e rro r a nnd d and retire^ Mark Kaiplonapopnylo c , ^ Ul© t u l s hI tto thank all roprosontativo. This lull- irenking pitches were work- fojir o f those in a six-rur•run fifth inning then anothother one and now its 12-5 be-»e- left. "■K* , o u r f r i e nnds-O* i fam ily limo posiiion roquiros ing p re tty;y 'w ell,” he said. *I have con-on- UIho Joineted In m oking SQloa oxporionco wilh lhat let Lumbermen,btI, back in afler cause wee'e didn't keep out heads in it_" .. th at I c im - ^ t them -overnnd - The-50tr nowspopor odvortlsing/ • "logging 14-5 a t one poinl.int.' But Buhiuhl was gracious, Meridian 5, Lewi»i»C lari< l th W ed d in g ...... markotingbackground irow ing th em on 3-2 agnih.sthst nnniuersacaru day to ..prolorrod. This inSividuol " C oeur d'A lene struck:k eearly a s B uhl Two innings im later,, they starteded Huntley had little trorouble m lh Ihl. r e m e m D do i r. The cards, nlrol problems H’e bollomtm oftheir (batting) order," would bo rosponslblo, lor I ; ''sta rtin g pitcher ChuChad S ch ab o t Kevin GaGarasky off with an error,)r, Cuba’ hitters, but cont notes, pictctures O’ hugs, gonorolinp rovonuo by i ; '-'walked th e first two mermen and imme- then afteror a flyoul, saw Ruhtcr walkIk put him on the spot tw icice. U.rtd>«i;.L.;,u « u o .ik i L u e r e c eeiuod are a . soiling ono sorvicing os- itraight Lumbermen. Thenen In the first, inning,g, he walked tnblichod occounta in tho '• diatcly w as relieved by Coach Tom threo stn speclol'tree9QSure. Thanks Mngic Valloy a ro a . o s woll ■ ■ Fleming, cam e a two-runtw error, followed by a Lewis-Clark's Joe Dela:laney with ono djib« w >MMn; V - llurltejwn (I again! A sp:pecloi thanks as soliciting nnd dovolop- •nr>.)). Flem in g said he didn'tdn’t like to look one-run error ei and then a two-nman out and then su rre n d e rered his only hit “ "■•"f' to otir douiughter for all ing now businoss. This is a 100% com m ission sa lo s like a quick Captain HooHook, noting “i f double loli0 left by G araaky th at c u t thhc e of thc game to Kirk Booooth. Wilh run- l.Uln.lla U she did tot moke it . i« CDono—0 i 1 posiiion. Othor tw nofits In­ . “ ho starts well wc knoww he’sh good and deficit, nera on first and secon>nd, hc walked iw4uu«* . r\ b e oautiful. i ^jv, cludo: poid vacalion. m odi­ ? is going to give us a full seven, If he At thathat point, Karel relievedsd Kevin Cox, and a fte■r r striking oul «nj CKti; 0it|(< ^ Iknu. W - Orlui (t cnl plan, paid holidnys, iinniD Orotiin ____nnd moro. Sond rosumo v ' doesn't s ta r t good— wellwIlj_Uke to d jy ,^ _R_uhter aiicBiid iccd the victory. ;“^Justin Raison, walked DarcldE Looka- _ T h e i r C( hildren— ------to: Salos R oprosontativo.------bill to force in Delaney;y;-B5rmrrines— “ “S ir ------T h o - to © iC-Blnghom— ____------c#6 Tho-Timoft-Nowfcr-nO------■ ‘--y o u m ig h t ju s t aa wellI go o u f a n d 'g e t ' imt aiOBO-ll « I •omily ^ ' him." PocPocatello 1, Mtn. Hom« 0 got Jaaon Moore to popp out( to end the D'W ^ lU CS; C 83303. Atlontion: Bill I . Troy Ruhter replacelaced Schabot, Griggss faced just 23 Mountainin inning. SctaM. ItuKurur ((I). Kinl (D ani Wiuin. W -R diir ((0. Blnko. Applicatiorts and ro-____ i - p v e up a tvvo-nin sinsingle to Wos Home battotters and atruck out Il^ uut t_ ln_the--3eventh. Huluntley—iasutiiLJJin?.*^ (**>-»0.______sumos rocoivod no Intor than A uoust 2. ' i Gilmore •and~ihen manaonaged lo hold the Royalsals kept threatening unlil thele loadofT,'walks'to pinchh hitter David SLUuiMf.t• f.T»VUi2 H 006 Parsonals A lull-limo milkor. oxporl- I the.Lumbermen lo justU8l throe more last out . Shears and to M oore, then tl hit Todd aca Am thoto rolationships that^ oncbd. nights. 886-7716. . ! runs o v er thc next fourrinninps. in “We hovloven't been hitting thc ball,11, W im er to load th e baseses. But Hunt- rt.f«ind!lAd Sormn- L««ia and Atbur>. V tni» (ns Amarlcan , bl«Vt— l-H>*>n<(0 you k^ng for bul don't soom ; Meanwhile, Ruhter’s'’s ssacrifice fly so I had: a fooling it would be a low-iV- ley got pinch-hittcr Jusustin Frci and *” 002 Lost & Found to bo ablo to croolo? Coli Ihotho Temporary S*rvico* !' scored Je re m y Schabot)l irin the bottom scoring game."gai said the big lofl-han- — Sciontology InlormaiionIon Wo —I Found: Siamoso youngnfl- .Contor^L-eod-sey-STBa. 1 tliUnrri:t<)olrt h ir ~ d Gr~*l~^'^ast~contlnued~t0^hrow~ i 'l^oiors. "Trtiifor^fiocolnlo son! pomt.U’ HOLYSPiRIT ^ t lead For keeps in the secoiscond with four sfrilces, Jnvas'fl-rtghrpJaterthe-um/I'l '- _ wilh bob toil. 9th and Ash. EOE.'M/F/HA^. Ei L-SMEs j m i S B OORTS l ~onWoar7.26.~733:i20g^------^ -You-w/io.maJi«.mo-wo-«v.------No-1oo5ry34-q4Sg.------.; ru'ns, based on singlesles from M a t t ' pire wasn’tn’t calling tho com ers." Presents the — oryihing and shows mo tho Found; Tabby Kiilon. groon>n way to roach my idoal. You'o u Aporlmcnt m onogors. afso 9 also accounted for the onlyly 1989 FAMILY PHYSISICAL THERAPY AND SPSPORTS INJURY CLINIC : Ramsey and John l^rcl.ircUa fielder’s Griggs a C collar, around 3 mo. old, who givo mo tho dovino gillnjif molol monagors. solf-stnrt- — i—c h o ice-th at-re 8ulted.4n.an.an_crroE.and_.nm1 .of tf^ game when he scored on'n TENNIS CLINIC[C _ y^ Gfodnviow Dr N. 733-6664. to lorgot and to lorgivo tho,^2 ors, wolllcoin. 733-1359. '! scorcd one run and ther;hen.a two-run Mali Wauilu s’^Houble into' th T le fl-c e n ~ - Lost; Bollo' aun otoesoc-w/-« /.. .wronfl.,lhaLi5 .donojo_mno._ o._ Assistant monogor Iqr a^irt- ■ Tbursday7Fi*i^iday^ &~Satur'day - A ugust'3;’4; &'5\ 4. You who aro in aP Insloncos:o s mont «m;rfox.'nO0. cont must navo oxtonsivo Cockor Spanlol, roddish/?; P rom ise 10 p u b lis h ih isis prior crodit oxporionco. groon bow s in hair, namo is^ pmyor.as soon as Your wishsh good marketing skills, ntiil- Sadlo. Call 733-2596 or" hns boon granlod CD______Ity to manago omployoo 543-8458______ond unquoslionablo hen- IH feiime Lost: -Roward oKorod.r HOTLINE - 733-01222 osty and lniogrlty.- Refor- Ricoh 3Sm m comora w/lighlIt A problom is not a orob->• oncos and authority lor - bluo caso , losi ol Twin FallsIs lom whon sharod, Montal3I omployor lo Invostigoio all IWABBAMI (alls park or Andorson n Hoolth Association. Spm too applicants will bo roqulrcd. Camp, wookond ol Julyy 7om. 24 hours on wknds, Diroct inquires to J.P . ISIh.Call 734-5J6?. V - NOVENA TO ST JUDE, "• Ham.ilton.at (208) 543- On Holy St. Judo, Apostio a 435t 0x1 »29. Mail ro­ 003 Spocial Nollcos Manyr groot In virtuo. rich in In sunioajo: J.P. Hamillon • at Tho F^mors Nationol CAKESI Charactor.' moldodT miraclos. noar kinsman ol Josus Chiisi laithlul inlor- Bank. P.O. Bo* 392. Buhl. A 3-D. Call 734.4856. - cossor ol oil who invoke0 ID 83316.______II you'ro soriouB oboul losing0 your spocial po tro n ag o Inn Bost Woslorn Canyon woighi call324-S273.An timo ol nood to you to navoo Springs Inn Is accopting np- Indopondont HofbnlKo Dist.’ _ rocourso Irom tho doplhs ol)> pbcations'lor a yard porson Magic Valley AdventItt my hoan and humbly bog for>r In our maintonanco dopart- School, now occopiifig np- w)io8n. Froo •' hour probation. Closing dato: bo promisod, St. Judo pray BENDIX BRAKE SHOIHOES N E W FUEL PUMIIMPS n e w 6M B WA E STARTERS & G A S-f/ SHOCKS - tolophono consuttotion. y August 4lh, 1989. 5prn. Ap- A N D PADS A TO R s^ ^ ^ Wm H. Mulberry lor us all who invoke your ‘ pKcollons and job doscriplion S f ; A n o m ^ 0 i Lbw. aid. This Novona has novor' avoilablo at; Administrativo boon known to fail. CD______, »TIM * MTIINAtOU * ' ■ P.O. Box 166. - Officos. 726 Shoshono “ or* i«pott »«cuctt(« .n n KSOviiMH tMCiAioaloaoiat wse«l RIHe. fdaho $3443 Outdoor mindod gontloman1 • Stroot Wott, E.O.E. . 1^00^6^166 - . inierostod in mooiing a po- * • BURGER KING • lito lady botwoon 35-40 with^ « Now under now bwnorshp. 005 Momorlal Notices intorost In spons and out- \ — - Wo am now hiring for oil po ­ . door activitios. Sond roply: ,sitions. Full & part-tim o 11■ n o r AFTER Thank you lor all tho llowors,, Bo* 8334, c/o Timos-Nows.■ ‘ hours..free uniform, dis- ■ W RtBATE______cords. phonojMlls_nnd_sup:_ - - - — counlod moals. Groat p.iy I HAVOLINE port ol Iho loss of our wilo.I “ vEFIEATEn?” * “ !for great emptoyoos. II you I J MOTOR OIL ■ APHfiA 8 9 1 daughtor, mothor. sistor and' ANONYMOUS ioro onthusiastc and want to fiiond, Tho family mombors \C SfARK PLUGS i ______733-9113 . V work, apply loday at 300 ■ f r a m OIL ei Dolphino W ost Coobaugh, PREGNANT.NEEO HELP? £Bluo Lakos Blvd North. ‘ ■ FILTERS • limit 16 ' I • ' - ^Wtglo'Daflina ■■ ' atiolepnco. I Froo prognancy loslingI BURGER KING- • Fin mo»idom«jl- ard dooply opprociatod. by lhe 8ih day your prayor' opmontally 0 disablod chil- Ifono Siowart wiS bo answorod. Soy it lor 9' dron. d mori))ng & ovoning — Rodnoy-Stowan'ondfamnf" day«i-H-h89-novo(“booTr-r -5WH(ntvanQbidr"no“-5 oxpori>------known to lail. Publicalion 0 Roy Stowart anc" l-m ly , , I onco nocossary, w2l provide SB! Jorry Stowart and tani;iy,___7 !musl bo promisod. Thonk^ allq training. $3.75 slonlng . You, St-Judo. CD wago, VI good ralsos possible ...... f ^ ^ Singlo? Lorwly? You'll moot in ir snort amount ol limo. C-ill Tho lamity of Molvin VInkon- othor J singles & mako now_ Polly P ol Groon Acros Tw in­ borg oxtond our hoarlfolt frionds ■ ihtough social & odu- ing > ConlorinGoodihgr IhanKs lo all ol our many eational , activiilos. doncos & _ 9M-5603.______frionds who gilts ol food, support^ lor singlo paronls. Coiororsc 0x0 noodod. Marriot llowors, donations, words of . .wtih . . or wilhoul ChikJron ol p —.sympathy and )uct boing > Food Senrico al Coltogo ol hom o. All a g o s w olcom o. Southern s Idaho. Hours oro thoro gavo us so much com- Call / 324-56T8. 733-5104, fj, fort. i floxiblo. Tpktng applications 733-3214, 543-5716. Par- Friday.(rom F 12:30pm to Roronco and Jo a n o_nts , Wilhoul Pannors, ___ 7 SIP so N * o r A O^N ANtirRim/COOLANT ■ Vinkonbofg 7;30pm ond Mondt^ Irom ■ H H H I E T v Qono and Philomona “ 10:00am lo noon. Contoct : ^ y r : 3 W Vlnkonborg I ADVERTISE ' Gino Rudd at 733-9554, o<- i I I tonsion° 262. EEO omployor ! Ron and u ir o l Molzgor YOUR ^ Rhosa Motzgor Shinn Exporioncod miikorrluH or Holon ond Irvin Andorson SERVICE SPECIALTY |pan-iimo. Cnll 733-5425. Viola and Ed Haddon PItceiJ . undorm hotaino Olf Formf mochanic wilh loo^s. Bnrbam H addon Kolly J § yourchaleal_ alabiliiy. 10 ovoihoul,onginos, ,'X” ' ™ i ^ « P = n d o d o „ , 7^ VWo. Iho family ol Frod Hub. transmissions & hydraulic . smith wish to thank' ail our Your V ad will . Full or pon-timo cosmolo|->- _ .patSTONLCUIMICAiS- -!!!£a2 £OTTOU£MTTEirsRYI ...... I ‘ ottt_n^od, Novaaa'ncoiH-(>' ------m _____ —l-dil-durirw-4h»4Snocft-and-(toall>- S s i i S s fr i'roquifodrCall 702-75S23?t . n 61 Frod. Your soppod will J*bo motl ollocllvo and bringt o:oxl 226. or 702-755-2502. T • M T T long bo romombortaT^ ' you tho roaulls you «roI ^Jackpoi, Novada.______Irono HubsmNh X (oohlng lor. f Forn and Burl Coatos Full-limo posiiion available I ' J lor socrolory/rocoplionisl in Mftrjorto Stovons J ock or>d Fayo Hubsmiih 73M93I modical S ollico. bxcollonl Earl H d»m lth ______. bibonolits. Conlact Cathy Shofon arxl Lorry Romoy SQl9cte ol sympathy moant so much ®Bonondor, oxporionco pro- ply in potson to tho B k o to uc upon tho dooth of our lorrod, nighl-shift, apply in uLokos Country Club, Bli 0 bolovod daughtor and sislor. porson P' ot Tho Pockot. 1532 LfLakos Grado, on M onda/, ± TWIN FiFAUS 780D Bluelakes B1B vcJ . . . . 7 3 4 - A SpocinI Ihanks to Rov, Sid !ikimboily Hd.______| JJulyl 31 S Tuos, Aug 1 .5 >• -Harris-ond.Franda.Borgin______B

; z ^ S e'.lected l oJffet^s-Reaai estate» 007-030

Ojjl-HpmesForSalo____ 030-Homos For Sale ------007-Jobs of Inlerest - - 007-Jot)So(lfilef05l . -0 0 7 -Jo b s o lln lerejl...... 007—J o b s ollnleresi------_ '.007-JobsoflntCfesl:------007.?= Jc b j oMnteresL___—: ; .0 t7 ~ 6 u tk u s s ------OppomnlLloi r ------“ oiSECfOR OF NURSIN)■ING Hiring 20 domos [or Houib Part-tim o cortiliod loacli^ic h o r Slool siding appBcolor war ' ~ Oulpox-cloan-lroshly painl- ' • MACHINISTI Wo oro looking lor n wl.^roor n o f Lloyd, super pany pl.in* NANNIES I lor reading, grades 1-3. CoCon- ed. $40-$50' a squori TQ V O'*' Unit A; 3 bdrni. 2 bath; 100'B of positions nvnil. I BEST OF COUNTR' Compotitivo wngor. nrn n d mlndnd nu/f-o to mnriagoIO tho.1 pfpo kll. Prizos-Trfllning- l a a Kon.Black...S«)orimpn io r ^ Eavos- $1.70 running lo(loot! unil 8; 5 bdrm, bath. oxcullont bunofiLs. nur-Mng doparlm'oni ol '"B- o x c itin g o n s t a n d w o j Taking apjsEalions at Ma ------8. CITY- " 1864 50 ft pofiunirr^ss.goo—_ _ ofn CnlI8?9-G0l7. ------C0031 c itios wrtovlng prt dont. 637-4777------. ■ ATTEMTlbNII S ond fostini.) :o: P O' Oo*Dc ckillod nursing lacilily, Qui ------Carter Conior. 2116 4lhI AvAvo. Hifijoric lOOF bWg in BiBuhl, SiMAEltioboth Blvd. 87. Burlov. ID 03310. immodinio openings lor ox- ex^ s c ro o n o d famlilos, LOCA-AL Posilion oponing: Yojfoat E. 733-3493. J with •"Cnlt733-5762, ____ liod candid.ilor. will po sse porioncod body/londor loch-och. S U P P O R T providod Al ------downtown. Hall rontod; Iholl 3 bdrm.-.. 2 balh hom u wil ded a curronl Id.'iho lieonso rli Air- around farm oquipmonl' 0| Supervisor iraining positiositon, (or you. Apf» upstala irs , vnltoy viow Irom palio.'- City Cil I Expor. cbrpenIo>ji noodod ' nicians, body shop Io«>por-por- fnro p n id . 1.600-&42-227tIZS:. oroior, must havo ol kiast lor 3 yonr prolpct. 720-B029029, a cuccosslul background Exporioncod hysior driverivor, 5 2 9 . ^ . Call Jim at; walor. Largo lot withI coicor- ^ ______• ^ s o n , and sorvico lochnlci.ins.•’''I?; Nalional publishing c c hahas yoars exporionco in larmirv nto d ~ Expotioncod b.mk connumo budgoiing. communicntio. Top wngns and bonolil D ^. yoar-around wotk. B-5, Sor Barker Realtorsrs rals and groal hoijto nn imm ooiato oponing In1 itKs S end rosumo & rols lo: Bc shop, Brick.oxionor. HotHont ■ loan oHieof, colloelor. An,,,Aqii and slall dcvolopmont. Coi p a c k .io o . Apply Mounl.iin rosumo lo; PO Box 142 Call 543-4371. .irSd. potolivo ;s.;ilnry and b«n£ ad v o rlisin g dopI, Wo ollctier 239, Shoshone ID. 83352,^ Twin Falls, ID 63301. . . cullutai background dusirutj lHomofeia.H;-33;c- - lloxiOlo houre. Mon-Fri. gooood Potato warohouso-nood ____ OW loj^toriod ‘coHro ^S s ' ¥S!dos°i'D‘‘nSdo°ro^'ca pOMbto roIocatioH Sondd roro- program ollorod, Submil r ENERGY EFFICIENTJ • • ,if,, sumo lo: Ann, Groon Acr.Irjor Immodinlo opening Ior mO' mo- bonofrt pkg. oggrotsivo popay sotlors ond laborers. Applppiy- W orking rnnch suporinlonlon- dglit>oXory Ior sato in G o M K hS65.500 sum o and snl.Tty roquiro ch,inie Wlih dopenonblo worfivorfi cc/iodulo. For inlorviow opf 446 dont (or commorelal/purpuro- ing. Sorious it>qulrios ot YOU MUST S E E THIS monis to: Dox 9GG3.c/o Tlie Tin Cmo Conior. 1220 Moni.-in sppt Russet VaBoy Produco. 44 SHARP. 2 bodroom homo • Goodinti Id.iho 03330. l,obilt.Vo.|i!ci,«m lnao.3 Of c.-ill 858-9161.______Hinhway 30 Em i. Kimborly,riy brod. cow/call ranch locaticalod Call for Information, s: A L L ON ONE Timos-Nows, Cox 545. Twii — ^ CAT oxporio/ieo prolorrod. in Soulhorn ID. R aises1 own ov 8173, d a y s ,^ - e 3 5 7 ovor • with lols o( nico oxtras for J Fntlf.. 10 03303 '______Drivors nocdod lor Iho < Innt N«xJod: a liconsod spraytlyor Production manaoer pos truo comlortablo living. W o»lern Slal#i Equipmont‘ ond .m oxporioncod sprinkle tood & grain, MusTbo 75% 75 Supply company wHh oxtS L E V E L Exporioncod c.irponlon io r pol.'ilo h.wost. Apply .it Ar C om pony. 500 E.tsi Ovor- klor tion availabio Immodiatoi . Good location, (oncod oosh Produco in Gooding porson. Sondrofiumotcto: lor hoy porson possessing cotllo person/25% (armorm or. lont hislory and ostablisl 5mo. yard, gardon. and (rult nood-H C.tll 73-1-.1S74 ■’O land Road. Meridian;; td Green Seasons PO Bo “ Abovo ovorogo a a l ^ . plus pli accounts in this aroa is took-lo 3 b d rm . 2 b a lh h o m o c■^^l9^•t-8464______------1 63C42. Call20(i-680-2287. 3ox B.S. In Chomical Enninoo. •iond- Boauliful living room witwith - ireos. &3.000. Expofioncud dir.hwnshor 2701; Twin Falls, Id 8330:IW- ing, basic compuior skills. lri ,- - nowOT homo vnlh uiilitios'S fur-fu ir>g (or a rosponsa>lo. trkii room LIVE AND W ORK ON . . Tho Atoma lunch r.liill, 10.3(0 30 D.iy counlor holp w nntoilo il g»col bonolil Dko. EOE. nishod. Should havo0 ,22 5 . ,ly. hardworJung and hor>ooest firoplaco. cozy lomily roor Cnil lor appoinlmont, Tm ~ 2701. ___- eluding Auto-Cad & prlo onho wilh wood Slovo andnd a MAIN ST R E E T ! This 10 3:30. $4 por nour. Tnco INDUSTRIAL NURSE vor plant manogomont pro. . . yoara’ oxporioneo. Sondot. Prieod at S78.00C,000. $37,500. Cnll 536-6271.______i45 nol?^nr\pnrlninn1 Univorsal Yoar r_ourxMnrrn_wo_rkor,, mo-tro Timos-Nows. PO ,B 0X_5 “ CairM !lch~lPr"a“ 5howini)Wln(j- 'TBEDROOM, Vbath', vory v"h~ ■Froron-Foodc70ox-i-28r p— ~ chari7cal' bocJiground ossorMOn^ ~Tww'FnlIs. ID 83303, ------Fxporloncod full.-iimo tir. ' .im 10 1J am or 4 pm to 7 an sources Doparlmonl. , 2 bay sall-fion/o car wai Davo Munroo nl D.ivo Mun pm 733-2526 or 733 S137,. L E lorms. Coll 733-13599 o r ” crodiblo viov^ of tho Snakinako ESTATE & APPRAISAL ______roo Chovrolol in^Buhl 543543- ELECTRICIAN 1-0 c a s s iA m em orial" ■ SALES PEdl^LE —~ Somo modical knowlodgt _____ 79?^?52, „ Rivor and Cloar Lako; 7 3 4 - 5 6 5 0 ----- FulMimo posilion avnilab Deputy Prosocuting Atiotnuy~lu p -+Tffiptulr-Good-waooa-4J»oo a - HOSPITAL ------DESERVE rviif r.niifT-.n. 1950 o la m fPOf for'Journoydovol oloctricin ------> Exporioncod 0f09moi Counly Idaho. Full-jlf- olils. Call 702-75^6281. our packed oq. It. a n d tbi Joromo - Burloy. Idaho 8331B ------T f l r B ^ s r r " 0 2 0 Mdn*y To Loan Oowg VaOmor. Bmkor ------noododJor_hu5y_Lhop_SiiL „ ” lim n. y.InrHnfl immodiaioly. ____ i30-Y0U-DES£RVE TC - J)uilaQC_wilLJini5h_lo BU!! — Mary-Akkornian-734-3802------ary noooliablo, Call-owno» Cnll 20 8 324-7547 or -sond Noiico to job cookors: EARN $60 TO $100,001.000 Businoss mon and wotnofiwn. Call F o rte l W ard todoyTJS fo Alda Strong 733-0905 Pols APIanig. 733 0506. . Univorcal Frozen Food;1^ rosum o & covor leilorloi’PO EOE M/FA//H oaso your pri'^alo viowing — * Box 128, Twin Fnll.i. I ^ Fodoral law roquiros om ----- FIRST YEAR? GETr 2125 Savo yoor cash ond loa '^ 0 ' Donls Vollmor 733-9199 Exporioncod hairstylist for foi 83303 or cnll 733-566. Box 32.Jororro, ID 83330.^ ployors to vorily that all om»n- REGISTERED NURSEE LEADS WEEKLY? HAVIAVE thal now or usod oqubmoilont. $ 110,000. Lowoll Wills 733-6562 progressive Hoiloy aaion ployoos havo tno logal righ' DM N p C H A R G E -B A C;K K ! S Croalivo Funding ,,73^117 M 'f'H'V ______monogemont ghl Full-limo opening lor Rr Guorantood hourly wqqo. ir^ IO wofK in. tho Unlioo SlalosOS- with labor and dolivory oxpo,M. TAKEN FROM YOUf Lot tho govornmont fintiniS ADORABLE suranco bonolils, calos com-• ' Elomonl.iry lonchor. BA,, llIonl bonofilofit 877-1.1 SO-______^______- -buaino88-(includlngloniiims:)- everything yoor h o ^ do bsmnl. just compiotod, iotal ------tor nppofntmonl. 7C0-3O5E idoniity (driver's lieonso or oi package. If Intorostodo d . Looking (or a ca;oal. on-call. Excolloni bonofils.lls lo 10 am a 4 pm lo 7 pm.;___ Accrodilallon, 25 yoars o looking lor. Exlra largoirgo ocros with moro than 335' . ho. Has an oponing Iorir oa sroo Tho aido position • ro o rn LTnilod St.ilor. roQuirIng porionco. Highway 151. S i roc- quirus 2 yoars oducolion ng (ablo to toach socontforyiry Conlacl; Shorrio Maloney' oi at RETAIL SALES Sun mostor suilo, spacloueOU6 ol Rock-Crook-frontago, Planning and 2oning D.lo- 1-800-345-4665. oxt 100100 personal showing. 09-09. lion ond oxporioneo Is ro-,0. II, 1909. AnAIItfmalivoAc • • Compouijvo rwlnry 00- lion Equal Opportunity ,Em 3onsos and cor. Call 1-BOO-0-- Excollont salary and bonolitolit col flop lor Arizona Tochni­ ■ quirod. Tho snlnry lo bp oo- vori * Fully pnid bonolits . _ packogo ollorod. cal School. WUI mako high!iSh O P E N H O U S E goiialod. Rosumos oro. ro­fo. ployor, Proloronco is givor • ______school prosonlaiionsand on- 1 to 5 pm SundayIV By ownor, probably tho cut- quirod and o job doscripliontion 10 oqonlly qualiliod oppliP ''" ■'f?oli'ro?nont pInn Dllice position, lull-limo, 7 ost houso in Twin Falls,^ 3 THREE M .l Ql eanlswiihndisnbililv, 3rowing agricultural busi- Conlacl; Nursing odminislra-ra- roll sludonls lor ElectronicsI^ics 529 Monroe Street is ovailablo upon roquosi ol i,L lion nl 737-2130 or Humanan and Drafting programs. Indo- L bodrooms, 2 baths, full R E A L T Y Iho ollico ol Iho City Clo/k. -loss'lo<^ing for porson wilh ido- Nicoly landocopod 3 bdm ' basomonl many extras, LOAN PROGRAM Local inlon/iows ore boing Rosourcos at 737-2173 al pendent eonlraelor. commis-nis- 2 both. 1350 sq ft homt EEO/WF. SPECIALIST n rran n o d now. Plonso lor- $69.500. Ca'lI 734-W17. 733-5336 Applientions musl bo roTr»t."n“ S'o'fe Magic Valloy Rogional Modi-di- sion wilh draw. Public>Iic C ovorod rodwood ctock i wnrcT your rosumos or'I 'v° cal Conior. P.O, Box 409,)9, spoaking and in-homo satos>tos palio. largo loncod yarc FAMILY DELIGHT mado no lalor thnn 5 p.m. Tho Idnho Wolor Qunlrty BuBu- w rito lo: Tom Higgins, V,P,p jkills. TO npply; Phono Rob, loi S43-4306 or sond rosumo Twin Falls. ID 83303 0409,-)9.- abilily nocossary. Rosumno; o; RV parking, onorgy of(i“I'm : CALL US TODAYI „ * 3 bdrm. 2 balh homo In -August 7. 1989-lo; Mflyor'eO'.f roau has a posilion opon1 lolor H um nn Rosourcos. Motel __ PrMidont. High Toch InslU sod Oualily brick homo, on 8/10 ------O ilc o rB o x -t 177rCak3wrt)ll; ' .p;-PO-Box-472.-Buhl-IO ■s'li- _ciont.-firoplaco_w itn.woo _N.W-oroo.-nico_fflmlIy------«>ll- -n h d ‘ indlCMt}uanflWrOM(KriiJ“ ln' B r ^ '’G5l“ Dall3irPnrkwny." o d ' lulo. 4021 N. UOiFSiTPHbo-00- stovo, singio gorago wilJith' acfO.-'3400-M-fr3'bpli- nnd lochniquos MANAGER TRAINEE - Porsonnol. Conyon Viow" if.ilion ollico ol Iho roson. homo in excollant condilion. COUNTRY entions Ior wnilpotson; cookook II you oro toady lot a HospiKil. 228 Shoup Avo W,,'• Cnll 622-4511.______‘Twio Falls...... 734-6452152 largo bam & corrals. Iroo citv BRICK ROAD , and dishwashufs. Apply in • Full rnnno ol Iringo bonolil:}lils prolossionni c.iroor. considorlor Twin Fnlls. 734-67to~...... — ’Boiso...... 322-015555 walor (or domoslic uso. 62^ ACREAGE T THE WINDBREAK •Nam pa..;...... 467-5627 shores lor irrigation, oxlroro person al 111 S. Pnrk Avo.ivo. • s.ilary j25,GB0-?34.444 Blazer Fioancial Sorvicos.is. P a n - tlm o h o lp noodod alI' is now taking applications lor to this homo whoro you »ft&k for Kon.______• Position loc.ilod in BoisoJ O ur caroor progression small retiromoni conlor. or ‘Fruilland...... 452-5575•75 w oll & s o p tic lo r m o b iloiio Located 5 milos norlh 01 ol can rolax In tho hoi tub in ■ good part-linie cockloil sorv-V- ‘Elko.NV...... 702-738-1595'95 home hook-up, 20% down,ffl. Hagorman. This supor LICENSED PRACTICAL ptogr.im- provioos you wilhilh cooking involvf)d. 733-2513.- ors. Apply in porson at 1749 sor this 3 bodroom homo with For lurthor Inlormation 19 ‘Winnomueca .702-623-2399 balanco at 8%. Askingig sconic hom o Is vory lloxi­3x1- (omlly room, nico gaidon NURSE I lormal Irnininn, actual job Part-timo preschool teachingB Kimborly Road. .Twin Falls. _ ♦Kennev^ck....509-736-0735 5N, cnilorwrrto oxporioneo, A a sal.iiy ih.ii ^ $110,000. blo. 3-4 bodroom s. 2 lov-ov- ond shop. Call (or moro Full-timo posilion lor LPN. hH aide noodod at Acorn Loarn- Twin Falls Toco Timo now ■ Nowborn nursory-oxporionco incruosos w,1ho complolionsn mg Conlor, Edoealionol w HARRAL'S IDEAL FOR DAIRY S(TE-E- olo. docks, patios, cun-jn- dotails. 54-09. Ins ItJnho Depanmonl ol ol oach Iraining cydo. In ad- { I hiring lor dtw ar>d nighl shift, C ustom Wood Oiling 78 acros, 80 shares ol wa-■a- room, liroplacos, pasturo.iro. prolorrod, Excolloni bonolns d- b.ickground in Early Child-I; Apply Mon-Fri. 2-Spm. Curronily accopling npplica-ca- Honlih nnd Woll,ito diiion wo ollor you OJCoBonlnl hoodj E ducation and oxperi- _ Slain linsood & graphaoI • tor, curronily in boons, hoyay corrals and shods. 'yoor lions for CNA's. II inloroslod.od. Divir,ionol benolits including paid onco < with 4-5 year olds ro- shinglo & floor • fonco painl­nl- and pasturo. Askingig round" spring fod stroam. . ._ Envticnmonial_____— vacalion.-cop^rehenBive t ^ VETERANS OF ALL lng • mobile horno tool moin-jn- $75,000. wator rights, numerous— THREEM conlacl Iho Humnn Ro- '0 quirod, Porloct fsb lor Ihe------SEHVJCES.i______tourcos Dopnrlmonl. QunMy h e a lth insurnnce, fi much i I — kir^dfc-of-traoft-and borrioe—Z ______BEAUY •h loachor who wonts to toacff] Tho Idaho Army National sU MUNROE ROBIRTS • c a s s iA m em o r ia l Alin; Suz.inno Kross rjioro. Call lor an inlorvioww porl-limor wilhoul planning >■ painting: commorcial. rosl- This proporty has iust ------appoinUnonl_Z3J.44a4_ » Guord' has recently rootga-i- donliaJ. Industrial. HEAL ESTATE boon listod and is_pncod_ ------HO8PITAt-4-Mg0ICftL— t— tospontibililiott., Loavo-inso- nizod.-Wo havo 900 now po- - CEm^ER Doiso. Id.iho 83720 EqunI Opponumiv Emplovor.L al; 733-70S5 for npplieniion. '■ - — T F n E E ESTIMATES ^ 543-6900/543.6339 _ righl. Call u s right away, - siiions lo fill sialowido, in-I- James. Edon...... 625-5024 2303,PmhAvo, (200)334.6556 M.niufo to.im lor managor ol ' 24 A going bar showing oxcol-)|. 10-09, GENTEEL COUNTRY APPLICATION DEADLINE ?J Pan-limo secretary noododj eluding noarly 100 horo inr> John, Twin...... 734-9036 tom incomo. Indudos liquor UVINQ Burloy, Id,Iho 83310 r.ni.ill mobile homo pflrk in T 1- Iho.M agic Valloy.-.YDU.moy ■ ■ ■ m 676^4^44...... AUGUST 1B;-1909 TwinFnlls.'ChlI7B0-2B50 '- lor buoy logal ollico. Call LVL BEAVER slu'm p a n d lieonso artd roal ostalo. CaD - 2 bodroom homo on 2.19 ______EOE.M/F/MA/ . bo able lo join at tho rank ^ loday, Sp-p9,______ACRES. Has 28x72 ft • __ -Mfrnt'trtrtJO'TTow htnng-luH^ •• you hold -wnen you lolr th0 o -" - Itoo romoval. Call 736.1121- ■■ THREE M limo sorvico lochnician Ap­l~ Pcniilion availabio on row' ■■ ohop a n d sto ra g o s h o d ...... - crop larm in Mogic -Valley, sorvico. and wo have ovor R E A L T y ■ W 7-Jot)s ollnieresl 007-Jobs ollnieresl ply in porson, 947 Bluo | ; 100 job skiDs ovail. Plus the0 014 Chlldcara S«rvlcos and largo corral. All this L.nkos Nonh, Twm FaUs. Fnrm oquipmonl oporoiing' bonolils havo novor boon _ THREEM for $53,500, ownor cany. - abilily o s s o n iia l. somo Irri- 733-5336 _ . ALWAYS IN GO O D MounMin Viow C.iro Conlor 2 boliorl Find out more. CallII Bo-Poop Klndorgarton £& REALTY I gnling. yoar-round employ- TASTE-Ronch 3 bodnwrn la Kimborly is nccopling ap- « ! the Armory nearest you. Bur- Ptoschool, Givo your chiW .Sales Represerentative Wanted ’■ menl, S ond rosumo lo: Box Iho advantage ol a lun 1 on COUNTRY SETTINGIf5 horno wilh covorod patio. ______AVcin:4y:ovviiutand.Jid-havc-an 0(H’iut>jj-for----- ^ 1224.^o-Tho-Tifnec-N«W6^ — -nflamlnfl-oxpolRJhcorQual-on 733-5336 — * 16 Acros surrounds this '' Box 5 4 8 . T w in F a lls . Id a commission saloss rcnrcscnr.itivc.n W c'rc loy'nn ntlr.iclivo rurni solimq ' or toll froo 1-800-632-6589 Hy daycaro. In businoss ovor/or ALL BRICK 3 bdrm. 2 bath homo withl'l I 63303______7 yoars. C ai 733-5097. * Lovoly, spacious 3 boc<- .'ENJOY THE COUNTRY iDoklnn for an atojriOjrcssivo individual & Compolilivo s.ni.iry in Iriondly • Wanlod: oxporioncod milkOr 2S J- largo rooms, firoplaco. .ilm or.phoro. Conlacl Cjirol1 Poalllon nvBllobla. Waro­ ) Come join our funi Clown— ro o m . 1 Va b a lh b r ic:k k family room. Eost o( Twin on thoso 7 ACRES with 9- ond foedor, doubio threo homo, now carpois and shares o( wator. Cory 1 sclf-suncr.W'c co offer ;m cxcdlL-ni Jnrrrll, ONS, 423 5591 "houso m a n ag e r in Iho Kim- herringbone. 543-5776 Around Kids' Proschool Doy- d with Northsido canal wa- - borly/H anson aroa, Experi- \ drapos, liroplaco, fomily bodroom cottago homo Uouni.Tir. V..IW C.iro Conlor □ r caro. Potly-lraining. lunch.4 y tor. Now $70,000. T69. . vv»irkiriL! o n v irr o r n m e n t ;iniJ onco noodod in gonoral W anted; tull limo mochanic rCNDm. basomonl. covorod _ w ith 36 X 4 0 fi. s h o p . If. ncci-piing npplrcoiions lot ^ wilh own lools to work on snacks. Call 733-9166. I ROBERT JONES lKMii-fi;s.C;il!• II for,an f app'- ' warohouso rocord Kooplng. ~ patio, nico backyard, NE S Ownorwill carry. $34,90d. lull itmu CNA's, cortilic.Hioa' holdT work a n d processing ol cats ond irucks. Call Ray ni.1 DEE DEE'S DAY CARE• '..•. location. T32. REALTY M r. H a l MMakorow at: r.ood and commercial boans. 733-8103 . now has 2 openings. Formor “ pro-school diroctor w/21zl ROBERT JONES5 7 3 3 - 0 4 D 4 C on1 PPaulos Cafi'ca‘’rD\Tl?oM!’ DN^ ■ Sondrosp^onsesto:Box Wanlod: soasonal iruck driv- NELSON •123 5591, . I1358. c/o Tho Timos-Nows, ots nnd machinory opora- years exporionco In ohildi'd REALTY Ciiqvrolct-PonrinC'CcG M C Trucks. GHO ; cato. Now 22' X 24’ play • 1.800-262-5001 REALTY ______;______POp Box 540. Twin FaDs. ID tots. Phono . 432-5400 days 7 3 3 * 0 4 0 4 ______EXT, 1211______260 2nd SL E ast • ; 324-3900) orOl 734-6565 • B3303______or 432-6611 eves.______room. State licensed, Rol- - oroncos nvnilable, 734-0713, — 734-3930 o r toll froo 007—Jobs ollniefest ^ POSITION OPEN ~ 1.800-262-5001 W arohouso help noodod. I will babysit in my homo, Q 1-800-537-2477 ext 364 HousokooporH for local rosi- Applicolions oceoplod Mon­ '0. EX T 1211______COUNTRY SETTING donlinl hoallh caro lacilily, day and Tuosday. Apply in tols of lovo artd attontion. somo laundry duly includod Porson nt Pipeco. 402, lunch and snacks aorvod. Aiiroctivo 3 bodroom. 2 - Roloroncos, Call 423-5731, ALMOST NEW in Ihis Jo b . Exporionco ro- W ashinpion. Twin Falls. baths on oxtra Inrgo Jot2 G O O D quirod. For interview c.iH Wookond siiior noodod. CnllT Mom ol 3 will babysit In my Foalures cozy wood^siovo,"o ASSUMABLE " homo-lot. ol rrc, luo. This atlraclivo homo ai‘ don or family room ond 733-6027 734-2680 alter 7:30 pm. 775 Chorokoo Lono has 3 nd Position Oponing ' monls-plus. Family ralos! All I singio garngo. Asking1(1 loan on this Immoculalo 4 n(iOf. inl.m1s lool 733-2266. bodrooms, 2 baths, largo“ $42,000. Call Gudrun. Public W orks Director, WELDERS — laundry aroa. ovorylhing n bodroom home on ono Cortifiod pipe weldors, 3 734-l296fofdoiails. AUGUST7-11ATTHEP0:'OST OFFICE •• Rupert. ID (DOE) . Now Pto-sehooll Loarning'Q on o n s fk>or a n d a doubio ' lovol. Ook kitchon and APPLY AU Thi) Cliy ol Rupon is .idvor- otainlosa slool weldors,. comers! Joy School! Art"tl garago. Prico $65,000. trim, cathodrol coilings. , orrici.MWi:Jcu!icc'.iCM.,.• ., . .Vplii:a!.c.nj w. l n:t»Bted Itomsm1l«s.ner.lBubliclortl'tn«r.l lir.ing " tor .n Public Works Di- holiarc ' wolders. shoott FunI 3,dnys-$35/mo, 1 day- pnrago door.Qponor.&-. \- T-.ti f,, :i. fc..-.r, poM ollic.llic«t,om Ai/.JUJIT-Iltprpc.l ' y* Ask lor Lynn Rasmusson. C O L D W E L L rodor. Thi.--. is n full limo np- molal ' workors. Compoii-- $12 C.lll Gwen 734-9138, — 347-89. — loads of sholvos, oprin- \ — ^fjoinlodJcoy-managbmonl. tivn w anorr & oxcol, bono­ Somelhina new al Childron's•s kling system. Don't wait \\ lits. C ontact W os's Wold- . B A N K E R vory long! Call Jano or •. J. ::;n Ihia tiammwillnol y< begi.tn.gjiM QriM .i por.il«n PC A Clly npplication i Vitlngol Preschool lor your : WESTERN REALTY must bo complotoly liilod oul ;ino. Burlov ID 678-9455' . child. Call todny! 734-6725. Y Wanda, $69,000. 316-89. >•1;.--^. I'r^prAfiEfJCwr : GEM STATE 7 3 3 - 2 3 6 5 in order lo bo considered lor We ' nood salospoopio. Poak‘ Twin Fella Fun Club, whoro0 R E A L T Y this posilion. 1Modia now hiring lo soil yol­ ndopondonily owned & FOUR-HOUR GUGUARANTEED EXAIA M W O R K S H O P j?; toarning is FUN & kids aro0 7 3 4 - 0 4 0 0 )gomiod t .______Conlact th o City ol Ruport. Ilow page advorlising Ior thoJ »t, Ollots gyrrnasiics, pro- " GEM STATE P.O Box 426, Rupon, Ida­ ^ OR TOLL FREE '■ ... r iScorc 95-100*. Gu.vnnlPfd 1990 directory. Pormanoni' dance, malh-ihoir woy. REALTY ho. 83353. (208) 436-4900 posiiions ( available lor lop’ sing-spoll-toad-wnio. sonsa- 1-800-^45-4665 OKI E115 EASY UPKEEP 7 3 4 - 0 4 0 0 NO RISK GUARANTEE:-^ lo° I lor nn npphcaiion ond job (producers. Excolloni com­• t.onal scionco. lon wilhh — • Brick nnd otool sidod 5 (i('f.criotion. E.O.E imission Cnll 733-4100. S CR TOLL FREE loods, an&'crafls, music m a­ bodroom. 2 balh homo,0, 1-600-345-466S ax! E11S i; CARLYNN & woodslovo, fnjit troos, g a r­ nta, puppol Slory limo. a Great family homat 6 bdrm. complolo dovolopmontalII DICK NOH don aroa. shop and ga- raoo. Horo b your chnnco, 2 bnih. Sroplaco, lamily rm. - 0 0 8 —S s lo s P aopio . . .. _P003 Salos Poopid j hands on luniaslic oxp'orl;' '-OC -1. onco lof your children. En- SSl.OOO., ® Bv ownor-S73 500 733-6758 roll today. Cnll 734-5573 ■ For all your roal ost.ito . WE’VE-GOT ROOM^.3 TuiTion IS s-;3 . • rwods call us. bodroom. 1 bath, romod­f. great’famiLy ■ ■ 015 Bobysltlors Wonlod olod kiichon. lull unlin-V H O M E ishod basoment on good- r Doshler Realty d- SAILES ;I nood a babysiiior lor 3 chil- sized lol. Bargain pricod atnt This attractivo brkk homo CHOOSESE IONE OF 2£QUILtiQ.UB WORKSIKSHOPS • O p p o rtu n ity in auton:iobile dron. i Must bo VERY Dexibto!; 734^2922.655r4268J $35,000. at 2149 Alta Vista Drivo, a ' ' ------WP.STONPLA;L A2A (lormorly Holiday Inn!, ,‘ —havo^lransponaion and bo5 ------BUY..IT-WHJLE-VOU-U - pood oaslsido oro8.-ha3-6------1350 D j O Lakes B:vfl NofJi . retailing. Nd«iw hiring an d vorv ond.-a?lo 374-71?n CAN • Lbw dow n wilh low 0.4 9:0C.-im • • • w bodroom s, 2 b a th s, (ull nFallsE xit (1173) oil I'M training. Excelellerit income ' inlenjst loan availabio. 3 basomont. 2 firoplacos 016 Employmont Wanlod BRICK DUPLEX bodroom. 1 bath homo inin and much moro, Prico _____ f • potential. See VVince or Greg Filor. Timo's a waslino B $30,000. J, $62,900, Call Lynn Ro3- Need livo-in positjon coringT ONLY $64,900. Spacious musson, 348-69. -MuS 1-800-843-71-7243. Ext. 3 7 At:,t: tor 1 oldorly porson 543-6991 2 bodroom units. Doubio UNABLE TO ATTEND'go? , . . - • Nood your houso or ollico: carport, basomo^nt, 4 W ills Motor o Co. doanod? ! Wo'ro fair, rolioblo, moro. G ood N,E. locabonI NELSON GEM STATE and honost. I'm suro you'l1 noar shoppinp contor. Call" REALTY R EA LTY 2 3 6 S h o s hlone c St. W. agroo. ; wo’ro an original to, rww for oppointmontl 260 2nd SL Eaat 7 3 4 - 0 4 0 0 ' romombor. r Call 734-9573 orr H A M L E T T R E A L T Y 734>3030 or loll lro« ■ ■ I 7 36-7^2. OFFICE ...... 733-4078i 1-600-537-2477 axt 364 OR TOLL FREE 1-800-345-4665 ext E115 ?

J 1 (. W .

SUiiUrwI.iv, July 30 1909 TimoS'noS'Nows.Twin Falls. Idaho C-5

" ...... ' . 3 ':: " " "

I tai estate-» -R e a i e sitate- i Retg|esta tee______0 3 0 0 3 7

■ H o m e s t o r S i aO l t e ^ 5 i 5 5 ^ 5 1 ^ M iim m i |m m t y o j

C^HomesForSalQ^ 030-H om es For SaJe 030-Homes For Sale 030-HommEpiSalo 030^Homo5 For Salo 030—Homos FofSalo "031 Out-ol-Town Honw* " OPENI HOUSE ^ ~ ~ BY OWNER 7 NEW USTING! ■“ ON THE RIVER ; Ranch stylo homo. 3 bdim^ . 2 TOWN & COUNTRYIY Room lor kids and horsos, 6 - GREAT LOCATION 1 ocro plus ol odgo of lown. Good location. 5 bodroom, lit 3 balh, lamily rm. 2 car gnrngo Saturdayly & Sunday - 4 4 bodfoom,_2 ta th , (amily 5m, • Spacious, custom-built 3 s® • Oldor 2 story, 3 bdrm:rm -Jadim, lovoly mounlain view. - Holllator aroa. Spolloss.4- "'y- &—»/^baths.—hont -pump,fp-' bdjTii 4 baui homo on tho w'oponor, nluminiim sidino,'O' hom o on 1 ncro, Elizabeth3th ;1,3 ftcror.. $70,000. asaum- bodroom, 2 both homo with Toom'orxJ wood stovo, r>OS-p ; ighi undgrflfoond sprinkior. paS: 1 : 0 0 - 41 : :0 0 P . M . sh tiod in troos: nlso. 3 car ga- rwor noar Burioy. daylighi Strool, doublo gnrngo.|d. able 9S-)oan.-100 S 210 E, loncod yard & salollilo dish. basomont. lomiiy roomo m 'ufo. at' on acrcs. Ro- loncod yord. fruit troos.)5. Hurlny. 67B-4741______Con N O k s at BSS42ee or, • fogo.- AH mis and mwo lor M r ducod to $85,300. 733 0001 iS .5 0 0 . Coll 733-7297. /3 With liroploco and wot bar, bnrn. corrals. Yours lor torhfic vlow. nleoly land-md- days o: 734-5660 ovos, $55,0001752. 032 Buhl/Fllor Homos :T scopod.yord. m u s t SEEI:e i ______1 KIM BERLY NEW ON MARKET ROBERT JONES DOSHIER ROBERT JONESi S — .------COUNTRY COZYl 1 . . R E A L T Y Excoplionally landscapod 3 , = R E A L T Y - Troo-linod stroot locationiMl — REALT-Y-— I. bdrm Iiomo. Piwluro. gafdcn “ ______734.2922 Virtually m alntD nancoJrfjo ~ — TdWNrTAVERlji^ ------733.Q404'~' :: “ i o r 7 0 u ? Thonryou‘wni lowoyo 'stool sitiing on thia 3 bod------7 3 3 ^ 0 4 0 4 ------and groonhouso7S39;S00; this wondorful splil-ontfy 4 room homo w ilh c o z y (iro-'Iro- 0'^ Woll ostablishod businoss.•s. 1-000-262-5001 Coll Komn 543-6567 nowl IHA BUYERS^...... bodroom. 2 both.homo.o. p(aco. Workshop lor Dod)nd 1-800-262-5001 liquor liconso. pool tablos.-s. EXT 1211 Barker Realtors Boauliful lawn and gardonsn adn-privaio foncod yardnrd - EXT. 1211. coolors. plus 0 sharp. 2 Call 543-4371. 1214 NORlRTHERN PINE- Look ot lhis bottor thon^ spoco, rodwood docK, on-n- (or Iho kids. Pricod olol ______bedroom homo. Sollerr. Drivo by a n d soo this otlrac- Price R educneed to $73,500 brand now 3 bodroom; 1 Va c^oci hot tub aroa. dou-u- $45,500. Coll Gudrun. vory motivntod. Bring nilnil WHATA livo homo al 601 Sawtooth bath homo. Complotoly ro-^ Wo cor gam op. $65,900.0. 734-1298 to cool s odore. Call Kont. 306-89. S-P-A-R-K-L-E-R1 in Buhl. 3 bdrm . oxcol cond, Sharp homo-3,bodro(jrooms, 3 battis. tastofully built, ovorythioo Is brand ROOM FOR THE docoratod and' landsiidscapod. Conlral air. has ™ Coll Donno Thomoson. laigo lol. loncod yacd. II in- . now. Ovor 1J40 oq. It. 734-8623. FAMILY!! , 2 loroslod. call 733-2273, assumablo 9.5% FHAi\ loaa,lo nico cornor lot in good Ekjctric lorcod oir hoat A - in this lnrgo. 5 tiodroom, 2 COLDW ELL GEMSTATE"• 3/4 both, lomiiy room,,|ti 734-3311 or 543-6831. I by and tako a look. B311 -89 must 800 proporty. Call 6 bodrooms, 2 bolhs. spa-£ 9 : ______REALTY J __ Irnn.ninnrtinj limplAyn 9. ------B A N K E R------^ _ 2 i ______^______Vour Hotross: Gofnodoe doM aasoih --eOLDW EL-L— aourlivlng'rvorTT-und'ilin- ear oorano homo. PLUS WESTERN REALTYrv Ing room, lull b asom onl 7 3 4 - 0 4 0 0 “5 STARTING OUT? ------BANKER— MORE. 30x40 insulatedOd y. 733^365 — 'lo«loro9-olMcOi-(amUy,uy — OBJEOLL EBEE K g e mI S T A X E ~ 4 room wilh firoplaco. ctor-tor- 1-800-34S.466S ext 5----- ond-hoalod-ahop-wllh% GEM STATE: WESTERN REALTY' Indopondonlly ownodj 4 ” both, RV pad. hookup and REALTY 733-2365 ^ ooorotod______ago oroo and unfinished , TWIN-FALLS io^r^youl'3°bodrooTO ^1° 1/4. — both, Lorgo loncod yard. dump, plus Z'/i o c ro s . 734-0400 Indopondonlly ownod & ’no CONTEMPORARY $82,000, 63 08. ' bath, tho la rg o bockyard is OR TOLL FREE oporatod.______Nico aroa closo to Porrino porloct for lhe young fom- - __^_r^^~Tij44SAiddhio'n.Aye. ^ E. ♦ .7 3 4 ^ 0 0 " ~ Nico 2 bdrm hom o. Pymtsnts and.Sluari.-Ca(LBfinaion io . . . . ______,. lly ond a nice sizod gardon.. . - 1^t«4S-46gS.ittEj15— Largor 3 bdrm house onm choapor than rontl /^ssum-m- P a rso n s -to c o o 619; 19 'Only $86,900 lor opproni- I opoce too! Pricod to soil,' doublo lot in HazoKon. FruitJit ablo 9.5% lo a n . $ 2 7 ,5 010, 0 , CrosMow. 299-69. ■ motoly 2.100 aq. It. o( rool% THREEM'• $3^;900. D6nnh Thoma-, IMMACULATE Iroos. (gOB) 3 2 4 ^ 7 4 '.'• Milst soo.734--06e4 attor 5 nico living, Vauitod^ind.,d -- realty son, 734-8623, boamod calling, (iroplaeo. Lovoly arOB, 3 bdrms, 1 'A^ • spacious homo. 3 good ^ GEM STA fE air conditioning, lolt 3= 733^5336^ >d boihs. firoptoco. (amily rm.n. NOTHING DOWN bedrooms, and 2 baths. -'COLDW ELL sizod bodrooms.-2 baths, opon booms, boauliful lond- ' R E A L T Y f OPEN HOUSE I ^ largo dining room, covorod storago shod on'concrolo >d Gcaplng. oooiral AC, yard ^ is paym onts ac^uslod to in-ir,. 7 3 4 - 0 4 0 a - slab, plus much more.li° YOU’LL LOVE.TO) B A N K E R ', July SO*" dock, manteurod vartS on 2 ioncod w/auto sprinkior, ga- como, 3 bodroom s. lo-0- OR TOLL FREE Sunday, lots. HEATED sn o p with,th rago ♦ ca/port. $57,500.562 Groot assum ablo loon,' CALL THIS WESTERN REALTY '2 catod at 663 Calico In 1.80&.34S-466S ext E115 l i . 03-09, largo outo door. Rv hook*k- Lvnwoojgr.j. 733.1156. _ Honson. Buyor must ouol- 733-2365 — 1 :O D - 3 :l; 0 0 P . M . up, loncod yard. Too Houso your homo,' Has 4 Indopondontly ownod & ° MAKE US AN OFFEfll ify (or FmHA linoncing. bodrooms, 1 both andid oporatod. much to montion. Call" That wo eon not rofuso. On»n Could olso bo purchosodOj RUSTIC, SPACIOUS Bonnio Jackson. 208-89. 0. LOG HOUSE THREE M plonty of room to grow. All ______this onroctivo 3 bodroom,- 1 undor VA or FHA pro- brick hom o for oosy main­In- . ’/4 baih. 1BOO sq. ft, homo.D. oram . Call Gary lor doioilB.Ib. R E A L T Y Full basomont on 5 acros. tonanco. Good buy ««at 034 Jorom o H om oa' Call lof on appolnlmont.1. 267-89. $53,900. Call Walt or GEM STATE“ Ownor anxious lo sol. Fnjil troos, shado troos,os; 733-5336 REALTY ~ shop, guost houso, manyiny ----- ^------Anna today to see thisis ASSUME 6 % LOAN. 1200 B sm os Rm IIv homo. 325-89. ft h ouso In Joromo. 2 734^)400 1043 Blua Uk«» Norlh G E M S T A T E2 out buildings, sprinkior'“f VACANT & READY systom . on pasturo. ms, 2 b a th s. Fln}placo, OR TOLL FREE ______733-0227______REALTY ETO MOVE INTOI 3 - - aoparalo util.-(ka> 324-4374 $72,000. Call Voughn. a 1-800-34S-46S5 ext E115 734-0400 Humphreys. Duplox, 3 bodroom s. 2 GEM STATE- Bargain Ropo. 4 bodroom NEW ENGLAND baths, NW localion. All D irections: Fallalls Ave. East to OR TOLL FREE REALTY brick home, largo lot. under­ 1^00-345-4e65 extE H S „ eloc. AC. Sharp! $76,700. ground sprinkloro. garago, ’ > STYLE E Rainbow Roalty 733-2273^3 734-0400 Dorm D rive • WWatch for signs REDUCED $10,0001 1 GEMSTATE - OR TOLL FREE prosligious neighborhood, Si* bodrooms, 3-1/2 balh>aihrooms, 4000 squaro (ot 2 story homo In prost'l- R E A L T Y 1-600-345^1665 ext E11S Boauliful 2 story hom o on1 glous NE oroo. 4 bod-• OWNER BUILT V E R Y C L E A N ol living aroa. Sawtoolh-d vato patto,"foncod yard, $39,960. lor .0 proviow ol this finoI REALTY' - shop area, 4,116 sq. ft. 7 3 4 - 0 4 0 0 • nl $77,500, 353-89. olforing, Kon Roy or Dor- 734-0400 G EM S T A T E1 maloriol ond slorago build- COOK REALTY ----- Olhr-Soist7-$1-29;000:— . O R T O L L F R E E ------OR-TOtL-FREE—------REAL-TY------_ Jng._2.l6Q_«j,Jt,*Dlus-a.r g ' —1 >60004 S=46gS~»xrg11S- = ____, 3 24-1289 47-89 bodroom homo. PRICE b-GEMSTATE- _ 1-600-345-466SoKt EltS 734-0400 WANTED BRADY BUNCHI ------BY-OWNER------REDUCEDI 23-08.. 11 REALTY 10 86 a a o s wilh 15 sharos NEW UST1NGI OR TOLL FREE For this seven bodroom.'• 734-0400 ^ ^ OPEN HOUSE I ^ GEMSTATE :2 story. 3 bdrms. 2 bath,, 1.60Q.345-466S ext E115 3575 sq ft homo. Just re­ ' NSCC wator. Homo.indudos h om o, good location, duced $15,000 to $69,500,^ OR TOLL FREE p , b d rm s, VA bath^.boBO-.. _ - Sunday,., July 30<" REALTY i Ownor linancfng. nolhingt - -THREE M ^ 1-800-345-4665 ext E1155 ..1 Im ent.'.living robm -w /lafflo------garogo. foncod yanJ. E»tra .down,-2-bdrmr^T5-4ih-A¥e ------lor-aquick-*ol07-Two-lamily ------734^0400------“4 ■nlco'nomoToriKo monoyT d R E A C T Y rooms plus gamo room. Lolss Your dream home: no windows facing boaullfuTly 1 : 0 0 - 4 : C:0 0 -P ;rM ^ ----- ' N., $18,000. 2 bdrm, 506 3rd ,0 landscapod private yard wiin OR TOLL FREE 3$44,500, Avo. E. S28.000. 734-3610. ol now carpot and groundd mainionanco k)r tho man. no 1.800-345*4665 ext E115 FFloinbow Ronltv 733-2273 733-5336 _ tovol irnmpolino. Vacant lor>r fip■ This 5 bodtoom, 2 balh with crete lloor. Also, opproxl- slory homo loaturos 4 Como finish It your wayiI'l ovor 2000 u . fl. is a STEAL. 3 bodroonr, 1 both, lull baso-~ matoly ' 70 (ool long loaling bodrooms, 2 3/4 balhs, Storago shods, barn & in-'- wilh •oulbulloings and lorgo) mom on 1 ncro, 655-4342. shod • wKh oxcollont corrals f OPEN HHOUSE Iformol dining, h o a l rolloct-t. sulatod ollico spaco. cor-r- doublo dotachod garage on 7 and loading chulos. It has ) Foe salo by ownor in Poui: I4 oktctriciiy ‘ a n d automallc wa- Sunday, JiJuly 30”’ Ing i windows, o a k kilchon,1, rals all sitting on 2.733 1.45 acros, Filor schools,. bdrni, 2 oath, air condi- I Bi245 LARiiRKSPUR l air tho oxtras. Ono aero0 acres. Coll now to soo oilII $49,500. '' lors. Pasiuro is a l foncod lor tionod, wood bOrnlng slovo,1 all kvosloek. Indudod in tho This homo brags onono o( Twin Foils' (Inost with loncing, c o rrals, o r­•. tho polenlial! Onlyy Call Stovo Kohnlopp att garago w/opoaor, loncod ..— . noiohbOfheodaLSpacicicious. andJmmacuiQte_ _ = 0 0 -4 :01DO P .M . chard and sprinkling sys-.. '$45,000. Donno Thoma-:- 326-5648 or ynid & stornoo' shod, woDS- price is 14 X 70 Irailor with ,1 lip-oui, 3 bdrm , porch, polio, — w ith Q(l t h o a m o nlitios. l t i i BoautituI now tom: Call Bonnio ’ ParsonsB ^son, 734-8623. Le Moyne Realty' lan d scap o d . $69,500. Coll -to coo this homo. 167-69. ______733-0874 oftor 5 pm 438-564B. gorago, j and undorground ------cnrpoting-with-vory-prl-prlvato-bilck-yard-nnd- — - sprinklofs. H as good rontors ■ chado troos. $74,900) W«: 342-09 . COLDWELL Want to toaso w/opllons to1 Hagorman, 3 bodroom, I'A ...... ini irailor now . 3 V* milos Your Hosts: Jo n o G oorgo]0 8 &VouohnHumpherys G E M S T A T E buy; 4 ♦ bdrm homo on 1-10I bath, $38,000. Roaltor' ...... Iromi Joromo. Call 324-5563. BANKER .,acros.4ie01,-723-5410. . oymod..Cotl.837r6402...... IPricod tp-BOll.- $69.900. - • REALTY...... • WESTERN'REALtY ______7 3 4 . 0 4 0 0 ------,. ,..Q n.6 acros_la/go-couniry...... rtG E M -SSTATE ___ ------7 3 3 - 2 3 6 5 — homo, 5 bdrm , 3 baths, lam­ OR TOLL FREE Indopondonllyi ownod 41 030-Hom es For Sale,- 03i}-Homes For Sale • ily i room in full bsm t, corrals, 1-S00.345-4665 ext E lis ooorotod. < $59,500, • Excollont lo c a tio n , 16'/^f ^ 1 1 144SAddl»0IIaot^VB^T^4^40^^^ 1546 KII(IMES acros, woll landscopod, — -Oon't-mta9-this-4-bodroSroom-brick-homo-in- —-030-Homes { For Sale------Homes F o r ^ le ------— lovoly-cloon-3-bdrm, 2-balh------Mornlngsido/O'Loary scs c h o o l d is tric t. I'Tow brick home, lols ol slorago, carpotlng and updatedod kitchon wlih now dbl garage, barn. shop. countors. Room for oxpai:panslon In unllnlshod $135,000, • Easy access lo Joromo basomont. Gas hoot. RoRoady to movo Into. ond TF. 5 acros, 2 slory P R IC E REDUCED. TO $39;£39:900. #236-69 homo wilh (ull port finished OPEN ll dnylight bsm t. 5 bdmi (could r V G E l V I sSTATE bo moro). garago, $99,»0. $119,01Bfci0 0 0 . 0 0 I. SW ol Jorom o. oxiromoty WESTERN REALTY I - AKT1QU6 lOVEfiS DELIOHTI Wo//onocrtul 4 K-a/OOm 2 bdm home Ssharp 3 bdrm homo, garago. 733-23BS- ■HOUSES - - m Iho country on 2 69 acres AmoiTioriiiios loclwjo 2 Mmiiy tooms. 2 *■slorago,, RV parking, dock, Ijropucot. bjsdmeni. rnialI pump,pi dock, inpio gfuage. loncod undororound sprinkior, 1 OHO, $51,500, SUNDAY • I PP.IW.-4 P.M . ^^^^Jl445A ddb^o n A vo. E. • 734^M 00^ pasture plus Irul aix) sti,iao ircos.1.AnatJSOiuieMUSTSEEhome. A • , “ NEW LlSTINGl SO CLEiLEAN YOU CAN MOVE CillW«11 orAnr«Hej»lor private#te ihowlng. »287-89 PIONEER REALTY RIGHT INII R o fr ig o ra toor r;and slovo Indudod in ______3 2 4 -8 6 5 2 ______m M ■- salo. Also has air conditiorillonlng. sprinkler sysiom, and storago building, • [\ G E M 5STATE Coll Bon and VIrglnlo EldnIdradgeat 733-1735. 035 Gooding/ Wandoll Horrws ILLS, INC. a G E M STATE { ^1 I 1445 Addlaoaon Avo. E .. 734-0400 . OwnorTronaferred. Spill- tovol. 3 bdrm. 2 balh, 2 car garage w/oponor. lots ol ox- 1345 WILILMORE - ■ iras, $54,000. 536-6522, "Ldvoly 4 bo’droom. 2 bab a lh brick hom o wilh ^^^^^^144^dd^Hon Avo. E .. 734-0400 ^ tlio roof, noar pool andind Sawtooth School. Rr>conily romodr^lod g hdtm------OPEN H « wonaoilT^oxcolloni ronlal i O U S E - history, pricod to sell ol carpot, now windowV covorlngs.c toncod Locatioitlon: $13.506 Cnll 567-4237. y a rd , c o v o ro d p o tio an^and moro. Pricod to One Block North of3f ElizabethE Blvd soli al £59.900. 037 Forms & Ranchos -Your Host: Rondy And,n d e rs o n on Trotterter Dr. Hours: Monday, Wed'ednesday, Friday 200ACf^E DIARY , 6:30 to 8:0000 p.m . SWEET COUMTHY AIR - Boauiauliluim G betfroom, 3 balh home , IcalufiriD 2990 stj, 11 ol spacc: fPLUS unlmisfied 4iti level wilti socludod w/maturo troos enhancing ntmosphero. Satuday & Sunday 1:(1:00 to 4:00 p.m. 1024 sq. ll, Gorficnus majn levevei family room wilfi lirciilacc SI ^ ■ .Vj'. dbl 3 sido-oponor, w/now or call for appopointm ent. counlry Kilchcn wilh large bieiieaklast bar & panlry Lols ol sur^o Optic SOO take oil. W o know you a r e h a r d lo pJeaso-so ihal's why sioraoe, 6 run Itennel ot ouibuildiIdino, double garage & sprmklmij 1000 ^ gnl. ta n k , shipping to syslem on 2 acres. S145.000. Cindy is offering this Improssivo Im^ 4 bodroom DCA,D quota in dudod. 60 voung cowa c^n bo ALL fMEW homo lo you! This beaullliulllul hom oboasl. 2 -1/2 REDUCED AGAIN! Tcrnlic'cojnjMlry home wiin over 2900 sq ii Siboughi coparotoly. baths, a firoplaco, and1 'alsoal a nico w orkshop- - ■ - 4 t)C[Jrooms, 1 1/2 tam s, larnc; familyf; caling area Family rocm ' $212.000.TERIvte$! to quali.------Diroctlons: 2-1/2 m l.I. V W e s t o n O rc h a rd CALL CHUCK PEPERKINS OF • or offico with track lighWhllflg, sink and oulside plus same room with wcl'uarir ini finished basemenl. DouWe t'cfiod buyor. Coll Rny f ro m C lrcIrc l io K______W ILLS REALTY, FORF< DETAILS o n tr a n c o . T h is '.^ory private pri' & prOstiglous g^e^PLU^^32xIG sliop/cxKa3gatane n NOW ONLY $72,0001 Pricod roducod to $91.9 1 ,0 0 0 a n d 'm o tfo Is • SA L E S OFIOFFICE homo buiil In 1^75 Is i boing sold by tho ■f+ - 1 5 5 ACRE FARM would also mako an oxcol- • “iodayl This lovely splltlotlovorhombioatnros------originalownor_RoducQd.il:d.iQ.S79.900.,you_can;t_ __ 222 Shoshone-St^ r e e r w e s t ------>-A S8UM AB l£M r29sQ ll oMs' lonl dairy sito , h a s approx, 4 bodrooms. 2 bathb, baib a so m o n l with g a m o m iss this lovoly h o m e founound in Joromol lamilj' living wtlli4 __ TV/In Falls, Idahlaho 83301 1/2 twills, laioe livmn room withh bayt window and lamily room m “ ^CO' doop woIi: 25 HP eloct. - — room, all on 3.2 acrosIS c only minuios from Call Cindy lor d e ta ils «I92-192-09------pump, galod pipo, 110 cul- Twin Fnl/o. Has boautifijtiful mounlain vlow. b u s ; 7 3 4 ^ 1 1 or RcRcrs: 733-1874 tascmeirwiih f-ranioin wooo sio;iove. All this aittl ritoie for only ^ $ ^ ,5 0 0 . ihmied acros. 40 acros dry corrals. Iruit trooss andi oasy caro pasture. Only $105,000, tandscaplntj. G E M SSTATE $21,000 down ownor cany . & I R W I N r e5ALTY.NC,; fg > I Your Host: Shoy Poltonto r s o n . 8Va% iniorost. HURRYI' Cnll Rny, WILLS,, INC. ■ flV 734-65003 - k s IndBpendeiitly ow ned anand operated © J -Where Value a nd Pi ' Price Are One" ' t M 5 A d d l .onAve^^3«40^^ . n CAII TOU FREE OUTSIDE MMUICVAUEY1-600-453-0830 s S ^ T ^ C a r e a l t y I 733-4321 , C-fi'Tlmo8-Nowa,iTwln Fnlla.FnJI Idoho ,,, . .Sunday.'July 30,30 1909 . . u R e ag l e s t a t e ^t ^ R e n t a i ss - M c r c h cantiise _ 037-070

037 “Tnrms fRarichos'"' 039-BUSlno8»Propdrly“y ----- W 5 ” MbbIIo-Homo5------051 UnrurhTsh'orHouso 054 Un(urnIsh«j'A'pl3'."' 067 MIscollfliioous I THE E S O N BRID') G E BOBBY W OIFF I — S D w l o x ...... Sal?______------UNDER 000 ACHES—---- “ QOODiNCOME 14 X 60, 2bodroom.-.2.b5ibSJT- -.WandeU 3 bodroom.-2~ba 580 acros sprinkJo irrigaiodod. with 4-pk>x on C loar Lakoiikos $2900 or bost oflor. CaC all mtit lovol. $365. 536-6522 5 King-siro wolorbod. tow mo- Low down paymont, ownonor Rd. Buhl, Includos appls,pl3. 324-1140 Of 543^831. ^ THE FALLS tion moitress. nd u d o s draw- D ear Mr. Wolff: side-acc anand the penalty double be- linanco. Soo it unaor pro>ro- drapes, slorage shod,^ 4< 8 X 40' Para Crulcor. reasonifion- 052 Fum ishod Apis, APARTMENTSr s oro $200. Coll 543-5057 I dealt and passed,I. 2 and partner comcs aI nreasonable choice. (Note:: dudk)n. Call Jim Paulsonbn. cnr-cnrport, ooch unit has ho: able, noods lo bo movodivod, & O uplsxe't . e64Chjincy or 543-4309 dovs. opened one spade. Wasasltcorrcctfor 1 'Those who/ho play negative doublies3 •. 543-JS30. two bdrms, 1 bnthIth . Cftll 837-4957,______— 1 ofKJ 2 t>drms /uaht brown roclinor, good Barnt* RealW $68,800. Avorago cost Is jdm 2 txirm duptox wUh gara« m 6 (0 respond two diadiamonds with m ust.pass1S3 and hope that partner I Baautlful 24 X 44, 3 bdm 1^. . fronr^2SS. condilton, GE washor 4 dry- 1043 Blu* U k « a North1 $17,200 por unit. Colt Isoy iro d $300 ♦ $23o dop. 7 ^ 9 8 fe Family community ds (A-K-J-I0-7) -will rcopcrjcn with a double.) Wilh 2 both#. 2 covoroi i or now fwovY duty 18* ox- ' five strong diamonds - 733-8227______^ docks and protty landscapcap- A l bdrm. $145.734-4070.0. C all B o n n ie hfi.irj tnn Coll 543-5521. “ and<5-9-4-3 in spades? D e a r M r.•. WV olff: LOVELY DUPLEXX ing. Must soo lo opprodali 7 34-6600 Need prolossionol boo - 038' Acraagt & _ ~ in N E .oroo. U vo-on,ono-'no-_ at;Laiy-J flnnch.-.fe4.500S F R E E ------— oTjassesrmy ItHO'opencd 3 1 month's ront in socurttin ty --— _____P -M .S.'.______------_ koeiior'lOTOmove beesrCoB------— sido. ront holps mako poylOy- Cnll 733-0007.______/oil:- -Unlurnishod 1 bodroom o'pl tive three hearts. I doubled, . 1V4 acra 4 tu n horM bsrn - r - bkJg. Hoot pd. Now-ovoi 1 o'pl, fl9q.^o.stlntlof 7om.______ANSWER: A passed hahand does not prc-emptiv monls. cach unit has" ^J Cloan 14 X 64 Von. Dyko'ytw. 1 bdrm -apt, 203 4 th S tNN. . All Ulils p a id . $ 2 2 S /m o - woll, soptic tank, foncod,’o- bdrms,' 1 3/4' bath, famllj . . ... ^ have the privilege of mimaking a lem- wc defende^ded, and it turned out lhat). $12,500. Call 734-5713 oi "i'y from living room, 2 txJrmsrms, » T34-67S2. $125 deposit. No pots,' 431 Novor used 81^^ pump. room, onclosod dock, $7495. Locol delivery. ^ 4lhAv:;^733-16^..____ porizlng bid, sincc opcn«tcner m^y pass, openerhada d e ig h t h e a r ts lo th e K -Q -Jf 733-5110 ask lor Rick. __ dishwostor, ovon/ronao, Looking lor a houso or opi ------If.you woro-not-a-paapassed-hand, a- ond a sidede A-Q. He mnde hhf con- Brockmin’aMoWlaHomeiJl®*- -OnH O0lLICI,-733-2940.---- 33 acroa. Buhl, full walorlor trash ^comfiactor. irg‘'^8 734-31B7__ 324-4203 ^ 056 Rooma For Roiit ...... ' NEWI-Boeutiliri-white-tooo------i liohls. $45,000. 734-7B06.__ foncod yd. undorg/ouno ^ Nico 1 bdrm opt. $190; larg two-diamond responseise would be a tract oppojposite a poor hand. Was his HUD opprovod, 24 x 36, : ;____ wedding dross ond voil. sl20 good choicc. Given the pass, your opening “k(“k o s h e r" ? 42 Actoc Hogorman Volloy,oy sp rin k le rs . $ 8 9 ,9 0 0 . Call bdrm, wood sklirKi, shingl( siudio apt, $175. All utiiiio Need roommate by 8-11-89 best response is anin Invitational Cimbail. Dmb. FU, livo slroam.- 2 homoc,IS, issy- roof. ieSSO. Local doKvofy. -Inetudwd.-Cna 734-5325.—— collogo sluderirprolorrod $120,000 $100 Ono Iravol pock oxygon con- “ three spades...... ,r. B rockm an'* Mobil* Hom ai non-smokor/drlnKor, $10C ANSWER:R: In first or second seat, AUTO SHOP BLDGS 734-3167.—324.42(aJ’** 054 Unfurnished ApU. mo + 'A ulils. Inquire— 12^127 conlrotor model AI3102. Ono one usuallyilly lim its his HCP for. pre- . Boouliful tri-lovol homo silu-tu- plus 4 lots (or amplo park- — & Duplaxes 7ih Sl. N. Twin Falls. _ _ mlni-mlst modol 182. Cotl p e a r Mr. Wolff:. I ' alod on S acTos-Bouih-of•of- Ing,''prosontiy'loosod 'n on n Invest in a mobilo homo yoc LHO opens one no-trunrump followed cmpls to Inc no m ore lhan nine. In third‘ KimbOrfy $95,000. month to monlh basic,I , wIB beproudtoow nl 14 Xx 77C 0 ------„iii foot. Ftootwood Voguo .057 Rontal Moblla Homi!irnai. Pool-iablerBrimswicJrBrloot- by two_ passes. If I ddouble, how and fourthth chair, one m ay vary his only $22,500 & ownoc will 14 2 bdrm opts . —T - tourna;nont. Lika new, bolls, carry, Call.Iccy for info.. . 3 bodroom,_mony.djmirablc ’ - 2 bodroom. 1 bathi air condi- ______mnny.polnts do.I prc^l>misc ? ' s t r e n g th aa :little as a m atter of tac-:: - HJGH-COUNTRY . ' foaturos, including hoal QUIET LUXURY cues, britfftb, pool light, Skertorl D*ck. Nb»1. Mkh! tic S . Y ourir < opponent’s action was aI ASSOCIATES mco Lo walk-ln closots: AC' lioning, $225 a monlh e plus i " cover 3/4 Wmo, $550.-Coll ^ sump. Assumo loan balancc 0 $100 doposit. Skylano Mo- Jne — it's much closer lo aI 1132 Loeual Street, SABALA REALTY■ «ilh low paymonls. Will oc. oc Laurel Pork Apartmonis S%4 733-5026.______ANSWER: A double= iiimmodlntoly Twin Fatla. Id a j : . 1 7 6 l^ a u ric o S t. N.., • bile ParK Phono 733-5424 rl bid — but hc was cer- 7 3 3 -4 3 2 1 » n l t» s t offor on down pay- POOL TABLE, slondord following an opening or 734-6622. _ mont- Call 734-9725-______Apt 304, managor 1 or 734-5727,______—— sizo. 3/4 Inch stole lop. good ititled to underbid If hc so ______734-4195. ____2 bodroom mobilo homo on bid promises the strei ' Musi soli! by ownor, 3030 Now 1990, 14 wido. 2 bdrm, 0 condilton- Phona 733-1792. 1&2 bdrm opts. Unlum. RorIont prlvalo lol. somi-counlry. in opening one-no-trum p blbid. In fourth acres, custom 4 bdrm. 2 INDUSTRIAL! $14,888. Local dolrvorv. bath homo,'M any extras. Fi­Fi- n e t basod on incomo. Subslanlon. Kimboriy. $200 por monlh, .Ponabtodishwasbor$99,95 Brockman'a Moblla Hornet ;H0 432-5597 nllor Som.______chair It does not promiseliscasm uch. Il Dear Mr.. M W olff: nancing availoblo. Wondolloll Industrial building in Twinvin 734.3167.-324-42Q3I tlal disc, on yoor loose. EH( ------. Chost ol4-dtowors_$59.95 is primarily a tool to} stishow willing- Partner opensop one no-trump and I moa. Cnll 536-5301.______Falls bost industrial loca- J~ 3 Casa Dol Prado, 324-3464. J . Miaowavo cort...... $39 95 Now 1990 Broadmoro, 3 055 OfflcQ 4 BuaincBB ' ness to compctc. usuallually based on forcc withlh th r e e h e a r ts . If h c bic/s ___to n .,.J.Q a Q _ ilq w ll._ rao MIttL bdrmr-2-bolhr-6*-walls,-lr about. 11-M HCP. I f s! dangerous d: to . three spadetdesrwhat is his message? ROCK CREEK HiildmQ on I.S aero eito. stock $18,900, . R enta; Plonty of room for oxpan­ 1 bdrm, stove and rolrln, wo- — ■^TrSrcompiiTO^ e partner may onOibrr Ma]*r. MtriBB a d R«r. Calif. Brockman'a Moblla Homa* douljle with less since pi Frontage sion with rail occoss.B. 734-3167 I___ ior._no..yatd-work.-$176-mo;i>Or- -2-MaiTTlovorsh'o^- In -G o s dryer.!!:...... $69.95 Cnll 734-5483 or 734-4312.^ downtown R o g o rso n Mall, ____ clccLto.defcnd..wlth.po(p o o iL rcsa lts.------A N S W E RIt-The-prim :- ary-m essage— - — Pr}eed-belo>r-coslB-nnd- At M oandor Point, i por- Nlco 14 X 52 Govomor. 'all Roasonablo loasos. Call f- ro at^ for you todayl Fully " sot up at Camoo MHP. Twin 1 bodroom noar City Pork, CAIN'S D ear Mr. Wolff: concerns agagreem ent wilh hearts — cols available 2.54 aero'o utililios a n d throo p haso stovo, rofrig, walor paid,d' Vom - Doshior Realty. Foils. .H as skining, caiport. ^ 734.2922 or 733-1866. Clearance a Rental Ctr Partner opens one hearfart, and RHO he has goodtod heart support, The sec-vt and 3 ocro. WondorfulJl powor to.sito. Call-,today J175 p e r month, $100 do------733-7111 building sito. Call Gudrun ^ ullls-oll hookod up. ^ v o poiii.fSi.a;26Gt73M 7ja. , QvcEcaibmO-ClubS-'Shoiihould-l double- ondary me;nessage is that he has' a in lor details, Pricod bolowi^, right in,.vor.y good eond. 32,. OKica faelliu.w ilh largoirgo ' ■ ' or SIOVO todayl 734-1298. Iili. work room.-227S sq.H . nice n or n'cJr-mffxImum opcn- cost ot $57,000. Kon Roy warranty. $5965. • 2 bdrm, W/O hookup, Oil ulili- ^ . PortoWo dishwoshor$99,95 . for penalties with K-J-10-9-7 K- of -m axim um c agoni. lh, olt-strooi parking. 733^)692, ciubs and little else? ing with, goodg control cards — Brockm an's Moblla H ornetn e t ''«> $270 per tnonih. ^ Chost ol4-drawors ..$59,95 _ 734-3187—324-4203_ 249^kSt.Cany34-8977. ' Ptimo olfico sp a ce , ulils pd; r,oi{kJ.Aib, Albaqyfrq.r. N.M. S m o n g thlem. e n the acc of spades. COLDWELL P°'' . Microwavo cart...... $39.95 - Reducad to $38,000. 283 x 2 t>odroom apt. paflly fur-ur. 1286 Addison Avo. East. • Undor counlor-dishwoshor.. GEM STATE Do.hlor Realtv, 734-2922. ANSWER: N o .^ o u shoullould nol. Two BANKER 56- Kilt, 6*. walls, 3 b d n nI ,.2 2 nishod. in Twin Foils.. Coll 2 ^ ...... $50. / REALTY inic 543-6631.______• Trosh compaclor...... $99,95 only contract »nlMn>loTK* Am. I'O D«l U]t9. Dodroom, spa- Tako over poymonis or poy ;? • 198 ncro8--oxcollonl row your- - nouootioid" oudgotlotl — ...... = cious. qulot locaiion (in Twin fico. semi-truck doors, fraa.. 100 Dcros Southwosi of M wavloeaHon...... 733-1359.ICQ oft Coast To Coost member- ---- Goodino. oxcollont larmn crop, Boautilul 6 bodroom CANYONSIDE Soli your don't - nooOs In Foll^, noor downlown oroa — ship. Homo Porit. Bullhead ground, $130,000, homo. 2 largo motal shops,5. 295 TOTAL ACRES cloasllloO. Call 733-0626. _ 050 Fumishod Housos $1^ fo r 1 porson, $200 lorbr MINI STORAGE City. Arizona. Cnll 324-8114. • John Hollindd, 324-2390 corrals and granorios. REALTY, — 2 porsons. plus $100 dopds-IS- 33 storogo u n its in Buhl.jhl. • • • • 3 bodrooms, 2 baths In Worohouso-8,400 sq. tt. w/3 $350,000. ) 324-3354' 'j! Kimboriy: Nice 2 bdnn mo- il. Laundry lacilitios ovall-II- Vorious sizos. woll main-lin- TROY-BILT TILLERS this immaculato manufac- room oflico. $30,000. Call bilo homo, AC. carpel, stor- CANYONSIDE turod homo. Now carpol, ~ • 733-9688 or 733-1322. ■ oblo. Everything furnlshodid lainod. all gravolod yd. ono" Froo hWor-hirrowor with pur- ■ 160 acros-ono ol Mogic _ nno.-w/d hook-up. 423-5104. oxcopt otooricity, Non-smok-ik- 1.64 acros. s o c u ri^ lonco, R EA LTY ,p lovoly dock, now gorago. q chaso of tillor & bumpor. Valluy's tinost row crop j 039 Buslnoss Proporty OTS only. No pots. Coll 423-3- amplo room for.oxpanslon, Best price ol yoar. Sovo up ' 324-3354 farms. Lovoly 3 bodroomm 8x40 chofystorago. 27x40 . )45 Mobllo Homos 051 Unfurnlshod Housos15 48S2or734.ja93- mochlno shod. 55 cultl- “ _ $75,000 ow n o r .will carry lo $367 ot Gordon Counlry. ■ 120 ocros 10 mis N ol TF.r homo, shop. $265,000. — Cloan 2 bdrm dupltn, appls,Is, with 1/5 dow n. Call Ray 'l-aOO-447-8769 votod acros, 56, horso. Du- ...... ATTENTION------1986 Marlotto doublowido. 2-bdrm plus bsmi, $300 f , . wilh nico honio. 324:2235___ lo otch Diosol o n -p u m p - S' “ 27iT48.‘ 3 Bdcms, 2 balhs. Otil- a* '$250/mo-'Coir733-1221; / - Wo hovo pollots for Iroo, =' • 245 acfoS"ExcoUonl calllo J. doo. Avail Auo 7 734-8648 r all SABALA REALTY - Expoct. roaponso wnon ^ 200 Joints of a^ball & INVESTORSl . room, oppls, oxc cond. Lo­ — In Jarom tf: 2 bdrm. I'/i Con bo pickod up ot rwrlh you odvortlso'In classiliod. and row crop operation. Nico j! 2 bedroom houso. washor. ^ 733-4321 ' 2 bodroom homo. sptlnKJorQr sockot with risorc & . calod in Jackpot. Will noooll- boih. W/D hook-up. $235. ond ol Timos Novrt building. Call 733-0626. ■ hoods,' $25,000 down ondi Nowor^ lour-plox n o a r CSI Qto movo oxponsos. Musttl dryer, rolrlsorator, stovo. 3;J.7l27oi324-SJW _____ . Coll 733-0031.______, - Irrigaiod. $198,000, $275 a monlh plus doposit. 066 Mobllo Homa Space Nampa, qoniity 1741 acros. ow nor will corry. 308-89. availablo “ for purchaso. Solll 702-755-2217______In Jerom e, all olociric, 2 Good rental history and - Call 733-0177 aflor 6pm. _ WE REBUILD hydraulic sprinklofB. $600 an aero.• * 45 ocros-Pflmo ground, 2 bdrm mobilo homo lor — bodroom duplox, garago, Hogerman/Tutllo area, mo-no- lacks at ABBOTT'S AUTO lofms, 733-1359 Bfokof. , good c a s h (low. U nits aro salo. noods work, must b o . of W/O hookup, appliancos, . mlnulos from Twin Falls. oil two bodroom with oppli- e • 3 bdrm, on 9 acros SW ol 5. b^o homo lol. In counlry. $65f65 S ^ P L Y , 3 0 5 S h o s h o n o OwnoronzioustoEOllSO} Ploltod-for subdivision.: GEM STATE I movod, $1000. Soo atit Jorome. $450 month. $22525 $2^^^^^doposi1, 734-7538» po,moMI,.Cnll733.«l2. nncos. G o o d condillon in- Andorson's Camooround. aa o dairy. 4 on a sido hor-• $141,000. REALTY _ sido." nnd eu l. Pnvod oork- _ dop, nvflil now, 324-3603. — Mobilo homo sp a ce lor ront. ------rir>ob^^m.-lM8 romod- - - ..... — 734*0400------^ 7“ ■rT»ar6o-mrzT«Hhrtaninyii^- rtn T F r2 bdrm. oppls. laundryry nlco-adull park, near collogol^o 060 Com puters i , olod homo. Only $123,000. i ing ofoa, sprinklot systom . " 1970 Blltmoro 12 x 47“ ■ Coll Stan or Ed al: OR TOLL FREE $99,000. $ Cnll Kon Roy, ■(ixor-uppor.‘ Wo doliver.r room. living room. Immcauf-lUi- .facililloc. c a ^ r t . oxtra sior-r- and shopping mall. Good lomis or Iooso opiion. M ountain Vlow RealtyY l-000-34S-466Soxt E11S S'565-88, ato homol 772 Carriage,to, ago. NO PETS, $280 > dop3 Call 734-5782. ^ Buy your PC whotesato, Hoddon Realty. 866^269 $1995. — Froo Intomialton. 734-7196. 734-1898 Brockman's Mobllo Homes, $550 a month, 733 3750 or Cnll 326-4048.______SEE US FIRSTI _ 734-3167__ 3211.4203 ■ . 733-1359,*^______Jerorm.ilBrltaaai{omas— ES ------l975-TQmafook-Ux^Or2-g l :A^ildfm:hbusi>.-W/DJiaok-IiKl IAjalsaorrpb-^'fift-£2:4:^Wor- o'- or handicoppod/disoblod. ------REALTY bodioom. I.balh, all oloctric.: up, g a rb a g o disp o sa l, go'- — 069 Camaraa ft , $3500. Call 834-5103- rago. all utib incl. $395Mio.>. Will considor sinnlo porsons 734-0400 'undor 62: Fodorcuty assisted.”f- Equlpmant OR TOLL FREE t976 Tilan 14x56 2 bdrm.r HOME RENTALS / ______734-7321______Ronl/utililios bosod on In- t-800-345-4665 oxt E11S lully c arp o lo d . all olociric. — eomo. EH O Call 733-5765, Canon AV-1, plua 50mm. swamp'cookir, roirig. siovo.». A nico ctoan 1 bdrm cpl. “ 135mm tolopholo and lole- ' dming A living room sols in-I- porloct lor iho working por­Qf.’ Largo, clean, 1 bodroom. convorior tonses, Pro-Malic JED_OBDEI■R FORM - dudod. $4700, 733-3845. son, Wator & sanitotion fum.m. ntxais. wnlor paid. 733-0531, 067 Mfscellajieous '' CLASSIEI 4000 flash and modual. UV. ___ ^QFRCE SPACE ... i97a-14x56..T(ian. 2 bod-.I.. $t75. Cnll 733-6767. Low incomo-ovor 40- moanss For Sale ftor filiors, 3 ctose up flliors, ' If you ara unableI tIb call or come byy the TIraes-News . footn. largo living room ondd Cloon siudio houso. slovo^ low rent. Bliss. JRl 324- -— 8'C okln croo]iv(rfitter8~and------= Is 4597, 352-4629, 726-1907, 1 airline lickoi from Boise lo Attraciivb oHico space plus kilehon, stovo and rolrigora-I- and rofrig, oD oloc.. no pols. ~ Hanisburg, Ronn. on Augusi.15 coiso. All Instruction monu- office, simply cliplip and mall this onirder form to our largo 2 bodroom apart- I. $145 a monlh. 734-5760. MOUNTAIN VIEW APTS, ofa, carryino caso lor on ol lor. skiiting. could linanco. 30 lor $125. (rosiridions ap- monl. Ollico spaco has VofV ctoon. Coll 324-2258. od 1 a 2 bedrooms, ploy- tbovo. d ll‘>33j«i67.______classified departmenlent so that we can geget your ad started - Cozy 1 bdrm houso. fenced p M Coll 733-3789.______noarly 2.000 squaro lool 3 yaro. stovo and rotrig. closorg ground. & laundry lacilnios. — Nikon 2020 with NIkkor 1978. 28 X 70 Sohoro. 3 25 ollice choirs, swivel-arm- without delay. on ono lovol with addi­ bdtm. 2 baih, liroplaco.. to Bluo Lakos Mall, $195 mo Jnckpot, NV 702-755-2537 35/70 aulo focus. 3.3-4.S Ni- tional storogo and shop “ siroighiback, $ 5 io $ l5 . wood stovo. air condiiioning.I. inei.'wnlor. 734-5540. __ f^owor 2 bdrm opt. with ap- Call 423-4411,______W w 7/210 4-5.6. olectronto • Please print[nt clearly with dark pellencll or pen moroa or room for lurlhor $20,000. Call 734-0329- - For rem: 2 bodroom housow pliancos & AC. no pots, — remote cord. Sakor 500mm oxpansion. Asking only ' 6 motorized exorcise ma- t ,1982 Tamarack 14x70. 33 in Filer, also 3 bodroom mo-Q. $280/mo. ■> dop. 734-9to2. '0- with cam era case. All homs • There are apapproximately 26 chaniracters $67,000. Coll G udrun (or • ~ chinos, oxcolloni condition.>n. in like now cond. 365-6562. bdrm. 1 3/4 baths, sol up lor'r ' bilo homo, parllnlly fur-r- NORTHVIEW MANOR ___tVb years.old,.pricod lo solL _.,dotai(s.,73.4^298., ...... Portable vUoo recorder, au------■ (Including bliblank spaces) per line,10.------* woodstovo. sklfting wiih in-■ ntshod. Can 326-4704. - -Cloan. 1-2-3 b'dfhCTr^S^: Call 307-856-6656 doys or suloiion. good condition,' JEROME largo larmhouso.7 $295- Free Cablo, Seniors‘ 307.856J72I alor 5cm.____ dto dub. odit-lrtsort. sound- • Please payy accordinga to rate schchedul6 which Is COLDWELL IMusi Ix) movod, Tako ovor' closo in. $250, Call 324- wolcomo w/discount avail. — on-sound. Color vidM cam- pymts ol $208.76 o monlh1 3527 or 733-1359.______1322 W ashingion SI. N*. Callli 80.000 BTUs lurnaco. 3 yrs ora, zoom and Macro torts, printed belovlow. BANKER Iwilh balanco of $9636. Call — oHico. 733-0740. No Pols. romoinln^^on 10 yr waron->«• chorador gonoraior. outo fo- " SW of Joromo. 14 acres. - ■ cus. $46S._C_oll ^ 3 3 ^ 6 7 . ^ ; WESTERN REALTY !536-6366 nfior 6:00 PM. . pasture, horso barn. 3 Q Siudio opt, stovo, roliigoro-1. Almost now, $1200 fuliv au- [i 1 m y ^ification I ” 733-2365 cCall 733-0626 10 placo yourr bdrmo. iVt baih. liroplaco. Q tomaHc Iwin-sizo bod. $750. P lease run ad in class .Indopondontly ownod & classified c ad. W o'ro nore to> oarago. $550. Tri-Co Prop)o lor, w ater lum. $165 $50 •0. 070 Wanted To Buy _ _dop.734.7591 loavo msa. . Colt 734-4498, loavo mso, _ j — ------n o ftfn io d ------6 6OV0 V0U.------— Melr324-2734:------~ A-1 Happy Hookar Worm*. ■ f o r Z T d a y s r i Bonr njo $600. 423-5381 Camol backod couch, excol ' per space please, includiJding blank spaces;) | I (Print one characler pc cond, khaki background w/ 326-4569,324-3351. bluo flower print. Lodios ■i ___Wo.havo womi prods.______: j- - oood condilton. 734-0236. BUYINa:'scto(rg-okn^Iry.------Chanipayno wedding dross~ diamonds, sierling silvor- ElWICl I D E ^ sizo 7-9. Also 5 bridosmaid“ woro. pockol watches, silvor drosses, sizos 6. 8, 2/10 ond‘5 dollars, coin cotlocilons. elc, 12. Novor worn. 423-5114. Idaho Coin Gatlarlaa — 302 North Main. 733-8593 Cougar wg. $3500: Bobcai ' ...... iJIDIDIilCs iE o rc : • n,o,^1SOO. Call 73 3 ^ 9 1 4 .- - GillilDnd'a^aU and TacUa - - now buying'nighlcrawtois, Eloclrlc Mobility Roscol 3 329 A ddison W..734-4944 wheolor, bougni now lor 7 o m lo 1 1 p m $2500. will sell ior $1500.0. Sundays 7 am to 2 pm. ------j , ■ . I Call 734-2773. ______— Nood to buy: snow mobito |"Hom o-Oocorators sllvor- j Name ' ______...... — — - " ““ I I r- trailer 8 ft. x 8 ft. and per-- I ware. 150 piocos. 734-1249.L loctly Bot. C al 734-4680 or I A d d r e s s ______------I I a ^K sSBSSlMSZZZSaH l I ■■■ toU ® I Industrial shop vacuum sys-s. 734-1929 ask lor Dobbto. ! CIty/State/ZIp ______^ Tho ultim ata in windshbk tM>1rlm,hBu«nfl.powof ® ■ ropair. 733-S360. ■ ■ HANDYMAN:I: Light L oloctri- | roko*^roto. gonofnfctoan up, ■ I lom wilh 2 oullots. $500.3. Nlghterawtara.612BthAvo } P h o n e N u m b e r______— ^— i ■Jj w in 6 s h ie l d p 4a g ic:.. _ cal, plumbing,l,;^«3mlng. car- - (roM> o est. e Tony, 734-3322. g Call 734-5818; V7„ Joromo 324-2727. I I ■ pontry, & ropar> a n . Free osli- ■ I □ Bill m e (M agic Vall(alley area only) m maios. Qoll 733-33-4762. I I — I 067 Miscollanoous 0067 Miscollanoous j □ My check or mone)ney order is enclosed fcfor» j ! ImSSEtaSBSEKtM Ul ■ ■ ! ______■ For Salo For Salo } Q Bill my VISA or Mavlaster Charge (Circioono;no) ! J iOUM PdntOf P»<»»r, lay brick or |■ HE n I ■ I ■ ■ ceramic tilo, ll CARPET LA Y II^ ‘ I answers without leavlniving theprlracy olyour # l i n e s ______X $/llnB______rock--frooo8lirslimatos. Call . ■ RV pods, drivowoys ond Coll Stove ■ own1 hhoi o m e . , Subtotal I p, I . Mai:...... 733-7355, ■ .1 " lioa. 17 yonrs o»por, Frr 438-5379 ■ - Evening 6&V W e e k e n d ■ 0i.l,Gar>eE[lar-733-t9G4. ■ For each Sunday insinsertion, add .$1 if adac is 5 ■ I ...... I appointments arrang? n g e d In IWln Falls. $2 if ad is“6 or more3 Ilines +______I■ or less lines; add $2 __ * The Hou^SO Doctor ! ^^5 NI H.TVO comoni pump, wlwill ■ Ropoir. romors i Iniofiofs * Ttoo1 & shrub topping & r*- ® ^ Custom chopping and bo( 5 3 8 - 7 I fling. Worgon Brothers ^Jag- I ■ S34-437^ 7 3 ____ moval...al..-lroo_ost. John_M&------§ — ■ 7 7 6 0 6 3 ^ 5 77. J Foaluring Custoi P .O . Box 548 J ■■■ging. 438-5162 or 438-4177 stom Ouiilinfl ^ BrkJo,0.733-0939,734-4365 7 ^ ^ P.O. B ox 186 {345 {34 W, Hwy. 48) - “ ...... TWIi■WIn Folis, Idaho 83303 -— : I ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■■ ■yi Sur>jrxJay. July 30. 1909 Tlmos-1los-News. Twin Falls. Id ah o C-7 rchandisse~Farmei srs* mark'cet -Recrii*eationa\tl-Autont*otive 070-136 C

f 090 PoU & Supplies 104 Horvas 114 Farm Implomsnts . T21 Boais & 127 MolorHomes 1127 Motor H om os - i - • Marino Itoms - — . — i 13 yoar old Appy gelding, 1 0. ------:------•1977 Souihwind. 27 H. 440 ^ AKC Gorman Shophord Ford BN. vory good shape! ...... , ^ pups. Champion bloodlinos. lovwle disposition, trained CaU 1 436-9459. fTuoort. Oodgo engine, sloops 6. I * I k siro weighs iW b s . Bom 5-. lor tw rtoe 4 poQs. $700John Dooro 158 hoavy duly ; dell. Call 536- 2301 days ;i2a UUIity Trallara r championship lino, AKC $1200. Can 837-6531. Jloador. 5 ll buckol. ^ ban. $5. Call 326^1119 anor . black Lab pupplos. wil bo 9 yoar M rogislotod Ouanor ablo, boxed in, 3 oxk> heavy 070 Wantod-To B u y .______OBI Furnlluro & Corpots Lcvobk) ortbrgotc dog sooks maro in foo) 10 Oh I’m Run- rNow Holland solf-propollodJ 9 3 4 -8 a 6 ovonings.______MOTOR HOMES duty.a Iroilor. $800 or bo si of- - KIml3orly-yard-3alo;-329--h■hamtLi'm *AT.nb-V» fiotriev- j rhnppnr r m ftngtnn itnri.d- JUaadlock-hojlzonial-gun . ______- F R O ^ ilR ED'S J, Woodon wagoa whools,8. Oak book sholvos, hom ^ on- C a l attor 5:30 or '!■ Contor Sl W. Sol-7/29. 8 5. or. p My paronis aro proven 1 3 row com h o ^ 32X5858. salo, 16 long gun capacity. Atlentlon Movara prico based on condilion.1. toflainmont contor combina-^ Sun-7/30.10-5, Lots ol misc, hunlors. h I lovo kids lo play choico. 1 $850.423-44^8,____ 5 m oxcollonl condilion, $450 toavo a mossogo. . , Cnll nnvtimo 7 ^ -6 9 1 5 _ lion, cuslom buil. uniquo do- Savo your cash end lease 734-6133 ’18 ft londom «vheol traitor Mon's largo and oxira largo wilh. * Owners don't havo ' A U TYPES OF HORSES that t now Of usod larm oquip­. limil 733-2162 altor 5pm. with 16 tl cargo box. 6 fl fikin $450. Cnll 734-6643. ~ ctolhino. ______0onouQh limo to spotxJ wftne. 1 072 Antiques bought and sold. We buy moni. r Croalivo Funding, Coll11 ^, a l l mount wolghi sol. com- • - wkio. good condition, I act ory Pair of lovosools. rust color.1^' Moving.salo, Solurdoy nnd £Call 324-8578.______jkitlwhofsos. Can 733-6055. 736-1170, _ . ptolo. never usod. $100 or ______bbuiR, S ^ o l 1250 Wondoll - Spanish styto, liko now. Ask-’'• Sundoy. 9-5. Housoheid v Lovable modium sizod whito \ bostoltof, 324-7913______or coll 734^177. Old, but nico. oak roll-topP h a $200 onch. 532-4463. Appy maro. 5 yrs. hallor U sed Farm Tractor ParU ------do*k,^l.iSO,-«>«>oah-«hoir^ - ptotoea,—tufrtturo.-w a a thtff- -S broi;or$350r837-840frcvos:- —- Buyfng'SaS'ngirTractorE------r ~ Rusi colorod 9 ploco soc-0- compulor, rofrig, children's ~ f^Sidosw h ^oi^733^*r ! — Buriey-TfsctorSstvwD6------t23-GtmmniIei 1Monaco mini, gonoralor. l»-tefB a)e . Pocc- — ------treln:»tSQ-Cnll 733.3ar j ----- iiums. 220 9in~Avoni»rCa5Tr—------P«rikM tr*'Cockitiels ]Buono and 3 Bars brooding. _ Paul, 10 ♦ 438-5420 ------Iroof AC. bod doArn In roar. ■ - J350. Call 543-5057 ovo- Nood lablos for your yard Lodklly t roisod. 253 7ih Avo- ! 1 1911-A-1 Colt 45 oulo. auto IDodgo 440. radial tiros. * ninos or1S43wt309 days,____ 12-15 months old. S44-7S25. Wantod V io buy or ront: stock 074 Musical Instruments - salo? $2 por day. Intormoun- nuo rv East or call 7 3 3 ^ 9 5 4 . ■ relfiovor. Call >64-2525 ;onjirranco. liio now. ammo 4 v < oiy goo d cor>diik)n, “ Schwolgor hIdo-D-bod with Fprced lo eelll AQHA 86 !! - mnqazJno. $300, 324-8259 See ai Intermountaln ' « h tain Tobto Rontal. 733-6621. Purobrod P buil colorod Improssivo 1 Mint maro. Pret­ 132 AutoParta 10 ploco doubio boss TomaQ innor spring maltross & Cocker Spanlol p u p ^ o s .^ 1 , (2) Siorra magnum .. Motor Homee In Wen- ' f Snt 4 Sun, 9-7. 1 ml, N. of C ty,-supor.-conlormaiion, llS..Farm 1 Work Wanted < .22J.22 dell; Catt S30-2301 daya- . • Accessories- - - dnim sot. soal, 4 cymbab/1/ matching lovo soat. $600. KOA on Hwy 93: Moinr 829.5047. a •• - ~ -----I . singlo six rovolvors.’ 1*'now." Can 324-3068.______shown 4 won In haBor, wost - . «lttftdft. casoo. 423-5646. • - fonco posis. hnndcraflod PPU/obrod minlaturo Schnau- ploasuro. j Doos showman- 3-wido 3 hay stacking. Coll1 $ 110; 1 liKonow.$100. 1974 Gold Dustor 3 1 8 V8, 5 SloppoT-Mla vory g o ^ con­ 543-4760. ______. • 733-0169.______536-2666 av aa . Cablo upright piano, good V Homs. books, clothos. dross- zizer puppy. 6 monlhs. 733- ship. ( English. EZ io handto, § O p o n Soturday unlil noon now ^ radiator, now hoator eondhtonrSzSO. 324-CB74. dition. $150: 4 chromee or. hoad nnnd. 324-8944. - 2246z ahor 6 or w konds. -• - j$1500. 734-3513 afler2t>m. AllA thrashing, haying, groundf Consign < your guns wilh u s - r core, valve job. runa grool. - chaira. $3 oach. 733-3658. G roai hunling-lishing rig. 2 ^ Eloclronic consolo organ, 7 Sat 4 Sun, 9 nm. No qntly Sabki S colorod ioy Pomorani- For 1 sato: 7 yoar oW AOHA wotk, chop, manuro haul. lor I lasl cash” Call Bluo | ‘ noods front o n d allgnmoni If WATERBEO, quoon-sizo. Randy Woavor, 543^86.^ Lnkos\ Sporting Goods ot ‘ton chassis, nico hiortor with' duo to'minor coUisktn, $700. ., wil trado for a consolo or ]■ birds, 720 E. Avo.' C. Jor- ?an. AKA rogistorod. fomalo. maro, r oxcotlonl confirmalkxi, _ ovorythlng. soll-contalnod, r cpinot piano or sell lor $299a hoadboard & 6 drawor pod- lirst shots givon. $350, C a l 1200 1 b s . 15 hands, oxcol- CUSTOM ( HAY STACKING ■ 733-6446.______‘ • Chovy 350 Irons, to&a than 5 06tol.$150/oHor. 324-7165 omo. Waiorbod 4 framo. sloops 4. £ 3.000. 939-1458, ^ or b ^ olior. C&tl 678-7766 - ping pong lablo, 10 spd, I2B23-4414. Jhoolina horse. 324-8962. __ Havo H (2) 2-vndo Of« ) FOR I SALE; Guns, knives, i . 60,000 mitos, lust sorvicod. innmorattofSpm.______shoos, clothing, woight sot, TiTiny Popillon puppy.with pa­ 3-wido stackors. Call GallI sccpos. ( Wholosalo ♦ 10V., ...... $200. ^ Call734-&291. ■ " WE BUY onlrfo households, dishos 4 moro misc. itoms. pcpers. $150; wilhout papors. Sovoral < gonlto pontos ond Paulson E alS43>56gy.______. Cniratior < noon. 734-0491... tl1979 Moroury Z-7 Zophyr, GUITAR LESSONS oslalos. ! furnhuro & Yard salo. 10-spobd biko, il$100. 934-5559 or 934 3 8 0 5 hofsos t oT tho 4lh Avonuo Custom Hay Swathing. Muzzle f looder. 45 callbor. IMUST SELL 1971 oponI rockod [p nghi skio, oxcollonl - ' -agn up rww for foil...... iappliarKos, Wo pay cash! Junkx Riding Club. Win -bo It'a ll' woll wonh your c a lf for $150.0111733.3275. 1 ______,road bubbto top van, 1 tonI drfvo ^ tmin. Call 423 5 9 0 9 , lossons. 733-S322, unlcyck). nico dothos. anion- T'Two Purobrod Gorman > The Auction H ouse, na. books, loys. misc Homs. SIShopord p tr a . whUo. $100 sold ‘ In July. 733-6284. Oualty 0 work and a CompoD- Chovy( 350, sloops 2, Ico-' 1979 11 Suburban turbo 350 Piano, voice, guitarr , _734-6813 or 423-6158,...- Salurday, 8-5: Sundoy. 9-2. 01oach. Boauiiful. protocllvo. Stnndlryj, < boauiiful Penivian tiva in pnco. Scott OaggeR. 124 1 Snow Vehicles tbox, hooior, stovo. goodI trans. tn robuill approxloxatoly lessons. No m ore , 662.En-itfnnd Dr. North. CCall 366-2375. Paso f stallion, producing _ 543-5130 or S43-&6S. . . condition,.$24gS. 10.000 ic milos ago. $250 or I 082 Building M aterials 1972 Massoy Forguson. Ski See at fnlermountaln best be oltor. Coll 4 ^ 5 8 4 3 than $20 per month . sizo. boauty and gait, rogis- CUSTOM THRESHING ' - 065 Bicyclos FT> a r m o r s M a r l < « t iry , for ofl-spring. grado Pone, P< grain, bj^ans, corn, Whit. • $100.4234ai1.’ . M o to r H om ea In W en . 327 « ei>g; w/202 hood. 400 per fam ily .($5 wk forr 7 ' 2 Qallonpails I * maro.-$250L;F.Q,;nlso st dell. Call 536- 2301 daya Laloxflal whrtopb'ml. - standing or windrowod. IH , AT lurbo irons. Now Parts- -rndlviaual). 67B.4773. , Liio now Scwinn scoolor lor “ horsos; for sato. 324-3064. Axlal-llow A) combines, 125 ' Travol Trailers polishod strool W otond su­ inlorior, $11,50. snip, $80. Call 3 2 4 ^ 5 . = 536-2666 avaa. ^ Small Kimball consok) piano,I oxiorior; $12.95, = ? = = Wani V to buy all kinds ot Kip Kl W ooten, 423-4B94 or - per choroor. B & M chargor 7P-964917rmobll). 14 ’ lool Doviilo cnmp iroilor. O < p o n Saturday until noon . cam.^ Holly carb 600 CFM .>t chorry wood, vory good‘ W est End Sales C o. NEW SCOTT. RALEIGH 4 „ horsos. Also, good saddto L ■ $795, ...... ^ • cond. {700. Call 934-S032. 096 Farm Seod . |j Heol's Hloh Porform ance. , ■ Call S43-64S5. PEUGEOT' '2 horsos for salo or irado. Custom Ci threshing, Barloy. NORTHSIDE AUTO 438-8282 or *3^6505 . whoat. ^ malt borloy. corn. Uprighi Hobart M Cablo pi- ' Atfslfs seed de liv ere d . _ 300 Main W est, Jerom e Cor Irsitor. $900. Call 734- ano, antiquo. boautllullv ro- Bob Hamilton. 734-3587. , Doutz-Allisgtoanor N-6 natu­ 324-73Bllo,837J5IO M I U ST SELL 1977 Dolphin 9l M O U N T A I N fJ ral flow rotary combine. 24' - 0646 or 7332528.______linlshod. $600. 423-5629. ! Fort H arney 733-1477 or 734.5091. 105 1 Horse Equipment ra 1969 Road Runnor. 13 fooi, on ° Toyola. sloops 4. gas — grain or. hood. 6 row corn hoad, ’ rofrigoraior. toiloL $4495, ,P‘Dona 44 powat-tocK dilioran- Upright piano, rocontly B I K E S ^Allalla sood lor sale by p sloops lour. $1000, Cnll '' ilal w/4,09 gearaol, Chov tunod. oxcononr tono. fi25:- 2 horso tandom oxto homo- Todd Tc Jensen ___ 733-2186 “ See al IniermounUln L u m b e r ------Fjom ______growor, Ranoor sJolo lesiod. modo~ covorod trailer. S750. «« 536-2131. 230-6 onglne,new:B/B Chov*_____ Conn trum pol, liko now' Hours: 8:30-5:00, Mon-Fri wrdoIwoivColl 543-5970 or J -Sw^hing..baIing-&^sttcl^.- ^ Motor Homee in Wen- $199,99 - C a llo u s. 536:6371. r , 1974 15' Roadrunnor. oxcol- .dd l. Call 536- 2301 daya PU hoadm. B/B Chevalto St50.Call733-S2l7. Sat., 8:30 lo 2:00 543-5066.______; S lonl cond, $1500. 734-2615. headers, 1972 10-bolt I Coll 423-5516. 71 Ci/cto J 2-horso irailor in _ o r ■ Wurfitzor piano, vory good Nothing Down. AllAllalla seed: Wrnnglor, Pony ^ 1975 30 lool Idoal. air, Chovollo roar axle, fiber- condition. $600. Spondolli good condition. $1000. Call Rvcroxitloriai n T 536-2666 a v a a . Cl i Storage Barns $25 por month* aand r Arc. by growor (42 afler ! 5.734-3346.______C oasy-lifi. olhor oxtras, nico, i - ^09-oa,)4Ciosoout on -biko i $295/Cnll 734-2195. ^p eiLE-eUICK-lSUZU for Iho ■l2i~BoFt8 12 & • -1981 28-Roonl-Prowloi“ -P 25 olfico^haTrSrswlvof-arm— Appryimaloly 6 ton. soco"d mmplnin tinn nl LIHEHTV __ . troi/nl trflll«r,1rt»Hnrirl“'°- Fimhnri inlnl nnty IB nfOT J S ■■ ■sdmO'2x4=n>dwood-^32- - — UeedEi»tfnee*-Tt*na ------siraighiback. (StoSIS. . linti W (Channol rustic rod- { -miioarradtal'tfras. fargo' ~ CnlU23.44l1,______1 ii 086 Firewood ^ ^___ ‘ "IJ,livosiock irailors, fi- y an. oxcol. cond, 7 3 3 ^ T ~ Tkitchon. vory roomy. 616 nionth warranty, complolo, ' wood 7/6x8-$,29 lin fi)(*/^» . 14 fl flb o rg ln ss-b o ai.-a n d -aJlJt^janeso.-lroyola.- • t- For salo: now crop bartoy, nanco, nj wo tako irados. Spe- 1982 3 5 -Pork Modol. lots ol 'P ^ rico d lo son. 4x8 Insulatod black shooi- Fimwood 1 ior ialrr543-41M ~ trallor. Boat noods somo 1< Mazda, Dalsun. Isuzu Die. : . 077 Homo Entortslnmont Ing |( $5.00 sht)(4x9 rock i 51 lbs or ♦. Call 324-5598. cIsl cl Introductory Offer: Lib- oxiras. $8500. 436-9703. See al Intermountaln ^ Pino firewood. $70 a cord irX ^ caro, $275 or bosl ollor. 2> Motor Homaa in Wen- £C50l,up.1.e00J65<37«. . sag. 33 shi, tako • Good quality allalla first and orty O' Cotobrily slani 2-horso caCall 733-8378.______H Iho block, dolivorod. Call 1982 Rockwood light woighl hdail. Call 536- 2301 daya Wdom oxto only ^15' fiborlonn tri-hun, 60 hp lo o r C«Coll 643-4782 o r S43-S053. • for'board S5,9d shl)(Codar Ions, make olfor. 423-SOSS. b« Evintudo. Eaglo fish-findor, cccondition, sfeooo/offor. 733- Mognavox sloroo console.- 2x6;4‘Z S,6S o a in unri.-losa ------GRAINBINS ------.$? 3 9 5 0 ^ .m o n o y down on Ef] 5214 after 6pm or leave msg -Waniod-io buy: com plelo;- ___ ^ “ Ijwrrs-Giirdon dpprovod aodil. 712 Main conopy-ond'covof.- E-Z load 55 Ooon^W ^ViJnlilM ^ oood cond. S7S. 423-4811. $,79 $ oa)(2*6-r Jir. S1.59J, '■ S E A L E D ? irnilor. $2400. 326-4458. 15 motor to lit 1981 Oodgo : 2 x 4 -r fir $.99 oa) - .• j 1983 16'. Idoal, lurnaco. ro- ...... ~ ...... MD50. Can 324-3106.______. ! RENT A NEW TVI Own a Z 2 riding'lawn mowors; ond~ 'AsphoirSystems 'A s oflD . frig,-port-a-polN;-fanoe,-ex------WE BUY 4 soil used sad- ^16'toot nborglass-bOQrwilh- fri: now color TV by ronting. No P l y w o o d lawn b swoopor. 734-1586. BoBobB nilov...... 733-4013 ^ 60 hp Evinrudo motor. Can cocoTcond.$jr9g.734.&39t. WoW( aro paying to p ptlooa lor ‘ i crodilors chockod. 204 Main V dtos 4 tack. Shop around S ; junk cars and trucks: W o will - ’A 4x8 COXB...,...... $6 .4 9 " MOWING 4 TRlfMING HAY HAULING ^ ski or fish. Accossorios, is1983 19 ft Kl Road rangor, "REMARKABLE 1077 26 )un Avo Nonh. Cains. 733-7111. 5/8 S 4x8 CDXB...... $7.99 with us last, bocauso wo vfill |7 foot Winnobago Chlofton, pick pl* up or you bring-ln. ! | Call 733-3490. ^Mannos Truckinci, 326-3379 not ” bo undersoM on boots 4 ^$1800. Call 324-4257. n,awning, soll-conlsmod. gon- 'S. SalollHo syslom lor salo. 6 tt 3/4 ^ 4X8CDXB...... $ 1 2 .9 9 “ orator. $5400.734-9429, 37.000 milos, boauiiful do­ Hoavy Montana barloy doliv- saddlositt V ickers W estern 1616-man Udlsco rail wlih or cor. looks lilu> now, roar _ 4 k.lyaQo‘‘7 S y 5 ^ . : I solkJ dish, rocoivor and mov­ Particie Board 083 n Variety Foods oroorod. hoppor twttom trailor, s t frame arid boordo. Also. 9 ig er, Call 734-8628. osk lor •A V 4x8 ...... $S,S5 Stores 733-7096. 1983 Wildornoss tmilor, 22 k ^ it^ o n , vory unk^uo,- now $5.65 por 100 vwrfght. Am-. ” toot Ash wood oars, com- ftft, soll-conloinod, oxcollonl. radial rn tiros, gonoralor, roof 133 11 A u b a W a n ta d . . .. .1 M s S n — ------^------a3/4 4 x 8 ...... $ 1 0 ,5 0 ~p.Apricots! Easy lo^-pick. $8/ broso Forms, WondoH, ID. ic morclal lito jackols. Call co Pricos good lor ono.w ook_ .(j 108 Sheep/Goats. condilton. must sool Coll af-, AC.a ( M oko oHor. — -bu.-Droam -Acros- Orchard, 0.11536.5332. col ’ ...... tor 6 pm 436-5747. • 1 WANT'YQIJR CARI "■ 079 Appliances only unlil supply la sts. noar n lown. Cnll 733-0127. ^ —See al iniarmounialn— - - Nood cuslom farming holp? 30 hood mixod agod whito 1975 Apollo iot bool, with 1987 19 24V{i fl Prowtor-Lynx Moior 1 Homes in Wen- - Lot l-ol mo sell your c a r for you. whichovor comos firsi. ^APRK»TS 4 PLUMS: 1/8 chi 28 cu ft sido-by-sido rofrigor- Chock our Son>Hco Diroclory, lacod w owes; also, 15 yoar- 455 45: Olds, now ongino. Call, irailor, ua front kitchon, lold oul didoil. Call 536-2301 daya Call Ca Joan at Canyon M otork ' i mi S. ol Hwy 30 on Slovons published nui dnlly in Timos- ling Hr P a n a m a b u c k s. C all Rick. Ric 734-6138 or 733-9175 sofa, go choir, bock bod 4 bath S i^ r u . 734-686Q. / | alor Iroozor. good condilion. i SI, Filor. Calf 326-3162.____ $200. Coll 734-2309. FORT ' HARNEY s RowsCl.ts..;ifiods. g7BjU644.______: aftor aftc 5:30 om,'______' oroa. on dual baliertoe, owning. - -; .-Hwy.SQ.Eael by ______.Cukes,c b«eUjcnttotsl.Now_ “ 32 yoar oM Ponamo/Colum- 1977 197 16 fooi Slarliro tri-huU, sparo-Uro, sp usod a.lew.ilmos,..- - O J35_gyc4#.MAMppnaa_ 13! ; j L adr K w fiwfo - washor nnd — _ “H«n»orrBrldgo:_ roody. ri Call 736-0910 09a diyor, Alnwnd. good condi- 09a Fanns For Ront blan bl cross brod owos. op«Mn bow. walk-through win-_ in now oondiiion.,$B70aJimt..- — E. of K im berly Warnor. v ' ...... - Phono ovonlngs or mom=- tJoio w 7 8 5 -n p -M tn n n )rw iih ■ Can788-3791'altef6. C« ...... 1971 Norton 750 Com man- T ■lion. S250. Call : ^ - 3 2 6 7 . ____------C a lH 2 3 .S 5 ie .------^ too cow dniry lor ront, 2 do. 9,300 mikM. k)la ol ox- Early ponchos. Baggois IM tops. 823^4596,______skis; skijS ropo artd vost. Alt In ox- 1990 / 102 Cattle ^ Kelley Orchard, 2 milos ___ Call 432-5544 ovoninos. month *"01 with romoining bal- 20 ^ fool Ftold nnd Stroam. See'at Intermountaln $2500, Cal 734-0418 atlor 1 round-lop rolrigoraior, $50. bonms. »y, Call 324-8191. JJ, anco of $10.000. 733-1304, " 700 PM,______. ; Coll 324-3382.______^ wosl of Fitor. 7 milos north, Call call pins. 734.5157.______ovorythlng In good working IM o io r H om aa In W an- Zi2 RED CEDAR, siding, inlorior 543-5330. s< Pickod chorrios 112 irrigalion . T|119 It Slarcrah, oil aluminum, order. ore $3200 4^4520. d«d e ll. C all 53«- 2301 d a y a 191977 Honda 750, 10,000 i Solf-cloaning slovo. $350. wall covoring, D-P Lumbor Coloslnjm lod bull calvos for ' ' ' availablea\ at Kelley G arden soto. Call 324-5048. ’ — 350 Chovy, Borkloy jot 21' 01 soll-contalnod Layton, o r ~ mikmitos. full dress. $1500. Con Irostfroo rofrig. $425. match- 324-8120. 32 Evo&Nwokonds. Center. C; 734-B518.______^ 9umo. Can 4 2 3 5240. 536-2666 eves. 4234811.______ing sol. usod vory soWom, — Dsn Wright L ivestock gtiSteel pipe: now and usod. sloops 5, awning, landom 20'Rolnoll. 1976. cuddy axlo, nxl groat condition, $3500, OiOcxtn S aturday unlil noon 1978 195 Kawasaki 400 KZ. only - Call 734-5157 ftWw6 pm.------S< Trenspor1aj)on-324,340L Rocky Mountain Indusirios, 20 oHor. Cnl?^34%74S. * _ lofomo.-324-2l42.------^ abin, -17Shp OMC. E-Z load Call Ca 326-4911____ - -...... t ...... 410041C rnUos. extnta. oxceltoaf. Stool kilchon cabinols ibr Organically grown swooi For sale; 30 hood Hotsloin — iailots, sink, ico box, hoad. 24' 04' Konskill, soll-conloinod, ctxiCtNVjilton. Con 423-5104. ^ salo, 1 sink ttaao whh sink. 2 Usod U( brick, undoanod $.10 ° milk ccws. Can 643-5119 GATED PIPE “1™sloops 3. color vidoo Ds, rod (^i or cloonod $,15, 100 menu- «com. Starts dosod Sun. Blis Now ond Usod full bath, londoms,' 20’ wek^ERY NICE 1979 27 foot I®’1978 Yomaha'lOO, only 579 wall cabinots, usod dish- or opon Mon. 2 milos Wost ol ForFor salo; H olstein springer loldots. oxc cond. $6300. scroonod -cr tip-oul, good con- c o mitos. 1974 Hartoy Davidson ' washor and pockotdoor vnth mum. G21 Phono 734-2563. hellers. Call 324-5860 or ;78-2675 aftor 7pm. Southwind, 54,000 milos. hnfdwnro.-Cnll-734-0412, — ------Circlo K on Orchard, $2,50 Hell ,E! dition. roody lo go, $2700 or •adial tiros, bunkbod do- Jl"m olorcy^ mini styto. C al I 324-3099.______AMOTH IRR1GATK>N 2525 hpI E v in ru d o . o lo c iric bost bo: ollor. dail 733-8379. 324-8788 atter 6om.______Toppan g o s rango, continu- 68r”^ra99Siie» OA |£ ;ign. Pricod to coll.------22^ Poochcoisl $6 0 bushol, u- HatMOirrdarrycowep?*; hnod: .___ -ANDSUPPUES stanaan^good condition, $600, A J l nico dbl lip-out, 35 ft, '82 :See at IniermounUln 1971979 Suzuki GF1000C. c%- ousfy cloaning ovon. 1 yoar — :all>l4-14B5ovoningB. ci. 4 family salo. Furnituro. picK pi< 1 pm lo 7 pm. Groon- a l Al. Can 366-7339 o r 324- 1 i'l mllb o a S o f ^ lT H w r a o - -CaU -Eloolwood Ariz. Spocial, M k o to r H om as In W en- collcolloni conditlon.'runs groal. oW, liko now. Asking $525. * 5657. lolo evos bost.______543-4777 Boa3oat Uaitor for 12-14’ boat, $ » Cnll 678-5136. glasswaro, 0'-' anllouos. and ridoo rid Orchard. 733-3869. ^ $8000 lirm. C 5 irB 3 l^ 4 ft---- - ddoMrCa1|-53»5^0Tdays— e •now-tireir$T300A»lttcon= ntn ------r misc. 1 t>lock souin of Daw s Picking P» cucumbors. Roady ^Hotoom hoifor calvos. 1 day $101MOO. Cnll 423-4811. £ o r siAsktor all oHera. 733-8129. Usod Whirlpool w ashor ond !I]‘ BUY FACTORY DIRECT markot on Rock Crook Boad nowl nc Cnll 324-8413. “Saki4uo.Call J 324-3177. 115113 Farm A Ranch coaTomptoto Coloman sconoo ANO SAVE II 536-2666 evee. G.E, dryor Tor salo. $225 for in Hanson Sat S Sun, 9am - m Jersey hord tor sak>. Approx- O pon S aturday unlil noon 1980 Honda CB-7&a $85 0 or both. Cnll 734-6493. Pickling Cucumbertl Frosh Jors SuppllM >kg; boot. 1-,4hp. liio Iwin Lighiwolght. Lig supot insulalod. Oi ______8pm ^ only. 423-4935.______ImBiofy 31 hood miking ond — E^nrudo. now W 25 Minkota, SC olfor. Phono 734-9363 or pickod. washod. '4 sorlod to SCAMP fiborgloss navel • * • • • * ^733-2421. ______Wanted doad or allvo Afiera i 12 years, finally, a 6 g sizos. Top quality cukos *VPfQpproximalefy 18 hoilors and GSrain n bins lor ront, 40,000 nHjw w battory. paddlos, soot iroilots. irai 13'. 16', 4 19- 5lh TV's 5 appliancos hugo hu yard salol July 29 A (qi ^ a m . Al brod A.I, Phono buslushol capacity. Hunt area blacks, a c 2 filo vests, otc. whools. wh< Call loll Ireo 1-400- , , , 1981980 Honda XR500. $700. for a l iypos ol homo-mado /E R Y S L E E K 21 f o o t 197 ------7V_D0Clor. 734.91B8_ 30. no 9 am 10 6 pm. 109 peklos. oic Morgan picklo Co, ^324-8425 nlior 60m.______onin H ^ 25. Caa 736-1224. $70(:700. 733-2782 for dotaila.: ^348-4962 lot Iroo brochure. 1977 Honda 250. $100. Call -eTBOMamr NofllH a ^ i ee VU. Smnll grado A dairy herd 13'FB4TTrusl Dopartmoni. ^morican Cllppor mjnl. 326326-4617. ! 060 Hosting & ol hospital, lum N, Ihon W — te e! W o i^ 2So'"dirt biko. ^ SOUmWCX FARMS ^ $7995 this wook only, )OW c o n d , vory cxjrabio, fi- Air Conditioning on BfooklanoElbfackt. 3 ^ 5 Botorazo. Mt. Mdoto a oconomlcal & offidoni. trhUe G lasspar. 75 I9 Evin- B rockm an's Mobile Homee ^ $400. Phono 324-6261 or Now rod potatoes 664. udo. oosy-load iroilor. Bock Yord Salo: Sal & SiTn. zucchiniz\ 4 summor squash » s maintonanco. automatic 734-3167— 324-4203 324.2536 ' ; 5000 BTU W osiinghouso oir 9 “' M ntrol roTnoto aroas ot do- aOOO.Callt34-63S2. ^ ’^SlelatlnUmioumaln ^ 9 am lo 5 pm, Fumituro. 8 a AM-7 DAYS-543-6189 103103 Dairy Equipment Starcraft tool frailor, 22 foot M |h otor Homaa In Wen- 19B3 Suzuki Enduro 250 co>^dillonof.$^0. >34-9064, cloihos clc nnd olc. 214 Adams. __ 2 Milos South ol Buhl. _____ nosik: uso oAhof roskfonliat MaiMalibu Sklor.'19B4, 260 opon,^oo sorgo t>rako8. hooior. d a motorcycio. Can 733-8810. 1 ||iv^lod(,79?-7S2-3496, ^ouni, r Koitwood sloroo. ox- ^ delL Call 536- 2301 daya Chost of drawers, colloctl- The Berry Patch iOO golton, CP bulk tank, £iJi stovo, sink, ico box. ctosot. o r 1983 Suzuki PE175, vory oar Furniture & Carpots ;oll-conlalnod, oxcollont ol cond. ropo 4 ski incl. Call chost .k , ol drawors. $2850. good condition, now top ono, btos. Doprossion glass, fish- O ( ur frosh borrtos will bo tank 0 1 7 ^ 3 3 3 days 536-2666 eves. Ooo ing oqub. pans, pots, rofrig- sndition. $2 por gallon. 11414 Farm Implements' Ha"! Cnn 731-6420 or 734-9033. QO foon S alufdnv until noon 5Z9$795. 326-4095 afior 6 pm , | 90 yds good usod carpol. '”8 • • back A ugusi 26th. Cnni::an 837-4439. ~ oralor. flosovillo. lools. loys. Coll 54^3860 evfr» ^ MASTERCRAFT ...... 1981984 Honda Iniorcopior. > $19l Caff 734-1635.______Have DslHes Available Ji,V 'toot'^F'siO combine: 6/1. 6pm-9, 8am noon. — 66 JD bator. Fiok) roady. _ BOATS 126 Campers & Shells musmust soD, goltM lo cologo, Approxlmaloly 35 yards ol Cash/chock. Co: 156 Madison. 100-700 cow. Coll Marva, Porformonco Inboonfs. — $1.6S0_32.4-29anflofS. l>ghl brown usod carpot, ox- 090 Pets & Suppllos C4-5441, £“:ash Of trade. Prico nogotia- rERY UNIQUE 1960 Cloaning oul garago: furni- _ »,3;<-5l67ii.ortna..____ !SM B o a ta b e y o n d 10'/> ’9 ' It campor. stovo. ro- VE 1985 Yamaha TT600. dirt ' coltonl conditton. $75. Call turo, lools. gnrdon tools. Qt, Landmark Realty ^ w mparel Spodol pridng frig/icobox.^ portaw tty. oxcol C:hovy h roll-a-long mini Chooioso puppios, 2 molos. ------5. n Vlxashank cultivator. cond. $900. Can f36-0705. hlomo. o vory low milos, b*q, ^ oxcolonl cond, $1300/ , ______glasswaro.K canning jars. 1 tomalo, $150 ooch, . . ------on a l l ; 1989 m odels. Slof!pt..326,5101.. _ . Diningroom soi, oxcollont bodding ond kil ol misc. 1 mi c a ^ : wil*ril soD Of trado lor dek. CaU ^ 8 fl cabovor campor. otoo- so^olf-contninod, $3495. ^ Can 734-8672. WotsuilB. watorskls, 8 fl Horloy Davidson. 77/74 condilion, Tobto and 6 N on Slovons Sl ^ Fitor. ~ 04 Horsfls §2®36^«6V ______I ' A ctio n S p o r u , iric/gos trie. rofrigoraior, stovo See ' at Iniermounufn Hor Dobioouo3$45 733-8627. I____ M o to r H om ee In W en- Eloclra-alldo. Eloc rocont ovor­ chairs, and china hutch. Call Cloihos. j r r dishos. lamps, cur- ^ ------2)) 20* : foot ad molal truck -" 1ISlh & Froni, Boise w/ovon. wto pofta-potty, $1400, ^ 733-7833.______pj° Forrds for sato: olbinos 4 Rogittogistorod Appy m aro, 16 bodods w/graln gates 4 bool . 383-0 0 7 3 . Call 423-5743 ______<*•lell. Cafl 536- 2301 daya haul, l«ul sob saddio w/loolhor lains, carsoal covors..small __ o r ' bogtbogs, windshield. & spokod Ethan Allan S ploco bod- sablea.-Brooding siock.4- yoono a rs, oxporioncod ridor. nnwmas 4 1 hoist. S43-5669. lablos. quills, bird cago, ood for ploasuro and ^ linnkola.eioctric-ffloiot,.28.. NicQ.9.ft.slido-in Nic pickup ___ .. S3ff-266flj¥Ba..-^____ id)2 room sot. 9 x 1 2 orionlal cai- oots. 733-1137. oariv or tjilo. gooc 430 JD traclor. powor shiB, b th GUnfiC£»-$7B0;-Cotoman-»7— misc, 1911 4ih Avonuo East. ^ lounutin riding, $650. Call ^ Ihrust. wilh fool conlrols^ .CM rv.3 p o n S aturday until noon. MorMonlossa Cola 247, trial ! PCI, bluo-orr^. 622-5834. jTF. R Sal & Sun.______.FojFor salo: Rogistorod 2 yoar^ 12,500^58 jbjoador.24:- ^225r^H73yCB7a after 8. It tier cnnoo. $300 324-8704. ^ old'tomaio minlaluro Oochs- 22222:iominna.-3g4-Sb54, ' ~ ------...... ----- bil<«biko. extras, good cond. Full^zo boctroom sot •Mf Garngo Sntol Moving, ovory. aso heavy landom disk, ow 28 pound Ihru^ hund. $50. C nl 678-3997. h OR a° *36-076^------$350. CaJ Ray. 326-5848. | b o o k c a so h o a d b o o rd . 3- Ihing thin goosi Malofnify, toys, ^ lORSE SHOEING. Cnll Caa inkoia troting motor with diQwor chost ol drawors. ox- tiro* Froo io good homo oldor RopoItxior THInnv...... 734-4681. 58.B. 2 ion. 10-spood Oodgo now RedRod 1965 Kawosaki KXT ^ tiros, ongino stand, otc. Sat- rr< BW battory and charger,.> VERY vEt SHARP 1978 Too- Wll/I L L S A C R IF IC E 1 9 7 6 250. njns groat. C a l 734- collani condilion Call 543- urday urdi S Sundoy I!1 6 pm. S °hi h o h y d ^ In good hoahh; f^^jtlust sen boloro Augusi Isi. trueuck, woodon bod. sido >50, Call 324-5797 or oflor 59t2, ntlnr 5.______^ Ownot passed away 4 ho o„a Limp, groin tight. $800, 4pm,^ - 4 , 9 9 2 8 . ______I;*]®Poo 0 foot campor. Jacks, 190 foot Midas mini, now 77172 ^ nftof 7 pm, SkvlnnoM.H. Park >50. Ow log. TB golding, .15.3 H, dum lolloi. gas rofrigoraior. awwning, sloops 6, woll noods now homo. 733-1418. "^IJttoll Irainod, oasy io handto. Call King-aizo. 6-draw or. w alor Hugohu i 4 lamily yard salo. — u r i 990 Soaswirl boats aro sloops sioc i. kopopt. vory roliablo. $6995. 136 135 Heavy Equipment bod. complolo, $225/ollor. Soturday. snt 2911). 8nm-4pm; 2 2 AKCf Lhasa Apso malo $800800 or bost ollor. 543-6302. ^ 30 John Oooro swathor, Instock. 1989 pricos. Sees al Intermountaln See S al intermountaln ____ C.1II 733.6260.______Sunday, S ur 30lh, eam-3pm. pups. p« 1 black. 1 soblo. 6 wks ovosvosortonvemocsnoo. " makako oltor. Can 324-3566, Tom'3m'a M arina 4 S p o rt G d i. Motorm Homee In Wen- Moior M Homaa in Wan- 45' drtp1 dock traior. Moal ~Musi‘'ScII;-4-p- roylolylot Day Crulsor, 460 V -a- .- • - o r ------all sstool.-lO ton capacity:------!- 4.drawer drossor, ond coHoo hulch, hulc dosk and Tols moro. $100. $ ii Fomolos, $75; Coll on.wn. works c a t l k i .$ ^ . per»r tof-aamo combine, ro- Uet1 Boat.E FAST & SH A R ^ -- W 5-2666 e v e si _ ' 536-2666 avaa. $25G$2500. Can 324-5345 Of so o ! 1,-Jjto. 734-5157 oflor 6 pm 1859 185' 4ih Avo. East TF 543-8258. 54: Call;nll I 324-3566...... bui»ji» last season. 6554375, [ $WO, ^ Call 324-5443., Oo 6 oon> Soturd.iv until noon O>Dond S/sturdnv until noon atatSOOWosI 50 D. Jorom o. - , . !

1 , i 0.1 0 0 9 C-8 Timos-Nows. Twin Fnllo,ills, Idoho ' Sunday. July 30. ' ------^ ' tom otive-i-Automoi^tivc-AuttomotiveB j136-175[pOP>EN 172 Aulos-Pontlac______140 Ho3vy-T(uck£/Sam!$s j I 140 Hc.ivy Tiucks/Sijmls_.s___ \^2. _lmpqriys_poils£Cat^_.... J58_AuJ0-5:.Cf)w.0lllj ___ _■ 162 Autot-Ford ' 174 Aul6<^thor______J 1978 El Comino, good con- 1972 LTD. runs strong,r 1984 6000 LE. lully oquip/ip7 1950 Wlllys, 2-whooI d riv * ~ j 1988 Dodgo CoH, tow milofj ^ smokoi;, $250 or bost oflor. oxcollont condition. Phoiru c now ongino. warranty.y . V-e, 3-spood auto, rodining D f t Y ^ I THEFIRSTMIDiDRANGETRUCK 433-5007 or 4?3-.‘;i2 t.. _ . _ $c ‘tr7'34M ^'’^7^^G “^‘.. - CaU 733-3681 nflor 5 pm. _ $5000/ollor. 736-0835. buckot soals. now point job,i W l 1980 Chovy Coprico,, lo o ^ 1974 Pinlo wnoon, 2 door.r. 1985 Ponlinc Trons-am, 5 shorpt Coll 536-6610 onor B.- 6iX lpm. _ _ . . 146 4x4’r 4 ”ATV’i “ oiJriD6;000”m^5, c bost'of- 50.000 orfg. milofl. $760/ol-I*- spood,-5:0 SierrAOrPSrPB.- - WORIHYOfTHENiNAMEKENWORTR Nor, Cnll 7 3 5 ^ 7 6 . >r. 1962 GMC school b u s. Coll Th* Xorararlh Mld-ntng(c. 1961 Willys Joop, robutll 44 1 1981 Chovrolot Citaiion. 4: 1983 Ford Mustang. 302 V8." $ay£i/'ito”^ ‘4'^25"/ atior 6pm 324-8788.______^ liOiyl- kwidod, oxeollont condition, [ T 2 ^ IW W.kJ5 tel (Mj frirl (a • Must 6001 Call 678-2934. 1972 Jim my 4x4, oxc maint^ "i 1981 Chovy Monlo Cnrlo, _ 4 door, discounlod $6800 oror lurbo 400 Irons. 7 7 Chowy Mrwilliiiulc Hm Wj W j’flc-j AT. PS. PB . Ollnr. G78-3405L j oxcollonl condition insido; 1985 Escon, 4 door, $2500.). bost ollor. 438-5700 ovoc van body, 19' Tahiti jot boal D C" hull wrtfoitor. 7 2 Hondo 350 1973 Chovy 4x4, 3/4 ton. iarid oul, now painl ond liros, Cnll 324-4552 or 324-2724. _ 79 Bonneville, low ml. AC. *.H iw iiillufiii; fWnluclHkwtr . nms like now. S3300 or bost: ..-1986 Ford-Tourus, 4 door,r, AM/FM cass. loodod, oxc(c motorcycto any or all. m ako muoauiu, iitl ioiu>UU> ' now 400 oulomallc lurbo. r offor. Cnll otior 5, 423-437g, .. ..tronsm ission.-ond drrvolino.... cQllor. Call 733-2347. Rnndy. V6, loodod. 47,000 miles,I, cond. $2500. 734-8339 3 Conor AFB carbufoior, dual • S7400/ollorArado. 4S7-1333— vxn. m vr »iui nr w>i3» iirJ ' 1964 r-28, fully loadod. - -26-ooffoo-flOfl lanks.-oxeci-;■- i6po,'noWj tif057Konwoodt 'n987-Ford-Etcort,--4 door,- lont lor pulling ol haulingI . storoo. Phono 733-7762. AC.- AT, approximatelyy -175^AulobeaJe«- - 175-Auto Oejlofs KENW ORTH wood, $1500. Coll733-79t9' \ 1986 Chovrolot Colebrity., 27.000 milos, $5,495. /VHDRflMGBr o rso o n t 1223 Willmoro. TF • PS^ powor brokos. air, 4.. Cnll Rogor lor dolails, IlalvuuKlnl door. $5495. BUDGETREKTA CAR 1D73 GMC 3/4 lon. liko now' ^ NORTHSIDE AUTO - 3S3-3090or tiros, AC. AT, $1800ofUodo. 459-8314 nller 6 pm. ■ ■ 1^“^ - - ‘ 300 Main WeaL Jerom e t lor Iwoslock trailor or ? Call‘ 324-7380 or 837-6510 . 1988 Tempo GL, 4 dr, AC. jcnojc»jnirou3 734-7969 or 324-536B • 1989 TOYOTArA TERCEL EZ's UxU(Ml - 1967 Coprico Classic 4., AT. PS. PB. AM/FM. npprox 1976 V* ton Rangor XLT.• door, ’ nir and cruiso. nowI 25,000 milos, $6,t>95. .‘liiOl 653.1714 - t 4x4, good conditton, $3295.• tiros,Y no'oTly nawIo-Sflr$S250. Coll Rogof fordelBtlS:------Coll 734-5391.______. CnllJ 324-4S52 or 324-2724, BUDGET RENTACAR 1981 Chovy Suburban, 3/4 * 383-3090 or - lon. $4500. Coll 324.5000. 459-8314 after 6 pm. 3 * 6 8384 :------t982'OcxJgo'R anrCharyor4-- -1-»96S-Chovy-6prin»r6;000-- -1-tnr-ua3y-to^aa»0fii8<»--»n- 135 Hoavy Equipment ~ "1T4CJ~HeovyTrucks/Soint»- - X 4, AC, cruiso, AM/FM cos-- milos.rr liko now. For dolails ,classlllod. J usi call 733^1626. sa O B C o to londof-tsackhoo. )1951 Chovy 2 ton. 350 rii^'• soiio. litt whool. Good lor. vory pood condiiion, wilhf* lion, $4500 or tako ovor pay- 1 ownor. 1988 Chovy Corsi- ^ 0 Downirn Payment'— i P^.^^^^o^lM dof back. J _ moms. Coll 423-6209. . a ca. 4 door, 5 cpd, 19,000 166 Autos- I (itnin bod Cnll 829-SSlS. Morcury & Lincoln - _iasa_Ch£HL_fi_£yl_2j;peod_ - -t^w:^c^15-•/irt^boe^bod-wl1h- '■^-CENTRAL EQUIPMENT I dkion. $9400. Call 734-9429. 1974 Comol. runs good.'A'f hoist. Sackoii Inc. Filor. BVDCET RENT A CAR $600. Calf 7 3 i^ 7 f . NEW 4 USED C -■ 1984 Dodgo 150 4x4, 360 Now Ni selling 1987, i Cnll32C-472S.______• 1978 Morcu7 Bobcot, new Caterpillar Motor Grodor, , d V-8, AT, PS , PB, Air condi- 1988& It 1989ltootcars. 1 ■ O.A.C. 60 Paymoninents, 13,25% APR. : ModoltZ-F. s/n99Et006-E. I1062 Chovy groin or woodd H oning, o x c . co n d itio n . Call Ci Rogor a t ' rodini ' liros. good cloan car. Caio/pitlof dioiol ongino. 12 .• hauling . truck; 1973 Ford1 $5800. Coll 734-5463 383-3090 or $650/ollor.i Call 423-4507, Sales Taxrax (Collecled ; atlnr5. ______" ■ • rnold board. 13.00x24 moving , van; -1961 GMC 1 1W4.JOOP-CJ7 Larodo,-ox- — 459-8314 oftar 6 pm. H lifos. Good condiiion. ton.•. 655-4427 655-4306. s coltont condiiion, 6 cyl, ono For Ft solo: 1986 Chovy Colob- 1900 1 4-door-Morcury--Mnr-- ...... S12.000. 1967 ’ Dodgo 2-ion, runs ownor, low milos; hnrd top rity, rit; 4 door aulomaiic wiih 5Quis. $2150. Cnll 324.8114. Clark Mlehioan Wheel ' nood.i Phono 423-4091. ; and sotl lo p . $7850. CiHI overdrive. ov $7500 or best ol- 1981 1 Capri, perfect atu- .. Loader, Modol 65-111-A. t ^ 733-7584 or 733-4384. lor. loi Call Mnrk, 736-3962 aJ- dent's d car) sun roof. 90,000 S/N401-D-106. Dotroft £t969 Ford 2 (on. good shapo. Cnil 324-3628. • - 1984 N issan, Alpino aoroo* lor !£! Sp m . ______mi. n 1 ownor, vory ^oon, i diosol. lully onclosod. i $2000. Cnll 543-5930. R.O.P.S cab. 23.5x25. L-3 1969 i Ford C-700. V8, 5 & 2.' cossotlo, campor sholl. Having Hr Bobyl must soil 1965 I 18 foo( bod & hoist. Rugby.j $4200. Call 324-5251 or 226,-1-top, 22 AT. rod, loodod. 1982 1 Marouis 4 door, fully ' tiros, 3.5 yard buckot. Good 1 OQuippod. $2595. 734-2195. condition. 16 a lool bod with hoisi ond‘ 324-2536.______Exc. Ex cond, low milos. pricod 0 ...... *32,500. sidoa. 7 Call 432-5404. I 1985, Ford Rangor XL; 4x4, bolow ^ book vnluo. 678-4641 ■67 Cougar. 302 molor, now Clark Michigan Wheel 1971 ^ Froightlinor with spud longbod. V6. 5 spd. PS. PB. ir.mr.. $2^^000. 7M-4193. Losder.Modol5S-111-A. bod, „ in good condition. Mnko, now tiros, oxc. condition, 160 Aulos-Dodgo _,S/N.433-Bi110. Cummins ollor. ? Call 686-271 1 altor' $4900. Cnll 678-7487, ■— 168 Aulos-Oldsmobllo dloool, lully onclosod cab . -12J0noon 7 ...... 197-2-Oart,-f«conl.onglno. 1 ------1989T0Y01OTA-TERCEL------i ^ t905 SilvbTdd678hoit box work and trans ovorhoul, ^ wrth R.O.P.S, 17.5x25, L-3 ‘ w/cuslom sholl. superior 1976 Olds 88 Dolia Royal^ 1974 Whito Froightlinor & . AC, 316 cu in, no rust. Iiko 4-door, 4 AT. AC, cmiso, PB, liros, 2.25 yard buckot. good Lowboy, ; good condition,' condiiion, loodod, npplo rod, COUPE Witrith AM/FM conoiKon. ‘ * now condiiion. S950. ■ PS, p 1 ownor, clonn, $1500. $6500. Cnll 543-4762. |duni tanks. $9900. Call 326- C aM 23:6240.______q -■ ...... r;....:..-.S29.500;' -6814 ovos..32e.5900 da y s.. - Cnll 733-9194. CASSESETTE Clark Rubber Tired Cable 1988 GMC S i o r r a l o n . ox- 1987 Dodgo Coll Vislo, 4 ' Skldder. Modol 667-8. s/n 141 _ Vans • colloni condition. 43,000 !;;!whool drivo. PS, PB, air con. V172 Aulos-Ponlioc 504-A-24g7-CAC. Cummins V dilioning. AM/FM. cruise, 2- _ 1970 VW bus. roducod 10' milos,! $12,750, Loavo msg 1971 Ponllac GT37. Imt odi- dnsol bnglno with 23.1x20 t 01 678-3654 or 801.872. tono point, $7900 or bosi ol- 11 liros, Clark winch, brush $1095, ^ oxcollont cond, ro- lor. Cnll 708.9733.______tiition, sound body, siiong on- guards and blado. Good buill )> onoino. C all423-44H . ■ 532 , ____ ^ i 1988 Dodgo Omni. PS, 5- ■Qino,31 $1800/o»or. 736-0835. 1988 Toyota 4.runner, 6 yr *78 condhlon. . 1978u, GMC 1 ton window ' sp d , R /D o fo g . R /w ipor. Ii1902 Pontiac Phoonix, good J84 ...... 527.500. vnn, in Groal lor work or camp- ,warranly. SR 5 pkg wilh V -t $5900. etc Coll 733-7823. • condiiion. « $1500. 733 0355, UNITS LOCATED IN ing. 7 $2950. Cnll 734-4939 or 1Liko now. Cnll 423-5005. • BOISE. 733-3033T, osk lor Brad. • ■ 1909 Ford Rangor.Supor ■— F o p ^ 0 Down'n Payment NEWMICHIQAN 1979 GMC Suburban, 350 ,cob, oxcoltont shape, 2000 175-Auto lj E)ea!ef3 17J-Aulo Dealers W l ...... LOADERS JN STOCK. V-8, '' P ?. PB, AT. AC ond ,mi.$11.000/oltor.829.S413. ' SALES-SEflVlCE- moch'Tnororruns J oroal7 •68 Chovy hoovy duty,"now “ H PARTS $3400. i 324.5094 ovm. ,onoino, runs good, $1200, - ■ CENTRAL EQUIPMENT li . 83?.6348ovosffwookonds ■ 1964 VW V onogoa AM/FM.. ( *17!9 Mo* COMPANY INC. bl HAY 7 9 Toyoia 4x4 PU. '84 mo- ■ TOD bod. snow (iroe, oxcol. : Bol»«.33e>2702 or C /9T301,0,A,C, 60 PaymPayf ents. 12.9% APR, :. '$5850. Call Jim . days 622- tor , & Irons, sholl, storoo, & ■ 1^0^6-7568 7722, 7] ovoa 622:8542.______}lin whool. $3190. 734.9152. ■ Sales-Taxjx CoiiectedC Poe«l«llo-233-2850 1{ Ofl.aOO.234^082. . n1987 Dodgo Caravan mini- -• CASH O N THE SPO T ■ vnn. AC. cassono. $7775. Usod cars, pickups, RVs ■ ■ JD 644A and 644B loaders. 7^Cnll 324-4552 or 324-2724. Soo Jim or Oon Corfo at ■ i P M 3 yord buckot. good condi- '*1988 Dodgo Caravan, most MAGIC VALLEY F 12-5 lion. Wil (rado. Bill Lough- ° options, 15,500 milos, M O T O R S |ISMAMCEASIE l tim; ...... » , E 9 5 m , : : : ' millor. 733-5761.______$12,995. Cnll 734-9429. 356 A ddison Avo. W. L 7 7 TOYOTA COROLU MlcJilgon loodor, powor shitt. W'Must coll 1988 Chovy Astro, 734.3541 It1937.BIJICKCEHTUHr x a i... $ 8 ,9 9 5 " 2 Door...... :— cab.-1975:Fofd:dufflp.truck.-. ^ *684 tow milos. loadod-.Bost ollor.. -Sell ; your c ar laslor. hnvo us |t9MSUlCKBIVERA!im.^T7. | p , 6 9 5 - ____« 0 Cummins. 13 spood. £rCnll 734-B583.~— ...... "• prolosslonally cloan y^our I. 12 PLYMOUTH DUSTI ■ -cafr0all-fl:C?^0elailr?34—It j j t87SCAIIimMIEVim.ia;iA„ ; -g-QOOf-rn.T...... r s6 8 4 z = 142—ImporVSporla-CBr#—■ ..5fll07Ro^o^"a-dr»-cW^ rtr:lr i m , - , whon vou monlion Ihia od. | i19321»DllUCSEVIUEl^ 1 , 9 9 ^ 781BUICKTARirAVEI 139 Pick-Up Truck! ’91970 Porsho 91 IT Torgo, S! oxcollonl condition, now OTCHEVHOIillSTMiisai.ZIZIl418;995 4 Door, Power Options...... ' ^, ^ V 4 8 4 ^ ^ 1B55Ford 1 ton, robultt”v^T point & intorior. $10,500 (irfn. " 1978 CHEVHOIET1/2 IOH G372Bia » , 6 9 5 4 spd. box, duofs. Will dick- Call ^ 733-8086.______148 1 AnUquaAulos |t 7 7 LINCOLN MARK IV - or, $575. Catt326-4451. 19 Has EverylhiriQ!...... * 1 9 8 4 AIL!LEAST 1971 Triumph Spilliro. -1956.Chovy^l0.post, - 235 6 I*1384 CHEVillILn3/4T0ll w ireTC - $7,995 1963 Chovy 3/4 ton,-283.- Neods-wofk-fW No -inlofmalion- -1 V8, 4 spood. lully rostocod, ca cylindor, looks and runs If1988 CHEVROUT 3/4 TON TIOT.,t $16,295 . 82 V.W. RABBIT — liko now,.-*28M/otfor/Uodo. (rpicall, 536-2637 wookdays oood. c Call 734.9147. I ' 4 Doof. Casselle, Nice...... * 2 4 8 4 (rom 9 am 10 11 om, wook- '42 fl & ’48 Plymouth sodons, lolor, 5 spd. now 191975 Morcodos 240D. 152 ‘Autos-Buick IJ 2 Tone, Aulo,, A/C...... "' “ Z I * 3 9 8 4 “ ” RegardrdlessOf liro s.^ rv ic o boxos, S1500. itS L OOO. 734.1723. nim, S . U Coll 326-5231.______^ 19 1979 Mazda RX7, now •. 71983: Buick Skylmk Limilod, ■ 83 TOYOTA CAMRY L Conaitioiion On Any . 1975 GMC pickup lawk. 4 paiipainl, now ongino, both wilh loa^d^powor.ovoiylhing,--^ ^ -4-OoOfT-AulOn-Aif-.T..T.— ______? 3 9 ^ _ d o o r , now tiro s , 7 1 ;0 0 0 waiwarroniios,-now Etoroo. liros. ». — New^Toyo^otaTrucK!----1 - milos; good cond, soil-con- brabrakos, otc. $5,000 or bosi * 79 DATSUN 280Z lainod with n toot campor.- £!l£ollor C nll324-4327. .. - . 154 Autos-Cadillsc...... — 1S84CHEVR0lET_BtAZERxi55i..^ ^ ^ 3 ^ 4 9 5 $4500. Soo ni 219 Tyler or I9e Sharp, Sharp, Sharp!...:.-77:7Tr..^ * 3 9 8 4 call 733-0073 or 734-7059. 5001980 Corvotto. 65 K milos. J1988 Sedan DoVllle*, 11978 '^ ' CHEVROLET CAHAR0T3653CS30 ...... fe,995 500 01 Doals on Whools on li 76 CHEVY C-10 4X4 1976 .Ford pickup, 150, Wlih Wa 6 10 chooso Irom. Loadod! I]3 ( WftshinotonSl. 733-4017. . 6 1S88CHEVR0irCAVAUERa)i2.12...... $ 8 ,9 9 5 ■* * 4 7 8 4 campor sholl, V8 ongino, ou- I9fi $17,995 each. I... Silverado. Shell...... tomoiic transmission, oxcol- oxc1983 Hondn Accord. 4 door. Cnll Si Rogor lor doioils. I 19S9iSiC CHEVROLET CAVAUER 2015..IS...... $ 1 5 ,9 9 5 — tanttondHronrSoo-lo-appto.- Caloxcollonl condition, $3995. C 8 5 CHRYSLER LAZER:BTUBBO,^ g g ^ _____ r Cinlo. $3500. Cnll 733-5033. 198aCHEVROtET-CrailOI(wiiBiIB------$ 2 ,9 9 5 - 1984 BMW 533i, 27,000 459.8314 Bfler 6 pm. I^gg 1981 Chovrolot Va ton pick- mili 1988 CHEVROLET CORSICA 198: $ 1 0 ,9 9 5 milos, oxcollonl condiiion. _ 8 3 FORD TOUNDERBII up. V-8. 4-spood, PS, $t7 1?'"“ *5984 $5595. -• or?$t7:250. Catl 734-3455 dnys 156 A utos-Chryslor |l91988 S CHEVROLET CDHSICA1991 ^ , 9 9 5 Heritage Pkg,, Power, Lealhei NORTHSIDE AUTO 7or^ 733-3471 ovos______U 300 Main W est, Jerom e inni1966 Hondn Piotudo. oxcol- 7?1978 Chrysler Coidoba. AC, 11971979 CHEVROLET LUV 309*..... P ,9 9 5 82 LINCOLN TOWN C/ 198)89 324-7380 orSJ7-6510 ,oo|lont condition, powor sun- PB, p": PS. auto, new poinl. |Ch0vrolst...... L g . Well Equluipped! ...$7600. Sharp truchi Call mL1986 MAZDA 626. 26.000. 87-OLDS CUTLASS Cli mL Poaably toko oyor pytpts____ 1988 CHEVROLCT S|10 T)!WC. ^ 6 9 5 * 7 3 8 4 934-5985 nnytimo.______o i l 1973 Chovy Impal.i, 4 door L q» •TiltCfurse,-A/C-.——.....,... ol $198/mo, bolanco ol is _1989 2WD D250. tnko ovof S76 sodon. AC, oloctric windows. |*1985CM “» bl*ETmilTra. » , 6 9 5 S7C50. Cnll 734-9027. -PS SC .-P B . low mitoono, $795-l<«w 8 5 FORD T-BlRD TURi pbymools ot $30i'por month' T9Q 1987 CHEVROLET SPHIIIT1998. a , 6 9 5 - with remaining bnlnnco ol 1 AM/ 9 8 7 H onda C lvic-H atch7 ' OfP- bost ollor, C.ill 734-9263 l ‘” Good LooKer;:;,„v.;..".ir— * 7 4 8 4 $ 1SK. C.->ll 733-1304. naoAM/FM cassono.-low milo - ofor733-71B6 |t98 ...... $ 6 ,6 9 5 noo. $4395. Cnll 733 6671 or 1983 C0UEARP36M...... 86 NISSAN KINGOAB «11,!^ 5 1 lon, 3x3, ciow aib..w iih ___ many oxtrns. supor cond. I 1981CATSUII280ZT36aifl...... » , 9 9 5 4x4...... ® * 7 9 8 4 Cnll 324-4122 nfior 7 om. > 171 175—Aulo Dealers hg7; 175—Aulo Ooalers 1 1978 FORD BR0HC0G!9U » , 9 9 5 83 JEEP WAGONEER1 '67 Ford XLT cupor c.-tb. 2 mm litioned, whool. LOAOEDI $10,500. K 198S FORD BROKCO 11567...... p , 9 9 5 Full Size, Power Everything ... * 7 9 8 4 Air Condi 1985 FORD BROMCO G2S8C...... ! 8 ,4 9 5 8 7 BUICK LeSABRE Try .1 lo w c o :.1 "cia33iilij3"’^ | - - -*8484- - -A M /FMj ^ > o S o c i r e > ad toJay. C.ill /33-Oti?6. 1985 FORD BROKCO U aiiA ...:...... ------M- Hower uplions...... 1383 FORD CROWD VIC. ^ 9 9 5 86 FORD BRONCO I I 4 140 Hcavy'Trucks/Somls V-6. Air...... * 8 8 8 4 Power Steeriiring. Power 1970 IH. low milos, 350 H 1988 FORD ESCORT z m ...... r / ,8 9 5 Brakes, FuelelInjected Cummins, jnko. 24' livo lloor. 1988 FORD F-150 T1553...... $ 3 ,3 9 5 87 FORD TAURUS te' dump pup Irnilor, l a Loaded, Power Opliohs, LowJW IMiles .....* 8 4 8 4 $22.000 C.1UM7-4237. 1985 FORD F 250 T1560...... $ 9 ,8 9 5 Engine, Reaiar Window 1979 CMC. 5 8 4 Ii.ms wilh 85 CHEVY S ^O BLAZf $ 1 3 ,4 9 5 r & More! spudbot^ 1976 Chev, 5 & 4 1386 FORD F 250 T1M9...... LoadecJ. Low Miles, Super SCIc * 8 9 8 4 Defroster J ir.ins, PS r.ifolchod. Logari 1380 FORD MUSTANS3CT...... $ 2 ,6 9 5 coll unlo,-)dino »pud bod. 20 8 7 DODGE RAIDER 4X< lool gt.iin bod .ind hoist. C.TI1 1988 FORD RAH6ERre89*...... $ 1 3 ,9 9 5 ’*'* *9984 Superior EnterprUet Loaded...... 20S-7aS-S500.d.lv or niohl. 87 GMC SIERRA 280 sncks. moiQl spud or qrfijhbod. $600 324-8704 Classic4x4, Power Options...s * 1 0 , 9 8 4 .68 KW truck, good cond, 87 MERC. GRAND J5.000 mi. on compluto in- Ir.imo 350 Cumminf. Polo .MARQUIS, Complelely Loadeadcd * 1 1 , 9 8 4 Air Lonl-3.90 goars 8 7 PONTIAC T.A.-GTA C.-ill Mihn. 543-5327. . ™ * 1 2 , 9 8 4 Ford 10 whoolor, 22' bool/ Cherry Red& LoaUed...... 'I'.iiii bod, doublu tioisi. tO '.pood Ro.id Hanger. Call nt- AQTOR COMPANY lor6pm ,S43-6C 0a______■MriM■ MOTOR COMPANY 3 YOTA - )ccpv? Eagle Now 1989 42 lool Jolco hop­ TOYOTA-Iccp^j^EaRlc. per tr.-iilor. loH-ovcr Inrp, 11 X WILLS^ 2 4.5 r,idi.-»ls. $1G,500 plus WILLSS ..FET. Cull Bill LouQhmillof. Shoshone St. W.if.» 7 3 3 -BUY- 1 ^ jitiostione S t. W.iW.» 733-BUY-l^ 733-5761... ------^ ■ 1 J

1 'Sunoay. July 30.1909 Tlmos-Nows. T Twin Falls.-lcJaho' ' • • ■ Valley happ■penlngs D 3 ■ Dear Abby/ 1 D 4 rU tl / i / e ______■_3enior,menn iM D 4 ______= M ! f W Bi care Tour Iexam:lines \Valiev histoi jology By JU L IE F ^ S E L O W SWSWETYE He told to u r p a(irticipants rt about filmingjhs,jT5.^pem ng episode, for WhVhiting, who grow up in rt Michigan Mi home designed by . _ Tinies-News’-^ tc r 'T)awning,’' whichich details the arrii:*Kirmiman in Idaho. One his uncncle, a student of Wright’s,t. awardd-aids scene at_G raysLs Lake in southqastern idahoiho took 21 ta k e s. Remmarkably, Whiting wns thehe (only person to look at tho Influences wrought byy natureni and by people have'c shaped Bowler showewed hia guests a g a z ^ ' he built above the house.e. “I waa afraid- som e wealvcalthy a rc h i^ c j from New____ “ the S nake R iv e r Valley; aniand theae forces were exploilored this- riverfront~on~hi'his-lnndrHackborrjrtVces' eS"UinKle~uver'tlic ' York o r Loa Angelas wbul3"gotot lIt t 7 Ke 'said, adding that a month in a' p a ir o f tim elyy toursto along thc’plairi.' bank just outsidsidc'lhe sereerie3-porch,-ari^arfalry. reluge l_qr harsh1 winte\ r prob'oblykcpt o therior prospectivej buyers awny. studelents Participants — manyy takingti the trips for crcditlit a t the meditation. “WeVe venerate the life,” he saicmid, noting nothing Whitilting pomta’ourthc diamondond p attem -on th e patio out*------College o f Southern Idahclaho or Idaho State Univere rsity — had been done to change the site. side thjLhat established a grid for• thc home. Thc grid, he said, A Tew weeks ago,>, wwhile working on a traced thc*riVcr up- M H is ‘like a staff for mu­ story about child carca re in th e Magic Val- stream from thc Ore* sic, nnd thc walfc in ley, I m et or h eard1 ab o u t ipany women gon Trail crossing at the houso, thc notes, who wont tb b e tte r• thith em selv es and their Glonns Ferrj- to Fort ■'lhe music." families thm ugh educducation and employ* Hall in Tour daylong Inside and out, ment. sessions. Billed as a “ there iirc“virtunllyTio------‘Geologic, a n d . His* J ’ g : ; , i _ right anglea. Win- tone Trip Along the dows, chairs, comers Julie Snake R iv e r,” thc H und th e dining room tours w ere co*spon* tabic all carry out thc , Swetye sored by th c two col* |w theme. ‘It creates an Spotlight______leges and tho Twin H mm effect of harmony," - Palls CouiityCuim-ii^ W 1^ ^^Whlting -saidni any !* —nial-Com m ittee.------m -o f-th«-picmcflta-woro------Fojijnpny of these3C vwomen, the biggest About ~ 25 people v 4 B f changed, he added, Mobstacle to success is Ilack o f affordable were on hand for tho H — MrR k th ere would be disso* childcare. In lieu oif f extensivec: govern* first d a/^ -activities, I nancc. ment assistance, perhjrh o p a com panies and which included stops M alad Gorge ■ organizations noed to 1leadthewayin ' • at i ' Thrdc ' Island ^ “Probably.the most. . . helping parents helpp themtl selves. Crossing i State Park, H ^ _ disappointing thing ------Church Women UmJJmtbd of Magic Valloy- -th -i e Snake R iver. Pot-- about Malad .Gorge . . , . understands this need,ied, a n d h as instituted tery, | Teatcr’s Knoll, H State Park is that a $480 chlld-care scholholarship for a woman Malad ] Gorge State ^ 9 ■ very few people know whb would like to pursursuc-studies at thc: ' Park J and the Hager- about it." Manager Collcgc of Southern IdiIdaho b u t who jacks ^lan\ Fossil Beds. • D ennis Coyle told resources for day c areare. Three Island ; to u r participants. ______i_Applicanl3 may-be-ele-either-currentor.------_J_But_CoyIo.8nid.thc_____ prospective CSI studerden ts. Aug. 8 is thc In ISffl, G u s Glenn H b wealth of historic ahd ’ deadline fornpplicatioitions, available at built I a ferry across ^^_natura! attractions ot • area churches and aIt tt the CSI Center for thc t Snake Kivei-. Fo'r^^^H thc site — coupiod Now Drrections. T hee scholarships( will bo years 3 beforo that, with an upcoming ' adm inistered th ro u ggh h Ithe CSIFouiida” 'many "r pioneers on thc |H H second phase of de* tion. OregonC .Trail,braved 1 9 ■ ^ vclopm ent — could ...... According toJoanH1 H uston o f CWU, a a 0 risky river crossing m oke M alad Gorge prim e goal o fthe ecumumenicalgroupisto in ]< hopes of finding a '• better known iiTlhc' identify and deal w ithth (th e root causes of shorter s route, pre- future. poverty. The organizatzation decided to cious. c shade, more WM The Malad River s ta rt thc scholarship3 piprogram when drinking d water and w as nam ed by beaver members realized thatfiat women frequently ' better b fced..for..their * trapper Alexander sta y bii welfare o r in1 d(dead*end jobs be* livestock. li ^ Ross, olso famous for . cause they can’t afford)rd child care while At Three Island w his~' exploration of attending school. CCrossing State Park, f t H -Galena Summit. .. Organizations andI inindividuals who Manager ^ John Frank H Many members of would like to contributelute to thc scholar* explained c thc site's | R Ross’ p a rty fell ill ship fund m ay call 537-37-6650 o r 733-3796. significance si as thc B while at thc site in Anyone needing additioitional information . - group g sat within sight.. ■_lfl24^Coyle exp!aiocd. __.____ about thc scholarshipp pprogram may call, of ol thc river and wag- B accounting for its too. • on01 trail. About half r nam e. Carl Kohntopp, sonn oo: f D ean and Carol - the if “ westward'' em i~ ^H — The- arca-also was-...... Kohntopp of Buhl, h as18 I:begun his seven* grants g; attempted the' knovm as a stop on week basic cadet tralining im p rogram a t thc crossing, ci using the the Kelton Road, a Al r't^ nTrt'^ATTlrtffTViy^ rin -ColoradoSpnngs,-^.^ -gravei-bttraand-nalu—^ H freight wagon route — „ C o l o ^ 49S9 g rad u atee olo f Buhl H igh ra! rt islands. W hen wa* School, hc was activ ee irin ban d , track and ters. tc were high, they Boise, used from 18G9 community affairs. He-Ie w as nom inated fioated fii the wagons; - I to 1879. for thc acadomy by Cos^ngreasman when w thc river was TWn*»-HrH nn pMIMUUe rANSeiOW SWCTYG^0 Visitors' on a foot* Richard Stallings. lolow; ' th e -_piorieers TcdWd Weasrna. center, a geolog>g|st vrfth th e Bure a u o f ^La n d Management's Bclscse IDistrict. leads a tour ofr tthe Hagerman FossU Bedsed s h p d g e hig h abovo thc Othernewsfrom Staiitallings’officeindi* —- -.pi■pulled' th e ir lo a d s '” ...... n v c r. g a z c d -d o w n .a t------cates our congressmana n is a real pinball across. ac T eater’s KnoU the watei«rfall and gorge, shelvesB ofo f rock hanging prccipi* wizard. At thc A m usemem en t an d Music Op* NjOt all su rv iv ed . B ul thoseDSC who did managed tonvoiioid thc Just up the hillII fromf the Snake River Pottlottery, architect tously juf[ust yards below busy Intersterstate 84. W as thc gorge orators Association’s 1989IS Congressional dry, (jr rocky southern route. ThThe crossing was usod primimarily Hcory Whiling andnd his wife, dancer Lyneltt*Ai FKessler, live in created byb glacial action? The BonrJonncville Flood? Volcanic Pinball and Coin-op BasBasketball touma* from Tn 1840 to 1 8 ^ , F ran k said>aid, although fur tra d e rs usused it the only Idaho houlouse designed by famed ararchitect Frank activity?? “It depends on w hich geoli'cologist you talk to," said m ent in Woishington, D.tep form ations; forged byy sasands a t th c base of lava . his sonD an took sccondmd p la c c on thc the ih aroa served-as a-fishinging village-for the Bannock:k and flows, limine the canyon. ______Tim,e_MachLne_pinbflll,g.ll.gam,e._Lo8t g e a r 's SShoshoni h tr ib e s .------al-aclivity-also-is evident.t.Golden-eagle,-mountain—^ G ------,;;;^H uge-basa? pinball champ was none3ne o th e r lhan Vice On Aug. 12 a t H a.m .. a, wogon wj crossing ro-enaclmei a^t boulders beneneath-ffic-u^S beat ' and thc red*tailed hawkiwk are-among-the-8pecies— ^------President Dan Quayle. ■ ‘ tbthe state p a rk will highlightight the busiest weekend of thc trees a t th:he Snake R iverr I P o t t e r y th at have/e visited the park. The Stallings’ S250 pri:prize w as donated to gysum m er in G lenns F erry. Year Yc round, visitors to theC park] near ^ a g igerm an are typiip i c a ! o f ------— — Ha ga rm a£ Fosail.BmlBod f l ...... -- ..•..thei^pjp^raUy^WiLderacmeas Handicapped_ --^nxaiLsc&Amcrican bison-andicidioaghnm .cn ttie,,'------Outdoor Group, w hichli hihelp s a r r a n g e ^ ^ ' "lKose~a^^ aosifea B ^the Bo)• b H i n e v i i l ^ Th’crTrure u no fosail'deposits in-tho•tho world thal can match SnakeI RiRivor P ottery- ; wilderness experienceac s foI r h a n d f c a p ^ L Hagerman. Ted Weasmata cof the Bureau of Land lich occurred 18, people. Kevin M ahler• of W eslcm M usic, , Drich Bowler’s back yardrd isi: a testim ony to the powewor of F loodrw hi. 8 , 0 0 0 t o “ ment told'the tour during; anar orientation session at a memberofthe amuseiisem ent tra d e orga* thithe Bonneville Flood, whichh changcdcl the face of Idaho0 ;and,' 30,*>,000 years ago.a . the H agererman Museum, nization.'says he hopes}s £S tallings will look paparticularly, thc Snake RiverrcT Plain. I I— Weasmima and Bill A kcrsten, curatoia to r o f paleontology a l the him up next time the corco n g ressm an ’s in p . _____Tho home, Teateiiter’s KnollrWas originallyy builtb for Idaho Idaho MujIuseum of N atural H istoryy in Pocatcllo. lectured to __Hugc-basalt-bouldors-beneaneath the-treee-at-thc-Sneke------Twin-Falls-so-they^an-gn-go-play^me-pin------' I arRsrAT^re'ToflWfltcrrnndit-was the onlyy artist’s/ studio the groupip before loading a caravani’an out to.the fossil beds, er Pottery n e a r H agerm an aare n typical of those dcposilei ball. pied aside from his ow n h oipies, ^ i Taliesin in which lastist year bccam c a national1 mimonument. tho floodwaters throughoutt theth valley. Scientists calcuc u la ^ Wright ever designo Dr. Michael McGreer,ier, son of Mr. and cum ie Wisconsin an d T alieiliesin West in Arizona, N ow .ththere is Vory little lo indicate the fiood took p lace 18,000 too 3(30,000 y e a rs ago. :ate thc fossil bods’ stata?. Mrs. Robert E. M cG reete e r. T w in Falls, To me it’s rema:narkable that a celebrity ararchitect would A pile off ssample bones sits along; a ttrail, but visitors must was recently promotedd ttj o d irecto r for the ,Acting a » h o st for a n upcorn:orning Public BroadcastingJg-Sys* stoop to do a tin y pl:place like this in thc.backwo

I' i 0 -2 Tim os-Nows. Twin Falls.alls. Idaho Sunday. Jufy 30.0.1 1 9 6 9 Beth Forbc.s, sisters of bride------Watan naberForbes “groonv-- ^ ~ _ W e d d i n g TW IN TALTS A l —'Gc rjanne~Jra nkd5 ~ Dr. Kevin Took wns thche l)c^i~mun. g s ______A______Watanabc aiand Dr. John Francis3_Groomsmcn-indud£d_Mi < Viichad_aod_tt^^^H|Hu Forbes wererc married July 8 at the.?. , AHnm FnrhoB^.bmlhors.iif i-Sarah-Jonearniecea-ofthe—I H|^^^H~5r'UoHrr7nnianncy Ofur^niilSilua, , s', nephew of m es~ -0 flower girls. I • groom. Daniel Fairbanks', Oahu, Hawaii■aii. ‘ tthe bridegroom , w as thc ring bearer. TW IN FALLS — Shawilawn L. Sm ith A lex KunJunkel, friend of thc bride- I Officiatinglg was thc Rev. Marc ri ■ A reccptioif w as held folfollowing the H b - • nnd K eith A. Jones worwore m arried groom , served e n as the best man. I 'Alcxandor. en included Grog- Tyler -I ceremony at the Hale Ko.(oq Hotel in B y / ' June 17 nt the First Presbyterian Pi Groomsmen Thc brido0 isi the d au g h te r'o f Mrs. | and ushers‘S'wcro ’ Paul Smith, Doug I Honolulu. Church in Twin Falla. Miriam Fum.uniko Watanabc-of Hon-, E - V OfTlcintihg was Robertert Van Nest. Jones andid Carl Jonos. Zachary I olulu, H a wai:^aii a n d tho late JacobI ■. The bride is a', graduiivuile of the; Milwaukee, H cicn A llen w aa orgonislinifit und Rox Jensen was18 the ringbcarer. SpcciaI - | Watanabc, anand p a re n ts o f thc bride- Marquette ‘ University in ft! Olher music guests inclucludcd grandparents of the I 5 a phyfiical' - LaGrone was soloist. OL groom arc John Jo and Janicc Forbes, Wis.' S ha is em ployed as i .p r tara and Holman Smith of •Hospiliilin wna performed J>y KathylyLaGrone."- L bride,'Barba of Twin Fall'alls. Dr. Forbes is the! therapist [ at St. Francis-H The bride i.? the daughtIghter of Paul H em et, Calilalif. and' grandparents of grandson o fr AnnA M. Piasta and Doris Honolulu. * W. .an d Doris Smithith of Port the bridegnxroom, Manley and Emma of Gerionncm e a n d D r. J o h n ______------______M. ForhG.sofl)fTwin Falls. Tho_bridcgrQQm is a gr ------^Townsend^Wash. andrpim|JUa'iit.‘^_ofth(i-'_HuiimJH uf"T’“Twiir'Pa!i®7“A”TCCcption * ~ F 5 rb e s - S h a^ and KeithrJoilBS J P a u lu K aQshlwaodor sl sister' of the the t Collego of Idaho'.ahd the'tf Univer 7 - bridegroom an? O ra W.. nrnnd Mildred w as held folkallowing the cerem ony, , _ 'bride, was thethc b ride’s m atron of hon- sity s o f W ashington Mediciical School, C cnter in Honolinolulu. Jones o fT w in Falls. T he brideie is a graduate o f & u th - of thc University of Nevi !va^.Rcno._„j_ijridesm.imaida.-included—Sarah Hc.i.B_a.fellow ^ iri child and.iJ. adolescent The_^n^w]yw^j'w^ds rcsidejn J^ilua. do f thc brido, e m O regon1 StateS Collcgc. She is em - H ■ ‘ P a t Fernandez, frieild of H e W rits foFTcho B ay Miri Priscilla Forbes and psychiatry p at Tripler Arm,m y .Medical Ha’waii; served aa bride’s matronron of honor, ployed a t BBattle Mountain Junior The newlyweds reside‘■rBattlc ' Bridesmaid wns Lynn1 Avorkamp.fi H igh. The bridegroom bri is a graduate M ountain, Nev. Internse,-dcef:p colors iin for inteteriors Work — MONTVALI,LE. N .J. (A P) — Opulerit intense it cobalt bluos,’ say.n Chnrbon- call this the ageigc of depth."-...... - , . .. colors are in1 ftfor hom e decor, accord- nenu. n • C o n lin u e d fro m Pa|PagcDl bcrger's earlarlier results have been • ' “Parents have this thing ing to Ken ChCharbonncau. color mer- Ciia rbonneau,au, who dccidcs what fivo yoarK beforo, ot least;ast partially confirmed inin- a much larger study of—w(-wbrk-cthic. You teach youi lur chldrcn .hondisini; mimanager for Benjamin -HAmerica ia-cmbracingr ckgnnce,-...t colors go on thothose Jittlc paint chips,. in respon-so lo the studeiudents' work jO.OOO student’nts in Wisconsin and'Cal* to work very hard in jobs hchi says. “Rich, deep colorsrs are whal and ultimiitely!ly in your home, says schedules. ifomia thatt 1has not yet been pub- ing in; tables or pumping gas, Moore & Co. bright reds, orangps and wwell see in thc "SOs. You mmighl even mauve is out. Work al.so has bcenn oassociated Hshcd. is a sign of responsibility.'L B raloS --“krorhH witli increased drug nnd1 alcoholnli use. P a u l Bartoi■ton, author of th e N A E P those thi kids get very poor gradesgr and, w-i «' W nrltinp kirfn hnvn mnrf>ff mmonpy- nrn • ropnrt, an?rfLhe h did not mean to aug- . nff lot of that m oney goes fafnr honr nn ~ under more stress nnd1 mmay come gest- th a t “thishis is a rosy situatioA'for weekends,’ w( says Susan Dawes E o f” — lnto~contact~B 'ith“ oldor'TJr-Tccn^ngerB—nll-BtudentBT' irT hc-averages-ahow -no—All-AlexandriarVa;------debntjilile. in those bootsts anymore.t ... Some- more likely to have suchI habits,ha says association between 1 school and Susan\ and . David Dawiwcs have Chaytor MaMason, a psychologist shshe say s — it could be high:h or low — lim es com paniesrileraon’n ik e Ihat'lh'eTf------L aurence Steinberg, a Temple Ten Uni- woric, but indindividual circumstances raised rai two valedictorians who v went who is ossociatiate professor of human but bi it is safe to say that a hugohi num- products a re facfads" as demand can versity resenrcher andI pcpsychology should be takiaken into account. There on to Ivy League colleges,;s. A third factors at thee UI niversity o f Southern ber be flop, “which m eans thotat even lhe disappenrovemii•m ight. professor. - are probablyly lota of kids buried in chichild with a straight-A avaverage is California,, saisaid: “The fad begins most mi sophisticated pcopie don’td( know ., . " • "If your-only outcome1 rairaeasure is-.,these average;ges who work long hours . headedhei fo_r Princeton thiss :fall. The . when.we discov:ovor th o tlh e re ’s a facet .-wl.what people-will-be'fuscinnnnted with • Todny’s-tiej-dye- -d y could- be tomor- test scores or Brados, )-ou j-ou may be and do poorlyriy, and I'm sure educa- thrthree, all boys, were nevercr allowed of our persona!nality which has provi- ununtil it's in front o f them . row's puka shollell nccklace.r ■ missing something." saysIS SSteinberg, tors se e themm." .' to 1hold outside jobs. ously been unexpressed ur or uncx- Valerie Folkcs, a USC; j as.sociate co-nuthor w ith Ellen Grecnleenbcrger of Thc Uniteded States has by far'the They were spending thrercc to four • pressable. Th(rhe fad provides the marketing mi professor, . saidlid; "If I. “Fads are boib o m . to d ic,1.H akuta-_ . _ a book callcd ‘When TTeenagers highest rates of o working students in hours hoi a night on homeworork," Mrs. means, or thcbe excuse." P erfcct cx- could co p red ict a fnd. I woulculdn't need .snid. “In fad stanstandard lime, a day is Woric" •- the world, witlrith Canada a d istan t sec- Dawes D a 'says. ‘My, husbaniind never amples. he saisaid, a rc tho vanity li- thithis job. It’s very hard to.knknov'r'^whnt a month, and1 a fnd .that lasts two • - - Thc book describes a 1982 study of ond, Steinberg;rg says. “Working while w wa anted them to w ork duiluring tho conso plate andnd thc bu m p er sticker. is going to cap tu re th e publicilic's iniag- months is a classiassic." 531 Om h g c County, Calif..1. Uteonjogere one g « s tofuhigh j school is unheard o f school set: year. Hc had takenn iodd jobs “Fatware all about fantasy." Ma-.^im^inalion." . in w hich th e authors foundnd tthat work in J a p a n ," ’hehe saj^. “The"JapnneM diiring“lheTchoor diii year andid hc just son ndocd. "At'At propitious times in 'What is known, she snysys. is that But for those)se hoping to find the in excess o f 15 to 20 hours)urB a week society is orgarganizcd_such that school thought tho it was too m uch." ' life, many o f■ uius feel th e sam e way. •word wo o f m outh is th e m ostIt effective< next P et Rock, TTiony Husch and Lin- tended to cause lower gradeadcs and di> is thc only thiithing that kids are to be Consequently, \when somebody does m mi arketing tool, together witkith media da Foust, authorshors of “That’s a Great m inished involvem ent in schschool. concerned aboibout while they’re teen- Mrs. J Dawes says she sa'jaw many something thatat fits our fantasies and exposure. ex| A fad, she said,d, “almost Idea!,"ofTer a fcvfew suggestions: . “Earning and Learning*g * a reirent agers." kidkids with “a lot of money frtfrom th e ir needs, we suddeIdcnly find it very excit- feeds fee bn iLself, like the Cabbage l report b y th e National Assesucssmontof In America,;a, parents oflen approve jobjobs and the parents didrdn't quite ing." PatchPa doll fad. When peoplec isaw peo- ‘Think of a1 nenew automobile gad- Educational Progress, saidlid a review of and even1 pushp their children to haNhave the control of what. Ithc kids A classic, hc hi observed, is blue pic standing in line, grabbin)ing (dolls), get, of other studies turned upp «no compa- work. Manyy like knowing where spent spe thoir m oney on. I thinlink a lot of jeans, which caughtcai on in thc ’60s as this thi: reinforced th eir idea thnhal it was rabic re su lts nnd added thathat there is their kids aroirc and believe strongly -ituit went to alcohol in som c cai:o sc s.... A a sj-mbol of rebellion rcl but proved to a goodg product." •Invent somcthicthing specifically for no causc for alarm concoricoming the th a t a job. eve■ven if it is only flipping lolot t of ' times w hat they w antthe t t mon- have a stayingng pow er T are to fods Ono ( fair p redictor of sucijccess for commuters, toJ makem those freeway academic performance of studenta . hamburgers at a a ’ fast-food joint, ey forI is nolhing substantial,ll, a bettor and. indeed, carcame lo be a symbol of any anj new product is for it toJ havef the hours more fun.1. who w ork." builds charactQcter and teaches good pollpolo shirt. Il's not w orth the:icir work- conformity. wordwo: "new' attached to it... '“A vory But Steinberg said his an(and Green- work habits. ing,ing.' A fad is, by>y • ndolc-s------Janet~Boun|uiii, Murtaugh,jgh.rc-- " ~ yearand womrTzr$<^00 Sclenc(fGrotto— n-care-olJulie-tanjielow HweWf W :------tor;=-t3-thBt-B0-p}-perceni-of-.new-proield- ^ Aug 5 Bccl'ecky Bridwell thi'y get th e funding.' Wcasmisma.said. cd samples of fa anim als from several mM M'lark a r Neville But eventually, interpretivevc ( ccnters geologic eras,s, Tho scientists can C a ith A r p iso.uscd at__^o_reroro_se_e_w’: A u g n F a ith _ond_prt>£tam.s_su_ch.n_s_lhoRoj ^•hat_chanccs._if_any,___H xld-Ar-ehsmeyef- - - D inosaur NationaI_ Monumiumcnt in have tak en pisplace in thc spccics. V m m - i3)_Todd U ta h 'a n d Colorado and' JohnJoh Day Hagerman is omone of few a reas in the ^ A u g 12 KJ im m W a r tg o w Fossil Bed.s in Oregon shoulcould be in world whoro'sucsuch a variety of sam- latrG'Bricn^ ------^— place, ready to toll thc storyory of thc pics are availiailable, thc scientists m |H ------hannon Chestnut H agerm an horso. Idaho's statetate fossil, said. Aug 12 Shan S tclephen p i Rchcuscr Aug 12 Larka r k K y l e s ___Something, juJust fo r you . haries Kruse [ lisiabctli-AlIara””" ~ illV tliiF r"-'” ” TAugnarEiiiu C hharies a r Kodner Aug 15 Dianeanc Everson M\VRM C I|o W ] \ o y S m ith ®RS/]1 .GERS I ('ocAuo,i7)Trcy REAST ■■ G E Tr O F F T H E AnVERTISlNG n : I C O S T anc Schaal *• f \ BR Aug 18 Diane ^ J SCRE:e e n i Ng ■ A rron o n ionics ; / f i ary Lamara 1 Aug 20 Mar> ^ P R ODGRAM ■I M E l[TRY-Gi^O-ROlUlTO cren Woncnberg v m X \ K E A DV4JVrACE0F01 \ DURfTOHECXM)4 H » S E i n ^ C E -Aug-26-SlieHIcily Row lan fcZTTy Jill Chehestnut, R.N. . We canT assist you in . We will helpelp you obtain I Granrant Phillips D P ro g ra mm Coordinator identifyir'ing all your sources E L £ j approvedI aiad materials. I I cxactly what they ' H P- of co-op Wc know cx w.'un.in a w cddirJding o r show er gifL : heir list as gifL<; ore ;; C S We now car:an help you with Wc up-(laic thcii I purclutsc. W e will.p.provide you with a the claimingng paperwork. I VLsit us whcivhcn shopping for a F reeee Screenings directoryry listing only your g ift W c'il helpIp youy sclcct the gifl ■: really wants. !; You may arrar•ange for a m amimogram n H . . jroducls. co-op pr( lhal thc bride rea We Offer con ($ 68 ) ccdurc i:is perform ed’^ I H. ------/ailablehave for-co-op; ava ------' h y " a ~ > [Vc Cl a 11 r iuncir'fcnuilcali' tcchnollologisi in a — that you would likeketo-advertise. -| bcauiiftillN' doconjtcd.:d. com fonable. private iro o m . For your appoilointment, call: 11737-2900. H I aTrilF TIM ElE s - i v i : w s T1 O D A Y I I 733-(0 9 3 1 C hina Shop Womenicn’s Health & Educatatiun Center ^ .3-S477 ____ : few V ^ Magicic Valley1 Regional Mecledical Center H II. 147 MAININ AVE. W . I i a * I. Sumjnd^ny, July 30, 1989 Timos-NovNowo. Twin FqI|5. Idaho 0-3 EzAnniversrsacies—— ------T h S ^ i i n m e I TTie Juchad u s I ...... TTTHe H opwoddsd s ' ® BUHL - Mr. and MnIrs. Dalo Hop- He retiredred from Rangcn’s in 1980. BUHL — Mr. and Mra G eorge F. EDEN - Mr. andd L .J. I M wood will be- honored aat n potluck ZimmDra o f Buhl willill bc honored I Juchau o f E don will bc hohonored at an picnic Aufi. 6 in obscrvavance of their The couplcuple’s children are Clarence with a potluck dinner in observance I open house Saturday inn obsorvancc U 55th wedding anniversar;iry. Hopwood of Eugene, Ore.; Allen of thoir 50th wedding ann:innivcrsary. I o fth e ir 6 5 th ^ c d d in g anniiniversary. Friends and relatives'es are invited • Hopwood of Bellevue; Cccil Hop- J Frionds and relativesJ8 a rc invited wood of Kim ■ to call from 3 p.m. toI 6G p.m. a t thc I. Friends nnd relatives15 are invited hl; ______-Juchau..... rand'MrsrdcorgV" ■Juchau > of Eden; Jeanneie Tolman of ...... — • The couplo lijs 11 grandchildren gn Mr. a TWIN FALLS - Mr,Ir. and Mrs. from 1933-JG,-\G. Corning. Calif.; Ann Moffett ^ a n d S an ,-Antonicinlo, Texas; 22 fjrandchil------andl7. great-grandchildredren. .. . ____ ... Zinuners ^ J^ErcdJErauiM ‘inj>fTwinJI F a lls will bc — ln»rr>'-.-tIuchau7— both -c- o f - G a r d o n dren;._45-- grcat‘gnmdchildren;-.-and:rgi honored with'a potluck'di tim e, lliey m oved to Hazel------^ ^Grove, ( Calif.; nnd Vemm Juchau'-of one great-gr•great grandchild. farmed there until retiring Tfie E ichelhb e r g s in observance of their sf;s,‘GC -5?= ■ anniversary. GOODING - M r. andnd Mrs. Hugh ' — The-Franze — H | B | Afler traviraveling for several years, Eichelberg of Gooding; willw bc hon- I Friends nnd relatives■s nre invited they settleded iiin Twin Falls. HUHL - Mr. and MMrs. Robert orod at an open housee S atu rd ay in I to call from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. at the Franzen of Buhl will bele honored at ^ observonce of their 50thh w edding an- I __Rock- Cruek-Park-ncar-ir- th e M agic The eventent is boing given by their----- an open house Aug. 6 inn observance ------niversary.------^______B Valley Regional MedicalII Center.( childron.^oj■Joycc^Johnston of Buhl: "o t their SOth w edding anniiniversary. Friends and relative ana rc invited to . Vcrda Pool3ol and Linda Hitchcock, ------calLfronu2_p, m ._Ui_5_p.i_j)jT^_at_lhc_^^^^^B Friendi! and relativess arc; invited I Trnutweiifand Trcavaa Baird were both of 1Twin Falls; Robert - Gooding City H all, 4th and California —to-ciill-from '2 p.m. to 5 jp.m.-at-the— -S&3fc!lEy n — m arriod Aug. 8,1929, in B urley------Troulw ein1 of-of-ColumbusrNcbTanda------St. Presbyterian Church, 51616 Main St. in ^ niece Irelaa GiffordG of Portland. Ore. Eichclborg and Hildi Ju n k ert Buhl. d Thci^iipent 2'h yen rs irin C alifornia who was raise•aised by the couplc. w_ere jnorried Scpl.. 2, 1939, IK in War- .. They were honored att ja reception I before'retumingto Idahoto to, fa rm ,. . .L ...... den, Wash. They have livi in Mon- in Siicnim ento, Calif, on)n April 6 a t Thc couplcuplc has eight grandchil- tana, Oregon, WashingtcIgton in Cnsa deloS'N inos. They .settled i in • thc Eden : area dren and four'our great-grandchildren. Gooding since 1 ^9 . _ _ The event w a s given by their chil- “ He'worked for the cityty oI f G ooding" dren, Lila Leo KorvinkofDfSncramcn- for 30 years, the la s t 103 yiyears as .u- to, Cnlif.: Nancy Len of o Rocklin. luao and Hilda 'i pervisor, ShT“worked as a seam- . , . Eichelberg Calif.; ^ and Robert Framnren of Red- ' "TTT™ (ttress and was a 4-H leale a d e r for 35__ * ding, Calif, nnd th eir spou!iusiefl-_.____ _ ' ' jM years, c W ld r^ ,”MoMaril^-McBride of Mat- They have been activeve : in 4-H, thc toon, III. aand Gary and Elaine Franzen of Newman,, Calif, nnd -■ ■ J United Methodist Churchirch and the EichelbergI olo f Boise. Louiso L O tterson o f Willollows, Calif. Classic T-Birds o f Idaho.). werew married April 16, IJ1939 in Wil- . R otwibert and Louise The event is being giveiven by their. Thc.coupleDie haa- five g ran d ch ild ren ... tows. tc Franzen______' Soil disstricts S]sponsor ]photog(raphy ccontest „ We cater tcto the By DIANE SCHORZMANJi “Juflt abouK)ut everybody who lives TTwin Falls area, designeded to reduce d airy m en to develop conservation ...... z ' Times-News correspondent'nt . and works in the M apc Valley is in- eerosion and improve the waterw quali- p la n s to contontrol erosion and to con- volved in agigriculturc, i either dircctly tjly. se rv e and prcprotcct w ater. best namess in toum TWIN F A L L S -T w in FallsFo County or indirectly,ly." says Gayle Stover, in* “But we can ’t alw ays coironsider con- All phologrjgraphs-entcred in the con- residents are invited to ententer a photo formation nrand education specialist scservation und water qualitlity to be th e te s t will be; oion display a tth e soil con- • Namely yoursirs. Brides and groomsis haveh beeh contcst being sponsoredI bjby local soil for the Twinin Falls and Snake River ftfarmer’s total responsibilbility,' says servation boibooth al the Tw in Fulls registering a ti: The Bon Marche for yeyears. And for conservation districts. soil conscrvalvation districts. SlStover. “We ull need to be)e concerned County Fair,ir, good reason. WeVeV always offeredd aan extensive Thc Twin Falls, Snakeke River and Thc three}c local soil conservation aiand we hope this photo contcstci will , Only amatlatcur photographers are Balanced Rock Soil conserservation dis* districts curcurrently have projects, hihelp focu.s o u r thinking inn ithat direc- .eligible. Phottiotos con bc entered a t thc selection of thche finest names in chinalina, crystal, tricts- hope the co n tcst wilwill in crease such as thic c gift selections5 iso much easier. Yourjr ppreference list is Welcome Wagon>n plans luntheon _____Salvation Armjmy holds day campp- ^ " ' back wilh theth entrant's name, ad- automatically enterede and updatedj alat all Bon Marche — TWINTAlXS^WclVclcomc Wagon will m eet.fora fc TWIN FALLS-Th• The Salvation A rm y plans1 tIWO dny “ "li ‘“Itelephone number, pboui' stores. lunchcon at 1:30 p.m. TTuesday at the Weston Plaza,Pli camp sessions in Augiugu.st. Thc first session. Auf.ug. a-I2. localion andid title and the en tra n t'sI photo is eligible' for the 1350 Blue L akes Blvd.. N,N. Neal Howard, youth dircirector will be for childrenen ages 7 through 10. Thcc second “8“ 'f ‘he ph nox/Noritake/Mikasa/DarDansk for the Idaho Youth RaR anch in Rupert, will be giguest week, Aug. 15-19, is for children 11 through1 114 The youth award.d. China Lenc speaker. Cost is S5.i. 'To make reservations,, 'call cost is $15 p er child,d, uand some cam p scholarsHsliipsj(rc Photos munu.st be unmounted and ■ Royal DDoulton/Pfaltzgraff i :oIor prints, either 5x7 or 733-2082 by this evening.ng;...... available. For morearc information, call 733-8^-8720, o r unfram cd coli ------;■ stop by 318 4th Ave.■; N.N • - 8x10 inches,I, anda must fit into one of Vaterford/Lenox/Mikasa/Tsa/Noritake four categoricirics: kids in thc environ- Crystal w: J.G . Dururand/Bormioli « Dance features1 Braun,E Mexican fmood Bruins of '64: pplan 25-year reunilion menl, the Island, clean water for Dol Class wildlife androI recreation. TWIN FALLS — A Street; dancc featuring BBilly’ TWIN FALLS-Th• The Twin F alls High Schoo: Oneida/Towel/RetropeuleuA'amazaki___ _ Broun aj\d a Mexicann dinnerd; aro slated for Tucsi£sday oC19&l w ill.h6lda-25-25-year reunion Friday andid Satur- First-placc:c winners in cach catc-. Fktware c at St.' Edw ard’s. The! dinnerdi will bc served frorrom "6' ■ d a y n t tho T u rf Club.~/ib.~Anv cln s s m a tc s jr friendiid».inter------goty.wilLroctoceivephoto-suppliea-do*— p,m.-to 9p.m .-iathe-parparish-holl ,-with-a-cost-of-S4-S 4 -fo r'^ s tc a m attending should sh call R o b ert C. BroIrown a t 'oclocal businesses a n d a Linens & 1B a th Fieldcrest/Spriiipringmaid/Cannon adulU.and $2 fo r childreiren under 12. The dance onjn th e 734-3433 or 733-21088 bcbofore 6 p.m. grand prize• w winner will bc aw ard ed Vara/Crc:rosciIl/Wamsutta/Martex>tex/Laura Ashley churoh's south side (como m e r of 2nd S treet E ast andnd 6 th. ------_____ S50. A speciacial youth prize, for cn- Avenue East) will staistart at 7-p.m. and contiiitinue The-Times-Newss «welcomo.f-news of comni\munily trants ages 14 nnd under, will be giv- through 10 p.m. Admissiission is $2 per person or $555 per; events. Send niaterin■rin/ to Times-Ncws Valley‘y Hap- cn fo r th e bestcst photo. .Housewanres Krups/Braun/Culsiijlsinart/Rowenta— family.-Ali'procecd3willwill go to St: Edward’»-Cath(tholic - pcninss, Bo.t TwinTw Fnllsj p 83303.J^Ieat?asc in- F o r more) iiinformation call the lo- Belgiqueje/Revere/Chicago Cutleutlery/Gerber/ School. elude a phono numherber where yhu~cah berencbeiiit’d ------cal.soil conseiscrvnlion officcs at 5-13- ______Henckel;B is Calphalon/ScanPan/(an/Cuisine ______I 6401 o r 7 3 3a * S ^ T ^ Cookwai'are' . A few silim p lerchhiecks caf]f l e n su reesafe diIriving A ugj u s t Bri&i^ e s lUook__magazine—boforo—lar-larlyT-cspcciaUy-bcforc-aniinri nfb>r n • T hnrk thnthe tires-for wenr.-Tir'caJ:L^ ______Becky_BcidW:w e l l ------Elizablabeth-Allard------loading up, to t< en su re a safe and long lon trip. If tho car burns oil,o: keep a out of alignmciTicntor balance can wear Mark Nevilliills CharUarles Kodner A relaxing w eekend getaway gel is pleasant trip.3. fovfew q u arts along with a pouimr spout in —c u t in a hurrurry. Chcck thc owners'- ju st a few hours’ d rive2 tlownti thc • G et the enengine tuned. A Bummer the trunk. manual forthethe proper inflation prcs- Karen Fuch:hs D ianne e Evensen highwoy. The usual roundand of last* tunc-up is a goodgc idea many drivers • Check the ra d iato r. Repe p a irle a k s, su re . Note ththnt the manufacturer r^lke Bledso>0 6 — ____-Tro;roy Smith . . mjnutc chccka have beeriCcn m a d e : overlook. A ppoorly running eiimhc in itHe radiflior nnd Kosea. FillFi the ra- ma v rccommcmend various nrcssuros ___ House-plants-are-wntcrcd'■cd“ and"lhi) uses m ore gas.as. diadiator with a hnif-antifrececze, half- depending pntin the lond in thc car. Bc ------m r n c ^ o n m\T€^r------Pam elaBlffH antsm an------^ — coneemakor-isunplugged.d. ^------* Chango-thitho oil..Tak©^h_0 c a r to n - wnter-mixturn—Thewn nnUfreirec7;;hclps-:-surT-to.-check eck-lhci'flpiire - tirq- and—- ■ .:;-l^ike:Potteier:;— ':;r7-r;“:'Kenisnt Ptjlzler'-'----- ...... Bul what'about'tHo cdi-?? ...... 'inecKanic orr ia shop specializing in prevent pre boil-over ii> th c sumimmer and .m^ice sure the:he jack is v,-orking prop- Follow these simple- Steps ste from fast oil changc:ges. Changc thc oil rcgu- helps hcl prevent frcezc-up in ththe winter, erly . Sharinon Na:a s h M aryary Zamora Darren Gibs(son Kevenn \Wonenberg ^SACKTCO SC H O OIL l S A L E Faith Arp> Shelllelly Rowlin Todd Arensmele y e r G ranant Phillips J u f e ^ s tt to Augusis t 1 2 t h f P O S !i A L j ( O B S l J a n e t W innin No'vJova L e e - Ed Droxlofir------Craigiiy Julnibun ------APPLY AUGLIG U S T 7 -11 ATTHE PO STiTOfFIC^ < - = ------r S 2 mO T s f f a i r — ------flCnOAl X>WflllHCFMFWr . ■ .la e ShannonChes5Stnut KeuangJ SIbounheuangS ~ Cri ncod lo tconi SS% or- bonorbon ta ba Nrvd (o^n. This uam vrtllII notrx b* givtn again for ihni / YOM.Mdon'tmlMthliopponunlrir.Irr. PRPEARENOWII Jody Leighh G inan a P o g a n y ^ • G o o dd b u y o n Donny fvloncic u r D en nnis is Burgoyne FOUR-HOUR GUAlARANTEEDEXAtUIl/ I W b R K S H O P \ B e: r n i n a AWrflrt ty CxXiianCj «jai rnofMft. NaUNatooal E«am CefitMS (NEC) Scars wo'Wicp n tfw ff'sy compn>rientx;iKs»tc:iuM«'=£="'”‘:'iutwjAi5 • iivt5fCmS«1CU»CTU w ai n r r a n t y • COU^rt'Cv! SV.-ZtfaXSJU • fS50fS50.ruiKC*ni5a»«yAU Po:Pcslil eum. your h;CWT1iCviTorc/^ustsrtniicawa beieluirelun9»d. • cvt'aicviv'cc'.ciA'iro. ■ rojorO^CORC9^EO%CUUUNTCC3 ” S t a r ^ ^IK a s l o w a s TUITION IS S49 .ncJuS« ayrpl.OTpiclB <-f«ur '■otificp, BuKawee and aJSI mairniU.m TuiWn u payj»« al W l U. itv? wc^inoB »'f MUI. tfwc* O' bjrkcardcard PrM07iUaticnijencoui»8od.Vtwcanian a.'iottgtslpf at th4 nttUtes. Bridiial Consultant. Riru/niSAOCMnJlimil worVV

■ — " 'C H O O SE O ^ 2 FOUR-HOUR WORKSHOPlOPS 1 6/3 TMufsday 6:30pm WESTON PUZA:A(rormeriy ( Holiday Inn) e/4 Fiiday 9:OOatT] 1350iO BluoE Ukos Blvd Nortfi 2 0 ^ W THE BON ?• T«k« Twin FalFalltExIKflTSjolim / ^ > / OIo ffa U 9 MARCHE ^ - /y /^ / H fafi b ric 9 AND GIFT Sem tC E ^ V B - Oord l ers . 9 FOR RESERVATIONS CALCTLCTOLiFREE: 1 .8 0 0 -8 4 3 -7 2!43, 4 : Ext 3 4 ' over J l ^ABLE TO^END?^? J«-rxc»no"3«csrv^«»»tDp{n»uaoUJO o nM CAtinn tm t-\ci (rcc*» VMS <. B*U) CM J4J0 in(ipn»T. IOI Maanu U CO isr 1234 Oakley «BBurley r.KXWW tlAMr:AM m» i E n a OWM w e e ruacna n C*««c* P9H»I tlMvig F.*, U3 . J M E B ia n / M / U i NW KI Poruftf on v7?W} Pr®SVompi *iWt t34m toll nu UAQIC U 4UBYUAU, £) TWIN FALLS *794-414-4300 H j 678-1573

X I 0 -4 Timoo-Nowo. Twin Fallsalls, Idaho Sunday.. July 30,.)0,.t989

T^mrvm™nn who ob- No monthi to be some kind of cultist I ilindfold o ff m y eyos in or- I J ...... •ches. der to SCO thi jccted to thc w ay C alifornrhinns No insurairanee requirements -F lo ridI ah Teddy Boar includod.i by other C hristian churchi the real truth of their be- Senior rmenus^ -Jobs baa u a h t e r s -u j g a t R e r - I ______Twin Falls-[Is-;— ------Monday— Craft.i and qiiiliing froni)m~9I30 u.’niy'” chFes’e JEROME — Jobss Daughters , to3:30p.m. F rid ay — Cheese I slices Senior CitizenateI Contor Crafts andmd quilling from 9:30 a,m, t Bethel No. M took part inii the recent Drive to 3:30 p.m. Pinochle at 1 p.m. Grand*Session a t Boise S'Stale Univer- 616 E astlan d Dn n. Bandandies Practice Activities lards in com- Bingontt6 6: :3 0 p .m . sity, taking several awa M onday: StulTed greensn {peppers Tuesday Saturday T uesday petitions held during thee ievent, f Pancake happening frorom 8 a.m. to Ceramics!:s a t 1p.m. installed as r -\' Tuesday: P ork stew Movie at1 10a.m.li Amy Overlin' was ii . Wedneaday; Ham quichiicho Dingo a t i ' noon.everyone'wctcome; W ednosda:day Grand.' 'Junior Custododian. Tina \ / i 1 p.m . r Sunday. Cookie CutHutters Band Practice al 1I__.Chiiders_waa__installcd:d. as Grande _____ Thursday: Beef and nooinoodles ' "Wednesda:day ------Friday; C hicken pa'^tjeje . Crafts and Center closed------—— ^------p.m . • Representative to Nevadida. The girls | | Pfi md quilting from 9:30 a.m. ip p e n ih g ------to3:30p.m. ^ b u s tp Twi rms-unit 1-1 he= B ;.; = Saturday: Pancake hapj 1. , I Agoloss Sonior CitiJitiMna a t 1p.m . oscow. Sunday; Cetiter dosedd • Phone gro^frocory .ortbrs to Williams 1990 gran d sossion in Mos Foodtown. 310MainaN.,Kinimberly Thursday•y B ethel No. |4 won a finIrsl-place tro- H v ...... Activities-'s ----- ^ -ThuxBday All d inners a t noonno Crafls at1 1 p .m ,------■— phy singing "Edelwojs:iss.” In the ly Monduy — Macaroni.,i.,.beef__and Friday ___ . scholarship., competiticlio n ,___Tami_l— - i—i- Library. Pool Room, andan Bargain Grocery’ Di Delivery tomatoes Bingo at■lIT55'a,m: 11 holarship nnd ' Centcr opon daily fromn 9 a.m to 4 , Pinochle3 atai 1 p.m . ll Childers won a S350 scho Tina Childers p.m . Friday Wedne.^day — McatlHtloaf with Pinochle■ al 1 p.m. S usanne Vining was an nlalternate. & jAmy Overlin In the talent competletition, Tinu ~ Childers took third plalace for her For moreore informatioi}/on Job's Someboody needis you — solo. OS well ns third place pli for her Dtiughters,s. ccco niact M ory Childers a t vision. 32M030. ’ nior Volunteer Program.n. volunteer tion will be3 pprovided for those who do0 artw o rk in the senior divi: The Foster GrandparenIrent Program Magic Caroro Center on Wednesday r ■ opportunities are uvaihilable. Call ^nol drive. AlAlso male volunteers aree is looking for a civic-minclindod person mornings. Please P call Leona Jones o ’involved in thc privatelie sector to at734-»lffi. Opnl o r Rosemjiry nt 7;{•^7:-JfAl 'needed loI ido some light lifting. C 1 Helen Thorne a t 73-1-5517. serve on ils A dvisory Comauncil. Moot- T rans IV n . ’ Pleasotall H / needs wheelchairs, Ifyou ings are bimonthly andnd th's *3 a can donate The Foster Gnmdparen'.■nl Program • »71 IX working council. If you anart thai per- chamber,lie al please call Charlie is seeking that special perersnn in Ru- Sl. Benediodicl’s Ixing Term Care son and you are interests■Sted m youth at73•^9950. ‘ pert to serve 20 hours a week w al the Unit in Jeroirom e needs volunteers lo |) program s. cafl D oris FullFuller a l 733- The Sawliwtooth C h ap ter of thc Adull/Child Developmenl•nt Center, cut m en ’s hahair (non-professional ok), 9351 o r M arcie o r Shirleyyat734*7583. u Americnn •Red Ri Cross is seeking as- Benefits include n tnx-freroe stipend, to .provideI r music for residents, to^ * All coufsos taughi: b / local practicing attornoys.oys. A volunteer is neededi to do typing sistanco inI performp> ing its chartered Irnvel t, reimbursement, niund annual read to resi(‘sidenls. for woodworking? * Nino month ovoningng program. at the West Magic Carero Conler. If rcsponsibilitiilities. Volunteers arc need- pphysicnl. accident and liabibility insur- nnd to visitt wwith residents. If you can'' * Dolorrod paymont; pplans availablo. you can volunteer a few}w hours per ed in the arei.ren.H of scrvice to military nnce. FGP benefits do not)t jeopardize • help, pleasee cconlnct Shiriey Pruett nl^ * Sponsored locally bby Idaho Slato Univorsily. OliOlfico week, please call Leona; JoJones at 73-t- families, disaisa^ r services, blood scr- other „ piiblic- as.sistance^ applicants ;J2-l-1301, ext.33:.Uj.hiiye.itiippeiinri' ■■7MahwaK Npw'Iow^lenicv U74V0 munity service volunteeiLeor posilion has n numbeiber of male clicnts who from iiDiin unlil ') p .m .. litransporta- this ciihunn.n. and will req u ire somete dedicated could uso the th as-sisUince and com- time. Applications mayy bbc sent to panionshipjifuif other m ales. If you nre the Nominating Committnittce; Saw- 60 or olderjr and ■ low income and U »th Chapter-ARC; 718 ShShoshone St,- »ould like lo lo carn-tt small stipend E.,.Twin-Kall8,83301. and - travel:1 reim b u rse m e n t,., p tu.s... The Sawtooth Chapter-Icr-American have a free> annuala: physical and free Red Cross is looking forr a few good accident nndid linbilityI insuranco. give men/women lo train asQS volunteer us a call. iVeWe pay you to attend pre- - caseworkers for service; totc m ilitary orientation training,tn too. Call Marcie families. Also, volunteers•sare a needed orShirloyatTit 7:vr-7fxs:j, to do filing, scheduling,, gl.ext.<117. at a t 718 Shoshone St. E. or call 733- ...... If you are 6 6464. e fiO years o f a g e o r older • Volunteers are neededi lo help file and can giveI'e a . few hours per month .. fingernails„of the, paticnt.snts nt West to voluntcerinring, call lhe_Uelired_Scj___


I i ■ i b K J O;e € Russel______I______3Patient,Billingig Spaclallst______Sheri's Western C1 Iho class curls!" M ogic V alleyy custom ers, Saturday 9:00 a.m.-7:00D p.ip.m. Savo 20% whon you'Ou highlight or Sunday 11:00 a.m.-5:00p.ij p ^ ■- su n g litz your hair. I n t e r e ssted? l C ontacc t your. Tim es-!S-N ew s Sales R epresentotixtive or the 8:00 flrm. By AppointmonintOnly' 0 Parm prfea Includ*! aht .D epartm ent toeoday to reserve ; your space. cul. PrataBilbnal hairahampoo. Cl klyl* arid ' Tim es-N ew s TiTelem arketing.E _ NaiiKus'. Paul Mllch«ll*.rear* producta by '* Locatod Noxt To CatalogB Di Erxl Raaulla’ avalllbla»ll*. • 8«b«Bll*n* and Walk Ins Wolcomo or Dailgn wrapa and long : By AppolnlmontsI charga. Saia ar>da Satng,., naIr additional' ONLYr $ 8 0 . 0 0 I n c l uudes i Photo, 6050-65 Words olIf Copy and Collolor It.. Auguat SIh. 0 DeaadiineiiT uesdalay August 1stit • Runs Mondday, August 7t7th ^ Magic VaDoyN-Man The^Stylincig Salon at SK I DPainey 7 Z 3 --0 9 3 1I fjllY afitrr m 3 - Q1 i 9 3 ^ -- : teas. JCPannay Conipany. Inc. 7 2 3 4 -0 8 3 3 ...... i'- y

Sunday, July 30. 1989 Timorimos-Nows. Twin Foils. Idaho 0 5 w m i t s m l e s s - - ■ — •• ■ Innovivatioi)I earnIS coniservaition aaward

By MARTA CLEAVELAN:VND Jloslinoj owns 240 acrcs ondmd farms I,600_ he said.. "1“1 haven’t experienced nnyy idisa.'tler erage two to thrc:hrce trajldr operations over a TlmeS'NewB-writer ------...... aroujlUnd H o llister. Ho also "ruerucenlly opened~'wilh niinirinimum' lillugi; lliiil people lalUllk aboul 'field. Jo»tiri w/ilLnectfonly i|lj o n cp ass over his tho firstfi w ine shop in Twin Fall''alls, The G rape happeninging.’ ______bcan-neldS'wTlhith a no-till'planter in the fall TWIN FALLS - Farmrming is tho perfect Escarape. ______^Cojaservervatioii-pm olices do-payTiJoiIcfiilin e n v ” to turn them intonto -winter w heal fiolds. = f f i — profession-for-anentrep:•epreneurrsaj-s-Karl ------r^slitfTjcgan using minimunum tillage six phiisized.'d.' In. m any coses yields a crtuolly ti in* “1-have m y momoney invested in technology Joslin. - ra th e r than labor He should know. und diesel,’’ hc said. Andrus pla;lays host at Joslin, 36, was re- On the Salmon business-coconference-----___centlv named the _ T ract, w ater effi­ 1 ^ OutsLanding ciency is critical bo­ SUN VALLEY-G(- Gov. Cecil Andrys-will Conservation cause the supply is’ play host this weekk totc 100 corporate presi- FatTner for Idaho by limited. Sprinklers dents and ch ief execitccutive officers during- the National Endow­ are better lhan sur­ a four-day conferencence sponsored by An- m en t for Soil & W a­ face irrigalion be- drew H arper, cdito:litor dnd publisher of ter Conservation. He cause ■ they help Hideaway Report,-cL,-Q-Sun Valley-based w aa chosen for his in- - — ...... - - -eliminate— erooion— - travel newsletter. • novative "and“ efn-“ " and uso water more ‘ ■ ------J _____ Andrus will-presidside over a dinncr and — ciont monagehient'of ...... efTiciently. Howev­ dance during the corconference Wednesday soil and'Water re-^ er. the elcctricol - =:lhr£iugh Saturday at-the-Elkhonwsort:at t ------" - =co8ta:otppipingil£Z:r . RepresentativesI fromf major Idaho- agriculture related ' • • water through the * based corporatioR3a >«will-also be asked to water' polluUon, and, 0 ; . syslem add an aver* . I discuss the state’sI bi business clim atc. ac* ' for helping other | r w 'i s - '■ “ Se .S20 a n acrc to • cording to a press rclfrelease. ' fanners learn to do B production costs. The entire Elkhomom Lodge has becare- the same thing. H With gravity-flow I ' served for the event,nt, which is not open to ‘rm really not that H sprinklers, farmers I the public. Howeyeryer,-those .who-might m uch difTerent from H get all tho benefits wish to ]farticipatcs slshould call J.H. Hall all the olhor people H . without the costs, / - ^ ------Inc..503-22a^ _____ a round hoto;* he sa y s ...■ | S|^H ~be'cause gravity m odestly. , _____ B ^ 9 |B places electricity ay ShopKo’invitesres bldirfor ^ ■■ “ ^Sure, His n c ig H b o rs'" H r 1 : j a the power source.V on the Salmon Tract H Joslin has ^on worii on new BoiseB store uso gravity-dow H H H using gravi^o'w . BOISE - Local con:ontra'ctors aro invited sp rin k lers and mini* H ^ ^ ■ _ f o r . , 1 0 y eaw ^ - tho.' _ to bid on the construcruction of a new. S h o p ^ ,,mym . tillage..prac;lB fe.' |H H first to u^hem in Ko store to Hc b u ilt; Vj.'/j.m ile soutH o f Inter- tices, loo. W hat B ^ B 9 the Sajirion Tract. state 84 in Boiso. Constniction Co is set to makes Joslin dirfer* Hc cfltimotes there begin in April. e n t is hc did il first. • H a rc'4 0 to 50 gravity- The 13S,000-8quare-lre-foot building' will in- ' His cnlrcpreneuri* H flow sprinklers in elude a 130,000-squanlaro-foot Jjjod distribu- - al. nature compels H J B H th e a r e a now. . tion cen ter and 5,00000 squaro£ feet of offico him to'Study individ- H G ravity flow space, said Gene B Bai ankers, ShopKo vicc ual' farming prac- H could work in lots of : presidenf. tices and make them ME places, Joslin said. : F or inform ation coicontact ShopKo’s cor- work better:. H H The elevation drop : porato office in Greeneen Bay, W is., 414 497- “Karl is real inno- ||H doe.sn’t havc to' be : 2211. votive and adaptive," pheiO'ANDY AMurARC radical to have said Rich Yatikpy,^ enough pressure to Truck driver hoholding perfect the.-Twin Falls &il Conventioiional tillage wasn’t givingig 1Karl Joslfn yields he nceiiceded. so he tried somethirling different run sprinklers, he Conservation Dislrict said. . driving recordd \visits soon s ago - three years aheaccud of almost crease undnd i in ntl eases input costs dcc conservationist who nomiminatcd Joslin for ■ “I’m ju st u iinng g Ithe tools that are there;’’ : TWIN FALLS - LarryU Larson,"a pro- the title. “He has pionecrecre d some con.4ervn- anyoneno else - fo'r economic rousilusons. Joslin’s “You’ree ucluollyu( gelling Mother Nat he said. worstt piece of ground convini;inced him lo do som e o f j fcssional truck driveiv e r who Kas driven tion tillage practices.'’ of your work for you," he said Gravity-fiowf irrigationin is overlooked by :h. Conventional lilloge wasri^ wt giving margin of)f errore is o little.closer with __ more th an two mjllioiIlion miles w ilhout an _____He was.thc firsl in thc-ae .a rc a to_u.se_urayi-,_ th mjni^jjjoj.1 farmcrfl...Ya-Yankey-said._People.know- — ' ' ' ' a c cid en trw li Be inT w the yields He needed, so hohe decidcd lo mum tillagilag e.M ’irnlrig is more critic Twin Fnlls Avig,7-9...... ty*flow sprinklers. And hele hiilped1 formulate he about it b ul th ey:y lhthink it is a n either/or situ- om ething differenl. said. Larson, a Billingsgs Mont. resident, is the minimum tillage guidcldclincs for the Twin son otion. Thoy don’ian’i reolize gravity con bc ' captain of “America’sa’s Road T eam ,” spon- io. he was farming more)re and more' SnvingS2lS20 o r more an acre in input F a lls Soil Consorvalion Sservice er Districl. lulcOBU c„,„bincdwilhclcielectrical pumping lo reduce and ducided_he_hnd_to_ sorpd-bythe Americarcan.Tnicking Associa- --rOther.people.are.doingi;igit-bocause Knr].iK—'“^r‘!I*f - to .reduce, h is . in-.vears wilwilh-low-commodity, prices,‘ c -power cosUrhbBOis a id r jorflf field operations to get?et it all do'ne. tho differen - tion. He will be ayailalilable to talk with Gr­ doing it," Yankey said. Hele iis hoppy lo share numbe rence between making and1 losing s e s ollicos dosidesign tho gravity systems decided if I ju s l rip the soil soi and leave m onoy. hce said.si ganizations or groupoups about highway his successes nnd his faihailures wilh neigh- ^ and havo cost*sharh a re funds available for pur* salety ahd the Lransiinsportation industry. the hurumus onlop, 1 could farm1 nmore acres^" Using' minimumnm tillage saves him i bors, he said. I nnnv .gceCONSEB5ERVATION 6h1>agcD6 ’ “ ; ------Contact Sandy. Lynch.ich-at.7U3-838-1913Jor-,_____ Bcheduling arrangemeiments. j M a l t p l an r t i n g u p I n s e cis t help cle'e a r M <[cC lure, S y m m s Group pro'ddeses counseling , for all small bu:lusinesses ^ BOISE - Barley farmersjrs in Idaho increased thcir ed acroage of malt barley;y V■ arieties to 53 pcrccnt o.f f th e ir C 1 0 Q Q' 6 e d w a t e mw a y s t r \y for elim[ninatibn— BUHL-A represententative from tho Ser- b j a rle y acreage in 1989, acccccording to a receni surveyyspon- ; vice C orps o f R etiredid IExecutives will vis-' j; sored by the Idalio Barley:y Commission( and lhe Ame:lerican WASHINGTONON - They are h o t weed whrA’hackcrs. bul they it Buhl Aug. 10 to proprovide free businoss f Mailing Barley Association.on. do a similar jobjob. They are insects th ait l ffeed on aquatic counseling to potentialial and existing small F T h a i s p» t u d t a r i f f The increase is 7.5 p ercencen t'm o re than in 1988 ond 11II per* w eeds. _ __businesses. Appointmements must be made ' c e n t higher lhan in 1987. InsecL<) a re g(getting incredscd- use as33 alternatives to .WASASHINGTON - Idaho Sens.:[is.JJim..McClure.and-Slevcw - in adyance by callinglg tthe Buhl City Hall, irielies ch em ical nnd [netnechnnicnl controls whereD weedsw cloRdilch- Symmyn s have asked the U nited1 SSti tates' ch ief trad e negotio- 513-5650. “Il’s the first time since;e 19801 th a t m alt barley vari ______. ,hhiive exceeded plantingsi ofo feed barley varieties." suid es, reservoirs andan other waterways, saidaid Ted Cenler, a torloI workw forthe elimination of fl Thailand’s 60 porconl lar- • sp e c ia list on weci'ecd-ealing insects for the• U.S.U Departmeni iff on U.S.U frozen potatoes. Arrangements-for• thetb handicapped are Tim McCreevy, commissionion administrator, indus- 0^* Agriculture.. I:Insect control is "quite■ a n bargain’-com- ^ | available upon timely;ly request. Tha pro-..-. — Malt.barley is primarilyy usedu in tho beer brewing ir a le tte r to U.S. T rade R epres indus- p a re d with o therer imethods, he said. - - iresentative C arla Hills, Me- — gram is sponsored b:by the U.S. Sm all \try, with a small percentageIg e used for other food and ir ‘asked her'to uddress the'tar ' ...... — Louisiana-hfls-j!rcut~hGTblClde~’iipplicutionTori from approxi- ■ tariff Issuo'whoti she ineets Business Administratioitio n /______...... Li'^rial uses. _____ !_____ rhai trade representativess aat t tho end o f this monlh. “Il’s a positive trend for Idaho barley growers,"- m a te ly 15,000 gall;allons a year to 2,000 gallonsons a y ear lo com- oed, said Donald Ix-e of the Louisiana PoimJito growers and processors Fashion Crossrciroads chief ^Groevy soid. “Mall barleyy nnormally sells at a premiuium to !ors believe U,S. exports to feed barley and the increaseased acreage indicates pialt m all ‘'['ishories “I Department., Ente:nlering the battle Thailarand wQuy increase significoficnntly if tariffs were low- will tour Lynwocfood m all ^ -com panies are buying-m ore-ire-Idaho barley.------______were the flea bcbeetle^ stem borer mothh a nnd thrips tha^_ej.pd qj-jr.elim irfaicd^A lthpugh Thoi.l'hai,lqnd_lifUd ito prohibition ■_ USDA’s Agricultiultural Research ServiceL* ffound in Soulh on imp TWIN FALLS - J eerry rr Rogoway, presi- Coors, Anheuser-BuschI andar Great Western Malting ip o rls o f frozon p otatoes in April 19OT. virtually no . A m erica.______A m n rir :------deoUnf-Fnflhinn Cm; -Jiave-made-substantiaHnvesv c stm e iiiK in IdnhD~and'nll~t ico ttfro ze n • po ta to-p rod u 016-aIsare-nov^exported-there:— n— These insects.^known I us biological contnntrols, should pro- women's retoil specialtialty stores, will tour cicompanies increased thoirir conlrocted( ocreage for I< Idaho continued coconlrol versus multiple herbicide her applica* SouthIth K orea finally ag reed to rrelax import restrictions the Lynwood-Shoppingng Centcr store Aug. u id. m a lt b arley in 1989, he said. on froz'ozen french fries last Augu 10 at 2 p.m. Debbie1 MMink, owner of the , tions. Center said.lid. ugust. Sales o f U.S. frozen Tho survey indicated thatlat Morex, a six-row maltingIg bar- , -C hcm ical conl fl fries there have soared as a Twin Pall_8_Foshion CnCrossroads, said tho onlrols arc nol permanentenl and. further- french f as a result. ley, was the leading barleyley v a rie ty planted in tho sl more, some-aqui:quatic-hcrbicides are no longer lo: used and . . public is invited-to-nicmcetllbgoway, who covering p, 19.4 percent o f theie a c r e a g e .'...... ailund is one of the up-amt-and-cTTmihg economics on will bc available to discuss di the fashion m ny not be replaiilaced," he said. “This make.ikes it imperative . . . Sleptoe, a six-row feed barley,bc was the sccond leaijading that we develop) eienyjronm entolly safe altememotives." AsmsI Pacific Rim," McCluree ssaid. Their market for —— ^-retail-businesB.— ------r - ^------y;, cimnd'other arcas”huvu -bGon-the-hunting-— be acreage. Thc.third most poppopular variety planted in.Ic.Idaho grounds for 10 waterwa wced-euling insectss tlth o t agcncy aci- , economy grows. There’s no isense waiting for others xcHange plans ^ it us to it." M inhea^lis excl was Klages, a 2-row m altI barley,bi representing 14 perercent entisls have tunumod over lo the U.S. Amy A Corps or “ ' ofthc acreage. Engineers. ^ national.securiti(ities ex^w ge IdahohOj_thc nati,ori'8.No._l potato,to pproducer, accounls for 25 MINNEAPOLIS - 'The Minneapolis ...... Idaho barley growers plamlanted-an estim ated 870,OOOai•acres ------ARS sclontieis,L3, backed by funding fromn t!tnc'corpsrtrace ....percentnt of all domcsticaiiy growriAfn potatoes.p '' ' Grain Exchange boardard of directors has of barley this year. That acreageac will generate abouout 60 th e origin o f vari(irious aquatic weeds, and1 thenll go to those gwcn preliminary appi,pproval.for_the for:__ m illion bushels of barley, wo;w o rth m ore than S140 million)n. countries and fin

The board’s action1 wtwas prompted by a 1 • J ------reeenl-Se«uritie9-and-Eil-&Kohange^mmie------J >r*oti4^nni m V l C t l l v F sion decision to increai•ease com petition in i€-boon h 1991— ^the stock options mark'drkbt. nT h e A ssociated Press m y is piprojected to post solid gaijains in cm*, already balorilonced, so the windfall fromim tho brighter than juslist three m onths ago with ploym en!nt through 199L past year coucoupled with the ono for thele cur* grovrth in Idaho thiithis y ear and next signifi- The SEC decision wilwill abolish the lot* BOISE — Idaho’s economo m y this year is ' The optimistic oj outlook is tempmpered only rent year willvill create over SIOO million inir un* cantly g re o te r than-aan lhat for tho nation as o tery system currently:ly used to allocaU outperform ou ing the nation’s. fo:fo r the first tim e by the piprojection of a gradual nalrmtionol eco* com m itted cosh co when lawmakers meceo t in whole, new listings of stock: options op to just one in in th e 1980s, and econom istsits believe the ro- nomic islowdown over the coming cc 18 their election*on*year session next J a n u a ryry. T hat em ploym entcnt boom was putting prcs- exchange, bubust expansion that has rcvi•cvivcd visions of months.i. Il has bolstered prospocti!cl3 that An* Tho statee slill s faces a number of siglignifi* sure on the laborr mim arket, resulting in esca* ...... the th( boom a decade agoJO will continue drus adrd m in istratio n an alysts willrill drom ali- can t spendinging commitments in tho noxtxt few Iating incomo. tho10 forecastfc said. Tlie state’s Tho SEC bplieves muimultiple listings will through tl^i 1991. callyinciicrease, thcir estimates offthe tV current' years, but withwit cash bolances liko thoseise-be* average annual wagwage will approach $20,000 benefit investors by redireducing the costs of "What is rtost impressio9sivo about this tax systetem ’s revenue-generating{capacity. ci ing amassedjd now,i the debate over incrcreos- this yeor and thenlen exceed th a t plateau in buying and selling stockock options as much growth ^ is that it not orily out]jutpaced national A yearar ago as the economy wasas Iboginning ing taxes to0 ppay the bills has given wavay to 1990. Real spendingling power — personal in­ as SIOO million.,In addilidition, the SEC be- growth, but it did so at a timiim e when the na- to explodsde ond produced S14 millioilion in uncx* discussion of ttax rebates ond.cuta. come adjusted to accommodoto rising licvos com petition in the m arket will lead tional tio economy was enjoyjoying relatively peeled rcreceipts, analysts boostedjd itheir rev* The new1 ffrow th in the key June 30.I. ■ . • plo m ovingI irin than moving out in 199990 lo Form incom e will hit a record $569 mil- tho Minneapolis Grainin Exchange to de* ecieconomic areas of noiifarmI erem ploym ent, in- -With a:an even stronger oconomyn y now, the b reak a strinR■ing of five straight years pf)f oul* lion this y ear, bolsteIstered by a strong market vclop our franchise ass oione o fa handful of como coi and average annual1 wagev at levels revised iadministration revenueJ pprojection migration, amid prospects for another good harvest, ...... trading niorkets in thethe-Unitcd-SLates,’.... __ab,abo.vc those projected for• th e re st of the to bo mladc ai noxt monlh is cxpoctecled to be up J u s t la st spring,spi they oxpec.led out*mi|nigra* and then riso onotheith e r 3.3 p ercen t in 1990. - said Minneapolis Grainlin Exchange Presi- _ cq,country^Mpr^oxerj..iCl9yr!! ir~ ^ nl-nDnfnrm 'byHlicg;aBl i-[?0->nilliotnb7~Pie cur:urrent bud* tion, c o n s id ^ an indication ol poorr ieco- The erosion of IdalIdaho’s per capita personal : dent Jam ea M. Lindau.”1. . pc:personal incomc grow th in11 19 ^ is expectcd get year,r and possibly as much naas $90 mil- n ^ ic opporl:o r li^ tie s , to ,continue throrougli incomc in comparison so n to uie national iigurc tto o set . a growth-rate record fofor r th e 19803.’ Iion. 1991. • haii also sloppedI anand stabilized nt around Nearly evory scctor of thehe state’s econo- The sUitato budget through’riext:t JJune 30 is T he nonfoiiform job 'outlook was :also . BOOlOOM on Page D6 • I • ...... 1- D -6 Timoo-Nows. TwiniFalij, Fa Waho Sunday, July 30.30. 1909 _____ V.. . . •...... ------O n I t h e m di Tradetiwinds- FALLS - Miller’s Magic t w i n fFA/ LLS - M ^ q 's G o o d timme e weekdays. On weekendnds lhe stand TWIN Fi Foods, thciie red hotdog sU ih d t h a t op- will travel to fairs andi (other special Bowl in TwiTwin Falls reopens at 1 p.m. c r a t c s onm Shoshone and Main in ev en ts, S a tu rd a yy. . downtownn Twin' Fulls, has changed!cd ' T h c bowliowling alley was closed this h a n d s . 'x The lunch nnd snackc co f fe rin g s w ill s u m m e r• forfo remodeling. Owners- T h e neww ownor,< Gary Savage, saidjid remain thc same, Savni/ngc says, but Jeon andd PaulPi M iller invite the pub- the st^nd-wl-will-c6nlimM.^t:-i^ IHI th e c o m cc r from 10 u .m .’ to 4 p .mm. . Goodlime Foods. events fromrom 2:30_tp 4:30. - B R Y O N ______CCAROL ______R O X A\1MNE ^ _____ GLENN -JIM E G B E R T CCUUBORN L MILLELER REDDICK LOVE M/i a S o n e y S t atilings l tesistifies o n ]p o t a t o l ee j g i s l a t i o n

Curtis T. Eoton, chniiairm an of thc installationions, sule July 22 in Twin Fullsll»- WASHIWINGTON - Idaho Congress-ss- Stallings told tho Subciscommittccon StallingsIgs said sim ilor legislation board and chief exeeutivitive officer for Roxannou e M illo r h a s l>cen n a m e dJ Ted Ogden, Gooding,(>, nlso broke Rjd,arnard Stallings recently testi-iti- Domestic Mnrkcting, CoConsumer Re- already has been passed for other Twin Fallfl Bank &. TTrust n Co., on- brunch mumanager for Trnnsamcrica1 the S600/head mark forr lheir rnnso r,cd bofororc a House agriculture sub-ib- liitions und Nutrition thailat his propos- commoditiesities, including the beef and nounced thc nppointmernent of Bryon FinancialI ServicesS in Twin Falls; ' rani."!. ' . , c o m m itte;e e on his bill that wouldlid al would help the pot^Jtato industry pork progruig ra m s . E gbert to loan olilccr ancand Carol Clai- Milter jojoined Trunsamerica as aI In the Suffolk riim laramb divi-sion ^ake foreip■eign potato p r o d u c e r s h o;!p lp more effectively meeeel research Thc billill i is supported by the Na- b o m to . o p e ra tio n s officer ofTi at the customerr services representative in1 Ralph Denton, Twin I-alia, Fi topped (otato jj research, promotionon needs and promotional efefforts, tional Potalc)talo Council, potato growers bank’s Perrine Offico •at ot tho Magic Orem, Utaltn h , in J a n u a r y 19S1. L a t e r the sale with a pen of foifour soiling to ^nd co n sujmcr m . education program . “This bill would ussuijure equitable andlheDopiDopartmciitof Agriculture. ------V o l l ^ M a l l . ------sh e -w ii9 ppromoled-U)-a«KiKtant-man-— r( • Eick£itt_Sheep.Co...Qiiklej! e y n l $2.-)Qper r „ r r . .1__ , i tlaw_authorizcs__assessj_ ■is- treatment for (lomeslic.ic p r o d u c e r s , Egbert joined the biinllunk in 1986 u s a g e r u n dI irin 19S8 she tr a n s fe rre d lo) h e a d . m e n u s onlylly on fresh potatoes pro-r<). as well us foreign producluccrs who ex- The billill' s' should move lhrough"the consum er crcdit and realreal estate col- the companlany’s Salt Lake Cily office, Bill Lickley, Jerom e, wnsw among a duced in the United Stiitcs, Stallingsgs port jHitatoes to thc Unilnited Stales agriculture'ire' committee soon, lector. He was named usassistant vicc Americar:an Breeders Service re-- team of three Universitsity of Idnho His billbii would authorize uasess-sS-. bolli of whom benefit ffoi“om the.gener- Stallings .said..sa: . Stallings, introduced president in January ofDf tJth is y e a r .-I n c c n tly selocIcctod Glenn Reddick to the> CqtteBC' of Agriculture seniors s thuL monts n on imported potatoc.s andnd - ic promotional.campaigngns.conductcd—thc-potalo. lo.Research_and F Promotion his new position, Egbertsert will work President’st’s Round Table for his out-• itook lop honors at a recencnlAcndemic potato prodiaducUt. ______by the board." he said. A ct A m endn:ndments of in May. - “ primarily-with commerci*rciQl-Qnd-con-— standing—p<-perfor-m .'inco—in—lliSS,— lie•— — Qmidailhalon-of-tho-Am«J sum cr loans. • ______waB_onoj)fDf 110 c o m p a n y d istriu t m a n .•__ety^of ._i Animal Scit^nlistists’, Wc.stern Claibom has worked:d JIl^years at agers.recei\c iv in g th e honor, iSection \Jeeting ih Bozem■man. Mont, ■ 3 u q h t s t rrikes i centiE r a F S o v ii e e t U n i o n ...... the Bonk--&-Tru3t-and1 hih a s 16 y e o rB -— B c d d ickra-M k r agie-Vulley-native,—;------L ic k lc y - a n d - th i s tw n0 - tcammntes — vrr„„-r:: )W (AP) C e n tr a l R u .ssia«:ia^ up to thrce’years, . a g e s o f food)3od a n d -c o n s u m c r goods. ------AKfmrintvP-in hankinfT'■ SlShe hns pre- has served•d ias district-sjiles manager• won' first placc in threec out of four M oscow T;evcn—Other— — suflcrinja n g frn m _ n n -» <;x(f»nff<‘d•‘d The aroas include CChelyabinsk. ______vtoualy served as operatirations onicer for Idaho,I, partsf tirfliiJrej’on, Nevada“ ‘1 ..ca[egones~lo~dCtotn{ n this year when the Soviete t O jn sk . K u rg a n , Novosibirsk, ^ Gorbachev:hev said thTbad weather is at the bank’s Lynwood brabranch ©nice, and Washirhington for more than 10• tteams from western col:ollcgc»..ThE drought in tl iperately needs to improvek-e .Sverdlovsk, P e rm a n d the thi Bashkiria hurting agriiigricultural areas lhat pro- Claibom has served as vice prCsi- years, Amemerican Breeders Service ccategories included a qiquiz bowl, u Union doape ipply, Tass said Fridny, - region,T.i.'issaid.---. ------vide foodI lo koy cities inhabited b y ...... dent-of education for the American morkets duirydui and beef semen nnd \written exam, a pracliciicura nnd an ita food supp P r e s id e nnt t Mikhail S, Gorbacheviv Meat and cheese ulrcIready is ra- millions of ppeople. He stressed the Institute of Banking andnd is a mem- reloted products pn throughout the oral c presentation. the situation Thursdayly tioned in much of the coi:ountry, Hun- need to maktnake full use of ail local re- ber of Network, the Juniomior Club and United SUitiUites nnd 65 foreign coun- .», Bob Malqnoy, of Pommerelle Por-' discussed I reccjitly_nci_ wilh Ic aicrs ^ from several areasIS dreds of lhousnnds_of_Soyo>ict,.wprkers_ , servea lo_in) increose fodder for live- the National Associatiortion of Bonk tries^______LLrails_in_Rupcrt_was_n ncross nearly 1,000 m iles'2S ' w en t on strik e in th c p;past several , stock, andd to show concern for farm ------W o m en T S h e s e rv e d o n ~lHe th‘i e d u c a tio n L ove9ve, u certincd financial cepted c into Lhe 98th International In strelchcd oc ’en't seen sufficient rain for3r weeks, in part ovef chrhronic short- workers. com m ittee.of the Idaho0 BankersB As- planner witlrith Professional Eccmomic Exposition 1 of Professionu!lul Photogra- which haven sociation for-three-ycun?ar8-and-was"Scrvice9 IrInc., wns among 5.000 pphy. Maloney.-wilL-sliow□w.a photo- n a m e d to th e A d v iso ry CouncilCoi boord members cof the Million Dollar graph p feoturing modedcl Brooke [V |1 I k p r o d u cction t sets! r e c o r d despite d f o r t h e B u re a u o f L a n d MoManagement. Round Tabliible gathering in Toronto, IRobertson of Burley. Thche exhibit is PM llip VUlarroal haaa beenb named - Canadn.-'Lo'Lovo- was-honored- by the today t and Monday in Ne^ew Orleans, « local representative forr IdnhoId Power court of thctho table at this miicting. L 1 u . ______— d r o> i u g h t ; i n cc r e a s e e x ]: p e c t e d tthis h year in Glenna Ferry. He replaces rej Jim which was.3 i a tte n d e d b y re p re se n u i- Juker who recently trarransfcrred to tives fromi m o re th a n 40 co u n tries, Boyd Brown, Twn Fallills, and Vol- WASHINGMGTON(AP)-Uist year’s's esof dairy products purchchascd under ample, thc10 supports program cost a B oise'r E m il K□im lii es,' Jorome, had thc ma r Porter, Shoshone, eacichwonliWi drought pulml the squeeze on' dairy■y the dniry price supportrt program ,” rccord $2.7.7 bbi illio n . Villorrcal-has been Ida!Idaho Power’s highest sellii■lling’p c n o f ran g e r a m s fo r place p in First Interstate BankB or Ida- f„™ crs, bubut Agriculture Depurt-t- suid federation presidsident Tom Fees werevere levied against dairy local representative in Mountain the sccondd H million, which Camerierlo said will 1.6 millionn dairy d cattle were cut ' ' By removing'upiapples froni normal chan[innels of "The pastst year, may have sappedd" bo "a far cry from the; i $2,1 b illio n fro m th e J.S.,U,S. h e rd . s.BeatfVP larket im- the financialial strength of some pro­1- cost" of the program as1 rrecently as [Business. I trade, lhe h'iveaway:iy should: help the apple mai mediately and slockt^cks should in> cleared out be;)ofort* th e • d u c e r s ." tbene report snid. "Althoughh 1‘W : ...... A r e p o rt b>by the General Account- - C attle on feed-fc-for siaugiiter are u| ------b e g iiu iin g -u O lie J S9S9..iieasuii..j:aidJienneUi-C- a ) ’-C la y to n _____ .higher_mi]k,pk,prices compensated pro- O ne re a so n fo r th e reduction roi in ing OfTice,, an an investigative agency of BOISE - Cattle on feedfee for slaughter m arket in atUSDAsAgriculturtural M arketing Sc'rvice, ducers fairlyriy fully for rises in con-I- dairy program costs has5 Ibeen an in- Congress, said soi eariier this month ho on JuJy 1 totaled 2M,214.000 head, up 4 perceni fnfrom a As of May 31. appipple slocks were fv} perceniII greater cehlrale igra;rain) prices, forage costss sislence by Congress andd tthe admin- that the •TPDTP “wiil reduce, milk pro- year ogo, according to the Idaho Agricultural St than the pruvioii.s three-year th average, USDA3A sUitis- in-most are.ireas also were sharplyy islralion to roll back soisome of thc duction •om from 1986 I h r o u g h 1990 b y tic s S e rv ic e . ______------— llcs-showrArtlilMJria'^ d i r n i i h e , g ro \v o r"p tice a fdfor many higher: ■ ■ milk 'price' supportij ’ frfro m t h e i r 39.'4 b illion n"pounds ’ p hel6w"’wHat“ if ■' The ji3y 1 inventoryory was 2 percent less thiirliin th e i p per carton below the de;iepressed “This flnurnuncini strain may have'>■ record highs ofthe early 1£1980s. would have/e been\ without the pro- A p r i l 1 in v e n to ry o f 218,(118.000 h e a d . p ric e s of th e previou.^ous season. been particuicularly acute for those.! ' A t th a l tim e , th e h ig h su]supports und gram'.” Placements of cottletie into state fecdlots duringmg the -With .sales continuinuinn lo lug, industry sourcrces indi- producers wwh ho expanded in l a t e 1988^ rising produclion causedd C C C s u r- sccond quarter totaledcd 150,000 head, down 3 perjorcent the situaliorlion is worsening," CInylonI .S).said. in spile of lhelhe drought or w ere some-- plu.i inventories of dniry’ productsp to Bul thc GAOGA( report also said that f ro m la s t y e a r . , , Funds to help inii:niperiled growers come fre>om CUH- ■ whal weakk financially before the grow, which added tn the,• ccosts of op- the dairy buyout bu] “will nol have a - M arketings of fed cattcottle during the quarter equ toms rcc'ipls. In fisC!is c a l l!W9. USDA is e x p e c teed d to pur- drought." erating the program. In 1983,19 fo r e x - la s tin g e ffe!!cLon c t c m ilk production." 147,000 h e a d , 15 p e rc ejnt n t more than the second qun f)() commodities toliiling aapp'roxi- Farm milklilk prices in the secimd of 1988 but 11 percentit lesal£ than last quarter’s 16(ira.OOO “ quarter avera*raged $12.20 per hun-1 / ------h e a d :------dredweight,., upii 77 c e n ts f ro m A p ril-^ B e c a u s e ; your inconuae grow s, Idaho cottle feedersrs anticipate m arketing Ki-li :m ,ooo , June of lastt yyear. Cow slaughter hus ______hnnH thio qiinrtnr thn iin ijam ejium ber i^irkcted ddu u r in g Ul publishes guidegi to spring_«!hst solid gainsIS o v e r tho “H o w e v e r.. yenr-lo-year) increases make up some more thiss yyear.' the sion. nnext o two years as the state’te’fl overall during thc 9.cc(econd half niuy not be as again this year, forecast-said. Afier slumpnping dramatically dur- employment em “is fomcast: lo grow large as during•ing the first half." the re- 1. Mileage pr£iremium: 0-14 miles-s -- 10c per cwl. ^ Idaho's total nonfarm emj?mp!oymenl ing the deviisliislalinc econoniic down- stronger stn thnn its nationalII c ounter- p o rt a d d e d ,, “P'or“ the year, ret^iil 15-30 miless " 20-c per cwt. finally recovered to thc levlevel of the turn of the eae a r ly 1‘tSOs, total m an u - part p a t in bolh and 1990." dairy prices< area expected lo rise 5 percent lo 6 percent, the largesl 31-50 miies5 "-- 30 g per cwt. ______since 1981." O ver 51 miles3 "-- 40c per cwt. C o n s e r vm i tio n — Departmentml economists predict This premium wilili be paid on clean beansbe< when sold, Dptionwilh consume,ner, food prices ovorult • C ontinued from Pagi*age D5 of land and liirnedlu them into hIuiw- S1.(Sl.(XX) a n d lo a tte n d a re c e p 2. immediate2 icash for bean cropsps during BLinDe. -"'«y™ e,,navavempe of 4 pcrcent to 7 p ie ce s." Yiitiki.-ikey suid. ■ PnPresident Bush in Washingli ■ chasing sprinklers. porcenl in cale:ile n d arl3 S 9 ,- ' harvest. c o mr b e r . 3. Free storagige until N ovem ber 1, - J o s lin is o lw a y s lo o k in g? for fo eoRier, Kveryono should s! consider doing Al a Housee AgricultureA Com m illee 1,1988. y 12. tho h e a d o f o n e o f more efficient ways of doinjoing things, what Joslin dues,d«Ji he added. "I don't think anyone fro f m UiB . J 'c o r i n g ..luly I 4. Free.lOib.). bag of Rice and YellI'ellow popcorn * Yankey said. Ho has taken;cn some of We.sternW e Uniled Status hhas ever ^be nation's niostmc effective farm tob- upoq delivtivery of your crop, the poorer ground on the■he Salmon Joslin hasI a chance lo wir\ conser- wuiwon," Yankey said. _ . .bying g ro u p sH, , the I Nntionai M ilk Pro- rution, said the dniry in­ Tract, added gnivily-f!ow/ s;sprinklers vation honorsr s n t th e nntio n ai lev<-l. — ducers Federal The folks at Beieakon Bean Compmpany-will-do ------and Tninimiim tillage' and1 mado ir the Ten nnalists ffro m th e .'>0 .■italo w in- ‘JMoslin wouldn't mind going ^ to dustry is in 'a“a vastly different posi- everything posissible to enhancece our grow er •ground profitable. n e rs v^•ill Ijc hohonored in Miiwaukoe in W’nWiishington. "I think to in h e e t the : was' when the current October, Fromom those, three national prepresident would he a'highh point in law was debateuted four years ago. relations. And hopeh to see you scsoonl •He took some real cyesorsore picces winners willI Ibe chosen’ to receive my farming career.' “G o n e n r e the thi burgeoning .suJt j IIis -


A — . --- - .s•Sunday. July 30, 1989 ■ Timos-Iws-Nows.-Twin Fnll.l, Idnho 0-7 - B u sinn ess lacoccc:a ire1ax<:es, lettiiing otheir s run Chryslei er, but rready to0 help HIGHLAND PARK,. MMich. (A P) — Illili ii|iiipayme"n‘l "plflTr~Qt—tho:ho—optlon"rIghtarlacoccu Cu“will receive .second wiftTiwm P e g g y , w hom hc; Lee.lacocca, the driverver behind thc ^^H B H I NationalI Press'ClubP in W ashin^nton 225,000 sharos of Chryryslcr common married1 afteraf the death of his first restoration of Chrysleriler Corp. an d _ l|H n |^ | c n in_July 19S1983, lacocca told reporters:rs; stock in 1990 and 1911991 w o rth , a t wife. M«rv. ary Ho iipiirlv was dnifti'd __ ^SU luorof.]:ibcrLV a^ j rr » V n *Wc“a rCIJhrysler h i borrow moncy'lhothc toaay's-pnces, atwutsffSSnuIIion: for ^esideiident in 19S8 and, in perhaps; . executive who's done'0 Hhis own ads - old foshionioned way. We p ay it back."," ...... - . Ho-has withstood thehe w rath of the „TUit.If p p w udcst cffon."! by thc son ' and guest-starred on prir}rime-time TV, Nonethelheless, the company is stillIla a United Auto Worker of Itiiliiininn immif’rantH, lacocca is co n tc n t these days to ait back a bit.’wobbi:bly and faces significantml others in the past for■r multimillion- , , 1 nded the restoration of the ij^tie and tako it easy, Icletting others q u e stio nns s about its long-termrm dollar annual earning:,gs Ihnl critics business. ^ H | B | B | | | I. B u t w hen it com es lo0 k air, but I do. I'm chairman is ready to assertasi himself Bjjj ^ Vthe first six si months of the year, it over subordinates withith undisputed I - ■' sold morerc trucks than cars, partlytly trying to staay out the best I can^> but right authority. k;T^'*j'35s^ becausc' of the trend-setting"I now, we'v've got a lo t^f totough, tough * *I tr y not te get in theiihoir h a ir, b ut I '• * ^ ' rpinivansJ — the Dodge ( ^ ra v a n and do," lacocca said in an interview. W 4 . .thePlymoulouth V oyoger — a nd Jeeps.ps. decisions to make.i How do> you^ prioritize?’ ... J i’nLLrying.loatay-out-thc■tho-bcsL-l-can— ^ —which ChrjhryaleLgoUbity-purchasing- -tcc-Iacocca— But right now, we'vec gotg a of J ^1 Americanin Motors Corp. in AugustJSt tough, tough decisions to make. How ' r 1987, 55 have callcd obscene anind .unjustified... .Statue off LLil iberty ______do you prioritize?" - ...... C hryslercr comm_ands more than 55 Tho chairman not. only hasn't Like rnurtnuny of his other projocts, Ho ju m p ed right in this past week, . I p e r c e n t of tho_minivan market, !.„• apologized, he's called his controversersy .swirled around the proclaiming a $1 billionjn ATE L A N D SSA L E ■ automaker made duringing thc same m any timICS es personally.' The StaU) of Idohi weren’t ' very (\ir behind1 ifil this would becom e syncynonymous with Chrysler. s k iin g o p p o r tu n itiities as woll as boating,:, ssr a ilin g a n d f is h in g on have kept up," he said, la c o c c a[I’a ’a contract with Chrysler Through July 20, Chr}h ry s lo r’s c a r about 14.7 ?m million. I ” P a y e tte L a k e . Mc«IcCall is located 100 milesiles north orjust two and truck salos woro■0 running: 8 “I've beer3on saying this for a lot off In a move that’s been1 'written inlo runs througlugh 1991 and hc isn’t saying Jj (2) hours from Boiioise, Idaho. pcrcent behind thc pacec ofol last year, years, andd ii it’s thc old story. I’ll have th i e businoBs-history bool'loks. a sickly whether he'll stick around • a worse showing than its_Bigits_ Three to bo righti^ono t year. Wc'rc going to) Chrysler ( beseechod th tl e f e d e ra l thcrcaflcr, 0or w ant to. ••P L E A S E N O T E- - ONLY CASH. CERTEFIED£ D rivals, Geheral~Hotorsrs 'Corp. and have to havlave a pause, u recession,|government for help in ththe laic 19703.- “I've got■t tot< do a lot in the n e x t2'/2'/2 C H E C K S O R M O N E Y O> R R B D E R S A C C E P T E D ' Ford M otor Co. lacocca saiclaid. “f thought il would be! andi eventually secured $1$1.5 billion in y e a rs," hec said. f “I always thoughtht F O R D E P O S IT O P 30%> O0 1 P A P P R A IS E D VALUE. (DEPOSITS NECES C E S S A in r I N O R D E R There's little doubtb t tho to ta l m id-’88 to) nmid-'89. 1 think I was offr loan 1 guarantees to survivtive. th a t compaipared with thc Japanese, TO BB QUALIFIED BIDDI7 D E R ). N O P E R S O N A L lO good guys o ut —. 65 and market demand this yeayear w ill fa ll by a good, . stsolid year." Under Irfcocca's guidance, we put the { ' - ■;C H E C K S A C C E P T E D F•OR O R THESE DEPOSITS.** well below thc 15.8 millioIlion vehicles He predicdieted a tou^h time for the? Chrysler ( repaid the loloans seven over. Thatlat’s when they’re justst sold last year, one off tlth e b o s t in n o x t 12 toto 18 months, but^saidI year.s j eariy, and hc freququently talks coming inlonio th o ir own in Ja p a n , 1 I Thc appraisals onn these two (2) lots areB $18,000.00$; each. industry history. Chrysler, ththe auto .industry and tho‘ aboutt that with a mix of)f humor and. think it iss stupids the way we lake_;e _ _ T h e rp a r e no im pjroyem r ents on these lots,i t s ...... lacocca estimates soleales between U.S. econorlomy are in better shape• bluntness. I ...... assets imd I ththrow th e m 'o u l."' ■ Prospective purchiih a s e rs o r th c ir a g e n t mn u i s t b o p r e s e n t o n ' 13.5 m illion and 14 millioIlion vehicles now than ththey were before the last When he first disclosedL*d Chrysler’s Bc.sidcs salary,sa bonuses and stock- day of sale for thele p u rp o s e o f e n te r in g tL h h e eir b id .______•Ib bo sold a t publi'llic nuetion ntthc ForestJ3 t S e r v ic n ------, I d a h o aigjofficlal c lls h o p e tct o c o n t r o ) l ^ o r n y r w c c d — Smokejumpors Co'omplex located on Missio}sion Street next to the McCall Airponjrt, M cCall, Idaho; on.WeJ enoine cnofel1140, also equipped wiUi independenl controlconti land towiing • Inlcrnalionjl ID __ with late aflernoon burningling and step operators andar local environmental attorney a' for tho Clcart Airlir Coalition, fields are bur)umod, IS unrtcr. hydnulic blade - Biushthnke,litsonD-8 1 up research int^aliernaii’aiivos to'l hc "activists,'attcittended thc meeting. ' II a Incnl f^rpup-workinfi-to.o-limit-fiold ------“Hire somemeonc.to-sitdown thero-on— annual burning of - gfgrass-ileia . LatcTftcnemoon burning could pop burning. b the prairieie and keep records.”J------: GENERA'AT0RS7CDMPRESS0RS&SXOBILLS stubbie. smoke up aboveab the daily inversion He said Bonner Countyty residents Carlson said,lid, to boos from some off GicdiKr-Denvercoovesor modellel spqdi.750 dm ^ Giidner Oenvtf drillill memodel ATO 37tX) air.irac • Agger COO g cofnpcesw 13S tbs. - Hoy eooip«eptessor 2300 RPM. normil pressure 500iOO tbs.tt • Leroy compressix ICO rc^iry will continue to bc “realally angry" those atlendinding. He said the grass Dennis Carlson, the assoass ciatio n 's of a ir th a l usiusually takos place lote in w . screw comptessor only m hourDurs • American pncumatic lack hammerTimer, w /r air wrench multi hoses • executive secretary, mademo those the summercr aflemoons. If it works, until u the grass growers•s a n d s e e d grow ers groroup i has been threatened^ CaUrpilbr generDor 220-440 s^eislem model 01300. SN.K1381SR comments at a hearinglg th is p a s t th e smoke will wi bc troppod above thc processors, pi such as Jacklii;lin Seed Co. w ith law suiiluits'by Bonner County PILE HAMMER y residents ground andi tlthen dispersed by higher in ir Post Falls, put mononey into residents andnd has tak en a “defensive" week at which angry r I'link bell 312 pile hanms include:xtes leads. oozes. researching r( cleaner waytys to shock posture by noinot releasinginformation: complained al)out gross-fic!-fieId sm oke altitude broo2 -FORKLIFTS------. 1Clj(klorklin.i(Bdet4.000lbi.-. • 1 Toyctolofk tifl, model SOOO. 18 mo.0. sirtsinco najofovcihjul, dull ait , ___ C om pany mow► T C S , H ^ GRADER & ROLLER cuts personnel l-CatBpilte 120Gorader-1-Riyolyco Rascal rollei. e l ^ E S S I O•NAI l j VANS & TRAILERS- -to meet miarke[ets— - - 1-Aflec4Cnt]|bedtnflerdrop(SKdock'-1 FnKhauf van'ofnce/Irailo,'19G2162'tTiDdcl n- • t-Osrsey van (ilicc/lrjilci, 19C2 rrodel -1 Ulpiewle utility irai:trailer • 1 Areo van ofliu- 1-Fruehaul vian a 440". BOISE (AP) — Morrisonfion-Knudsen ■ LK TANKER TRAILERS Corp. has notified aboutt 505C w o rk ers ■ T e a m : W o r t Ftuelauf40'oilUnker- 1-QutI(f4Cf 40* stainless Steetunk trailer. nt its Boise headquartersrs that they I SANDBLASTER will be laid off or_trnnsferiferred_from ...... _ ■ ...... i l S T 1 Schmin GSOandblcler, pp(.J.ot?otjol hoses.------Boise. - a i t m e : The number, split almoimoat evenly B : ~ i TRUCKS & PICKUP —bolw c o n la y u ffs and—t-f-t-fftflsf-frT-BT ------: B ~ ^ 1-lnlerujlonjl 2 lon trudc. S/2 liveansmisskw. wilh 16' Itilbed and hoi^ i1963 m i mnrli-l . t.Ford ------— dump tmct SfmingnmiW. caiijmrrans moia - l-HtiHDuia 10 whcolcrIcr tmckIn 1978 model - 1-Dodgc ulitily represents obout S'/a percent:cnt of M-K’s truck. 1977 model-IChevToW 1/21/2 lon pickup, autorraficair. 1977 model.lel. Doise w o rk fo rce o f 1,400.OO. Thc far- B^H — — — ------^ ■■.( Hung co n stru ctio n and engineering on^ (isote 7817 cn’fl’ino'eSStE • l-'Mack company employs abou 15,000 1-Gomico concrete finish nachlchine carriaoe, 76Tl2. marine pnsolo trucVconade mbcr. 1976 modell-l-lnlematkratconcfeiemim. -1 1973 modelmodi woridwide. Dennis Conrad M orrison-K nudsen soidd tlthe m oves MISCELLANEOUS were necessary bccausc of a switch 2-UiQe river pontoons - l-Oewillalt radial aim saw • 2-4* FLYGT submeisimersible pumps & hoses - 2-1 yjid concele buckcts -1-6' pomp. in job emphasis from heavy het civil . conHtruction projects to0 ti toxic and TRUCK PARTS, ETC. nuclear waste cleanup1 aiand other Pallets lull ddiesel Inxk parts. Beaileaiinfp hub. etc.. -100 pallets o( conocterde bbridge lorrm - Trailer lull oi hcun. s • Eloctiial (quipmeni • Trench tnus environmental markets. pumps, vk) other constnxllon loobob and eQU5Jnwtt • Hoses, dryino la/ps • Et hH i o m e • AUTO - Mjny olher Hero to munuoiA loontfdion.loo Despite the layoffo ffs, M K • •UFE . , • HEALTH RADIO'S 1 been stab le **" employment in Boiso has bc . b u s in e s s ------n n e rtogan^^^ ------10-mobils2«ayradio’sysle(ra.WillVUhbise station and loaimet thlH y e a r, apokcsm an~Josae s s H a w lo y ------D enise MeteS r Msta: The mijor pottlon ol thists (equlpmem comes liom a companyy in SlacUool.'i Idaho that did heavy said. eonsln 4 .1 7 3 0 I I ■ ' ’ IO ■ V

D l) Timos-Nows. Twin PallPalls, Idnho Sunday, July 30.30. 1989

l e c i t r o > n i ( D a ’ ■El C S i ______«

. SAVi ^ $ i o)0 Introoducinjg Ken\^i v o o d aiit The E5on Ma]irch e i I t^89i9 KENWOOID 125 WA7ATT REMOTE^ r ^ S Y S T E MM A- • .intRFTaf.Rd aam plifier w ith 7-h^ ^ > g n r ^ ______^ ' electronic equalizeser • m otorized vo:v o l u m e control w ith rem olate • double cassels e t t e w ith Dolby* • qua:artz AM /FM digitsital tuner ______» _ t f with 20 persets * 12" : 3-w ay bass rer e f l e x system -!rreg.i9.99;l>700 » Tnodel #Specyectru rn ...... 5 8 B • 2 1 ^ OPTIONAI L 6-DISC'C“ MAGAZIAVE CD CHANiGER i. • 4X oversam ppling • dual 16-bii■ b it inear D/A convertsters • reg. 349.00) 0 ' model #M P98. EliJlectronics.

B — ii ^ 9 S F SAVE $;^300 ______A, e l( ■ ■ f c -----MAG^NAV0X 122G-WATT CO w i = = R E « r ©ipE-e©N-^FTR0LST-EE R E O = w i . • Orig. $99999. Model 9412. • Dual deck wwi ith D olby’ B. = r = s y ; • 30-functiorion remote control, • Quartz tunericr with 12 presets— 6 8 • Two 3-wayay 12-inch sp eak ers.i. Electronics.

$ 2 S9S> 0 OPTIC^ONAL6-LDISC M MAGAAZINE CD l CHANG:^ER C • RoL^ $399.9. Modol #CDB ^84.■_____ * 1 6 bit-duttl D/A Dj convertor.______B. • Di^ntal .soiiiDund processing. Electronics. l i n ^ • n E ^ H ' \

. l ^ l v M a a

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■ I RCA\ 20"* TE] I ' )N W ITH]REMOTEi] B • nef^$369. Model FPR51i t:ompatibIe 147 chanrinel tuning. 3 - , • IS-funinction remote. een channel display. Hr ‘Diiinoniil: nmcii.'iurc. I H|


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