If rf Conserruathnpa]ays off forr mnovathiue farmer J D 5 - " I I ■ GGlafisified __- - C "Wur 0of Snake3 , : pGuraranteed Ads- . te g io n 'EB’: • • RlRun 1 week, gat 2nd2r week FREE! River-- D 1 BuhlE win.q lose3 8 - C 1 " _____ ^M apketplacc 7733-0626 :;: 1 j / ■1LT .J^ = ::TY O' a Copyllghtcts m S i U.g<c V.ll.y 8I4th 4 t year. No. 211 T w in F aills, lls Idaho Sunday,C July 30, 1 9 ^ H o s ttage^ss t a n d co f f i c o m t i n ul e s J By M ICHELLE COLE; Wlweopons. don’t't Iknow if they realize what'sit'a happening." and CRAIG LINCOLN “We’re much mofc'concern;cmcd now about the Me.lejia is believed to have hadlad a case of beer Times-News writers girls,"gi Du Fresne said, w hen2n he shut him self in, butt>ut the house is Mejia threatened suicidicidc Friday night reporlirtedly not well-stocked with j TWIN FALLS - Asi midnightni iipproached beforebe locking himself andid hhis 6-ycar-old and Thehe three inside the house! rcccivcdre a light i Saturday, police enteiite ro d th e ir 27th h o u r 9-year-old9-, daughter in hishi home, at 235 brpakikfast eariy Saturday momiiming bccause thc ! outside a Twin FallsIs hI o m e w h e re a m a n RRt am ajJeS t. kfflsvI were hungry, Du Fresne sal . ^ remained barricadcdid with' his two young D u F re sn e said thcy_believiieve Mejia moved to Antnd while neighbora and localh iiist-food. daughters. TwinTv Falls from the Pocatellttollo/Blackfoot areo redtb';‘aurant8-are keeping'offl)fnrG rs'outsidr~^^^H “He’ll either come out tonigh^ or pass out aab b o u t a w eejt o g o ............ .... ......................... suppli)lied with food and drinks,1,-the tl three inside ..........tonight,"PaulDuFrVBrnjsne, Twin Falls' safety It took m ore th a n a dayi to make a positive havee received no meals sinsince Saturday “ dircctoiTBaid:;------------------------------------------------------id<identinoation-as.Mejia-UBeB.ses-several-oliosea—morni Policc identified theJ manm late Saturday as anand birthdatea, Du Freane aaiaaid. “Thi'hc/re not going to get anyinything until ho Jesus Bautista Mejia,I, oa 31-year-old illegal DespitT> the 97-degree heheat, police have sendsIs thc kids out,” Du Frcsni said. ‘ Wc’ll im m igrant, who w as depoeported in 1986 and 1984. de<dccided to wait Mejia out. ThoyTh fear storming feedt^the kids out here. H e knowsws th at.” An hour earlier, at apiapproximately 11 p.m., thethi house or using toar gasas icould jeopardize Aftcrter a long, sultry night,, p tried to negotiators thought theycy 1had convinced Mejia thethc girls. sh u t off0 power to thc house earlyea Soturday _____to leave hia houBC . ___ Police arc in nearly comlon stan t te le p h o n e __r^<ynining. But p'olice_latcr_lcarearned thcy.had-^^^^l ' Neighbors waitcH'insidside their homes in thc contactcoi with'M ejia in order*r t<to keep him from madee a mistake and the poweiArer was on darkened South Park neineighborhood as policc falfalling asleep. lato SSaturday. a turned their squad cars's' headlightsY on Mejia’s M1 e a n w h ile , th e g irls ’ moim other w aits w ith Poliiilice considered cutting theIC wotor' too, but front door: polpolice outside her home. o n icerers said tho shut-olT valve waswi too closo to But the m an failed toI appear.ap (Officers can hear the childrildrcn laughing a n d ' th e poslossible line of fire. Police in eastern IdiIdaho have issued a sorBometimes arguing inside.Ic. ‘They h av e a ls o Du1 1Fresne said it’s commorion s tra te g y in warrant on Mejia for aggaggravated assault, Du talltalked with the girls on thee tolcphone.te but th e hostogijge situations to c u t off food)od and utilities. Fresne said. Mejia is also wanted for' girgirls refuse to leave th eir fathcIther. Theyf iarc hoping that they canran wear Mejia questioning in connecncction with illegal “They’re very young," Du Fresne said . “I , • Seo HOSTAGE on PPi a g o A 3 P'olice o l officer Ruben Salialdcma speaks to Jesusus Bautista'1 Mejia S i n g ii n g B tr i d g e d e t e rr i o r a t ii o n \ r . 't. p o s e ss d i l e im m a I B y K IRK MITCHELL Times-News writer Rebuildd prospects - Bl Y t o “ f ALLS - EJven v e on,hot trucka-fromom crossing. '{ nights, Enid Henson1 k e e p s h e r The chang«nge could be minimal - or '.V windows closed to shut out th e diesel il could be d ramr atic. fumes, and she dreads thetht prospect , “1 feel like{c iti m ay not be a lot but it of even more trucks rumlambling paat may be somome," M iles said. “This h e r home in th e future. structure is quite old and it’.s —We're already-gettinging way-too- -basically.wearearing o u t.", many trucks going by’ here,"h( said, ‘ Loweringg thct limits even a little ------Enid-Henson,'^ho-has-li\-livcd-at 172- would-be--•--a—blow—to—several— — Blue-LakesBoulcvard'SoiSouth‘for'39 businesaes'iij'ih the cifyVrndusirial— years. _ - _____________ p a rk t h ntt use the bridge for t Forly-ton trucks thattat now use shipping, fortorcing them to take five- I Washington Street Southh ccould soon mile-long detours,( said City fi be diverted to Henson’ss street.ands Engineer Garlary Y oung. I ' other alternate routescs if state RickMittorton, tru c k in g m an ag er for .1 officials decide to lowewer weight BlickTruckinting Inc., which carries40 I lim its on thc Singing B ridgedge. ’ truckloads9 of raw product to I E a rlie r th is y ear, th es statesl gave Universal FrozenFr Foods each duy, I the bridge a rating of 4 on ai scalc of said about 60BO percent of those trucks | - —100 - anindication-tha^the-ihe-structure-cross the-Sinpnging-Bridgc:--------------------- Tkn* is detoriorating faster thanrnn it can be The majorit)rity already run close to __ Some traffic onn W ashington Street SouthS m ay be diverteded if officials dedde to> low1 er lim its on th e SingingSit Bridge ! i maintained.' thc existing Wlweight limits, he said, Jeff Miles, bridge ininspection "If they wowould lower it anything 1 e n g in e e r for*- th ee Idaho I’m sure it wouldwc affect us," Mitton LX o w m a nI e v a c u ate t d a s Irco n T riani Transportation Depart^n^«ient, said said, igle fire s p r e a d s w ithin two m onths his de]:department The leastt amounta that the state By The Associated Press F o r e stt! Service officials arear asking the publllic to divertedcd ttwo retardant planes likely will post new limitsa tlthat could would lowerr thetl limit is by a ton, or from makingng (drops on a new blaze The Iron Triangle fire corontinucd to _______s t a j; ^ away from the McltcPherson Creek an prohibit some trucks - inciticluding fire • See BRIIillDGE on Page A2 £ £ 2 ______ reported in1 ththc Sawtooth National burn out of control latei Si a tu rd a y ____Id a h o __Higiighw^„21_between_fij_firefighterg.were.battling.ti :.the_blazc9._Forc8t._Dubb abbed_thc-McPhearaon__ ' ToTcing'lhc ev acu atio n ofXoLowman as . Lowman andnd Idaho C ity h as been in the Boise National Forcsiest, “neariy Fire, it has18 consumedc up to 1500 flames entored the town. clo se d , an d theth fire “has increasod oneor for every aero Iburned."^ acrcs since breakingbre out around 1:30 Thc Haven Lodge was ddestroyed substantially,ly, and is m oving to t^c A<Additioniil crcws have beeren ordered Satui;doyaflcnlem oon. butbu no deaths were rep<ported as east and northrth of {^wman" said (Jre to the fire front, and shouldId arrive in Fire Informtrmation'Officer Barbara residents moved to safetyLinjearhy_inIbnnatioiU3fl i th e n ex t several days; she etsaid. Todd said reso■esourcca were stretched JT “ "Pote Une '■ ? “ ’Stanley'SE and'Gar'den Valley. y- Irwin saidlid m ore th a n 2,600 Concerns over thc Ironn Triangle • See FIR^IRES on Page A2 1 © ^ MT ra n s p o lr ta tio n isissu es bot) th e r n a tiio n 's g o v•v ern o rs = _ I • ThiThe Associatod P re ss saidsa V im nia’s Democratictic Gov. Gerald Balilcs, sayingsa improvements in transportation are , -j ^ F alls. S ' chaimch \A^fthc National GGo overnors’ As.sociation. csessential for the nation•ion to become moro ’ I I? i V }'i CHICAGOc — The nationons governors opened —Pr(||«H ^U 9h planneded to a rriv e Monday lo competitiveco wilh foreign indu.stry.ind It warned that r 3 a ' « ; j- their annual conference Sataturday with a call for . addre^Wad f^emors. transportation facilities “ure“ui dctcrioraling at a r more in tra . > I D 3 w mo ransportation and a The governors' associatior-ion sought to steer clear fafaster rate lhan they are being repaired or 2 com pla9K B ^c fedeleral government is of portisanship- during? itsi meeting, which—rcrcplaced.1 _______ ____ o Is iS i ;>• 1 ; IJ 3 hoahoarding m a|j|Pihat shouldd be spent on highways concludcsco Tuesday, andd plannedf to focus'on Thc report called for morelore regional and fedeml 7 3 ' " ' and airports.
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