Westfield High School, Westfield, New Jersey Dr
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• • Westfield High School, Westfield, New Jersey Dr. i, •" At the beginningofanew school • •• year, with two of our students ,---_ . spending their first semester in Finland and Germany, and one of our new students a guest from This year twenty new teachers will join the faculty of Westfield Japan, we are grateful for all High School. The staff of the Hi's Eye would like to welcome them. that is being done to establish Mr. Victor Amendolaro will teach biology and Algebra I this international understanding. This year. He obtained his B.S. from the City College of New York. Mr. seems particularly important in David Brown has his Masters degree from the University of Michi- the fall of 1961 when tensions gan and will teach developmental reading. , in international affairs have in- From Douglass College Mrs. Miriam Brown received her B.A. creased so dramatically. She will instruct French I and II. Mrs. Marion Carter is returning -Tn this atmosphere it seems after one year's absence to rejoin the physical education department. hardly necessary to emphasize She graduated from Westchester State Teachers College. the importance of education or Miss Judith Clark obtained her B.A. from Wooster College in the high standards of scholarship Ohio and her Masters degree from Northwestern. She will teach traditionally maintained inWest- mathematics. Voice training is Mrs. Genevieve Rowe Hill's' subject. field Senior High School. Every She also graduated from Wooster College. Montclair State sends student knows that he has avail- WHS Mr. Joseph Della Badia, who will teach Modern World History, able here the opportunity to obtain Occupations and U.S. History. , the kind of education he needs. Mr. John Elder will instruct It is a pleasure to welcome Biology I and II this year. He you on your return to school and u s ave has his B.S. from Dickinson Col- • • to wish for you success in the lege. Plane Geometry and Alge- ISS ,erlea coming year. bra will be taught by Miss Susan e pea Goldman. Miss Goldman received For the past two days, Marilyn Haufler or Miss New Jersey, Westfield High offers a wide her E.A. from Douglass College. a 1960 graduate of WHS, has been competing in the Miss America In the guidance department Mr. selection of clubs to its students contest at Atlantic City. The climax of the pageant will arrive at Edward Johnsori will take a pos- ranging from Auto Club for Girls midnight Saturday after a busy week for all 52 contestants. ition. He obtained his B.A. from to Catalyst Club. The club per- Tonight Marilyn will compete in the evening gown competi- On August 13, Thomas L. the University of Pennsylvania iod is usually held once a month tion for which she will wear what she described as a "very simple, Crampton, in his youthful and his Masters degree from during school hours. full length white beaded gown with a scoop neck." enthusiasm for life, met Columbia University Teachers , Every student is urged to join In tomorrow night's talent competition, Marilyn will perform a with a fatal accident. College. a club connected with his inter- comedy skit in which she portrays a young kindergarten teacher on He had gone skin diving Mr. Norman Koury graduated ests. Some clubs are held after her first day of school. Only a few of the contestants are doing with a group of friends on from the University of Alabama skits. This is the fourth skit she has memorized since June, and school so that a student may that hot Sunday. His air (Continued on Page 4) she considers it quite good. It was written by Jack Carter, a famous supply ran low. There was join more than one club. Among T.V. comedy writer. a moment of panic in an these are the Writers' Club, Lit- erary Clubs, Mask and Mime, , Although Marilyn enjoys competing, she said the swim suit con- icy quarry, and in the next , test makes her feel self-conscious knowing so many people will be few minutes, Tom drowned. and others. staring at her. Now it is not the acci- The French, German, Spanish, She also indicated that the questions were a little nerve racking dent that remains in our and Latin Clubs are the language at the state contest. minds , but the inner zest clubs offered to the students tak- At the present time, Marilyn is enrolled in the Women's Col- fo r living, the courage, ing these languages as courses. -lege of 1lie University of Norlli Car-o'Itna where she will be a sopho- which motivated Tom. Each- cluh....studie.s its language's more. After her selection as Miss New Jersey, she was considering origin and people through films, ~ -O~-"~h---'___ ..e_. E".,."."-- ... transferring to a state college, but decided she liked "wc" too well slides, lectures, and books. A to leave. Marilyn is studying to be a speech therapist upon graduation. trip to a museum or show is The 5' 7", blond, blue-eyed taken yearly by the members of girls was a C.O. during her sen- the club. ior year in high school, a mem- Carls Visits Clubs such as Future Tea- ber of the Modern Dance Club, Worcester chers, Future Nurses, and Future Student Council, Future Nurses Business Leaders of America of America, Mask and Mime, During the summer, John Carl- Missy Read was the senior offer experience to their mem- Bridge Club, and Junior Liter- son, senior, attended a six day class' representative to Jersey (Continued on Page 4) ary Club. engineering program at the Wor- Girls' State this summer. This Marilyn enjoys swimming, rid- cester Polytechnic Institute in program is conducted in 480fthe ing, tennis, and in general' 'loves Worcester, Mass. 50 United States at the present rran life." Thus far her title has The program, which involved time, and being organized in the secured her a $1000 Pepsi-Cola 50 boys who had just completed other two. Scholarship, plus many clothes their junior year in high school, The purpose of Girls' State is and public appearances. Should was designed to determine the to acquaint representatives of The Girls' Sports Council is she enter the semi-finals, finals, ability of the students in their New Jersey high schools with the WHS's second exchange stu- organized to serve as a repre- or win in the Miss America selected fields 0 f engineering, functions of their government at dent, Barbara Wolff, is now sentative of Westfield High girls contest, she may receive from and provide a sample of the kind all its branches--city, county, spending her first two weeks in and to stimulate interest in all $1,000 to $10,000 in awards. of study done in the respective and state. Europe at an American Field activities offered in the -girls' As might be expected, 18 year fields. The program was held at Dou- Service training camp in Sieg- physical education department. old Marilyn is delighted to have The first days were devoted glass College for five days in gestrasse, Germany. The senior At the end of each school year been chosen to be Miss New to a battery of aptitude, inter- July. During this time, seven girl sailed aboard the "Seven the girls of each grade elect six Jersey. During the interview she est, and factual knowledge tests, lectures about the state govern- Seas" August 22, arriving in girls as representatives and four freely discussed old high school and then the students studied ment were given by persons in- Rotterdam, Netherlands last Fri- officers. The officers are: Wendy day. acquaintances, her college life, some "typical" work in each volved in New Jersey politics. Guthrie, president; Priscilla Barbara was notified of her and many other topics. field. This study involved labor- As in Boys' State at Rutgers, Hi neb au c h , vice - president; When asked if there was any- atory work and lecture periods. the girls nominated candidates acceptance for study in West Nancy Hely, secretary; and Ginny thing she particularly wanted to At the conclusion of the six for offices, campaigned, made Berlin by the AFS two weeks Tice, treasurer. say to WHS students, she laugh- days, each student had a private posters, gave speeches, and previous to her departure, and The first project of the year ingly refused a quotation because interview with a faculty member finally elected their senators, re- thus was kept busy getting a will be the annual Senior Sister she didn't want to say anything at which time he was told how presentatives, and governor. passport, pictures, and shots be- Program to be held in early trite or unnatural. successful he would be in a During the leisure time, the fore leaving the U.S. September. Senior sisters for She did say that she had learned certain field based on the tests, girls used the campus recrea- Although some people might the sophomore girls have been a great deal from the experience, school marks, and "work sam- tional facilities, and came to know prefer staying away from Berlin chosen and letters of introduc- pIes" at the Institute. one another. in this crucial time, Barbara (Continued on Page 4) tion will be sent to each sopho- said that she felt it would be a more girl. The program gives the wonderful and exciting experi- girls of both classes a chance to ence and was extremely glad she School Calendar For 1961 - 62 meet each other as well as to was going. She will be in Berlin give the sophomores an outline un til January and will earn • of the physical education pro- credits towards her Westfield September 23•••...• Student Council Dance March 3.