View of New Publications
t-/vionM/?ruyriJ-e^Jne/4<x/e/ <^W(A 6'to-7-)-v£r,tsn.e,/y louden,Ftil 'llrlutby G.Cturtlwni.BrUisKT,ibmiy-Sti*uid.I>iX?3i. 1737. THE SCIENTIFIC MAGAZINE, AND FREEMASONS' REPOSITORY : FOR DECEMBER , 17S7. - ..-^-J/ ^/ii/AO./ rtrK ^VV«\HvVW» ^.>., , _ ~i«^v,x^\\^^^^^y2>rS^^/^^?^^.^- EMBELLISHED WITH AN ENGRAVED REPRESENTATION OF THE ' ' MONUMENT OF THE REV. W. ROM AINE. CONTENTS. Page Page Memoir pf Mr. Romaine, - 35s On a faded Rose in the bosom of Miss Of Prince Henry of Prussia, - 361 S-aB-r, - - it. Life of Edmund Burke 62 The Amicable Brothers, ib. , . -3¦ - - Life of David Garrick, . - - . 365 To'a Long Shawl, . - - - 397 On the Infelicities of the Learned, 300 Epitaph on a Freemason, - il>. Biographical Notice of Joseph Jackson, 370 on a Musician, - - il> . Singular account of Charlotte Clarke, ib. La Sainte Guillotine, - - 39S Anecdotes, - - - 37- The Invasion, - - - . j'6. Comparison between the A ncients and Moderns in Science and Litera- PUBLIC AMUSEMENTS. ture, - - - - 373 Influence of Government on the men- The Chimney Corner, - - 399 Tri p to the Nore - - - i t>. tal Faculties, • - - 37 i , Burke on the' English Sty le of Writ- fhe Castle Spectre, - - 400 ing- - 80 An Escape into Prison, - - 16. , - - - 3 - - il> On Family Government, - 3S1 Falsi Impressions, . FREEMASONS' REPOSITORY. The Round Tower, - 4^2 ib. Dr. Ashe's Masonic Discourse, 3S2 New Performers, - - Masonic Intelligence, - - 385 PARLIAMENTARYPROCEEDINGS. REVIEW OF NEW PUBLICATIONS. the Debates in the last Embassy to China, continued , 38 Conclusion of 9 Session - - Col. Dirom's Plan of Defence, 393 , 4-J Wilberforce on the Prevailing Reli- Commencement of thepresent Session, including the Debates on, and S CALE gious System of Christians, - 391 of ASSKSM EST of' The Tin PLU AS- Canterbury Tales, - - 392 ' Bidlake's Country Parson, - ib .
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