Ad Populos, Non Aditus, Pervenimus Published Every Thursday Since September 3, 1890 (908) 232-4407 USPS 680020 Thursday, May 29, 2014 OUR 124th YEAR – ISSUE NO. 22-2014 Periodical – Postage Paid at Rahway, N.J.
[email protected] SEVENTY FIVE CENTS Voters to Decide Races For Congress, Garwood Mayor By PAUL J. PEYTON since 1999, has represented Fanwood, Larsen. Mr. Larsen previously chal- Specially Written for The Westfield Leader Plainfield and most of Scotch Plains lenged Mr. Lance in 2010 and 2012 REGION — Voters will go to the the past two years since redistricting in the strong Republican district. polls this Tuesday, June 3, to decide after the 2010 U.S. Census moved In the race for United States Sen- competitive Primary Election races the towns to the 12th District. State ate, there is a four-candidate race in in both the 12th and 7th Congres- Senator Linda Greenstein (D-14th, the Republican Primary between Jeff sional Districts and in the Republi- Middlesex), Assemblywoman Bell of Leonia, who was the party’s can Primary Election for United States Bonnie Watson Coleman (D-15th, candidate for Senate in 1978 and Senate. There is also a mayor’s race Mercer) and Assemblyman Upendra who recently moved back to New in Garwood (see story on this page), Chivukula (D-17th, Somerset) are Jersey from Virginia in order to run; and races for Union County surro- joined in the race by Andrew Zwicker, businessman Brian Goldberg of West gate and county freeholders. a physicist and science educator at Orange, former Army Reserves ma- In the 12th Congressional race, Princeton University.