Ability to Pay Theory of Taxation: Advocated by Ely, 320, 322; George
Index Ability to pay theory of taxation: advocated by Anarchists, nineteenth-century individualist: Ely, 320, 322; George on, 322; defects of, their critique of George, 234-53; accuse 387-88 George of Malthusianism, 236-37; Aesthetic argument against George's proposal: condemn George's Ricardianism, 237; advanced by Harris, 193 attack George's views on capital and Aimes, H. H. S.: his study of Cuban slave interest, 240-44; condemn land-value economy, 76-77 taxation, 236, 238, 239, 245, 246; their Alba, estates of the Duchess of, 343 confusion concerning George's concept of Alcazar Alvarez, Fr. Juan: biographical data, rent, 237-38; their views summarized on his appreciative remarks on George, rent, Ricardianism, unearned increment, 326, 327, 333; his critique of George, and land value, 240; their views on 326-41; considers single tax simplistic, 335; copyrights and patents, 244-45; tabular claims inconsistencies in George, 335; summary of their views compared with alleges practical difficulties in George's George's 249; their critique evaluated, proposal, 330-31; his commentary on 23848 passim. See also Hanson, William; George's island illustration, 332; his Ingalls, Joshua K.; and Tucker, Benjamin mistakes concerning George's proposal, R. 328-29, 331, 332, 335 (claims that George Anarcho-Capitalism, 354. See also Heath, proposes land nationalization, 329; claims Spencer; and Rothbard, Murray N. that George proposes equal division of Andelson, Robert V.: justifies territorial land, 329; claims that George predicates sovereignty, on George's premises, 150-51; individual happiness on welfare of society, quoted on effect on land ownership of 331; claims that George advocated George's proposal, 334.
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