The Surnames & Place-Names of the Isle Of
6Xavv, S-h^. : c u^^^/^a^ y^/2^'^/)a.<^ THE x^y/ SURNAMES & PLACE-NAMES OF THE ISLE OF MAN. BY A. W. MOORE, M.A ®iitk m\ introburtiou BY PROFESSOR RHYS. '' As no impresses of the past a^e so abiding^ so none, when once attention has been awakened to ihetn, are so self-evident as those which najnes preserve.'—Trench (on ' The Study of Words.') LONDON ELLIOT STOCK, 62, PATERNOSTER ROW, E.C. 1890. f^*^^''^'^,. >9S 30 U^f '-^ VIClK:!^ PREFACE. I AM at a loss what excuse to make for thrusting my- self into the foreground of this work, except that I have found it too hard to say ' nay ' to its author, whom I have known for years as a scholar who takes the keenest interest in all that relates to the history of his that he had singular facilities for studying everything of the nature of documentary evidence bearing on Manx proper names. Those who happen to have been acquainted with the 'Manx Note Book,' edited with such ability and such excellent taste by Mr. Moore, will agree with me in this reference to him. It always struck me as a pity that he should not place on record the fruits of his familiarity with the official records of the Island; and the expression, on my part, of that feeling on sundry occasions, is the only possible merit to which I could lay claim in connexion with this volume. The ground to be covered by the work is defined by the geography of Man, and so far so good ; but on the other hand, proper names, whether of persons or of ^itcface.
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