SUBSECTION B6: GOOD PRACTICES IN TEACHING AND LEARNING Provider Category Standard 3.8. The higher educaiton provider demonstrates engagement with its local and regional communities and demonstrates a commitment to social responsibility in its activities.

SECTION B8.2.3 Outcomes data used to evaluate and report on the effectiveness of the applicatn's community engagement and social responsibility commitments.

Avondale University College Application - Section B8 Page 1 of 22 AVONDALE COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT (ACE)

Community Engagement Evidence is profiled here in 3 sets. As indicated in the ACE Strategy document, Community Engagement at Avondale is classified under ACE PLUS and ACE STAR categories. The former indicates credit that is accrued by largely by students for their engagement in an activity and the latter indicates altruistic community engagement activities. Both staff and students are involved in the ACE Star Programs. Details of ACE Star Community Engagement Programs at Avondale are provided in Appendix 1. In this regard, Appendix 2 provides all ACE PLUS activity involving students in Service Learning, Placements and Work-Integrated Learning contexts.

Evidence of staff engagement in community engagement that is not reflected in Appendix 1 and Appendix 2 activities have been provided in the Staff Record 2014-2016 table and accompanying chart. Please note that the chart does not take into account staff engagement in the ACE STAR programs identified in Appendix 1. Impact rating based on a scale of 1-3 with 3 equating to verified, sustained, high impact activities was considered in rating the performance of staff community engagement. However, this rating scale is currently under review and requires further review and development. See the impact measurement discussion paper by Dr Brad Watson.[SEE ATTACHMENT: B8.2.1.3a Assessing Community Engagement at Avondale]

Staff Record 2014-2016 [This data does not take into account the community engagement done by staff in the ACE STAR or ACE Plus programs [Appendix 1 and 2]

Avondale Community Engagement Staff Record 2014-2016

National International



Source: Avondale data FIGURE 1

Avondale University College Application - Section B8 Page 2 of 22 Avondale Staff Community Engagement 2014-2016




Source: Avondale data FIGURE 2


Name Activity

Domestic (NSW) Domestic () International Staff ACE PLUS Staff ACE STAR Bogacs, Involvement with National Heads of    P. Counsellor and Psychotherapy  (2014- Educators 2016) Bogacs, Regular guest speaker   P. appointments (2014- including Speaker, SDA Managers 2016) Retreat (2014),Women’s Retreat Workshop, Lord Howe Island Counselling trip (2015), NNSW SDA Church headquarters- talk so School Principals on mental health issues, various church sermons in NSW churches. Collis, Dr. Volunteer- International Children’s    A. (2016) Care: Kirsten Jade Rescue Centre, RT, Chiang Mai, Thailand: 1 week voluntary trip (July 2016) to Thailand to paint a series of murals for ICC orphanage Collis, ‘Reconciliation’ Show 2015.   Dr. A., Exhibited Morris, ‘Understory’ - collaborative work Dr. R. & with Trudgett- Richard Morris and Indigenous

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Name Activity

Domestic (NSW) Domestic (Australia) International Staff ACE PLUS Staff ACE STAR Watson, Artist, Maria Trudgett-Watson M. (2015) Collis, Dr. Woodglen Village. Erina, Central   A. Coast, Woodglen Art Show, 2015: Gosford: Community Art Show: I was Winner of People’s Choice $1500 Prize. Collis, Dr. Gosford Regional Gallery. Central   A., Coast, NSW. Morris, 'Reconciliation' 2016 Group show: Dr. R. & Collaborative work with Richard Trudgett- Morris and Maria Watson-Trudgett. Watson, We received the Reconciliation M. (2016) Collaborative Prize for our collaborative painting: 'A Mile in My Shoes' Christia Chair of Committee- Sub-   n, Mrs. committee of SDA Special B. Character Working Party. (2014- Responsible for developing a 2016) model of Adventist education Christian, Member of Australia New   Mrs. B. Zealand SDA (2014- Encounter Curriculum Committee 2016) tasked with development of Bible curriculum for Adventist schools Christian, Member – National Curriculum   Mrs. B. Committee member (2014- 2016) Christian, Volunteer with team offering free   Mrs. B. Health (2015) Checks, Morisset Show Christian, Weekly volunteer with Children’s   Mrs. B. Ministry at local church (2015) Christian, Puppetry Team mentor and guide   Mrs. B. for (2014- community Christmas Nativity 2015) Walkthrough. Cloete, Complete Health Improvement   Mrs. L. Programme (CHIP): Co- (2014- ordinating and running CHIP 2016) programme in Gosford Cloete, Local: Co-ordinating and running   Mrs. L. Depression Recovery programme in (2013) Gosford

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Name Activity

Domestic (NSW) Domestic (Australia) International Staff ACE PLUS Staff ACE STAR Dawson Volnteer with Mercy Ships    , Mrs. S. International in Australia. Recipient (2014) of African Australian Awards ceremony at the Parliament of in November 7, 2014. In recognition of a 12-year engagement including supervising up to 90 volunteers Dawson, Coordinator of collaborations with   Mrs. S. the (2015) School of Nursing and Atoifi Hospital and Atoifi School of Nursing in the Solomon Islands. De Berg, Avondale Brass Band solo horn and   Dr K. assist in taking sermons with the 2014-2016 band De Berg, Small Group Prayer Fellowship   Dr K. leader 2014-2016 De Waal, Avondale College Church Elder:   Dr. K. Served in a volunteer capacity (2014- assisting the 2016) pastoral team in leadership issues, church management, ministry development De Waal, Preaching- 20 sermons in Australia   Dr. K. and (2014- New Zealand 2016) French, Director LAMP, Director One   W. Mission, Facilitator StormCo, Guest speaker Morisset High School & Guest Speaker at Archeology Community Event in Warnambool. Co- facilitator of mentoring group Be Someone to Somebody. Gosling Greater Sydney Conference of the   , Mrs. T. SDA Church - Health Advisory: (2014- Health Advisory Committee 2016) Member 2014- 2016 Hattingh, Sabbath School Lesson Study    Dr. S. numerous times locally and (2014- nationally. 2016) Sabbath School leader locally.

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Name Activity

Domestic (NSW) Domestic (Australia) International Staff ACE PLUS Staff ACE STAR Hattingh, Pathfinder Leader (Rangers Group).   Dr. S. Hattingh, Sermon: “Distraction or Focus” at a   Dr. S. local church (2014- 2016) Hattingh Fundraiser for ADRA Blossom   , Dr. S. Project (2014- (Vanuatu). 2016) Hinze, Dr. Coordinator: MOTO international   J. teaching practicums in Cambodia 2014-2016 for 3rd and 4th year BEd students. Jackson Preaching- 12 sermons or   , Dr. W. presentations in Australia (2014- 16) Jackson Committee Member: North NSW   Dr. W. Conference Executive (2015- Committee / Director NSWC 2016) Church Company Jackson, Local Church Elder and Leadership   Dr. W. Team Member (2014- 2016) Kilgour, School council member at Kempsey   Dr. P. Adventist School and coordinator of 2014-2016 STEM research Kilgour, Hills Adventist College STEM   Dr. P. consultant Kilgour, Member of ISCE (Independent   Dr. P. Schools Centre of Excellence) executive at the AISNSW (Association of Independent Schools of NSW). King, National Tour to Easterfest,    Ms. A. Toowoomba, Qld, Easter 2014 (2014) (The Promise were invited as The guest artists to perform for Easterfest, Australia’s largest Promise Christian Music Festival) of Avondale International Tour to New Zealand with Institute of Worship, September 2014

The Promise collaboration with

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Name Activity

Domestic (NSW) Domestic (Australia) International Staff ACE PLUS Staff ACE STAR James Morrison King, Ms. Performance: Avondale    A. & Conservatorium Howard Performance Diary 2015: National Race, Tour to Melbourne & Brisbane Mrs. C. (2015) King, Director- The Promise.    Ms. A. The Performance National Tours Promise Performance with The Song Company Multiple performances of Avondale (2015- 2016) Long, W Avondale Schools Finance   (2014- Committee 2016) Member Long, W SDA Aged Care (NNSW) Ltd   (2014- Finance 2016) and Audit Committee Member Long, W SDA Aged Care (Greater Sydney)   (2014- Ltd 2015) Audit Committee Chair Long, W AUC Conference Restructure   (2014- Working 2016) Party Leader Long, W SDA Church in the South Pacific   (2015 to Accounting Methods Technical 2016) Committee Member Long, W Seventh-day Adventist Church   (2015 to (SNSW) 2016) Ltd and SDA Schools (SNSW) Ltd Audit Committee Chair Long, W Division CCMF Ltd. Director   (2015 to 2016) Long, W SDA Aged Care (NNSW) Ltd   (2016) Director Ludlow, Volunteering Avondale College   Dr. S. Church (2014- Kindy Sabbath School 1-2x per 2016) month Ludlow, Member - Adventist Schools   S. (2015- Australia Early Childhood, Early 2016) Encounters with Jesus, Bible

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Name Activity

Domestic (NSW) Domestic (Australia) International Staff ACE PLUS Staff ACE STAR Curriculum team Ludlow, Member of the planning team for   S. (2015- the 2016) inaugural Australian Christian Early Childhood Educator’s Association Conference Ludlow, Member Early Childhood Teacher   S. (2014- Education Council 2016) Ludlow, Early Childhood Professional   S. (2014- Experience Council 2016) Matthes, Cooranbong Public Primary:   Dr. A. Scripture in School volunteer. with students Matthes, Locally and within State: Adventist   Dr. A. with Aviation Association (AAA) Church students Program Western NSW, volunteer. Matthes, Avondale School: School Council   Dr. A. Rep. Matthes, Avondale School: Parents and   Dr. A. Friends 2014-2016 Association President Matthes, Lakeside Seventh Day Adventist   Dr. A. Church: Church Elder 2014-2016 Matthes, Avondale School: Festival of Faith   Dr. A. Speaker 2015? Matthes, Coordinator: MOTO international   Dr. A. teaching practicums in India for 3rd (2014, and 2016) 4th year BEd students Matthes, Professional collaboration: STEM   Dr. A. research with Kempsey Seventh 2016 Day Adventist School Mitchell, Review of pulmonary tuberculosis   Assoc. in Western Provence (Daru) in Prof. B. Papua New Guinea. Worked with (2014) Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade Mitchell, Voluntary Member of Australasian   BG (2014- College for Infection Prevention and 2016) Control Research Committee Morey, P. Member of the Board of Directors of   (2014- the

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Name Activity

Domestic (NSW) Domestic (Australia) International Staff ACE PLUS Staff ACE STAR 2016) “Seventh-day Adventist schools (NNSW) Ltd’ company Morton, Lead the development and roll-out   Dr. D. of (2014- the Complete Health 2016) Improvement Program in 10 countries. Ongoing presentation of public lectures, motivations talks and community awareness activities around Chip- including print and film media. Morris, Dr. Blue Haven community project:   R. and Weekly volunteering for a Food approxima Bank outlet community project tely 9 held at the Blue other SDA Haven Community Centre. volunt eers, (2016) July - August Morris, Blue Haven SDA church: Sermon   Dr. R. 2015, August Morris, R., Collaborative artistic project   Collis A. between & indigenous and non-indigenous Watson- artists. Collaboration on a painting Trudgett titled Understory, exhibited in the , M. exhibition; Reconciliation, held at (2015). Gosford Regional Art Gallery. During May, 2015. Morris, R., Collaborative artistic project   Collis A. between indigenous and non- & Watson- indigenous artists. Trudgett, Collaboration on a painting titled A M. (2016). Mile in My Shoes, exhibited in the Reconciliation exhibition, held at Gosford Regional Art Gallery. During May, 2016-09-02 (Awarded second prize by NSW Fair Trading). Parker, M. Ministry Immersion Experience,   (2014) Borneo, Malaysia. Took 10 students to Borneo to run outreach &

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Name Activity

Domestic (NSW) Domestic (Australia) International Staff ACE PLUS Staff ACE STAR preaching programs in the local community. Parker, M. Table coordinator at CHIP health   (2015) and wellbeing program, Morisset Parker, M. Preaching appointments at   (2014- Adventist 2016) churches in Sydney and the Hunter region Parker, M. Ministry Immersion Experience,   (2016) Cook Islands. Took 12 students to the Cook Islands to run outreach and preaching programs in the local community. Parker, M. Relationship seminar for Avondale   (2016) married students Petrie, K. Preaching-32 times in various   (2014- churches 2016) in NSW. This often includes providing special music and/or taking the Sabbath-School lesson. Petrie, Dr Avondale College Church and local   K. (2014- churches: contributing music to 2016) events Potter, D. Numerous sermons in NSW   2014-2014 churches. Race, Volunteer Collector for ADRA   Assoc. Australia: Prof. Raise awareness of role of P. (2014) ADRA Australia in supporting disadvantaged people across Australia and the world Reynaud, TV documentary: The Kiwi    Dr. D., Chaplains. It Livingst Is Written Oceania/Adventist Media one, D. Network, 2015. 23 minutes: (New & Zealand). Screened on free to air Hamilto commercial and cable networks n, M. 20 Radio interviews or public (2015- presentations about ANZAC 2016) Chaplain William McKenzie Reynaud, Public presentation: Horizon   Dr. D. Theatre 2016 Sydney, Romanian poetry performance

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Name Activity

Domestic (NSW) Domestic (Australia) International Staff ACE PLUS Staff ACE STAR 10/4/2016 Reynaud, School presentation: History   Dr. D. wargaming workshops Year 9, 2016 15/6/2016 Rogers, 8 Sermons in NSW Churches   Dr. L. 2015-2016 Shields, Multiple Sermons and combined   Dr. M. Bible studies. Tasker, Speaker- “The uniqueness of   Dr. D. & Christianity and Adventism”: For Dowling, people C. (21 under appointment to posts in Jan, the developing world (the 2014- Asia-Pacific region), 2016) conducted at South Pacific Division Office, Sydney. Tasker, In-service training for teachers and   Dr, D. school chaplains, conducted at (2014) Epauto High School, Port Villa, Vanuatu. Understanding the Bible Tasker, Guest Speaker- Wantok Camp,   Dr, D. & Crosslands, Sydney: Regional gathering of people from Solomon Islands, Papua New Guinea, Fiji and friends resident in Australia. Watson, Consultancy Review of Adventist   Dr. B. Development and Relief Agency (2016) Timor Leste project WASH for Craras, Luca and Uma Quic project: Community Engagement Watson, Chair, South Pacific Division   Dr. B. Working 2015-2016 Group on Family Violence in the Pacific. Watson, Advocacy supervisor- One Mission.   Dr. B. Established an Advocacy (2016) campaign to raise awareness of GBV in the Pacific and raise $100,000 for safe places and low- cost counselling in Papua New Guinea. Watson Consultancy Review of Adventist   , Dr. B. Development and Relief (2014) Agency’s DR Tilt and ADHDRR

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Name Activity

Domestic (NSW) Domestic (Australia) International Staff ACE PLUS Staff ACE STAR projects in Nepal: Community Engagement Watson Avondale Green week supervisor.   , Dr. B. (2016) Wilson, SPD Museum & Archives   Mr D. P. project: Assisted with the budget advice and preparation of section in the budget Williams, Company director- Asian Aid   P. Organisation. 2014-2015 Wong, Fundraising (locally) for ICC   Mrs. Z Cambodia (international) via (2015 auction nights, dinners and fun- – 2016) runs. Wong, Assisting in Annual Community   Mrs. Z., Health (2014- Assessment Programmes 2015) (volunteer) in shopping malls and community venues. Wong, Z. Conducted a three day Advanced   (2014) Life Support workshop to medical and nursing staff at Lakeside Adventist Hospital, Candy, Sri Lanka. Also raised funds and donated advanced life support equipment to the hospital. Wong, Z. Assisted International Children’s   (2014) Care with medical clinics that assessed and treated communities in the remote tea plantations of Central Sri Lanka.

SEE ATTACHMENT: B8.2.1.3a Assessing Community Engagement at Avondale

Avondale University College Application - Section B8 Page 12 of 22 APPENDIX 1- ACE STAR PROGRAMS 2016


Avondale Conservatorium’s premier performance group. In recent years students Avondale have been invited to perform at Australia’s largest Christian music festival, Ensemble & Easterfest and at the Australian Kodály National Conference. The Collaboration with composer David Pudney and his Avondale Jazz Ensemble led Promise to the release of The Promise’s fourth album, Jesus: History. 2014-2016

Bonnells Bay L.A.M.P. initiative that enlists students and local volunteers to pack food for Food Parcel community members in need at the Bonnells Bay Youth Centre. Program

COSMOS Students fundraise for assorted charities and engage in Advocacy work such as raising awareness of Asylum seekers in detention.

CRANKT ADRA Australia funded initiative that provides separate mentoring program for teenage boys and teenage girls at Bonnells Bay Skate Park. Focus on giving teens positive connections with good role models. Dorm2Home Students from the dormitories volunteer to do housecleaning jobs in the local Program community for needy community members. Film Ministry Students make short film clips with a positive focus, and upload them onto You Tube. In collaboration with the Acts II Dram Group Flipped A breakfast program in which Avondale students cook and serve pancakes to students, parents and teachers at Bonnells Bay once a week for a term. Fund-raising Students fundraise to support a Seventh Day Adventist indigenous woman in the by students Northern Territory who is running a weekly programme for 50-60 local for national indigenous children in her area. concerns Lifeboat Students volunteer to work at the Life Boat charity shop in Cooranbong. ONE MISSION College Club that partners with ADRA Australia and Adventist Volunteer Services to place student volunteers in international settings. It aims to: • Foster cross-cultural exchange • Engage students in international volunteering • Develop the community engagement ethic of students • Expose student to ADRA’s development work • Mobilise students to fundraise and advocate for international projects.

Destinations include: East Timor, Cambodia, Vietnam India, Fiji, Solomon Islands & Vanuatu. Pick-a-Street Students select a street in the local area and knock on doors offering to do

Avondale University College Application - Section B8 Page 13 of 22 gardening work for free fortnightly on Friday afternoons. If a job is unfinished when it’s time to go, they return and complete it the next time. This builds a positive rapport with members of the local community. Students have the added benefit of enjoying working as a team to do something for somebody else. Nursing Students volunteer by visiting residents weekly in local nursing homes. Home Visitation Prison Students, in collaboration with the Prison Chaplain, visit prisoners on the fourth Ministries Sunday of every month. Sunday In collaboration with local community stakeholders such as the PCYC, local SES Funday & and fire brigade, Scouts and Guides, Avondale students help run a kids club in Picnic in Cooranbong Park one Sunday a month. the Park RAHAB Students join with the RAHAB charity to visit sex workers in brothels in Newcastle and on the Central Coast to pray with/for them. Weekly volunteering. Storm Co In collaboration with NNSW Conference of the SDA Church, students organise (Service To and fund trips to destinations in regional NSW where they run Kids’ Club for Other Really Aboriginal children. An annual 10-day volunteer experience. Destinations Matters). include: Goodooga (2014-2016) and Moree (2015). Student-led Community Engagement and Volunteer work in regional NSW. Theology Bachelor of Theology/Bachelor of Ministry student Bekezela Sibanda and three students friends put learning into practice, making professional presentations and volunteer connecting with communities in Papua New Guinea abroad Bachelor of Business student Kyle Morrison runs a home-based not-for-profit health food business that has supported a project in the highlands of Guadalcanal in the Solomon Islands and Zambia (2015)

Avondale University College Application - Section B8 Page 14 of 22 APPENDIX 2- ACE PLUS PROGRAMS 2016

Avondale Units/Course Offerings involving Service Learning or Work Integrated Learning

KEY Black lettering: Professional Placement Units/ Course Offerings Red lettering: Service Learning/Community Engagement Units

Course Offerings associated with Outdoor Rec. Diploma or Certificate Geography/IPDS units Communication units Business units Counselling units Chaplaincy units Theology units Education units Nursing units Music units

Avondale University College Application - Section B8 Page 15 of 22 Course Offering Faculty/School Approx. hours Active Inactive Units that have been replaced Dip SIS50310 Required in 70 hours Outdoor Rec Professional  Placement Cert SIS30410 Required in 28 hours Outdoor Rec Professional  Note: “These stints are Placement associated with courses, not units.” GEOH31120 Domestic Optional in IPDS 100 hours IDTR34000 INGO Placement Strand Professional  Placement Placement Current code Required in IPDS 100 hours Unit previously GEOH21120 Strand International  coded as International Professional IDTR22000 Placement. Placement Development Field Experience CCCR38000 Required in 180 hours Professional Internship Communication Professional  Specialisation or Placement Major. BBUS 28000 Required in 120 hours Internship in Business BBUS Professional  Placement CNSL31130 Required in 20 hours CNSL33000 Clinical Counselling Professional Clinical I  Internship I Major - BA Placement CNSL31140 Required in 20 hours II CNSL34000 Clinical Counselling Professional Clinical II  Internship Major - BA Placement CHPL21100 Principles Required in BA 20 hours of Chaplaincy and BMinTh Professional  (Chaplaincy Placement Major) CHPL 31100 Required in BA 75 hours Clinical Pastoral and BMinTh Professional  Experience I (Chaplaincy Placement Major) CHPL 31110 Required in BA 75 hours Clinical Pastoral and BMinTh Professional  Experience II (Chaplaincy Placement Major) CHMN16110 Required in 20 hours CMIN16100 Biblical Spirituality and BMinTh Professional  Biblical Spirituality Ministry Placement in Ministry

Avondale University College Application - Section B8 Page 16 of 22 CHMN16120 Required in 20 hours CMIN16100 Worship and BMinTh Professional  Communication Communication Placement and Worship CHMN26110 Required in 20 hours CMIN21500 Ministry and Church BMinTh Professional  Ministry: Theory Leadership 1 Placement and Practice A CHMN26140 Required in 20 hours CMIN26500 Preaching BMinTh Professional  Preaching in Placement Ministry CHMN26130 Required in 70 hours CMIN28100 Discipleship BMinTh Professional  Evangelism Evangelism in Practice Placement A CHMN36120 Required in 20 hours CMIN29000 Contemporary Ministry BMinTh Professional  Marriage and to Families Placement Family Ministry CHMN36130 Required In 70 hours CMIN38100 Evangelism and BMinTh Professional  Evangelism In Church Planting Placement Practice B CHMN36110 Required in 20 hours CMIN38300 Ministry and Church BMinTh Professional  Ministry: Theory Leadership II Placement and Practice B CMIN48100 Required in 20 hours Evangelism and BMinTh Professional  Discipleship Placement To be replaced in 2017 by: CHMN46130 Personal Evangelism and Discipleship CMIN48200 Required in 70 hours  Evangelism and Graduate Professional Mission Diploma in Placement To be replaced in Ministry and 2017 by: CHMN46150 Theology Evangelism and World Mission CMIN46500 Required in 20 hours Homiletics Graduate Professional  To be replaced in Diploma in 2017 by: CHMN46140 Ministry and Placement Contemporary Theology Preaching CMIN46000 Family Required in 20 hours Systems Theory Graduate Professional  To be replaced in Diploma in Placement 2017 by: CHMN46160 Ministry and Family Systems in Theology Ministry CMIN48300 Church Required in 20 hours Ministry Practice Graduate Professional  To be replaced in Diploma in Placement 2017 by: CHMN46110 Ministry and Church and Ministry Theology CMIN48400 Church Required in 20 hours

Avondale University College Application - Section B8 Page 17 of 22 Ministry Leadership Graduate Professional  To be replaced in Diploma in Placement 2017 by: CHMN46180 Ministry and Church Leadership Theology and Management EDSP17000 Required in Year 1 3 weeks Professional B.Ed. Sec Year 2 3 weeks  Development & Year 3 3 weeks Experience 1B Year 4 2 weeks + 6 weeks EDPP17000 Required in B.Ed. Prim Year 1 20 days Professional Year 2 25 days  Development & Year 3 25 days Experience IA Year 4 30 days EDPP17100 Professional  Development & Experience IB EDPP27000 Required in BA/BTch Professional (Primary), BA/BTch  Development & (Early 15 days Experience IIA Childhood)(Birth-12) EDUC22102 EDPP27100 Curriculum & Required in BA/BTch  Professional Pedagogical Studies (Primary), BA/BTch 10 days (primary) Development & Primary – Planning & (Primary)(Honours), 30 day (EC) Experience IIB Assessment for BA/BTch (Early Learning Childhood)(Birth-12) EDUC22103 EDPP37000 Curriculum &  Professional Pedagogical Studies Development & Primary – Teaching 15 days (Primary) Experience IIIA and Researching for 20 days (EC) Effective Learning EDUC22108 Required in BA/BTch EDPP37100 10 days Curriculum Studies – (Primary) and  Professional From Theory to BA/BTch Development & Practice (Primary)(Honours, Experience IIIB BA/BTch (Early Childhood - Birth-12) EDUC30101 EDPP37500 Professional Required in BA/BTch 30 days  Professional Development: (Primary), BA/BTch Development & Preparation for the (Primary)(Honours), Experience IVA Workplace BA/BTch (Secondary), BA/BTch (Secondary)(Honours), BSc/BTch

EDUC30104 Required in BA/BTch EDPP37600  Professional (Primary), BA/BTch 15 days Professional Development: (Primary)(Honours), Development & Research & Pastoral BA/BTch (Secondary), Experience IVB Care BA/BTch

Avondale University College Application - Section B8 Page 18 of 22 (Secondary)(Honours), BSc/BTch Unit not replaced  EDSP17100 Professional Required in Development & BA/BTch Experience 1A This unit now runs in (Secondary), EDSP27000 Semester 2: BA/BTch  Professional EDUC25101 (Secondary)(Hon Development & Curriculum & ours), BSc/BTch, Experience II Pedagogical Studies – MTch 10 days Secondary II (Secondary) Required in BA/BTch EDUC23101 (Secondary), EDSP37000 Managing the BA/BTch 10 days  Professional Secondary Classroom (Secondary)(Hon Development & Environment ours), BSc/BTch Experience III EDUC30101 Required in EDSP37500 Professional BA/BTch  Professional Development: (Primary), Development & Preparation for the BA/BTch Experience IVA Workplace (Primary)(Honour 30 days s), BA/BTch (Secondary), BA/BTch (Secondary)(Hon EDUC30104 ours), BSc/BTch EDSP37600 Professional Required in  Professional Development: BA/BTch Development & Research & Pastoral (Primary), Experience IVB Care BA/BTch (Primary)(Honour s), BA/BTch (Secondary), BA/BTch (Secondary)(Hon ours), BSc/BTch EDEP 10000 Required in the Year 1- 15 days Professional B.Ed. EC Year 2 - 30 days  Development & (Birth-5) Year 3 - 20 days Experience 1A Year 4 - 30 days EDEP 10100 Professional  Development & Experience 1B EDEP 20000 Professional  Development & Experience IIA EDEP 20100 Professional  Development &

Avondale University College Application - Section B8 Page 19 of 22 Experience IIA EDEP30000 Professional  Development & Experience IIIA EDEP30100 Professional  Development & Experience IIIA EDEP35000 Professional  Development & Experience IVA EDEP35100 Professional  Development & Experience IVB EDUC11103 Required in 8 days Professional BA/BTch (Early  Development 0-36 Childhood) months – Planning for (Birth-12) learning environment EDUC21104 Required in 7 days Professional BA/BTch (Early  Development 2-5yrs- Childhood) Planning for the (Birth-12) Learning Environment EDUC31103 Required in 40 days Alternative BA/BTch (Early  Pedagogies: Childhood) Preparation for the (Birth-12) Workplace EDUC50104 Required in 10 days Preparation for the MTch (Primary),  Teaching Workplace MTch (Secondary) EDUC50106 Research Required in 30 days & Pastoral Care MTch (Primary),  MTch (Secondary) Note: B.Ed. Secondary students attending Ministry of Teaching Overseas (MOTO) practicums can claim 5 days of teaching (7.5 hours per day) towards EDSP27000 or EDSP37000. Note: B.Ed. Primary students attending Ministry of Teaching Overseas (MOTO) practicums can claim 5 days of teaching (7.5 hours per day) towards EDSP27000 or EDSP37000. NURS12000 Nursing Required in 72 hours No substitute Practice 2 BNurs Professional  units available Placement NURS11600 Mental Required in 40 hours No substitute Health Nursing 1 BNurs Professional  units available Placement NURS21100 Nursing Required in 80 hours No substitute Practice 3 BNurs Professional  units available Placement NURS25900 Required in 40 hours No substitute

Avondale University College Application - Section B8 Page 20 of 22 Health Ageing BNurs Professional  units available Placement NURS226 Mental Required in 80 hours No substitute Health Nursing 2 BNurs Professional  units available Placement NURS22200 Nursing Required in 80 hours No substitute Practice 4 BNurs Professional  units available Placement NURS33300 Nursing Required in 80 hours No substitute units Practice 5 BNurs Professional  available Placement NURS33800 Nursing Required in 120 hours No substitute units Project BNurs Professional  available Placement

NURS34400 Nursing Required in 80 hours No substitute units Practice 6 BNurs Professional  available Placement

NURS36600 Required in 160 hours No substitute units Transition to BNurs Professional  available Professional Practice Placement NURS32300 Nursing Required in the 40 hours No substitute units in the Wider BNurs Option A - SAH  available Community service trip to Atoifi or SAH Volunteers. Option B - ADRA or other approved agencies or an international health facility Option C - health related volunteer activities include: STORMCO, Lifeline, Pathfinders, Meals on Wheels, or disability camps Option D - Credit for service to the nursing profession that you have undertaken in a paid nursing/approved health related role. Undergraduate nursing work in a hospital or aged care facility.

Unit/Course Offerings Faculty/School Approx. hours of Active Inactive Substitute Unit

Avondale University College Application - Section B8 Page 21 of 22 with placements or service/placement/ (if applicable) community community Unit Name & engagement engagement Code and when taught MUPF12000 Required in B.Ed. 21 hours MUSC11100 Performance Practice I Music Major and  Performance I B.A. Music MUPF24000 21 hours MUSC11110 Performance Practice  Performance II II MUPF25000 21 hours MUSC21100 Performance Practice  Performance III III MUPF26000 21 hours MUSC21110 Performance Practice  Performance IV IV MUPF34000 21 hours MUSC31100 Performance Practice  Performance V V MUPF35000 21 hours MUSC31110 Performance Practice  Performance VI VI MUPF35000 21 hours NOT Performance Practice  OFFERED from VI Semester 1, 2017 MUPF35000 21 hours NOT OFFERE Performance Practice  D from VI Semester 2, 2017

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