Taking Lessons of Past Experiences, All People Are to Make
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THENew MOST RELIABLE NEWSPAPER Light AROUND YOU of Myanmar Volume XXI, Number 297 8th Waxing of Tabodwe 1375 ME Friday, 7 February 2014 Taking lessons of past experiences, all people are WRPDNHHIIRUWVIRUHQGLQJFRQÀLFWVDQGSHDFHIXO coexistence of all national races NAY P YI T AW , 7 Feb— President Agga Maha Thayay Sithu, Agga Maha Thiri Thudhamma U Thein Sein sent a message on the occasion to mark the 67 th Anniversary Shan State Day which falls on 7 February 2014. The translation of the message is as follows:- Esteemed national people and national brethren in try to reach the agreement that they all would work together JCFUWHHGTGFCUGTKGUQHDKVVGTGZRGTKGPEGFWGVQVJGEQPƀKEVU Shan State. with the mainland to achieve together the independence from based on political splits. Taking the lessons of these past ex- I am taking pride on sending my message to the cel- the Britain. Thence, General Aung San held talks seriously periences, all our people are to make efforts for ending these ebration of the 67 th Anniversary Shan State Day which falls with political leaders from Shan State and could make a EQPƀKEVUCPFCRGCEGHWNEQGZKUVGPEGQHCNNPCVKQPCNTCEGU on 7 th February, 2014. resolution that “they will work together with the mainland All people are urged to pursue the fundamental princi- The birth of the Shan State Day in 1947 during the for independence from the Britain speedily.” In honour of the ples that emerged from “the Panglong Agreement” through struggle period for the independence has become a mile- date 7 February, 1947, the historic resolution was made, 7 th “the Union Spirit” called “the Panglong Spirit”. stone of our country’s political history. February is celebrated as the Shan State Day. “Shan National Here I would like to add that the government, the While our national leader General Aung San was hold- Flag” and “Shan National Anthem” were designated on the Hluttaws, political parties and forces, the business or- ing talks serious with the British colonial government over same day. ganizations, the civil societies, Tatmadaw, armed national gaining independence, Shan chieftains sent a telegram to ő5JCP0CVKQPCN&C[ŒKUCUKIPKſECPVFC[PQVQPN[HQT races groups and all citizens are to join hands in the coun- the England and informed the British colonial government the Shan national races but also for all national races. This is try’s reforms and peace-making processes. The govern- that General Aung San did not represent Shan State. To foil the day on which our national leader General Aung San and OGPVJCUTGCEJGFEGCUGſTGCITGGOGPVUYKVJVJGOCLQTKV[ the attempt of the chieftains, the people of Shan State held a national races leaders reached an agreement for the country’s of armed national races in Shan State. And plans are un- mass demonstration demanding to gain independence under independence struggle and could build the trust through “the derway to hold a political dialogue there. I strongly be- QPGƀCIQHVJGJKNN[TGIKQPUCPFVJGOCKPNCPF6JCPMUVQVJG Panglong Agreement”. That is to say, “the Panglong Agree- lieve that people in Shan State would play their parts for successful mass demonstration, the people of Shan State led ment” is an important milestone for Myanmar’s regaining success of that dialogue. by General Aung San could decisively make the resolution her independence as well as standing as a starting point for All our national races are to establish the national unity VQICKPKPFGRGPFGPEGWPFGTQPGƀCIQHVJGJKNN[TGIKQPUCPF national unity in the modern history of Myanmar’s independ- based on “the Panglong Spirit” and then march towards a the mainland. Therefore, General Aung San held talks with ence struggle. peaceful, modern and developed democratic nation through leaders from hilly regions in Panglong, Shan State, and could Since regaining her independence, Myanmar society a federal system. Myanmar prepares to host third BIMSTEC Republic of the Union of Myanmar 2TGUKFGPV1HſEG Summit, related meetings in Nay Pyi Taw Order No. 16/2014 7th Waxing of Tabodwe, 1375 ME (6 February, 2014) Formation of Investigation Commission 1. Regarding the incidents occurred at Ducheertan village and Ducheertan west village in Maungtaw Town- ship of Rakhine State on 13 January and 28 January, 2014, an “Investigation Commission” comprising the following persons has been formed in order to disclose the real cause of the incidents. (a) Dr Tha Hla Shwe Chairman Chairman Myanmar Red Cross Society (b) U Tun Aung Chein Member Member Myanmar National Human Rights Commission (c) Dr Ngun Kyon Lyan Member International Law expert Vice-President Dr Sai Mauk Kham speaking at the coordination meeting.— MNA (d) Dr Tin Thein Lwin Member NAY P YI T AW , 6 Feb — organizations as the coun- Next, the vice-chair- The First and Second Vice-Chairman A work coordination meet- try has undergone sweeping man and the joint secretary BIMSTEC Summits were Interfaith Friendship Group ing of the central committee reforms. As Myanmar, the of the central committee held in Thailand in 2004 (e) U Tin Oo Member for holding the Third Bay of alternate ASEAN’s Chair, is explained work programs and India in 2008. Although Retired Ambassador Bengal Initiative for Multi- going to hold ASEAN Sum- and central committee Myanmar has assumed BIM- (f) Haji U Tin Maung Win Member Sectoral Technical Econom- mit and third BIMSTEC in member Union ministers STEC’s Chair since 2009, EC member ic Cooperation (BIMSTEC) the near future, 2014 is an presented their respective there has been a delay in ap- Interfaith Friendship Group Summit and related meetings important year for Myanmar. matters. proval of members for Myan- (g) U Win Ti Member took place at the President He stressed the im- In his concluding re- mar that tried to host the third EC member 1HſEG JGTG VQFC[ YKVJ CP portance of sharing experi- marks, the Vice-President Summit in 2012 and 2013. Interfaith Friendship Group address by Vice-President Dr ences and suggestions at the called for wide media cov- The 13 th ministerial level (h) U Tha Pwint (Townselder) Member Sai Mauk Kham. coordination meeting for erage of BIMSTEC Sum- meeting held in Nay Pyi Taw Sittway, Rakhine State In his speech, the Vice- successful holding of the mit at home and abroad, in 2011 approved Myanmar (i) U Hla Thein (a) Mawji Hullah President said Myanmar has Summit and related meet- calling on those present to to host the third BIMSTEC (Townselder) Member seen an opportunity to take ing that will be held in Nay take care of their respective Summit and related meet- Maungtaw, Rakhine State the lead role of the regional Pyi Taw from 1 to 4 March. sectors. ings.— MNA (See page 8) 8 Friday, 7 February, 2014 New Light of Myanmar OPINION moving towards success. In other words, works can be white-collar workers who are members of a certain done in accord with rules and regulations. It is impossi- company are to share a common purpose, focusing ble to go beyond the rules and regulations. That’s why, on the interest of the company owner. Despite cer- progress may be slow in a government-owned business tain improvement in company job, owning a busi- Friday, 7 February, 2014 compared with that of a company or a private-owned ness is better than working at a company. Work heartily, as working business. In spite of low success rate, it is rare for it to It is necessary to invest a great deal of efforts be failed or unsuccessful. in setting up an own business. It is absolutely im- for your own What a difference between the two types of perative to run an own business with special care. Generally, there are three types of job. They are LQDKUVJCVCEQORCP[ECPRWNNQWVQHKVUWPRTQſV - There is no job better than your own business. As government job, company job and own business. able business. A change of tactic that tends towards success or failure of your own business depends on They come in different forms and types. Efforts in- success can be made at once. It can turn the poor you, you have to do your best. It is an advantage of vested in these jobs are also differ. So, degrees of success rate into a better stage. It is an advantage of running an own business. Whatever you do, work UWEEGUUXCT[KPCEEQTFYKVJGHHGEVKXGPGUUCPFGHſ - the private-owned business. Now is the time when at it with all your efforts and the utmost care, as ciency. The fact of the matter is how much effort Myanmar is on the right track to democracy and working for your own business so that the highest put into the work. the government is widely encouraging privatization. degree of success could be achieved. If not so, pro- Government job needs a principled approach to Privatization acts as a major partner of democracy. gress will be slow. Only high expectation could en- meeting its aims and objectives. In the nature of things, Competency-based privatization is the fast way to able success. That’s why, we have to work heartily, such work requires a good eye and a steady hand while prosperity for a democracy. Both blue-collar and as working for our own business whatever we do. NATIONAL MWAF holds Annual General Meeting MYANMAR GAZETTE NAY P YI T AW , 6 Feb— The President of The President of the Republic of the the Republic of the Union of Myanmar has Union of Myanmar has appointed Professor EQPſTOGFVJGCRRQKPVOGPVQH&KTGEVQT)GP - Dr Thet Khine Win of University of Medi- eral U Than Htay of Myanmar Correctional cine (1) (Yangon) of the Medical Science Department under the Ministry of Home Department under the Ministry of Health as Affairs on expiry of the one-year probation Rector of the University on probation from period. the date he assumes charge of duties. eration for ensuring protec- tion and women’s rights for Formation of Investigation ..