Publisher " .••a Texas Legend returns!" NAM MediaInvestments General Manager Johoe_roll •. Marketing Director PageS Title Page -0 Pagel Dear Readers Art Director PageS Freshbe~ts carole St. lohoGraphics Page!) Freshbeats Pagel1 TWTScopes Ope•••tions Director Pagel2 Events Skip Bromfield Pages 14& 1.S Cover Model Dear Diva D/FW Bur.u Chief Page 16 Jimmy" Smith Page 19 .•m23 TWT Texas Tea Pages 24 TWTPics Pages2S TWTPix Page 26 C!lassified Pages 27-.31 The Guide San Antonio Representative 326 Ave Maria Avenue Monica Montana San Antonio, Texas: 18216 210-896-2048 '
[email protected] copyright@>2006 This Week In Texas Magazine This WeAilkIn Texas Magazine is publlsMdweekly Photographers by N,AMMedlaInvestments of san Antonio,Texas. Jimmy R. Smith Opinions expressed by contributing writers and/or editorials are not necessarily those of This Week _ne MillerIX-Posure III Texas Magazine.AII rights "served, no portion of this publication maybel'eproduced Without expressed written permission oUhe Publisher. Contributors Appearance in This Week III Texas Magazine in no Rad1ael Gardner manner reflects a person's lifestyle. Allcover KouJtney Devereaux models are of adult age with proof on.file. Dear Readers: sincere invitation to all businesses and Annual organizations throughout Texas to join us in A Texas Legend Returns uniting and celebrating our community's rich- ness and diversity. It is with great joy that the staff of the new Block Patty Sincerely, This Week in Texas Magazine welcomes you to the first issue of what we believe will be a Bob Dineen long and beneficial association with the Gay, Sales and Marketing Director Show PGlad.