2013 Sustainable Cities

Clean Beaches

Sustainable Schools

Firstly, we acknowledge and thank all those Emphasis was also placed on a relatively new they enable us to continue to entrants for supporting our Sustainable categories titled Health and Wellbeing and operate our programs which Communities programs. The role of those Youth Participation and details of those winners we believe allow communities programs is to celebrate, recognise and reward are covered in the results section. to showcase their outstanding actions taken by individuals, community groups efforts towards cementing a better future and local government. for this wonderful State”, said Ken Stewart, Chairman, Keep Australia Beautiful, . Whilst entries this year were down a little on We consider youth involvement and 2012, the quality was at an all time high. community health and wellbeing critical factors to the sustainability Deputy Chairman and State judge, Barrie of Tasmania. Muir, in company with our EO, Geoff Marsh (on National Bin Network Pilot study duties) visited all entries over a five week period. They thank Although a while since its last entry Sheffield you for the wonderful, typically Tasmanian warm demonstrated outstanding efforts in all judging welcome. categories and is this year’s overall Tidy Towns “Despite this being my eighth year of judging it winner and will go on to represent Tasmania in doesn’t become any easier and in all programs the Australian Tidy Towns awards in 2014. it was a close run thing to select the best” Barrie Congratulations to Glenorchy, this year’s winner Muir said. “I had the great pleasure in awarding of the Sustainable Cities award. Similarly, 284 Excellence and Appreciation certificates in it has been a few years since the City’s recognition of the outstanding and significant Trevor Galbraith accepting The John Donaghy involvement but they impressed our judge with Memorial Award from John’s family, KAB contributions across all of our categories in all of many significant initiatives. Glenorchy will be Tasmania & the Packaging Stewardship Forum our programs”, he added. Tasmania’s representative in the Australian Sustainable Cities awards in 2014. In 2013, with the assistance of sponsor, Wrigley, The Keep Australia Beautiful Council we increased emphasis on the Sustainable Raspins Beach, Orford is this year’s worthy (Tasmania) Inc. thanks the following sponsors Schools program. Twenty eight schools invited Clean Beaches award winner and will go on to of the 2009 Tidy Towns Program: our judge, KABTAS Education Officer, Ruth also represent the State in the 2014 Australian Whelan to witness their prowess in school awards. Congratulations to the Orford Major Program Sponsors sustainability. community. The Tasmanian Government In addition, they vied for $6,000 in prize money; The Packaging Stewardship Forum “I acknowledge and thank our principal long Program Partners $1000 for the top secondary and primary term sponsors, the Tasmanian Government school in each of the three regions. A separate and the Packaging Stewardship Forum. Replas Pty Ltd newsletter is dedicated to that program which Together with Wrigley, Replas, The Innkeeper Wrigley we hope will continue to grow over coming Group and our new supporter, Pure Tasmania, Judging sponsors: years. The Innkeepers Collection. Pure Tasmania keeping Australia COMMUNITIES

Westbury waddamana Wilmont

From the Premier governments, local councils, 2013 TASMANIAN SUSTAINABLE schools, community groups COMMUNITIES AWARDS The Tasmanian Government is pleased and businesses to take to continue supporting the Keep Australia action to clean up and OVERALL WINNER & TASMANIAN FINALIST TIDY TOWNS Beautiful Council, in its important work of enhance our environment. SHEFFIELD inspiring all Australians to strive for a sustainable Congratulations to all and litter free environment. this year’s nominees and THE JOHN DONAGHY MEMORIAL AWARD winners, and I look forward Since signing up with Keep Australia Beautiful Trevor Galbraith in 1971, communities across Tasmania have to seeing the awards grow and prosper for decades to come. worked hard to protect and enhance the YOUTH AWARD environment of our beautiful State. Lara Giddings MP Dean Wyman Tasmania’s Coles Bay township was the first Premier Highly Commended : town in Australia to phase out plastic bag Hannah Bowling use. On 1 November 2013, the Government Lily Fisher - Bicheno Primary School implemented a statewide ban on the use of non-biodegradable plastic shopping bags. This working for Gypsy Mallam and Liam O’Donnell-Adams action will help to reduce the millions of plastic Kingston High School bags that finish up in land fill and waterways, a cleaner Jayden Lee and Lochlan Holland - and reduce pollution in the long term. Andrew’s Creek Primary School environment Jordan Miles and Kelsie Seymour - For around 40 years Keep Australia Beautiful Rosebery Youth Group Committee has been at the forefront of inspiring TIDY TOWNS POPULATION CATEGORY WINNERS UNDER 500 WILMONT Highly Commended CORINNA 501 TO 2000 WESTBURY Highly Commended GEEVESTON, SWANSEA 2001 TO 5000 CENTRAL HIGHLANDS 5001 TO 15000 No Award OVER 15000 No Award

SUSTAINABLE CITIES OVERALL WINNER & TASMANIAN FINALIST The Packaging Stewardship Forum supports local GLENORCHY government recyclers and community groups in the Highly Commended Launceston efficient recovery of resources, as well as conducting CLEAN BEACH OVERALL WINNER & TASMANIAN programs to prevent and reduce littering … finalist RASPINS BEACH Highly Commended Parson’s Bay Beach

2 beautiful AWARD WINNERS 2013

Sheffield Sheffield Sheffield

the young and the not so young. If there are other aspects of art which take your fancy, the Tasmanian Regional Art Kentish (TRAK) will provide you with an excellent venue to let loose your talents. As suggested earlier, the murals throughout the town have become a brilliantly colourful way for the town to display its history and if you would like to dig a little deeper into Sheffield’s history, visit the old Post Office which has been “reshaped” into a fascinating and historically rich museum.

There are so many wonderful things to see and do in this delightful town. It is truly a “must see” place to go. And apart from all of the delightful attractions, you will find that it is a very friendly and welcoming place to visit.

The Sheffield Community proudly accepting their Tidy Towns winning trophies. SHEFFIELD Groups such as Mt Roland Rivercare CERTIFICATEs OF APPRECIATION Catchment Inc. and Kentish Energy Efficiency Keep Australia Beautiful is delighted to acknowledge Sheffield, the town of murals, is a town slightly Network Embracing Renewables Inc. are and celebrate the efforts of individuals, groups and off the beaten track (although it is but “a just two which demonstrate that the Kentish Local Government to enhance the sustainability of stone’s throw off the main drag”) but it has Council takes environmental innovation and their communities. been supremely imaginative (& creative) when sustainability very seriously. The way in which Community action & partnerships the town deals with litter prevention, waste it comes to attracting / encouraging people Bicheno Festival Committee Inc. - Bicheno management & resource recovery is first to call in for a visit. And for those towns which Bicheno Garden Club - Bicheno are off the beaten track, this is exactly what class. The Hub Recycling Centre would match Bothwell District H.S. Students - Central Highlands they must do to ease the sustainability pain. any similar venue in Australia and it has just It is interesting to note that several towns celebrated 30 years of recycling excellence. Brighton Alive - Brighton which have done this have received major Carina Bock & Sjarnie Watt - Central Highlands The Kentish Health Care Centre is another awards from Keep Australia Beautiful for their Central Highlands Council - Central Highlands outstanding example of recycling, having efforts . . . . not surprising really, as they have Cluny Farm Café - Central Highlands turned the old primary school into a “one stop demonstrated in a very meaningful way the venue” which caters for all aspects relating to Community Road Safety Committee - Sheffield essence of sustainability. health & wellbeing. Perhaps not widely known, Danny Frost - Westbury Sheffield, the town which will give its mainland Sheffield was where CORES (Community Dorothy & Michael Evans - Tunbridge counterparts a run for their money when the top Response to Eliminating Suicide) began some GeCo - Geeveston Community Centre - Geeveston Tidy Town in Australia is announced early next 10 years ago. Health & wellbeing of all ages Glenorchy Cultural Diversity Advisory Cttee - year, has a council which listens, contributes, is also very well catered for with its excellent Glenorchy supports, encourages – all of the qualities Men’s Shed and the Kentish Youth Council. Glenorchy Lions Club - Glenorchy needed if a community is going to “give as The event for which Sheffield has become Hamilton Park Committee - Central Highlands good as it gets”. While it is noted, remembered renowned, not just Tasmania-wide but Ian & Bev Sands - Orford and visited for its artistic and in many cases Australia-wide and NOW internationally is the Jim Montgomery - Wilmot historically motivated murals, it is a town which Mural Fest. It is an outstanding annual event Juarne Lockwood - Geeveston has much more than that to offer. which caters for all sections of the community, 3 CLEAN BEACHES


Kentish Council - Wilmot keeping Australia Kentish Garden Club - Sheffield Lady Gowrie Child Care Centre - Swansea Mark Boostra - Brighton MMG - Rosebery Nicole Pou - Bicheno One Rosebery Leadership Network - Rosebery Peter Griffiths - Brighton Robert Orr - Geeveston Rod Bragg - Tunbridge Rodney & Joey Hazelwood - Tunbridge Roger Carter - Geeveston Rosebery Lions Club - Rosebery Rosetta/Montrose Precinct - Glenorchy Rotary Club of Claremont - Glenorchy Rotary Club of Glenorchy - Glenorchy Rotary Club of Moonah - Glenorchy Jane Wing proudly accepting the Cleanest Beach Award for Raspins Beach, Orford, from KAB National Chair Robert Thomas, Mathew Philpott, Replas Pty Ltd, and Ken Stewart, Chair KABTAS Sewcrafty Co-op - Triabunna Sheffield Railton Community Bank - Sheffield In the warmer months of the year, a time when Steve Shayler - Appleton - Westbury RASPINS BEACH the population of Orford increases two or The Wilmot Community - Wilmot Like many beaches around Tasmania, indeed threefold, this very safe beach is frequented by Tunbridge Community Club Committee - Tunbridge like many beaches Australia-wide, in recent picnicking families, school groups, tourists on the way through or simply by those wanting to Wayne Brough - Wilmot times Raspins Beach has had its fair share swim, cool off or have a quiet surf. First class Westbury Working Together Committee - Westbury of challenges by the elements and tidal movements which, more frequently than BBQ facilities are available and there is ample Wilmot Primary School - Wilmot one would like, have deviated from the norm. shade for those who need or prefer it. There are Wilmot Tourist & Progress Association - Wilmot Indeed, it is not so long ago that Orford nearly also well cared for toilet and change facilities Wynyard Rotary Club - Wynyard lost the beach completely, together with the with further additions on the drawing board. Zeehan Garden Club - Zeehan road behind it. Orford is a town of beautiful views, welcoming Community INVOLVEMENT But as is also the case around the state, the park areas, many walking pathways through Bicheno Surf Life Saving Club Committee - Bicheno beach is blessed with a loving community, delightful bushland (most of which can be used Diane Bricknell - Orford determined to protect it, not only from the by the elderly and is an area rich in history. Glamorgan Spring Bay Council - Orford elements and tidal movements but also from Excellent interpretative signage (demonstrating the skills of Diane Bricknell & Louise Coghill) Jack Birrell - Bicheno infestations of unwanted flora. The Orford has recently been erected to tell people about Marine & Safety Tasmania (MAST) - Tasman Community Group (together with various willing members from the community in general) has the beach’s early days and how they might Tasman Early Learning Centre - Tasman done an enormous amount of revegetating and enjoy their stay in (or their visit to) the area. Tasman Land Care Group - Tasman much to restore the beach towards approaching And at the end of the day, when you are Tassal - Tasman its former glory. It must be said, too, that the beautifully “beached out” you are within support and encouragement of the Glamorgan Environmental Sustainability walking distance of getting required Spring Bay Council has played a significant part Central Highlands Council - Central Highlands refreshments or exploring other parts of this in the beautification and rehabilitation of this Glamorgan Spring Bay Council - Swansea delightful town. area. Health & Wellbeing Bicheno Bowls Club & RSL Inc. - Bicheno Bothwell Rabbits Football Club - Central Highlands Raspins Beach Raspins Beach Bridgewater LINC - Brighton Bucaan Community House - Glenorchy Buckland Cricket Club - Buckland Central Highlands Council - Central Highlands CHAC Health Centre - Smithton Computers, Coffee & Cake Working Group - Glenorchy

4 SUSTAINABLE CITIES 2013 beautiful Coralanne Walker - Sheffield Cr. Geoff Herbert - Central Highlands Cradle Coast Outrigger Canoe Club - Somerset David & Jennifer Lathwell - Swansea Elise Wells - Swansea Geeveston Auxiliary for Eldercare - Geeveston Glenorchy Access Advisory Committee - Glenorchy Glenorchy Sport & Recreation Advisory Special Committee - Glenorchy Goodwood Community Centre - Glenorchy Ken Orr - Central Highlands Kentish Community Men’s Shed - Sheffield Launceston City Council - Launceston Linkages Interagency Group - Glenorchy Makers Creators - Bicheno Matt & Louise Ellis - Wynyard Meander Valley Council - Westbury The group accepts this years Sustainable Cities Award Nate Austin - Westbury Glenorchy is a very culturally diverse community Northern Suburbs Community Centre Inc. Volunteers GLENORCHY and council works hard to help & encourage - Launceston Rosebery Community House - Rosebery It has been widely documented that Tasmania the wide variety of ethnic groups throughout has gone through a period of “having it tough” the city. The cultural diversity is also addressed SelfHelp Workplace - the employees - Launceston and it goes without saying that some areas by the many community houses, clubs & Spring Bay M & DC Community Shed - Triabunna have had it a little tougher than others. interest groups throughout the city and this Spring Bay Suicide Prevention Network - Triabunna bears witness to the fact that this is a city very The Community Kitchen - Sheffield Glenorchy has had to work at things a little conscious of the importance of the health & The Craft Group - Wilmot harder than some areas of the State but it is well-being of the community at large. impressive how council and the community The Village - Triabunna have worked together to make things operate The Windemere Bay “water cleansing” project, The Wilmot Community - Wilmot more smoothly. This is a very proud city in the re-treating of polluted storm-water from Waratah-Wynyard Council - Wynyard so many ways, a city which is as diverse Derwent Park, the revegetation program at Waratah-Wynyard Council - Wynyard Gould’s Lagoon, and many other similar projects culturally as it is geographically and a city Wayraparattee Child & Family Centre - Geeveston indicate that the city is equally energetic when which demonstrates that it understands and West Moonah Community House - Glenorchy responds to the many interpretations of the it comes to meeting the many environmental Westbury Community Garden - Westbury word “sustainable”. challenges of the 21st century. Westbury Primary School - Westbury What is very encouraging is the way that the This is a city rich in history & one with a very Wynyard Community Garden - Wynyard wide range of interests in the arts, something various precincts work together, as much for Zeehan Neighbourhood Centre - Zeehan reasons of health & wellbeing as for those which is very evident both within the city & Heritage & Culture associated with the economy. throughout the suburbs. One particularly exciting development which announces very strongly Adriana Taylor - Glenorchy The elected and the employed personnel on the that Glenorchy is “on the move” is the Glenorchy Alex Shoemaker - Geeveston council have demonstrated very clearly that they Art & Sculpture Park (GASP), a project which Barbara Wells - Sheffield understand the need to be in touch & keep in has reconnected the community to the Belinda Balmforth - Geeveston touch with the community they serve. If they see waterfront in a most vibrant and colourful way. Bothwell Historical Society - Central Highlands a need to form an interest or action group, they do it and if the community expresses a similar need, the council is quick to respond. If one needs any evidence of how the voice of youth is listened to, the Glenorchy Youth Task Force is the longest continuous council supported youth group in Australia!

Throughout the year, be it council or community, there are activities which take into consideration all age groups and there is a clear understanding of the need to cater for family Glenorchy Montrose groups (including single parent families). 5 COMMUNITIES keeping Australia

Brighton Council - Brighton Christine Burgess - Geeveston Doug Pattison - Geeveston Geeveston Primary School students - Geeveston Glenorchy Cultural Diversity Advisory Cttee - Glenorchy Hamilton Inn - Central Highlands Jackson’s Emporium - Central Highlands Jim & Glenda Pengelly - Tunbridge - Wilmot Maleleine Ogilvie - Glenorchy Margaret & Geoff Corrigan - Glenorchy Margaret Donovan - Westbury Margaret Pinkus - Geeveston Maureen Martin Ferris - Swansea Patrick Gambles - Westbury Robin Attrill - Glenorchy The winning schools representatives proudly display their Certificates of Excellence. Spencer Park Inc. - Wynyard Wendy Charleston - Wilmot Wilmot Museum - Wilmot The support Keep Australia Beautiful Tasmania Litter & Waste Management 2013 Sustainable receives from our sponsors for this program is - Tasman Schools greatly appreciated. Litter Prevention / Resource Recovery • Wrigley provides funds that enable the Central Highlands Council - Central Highlands This year saw entries in the Sustainable Schools Award program up from 17 last year to 28. program to run, as well as the prize The Wilmot Community - Wilmot “Judging state wide for the first time was an money. Litter Prevention / Waste Management inspiring and encouraging experience. I was • Replas Tasmania provides a gift GCC Works & Services - Glenorchy shown a number of incredible programs that certificate toward the purchase of Glamorgan Spring Bay Council - Swansea have been running for many years, and a a piece of Replas infrastructure, for significant number of newer programs finding Long Term Sustainability example, a recycled plastic park bench. Don College - Devonport their feet. “ said Ruth Wheelan KABTAS , Nick Bowden - Orford Education Officer. Winners in each category are awarded: $1000 from Wrigley, a gift certificate from Replas, and a Natural Environment Conservation The ability of a school to deliver significant Keep Australia Beautiful Tasmania certificate. Cradle Coast NRM - Sheffield programs with ‘whatever they have’ has been Earth & Ocean Network - Bicheno inspiring. From the smallest school Avoca Glamorgan Spring Bay Council - Swansea Primary with only 25 students to the largest Glamorgan Spring Bay NRM - Orford school Scotch Oakburn College of 1200 SUSTAINABLE SCHOOLS students. Entries demonstrated that programs Graeme Stevenson - Somerset SOUTHERN PRIMARY SCHOOL do not rely on student numbers or dollars. John Cusick - Swansea Clarendon Vale Primary School Instead, they run on passion from students, Meander Valley Council - Westbury teachers, and the community of which the Highly Commended Albeura St Primary Mike Pel - Westbury school is the hub. School Nicky Meeson - Bicheno SOUTHERN secondary SCHOOL Orford Community Group - Orford A number of the schools visited have overcome Triabunna District School significant school-wide hurdles through running Parks & Wildlife Services - Swansea NORTHERN PRIMARY SCHOOL the programs encountered by the judge. Springfield Gardens Primary School - Glenorchy Youngtown Primary School St Virgil’s College - Glenorchy There were a number of schools capable of NORTHERN secondary SCHOOL Stuart Brownlea - Westbury winning in the north-west and south regions. In Scotch Oakburn College Tasmania Bushland Gardens - Buckland these instances Highly Commended certificates NORTH-WEST PRIMARY SCHOOL have been awarded. Waratah-Wynyard Council - Wynyard Montello Primary School Waratah-Wynyard Council - Somerset Winners are recognised for their overall Highly Commended Natone Primary School Wayne Kean - Swansea effort to engage with the community, deliver NORTH-WEST HIGH SCHOOL Westbury Primary School - Westbury sustainability across the learning framework, Yolla District School Wynyard Land Care - Wynyard foster youth participation, and the presentation of the school. 6 beautiful 2013

Northern Primary Schools THE JOHN YOUTH AWARD Bicheno Primary School - Northern DONAGHY North-West High Schools MEMORIAL AWARD As I have travelled around the state, I have Geneva Christian College - North West made no secret of how important KAB North West Christian School - North West After I had made my decision regarding this Tasmania regards the Youth Leadership & North-West High Schools award, I contacted the Chair of KAB Tasmania, Activities category. Geneva Christian College - North West who has known this person much longer North West Christian School - North West than I, and asked if he would like to give me As I have said over and over again, if we don’t a sentence or two which I could add to my persuade the young in our communities that North-West Primary Schools introduction. Many, many, many sentences what we are doing is really important, then we CHAC - St Peter Chanel later, Ken concluded by saying that this person should give up right now!! And what I have found St Joseph’s Catholic School - North West “is one of the nicest and most highly regarded to be particularly exciting, is that towns & cities St Patrick’s Catholic School - North West around the state share our view – and with the people KABTAS has had the pleasure of dealing Stanley Primary School - North West with and a worthy recipient of this year’s John same degree of enthusiasm. Outdoor Activities Donaghy Memorial Award” – a sentiment with There have been many nominations this year, Rob Brier & Mike Symons - Bicheno which I am in complete accord. all of them most worthy of receiving the Youth Tasman Regatta Committee - Tasman This year’s winner of the award has indeed Award in this first year of its being offered. Southern High Schools However, this year’s winner (who will know been one KABTAS’s staunchest supporters Kingston High School - Southern who it is as soon as I begin to describe why) having instigated entries in our awards St Virgil’s College - Southern programs for many years. Most important, demonstrates the sort of leadership we are Southern Primary Schools however, has been this person’s significant seeing more and more of in our communities. Aproneers - Lindisfarne Primary School and untiring efforts to improve and enhance This 19 year old young man has served with a the sustainability of his community. And he has Kingston Primary school - Southern particular youth organisation since he was 12 Richmond Primary School - Southern been equally tireless, quietly enthusiastic and years old. He has been involved in & helped to Swansea Primary School - Southern supremely generous with his time whenever I organise many activities for the young (and even have arrived to carry out my judging duties. the not so young) including a Youth Leadership The Ugly Duck Out - Swansea Primary At this point, it becomes very difficult for me to program, National Youth Week’s annual Youth Leadership & Activities disguise this person’s identity so I will continue activities and health & wellbeing forums. Bicheno Volunteers Fire Brigade - Bicheno Clea Hallam - Swansea with Ken’s words: He has been a dedicated & committed member Geeveston Girl Guides - Geeveston of the group and is always the first one to “His role as works supervisor has seen him Joanne Brown - Wilmot oversee many major developments. He most volunteer to help out in the community. He is a Kentish Council - Sheffield certainly goes well above and beyond the wonderful role model to other young people. call of his job description. In his calm and Rosebery District High School - Rosebery The group I referred to is the Glenorchy Youth Rotary Club of Glenorchy - Glenorchy unassuming manner he achieves many social Taskforce and the young man, this year’s winner Sacred Heart Catholic School - Geeveston benefits that greatly value-add to the physical of the Youth Award, is Dean Wyman. improvements whether they be major or minor. Southern Storm Football Club - Geeveston A sensitive and innovative recycler of his city’s The Town Common Committee - Westbury assets he achieves great value for money for his Young Women’s Multicultural Leadership Group - community.” These two articles are direct Glenorchy Ladies & gentlemen, please join me in quotes from Barrie Muir’s congratulating this year’s winner of the John presentation and typify the depth Donaghy Memorial Award, “for many years of consideration given to these of enthusiastic & committed service to the principal awards. 7 Launceston community” . . . . . Trevor Galbraith. keeping Australia COMMUNITIES

John began his working career with J.Walch and Sons CERTIFICATEs OF excellence About John initially as a clerk and later as a sales representative. Through these awards Keep Australia Beautiful Donaghy John was employed by J Walch and Sons for approximately 7 years until they merged with Mercury Tasmania recognises exceptional effort and Walch. achievement. Award winners and brief citations are listed under National & Tasmanian judging In 1973 John joined the Cascade Brewery working categories. with the Tasmanian Bottle Company as a Clerk and within two years was appointed Foreman. Community action & partnerships

Bendigo Community Bank In 1988 John was appointed Bottle Company Supervisor after a re-structure and he soon Celebrating 10 years of much appreciated service to progressed to Manager. John saw the Bottle the Geeveston community. Company arm of the Cascade Brewery to a close Bicheno Busy Fingers and he then represented the company in joint For your continued generous involvement within the recycling efforts with ACI, Local Councils, and the community. Litter Research and Recycling Association (LRRA).Hi ability in the recycleing arena saw him play a key role Bicheno Fire Brigade in establishing recycling networks with local councils For your outstanding efforts during the 2013 fires in across the whole of the State. outer Bicheno. In 1993 John left the Cascade Brewery to take up a Bob Moore position with the LRRA. The defibrillator project - just one of your many Following that he worked for the Beverage Industry valuable contributions to Swansea. Environment Council for approximately 12 yeras and Bothwell District High School then the Packging Stewardship Forum (PSF) of the Australian Food and Grocery Council. For your enthusiastic involvement in Central Highlands’ appearance at AGFEST 2013. Bothwell Rabbits Football Club John passed away suddenly on January 6th 2007 aged 57 from a heart related disease whilst still in the Congratulations on the important, exciting & employ of the PDF. successful rebirth of your club! Brighton Council Graffitti Removal Education & Art Together (GREAT) - an imaginatively exciting project! Jenny Pickles, General Manager, He was a very enthusiastic support, both personally Building Somerset’s Future Cttee Packaging Stewardship Forum (PSF) and through his business roles of KABTAS’s aims and objectives. His legendary state-wide network and A courageous & innovative venture which deserves I only knew John for a few months but learned pretty every possible success! quickly that he knew just about everyone in Tasmania. “can do” attitude saved many significant initiatives And if he didn’t know them he’d make it his job to get and achievements in the promotion of “Do The Right Community Blitz to know them and then take them down to the pub Thing” and our organisation. Celebrating a sensational first year of “blitzing” the for a beer. broader Brighton community. John worked for the PDF audits processers for about Cr. Cait Clarke 12 years and made a tremendous contribution to John is sadly missed and we An outstanding “from school to councillor” role model getting things done in relation to recycling and litter for Kentish youth. management in Tasmania. In face, there pretty uch are proud to be involved in isn’t anywhere you can go in Tasmania where you recognising his achievements Diane Bricknell don’t see the Do The Right Thing message. through the John Donaghy For your outstanding contributions to the GSB communities through graphic design. John has left a great legacy to this State, a legacy Memorial Award which that is recognised in this award that the PDF has Geeveston Community Development sponsored, the John Donaghy Memorial Award. essentially celebrates the Association The award recognises the achievement of an Tasmanian Keep Australia For a simply outstanding response to the 2013 individual or individuals who are leading and Beautiful Citizen of the Year Dunalley fires. motivating their communities to Do The Right Thing and Keep Tasmania Beautiful. Glamorgan Spring Bay Council For its generous & ongoing support of Buckland at Ken Stewart, Chair, Keep Australia the hall & the first class park. Beautiful Tasmania Glamorgan Spring Bay Council I, along with my Keep Australia Beautiful Tasmania colleagues, had the great pleasure of knowing John Seafest, an exciting project giving the Triabunna for many years through his membership of our Board community (young & old) new hope. and in his various industry roles. James & Samara Ford From a petrol station to a roadhouse! A great story of 8 determination & sustainability. beautiful John Burton 2013 Triabunna District High School Kentish Energy Efficiency Network Embracing The Wilmot community values highly your many & Seafest - bringing the school, the community & the Renewables Inc varied contributions. sea together so excitingly! For your “keen” desire to see that the Kentish Julian Robers & Chaxiraxi Afonso Higuera Tunbridge Community Club community has a sustainable future. Your enthusiastic contribution to the Buckland area Built, owned & much appreciated by the whole & to tourism is first class! Tunbridge community. Health & Wellbeing Kentish Council Tunbridge Community Hall Volunteers Anna Jones The Health Care Centre is a credit to your negotiating Your outstanding renovation of the Community Hall is For your community driven, caring role in the birth of skills & plain hard work! admired by locals & visitors alike! Wayraparattee in Geeveston. Lorraine Hughes Westbury Community Garden Bicheno Petanque Club For the many roles you play in enriching the lives of The whole town applauds & values your wonderful For the imaginative creation of a club which has Zeehan residents. Pizza Oven & Dry Stone Wall project! excited the whole community. Louise Coghill Zeehan Garden Club Op Shop Brighton Council Your contribution towards the promotion of the Orford For its generous constributions which to enrich the The new Doctor’s Surgery - the whole community is community is valued highly. life of the Zeehan community. most grateful! Meander Valley Council Brighton Council The Main Street Make-over - a first class result in Community Involvement Brighten up Brighton - a wonderful response to the partnership with the WWT committee. Glamorgan Spring Bay Council Brighton by-pass! Michelle Dolaghan For your many contributions towards the Buckland Information Network Your genuine commitment to the life of the beautification of the Raspins Beach area. For its outstanding contribution to the Buckland Geeveston community is exemplary! Tassal community over many years. Moonah Taste of the World Your caring support during the Dunalley fires was very Corinna Wilderness Experience An outstanding annual GCC & community event much appreciated. Wonderful opportunities & activities for young & old, celebrating cultural diversity. abled & disabled. Northern Tasmania Croquet Centre Recycling re-treated Denise Delphin A great example of community & Council working commitment to the Northern suburbs communities beautifully together. polluted storm-water over many years! Pam Harvey Elisa Ryan Your infectious enthusiasm & energy has brightened from Derwent Park Your enthusiasm & boundless energy keeps the lives of so many. - an outstanding everybody on their toes & “on the go”! Paul Worldon Fiona Thowe For your ongoing & vital leadership role as Fire Chief project. Your outstanding contribution to the life of the & Hall Committee Chairman. community is admired by all. S.C. Shane Golder Genorchy Council, Environmental Glamorgan Spring Bay Council For your very important involvement in the Bush- Sustainability Construction of the excellent Spring Bay Linkway - in Watch program. partnership with the OC Group. Sheffield Lions Club Glenorchy Action Interagency Network For your tireless & generous involvement in the life of Environmental Sustainability Dads’ Day Out - celebrating 10 years! An event which the Sheffield community. Glenorchy City Council has done so much for Glenorchy dads! Shirley Steward The Windemere Bay (WSUD) Project - a great “water- Glenorchy Meals on Wheels For your tireless energy & expertise whenever food & cleansing” program for the . Celebrating 50 wonderful & caring years - helping so fund-raising is involved. Glenorchy City Council many!! Tania Roberts Recycling re-treated polluted storm-water from Glenorchy on the Go The Memorial Walking Track is a tribute to your Derwent Park - an outstanding project. A “fun, friends, feeling good” walking program which determination to achieve a dream! does so much for so many!!!

Wilmont Westbury Raspins Beach

9 keeping Australia COMMUNITIES

Golden Years Club Tasmanian Regional Art Kentish (TRAK) Glenorchy Art & Sculpture Park (GASP) For all you do to give meaning to the lives of the For all that you do to give artistic meaning to the life of Reconnecting the community to the waterfront - a senior members of the community. the Kentish community. new era of vibrancy! Janet Monks Trawmanna Men’s Shed International Mural Fest For your enthusiastic & tireless commitment to the A wonderful CHAC initiative to make “Our Place” their Celebrating 10 years of displaying Sheffield’s historic communities of 3 council regions. space! & cultural excellence. John Ward Tunbridge Fire Brigade John Burton & Kaely Kreger & family Your tireless efforts on the statewide Grandparents Your invaluable service to the community over many The Dooley Heritage Trail - an outstanding project Advisory Council are valued most highly. years is valued highly. which brought the community together. Kath Jones Warawyn Early Learning Centre Katrina Treloggan For your untiring & enthusiastic contribution to the Thank you to the staff for encouraging sustainable For your enthusiastic leadership of the Westbury & life of the Glenorchy community. practices with the children. Districts Historical Society. Kentish Council Wayraparattee Child & Family Health Centre Keith Breheny For the many things you do to support the very The Billy Cart Derby - an outstanding event bringing Bridging musical & important cultural gaps through grateful Wilmot community. parents & kids closer together. the exciting Cuban Connection. Kentish Regional Clinic Wynyard BMX Club Kentish Museum CORES - Australia salutes your 10 caring years of Your outstanding efforts resulted in the reopening of An outstanding collection of Kentish historical data & responding to the issue of suicide. the valued BMX Park. memorabilia. Launceston City Council Wynyard Community Garden Leigh Oates Carr Villa Memorial Park - a credit to your caring For the completion of the shelter & stone work at this Your cultural contribution to the life of the Geeveston understanding of community needs. much valued venue. community is valued highly. Memorial Hall Committee Sacred Heart Catholic School For the many things you do to give life to the Wilmot Your cultural exchange with Tiwi Island students has community. A town rich in history opened an exciting door for the whole community. Northern Suburbs Community Centre Inc. which is sensitively & Westbury & Districts Historical Society Celebrating 30 wonderful years of outstanding For your outstanding historical displays during the service to the whole community. proudly presented. 2013 Westbury Week. Orford Community Group Westbury Week Coordinating Group Construction of the excellent Spring Bay Linkway - in Corinna,Heritage & Culture 2013 - a year of many anniversaries and covered by partnership with the GSB council. many superb activities! Rosebery Community House Wilmot Tourist & Progress Association For its ongoing support of the community - a place to For the Forth Falls Shelter Shed rejuvenation - the meet, a place to be. Wilmot community thanks you!! Rosebery Youth Group Heritage & Culture Corinna Wilderness Experience For its thoughtful & caring creation of a Friendship Litter Prevention / Resource Recovery Garden. A town rich in history which is sensitively & proudly presented. SelfHelp Workplace The Hub Recycling Centre East Coast Heritage Museum Celebrating 50 wonderful years of giving self-esteem Celebrating 30 years of superb recycling & generous & self belief to those in need. A great museum of history & culture (East Coast & donations to the community! beyond) - & a credit to the whole community. Service Providers at Kentish Health Care Andrew Cooper Centre Frank & Helen Cooper Your tireless efforts to deal with litter & recycling is An outstanding example of a community which really For 20 years of caring & tireless commitment to valued by the whole community. cares for the wellbeing of its residents! historical Waddamana.

Glenorchy Sheffield Hamilton 10 beautiful Central Highlands Council 2013 Ingrid & Graham Roberts For the introduction of recycling wheely-bins in For their tireless enthusiasm in the development of Youth Leadership & Activities Central Highland towns. the Tas. Bushland Gardens. Angela Pate Glamorgan Spring Bay Council Mt Roland Rivercare Catchment Inc. Your 18 years of service to the youth of Glenorchy is The Events Recycling Project - an excellent way to For your enthusiastic & successful involvement in admired and much appreciated. “lead the way by example”. waterway projects in & around Sheffield. Dean Wyman Long Term Sustainability Orford Community Group A young man who gives so much to & cares so much Friends of Don Reserve For first class maintenance & beautification work on about his community. Your ongoing efforts to meet the challenges of the Esplanade & at town’s entrance. Glenorchy Youth Task Force climate change are invaluable. Pulchella Nursery The longest continuous council supported youth Lindsay James For its generous support of the Tas. Bushland group in Australia - congratulations! For your ongoing commitment to the removal of feral Gardens & the residents of Buckland. Hannah Bowling oysters - in Tasman & beyond! Rob Connell Your many contributions to the Wynyard community Orford Community Group For exemplary commitment to environmental issues are highly valued. For your outstanding rehabilitation of Raspins Beach in Glamorgan Spring Bay over many years. Kentish Youth Council Conservation Reserve. Sandpiper Ocean Cottages Your enthusiastic voice for Kentish youth ensures that Tasman Council Congratulations on the development of an excellent their wishes will always be heard. For the excellent implementation of your Weed environmentally sensitive venue. Somerset Primary School Management Policy in Wedge Bay. The Town Common Committee For all that you do to bring the Somerset community All of Westbury applauds your environmental together. Natural Environment Conservation achievements on The Town Common. Swansea Primary School Bicheno Hatchery Waratah-Wynyard Council The “environmental ambassadors” idea creates a A much-needed colourful make-over of the Council A first class enterprise which clearly values great link with the community! aquacultural excellence. Chambers garden beds. Bronte Park Village For your enthusiastic determination to make a Outdoor Activities difference environmentally! Peninsular Aquatic Club Catchment to Coast Team Your encouraging young members to care for & use The Apsley Marshes eradication project - much their beach well is valued highly. needed & highly valued. Shane Gould Friends of Machens Reserve For your caring leadership in helping the community A young man who Your energetic enthusiasm is admired & much to lead a healthy life-style. appreciated by the surrounding community. gives so much to & Glamorgan Spring Bay NRM Cttee Youth Involvement cares so much about For outstanding service to the community on all Bicheno Nippers Surf Life-Saving Club things enviromental. Your community is very proud of your enthusiastic his community. Glamorgan Spring Bay NRM Cttee involvement in this organisation. Dean Wyman,Youth Leadership & Activities Your ongoing support for the Orford Community Tasman District High School Group is valued highly. Your sharing the results of your study of shorebirds Glebe Gardens with the community is first class. An outstanding example of environmental innovation & resource recovery! Helen Preston & Kim Paterson For leadership in fund-raising for environmental projects in & around Bicheno.

Westbury Central Highlands Hamilton 11 KABTAS Sustainable Schools Awards

12 COMMUNITIES 2013 RECYCLING When out and about

THE Packaging Stewardship Forum of the Australian Food and Grocery Council (PSF) is a proud sponsor of the Keep Australia Beautiful Tasmania (KABTas) Tidy Towns and John Donaghy Awards. We have been sponsoring these awards for more than a decade, and congratulate all those who participated in the awards this year … and of course, the winners!

During 2013, PSF provided funding support to KABTas to enable them to pilot the rollout of the Australia’s Litter Action Plan in Tasmania, as part of a proposed $50 million initiative to reduce litter in Australia with Keep Australia Beautiful. Funding support has been provided by industry to KABTas for the pilot, which has enabled the placement of additional resources within KABTas to engage with schools, local governments, communities and local businesses.

Projects delivered by KABTas include the delivery of: Celebrating the installation of new bins in Salamanca Square, supplied to Hobart City Council through the Australian Litter Action Plan pilot are from left, Peter McLean, KAB NEO, Chris Jeffries, GM PSF, • Waste and recycling programs in Lilydale Lord Mayor, Damon Thomas & Rob Simmons,KABTAS Project Manager. and Richmond Primary Schools that are recovering around 30m3 of material annually. • Installation of 421 recycling systems visible and easy to use.” • Schools Waste Education programs implemented have reached around • An additional 9,000 tonnes of glass “Away from home projects implemented by 1,000 students. recycled annually. This is equivalent to PSF have collected 6,704 tonnes nationally 50 million stubbies. of packaging for recycling in the past year • Installations of away from home recycling which is equivalent to 356 million small systems in Devonport, Salamanca Project reach of over 2.8 million passengers, drinks containers. That’s the same as if every Place, North Midlands Council, Break shoppers, students and patrons. Australian recycled 16 drinks containers when ’o’ Day, Domain Tennis Club, Soldiers Chris Jeffreys, General Manager of the PSF, they are out and about. I encourage everyone Way Aquatic Centre and Cricket Ground says that people should look out for and use the to make the right choices and recycle as much and Northern Tasmanian Councils have recycling bins when they are out and about. as possible when away from home so that next provided visitors and residents to these year we are celebrating even greater recycling areas to ‘Do the Right Thing – use the “Putting recycling infrastructure in place at numbers.” Ms Jeffreys said. right bin’ when they are out and about. our shopping centres, airports, entertainment PSF program achievements in Tasmania centres and sports stadia make it easy for Chris Jeffreys people to make the right choice to recycle • An additional 91 tonnes recycled when away from home. Public Places generate General Manager annually, equivalent to 3.8 million small large volumes of waste much of which can be plastic bottles. recycled by customers if facilities are available,

13 SUPPORTERS 2013 Replas puts COMMUNITY first

Beach Access Pathway Installation BRIDPORT HISTORY WALK REPLAS Sponsorship at Agfest Glamorgan Spring Bay Council installed Local Community group Bridport Innovations This year Rural Youth/Agfest & Replas got Tasmania’s first beach access pathway using have been busy again thie year installing more together and struck a sponsoship arrangement long-lasting Enduroplank decking ombined signage, this time for the Bridport History which included Replas giving Agfest 23 with Replas profiles for the substructure. The Walk. They chose Replas Recycled Plastic Recycled Plastic Kimberley Seats as pictured new pathway will not corrode or deteriorate Podium signs for their style, low maintenance for use around the Agfest site - a very welcome in this exposed location and will provide a and customisability. They are no strangers inclusion according to many patrons! lasting addition to the beach which is one of to the KABTAS awards having picked up an Tasmania’s most easily accessible beaches on honourable mention last year - they have not If all goes to plan KABTAS will be at the Agfest the beautiful East Coast at Orford. rested on their laurels! site in 2014 . Come and say hello! North West Dog Agility Track Launceston Church Grammar new Stanley primary school rewarded North West Dog Training club are the proud first changerooms Stanley Primary School in teh NW of the custodians of a Tasmanian installation of a Dog State had a part in two of the KABTAS Tidy Agility Track at Ulverstone. Loes Mather of the Launcetson Church Grammar recently built Towns prizes last year being a primary school club said it was the clubs wish “for more dog new change rooms at its Faulkner Park recognised in their region for being very active owners to be interactive with their pet and have sportsgrounds. Their architects ARTAS chose in keeping their area beautiful - including an some fun in a safe environment. The council Replas Recycled Plastic Profiles to create involvement in the Tidy Beaches winner of were great and have installed all teh equipment these visually stunning benches around the Godfrey’s Beach. Replas Tasmania proudly for us and even added a cement ‘tunnel’. the perimeter of each of four rooms. Being plastic presented them with a product voucher for each equipment is well set up (with the non-slip they are impervious to moistrure preventing category and the school bought this fantastic ramps) and the dogs really enjoy navigating them rotting, splitting, splintering, cracking or custom designed beachcomber seat for their the different obstacles” . The club has recently fading, making them the ideal long term, low school. The kids were justifiably proud of it when ordered two custom made seats featuring a dog mainenance product. it was delivered. theme and also a picnic setting to complement the Dog Agility course. North West Dog Agility Track