LOK SABHA DEBATES (English Version)

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LOK SABHA DEBATES (English Version) Eighth Series,Vol.XLI No13 Thursday,August 12,1988 Sravana,21,1910 (Saka) LOK SABHA DEBATES (English Version) Eleventh Session (Eighth Lok Sabha) LOK SABHA SECRETARIAT NEW DELHI Price: Rs., 50,00 CONTENTS [Eighth Series, Volume XLI, Eleventh Session, 198811910(Saka) No. 13, Friday, August 12, 1988/ Sravana 21 .. 1910 (Saka) Columns Oral Answers to Questions: 1-35 ·Starred Questions Nos. 244 to 246 and 248 to 250 Written Answers to Questions: 35-319 Starred Questions Nos. 251 to 263 Unstarred Questions Nos. 2499 to 2509,2512, 46-315 2513,2515 to 2554, 2556 to 2581. 2583 to 2604,2606 to 2628, 2630 to 2661 , 2663 to 2670, 2672 to 2692 and 2694 to 2729. Papers Laid on the Table 319-315 Business of the House 324-332 DISCUSSION UNDER RULE 193- 332-393 Atrocities on HariJans and Adivasis 10 different Parts of the Country - Shri Ganga Ram 332-338 Shn K.D. Sultanpuri 338-341 Shri K.R. Natarajan 341-343 Shri Vir Sen 343-351 Shri Ramashray Prasad Singh 351-355 The Sign t marked above the name of a Member indicates that the questions was actually asked on the floor of the House by that Member. (ii) Columns Shri S.B. Sidnal 355-360 Shri Kammodilal Jatav 360-363 Shri A.J. V.B. Maheswara Rao 363-367 Shri Virdhi Chander Jain 367-370 Dr. G.S. Rajhans 370-373 Kumari Mamata Banerjee 373-376 Shri Het Ram 376-379 Shri V. Sreenivasa Prasad 379-385 Shrimati Sunderwati Nawal Prabhakar 385-388 Shri Charanjit Singh Athwal 388-393 Shri Mahabir Prasad Yadav 393 Committee on Private Members' Bills and Resolutions - 393-394 Fifty-fifth Report - adopted Bills Introduced - 394-398 429-431 451--452 (1) Muslim Women (Protection of Rights on divorce) 394-395 Amendment Bill (Substitution of new long Title for the existing Long Title etc.) (by Shri Syed Shahabuddin) (2) Banning of Smoking Bill 395 (by Shri G.S. Basavaraju) (iii) Columns (3) Prohibition Bill 395-396 (by Shn G.S. Basavaraju) (4) Youth Welfare Bill 396 (by Shn S B Sidnal) (5) Human Resources (Utilisation) Bill 396-397 (by Shn S B Sidnal) (6) Constitution (Ammendment) Bdl (Amendment 397 of articles 74 and 162) (by Shn Syed Shahabuddln) (7) Promotion of Secularism BI" 397-398 (by Shn Naroobhal Mehta) (8) Right to Reply In the Press Bill 398 (by Shn V N Gadgll) (9) PreventIOn of Corruption (Amendment) Bill (Omission 42~0 of SectIOn 6) (by Prof Madhu Dandavate) (10) Agnculturlsts loans (Amendment) Bill (Amendment of 430 Section 4) (by Prof Madhu Dandavate) (11 ) Indian Fisheries (Amendment) Bill (Amendment of 430-431 SectIOn 3 etc (by Prof ~,adhu Dandavate) (12) ConstitutIOn of (Amendment) Bill (Amendment of 451-452 Article 16) (by Shn Jai Prakash Agarwal) (iv) Columns Reservation of Posts in Government Services 398-423 and Seats in Educational Institutions (for 431-448 EconomicanY Weaker Sadion of People) Bill Withdrawn. Motion to consider - Shri A.J. V.B. Maheswara Rao 399-401 Shri Virdhi Chander Jain 401-405 Shri N. Tombi Singh 405-409 Shri Chintamani Jena 409-412 Shri C. Lakshman MaUick 412-415 Shri V. Sobhanadreeswara Rao 416-421 Shri Anadi Charan Oas 421-423 Shri Kammodilal Jatav 431-432 Shri Jagannath Pattnaik 432--434 Shri P. Chidambaram 434-439 Shri Ram Nagina Mishra 439-448 Statement reo Memorandum of Settlement 423-429 on Tripura- S. Buta SIngh Constitution (Amendment) Bill - 448-451 (Amendment of Article 311 ) (by Shri Suresh Kurup) Motion to Consider - Shr; Suresh Kurup Statement giving additional information 452 in connection with S.O. No. 198 dated 9th August. 1988 f8: tapping of telephone~ Shri Bir Bahadur Singh - LOK SABHA DEBATES LOKSABHA that is why the percentage of p8q)1e below the poverty line in India is ~3&per Friday, August 12, 1988/ Sravana 21, cent, and if they pay taxes, thingswallkt not 1910 (Saka) be so bad. This, for the Minister's informa- tion, is reported in the Bengali ~ Jugan- The Lok Sabha met at taron 3.7.1988 and this has beeWStated by the Minister in a conference of Income-tax Eleven of the Clock Officers in Calcutta where he distributed some rewards to the officers for their good [MR. SPEAKER in the Chai~ work. In connectIOn with the Dhanbad coal mafia he said that these people have been ORAL ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS evading taxes for a long time and that they have been able to recover about Rs. eight [English] crores, which is only a drop inthe ocean. I do not know whether the wiser Mmister has Tax Defaulters been pleased to deny haVing made such a statement. Now the question that arises - *244. SHRI AMAL DAnA: Will the assuming that the Minister will now remem- MinIster ot FINANCE be pleased to state. ber havmg made thiS observation about coal mafias - is what IS the baSIS on which (a) whether the Union Minister of State they have proceeded against the coal ma- tor Revenue has stated recently In Calcutta fias and why is It that only As. eight crores that the reason for poverty In the country was have been recovered from them, when it is for some people not paYing their taxes; and a well-known fact that these people have been evading taxes for a very tong time and (b) if so, the details of such defaulters in hundreds of crores of rupees. Have they and concrete steps taken to recover the been given the same kind of exemption from dues from them? having to pay penalty and interest as in the case of Shn Lalit Sun and Shn Amitabh THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE Bachchan? DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE IN THE MINISTRY OF FINANCE (SHRI A.K. SHRI A.K. PANJA: Sir, the political part PANJA): (a) No, Sir. I will deal later on. (b) Drive against the tax evaders is SHRI AMAL DATTA: It is faduaJ. continuing with undiminished vigour. SHRI A.K. PANJA: Sir. it is not correct SHRt AMAl DAIT A: Sir, it is a very that I have made any such statement. Hav- curious situation where the Minister has ing been in the Planning Commission for reportedly· reported through Press - made a about more than a year. I would state that it statement that people are evading taxes and is not correct to say that non-payment of 3 Oral Answers AUGUST 12, 1988 Oral Answers 4 taxes is the only reason for the poverty. It is answer? (Interruptions) not that the only reason for their poverty is non-payment of taxes. What I said, Sir, was [ Translation] that many people were not paying taxes; that we must cal! upon them to pay taxes and find MR. SPEAKER: Why both of you do like out a machinery so that there is a voluntary this. It will be constructed as favourtism from compliance so far as' tax laws are con- one Bengali to the other. cerned. That is why I mentioned ,that if taxes are paid, the Department of "Revenue are [English] ready to cater that money for various devel- opment programmes. More the develop- They are not to. ment, more the growth will be there. That is one of the factors which really contributes for SHRI AMAl DATTA: Sir, the Minister elimination of poverty, not the only factor. has said that the drive against the defaultors That is what I had stated. So far as coal is continuing with undiminished vigour. Now, mafia is concerned, on reliable information what are the criteria by which we can also be which we obtained after making scrutiny, we pursuaded to admit that there is any vigour in had in one day - I don't know why the hon. the drive against defaulters? Are there larger Member has taken exception for raiding coal number of prosecutions, larger number 01 mafias - raided them, the officers raided people are being caught by the Income-tax them and found evasion of Rs. 8 crores, Sir, Department and more taxes are being re- they were ruling there for a long time; not a covered from them? Has the number of shot had to be tired. Therefore, I persoAaily defaulters gone down? went to CaJcutta, called all the officers from Bihar, Ranchi and other places and pre- [ Translation] sented them with some recognition of certifi- cate of merit. MR. SPEAKER: Add the word larger number, otherwise, the number will enlarge SHRI AMAl DATTA: I said why only Rs. further. 8 crores, not more. [English] SHRt A.K. PANJA: Rs. 8.0 crores at that time were detected. But thereafter proceed- SHRt AMAl DAnA: I would like to ings will go on. That is the point. So far as know what is the modus operandI of thIS giving them any amnesty or other things are drive being carned on with undlmll)lshed concerned, the proceedings are now going vigour? What is the outcome or the result of on. t do not know whether any such applica- this? To what extent the Revenue Depart- tion has been made. (Interruptions) ment has benefited? Secondly, you may know as the Minister that the Public Ac~ SHRt AMAl DAIT A: So, nowadays the counts Committee last year made certain Minister has started answering questions recommendations for intensive survey of outside. (Interruptions) professional and small business having regard to the fact that Income-tax Depart- SHRI A.K.PANJA: That is so far as Shri ment had already increased the number of Amal Datta is concerned. (Int9"uptions) assessees to a considerable extent. That was the recommendation. So, what action PROF. MADHU DANDAVATE: Mr.
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