Report of Scientific Director

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Report of Scientific Director REPORT OF SCIENTIFIC DIRECTOR jUNE 30, 1945 REPORT TO THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES CHRYSLER BUILDING, NEW YORK 17, N. Y. JUNE 30, 1945 CONTENTS THE NuTRITION Fou:-:DATION 3 BoARD OF TRt:STEES 4 OFFICERS 6 SciENTIFIC ADvisoRY Col\Il\!ITTEE 7 FooD INDUSTRIES ADVISORY CoMMITTEE 8 FoREWORD 11 REPORT oF THE SciENTIFIC DIRECTOR 13 Adjustment to war period 13 Complacency- a danger 14 Areas of activity 14 Significance of areas 1 5 Program development 16 Human Requirements 17 Origins and Functions of Individual Nutrients 20 i\laternal and Infant Nutrition 24 Public Health Problems in Nutrition 26 Educational and Professional Training 2 9 Studies Directly Related to the War Emergency 30 GRANTS-IN-AID CLASSIFIED BY AREAS OF STUDY 35 INSTITUTIONS RECEIVING GRANTS-IN-Am 47 RESEARCH PAPERS ARISING FROM GRANTS-IN-AID 49 Fou:-:DER AND SusTAINING MEMBERS 63 DoNORS TO THE FouNDATION 63 THE NUTRITION FOUNDATION HE NuTRITION FouNDATION was organized by food and related manufacturers in December, I94I, as a sincere T acknowledgment of their responsibilities in the protec­ tion and advancement of health through scientific progress in nutrition. The basic purposes of the Foundation are: ( I) the development of a comprehensive program of fundamental re­ search, providing basic information in the science and nutrition; and ( 2) the development of an educational program to make the science of nutrition effective in the lives of present and future generations. The entire program· is one of public service, and distinguished representatives of the public serve on the Board of Trustees, the governing body of the Foundation. The Foundation functions chiefly through grants-in-aid in support of research in university centers where there are strong graduate schools in the basic sciences, and to medical centers where there are opportunities for outstanding research. The quality and independence of the research program is safe­ guarded by the referee action and counsel of a Scientific Advisory Committee, composed of fifteen outstanding research men, most of whom are in university positions. A Food Industries Advisory Committee,. made up of the re­ search directors, chief chemists, and technical advisers of the member companies, serves as an advisory and liaison group between the Foundation and the executive and technical staffs of the member firms. The funds of the Foundation are obtained through voluntary ·COntributions from founder and sustaining members and donors. All member contributions are made on a five year basis so that -che Foundation may be assured of support for at least five advance years in planning its research program. 3 BOARD OF TRUSTEES •KARL T. CoMPToN, Cbaimran President, Manachusetts Institute of Technology •CASON J. CALLAWAY, Vice Chairman Hamilton, Georgia •HuGH O'DoNNELL, Vice Chairman President, Notre Dame University josEPH F. Anoorr, President j. STAFFORD ELurnoRP, ]R., Vice Pres., American Sugar Refining Co. Beecb-Nut Packing Co. jAMES S. ADAMs, President, CLARENCE FRANCis, Chair111an, Standard Brands, Inc. General Foods Corp. FREDERICK BF.ERs, Vice President, FRANK GERBER, Chainnan, National Biscuit Co. Gerber Products Co. C..o,RLYLE H. Br.AcK, Executive V. P., RALPH HAYES, Vice President, American Can Co. Tbe Coca Cola Co. •f. G. BouDREAU, Cbairman, HENRY j. HEINZ, II, President, Food and Nutrition Board H. f. Heinz Co. National Researcb Council joHN HoLMES, President, FRANK E. BucK, President, Swift & Company Golden State Co., Ltd. ADRIAN D. joYCE, Cbainnan, Eu.swoRTH BuNKER, President, American Lecitbin Co., lnc. National Sugar Refining Co. •CHARLES GLEN KtNG, Scientific Director •o. C. CARMICHAEL, Cbancellor, of the Nutrition Foundation Vanderbilt University jAMES E. KNox, General Manager, •\v. C. CoFFEY, President, Chas. B. Knox Gelatine Co., lnc. University of Minnesota j. PRESToN LEVIS, President, CARLE C. CoNWAY, Cbaimzan, Continental Can Co., Inc. Owens-Illinois Glass Co. E. B. CoSGROVE, President, C. R. LINDBACK, President, Minnesota Valley Canning Co. Abbotts Dairies, lnc. DANIEL \V. CREEDEN, President, ARntuR 1\fcCALLUM, President, Libby, McNeill & Libby Flako Products Corp. H. R. DRAcKETI, President, CHARLES P. McCoRMicK, President, Tbe Drackett Company McCormick & Company •CHARLES \VESLEY DuNN ]AMES McGowAN, Ja., Vice Pres.,. Member of New York Bar Campbell Soup Co. 4 ]. S. McLEAN, President, •GroRcE A. SLOAN, President Canada Packers Limited of tbe Nutrition Foundation joHN T. MENZIES, President, B. E. SNYDER, Vice Pres. 6- Treas., Crosse & Blackwell Co. R. B. DIJ'Vis Company KARL J. MoNRAD, Vice President, NoRMAN \V. STEWART, President, Chr. Hansen's Laboratory, Inc. E. Pritchard, Inc. A. 0BICI1 President, VERNON SrouFFER, President, Planters Nut & Chocolate Co. The Stouffer Corporation WALTER P. PAEPCKE, President, R. DouGLAS STUART, President, Container Corp. of America The Quaker Oats Co. •THoMAS PARRAN, Surgeon General, G. CuLLEN THOMAS, Vice President, U. S. Public Health Service General Mills, Inc. RussELL G. PARTRIDGE, Representing L. A. VAN BoMEL, President, United Fruit Company National Dairy Products Corp. PHILIP W. Pn.LSBURY, President, L.A. WARREN, President, Pillsbury Flour Mills Co. Safeway Stores, Inc. GEORGE V. RoBBINs, Director, •RAY LYMAN WILBUR, Cbance/lor, California Packing Corp. Stanford University R. A. RoBERTSON, Vice President, 0 M. L. WILSON, Chief, George Weston Limited Nutrition & Food Comervation Branch, Food Distribution Admin. H. W. RoDEN, President, American Home Foods, Inc. 'STEPHEN s. WISE, Rabbi, Free Synagogue R. B. Roos, Vice President, Continental Foods, Inc. HARRY W. ZINSMASTER, President, Zinsmaster Baking Co. MoRRis SAYRE, President, Corn Products Refining Co. Orro ScHNER.ING, President, Curtiss Candy Company OLE SALTHE, Secretary Asterisk (•) indicates representative of the public. 5 OFFICERS Chairman of the Board of Trustees KARL T. CoMPTON Vice Chairmen of the Board of Trustees CAsoN j. CALLAWAY HuGH O'DoNNELL President GEORGE A. SLOAN Scientific Director CHARLES GLEN KING Treasurer MoRRIS SAYRE Executive Secretary OLE SALTHE 6 SCIENTIFIC ADVISORY COMMITTEE F. G. BouoREAU R. c. NEWTOS Milbank Memorial Fund Representatit•e from industry c. A. ELVEHJEM LYDIA J. RoBERTS University of Wisconsin University of Chicago W.C. RosE lcrE M. HooBLER Children's Fund of Michigan University of Illinois \V, H. SEBRELL P.E. HowE Nationallnstitttte of Health Surgeon General's Office U.S. Amzy H. c. SHERMAN Columbia University E. V. McCoLLUM Tbe Johns Hopkins University v. P. SYDENSTRICKER University of Georgia L. A. MAYNARO ' F. F. TISDALL Cornell University University of Toronto ]. R. MuRLIN R. R. Williams University of Rochester Bell T elepbone Laboratories 7 FOOD INDUSTRIES ADVISORY COMMITTEE Roc.F.R ADAMs, T ecbnical Adviser, JoHN C. GAREY, In Charge The Coca Cola Co. Nutritional Research, joHN S. ANDR£ws, Red Star Yeast and Products Co. Chemical Researcb Division, FRANK L. GuNDERSON, Director, General Mills, Inc. Nutrition Department, H. A. BARXBY, Director, The Quaker Oats Co. Packaging Research C. G. HARRFLL, Director of Research, Owens-Illinois Glass Co. Pillsbury Flour Mills Co. C. R. BERGQUIST, Research Dept., GEORGE Huss, Chief Chemist, Zinnnaster Baking Co. Curtiss Candy Co. FRANKLIN C. BING, Director, CoLONEL RoHLAND A. lsKER, In Charge American Institute of Baking of Subsistence Research, Office of the Quartennaster General, FREDERICK c. BLANCK, Cbief Research Chemist U.S. Anny H. j. Heinz Co. C. S. }ELLY, Chemist, George West on Limited RonERT A. Bovrn, Development Director, STROUD joRDAN, Director of Research, The Drackett Co. American Sugar Refining Co. NoRMAN F. KENNEDY, LAURENCE V. BuRTON, Editor, Food Industries Director of Research, Corn Industries Research Foundation E. ]. CAMERON, Director, A. D. KIRKLAND, Vice President, Research Laboratories, Safeway Stores, Inc. National Canners Association joHN T. KNOWLES, General Laboratory, BASIL \V. CLARKE, Cbief Cbemist, Libby, McNeill & Libby Tbe Crosse & Blackwell Co. EDwARD F. KoHMAN, Research Chemist, L. E. CUFCORN, Director, Product Campbell Soup Co. and Process Research Division, H. WALTER KuHL, Chemist, Continental Can Co., Inc. McConnick & Co. H. E. CoRMAN, Chief Cbemist, F. H. KuLLMAN, ja., Vice President, Canada Packers Limited Bowman Dairy Co. · R. A. DIEHM, Technical Director, DoNALD 1\·lAvEETY, Director of Research, Container Corporation of America National Biscuit Company JosEPH ErcHBERG, President, V. MoLINARI, Research Cons11ltant, American Lecitbin Co., Inc. Planters Nut & Chocolate Co. CHARLES N. FREY, Researcb Director, RoLAND A. MoReK, Research Dept., The Fleischmann Laboratory R. B. Davis Co. S. L. GALVIN, Director of Research, CARL W. NoRDGREN, Research Chemist, Continental Foods, Inc. Cbr. Hansen's Laboratory, Inc. IRA D. GARARD, Consulting Chemist, R. K. PHELAN, Food Teclmologist, Flako Products Corp. Beech-Nut Packing Co. 8 RoBERT W. PILCHER, Ass't Director of JoHN SAMPEY, Cbief Chemist, Research, American Can Co. Ahbotts Dairies, Inc. G. L. PoLAND, Director, Dietetic ARTHUR E. ScHILLER, General and Laboratory Research, Manager, E. Pritcbard, Inc. United Fruit Co. GEORGE C. Scorr, THOMAS M. RECToR, Vice President, Director of Research, Researcb and Development, Minnesota Valley Canning Co. General Foods Corporation LILLIAN B. STORMs, Nutrition Researcb, Gerber Products Co. R. A. REINECKE, Vice President, In Charge of Research, DEE ToURTELLOTTE, American Home Foods, Inc. Director of Research Research ALAN C. RicHARDsoN, Research Depart­ Chas. B. Knox Gelatine Co., Inc. ment, California Packing Co. GROVER
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