CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE, Vol. 153, Pt. 13 June 27, 2007 (2) in Clause (Iii)— Mr
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17682 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE, Vol. 153, Pt. 13 June 27, 2007 (2) in clause (iii)— Mr. REID. I ask unanimous consent this request, the Secretary of the Sen- (A) in the heading, by striking ‘‘YEAR’’ and the resolution be agreed to, the pre- ate be authorized to make corrections inserting ‘‘THE APPLICABLE PERIOD’’; and amble be agreed to, the motion to re- in the engrossment of this bill. (B) by striking ‘‘the year’’ and inserting consider be laid upon the table, and The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without ‘‘the period described in such clause’’. any statements be printed in the objection, it is so ordered. SEC. 3. OFFSETTING ADJUSTMENT IN MEDICARE ADVANTAGE STABILIZATION FUND. RECORD. f The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without Section 1858(e)(2)(A)(i) of the Social Secu- ORDER FOR ADJOURNMENT rity Act (42 U.S.C. 1395w–27a(e)(2)(A)(i)), as objection, it is so ordered. amended by 301 of division B of the Tax Re- The resolution (S. Res. 259) was Mr. REID. Mr. President, I ask unan- lief and Health Care Act of 2006, is amended agreed to. imous consent the Senate stand ad- by striking ‘‘the Fund during the period’’ The preamble was agreed to. journed following the remarks, for 28 and all that follows and inserting ‘‘the The resolution, with its preamble, minutes or thereabouts, or however Fund— reads as follows: much time the distinguished Senator ‘‘(I) during 2012, $1,600,000,000; and S. RES. 259 from Alabama has left under the order ‘‘(II) during 2013, $1,790,000,000.’’. before this body. When he finishes, we Mr. REID. I compliment Senators Whereas on June 24, 2007, the Oregon State University baseball team won the 2007 Col- would adjourn. BAUCUS and GRASSLEY for getting this lege World Series in Omaha, Nebraska after The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- done. We were running out of time. defeating California State University, Ful- ator from Alabama. f lerton by a score of 3 to 2; Arizona State Uni- Mr. SESSIONS. Mr. President, re- versity by a score of 12 to 6; University of serving the right to object, what is the COMMENDING THE OREGON STATE California, Irvine by a score of 7 to 1; and the plan for debate time in the morning UNIVERSITY BASEBALL TEAM University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill prior to the cloture vote? I have been Mr. REID. Mr. President, I ask unan- in the championship by scores of 11 to 4 and involved in the debate and would like imous consent that the Senate proceed 9 to 3; to be involved in having some oppor- Whereas this is the second consecutive Col- to the immediate consideration of S. lege World Series championship Oregon tunity to speak in the morning prior to Res. 259, submitted earlier today. State University has won, making the Uni- the vote, if that would be appropriate. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The versity the first repeat College World Series Mr. REID. I would say through the clerk will report the resolution by champion in a decade; Chair, the time is equally divided be- title. Whereas the success of the team was a di- tween Senator KENNEDY and Senator The assistant legislative clerk read rect result of the skill, intensity, and resolve SPECTER. Whatever time the Senator as follows: of every player on the Oregon State Univer- would request, I am sure one of those sity baseball team, including Erik Ammon, A resolution (S. Res. 259) commending the Senators might yield him time. Darwin Barney, Hunter Beaty, Scotty Berke, Mr. SESSIONS. How does that hap- Oregon State University baseball team for Reed Brown, Brian Budrow, Mitch Canham, winning the 2007 College World Series. Bryn Card, Brett Casey, Jackson Evans, Kyle pen when they both agree on this bill? There being no objection, the Senate Foster, Drew George, Mark Grbavac, Chad Mr. REID. As I understand it, it is proceeded to consider the resolution. Hegdahl, Chris Hopkins, Koa Kahalehoe, automatic, an hour before cloture. Mr. WYDEN. Mr. President, just Greg Keim, Blake Keitzman, Josh Keller, Mr. SESSIONS. They both agreed. about a year ago, Senator SMITH and I Eddie Kunz, Joey Lakowske, Lonnie Lechelt, That is the problem. Is there any time came down to the floor of the Senate to Jordan Lennerton, Mike Lissman, Anton set aside for the opposition? Maxwell, Jake McCormick, Chad Nading, take a few moments to talk about the Mr. REID. I think the Senator raises Jason Ogata, Ryan Ortiz, Joe Paterson, a valid point there. It is for the pro- Oregon State University baseball team, Tyrell Poggemeyer, Joe Pratt, Jorge Reyes, which had just won its first College ponents of the resolution. Scott Santschi, Kraig Sitton, Alex Sogard, Mr. SESSIONS. I ask for 10 minutes. World Series national championship Dale Solomon, Michael Stutes, Daniel Mr. REID. I ask unanimous consent out in Omaha, NE. Turpen, John Wallace, Braden Wells, and out of Senator SPECTER’s time and Sen- I can’t tell you how happy I am to be Joey Wong; ator KENNEDY’s time, you have 10 min- standing here on the floor of the Sen- Whereas freshman pitcher Jorge Reyes was utes. How is that? ate 1 year later to applaud the team’s recognized as the Most Outstanding Player of the 2007 College World Series tournament; Mr. SESSIONS. That will be fine. defense of that title. Whereas Darwin Barney, Mitch Canham, Mr. REID. Mr. President, if we wait, This is a tough, determined baseball Mike Lissman, Jorge Reyes, Scott Santschi, we are going to check to see if time has team. When most folks counted them and Joey Wong were named to the 2007 All- been allocated yet. out, they didn’t give up. After finishing College World Series tournament team; and I suggest the absence of a quorum. 6th in the Pac–10, they squeaked their Whereas the 2007 College World Series vic- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The way into the post-season and never tory of the Oregon State University baseball clerk will call the roll. looked back. team ended a terrific season in which the The assistant legislative clerk pro- On the road and at home, the Oregon team compiled a record of 49 wins to 18 losses: Now, therefore, be it ceeded to call the roll. State squad was virtually unstoppable, Resolved, That the Senate— Mr. REID. Mr. President, I ask unan- winning their last 10 games. In fact, (1) commends the Oregon State University imous consent the order for the the team trailed in just one of the 45 baseball team, Head Coach Pat Casey and his quorum call be rescinded. innings it played in Omaha and it was coaching staff, Athletic Director Bob The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without the first team to ever win 4 College DeCarolis, and Oregon State University objection, it is so ordered. World Series games by 6 or more runs. President Edward John Ray on their tremen- Mr. REID. Mr. President, what I had The Beavers are the first back-to- dous accomplishment in defending their 2007 requested is that the Senator from Ala- back champions since Louisiana State College World Series championship title; and bama would be recognized for 10 min- (2) respectfully requests the Secretary of University accomplished the feat back the Senate to transmit an enrolled copy of utes; five minutes would come from the in 1996–97 and the first ‘‘cold-weather’’ this resolution to the President of Oregon time of Senator KENNEDY, 5 minutes state repeat champions ever. State University. from that of Senator SPECTER, and I It is a proud day for the players and f would further say the last 20 minutes coaches on the Oregon State team. It is of the debate wouldn’t count against a proud day for the University. And it REQUEST FOR THE RETURN OF any of this time. The first 10 minutes is a proud day for all Oregonians. PAPERS—S. 1612 would be for Senator MCCONNELL, if he Today, with Senator SMITH as my co- Mr. REID. Mr. President, I ask unan- so chooses and, if I so choose, I would sponsor, I have therefore submitted a imous consent the Senate request the have the last 10 minutes, right before resolution commending the Oregon return of papers on the bill S. 1612 from the vote. That is additional time. That State University baseball team for win- the House of Representatives. I further doesn’t count against the time we have ning the 2007 College World Series. ask consent that upon compliance with allocated here earlier. VerDate Mar 15 2010 11:38 Jun 18, 2010 Jkt 059102 PO 00000 Frm 00122 Fmt 0685 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR07\S27JN7.004 S27JN7 WReier-Aviles on DSKGBLS3C1PROD with BOUND RECORD June 27, 2007 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE, Vol. 153, Pt. 13 17683 The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without Under that compromise, all of the So, bottom line, the bill is not going objection, it is so ordered. water is still going to leak out. to do what supporters are promising it The Senator from Alabama. The problem with the immigration will do. Those of us who were not in the Mr. SESSIONS. Mr. President, is it bill currently before the Senate, and I little group of grand bargainers cer- now appropriate that I utilize a few of have seen this problem repeatedly in tainly have no responsibility to affirm the minutes I have remaining—I am the immigration realm, is that when the deal they may have reached, espe- not going to use them all—before we we come up with provisions and con- cially if we know that it is not going to adjourn? Is that what we agreed to? cepts that would actually work, ones work.