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CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE, Vol. 152, Pt June 27, 2006 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE, Vol. 152, Pt. 9 12695 Scotch-Irish immigrants in the moun- nized for their performance in the regular nication with the democratically elected tain regions of Tennessee and Vir- season in the PAC-10 Conference, including leaders of Taiwan and deprive the President, ginia—including my own ancestors— Cole Gillespie, who was named PAC-10 Base- Congress, and the American public of the op- coupled with the unique hymns of ball Player of the Year, Chris Kunda, who portunity to engage in a direct dialogue re- garding developments in the Asia-Pacific re- Negro spirituals and work songs. A was named PAC-10 Defensive Player of the Year, Darwin Barney, Dallas Buck, Cole Gil- gion and key elements of the relationship be- number of early Appalachian instru- lespie, Kevin Gunderson, and Jonah Nick- tween the United States and Taiwan; ments that helped spawn this new erson who were named to the first team All Whereas, in consideration of the major American form of music can be found PAC-10 baseball team, and Mitch Canham, economic, security, and political interests on the walls of my Washington office. Chris Kunda, and Shea McFeely who were shared by the United States and Taiwan, it is In 1927, Ralph Sylvester Peer arrived named to the honorable mention All PAC-10 to the benefit of the United States for United in Bristol hoping to produce a commer- baseball team; States officials to meet with and commu- cial recording of these unique moun- Whereas Head Coach Pat Casey was named nicate directly with the democratically tain sounds. That’s how the recordings PAC-10 Baseball Coach of the Year; elected leaders of Taiwan; known as the Bristol Sessions were Whereas Jonah Nickerson was recognized Whereas, since the Taiwan Strait is one of the flashpoints in the world, it is important born, launching the careers of country as the Most Outstanding Player of the tour- nament; and that United States policymakers directly greats like the Carter Family, the Whereas the College World Series victory communicate with the leaders of Taiwan; Stonemans and Jimmie Rogers. Those of the Oregon State University ended a ter- and sessions are often billed as ‘‘the Big rific season in which the team compiled a Whereas, Section 221 of the Immigration Bang’’ that started the development of record of 50-16: Now, therefore, be it and Nationality Technical Corrections Act of modern and marketable country music. Resolved, That the Senate— 1994 (8 U.S.C. 1101 note) provides that the Bristol, TN, and Bristol, VA, may be (1) congratulates the Oregon State Univer- President or other high-level officials of Tai- two cities but they share a common sity baseball team, Head Coach Pat Casey wan may visit the United States, including spirit. You can’t help but feel that spir- and his coaching staff, Athletic Director Bob Washington D.C., at any time to discuss a it each time you visit, as I have had DeCarolis, and President Edward John Ray variety of important issues: Now, therefore, for an outstanding championship season; and be it the pleasure of doing many times over Resolved by the Senate (the House of Rep- the years. Nothing says it better than (2) respectfully requests the Secretary of the Senate to transmit an enrolled copy of resentatives concurring), That it is the Sense the Bristol Sign, which is listed in the this resolution to the President of Oregon of Congress that— National Register of Historic Places. State University. (1) restrictions on visits to the United Stretching across State Street and States by high-level elected and appointed f linking the States of Virginia and Ten- officials of Taiwan, including the democrat- nessee, it declares Bristol ‘‘A Good SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLU- ically-elected President of Taiwan, should be Place to Live.’’ TION 106—EXPRESSING THE lifted; Mr. President, I extend my warmest SENSE OF CONGRESS REGARD- (2) the United States should allow direct ING HIGH LEVEL VISITS TO THE high-level exchanges at the Cabinet level, in wishes to the people of Bristol as they order to strengthen a policy dialogue with celebrate the twin cities’ sesquicenten- UNITED STATES BY DEMOCRAT- the Government of Taiwan; and nial this year. ICALLY ELECTED OFFICIALS OF (3) it is in the interest of the United States f TAIWAN to strengthen links between the United Mr. JOHNSON (for himself and Mr. States and the democratically-elected Gov- SENATE RESOLUTION 523—COM- ernment of Taiwan and demonstrate strong- ALLEN) submitted the following con- MENDING THE OREGON STATE er support for democracy in the Asia-Pacific UNIVERSITY BASEBALL TEAM current resolution; which was referred region. to the Committee on Foreign Rela- FOR WINNING THE 2006 COLLEGE f WORLD SERIES tions: S. CON. RES. 106 AMENDMENTS SUBMITTED AND Mr WYDEN (for himself and Mr. PROPOSED SMITH) submitted the following resolu- Whereas, for over half a century, a close tion; which was considered and agreed relationship has existed between the United SA 4543. Mr. DURBIN (for himself, Mrs. States and Taiwan, which has been of enor- CLINTON, Mr. BENNETT, Mr. BINGAMAN, Mr. to: mous political, economic, cultural, and stra- CARPER, Mrs. BOXER, and Mr. LIEBERMAN) S. RES. 523 tegic advantage to both countries; submitted an amendment intended to be pro- Whereas on June 26, 2006, the Oregon State Whereas Taiwan is one of the strongest posed by him to the joint resolution S.J. University baseball team won the College democratic allies of the United States in the Res. 12, proposing an amendment to the Con- World Series in Omaha, Nebraska by defeat- Asia-Pacific region; stitution of the United States authorizing ing the University of Georgia Bulldogs by a Whereas it is United States policy to sup- Congress to prohibit the physical desecration score of 5-3, the University of Miami Hurri- port and strengthen democracy around the of the flag of the United States. canes by a score of 8-1, the Rice University world; SA 4544. Mr. DURBIN (for himself, Mrs. Owls by scores of 5-0 and 2-0, and the Univer- Whereas during the late 1980s and early CLINTON, Mr. BENNETT, and Mr. BINGAMAN) sity of North Carolina Tarheels in 2 cham- 1990s, Taiwan made a remarkable transition submitted an amendment intended to be pro- pionship series games by scores of 11-7 and 3- to a full-fledged democracy with a vibrant posed by him to the joint resolution S.J. 2; economy and a vigorous multi-party polit- Res. 12, supra; which was ordered to lie on Whereas the success of the season depended ical system that respects human rights and the table. on the hard work, dedication, and perform- the rule of law; f ance of every player on the Oregon State Whereas President George W. Bush, in a TEXT OF AMENDMENTS University baseball team, including Erik November 2005 speech in Kyoto, Japan, Ammon, Darwin Barney, Bret Bochsler, Reed lauded the Government of Taiwan for its SA 4543. Mr. DURBIN (for himself, Brown, Dallas Buck, Brian Budrow, Mitch democratic achievements; Mrs. CLINTON, Mr. BENNETT, Mr. BINGA- Canham, Bryn Card, Brett Casey, Cory Ellis, Whereas, in spite of its praise for democ- MAN, Mr. CARPER, Mrs. BOXER, Mr. LIE- Derek Engelke, Josh Forgue, Cole Gillespie, racy in Taiwan, the United States Govern- BERMAN) submitted an amendment in- Ryan Gipson, Tyler Grahm, Mark Grbavac, ment continues to adhere to guidelines from tended to be proposed by him to the Kevin Gunderson, Koa Kahalehoe, Greg the 1970s that bar the President, Vice Presi- joint resolution S.J. Res. 12, proposing Keim, Jon Koller, Chris Kunda, Eddie Kunz, dent, Premier, Foreign Minister, and Defense an amendment to the Constitution of Joey Lakowske, Greg Laybourn, Lonnie Minister of Taiwan from coming to Wash- Lechelt, Mike Lissman, Anton Maxwell, ington, D.C.; the United States authorizing Congress Jake McCormick, Shea McFeely, Jonah Whereas the United States Government to prohibit the physical desecration of Nickerson, Joe Paterson, Casey Priseman, has barred these high-level officials from vis- the flag of the United States; as fol- Sean Rockey, Bill Rowe, Scott Santschi, iting Washington, D.C., while allowing the lows: Alex Sogard, Dale Solomon, Michael Stutes, unelected leaders of the People’s Republic of On page 2, line 2, strike ‘‘(two’’ and all that Rob Summers, Daniel Turpen, Geoff Wagner, China to routinely visit Washington, D.C., follows and insert the following: and John Wallace; and welcoming them to the White House; SECTION 1. FLAG PROTECTION. Whereas numerous members of the Oregon Whereas these self-imposed restrictions (a) SHORT TITLE.—This section may be State University baseball team were recog- lead to a lack of direct contact and commu- cited as the ‘‘Flag Protection Act of 2006’’. VerDate Sep 11 2014 09:21 Mar 27, 2017 Jkt 000000 PO 00000 Frm 00091 Fmt 0686 Sfmt 0634 E:\FDSYS\BOUNDRECORD\BR27JN06.DAT BR27JN06 ejoyner on DSK30MW082PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE.
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