Sophie Kinsella | 400 pages | 10 May 2012 | Transworld Publishers Ltd | 9780552778312 | English | London, United Kingdom Shopaholic Ties the Knot - Wikipedia

Uh-oh, it looks like your Internet Explorer is out of date. For a better shopping experience, please upgrade now. Javascript is not enabled in your browser. Enabling JavaScript in your browser will allow you to experience all the features of our site. Learn how to enable JavaScript on your browser. NOOK Book. Chapter One OK. Don't panic. The answer will come to me any minute. I just have to think hard about what marriage is all about. It's about love, obviously. And companionship, and mutual support. My eye rests on a huge antique silver tureen, complete with ladle. Now, that would make a perfect wedding gift. I can just see it: Suze and Tarquin sitting by the fire, ladling soup into each other's bowls. It'll be all lovely Shopaholic Ties the Knot: (Shopaholic Book 3) domestic and heartwarming, and every time they drink soup they'll think of me. Perhaps I could even have it engraved. Mind you, Shopaholic Ties the Knot: (Shopaholic Book 3) is quite expensive. I'd better check how much it would all come to. This shop has to be one of my favorites in the West Village. It's Shopaholic Ties the Knot: (Shopaholic Book 3) and intimate like someone's home, and everywhere you turn, there's something you might want. Like that fantastic carved chair, and a hand-painted velvet throw, and that Shopaholic Ties the Knot: (Shopaholic Book 3) grandfather clock over in the corner. Eighteenth-century silver. Exquisite craftsmanship. You see this detail on the rim? Maybe it's about. I run my hand over a beautiful old chess set, all set up as though a game's in progress. But I'm not sure Suze knows how to play chess. A clock? Oh God, I'm really clutching at straws here. I can't believe it's Suze's wedding in two days and I still haven't got her and Tarquin a present. Or at least, not one I can actually give them. Months ago I bought them this gorgeous picnic hamper, filled with picnicware, a champagne cooler, really cool knives and forks, and even a rug. It took me ages to choose all the stuff, and I was so pleased with it. Well, no way am I giving Suze the same present as someone else. So here I am in the only place I can think of where I'll find something unique. She hasn't registered for gifts, because she says she hates the idea of asking people for things. And anyway, I'd never just get her some boring set of plates off a list. Suze is my best friend, and I'm going to be her bridesmaid, and my present has to be something really special. I can feel myself starting to get anxious. OK, just think laterally. What do Suze and Tarquin enjoy doing? Anyway, I'd have to get two, wouldn't I? And they probably wouldn't even fit the horses properly. A carved music stand? Except how would I get it home on the plane? And anyway, neither of them plays an instrument. A marble bust of Abraham Lincoln? A picture of. Hang on a minute. I push the bust of Lincoln aside and look carefully at the old trunk he's Shopaholic Ties the Knot: (Shopaholic Book 3) resting on. Now that's rather nice. In fact it's very nice. I undo the straps and gently lift the lid, inhaling the smell of old leather. This is stunning. All pale silk and leather straps, and a mirror, and little compartments to put your cuff links in. Suze will adore this, I know she will. She can use it to keep jumpers in and when she and Tarquin go on a cruise a porter can wheel it up the ramp for her and she'll look all glamorous and film-star-like. And the point is, Shopaholic Ties the Knot: (Shopaholic Book 3) if someone else gives them a suitcase or something, one of my great maxims of life is: you can never have too much luggage. I've got Suze's wedding present! Thank goodness for that. Now all I need is my bridesmaid's dress, and I'm there. And yes. Here it is. I don't even need to look around the rest of the shop. It's always a good idea to have your eyes open when you're in antique shops, because there are some really good bargains out there. And it's all a good investment. I mean, this is how some people make their money. Through the door Shopaholic Ties the Knot: (Shopaholic Book 3) the back room I see the corner of a lace shawl, and feel a tug of desire. Antique shawls are so in at the moment. And since I'm buying the trunk, it occurs to me, Arthur might give it to me for half price. Or maybe even for free! Oh, come on. I'll just have a quick look. But only at very small things, because I've promised Luke no more furniture. I put it down again and pick up a cocktail shaker. This is nice. Maybe I should get it for Suze as well. A real, genuine, s cocktail cabinet. I've always wanted a cocktail cabinet. Just think, if we had one of these in the apartment it would change our lives. Every night Luke and I would mix martinis, and dance to old-fashioned songs, and watch the sun go down. It'd be so atmospheric! We'd have to buy one of those old-fashioned record players with the big horns, and start collecting 78s, and I'd start wearing gorgeous vintage tea dresses. We have to have this. We have to. This isn't some boring chair, or set of shelves. This is different. Luke will understand. I'm rather good at getting good prices in this shop. The trick is to sound as though you don't care whether you buy it or not. But since you're taking the trunk as well. I could let you have the pair for. For a wedding present and a unique cocktail cabinet that we'll treasure all our lives. I mean, this isn't like buying Shopaholic Ties the Knot: (Shopaholic Book 3) pair of shoes that you'll forget about. This is a genuine investment for the future. There are ornate little balconies on all the houses, and stone steps up to all the front doors, and trees all along the pavement. Right opposite us lives someone who plays jazz piano, and on summer evenings we stroll up to the roof terrace that we share with our neighbors, and sit Shopaholic Ties the Knot: (Shopaholic Book 3) cushions and drink wine and listen. At least, we did that one time and I'm sure we will again. Shopaholic Ties the Knot (Shopaholic, #3) by

Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. Want to Read saving…. Want to Read Currently Reading Read. Other editions. Enlarge cover. Error rating book. Refresh and try again. Open Preview See a Problem? Details if other :. Thanks for telling us about the problem. Return to Book Page. But with her best friend, Suze, engaged, how can Becky fail to notice that her own ring finger is bare? Then Luke proposes! Both weddings for the same day. Get A Copy. Paperbackpages. More Details Original Title. Other Editions Friend Reviews. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about Shopaholic Ties the Knotplease sign up. Be the first to ask a question about Shopaholic Ties the Knot. Lists with This Book. Community Reviews. Showing Average rating 3. Rating details. More filters. Sort order. Start your review of Shopaholic Ties the Knot Shopaholic, 3. Sep 09, Cristina Monica rated it liked it. Only could get herself in this much trouble. But the best part is always seeing her struggle to get out of it! Never change, Becky. View 2 comments. I love Sophie Kinsella's writing style so much! Her books are like candy and I can't get enough! I love how Rebecca isn't a totally likable character; she has her flaws but she always Shopaholic Ties the Knot: (Shopaholic Book 3) from her mistakes in the end and becomes stronger. I was obsessed with the first half of the book as I'm totally invested in Luke and Becky's relationship, but the wedding drama kind of dragged on a bit too long for me. Still really liked this book, though, and I will be reading the fourth very soon! View all 5 comments. Dec 05, Rena rated it it was ok. I love Kinsella's books, and I Shopaholic Ties the Knot: (Shopaholic Book 3) Becky, but this one was my least favorite. The way she Shopaholic Ties the Knot: (Shopaholic Book 3) to drag on the wedding decision totally wore out my patience. What sucked was that THAT was basically the main part of the story. At some point, I was so irritated at her that I wasn't really concentrating on what I was reading because I wanted to hurry up and get to the conclusion. And it's too silly how Luke was so unaware of the chaotic wedding planning, don't you think? Almost pretentious. I mean, I love Kinsella's books, and I loove Becky, but this one was my least favorite. But yet it was definitely entertaining, and it did make me want a spectacular wedding at Plaza. Wouldn't anyone? Shelves: kinsellawomens-fiction-chicklitlistened-to-audiobookone- click-authorsreadfinished-series. I know a 2-star rating is typically an automatic: "she didn't like it", but I am using the formal goodreads definition for the rating here. It was OK. To be honest, I am playing catch-up on this series now that my library has finally added the audiobooks, and reading about Becky's epic avoidance- laden screw ups back-to-back was not the brightest idea. The cute is quickly turning to annoying, so I'll wait a few weeks before continuing to the next installment. Overall, it's a great series, but I w I know a 2-star rating is typically an automatic: "she didn't like it", but I am using the formal goodreads definition for the rating here. Overall, it's a great series, but I wouldn't recommend a Shopaholic bingefest. Everything in moderation, right Becky? View all 10 comments. Mar 24, Erin rated it it was amazing Shelves: marchwritten-by-women. If it were possible I would give Shopaholic Ties the Knot and extra star, because this is my favorite book in the series. I'm not sure why, maybe it's all the descriptions of wedding cake. I don't know. I just enjoy this book the most. I especially enjoyed it this time because it temporarily stopped my reading slump. In Shopaholic Ties the Knot, Becky deals with a problem we have all had to deal with, two weddings on the same day in different countries. We've all been there! Somehow Becky is goi If it were possible I would give Shopaholic Ties the Knot and extra star, because this is my favorite book in the series. Somehow Becky is going to have to pick between the quaint backyard wedding her mother is planning back in Oxshott and the over the top Enchanted Forest wedding her mother-in-law to be is planning at The Plaza in New York. Of course being Becky she makes a bad situation worse Shopaholic Ties the Knot: (Shopaholic Book 3) as always everything works out in the end. In this book we meet Luke's estranged mother Elinor, who I kept picturing Shopaholic Ties the Knot: (Shopaholic Book 3) despite how she's described Joan Crawford shoulder pads and all. Who abandoned Luke as a child but now that he's rich and successful wants s relationship of sorts with him. Luke is often a B or even C character in this series but in The Knot Luke actually gets some character development and expands beyond just being the straight guy to Becky's comedy. As always if you liked Confessions of a Shopaholic than you'll enjoy the rest of the series. If you didn't like the first book don't read the rest of the series. View all 4 comments. Feb 03, Michelegg rated it it was ok. Well, I'm definitely glad Becky is off on her round the world honeymoon. I was so stressed by the time this book was over, I thought it would never end! Not as funny as the first two, there was just too much tension. I can't say I enjoyed this one a whole lot. Feb 08, Vicki rated it really liked it Shelves: chick-lithumor. This third book in the series was just as funny and in some ways more hilarious than the first book. This book has Becky and Luke moving forward in their relationship. The problems begin when Becky can't say no, to totally different plans for the same event. Shopaholic Ties the Knot: (Shopaholic Book 3) cast of characters is fun and full bodied. They have their own personalities which fill this book with a lot of conflict and humor. Well written and fun, I was glad I read this book. Dec 12, Shannon Giraffe Days rated it really liked it Shelves:chick-lit. I'm continuously surprised at how much I enjoy these books. Shopaholic Ties the Knot: (Shopaholic Book 3) one, they're chick-lit, which I don't read much of and generally find insipid and insulting. They're about a woman who is obsessed with shopping, something we really don't have in common. Whenever she buys something which is often, and usually something she really doesn't needI cringe. Her debts make Shopaholic Ties the Knot: (Shopaholic Book 3) anxious. Her silly lies and cover-ups give me acid burn. The situations she gets herself into, the many times she lets people s I'm continuously surprised at how much I enjoy these books. The situations she gets herself into, the many times she lets people steamroll her, frustrate me. Shopaholic Ties the Knot (Shopaholic #3) - Sophie Kinsella read online free - Novelscom

Shopaholic Ties the Knot is the third in the popular Shopaholic series. It is a chick-lit novel by Sophie Kinsellaa pseudonym of Madeline Wickham. Becky's best friend, Danny, helps her make a bridesmaid's dress. That night, Luke, Danny and Becky discuss when Becky will get married. She replies that she will get married in ten years, much to Luke's disbelief and amusement. A few days before the wedding, Becky learns that Suze is pregnant. On one hand, Becky wanted to get married at home. On the other, she wanted to have a gorgeous wedding at the Plaza, and being the 'special, glossy' person for the day. As she sees more and more preparations done on both sides, it's even more difficult for her to say no Shopaholic Ties the Knot: (Shopaholic Book 3) either one. If Becky gives up the Plaza, she'll have to pay a penalty of a hundred thousand. Becky has no way of paying - and she can't possibly ask Luke Shopaholic Ties the Knot: (Shopaholic Book 3) else he will get suspicious. During that time, she confronts Elinor for her own behavior in the way she treated him all his life. This in turn made her despise Becky for calling her out about that and reveals that she thinks Becky isn't good enough for Luke. Refusing to back down, Becky decides to bargain with Elinor about having her wedding at the Shopaholic Ties the Knot: (Shopaholic Book 3) in exchange that she writes down her confession in everything that she did including abandoning Luke and take responsibility for herself. Meanwhile, Laurel, Becky's favorite customer at Barney's, is devastated about her ex-husband, Bill's, much younger girlfriend, Amy Forrester. Laurel tells Becky that she suspects Bill has been stealing some of her jewelry, including an antique emerald pendant her grandmother gave her and has been giving them to Amy in order to humiliate her. When Becky catches him in action stealing another one of Laurel's prized jewelry, she confronts both Bill and Amy for their actions. She tells them of her intentions to notify Shopaholic Ties the Knot: (Shopaholic Book 3) authorities and press charges on Laurel's behalf unless they reimburse her by returning her jewelry at once. After Becky helps Laurel get all of her jewelry back, Laurel promises she will help Becky with anything she wants as a wedding gift. In the end, Becky finds a great idea - first attend the Plaza wedding and feign marriage to satisfy Elinor. Then she and Luke takes a private jet provided by Laurel's company to England and really get married at Becky's home. At the end of the novel, Becky reveals to Luke that she had cashed in their New York wedding gifts and booked two first-class around-the-world tickets for their honeymoon. She also mentions that she has also helped Michael find a woman who loves him as he is and even helped Danny's fashion career. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Redirected from Shopaholic Ties The Knot. Shopaholic Ties the Knot First edition. USA Today. Sophie Kinsella. Can You Keep a Secret? Namespaces Article Talk. Views Read Edit View history. Help Learn to edit Community portal Recent changes Upload file. Download as PDF Printable version. Italiano Edit links. First edition. Black Swan. Shopaholic Takes Manhattan.