

U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE / National Bureau of Standards

ydrocarbons for -

75 Years of Materials

Research at NBS


The National Bureau of Standards^ was established by an act of Congress March 3, 1901.

The Bureau's overall goal is to strengthen and advance the Nation's and and facilitate their effective application for public benefit. To this end, the Bureau conducts research and provides: (1) a basis for the Nation's physical measurement system, (2) scientific and technological services for and government, (3) a technical basis for equity in trade, and (4) technical services to promote public safety. The Bureau consists of the Institute for Basic Standards, the Institute for Materials Research, the Institute for Applied Technology, the Institute for Computer and Technology, and the Office for Information Programs.

THE INSTITUTE FOR BASIC STANDARDS provides the central basis within the of a complete and consistent system of physical measurement; coordinates that system with measurement systems of other nations; and furnishes essential services leading to accurate and uniform physical measurements throughout the Nation's scientific community, industry, and commerce. The Institute consists of the Office of Measurement Services, the Office of Radiation Measurement and the following Center and divisions:

Applied Mathematics — Electricity — Mechanics — — Optical Physics — Center for Radiation Research: Nuclear Sciences; Applied Radiation — Astrophysics ^ — — Electromagnetics ^ — Time and Frequency °.

THE INSTITUTE FOR MATERIALS RESEARCH conducts materials research leading to improved methods of measurement, standards, and data on the properties of well-characterized materials needed by industry, commerce, educational institutions, and Government; provides advisory and research services to other Government agencies; and develops, produces, and distributes standard reference materials. The Institute consists of the Office of Standard Reference Materials, the Office of Air and Measurement, and the following divisions:

Analytical — Inorganic Materials — Reactor Radiation — Physical Chemistry.

THE INSTITUTE FOR APPLIED TECHNOLOGY provides technical services to promote the use of available technology and to facilitate technological in industry and Government; cooperates with public and private organizations leading to the development of technological standards (including mandatory safety standards), codes and methods of test; and provides technical advice and services to Government agencies upon request. The Insti- tute consists of the following divisions and Centers: Standards Application and Analysis — Electronic Technology — Center for Consumer Product Technology: Product Systems Analysis; Product — Center for Building Technology: Structures, Materials, and Safety; Building Environment; Technical Evalua- tion and Application — Center for Research: Fire Science; Fire Safety Engineering.

THE INSTITUTE FOR COMPUTER SCIENCES AND TECHNOLOGY conducts research and provides, technical services designed to aid Government agencies in improving cost effec- tiveness in the conduct of their programs through the selection, acquisition, and effective utilization of automatic data processing equipment; and serves as the principal focus within the executive branch for the development of Federal standards for automatic data processing equipment, techniques, and computer languages. The Institute consists of the following divisions: Computer Services — Systems and Software — Computer Systems Engineering — Informa- tion Technology.

THE OFFICE FOR INFORMATION PROGRAMS promotes optimum dissemination and accessibility of scientific information generated within NBS and other agencies of the Federal Government; promotes the development of the National Standard Reference Data System and a system of information analysis centers dealing with the broader aspects of the National Measurement System; provides appropriate services to ensure that the NBS staff has optimum accessibility to the scientific information of the world. The Office consists of the following organizational units:

Office of Standard Reference Data — Office of Information Activities — Office of Technical Publications — Library — Office of International Relations — Office of International Standards.

1 Headquarters and at Gaithersburg, Maryland, unless otherwise noted; mailing address Washington, D C. 20234. 2 Located at Boulder, Colorado 80302. or BTANBABJDfil LIBKAJST JUN 1 4 1976

Hydrocarbons for Fuel- 75 Years of Materials Research at NBS

George T. Armstrong

Physical Chemistry Division Institute for Materials Research National Bureau of Standards Washington, D.C. 20234

U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE, Elliot L. Richardson, Secretary

James A. Baker, III, Under Secrefary

Dr. Betsy Ancker-Johnson, Assisfanf Secrefary for Science and Technology

5 NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS, Ernest Ambler, Acting Director

Issued May 1976 —

Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data Armstrong, George Thomson, 1916- for fuel—75 years of materials research at NBS.

(National Bureau of Standards special publication ; 434) Bibliography: p. Supt. of Docs, no.: C 13.10:434 1. Fuel research—United States. 2. research United States. 3. United States. National Bureau of Standards

History. I. Title. H. Series: United States. National Bureau of

Standards. Special publication ; 434. QC100.U57 no. 434 LTP343] 602'.ls [662'.6] 75-619428

National Bureau of Standards Special Publication 434

Nat. Bur. Stand. (U.S.), Spec. Publ. 434, 20 (May 1976) CODEN: XNBSAV


For sale by (be Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402 (Order by SD Catalog No. C13.10:434). Price 55 cents. (Add 25 percent additional for other than U.S. mailing). Contents


1. Introduction 1 1.1. Gaseous 1 1.2. and petroleum products 1 1.3. fuels 2 1.4. Standard reference materials 2

2. and natural 2 2.1. measurement, analysis, and calorimetry 2 2.2. Physical and thermodynamic properties of pure components and well-defined of components 4

3. Liquid petroleum products 5

3.1. and of 5

3.2. Composition of petroleum and properties of its components 7

3.3. Experimental of pure hydrocarbons 9

3.4. Standard reference data on pure hydrocarbons 10

3.5. Other work on petroleum fuels 12

4. Solid fuels—Thermodynamic studies on , , , , and substances related to their combustion 12

5. Standard reference materials for hydrocarbon fuels 13

5.1. Hydrocarbon blends 13

5.2. Reference fuels 13

5.3. in reference fuels 13

5.4. in fuel 13 5.5. Heating values of hydrocarbon fuels 13

6. Coal reference materials 14

6.1. Trace in coal 14

6.2. Sulfur in coal 14

6.3. Trace elements in coal 14

6.4. Trace elements on coal 14

7. Conclusion 14

8. References 15


Hydrocarbons for Fuel— 75 Years of Materials Research at NBS

George T. Armstrong

In this historical review the NBS work on hydrocarbons is discussed in terms of the three major classes of natural hydrocarbonaceous fuels: , petroleum, and coal. The work done on the measurement of properties of the pure components has included measurement of the values of the properties themselves and development of practical and accurate measurement procedures and instruments. In addition, combustion , densities, , pres- sures, refractive indices, elemental compositions and other parameters have been determined for complex fuel mixtures and correlated to find methods of estimating properties. Extensive standard reference data tables have been compiled and a number of standard reference materials have been developed.

Key words: Coal; ; fuel; graphite; hydrocarbons; metering; methane; natural gas; petroleum; physical properties; standard reference materials.

1. Introduction domestic heating and cooking fuel, its prior use hav- ing been mainly for illumination. Early NBS work The scope of NBS work on hydrocarbons for fuels was directed to the goals of safety and quality in this over ihe years is so broad and complex that a brief new fuel, and to measurement of its properties. Studies review such as this can only point out highlights. Let included methods of measurement of gas quantities us briefly outline first of the principal features some (volumetrically ) and of , measurement of heat- of the NBS fuel hydrocarbons work. ing value and candlepower, and determination of

More or less broad coverage has been given to all impurities. Circulars were prepared describing how the fossil fuels. The work has covered natural gas and these could be determined accurately. For the States petroleum more extensively than coal; however, even the NBS also tested for measuring the here some interesting and perhaps little appreciated heating value of gaseous fuels. In later years NBS work has been done. In each of these areas the prac- evaluated automatic calorimeters for continuous re- tical fuels themselves have been studied, as well as cording of gas heating values. well-characterized substances of which they are com- One important result of NBS work has been the posed. Significant effort has gone into the measure- adoption of heating value as the measure of a gaseous ment of properties of the pure components, both fuel in trade: this is the current practice. In order to from the point of view of establishing the values of provide measurement validity a reference material (a the properties themselves and from the point of view good quality methane) is certified for real-gas heating of practical and accurate measurement devices and value provided at intervals by NBS for the Institute procedures. In addition, combustion energies, densi- of Gas Technology, which is the present source of ties, viscosities, vapor , refractive indices, reference fuels for the industry. elemental compositions and other parameters have Currently under way at NBS (Boulder) is a study, been determined for complex fuel mixtures and cor- supported by the American Gas Association and other related to find methods of estimating one or more institutions, to provide better experimental data on properties. The studies date from the earliest days of the properties of . The properties NBS, when natural gas was coming into widespread of the principal pure components and of their binary use as a fuel and beginning to displace gas manu- and more complex mixtures are being determined. factured from coal. Several very intensive well defined programs of research at NBS have revolved around 1.2. Liquid Petroleum and Petroleum Products the properties of gaseous and liquid hydrocarbon For liquid petroleum and its components NBS has fuels. Extensive standard reference data compilations carried out, with the support of the American Petro- have been prepared, and a number of standard refer- leum Institute or of the Defense Department, several ence materials, related to the use of hydrocarbons long-term studies, some of which have had major Jnd hydrocarbonaceous materials as fuels, have been impact on U.S. and world petroleum technology. The developed and are in use. studies include densities and coefficients of expansion In this review, work on hydrocarbons at the National of naturally occurring petroleum and refinery pro- Bureau of Standards is discussed in terms of the three ducts, and their energies of combustion, heat capaci- najor classes of natural hydrocarbon or hydrocar- ties, and enthalpies of vaporization. The studies of jonaceous fuels: natural gas, petroleum, and coal. density and coefficient of expansion form the initial basis of the widely used petroleum measurement 1.1. Gaseous Fuels tables, which are used in gauging quantities of petro- In the early days of NBS which was founded in leum products in transportation, transfer and storage. 1901 natural gas was just coming into service as a A new survey of densities and coefficients of expansion

1 of petroleum and refinery products representative of 2. Methane and Natural Gas the world-wide sources is in progress. 2.1. Industrial Gas Measurement, Analysis, energy of It was found to be possible to correlate and Calorimetry combustion with various easily measured parameters such as aniline point and specific gravity; and several Study of natural gas began at NBS as part of an tables have been prepared, which are widely used in extensive program guided by E. B. Rosa (1901-1921) the industry for estimating heating values of well de- in the early years of NBS to establish standards of fined grades of commercial fuels such as aviation safety, quality, measurement, and , in the , jet fuels, and kerosines. public utilities industries. Natural gas was in transi- Procedures and instruments for accurate measure- tion from its principal use for illumination to its later ment of energies of combustion, points, and use for heating [1].^ At the turn of the century gas purities of pure hydrocarbons were developed. Under was measured to individual customers by volume and the American Petroleum Institute Research Project 6, charged for on that basis. Important properties were extensive studies were made of the composition of "candlepower" and "heating value." E. B. Rosa almost petroleum. More than two hundred high-purity hydro- immediately began advocating the use of heating were prepared, and the purities of these ma- value as a measure of quality and value of natural gas terials were established. For more than a hundred [2]. Heating value was ultimately adopted as the hydrocarbons, accurate determinations of boiling measure of the commodity as a result of this NBS points and vapor pressures, densities, refractive in- activity [1]. The procedure is still in practice. dices, freezing points, and energies of combustion Early NBS work included studies of the measure- were made. These form the classical studies of petro- ment of quantity of gas (M. H. Stillman [3]; see also leum and hydrocarbons. [4]) ; measurement of heating value (C. W. Waidner

and E. F. Mueller ; determination of candlepower Under the American Petroleum Institute Research [5] ) ; determination of impurities, in particular am- Project 44 was carried on a review and critical evalu- [6] and sulfide ; determination ation of the properties of the pure hydrocarbons de- monia [7] [8] of gas density [9]. Other aspects of commercial gas termined from all published work. These reviews pro- technology also involved, including safety and vided selected values of twenty-two different thermo- were dynamic and physical properties for some twenty-five fittings for gas service. Calorimetry of gaseous methane on a routine basis classes of hydrocarbons. The studies included correla- required the conduct of the combustion process in a tion of properties in , and the reproducible way, the use of commercial gas calori- calculation of thermal functions and equilibrium con- meters (such as the Junkers or the Boys calori- stants of the from statistical thermodynamic - meters ) together with commercial gas metering de- principles. An example of the use of the equilibrium vices (usually the wet test meter), and associated constants of formation that were calculated is the temperature and mass measurements. The process was prediction of equilibrium proportions of isomeric hy- procedure. drocarbons. fairly complex for a routine quality-test It consisted of measuring volumetrically the amount In the NBS Thermochemical Laboratories, defini- of gas flowing into the system, burning the gas with tive studies were also made of the energies of forma- a controlled amount of combustion air in the calori- tion of the principal products of combustion of all meter, in which the heat was absorbed in flowing hydrocarbon fuels: H-O, CO, and COo. water, and observing the heat affect of the combustion when steady state 1.3. Solid Fuels a was achieved. The NBS studies established the conditions for With respect to coal components, the principal re- carrying out the measurements accurately, with in- lated work at NBS has been definitive studies of the accuracies lying between 0.2 and 0.5 percent. Factors energies of combustion of synthetic and naturally oc- requiring measurement or control include tempera- curing graphite and diamond and of the relationship ture, , and humidity of the gas, amount of gas of these to the energy of combustion of coke contain- burned, amount of combustion air used, degree of ing various amounts of hydrogen. Studies have also completeness of combustion, rate of water flow in the been made of the thermal properties of graphite to , temperature rise of the flowing water in elevated temperatures. the calorimeter, heat losses due to extraneous pro- cesses, and mass of water condensed from the com- 1.4. Standard Reference Materials bustion gases. With heating value proposed as a criterion of value Standard reference materials for use in natural gas for trade in natural gas, methods for determining it technology, petroleum fuel technology, and coal com- and adequate auxiliary data for interpreting the bustion technology have been developed and are measurements were needed. These were prepared as available. Some of these relate to the properties of ^ Figures in brackets refer to literature references at the end of this pub- the fuels themselves; others refer to prob- lication. lems created by their use. Examples of the latter are - Certain trade names and company products are identified in order to adequately specify the experimental procedure. In no case does such iden- standard samples for analysis of trace heavy in tification imply recommendation or endorsement by the National Bureau of Standards, nor does it imply that the products arc necessarily the best coal and coal ash. and sulfur in and coal. available for the purpose.

2 NBS Circulars: Standard Methods of Gas Testing was necessitated by the higher heating value of gases (Circular No. 48 [4]) and Gas Calorimeter Tables that had come into the market since the earlier study. (Circular No. 65, revised and reissued at intervals as The Cutler-Hammer calorimeter operates on the Circulars C417 and C464) [10]. following principle. Gas is burned at a constant rate The NBS also undertook to test calorimeters for and the heat developed is absorbed by a stream of air. the States that adopted heating value as a measure The rates of flow of the gas, the air for combustion, for pricing fuel. This was to provide regulatory com- and the air for absorption of heat are regulated by missions with the necessary equipment and measure- metering devices similar to the ordinary wet-gas ment verification to enable them to test fuels and ap- meter. These metering devices are geared together and prove of charges by public utilities corporations. driven by an electric motor so that the ratios of the Although the gas-flow calorimeter is an absolute in- three rates of flow are constant. The products of com- strument for which calibration is not appropriate, bustion are kept separate from the heat-absorbing air demonstration of the accuracy of the complete pro- and are cooled very nearly to the initial temperature cess in a particular calorimeter required analysis of of the air. The water formed in the combustion is combustion gas and products and a careful mathe- condensed to the liquid state. The rise in temperature matical treatment of the results. This was a relatively of the heat-absorbing air is proportional to the total time consuming process. The testing of manually op- or gross heating value of the gas. The rise in tempera- erated calorimeters for the States continued until ture is measured by means of resistance thermometers about 1955, when the number tested annually had and is recorded graphically. become very small. The gas industry by that time had Gas calorimeters of the above type, with public almost universally adopted the automatic recording reliance justified by these NBS studies, give the basis calorimeter and this accounted for the absence of for calculating heating values of fuels delivered to the manually operated instruments. homeowner and exchanged in trade between pro- The automatic recording gas calorimeter of the type ducers, transmission companies, and industrial or principally in use in the United States was the subject public utilities consumers. of two extensive investigations at NBS. R. S. .Jessup The above problems have been primarily metrol- [11] compared the Thomas Recording Calorimeter ogy problems and relate primarily to the adequate (later called Cutler-Hammer Automatic Recording measurement of important parameters of this com- Calorimeter) with the Junkers calorimeter, and estab- monly used fuel. Other work at NBS has provided lished the reliability of the former as being well within further important information for the fuel gas trade. 1.0 percent. Figure 1 shows the Cutler-Hammer calori- In the of World War I (see ref. [61]) the meter schematically. The calorimeter suffered to a NBS became involved intensively in measures for certain extent from a lag in responding to sudden conservation and rationing of natural gas. changes of heating value of the gas. However, the Toward the end of the war period the necessity of convenience of use and the continuous record obtained obtaining from natural gas created a need for provided sufficient incentive to cause this calorimeter measurement of physical and thermodynamic prop- and its later versions to displace the manually oper- erties of methane as a cryogenic fluid, in order to ated calorimeters. establish conditions for separation of methane from

J. H. Eiseman and E. A. Potter [12] later estab- the helium. This led to an initiation of studies on the lished that with gas of high heating value (methane- physical properties of methane [16] such as the vapor like) the calorimeter could provide measurements pressure measurements by Cragoe [62, 63b] which with uncertainties of 0.25 percent or less. Their study are comparatively obscure.



Figure 1. Flow diagram of the Cutler-Hammer recording gas calorimeter.

3 2.2. Physical and Thermodynamic Properties lin (Bureau of Mines) and the vapor pressure of water of Pure Components and Well-Defined measured by H. F. Stimson (NBS). Mixtures of Components Calculation of the heating value of gas mixtures from composition has long been considered attractive With the discovery of deuterium in 1932 by Urey, as an alternative to calorimetry for many purposes Brickwedde, and Murphy [34], the theoretical inter- requiring less than the highest accuracy. To meet the est in effects led Brickwedde and Scott to needs of the gas industry in particular, and to pre- undertake a study of the thermodynamic properties pare users for coming metric practice, a recommended of deuterated methanes. This work, including the set of values of combustion energies of the ideal original vapor pressure work on CH4 by Cragoe, un- gases was prepared in 1972 [16]. This compilation published for many years, was finally summarized by gives heating values on a dry and on a water-satu- Armstrong and published [63]. The vapor pressure rated basis for ideal gases: H2, H2S, CO, CH4, and study of the deuteromethanes is unique in the number 49 other selected gaseous hydrocarbons (Ci to Co) in of closely related deuterium-substituted for kilojoules per , megajoules per cubic meter, and which precise data were reported, and showed a strong British thermal units per cubic foot. Values are tabu- and very regular isotope effect. lated under two standard conditions: 288.71 Three of the most important thermochemical studies K °F), 101591.3 • m"-^ (30 in Hg) used for many made by F. D. Rossini, and among his earliest stud- (60 N years by ASTM; and 288.71 K °F), 101559.8 ies at NBS, were the definitive determinations of the (60 • (14.73 psia) recently proposed by ANSI. An enthalpies of combustion of hydrogen [13], methane N m~^ outline is given of a procedure to derive data for the [14], and monoxide [14]. Not only are these real to adjust temperature and pressure substances important ingredients of commercial fuels, gases, and but the products of combustion, water and carbon bases. In these values, taken of a dioxide, are universal products of combustion of hy- deriving advantage was recent critical review and compilation E. S. Domal- drocarbon fuels. The enthalpies of formation of the by ski of the enthalpies of of organic products are essential in fuel energy calculations. [65.] combustion substances including re- Rossini's studies reduced the uncertainties in the many hydrocarbons. This view partial updating of the well knov/n combustion energies by a factor of three or more. was a com- pilation These studies were followed by other studies covering made at NBS by Kharasch [66], which for years extensive authoritative the principal hydrocarbon constituents of gaseous many stood as the only collection of enthalpies of combustion of organic fuels, the low-molecular-weight aliphatic hydrocarbons compounds. , , and the . The measured values are generally accepted as standard reference data for Within recent years, research on natural gas and the ideal gas hydrocarbons. See later for additional liquefied natural gas has been resumed at the NBS calorimetric measurements by Rossini and his col- Boulder laboratories to meet the needs resulting from leagues. large scale use liquefied natural gas (LNG). This In further support of the combustion calorimetry of extensive progrp.n has several tasks which are still natural gas as a pricing measurement, a standard underway. reference material consisting of a natural gas of good One of the most significant contributions of this quality was certified as to its heating value and issued program has been new, comprehensive, accurate data by NBS for some years. This reference material is on thermophysical properties of compressed and lique- used in the industry to verify the accuracy of calori- fied methane, the predominant constituent of natural meters in the natural gas range of heating values. The gas. A recent publication by R. D. Goodwin [17] responsibility for distribution of this reference mate- covers the temperature region from 90 to 500 K at rial was transferred to the Institute of Gas Technology pressures to 70 MPa. It gives a critical evaluation and in 1961, with the provision that NBS would supply a correlation of all relevant equation-of-state and ther- certification of a reference fuel as needed to provide modynamic data, original equation-of-state and heat traceability of the energy measurement to the national capacity measurements, and comprehensive accurate standards. tables of thermodynamic data. The last certification of such a reference material Other work completed in this program includes new was prepared in 1965 [15]. The material certified measurements and correlations of data on heat capac- was analyzed by mass spectrometric and gas chroma- ities [18], sound velocities [19], dielectric constants tographic techniques by E. E. Hughes and J. K. Taylor. [20], refractive indices [21], viscosities and thermal It was about 99.95 percent methane, with 0.04 percent conductivity coefficients [22. 23] of methane in the ethane and much smaller amounts of non-combustible temperature range 90 to 300 K, and pressures to 35 constituents. The heating value was calculated for MPa. unit volume of the real gas both dry and water-satu- With respect to mixtures of compressed and lique- rated under the standard pressure and temperature fied constituents of natural gas, the most significant conditions in use by the gas industry. The calculation, contribution to date from this group is a comprehen- which was done by G. T. Armstrong, was based upon sive bibliography of experimental data by M. J. Hiza, Rossini's determination of the standard enthalpies of et al. [24]. Also, new liquid-vapor equilibrium mea- combustion of methane and ethane (adopted as stan- surements have been reported for methane- dard reference data), the compressibility data of Dous- mixtures in the temperature range 95-180 K [25, 26].

4 Other projected work includes measurements of NBS involvement in the petroleum measurement densities of liquid methane, ethane, propane, , tables began with experimental density determinations nitrogen and mixtures of these substances, and meth- in the period 1912 to 1914 by H. W. Bearce and E. L. ods for estimating heating values of flowing LNG. Peffer [28]. They made determinations on refined , crude oils, fuel oils and heavy lubricating oils, representing the commercial petroleum oils produced 3. Liquid Petroleum Products in the United States at that time. Densities were de- 3.1. Densities and Enthalpies of Combustion termined by hydrostatic weighing and by picnometer at 0, 10, 20, 25, 30, 40, 50, 75, 85, and 95 °C. The the properties of petroleum that are most Among data for each fuel were fitted to equations of the form important conmiercially are the density and coefficient of expansion. They are widely used in the measure- = Z)r + a{t — T) + p(i — 7)2 ment of shipments of petroleum. Ten million cubic meters (approximately sixty million barrels) of crude which were found to represent the data closely. In petroleum are measured each day as it enters the these equations J" is a reference temperature such as world market, and similar quantities of petroleum 25 °C and i is a variable temperature. The coefficients products are delivered in various stages of processing. a and (3 thus found vary regularly on the average

The measurement of much of this material is made with the density at 25 °C (D-^--,) . For their historical volumetrically. To assure that the measured amounts interest, the plotted data from this research are shown of material are equitable for trade, despite fluctuations as figure 2. In retrospect, the qualitative statistical in density due to thermal expansion, the measurements treatment of the data in this paper appears to be hardly are adjusted to a reference temperature. (60 °F or adequate in view of the fact that the deviations from 15 5/9 °C has been used for many years. A change the selected curve are large compared to the total to 15 °C is currently under way.) The adjustments are range of the curve and the fact that the smoothed made using internationally accepted petroleum mea- values were to be used to measure materials from all surement tables [27], which are based on average the sources involved, and others. measured coefficients of expansion of petroleum and Smoothed densities from the above paper were petroleum products. These measurement tables have transformed to specific gravities (determined in air) been largely based on NBS measurements in the past and degrees Baume and tabulated in various ways to and indications are that they will continue to be so allow volumes measured at ambient temperature to based. be reduced to volumes and weights at the reference

Figure 2. Summary data of Bearce and feffer showing the variation of coefficients of expansion with density ( at the reference temperature) for petroleum oils.

5 temperature. Thus treated they formed the first au- were tabulated as functions of the gravity (degrees thoritative United States Standard Tables for Petro- API ) . The API gravity is a Baume scale of reciprocal leum Oils [29]. The justification for using smoothed specific gravity, modulus 141.5.^ The use of API tables for measuring oils showing such wide individ- gravity is widespread in the petroleimi industry; and ual deviations is that on the average the measurement NBS staff found it convenient to assist this technology errors will cancel, a justification whose validity has in the succeeding years, by establishing other correla- been questioned from time to time. tions based on it. Several studies were carried out for Additional experimental measurements of thermal the U.S. Air Force to provide correlations for esti- expansion of petroleum oils were made by R. S. Jessup mating the of combustion of aviation fuels [30] and of by C. S. Cragoe and E. E. Hill of various grades. The work carried out over a period [31]. These studies were undertaken to provide data of years ending in 1962 apparently was initiated by on materials prepared using processes not C. S. Cragoe as part of API project 38. However, it encountered in the earlier study. Jessup's study indi- was continued primarily by R. S. Jessup and included cated that the of an oil and its density pro- studies of aviation gasoline (several grades), jet fuels, vided good correlating parameters for estimating vol- and kerosine. The latter work [35] provided the basic ume as a function of temperature and pressure. The data for the kerosine fuel used in first stage work of Cragoe and Hill showed systematic differences of such rockets as Atlas and many others. These in the thermal expansions of cracked gasolines and studies were adopted by the American Society for straight run gasolines. curves provided a Testing and Materials, by the Institute of Petroleum, better correlating device than the specific gravity. the American National Standards Institute, and the Federal Government as standard methods of test for The work that went into the preparation of the estimating the net of specified Standard Petroleum Oil Tables (NBS Circular 57 and fuels, based on the so-called aniline-gravity product its successors C154, C410, and finally the ASTM-IP (product of aniline point temperature in degrees Fahr- Petroleum Measurement Tables) is described by enheit and specific gravity in degrees API). See Hyams and Holmes [32]. Annual Book of ASTM Standards [36] for the cor- Diversification of world petroleum resources in re- relations adopted and their sources. cent years has led to renewed speculation as to the From a scientific point of view the above studies validity of the averages. A new, extremely comprehen- leave much to be desired. The correlating parameters sive survey of densities and coefficients of thermal could be only very qualitatively related to the quantity expansion of crude and refined petroleum represent- of interest—the enthalpy of combustion to gaseous ing known supplies has been inuagurated and is under water, , , and nitrogen. way at the National Bureau of Standards (1975). The aniline point (the minimum solution temperature The new survey links densities to the prototype SI of an equivolume mixture of aniline ajid the liquid units. The measurements on oil samples are based under test) is a rough measure of aromatic hydro- upon the natural oscillation frequency of a tube filled carbon content in mixed hydrocarbon fuels, and to a with the liquid under investigation [33]. This tech- lesser extent a measure of naphthenic hydrocarbons. nique is sensitive enough to detect changes of less than These have significantly lower specific enthalpies of a part per million in density. combustion than have aliphatic hydrocarbons and dif- Other thermal properties of petroluem also vary ferences from each other because of variations in hy- systematically with temperature, with the density, and drogen content, hydrocarbon chain length, ring size, with other parameters associated with the oils. A and degree of ring formation, all of which affect the substantial amount of work was carried out at NBS enthalpy of combustion. The parameters correlated do to establish equations and tables of data that would not show as good a correlation for pure hydrocarbons represent averages for petroleum products. as they do for the naturally occurring and derived An early and very well known and widely used mixtures. Thus the success of the correlation schemes example of this is NBS Miscellaneous Publication No. depends on the presence of large numbers of hydro- 97, "Thermal Properties of Petroleum Products." This carbons to provide reasonably constant and regularly publication prepared by Cragoe [34] gives tables and varying average values. Within well defined classes of discussion of thermal expansion, energies of com- fuels the correlations allow estimation of the enthalpy bustion, specific volume of vapor, thermal conduc- of combustion within 55 kj/kg (23 Btu/lb) at the 95 tivity, specific heat capacity, , percent confidence level (approximately 0.15 percent and enthalpy of a range of petroleum oils. This publi- uncertainty in the enthalpy of combustion). cation was prepared primarily as a critical review and Better and more rationally justified correlations summary of data in the literature, compiled at the have been obtained, based on analysis for hydrocar- initiation of American Petroleum Institute (API) bon type and assignment of a characteristic enthalpy Project 38, which began in 1927 at NBS (see note of combustion to each hydrocarbon type [35]. For following reference [34] ) . This compilation proved practical purposes this improvement helps not at all; to be very popular and calls for it are still received the necessary measurements are as complex as the forty years later. It is still one of the few, if not the combustion measurement itself. only, source of federally authorized average data for hydrocarbon fuels in certain regions of density. ''The functional relationship is: Gravity/degrees API = 141.5/ (sp gr 60/60 F) — 131.5. where sp gr 60/60 F is the specific gravity at 60''F with respect to In the above publication energies of combustion water at 60'F.

6 .

Table 1. Chapter headings Hydrocarbons from A technical problem arises in attempting to make of Petroleum [37]. these correlations useful in nations using SI measure- ments. The conversions are not trivial in terms of the 1. Introduction 2. Fractionation and Fractionating Processes amount of effort involved compared to the length of 3. Regular Distillation the test itself. Recorrelations based on SI measure- 4. Azeotropic Distillation ments would probably be more satisfactory. 5. Regular Distillation at Different Pressures The current interest in energy thrift together with 6. Distillation at Very Low Pressures 7. Extraction the high prices of fuels revived interest in reliable 8. of burner information about enthalpies of combustion 9. Crystallization fuels and diesel fuels. However, the chances of success 10. Solid Molecular Compounds, Clathrate Compounds in empirical correlations of the types given above are 11. Boiling Points and Vapor Pressures Densities diminished because of the high molecular weights of 12. 13. Refractive Indices composed. more the substances of which they are The 14. Freezing Points; Evaluation of Purity from Freezing complex molecules of which these materials are com- Points posed permit a wider range of energies of combustion 15. Molecular Weights 16. Analysis for Carbon and Hydrogen because of more possibilities for polycyclic aromatics 17. Purification of Hydrocarbons naphthenes. paraffinic and asphaltic base and The 18. Summary of the Work of Other Laboratories on the also differ more as the residuals are in- Composition of Petroleum cluded. Heavy oils derived from or coal are 19. Analysis of the Gasoline Fraction of Petroleum 20. Analysis of the Kerosine Fraction of Petroleum different from those derived from petroleum. Their 21. Analysis of the Gas-Oil Fraction of Petroleum composition properties vary greatly with and may 22. Analysis of the Fraction of Petroleum conditions of their formation (temperature, hydrogen 23. Hydrocarbons in One Crude Petroleum pressure, etc.) 24. Hydrocarbons in Different Crude Petroleums 25. Analysis of the Hydrocarbons in Certain Gasoline Distil- 3.2. Composition of Petroleum and Properties lates 26. Analysis of Alkylates and Hydrocodimers of its Components 27. Analysis of Codimers American Petroleum Institute Research Project 6 Appendices and Indices was carried out at the National Bureau of Standards, and in its course made a notable contribution to the Densities were measured at fractionation, analysis, isolation, purification, and 20, 25, and 30 °C for 115 hydrocarbons, with overall uncertainties properties of petroleum hydrocarbons. This project estimated at about 50 \ig ' cm""*^. was initiated in January 1927, with E. W. Washburn, Chief of the Division of Chemistry as its first Director, In the freezing point studies a method was devel- followed in 1934 by F. D. Rossini, who continued as oped for estimating impurities, of sufficient simplicity its Director after it was transferred from NBS to the that it could be used in the routine test laboratory. In Carnegie Institute of Technology in June 1950. A de- addition to the compounds for which freezing points tailed summary account of the work of this project are listed in table 2, the study found fifteen com- was given by Rossini, Mair, and Streiff [37]. The pounds that could not be crystallized. remarkable scope of this work is hinted at from a As part of the above program, a cooperative sample listing of chapter headings which is given in table 1. preparation program involving twenty-seven labora- The principal investigators on this work, under Wash- tories was carried out. As a result of this program, burn, 1927-34, were Mair, White, Leslie, Schicktanz, over two hundred different hydrocarbon substances Rose, Bruun, and Hicks-Bruun, and, under Rossini, were prepared as standard hydrocarbons or research from 1934, were Mair, Forziati, Willingham, Glasgow, hydrocarbons having measured purities. The partici- Streiff, Krouskop, and Camin. pating laboratories included the NBS group, Ohio The monograph and the technical papers of this State University, Pennsylvania State College, NACA work are noteworthy for their meticulous analysis of Flight Propulsion Laboratory, General Motors Corpo- procedures and mathematical formulations, the in- ration, California Research Corporation, Phillips Pe- tricacy and the detailed description of instruments, troleum Company, Standard Oil Development Com- apparatus, and experimental results. As examples are pany, Atlantic Company, and Ethyl Corpo- shown in figure 3a and 3b the used to deter- ration, supplying from 3 to 99 samples each, and mine boiling points, and the manometer assembly sixteen other laboratories supplying one or two used to regulate the boiling point pressure at 20 fixed samples each. The collection of materials, the prepa- points. ration and purification of additional materials, and In the course of their work, the project scientists the management of their distribution was transferred made accurate measurements of boiling points and to the Carnegie Institute of Technology in 1950. vapor pressures on 119 different compounds in the The hydrocarbons were prepared at NBS under the range 5 to 105 kPa (40 to 785 mm Hg), with the direction of Rossini, with B. J. Mair as the principal pictured apparatus. These data were fitted with An- supervisor, principally by regular distillation and toine (3 constant) equations. Standard deviations of azeotropic distillation, with occasional use of distilla- temperature were 0.001 to 0.002 K, and of the pres- ation at reduced pressure, adsorption, crystallization, sure 2.5 to 5 Pa (0.02 to 0.04 mm Hg). and fractionation with . Purity changes during

7 purification were followed by measurements of freez- The other aspect of the program of API Project 6 ing points. In the course of the work, reliable pro- was the fractionation, analysis, and isolation of hydro- cedures were developed for preserving the samples by carbons from petroleum. Before this project began, sealing under in ampoules. only a few low boiling hydrocarbons such as propane, Of the more than two hundred different compounds n-butane, , n-, and had that thus became available as research materials, well been isolated from petroleum and identified. In the over half were obtained in purities greater than 99.9 early days of the project the distilling columns used mole percent. Essentially all had purities greater than for gasoline fractionation had a separating power 99.5 percent. These became the basis of extensive equivalent to about 20 theoretical plates. By the time physical properties measurements of high quality. In the project transferred away from NBS distilling table 2 are summarized the principal archival mea- surements of physical properties as distinguished from the large numbers of test data measured for process control in the preparation of the materials.

H zL

Figure 3a. Details of the boiler and related parts of the boiling-point apparatus.

The letters have the following significance: A, tube through which the sample is introduced; B, platinum resistance thermometer; C, stopcock; D, con- densers; E, ground glass valve for withdrawing distillate; F, thermocouple, for measuring difference in temperature between the wall of the glass boiler and the jacket; G, control for the ground-glass valve; H, receiver for Figure 3b. Manometer assembly, showing the air thermostat. recovering sample at the conclusion of the measurements; I, receiver for of collecting distillate removed from the head during the experiment; J, glass The letters have the fallowing significance : A, box enclosure with walls foil, covering inside and well for the platinum resistance thermometer; K, radiation shield of alu- transite (the cover is not shown ) ; B, aluminum minum foil; L, electric heater for boiling the liquid in the pot; M, jacket outside surface of the transite box; C, partial partition wall of transite (both 1/4 in wall, of aluminum; N, tube for withdrawing sample from the pot; 0, sides covered with aluminum foil: serving to guide flow of air; D, rotary air of tliermostat thermal insulating jacket, Pyrex glass cylinder with an layer covered circulator ; E, electric motor, mounted independently the with aluminum foil; P, flat electric heater for the aluminum jacket; Q. housing; F, electric space heater, 100 watts; G, mercury manometer; H, con- transite support; R, thermal insulation, covered with aluminum foil; W, glass nection to through relay contacts; I, connection to relay coil; rod supports for the thermometer v/ell; X, glass rod "spiders"; Y, connecting J, mercury thermoregulator ; K, connection to pressure system; L, mercury- tube for equalizing pressure; Z, transite collar for centering boiler.

8 Table 2. Physical properties measurements on pure hydrocarbons under API Project 6.

Number of Range of • r roperty hydrocarbons values Uncertainties• Utner

Boiling point ° 20 points Antoine c t 1 rtC 1 T>_ vapor pressure 119 5 to 105 kra 2.5 to r> ra equations

" Density 115 20, 25, 30 "C 50 /ig'cm"'

Refractive 20, 25, 30 "C Hartman equation Index 119 7 v^ravelengths 0.0001 Couchy equation

Freezing -160 to +80 °C Cryoscopic constant. point normal aim air iiLipuriiy pressure

Principal investigators in addition to Rossini, Mair, and StreifE [37].

C) Willingham, Taylor, Pignocco, Forziati, Norris, and Camin, see [37, pp. 188-208] C) Forziati and Camin, see [37, pp. 209-219] (') Forziati and Camin, see [27, pp. 220-238] (") Glasgow and Krouskop, see [37, pp. 239-281]

columns with about 200 theoretical plates were used physical properties would place them in the ranges by the project. (These numbers of plates, of course, analyzed. As an example, of perhaps 500 petroleum are hardly comparable to the much more effective compounds in the boiling range 40 to 180 °C, 92 were separating capability of a gas-liquid chromatograph isolated. These constitute 82 percent of the gasoline of the 1970's.) fraction; so the remaining >400 compounds must The separation procedures adopted in Project 6 for have been present in relatively small amounts. the gasoline fraction of petroleum included (1) an ini- The analysis of this single petroleum was unique tial adsorption stage by which the aromatic hydrocar- at the time it was being done. We shall not here bons were separated from the parrafin and naphthene attempt to place this in perspective in terms of current hydrocarbons and (2) a distillation process to resolve (1975) knowledge of the composition of petroleum. each of these two components separately. The distilla- While we have not seen extensive analyses of these tion of the_ two pQrtions yielded directly (a) concen- types reported, we would presume that the highly trates of pure compounds, or (b) concentrates of mix- sophisticated analytical techniques now available and tures of two or more compounds. The constant boiling in the hands of private institutions have led to ex- mixtures of compounds of the same type were resolved tensive additions to information about the composition by further distillation (regular or azeotropic) or by of petroleum from various fields. crystallization. The constant boiling mixtures of par- affin and naphthene hydrocarbons were separated by 3.3. Experimental Thermochemistry of Pure special procedures. Non-hydrocarbon components, Hydrocarbons such as sulfur compounds, were concentrated with the The availability of so many highly purified hydro- aromatic fraction and were separated by further ad- carbons as a result of API Project 6, combined with sorption. The key feature in simplifying the separation highly developed calorimetric techniques and instru- process was the initial segregation of aromatic and ments already available, presented a unique oppor- non-aromatic portions, which greatly mitigated the tunity to carry out definitive experimental determina- difficulties of the later fractional . Separa- tions of the energies of combustion of the compounds tion procedures were also devised for the kerosine and to derive enthalpies of formation. An extensive fraction, gas-oil fraction, and the lubricant fraction series of investigations carried out Rossini of petroleum. was by and later by Prosen and colleagues, working with Using the above procedures devised and tested on the Project, a single representative crude petroleum Rossini : over one hundred different hydrocarbons was analyzed in detail in one of the most complex were studied in the period 1931-1955. In approxi- and sustained chemical analyses in history. The sample mately the same period Jessup, working independently, was 600 gallons (2.5 m^) of a Midcontinent crude measured several hydrocarbons from other sources. petroleum from Ponca City, Oklahoma (courtesy of The hydrocarbons ranged from CH4 to Cir,H-)4 (n- the Maryland Oil Company, later part of Continental ) . Measurements on n- by Prosen Oil Company) selected to be intermediate in compo- and Rossini [38] may be taken as a typical example. sition in terms of then petroleums from differ- known As a result of twenty experiments A//c(25 °C) was ent fields. The sample was taken in 1928 and bv 1952 found to be 4817.14 kj • mof-i (4816.35 int kj • one hundred thirtv compounds had been isolated, most mol~^) with standard deviation of the mean of 0.004 of them identified and their relative abundances de- uncertainty percent con- termined. percent and an estimated (95 The number of compounds actually found in sig- fidence limits) of 0.018 percent. Typical uncertainties nificant amounts is a small fraction of those for which in enthalpies of formation were ^1 kJ • mol^^.

9 The necessary techniques for carrying out the ac- in accounts scattered through many papers in the curate experimental calorimetric studies were devel- literature. Rossini [40b], Coops, Jessup, and Van Nes oped at NBS. Dickinson in a classical paper [39] [40a] and Prosen [40c] summarized the procedures. described an accurate bomb calorimeter and how it The elaborate procedure for reducing data for the had been tested for possible sources of error. This reaction as observed in the calorimeter to the value calorimeter design, with minor modifications over the for the isothermal process with the substances in their years, was used for all of the studies described above. standard thermodynamic states was developed at NBS The Dickinson calorimeter is pictured in cross section by E. W. Washburn [41] and is known in practice as in figure 4. One of the calorimeters identified by "the Washburn Correction." inventory number in [39] is in the possession of the For some of the combustion work on commercial NBS Museum. The calorimeter was used in the very fuels at NBS (see above), which was done in the earliest work for certification of standard substances same calorimeters, but with somewhat less attention to for calibrating bomb calorimeters. The calorimeter refinements of the measurements, Jessup [42] pre- itself consisted simply of a stirred water container in pared a detailed guide to procedures. This is perhaps which a reaction vessel was immersed; the assembly the most concise guide available for measurements on was surrounded by and isolated from a constant commercial fuels, and formed the basis of an ASTM temperature (±0.001 K) jacket. Standard [43] suitable for measurements with inac- curacies of 0.1 percent or less.

3.4. Standard Reference Data on Pure Hydrocarbons

Another very important project carried out at NBS was API Project 44. This project was initiated in 1942 to compile tables of selected values of properties of hydrocarbons. The program involved collaboration of scientists at NBS and the University of California. The principal scientists involved were F. D. Rossini,

Director, K. S. Pitzer, W. J. Taylor, J. P. Ebert, M. G. Williams, H. G. Werner, C. W. Beckett (Berkeley,

CA), J. E. Kilpatrick, B. Epstein, L. Arnett, R. Braun. Regular NBS staff who consulted on the project were

C. S. Cragoe, E. J. Prosen, and D. D. Wagman. The results of the investigations appeared periodically as technical articles (many in NBS Journal of Research), as looseleaf tables of data and spectrograms and as bound volumes. All tables prepared as of 1947 ap- peared in an NBS Monograph [44]. This project con- tinued at NBS until June, 1950, when it was transferred to the Carnegie Institute of Technology, to remain under Rossini's guidance until 1960. The work con-

tinues at present (1975) under the leadership of B. J. Zwolinski in the Thermodynamic Research Center at Texas A and M University. The above group of investigators made a very care- ful Figure 4. Dickinson Calorimeter Cross Section. compilation of selected values of physical and thermochemical properties of hydrocarbons. For this Parts of the calorimeter are lettered as follows: A, therniostated air-box (optional); B, stirred water jacket; C, inner wall of jacket; D, outer wall work, all pertinent original data in the literature, and of calorimeter vessel; platinum-resistance thermometer; air E, F, space; G, all available unpublished data were appraised criti- calorimeter bomb; H, electrical calibration heater; I, arrows showing direc- tion of water circulation; J, stirring well of calorimeter vessel; K, jacket cally; values of given properties were correlated with temperature sensor; L, calorimeter-vessel stirrer; M, jacket stirrer; N, jacket heater. temperature, pressure, and molecular structure; origi- nal calculations of thermodynamic and physical prop- The measurements were precision measurements erties were made as necessary; "best" values of the requiring the best thermometry available, uniform properties were selected and tabulated in convenient form; of the procedures calculations operating conditions, and extreme care in sample and some and published. properties are listed in preparation, weighing, characterization of sample, were The reviewed table 3. As of 1947, a total of 347 pages of tables had establishment of reaction vessel contents, estimation of been prepared. In addition to compilations of the amounts and states of reaction products, and reduc- data, infrared spectrograms for tion of the data. Both constant volume (bomb) and above and constant pressure (flow) reactions were determined, hydrocarbons and related compounds were collected. depending upon the volatility of the combustion The classes of compounds for which data were sample. The procedures were described in some detail tabulated in reference [44] are listed in table 4.

10 Table 3. Physical properties of hydrocarbons evaluated and elsewhere to devise correlations. Generally these cor- tabulated in API Project 44 [44]. relations have as their primary goal s.ufficient under- standing of the effects of these structural and compo- 1. boiling point and pressure coefi&cient of the boiling point of the prop- 2. refractive index sitional variations to permit estimation 3. density and specific gravity erties of other substances not measured. Done properly 4. freezing point and carefully, such correlations can frequently yield molar volume 5. values more reliable than many investigators can 6. molar refraction and specific refraction measure them. They are sometimes used to screen 7. specific dispersion 8. refractivity intercept measured data in a search for errors. The correlations 9. viscosity also assist in establishing theoretical models relating constants 10. critical the structure and properties of materials. 11. P-V-T relations 12. vapor pressures An example of a correlation derived from measured 13. enthalpy and entropy of vaporization values is found in Prosen and Rossini [48], [48a]. 14. enthalpy of combustion also 15. enthalpy See Taylor, Pignocco, and Rossini [48bl. The 16. Gibbs energy function values for the enthalpies of combustion of the liquid 17. molar heat capacity normal paraffins above pentane for reference [44] 18. enthalpy of formation were obtained by fitting an equation linear in the 19. equilibrium constant of formation n, to the experimental data 20. enthalpy and entropy of fusion number of carbon , 21. cryoscopic constants which were available for thirteen substances of which 22. enthalpy of transition hexadecane has the largest . The resulting equation

Table 4. Classes of hydrocarbons and related compounds for -A//c (298.15 /kcal-mol-i -57.909 which thermodynamic and physical properties data were K) = + tabulated in API Project 44 [44]. 157.443 n with an uncertainty of (0.1647 - 0.03902 n

00 0, H, N, C + 0.00268 n2)^, n>5 0 O2, H2, OH, H.O, N2, NO, C, CO, CO2 i -A^c(298.15 K)/kJ-mol-^ = -242.291 1 Paraffins, Ci to Cs (8 substances) + 2 Paraffins, Co to C7 (14 substances) 658.741 n with an uncertainty of (2.883 - 0.6831 n -f 3 Paraffins, Cs (18 substances) 0.0469 „>5 ^ 4 Paraffins, Cg (35 substances) 5 , Ce to Co (14 substances) was used to calculate the unmeasured values for nor- 6 Alkylcyclopentanes, Cs to C7 (8 substances) 7 Alkylcyclohexanes, Co to Cs (10 substances) mal paraffins through n-eicosane. Analogous correla- 8 Monoolefins, C2 to Co (29 substances) tions of other properties were also used in completing 9 Monoolefins, C7 (36 substances) the tables of reference [44]. 10 Monoolefins, Cs (92 substances) 11 Diolefins, C3 to Co (32 substances) The reason for putting estimated data in the tables 12 , C2 to Cs (7 substances) is to provide the working technologist with a value 13 , Cs to Co (4 substances) selected by an experienced observer rather than leave 14 Alkylbenzenes, Cio (22 substances) 15 Alkylcyclopentanes, Cs (15 substances) him to cope alone with unknown values. The scientist 16 Alkylcyclohexanes, Co interested in testing a new correlation scheme should 17 Paraffins, Cio be wary to seek out only measured data and not base 18 Alkylcyclopentenes, Cs to C7 his test on smoothed or other estimated data, as some 19 Alkylcyclohexenes, Ce to Cs 20 Normal paraffins, Ci to C™ (20 substances) have done unwittingly. 21 Normal alkylbenzenes, Co to C22 (17 substances) The configurational analysis of the substituted cyclo- 22 Normal alkylcyclopentanes, C-, to Cci (27 substances) 23 Normal alkylcyclohexanes, Co to Q2 (17 substances) by Pitzer and Beckett [49] showed that at 24 Normal monoolefins (1-), C2 to C20 (19 substances) ordinary temperatures substantially all the molecules 25 Normal acetylenes (1-), to C20 substances) C2 (19 are in the chair configuration of the nu- cleus, and described in detail the resulting tautomeric The published calculations and correlations in- forms. One interesting result of this analysis was that cluded: Gibbs energies and equilibria of isomeriza- among the 1,3-dimethylcyclohexanes, the hav- tion of isomeric hydrocarbons [45], enthalpies, equi- ing the lower energy content must be the "cis" isomer librium constants, and Gibbs energies of formation of and the isomer having the higher energy content must selected hydrocarbons as functions of temperature to be the "trans" isomer. This designation [50] reversed the previous labeling of these . 1000 or 1500 K [46] ; normal coordinate analyses [47] of hydrocarbon molecules. (References are to Another interesting illustration of the results of the selected examples.) statistical thermodynamic calculations made on the The presence of the resulting large amounts of hydrocarbons is seen in figure 5. This shows the mole numerical data on homologous series of compounds fractions of the six methylstyrenes at chemical equi- and compounds showing well defined compositional librium as functions of temperature. There is a signifi- and structural variations, such as the isomeric forms, cant decrease in alpha-methylstyrene and compensating the presence of multiple bonds, and cyclization, has increases in beta-methylstyrene and ortho-methylsty- encouraged many individual attempts in NBS and rene as the temperature rises above 300 K.

11 TEMPERATURE IN °C ing World War I. Studies were made of aviation gaso- 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 line and substitute or mixed fuels [61a], and of the recovery of from natural gas [61c].

4. Solid Fuels — Thermodynamic Studies on Coal, Coke, Graphite, Diamond, and Substances Related to Their Combustion

Coal as a hydrocarbonaceous fuel and its component compounds have received comparatively little attention at NBS as compared to gaseous and liquid fuels. In addition to the reference materials for coal dis- cussed later, however, one subject closely related to coal will be mentioned here. This is the studies of the thermodynamic properties of graphite and diamond. Coal as a hydrocarbonaceous material is, of course, clearly distinguishable from graphite. Nevertheless, coal itself has structural features similar to graphite; and when coal is carbonized by coking or other - ring processes these similarities are enhanced. For this reason the thermodynamic properties of graphite are important particularly for the future uses of coal, in which its chemical transformation to gas- eous and liquid fuels on a large scale is contemplated. The thermochemical equilibria involved may have to refer to differences of coal from graphite as a rea- sonable baseline, because of the variable character of coal and its . For another reason, graphite is important not only 400 600 800 OOO 1200 MOO for coal but for liquid and gaseous hydrocarbon fuels TEMPERATURE IN °K as well. The process of combustion of all of these fuels to carbon dioxide as a principal product, and Figure 5. Equilibrium concentrations of the six methylstyrenes. the energies of formation and molecular binding en-

The scale of ordinates measures the relative amount (mole fraction) and the ergies of all the hydrocarbons depend upon the com- scale of abscissas gives the temperature in kelvins, and degrees Celsius. bustion energy of graphite is the reference state The vertical width of a band at a given temperature measures the mole which fraction of the given isomer present at equilibrium with all of its oiher of the element carbon. isomers in the gaseous state. The experimental studies on elemental carbon at NBS include: (1) the heat capacity of graphite from 3.5. Other Work on Petroleum Fuels about 1200 K to about 2600 K [51a] (West and In addition to the work on petroleum and petroleum Ishihara) and 1500 K to 3000 K [51b] (Cezairliyan) ; components as materials, there was a long substantial (2) the energy of combustion of diamond [52] (Jes- carried program on fuels, which was primarily sup) ; (3) the energy of combustion of graphite [52] out by F. L. Howard and his colleagues in the Auto- (Jessup, also Prosen and Rossini). motive Section (Heat and Power Division). The work The experimental studies on the energy of com- of this section was complex and dealt with much more bustion of graphite were carried out in an informal than the fuels themselves, including also the inter- joint experimental program with the Coal Research actions of the fuels with the automobile engine. Laboratory of the Carnegie Institute of Technology. Topics with which they dealt included: knock rat- In this program the NBS work was complemented by ings of gasolines, cetane ratings of diesel fuels: fouling a careful study of the combustion energies of anthra- of spark plugs; kinetics and mechanisms of the com- cite cokes and of artificial and natural , by bustion process in and in detonations of hydro- Dewey and Harper [53] of the Coal Research Labo- carbons; synthesis and characterization of special ratory. Jessup also measured the combustion energy hydrocarbons; analysis and testing of hydrocarbon of diamond at this time. mixtures. Prior to this research, because of the variability of A major and somewhat analogous study of the lubri- the data on graphite, the thermodynamic reference cant fractions of petroleum were studied by 0. C. state for carbon had been taken as diamond (Bichow- Bridgeman, S. A. McKee and their associates in the ski and Rossini) [59]. However, the work of Dewey Heat and Power Division. Rheology of petroleum and and Harper and of Jessup showed that, by a simple viscosity standards were intensively studied. purification, either natural or artificial graphite can Other work which may be mentioned was done dur- be produced in a thermodynamically reproducible

12 .

form. Because of its greater accessibility, ease of han- paraffins, Cs paraffins, C7 cycloparaffins, Cs cyclo- dling, and lower cost, graphite was then chosen as the paraffins. reference state for carbon. As a result of the work 5.2. Reference Fuels mentioned above and of the measurements on graphite a few years later by Prosen and Rossini, the enthalpy Two reference fuels, n-heptane and 2,2,4-trimethyl- of formation of CO. (g) from graphite has been taken pentane (isooctane) are issued as SRM 1815 and to be 393.513 kj-mol-i (-94.0518 kcal/mol) [54]. 1816, respectively. They are intended for use by man- See for instance Wagman, et al. [55, 56] and Sunner ufacturers of reference fuels for maintaining the in- [57]. tegrity of standards for knock testing of motor and Using data largely obtained from NBS experimental aviation fuels. They are certified as to density, refrac- work, Wagman, et al. [55] calculated enthalpies, Gibbs tive index, freezing point, distillation (50 percent energies and equilibrium constants of some of the recovery temperature and temperature range of 80 most important reactions in fuel combustion: those percent minus 20 percent recovery), and zero lead involving Oo, Ho, H,0, C, CO, COo, and CH4. Eight content. The purities were estimated on the basis of reactions were treated in the reference cited. freezing points and chromatographic analysis. Of considerable interest still today is the extensive work on coke by Dewey and Harper. 5.3. Lead in Reference Fuels Among other information they derived was the varia- Three reference fuels (SRM 1636, 1637, 1638) are tion of energy of combustion with hydrogen content. intended for use in calibration of instruments and The variations in hydrogen content were created by techniques for the analysis of lead in gasoline. The different coke formation temperatures ranging from samples consist of 12 ampoules of a material with accu- 900 to 1300 °C. The absorptive capacities for carbon rately measured lead concentration in one of the nomi- dioxide were also determined. An essentially linear nal ranges of lead content, 0.03, 0.05, 0.07, and 2.0 relationship is heating value • • observed between and g gal~i (about 8, 13, 18, and 53 mg dm'^ respec- hydrogen content, but no credible relationship was tively). The three reference materials differ in the found between heating value and absorptive capacity. distribution of ampoules containing the four lead One final mention can be made of the NBS work on concentrations. graphite. For some years a study was made of the energetic effects of radiation damage in graphite ex- 5.4. Sulfur in Fuel Oil posed to nuclear radiation, under arrangements initi- Four reference materials are intended as analytical ated by F. D. Rossini of NBS with Farrington Daniels standards in the determination of sulfur in fuel oils. of the at the University of Chicago. They are commercially available oils containing sulfur This work (unpublished) was carried out by E. J. in varying amounts. The sulfur contents are certified. Prosen, W. A. Eraser, I. Minor, Jr., W. H. Johnson, J. The sulfur was determined as sulfate after combustion and others. The measurements were made by com- in an bomb reaction. Three of the samples bustion calorimetry. The results are of interest to coal (SRM 1621, 1622, 1623) are residual fuel oils, con- and coke technology because of the fact that radiation taining sulfur/ wt percent, 1.05 ±0.02; 2.15 ±0.01, damage results in rupturing the regular graphite struc- and 0.268 ± 0.004, respectively. One of the samples ture and introduces changes in the direction of the (SRM 1624) is a distillate fuel oil containing sulfur/ much disordered structures of coal, coke, and char. wt percent, 0.211 ±0.004. The effects observed in some cases amounted to as much as 1.75 kj • g~^ (21 kj • mol~^). 5.5. Heating Values of Hydrocarbon Fuels

(1) Methane. A special sample of pure methane was 5. Standard Reference Materials for analyzed for the Institute of Gas Technology for use Hydrocarbon Fuels in maintaining the integrity of standards for heating value of natural gas. The sample contains methane; Over the years there have been developed a number the impurities in mole percent are: ethane, 0.04± of hydrocarbons or materials needed for testing fuels. 0.02; nitrogen, 0.0017 ± 0.0004; oxygen, 0.0002 ± 0.0002; carbon dioxide, 0.006 ±0.002. Impurities 5.1. Hydrocarbon Blends were determined by mass spectrometry and gas chro- Eight mixtures (SRM 592-599) of pure hydro- matographic techniques. The heating value, in Btu carbons representative of those occurring in hydro- per standard cubic foot, is certified for the real gas carbon fuels and blending stocks are available. These as 1014.9 (37.814 MJ • m-^*) on a dry basis and 997.2 blends are primarily for use in calibrating mass spec- (37.155 MJ • m~^) on a water saturated basis, with an trometers. However, they may be useful in other spec- uncertainty of 0.4 (0.014 MJ • m-^) trometric instruments or gas chromatographic tech- (2 ) Benzoic acid. Not a hydrocarbon, benzoic acid niques. They each typify either a virgin or is specified in standard methods of test for liquid and a catalytically cracked naphtha, and each is made up solid fuels as the test substance for calibrating the of measured amounts by volume of five to nine hydro- bomb calorimeter used in the test. The benzoic acid carbons selected from the NBS Standard Samples of reference material (SRM 39i) is a highly purified Hydrocarbons of one of the following types: C7 material having a certified energy of combustion in

13 the standard bomb process (prescribed conditions), 7. Conclusion g-i Af,/BVkJ • is 26.434±0.003. It is recommended, not only for tests of commercial fuels but also for In retrospect, it will be clear that the extensive research on the combustion energies of pure sub- work done on hydrocarbons at the NBS has not been stances. covered completely in this article. For instances of (3) 2,2,4-trimethylpentane. Commonly called iso- work not covered adequately in this review, we may refer , this reference material (SRM 217b) is certified to the hydrocarbon synthesis work at the NBS as to energy of combustion in the standard bomb in the period 1937-1953 involving F. L. Howard, T. process (prescribed conditions), Af/B°/kJ • is W. Mears, and D. B. Brooks. See, for a few references, 47.712 ± 0.005. It is intended for use in petroleum Cochrane's history of the National Bureau of Stan- fuel testing to verify procedures for handling volatile dards [58]. fuels. There are other aspects in which the question of scope must be brought in: thus petroleum products are used not only for fuel but for lubrication, and 6. Coal Reference Materials here a whole new class of work may be brought in, Four reference are provided as standard sam- as was mentioned only briefly. Similarly the combus- ples for use in analysis of elements which create pol- tion of fuels involves kinetics and reaction mecha- lution problems when coal is burned. nisms, whole areas that have had an important impact on hydrocarbon fuels and which are not touched here. 6.1. Trace Mercury in Coal Key names of NBS workers in these areas are 0. C. Trace mercury in coal (SRM 1630) is a suitably Bridgeman, H. S. White, S. A. McKee, J. D. Swindells, prepared commercially available coal, provisionally W. J. Levedahl, and R. E. Ferguson. certified to contain mercury/parts per million by Additional aspects of hydrocarbons used for fuel weight, 0.13. This value was obtained by are the side effects of hydrocarbon usage: atmospheric activation analysis, and verified by flameless atomic pollution by hydrocarbons and engine exhaust prod- absorption spectrometry. Selenium content is also ucts, pollution of streams and the oceans by spillage given. and the associated problems of modeling fate and effect. None of these are touched here. In this area 6.2. Sulfur in Coal the most recent work at NBS has been done by S. Sulfur in coal (SRM 1631) is three samples of low- Wasik. volatile bituminous coals suitable prepared and certi- NBS has cooperated with universities, the Bureau fied to contain sulfur/percent by weight; 0.546± of Mines, Army, Navy and Air Force, NASA and in- 0.003; 2.016±0.014; 3.020±0.008; and ash/percent dustrial laboratories during the past 75 years. As new by weight; 5.00±0.02; 14.59+0.09; 6.17±0.02. The national programs emerge this cooperation is expected sulfur and ash tests were supported by tests carried out to continue, as for instance in the preparation of a in five other laboratories. Moisture was also deter- National Academy of Sciences report on needs for mined but lack of homogeneity in the determinations thermodynamic data in the national energy program prevented certification. (1974^1975) [60].

6.3. Trace Elements in Coal This historical review was started as a small part Trace elements in coal (SRM 1632) is certified for of a review of much broader scope intended to form , manganese, zinc, vanadium, lead, chromium, a short chapter on "Seventy-five years of materials copper, , arsenic, selenium, , thallium, research at NBS." It soon became apparent that if cadmium, mercury, based on at least two methods of the review was to indicate fairly the scope and com- analysis for each element. The elements are listed plexity of the NBS work on hydrocarbons related to above in the order of relative abundance. The abun- their use as fuels, it would grow considerably beyond dances/ jxg • g"~^ range from manganese, 40, to mer- the initial length planned. cury, 0.12. For iron, abundance/fxg • g~^ is 8700. A concise statement outlining a small portion of the Other elements tested but not certified were: titanium, work was prepared and appears elsewhere as originally cobalt, , thorium, beryllium, silver, tellurium. planned. However, the author felt that the content of the full review was of sufficient general interest, par- 6.4. Trace Elements in Coal Fly Ash ticularly in the light of current related problems in Trace elements in coal fly ash (SRM 1633) is cer- national energy resources, that it should be made tified for manganese, zinc, vanadium, lead, chromium, public, rather than resting in the technical files. This copper, nickel, arsenic, uranium, selenium, cadmium, feeling was strengthend by the realization that the mercury, based on at least two methods of analysis historical path was being gradually dimmed by dis- for each element. The elements are listed above in persal of scientists having intimate knowledge of the order of relative abundance. The relative abundances/ details. Hence, the review was completed in this form [ig ' g"-" range from manganese, 493, to mercury, and is published as a separate document. Though not

0.14. Other elements tested but not certified were: complete in many respects, we hope that . it presents , , rubidium, cobalt, thorium, beryl- a satisfactory broad outline of the NBS work on lium, thallium. hydrocarbons and sufficient hints of work not covered

14 . . . .

in detail to provide later historians with clues that [23] Hanley, H. J. M., McCarty, R. D., and Haynes, W. M., Equations for the viscosity and will enable definitive histories to be written. coefficients of methane, Cryogenics (in press, 1975).

The author wishes to thank F. D. Rossini, C. W. [24] Hiza, M. J., Kidnay, A. J. and Miller, R. C, Equilibrium Beckett, E. J. Prosen, D. D. Wagman, T. W. Mears, Properties of Fluid Mixtures; A Bibliography of Cryo-

genic Data to 1975, ( Plenum Press, 1975 in press) J. R. Whetstone, D. E. DiUer, and W. K. Wilson for [25] Parrish, W. R., and Hiza, M. J., Liquid-vapor equilibria reading and criticising all or portions of the manu- in the nitrogen-methane system between 95 and 120 K, script and E. R. Horowitz for suggesting the review at Advances in Cryogenic Engineering 19, 300 (1974).

this time. [26] Kidnay, A. J., Miller, R. C, Parrish, W. R., and Hiza, M. J., Liquid-vapor equilibria in the nitrogen- methane system from 130 to 180 K, Cryogenics (in 8. References press, 1975). [27] ASTM-IP Petroleum Measurement Tables, (American Weaver, E. R., History of the gas chemistry section of [1] Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia, PA the National Bureau of Standards, 1910-1957, manu- 1952). script, NBS Archives, Oct. 1964. [28] Bearce, H. W., and Peffer, E. L., Density and thermal [2] Rosa, E. B., Use of gas for heat, and power testing of expansion of American petroleum oils, Nat. Bur. Stand. gas, J. Franklin Institute 6, 157-86 (1912). (U.S.), Tech. Paper 77, 26 pages, (Aug. 1916). [3] Stillman, M. H., A portable cubic foot standard for gas, United States standard tables for petroleum oils, Nat. Nat. Bur. Stand. (U.S.), Tech. Paper 114 (1919). [29] Bur. Stand. (U.S.), Circ. 57, (Jan. 1916). [4] Anon. (McBride, R.S., Edwards, J. D., Weaver, E. R., et R. S., Compressibility and thermal expansion of al., see [11]), Standard methods of gas testing, Nat. [30] Jessup, Bur. Stand. (U.S.), Circ. 48 (1916). petroleum oils in the range 0 to 300 °C, J. Res. Nat. Bur. Stand. (U.S.), 985-1039, (1930) RP 244. [5] Waidner, C. W. and Mueller, E. F., Industrial gas calori- 5, metry, Nat. Bur. Stand. (U.S.), Tech. Paper 36 (Mar. [31] Cragoe C. S., and Hill, E. F., Thermal expansion of 1914) gasolines from 0 to 30 °C, J. Res. Nat. Bur. Stand. [6] Crittenden, E. C, An experimental study of stan- (U.S.), 7, 1133-1145 (1931) RP 393. dards, Trans. Illuniin. Eng. Soc. 6, 413-37 (1911). [32] Hyams, H., and Holmes, H. R., International petroleum [7] Edwards, J. D., Determination of in illuminating tables—Their origin, development and practical im- gas, Nat. Bur. Stand. (U.S.), Tech. Paper 34 (1919). portance. Third World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, [8] McBride, R. S. and Weaver, E. R., Determination of sul- 1951, Proceedings Section IX, Transport, Storage, and phur in illuminating gas, Nat. Bur. Stand. (U.S.), Distribution, pp. 68-81. (E. J. Brill, Leiden, 1951). Tech. Paper 20 (1913). [33] Hill, A. H., Simpson, J. A., and Whetstone, J. R., Investi- [9] Edwards, J. D., The determination of gas density, J. Ind. gation of densities and thermal expansion coefiicients Eng. Chem. 9, 790-2 (1914). applicable to petroleum measurement. Preprint manu- [10] Anon. Gas calorimeter tables, Nat. Bur. Stand. (U.S.), script, April 1975. Circ. 65 (July 1917); Anon., Nat. Bur. Stand. (U.S.), [34] Cragoe, C. S. Thermal properties of petroleum products, R. S. and Weaver, Circ. C147 (Mar. 1938) ; Jessup, Nat Bur. Stand. (U.S.), Misc. Publ. 97, 48 pages, E. R., Nat. Bur. Stand. (U.S.), Circ. 464 (Mar. 1948). (Nov. 1929). [11] Jessup, R. S., The Thomas recording calorimeter, J. Res. Nat. Bur. Stand. (U.S.), 10, 99-122 (1933) RP 519. References [30], [31], and [34] bear the following footnote: [12] Eiseman, J. H. and Potter, E. A., Accuracy of the Cutler- This paper contains results obtained in an investigation of Hammer recording gas calorimeter when used with "The Thermodynamic Properties of Petroleum Hydrocarbons" gases of high heating value, J. Res. Nat. Bur. Stand. listed as Project No. 38 of American Petroleum Institute (U.S.), 58, 213-226 (1957) RP 1605. Research. Financial assistance in this work has been received [13] Rossini, F. D., The heat of formation of water, J. Res. from a research fund of the American Petroleum Institute Nat. Bur. Stand. (U.S.), 6, 1-36 (1931) RP 259. donated by John D. Rockefeller. This fund is administered by the institute with the cooperation of the [14] Rossini, F. D., The of combustion of methane and Central Petroleum Committee of the National Research Council. , J. Res. Nat. Bur. Stand. (U.S.), 6, 37-50 (1931) RP 260. [35] Armstrong, G. T., Fano, L., Jessup, R. S., Marantz, S., [15] Armstrong, G. T., Calculation of the heating value of a Mears, T. W., and Walker, J. A., Net heat of com- sample of high purity methane for use as a reference bustion and other properties of kerosine and related material, Nat. Bur. Stand. (U.S.), Tech. Note 299, fuels, J. Chem. Eng. Data 7, 107-111 (1962). 19 pp. (Dec. 1966). [36] American Society for Testing and Materials (Committee Armstrong, T., I., [16] G. Domalski, E. S., and Minor, J. Jr., D-2 on Petroleum Products and ), Standard Standard combustion data for the fuel gas industry, method for estimation of net heat of combustion of American Gas Association, Operating Section Proceed- aviation fuels (ASTM Designation D-1405), 1972 An- ings, Atlanta, GA, 1972, pp. D-74-87. (American Gas nual Book of ASTM Standards, Part 17, pp. 514-522. Association, Arlington, VA (1972).) [37] Rossini, F. D., Mair, B. J., and StreiS, A. J., Hydro- [17] Goodwin, R. D., thermophysical properties meth- The of carbons from Petroleum, Am. Chem. Soc. Monograph ane from 90 to 500 at pressure to 700 bar. Nat. Bur. K No. 121. (Reinhold Publishing Corp., New York, 1953), Stand. (U.S.), Tech. Note 653, 280 (Apr. 1974). pp. 556 -|- xvi pp. [18] Younglove, B. A., The specific heats, Ctr and Cv of com- [38] Prosen, E. J., and Rossini, F. D., Heats of combustion of pressed and liquified methane, Res. Bur. Stand. J. Nat eight normal paraffin hydrocarbons in the liquid state, (U.S.), 78A, No. 3, 401, (May-June 1974). J. Res. Nat. Bur. Stand. (U.S.), 33, 255-272, (1944) [19] Straty, G. C, Velocity of sound in dense fluid methane. RP 1607. Cryogenic 14, 367 (1974). [39] Dickinson, H. C, Combustion calorimetry and the heats [20] Straty, G. C, and Goodwin, R. D., Dielectric constants of combustion of cane , benzoic acid, and naph- and polarizability of saturated and compressed fluid thalene, Nat. Bur. Stand. (U.S.), Sci. Paper 230, 189- methane. Cryogenics 13, 717 ( 1973) 257, (1914). [21] Olson, J. D., The refractive indices and Lorenz-Lorentz [40] Rossini, F. D., Experimental Thermochemistry (Inter- function of fluid methane, J. Chem. Phys. (in press, science Publishers, Inc., New York, 1956) 1975). (a) Coops, J., Jessup, R. S., and van Nes, K., Calibra- [22] Haynes, W. M., Viscosity of saturated liquid methane, tion of calorimeters for reaction in a bomb at con- Physica 70, 410 (1973). stant volume. Chapter 3, pp. 27-58.

15 (b) Rossini, F. D., Calibration of calorimeters for re- [52a] Jessup, R. S., Heats of combustion of diamond and of actions in a flame at constant pressure, Chapter graphite, J. Res. Nat. Bur. Stand. (U.S.), 21, 475-490 4, pp. 59-74. (1938) RP 1140.

(c) Prosen, E. J., Combustion in a bomb of com- [52b] Prosen, E. J., and Rossini, F. D., Some experimental pounds containing carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and data on the heats of combustion of benzoic ac'd and nitrogen. Chapter 6, pp. 129-148. carbon (graphite), J. Res. Nat. Bur. Stand. (U.S.), [41] Washburn, E. W., Standard states for bomb calorimetry, 33. 439 (1944) RP 1619. Nat. (1933) 546. J. Res. Bur. Stand. (U.S.), 10, 525 RP [53] Dewey, P. H., and Harper, D. R., 3rd., Heats of combus- [42] Jessun, R. S., Precise measurement of heat of combustion tion of anthracite cokes and of artificial and natural with a bomb calorimeter, Nat. Bur. Stand. (U.S.), graphites, J. Res. Nat. Bur. Stand. (U.S.), 21, 457-474 Monogr. 7, 23 pages (Feb. 1960). (1938) RP 1139. [43] American Society for Testing and Materials (Committee [54] Rossini, F. D., and Jessup, R. S. Heat and free energy of D-2 on Petroleum Products), Heat of combustion of formation of carbon dioxide and of the transition be- hydrocarbon fuels by bomb calorimeter (high-precision tween graphite and diamond J. Res. Nat. Bur. Stand. method), Designation: D-2382, Book of ASTM ASTM (U.S.), 21, 491-513 (1938) RP 1141. Standards (1965 ff). [55] Wagman, D. D., Kilpatrick, J. E., Taylor, W. J., Pitzer, [44] Rossini, F. D., Pitzer, K. S., Taylor, W. J., Ebert, J. P., K. S., and Rossini, F. D., Heats, free energies, and Kilpatrick, J. E., Beckett, C. W., Williams, M. G., equilibrium constants of some reactions involving O2, Werner, H. G., Selected values of properties of hydro- Ha, HoO, C, CO, CO2, and CH4. J. Res. Nat. Bur. Stand. carbons, Nat. Bur. Stand. (U.S.), C461 (1947). (U.S.), 34, 143-161 (1945) RP 1634. [45] Prosen, E. J., Pitzer, K. S., and Rossini, F. D., Free [56] Wagman, D. D., Evans, W. H., Parker, V. B., Halow, I., energies and equilibria of isomerization of the 18 oc- Bailey, S. M., and Schumm, R. H., Selected values of tanes, J. Res. Nat. Bur. Stand. (U.S.), 34, 255-261 chemical thermodynamic properties, Nat. Bur. Stand. (1945) RP 1641. (U.S.), Tech. Note 270-3, 268 pages, (Jan. 1968). [46] Kilpatrick, J. E., Beckett, C. W., Prosen, E. J., Pitzer, key values K. S., and Rossini, F. D., Heats, Equilibrium con- [57] Sunner, S., et al., CODATA recommended Bulletin No. 10 stants and free energies of formation of the Cs to Cs for thermodynamics, 1973, CODATA (ICSU Frankfurt/Main, Germany, Decem- diolefins, , and the methylstyrenes, J. Res. Nat. CODATA Bur. Stand. (U.S.), 42. 22.5-239 (1949) RP 1964. ber, 1973). [47] Kilpatrick, J. E., and Pitzer, K. S., Normal coordinate [58] Cochrane, R. C, Measures for Progress: A History of analysis of the vibrational frequencies of , pro- the National Bureau of Standards, Nat. Bur. Stand. See espe- pylene, cis-2-, trans-2-butene, and isobutene, J. (U.S.), Misc. Publ. 275, 728 pages, (1966). Res. Nat. Bur. Stand. (U.S.), 38. 191-209 (1947) cially pp. 185, 266-7, 369, 374, 419-420, 464, 466. RP 1768. [59] Bichowsky, F. R., and Rossini, F. D., Thermochemistry

[48a] Prosen, E. .1., and Rossini, F. D., Heats of combus- of the chemical substances, (Reinhold Publishing Corp., tion and formation of the paraffin hydrocarbons at New York, NY, 1936). 25 °C. J. Res. Nat. Bur. Stand. (U.S.), 34, 263-269 [60] National Academy of Sciences, Report of the Conference (1945) RP 1642. on Thermodynamics and National Energy Problems, [48b] Taylor, W. J.. Pignocco. J. M.. and Rossini, F. D.. June 10-12, 1974. Warrenton, VA (National Academy Method for calculating the properties of hydrocarbons of Sciences, Washington, DC, 1974). and its application to the refractive indices, densities, [61] Anon., War Work of the Bureau of Standards, Nat. Bur. and boiling points of the paraffin and mono-olefin Stand. (U.S.), Misc. Publ. 46, (1921). (a) pp. 23-24, hydrocarbons, J. Res. Nat. Bur. Stand. (U.S.), 34, aviation gasoline; (b) pp. 179-183, natural gas; (c) 413-434 (1945) RP 1651. pp. 291-293, toluene recovery. Pitzer K. S., Beckett, [49] and C. W., Tautomerism in cyclo- [62] Cragoe, C. S., unpublished work. See, for instance: Inter- derivatives; reassignment of configuration of national Critical Tables (E. W. Washburn, ed.), Vol. the 1,3-dimethylcyclohexanes, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 69, V (1929). Vapor pressure tables. 977 (1947). [63] Armstrong, G. T., Brickwedde, F. G., and Scott, R. B.: (a) [50] Prosen, E. J., Johnson, W. H., and Rossini, F. D., Heats The vapor pressures of the deuteromethanes, J. Chem. of formation and isomerization of the eight CsHia - Phys. 21, 1297-8 (1953); (b) Vapor pressures of the in the liquid and gaseous states, J. Res. methanes, J. Res. Nat. Bur. Stand. (U.S.), 55, 39-52 Nat. Bur. Stand. (U.S.), 39. 173-175 (1947) RP 1821. (1955) RP 2603. [51a] West, E. D., and Ishihara, S., A. calorimetric determina- [64] Urey, H. C, Brickwedde, F. G., and Murphy, G. M., A tion of the enthalpy of graphite from 1200 to 2600 K. hydrogen isotope of mass 2. Phys. Rev. 39, 164-165 Advances in thermophysical properties at extreme (1932) 40, 1-15 (1932). temperatures and pressures (American Society of ; Mechanical Engineers. New York, 1965). See also NBS [65] Domalski, E. S., Selected values of heats of combustion Special Publication 300, Vol. 6, Heat, 1970. and heats of formation of organic compounds con- [51b] Cezairliyan. A. Measurement of the heat capacity of taining the elements C, H, N, O, P, and S. J. Phys. graphite in the range 1500 to 3000 K by a pulse heating Chem. Ref. Data 1, 221-277 (1972). method. Proceedings of the Sixth Symposium on Ther- [66] Kharasch, M. S. Heats of combustion of organic com- mophysical Properties. P. E. Liley, ed., (Am. Soc. Mech. pounds, J. Res. Nat Bur. Stand. (U.S.), 2, 359 (1929) Eng., New York, 1973). RP 41.

16 H8^-114A (REV. 7-73)

L'.S. DEPT. OF COMM. 1. PUBLICATION OR REPORT NO. 2. Gov't Accession 3. Recipient's Accession No. BIBLIOGRAPHIC DATA No. SHEET NBS SP-434

4. TITLE AND SUBTITLE 5. Publication Date May 1976 Hydrocarbons for Fuel - 75 Years of Research at NBS 6. Performing Organization Code

7. AUTHOR(S) 8. Performing Organ. Report No. George T. Armstrong 9. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION NAME AND ADDRESS 10. Project/Task/Work Unit No. 3161112 NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE 11. Contract/Grant No. WASHINGTON, D.C. 20234

12. Sponsoring Organization Name and Complete Address (Street, City, State, ZIP) 13. Type of Report & Period Covered Final

14. Sponsoring Agency Code


Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 75-619428

,16. ABSTRACT (A 200-word or less {actual summary o( most si^ificant information. If document includes a significant

bibliography or literature survey, mention it here.) \ In this historical review the NBS work on hydrocarbons is discussed in terms of the three major classes of natural hydrocarbonaceous fuels: natural gas, petroleum, and coal. The done on the measurement of of the ; work properties pure components

i has included measurement of the values of the properties themselves and development of practical and accurate measurement procedures and instruments. In addition, combustion energies, densities, viscosities, vapor pressures, refractive indices, elemental compositions and other parameters have been determined for complex fuel mixtures and correlated to find methods of estimating properties. Extensive standard reference data tables have been compiled and a number of standard reference materials have been developed.

17. KEY WORDS (six to twelve entries; alphabetical order; capitalize only the first letter of the first key word unless a proper name; separated by semicolons) ^oal ; energy; fuel; graphite; hydrocarbons; metering; methane; natural gas; petroleum; physical properties; standard reference materials.


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