Salisbury Newspapers MediaM Pack edia PPacack Wednesday, December 31, 2008 Salisbury Journal Forest Journal 8-10 Rollestone Street Carefulreful bagging Salisbury, Wiltshire SP1 1DY salesale ‘bargains’ Wednesday, January 14, 2009 2010 Media Pack NEW Forest shoppersshhoppers pperss hopihopinhoping By CHRIS HOOPER Salisbury & Amesbury for a bargainbargain in the JanuaryJanua
[email protected] sales have beenbeen warnedwarneed by thet Couple hand region’s trading standardssstanda Looking for happy 2009 in paying over the odds, long officers to be on theirthheir guardgu into 2009. over petition against promotionspromotions thatth do not “We advise to always check the deliver what they promise.proomise. interest rate on offer or see if an With the shopsshops packedp with alternative payment method against Forest customers keen to bagb a bargainba would be more suitable.” or return an unwantedunwa Many shoppers will be Christmas gift,gift, unscrupulousuunscrup returning unwanted gifts and speeders stores can sometimessommetimes take the trading standardsVote officers on market advantage. also warned that it is important in your Thursday,The council’council’s Novembers spokesmansppokesma said: 26ththat 2009 shoppers are aware of their “Retailers sometimessomeetimes buyb in rights. products specificallyspecificically foforr thet sale, “When returning or Forest Salisbury JJournal and if they havee not beebeenn sold at exchanging goods, retailers not a higher price,, they shouldsho not only have responsibilities under be listed as reduced.redduced. the law, but may also show Journal “Inviting signssiggns may claim an consumer goodwill,” the trading Voteunbelievable discount,discount for but the your Est standards spokesman said. tomorrow best bargainsbargainns could beb found “However, even if you did not 1729 elsewhere, particularlyparticularly when it buy the gift you are returning, it comes too mobilemobile phone place proposals favourite ischild up to you to present proof of contracts anda other electronic purchase in the form of a gadgets.” receipt.