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1954-10-07.Pdf -------~~~-------.....-------------------------------------------------- I . FOT 84 Years Friend, Companion and Kindly Counselor .. Volume 84, Number 19 12 Pages Thursday, October 7, 1954 $2.50 Per Year in Advance Township Zoning ICityStatus Committee To 1M tIte 7<eeod Ordinance Hit by G. H. C. At Board Meet. Inaugurate Campaign For Several weeks ago the W'yne County Road Co.mrriis~ How vigorously should the Northville township board en- sion installed new traffic lights at the corner of ~~alll ahn~ force the township zorung ordin- Center streets. Many persons comm~nte~ ~t the tIme t ~ ance? Support for Spring Vot~ they were hung too high to be readIly vISIble to pedestn- This question became the high- ans at the corner and that someone was li~ely to g!lt hurt. light of the board's monthly meet- A renewed attempt to gain city status for Northville Because the Record office is located at thIS corner we ~re ing Tuesday evening after Build- was inaugurated Wednesday evening at the Village hall perhaps more conscious of these lights than we otherWls~ ing Inspector Donald Nutten had '15 a newly appointed committee headed by Lynn Syllivan, informed the board that a house ." might be. School children, especially the younger ones, 405 Orchard Drive, began deliberations. coming do\vntown at noon are a-special hazar.d. It seems has been erected in the township without the owner taking the Tentative plans ,discussed at the meeting call for a to us after seeing a great many adults and ch~ldren start trouble to get a building permit. ::ampaign of inf~rmat1on, public m'eetings and concerted into the street against t)le red lights, that the "yillage C0ll!-- Nutten saId he was told that it offort to gain support for placemllnt of the issue before the mission might be well aavised to study the. l1~hts at. thIS IS a multiple dwel1Jng which does 3lectorate next spring. ProponentS of the project declare corner witb a view to asking the Road CommISSIOn to eIther not conform to zoning restrict- thoi e is much to be gained for "a!:lopting ~ city form of lower them or relocate them so they will ?~tter s~rve lOns in the area He asked that government, aside from the large financial returns ex- their purpose. One woman has already been IllJ ured smce some member of the townslup pected to accrue to a city. the lights were installed, although fortunately she escaped board accompany him to inspect See Succesfl with only minor bruises. It could easily have be.en a senous the building. They also feel that if residen- Terrill Objects accident. ~=,:=.::;q:;.::.:::,=,r:==-=-:::··1 High School Youth tial areas. which were against the * * * * Roy Terrill, township treasurer, proposal last spring are eliminat- . " . " argued against enforcement of 'j. ed, the proposition will carry While we're on the subject of tr~ffic lIghts, the blInd. the zoning ordinance m this in- . 1- , Seriously Hurl In overwhelmin~ly at the polls. side of the one at Hutton and Mam. streets x;nakes thIS. stance, saying: "If the man is probably the most dangerous corner m Northvlpe. Pedes- putt.ing u~ a three-fallllly home The Village commission ap- .~;J~~I,1' Tire Explosion pointed Sullivan as chairman at t ians crossing to Kroger's from the corner parkmg lot c~n he IS ~ddmg property to the "THIPPING THIDER THRU A THRAW" is wh at these come y Northville lasses are enjoying. its regular meeting Monday night. r light to tell them whether approaching cars wIll townshIp tax roll. He added: "I The scene is "Ye Olde Cider Mill". operated by th e Parmenter family on Baseline Rd. The mill is Explosion of a tire he was in- With him as co-chairmen are Tom s:e no t If er a corner needed a pedestrian light this don't li~e the z~ning law. People now in full operation. and the cider is sweet and tas ly. From left to "right and the girls, all 17. are: flating resulted in severe injuries Carrington and Stuart Thomson. s op or no. ev . '1' f th W C t R d have VIolated It and we (the Sally Wagenschu:tz of Northville. Lorraine Dar! ing of Novi. and Leanna Doekson of Northville. to George Miller, .Jr, 17, son of one does. It is the resp~nsibi Ity 0 e ay~e ou~ y .oa township board) haven't done a Northville garage owner, Tues- Other members of the group are Commission, but the fIrst step. to.ward gettI~g actIon IS to anything about it in the past. Why day evening. Levi Eaton, Edward Mollema, call the situation to the commlSSlOn s attentIon. should we get excited when this In one of the oddest and most Postmaster Leland Smith, Mrs. * * * * . mall' is puttmg up a good house.? "v"ls"lon violent aCCIdents ever ,to happen: William Milne, a member of the The Northville Junior High School plans to publIsh /Terrill's remark drew immed- New Subdl In Northville, the youth suffered School Study committee now sur- a sizable historical booklet about the villalfe in the ~lear iate response from Ralph Hay, a broken leg, a broken wrist, veymg the needs of Northville future. One thing lacking to make the project ~speclally boa~d member, Ro~ert Schaffer, multIple fractures of the bones and Novi, Mrs, A. C. Carlson, Mrs. wortfIwhile is a sufficient number o~ good cleal' pIctures of chaIrman ot the zOnIng board and May Be Doome d of the face, loss of a large number James Green. Charles Bahnmiller early-day scenes. Mr. Alvin Skow is III charge of the under- James E. Littell, townshI~ attor- ". f t th d th .. Cyril Frid and John S. Canter~ 0 . ee ,an 0 er InJunes. b • f' th H' h S ho I He will appreciate borrowing ney. Schaffer, tol~ Terll!~ that -flons He was rushed to the Univers- ury. ta k mp; 01 e !g co. told that a multiple reSIdence By Resfrlc ity of Michigan hospItal by Dr. To Schedule Meetings any pIctures wh~ch 'y0!l may have so :hey m~y be. copIed the property owner had been Promoters of a new subdivi- R. M. AtchIson in the Casterline Mayor Claude N. Ely said the fO!' the book. He wIll see that they ale retullled m good would be in. violation of the 01'- sion to be located at the west end ambulance, and spent seven hours group will make plans for the condition immediately after being used. Pictures can be dInance. Nutten r~ported that no of Dubuar St. struck a new snag in surgery Tuesday night before campaign, which will be'designed delivered or mailed to Mr. Skow at the High School. effort had been made to obtain a Monday night when a commIttee he was pronounced past the crit- to lay before the voters all the * * * * building permit, and Hay pointed of the VIllage council reported a Ical stage. facts both for and ?~ainst a city list of recommendations which The accident occurred while form of goveinmEmt. ' • 'J Northville merchants report that the "Home Town out that his failure to. get. such Bargain Day" sale last Friday was most s~ccessful. I~'a~~ ? permIt was a clear VIolatIon of may doom the projcet. .... George, a Northville High school Meetings at which the .public he Jack Burkman, Nor t h V]IJ 1e senior, was helping repair a tire will be given an opportunity to tracted se\\e1'-a1 thous\.mu sh~j.illel'o ioltl_~!teVIllage. Wh]!i::"~ i °hrafdIfnanced'' "Th . 1 £.' . 1 dT f Hi N'rth '11 R '(il sC er a e.d a e peop e 0 bUllller, asked approval t~0.in the Miller garage on Rayson st,. ask: questions and gam informa~ t d b 0 VI wa~ pror,r1O e y a specH~ 'e ~ Ion eo. e. eco} , the township elected you, Roy, we,eks ago o! a propo?al to bUlld I~ 1S believed that a casing had not tion will be announced in the WhICh cU'cu}ated appr.oximately 14,000 co~]es thlou~hout. to uphold the legislation of the 66 rental UnIts on a six-acre pl~t been properly seated on the rini., ne~.future: the NorthVIlle shop~mg area, the effe<;t1Ven~ss r, ~he township. The government of the of groun$1 owned by Mrs., JennIe and when young Miller began to _ promotion was due dIrectly to the attractIve prIces whIch community is the people. The of- Cousins, of Ann Arbor. At that inflate it, the tube burst. local merchants put on a wide variety of merchandise for ficers they.elect are expected to time, he requested that a street The steel rim smashed into the the' occasion. While some of the sale items were stocked follow the people's WIll." t~rough the sU.bdivision be. J;tl'o- youths face, hurling him several Bargain Day Is and priced particulal'l~as bai"gain day. specia~s, those who I~ Transition . vlded by the VIllage, but thIS re- feet into the air and crashed in- patronize Northville stores l',egularly fmd theIr day-to-day . Littell sal~ .that the ~owns~I1P quest was turned down by unani-I to the ceIlIng of the garage with prices almost universally competitive. An added incentive IS m a transItIon stage m Which mous vote. such force that It left mdenta- Decided Success, to sh pping locally-a compelling one to many persons- many ~arge farms are bemg brok- Included in the recommenda- tions.
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