Impediments to Occupational Opportunities of Women As Perceived by Secondary School Title Title Teachers in Imo State

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Impediments to Occupational Opportunities of Women As Perceived by Secondary School Title Title Teachers in Imo State University of Nigeria Research Publications EZEJI, Helen Adanma Author Author PG/Ph.D/03/34370 Impediments to Occupational Opportunities of Women as Perceived by Secondary School Title Title Teachers in Imo State Education Faculty Faculty Vocational Teacher Education Department Department November, 2007 Date Signature Signature IMPEDIMENTS TO OCCUPATIONAL OPPORTUNITIES OF WOMEN AS PEIRCEIVED BY FEMALE SECONDARY SCHOOL TEACHERS IN IMO STATE EZEJI, HELEN ADANMA PG/Ph.D/03/34370 DEPARTMENT OF VOCATIONAL TEACHER EDUCATION UNIVERSITY OF NIGERIA, NSlLJKKA NOVEMBER 7,2007 UNIVERSITY OF NIGERIA NSUKKA IMPEDIMENTS TO OCCUPATIONAL OPPORTUNITIES OF WOMEN AS PERCEIVED BY FEMALE SECONDARY SCHOOL TEACHERS IN IMO STATE EZEJI, HELEN ADAMMA PG/Ph.D/03/34370 A Thesis Submitted to the Department of Vocational Teacher Education in Partial Fulfilment of the Requirement for the Award of the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D) in Vocational Education November 7,2007 This thesis has been a~provedfor the Departrr,ent of Vocational Teacher -. ::ucaiion. ejniversitv of Niaerii3: Nsukka. , 2ROF. E. C. OSUALA SUPERVISOR Ezeji, Helen A. a Postgraduate student in the Department of Vocatio!nal Teacher Education, Faculty of Education, University of Nigeria, Nsuklta, 3i.d with registration Number PG/PhD/03/34370 has satisfactl.srilycompleled he requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Vocational Education. Thc work embodied in this thesis is original and has not been submitted in part or full for any other diploma or degree of this or any other Lhiversity. - ,' ; ' ;2 - L=.-.i? b*f*5-t7 - -. / Ezeji, Helen 2. (!Mrs., ' Prof. E.C. Osuala (Student) (Supervisor) iii This Work is Dedicated to the Almighty God and to my Husband Prof. S.C.O.A. Ezej i and my children-Elmmanuel, Samuel (Jr.) and Chris Ezeji. The researcher is immensely thankful to our Lord Jesus Christ through <wivnoseenablement this research work was si~ccessfullycompleted. Grateful aclcnowledgements are due to the researcher's parents Mr. A~ORI-A~Uand Mrs. Ugoeke Dim and to her only brother, a Late Biafran Solider, Amara Dim for laying the foundation upon which all her other academic achievements were built. The researcher will ever remain grateful to her darling husband, Prof S.C .O.A. Ezej i, a propeller, who picked and nurtured her ilcademically , morally and spiritually. His inspiration and leadership greatly motivated the researcher towards continuing and completing this research. The researcher also wishes to express her gratitude to her Supervisor, Prof. E.C. Osuala for his patience send guidance and for l~rovidingtht: materials that facilitated the work. The researcher is also grateful to the following members of staff in thc Cepartment of Vocational Teacher Education, University of Ni,zeria Nsuldca: fir. (Mrs.) C.A Obi for her guidance and for providing materials for the work; Dr. S.A.Ugwo, who served as the design reader, at the proposal stage, for his advice and constructive criticisms; Prof. O.M. Okoro, who served as a content reader at the Seminar stage; Dr. E.A Anaele, who look notes for corrections to be made at both proposal and seminar stages of the work; Prof. N.J. Ogbazi, the Head of Department for his cooperation; and to Mrs. C.K.U. Am and others for their roles at different stages of this work. To all the above and others not mentioned here, the researcher thanks you and prays for God's blessing on us all. Amen. TITLE PAGE .. .. .. .. .. .. .. i .. APPROVAL PAGE ....... .. .. .. ... .. .. .. ... .. .. .. 11 ... CERTlFKAT4ON ......................................................... 111 DEDICAI~ONA r- .. ............................................................... iv ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ................................................. v "TABLE OF CON'TEhl'TS .... .. .. .. .. .. ... .. ... .. .. .. .. .. .. vl !LIST OF TABLES .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. x a ABSTRACT .,... ... ... .. .. .. ... .. ... ... .. , .. .. ... .. .. .. .. ... .. .. .. xi Statement of the Problem Purpose of the Study Significance of the Study Research Questions Hypotheses Delimitations of the Study Limitations of the Study CHAPTER 119 REVIEW OF REiILA'I'ED Conceptual and Theoretical Framework Socialization-Related Impediments Work Environrnent-Related Impediments Personality-Related Impediments Discrimination-Related Impediments Religious-Related Impediments Related Emperical Studies summary of Related Literature CHAPTER BHP ME'FHODOLOGY Design of the Study Area of the Swdy Population of the Study Sample and Sampling Technique Instrument for Data Collection Validation of the Instrument Reliability of the Instrument Method of Da.ta Collectiorl Method of Data Analysis CHAPTER IV PRESENTATION AND ANALYSIS OF DATA Research Question 1 '74 Research Question 2 '75 Research Question 3 77 Research Question 4 78 Research Question 5 80 Research Question 6 8 1 Hypothesis 1 83 Hypothesis 2 85 Hypothesis 3 87 Findings 88 Discussion 95 CHAPTER $I SUMMARY:, CONCLUSIONS, AND RECOMMENDATIONS 103 Re-statement of the Problem 103 Summary of Procedure Used 105 Principal Findings 105 Conclusions 109 Recommendations 111 Implications for Vocational Education 113 Suggestion for Further Study 114 REFERENCES 115 APPENDIX A: Calculation of the Sample Size 124 APPENDIX B: Computation of the Reliability Coefficient of the lnstrument 12 6 APPENDIX C: Letter to the Respondents 12.8 APPENDIX D: List of Secondary Schools in Hmo State 130 APPENDIX E: Nominal Role of Female Secondary School Teachers According to Local Government Area 14.1 APPFNDIX F: Impediments to Occupational Oppcrtunities of women 143 LIST OF TABLES Tables page no. 1. Distribution of Female Secondary School Teachers in Imo State 2. Mean Ratings of Respondents on Socialization-Related Impediments to Occupational Opportunities of Women 73 3. Mean Ratings of Respondents on Work-Environment- Related Impediments to Occupational Opportunities of Women 75 4. Mean Ratings of Respondents on Family-Related Impediments to Occupational Opportunities of Women '7 6 5. Mean Ratings of Respondents on Personality-Related Impediments to Occupational Opportunities of Women 78 6. Mean Ratings of Respondents on Discrimination-Related Impediments to Occupational Opportunities of Women 79 7. Mean Ratings of Respondents on Religious Impediments to Occupational Opportunities of Women 8 1 8. Work Environment-related Impediments Compared by Age of Respondents ti2 9. t-test Analysis of Socialization Impediments of Respondents in Relation to their places of Residence tr4 1O.Comparison of Marital Status of Female Secondary School Teachers in Imo State in Relation to Family-related impediments $16 Abstract This study was designed to identify the impediments to occupatic~nal opportunities of women as perceived by female secondary school teachers in Imo State. It was guided by six specific purposes and six re$earch questions. Three hypotheses were formulated and tested for the strldy. The st~dy adopted a survey research design. The population comprist:d all the female secondary school teachers in the three Senatorial Zones of Imo State. 'The smnple for the study comprised 695 female secondary school teachers from a population of 3,201. The instrument ibr data collection vas a structured questionnaire which was based on the research questions. The validity and heliability of the instrument were established. For the validily, the researcher wed face validity and the reliability of the instrument was established using the Pearson's Product Moment Correlation Coefficient (r,). Means were used to answer the research questions, while the t-test anld ANOVA were used to test the hypotheses at .05 level of significance. 'The result of the study showed that five out of 10 factors constituted socialization impediments to occupational opportunities of women; five out of seven factors constituted work environment impediments to occ~pati~mal opportunities of women; seven out of 11 factors constituted family-related ilmpediinents to occupational opport~mitiesof women; six aut of 10 kctors jssnsiituted personality-related impediments to occupationa' opportunities of women; five out of eight factors constituted discrimination-related impediments to occupational opportunities of women and four out of six factors constitute religious-related impediments to occupational opportunities of women. Based on these findings, the researcher anlong other things recommended that women should not be sociaiized in ways and manners that will nmke them to believe that they are inferior to men; men should not harass women sexually. Also, Government should find ways of checking sexual harassment of women at their work places. Men should be liberal enough to accommodate women in male-occupatj ons; men should encourage their enterprising wives by assisting them with child-rearing and household responsibilities. Finally, religious groups should allow their members to dress in a manner that will not interfere with their effective functioning in their occupations. xii (CHAPTE:WI INTRODUC'H'FIBN Background sf &heStudy In the last several decades, women around the world have been making steady progress in all areas of life such as work, education, health and politics. For example, in the year 2005, women won the presidential elections in Liberia and Germany. The Population Reference Bureau - PRB (1998) also indicated that the literacy rates for women have risen from 54 per cent to 64 per cent since the 1990s. The gap between girls and boys enrolled in secondary schools has reduced world wide. According to Basaw
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