SUBMISSION TO: THE VICTORIAN PARLIAMENT’S EDUCATION AND TRAINING COMMITTEE’S INQUIRY INTO THE EDUCATION OF GIFTED AND TALENTED STUDENTS FROM THE: VICTORIAN INSTITUTE OF SPORT st DATE: May 31 2011 Alethea Sedgman - Currently in Year 12 at Horsham Secondary College In 2010 Alethea won a Commonwealth Gold Medal for Shooting in India whilst in Year 11. 1 Ms Kerryn Riseley Executive Officer Education and Training Committee Parliament House Spring Street East Melbourne 3002
[email protected] Dear Committee Members, Re: Parliamentary Inquiry into the Education of Gifted and Talented Students – Victorian Institute of Sport Submission Please find attached for your consideration and reflection the Victorian Institute of Sport Submission to the Victorian Parliamentary Committee Inquiry into the Education of Gifted and Talented Students. We very much welcome the opportunity to respond to the Terms of Reference of the Inquiry; we have articulated the identification of gifted and talented students for our sporting context along with our programs and policies, noting the impact on learning development and wellbeing along with nominating opportunities, strategies and recommendations for enhancing support to this particular cohort. We would also like to express interest in participating in the upcoming public hearings of the Committee to represent our Submission with some available school age athletes. This would provide another opportunity to effectively represent our secondary student gifted and talented athlete group. Thank you for your consideration