Five-Conference Competition Needs Detailed Explanation

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Five-Conference Competition Needs Detailed Explanation QQiijBaaGiaQiia&ffi]® [LaaQoaa VOL XLII AUSTIN, TEXAS, DECEMBER, 1958 NO. 4 Last Conferences Two remain. That is the current score on the 1958-59 schedule of Five-Conference Competition Student Activities Conferences. School administrators and coaches of League literary and academic contests should plan now to accompany a student delegation to one of these remaining Conferences if ft is in the vicinity of their school. The two final meetings of the year are: January 10—Texas A&I College, Kingsville. Needs Detailed Explanation January 17—Sam Houston State Teachers College, Huntsville. Many school administrators and contest sponsors still seem Leaguer, but apparently some people have been too busy or Junior Highs to be confused regarding the provisions in the State Meet Plan have neglected to read it. Some have said they had no idea for the current year. At recent meetings and conferences, such a plan had ever been proposed to League members. These League officials have been asked how, why, and when it was same individuals are objecting to the distance to be travelled Alpine, Laredo Get Assigned decided to have the State Meet on a five-conference basis. Many have said that this came to their attention for the first to the new regional sites. Several districts have asked that Junior high school assignments they be reassigned to their former regional centers for spring to districts for participation in the time during the fall. League's literary and academic con­ All of the schools in the state receive the Inter scholastic meet competition. History of Change Teachers Win MRS. BESSIE WATKINS tests have been mailed out from the League office along with special con­ The first proposal for separating The $300 Actuarial Club award while number sense contestants test rules and regulations set up all conferences for spring meet for 1958 in Region VIII went to dropped to_third and fourth. for these districts. competition was made at the State Miss Johnnie Weyerts, Alpine High 1955-1958—winners at district Rules are provided for: debate, Meeting of Delegates in Austin on School, for her outstanding work and regional levels, plus a second declamation, poetry reading, extem­ May 5, 1956. C. E. Ellison, superin­ with high school math students. place at state in 1958 in number poraneous speaking, one-act play, tendent of schools at Killeen, sub­ Miss Weyerts, who holds two de­ sense by Kern Wildenthal. He had ready writing, spelling and plain mitted a motion requesting that the grees from Sul Ross College and entered competition for four con­ writing, and number sense. Legislative Council appoint a com­ has done additional graduate work secutive years. Winners in these junior high mittee to study the problem of al­ at Texas Tech and The University In addition to her interest in school meets do not advance to a lowing Conference AAA schools to of Texas, has established a record, math, Miss Weyerts has taught higher meet. qualify to the regional and State of sorts, that is possibly unequalled Spanish, social science, and girls' Meet, without being combined with in Texas. Between 1948 and 1954, physical education. At onetime she District Organization Conference AAAA at the regional 130 of "her boys" graduated from taught public school music in El The League office makes no at­ level. The motion carried. college with majors in math. Of Paso County and directed the high tempt to organize junior high school The question was then referred these, 19 became engineers, 1 an school chorus. districts as such. The initiative rests to the Legislative Council. At its architect, 3 geologists and 2 phy­ • with each member school that has regular meeting on November 4, sicians. Another 16 became teachers Mrs. Bessie R. Watkins, of Mar­ been assigned to a junior high school 1956, at Austin, the Council autho­ and 6 of these are teaching math. tin High School, Laredo, has won district. If teachers or administra­ rized the appointment of a three- man committee to study the recom­ the $300 region VI award for 1958 tors need help, either in organizing Many Victories the meet or in interpreting the rules, mendation submitted by the State from the Actuaries Club of the Her slide rule and number sense please write the League Director, Meeting of Delegates. Members of coaching has brought: Southwest. Box 8028, University Station, Aus­ that committee were Nat Williams, 1947—two students won district Mrs. Watkins, a graduate of tin 12. superintendent of schools, Lubbock, number sense honors. (Continued on Page 4, Column 8) MISS JOHNNIE WEYERTS A few large elementary schools, chairman; I. T. Graves, superin­ 1948—first and second at district with only seventh and eighth tendent of schools, Floydada; and in number sense; first and second grades, are ordinarily assigned to an Wright Chrane, superintendent of and third at district in slide rule. elementary school district. However, schools, Pyote. these schools may ask to compete in 1949—Ronald Klein was state a junior high school district and, Opinions Requested number sense winner, but slide rule New Debate Areas with the approval of the junior high team was unable to compete at re­ The question was again submitted school executive committee and the gional due to time conflict. at the State Meeting of Delegates State Office, these large elementary 1950—both teams swept district THE TIME IS COMING—The scene above, from the conference A winning one-act play at State in May, 1957. Dr. Truett Roach, su­ schools may become members of a perintendent of schools at Andrews, honors, slide rule team won at re­ List Seven Topics junior high school district. Meet last May, is symbolic of the activities that will be taking place in high school auditoriums throughout gional and qualified for third and reported to the delegates on the re­ R. J. Kidd, director of the Inter- States to Vote the entire state during the next few months as the time approaches for the first district meets. This scene sixth places at state. sults of a questionnaire which he scholastic League, will go to Chi­ The voting by state associations Contest Rules is from "The Wonder Hat" by Kenneth Goodman and Ben Hecht, done by Georgetown High School and 1951—both teams won district had sent out to the Conference AAA cago late this month to help select will determine the major problem Some of the junior high school directed by Mrs. Frances Springer. The characters, left to right, are Howard Bleeke, Janice Glass and Mary and regional contests; in number schools, asking if they preferred a three major problem areas to be area to be used for next year's de­ contests have special rules, modi­ sense Bob Duncan won first and McCoy. Janice won best actress award for her participation in the contest. separate state meet for their con­ considered for the 1959-60 national bate topic, and then each state will fied to suit their needs. These are John Newell sixth at state; slide ference. The vote, he reported, was debate question. be permitted to choose its own de­ fully explained in the materials that rule team was unable to compete at 56 for the proposal and 5 against. As a member of the National Uni­ bate question from the three sub­ have been mailed to each junior state because one of contestants In the fall of 1957, the League versity Extension Association Com­ mitted for the particular area high school. In other cases, the con­ took Polio. Music Chairmen Appointed office requested each Legislative mittee on Discussion and Debate chosen. test rules outlined in the Constitu­ Councilman to poll administrators 1952—both teams won district Materials, Kidd will have a hand in The process began early this fall tion and Contest Rules shall apply. in his respective region and confer­ and regional contests. narrowing down the present list of when Robert H. Schacht, commit­ These special rules may be fur­ ence, to determine the attitude of seven suggested problem areas to tee chairman, requested all state ther modified, if such changes would For 1958-59 Competitions the schools on the new proposal. Re­ State Winner the three to be considered. After the leagues and associations to suggest better suit the needs and interests sults of the survey served to guide and are charged with the responsi­ Band and orchestra concert—Joe 1953—both teams won district narrowing down process, the three problem areas for the 1959-60 de­ of the students in the district. The F. W. Savage, director of music the Council when the members bility of "submitting recommenda- McMullen, high school, League City. and regional, and Hobson Wilden- major problem areas will be submit­ bate question. Twenty-five state as­ district executive committee may activities, has announced that ap-. voted on the issue at their Novem­ ations to the Regional Executive Vocal—James Loden, high school, thal won first at state in slide rule. ted to a vote by all states, along with sociations responded to the poll, and make such changes as it sees fit, pointments of regional contest ber (1957) meeting. Committee relative to time, place, Pasadena. 1954—both teams won district three specific debate questions from their replies came the present provided all the schools involved chairmen have been completed for judges, entries, financing and gen­ and slide rule won regional meet "for each area. (Continued on Page 3, Column 5) are mutually agreed. the school year. These officers are appointed by eral plans for the Regional Com­ Region VI Committee Report the Regional Executive Committees petition-Festival; nd, to conduct Marching: North Zone—James " Nat Williams, chairman of the the competition-festival accord­ Banks, high school, Luling; South three-man committee appointed to ing to plan and schedule." Zone—Richard Young, high school, study the proposed Spring Meet re­ Stewart's Enthusiasm Generates New All inquiries relating to the de­ Pears all.

—— Preview end. ——

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