Cardiff University Fellows of the Learned Society of Wales
Cardiff University Fellows of the Learned Society of Wales Professor Barbara Adam DScEcon FAcSS FLSW (2013) Emerita Professor of Sociology, Cardiff University and the Schumacher Distinguished Fellow at the Schumacher Institute, Bristol University Professor John Aggleton FMedSci FLSW FRS (2011) Professor of Cognitive Neuroscience, School of Psychology, Cardiff University Professor Rudolf Allemann FRSC FLSW (2013) Distinguished Research Professor and Director of Research, School of Chemistry, Cardiff University Professor Paul Atkinson FAcSS FRAI FLSW (2014) Distinguished Research Professor of Sociology, School of Social Sciences, Cardiff University Professor Sir Mansel Aylward CB DSC FFPM FFOM FFPH FRCP FLSW (2016) Chair of Public Health Wales; Director of the Centre for Psychosocial Research, Occupational and Physician Health, Cardiff University Professor Gerrit-Jan Berendse FLSW (2011) Professor of Modern European Literature and Culture, School of European Studies, Cardiff University Professor Huw Beynon DSocSc FAcSS FLSW (Founding Fellow) formerly: Director, the Wales Institute of Social and Economic Research, Data and Method (WISERD), Cardiff University; Professor of Sociology, Research Dean and Director of ESRC Centre CRIC, University of Manchester; Director, School of Social Sciences, Cardiff University Professor Lynne Boddy DSc FLSW (2011) School of Biosciences, Cardiff University Professor Paola Borri FLSW (2013) Professor of Biophotonics, School of Biosciences, Cardiff University Professor David Boucher FRHistS FAcSS FLSW (2011)
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