Copyright by Robert Daniel Brennan, Jr. 2009
Copyright by Robert Daniel Brennan, Jr. 2009 The Dissertation Committee for Robert Daniel Brennan, Jr. Certifies that this is the approved version of the following dissertation: Last Breath, First Pulse: An Experiment in Modernization, Lowell, Massachusetts, 1823 - 1857 Committee: Christopher Shane Davies, Supervisor Karl Butzer William Doolittle Steven Hoelscher John Mullin Last Breath, First Pulse: An Experiment in Modernization, Lowell, Massachusetts, 1823 - 1857 by Robert Daniel Brennan, Jr., B.A., M.R.P. Dissertation Presented to the Faculty of the Graduate School of The University of Texas at Austin in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy The University of Texas at Austin December, 2009 Dedication To those who prompt, in the words of Sophie Hannah: “Chattering teeth, a goal, a lot to lose, A granted wish, mixed motives, superstitions, Hang-ups and headaches, fear of awful news, A bubble in my throat, a dare to swallow, A crack of light under a closing door.” To the visible miracles in my life: Susan, Natalie, and Caroline Acknowledgements Many individuals now geographically and temporally dispersed, from Minnie Burdick and Kevin Ryan to Jeff Perkins and Seth Feldman, deserve recognition for their contributions to this dissertation. Unfortunately, limited space allows me to explicitly recognize only a very few individuals for their direct contributions. But first, two exceptions. I must thank my mother, my father, my sisters and my brother. No longer will they not ask me, “What are you writing about?” for fear of having to listen to an exhaustive – and exhausting – answer. Even better, never again will they ask me the simple but too often unanswerable question, “When are you going to finish?” Second, intellectual honesty demands that I acknowledge the enduring influence of the late Dr.
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