Reservations for Travel Should Be Finalized Soon
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Reservations for travel should be finalized soon by Mike Moses including the day of initial depar Major stops (listed here with ing a bus to and from Pittsburgh for inal at 6 p.m., and from Exit 9 of Staff Reporter ture) at his chosen destination. their round trip fares) include the Christmas break. The roundtrip the Ohio Turnpike at 6:30 p.m. However, for these flights, reserva Buffalo ($40). Rochester ($44.50), is $30 ($27 for members), and one Sign-ups are in the Grace Hall pit Students desiring to travel by tions must be made and tickets Syracuse ($53), Albany ($65), and way is $20 (for members and this Sunday from 6:30 p.m. to 7 plane this holiday should already bought at least 14 days in advance. New York ($78). These prices non-members alike). p.m., and in the lobby of LeMans have their reservations made; and Anyone going to New York, New represent a 25 "1o discount off the The bus leaves Notre Dame and from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. For if not, they should make them as Jersey, Connecticut or Massachu regular fare. St. Mary's on Dec. 21, at 1 p.m., additional information, call Dave at soon as _possible. Planes leaving setts this Christmas can take the According to Bob Grant, who and leaves Pittsburgh on Jan. 17 3805. Mike at 1694. or Debbie a[ South Bend and Chicago in Decem· Amtrak with other students at a organized the trip, there will be a from the Greyhound Terminal, also 4-4729. ber are filling up rapidly at both reduced rate. party the night before departure at 1 p.m. Sign-ups are in room 2C United and North Central airlines. Forms may be picked up in the from South Bend for all the people of LaFortune this Sunday at 6:30 The Student Union had sign-ups Return flights with United and Student Activities Office inLaFor who are going on the trip. It will be p.m. after Thanksgiving to test student North Central to South Bend and tune todav or tomorrow, or in the held in Darby's Place on Dec. 20 at The Cleveland Club is also ~nter~st in a bus to O'Hare Airport, Chicago are heavily booked for Jan. Senior Chiss Office in the basement 9 p.m. chartering a bus for the break. tn Chtcago. Only 16 people signed 17. the dav when most students will of LaFortune. tomorrow between In addition, Amtrak may possibly Round-trip fare is $20 ($23 for up, however. This was little over be to Notre Dame and St. 2:30p.m. and S p.m. Money should provide a group meal in the dining non-members); one way is $12 ($14 half the number that would have Mary's. There are only a few seats be deposited at that time. After car. also at a reduced rate. So far, for non-members). The bus leaves been needed to charter a bus still available on certain flights tomorrow, anyone still wishing to 110 students have signed up for the Notre Dame and St. Mary's on Dec. according to Greg Lang. assistan; that day. take the Amtrak should call Bob trip. 21 at 1 p.m. It leaves Cleveland on services commissioner. Therefore the program was dropped. Some students traveling by plane Grant at 3183. T,Pe Pittsburgh Club is sponsor- Jan. 17 from the Greyhound term- this holiday have taken advantage The Amtrak will leave South of the ''freedom fares,'' a seven to Bend on Dec. 21 at S:OS p.m., 30 day excursion at 20 percent off arriving in New York City at 12:15 the regular coach fare. A passen p.m. Dec. 22. The return trip ger on one of these round-trip leaves New York at 6:15p.m., Jan. flights must spend at least seven, 16. and arrives in South Bend at but not more than 30 days (not 1:25 p.m .. Jan 17. The Observer an independent student newspaper serving notre dame and st. mary's Vol. XI, No. 62 Thursday, December 9, 1976 Brademas gets Democratic whip, Rhodes re-elected GOP leader WASHINGTON (AP) - Both Demo conference members themselves Tongsun Park, a Korean business crats and Republicans completed vote to close them. man, became an issue in Brade their organizing for the new con Brademas succeeds Rep. John J. mas' latest race for re-election. The gressional session that begins Jan. McFall of California, who was contributions, given at intervals 4, yesterday. defeated in the race for majority since 1970 totaled $5,150. Democrats chose Rep. John leader. Brademas has said the contribu Brademas of Indiana as their whip, The whip is appointed by the two tions were reported and the records the third-ranked post in the major top leaders. His principle respon made public since passage of a law ity leadership. sibilities are keeping members . requiring such disclosure. He said Republicans re-elected their top informed on legislation, rounding his acquaintance with Park was leaders, who include John J. up votes and reporting to the entirely social and that he had no Rhodes of Arizona in the top post of leaders on the prospects for pas knowledge of any connection Park the GOP minority in the House. sage of legislation. had with the South Korean govern Others are Republican whip Robert A graduate of Harvard and ment. Michel of lllinios and GOP confer Oxford Universities, widely travel Brademas also said he has been ence chairman John B. Anderson, led, Brademas, 49. has been called a consistent congressional critic of of lllinios. one 0f Congress' most eligible the present South Korean regime. By 129 to 92, the House Demo bachelors. accused of repressive tactics against crats approved a proposal calling Campaign contributions by political opponents. for Senate-House legislative con ference meetings to be held in open session unless the House, by Dining hall to replace roll-call vote, decides they should St. Mary's juniors took part in the traditional Christmas be closesd. dish washing machine "animal walk" last night. See story on page 5. (photo by Presently. such sessions, at Dominick Yocius) which a final congressional version by Alicia Denefe of major legislation is drafted, are Staff Reporter . open to the public exce!>t when the Director of Food Services Ed Air defense systems upgrading mund Price announced that in the North Dining Hall the present dish machine would be replaced with agreed upon by NATO ministers two new ones. "It will cost less to operate," said Price, "and will be BRUSSELS, Belgium [AP] - De Warning and Control System Pact nattons navt: about 4,QOO much more economical." fense ministers of the North Atlan· AWACS, would consist of 27 combat planes. An advantage to this new ma tic alliance agreed yesterday that Boeing 707 jets converted into "The increased range and pay chine is that it can be quickly filled they need to upgrade their aging radar command planes. The first load of their air power has provided with dishes right off the trays and air defense systems. But West planes probably would not begin them with a deep penetration can have them washed, dried and German political problems delayed operating in Europe until 1981, capability," the communique said. sanitized in about two minutes. a final decision on an American even if all 15 NATO members ''The mobility, firepower and logis North Dining Hall Manager proposed $2.5 billion airborne early approve the deal by next spring tic support of Warsaw Pact ground Laurence Aronson noted that re warning system. and take the first steps toward force units have been increase<! placing the old machine, which was A communique at the end of the funding it. substantially." installed in 195 7, will make food two-day NATO meeting said "fi The West Germans issued a The NATO ministers agreed that service operations "much more nancial aspects" would be taken up statement saying they could not "real annual increases in defens·~ efficient.'' by experts in January with a final commit themselves to A WAC~ expenditure" were required to The installation of the new decision left up to the defense until Chancellor Helnut Schmidt offset rising Soviet strength. machines will not cut down on the ministers. forms his new government and Figures released by NATO said number of student employees." Joseph Luns, the alliance's se parliamentary committees are in U.S. defense spending would go up "There are certain areas where we cretary general, said "a slight place. That could take unti' $8.1 billion this year, to $99.0H will need less workers," said possibility" remained that the sys February. billion. The figures showed that Aronson, "but we have no plan of tem would not be adopted. But In trying to sell the planes, tht ten of the allies were increasin~ cutting down on the number of U.S. Defense Secretary Dcnald Ford administration has agreed tl theirs by $658 million total · student employees." Runsfeld said he was "very encour various improvements and modifi· considerably less than the rate of Price agreed that ''there will be aged" by the outcome of the cations while cutting costs some· inflation. no significant change in student Sect~:rity procedures, meeting. what. It has also promised that ur The United States continued its employment." Both Price and Ar Part II . page 3 "There was a very real recogni to 25 percent of the work would bt effort at the NATO meeting to onson commented that they liked to tion of the correctness of the done by European nations.