Barnack Neighbourhood Plan Notice of Regulation 16 Consultation

The Neighbourhood Plan has been submitted to City Council and is now subject to a 6-week public consultation, from Friday 22 January to 11:59pm on Friday 5 March 2021.

The Neighbourhood Plan and associated documents can be viewed on the Peterborough City Council website at: (search ‘neighbourhood plans’)

Comments must be made in writing, please send to: [email protected] or Sustainable Growth Strategy, Peterborough City Council, Sand Martin House, Bittern Way, Quays, Peterborough PE2 8TY

You can use the comment form available on the website, but you do not have to. Availability of hard copies of the Neighbourhood Plan Barnack Parish Council hold a number of hard copies of the Neighbourhood Plan which it can make available (in accordance with current Covid guidelines) to those who are unable to access the Neighbourhood Plan online. Please contact Dr Margaret Palmer: 01780 740988; [email protected]. Hard copies are also available from Peterborough City Council on a very exceptional basis. If demand for hard copies is excessive, or Peterborough City Council’s ability to deliver this service is constrained by the Covid pandemic, PCC may pause the consultation and resume at a later date. Please contact [email protected] or 01733 863881 if you require a hard copy of the Neighbourhood Plan from PCC. Note: Should Covid lockdown restrictions lift sufficiently during the consultation period, hard copies of the Neighbourhood Plan will be made available at suitable deposit locations for inspection. Details of the locations will be publicised accordingly.

Queries? Contact 01733 863881 or [email protected]