George Washington Was Perhaps in a More Petulant Mood Than
“A Genuine RepublicAn”: benjAmin FRAnklin bAche’s RemARks (1797), the FedeRAlists, And RepublicAn civic humAnism Arthur Scherr eorge Washington was perhaps in a more petulant mood than Gusual when he wrote of Benjamin Franklin Bache, Benjamin Franklin’s grandson, in 1797: “This man has celebrity in a certain way, for his calumnies are to be exceeded only by his impudence, and both stand unrivalled.” The ordinarily reserved ex-president had similarly commented four years earlier that the “publica- tions” in Philip Freneau’s National Gazette and Bache’s daily newspaper, the Philadelphia General Advertiser, founded in 1790, which added the noun Aurora to its title on November 8, 1794, were “outrages on common decency.” The new nation’s second First Lady, Abigail Adams, was hardly friendlier, denounc- ing Bache’s newspaper columns as a “specimen of Gall.” Her husband, President John Adams, likewise considered Bache’s anti-Federalist diatribes and abuse of Washington “diabolical.” Both seemed to have forgotten the bygone, cordial days in Paris during the American Revolution, when their son John Quincy, two years Bache’s senior, attended the Le Coeur boarding school pennsylvania history: a journal of mid-atlantic studies, vol. 80, no. 2, 2013. Copyright © 2013 The Pennsylvania Historical Association This content downloaded from on Mon, 15 Apr 2019 13:25:50 UTC All use subject to pennsylvania history with “Benny” (family members also called him “Little Kingbird”). But the ordinarily dour John Quincy remembered. Offended that the Aurora had denounced his father’s choosing him U.S.
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