The Carolina Panthers take valuable lessons from last week’s Chicago loss into a key stretch of games, starting at New Orleans THE VOICE OF THE BLACK COMMUNITY SINCE 1906 TThhee CChhaarrlloottttee PPoosstt WEEK OF OCTOBER 22, 2020 VOLUME 47, NUMBER 7 WWW.THECHARLOTTEPOST.COM $1.50 « WOMB TO TOMB: THE RACIAL HEALTH GAP Wallet decisive for most voters Economy is top priority to 9 in 10 By Stacy M. Brown NATIONAL NEWSPAPER PUBLISHERS ASSOCIATION As President Donald Trump flip-flops on whether he would back a new stimulus proposal to help stabilize America’s in- creasingly fragile financial, consumer and business PAUL WILLIAMS III | THE CHARLOTTE POST markets — and provide a DonnaMarie Woodson of Charlotte, a survivor of colon and breast cancer, credits health care in- lifeline to struggling Amer- surance she bought through the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act with saving her life. “I icans — the latest Gallup would not be speaking with you today because I wouldn’t have gone in time,” she says. poll reveals that the econ- omy remains a major con- cern among voters ahead of the Nov. 3 election. Nine in 10 respondents Barriers to care are identified the economy as extremely or very impor- tant to their vote The poll, released on Oc- tober 5, listed national se- many and persistent curity and terrorism as the next biggest concern (83%), followed by education Insurance gulf widens as virus-driven recession deepens (82%), healthcare (80%), By Herbert L. White down at that point. So, it literally saved my crime (79%), the COVID-19 response (77%), and race
[email protected] life because if I would have waited, I would not be speaking with you today because I relations (76%).