Emergency Care Journal 2014; volume 10:1649 An unrecognized disease lar subendothelium. The high molecular weight multimers are important for maintain- Correspondence: Raffaele Pezzilli, Department of in routine clinical practice: ing hemostasis during high shear stress, a Digestive Diseases and Internal Medicine, S. the Heyde’s syndrome condition that is found in patients with Orsola-Malpighi University Hospital, via angiodysplastyc malformations.4 Thus, the HS Massarenti 9, 40138 Bologna, Italy. Beatrice Casadei, Valentina Grasso, is a triade constituted by aortic-valve stenosis, Tel. +39.051.6364148 - Fax: +39.051.6364148. E-mail:
[email protected] Giulio Cariani, Bahjat Barakat, GI angiodysplasia and deficiency of high- Raffaele Pezzilli molecular-weight von Willebrand factor multi- Key words: aortic stenosis, angiodysplasia, gas- mers. Until now few cases of Heyde’s syn- Department of Digestive Diseases and trointestinal bleeding, Heyde’s syndrome, von drome has been reported and we believe of Willebrand factor. Internal Medicine, S. Orsola-Malpighi interest to add a new case of patient having University Hospital, Bologna, Italy this syndrome. Contributions: the authors contributed equally. Conflict of interests: the authors declare no potential conflict of interests. Abstract Case Report Received for publication: 9 May 2013. Revision received: 28 June 2013. Heyde’s syndrome (HS) is a triade constitut- An 86-year-old female patient was hospital- Accepted for publication: 5 September 2013. ed by aortic stenosis, gastrointestinal angiodys- ized for the second episode of melena within 4 plasia and deficiency of high-molecular-weight months. The patient had a history of scleroder- This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License (by-nc 3.0).