Impact of Polluted Water of Godavari River on Production of Demineral and Cooling Water Used in Nashik Thermal Power Station, Eklahare, India
RESEARCH PAPER Sociology Volume : 3 | Issue : 11 | Nov 2013 | ISSN - 2249-555X Impact of Polluted Water of Godavari River on Production of Demineral and Cooling Water Used in Nashik Thermal Power Station, Eklahare, India river pollution, Godavari river, sewage, industrial wastewater, physicochemical, chemical KEYWORDS parameters, quality of intake water used in Thermal Power Stations. Kalpana V. Bawa Dr. V.B. Gaikawad KTHM College, Nashik 2,Maharashatra ,India. KTHM College, Nashik 2,Maharashatra ,India. ABSTRACT A systematic study has been carried out to assess the water quality at downstream of Godavari river at Na- shikcity and its impact on Nashik Thermal Power Station, Eklahare. Water samples from six sampling stations were collected monthly, during period March 08 – April 09 and physic-chemical and chemical parameters were analyzed by the standard methods. The pollution level over a period of time is increasing on the river water mainly due to sewage, industrial and other wastewaters are directly discharge in the river. The use of Godavari river water is, mainly for domestic, industrial, agricultural purpose and huge amount of water is also utilized by Nashik Thermal Power Station for electricity generation. Hence the present study is aimed to examine the water quality of the Godavari river and to evaluate the impact of such contaminated water. Introduction: tion (SN-3) because Nasardi river contain domestic sewage The chief sources of Godavari river water pollution identified as well as industrial effluents and joins the Godavari river. On as sewage constitute 84-92% and industrial waste 8-16%. other hand, the leaching of chemical fertilizers spread on ag- In a thermal power station, water plays an important role in ricultural lands by rainwater also causes high water conduc- generation of electricity.
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