Today: Our Weekend Enjoyment Sectiosi State to Appeal Parochial School Aid Ban Gray Successor Prospects Eyed
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Today: Our Weekend Enjoyment Sectiosi PAGES 15-19 The Weather FINAL Mostly sunny, high in' mid- 50s today. Partly sunny to- morrow. Sunday cloudy, chance of rain. EDITION 40 PAGES Monmoutli County's Outstanding Home Newspaper VOL. 95 NO. 193 RED BANK, XJ. FRIDAY, APRIL 6,1973 TK.N CENTS iiiiuinuiniiiliniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiuiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiniiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiHHIM State to Appeal Parochial School Aid Ban '-V TRENTON <(AP) - The Cahill, a driving force behind needed to insure the continued that most of the money was ment and other services. directly to the parochial Cahill Administration, seeking enactment of the program, di- viability of the non-poublic earmarked for predominantly In addition, the state has schools to acquire secular to forestall an immediate cut- rected Attorney General schools," Cahill said. "If religious-affiliated schools, approved applications for supplies, equipment and aux- off of state funds to private George F. Kugler Jr. to ap- these schools were forced, one most of them Roman Catho- spending $4 million more but iliary services. and parochial schools, intends peal the ruling to the Supreme by one, to close their doors, lic. has not mailed out the checks. The three-judge federal to appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court. the burden of educating these "We are satisfied that the The court decision prevents court invalidated both aspects Court to restore the state's Cahill, a Roman Catholic, children would be shifted to program's primary effect is to any further distribution of of the program. $19 5 million program of aid to said he would also ask the the public schools system. advance religion and that it is funds. The court noted that the nonpublic schools. three-judge federal panel to "The sudden influx of vast thereby unconstitutional," the New Jersey's program, money for the schools was A three-judge fedefal court reconsider its decision and numbers of new students into court said. adopted in 1971, provided par- theoretically in the formof yesterday ruled that the pro- permit distribution of the the public school system State officials said that $4.67 ents with $10 a year for each loans but, in fact, it said "the gram violated the con- three-fourths- of the funds might seriously impair the million from the $19.5 million elementary school student arrangement is a loan'in stitutional requirement of sep- which have been held up by overall quality of public program has been distributed, and $20 for high school stu- name only." ' aration of church and state. It the court ruling. school education and ob- including $3.15 million for dents to pay for textbooks, in- New Jersey's program was ordered an immediate halt to "We feel that it is in the viously would add monumen- grants to parents and over structional materials and sup- adopted two years ago after any further payments. overall public interest to pro-- tal new financial problems." $1.5 million to non-public plies. the U.S. Supreme Court over- Republican Gov. William T. vide the financial assistance The three-judge court said schools for supplies, equip- Also, money was provided See State, page 2 Gray Successor Prospects Eyed
WASHINGTON (AP) - A Matt Byrne of Los Angeles, is "my deep conviction that raw FBI files compiled during completely proper and neces- Justice Department official, a who is presiding over the Pen- the FBI, a great and unique the investigation to White sary request exposed Mr. former Illinois governor and a' tagon papers trial. American institution of vital House Counsel John W. Dean Gray to totally unfair in- Los Angeles judge are among Also mentioned have been service to the president and 3rd. nuendo and suspicion and those being rumored as pos- Henry Petersen, head of the the American people, is en- Gray also told the com- thereby seriously tarnished sible successor to L. Patrick Justice Department's crimi- titled to permanent leadership mittee he continued the prac- his fine record as acting di- Gray 3rd as director of the nal division, and Police Chief at the earliest possible time." tice even after concluding rector and promising future at FBI. Jerry V. Wilson of the District The 56-year-old former sub- that Dean probably lied to the bureau." AP Wlrtphoto President Nixon concluded of Columbia. But some admin- marine commander has held FBI agents. Nixon said he had asked Gray AID CUT OFF — Children leave the Immaculate last night that the Senate istration sources say they the title of acting director President Nixon suggested to stay on until a successor is Conception School in Trenton yesterday not know- would not accept Gray, his doubt Petersen and Wilson since J. Edgar Hoover died that Gray was the unfortunate approved by the Sen- ing that state aid to their parents has been cut as first choice, who apparently would be considered. last May. He was in deep victim of the Watergate con- ate., Only hours before the of today. A three-judge federal court ruled that fell victim to' the Watergate • The Washington Post today trouble almost from the begin- toversy. withdrawal announcement New Jersey's $19.5 million annual program of aid bugging case. quoted sources as saying that ning in seeing confirmation In his statement. Nixon was made, the Judiciary Com- to private and parochial schools was uncon- Nixon announced from the administration officials have before the Judiciary Com- said: "Because I asked my mittee had scheduled a show- stitutional. Western White House that he sounded out Senate Judiciary mittee because of his actions counsel, John Dean, to con- down vote on the nomination acceded to a request by Gray Committee Chairman James in heading the FBI's in- duct a thorough investigation for next week. and withdrew his name be- O. Eastland and Democratic vestigation of the bugging and of alleged involvement in the Byrd, who led the com- cause "it is obvious that Mr. Whip Robert Byrd to see if burglary of Democratic head- Watergate episode, Director mittee fight to defeat the Gray's nomination will not be Petersen and Ingersoll would quarters last year. Gray was asked to make FBI Gray nomination, said Nixon Senate Clears confirmed by the Senate." be acceptable. He ignited the wrath of reports available to Mr. D did the right and proper thing White House Press Secre- Gray said he asked Nixon to Democratic senators when he Dean. in withdrawing the name of tary Ronald L. Ziegler said withdraw his name because it disclosed that he had given "His compliance with this Gray. L. Patrick Gray 3rd Nixon has not decided on a • Disclosure Bill successor and that the prelim- inary screening of possible TRENTON (AP) - Guber- tion and the protection of a nominees has not even begun. natorial politics dominated lease. The measure now goes Everybody Is Somebodyat GroupHome debate in the Senate as the to Gov. William T. Cahill. Atty. Gen: Richard G. upper house adopted a con- — The Senate passed and Kleidlenst, who expressed troversial campaign dis- sent to the Assembly a mea- deep disappointment that closure law after defeating an sure extending the State Com- Gray was not confirmed, was attempt by minority Demo- mission of Investigation quoted as saying that the ad- ForGirtsFromTrouble-RavagedHomes crats to make the measure ef- through Dec. 31, 1979. The ministration has no names fective for the June 5 primary commission's current author- lined up as alternative By DORIS KULMAN tractive 17-year-old clad in the brown-and-white and newest election. ization has another IS months choices. classic teen-age costume of addition to a roster of pets, The bill now goes back to to run. But during Gray's month- Editor's Note — The names blue jeans and shirt, continues purrs contentedly in teen-age the Assembly where its chan- , - The Senate Ad Hoc Com- long appearances before the of the girls in this story are as she enters the dining room, arms. ces for passage are uncertain. mittee on Energy and the En- Senate Judiciary Committee, fictitious. snapping the towel in front of It is late afternoon in the group foster home the Group The debate yesterday was vironment called for a mora- several names were men- her, "It's going back in my Home Foundation opened unusually rancorous for a Sen- torium on further devel- tioned in Washington rumor RED BANK - The stereo bathroom and let's hope it here in October for eight trou- ate discussion and involved opment of nuclear power mills. blares. stays there" bled adolescent girls. one candidate For governor plants in New Jersey and on Heading the rumor list are Above the music a girl's Samantha, a gentle monster • and two campaign managers proposals for construction of a John Ingersoll, director of the demands in mock in- of a dog, doesn't blink as Ruth Boththe non-profit Founda- for other gubernatorial candi- deepwater oil port off the Bureau of Narcotics and Da dignation "and just how did steps over the supine canine tion and the group home were dates. state's coast. gerous Drugs; former Gov. my towel get in your bath- body and joins the quartet of spearheaded by Fair Haven Richard B. Ogilvie of Illinois, Senate Minority Leader J. — Assemblyman John Ew- room? girls sipping tea or drinking psychologist Helen Wambach and U.S. District Court Judge Edward Crabiel, D-Middlesex, ing, RSomerset, chairman of "Never mind," Ruth, an at- milk at the table. Veronica, a ("just call it Helen's Haven a candidate for governor, the Permanent Commission for Homeless Hopefuls," one sponsored an amendment that on State School Support, pre- of the girls suggested with a would have made the measure dicted the legislature would wide grin) to provide girls applicable to the primary. It have to pass a new broad- from disturbed family back- would also have required the based tax to meet the require- Bomb Threat Follows grounds with a stable environ- Democratic and Republican ments of a ruling Monday, by ment, intensive professional State Committees to discuss the State Supreme Court that psychotherapy, self-help the- all, contribution of more than overturned the property-tax rapy, and vocational educa- $500 made to them since Jan. based system of financing tion. Denial of Library Use Opening of the home was 1.1972. . public-education in the state. made possible by initial fund- Get IS Votes The disclosure bill, spon- By HILDY FONTAINE mitted approximately one half Peace and Justice, (PCPJ) an ing from a Monmouth County The Democrats could mus- sored by Sen. William E. hour later. antiwar and civil justice benefactor who chooses to re- ter only 15 votes for the Cra- Schlutcr, would require politi- MIDDLETOWN - A bomb The building was searched group to sponsor a speaker at main anonymous. biel amendment while the He- cal candidates to disclose scare in the public library by Lt. Halliday, Detective the library tonight. publicans cast 21 voles campaign contributions of yesterday, preceded by the Patrick J. 'McConnell, Sgt. The benefactor said she was Scheduled for a talk here is moved by a series of articles against it. The Senate then more than $100. It passed the shooting out of two library William Thome, Lt. Daniel George Merritt, a black resi- passed the bill by a 32-0 mar- Senate last Dec. 12 but was windows the night before, is in The Daily Register last Au- Murdoch and Patrolman Wil- dent of Plainfield, once con- Rttltttr Stan PtKft gin. A bill requires 21 votes to amended in the Assembly to linked by police to withdrawal liam Eastmond. gust describing the plight of victed of stomping a Monmouth teen-agers whose SITTING PRETTY—Somantha, the mascot, naps pass the Senate. remove criminal penalties. of permission for a civil jus- Chief McCarthy said yes- Plainfield policeman to death only offense often has been to serenely while Margarita Smith, resident coun- In other developments yes- The revised version that tice group to present a pro- terday morning library offi- during summer of 1967 riots in flee homes eroded by family selor seated on hassock, and two residents share terday: passed the Senate yesterday gram in the library tonight. cials reported to police that that town. See Everybody, page 2 some notes in spacious living room of Group ' — The Senate gave final restored a criminal penalty of Detective Capt. Robert M. two plate glass windows next The state Supreme Court, Home Foundation's foster home for girls. passage to a bill providing three years in prison and a Letts said shortly after 3 p.m. to the library entrance were voting unanimously, over- protections for mobile home $1,000 fine for wilfull violation yesterday approximately 25 shot, "apparently by a shot- turned Mr. Merritt's con- dwellers, including guaran- of the disclosure require- adults and 50 children were gun." viction after he had served 30 tees'against summary evic- ments. evacuated from the library af- Mrs. Emma Martin, assis- months in jail. ter a bomb threat had been tant library director, said ply- Strike Is Expected to Keep iiniiiniiiiiMiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii However, the Union County telephoned to police head- wood was put over the win- prosecutor is now seeking to quarters. dows yesterday, and replace- try Mr. Merritt and a woman Detective Lt. William J. ments will have to be special- convicted with him, Gail Mad- City Schools Closed Today The Inside Story Halliday said the call was re- ly ordered. "It is not an over- den, on the original charges. Family Counselor and the family rules Page 24 ceived at the police desk al night job," she said. Mr Merritt had planned to LONG BRANCH - City terms. not say that the talks would County artists In State Museum show Page 25 3:09 p.m. He said a young Police have quetioned resi- speak on political repression schools are expected to re- The Rev. C.P. Williams, resume. He said only that Rangers two up on Bruins Page 2C male caller, evidently trying dents in the area, but no one and how his>Mse relates to main closed today due to the board president, last night "the door is open to continue Aaron leads Masters Golf .- Page 26 to disguise his voice, said, recalled hearing shot gun threats againstllhlividual civ- custodial staff strike which is said that some teachers ap- negotiations." Pitching lifts Bucs again Page 26 "You ought to search the li- blasts during the night. No il liberties. being honored by most mem- peared at their classrooms William II. Meskill, city brary for a bomb," shells were found, the chief When library director Wil- bers of the Long Branch Edu- yesterday. Most teachers, the school superintendent, said Bridge Advice » DAILY REGISTER Lt. Halliday said the caller said. liam J. LeKernec learned that cation Association. Rev. Mr. Williams said, did last night that the strike Classified 31-37 PHONE NUMBERS hung up immediately. Detective McConnell is in- the PCPJ was not a Middle- School janitors and matrons not report for work and the forced the closing of all city Comics.... 29 Main Office 7410010 Police Chief Joseph M. vestigating that incident. town organization, he res- announced early yesterday city's schools were closed. schools. Contemporary Life 24,25 Classified Ads 741-6900 McCarthy said after the re- "This is intimidation as far cinded his original permission that they would refuse to The board president said Neil Rothman, president of Crossword Puzzle 29 Legal Adv 7410O1O port was received, several de- as I am concerned," the po- for the group to hold its meet- work, after following a nine- last night that he does not ex- the LBKA, said Tuesday that Editorials ( Display Adv 741-0010 tectives and policemen lice chief declared. ing in the library. Permission hour conference session with pect the schools to open for teachers would honor the cus- Entertainment 15-19 Circulation Dept 741-3330 searched the library "and He feels both incidents are was withdrawn by him Board of Education members classes until Tuesday. That todians' picket lines If and Financial 14 Sports Dept 7410017 found negative results." related to the rescinding of Wednesday. during which no agreement date, he said, also hinges on when they were formed. The Horoscope » Contemporary Life 7410010 Library patrons were ad- permission for members of See Bomb, page 2 was reached on contract' possible contract talks over custodians yesterday struck Make-A-Date 24 Accounts Payable 741-0010 the People's Coalition for the weekend the city's school and the OMtnarles i 4 Accounts Receivable...7416O19 En|oy Easter Dinner Steak and Brew, 429 Hwy 35. Drug Addiction Problem? The Rev. Mr. Williams did See Strike, page 2 Real Estate Today ...38,39 Mlddlelown Bureau 871-2250 Bahrs Restaurant, Highlands. Chrysler-Plymouth Service Middlctown, now features ex Call linn-rat Retlgloas News 3* Freehold Bureau 4C2-2121 Reservations 872-1245. (Adv.) See Schwartz, open daily. citing new Polynesian Breast Ko/Help OWe Union House Sal's Tavern : Sports -...2(-28 Long Branch Bureau...222001t (Adv.) of Chicken at $4.25. (Adv.) Da/ or night (Adv), Watch for Pirate's Cove open- Serving Lunch and Dinner. uHimiiiiniiHiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiir Fashion Baiaar ing soon. Wharf Ave. (Adv.) 401h year in Red Bank. (Adv.) Lobster Tails H9T Real Estate 167 Lincoln Ave., Elberon Sale 1173 GRAND PRIXS Car Control! Prime Bib)Dinner »I.9S Sat. night. Complete dinner 2 week compressed course — Spring dresses . . Wools, Immediate delivery. Rassas Need a car? Need credit? We Tues. and Thurs. Peterson's Shchadi Rugs and Draperies. Tri Boro Recycling Peterson's Riverside Inn, 741- starts April 9. MAECOM, 542- were $55 now $"20... Polyes- Pontiac; 395 Broad St., Red will arrange both — Call Bob Riverside Inn, Red Bank. Anniversary Sale. nt. 35, Sat., 8 -1. behind Acme Mar- 7793. Red Bank. (Adv.) 3439. (Adv.) ters were $60 now $25 (Adv.) Bank. 741-5180. (Adv.) or Ralph, 229-4790. (Adv.) (Adv.) Shrewsbury. (Adv.) ket, Fair Haven. (A
Prices Rollback Move Set In Diminishing Gasoline, Energy Sourcei ports or other facilities be fuel reserves. 48 per cent of all oils con- WASHINGTON — The House has set a vote next week on BySHERRY FIGDORE postponed for two years. sumer or refined on the east a rollback of prices, interest rates and rents — and President The alternate energy "That's-the kind of dilatory coast are imported, as are 95 Nixon's administration is standing firm against any such, WEST LONG BRANCH — sources are known, but large- deliberations that bring prob- per cent of all the residual move. The exotic energy sources — ly unharnessable with present lems to the industry," Mr* (heating) oils used on the At- Treasury secretary George P. Shultz drew the adminis- solar, geothermal, hydrogen technology. Zuckerman declared. lantic seaboard. tration line yesterday before a Senate subcommittee. — that many people hope will "Solar energy potential of- end the intensifying energy Fred Sacco, associated di- fers 30,000 times our present He defended Nixon's ceiling on meat prices, but saide"we From August, 1972, until Ja- crisis may do just that — rector of the New Jersey Pet- needs, if we can capture it," are not considering imposition of a freeze, ceiling or whatever nuary, 1973, the nation's pet- eventually. roleum Council, terms the according to the Monmouth you call it in other areas." roleum refineries set an all- dwindling energy supplies a physicist. Wind power is pollu- time production record, Mr. The House Banking Committee Wednesday wrote the pro- But in the short run, four "short term crisis, based on tion free, but there is as yet Sacco said. vision for a rollback to the levels of Jan. 10, the end of Phase panelists at last night's "Energy Crisis — What Al- current reliance on fossil no way to store its generated "Every successive week 2, into legislation to extend the president's economic-control fuels. ' energy. powers. ternatives?" discussion at since August^ 1972, the in- Monmouth College, predicted Scoring the lack of a federal Wind Impractical dustry has.produced more These expire April 30 unless Congress acts. The timetable gasoline shortages, environ- policy or priority guidelines, While useful on a small, lo- than the comparable week the is tight and Nixon could be confronted, if the legislation is mental "tradeoffs," trade Mr. Sacco said in many cases cal scale, wind machines year before," he continued. passed, with a last-minute choice between signing a bill to deficits, and continuing oil im- the energy crisis is a local would have to rise 1 to 10 "Yet demand has increased which he objects or seeing the economic authority lapse. ports from any country will- problem, brought about by miles high to reach areas of so much that storage is nine ing to sell its black gold. lack of adequate storage facil- prevailing steady winds for a million barrels below previous Leon Zuckerman, public re- ities or failure to plan for an continuous power supply, he supplies." , Hanoi Aid Bid Delayed lations director for the New alternate fuel source when the said. "Imports of oil and natural WASHINGTON — President Nixon's plan to ask Congress Jersey Natural Gas Co., said primary one fails. Most of the hydroelectric gas are going to have to in- to aid the rebuilding of North Vietnam "as an incentive to last winter's unusually mild Abundant Sources power still unharnessed is in crease," Mr. Sacco declared. peace" has been delayed indefinitely, according to govern- weather was the only reason "We have abundant sources Africa. Geothermal power of- And to aid the imports, the in- ment sources. New Jersey escaped the fuel of energy," Mr. Sacco stated. fers problems of capture and dustry needs a monobuoy off The reasons include charges of North Vietnamese cease- shortages that closed schools "Our potential oil reserves in transport. the New Jersey coast. fire violations, unrelenting opposition in Congress, and an in- and factories throughout'the the U.S. today are enough to Dr. Smith is putting his "A superport is not what the ability to pick up tangible support from other capitals for a Midwest. take us well into the 21st cen- money on solar cells and nu- oil industry is talking about," multinational aid program. "Pipeline contractors cut tury. We have enough coal for clear fusion for future sup- the council representative Secretary of State William P. Rogers had planned to send back their contract alloca- 400 years, and the more exotic plies. said. "We're talking about a the administration program to Congress by the end of April. tions by as much as 22 per means of energy are just Jack Thorpe, manager of monobouy. There're more But officials now say that schedule has been thrown out cent," Mr. Zuckerman re- around the corner." environmental affairs for than 100 of them around the and no new time table is under consideration. vealed. "We had serious re- The "more exotic means" General Public Utilities, said world now." Register Staff Phot* : State Department officials say the decision to hold up on servations last winter as to are a little further away than that development of a nation- Even with all conditions fa- SHORTAGES — Gasoline and fuel oil shortages ! the aid proposal does not mean Nixon is any less committed to whether we might have to cut the next corner, other experts al power grid suggested by vorable, Mr. Sacco predicted will affect New Jersey residents next summer, • a rehabilitation program. Such help is part of the agreement supplies." warned. one member of last night's au- that it was "very likely that Fred Sacco warned last night. Mr. Sacco, assis- ' , ending the war, they point out. Supplies 5 Couatles Dr. Robert O. Smith, an as- dience is "an excellent idea" we will have a gasoline short- tant director of New Jersey Petroleum Council/ i The local gas company, sociate professor at Mon- and already in use "on a lim- age this summer, and a fuel spoke at energy crisis conference at Monmouth which supplies five counties, mouth College, who last fall ited scale." oil shortage next winter." College sponsored by American Littoral Society Jupiter Probe Craft Launched including Monmouth, has been co-authored "Energy: Re- "The Pennsylvania-New And unless offshore re- and Citizens Against Water Pollution. ' source-Slave-Pollutant" with CAPE KENNEDY, Fla. — America's Pioneer 11 space- unable to take any new cus- Jersey-Maryland interchange serves are fully exploited, tomers for the past two years. Dr. Robert S. Rouse, pre- has 14 companies tied in," Mr. continuing imports of mid- craft raced on a near-perfect course today:for Jupiter, with a dicted a future economy chance it later might explore the ringed planet Saturn. the total moratorium, Mr. Thorpe said. "The problem in East and African oil will based on nuclear-electric pow- mean a (20 billion trade defi- The 970-pound, $48 million payload rocketed away from Zuckerman said, means that a national grid, is long-dis- "existing customers can't er. tance transmission." cit by 1985 for oil supplies 90-Home Plan Cape Kennedy last night on a 620-million-mile interplanetary "Our economy is based on alone. trail which its twin, Pioneer 10, started blazing 13 months ago. even add another gas appli- Power transmission now is nonrenewable resources and Pioneer 10 is to fly within 87,000 miles of Jupiter next De- ance." practically limited to dis- The energy session was cos- Mr. Zuckerman also criti- we're using fossil fuels at an tances of less than 500 miles, ponsored by the American cember, while Pioneer 11 a year later is to scout a different ever increasing rate." area of this largest planet in the solar system. cized yesterday's recommen- although the problems are Littoral Society and Citizens Given Initial With gross energy demand giving way to improving tech- Against Water Pollution Scientists hope they will find support for a theory that dations proposed by a special doubling every 14 years, Dr. nology. (CAWP). Derickson W. Ben- Jupiter has hidden beneath its swirling clouds chemical ele- state Senate committee in- Smith predicted "It will take nett, conservation director of ments which constitute the building blocks of life. vestigating the energy crisis Which all takes the imme- that development of any new only seven doubling periods, diate problem back to oil im- the Littoral Society was the The National Aeronautics and Space Administration re- generating plants, deepwater 98 years, to use up our fossil ports. Mr. Sacco revealed that moderator. Marlboro OK ported after last night's launch that the nation's newest space MARLBORO - The Plan- of the 48.8 acre primarily probe would require only a brief motor firing on Monday to ning Board last night granted wooded tract for athletic \ put it on target. preliminary subdivision ap- fields, tennis courts, nature s proval for an estimated 90- walks, and a possible munici- ' Legislators Are Next Target home development which in- pal swimming pool. ! Worst Flooding Seen Past cludes an 80-acre donation to The plans include a buffer j ST. LOUIS — The flood waters of the Mississippi River the township. area between the recreation . north of here have started to stabilize and officials say it ap- The development, known as sites and the stream, which is pears the worst of the flooding is past. Triangle Farms, will be be- in the rear of homes on Prince The Mississippi continued to inch toward a record crest of In War on High Food Prices tween Rt. 520 and Rt. 18, off William Road. 40.3 feet here. Although that crest is .2 of a foot below the orig- Gordons Corner Road. The The mayoi; said that a put- By MARGOT SMITH and her 24 municipal coor- members of UPD and their country are with us, too." inal forecast, the Army Corps of Engineers said the revision sympathetic friends write to "Our group is completely applicant is Ribco Inc., Mata- lie hearing would be held, MIDDLETOWN - As the dinators has been buzzing wan. would not affect its damage estimate of $41 million for the with passed-on requests to legislators, in their own voluntary," she added." No- probably in the Spring, before first week of,meat boycotting The project will be con- area from Hannibal, Mo., to Cairo, 111. write to senators, congress- words, telling of the problems body is required to do anyr plans are finalized for the use comes to a close, Mrs. James structed on a 61-acre tract un- More than 1.2 million acres of land were under water from men, Pre'sident Nixon and they incur with planning and thing if she doesn't want to. of the donation tract. Thornton of 34 Lone Oak der the R-60C 'super-clusteri- Hannibal to Cairo and nearly 4,000 persons have been forced to "anyone in authority". We purchasing nutritious meals Most of us, however, are work- Road, county coordinator for zation'- concept which main- Councilman Howard Klau, leave their homes, the Corps of Engineers said. The death toll want the first batch in the at current prices. ing on exchanges of shopping UPD (Until Prices Drop) is tains l'^-acre density,, The also a board member, said he across southern Illinois and eastern Missouri stood at five. mail by Friday night," Mrs. Mrs. Thornton says tips, recipes and menu ideas launching a second stage in homes are expected to carry intends to introduce an Coast Guard reservists were called to active duty to assist Thornton said, "and another "There's encouragement in as well as boycotting and the attack aimed to show leg- a $50,000 -$60,000 price tag. amendment to the Zoning Or- in flood control yesterday. The activation of the reservists , islators how unhappy house- batch every Friday, to make knowing that at least 300 writing to Congressmen. I dinance that would require all A total of 31.1 acres will be authorized by President Nixon under a new law, was the first wives are about food prices. the message clear and con- signed-up UPD members are couldn't guess how many donated land within a subdivi- donated to the township in time ever that Coast Guard reservists have been called to duty vincing." doing the same thing, and that women in Monmouth County sion to be owned by a homer The telephone relay system five parcels within the subdi- during peacetime, a spokesman said: Mrs. Thornton is asking that similar groups throughout the are with us, even though owners association, which worked out by Mrs. Thornton vision. The remaining 48.8 they're not all signed up would pay taxes on the land. * members." acres will be donated in one Vietnam Fighting Slackens tract on the west side of Rt. The mayor said that the j e Alfred Marchese, of Oak- Western Monmoulh Utilities SAIGON — Communist forces continued to shell a South land, initiator of UPD on a 18, adjacent to the west New branch of Deep Run and Authority is planning to con- j Vietnamese ranger base 50 miles north of Saigon today.but no statewide basis, was optimis- nect the subdivision to the other major ground fighting in South Vietnam was reported af- tic, too. Prince William Drive in Whit- tier. Oaks East Central Jersey Sewer Com- ter two days of widespread attacks. "The impact of the boycott pany sewer line in Whittier The ranger base at Tong Le Chan has been under siege for Code on Water Discharge is reflected in the fact that the Mayor Morton Salkind, a board member, said the townr Oaks East. The authority is six weeks. At least 14 South Vietnamese have been killed and Grand Union chain has agreed operating the utility. more than 100 wounded. Communist losses are not known. NEW SHREWSBURY - ver withdrew its ordinance Decision was reserved until to reduce prices," he said. ship expects to use a portion , The International Commission of Control and. Supervision, The Borough Council tabled a because it went against the May 3 on an appeal by Crown "We hope that other super- discussed the situation at Tong le Chan during a marathon ses- proposed ordinance which public's wishes and I hope this Central Petroleum Corp. to market chains will follow sion, yesterday. Afterward one source said there appeared to would regulate and prohibit ordinance is withdrawn too." overturn the Planning Board's suit." Police Searching for Man be no way the group could agree to act to stop the Communist discharging water onto streets Little Silver's Borough rejection of a site plan for a He emphasized that UPD attack. due to resident protest at a Council withdrew a similar proposed gasoline station on has intended no malice to- public hearing last night. Who Threatened Woman Soon after the siege began Feb., 26, the South Vietnamese proposed ordinance Monday Newman Springs Road. ward supermarket operators, The ordinance would ban night after residents com- The planners rejected the but stressed cooperation of in- ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS behind a wall in the office, ' government lodged a complaint with the commission, charg- — Police are searching for a ing the Communists with violating the cease-fire. residents, firms or corpo- plained that the high water site plan on Feb. 21 because dependent butchers in its ap- and the man left the office. rations from discharging wa- table necessitated pumping the station would be within proach to price fighting. man who allegedly entered a Miss Quilter and a second First Ave. dentist's office and ter onto borough streets caus- water from basements onto 1,500 of another, a violation of In reviewing the week of employe in the office, Miss threatened the life of a recep- Indian Siege Ending ing a "nuisance," "hazardous the streets. borough zoning ordinance. meat boycotting just ending, Kim Korpon of 161 E. Wash- condition" by turning to ice, tionist. WOUNDED KNEE, S.D. - Militant Indian leader Russell The ordinance will again be Mrs. Thornton was full of ington Ave., said the man was or damaging road surfaces. Not Authorized Police said Miss Sharon Means heads for Washington under arrest today to meet with considered at the council's praise for participants, UPD a white male, approximately Robert O'Hagan, represent- Quilter, receptionist, reported federal officials under provisions of a peace agreement ending Maximum penalties for vio- May 3 meeting. In the mean- members or not, for their en- 21 years of age. ing the oil company, told the that a man entered the office the 37-day siege of Wounded Knee. Indians who held the vil- lating the ordinance are $50 or time, Mayor Henck instructed thusiastic demonstration and council the planners did not of Dr. Joseph F. Perry in the lage are scheduled to lay down their arms tomorrow. 30 days imprisonment for the borough engineer to re- support. "It's very tough to The women said the intrud- view the borough's water situ- have the authority to reject Copper Basket shopping cen- Means, head of the American Indian Movement, and three each offense. The ordinance ignore some of the bargains er was approximately six feet ation and make recommenda- the site plan on the basis of ter yesterday at approximate- other representatives of the insurgent Indians will meet in the says each day a violation con- and sales that are coming tall, and weighted 190 to 200 tions to the council for solving zoning requirements. ly 3:30 p.m. and asked to capital tomorrow with Leonard Garment, special consultant to tinues constitutes a separate through," she said, "but I pounds. They told police he the problem before the next make an appointment. President Nixon. They will discuss the need for and the work- offense. The borough will share the hope they will stick with it." had blue eyes, a beard and a meeting. He gave his name as Robert ings of a presidential treaty commission. Mayor Robert F. Henck cost of installing a traffic UPD reeomends that, for mustache. His hair, they said,. said the ordinance would not light at Hope Road and Rt. 36 Jackson, police reported, then was blonde, short and bushy. The six-point agreement ending the siege was signed late The council passed a salary- the remainder of April, fami- apply to Monmbuth Consoli- with Eatontown. Each munic- left to sit in the waiting room. yesterday by the AIM leaders and Assistant U.S. Attorney ordinance representing an ap- lies abstain from eating meat He was wearing a light-col- dated Water Co., which ser- proximate 4.5 per cent overall ipality will contribute $2,000 on Wednesdays and Fridays. He returned to the desk short- ored coat, possibly a trench' Gen. Kent Frizzell. ly, police said, and handed the vices the borough, or any oth- increase in wages for borough for the installation and pay The telephone commu- coat, and blue dungarees. receptionist a note which er company or individual per- employes retroactive to Jan. $225 per year for mainte- nication system will be acti- Both women told police they read, "I have a gun. Do as I McCord Granted Immunity forming contracted work in 1. nance. vated again, with more mes- had never seen the man be- say and you won't get hurt." WASHINGTON — James W. McCord, former Nixon re- the borough. Borough Clerk Jerome S. Council passed a resolution 'sages of encouragement for fore. election security chief, has been granted immunity from pros- Mrs. Mary'Ldu Talbot of Reed will receive $13,828 per to renew its contract with members. Since the beginning Police said the receptionist Patrolmen Henry Rieth; Ar- ecution to tell what he knows of an alleged political espionage Hope Road and Sycamore year and an additional $3,000 Management Data Processing of the .week, Mrs. Thornton told the man there was no thur Gallagher and Louis campaign and the bugging of Democratic national headquar- Ave. said the water company for his duties as sewer admin- Systems of Clifton to prepare nas enlisted the following new money in the office. It was at I'apa investigated. ters. * creates hazards in the winter istrator. tax bills at $1,390 a year. muncipal coordinators, who this point, police report, that the man threatened to kill the McCord, who was found guilty of conspiracy, burglary and by opening hydrants onto Councilman Arthur E. Mayor Henck accepted may be contacted by resi- Drug Addiction Problem? receptionist. illegal wire-tapping for his part in the June 17 break-in and streets and should also be re- James said the sewer admin- Richard Klenk's resignation dents wishing to support the Call 9KH-H;t:i3. For Help Day or bugging, yesterday said after receiving immunity that he will strained. istrator's salary will be paid from the Planning Board. In a UPD campaign: Police said Miss Quilter ran • .. Night. talk to newsmen before he appears before a Senate panel in- Mayor Henck said the from the municipal budget's letter to the Council, Mr. Mrs. Carolyn Sadowski, 904 vestigating the Watergate and other 1972 acts of alleged politi- borough rents hydrants from sewer account. Klenk, who had been board 18th Ave., West Belmar; Mrs. cal espionage., Its first hearing likely is to be held next week. , the water company and it is Salaries for the mayor, $750 chairman, said Edward F. Marie Fasano, 124 Garfield Gain more leisure time, pay your bills at home Saying that "the story should be told," McCord told re- necessary to clear the hydr- per year, and councilmen, Stashak would serve as acting Ave., Long Branch; Judy porters he would meet with them sometime next week in an ants to maintain their func- $500 per year, remain un- chairman until the board Mayer, 131 Church st., Bel- on-the-record press conference. tion. changed. elects a new chairman. ford; Mrs. Linda Gardella, 21 a Another resident said the Two public hearings will be iiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiniiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiniiiiiiiii Also accepted was the resig- Parker Place, Shrewsbury; borough's high water table ne- conducted at the council's nation of Robert McCarthy Mrs. Betty Emery, 284 Bay- Checkmaster cessitated having two sump May 3 meeting on a zoning or- from the Board of Health. side Drive, Highlands; Mrs. REGISTER pumps in his basement to dis- dinance amendment and an Mayor Henck said Mr. Dorothy McDavitt, 3fi Mil- account charge water. He suggested ordinance affecting com- Klenk and Mr. McCarthy will lbrook Drive; Mrs. John Bu- MAIN OFFICE: No minimum CHESTNUT ST.. RED BANK. N.J. 0»0l the borough study the water mercial trash collection. receive letters commending chanan, 92 First St., Fair BRANCH OFFICES: . table problem, solve drainage Vi «T. IS, MIDDLETOWN, N.J.. O77U The commercial trash col- them for their service to the Haven; Mrs. Irene Lamano, balance required 30 EAST MAIN ST.. FREEHOLD, N.J.. 07J1I inadequacies, and not pass the lection ordinance will require 318 Bayview Ave,, Union. n? BROADWAY, LONG BRANCH, N.J., «7« borough. restricting ordinance. businesses to have trash re- Beach; Mrs. Betty Hum- Service is our EilotJilihM In Il'l by John H Cook and Htnry Oat The mayor appointed Ralph Bernard Schwartz of 63 Wil- ceptacles that are compatable Call to fill the unexpired term phries, 6 Maple Place, Key- biggest asset. PUBLISHED By THE BED BANK REOISTER Member1 of the ASIOCIOIKI Pr«i-Th< AMOCIOIK) Preii Is cninieit ««• low Road called the ordinance with the borough's collection of Rodney Bloom on the port; Mrs. Barbara Kirk, 7 clullvtly to Iht in lor rejubllcaNonot all II" local news printed In mil "oppressive." equipment. Hoard of Health. Mohawk Ave., Atlantic High- ' ntwspaper as well as oil A** nem dispatches. lands; Mrs. Teresa Trocchia. Second closi nosloge paid ot Red Bank, N.J. 07(01 and at additional "You (the Council) are Council granted a special He also appointed Jean (ier- mollln|)«»lces.>ulillsnea doily, MonOo/ through Friday. Moil subicrlp- countermanding an act of exception to Paul Pugliese of fin as a full member and 607 Grassmere Ave, Inter- llont payable In advance. taken and Mrs. Sandra Gold- 1 Week 1 Month 3 Months * Months I Year God," he said. "We have to do Mlddletown to erect a filling James Smith as alternate '"« H.JO H.50 »»•» «im something to keep our homes station at the corner of Ways- member of the Planning man, 1310 Walnut Ave. Ocean Home Delivery by Carrier -50 Cents o week from floating away. Little Sil- ide and Shafto Roads. Board. Twp. c. «eheip, ? CENTRAL JERSEY BANK Single copy at counter, 10 Cents. HIUBEItOFf.n Oou l.C. 4 1*e Dally Register. Red Baric-Mlddklowii, N J. Friday, April <} W\ Oceanport OKs RevisedRenewal Plan OCEANPORT — Two ordi- night by the Borough Council. It also authorized advertis-. ministration this year because announced the county had ap- Obituaries nances, one approving the re- The council also accepted ing for bids on painting of the of some trouble caused injhe proved a change in the loca- WllllllllllllllllHIIIIIIIHIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIMIHIlllllllllllllUIIIIIHIIIIIIHIIIIIIIHUlin"'**" vised urban renewal plan and the recommendation of the exterior wood trim of the Mu- past by four or five students. tion of the District 4 polling the other raising the recently- Zoning Board of Adjustment nicipal Building and five The other council men de- place to the Wolf Hill School. rs. Wayne Wenger Miss Elliel Conover M. !W. LielX'sman; reduced salary of the tax col- and approved a use variance rooms inside and the purchase clined to get involved at this It formerly was located in a cemetery garage. ATLANTIC, HIGHLANDS FREEHOLD - Miss Ethel ^ as Store Owner lector, were introduced last for Wayne Levic to Operate a of a front end loader. time, saying they would pre- sporting goods and hobby Members of the council, in fer to see what action Mr. Councilman Olsen an- -fi'Mrs. Anita B. Wenger, 72, M. Conover, 87, of 19 Broad- ASBURY PARK-Services Ojf 8 Scenic Court died way, died Wednesday in the store at 338 Oceanport Ave., personal comments, unani- Price takes first and to find nounced that rabies shots for are being held at 1 p.m. today JaiiK-s Dirickerson in the urban renewal area. mously expressed their oppo- out more abo.ut the reasons dogs would be available from Wednesday at home. John L. Montgomery Medical for Mitchell M. Liebesman of 'Mrs. Wenger was born in Home. MIDDLETOWN - James In yet another matter, sition to the purchase of any for the ban on ^dances. 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. Wednesday 500 Deal Lake Drive, who died Councilman Peter A. Dellera additional insurance for rec- Mayor Elwood L. Baxter at both Oceanport firehouses. Coshocton, Ohio. She had She was bom at the historic Wednesday in Monmouth Me- Dinckerson, 87, of Magnolia lived here 16 years. Village Inn, Englishtown, Lane, died Wednesday in Bay- announced ground will be bro- reational activities to cover dical Center, Long Branch. ken for the Oceanport Lions hospital and medical expenses 'A former teacher, she re- daughter of the late B. Dey Mr. Liebesman had lived shore Community Hospital, tired in 1967 after serving as a and Matilda Fleming Con- Hazlet. Swim Club in Blackberry Bay of anyone injured while par- here more than 60 years and Park on Monday. He said a ticipating in the 'borough rec- leading specialist in the Long over, and was a descendant of retired in 1970 as an owner of He was born in Berlin, Md., Branch school system. She early Monmouth County and lived in the Mid'dletown ceremony will be held at the reation program. Abrams Apparel, where he swim club site on Sunday at was a member of the Atlantic Dutch settlers. worked for more than 50 area for more than 60 years. The borough now carries Highlands- Presbyterian Miss Conover resided here He was a member and deacon 1:30 p.m. liability insurance only. years. He was an original "We will get the pool in," he Church. / and in Englishtown all her partner in radio station WCAP of Union Baptist Church, Mid- The matter was brought up : Surviving are her husbands life. She was a retired em- dletown. said. "We should be swim- by Councilman Dellera. He SPECIAL PRESEASON OFFER! and a former owner of the ming by July 4 if the weather pr. Wayne R. Wenger; a ton, Tploye of the former AfcM Ka- Boardwalk Photo Service complained that a voucher for GOOD ONLY UNTIL APRIL 28th< Surviving are four sons, holds up well." $346.41 had been submitted to Capt. Dofcaldjl- Wfengeic of/ ragheusian Rug Mill, here. here. J.ohn of Detroit; Robert of the U.S. Navy, Silver S^ftnW, Surviving is a cousin, Miss A public hearing on the pro- the council for payment on a An Army veteran of World Jersey City; George of Nep- posed urban renewal ordi- proposed new policy for addi- Ml; a daughter, Mrs^-Marians. Ann Dawson, with whom she War I, Mr. Liebesman was a tune, and William of New General Electric Goodwin of South Orange; resided. nance was set for April 19. tional insurance for the base- charter member and first ad- Shrewsbury; five daughters, The measure would formally ball association to cover me- two brothers. Rear Adm. Wei- The Higgins Memorial jutant of Asbury Park Post Mrs. Eleanor Williams, Mrs. fad Bonn, U.S. Navy (ret'd.) Home is in charge of arrange- recognize a slight shift in the dical costs of anyone who will send you 125, Jewish War Veterans. He Helen Harris and Mrs. alignment of the proposed might be injured. $ 0Q and James Blinn, both of Riv- ments. was a charter member of the Blanche Porter of Red Bank, erside, Calif., and seven new Oceanport Avenue Councilman Francis A. 40 in cash Shore Chapter of B'nai B'rith Mrs. Quetta Jones • Middle- through the urban renewal grandchildren. i\Irs. Eniil Trcniaimtiino and a member of American town and Mrs. Ada Mills, Nep- Margalotti, reflecting the I: Posten's Funeral Home is in _ area. This resulted when final views of the others, said he MIR HAVEN Mrs Rmh Legion Post 24, here, tune; 19 grandchildren; 12 engineering drawings, based if you order now! Charge of arrangements. great-grandchildren; five could see no reason why the (Tremmie) Tremamunno, 48, Surviving are his widow, on actual surveys, were com- If you order on or before April 28th. General Electric I brothers, the Revs. Edward, borough — through the tax- of 260 Oxford Ave., died Mrs. Florence Greenberg Lie- pleted. The original'route was payers — should underwrite will send you a special, bonus check for $40. as soon I litre. John F. Davis Sr. Wednesday in Riverview Hos- besman; two brothers, Morris Howard and Alfred, allot Ber- based on a borough tax map lin, Md., the Rev. Cyrus of all hospital and doctor bills EL PASO, Texas - Funeral pital, Red Bank. G, Liebesman, here, and Jo- which was inaccurate. for persons injured in the rec- She was born in New York seph Liebesman of Bradley Williamsboro, N.J., and Rob- services for Mrs. Helen T. ert of Philadelphia, and many In a related matter, the reation program. City and had lived in Pelham Beach, and three sisters, Mrs. council unanimously approved (Power) Davis, of 2628 San Lillian Abrams and Mrs. Rose nieces and nephews. "I think in this day and age, General Electric Bay, N.Y., before moving to a resolution authorizing acqui- Jpse Ave., were held Tuesday Stein, both of Deal, and Mrs. most people have some kind at St. Patrick's Cathedral. Fair Haven eight years ago. Arrangements are under the sition of six additional proper- of coverage. Insurance cov- She was a member of Trinity Minnie Feinberg of Long direction of the F. Leon Har- ties in the renewal area dur- *Mrs. Davis, the sister of Branch. erage is provided through em- CENTRAL AIR Mrs. Sarah Johnson, of Red Episcopal Church, Red Bank. ris Funeral Home ing the first year of the pro- The Richard C. Hoidal Fu- ployment and the like," he Bank, N.J., died Friday in an She is survived by her hus- gram which ends June 30. A said. "I dor>'t4hink it's fair to El Paso hospital at the age of band, Emil R. Tremamunno; neral Home, Oakhurst, is in Mrs. Olive B. Walsh public hearing on the acquisi- charge of arrangements. the taxpayers.'" CONDITIONING, 54. She had lived in El Paso one son, Richard A. Hauser, tion was held March 22. Mr. Ma-r'ga'loUi said he f§r 25 years and was a mem- of Long Branch; one daugh- LONG BRANCH - Mrs. Ol- Deluxe 1973 Models Victor Derbyshire ive B. Walsh, 83, of 38 Rock- The proposed salary ordi- wanted to know who it was bferof St. Patrick's Cathedral ter. Heather Ann, at home; nance would raise the pay of who had authorized the and the auxiliary of New and one sister, Miss Winifred well Ave., died Wednesday at MIDDLETOWN - Victor her residence. Harry L. Van Note, borough borough's insurance company Franklin Lodge 133 of the B of Fowler, of New York City. Derbyshire, 74, of 23 Fairview tax collector, $2,300 a year to to draw up such a policy and EF.4E. Arrangements are under the Dr., died yesterday in the She was born in Long a total of $4,810. Mr. Van Branch and was a lifelong had submitted the bill for it to -Surviving, in addition to her direction of John E. Day fu- Palms of Pasedena Hospital, Note's salary was cut by the the council. neral Home, Red Bank. South Pasedena, Fla. resident of the city. She was a council at the first of the year stster, are Mrs. Davis' hus- member of the First Baptist Mr. Dellera also reported to band, John F. Davis Sr. and He was born in Newark and from $6,100 to $2,610. Mrs. Dorothy Sufield Church of Long Branch. the council that 208 seventh one son, John F. Jr., of El had lived in East Orange for Her husband was the late Councilman Robert J. OI-. and eighth grade students in Paso. CLIFFWOOD BEACH - many years before moving John J. Walsh Sr. sen, in explaining the ordi- the borough had signed a peti- Arrangements were under Mrs. Dorothy Sufield, 69, of here three years ago. Surviving are two daughter, nance, said council had since tion asking for permission to the direction of the Martin 411 Ocean Blvd. died yes- Mr. Derbyshire retired in Mrs. Mary Osborn of Little learned of a state law which hold a school dance. He said Funeral Home. terday in Riverview Hospital, 1969 after 10 years with the Silver, and Mrs. Lillian Scrid- prohibits the reduction of the he planned to deliver the peti-> salary of the borough tax col- Red Bank. New Jersey Highway Depart- low of Long Branch. tion to Superintendent of for as little as LESS •. Deoth Notices lector once he is in office. He She was born in New ment as a supervisor in road The Flock Funeral Home, Schools Robert I. Price and GE's MftlCKERSON — Jomei. ot MkMletown, construction. He had done said that in negotiations the 'in me V, died Wednesday In Boyshore Com- Brunswick and had lived in Long Branch, is in charge of asked the council to go on $40 fttmlfv Hospital. Father ot Mrs. Eleanor general construction work council and Mr. Van Note had record as being willing to WJllloms, Mrs. Helen Harris. Mrs. the Bayshore area 27 years. arrangements. |BONUS! Blmicht Porter, Mrs. Quetta Janes and Surviving are her husband, from 1935 to 1959 when he agreed on the $4,810 figure. A sponsor the dance as a Ml» Ada Mills, and John, Robert. George PRICE INCLUDES COMPLETE INSTALLATION IN oM'WIIIIarn Oirlckerson. Funeral Service joined the state Highway De- public hearing was set for borough affair if the students' YOUR WARM AIR DUCT SYSTEM, plus 24,000 BIUs wltf be held Monday. I p.m.. from the Pil- Herbert Sufield, and a sister, grim Boptlst Church, Shrewsbury Ave., Miss Ethel Watson of Asbury partment. April 19. request is denied by Mr. cooling power (ARI) Certified Rating: condensing unit and Red Bonk. The Rev. William Fuller ot Peter J. Piney Coil: 15 il. pre-chafgfd tubing: Automatic Heating/Cool- Union Boptlst Church, Middletown, pre- Park. He was a communicant of The council unanimously Price. ing Thermostat (based on normal installation using exist- siding. Friends may call at the church KEYFORT - Peter J. ing panel, (iirnace.motor. plenum chamber and Sorfooy evening 6-9. Interment ot While The Bedle Funeral Home, St. James Catholic church of approved a related emer- Mr. Dellera said dances RlMe Cemetery, Eotontown. Arrange- Piney, 84, of 74 Front St. died duclv-ork providing it 15 adequately si;ed ) mrnts In charge ot F. Leon Harris Funer- Keyport, is in charge of ar- Red Bank and was a U.S. gency resolution authorizing were banned by the school ad- n charg---•" e o>ws&ury Ave., Red Bonk. yesterday at home. OII11 applies Ic 13/] Delw! •• MOShrr rangements. Army veteran of World War 1. appropriation of the addition- Central Ail CornJihuiirls U R1C Msdds. His wife, the late Catherine Born in Austria, Mr. Piney al $2,300 for Mr. Van Note's Monaghan Derbyshire, died in had lived here since he was salary. The action was neces- FOR FREE HOME May 1970. five years old. He retired 20 sary because the money had Lotlery Winners SURVEY AND ESTIMATE He is survived by one years ago as a shop man for not been included in this By The Associated Press CALL AT ONCEI OFFER daughter, Mrs. Jack K. Hal- the Central Railroad of New year's budget. ' EXPIRES APRIL 28th I Jersey. JohnVanKirk & Son pin, with whom he made his In other action, the council Here are the winning num- home; one sister, Mrs. Jean He was a communicant of authorized advertising for bers drawn this week in north- MONUMENTS Conger, of St. Petersburg, St. Joseph's Catholic Church. bids for construction of a bal- eastern state lotteries. Fla., and six grandchildren. Surviving are his widow, Ifield in Blackberry Bay Park Mrs, Helen Piney; three New Jersey 524110 85 COOPER RD., MIDDLETOWN Arrangements are under the and an access road through " New York 703364 toff Rt. 35 at Hcodons Corner) direction of the John E. Day daughters, Mrs. Charles the park to the Shrewsbury CLARKE NlLSON Pennsylvania 422521 ENGINEERING 741-0319 747-2563 Funeral Home, Red Bank. Glassey of Colts Neck and River. Mrs. .Howard Wooley and Mrs. Connecticut 74524 HERMAKERS TO MONMOUTH COUNTY SINCE \ BARREGUILD MONUMENTS George Beach, both of Mata- Massachusetts 499487 Mrs. Antinio DiGemuiro The winning number in 1 LEONARD ST. wan; a son, Norman Piney of Mun Hospitalized RED BANK KEANSBURG - Mrs. An- Marlboro, 10 grandchildren Thursday's New Jersey daily 741-3454 toinette DiGennaro, 76, of 63 and two great-grandchildren. After Auto Crash lottery is 33340. FOR ANY OCCASION Creek Road died yesterday in The Bedle Funeral Home is MATAWAN TOWNSHIP - Riverview Hospital, Red in charge of arrangements. A Red Bank man is in fair HONEY BEE FLOWERS Bank, after a short illness. condition in Riverview Hospi- Born in Italy, Mrs. DiGen- . Here's a better than ever 2M2AHWr. 35 464 BROAD ST. County Investigator tal, Red Bank, with injuries OAKHURST SHREWSBURY naro came to this country in suffered in a two car accident 493-8919 741-4020 1911, settling in Hoboken.'she Enrolled in Seminar on Rt. 34, south of Lloyd Certificate Program you'll... moved here in 1931. Road. Police identified the Reliable Since 1927 Surviving arc her husband, FREEHOLD - Charles K. O'Connor, an investigator man as Willie F. Edwards, 34, Open Six Days A IVoek Antimo DiGennaro; four sons, of 136 Shrewsbury Ave., Red S 3D A M -5 30 P M Salvatore DiGennaro of Bloss- with the county prosecutor's Bank. He was taken to the vale, N.Y., Guy DiGennaro of office, is enrolled in a seminar hospital by members of the BY WIRE ANYWHERE Navesink, Vincent DiGennaro at Union College, Cranford, Matawan Township First Aid Robert R. Hodgklss of Cape Coral, Fla., and designed to help law enforce- Squad. | Frank DiGennaro, here, and ment officers recognize and investigate "white collar" Police said his car was in APPLAUD ' three daughters. Miss Camille crime. collision with one operated by DiGennaro at home, Mrs. Theodore Friedauer, 66, of Rt. Golden Anchor Certificates Bridget Cannamela of Cape Evan W. Jahos, state crimi- nal justice director, said the 520, Holmdel. Coral and Mrs. Caroline Pit- No summonses have been of Deposit Worden Funeral Home tius of Hazlet. seminar is believed to be the first in the nation to focus on issued pending further in- minimum 24 month lerm'•' with S5.000. 60E. FRONT ST. RED BANK The Laurel Funeral Home, white-collar crime and cor-- vestigation by Patrolman minimum deposit, thereafter in $500. West Keansburg, is in charge ruption. Ronald Mesar. Details of the multiples. Interest paid from date ol de- of arrangements. accident were not available. posit. 6% Day and Night Phone ... Sterling Anchor Certificates 747-0557 DRIVE WAY STONES of Deposit BEAT THE SPRING RUSH minimum 12 month term with Clark Foster, Mgr. 52,500. minimum deposit, there- 3 0 after in $250. multiples. Interest paid trom date of deposit. 5 /4 /.0 I Regular Certificates The Adams Memorial Home of Deposit WILLIAM J.CONNELLY, minimum 3 month term with S500. minimum deposit, there- Oivnpr-Miniafirr after in $50. multiples.
747-0226 ''Certificates opened between regular quarterly dis- tribution dates may have initial maturities in excess of FUNERAL DIRECTORS those slated to coincide with regular March 31 - June SINCE 1865 30 - September 30 - December 31 earnings payment dates. 310 BROAD STREET RED BANK All Certificate earnings may be credited and com- pounded or mailed quarterly. WHITE GRAVEL GRAY CRYSTAL STONE ALL SAVINGS IN BY THE 10th EARN FROM THE 1st %&5/6to3/4 3 SPAR SIZE % & /A John E. Day 3/a & 3A SIZE SIZE Marine View Savings FUNERAL HOA/\E and Loan Association *^ CALL 787-0026-0027 Three Convenient Offices to Serve You! 85 Riverside Avenue Red Bank COLLINS BROS., INC. 671-2400 ) C. SIDUN, Director 747-0332 1184Hwy. 35 I Hwy. 36 4 1st Ave. 634 Newman Springs Road EST. 1903 Mlddletown I Atlantic Highlands Lincroft 347 MAIN STREET, KEANSBURG, N.J. (Camn of N*w Monmoulh Rd.) I (Btythoit Shopping Pliu) (Llncntt Shopping Cmlir) The Dally Register, Red Bank-Middktown, N.J. Friday, April f, Wt" S j- i Hydro-Ski Firm,Will Sign RUG CITY • RUG CITY • RUG CITY • RUG 33 Keyport Contract Monday CARPET-RUGS-REMNANTS KEYPORT - The first wa- re-establishes water routes be featured, Mr. Davi went ter commuter service be- between New York and the on. „ tween the Bayshore and New Bayshore after a lapse of 20 "I just returned from Flor- York in more than 20 years years. Before that there were ida, where the Aquarius is will probably start in October. 135 years of continuous ser- being built. It has blue wall- That is the month, says vice — maybe even 150," Mr. to-wall carpeting inside and Theodore S. J. Davi, president Davi declared. orange aircraft-type seats. It of Hydro-Ski Lines Inc. of Fees to Borough has cork walls with mahogany mm- Midland Park, when The contract follows an trim, and it's air condi- "Aquarius," first of the firm's agreement approved in Feb- tioned," he reported. projected dozen $300,000, 72- ruary by Borough Council, Prime Base passenger hydro-ski water Mr. Davi said. Under its "We're thinking about hav- craft is expected to begin tak- terms, the firm receives two- ing mermaids instead of stew- ing passengers from Keyport year landing rights, with op- ardesses," Mr. Davi added. to lower Manhattan. tions to negotiate at the end of Dancing in the aisles? A contract will be signed • the second year, and will pay "Sure, if we can get Greek Monday at 7:30 p.m. in the borough 5100 a month until music," the Hydro-Ski presi- Borough Hall between Hydro- the service is operational, and dent quipped. "We think it's Ski Lines Inc. and the JIM a month thereafter. good, and, God willing, we'll borough. The pact grants Landing rights in New York make it work," he said. landing rights here for two have already been negotiated. Mr. Davi stressed that Key- years at Erickson's Pier, The Hydro-Ski president port will be considered "Base ON TOUR - The Miss Easter Seal Easter Bunny' which the hydro-ski.firm will said the run to New York will One" in Hydro-Ski's Bayshore and her chaperon are touring New Jersey in lease. take 25 to 35 minutes depend- operations. search of a name for the bunny, which is owned "It's a historic moment. It ing on sea conditions, and will "Keyport will receive first by the New Jersey Easter Seal Society for cost commuters $6 or $7 a consideration in everything Crippled Children & Adults. With the bunny i5 4 FANTASTIC SELECTIONS OF MILL SECONDS - WELL TAKE CARE OF round trip. A monthly commu- we do," he promised, recall- Mrs. Noreen Ferrara of Middletown. TRIALS - SHOWROOM SAMPLES - THESE ARE VERY ANSWERING YOUR PHONE ter rate may be established. ing that officials of this HEAVY QUALITY CARPETS AT A FRACTION OF ORIGI- borough have been forthright •24 HOUR The Aquarius and her sister NAL COST. ANSWERING SERVICE ships will travel at about 45 and cooperative in negotia- knots and will draw only 27 in- tions with the firm and have Police Chief Bilotta mi671-9200 ches fully loaded. not used the water commu- Luxurious furnishings will tation issue as a political shut- Size Description tlecock. Is Retiring June 1 LOQKWHAt 77K 10.6 Apple Gleen Sculp Poly designed Reminded that his firm has 9x11 10 Aqua Blue I-glil woven Comm. Acnlan also approached Atlantic WEST LONG BRANCH - eligible for two months' sick 8.7x9.7 time Green Ihck Sculp Nylon Capt. Ira C. White was named leave, which he will use this 7.3x12 Brassy Orange Comm. Kitchen N/ton Highlands for landing rights, ! POSTPONED Mr. Davi explained, negotia- acting police chief last night, month and next month. 8.8x12.10 Brass Gold thick Scup Acrilnn tions with that borough are in when it was announced that Mr. Levin stated that he 8.7x10,10 Golden Fields Random Sheared Acnffli abeyance. Chief Frank Bilotta will retire does not oppose the chief's 8x14 Lemon Lime Sculp It/Ion ! PUBLIC AUCTION SALE "Other spots may be consid- June 1.- two-month sick leave period. 9x9 AquaB ue Tweed Comm. Acnlan ered,, but they must keep poli- Chief Bilotta, a police offi- He said, however, that he 7,10x8 7 Royal Blue Sculp Nyl We exceedingly regret that the inclement weather on tics out of the negotiations. cer 32 years, was named to does oppose the fact that the WILL BUY 7.10x10 Gieenond Brown Sculp Acnlan Sunday past necessitated rescheduling the Auction Sale We're trying to establish a the top police post in 1955. He borough's police code does not to real service for commuters was a captain of the Police prescribe the specifics of an- here. God willing, we shall," department eight years, hav- nual and sick leave which Size Description may be taken by borough em- he said. ing been named the borough's LOOK WHAT 8x15 ' Red 8 Black Kitchen Print W/HiO buck,, 9:00 A.M.-SUNDAY-APRIL 8th, first captain in 1974. ployes. 8x11.8 Olive Rust Comm Kitchen Tweed Nyl on (he premises al Shore Area YMCA A controversy arose over Council also introduced an 8.4x13 3 Sea Mist Green Thick Sculp. Poly 614 SIXTH AVENUE, - LAKEWOOD, N.J. ordinance which would permit To Honor Volunteers the chief's retirement last 7x14.11 Sea Mist Green Thick Stulp Poly night, however, when Coun- 18-year-olds to apply for posts The Character, quality and quantity of the offer- 10.9x12 Blue-Green Sculp Thick Acrilon ASBURY PARK - The 20tti cilman Arnold B. Levin ques- as police officers and firemen 10.6x12 Golden Popcorn Nylon Woven ings makes It imperative that the sale be held annual dinner meeting of the here. That measure will be tioned the terminal leave peri- 10.3x12.7 Avocodo Green Sculp Nylon outdoors. They may be viewed orudate of sale Shore Area YMCA is sched- aired at the April 20 council od allowed the officer. 9x10 Gold 8, Vellow Nylon Twisl starting at 8:00 A.M. TERMS: CASH. Adults Only. uled at Michals Restaurant Borough Council ruled that session. Thursday, April 26. There will 9 9x11.7 Beige Blown long Nylon Twisl Shag Chief Bilotta is entitled to a The governing body also ap- WILL BUY 8./x 11 Avocado Gieen Sculp. Nylon W/rubber..,. be 38 adult volunteers hon- month's annual leave and that proved a Planning Board ap- ored. a physician's certificate stat- proval of a site plan by Barjm B.G. COATS & ASSOCIATES The guest speaker will be ing the officer is unable to Inc?., to establish a Mazda au- Auctioneers Appraisers Size Description Value 45 Wast River Rd. Rumson, N.J. the Rev. John M. Infanger work at the present time is tomotive agency at 9 Me- Jr., pastor of the Somerville valid. morial Pkwy. LOOK WHAT 11x15 Blue-Gruy.Kodel Tipshcor 189. (201)842-4033) 12x12.4 Claimed Nyl Comm 195. First United Methodist Mayor Henry J. Shahecn The governing body said 9 7x12 BeicjcN/l Sculp " 79, Church. also proclaimed May 1 will be that the chief was on vacation 10.3x11.11 Olive Green HylPlu'Ji 139. during March and that he is observed as Law Day here. IO.Sxll.5 Multi-Colored Nyl Comm 139. 10.8x12 Salt & Pepper Nyl Comm 129. 8.8x11 - Grey ACT. Plush 119, Kosene Resigns Position 9x12 Two-Tone Green Shocj 119. 10.9x11 Oil-While Nyl Stulp 149. As Democratic Chairman £ WILL BUY I lxl 2 Forest Green Nyl Stulp 159.. FAIR HAVEN - Milton Ko- sumed the duties of the mu- sene, 411 River Road, has re- nicipal leader until a new signed as chairman of the leader is elected in June fol- Size Description Fair Haven Democratic Coun- lowing the Primary election. => LOOK WHAT 11.8x15 6 Green & While Nylon Tvml Shog ty Committee. Mr. Kosene had served as 11.4x12.10 lime 8 Avocodo Nylon Twist. Mr. Kosene, a lawyer, said municipal Democratic leader 9x14.9 Hunter Dark Green Sculp Nylon business and personal reasons for eight years prior to his 11.11x17 Misty Sky Blue Tli.dc Acnlan Plush have made it increasingly dif- election as mayor in 1962. I lxl 1.9 Jade lighl Green Sculp Nylon ficult to devote the time to He took over the leader's 11x117 Gold X Brown Nylon Twst Sling. party activities. post again last year after the 12x15 Golden Tones Sculp Nylon Wiijhl His resignation was accept- former chairman, John J. 12x15 Golden Marx llnck Sculp Acribi desigi ed by Mrs. Kathryn Freret, O'Rourke moved to Califor- 8.5x16,7 Federal Gold Sculp Nylon vice chairman, who has as- nia. WILLBllY, 11,5x 15.4 lime Breeze Sculp Nylon Registry Slalcd In Eulonlown EATONTOWN - Kinder- five years old on or before 13 Piece garten registration will be Oct. 31. 18"x27' 27"x27' held on Tuesday and Wednes- Parents of children whose day, May S and 9, in the last names begin with A-K Meadowbrook School, the will register May 8. Those board of education has an- with names beginning L-Z will nounced. register May 9. Hours for both days will be from 9 to 11 a.m. SAMPLE; To enter kindergarten next and from 1 to 3 p.m., only in SAMPLE STAIR September, a child must be the Meadowbrook School. SCATTERS SCATTERS TREADS CARPET ROLL BALANCES
>-i •! S; <-! '),.-• '" P',-0 s->~> 1.79 41 •! Vr-.•-.'.'..iil E:--'|-!i: ',•-.'!-.lio--311 ,, . IT, 4.95 IV7 Oj f'-:., ' ( •! V''-'.-.- i if.-:-- Vi? 1.79 v:110 Gi, H,[o'i.o'iO:'.-.-i!;t-ji-5 iv;-,;;,: IV, 4.9S \] I2,l/j O;,:. !' •,...•; '^j , ;-,^ . ;; y l:yl: -., . »'•, 3.95 "j Sv/S'-.-i-Sli-'i-W,, h;-Mnf Iv: , 391 4.95 IT'S I2>r'-1 .in 2.99 Yl i'j .',•,•>•; pr'C.1 G—•••1 \':i • 11,1 f-:v.-i . ..1?;4.95 : 12.'jl V," -.! . I",,,--.:: :.-.-.j',:v;;!;,; S ri 2.99 Yt |j-l I.nir'.' 8;.<-G"ji-ntoi-.g /j-,',..'i , , 9Vi 5.95 BLUE JEAN I7
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MCMBtR 1.0.1 C. WBKJISTER Nixon Mission: Protect Business EiUMisbrttaU78-PwiIished by The Red Btrt Register By JACK ANDERSON bargo on spare parts and ma- For their own tables, mili- terials being shipped to Chile. tary families have traditio- ARTHUR Z. KAMIN Minutes of a meeting be- WASHINGTON The consensus of the group nally purchased food at tween Secretary of State Bill was quite mixed. Rogers rec- wholesale prices. Military President and Editor Rogers and industrial tycoons ommended that there be peri- • commissaries around the doing business in Chile quote SCENE odic meetings of the group to country report that business is Thomas J. Bly, Executive Editor William F. Sandford, Associate Editor the secretary as repeatedly llllltlllllflllllllllllllHIIIIIIItllllllHItltlJIinilH attempt to solidify a posi- brisk. Total sales over the last reassuring them "that the Nix- tion." six weeks in the Washington on Administration was a busi- conda Copper, Ford Motor, The ITT executives went • area, for example, were up Friday, April 6,1973 ness Administration and its Bank of America, First Na- away disgruntled over Ro- $400,000 or 7 per cent com- uiuimiiiniHiiiiiiiiiiiniiiimiiiiiiMtiitiiiiniiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiniHiiiiiiHuiimiiiiimiiniNH mission was to protect busi- tional City Bank and Ralston gers' attitude. Concludes the pared to the first six weeks of ness." Purina. The minutes were minutes: "In summary, the ANDERSON this year. 'Pull Ahead, George. Nevertheless, he refused to kept by ITT. entire meeting indicates that In addition, the officers gor- retaliate against Chile for ex- Ralston's 'Dove' the pretty much ged themselves on seafood Some - commissaries report It'll Be Cheaper to Fill ll With Gin/ propriating American-owned Most of the angry business- going along with the ... soft- delicacies, including sturgeon that beef sales were off last businesses. It is clear from men wanted the U.S. govern- line, low-profile policy for and seafood Normandy, fried week. Others, however, say the minutes that he didn't ment to bail them out by tak- Latin America. chicken, a dozen different sal- they can't meet the demand. want to push President Salva- ing action against Chile. Only Big Eaters ads, vegetables *and potatoes Some military wives, to avoid dor Allende into Soviet arms. the Ralston Purina represen- While civilian housewives as well as dessert. Free cake rising wholesale prices, are Rogers indicated, according tative, whom the ITT minutes are boycotting meat this was also offered for anyone demanding whole quarters of to (he minutes, "that he had describe as a "dove," recom- week, the military brass are claiming a birthday or anni- beef from commissaries lor talked with the Russian For- mended "we not cut off ship- feasting as usual on bargain versary. •their home freezers. eign Minister as to whether or ments to Chile but should use cuts. This is our conclusion A huge ice sculpture of a not Moscow was going to fi- private sources to impress Al- from a survey of military din- horse dominated the buffet. Last week, we compared nance Chile as it had Cuba. lende and his government to ing rooms and commissaries The price: $3.75 for all you commissary prices with those, The Russian denied any such stay in the Western bloc." in the Washington area. can eat. And the military, as a at a nearby Giant food store. intention. Rogers went on to The most Rogers would do Sunday dinner at Ft. Myer, rule, eat heartily. Despite rising wholesale show grave concern of Rus- was consider an "informal near the Pentagon, for ex- Meanwhile back at the Pen- prices, military housewives sian domination of Latin embargo" and recommend ample, was a splended affair. tagon, the top brass this week continue to save well over 20 America and its impact." "periodic meetings" on the Civilian waiters wheeled out continued to dine at bargain per cent on commissary gro- The Oct. 22. 1971, meeting problem. "The secretary dozens of hams and turkeys, prices while thousands of less- ceries. Some military house- was attended by representa- raised the question," the min- plus 10 huge steamship rounds er Pentagon employes re- wives are buying food at tives of International Tele- utes state, "of whether there of beef, for some 800 officers sorted to brown-bagging their prices civilians were paying phone and Telegraph, Ana- should be an informal em- and their guests. lunch. three or four years ago. Black Progress, Liberal Rhetoric By MILTON VIORST liiiiiiiiiiriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiin know the games statisticians cite the Wattenberg-Scammon play with numbers. I have in- data, he will reply that it Ben Wattenberg and Rich- THE NEW deed seen figures which say proves the programs no long- ard Scammon, writer-statisti- that, relatively, the economic er are needed. If they don't cians associated with the POLITICS condition of blacks is not im- cite such data, he will say the moderately right-of-center proving. But knowing Watten- programs have no reason to wing of the Democratic party, IIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII berg and Scammon to be hon- be preserved. Nixon has made have collaborated on a pro- est men, I will accept their up his mind. Period. vocative article entitled enormous portent to Ameri- statistical assertions at face What I think is paranoid "Black Progress and Liberal value. Rhetoric" in the current issue can society." about the Wattenberg-Scam- mon analysis is the claim that of Commentary magazine. I find their article exas- At the same time, they ac- "the data of black advance- It is their contention, back- perating, however, in its una- VIORST knowledge that black family ment has been kept secret" — ed by a vast profusion of data, wareness of what might be income, though up sharply in these programs' failure. by some curious conspiracy of that American blacks — to called the "half-full, half-emp- the past decade, still is run- If President Nixon wants to silence on the part of the lib- use the slogan of the 1950s — ty" dilemma. They are puz- ning at only 63 per cent of eliminate these programs, erals. zled, and irritated, that blacks never had it so good. white family income, and they thej say, he should be made and liberals continue to object "A remarkable devel- concede that "the economic to show that they have not Why, then, did the authors that the economic cup is half- opment has taken place in and social gap separating worked. take 10 pages in commentary empty, when they themselves America over the last dozen whites and blacks is still a na- "Instead — at a moment to tell us what we presumably years," they write. "For the tional disgrace." are so pleased to see the cup already know? I'm sorry they half-full. when history and data show first time in the history of the victory for their ideas — liber- admit to redundancy — be- republic, truly large and The Real Theme Where I take issue with als loudly compete with each cause I found their research growing numbers of American But they argue — and this is them is in their conclusion other to do his work. Instead rather fresh and interesting. blacks have been moving into , the real theme of their work that, politically, liberals of proclaiming success, liber- My objection was the car- the middle class, so that by — "many civil rights leaders would be wiser to proclaim als can only assert ping tone which they, as now these numbers can rea- and liberals alike have, insist- the half-full doctrine, rather that... things are as bad as spokesmen of the Jackson- Education and Tax Reform sonably be said to add up to a ed that conditions for'Ameri- than the half-empty one. ever, and maybe worse. And Humphrey wing, persist in us- majority of black Americans can blacks are not improving The state Supreme Court ruling of last methods of reducing those levies. We con- They hypothesize — and I President Nixon smiles in ing in this obvious effort to — a slender majority, but a at all... It will be a great Tuesday — which affirmed a Superior tinue to believe that a statewide personal agree — that much of the agreement." discredit the "Liberals" of the majority nevertheless." and tragic irony if this insist- progress of the past decade Naive Argument McGovern wing. Such a tone, Court judge's decision that the financing of income tax, one that is truly based on a They call this phenomenon ence on failure should in the has been the product of the of- I consider that argument I suggest, scarcely helps to school systems by local property taxes is person's ability to pay, is the best alterna- "nothing short of revolution- end prove a hindrance to the ten maligned social programs naive. Richard Nixon has strengthen the Democratic unconstitutional — was not unexpected. ary ... a massive achieve- continued upward progress of tive. of the Kennedy-Johnson era. made it clear that, for philo- party, or to save programs The top court did not rule out the Assemblyman Chester Apy, R-Mon- ment, and to all appearances American blacks." They say the half-empty doc- sophical reasons, he opposes it is here to stay ... of about which they profess to be property tax as a means of paying for pub- mouth, was among those who had ex- I am not a statistican, and I trine mistakenly concedes these programs. If liberals so concerned. lic education, but it did say that the state pected the court to rule as it did and he is responsible for providing "a thorough was pleased at the announcement. He says and efficient education" for every child at- the next Legislature, of which he will not tending public schools in New Jersey. be a member, will have to draft a law that Fly the Funny Skies Of. The court had ample evidence that the meets the court-defined requirements. He By JIM BISHOP UIIIIII1IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIMI1IIIII is flying like a brick." The merchant had heard quality of education varies greatly in the says the public should lean hard on candi- On a flight to Dallas, a cap- about the forced landing on state's many school districts, and it agreed dates "who run off at the mouth with The airplane, to my way of tain started his descent. his radio. Still, $227.40? 'If you THE can prove you're in that mov- that the reason for this, generally, is that simple solutions." thinking, is winged poetry. I "Ladies and gentlemen," he am forever enchanted stand- announced sonorously, "there ie, I'll lend you the money," some districts cannot raise sufficient reve- His comment is reasonable. The re- ing on the ground looking REPORTER is a large city ahead. It is ei- the man said. "I'm a little stu- nue to pay fsr "thorough and efficient" quired legislation will have to be carefully aloft at a silvery bird trav- ther New Orleans or Dallas. pid with money." iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii. education. studied and it will not be an easy matter to ersing an empty blue sky or, We plan to drop in and ask Jackie took him to the the- Our justices said it appears unlikely produce a bill without defects. One worry being in one, looking down at the runway. When It was six somebody. If it turns out to be ater. There were still pictures the chocolate-figured carpet Dallas, it has been a pleasure that the local property tax combined with of those who did not like the original Judge feet in air, John tapped me. all over the'lobby, but none of of the earth as it moves slow- "O.K.," he said. "Tell the pi- to have you aboard. Remem- Gleason. He bought two tick- increased state aid can be adjusted to Botter decision was that,.if it prevailed, ly under my window. lot this is high enough." ber, the ticket you buy keeps • ets. They sat in the balcony. meet the constitutional mandate. Just how New Jersey would suffer mediocre educa- And yet it has its amusing A Central Airlines captain my wife in Davy Crockett Gleason was perspiring and parity can be achieved will have to be de- tion. Their fear was that raising the stan- side. It required a lot of coax- with a sense of humor came hats." terrified. With his luck, they cided by our legislators. The court, appar- dards in one area could only be accom- ing to get my brother John on on the public address sytem Jackie Gleason once com- sat as the feature picture was his first flight. He's a wonder- ed like the star of a three-day going off. ently realizing it will not be any easy prob- plished by lowering the standards in anoth- and said: "Central doesn't pleted a movie about three si- Irish wake. The airplane ful man, but he's afraid of have any movies, but I can lors with Jack Haley and Jack He couldn't yell: "For lem to resolve, did not set a deadline for came down in a cow pasture. er area. elevators. Captain Royall of show you snapshots of my Oakie. Warner Bros, put him God's sake, lend me the mon- revising the school financing system. That Earl B. Garrison, county superinten- Eastern Airlines was check- Jackie crept off the plane and kids eating peanut butter on a plane bound for New touched ground. Never, never ey!" He had to be polite and will come after further hearings arc dent of schools, makes the point that equal ing out a flight crew on a new sandwiches. Later, the stew- York. He sat in rigid terror. patient. The newsreel came 727, and he asked if I'd like to again. But never. scheduled by the court. education isn't necessarily the result of ardesses will sing two cho- Every cell in his head kept on. After that, the Coming At- go along on a short hop. screaming: "Man was never tractions. Then the B-feature, However difficult it may be for the equal expenditures; that it costs more to ruses of 'Bill Bailey.' For a Walk to Town I asked if I could bring grand finale, we will make intended to fly." By the time Mae Busch and Rod La- Legislature to comply, the court's order is educate youngsters in low socio-economic Johnny and his wife Anna. both engines backfire as the the plane took off, the Fat He left the group and Roacque, in "Should A Wife just. There is no reason why there should areas than in a higher income area. At the The captain said sure. My entire crew sings 'Dixie.' " One was busy committing his walked into a town in Okla- ' Tell." By this time, the hard- be such disparity in the amount of money same time, he does not think the state will brother fought himself to a Wrong Button soul to God. homa. He had no money. A ware merchant was snoring. available for education. Children in Union deny a district the right to tax itself extra draw ordering his feet to walk Don Bedwell, a good avia- The plane bounced. Glea- train ticket to New York "Navy Blues" came on. It into the big plane. He plas- would' be $227.40. On the main went on and on, with The Beach and Keansburg must have the same amounts of money if the residents want it tion editor, remembers a cap- son's prayers became loud. tered a frozen smile on his tain en route to Kennedy, who The pilot cut in: "Sorry, street, he saw a movie house. Great One looking for his im- opportunities as those in Rumson and that way. kisser and sat rigid at a win- was forced to feather one en- folks. I have to shut down an The picture was "Navy age. At last — at long last — dow. Deal. Red Bank Mayor Daniel J. O'Hem de- gine. There was no danger. engine." It was, Jackie fig- Blues." Jackie visited a hard- he saw himself in a sailor suit Gov. William T. Cahill and manv lecis- At the head of the runway, He called to Kennedy: "Even ured, the judgment of God. A ware merchant. "My name is watching a girl go by. "That's scribed the decision as wonderful, al- Jackie Gleason," he said. me!" he yelled, knocking the lative leaders interpret the ruling to be a the engines worked up to a with one engine down, this half hour later: "We're going though admitting that it will not be easy to tremendous shriek and the 727 aircraft flies well." He to have to look for an emer- "I'm in that movie across the hardware merchant out of his mandate for statewide tax reform. We implement. One favorable outcome of it, lumbered down the runway. It pressed a button to talk to the gency field. We have lost a street. Would you lend me seat. The man looked. "Yep," agree with them, and we still believe that from the mayor's viewpoint, is that it went faster and faster. Pas- passengers and said: "We've second engine. Please be $227.40 to get me to New he said. "That's you." the governor's tax reform package which should reduce the hostility that exists be- sing hangars were a blur. At got an emergency. Number calm." ^ \ York? I just got off a plane Gleason has been getting 125 miles per hour, it lifted off that made a forced landing." the Assembly last year defeated would tween so many governing bodies and one is shut down and this tub Gleason was calm. Heiook- home by train ever since.., have satisfied the demands which the Su- boards of education. preme Court now says must be met. Besides school costs, municipal and Although the court's immediate concern county governments rely almost entirely was the education of all of New Jersey's Biggest Bug in History on revenues raised by local property children, we hope its ruling will serve as iiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiimiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii don't expect the truth." the base from which adherents of state- By ROBERT YOAKUM Sen. Ervin's investigating taxes. That source cannot be tapped again. Second Voice: "I'm ex- committee. So when this fel- To the contrary', the Legislature must find wide tax reform can effectively operate. Marvin Pringle, as you may ANOTHER tremely sorry, sire." low from the Senate com- remember, was the man who First Voice: "Well, I'll stick mittee came around to ask for frightened the wits out of by you — as long as I can — Watergate material I..." And Now, Mr. Dawes broadcasters early in 1971 by LOOK but, and I want to be perfectly "You don't mean..." Republican Assemblyman John T. make these decisions because we have sending out a national emer- frank about this, your job is Marvin nodded. gency alert and then* failing iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiinainiiniiiiiiiiiii supposed to look non-political Dawes' announcement that he will not found them to be dedicated and con- ". . . the Ervin committee for 40 minutes to find the code and it's beginning to look any- has«that transcript?" seek reelection, coming so soon after a scientious legislators. Both have been part word needed to cancel it. began to read from a tran- thing but. Now here's what 1 Marvin nodded again. similar announcement by his colleague, of the new breed of young legislators After his abrupt dismissal script: suggest..." "Pringle, get that transcript Republican Assemblyman Chester Apy, whose vigor gave new insight to the politi- from that job, Marvin became First Voice: "Well, Pat, it's Pringlc's superior was YOAKUM back!" dramatizes, we think, how much different cal realm. an FBI agent. getting sticky. Of course, I'm slumped over his desk, head "But what ,if I can't?" Marvin, of course, didn't still behind you a thousand on arms, but suddenly he a legislator's life is these days compared "In that case," Cymbalist Mr. Dawes says he hasn't lost his en- tell the FBI about his gigantic per cent — sorry, I mean — gathered enough strength to Pringle, because if this blun- said with a sigh, "we'd go to to a decade or two ago. thusiasm for public office, and he hints blooper. Had he done so, Mar- uh, everything I said about scream "Pringle! For God's der got out my head would work for the Ervin committee Mr. Dawes, who is completing his sec- vin's superior, Emphraim you still goes. But did all that sake, stop! Do you know what roll, too. Just give me the and pretend the whole thing that he may again be a candidate when his tape, and we'll both forget the ond term in Trenton, said he cannot ac- Cymbalist, would have been stuff about the Watergate in- you're reading? was intentional. We could say youngsters are a little older. Those of us vestigation have to be made whole thing." cept the responsibilities of office because suspicious when Marvin rush- "What you've done, Pringle, we decided the best way to who hold him in high regard are consoled ed in with the news that he public?" is to tap the phones of the get to the bottom of the affair he needs time to earn a living as a lawyer "OK, sir, but what about the by that. / had "taped some real hot Second Voice: "Well, I did President of the United States other transcript?" was to tap at the top." and to be the father and husband he wants stuff on the Watergate case." say that I would level with and the acting director of the "What other transcript?" "Good idea, boss!" said to be. The message the public should not "What is it?" asked Cym- them." FBI. It is, without a doubt, Marvin. "Do you think the, j Mr. Apy gave just about the same rea- overlook is that legislators today cannot balist, feeling vaguely uneasy. First Voice: "Yes, yes. I the biggest bug in history." "Well, the President said he committee would give me a be effective unless they have ample time "Well," said Pringle know. But leveling with a con- "Wow!" Marvin exclaimed. wanted all the facts brought special award?" feons, to devote to the job. It no longer is a one- proudly, "I'm not sure who it gressional committee isn't the "I thought those voices out to get to the bottom of the The paperweight hurled by same thing as telling every- sounded familiar!" affair. And the Chief said the I We are genuinely sorry that Mr. day-a-wcek prestigious assignment. is, but it's obviously top se- Cymbalist missed Pringle by cret. Just listen to this!" He thing. Besides, congressmen "Now 1 can't fire you, FBI would cooperate with IDawes and Mr. Apy felt compelled to inches. -•• • •; • .' Water Project The Dally Bcgtster, Bed Baik-MMdJetown, tiJ, Friday,April S, 117J 7 Aid Requested FREEHOLD - If you have '•' The water resources agency a sump pump going full blast wants to record the water lev- in your basement or the creek els at as many points in the behind your house is threat- state as possible for reference DAYS ening to come inside, there is in future years. Rt. 35 at Patterson Ave., Shrewsbury (100 Ft. North of Shop-Rite) 741-5019 very little you can do to pro- Marco L. Markley, state soil tect your property except scientist for the Soil Con- WED. - THURS. - FRI. 10 to 9, SAT. 10 to 6 wait for the unusually high servation Service of the U.S. water table levels to recede. Department of Agriculture, But you may be able to help explained that the depth of "Where The Manufacturers Cut Out The Labels the U.S. Water Resources Di- the water table is important and MR. LIQUIDATOR CUTS THE PRICES!" vision, U.S. Geological Sur- to preparation of detailed soil vey, in a survey it is-con- maps. The data gathered will ducting throughout the state also be helpful in studies of between April 10 and April 20. shallow ground waters being Noting that water levels are conducted by the Department SUPER SAT. TAG SALE expected to be equal to or of Environmental Protection. higher than at any time in the Residents of Monmouth past 50 years, the federal County are asked to contact ON SALE SATURDAY 10 A.M. SHARP agency is asking owners of the local soil conservation dis- dug wells, ponds, quarries, trict at 20 Court St. in Free- borrow pits or sand pits in hold to request a form to fill SAVINGS UP TO 90% REGULAR PRICE which the ground water level out. The phone number is 462- is exposed to measure the lev- 1079. el during the 10-day period. A follow-up government team will later visit most of the sites reported to deter- mine sea level elevations at HIGHEST the measuring points, confirm the exact locations and fill in INTEREST any missing details. ALLOWED BY LAW Registration April 18 ON TWO YEAR ()/ CERTIFICATES For Colts Nerk Schools 'fl OF DEPOSIT YIELD 6% COLTS NECK - Kinder- 5 FOR 1 YR. garten registration for the 1973-74 school year has been ON ONE YEAR scheduled for Wednesday, ,-0/ CERTIFICATES April 18; in the Conover Road Register Staff Photo by Don Lord! Z /0 OF DEPOSIT School from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. YIELD 5.65% DIGS ARCHEOLOGY — Newby Gyden, 12, a seventh grade student at 5 To be eligible for admission, Ti.nton Falls School, New Shrewsbury, placed first in a nationwide essay kindergarten entrants must contest on archeology sponsored by Britannica Roundtable, the Brit- ON REGULAR be five years old on or before n PASSBOOK annica Society's quarterly publication! For his achievement, Newby will v SAVINGS Oct. 1. attend the third annual Winnetka, III., Junior High Archeological Field 4 School this summer and the Koster archeological digs at Kampsville, III. Dspoilts Insured Up to School principal George Washington observes his prize-winning student, $20,000 by F.D.I.C. who is the son of Mrs. Joyce Gyden of 10 Stevens Ave., New Shrewsbury.
NAVESINK HOUSE Interim Rules Set by EPA 40 Riverside Ave
Member Federal Reserve, Federal Dtpotlt Iniuranc* Corp. . For Ocean Waste Dumping WASHINGTON (AP) - The technical compliance with the Environmental Protection law by the time it takes ef- Agency yesterday announced fect. .U v the establishment of interim The temporary permits will regulations under which tem- expire 90 days after the final porary permits are to be is- regulations are published. CASHIER WILL DEDUCT .LIGHTING sued for dumping waste mate- ,EPA said all dischargers will YOUR SAVINGS rials into the ocean. have to file new applications Ocean dumping without a for permits under those final permit becomes illegal after regulations. April 23, under the Marine The ocean dumping law is A SUPER COLLECTION OF SPORTSWEAR!! Protection, Research and aimed at controlling the dis- OVER 400 TO CHOOSE FROM Sanctuaries Act adopted last charge of a wide variety of year. wastes, including thousands of CHILDREN'S The interim regulations are types of chemicals and solid designed to bring some 1,000 junk, into the nation's off- ocean-dumpers who have al- shore waters. ready applied for permits into Dredging spoils are to be NONE controlled under permits is- sued by the Corps of Engi- HIGHER neers, subject to EPA criteria SHOE RIOT NATIONALLY ADVERTISED UP TO 15.99 Derived from the handiwork of artisans in the villages of 18th cen- and site-selection. tury America and Europe. Made with an old-fashioned respect for Sewage is to be controlled THE ABOVE IS ON SALE SATURDAY 4-7-73 ONLY - quality. Painstaking attention given to small details; hand-hammered by discharge permits under metal, hand-painted tile! pewter and brass properly aged. Country another law and will not re- SO FIRST COME FIRST SERVE. Casuals ... time tested lighting classics by The Lighting Center. At quire ocean-dumping permits. home with Early American, Mediterranean and Provincial surround- UNBELIEVABLE SAVINGS. The dumping of fish waste ings. also is exempt, unless the wastes are dumped in har- ALL SALES ARE FINAL bors, enclosed bays, or areas where EPA determines that it could endanger human health or the environment. Advertise in The Register & fife** Brian E. Smith 7TH] I West Point G/iaritGitu 6th Appointment I For Smith The connoisseurs' colonial. Blithe of spirit, mellow of finish and MIDDLETOWN - Brian E. strapped of column, Width 24"; body length 16"; overall 41"; 5 It. Smith, son of Mr. and Mrs. 60 watt max. candelabra base. Robert V. Smith of 14 Her Drive, has received an ap- Income Tax Special REG. 125.00 pointment to the U.S. Military. Academy at West Point, N.Y. OUR PRICE A senior at Christian Broth- ers Academy, Lincroft, Brian was notified of his appoint- Terrific Savings! ment by U.S. Sen. Clifford P, Case and Maj. Gen. Verne Bowers, adjutant general, De- MarkV partment of the Army. Brian is treasurer of the ELECTRONIC National Honor Society and a member of the varsity basket- ball and tennis teams at CBA CALCULATOR and has served as a student representative for the Stu- SALE dent-Faculty Council. He is ac- tive in St. Mary's Catholic PRICED! 44 Church, New Monmouth. Ceiling mounted, walnut stained driftwood plank accented with carved rosettes, body length 7"; 4 II. 60 watt max. Edison base; 74 CBA Selects white diffuser. REG. 65.00 4-in-3 Student's •LINCROFT - Joseph Pa • 8 DIGIT FLUORESCENT DISPLAY • A C ADAPTOR OR BATTERY OPERATION 50 celli, assistant principal in OUR PRICE 49 charge of academics, has an- • COLOR KEYS TO SEPARATE FUNCTIONS • FOUR DIFFERENT FUNCTIONS nounced Christian Brothers • FITS EASILY INTO POCKET OR BRIEF CASE OPEN THURS. & FRI, 'TIL 9 SATURDAY TIL 5 Academy's four in three pro- gram. It offers freshmen the op-
portunity to finish the normal 1 four years of high school in DO rOU HAVE A CHARM- THE LIGHTING CENTER three years , Elected to participate are the more for your 79 E. NEWMAN SPRINGS RD. RED BANK, NJ, Kevin Connolly, Peter Lyden, Peter McDonnell, Christopher Johnson, David 'Jurman, Pat- moneysworth store TEL 741-6400 rick Cleary and Joseph Foca- rile. j SHREWSBURY PLAZA. RTE. 35 « SHREWSBURY ME.. SHREWSBURY * Tfce 0*Oy ficgtter. Bed »Mk_Mkku>t»*m, N.lJ Friday, Aprtl I, U7J Wide Variations In Drug Prices
NEW YORK (AP) - Dar- $3.60 in still another low-in- von is a widely used pain kill- come area store. So, a er. In Los Angeles, you can crazyquilt of drugstore prices buy a specified amount of this exists across the country for prescription drug for $4.25. the same prescription item, in But in Miami, you can get the the same strength and quan- same dose of pain relief for tity, as determined by a sur- (2.65. vey of at least three drug- Those are the prices stores in each of a dozen cities charged in two average subur- by The Associated Press. Con- ban-'or neighborhood drug- sumer reaction to the vari- stores, a country apart. The ation has reached at least one druggists both buy their sup- state legislature. plies for the same basic price. In each city, reporters Take another drug. Empi- checked a suburban or neigh- rin, a high-volume item, and borhood pharmacy, a store in another city, Denver. In a cut- a low-income area and a cut- rate midtown pharmacy, the rate midtown store. price is $1.42 for a specified Why the varying scale? amount. In a low-income A spokesman for the Nation- area, the same amount is al Association of Retail Drug- $3.65; in a neighborhood store, gists in Chicago, said lawyers, RETIRING TRUSTEES HONORED- Benson T. Gold, left, president of only J2.65. doctors and merchandisers of board of trustees of the Long Branch Public Library, presents plaques to Those Denver prices would other products also charge retiring trustees, Eldon C. Presley, center, and James R. Barbour. Both seem to bear out the suspicion varying prices. men had served several years of their terms as president of the library that pharmacies in low-in- Willard Simmons, executive' board. They were honored at dinner in West End Manor, Long Branch. come areas charge higher secretary of the National As- prices. But that isn't always sociation of Retail Druggists, so. said that some pharmacies Hosts Sought In Chicago, for example, maintain delivery systems the Darvon might cost $3 in a and such services as charge We even make house For Foreign low-income neighborhood, accounts and are therefore higher than the $1.90 in a cut- entitled to charge more than a Teachers rate midtown store but lower discount store that operates calls to doctors... than the $3.90 in an average with small overhead. KKD BANK - Area resi- neighborhood store. Simmons also said that on a < Kigilttr Stall Pliota dents are invited by the Even this price, however, nationwide basis from 1960 to A FIRST — Joseph Lc it, president of Navesink Hook & Ladder Greater Ked Bank Chapter ol isn't the end of the variation. . 1970, while the cost of other Co., Red Bank's oldest fire unit, presents a badge to company's first 20-'
Crabg-iM Conbo* People-toPeople In join in hos-That $3 price is one low-in- goods and services rose year-old member, Brian Moss of Hudson Ave. Membership in borough *i (orgtrtlcl U ting foreign teachers during come area Chicago store also sharply, the average cost of fire department was opened Monday to persons under 21 with stipulation Chinch Bug Cor Sod Wat) Worn ( its upcoming fifth summer of compares with $1.95 in anoth- prescription drugs dropped by they may not drive fire trucks until they are 21 years old. Watching pre- participation in the American er low-income area store and 10 per cent. sentation is Capt. Henry Labrecque. Host Program. Fun^ua Control(9 Chh What! You don't Hemlocks. Like sun. Take plan to plant even shade. Grow the way ever- 1.98 *one Dahlia or greens should. Form dense Gladiola? Sharrie on screening for patio, tall wind- Pansies. In bloom! ou. They cost so break for property line. Lux- lawn Sweet-faced beauties are little. Plant so urious in mixed planting. fun to grow in sunny easily. Need so Feed them and they grow spots. Large blooms. little care. And tall. Sheer them and they Lovely colors. Sooo-o beautifull grow dense. You'll be sorry. Merion Sod. The easy way Forsythia. Plant singly or in groups for to have green grass right dramatic effect. Outstanding in screen now, when you want it, plantings. A delightful golden yellow .. ranteed without waiting. Finest show every April. Now 4 to 5 feet tall, quality. Freshly dug. •' balled in burlap. ohve&grow Ask about quantity Guaranteed to live & grow,.. • delivery. Buy tho finest trees, shrubs and A per sq.ft. evergreens, guaranteed by us, We guarantee them to live & grow for 1 full year from date of pur- Perennials. The basis for chaw. Full, cheerful replacement every flower garden. Plant should any of our trees, shrubs perennials once and they Srevorgreons, planted by you, grow and bloom every year fall to live & grow within 1 full after. Many INTRODUCTORY SPECIAL year of purchase. Be sure to save different and unusual. CONDITIONING SPECIAL/Only your sates slip. Annual & peren- Treatment includes: From • Power Aeration Treatment includes: • Reseeding: MER1ON- • nial flowers, bulbs, root; and 89 • Power ROHLPS up lo • Power Aeration FYLKING mix (1 Ib. ^^ l house plants not guaranteed • Fcrtiiizat on :-'.0 c c • 4.000 | • Power Rolling • 4000 sq. ft. • Reseedmi; f/EPlOf, • Ferliliialion • Fungus Control El. 1md'l. 1000 iq. It fl. FYLKING Pit* n Ib. (40°B organic) • Weed Control J1O.00 per 1030 sq 't.J Ea jtkT: 1000 sq. I!. | SS OO Privet Hedge. Enjoy a Lily of the Valley Full Service dense green hedge that" Clusters of (guarantee grows fast & costs so lit- tiny white 9.95 tle. Bundle of 20 sturdy flower bells. ANNUAL Dogwood. Clouds of sq. ft. pans gg Most deli- beautiful bloom each 4 PROGRAM per cately fra- year and every Spring. ... on your lawn every 3-4 weeks grant of all 4000 sq. ft. Lustrous green foliage with either a service or check-back. minimum spring flow- turns reddish in Treatment includes: Spreading Yew. Chunky ers. Multi- FALL Autumn. Bright red SPRING EARLY SUMMER LATE SUMMER little adolescents; growing ply fast. • power AerBtion • Power Aeration Power Roli ICill day or night for FREE estimate and lawn analysis , Vprict Includes all klibor and mite rills Monmouth Rd. (Rt. 71) West Long Branch, N.J. 201/229-2587 OPEN: 9-6*7 days a week r (urn Lowr\ © er - garden 111 Servicing Red Bank, Rumson, center njrIM Fair Haven, Little Silver, i-os. Shrewsbury, Llncrofl, 671-4660 Middlelown and vicinity. Mm .- ,.• . The Dally Register, Bed Bask-im 199 Rabbi lo Talk On Women's Role is n. - ai rt. MATAWAN TOWNSHIP - REQ. SfO.W 1E3. 479.99 The third in a series of semi- 194" 344M nars dealing with problems ALL ALUMINUM L... and issues facing the Ameri- 24 Fl. 27 Fl. WALL REO. 529.99 REG. 57993 can Jewish community will be conducted Sunday at 8:30 p.m. 89 '/ ALL 384" 429 in Temple Beth Ahm social hall, 550 Lloyd Road. ' ALUMINUM Monle Carlo Oval - Rabbi Barry Dov Lerner, >U ALUMINUM^Hgj|& UPRIGHTS nMnn spiritual leader of the Con- TRACK ^^^ S4FI. X12R. 4B9" REG. 629.99 ^•*»* servative congregation, will give a summary of the back- THE BEACHCOMBER ground and Halacha (law) re- • Heavy gauge all-aluminum pool, patio, walkaround decking and lonc-fcHi garding the role of women in ing ' All-aluminum decorated pattern wall • Winlerlzod Unl-bond i'-—^^^ Jewish life. • Saloty gate • In and out ladders * 6 FT Compare! Save 10.00 24 Ft. ROUND J 00 REQ. 2299.95 Choir to Present 348 •00 1649" I Schubert Piece POWERFUL 8 H.P.'WILDCAT'MOWER SHREWSBURY - the Se- 1 32 Ft. X 1« Ft. OVAL 22-INCH 3 /2 H.P. ROTARY MOWER REQ. 2489,96 nior Choir of the Presbyterian Full 26" cut! Easy-spin recoil starter with foot- Church will present "Mass in operated clutch and brake. 3 speeds-forward, Economical to buy...and to operate! G" by Franz Schubert at the neutral, reverse. Pneumatic front and rear tires. Has convenient throttle cpntrol on 1749" Full floating deck. 24 Ft. I 13 Ft. OVAL 11:15 a.m. service Sunday. handle, individual quick wheel height REG. 1799.95 Soloists for the occasion will adjustment. 7" wheels and washout port. be Condee Decker, soprano; Philip Hayden, base; Steve 1299" INCLUDES GRANT CITY COUPON i. FULL FENCING, Kreinberg, tenor, all of whom GRANT CITY COUPON PATIO and WALKAROUND. are students at Westminster Garden Dept. Reg. 57° | Garden Dept. Reg. $4.49 " Choir College, Princeton. LIMITED SPECIAL Charles D. Frost, organist- c. choirmaster at the church, $O88 $66.00 15 x 48 POOL • FILTER • LADDER $66.00 will be the director. LIME 38 PEAT WI0SS40 3 I LIMIT ONE PER COUPON ' CoodApillT-$CcodAp. I LIMIT ONE PER COUPON Good Acrll 7-1 Hymn-Sing Set GRANT CITY COUPON GRANT CITY COUPON • Garden Dept. „ ^ n Keg. $1.07. • Garden Dept. Reg. $1.07 I Sunday Night an 1 KEANSBURG - The Rev. Newton Greiner has invited C 50 Ib. } the public to the monthly Hymn-Sing of the Bayshorc SPEAT HUMUS 88 I TOP SOIL ooh Area Churches to be held in I LIMIT ONE PER COUPON G» political Science Group to Meet I.-1* WEST LONG BRANCH - This first formal meeting of who have coordinated ar- will consider "Political Noise politics and political theory. Mmmoulh College will host the fledging group will find rangements for tomorrow's in the Cities: Some Elements "The former will be on "Politi- thf first meeting of the New delegates, who are drawn meeting, have been serving as and Actors," Professor Janet cal Participation: Some Com- Jersey Political Science Asso- from both college and high ad hoc president and ad hoc Hannigan of Barnard College parative Considerations," un- ciation tomorrow. school faculties, as well as secretary-treasurer, respec- will serve as chairman. The der chairmanship of Professor The organization, which is from other professions, meet- tively second, on international rela- Richard J. Johnson of Glass- designed to bring together ing in business session to con- tions, will have as topic of dis- boro State College; the latter students of government and sider a draft constitution and The main programming for cussion "Theory and Morality on "Theories of Revolution." politics within the state and to to elect a slate of regular offi- the day will be devoted to a in International Affairs." Dr. Professor Arnold B. Urken of encourage the study of politi- cers. series of panel discussions. Kelley will bechai'man. Stevens Institute of Tech- cal and governmental pheno- Dr. Marvin Maurer, profes- The morning session which nology will be chairman. mena and institutions, was sor of government at Mon- will get underway at 10 a.m. The afternoon panels, which Registration for delegates is formed at the 1972 meeting of mouth, and Dr. Donald R. in Woodrow Wilson Hall, will will begin at 2:30, after the scheduled to begin at 9. Stu- the American Political Sci- Kelley, assistant professor of feature two panels to be con- luncheon-business meeting tc dents may attend the panel ence Association. government at the college, ducted simultaneously. be held in the college dining sessions without formal regis- One on American politics, hall, will be on comparative tration. ;' •tp&M@?!}:'Zft %• '' PRE-SEASON SALE MEMORIAL GIFT — Dr. Lawrence C. Sylvia, associate director of labo- SHADE FOR ratories and Blood Bank director at Monmouth Medical Center, describes ORNAMENTAL IMMEDIATE functions of blood bank refrigerator for Mr. and Mrs. Frank S. Graziano OEUVERY A and their daughter, Cheryl. Relatives, friends and the Graziano family do- FRUIT PLANTING nated-the unit to the Medical Center in memory of their son, John, who TREES passed away in 1969. The Grazianos, formerly of Marlboro, now reside in Montville. Super Saving Discounts •SUNBURST LOCUSTS •MOUNTAIN ASH •JAP. RED MAPLES •CRIMSON KING MAPLES • WHITE BIRCH WHY HAVE BUSTER CRABBE POOLS • DOGWOODS •NORWAY MAPLES •SCARLET HAWTHORNE • SYCAMORE • SHADE MASTER LOCUST WON MORE AWARDS THAN OTHERS? •WILLOW • GOLDEN CHAIN •SUGAR MAPLES • FLOWERING PLUM •OAK TREES •LINDEN We Make Better Pools! •CHESTNUT ELM •CRAB APPLE • SILVER MAPLES -FLOWERING CHERRY •HEOBUD •CHINESE CHESTNUT BUSTER CRABBE EXCLUSIVE* • SANITIZED LINER (BEARING AGE APPLE & PEAR TREES) Many Other Varieties of Quality Trees, Evergreen & Flowering- • CAS/LOK COPING Shrubs at Reduced Prices • AQUA/GENIE SKIMMER/FEEDER • MANY OTHER EXTRAS BONGARZONE'S MAKING OUR POOLS THE BEACHFRONT FUTURE FORUM — A public forum to discuss "The Fu- Landscaping and Grounds Maintenance ture of our Beachfronts: Life or- Death" will be conducted at YM-YWHA, EASIEST TO MAINTAIN AND SINCE 193S OPEN SAT. & SUN. Grant Ave., West Deal, on May 6 at 7:30 p.m. Organizing forum program FOR PERSONALIZED CONSULTATION are from left, David Resnikoff, YM-YWHA president; Dr. Jay Kern, con- THE MOST ENJOYABLE TO OWN. cerned citizen; Mrs. Lois Levy, forum committee chairman; and Les Ho- PHONE: 542-0718 DAY OR EVENING dax of radio station WJLK, moderator. State and local officials are ex- This can be yours pected to serve on the panel. 'Buster Qrabbe Pools have consistently won more gold med- WAYSIDE DD. w c, IMM A,:; NEW SHREWSBURY For the price of als, silver medals, bronze medals and honorable mention A Second car... awards than any other pool in annual industry-wide com- Kiwanis to Honor petitions tor design excellence. Nicaraguan Consul Stop in and see our display or call or write for free literature. MIDDLETOWN - Walter Stones Restaurant beginning at A Open daily 9-6 How to get somebody 7:15 p.m. are requested to Vasquez of New Monmouth, BUSTER honorary Nicaraguan consul contact Thomas T. Conrad. SWIMMING POOLS will be honored tomorrow- CRABBE else to do your lawn night as Kiwanis Man of the POOLS Year. HIGHWAY U, EUGLISHTOWM Mr. Vasquez, who coordi- GYPSY 6 miles west of Freehold for what it costs nated relief for victims of the Nicaragua earthquake MOTH throughout the state, will be IN MIDDLETOWN AREA cited for his humanitarian en- YES, 1 WANT TO KNOW MORE ABOUT 1 to do it yourself CONTROL BUSTER CRABBE POOLS deavors. CALL YOUR RaO REPRESENTATIVE 15 YRS. EXPERIENCE Mrs. Vasquez was honored WAYNE HYATT Namo Call by the Nicaraguan govern- LEARY TREE Address < ment in 1968 for his assistance 671-0905 'The Lawn-a-Mat to small businessmen of the SPRAY SERVICE Cily and State county and named honorary COLTS NECK, N.J. OR MAIN OFFICE 445-9322 Man." consul. 542-5546 Telephone Through his latest efforts 125 tons of food and clothing Get a thick, green lawn. were shipped to the quake vic- Costs no more tims. than doing it yourself Mr. Vasquez is a member of the Knights of Columbus and And he does the work. serves on the New Jersey World Trade Committee. Don't be Persons desiring ticket in- formation for the affair that Meet your WE'RE IMITATED... but NEVER DUPLICATED will be held in the Cobble- ONLY L»wn-A-M»l hai been eitabllihed and bugged •ervlclnglawni lines 1961. ONLY Lawn-A-Mal It America'! largest auto- mated Lawn Service. Hearing Slated ONLY Lawn-A-Mat uiei nationally advertised by professional Lswn/A-Maglc products. In Theft Case Lam Doctor rep. ONLY Lawn-A-Mat teed mixture! are Inter- Agency Certified by the Bureau of RED BANK — Ronald L. Seed Certification. Murphy, 20, of 85 Squankum tree & So II you want quality, dependability and proven (ucceai why not call Lawn- Road, New Shrewsbury, is A-Mat. scheduled to have a Municipal Court hearing 9 a.m. Monday shrub on charges of breaking into the Redden Real Estate Agency, 301 Maple Ave., and pests. stealing several office ma- chines valued at a total of Introducing shrub and $313. tree spraying service by Murphy, arrested Monday on a parole violation charge is Lawn*Doctor Your Lawn»Doctor rep- Materials will be dis- being held in the county jail. resentative is a specialist ' pensed periodically by in the care and well- patented automated ma: Don't look now ... but Ihe being ol lawns. If your "THE LAWN-A-MAT® MAN'S" FAMOUS He is accused of taking a annual invasion is about lo chinery in Ihe exact ' start. The time ol year lawn isn't a picture ol amounts your lawn re- typewriter, copy machine, health . . . it you're BILL TORES quires. The cost for this 'GREENSKEEPER CARE PROGRAMS'" camera and checkwriting ma- when caterpillars, gypsy REP. moths and crawling crea-' plagued by the frustrat- scientific care is just a GET ACQUAINTED SPRING chine from the agency March tures of all kinds begin ing failures of do-it-yourself turf care, you little more in dollars than torturous do-it- OFFER SPECIAL P FOUR SEASON 8. their royal feast on your ought togive Lawn»Doctor acall now. First, yourself methods. But LawnoDoctor brings, UANNUAL PROGRAM beautiful trees and shrubs. your lawn will be thoroughly analyzed. Then, you a lot results. Call lawn«Doctor • Seeding sq. All Lawn-A-MaglC seed Patrolman Richard J. Lam- This year ... . now, in a year-round program will be developed now ... and be well on your way to a more according to the exact needs ol your grass. beautiful and healthier lawn. 195 I CQO Sq Mi l.oeo 5a ft mixtures are certified by berson and Us. Herbert fact... you can do some- • Fertilization Ihe Bureau of Seed Certlfl- Swanson and Benjamin Glo- thing about those pests. {Tutl-MasierPfif (Turf.Mas r-Pnlls' 4.000 Sq. FI. Min. cation. II costs no more to use lawn«Doctor for all these phases of... lion & Iron & M onulnentsi ver investigated. lor up to 4,000 M.cronulf.cntsj • Weed Conl Spring • Pre-emeigence Crab Grass Control • Re- Uwn^Doctor's new tree and Lawn * Doctor F • Powff Aeraton • Grub Proo! ser/dingO IB- per 1 OOOSQ Ft )• Fertilization shrub spraying service will YEAR ROUND LAWN CARE • Power Rollins • Power Rni INTRODUCTORY SEEDING: Dtm * TfiKimb,O.[ lira • Power Ae, (Turf-Master-Pri!!s Iron & Micronutnents) • Weed chase them, helping your Control • Power Rotting Aeration • Grub-ProDimg Holy Name Unit prized bushes and trees lo OFFER! For a FREE LAWN ANALYSIS without obli- Early Summer • Weed Control • Chinch Bug Con- withstand the onslaught. gation Call your neighborhood "Lawn-A- trol • Sod Webuorm Control • Fungus Control • *h>il "*"' fERTILIZATION: b» G('iv • Eru* tjnT\«t (fall ,iir pftltc'iofli tor dpi- r n Plans Break Cast USSll'2I'2?»Dufr)i! 4^00 -US 5 J330«D-p3ii T.t btt\\t, Miy imj lure b«t!t jnfl onen'ii (lnJen Fertilization (Duro-Tu '-Pr.Hs 50 o Organic) • Power Service is provided four • It>\t\it 4500 • PCA-EF Roll Mat' Man." Call anytime, seven days a 35U' c-fli.C »U; fa 1-j lbs ofnlicjin r,er | OuQ n &«etl* ULJ I|iiieill~Ciclut'Vt tl^'Do^loi product Rotlmq LONG BRANCH - The limes a year.. .oltener • feitilue 11-22 21 • Aq.jcjii | Summer • Crab Grass Control • Weed Control • It dtpenrj.i; ;i (fofi^ ' • " • '"C'eist* t)t>'ll«f ittion. Holy Trinity Holy Name So-' il needed, at no extra WEED CONTROL: SERVICES: ACT NOW Fungus Control • Chinch Bug Conlro! • Sod Web- cost. Speaking of cost . .. Complete only worm Control • Fertilisation (Duro-Turt-Pn!]s 50% ciety will sponsor its annual Organic) you'll find that it is quita Fall • Re-seedinq (1 ib per 1.000 Sq. FI) • Fertili- communion breakfast Sunday reasonable. O'j^ifl ^4~I-CL> • Pii-tffltiiinl crikftm canlrtl • firillEtitiii if ihtufc mil. ! zation (Duio-Turf-Pritis 50 i> Organic) • Weed Con- at Sirianni's Friendly Cafe. Lawn*Doctor now Call 741-3647 trol • Grub-Proofing • Power Bolting • Power Aera- Brighton Ave., after the 8 and stop being bugged by 24 Hours a Day - 7 Days a Week tion FUNGUS CONTROL: tern trtd tu,-i) • Ornifntfilil tret irtl ihtub inutl a.m. Mass for members, sons shrub and tree pests. No Sfiftmic »cliifl Ifrsin 1991 ti Oupcnl • Brtll 5p'c- (Ifltfll (i)itim-c «t1-0f>1 brch Itif mmr. bif v-0'm, I Altnutt Prepnm faclud*» all Hi* nutrttnlt mtit controlt your town nfdt 4 timtt m ytar Pint t chtckjiick tpol-tr»*lm»nl-s»r- t'u~" fliidii "-I"!1:;! • t^B ra S' b; Dupcn! • Cifid/ by lent Cl!tip>lijr, (ill/ rnolh. Kjfi.rjj Bflrt'l. mill. 1 tfm • o»i lumen M ytt. and friends in Holy Trinity obligation estimate fur- PROVEN ON OVER A MILLION LAWNS COAST TO COAST school auditorium. nished it no cost. Mayor Henry H. Cioffi, a member of the Holy Name So- tf you want a ciety, will be guest speaker. beautiful lawn, let RED BANK - OCEAN TWP. Call •nytlmt, dirornlgffl, A highlight will be the nam- 741-2325 7 rfiyi •«..». ing of the Holy Trinity Holy Noobllgitlon. LINCftOFT - HOLMDEL HAZLET - MIDDLETOWN iawnYour NelflhborhOOd "LAWN-A-MAa r MAN" is backed by AMERICA'S FIRST, LARGEST Name Man of the Year. The and MOST EXPEfllENCED producer ol lawn products applied to Ihe homeowner's lamv Lawnlake care ot it. * Doctor 946-3339 671-2229 recipient will receive a plaque. The Dally Register, E«l Bank-MlddleWwn, N.J. Friday, April f, 1973 U \ Archeological Lootings Plague Egypt CAIRO (AP) - A wave of guard in Dahshur, south of archeological looting is Cairo, was arrested after po- spreading across the land of lice allegedly found 15 price- the Pharaohs. less objects from various Officials believe an inter- parts of Egypt in his posses- national network of antique sion. dealers from the United Investigators reports that States and Europe is behind rare sculptures several thou- the operation. In the first sand years old are being sold three months of this year, by the looters for $200 and pa- archeologists say, thousands pyrus scrolls for $150, far be- of ancient tombs have been il- low their real value. legally plundered, with the One collection of Oriental loss of rare artworks and writings, 1,200 years old, said valuable papyrus scrolls by an expert to the largest worth millions. known collection of papyrus A few weeks ago police in- scrolls, vanished recently. Its vestigating a double murder recipient is said to be asking in upper Egypt found the vic- for $1 million. tims were among a group of Egypt has recently estab- looters who had been plunder- lished a new institute to train ing sites for eight months. guards and has dispatched 300 "It was shocking to find 400 additional guards to protect THE "Y" OF PAINTING —. Art for display at the Community YMCA, Red acres of archeological sites all archeological sites. Bank, is selected by, left to right, Mrs. Nanci Rohn of Middletown, Mrs. ravaged," says Fathy Wasif, Yvonne Aubert of Red Bank, president of the Guild of Creative Art, chief.inspector of the Anti- But as an outdoor museum, Shrewsbury, and Mrs. William Wescott of Rumson, a 'Y' volunteer. quities Department. the country can't guard more In 5,000 tombs nothing re- than a quarter of its 40,000 mains but broken Pharaonic known archeological sites, ac- sculptures and mummies dat- cording to Gamal Mukhtar, Guild Arranges Displays ing to 663-523 B.C., he reports. director of the Antiquities De- III! Last month well organized partment. f groups of illegal archeologists He estimates that 99 per FOR FAMILIES WHO ENJOY THEIR LAWN plundered over 200 Pharaonic cent of all lootings go undisco- It's not difficult to grow And aWonderlawn requires less elforl to maintain. . Of Art at Community ' tombs near Fayoum, 60 miles vered. You don't have to be a pro to grow ,t. That's why Regularly 6.25 Now only from Cairo, and hit two other families Vvho maintain their own lawn choose RED BANK - There's a "As I worked in the 'Y' of- Yvonne Aubert, Inger Kriis, sites, escaping with their loot. A convicted looter of anti- Wonderlawn Utility formula. It matures rapidly, looks | new "Spring" look at the fice," she comments, "I bo- and Kay Lyons, here; Bar- A week later four priceless quites faces a maximum sen- great, takes traffic. Use it fron't and back, in sun Community YMCA, Maple came convinced that the 'YV bara Cocker, Ken Mitchell, colored slabs depicting the tence of three years in prison. and shade, for new lawns, for reseeding and Ave. .. . spacious lobby and ample, and Santo Pezzutli of Rum- kings of the Old Kingdom van- Archeologists feel that life improving old lawns. wall space were perfect for son; Wini Smart of Freehold; ished mysteriously in Aswan. terms might halt the drainage AVAILABLE AT ALL WONDERLAWN DEALERS *5»49 And it comes as com- of Egypt's ancient splendor. pliments ortte Guild of Creat- art exhibits. I, therefore, con- Leslie Beeman of Middle- Police arrested four persons Local dealers should also be ive Art, Shrewsbury,' which tacted the Guild and it has town; Janet Schippcrt of in Saqqara after stolen anti- Spring Lake, and Shunyu banned from trading in anti- has arranged an: exhibit with been most cooperative in ar- quites allegedly were found in Fang of Eatontown. quities, they say. that theme. ranging for our exhibits." their homes. An antiquities The paintings are for sale The art displays by local The first show, entitled through the Guild. guild members were initiated "Winter," just concluded. The Future plans call for a chil- by Mrs. Nanci Rohn of Mid- present collection includes dren's art show to be ar- dletown,. who Is a volunteer paintings by Helen Bachner ,ranged by Bertty Hart, Little How to be retired without being clerical assistant at the "Y". and Ceil Grayer of Belmar; Silver artist and instructor. lonely, bored, overworked, scared or regimented. To many active, independent couples, retirement is a dirty word. It suggests having to leave familiar surroundings and old friends. To trade independence for regimentation. To give up a lot more than work. In a tranquil country setting, halfway between Philadelphia and the Jersey shore is a community that has put new meaning into the word retirement. ' A community called LeisureTowne. At LeisureTowne, you can live in your own private house. A brand-new, fully air-condi- tioned colonial. With new GE appliances, clean electric heating, and not a stair in sight. Lewis and Doris DeWolf "never wanted to move into a retirement place',' but Around it, your own plot of land. To garden LeisureTowne's mix of private homes/shared recreation changed their minds. and putter and do everything but overwork city dreams up every day. (There's even a gate- yourself. Nearby, are the Cherry Hill and keeper on duty here to protect your privacy.) DERBY WINNERS — Robert Harris, second from left, standing, member Do yourself a favor. Drive out to of Middletown Boy Scout Troop 246 s Senior Patrol, first place winner in Moorestown Shopping Malls, the beaches at annual Klondike Derby, accepts first prize Dutch oven from Assistant Long Beach Island and Point Pleasant. LeisureTowne one weekday soon, and inspect Scoutmaster R. F. Bott, Other members of winning unit are, from left, standing, David Senator, John Davles and Robert DeGray, and kneeling, And you share in community ownership of the six model homes. They're priced from James Kerion and Ned. Powell. a world of recreation right on the premises. $19,500 to $313,950. With monthly living costs So your friends and family can join you at the for taxes, water, sewerage, metered electricity NOW-3 BIG POOL LOCATIONS! resort-sized swimming pool. Or on the private and all community services, starting at $94. 35-acre lake for boating and fishing. At horse- Take a good, long look around. Even before shoes, shuffleboard. In the community you talk to a salesman, talk to the residents Direct From Our Plant center's meeting rooms and auditorium. here. See for yourself what it's like to be All you leave behind are pollution and over- retired without being bored, lonely, scared or •ATAn Unheard Of Price/ crowding and the thousand aggravations the regimented. WITH ROMAN BOW FIBREGLAS STEPS! ———»^—— DIVING BOARD! , AH INCLUDES JACUZZI FILTER Aluminum AND COMPLETE INSTALLATION Above-Ground It's a neighborly place—"you never pass anybody without saying hello. Biking is one popular way to enjoy Leisure Fowne s fresh country air. FINANCING ARRANGED POOLS CALL US TODAY! v When you stop working, start living. 721-328IN CENTRAL JERSEY0 752-72881892-301IN NORTH JERSEY I IN SOUTH JERSEY0 FREE ESTIMATES ITNATIONAL POOL BUILDERS. Inc. LeisureTowne 205 Rout* 22, Gmnbrook, N.J. 08812 VI$IT OUR SHOWROOMS: • I'm int»ra»t«d in your Luxury Pool • • . AT VINCENTOWN, NEW JERSEY obligation. ROUTE 22 - FACTORY SHOWROOM 205 RT. 22. GREENBROOK NAVE : .EAST ON RT. • ADDRESS . Ji RT- 70 & RT. 88 POOL CENTER LeiiureTowne LAUREjTON CIRCLE. BRICKTOWN CITY i_ RO. Box 418 STATE _ZIP__ ' Vincentown, New Jersey 08088 (609) 859-9000 ROUTE 9 - DIAMOND POOLS RPHONE ~ .SAVREVIUE A IA'UUW Ti'L'hnulu^.v Community 01972, leisure Tbchnoloey Corp.' M TT«l«y Bister, Ee Savings Certificates ONLY NEW LOW PRICE 24-26Mos. I CERTIFICATE 95 Minimum $10,000 5,000 Multiples of $5,000 5,000 Sq. ft. I Sq. It. 11 I 8 Green Power is the lawn Take advantage of this all-time great spreader beautifying fertilizer that" value. The "Show 'n Tell1" marker shows makes your lawn vibrantly where you've^been, so you can tell green and thick. Slow where you're going. I I release formula provides extended feeding. mowi LOWEST PRICE I NEW LOW PRICES IB $1045 EVER! 12-14 Mos. CERTIFICATE 15,000 .Minimum $5,000 Sq. Ft. Multiples of $1,000 I 12 REGULAR PASSBOOK I 5 SAVINGS 6-8 Mos. Greenfield CERTIFICATE ACCOUNT Minimum $3,000 ...ask somebody who knows! Multiples of $1,000 I DIVIDENDS PAID QUARTERLY Elanco guarantees you will be satisfied with the performance of any Greenfield FURNITURE BUYER'S SALE OUTSTANDING— An outstanding performance rating with sustained superior performante award has been made to John A. Patt of 80 Robinson Place, Shrewsbury, a master instructor at the Sig- nal School, Ft. Monmouth. Mr. Patt receives award from U. Col. Stephen A. Irwin, director of the Department of Command Communications. Court Rule Favors Vet in Drug Case TRENTON (AP) - The Consequently the Supreme State Supreme Court has Court ruling has no imme- ruled that the courts could diate impact in his case, but it grant a suspended sentence to could have an effect if Staten a Vietnam veteran charged is ever laced with new drug with illegal possession and charges. •distribution of heroin even The court noted that the though it was not his first State Legislature is consid- drug offense. ering bills which would permit Frederick Staten, 27,' of suspended sentences for per- Long Branch was convicted in sons who were previously con- July 1971 on the drug charges. victed of drug related of- He first used heroin while fenses. serving in Vietnam. In its unsigned opinion, the The Supreme Court, in a 7-0 court said the absence thus decision, held that the trial far of specific legislation court judge could have sus- "does not restrict the dis- pended Staten's 3-to-5-year cretion of the trial judge in prison term and instead as- sentencing for convictions." sign him to the Discovery It reversed the decision of • House drug treatment center the state's second highest at Marlboro State Hospital. court, the Appellate Division Since the case was argued of Superior Court, which ruled before the Supremo Court on that the trialgudge lacked dis- March 6, Staten has been pa- cretion to suspend the sen- roled from prison. tence of a second offender. A Landmark Section CHAIRS Formed by Museum Framed Chairs - Ital PORT MONMOUTH - sites than any other munici- Prov., Fr.Prov., Spanish, More than 30 residents and pality," Miss Neidlinger said. ALL LAMPS Modern. owners of historic houses, The committee chairman, DEDUCT 20% Deduct 20% buildings and other land- who is also curator of the mu- marks turned out last week to seum, welcomed the residents with a brief history of the mu- form a landmark department Reg. seum and its collection. She SALE DINING ROOMS Reg. SALE DINETTES Reg. SALE within the Shoal Harbor Ma- StindbuiitGold velvit, Spiniih trip* 5959 $599 American ol Martinsville 8 pc Fr. Proir. deco/ator set • 1300 SBS9 Brody 4 pc drop leaf table 2 chairs with bench S249 . 1179 also announced receipt of a rine Museum Committee, Fr. Proir,- Cuitom rnidt -120"- biscuit tufted pink velvet 1395 599 Broyhill Premier 8 pc Mediterranean '799 649 Daystrom 5 pc contemp black 8r chrome 169.95 129.95 Miss Gertrude Neidlinger, letter from Richard J. Sulli- Standbuilt Custom mide-dMp tufted 127" purple velvet 1395 599 Cult Aztec glass fop tavlff & 4 chairs blfc & white fur 869 659 Daystrom 5 pc octagon table 140 109.95 Daystrom 5 pc modern 48" rd table 429 committee chairman, has an- van, state Commissioner of Hibrlttn Fr, Prov. custom made • deip tufted • silver leaf Diaologue Int. 7 pc,s modern • mirror chrome glass top 359 Environmental Protection, frimi . 735 499 table upholstered chairs 3200 1295 Dayitrom 5 pc modern oval parquet table 160 119.95 nounced. Cnft Gontampority pink & white stripe 600 4S9 Amer. of Martinsv He 8 pc Spanish Daystrom 5 pc bamboo chairs with oval table 105 89.95 citing new regulations govern- 1295 899 .' "Middletown Township is 100" Conump, • looie pillow back - velvet Value 439 <;;.;•,, 299 HibritenBpccus om country English upholstered arm Daystrom 5 pc traditional 169 139 ing historic sites and their Daystrom 7 pc modern black & chrome one of the richest areas of the Olnctionil Custom mads fabric on custom sofa Contemn, 700 499 chairs with nailheads exquisite design 2300 1995 550 459 nomination to the state regis- Conttmp, fur liki lofa • olive flr. highlights • loose pillow 6 pc jr. dining room Spanish 549 369 Daystrom 5 pc modern 42" rd table 329 279 state, with perhaps more an- ter. back 399 299 7hayer Coggin olive Ash Burl 4 uphol. chairs chrome Howcll 5 pc contemp black & white 249 205 tique buildings and historic Thiyar Coggin Contemp. 100" chrome border arms 659 399 frame matching buffet Value 1705 Co"V/.129S Custom made 5 pc Mertit. Hack iron with inlay oak Mrs. William Scharmann, a Contemp, 64" Herculon loose pillow sofas Value 359 249 Founders S pc contemp uphot. chairs, large China • top table 349 289 member of the Navesink His- Matching club chair 129 oval table 1850 1395 Selrite 4 pc modern 32D 269 toric Landmark Committee, Founders Contemp. loose pillow in velvets & hounds tooth 600 299 Matching server 349 249 Virtue 5 pc Spanish 309 259 Little Silver Sofa 2 piece sectional conlemp. Indian print valvet 700 599 Matching buffet •123 299 Virtue 5 pc white oval table 164 135 discussed a survey of dwell- Selig Contemporary sofa Herculon 399 250 6pc solid pine 42" rd. table 5 pc maple table 4 capt. chairs Value 300 199 ings being conducted in the Craft (2) love saats hot pink and white combination 2 captains, 2 mates • large china Value 800 599 Aritdrcnni 5 pc modern chrome with glass top swivel Man Hurt Navesink area, which is to be ($900 value) Contemporary Each 454 Both 499 Tempie Stuart 8 pc dining room sawbuck table Value 1200 995 chairs 539 439 Craft Contemp L shape attached chaise lounge BEDROOMS ODD? «• ENDS - CASH & CARRY nominated for a place on the plymlh base crushed fur velvet 739 599 Benlwood rocker! 119 8995 state register of historic sites Plymwood 5 pc solid pine canopy bed 1S93 1295 In Accident Contemporary chaKe loungeis Value 179 119 Lane Modern bedroom set 1095 995 Directors chairs 19.95 and districts. Futorian Colonial sola maple trim 399 199 Childrcns corrupted furniture • Inch, chests, hutches, SHREWSBURY - Joseph 5 piece solid pine 899 699 Next meeting of the land- Colonial 84" Mi back foam back & seats peacock red prnt 364 299 Amer. of Martinsv He 5 pc Medit. triple dresser, twin chairs, desks, corner desks, night tables, day beds, head- Freeman, 59. of Carriage Broyhill Premier sofas, loveseats, chairs Hcrcuton plaid Col. 399 boards, dressing tables SO'/iOhr- mark department will be 299 mirrors, headboarrj, large armoire 1295 799 House Lane, Little Silver, is Futomn vinyJ sofa contemp. 100" glove like leather brown 299 Hihritcn custom bedroom set 108" dresser • armoire. Bars, bar stools - ratari, modern chrome & formica Monday, April 30, at 8:30 p.m. Futorian olive Herculon loose pillow back conlemp 249 199 king size bed 2 commodes 2200 14S5 Odd lamps 5051OK- reported in fair condition in . Solid pine table (oval) 2" thick apron 63 in the museum at the foot of Futorian matching lovtiseat olive Herculon contemp 199 149 United 5 pc pecan with armoire 1295 199 the intensive care unit at Riv- Spanish Oct. table - formica top 119 Wilson Ave, Futorian matching club chair 139 99 Amer. of Martinsville 5rjc Fr, Prov. fruitwood 1295 799 39 crview Hospital, Red Bank, Thayer Corjgin modern sofa 670 499 Founders 5 pc contemporary 1400 1095 Odd dining room chairs & dinette chairs '$5.00 SUP where he was taken following CLUBCHAinS Amer. of Martinsville 5 pc Spanish 800 £99 Pine tripfe dresssr 250 \ii Selig conlemp black vinyl loose cushion 169 5 pc game set with drrectors chairs 499 150 an accident on Sycamore Ave. 99 HIDE-A-BEDS Selig conlemp black air pelle loose cushion plymlh base- Simmons Queers site gold velvet trad. 449 219 Medit. Hex card table & Spanish chairs 499 250 Patrolman Robert Halsey FINEST QUALITY walnut 169 119 Simmons Queen size trad, loose cushion 699 449 Seligclubchairlasis) 19 went to the scene, near Bui- Tfiiyer Cogg'i Contemp irecf fiame 400 269 Simmons contemp Hsrculon stripe queen size 329 269 Swede twivel chair 300 • 69 tonwood Drive, at 7:48 p.m. Founders contemp barrel hounds tooth (just 21 Ea, 239 Ea.129 Simmons colonial hi back tweed queen sill 44B 219 Chrome & glass.console ctagcres ljust 2 • as is) El. 19 Lawn Swivel rocker - Hi back gold velvet 164 129 Simmoni trad, black vinyl queen size 329 269 Craft Aztec chair (as is) 239 " 19 Monday. Swivel rocker Kelly green 169 134 Simmons contemp black vinyl fall size 299 179 Modern cocktail table snail coprier base glass top (as is) 400 125 and Swivel rocker Red velvet 149 99 Basset! contemp stript 299 249 36" wrought iron Spanish chandelier (just 2) Value 300 75 Mr. Freeman reportedly Club chair olive green velvet 169 1)9 Nest of gold leaf tables 2 to a set Per set 22 struck a car belonging to Birrel green velvet 299 99 r _ 2 Etarjeres • vinyl upholstered shelves all steel Ea. 350 Ea. 219 Fertilizer Cheval standing floor mirrors chrome & brass 29% OFF Charles Pomanowski, 55 Craft Aztec siueer chair ' 174 129 Thomas St., which was Thayer Coggin barrel chairs on chrome basei 245 199 r^—-—Inn •»„ _ • -^__ 36" rd metal polka table 39 19 Tha/ar Coggin fooie pillow steel franc 359 E«. 209 8oudoir chair (as is] 59 8 parked on Sycamore Avc., Products 129 Contemp barrel red tweed loose cushion 199 Full toe rattan headboards & Queen 50 29.95 and then hit a utility pole. fir*...* '"Mr / • Tables • Medit. Colonial, Modern, cocktail & end 19.85 8 UP Police say that Mr. Free- / man stated a car had ap- proached on his left and • SCOTTS NYLON CARPETING forced him off the road; in- 501 CONTINUOUS FILAMENT DECORATOR ITEMS ivestigation, however, report- • PERLITE All sizes - $5.99 value Curios, Console tables, with edly revealed that no other $2.99 yd. - cash & carry! or without benches, sofa back car had been on the road. A summons has not yet • LOFTS mt tables/gold leaf, bombay chests, been issued. decorator desks- • HOLLY TONE 107oto50%OFF Florists' Unit Session Sel • BOVUNG SPRING LAKE - The next meeting of the newly-orga- • JIFFY KS nized Jersey Shore Profes- sional Florists' Association will be held Wednesday at 8 • PEAT MOSS p.m. in Mike Doolan's Motor Inn, Rt. 71, here. All those in the floral industry are invited • PINE BARK to attend. The association, comprised DECORATING-CARPETING-CUSTOM DRAPERIES-GIFT SHOP of a group of florists from • RED BARK Monmouth and Ocean coun- (NUGGETS) ties, was formed to increase public awareness and appre- ciation of flowers and public services florists perform. The first public service project was the supplying of Lakewood) Since 1KB flowers to returning P.O.W.'s at Patterson Army Hospital, SYCAMORE AVE. Ft. Monrnoulh- Flowers are SHREWSBURY being placed in patients' rooms, the lobby and the vis- 741-6300 itors' lounge. 14 Tfce Daly Eerier, Sed »«*-MMdtetow, N.J. Friday, April I, U» No-Load Funds By ROGER E. SPEAR an owner or partner of an Buying Beef in Bulk'f unincorporated business and Q — Please recommend one SUCCESSFUL derive income from your per- •y SYLVIA PORTER weighing 25-30 lbs. for |2. "60 or two good no-load mutual sonal efforts or services you lbs. of meat for |10, including funds which are suitable for are qualified. All of your em- 20 lbs. or chicken, 10 lbs, pork INVESTING As you buy meat in the YOUR MONEY'S the Keogh Plan. I would ap- ployes must be included in months ahead, should you try chops, 10 lbs. bacon, ID lbs. preciate it if you would briefly your program if they have to slash your bills by buying sausage, and 10 lbs. of picnic explain the Keogh Plan and worked for you for three beef in bulk? Assuming that WORTH ham." Moreover, the ad of- of meat at your local market. how one qualifies for partici- period. Resistance in the 1969- years or more, and if they and are no nonger able to you have a home freezer wiiniiiiuiiiiiniiuiiiiiiniiiiiiiiuiiiuiniiiii fers "free cutting and wrapp- Multiply the number of pation. — A.C. 70 bear market was above av- work more than five months a work, you are qualified to re- which permits you to take ad- ing." pounds by the local price per erage as well. These funds year and 20 hours or more a ceive benefits immediately. vantage of the sales in quar- steak, rib eye steak, roast, Mow. what a barjain in this pound. Add up the whole busi- A — Among others, John- each require a minimum in-' week. Benefits may be paid in one ters, sides, whole half-ton plate and flank for ground era! ness. Now compare this total ston Mutual Fund and David itial investment of $250. The program offers a valu- lump sum or in installments steers? beef." . .. "Special package But now read the fine print: with the wholesale beef deal- L. Babson Investors are two The Keogh Plan - other- able tax shelter. The investor by purchase of an insurance Yes. if — and In your mind's 260 lbs. - J100" (which works The 200 lbs. for 45 cents beef er's price for a whole beef. above-average no-loads wise known as a self-em- may contribute annual annuity, by purchase of U.S. eye read that if, in letters a out to 38 cents a pound) . . . deal is commercial grade — Or, if you're buying a side, cut which offer the plan which in- ployed retirement program — amounts of up to 10 per cent Retirement Bonds or a com-, foot high — you read and un- "USDA Choice ... beef sides which comes after prime, the supermarket total in half. terests you. Both funds were is for anyone who pays his of earned income to such a bination of both. As an al- derstand the fine print! 69 cents Ib." ^ choice and good and which is Say the bulk beef deal ap- among the top 25 funds for own Social Security tax in pension fund or 12,500, which- ternative you might consider Here are excerpts from an And as special bonuses seldom sold in supermarkets pears superior. Then watch performance in the 1968-1972 full. In other words, if you are ever is less, either of which is purchase of common stock ad on my desk now: thrown in with the deal: or restaurants. for these key points when tax deductible. In addition, all through a bank-trusteed "Beef . . . 200 lbs. 45 cents "10 lbs. pork chops for J2 if The 69-cent choice beef you're shopping: interest, dividends or capital Koegh account. 1b." . . . "includes T-bone you buy a quarter or a side of sides are "Yield Grade 5" — What is the grade? Agricul- gains are accumulated tax (Roger Spear's 52-page In- meaning that you get a relati- TWA Sales Post steak, sirloin, club steak, rib beef." A "bushel of chicken" ture Department grades free until the pension benefits vestment Guide is available to vely low proportion of edible range down from prime to begin to be withdrawn on or all readers of this column. meat after all the bone, fat choice to good to standard to after age 59%. Prior to this Send V with name and ad- and other waste have been commercial. To Holmdel Man time, if funds are withdrawn dress to Roger E. Spear, Red trimmed olf. What is the "yield grade"? NEW YORK - Guenther In the newly created posi- tax penalities will be in- Bank Register, Box 1618, The special 260-11). package The best is yield and yields di- Hill of Holmdel has been tion, Mr. Hill is responsible curred. However, in the event Grand Central Station, New deal for $100 doesn't even minish down to 5. Grade 1 will named New York manager of for developing marketing that you may become disabled York, NY. 10017.) mention a grade or yield — or yield 82 per cent of edible Regional .Sales Development plans and programs designed even what's in the package. meat; grade 3, only 72.8 per for Trans World Airlines by to achieve regional sales ob- It's a Plaid Tube and All of the meat advertised is cent; grade 5, only 63.6 per William J. Dougherty, TWA jectives. In addition, Mr. Hill a Jacket Coverup sold "hanging weight subject cent. The rest will be fat, trim vice president of the New will identify and develop the FA|R HAVEN RESIDENTS to trim loss." and bone. York Region. special marketing opportu- New spring sets . And as for those super spe- nities as well as evaluating cial bonus packages, no retai- Is the meat western or lo- .. sexy elasticized cal? Western type tends to be sales program and advertis- ler today can sell pork chops ing effectiveness. CLEAN-UP DAYS tube hugs you, more tender and is probably the shirt jacket for 20 cents a pound or chick- A native of Frankfurt, Ger- Prospect Ave. to en for 8 cents a pound and what you have been eating. shapes up over it. Is the meat advertised as X many, Mr. Hill joined TWA in MON.-April 9th Hance Road Both in cotton stay in business. One way or 1952 as sales manager for another, you pay the full cost. numbers of pounds for X num: Buena Vista Ave. gauze in bright bcr of dollars on the hoof? North Germany. Beginning in Okay, what arc the econom- to Fair Haven Rd. spring plaids. Hanging weight? All cut and 1955, Mr. Hill held several WED.-April 11th ics of bulk beef buying? Fair Haven Rd. to Sizes5to13. trimmed? U.S. sales and marketing posi- Let's take a 1,000-lb. choice tions for TWA. Most recently THURS. - April 12th Hance Rd. steer "on the hoof." This Is cutting and wrapping in- cluded in the advertised he served as manager of '20 steer dresses out to about 615 Agency Marketing at the com- ROY W. NELSON lbs., says the National Live price? If not, how much per pound is charged and does pany's New York headquar- Borough Administrator Stock & Meat Board in Chi- ters. cago. Remove the fat. bone this apply to the hanging and other waste and you have weight? Cut and trimmed just 432 lbs. of edible meat. weight? Or what? Here's a rundown on the av- Finally, and of crucial im- erage amounts of steaks and portance, will your family roasts you can expect. Most of consume ail the different the rest will be hamburger, types and cuts and amounts? stew meat, kidneys, short And now, look at that list Perhaps your next new car ribs, pot roasts, etc. again! Guenther HOI From a 1,000-lb. choice shouldn't be a new car at all. steer, the average amount of llllllllllllMllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll IIMIII1IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIII1IIIIIIIIII Boston cut (chuck steak) you can expect is 9.9 lbs. The av- Local Securities erage amount of standing rib Representative inter-dealer quotations at approximately ;i It may make more sense for roasts is 24.2 lbs.; of rib p.m. yesterday from NASD, Prices do not include retail mark- steaks, 12.4 lbs., of Porter- up, mark-down, or commission'. . .of count you house steak, 18.7 lbs; of T- can charge it! BASKS bone steak, 9.5 lbs. The aver- Kid Asked you to spend $5000 for a age amount of club steak you American Banrnrp 14'4 15 can expect from a 1,000-lb. BclmarTWall National 70 choice steer is 5.2 lbs.; ol sir- Central Jersey Bank 17% loin steak, 41.4 lbs.; of top previously owned Continental Colonial First National Bank... 5% CANADIAN'S round roast (or steak), 21.0 Community State Bank S3 55 lbs.; of bottom round roast Kirst Merchants Nail Bank 12% Open Late Friday Nights! (or steak), 20.3 lbs.; o( tip- First Nail Bank Toms River.... 31 than for an average new car! roast, 13.1 lbs., and of rump Franklin State Bank 29' RED BANK: 30 Broatl Street roast (or steak), 4.8 lbs. 31 Jersey Shore Bank .. 25 27 Price each type and amount Bank of Manalapan 24Vi 26 New Jersey Natinnal Corp 30% 31% Ocean County National.. 40 th People's Nat'l Bank, l.akcwnnd 285 Shore Natinnal Bank 19 20 LOFTS 50 ANNIVERSARY United Counties Trust Co 21 United Jersey Banks ot N.J 26 INDUSTRIAL Bid. Asked1 Aerological Research 5c Alkon Industires 4 Atlantic Appliance Co.. Inc % Brockway 20 Buck Engineering 5'/4 Colonial Foods 3i/4 Electronic Associates 6'/4 There's never been a Electronic Assistance 2% Koodarama •3% 3% Kentucky Bluegrass like it! I'libson-llnmans Interdata baron King James Extended Care Laird Kentucky Bluegrass Metallurgical International 1970 CONTINENTAL MARK III is available now in Midland Class ;.. Monmouth Airlines '4 3 great Lofts blends! Monmoulh Capital 8 9 Until now, only landscaping Monmoulh Industries 3/16 1971 LINCOLN CONTINENTAL Monmoulh Park professionals could buy baron «DOOR SEDAN Kentucky Bluegrass seed in these Monmouth Real Estate Investment 12 blends from Lofts. N.J. Natural Gas Precision Optics .• Whybarw? Radiophone Corp Rowan Controller 2'i baron is the most remarkable Servomation 15% variety of Kentucky Bluegrass Spiral Melal you can buy. L'.S. Homes Germinates faster United Telecontrol Electronics 3V* Rich, dark-green color JERSEY TURF Walter Keade Organization, Inc Mows closer Contains baron Kentucky Bluegrass', WmslowTel Highly disease resistant Highlight Chewings Fescue and Worthington Biochemical It carries U.S. Plant Manhattan' Turl Rye', custom blended iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinni Patent #3186 (Dwarf Variety) for your area. Poaannua free. AVOID THE RUSH! DON'T STAND IN LONG LINES If you're going to spend the kind of money that can put you AGAIN THIS YEAR!! in an immaculate, fully equipped, late-model Continental Get your 1973 Dog License NOW either by sending in the attached ap- ; plication with you'' check or money order or by coming into Ihe Board ol . . . don't settle for less. Move up to the prestige, luxury Health Office. Then jus! get your Rabies Shot (without the aggravalion) in May. APPLICATION FOR and pride of ownership that is uniquely Continental. N.J. DOG REGISTRATION Township ol MirJdlelDwn. Monmouth County. N.J. There's no better time than now. Unprecedented sales of FEE $4.00 Application to own, ketp or harbor lh« dog de ENJOY DELICIOUS DINNERS Ballet Company Has Humble Beginning AT THE RUMSON - Right now it is all very unadorned. A stark floor, similar to a gymnasium, RUMSON serves as the stage for the Monmouth Civic Ballet, as the company moves about The Bam. HOTEL Male and female members wear plain, practice leotards, instead of fancy tu tus, while music blares forth from a SUNDAY TO THURSDAY 6 TO 10 record player. Girls and women wear their FRIDAY & SATURDAY 6 TO 12 hair slicked back starkly from BRUNCH SUNDAY 12 TO 3 their faces in what apparently is the ballerina coif. That is except for Celene Keller, the artistic director, a tiny wom- an in pink tights, whose long RUMSON HOTEL red hair shakes as she moves 10 WATERMAN AVE. RUMSON, N.J. her head in tune with each TEL 842-2000 turn of the dancers. "You don't even have to count anything because it goes on the pulse of the mu- sic," she tells the dancers, as she snaps her fingers. "Listen to the music!" REDISCOVER Lifts Are Graceful The men, in soft ballet slip- TRAINS pers that shuffle as they slide along the floor, lift their part- ners high in the air. They have been here since 11 a.m. and have really only just be- gun, in a figurative sense, though it is well into the after- Amtrak noon. One dancer notes they THE LONG will be there at least until 5 or RtSliltr Photo by Lorry P«rno 6 p.m. REHEARSAL RESPITE — Sally Ferrara, left, ballet mistress of the Mon- Rnltnr Pholo 6» Lurry PtriM AND SHORT "It's beginning to tie togeth- mouth trpupe, and Celene Keller, right, artistic director, enjoy a light mo- PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT - Or so the Mon- er but it really needs much ment with Mrs. Herbert Fine, center, a trustee of the ballet company, dur- mouth Civic Ballet hopes as Kathleen Crahay, America s Nationwide OF IT... more rehearsal — about six ing a rehearsal break. Rail Passenger System Monmouth Beach, and Anthony Castro, New months," Miss Keller says York, rehearse for the Spring performance April Take the train for a new kind of relaxation. Stretch out in a re- with a smile as she calls a Township High School: Pro-' formance will be its real full- need and an audience for re- 14 at Ocean Township High School. served leg-rest coach seat where you can watch America roll by break. scale debut. gional ballet in Monmouth in the daytime and sleep comfortably at night. Up-to-dato dining gram selections will include and lounge accommodations or, en|oy the special luxury ot a pri- DJrnininiiiniiiiiiinrniiiuiimiiiniiinliniT original ballets by Miss Kel- Both Are Dancers County. So far, they have June, 70 dancers tried out. state and New York. A total vate sleeping room. ler; Sally Ferrara, company, Mrs. Ferrara and Mrs.- found there is at least inter- Most were from the Shore of 24 were chosen. ballet mistress, and Maureen McDonald, both dancers est. area, though some had jour- Regular members are Su- As lor the shorter trip - traveling by train means pure con- Deakin, guest choreographer. • themselves, felt there was a At company auditions last neyed from elsewhere in the See Ballet, Page It venience. Tralfic-clogged highways won't slow you down. Neither will the whims of weather. Just step aboard for a smooth, swill Recently the group, which" ride to your destination. By was spearheaded by Mrs. Fer- BETTE rara, director of the Mon- AMTRAK offers SPERO mouth School of Ballet, Long • VACATIONLAND RAIL TOURS Branch, and Lois McDonald, The Barn owner, celebrated • PACKAGE MINI-VACATIONS. its first anniversary. It ap- • 9 DIFFERENT PLANS peared last Fall in Showcase I Zttti sponsored by the Monmouth • COMFORTABLE COACH ACCOMMODATIONS iiiiiiiiiiniiiiiuiiiuiuuiuiuiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii County Arts Council at Mon- •DELUXE FIRST CLASS TRAVEL The group doesn't have the mouth College, West Long •CONNECTIONS WITH 340 CITIES luxury of six months, how- Branch, and has performed ever. It will present its first several dance-lecture demon- •OVER 200 TRAINS DAILY annual Spring performance strations at Monmouth County • EXCELLENT CUISINE 8:30 p.m. April 14 at Ocean schools. But the Spring per- • SNACKS BEVERAGE BARS • LOUNGE CARS • SAVE-CONVENIENT CAR PARKS Center Schedules ALL TICKETS, ARRANGEMENTS AND DURABLE SIMULATED INFORMATION AVAILABLE THROUGH ALL 4' x 8' PANELS Woodgrain on Plywood SCRUBBABLE-SCUFF • NATURAL PECKY AUTHORIZED AMTRAK AGENT Bolshoi Dancers • CAMBRIDGE THE LOOK OF REAL RESISTANT VINYL CYPRESS • DESERT SAND • WHITE PECKY CYPRESS MONMOUTH&*CALL842-5500 HOLMDEL - The Garden that all artists in the 3-day en- WOOD FROM GEORGIA SHIELD • PEC 'N' PLANK WHITE State Arts Center has an- gagement would be those who PACIFIC • WALNUT OMYX appear with the famed Bol- • BURNISHED PECAN • PEG 'N' PLANK CHEST- nounced that the Bolshoi Bal- Washable Durable • WHITE ASH • PECAN WOOD NUT let will be the July 24, 25 and shoi Company of Russia. Vinyl Finish • SUNSET HICKORY • FROST WHITE • RANCH HOUSE KNOTTY 26 attraction listed previously Commissioner Townsend, • DUTCH WALNUT CEDAR TRAVEL as the Russian Dance Gala. who has been with the Center • EARLY AMERICAN • ICEBERG ELM • DISTRESSED NUTWOOD- 60 MONMOUTH ST. RED BANK Commissioner John B. Towns- since its start in 1968, said, BARKWOOD "This is a tremendous group Convenient Parking and Rear Entrance end said that the Sol Hurok Reg. 7.49 Reg. 7.95 Reg. 9.95 organization had Confirmed of performers that we're EA. £A. Reg. 10.89 99 proud to bring to New Jersey 6 EA. EA. as part of what I feel is the 7 best classical programming at the Arts Center since its be- SPECIAL ORDER SAVINGS ginning." Executive Director John P. ON CASE LOTS Gallagher said that a letter to WAIXTEX all classical patrons was 1st OUALITY OF NAME BRAND being mailed today advising them of this change and giv- SELECT ing them further details on DISCONTINUED FLOOR TILES the symphony programs on J,\MES It. JACKSON, Manager the series. Gallagher said PATTERNS FROM OUR CATALOG DEPARTMENT •M. No. 8-I2-00G1 ' "when we announced the 1973 JUST ARRIVED LARGE •HUNDREDS OF PATTERNS TO CHOOSE FROM classical subscription series, STOCK OF NEW PATTERNS •ALL CURRENT 1973 PATTERNS it was after arranging a more varied programming of sym- FROM phony, opera and inter- SHIP AHOY BEACH CLUB nationally known dance groups. It addition, we in- 99 Is Now Accepting creased the number of events SINGLE from six to seven and spaced 1ROLL them throughout the summer NEW MEMBERS FOR THE 1973 SEASON so that there would be only one classical series perform- BENJAMIN MOORE ance per week." Noting that the spacing of MURESCO Ship Ahoy is a family type club with all the facilities a good events is similar to the suc- Ona Coal White cessful programming of the beach club requires; pool, snack bar, restaurant, com- popular subscription series, CEILING PAINT pletely adequate parking, social activities, swim team, — he pointed out that its purpose AND - the largest and finest jetty protected beach in Sea in the classical area "is to de- • velop a greater classical fol- LI«tJ5.60 •PURE VINYLS Bright. lowing." •VINYL ASBESTOS ? PER CASE •COMMERCIAL Art of Jazz' SHOP THEN COMPARE Bathhouse rates are moderate at $210 for two person oc- BRING TOUR MEASUREMENTS OUR LOW PRICES! cupancy, $250 for four persons. Other occupancies and Will Feature units are in proportion. (Sorry, new families may not share Miss Holiday CERAMIC TILE SHOP and COMPARE any unit.) LONG BRANCH - A five- ATCO FIRST QUALITY hour broadcast of Billie Ho- 414 X 414 Reg. 69* LOWEST liday records will be featured SELF SPACING tomorrow night, beginning at SHED The club office at the beach will be open on weekends 10:05 on Art Vincent's 'The starting on April 14 from 1 to 4 P.M. to receive member- Art of Jazz,' on Station WRLB. The program will hon- PRICES ship applications, and to enable inspection of club facil- or the late star, who was born ities. Prior to then, all inquiries should be addressed to Box April 7,1915. FREE USE OF TOOLS Vincent said the show will AROUND 306, Sea Bright, 07760. highlight some of Miss Ho- liday's European recordings that are rarely heard on this side of the Atlantic, and many HWY. 36 & UNION AVE. others that have become col- AT THE HAZLET UNION -BEACH LINE WE lectors' items since her death Half Mil* North of I. F. F. DELIVER in 1959. 264-1888 II Tie Italy Begfeter, Bed Baak-Mlddletowii, N.J. Fritoy, April f, 1971 Bo/faf Troupe WorksHard as Miss Keller, Mrs. Ferrara New Jersey May 10 and 12 at (CMtlned) Manalapan High School and a Television Today zanne Van Dusen, Farm- and Mrs. Deakin. full-length Christmas produc- New York Channe)»-2.4, ^ ingdale; Christine Segalla, Leaned on Scholarship Mrs. Ferrara trained and tion of "Coppelia" at the Carl-' N Lake wood; Kathleen C'rahay, ton Theater, Red Bank. Other DAYTIME SPORTS O CIRCLE OF FEAR Monmouth Beach; Doris Ja- danced with the American 1:30 ID BASEBALL — Yinlcii vs. Red So. 'The Dead We Leave Behind** A forest ranger la activities include a return en- haunUd by ghosts of his young murdered wife coby and Gordana Branovich, Ballet Theater School, while 3:00 O BASEBALL — Miti vi. Pkilliei and herlovur (Rl gagement at Showcase II next DAYTIME MOVIES both Neptune City; Johakim on a scholarship, and has O ROOM 222 Fall and more school appear- . 9:00 a "Cjll Me Miller" When a moton \r!e dealer won't make good on • Cardenas, Union, and Evelyn more recently studied with V 10:30 Ql "A Night In New Orleans" •tudenfs guarantee, the class embraces his cause. ances. (D THE TWILIGHT ZONE Rapoport, Barbara Saturn, the Royal Academy of Danc- • 1 1:00 0 "Mr. Imperiu-n" ing and the New York School \ Q "Bandit Ranger" IB THE ADVOCATES Jose Martin, Gregory Rey- Mrs. Ferrara reflected on 1:30 O THE ODD COUPLE . of Ballet. Mrs. Deakin, direc- that day a year ago when she ^ 4:30 O "No Mtn li An liljnd" > r-viix and Osrar get away from it «TI and fjel nolds, Paul Anthony, and An- O "Niagara" Into trouble while in residence at a religious re* thony Castro, all New York. tor of The Creative Dance and Mrs. McDonald, who has \ EVENING (rent. Provisional members, who Studio, Red Bank, studied donated The Barn facility free IS GET SMART with dancers Martha Graham, \ 4:00 BOO NEWS "Kisses for KAOS." often act as understudies, are to the troupe, started the 0 THE FLINTSTONES 10:00 O THE 80BBY DARIN SHOW Shari Wolinsky, Andrea Sgro, Merce Cunningham, Alwin Ni- ballet endeavor. In addition to v. ' Kreils Monkeyshinrs' Guests: Phyllis Dlller, Leslie Uggarns. kolias and Alvin Ailey. providing a stage outlet for ' O BAT MASTERSON 0 ID NEWS Audrey Penney, Marian Gizzi, ••In.idrnl At Uurlville" O LOVE. AMERICAN STYLE and Jean Anne Tuzeneu, all Miss Keller currently teach- the teachers' advanced stu- "Lore and the Disappearing Box;" "Love suit) the dents ("Recitals don't seem 01 GILLIGAN'S ISLAND Confession:" "Love and the Old Flames;" "Love West Long Branch; Shelley es at the Alvin Ailey Dance "Gd'ulrnt'lit Kwfrl SUpprr" ' and the Hip Arrangement." (R) Harris, Oakhurst; Karen Center, as well as at Adelphi to do the trick," Mrs. Ferrara ffi HODGEPODGE LODGE «:30 IB THE LENOX QUARTET said.), the group hopes to be- 0 I LOVE LUCY — "Quarti-t in V. Flat, Opus 20, No. 1" Wirth, New Shrewsbury; College and with The New •l.u.v lj-ains To Drill.' 10:30 O THE MILLIONAIRE Anne Fulcher and Ilze Se- Dance Group, all New York. come the representative Q HAVE GUN, WILL TRAVEL "The Ktory of Jean Griffith" peris, both Oceanport; Nancy A former teacher at the Met- dance company of Monmouth UJ'BEATVIE CLOCK (D NEWS' - Hagerman, Wanamassa; Pa- ropolitan Opera Dancing County by using local talent in IB THIRTY MINUTES WITH 03 THE TURNING POINTS high quality performances. 7:00 O CBS NEWS WITH WALTER CRONKITE "A Time To Live'1 tricia Bowers, Red Bank, and School, Miss Keller has per-, O NBC NIGHTLY NEWS 11:00 O O O NEWS Mia Scatuorchio, Eatontown. formed at the Hollywood Bowl 0 THE ANDY GRIFFITH SHOW 0 ALFRED HITCHCOCK PRESENTS Lack of Males and with the St. Louis Munici- "I'm very glad it has been "Malrnlm At \hr Cross Hoads" "Mother, Mav I Go Out To Swim" pal Opera in addition to doing the success it is already," O NEWS (C) O THE LATE MOVIE Despite the evident en- Mrs. Ferrara said. "It's very O THE AVENGERS "Colossus: The Forbin Projert" 110691 starring thusiasm, the troupe has en- choreography for movies, -CUIHI'IK C;I.SP of rtiiinilrss Clues" Knr Brnerjen. Susan Clark. The biggest computer hard getting something start- ever made tiv man Blarls to communicate with countered at least one prob- television and nightclubs. 0) I DREAM OF JEANNIE a similar Russian machine and prepares to lake ed from nothing. 'IJjmn ami U'.I^I" over and dominate mankind. lem, according to Mrs. Her- She finds the local troupe E WORLD PRESS ID PERRY MASON refreshing. 7:30 0 YOUNG DR. KILDARE bert Fine, Red Bank, a com- "But the audiences are •llnusr fall." lir. Gilkspie i« forrtr* out of Blair "The Case of the Silent Six" pany trustee. That is men, or "They're fresh, interesting,, r;i tK-in] at Ymfr. poinl by a youne heroin IB REALIDADES there and the interest is here "I..i Decima " This program introduces a roster vital, and I like watching a.].):. I. rather the lack of them. to support us," she added. O THRILLSEEKERS of Puerto Rico's leading artists. (R) them develop as dancers," 11:30 O THE CBS LATE MOVIE "We had to bring in boys "So, I see no reason why we O THAT GIRL "Ariam's Woman'' fJOSS> starring Beau bridges, from New York," she said. Miss Keller said. ••Itnm. Nrnnv :inH Rirr" .fane Merrow, In the 18'Oa. an American in the shouldn't grow." O LET'S MAKE A DEAL Austialian penal colony battles against the cruelty "The boys in Monmouth Coun- "They are not hackneyed. ID THE COURTSHIP OF EDDIES FATHER and injustice prevalent there. (R) ty don't dance." And they have a lot of interest a THE TONIGHT SHOW IB THE 51st STATE 0 THE 11:30 MOVIE Mrs. Fine, who is not a in the dance, to come out like INTERSTATE 8:00 O MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE "Am- Niimher Can Play" (1919) mtarrinj; Clark dancer herself but has always this, every week, to rehear- Jim Plirlru. with'the aid or Eamey'l elerlronit Cir.k. Alexis Smith. A successful gambler js tnld u;z:mliv. lakrs on tlif cuisp. of a hol-Bhot pool hv Ins doelor to pive un gambling. been a patron of the art form, sals." husilrr- to iirrak nn an illr-pal gambling operation. O JACK PAAR TONITE was one of the first supporters AIRPORT O SANFORD AND SON IE) THE Shi STATE One of those rehearsal faith- ".Ir.d'iusy." Kird finds lie has a competitor for his, of the local company. She 12:00 ID THE TWILIGHT ZONE fuls is Mrs. Bowers, a long- funi'rfs .lff.-MinnJ IB FILM ODYSSEY served as eochairman, along O HOGAN'S HEROES time dance admirer who final- UNIOUSINE 12:30 ID NIGHT FINAL with Mrs. Jeanne Parsons Jr., O THE BRADY BUNCH 12:50 HI GOOD NEWS ly got the chance to perform Riglttir Sloll Pholo "Paps th»* T.ihn'" Bad lurk continui's lo plague the here, of the the trustees board kills ivli.n .Inn fmrli the idol after Greg ia rescued 1:00 O MIDNIGHT SPECIAL herself when she was well into SECOND CURTAIN TONIGHT — The Rumson- fmri thp ncMn (Ri C'irsis for tonight's show include James Brown, of directors which has grown, The Raspberries. Skeeter Davis. Kenny Rankin, adulthood. Fair Haven Regional High School production of O NBA PLAYOFF in the past year, from three to K O THE ONE O'CLOCK MOVIE "Guys and Dolls" will be staged tonight and to- 20 members. Frustrated Ballerina ID ORAL ROBERTS SPECIAL "The Itivers Kdge" (M57) starring Bay Milland, "I was always a frustrated morrow night in ,the school's auditorium at 8:15. (E) WASHINGTON: WEEK IN REVIEW O"THE"JOE"FRANKLIN SHOW Those credited with the The musical, which opened last night, teatures Ke- 8:30 Q THE LITTLE PEOPLE 1:30 O THE LATE SHOW ballerina. I always wanted to "TV or Xof TV." Dr. Jamison learns loo late of the "The Kreaking Point" (lfl.'iu) Btarrinr; John Gar- group's initial organizational take ballet lessons but my vin Kelly, 16, of Fair Haven, left, as Sky Master- outlandish tricta Iliat are parl of a TV kidnie show field. Patricia Neal. efforts include Mr. and Mrs. son and John Goldstein, 16, of Rumson as Nathan After tip aciprs In appear js a public service. 1:33 0 HOLLYWOOD'S FINEST I parents wouldn't let me, so I SCHEDULED SERVICE Q THE MERV GRIFFIN SHOW "Pishonored" (!f;;i) starring Maflene Dielrich, Fine; Mrs. McDonald; Mrs. took violin instead," she re- Detroit. O THE PARTRIDGE FAMILY \'ntor MeLaglen. 3:00 Q NEWS AND WEATHER Bowers; Mrs. Dorothy Blair, called. • NEWARK •Ttir- Princess and the. rartridce." Keith und • Shrewsbury; James Laude visiting princess get together, but never alone. (R) 2:15 O EVENING PRAYER • LAGUARDIA IB WALL STREET WEEK 2:30 O THE GREAT GREAT SHOW . and Dr. Clinton Crocker, New Now a wife and mother, 9:00 0 CBS FRIDAY NIGHT MOVIE "Torment" (1S«| .turring Mai ZelterluiE, Stig Shrewsbury; Mrs. Samuel Mrs. Bowers takes ballet les- • JFK R-FH Is Staging "S'nulliei it Star" slnrrinR George Rrral. Orson 3:25 o'fHE LATE LATE SHOW . Costa, Little Silver; James sons, which she started six "tVcllrs. An African ndvr-nltire about a diamond "No Rnnm fnr the Groom" (1052) •tarrinc Ton- LOWEST RATES 9 unith a mint and Hie men want to own il. CiiiiiJ, Piper Laurie. Welch, Long Branch; William years ago, five or six times a Marshall, Matawan, and Mrs. week. FAMILY AND CHARTER RATES *Guys and Dolls Milton Block, Red Bank. RID NEWARK $9.00 r The rest of the troupe, and BANK To LaGuordia 517.00 One of the group's primary its mentors, appear to share EAT0N1. JFK $15.50 RUMSON - The Kumson- ditonum last nighl. Mr. B.' Is Contract Singer aims is to present classical Departures also from Middlclown and her enthusiasm. Asljury Park Vicmilies Fair Haven Hogional High The musical, which has and romantic ballets as well as THE ONLY F.ULLY LICENSED School Sludcnl Unvernmenl hecn in rehearsal for Ihrec ; By MARY CAMPBELL wanted to do. I thought people modern works created ex- REGULARLY SCHEDULED LIM- were waiting for them. I never Future plans call for per- OUSINE SgRVICE IN MONMOUTH & Association's production n( months, features Peggy Smith ; AP Ncwsfcaturcs Writer clusively for the company by OCEAN COUNTY paid that much attention to the forming the ballet "Faust" "Guys and Dolls" opened a as Sarah Hrown; Kevin Kelly Billy Eckstine has had regional choreographers such with the State Orchestra of as Sky Masterson; Mauria recording contracts — steadily fact I happened to be a black Phone 681-5200 three-dav run in the school au- vocalist. Society did see differ- Fitzgerald as Miss Adalaide; — since 1939. ences. S6 there were a lot of John Goldstein as Nathan Lately he's been all over Ihe place — on the TV show hon- things that the other vocalists Organ Recital Detroit; Bob Lehman as Nice- had their chances to do that I ly-Niccly Johnson; James oring Duke Ellington, in the Set for Monday "Wattstax" movie, in Europe never did get a chance to do, kellogg as Arvide: Karen motion pictures, things of that TONIGHT & SAT. before Christmas, in Las Vegas EAST KEANSBURG - The Kinney as (leneral Car- nature. I made no personal ap- DALE THE FANTASTIC twright, and Jon Harris as after, twice at New York night- Monmouth Organ Society will clubs in less than a year, with pearances in the South. Benny Southstrecl. present a concert by Chuck three LPs on his current label. DON CAMILLE TRIO Also playing lead charac- "But radio stations would Robbins at 8 p.m. Monday in CARNEGIE •#I«,BETTEANNLEEVOC.HSI Enterprise. They're "Stormy," ters are Frank Bradford as play my recordings. The hard- Buck Smith's, Palmer Ave. produced by Isaac Hayes, est part of the business was the Mr. Robbins, who is appear- SAT. & SUN. Angle the Ox; Tom Smith as "Feel the Warm" and "Senior COURSE DALE CARNEGIE® Harry the Horse; Blair Kamin traveling. I've never had my ing at the Cypress Inn, Ocean Founder Soul." own TV show where I could sit as Kusty Charlie; Kod Ken- Township, began his career in Mr. B has been slowed down at home. My work is still trav- BRUNCH as Big Jule; Michael Walsh as music when he was a high at times — he formed a big eling. school senior in Wilkes-Barre, In Our Harbor 095 l,t. Brannigan. and Penny FREE band just when big bands were Pa., and had his own 15-min- View Room A" Johnson as Agatha. ' 'I always have a little feeling in their decline and later rock ute radio show. After major- Sarvtd 12:00 to 3:00 •• Paul 0. Crammer, vocal of remorse in this respect. I 10 WAYS THIS COURSE music took over in popularity Billy Eckstine ing in music at Wyoming Sem- Preview Meetings Children's Menu Now Availablf music instructor, is the pro- would like to do a picture, for WILL BENEFIT what had been the country's — inary, Kingston, Pa., he trav- MAKE RESERVATIONS FOR ducer and musical director. and Eckstine's — meaning of gold record, 'Jelly, Jelly,' was my own personal satisfaction. MEN AND WOMEN RED BANK EASTER DINNER NOW And being on the road, here this eled with groups for several Edward Varian. Knglish de- popular. But he hasn't been as vocalist with Earl." years before entering the Special Menu, call lor week and there the next, it's a 1. increme Prise and Confidence YMCA166 MAPLE AVE. information partment chairman, is the di- stopped. There always was a Eckstine was with "Fatha" Army. rector. recording contract and a con-Hines's band from 1939 to 1943. little hard to keep your concen- 2. Speok Effectively Tuesday, Apr. 10,8 pm OLDE tration together." . He first made the music cert date — and some people From 1944-47, he had his own. 3. Sell Yourself and Your Ideas Tuesday, Apr. 17,8 pm UNION HOUSE In the Orient, crickets are who wanted to listen. scene in this area in 1948 with kepi In cages, like songbirds, "It was a great musical experi- The Eckstinesand their sev- i. it Your Best With Any Group Now, Eckstine's live per- ence, but it was right at the the 389th Army Band at Ft. r, MOLLY PITCHER INN call 842-7575 and the males are pitted en children live in Southern Cal- 5. Remember Names formance includes something start of the decline of the big Monmouth. He formed a six- Wednesday. Apr. 18.8 pm Wharf Ave., Red Bank against each other in lights. ifornia. "The children all enjoy piece combo and played at 6. Think and Speak on Your Feet old and something new. "Thebands. It didn't prove lucrative. music but I don't kno\*/if they'll Wednesday. Apr. 25.8 pm area clubs. Although he has 7. Control Fear and Worry contemporary background is Right after the war. moving a be performers." more modern than the flowing 20-piece band was expensive been a featured soloist for 8. it a Better (onversationoli't Prrirri'rr/ hy ballad things I did earlier. But and we didn't have priorities Eckstine, who was born in over 15 years, he also is re- 9. develop Your Hidden Abilities WES WESTROM t ASSOC. you still personalize them to for a bus and stuff. But I liked it Pittsburgh, is 58, three years membered as a bandleader 10. Earn That Setter Job, More Income tO Stirling RJ. your own style. But they're better than going out by my-older than Frank Sinatra, who and accompanist for popular W.lthunj, N. 1. good songs and they're still bal- self." Two gold records came has retired from singing. singers. T.I.. 753-t35t anoMmk lads. David Gates of Bread from this period, "Prisoner of "Well, I think he'll come back Mr. Robbins joined the Cocktail wQ|«"-» Lounge writes these, and Jimmy Webb. Love" and "Cottage for Sale," and dabble in it some. I think he Hammond Organ Co., Asbury C They're beautiful ballads, still and among those who were has got too much love for the Park, in the early 1960s and SUNDAY in the contemporary field, members of the band for a time business to completely walk after several years became The Original though." were Dizzy Gillespie, Charlie away. state representative for the What about the songs that Parker and vocalist Sarah Bamberger chain. Dine & Dance Vaughan. Eckstine has sung thousands of "I love the business. I have He was among those who times, that somebody is sure to "I started doing a single and from childhood. I don't think I'll helped organize the Mon- FLAMINGOS request? "I tell you. It is an went with MGM Records in ever retire." mouth Organ Society. WITH honor when people remember 1948. The first record I did was Molly songs that you've made famous DAYBREAK 'Everything I Have Is Yours.' 1 or were identified with you. That one went real big; it was "on llii |iicliirvs(|uc INavosiiik lii\i'r WED.-FRI.-SAT. Therefore, if 1 ever feel tired of the springboard for my solo doing them, the thing that keeps start." Dining me from really being tired of That record turned gold and Dancing PHAGAN doing them is the fact that it is so did "My Foolish Heart," an honor to be remembered." , American and Friday at 9 EVERY MONDAY "Blue Moon," "I'm Falling for Continental Memories of Eckstine You," "Caravan" and "I Apolo- Saturday at 9:30 - BOB CARIDDI records can go back to 1939. "I gize." Cuisine Featuring Buffet was working in Chicago in a "Sometimes songs were sub- The Jerry Kay Trio club there and Earl 'Fatha' mitted. Sometimes I picked Breakfast at Hines came in and heard me Our Beautifully Redecorated NO MINIMUM FOUNTAINS MOTEL them. Some I didn't think were 7 am and asked me to join his band. quite going to make it, I would Restaurant-Cocktail Lounge No Cover Charge 160 Ocean Ave. Long Branch Chicago was his base. My first wind up getting acclaimed for. • We as artists think too artistic- •Luncheon at 12 ally: we don't think commer- from $2.25 Maurice Caruso cially. • "The adaptation from Vil- at the Piano the CLAM HUT loldo's 'El Choclo' that Lester Dinner at 6 Nightly Allen and Robert Hill did, 'Kiss NOW OPEN From $5.95 Monday of Fire,' I didn't like at all. I Thru didn't think it was going to be a COMPLETE WITH BANQUET If This Thursday hit — and it sold very well." AND CATERING FACILITIES Cocktail Hour You're Boycotting Meat, Eckstine played trumpet with the "Fatha" Hines band Monday thru Friday Then Come To and trombone with his own band and now plays guitar in his Come in and Let Your Palate 5 to 6 pm AMPLE FREE The Clam Hut To Eat. nightclub act. but singing al- • PARKING ways has come first Delight to the Finest in a la Carte We Serre Mot But Fishes, the Four Tops were his back- Sunday thru Thursday up group for a time. "They're Italian - American Food r Till 10:45 In Delectable Ditties good guys. We're good buddies RESERVATIONS Right after they were with me HOURS: TUES. WED. THURS. B to 9 FBI. S SAT. 5 lo 12 SUN. 4 lo 1Z Friday till 11:45 By Far, A Maritime Treat two and a half years they made Saturday till 12:45 747-2500 some records on their own. OPENING FOR LUNCH SOON They hit like a rocket and the rest is history." Now Open 5 Days A Week At the time Eckstine became Wed. 5-9, Thurs. 5-9, Fri. 5-10 a solo singer it was rare for a Inja&Mote! Sat. Noon-10, Sun. Noon-9 black singer to be anything ex- cept a band vocalist or. like Nat tongosr Adjacent to Highlands Lobster Pound Cole, identified with jazz. New Phone No: Italian-American Restaurant Foot Ot Atlantic St. off Bay Avenue, Eckstine says. "It didn't take so much nerve to go out alone. I 1074 Ocean Ave., Sea Bright HIGHLANDS 872-0909 had a lot of aspirations, things I The Dally Register, Bed Bank-MIddJetowp, NX Friday, April*, 1973 17 jr Aim MAM • MATHS • Miss Horne Towering in Coition Performance •••••••••••ft ByJANEFODEBARO even intimate — lending a The warm ovation that follow- Let us turn now to Mr. the calesthentics we've seen that, in essence, is what the think twice before they in- certain charm to her singing ed produced an encore by Lewis and his orchestra, The- on the podium. He still over- symphony and its supporters dulge in irrelevant value judg- RED BANK — Soprano not always heard on previous Miss' Horne, who sane tie New Jersey Symphony. sees the strings of his young are trying to do. Rightly or ements. Carlton Marilyn Home.delighted, her occasions. itd Sank U\ N* delicate and haunting "Ga- Despite the current con- orchestra with almost paren- wrongly, they don't feel it can Again, it is the pursuit that audience last night when she Oh yes, there was Miss votte" from "Mignon." troversy focused on this musi-. tal concern, a bit of anger be done on Sunday nights in counts — not how we rate on Home's incredible appeared with her conductor Attentive Buffs caTorganization (as to wheth- flaring up now and then. For the summer at the Holmdel somebody's Top - Ten List or • range . . . her widely ac- St. James husband, Henry Lewis, on the Opera buffs were bound to er it gets fair billing, or any the most part, they hold up amphitheater when the Gar- ring up on that curious, brass- claimed voice control... her Carlton Theater stage under be attentive to the soprano's billing at all, at the Garden well, projecting a welcomed den State Parkway is choked plated cash register in Tren- close attention to tonal the auspices of the Monmouth vocal feats in the technically State;Arts Center), both con- sensitivity — a quality fre- with traffic. So the offered ton. Arts Foundation. nuance. But there also was a •WALTER MATTHAU* demanding (seemingly impos- ductor and orchestra appear quently lost these days by time slot was turned down. It counts, that is, if we In performing four arias by dramatic expressiveness, sible) "Willow Song and Pray-' to be alive, well and thriving. some of the neighboring super CAROL BURNETT • truly disarming and refresh- The struggle at hand con- equate culture with survival. Rossini, Miss Home revealed er" from "Othello,",while the The orchestra turned in a orchestras. ing, noted especially in the cerns the pursuit of ex- But that is another disqussion to local concert-goers the voc- familiar "Una voce poco" competent and dynamic per- -M- * Cruda Sorte aria from Now. In case there's any cellence and whether it is to for another time... al artistry that has propelled aria from "II Barbiere di Si- formance of Schumann's "L'ltaliana in Algeri." It was question, the N.J. Symphony be thwarted virtually before it her to operatic stardom in the viglia," with its flowing me- Spring Symphony, a large 19th 'PETE 'N TILLIE'S the concluding vocal work on is received in major concert is begun. past five years. lodic line carried effortlessly Century work, often presented the program and brought the halls of the nation (as well as Those who claim to be Her performance here was by Miss Horne, had to win as a late-night luller on FM CO-STARRING J full-house audience to its feet. school gymnasiums of this among the pursuers should open, relaxed and, at times, over the least trained ear. radio. state, thank heavens) as a GERALOINE PAGE* Mr. Lewis last night looked major orchestra. for precise phrasing through- Certainly, it has not pre- out —. which tended to pro- tended to be one of the afore- CINEMA] I CINEMA2 duce some choppiness in the mentioned super powers of opening movement, but paid the concert circuit. TERRIFIQ ™"T Town Westt Ml It i »< *l off in the last three, giving the Holds Its Own TOGETHER BedHnobs romantic symphony a vitality But, make no mistake, it BnomsifdB and freshness it deserves. has been judged, for better Circle ! Will Conduct at Met and sometimes for worse, on *t 46 it Aibu'r** c>»c'l Mr. Lewis, who will conduct the same terms as the super the Metropolitan Opera Or- powers. The state orchestra, WARKEK IIATPT fA»I OUNAWAT • chestra in 1974-75 (and hope- developed in a short five KCHHIB ' THE MARTIAL ARTS • fully retain his post in New years by Mr. Lewis, usually MASTERPIECE! § Jersey), gave almost flawless holds its own. Fllmsd In PAN AVIS ION* DE LUXE COLOR |P5 support to Miss Horne in her During the battle over the -AND- LEARN THE SECflET OF • arias and, in addition, led the art center's programming CHARLTON HESTON orchestra in an excellent per- (the age-old struggle of art- Stralhnwre Shopping P[aia,H»/v3<. Mitawnj formance of the Overture to versus-money), there was an t OMEGA MAN "5 FINGERS I the Barber of Seville. irresponsible reference in As a rousing climax to the these pages to the N.J. Sym- OF DEATH" { evening, the conductor phony as' "second-rate." G R A N T' S presented Tchaikovsky's Suite It was irresponsible because No. 3 in G. Major, proving the terms — first-rate, sec- I once again that the old-time ond-rate, etc. — imply the Town East thrillers can have musical All - American game of Suc- Mi»a<«ta*n «M validity as well as impact. ceed - or - Fail, Win - or - I WHITE STREET TAT Hill Overall, Mr. Lewis' style of Lose. Which has absolutely RED BANK 74X&VJJX PAUL NEWMAN Z conducting remains on the nothing to do with the painful -IN- • conservative side — a plea- process of cultivating art in a "THE LIFE AND TIMES OF • sure to watch after some of culturally barren society. [IVIaoG^AW •JUDGE ROY BEAN"! ••••••••••• RESPITE — Beau Bridges, as an American prisoner, finds romance with Qoes$ze$eally Count? SALLY STRUTHERjj and English convict, played by Jane Merrow, in the brutal atmosphere of BEN JOHNSON an Australian penal colony of the 1840s, in "Adam's Woman," on "The- Community CBS Late Movie" tnoght starting at 11:30 in color on the CBS Television STEVE MCQUEEN Network. ALIMACGRAW ,,lllmi| lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllHlllinilllllllllllllCIIIIMIIIIIlMllillllllllllllMIIIIUIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIII Ill IIKHHr 1IIIIIII EXCLUSIVE • flDULTSOniY MONMOUTH AND* mOOLOR OCEAN COUNTY • At the Movies ENGAGEMENT! • Tht$t ichtdulct are pro- TOWNWEST- STRATHMORE TWIN vldtd by the thtottr and1 Frl. Five Fingers of Death 7:03; 9:10 CINEMA 1— GHTAWAY* Sot. Stoge Show "Fllntstones ond Yogi ;tht time* are for today Bear" 1:00 3:00 Five Fingers of Death Frl.; Sat.; Sun. Bonnie and Clyde 7:00; ACADEMY; only. 6'00; 8*00; 10:O0 10:44 BulllttiiSl it And 2nd feature * Sun. Five Fingers of Deom 2:00; 3:50; CINEMA 2- 3:40; 7:30; t:3O AWARD J i RED BANK Frl. Bedknobs and Broomsticks 7:00; HAZLET 9:03 KIRK DOUGLAS CINEMA III- Sot. Bedknobs and Broomsticks 1:00; ' Frl. Getaway 8:00; 11:00 Macbeth 12 PLAZA— YULBRVNNER WINNER • ' mldnltc •2:00; 3:00; 5:00; 7:00; 9:00 ; Sat. Light ill the Edge of the World Frl. Steelyard Blues 7:25; 9:25 Sun. Bedknobs ond Broomsticks 1:00; ' !:0O; 6:00 Getowoy 8:00; 10:00 Macbeth Sot. Jungle Book 2:00 Steelyard Blues 2'O0; 3:00; 4:O0; 5:00; 7:00; 9:00 SAMAM1HAEGGAR IJmldnlle Sun.'jingle Book 2:00 Steelyard Blues PERTH AMBOY 2mi SOUJHJU.RU 35136 BEST PICTURE^ Sun. Llaht at the Eiiae of the Wnrlrf 5:25; 7:!S; 9:25 AMBOYS DRIVE-IN- HAZLET 264-2200 .1:1X1; 6:00 Getoway 4:00; t:0O Macbeth Frl.; Sat.; Sun. Block Coeser 7:00; 10:26 10:30 RT. 31 DRIVE-IN- 7m JULES VERNE TAKES YOU Frl.; Sot.; Sun. Judge Roy Bean 7:00; Bloody Mama 6:47 OF THE YEAR • CARLTON- 10:S5 War Between Men and Women MENLO PARK iOVERTHEEDGEOFTHE' Frl. Pttt 'n Time 7:30; 9:30 9:10 Sot. ond Sun.Klddle Show 3:00 Pete 'n CINEMA- IN THE LIFE AND •Tlllle 4:00)6:110; 10:00 Frl. Steelyard Blues 2:90; 4:00; 6:00; MARLON BRANDO^ EATONTOWN UA TWIN 8:00; 10:00 TIMES OF CINEMA 1- Sat. Hello Down There 12 noon Steel- COMMUNITY- Frl. Pete 'n Tlllle 7:00; 9:05 yard Blues 2:00; 4:00; 6:00; 9:00; 10:00 I BEST ACTOR! • Frl. The Godfather 2:00; 1:00 Sot. ond Sun. Pete 'n Tlllle 1:30; 3:22; Sun. Steelyard Blues 2:00; 4:00; 6:00; Sol. The Godfather 2:0O: 7:00; 10:00 5:14; 7:M; 1:51 8:00; 10:00 'Sun. The Godfather 2:00; 5:0O; 1:00 EAST BRUNSWICK DRIVE-IN- TURNPIKE— BEST • Frl. ond Sot. Sports 7:O0 Black Caeser Sat. and Sun. Getaway 1:45; 3:50; «:M; ):«, 11:15 Bloody Moma?:35 ' 8:10; 10:20 INDOOR- Sun. Block Coeser 7:00; 10:40 Bloody Frl. Poseidon Adventure 7:40; 9:50 SCREENPLAY! • MomaB;55 Sot. ond Sun. Willy Wonka 2:00; 4:00 KEYPORT Poseidon Adventure t:0O; 8:20; 10:20 AS.BURY PARK OUTDOOR— plus UTE show EVERY NITE ST. JAMES- STRAND- Frl.; Sot.; Sun. Poseidon Adventure 'THE • Frl.Ptte'n Time 2:00; 7:M; 9:30 . Frl. and Sal, Love In Copenhagen 7:00; 7:00; 10:40 Prudence and the Pill 9:05 (REGULAR ADMISSION PRICE (Sot. Pete'n Tlllle 2:00; 4:00; 6:00; l:O0; 9:40 Sex and (he Office Girl 8:20; 11:00 10:00 Sun. Sex and the Office Girt 7:13; 9;5S INCLUDES LATE SHOW) Sun. Pete 'n Tlllle 2:00; 3:50; 5:30; Love In Copenhagen 8:35 GODFATHER" • .7:30; 9:30 . LYRIC— FOR SPECIAL GROUP .Frl. Coboret7:25; 9:30 Music Makers Theatres AND SCHOOL RATES Sat. ond Sun. Cabaret 2:00; 4:30; 7:15; MATAWAN 9:30 PLAZA -Hazlet CALL 741-9300 NEPTUNE Frl. Judge Roy Bean 7:15; 9:25 Set, Jungle Book 2:00 Judge Roy Beon RTE.36 J( MIDDLE RD. 264-4434 Roman Polanski's Eatontown NEPTUNE CITY- 7:30; 9:40 A WALTER READE THEATRE Frl. Catch the Burglars 7:30 Volachl Pa- Sun. Jungle Book 2:00 Judge Roy Bean If you can't pers 9:30 5:00; 7:15; 9:25 Sal. Kiddle Show 2:00 Volachl Papers 5:45; 9:45 Catch the Burglars 7:50 beat 'em... HAIL CAESAR Z ' Sun. Kiddle Show 2:D0 Catch the Bur- TOWN WEST -MIDDLETOWN fMACBETH (Icrs 7:15 Valachl Papers 9:15 drive'em GODFATHER OF HARLEM W OCEAN TOWNSHIP crazy! 17Livingslan Ave.^ IN PERSON SAT., APR. 7th 'CIRCLE— ADMISSION 'BUCK CAESAR" • ; Frl. Five Fingers of Deoth 2:00; 7:20; 2SH0WSAT1:00&3:00P.M. Sat. Five Fingers of Deoth 2:00; 4:00; NEW TO LATE SHOW STARRING ft tM; 1:00; 10:DO FRED WILLIAMSON Z Sun. Five Fingers of Death 2:00; 5:30; BRUNSWICK ALL SEATS $1.50 7:30; 9:20 -PLUS- • ON STAGE-UVE IN PERSON FREEHOLD Sal. April 14th al a PM JANE FONDA-PETER BOYLE Enjoy the Sneak Preview SHELLEY WINTERS J MALL 1— • DONALD SUTHERLAND Frl. Judge Roy Beon 7:20; 9:30 IKE & TINA IN W Sot. Jungle Book 2:00 Judge Roy Beon Showing of the New Movie Sun.'jiingle Book 2:00 Judge Roy Bean 3:15; 7:20; 9:3» TURNER REVUE STCeiYARQ "'BLOODY MAMA"} Phil The IKetles MALL 2— ' Tlck«tiS5-$6-»7 That in Paris Did More Frl. and Sot. Oetowoy 7:30; 9:40 SCOLION PRODUCTIONS Sun. Getaway 5:05; 7:15; 9:25 Phont Reservation* Now PRESENT • ••• •••••••# 84B-5555 BRICKTOWN aooosun CINEMA 34-Matawan Business Than BRICK PLAZA— \_ SJHLAVAHML£ ^/ Lyric Frl. Getoway 7:15; 9:!S RT.34 583-3600 Sat. Getaway 7:30; 9:40 Sun. Getaway 5:O0; 7:10; 9:25 "THE GODFATHER" MALL CINEMA 1- Fri. Poseidon Adventure 7:15; ?:15 Sot. Poseidon Adventure 2:00: 7:45; 9:55 And is the Smash Hit WINNER OF • Sun. Poieldon Adventure 2:00; 5:15; »:20; 9:25 MALL CINEMA 2- Of Paris 8 ACADEMY I Frl. Five Flnoers of Deoth 7:20; 9:25 Sal. Five Flngeri of Deoth 7:!5; »:» Sun. Five Fingers of Deoth 2:30; 5:10; AWARDS • 7:15:9:20 FREE ADMISSION NORTH OF RED BANK INCLUDING > J ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS ATLANTIC CINEMA- AND REFRESHMENTS! Frl. Bananas 7:00:10:45 Avortl «:2S BEST ACTRESS 5 Sat. and Sun. Kiddle Show 2:00 Bananas SATURDAYS SUNDAY 7:00; 10:45 Avontl8:2S LIZA MINNELLI • KEANSBURG FUN MAKER CHILDREN'S MATINEES! YOGI BEAR RANGER SM ITH COLONIAL— > Frl. Rage 7:00; 10:20 Omega Mm B:40 AT 2 P.M.! BOO BOO BEAR Sot. Omeoa Man 2:00; 8:40 Roge 7:00; CINEMA BEST SUPPORTING • 10:20 JUNGLE Sun. Omego Mon 2:00; 7:30 Rooe 9:15 ACTOR • MIDDLDETOWN > PLAZA BOOK PIUS: Prl. Judge Roy Bean 7:15; 9:30 YOUR FAVORIT1COIOR Sol. Judge Roy Beon 2:00; 4:05; 6:10; d H«2tU CARTOONS. JOEL GREYJ Sun.'Judge Roy Bean 2:20: 4:15; 6:50; BESTJJIRECTOR • HELD OVER! LIZA MINNELLI t STRAND NOMINATED FOR 2 ACADEMY AWARDS STARTS^' . Walter / Carol , NEXT JOEL GREY I THEATRE Matthau Burnett WEDNESDAY -IN- # KEYPORT it "PctcnTillic.1* | YVES MONTAND, ROMY SCHNEIDER. CABARET"! —All about fov» and mcmiogef— SEX & THE PLUS-2nd HIT "...A beautiful film. It's HAZLET RED CARPET THEATRE what love is all about." OFFICE GIRL WOODY ALLEN IVI(:()UI:BI MaoGKAW -Judith Crist, NBC-TV Carlton M "CINEMA? «M Bonk NIWO it fK-MART PLAZA LOVE IN BANANAS Shopping Center PG Be Our Guest This ROUTE 35 :£\ THE Tuesday 2 PM at Our CHILDREN'S MATINEE • COPENHAGEN Saturday and Sunday HAZLET SAT. & SUN. 2 P.M. • Matinee at 2 P.M. .739-9697^ GETAWAY. 2nd Anniversary Party Rated "X" {"JUNGLE BOOK"} Fmt Parting In'Rur "JUNGLE BOOK* Free Refreshments IS Tte Duly Register, Red Bmk-MMdlefowB, NJ. Friday, April i, 1572 B THE KVEJUY HILUfLUB Uo Da Vacf B THE TURNING POINTS EACTHKE0IN6 .ATURDAY - *A Tlau T» U»c" fEHN c7r;.. O fEHTHEN 6ttA c~7rT 60U;J I EVENING Bruc« Morrar bom tim renval « jttUM re- MORNING MORNING cord lelltn wlti tke original srfisu. *» a a NEWS B LPGA GOLF CLASSIC MO • THE SUSS BUNNY SHOW a WEEKEND PLAYHOUSE • EASTER SEAL TELETHON (Continuo until 2:00) ©ZOOM R THE HOUND CATS "Pinky" <1M9) •tarring Jeanne CrmJn. WUUara 7:10 0 THE DICK VAN DYKE SHOW 0 CHILDREN'S THEATRE Lundigmn. i:» IB CALL TO PRAYER In a flashbick. Dick recaps how he cam* to t» 8 BAT MASTERSON "Bug! Bunny and PVtenda" — "Kins Throkhbeiftf* 6:30 0 RELIGION hit cousin's maid of honor (R) tuning K. Gordon Murray. A- princtsq In dittroB "The Tumbleweed Wajpjn." (0 ERICA it rescued by an unknown dashing rider hero. IB HOW DO YOUR CHILDREN GROW? 6.-45 O SERMONETTE • HI PUFNSTUF 4:30 8 CBS EVENING NEWS 6:55 a GIVE US THIS DAY 7:45 (DTHEONIE 1:00 B M.A.S.H. Q DISTRICT 1 FRONTLINE O NBC NIGHTLY NEWS 7:00 O ARCHIE'S FUN HOUSE O THE REASONER REPORT A' Hollywood director in the aervice i> assigned O WONDERFUL WORLD OF IROTHER BUZZ O MODERN FARMER to' film a documentary about the bravery of O HAVE GUN WILL TRAVEL 0 WONDER WINDOW M-A-S-H units. (Bl *:» a SABRINA, THE TEENAGE WITCH •The Pr.zeflght Story." O ROMAN HOLIDAYS 7:22 O MORNING PRAYER 0 THE LAWRENCE WELK SHOW ID ROLLIN' 7:25 Q NEWS AND WEATHER a JACKSON 5 Guests: Cheech and Chong. 0 THE F.B.I. 8 CONNECTICUT REPORT ID THE LENOX OUARTET 7:30 8 THE HARLEM GLOBETROTTERS "The Runner." Erskine trails an escaped federal a APRENDA INGLES "Quartet In E Flat, Opui JO, No. 1" (R) O WATCH YOUR CHILD prisoner who has abducted a young woman and 0 UNDERDOG vanished into the Oregon wilderness. (R) B MISTEROGERS- NEIGHBORHOOD 7M O UFO O THE MANCINI GENERATION *» B THE CHAN AND THE CHAN CLAN Slraker faces a scaring problem when he htfl to O THE CHRISTOPHERS Guesta: Edgar Bergen, David Clayton-Thonuj. 8 THE JETSONS choose between his duly to protect Earth and t<00 a PATCHWORK FAMILY B THE OSMONDS risking his son's lire. IP.) O LIBRARY LIONS ID NEWS AT EIGHT. 8 THE KATHRYN KUHLMAN SHOW O TO TELL THE TRUTH 0 WONDERAMA O NEWS O FAITH FOR TODAY O A THREATENED PARADISE Ot BIOGRAPHY Cliff Robertson narrates this expose cf the en- 8 SESAME STREET O THE AVENGERS O ORAL ROBERTS vironmental decay that imperils the natural tieauty «O0 B SCOOBY-DOO MOVIES "Small Game for Bip Hunters." 1:30 O COMMUNITY AT LARGE of Florida. Q THE FINK PANTHER ID CHILLER THEATRE O CHRISTOPHER CLOSEUP 1:30 8 MANNIX "How to Make a Momter" (1S55) starring Robert Q DAY OF DISCOVERY 8 ABC SATURDAY SUPERSTAR MOVIE II. Harris, Gary Conway. A film studio's make-up Majinix infiltrates a New Orleans gang to- help "Willie M»v» and the Say-lley Kid." (R> artist goes facserk and turns hia creations Into 8:45 Q MARYKNOLL WORLD the police get evidence, and he becomes Tomanti- 8 NEW JERSEY REPORT zombie killers. 9:00 O OPPORTUNITY LINE tally involved with a woman member. O NBC SUNDAY MYSTERY MOVIE a JUVENILE JURY ffl ZOOM O TV SUNDAY SCHOOL "The Park Avenue Rustlers." McCloud has the du- 10:00 O UNDERDOG 7:30 O THE NEW PRICE IS RIGHT fl THE ANSWER bious pleasure of breaking in a new partner, a 8 LANCER 0 BLACK BEAUTY O DAVEY AND GOLIATH policewoman, while trying to infiltrate a national 8 SCIENCE FICTION THEATRE 'The Horsemen." Someone who knows tiov to *f- 9:15 • TV HEBREW SCHOOL car-theft ring. (Rl "The Human Duplicators" (1965) starring Georgt fec-t the behavior of horeca wants the Cordons to believe that Beauty has pone bad so they will sell 9:30 8 THE WAY TO GO O BLACK OMNIBUS Nader. Earnara Nichols An alien agent ia tent fll THE PUERTO RICAN NEW YORKER to t-arlh with orders to establish ft colony of human- Q JEWISH HERITAGE like robots that u-ill infiltrate key governmental ©"MASTERPIECE THEATRE a FAITH, HOPE AND LOVE "Film Making as an Alternative to Delinquency" and industrial positions. 'The Golden Bowl." Mr. Verver decides to marry O RIGHT NOW © EARTHKEEPING Charlotte Stsnt. (R> 9:00 0 ENGEUERT HUMPERDINCK SPECIAL a WALLY'S WORKSHOP 1:00 O ALL IN THE FAMILY 10:00 8 LAMP UNTO MY FEET IS THE ELECTRIC COMPANY , Guest: Jack Eenny. Thr wife nf an Air Force buddy who unveil Archie's Q SUNDAY O ABC SUNDAY NIGHT MOVIE 10:30 B JOSIE AND THE PUSSYCATS life Is coming to spend the night with the Bunk- 8 CURIOSITY SHOP "The Long Duel" (1D67) starring Yul Brynner. O THE BARKLEYS ers, and everyone Is thrilled. (R) O VALUES FOR THE SEVENTIES „ Trevor Howard. Two honorable men axe forced 8 THE BRADY KIDS O EMERGENCY 10:30 n LOOK UP AND LIVE " into conflict during the 1920s rebellion in India. Audit." A trapped construction worker btga a UNTAMED WORLD O POINT OF VIEW ID BLACK PRIDE paramedic DeSoto Lo amputate hia lee to save bis © MASTERPIECE THEATER IB MISTEROGERS' NEIGHBORHOOD liife. 11:00 8 CAMERA THREE 11:00 B FLINTSTONES COMEDY HOUR "The Golden Bowl." Maggie and her fathtr stay 0 AMERICAN ADVENTURE 0 THE FLINTSTONES at home and take care of the child while Amerigo CI SEALAB 2020 "Hawaiian Surfing." Q BULLWINKLE and Charlotte attend parties. 8 SOUL TRAIN 0 MERE WE GO AGAIN O REX HUMBARD 9:30 O BARNABY JONES 8 BEWITCHED Richard's loyalty to an old political chum leads 11:30 a FACE THE NATION Barnaby enters a case when he arrives for a bus- 0D SCI-FI MOVIE to the discovery that while tils wife promised to 8 MAKE A WISH iness meeting with a man minutes after the man "The 27th Day" (1057) atarrtng Gene Barry. lo've. honor and obey, she didn't promise to vote as has been murdered, without learning why he was Valrr}' French. Whisked aboard a. ipaceshlp by he did. AFTERNOON being hired. THREE FOR THIRD - The popular NBC Tele- O MILLION DOLLAR MOVIE creatures from another planet, five people are given 12:00 8 NEWSMAKERS O NEW YORK REPORT capculrs powerful enough to destroy the world. "Break through" (1050) starring David Brain, ID SUBURBAN CLOSE-UP vision Network daytime drama serial "Somerset" Frank Lovcjoy. The story of a group of Infantry- O MEET THE PRESS ID SESAME STREET men is traced from early training through a big 0 EASTSIDE COMEDY 9:50 ID DONALD GRAM SINGS celebrated its third anniversary March 3O..Trte 11:10 O RUNAROUND invasion. "Bowrry To Bagdad" (1955) itsrring Lea Gor- 10:00 Q LOCAL SPECIAL : program, colorcast Mondays through Fridays (4> Q KID POWER 8:20 {D DONALD GRAMM SINGS cey. Hunlz Hall. Polishing a birthday present* the "Children of Trouble," A report en Children who 1 O ROLLER DERBY 8:30 0 BRIDGET 10YES BERNIE boys arr surprised when a genie appeara. commit offenses against eaciety that bringi them 4:30 p.m.) features a large cast including these Bridget and her parents become Jewfah for th* O MAN BUILDS • MAN DESTROYS three ladies: (top to bottom) Harriet Hall as An- AFTERNOON Into courts of law, ' u-oekrnd when Sophie's devout Jewish slater stop! O HOUR OF POWER 0 NEWS drea, Diahn Williams as Crystal and Renne J^ 12:00 O THE PEOPLE in New York on her way from the Holy Land Will Present 'Wizard of Oz' WEST LONG BRANCH - Munchion No. 1. The Monmouth College Chil- . Jennifer Cottam of West dren's Theatre Class will Hartford, Conn., is student di- present an hour-long program rector of "Peter Pan" which featuring adaptations of "The •stars Peggy Asay. of West Wizard of Oz" and "Peter Long Branch, in the title role Pan" tomorrow and Sunday and Gene Kasson of Teaneck, at the school's Fine Arts as Captain Hook. Jamie Ma- Theatre. mone of Jamesburg and Ka- Curtain both days will be at ren Pthmu of Mahapac, N.Y., 1 p.m. Tickets may be pur- portray Michael and Patches; chased at the box office dur- Barbara Bicher of Hacken- ing the hour preceding each sack, is cast as John; Lena performance. No reservations Palumbo of Millburn, Tootles; will be accepted. Nancy Takacs of New Brunswick, Nana; Joanne The presentation, which is Walter of Wayne, Slightly; under the direction of Mrs. Phil Boyd of Goodview, Va , Alice W. Key, assistant pro- Starkey; Jill Blasingame of fessor of speech and dramat- East Brunswick, Mrs. Dar- ics, is in partial requirement ling; Bob Mester of Fords, MADCAP CONVENTION — Some of the zanier role, listens to the rag picker-, played by Tony of the Children's Theatre Mr. Darling and Tom Darby choracters In the Brookdale College production of Bianco while the other mad ladies, left to right, Class. Robert Kauffman, who of New Shrewsbury, Snee. "The Madwoman of Chaillot" convene during a Patricia Anderson, Kristin Caruso, and Louise also is an assistant professor scene from French playwright Jean Giraudoux's Coles Driscoll look on. of speech and dramatics at the college, and Thomas E. play. Valerie Campo, standing, who plays the title Rtgliltr Plwlo br Larry Ptrno Dorick, a lecturer in the Fine Barber Shop Arts Department, serve as consultants—the former on Singers Set staging and lighting, the latter Brookdale's 'Madwoman' on sound; but, for the rest, the students take over com- Observance pletely. ASBURY PARK - The As- For the current production, bury Park Chapter of the So- k Wins Critic, Audience Acclaimin addition to their acting ciety for the Preservation and MARGARET WHITING Encouragement of Barber 1 roles, they also selected plays By BETTE SPERO whence this play came. But But it hasn't. We still have" cases — but only some — it to be performed, adapted Shop Quartet Singing in we bet a lot of men did too, af- the "presidents" who worship was. each play to the 30-minute American will join with other LINCROFT - From the ter last night's opening of the money, the "prospectors" What fun the stock market time period alloted for the chapters in the United States Club Bene Features [ridiculous \p the sublime is a play at the college theater on who egg them on to make would be with financiers such double bill, constructed the and Canada in celebrating 'phrase oft-quoted by the sane the Brookdale campus. more, the "press agents" who as the president, as played by sets, made costumes, took on Harmony Week — April 8 -14. and perhaps exemplified by For, Aurelia sets things promote the pap that keeps Tony Mopp, and the broker, the chores of stage crew and Charles Abernathy, inter- Margaret Whiting the not so sane, but in the straight, all right, but not be- baloney in business, and the as portrayed by Gregory Ed- — at show time — will man national president of the orga- Brookdale College production fore wending her way, and the poor, mad women and men ward Kayne! Maurice Marc the box office and serve as nization, has proclaimed Har- MORGAN - Singer Marga- "Beyond the Blue Horizon," of "The Madwoman of Chail- audience's, through nearly ev- who are their victims, Taylor as Dr. Jadin and Jason ushers. mony Week in celebration of ret Whiting will appear in a and "Till We Meet Again." lot," it is more a case of the ery winding nook and cranny There weren't really any Meister as the policeman the 35th anniversary of the 9:30 p.m. show tomorrow at When their on-campus run Club Bcne dinner theater, Rt. In addition to recording and ridiculous being the sublime. of the ridiculous in order to victims, though, last night, have also latched on to the art founding of the society. The nightclub appearances as a of character acting quite adr- is over, class members will go 35. • "Nothing is ever so wrong reach a somewhat zany ver- only victors, for the audience, international membership singer. Miss Whiting has ap- oitly, as did too, Tony Bianco on the road, trouping the show that a sensible woman can't sion of the sublime. which was very responsive to now numbers more than Miss Whiting, who has been peared as a stage actress in jSet it straight.. " notes Coun- as the rag picker. to the Arthur Brisbane Child In Paris Suburb the show, was treated to lots Treatment Center in Farm- 33,000, making it the largest awarded 12 (million-seller) summer stock and with road tess Aurelia, the Madwoman Action takes place in of very good work by a very men's singing organization in gold records, started singing But in addition to some dra- ingdale, Tuesday and to Point touring companies in musicals of Chaillot, near play's end, France, outside of Paris, a ambitious crew. the world. The local chapter professionally at age 12 with matic problems being in- Pleasant for a Point Pleasant such as "Girl Crazy" and and what's mad about that? long time ago, but it might as The cast includes more than boasts a membership of 56. Gordon Jenkins and his band. cubated by Giraudoux, they Hospital Guild benefit per- straight plays including "Bell, Most of us women have well be anytime, any place. 20 persons, but in the interest are nurtured by Director An- formance on April 14. As a prelude to Harmony Book, and Candle." known that all along, even be- "The world has of not making this review any She is the daughter of the tonia Garcia. Ms. Garcia . Mitch Stoffer of Flushing, Week, the Asbury Park Chap- fore Jean Giraudoux wrote changed ..." says the rag longer than the play, we are late composer Richard Whit- . She also appeared on tele- tackled a formidable task in N.Y., is student director of ter will participate with oth- ing who wrote such songs as vision for two years, with her the whimsical fantasies from picker to Aurelia, at mid-play. not going to name them all. "Wizard of Oz," which stars But we give them all one col- such a long, multi-character, ers of the Shore Area in a. "Sleepy Time Gal," "Breezing sister Barbara Whiting, in the and complex costume endea- Kim Larkin of Cheshire, Spring Sing -A -Rama to be Along With the Breeze, " show "Those Whiting Girls." lective curtain call for their Conn., as Dorothy. Mary-Jo energy and their interest in. vor, and she should be com- held tonfght at 8:30 at the mended for that courage. But, Brooks of Huntington, N.Y., Freehold Elks Lodee. THANK YOU, RED BANK! furthering their very line who serves as stage manager, You have given the new Little Lobster Shanty a craft. • in this case, discretion would have [been the better part of is cast as Aunt Em. The parts A parade of quartets will be warm welcome, to thanks! Com* en|oy our de- Talent Evidenced of the Scarecrow, the Tin licious lood, courteous service and conlortabla at- valor. The play suffers the featured, and choruses will be Valerie Campo, who showed mosphere. same glaring fault that many Man and the Cowardly Lion such skill in a recent produc- present from Ocean County, Jack Baker offors Ihe Shanty's popular seafood lunch- area, amateur productions are played by Lorraine Enst- Raritan Bay, Princeton, eon bullet, daily noon to 3 p.m., except Sunday tion of "The Importance Of seem to patronize; it is entirely rom of Wood-Ridge, Jim $ Being Earnest" at The Bam, •New.Brunswick, and Asbury too long and needs some very Hamalion of North Caldwell Rumson, but who we felt was Park. 3.95 sensitive but strong editing, and Ronald Foster of Brielle, miscast in that show, brings especially in the first act. respectively. her theatrical promise to the ;STONES LITTU fore as Aurelia. Miss Campo's Othersin the "Oz" cast are Poster Winners '•/'' Rte. 35'- Middletown One mile north of Red Bank serious -but -tempered -with- Other than that, it is obvious Ken Peal of New Shrewsbury, LONG BRANCH - Three • / ': •• '• ' 741-8344 LOBSTER SH/JHTV silly portrayal is superb- the students at Brookdaie are who has the title role; Carleen Long Branch High School stu- just the way we would expect studiying the theater, all as- Welsh of Burlington who is dents have won awards in the 146 Bodman Place, Red Bank, N.J. our friendly, local madwoman pects of it, and studying it Uncle Henry; Debbie Paspe- annual poster contest spon- to be. well. Sets, designed -by Stew- rino of Totowa, Linda Sun- sored by the Friends of the OPEN SEVEN DAYS art Beach, are imaginative. shine of Marlboro and Rona from 12 Noon '• Equally stunning also as Long Branch Libraries, Inc. Costumes, designed by Mary Fogel of Baldwin, N.Y., who to focus attention on the BARN THEATRE madwomen, are Louise Coles Frances Downey, are appro- are the witches; Karen Natale Driscoll, Kristin Caruso, and yearly membership drive. Summer Season priately outlandish on the of Wood-Ridge, the gatekee- Winners are Stephanie Sapp, Patricia Anderson. In fact, mad ladies and naturally real per; Andrea Friedman of the real fun of the play which first; James Kurchner, sec- on the others. West Orange, the narrator; ond, and Caren Cote, third. is much too long to dan- and Linda Fay of Livingston, gerously dragging propor- What more can we say, oth- AUDITIONS tions, bursts alive in Ihe sec- er than you're mad if you ond act with the mad lady and 3 musicals - 2 comedies ISENE don't catch this show. It will Monday Night 2 for Special IVV M her delightfully, dotty friends. J W DINNER'THEATRE have nine more performances Wednesday Buffet.,, , 5 The first act is a little $ RUUTE 35 MORGAN, N, J. through April 15, except April Friday Seafood Buffet .....;..... 4" crowded, to say the least. At • 9. Curtain is 8:30 p.m. . B some points, there appeared Sunday Brunch M SAT. APRIL 14 & 28 -2 to 5 P.M. ON STAGE TOP NITE CLUB to be as many people on- Sat. & Sun. Complete Lobster Dinner '5* . (Ural 2 chlldrtn undr 10 free) SUN. APRIL 15 & 29 -7 to 9 P.M. BROADWAY MUSICALS ENTERTAINMENT stage as in the audience, but TUM., Wed., Thurt., Fit, Sun. that is mostly the fault of 2 Nursery Plays NOWPLAYING EVERY SAT. NITE playwright Giraudoux who Will Be Staged 102 Avenue of Two Rivers •'MAN OF LA MAW meant that to be an exposition for the characters who inhabit HOLMDEL - Two plays Admiral Benbow Inn COMING COMING APRIL 7 PHONE 741-8323 MARGARET WHITING the earth. It should have been for nursery and grade school 2 Jackson Street, Hijjhlamls, N.J. an excellent tour de force for 1 "CAMELOT" age children will be sponsored I MlOMl : _1) I -291 • 12'A'Z -American Express Cards Honored PAL JOEY'S character actors, and in some by the Holmdel League of Women Voters tomorrow in SUPPER CLUB COMING APR. 14 the Village School. Dancing Wed. thru Sun-! Steak or lobetare Tslle „ CAB CALLOWAY The Barn Players will Sun. thni.Thura-.. 3.95 KINLINS present "The Witches of Pen- Children's Theatre COMING APR. 28 rose Wood" at 10:30 a.m. and CARR & SEELEY AVE. "The Emperor's New MARY POPPINS PHYLIS NEWMAN , Clothes" at 1 p.m. April 12-13-14-15 KEANSBURG Refreshments will be avail- able at both performances. Advance tickets may be had TONITE & SAT. from league members; some •FAMILY STYLE GET-TOGETHER EATING" tickets will be sold at the BUSINESSMAN'S LUNCHEON SERVED DAILY FROM 11:30 door. First and Center Ave.. Atlantic Hiqhlands ONE PHONE 291-3330 THE COMPLETE EDUCATIONAL FILMS AT LIBRARY RED BANK - The public ANIMAL SHOW FOR CHOJQREN library will have a film pro- PLUS gram, "Around the World by ACCLAIMED IY CRITICS Al "A LIV LliUM".., 'A WtWHAL IMTKOOVttWH Tfl MQTMIft film," Wednesday at 7 p.m. HAT0M" . • . "TH1 IHOW WHIM AHIJUll TACT M Five films will be shown Barnacle Bill is back riNTiiiiT IN norir-... "A OAF CLOUR nrwiiw MAN AHO IIAIT" ... about Canada, Ireland, Japan, f AMI IT INTIRTAINMIHT IN ITI MMT WWOLIJOMl fOfcvt (MUD '«' , . . ONE COR tVUYOMtl" ... "A MUIT fO* IWAL.-rHY ... AH '.MIMM. t India and the Netherlands. from Miami The Zwfbrn Family FOOD & LIQUOR invites you to partakr of on the NAVESINK The Most FOLK - ROCK MUSIC IK. FEATURED Bountiful Board OPEN WEEKENDS Nit!, COWl, fHKP, rUCKI. OCAT1, OONttlYl. PIG). CHICKEHI, RAHITf, "ENGLISH HUNT BUFFET" fiCIII, trc.t * KMY RIBIi * CHILDMNS UTTlMB 'OOi IHT 'IM. TOUCH DURING APRIL -1M AKO tUb «H) • XIWO AM1KM. MSNhOtm "WCUMMl. MtCfXM, WED. THRU SUN. JIKKKIHY l.tM:llKON PHtSKN t\TION AT N()(l\ FEKMT, IKUHK. WILC TURKEY!, IKOTIC BIRD!. MONklVl. i*W. PlACOCttft NOW i)i\.\i:n I'IU^KMAIION IIIOM 3 P.M. ITC.I * COtOMUL ANTtOUl CtRCUl WAO0N1 • 1PICIAI Wiltt TH1 KAKOAROO ft .tHIMAl! Fll FIK,I (All MKMi AVAILABLE ON sfNUlV UIOM I P.M. Friday-5 PM'til 2 AM OPEN FOR LUNCH DAILY AT 11:30 Saturday-Noon'til 2 AM SATURDAY & SUNDAY SPECIALIZING IN Sunday-Noon'til 2 AM GEN. ADM. "MEAL IN A SANDWICH" APRIL 7 & 8 CONVENTION HALL s KI.KfiANCK. ClU'RViFT KXIXLUNOK lOU'i 35, SHREWSBUIY, N.J ASBURY PARK, N.J. (201) 747.0200 ON THE DOCK 1st STREET 10:00 A.M. to 8:00 P.M. 99 Tto 7»fbf« FMRV __. RUMSON 747-9890 YOU NDED LOWER BEEF PRICES WOMEN HAVE SHOWN US AT BOUND BROOK COUNTRY MEATS THAT YOU DEMAND LOWER PRICES IN MEAT. HERE WE GO AGAIN 5 BEG DAYS WED., THURS., FRI., SAT. & SUN. MON.-FRI. 9-9, SAT. & SUN. 9-6 THOUSANDS OF MUNIS OF IEEF Will BE SOLS THIS ATTENTION HOUSEWIVES^ HAVE WON THE BATTLE AGAINST HIGH WEEK AT TREMMOOW SAVIN6S. THIS WILL IE MR PRICES. IF CONGRESS WON'T ACT ... WE WILL! MARCH YOURSELF RIGHT "SALE @F THE YE&R" DOWN TO BOUND BROOK COUNTRY MEATS AND SEE WHAT WE MEAN. ************************** • 30 LB. CHICKENS EXTRA SPECIAL • 50 PORK CHOPS {tO IBS.) • 20 IB. CHICKENS • 100 HOT DOGS • 10 IB. PORK CHOPS • 10 IB. SMOKED HAM • 5 16. BACON • 10 IB. SMOKED HAM YOUR CHOICE! • 5 IB. SAUSAGE WITH PURCHASE OF WITH 100 IB. PURCHASE OR MORE 175 POUNDS OR MORE!!! t*******************—***+***+t**4***************+*4. •***+************************************************* n*****************i : EXTRA SPECIAL 5% Your Choice of one CASH DISCOUNT • 10 FIIET MIGN0N TO FIRST 20 • S LB. BACON CUSTOMERS • 5 LB. SAUSAGE • 10 LB. CHICKENS CALL COLLECT • HAM 671.6066 or FOR THE FIRST 50 469-6266 CUSTOMERS PHONING FOR AN APPOINTMENT SECTION Aft B OH CHART SECTION B & C ON CHART SECTIONCSDONCHART RIBS CHUCK LOIN & RIB LOINS ROUND • CUBSTUK • CUMSTUK • 1IN1ESTEUS ^ • T4MSTIU •SIRIMITIPIIUT • SWISSSTEU • CWMRMSTS • Ml STEM • MMSTEUS £P • MM SHU •MMTESTEUt • KIMHNSTUI •POTIUSTS • KUWHNSTUI •SIRUWSTUIS M • rMTaRMSESTIU • RNP UUT • nwmiSTIU •CROSSCUT • KRTUMMSE STEU • HLUT MM* W •ETEMUT • UI-MK STEMS •OtHMIBF • stuuumn • RIIRMST •SIRLMRTIMMST m Vn »oek MMMSTEU •RNMRHST KNM0. UStSIULMNWTIF %W >" • SIRLOIN STEU F0R4N0S. EXAMPLE ONLY —YIELD 5 EXAMPLE ONLY —YIELDS EXAMPLE ONLY-YIELD 5 160 IBS. @ 63< Ib. AVG. WT. 140-260 IBS $94.50 145 LBS. @ 68'Ib. AVG. WT. 140-240 lbs $98.60 135 LBS. @ 74'Ib. AVG. WT. 130-230 LBS $99.90 INSTANT 1113 CREDIT WITH WHY BUY HtE-CUT MEATS! BUY FRESH FOR LESS 120 DAYS FREE WTTIIIt WNMK Aid LAIEUM WHILE YM WATCH ) CREDIT CARD i *PP. 31 MR. KR OMER - MEAT CUT IT APPOINTMENT ONLY ) HANGING WEIGHT (FOR I.D. ONLY) 1 USDA CHOICE SELECT MEAT $ 1.19 TO $2.49 LB. USDA PRIME CALL COLLECT FOR APPOINTMENT 67IS or DON'T DELAY - CALL TODAY Sra I IIOUTE 35 SAIE ALSO GOIHG ON A1 OUR OTHIR LOCATION HOURS: M0N..HM.9-9 SAT. & SUN. 9-6 206 E. MAIN ST. CLOSED TUESDAYS Friday, AprtlS, 1973 21 Rumsonian Says Most Citizens Misunderstand Unionism Role STATE By BETTE SPEFO iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiniiiniuiiuiiiiiiBiii lot more to answer for now, under the (federal) Hobbs RUMSON - "As God is my BUSINESS Act. Leaders have to be elect- judge, I didn't want to be in- ed by members. And the In- terviewed," warned John R. PERSONALITY ternal Revenue Service Nuclear Plant Moratorium Sought Deisler, an officer of the checks the leadership. "This statewide Heavy and General JllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllUilllllllllllll year there will be many more TRENTON - The Senate Ad Hoe Committee on energy Construction Laborers Union, "The members do and then it bank officers who commit and the Environment today recommended a moratorium on "but if some truth comes out_ has to be a strong majority." acts of dishonesty than union construction of new nuclear power plants in New Jersey. of this, it will be good for la-' In most cases, Mr. Deisler people. That doesn't excuse The committee also recommended that no deep water oil bor." is against strikes, he said, be- dishonesty, but why accen- port be constructed at least until July 1, 1975, and that no port For, according to.Mr. cause they just mean people tuate just one group?" authorized after that date be permitted without establishing in Deisler, a union veteran more are out of work and lose mon- Now, as for bigotry. Mr. advance the lines of authority for containment and cleanup of than 30 years, labor has often ey. When asked why there are Deisler has watched tele- any oil spills. been unfairly dealt a low so many strikes today vision's version of the union la- The committee concluded that the demand for energy is blow. He serves as secretary- throughout many industries and borer, Archie Bunker, of "All increasing faster than the supply and said the logical solution treasurer and business man- even professions, he answered In the Family," but he doesn't would be increase the supply also. ager of the Heavy and Gener- it is because there are so particularly care to have him But this solution, the committee said, "carries with it the al Construction Laborers many "problems" for working as a member of his rank and possibility of further harm to the environment." Union, AFL-CIO, for the New people. file. The committee concluded, therefore, that a reduction in Jersey region. Some of those problems, ac- Ridiculous Side , the demand for energy is the only immediate solution if the en- The union's ranks include cording to Mr. Deisler, are "Archie Bunker rather ex- vironment is also to be protected. the laborers who build high- the need for legislative lob- poses the ridiculous side of bi- ways in the state, as well as bying against the increased gotry. There are more impor-. those who work in other cost of living "that faces every taut things I wish Archie Bunk- Ex-Hudson Freeholder Sentenced heavy construction such as man and wife;" job safety; er would talk about, like de- TRENTON — Former Hudson County Freeholder John J. sewers, concrete plants and housing ("— not because stroying the manufacturing of Kenny today was sentenced to a maximum of six years in pris- modular homes. Membership houses are built by unions, be- American business. on on his recent conviction for extortion and misconduct in of- is diversified, however, for in cause many developments addition to such construction aren't, but because people "American manufacturers fice in connection with a $50,000 political kickback. arc making cars in foreign Mercer County Court Judge George V. Shoch said, "Any- skilled labor as blasters and need places to live"); and concrete finishers, the group taxes ("The government is countries, and thousands of one who uses his political power for personal gain betrays the jobs and millions of dollars public," in sentencing Kenny to a 4-6 years imprisonment and also includes maintenance, taxing people until they've got admission, and rest room them to the point where it's are lost in salaries.. There a $2,000 fine. isn't a pocket radio made in Kenny was convicted last month after a five-day trial. He workers and guards at the impossible"). state's race tracks. this country. Ninety-eight per was charged with extorting $50,000 from two land development Universal Problems cent of the bikes sold here are companies, in connection with a Seeaucus land deal, in return Their leader stressed he All working people have made in foreign countries. for favorable action by the Hudson County Freeholder's board. was not courting publicity. those problems, Mr. Deisler "And we have returning His attorney, Donald Robinson of Newark, posted $5,000 "I don't want to be extolled said, and need unions more vets standing on a corner be- bail today after Kenny was sentenced and the former freehol- in any way," he asserted. than ever to help them re- cause they can't get a job — der remained free pending an appeal which Robinson said "The only reason I would solve them. One of the more whether they're POWs or would be filed immediately. see you is that a paragraph or recent fiscal problems, alle- not," he added. two of truth would be included gedly resolved somewhat by (Robinson said Kenny has lost his Hudson County govern- About getting jobs — and ment pension and that the loss, coupled with tax liens on his about unions," he emphasized the federal government's re- laxing of some price-wage getting into unions. Mr. Deis- property, had left him "destitute." and hastily admonished his in- ler acknowledged some al- terviewer: "I don't want this freezes, is an especially sore point with the union leader. leged complaints that people to look like, in any way, that have not been allowed into 50 Demonstrate on Programs I'm a success story." "The 5.5. wage increase was Unions because of bias or bi- But there is one success ridiculous! What kind of raise gotry. But, if you let in people TRENTON - An aide to Gov. William T. Cahill told about saga he never tires of con- is 5.5 per cent of $4 an-hour who are put of work, it still 50 persons demonstrating for continuation of federally-funded templating. That is the one times 1,200 hours in a year?" he doesn't get them a job, he socjal programs he did hot think their programs would be elimi- dealing with the union rank questioned. "How can any- maintained, but just cuts nated entirely. and file. Only, it doesn't exist, body in any justice set an ar- Rtgllttr Photo by Don lordl down on the hours the mem- Ira Grayson told the persons demonstrating outside the or at least not quite the way bitrary figure like that? " A LOVE FOR LABOR — John R. Deisler, an officer with the New Jersey bers already have. State House he expected that the funds which support their the white collar workers, who Heavy and General Construction Laborers Union, models a "hard hat" Mr. Deisler, who can re- There are nine million programs could be funneled directly to agencies which use the pay the hourly rates for union while jjplng over some business at home. His expression shows his opin- member working with a pick people unemployed in the money without going through local anti-poverty agencies for help, think it does, according ion of the hats "I don't particularly like them," he said. and shovel on a railroad for 65 country today, Mr. Deisler further distribution. to Mr. Deisler. cents an hour, thinks one of lish." was as a newspaper reporter, said. The solution lies not with But Grayson could not promise any state funds to pick up unionism's greatest strengths Today, he is a little dis- "Construction people get "Etymology, catechism are first with the New York Eve- grunted with newspapers. labor unions but with industry programs which the federal government may decide to cut paid by the hour and our men is its stress on basic educa- good to learn in school but ning Graphic and then with "Newspapers — if they which must supply more jobs, back. work an average of 1,200 tion. He is a high school grad- they are not essential to make the New York Morning World. don't like you, your picture is he said. He said the money from the first installment of revenue hours a year," he said. "Con- uate, having attended St. Pe- a living," said Mr. Deisler in He remembered covering the always in with your mouth The 'Moonlighter' sharing has all been committed. And he said when the next struction people get paid by ter's Preparatory School, Jer- recalling his own high school birth of aviator Charles Lind- open," he commented. One laborer that does annoy check is received, "We will consider the overall needs of the the hour. They get paid only sey City, but many union days. "We want to provide bergh's son and New York "That's a way of editorializ- Mr. Deisler is the "moonligh- state and your requests will be given serious consideration." for the number of hours they members aren't, so the unions basic, important things, like City Hall when Mayor Jimmy ing." ter." He cited specifically work." try to step in where formal reading, writing and arithmet- Walker. Was at the helm. * schooling left off. But he says there are lots of school teachers who serve as Those average 1,200 hours ic, so a guy can learn and "I wofRed for two papers similarities between news- mutuels clerks at race tracks 5 (Arrested in Truck Hijacking aren't any lark, either, in his He credits unions with being earn." and bought them no luck. They paper reporting and unionism,, during the summer. ' opinion. one of the spearheads for pub- Mr. Deisler's own education folded," he quipped and then "There is a lot of personal "They are taking jobs from WOODBRIDGE - Five members of an alleged truck hi- lic education when; at the "When you're building high- hardly ended with high school, quickly added, with no levity, contact, meeting with people, those who need them more," jacking gang were arrested yesterday in connection with the turn of the century, tutors for ways, there are no Johns," he however, He has taken "Now everything is going to the same measure of curios- he asserted. hijack and theft of $200,000 worth of polyster, double-knit piece the rich or parochial schools said. "And where does a guy courses at Rutgers Univer- crummy television." ity, a lot of questions and an- When Mr. Deisler is not goods, an FBI spokesman said. for the not-necessarily rich eat lunch? He eats in a truck sity, New Brunswick; a lec- swers," he said. working at his own job, and The five, Joseph J. Campenella, 35, of New York City; Jo- were the rule. It is a tradition, Mr. Deisler remembers a on the side of the road." tures program at Yale Uni- maybe even when he is, his seph G. Stapile, 32, of New York.City; Joseph P. Higgins, 30, ' he said, union have continued journalistic era that, in the There is one other thing, According to Mr. Deisler, versity, New Haven, Conn., favorite pasttime is talking. of Elizabeth, owner of Joe's Auction Outlet in Woodbridge; Jo- to stress in their education tradition of such romantic too, about being a union lead- unions do not control as much and a trade union course at He used to spend a lot of his seph S. Palase, 35, of New York City, and Michael J. DeMaria and safety-first aid courses. ventures as "The Front er, in Mr. Deisler's opinion. of. the work force as workers the Harvard Business School. Page," thrived on sensational- spare time as an area toast- of New York City, were arrested at the L.N.C. Ornamental are wont to think. Of approxi- Education Need "A union fellow who repre- Iron Works on Route 9 here. He cites the latter, with ism. One of the week's normal sents unions represents master at banquets. Some ad- mately S7 million people "One of the problems is a courses in eeonimtcs and la- According to the spokesman, the stolen goods were recov- routines, he recalled, was the people in the American way," vice to professional talkers working m this nation about ' guy can do the work, but he bor law, as being very prac- editorial staff's meeting with that he has garnered through ered in the warehouse-like building. 17 million belong to unions, he commented the man attired in can't read or write the reports tical and worthwhile. the paper's libel lawyers. red tie, white shirt, and blue the years: The men will be arraigned Friday before U.S. Magistrate said. saying so," Mr. Deisler ex- Harvard Certificate "We're not worrying about suit with an American flag in — Ninety-nine per cent of Jerome Schwitzer. Each could receive a maximum of 10 years plained. "Or, some of them And union leaders don't con- "I have a certificate from winning the libel suits," the the lapel. "1 wave the flag, speakers don't have a sense of in prison and $5,000 in fines. should be foremen — they are trol unions, according to one Harvard," he said. "It's down lawyers commented (accord- the American one." humor. skilled enough - but they of those leaders. in the cellar somewhere." ing to Mr. Deisler). "But it's Pro-American can't be in charge of 20 men — Tell a joke, and if they "Union leaders don't call Mr. Deisler did not start out tying up our credit, and we because they can't speak Eng- "Labor unions are pro- t'zn'l laugh, they're not listen- Williams to Chair Newark Hearing strikes," Mr. Deisler said. as a labor leader. His first job won't be able to get ink." American in every concept; ing. WASHINGTON - Sen. Harrison A. Williams Jr.,, D-N.J., No one controls the labor — Make it short. No one announced yeserday he'll serve as chairman of a hearing in vote," he added. "Laborers ever criticized a short speech. Newark, N.J., Monday on the education problems and needs of think for themselves." In a more serious vein, his the handicapped. Just as Merrill, Lynch, activities have included or- Witnesses will include parents and children, officials of Pierce, Fenner and Smith are ganizing the Rumson Civic various private agencies working with the handicapped and of- always saying they are bullish League. Victory Park weekly ficials from the states of New Jersey, Pennsylvania, New on America, Mr. Deisler dances and amateur nights York, Delaware and Maryland. Williams, who is chairman would appear to be hawkish. and the Rumson Twilight of the Senate Committee on Labor and Public Welfare Com- "A couple of guys moved up League. He is also a trustee mittee, said, "Today more than one million handicapped chil- to Canada because they didn't with the Ironbound Boys Club, dren are excluded entirely from the public educational sys- want to protect their mothers a Salvation Army group in tem. Less than 50 per cent of all handicapped children through and little sisters, but that's Newark; the Holy Cross and the United States are being provided minimal special educaUon another page out of the book," Holy Rosary Catholic programs. It is clear that we must plan for a future in which he said, in reference to the churches, here, and the Mon- we can say that all handicapped children are being provided Vietnam War. mouth County Alcoholism with appropriate educational programs." On dissent, he noted, "If Council, Red Bank. you don't like it here, vote Professional affiliations in- against the people who are in clude the N..J. Construction office or take those great por- Safely Commission: the Gen- Seniors' Housing Exempted hy Bill tals that let you into this coun- eral Council, N.J. State AFL- try and let. them take you CIO; chairman of the state- TRENTON — The Senate yesterday gave final passage to out." wide Joint Policy Committee a bill that would exempt non-profit senior citizen housing cor- "Outside of heaven, I don't (Engineers, Laborers and porations from the state corporation business tax. Teamsters) and chairman of The bill was approved on a 22-0 vote by the upper house know a better place than America," he said. the Heavy-Construction Pen- "which had rejected it last month. sion and Welfare Funds for But there is one aspect he is The bill estimates a loss in revenue to the state of $160,000. New Jersey. Sen. Joseph P. Merlino, D-Mercer, maintained his opposi- AUXILIARY POLICE — James D'Averso, left, office at last night's Township Committee meet- not cra2y about: legalized- Not a Golfer tion to the bill on the grounds that it would not benefit really chairman of the Shrewsbury Township police ing. Accepting the badge of office are from the abortion. committee, congratulates the township's four left, Ernest Carpenter, Eugene Samhammer, Dale But most of that informa- needy individuals but amounted to a tax break for selected se- "Love Thy Neighbor — nior citizen communities. newest auxiliary police after they were sworn to Driscoll and James Hughes Jr. ««nnrnowPI»I. tion must be garnered else- whatever happened to the 10 where. Ask Mr. Deisler what Sen. Barry Parker, R-Burlington, said the measure would commandments, with the Su- he does for fun and he retorts, apply to only five retirement communities in Ocean County. preme Court passing a law for with a grin: Sen. John Brown, R-Ocean, contended that the residents of the Bedell Pushed for Senate Bid in Bay shore abortion?" he said. "It's a sin communities were in need of assistance. He said the vast ma- that cries to heaven for ven- "I don't play golf. 1 fight jority of them arc elderly and live on small fixed incomes. geance. No one ever said a with my wife, drink beer, IIOLMDEL - The Bay- this year. In the 11th district, the Hay- resented by the Bayshorc v woman had to have a baby." break bread, and talk. I don't shore Democratic Organiza- In addition to Mr. Bedell, shore organization is backing group. ' Honesty, Bigotry' like to use the term rap." tion has decided that Mon- the Bayshore Democrats en- Marlboro Mayor Morton Sal- The Bayshore group also Mr. Deisler and his wife, mouth County's only .Demo- dorsed Richard Van Wagner kind and Mrs. Gloria Pamm, Speaking of the 10 com- New Resort Probe Started failed to announce its choice the former Julia Madden, cratic Assemblyman should of tMiddletown, and Michael a Colts Neck lawyer, for the mandments, the discussion of ATLANTIC CITY — A new phase of investigation of al- be a state senator. for a freeholder candidate. moved here from Northern Dipferro of Middlesex County two assembly nominations. honesty and bigotry also sur- New Jersey in 1946. He noted, leged corruption in Atlantic Counly began yesterday when However. Eugene J. Bedell, Mr. Olinsky, a former Demo- for the two assembly nomi- faced as interview topics. again with a grin, "We've U.S. Attorney Herbert Stern turned over to the county prose- Use man who cracked a 30-year f They failed, however, to cratic Freeholder candidate, nations in the 12th district. "Dishonesty in unions? been married 3,000 years, and cutor several carloads of subpoenaed records, some of which Republican grip on the coun- "•' recommend a candidate to op- has already been interviewed These endorsements are Let's not make a whipping I never won an argument." were used in the prosecution of seven former city officials. ty's legislative delegation, based on the assumption that pose Republican Sen. Alfred by the county Democratic boy out of one group. There's The Deislers^ who live on Stern said at a news conference that the documents had isn't at all sure he wants to at- Mr. Bedell will relinquish his N. Beadleston, who serves as screening committee for the dishonesty in the clergy," Mr. Ridge Road, have three chil- been throughly analyzied "and now it's a case of selecting pap tempt the switch. assembly seat in favor of run- senate president. post, and reportedly is as- Deisler asserted. "Would dren, Jack, 30, a St. Joseph's ticylar records out of the bulk" for the county-level probe by But the Bayshorc group has ning for the senate. sured of the nomination. eliminating labor unions cli- Marvin Olinsky, Bayshore College graduate, now a the- Prosecutor Richard Williams. endorsed Mr. Bedell for the mate dishonesty? How about Mr. Bedell said that he is chairman, said no one had The Bayshore recommenda- ater manager in Baltimore; He said he had pinpointed certain areas into which he Democratic senate nomi- undecided on whether he will come forward to oppose Mr. tions will be sent to the county those advertisments saying if thought Williams would be interested in directing his inquiry Frank, 25, a St. Peter's Col- nation in the 12th district to accept a senate nomination, Beadleston. screening committee, which is you smoke this cigarette, but he declined to disclose these areas. lege graduate and aspiring oppose incumbent Republican and indicated that Democrat- scheduled Ut wrap up inter- you'll get the girl? But that's writer, and Mrs. Marie Ann "Today we sat down and discussed specific people in Joseph Azzolina. ic legislative leaders would The Bayshore organization viewing prospective candi- big business. terms of potential witnesses and specific records," Stern Toole, 21, a Marymount Col- This was one of five back- prefer him to run for the as- made no recommendations dates on Sunday and start re- "People should be appalled lege graduate who is working added. ings the Bayshore group made sembly because they feel he for candidates in the so-called 1 viewing the potential candi- at the number of political on a master's degree in spe- Stem said his office and Williams expect to hold a number while taking' no action in re- stands a better chance of coastal district because that dates to make its final recom- People lately found to be want- cial education for retarded of follow-up meetings on the investigation. gard to four other seats open being reelected. district is out of the area rep- - mendations. ing in honesty. Unions have a children. 22 1*eDatykegtter,JU*tafc Broken Wire Developer Seeks f 20,000 Blacks Out Two Stores From Shrewsbury Township HAZLET — A power failure FREEHOLD - Shrewsbury lishing the township hall in- pany agreed to advance township officials were told at Bradlte's department Township will resume its de- stead of refurbishing it. (20,000 beyond the 150,000 it this. mete, Ht X, Uwrty before 2 fense Monday in a Superior Judge Merritt Lane Jr. of had paid the township. Mr. Himelman drew testi- pm. yesterday was attributed Court hearing in which the de- the Chancery Division is pre- Mr. Elin said the company mony from the witness that to • broken wire leading into veloper of the garden apart- siding over the trial. had discussions with the town- the company wanted the ment complex is seeking to Charles Elin, president of ship officials to have the building remodeled so that it - were evacuated reclaim $20,000 from the mu- the corporation, testified yes- building refurbished and would not be an eyesore. from both Brattice's and nicipality. terday that the township had made compatible with the "So by removing the eyesore, ndjBbortag Stop and Shop su- The Shrewsbury Township alleged that it did not have apartments. He said the com- the township accomplished permarket wWle the incident Urban Renewal Corp., which sufficient funds to remodel pany was not notified that the what you wanted, is that not was being investigated. no longer owns the complex, the existing township hall and township had demolished the correct?" asked Mr. Hi- They were permitted to re- alleges that the township that as a result of a settle- building in December, 1965. melman. enter the stores shortly after J breached its contract demo- ment conference, the com- The corporation executive "That's true," responded p.m. denied that he told township Mr. Elin. "But we still wanted Detective Sgt. Thomas J. officials that if they would not the $20,000." Johnson said the township's COLLEGE PREP PROGRAM GRADUATES - Dr. Richard J. Stonesifer, rezone land the company had Former township Mayor three fire companies and center, president of Monmouth College, discusses future educational plans 2 Indicted for Theft under option that it would in- Vernon Field said that the members of the first-aid of students, Edmund Grenier, second from right, and James Spillers at stitute suit for the (20.000. builder of the apartments had squad responded to the alarm. luncheon at Old Orchard Inn, honoring 10 graduates of the PREP Pro- Mr. Elin responded to a put up a sign stating that the He said there was some gram conducted by the Monmouth Adult Education Commission. The At Brookdale College question by township attorney builditfg was either to be smoke throughout both stores eight-week program is designed to prepare military personnel about to be FREEHOLD - Two per- erting to kill her Dec. 1. William Himelman that he demolished or refurbished so when the lights went out. discharged for college level studies. Looking on at left are Mrs. Louise sons were indicted by a Mon- Linda Sue Riccio, 19, of 22 was told by the company's at- that he could rent the apart- Auxiliary generators were Nlles, a class Instructor, and Lt. Col. Elizabeth Berry, chief of the Mili- mouth County grand jury yes- First St., Freehold, is accused torney, William B. Kaufman ments. brought in to provide tempo- tary Personnel Division at Ft. Monmouth. terday on charges of breaking of receiving stolen property, of Elizabeth, that the town- Mr. Field said the township rary power. into Brookdale Community forging a withdrawal slip and ship wanted $20,000 more be- was "very poor" and couldn't A Leonardo resident, Mary College buildings and stealing issuing it to Central Jersey cause it couldn't refurbish the fix up the building. He said Ann Wing, 31, of 63 Concord articles valued at $970. Bank and Trust Co., all in building for $50,000 and the that a municipal parking lot is Ave., was reported slightly in- Eatontown Youth Convicted Gail Balaban, 21, of 65 East Freehold last May 31. She is company agreed to it. now where the building was jured when she tripped while River Road, Rumson, and charged with receiving a sav- "We anticipated getting the and it is used by the apart- leaving Bradlee's during Phillip D. Binaco. 21, of 1038 ings account book belonging $20,000 back if the municipal- ment residents. He said it was evacuation proceedings. No Of Raping, Robbing Woman Wayside Road, Wayside, are to Robert and Suzanne Grass- ity did not refurbish the build- the company's suggestion that other injuries were reported. also charged with receiving man of Jackson ing," he said, adding that the building be demolished. Sgt. Johnson said the bro- FREEHOLD - A Jury yes- The Jury of nine men and cause of the nature of the stolen property, articles val- Matthew S. Rutkowski Jr. ken wire caused a motor to terday convicted 16-year-old three women deliberated for charges. ued at $400 belonging to the 23. of South River is accused overheat and burned a relay. Anthony K. Graves, 127 Lewis only an hour and 20 minutes Assistant Prosecutor Mi- college, Sept. 22. of robbing Greg Tampe, an Members of the N. Centerville St., Eatontown, of breaking before returning the seven chael D. Farren retorted that This indictment and these employe of Kinney's Shoe fire Company stayed at the into the apartment of a 25- verdicts. the woman was nine months were among those handed up Store. Rt. 9. Freehold, of $182 scene until 5:39 p.m. . . year-old Eatontown woman Graves faces a maximum pregnant and feared for her to Superior Court Judge M. at gunpoint Feb. 23. Investigating the incident last Nov. 26, robbing her, se- penalty of 49 years in prison. life and that of her husband Raymond McGowan, county Stephen Tyson, 24, of 130 were Detective Robert Mulli- xually assaulting her and In his summation to the and baby. assignment judge. Montgomery Ter., Red Bank, gan, Sgt. Donald Ruehle and threatening to kill her. jury, Ira E. He noted that Graves is 6'4" Jesse Cooper, 20, of 3 Hill- is charged with stealing $10 Patrolman John Murpby. Graves was convicted of all Kreizman of Asbury Park and the woman is only about side Ave., Atlantic Highlands, from Randolph V. Shomo, seven counts of an indictment repeatedly characterized the 5'2" and asserted that "this is charged with stealing a car Shrewsbury Ave, Red Bank, which also charged him with state's case as "too pat." massive hulk of man" had valued at $800 belonging to Dec. 1 We also make loans to businesses Man Is Cleared attempted rape, attempted so- He contended that the threatened to kill her. Patrick Bruno, 314 Cleveland Joseph Virgil Jr., 29, of 608 MONMOUTH COUNTY INVESTMENT CORP. domy, lewdness and at- state's case contained too "Why would (the woman) Ave., Long Branch, Jan. 31 in Newark Ave., Bradley Beach, Highway 35 741-5051 Mlddletown In Drug Case tempted theft. many unanswered questions, make these things up if they Long Branch. is charged with possessing Secondary Morfoipt Uctivtt FREEHOLD - Douglas County Court Judge citing the lack of testimony of didn't happen?" asked the Joseph L. Johnson, 21, of marijuana and cocaine in Garrett, MI Seventh St., Bel- Thomas L. Yaccarino ordered the officer In charge of the in- prosecutor, who said she sub- Cranbury Road, Farmingdale, New Shrewsbury Dec. 30. ford, has been found innocent the youth remanded to the vestigation and the prose- jected herself to "embarrass- is charged with assaulting here of a charge of possession county Jail to await trans- cutor's failure to introduce ment and ridicule" by telling Dennis Stryker, 479 Park . of heroin Oct. 26,1971, in Red portation to the Menlo Park into evidence the mug shots of of indecent acts she was alle- Ave., Freehold, with a dan- Bank. Diagnostic Center. Sentencing Graves through which the gedly forced to perform. gerous weapon, a broken His acquittal ended a two- was tenativcly set for April first identification was made Former Eatontown Detec- bottle, and threatening to kill day trial before County Court 27. or the clothing he allegedly tive Joseph A. Mazza, who him March 3 in Howell. Judge John P. Arnone. Assis- Testimony during the' three- wore. headed the investigation, has Dennis Landry, 27, of 45 tant Prosecutor Russell Cot- day trial revealed that the He asked why the noise of left the force and is report- Center Ave., Leonardo, is trell presented the state's woman was nine months preg- the struggle didn't wake up edly in Phoenix, Ariz., said charged with escaping from case and Philip G. Auerbach nant at the time of the alleged the woman's husband, and Mr. Farren, who asserted' Atlantic Highlands police * of Red Bank represented the crimes and that her Husband why she didn't scream. The there was enough other police headquarters Nov. 17 after he defendant. was asleep in another room. victim's name is withheld be- evidence to carry his case. was arrested on charges of The woman and her hus- driving While impaired and Term Suspended band testified for the state, as possession of marijuana. CHECK did Lt. Lawrence DeVito and Frederick Parrish, 33, of 20 FREEHOLD - County Patrolmen John Barcume and Ford Ave., Freehold, is ac- Court Judge Thomas I.. Thomas Stoneham of the Ea. cused of assaulting Mary Ann TERMITE DAMAGE Vaccarino has suspended a tontown Police Department. Rose, II Murray St., Free- Graves did not take the hold, with a revolver in Free- Cvtry year of this tim«, homtowntn find wingid inittts six-month county jail term for Raymond Beggs, 24 Kentucky stand and there were no de- hold Township and threat- that suddenly fly «ul and then dr«p their wings and ciawl fense witnesses. ell around. Thtse litllt iriMcts 01R EOUPMf MIEAIS NO ADVERTISING MATTER • Skin tare and makeup • Wardrobe e> Good manners • Voice TERMITE • The Art* CONTROL • ««n 10 la 16 Willow it. SYSTEM Come on out for real action, big excitement. BRICKTOWN MANASOUAN For starters we have 11 harness races. lOexactas. (•pp. 1 Guya) 223-6161 Ladies Day. (Every Thursday ladies get in for nothing.) 899-4646 FOR FURTHER INFORMATION We even have something for the college students. TOMS RIVER WDDLETOWN CALL 828-6139 Saturdays and holidays the price is only 50*. Just show 341-0354 67M6M your ID card. BAYVILLE EATONTOWN Post time 1:30 P.M. Spring on over. To win. 269-O22O 512-4332 Freehold, N. J. Where routes 9 & 33 meet. FREEHOLD 462-5U1 • SIGNS OF TERMITES. 1500 HIGHWAY 35 • Haiti In Floating* Crocked Point * MIDDLETOWN, N.J. foregtpeiU* BowbetfrdcrvrnWingwhinteuthid CLASSES START APRIL l.tlli FREEHOLD RACEWAY The Dafly Register, Bed Bank-MWdtetowji, N.J. Friday, April 1,1173 23 Clubwomen to Give 3 Awards POINT PLEASANT - Club.heretothe-Kijig'sGram recipient of the Community Three persons will receive Inn. , . •/ ,i v* : ; „ Service Award, and iliss Sel- awards at tomorrow's noon They are Mrs; Mary L. ma L. Wells, Neptune, who luncheon given by the Central "Johnson, Asbury Park, named will be given a Scholarship Jersey Club of the National to receive the Sojourher Truth Award. Association of Negro Business Award; Thomas E. Daniels, Guest speaker will be Dr. and Professional Women's Oakhurst, who will be the Anna Arnold Hedgeman. - Dear Ann Landers: Very of- Since I am the one who has Know-Who ten when people write for ad- been carrying this child and Dear Ralph: I didn't tell the vice you suggest that they will be going through labor, reader because I didn't know seek counseling or psychiatric Ann Landers don't you feel I am entitled to it. If you're such a red-hot co- help. What did people do be- have a voice in naming the pyreader why didn't you flag fore counselors did such a down that road by a counselor said, "My psychiatrist saved baby? They say I am crazy. I me after the first edition so I thriving business? What did or a psychiatrist who sug- my life. God bless you for would like to have your opin- could change it? I didn't real- WE'VE MOVED! mixed-up married people do gested "a little something" to sending me to him." ion.. — Unpaid Debt to the ize women's lib had hit the in- before psychiatrists hung out get over a "crisis." Dear Miss Landers: I am 22 Past sect world but thanks for their shingles and charged I am 66 years old and I can- years of age and in my sev- Dear Unpaid: I would not cluing me, Ralph, honey. exorbitant rates for the 40- not remember a time when enth month of pregnancy. say you are crazy, but I would minute hour? there were so many mixed-up Would you believe my hus- say you could use some help Barn Dance COASt TRAVEL Tranquilizers and booze are people in the world, not to band and I and his father with arithmetic if you plan on a way of life for millions. mention broken marriages. have been arguing for three writing another phony letter. In Firehouse NOW CENTRALLY LOCATED AT Many people were started What, pray tell, did people do months about the unborn Rudolph Valentino died on Au- KEANSBURG - The before this golden age of the- child's name? They both insist gust 23, 1926. You weren't Ladies Auxiliary of the New rapy? Any answers? — No that the child be named after even born yet. Point Comfort Fire Company 333 BROAD ST., RED BANK Antiques Jackass from Jacksonville his paternal grandfather. I Dear Ann Landers: I'm a will sponsor a barn dance, Dear Jack: They suffered in hate the name, but there's nitpicking copyreader on the featuring Glenn Cook as cal- silence, went to doctors with more to it than that. Chicago Sun-Times with a ler, tomorrow at 8:30 p.m. in 842-1000 To Be their ulcers and migraine When I was a teen-ager my built-in eye for small errors. I the firehouse on Carr Ave. headaches, put up with abuse idol was Rudolph Valentino. I caught a cute one in your col- Tickets for the event, at and brutality, lived through saw him in person once and I umn recently. It was from a which refreshments will be Let us help you plan the vacation you deserve. Auctioned hell and kept their mouths dreamed about him nearly ev- reader who complained, "If served, may be had from any MARLBORO - Clocks, shut. Thank the good Lord we ery night after that for ten there are 17 people in a room member.or at the door. lamps, vases and furniture now have alternatives. Mil- years. I promised myself and one mosquito — he'll find Mrs. Gloria Dethlefsen is are among the many antique lions of people have been re- when he died that I would me." This reverse sexism is committee chairman, assisted NO SERVICE CHARGE items being offered at tomor- stored to lives of usefulness name my first child after him. too much. Why didn't you tell by Mrs. Carol Strauch, Mrs. row's Antiques Auction spon- and productivity because they (If it's a girl it would be Ru- the reader that only female Eileen Feehan and Mrs. Janet 24 HOUR SERVICE sored by the United Cerebral were able to talk about their dolpha). mosquitoes bite? — Ralph U- Manning. Palsy Women's Auxiliary of fears and anxieties. Many Marlboro. It will be staged in marriages have been saved the cafeteria of Marlboro through counseling and per- West Elementary School, haps just as many have been Introducing a $13,500 sedan that promises School Road W. terminated because after The collection, from Fein- some joint discussions the sit- berg's Antique Centre, East uation was deemed hopeless. the most remarkable driving experience of your life: Rockaway, N.Y., may be Counseling and therapy do viewed from 7 to 8 p.m., at not help everyone, but they do which time the auction will work for many. Witness the begin. fact that thousands of people the new Mercedes-Benz 450SE • The public is invited. Tick- have written to thank me for ets will be sold at the door. urging them to seek profes- Coffee and cake will be sional help. In fact, I just-fin- served. ished reading a letter that Talmud Instructor, Lawyer to Lecture RUMSON - Congregation Sister Congregation B'nai Is- tem, standard equipment includes power B'nai Israel will be the setting rael, Sisterhood of Monmouth here Tuesday from 9:30 a.m. Reform Temple, New Shrews- steering and brakes; automatic transmis- to 2 p.m. for a jointly spon- bury, Red Bank Chapter of' sion; electric windows; AM/FM stereo' sored seminar on the "Rele- Hadassah, and the National receiver; tinted glass; twin front fog vance of Jewish Tradition to Council of Jewish Women. Modem Law as It Pertains to The program has been lights and front- and rear-seat armrests. Crime and Punishment." planned to include afternoon The brief option list includes: Guest speakers will be Mrs. group discussions and ques- Florence Peskoe, acting clerk tion and answer periods. leather upholstery; electric sun roof and of the New Jersey Supreme A babysitter will be avail- fitted luggage. Court and secretary of the able. New Jersey Board of Bar Ex- aminers; and Miss Judith DtsSERT-CARD PARTY The final significance Hauptman, a doctoral student RED BANK - Fair Haven in Talmud at the Jewish Theo- Auxiliary to Riverview Hospi- The 450SE incorporates more safety logical Seminary, where she tal will present a Dessert- thinking than any Mercedes-Benz in . also was the first woman in- Card Party Monday at 1 p.m. history. structor of Talmud at its in the First Presbyterian EARS OF intense engineering effort each wheel. Purpose: to bathe all four Teachers' Institute. Church, Harding Road. Mrs.. were invested in the new Mercedes- disc brakes in a steady gust of air. No Mrs. Seymour Siegler, 650 William Russell, Pair'Haven, Y Mercedes-Benz motor cars: Branch Ave., Little Silver, is is chairman. Tickets may be Benz 450SE. Technical advances every- domestic luxury sedan even employs from $16,498* to $6,662* accepting reservations for the obtained from her, or any 4-wheel disc brakes. Mercedes-Benz has event, which is sponsored by auxiliary member. where combine to produce handling Mercedes-Benz offers a vast range of response, security and stability that may used this system in its sedans for nearly a decade. Of course, the 450SE carries model?. Here are suggested retail prices well surpass any Mercedes-Benz sedan for 8 of the most popular types: on in this tradition. Make A Date yet built, according to the engineers. 450SLC Coupe . $16,498 Shaped in the wind tunnel , 450SJL Coupe/Roadster. $12,773 A paid directory of coming events lor non-profit organiza- New front suspension 450SEL Sedan $14,605 • tions. Rates: $2.00 for 3 lines for one day, $1.00 each addi- 450SE Sedan $13,396 tional line; $3.00 for two days, $1.25 each additional line; This car's sense of control is uncanny. Its designers gave the450SEashapethat 45 00 for three to five days. $1.50 each additional line; $6.00 owes much to aerodynamics. 280 Coupe $ 9,994 for 10 days, $2.00 each additional line; $10.00 for 20 days, The 450SE goes where you aim it—so 280 Sedan $ 9,319 $2 50 each additional line. Deadline noon day before publi- precisely, that even veteran Mercedes- Massive windshield wipers are 220 Sedan $ 6,889 cation. Call The Daily Register; 7410010; ask for the Datr meant to harness the car's airflow to stay 220 Diesel Sedan $ 6,662 Secretary. Benz drivers may find themselves as- flat on the glass,even at maximum speeds. tonished. 'East and Gulf Coast ports of entry, exclusive of trans- Vanes on the forward pillars and catch portaiion, other options, state and local taxes, if any. APRIL 7 The reason: a zero steering offset "International Buffet," Sat., 5:30-7 p.m., Reformed gutters on the rear window are placed Copyright 1973,Mercedes-Benz ofNorth America,Inc. Church, Hance Ave., New Shrewsbury. Adults $2.50, chil- front suspension system, adapted from there to scoop rain over the roof and dren to 12; $1.50. Benefit Christian Jr. College. 747-1692. the 180-mph C-lll experimental coupe. away from the side and rear windows. Some of it you can see, like massive locks fitted at every door; sturdy wind- APRIL7.N Rear suspension design is the same Ribbed taillight lenses were designed to Sisterhood Temple Beth Miriam "Bazaar." Lincoln fully independent system you will find use the car's own air turbulence as a shield and door pillars; wraparound front Ave., Elberon. April 7, from 8 p.m.', April K, from 10 a.m. on the 450SL. And radial-ply tires are and rear bumpers; lavishly padded in- Snack bar, homebaked goods, plants, jewelry, antiques, constant "scrubber" in rain and slush— new clothing for all, white elephant, much, much more! standard equipment. staying visible to following traffic. terior. Some safety thinking is invisible, like the fuel tank mounted inboard over APRIL H "Pancake Breakfast," Sun., Apr. K. 7a.m.-l p.m. Adults Compact outside, surprising inside the rear axle as far from harm's way as $2, children $1.50. All you can eat! River Plaza Hose Co. the engineers could devise—then en- No. 1, Foster and Applegate Sts. Tickets: 741-3227. This spacious 5-passenger sedan only cased in steel bulkheads. Concert: Mozart, Litany in B-Flat; Handel, Messiah needs a turning circle of 37.5 feet- (Part 2); performed by Ad Hoc Baroque Singers; 4 p.m., St. New front suspension adapted from C-lll experi- more than 7 feet smaller than any do- Invitation to a remarkable experience Dorothea's Church, Eatontown. All welcome-Adm. free. mental sports car. mestic luxury sedan. The 450SE itself A new Mercedes-Benz inevitably stirs APRIL 9 The 450SE's designers wanted to is smaller, too. It is narrower and over wide interest. So call your authorized Alan Young, well-known TV performer and member of keep the car as unruffled as possible- 2.9 feet shorter. Surprise: in most vital The Christian Science Board of Lectureship will give a dealer soon and arrange a test drive. Christian Science lecture, "Can You Simply Trust?" Mon- even in sudden, violent maneuvers. respects, this new Mercedes-Benz gives A color brochure on the new 450SE mouth College, new auditorium, 8:30 p.m. Free! you equal room inside. And there is and other models will be mailed to you APRIL 10,11 2.7 turns lock-to^lock more trunk space. Shrewsbury Historical -Society's "Antiques _ Crafts" upon sending the coupon below. # show and sale Apr, 10, 10-9. Apr. 11, 10-5. Broad St. and An already superb power steering sys- Svcamore Ave!, Shrewsbury. Lunch 11:30-2. Donation II. tem was reworked to transmit an even Front doors that breathe APRIL 13 surer road feel. Steering response has The 450SE's built-in air-conditioning "Rummage Sale," Rumson Country Day School, corner been improved, too. The 450SE goes system is designed to prevent jarring Mercedes-Benz of Ridge Rd. and Belleville Ave., Rumson. Fit, Apr. 13, 9 from full left to full right in only 2.7 of North America, Inc. a.m. to 12 noon. Benefit: Scholarship Fund. Clothing, shoes, blasts of frigid air; instead, controls are Department BMAIE sports equipment, small furniture, books, records, "trea- turns of the steering wheel - a figure un- infinitely adjustable for temperature. P.O. Box 450 sures," and baked goods! matched by any domestic luxury sedan. Cooling or warming air is channelled Montvale, N.J. 07645 Under the hood is a 4.5 litre elec- not just through separate'instrument APRIL 14 Please send me your full-color bro- "First Annual Spring Performance," Monmouth Civic tronically fuel-injected V-8. And specifi- panel vents but also via hidden outlets Ballet, Celene Keller, Alvin Ailey Dance Center Artistic Di- cally designed to mate with this engine in both front doors. chure of the Mercedes-Benzmotor cars. rector. Ocean Township High School, Sat., Apr. 14, 8:31) Name. p.m. Admission: Adults $3.50, youths $1.50 is a 3-speed automatic gearbox with a A vacuum-operated central locking floor-mounted shift lever. system is also built into your 450SE. Address. APRIL 19 Movie actress- Mercedes McCambridge addresses Al- One twist of the key in the outside Ciiy_ coholism Council, "Silence Is Worst Policy." Molly Pitcher A disc brake on every wheel driver's door lock silently secures all 4 State -Zip. Ballroom. Thursday, Apr. 19th, H p.m. Everyone Welcome! In the new Mercedes-Benz 450SE a ring doors, the trunk lid and the gas port. I Telephone I MAY 1 of air scoops is built into the inside of Besides that air-conditioning sys- Concert: Cherokee Mezzo Soprano Hole' Casella and Oscar Brand, folk singer-guitarist. Carlton Theatre, 3:45 and 8-30 p m. Matinee: Adults $3.15, children. $1.50. Evening: C Douglas Alan, Inc. Murphy & Davison, Inc. General Adm. 93.15. reserved |3.94.842-9420. 100 Oceanport Ave., Little Silver, N.J. 07739 Phone: 201-842-53S3 U.S. Highway #9 at Circle, Freehold, N.J. 07728 Phone: 201-462-5300 U TVDdlyRegister,fi«d fcuk-NkkDettw*,NJ. Friday,April*, W7S Rule System detail may be just as familiar "Whose turn is it to By DR. JAMES M. LONG take the trash out?" With the recognization of the need for. some A great deal goes on within a family unit that Family Counselor type of structure, each counselor will request a list is totally ignored or purposefully passed over. of known family rules. A discussion around minor^ Within most families many complications or problems opens up the conversation into more in- situations exist. A family unit can be compared to plan will out of necessity be dependent on their timate and problem areas. The early detection of an iceberg — about one fourth of which is above own earlier experiences within their own family. friction areas can eliminate unnecessary areas of water and the main mass beneath the surface. Family Sets Rales bickering within the family. Therefore, the importance of uncovering more of In order to accomplish the goal of child-rearing what is below the surface becomes a main task for each family develops its own set of rules and regu- Once an effort is undertaken to identify family each family. Individual growth is dependent on the lations which will govern family behavior. This rules it is not unusual to leam that someone was ability to identify and cope with unknown in- question of family rule development can be a vital not aware of a certain limitation or expectation. fluences factor in the future direction of the family. If the Periodic Inventory Within the last decade there has been a greater rules are rigid and oppressive they will foster dif- In taking inventory periodically of the family development in the understanding of man. This is ferent response and behavior as compared to rules rule system, it becomes obvious that specific areas especially true in the area of interpersonal rela- which are established within a frame of flexibility have changed and, therefore, require a new ap- tionships, such as is found in the marital,union. and subject to reasonable change. In general the proach. Along the way we have started to understand the public has interpreted the word "rule" in a strict Open lines of communication and under- RHlilir Slot) Photo ingredients condusive to healthy growth and matu- manner. However, when used to express family in- standing can develop out of a clarification of the CALL TO PTAs — Completing plans for the spring meeting of the Mon- rity. teraction and dynamics the word should be con- "family rule system." Each member will be freer mouth County Council of the New Jersey Congress of Parents and Teach- We realize that the initial start toward the ulti- sidered more humane. Each family has a set of ex- to express himself because family roles will be bet- ers, are, left to right, Mrs. Vincent Laniano, Union Beach, chairman; mate objective of adulthood begins in earlier ex- pectations; some of which are visible while others ter understood. Mrs. Florence Goldberg, Hazlet, county director of the state building fund periences within the family unit. A child who grows are unknown to the family unit. Being at ease in one's family role develops con- for which the place mats pictured here are being sold, and Mrs. Robert within a nurturing environment will succeed in his One of the initial strategies of a family counselor fidence in one's own worth and provides the bridge Schunneman, New Monmouth, director of the county council PTA. The development of a physically, healthy and mental is his attempt to uncover and learn the family to more permanent and rewarding adult relation- theme for the event, set for Wednesday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. in Terrace image of himself. A person who has a postive "self- rules for living. ships. • • • Gardens, Wanamassa, is 'Open the Door to Education.' A professional image" including a feeling of "self-worth" will be For example, children may face conflict over cast will perform 'Every Minute of the Day,' o play which explodes some willing to trust others. household management problems, in the form of Dr. Long will be happy to answer questions di- myths about VD. The adults in the family may be viewed as the family chores. The caretaking responsibility of the rected to him by mall In care of The Dally Regis- "architect" of the family unit. Their ability to be a family pet may result in heated arguments. For ter, Red Bank, N.J. *77I1. Confidentiality will be Horticulture School success in'forming and drawing the family living those families without pets, the garbage or trash respected. Series Is Offered NEW BRUNSWICK - Somerville, Locust president Corms and Tubers for Your Course Four, Series Three, Garden Club of New Jersey, Garden." In the afternoon which completes the third and Mrs. Robert R. Green, Mrs. Timms will cover "Exhi- series of Horticulture Schools, Trenton, chairman Horticul- bition and Judging of Daffo- Talking Turkey for Economy sponsored by the Garden Club ture School, followed by Mrs. dils." of New Jersey, in cooperation H. Rowland Timms, national Thursday, Arthur Tucker, a with the College of Agricul- council judge and a daffodil member of thebotany depart- ture, Rutgers University, will society judge, who will lecture ment of Rutgers University take place here in Collins Au- on "Culture and Classification will lecture on "Herbs," and By BARBARA GIBBONS until turkey legs are tender but not falling ditorium, Tuesday and April of Daffodils and Tulips;" and Richard G. Walter, former su- apart. Remove from heat. When cool enough 12 and 13. Prof. Donald Lacey, extension perintendent Shade Tree De- to handle, simply grasp the legs by the bone specialist in home horticul- partment, Maplewood, will If you're fighting inflation ^- as well as ca- Tuesday's agenda is a wel- Slim Gourmet end. With a fork, separate the meat. Discard ture lecturing on "Bulbs, lecture on "Flowering Trees lories (and cholesterol) - discover the turkey come by Mrs. Willard T. the bone, tendons and skin. Cover and refrig- and Shrubs;" and the after- leg. Comparing protein values, turkey is only A tossed green salad with bottled Italian- erate until dinnertime. noon session will conclude one-third the cost of a beef rib roast, and a style diet dressing is all you need to complete with Dr. Dominic Durkin, de- whole lot less costly to your figure! Cooked At dinnertime remove the pot from the re- 4934022 the meal. A glass of dry Chianti wine would go partment of horticulture and turkey meat is only 893 calories per pound, frigerator and skin off any surface fat. Heat to 2113Rt.35,OAKHWt$T nicely, too. Total calories: 450 — and in- forestry of the College of Ag- compared with 1,995 calories for rib roast. And boiling. Simmer uncovered until tomato sauce - FREE - expensive, as well. . ESTIMATE6 • DESIGN riculture, lecturing on "New its cholesterol content is about one-sixth the is gravy-thick. Makes eight servings, 189 ca-. DRAWINGS Horizons in Horticulture," count for beef! TURKEY LEGS CAGCIATORE lories each. One cupful of tender-cooked, protein- VISIT fACTORY* SHOWROOM and Charles Dupras, senior Today frozen turkey legs are available in 3 large turkey legs (total weight, 3 lbs.) enriched spaghetti will add 155 calories per » 5 Dolly, 101 Sot. county agent of Atlantic Coun- most supermarkets, priced by the piece or by 4 cups canned tomatoes in puree serving. fr» W«d « Frf. ty, speaking on "Planning and the pound. Despite their bargain price, most 3 cups water Frozen Dinners — Leftover portions of Planting a Vegetable Gar- turkey legs sold by the piece are so big there's 1 cup dry white wine or water above can be ladled into aluminum pie tins and :KTTCHEN "'-'V.-iis '.V. Governor's Award Shared by 5 Artists Knowing the work of Mr. has a six-foot black construc- support and extend the mu- •y ELEANOR MARKO Stamos, helps a visitor to this tion "Hotel" with gloomy ef- seum's activities in the arts, annual show in the state mu- fects, created >y strategically the association, uses its funds The ABC of styles and di- seum, understand his choices. principally in purchasing art rections in the Eighth Art placed mirrors; Vincent Di- Trie to the Movement Mattio, Long Branch, with an- objects for the museum's per- • From New Jersey exhibition He obviously is true to the other six-foot work, an acrylic manent collection. at the New Jersey State Mu- movement in which he has be- painting "Suspended Form;" The extensive permanent seum, begins and ends with come distinguished. Bom in Sophia Gutherz, Lakewood; collection exhibit has a wide A—for abstracts. New York in 1922 to Greek-im- Richard F. Honymar, Asbury range of styles and artists They dominate the juried migrant parents, Stamos is a Park; Robert.Phillips Leven- represented, including works show of 71 works and scooped self-taught artist who began son, Fair Haven; Alfred J. by John Marin, Blakelock, up the |5,000 Governor of New painting in 1939. His many Provencher, Long Branch; Stella and Theodoros Stamos. Jersey Purchase Award-the one-man exhibitions include Sophia Gutherz and Alan The state museum galleries only money this year given retrospectives at the Corco- Young, Lakewood. are open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. out in prizes. ran Gallery of Art, Washing- Joseph Domareki, Moun- Monday through Saturday and Five artists share in these ton, and group shows at the tainside, formerly of Mori- from 2 to 5 p.m. Sundays. The prizes, including two from Whitney Museum, the Metro- mouth Beach, who is known Auditorium Galleries, which Monmouth County: Priscilla politan Museum, the Museum for his watercolors, entered currently feature paintings by Bahr of Rumson, and Selena of Modern Art, the Guggen- "Prelude," a lyrical handling Lucille Paris and photographs Whitefeather of Oceanport. heim and a score of museums of forged steel. by Ctem Fiori, are open the Miss Bahr, 20, and a BFA have his works in their per- same hours as the museum. graduate of the University of Museum Acquisitions manent collections. To complement the annual The schedule of exhibitions of Wisconsin, received $450 pur- Experiment tor Director the Contemporary New Jer- chase award (the museum juried exhibition, which will Leah Phyfer Sloshberg, di- continue through June 3, is an sey Artists series which high- gets to keep the painting) for lights work of selected New her 48 by 72-inch acrylic paint- rector of the New Jersey exhibition of two important State Museum, said that the 20th century American paint- Jersey painters, craftsmen ing "Pink Please." Miss Whi- and photographers will in- tefeather, 22, a former Moore idea to have a single-man jury ings—a watercolor by Edward this year was an "ex- Hopper and an oil by Georgia clude in the next 12 months College of Art student, re- paintings by Jurij Solovig, ceived $125 purchase prize for periment." O'Keefe, which have been added to the fine arts collec- Howard Goldstein and Rosalie her mixed media work "Con- Regular Staff Photo In the eight years now that she has been involved with tion of the museum. These Lang Asch, crafts by Marion tracted Contours." THE OPENING — Caught at a happy moment at Levinston, Suellen Glashaus- 'PINK PLEASE' — the opening of the New Jersey State Museum's the Art From New Jersey and other acquisitions, made The largest share of the shows to provide a medium possible through the fund-rais- ser and Lore Lindenfeld, Priscilla Bahr of Rum- Governor's Award went to Art From New Jersey Exhibition, are its director sculpture by Caroline Rister son, received ashore of Leah Phyfer Sloshberg and Howard Goldstein, a through which New Jersey ing efforts of the museum's Caroline Rister, a Trenton artists may be accorded pro- Association for the Arts, are and photographs by Sol Lieb- $450 in the Governor's high school art teacher, whose winner who shared the Governor's Award pur- sohn. Award presented for chase prize. fessional credit, and, at the on view. Founded in 1968 to sleek, stark white synthetic 8- same time, give the populace this 48 by 72-inch acryl- foot tall sculpture "No. 1, winner in 16 other major art Probe." Dr. Goldstein opened of the state an opportunity to ic painting 'Pink • Group of Three" received competitions (including Mon- also that day in a one-man observe first hand the quality Please,' entered in the 13,500. mouth College) during the show of his paintings at the and range of expression evi- museum's eighth an- Dr. Howard Goldstein, a past 12 years, received $800 Westbroadway Gallery in dent in current visual arts Tale of The nual juried exhibition, professor of art at Trenton for his 44 by 50-inch acrylic Greenwich Village, New creativity, Mrs. Sloshberg which will be State College and an award polymer painting "Green York. said all ways of judging now the public through June The fifth artist to share the have been tried. 3. Miss Bahr received a Governor's Award is Lois Ber- Tardy Guests bachelor of fine arts de- "We've tried it with panels gree from the Univer- ghoff of Bound Brook, for her of two, three or four; we've HONEYMOONS 29 by 40-inch collograph "For How lucky can Sunshine be? sity of Wisconsin and tried it with a painter sculp- The lights dimmed. It was time to end the evening recep- taught in that state be- Kumi." ture and printmaker; we've The reception for the artists tion for the artists at the Saturday opening of the New Jersey fore moving to New RESORTS tried it with a panel of mu- State Museum's annual juried show. Jersey four years ago. and guests Saturday night re- seum people and now we've Flicked lights are the museum's message to guests to flected the continuing interest tried it with a single jury CRUISES leave in the state museum's ability member." to stage a stimulating but con- Knowingly but reluctantly two persistent parties chose to TOURS She said, "We keep trying stretch out the gaiety of the evening. troversial show. to arrive at the most repre- Single Jurist Howard Goldstein, who shared the Governor's Award pur- sentative way, and after these chase prize, was surrounded with family and friends. He Because, uniquely, there experiments, I think we will opened in a one-man show that afternoon at the Greenwich was only a single member of BYRNE TRAVEL SERVICE go back to a two-or three-man Village Westbroadway Gallery, and now he was beginning to the jury for selection, the jury of museum people, who enjoy seeing the museum's show without the hundreds of 144 BROAD ST. • RED BANK show lacks diversity and The Willows have shown a more catholic guests who milled around the art works at the reception. (201)741-5080 points to the jurist's single approach and broader per- Another group was waiting while a reporter-photographer Representative of point of view. Prominent New spective to give a more repre- Rest Home York City abstract painter with them found a chance to snap paintings, also without the RICANlEXRRESSf! sentative range of ex- enthusiastic previewers. With them was Dr. Leonard Danzig, Theodoros Stamos was the pressions." il sole jury for the show, and as a Red Bank cardiologist who had accompanied his wife to the Cozy Home Atmosphere an experiment his service This also'was the first year exhibit, rounding out their party of 13.. helps to prove that "art is no artists were invited to par- The pictures all snapped, they voted to meet at Mom's Pep- Family Style Meals personal and beauty is in the ticipate; all of the works per Mill in Hightstown, a coffee house at the halfway mark to eye of the beholder." being shown were chosen from Red Bank. The doctor called home to say he was leaving the the 756 individual works that museum.. .and that telephone called saved a girl's life. Transportation To In the 1940s when American were submitted to jury. artists became increasingly Suddenly, without warning, a girl from Delaware in the Church & Shopping aware of their separateness Predominance of Abstracts Goldstein party "fainted." from the European schools of The predominance of ab- While his own guests watched, Dr. Danzig found himself art and the New York school stracts in this show, Mrs. involved with a crisis. The girl's heart had stopped beating. He MILDRED M. SCOTT of painting emerged, Theo- Sloshberg believes his be- promptly gave mouth to mouth resuscitation. It was a success. doros Stamos was already a cause artists tend to submit to She breathed. No names were exchanged. PHONE 222-4916 Demonstrations in the following techniques considerable figure in this a judge (or judges) who are An ambulance whisked her off to the hospital. Dr. Danzig 73 DUDLEY ST. 10NG BRANCH Presented by experts in each craft. movement. When he held his sympathetic to their work. joined his friends at Mom's. April 10-13, 11 A.M. to 3 P.M. first one-man show in New Last year it was new realism, Trying to piece together another one of life's puzzles, the York in 1943 at the age of 21, this year it is abstract ex- reporter was to find out that the patient was the sister-in-law his work was said to be pressionism and geometries. of Howard Goldstein—one of the first people the reporter pho- "subtle and sensuous" and he It is an exhibition worth the tographed at the reception. was able "to catch not only trek to Trenton, to get in- Howard reports that Inez Sunshine is smiling broadly. She the glow of an object in all its volved in the personal ex- spent three hours in the emergency room at Mercer Hospital APRIL 10 splendor, but its inner perience of viewing new well- and then was released to go home with her husband to her own NATURALIZER PAT FREUND life.. .in doing' so he makes executed works. There is a doctor to undergo tests in a Delaware hospital. They all can't 3PINNERIN YARN CO. clear the important difference catalog to help with the believe it. HOOKING RYA RUGS between sense of nature and A late departure. PILLOWS S WALL HANGINGS names, ages and addresses of the act of worship." artists in the show. A phone call. A crisis. Those from Monmouth- BIG BAZAAR A waiting cardiologist. Ocean, are Ruth Cohen, Brick How lucky can Sunshine be? APRIL 11 ELBB:RON - Sisterhood of. Townshipf Joseph DeOrio, ALEXANDRA HILL Temple Beth Miriam, Lincoln Freehold, an art teacher who PRES. ALEXANDRA HILL CO. Ave., will stage a morrow and Sunday, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the syna- APRIL 12 gogue. SYLVIA SCHWARTZ V.P. N.J. EMBROIDERERS GUILD NEEDLEPOINT FASHIONS time fbi* APRIL 13 MARY KENNEDY-MOUNTAIN MIST By Lynn DEANN MURPHY - DISTELFINK Prospect Plaza MARY MORGAN - MARY MORGAN STUDIO LITTLE SILVER APPLIQUE, QUILTING, TRAPUNTO featuring for Spring • DRESSES in the • LONG DRESS • SPORTSWEAR "lor Missy and Juniors" ll.Cnll-\,vk. \..l. open dally: 9:30-5:00 frl, Illl 9:00 That's where the action is! Here's where you'll find the new- 3A 6'/2-i(T est fashions. Hurry in. WEST END VARIETY... 2A 6-10 TH6 A CORDIALLY INVITES YOU 7-9 B 4-10 TO SEE THE NEWEST COLLECTION OF BRREBRCK C Pre-teen IHQII/CQ BUTTERICK AND VOGUE PATTERNS Junior wnSIX^ri it's Naturalized great Junior Petite new tailored shoe with smooth front and sling AS WELL AS back. Wear it everywhere-with everything. SIMPLICITY AND McCALLS Remember, there's Naturalizer comlort waiting in every step. FOR YOUR SPRING AND SUMMER SEWING CAMEL KID NAVY KID Junior Bazaar BUCK PAT. WHITE PAT. WEST END VARIETY STORE Mailer Charge Bank Americard CifcltFlii* 3» (rood StrMl Shipping Ccniar 588 RIVER ROAD FAIR HAVEN 747-4838 Ded land, N. J. SHOPS >hon«: 747-SJM Minoiquan.N.J. Ptitnc 133-4MI RED BANK* 9 WHITE STREET 2i Tke Da&y Register, Bed Bank-MiddleUwn, NX Friday, April 6,1973 Rangers Ready to Qose Lid on On the play of his team, the Fairbairn threaded the needle for amoment, Sanderson By ED WALSH closed as B's winger Doug added, "But I think it will Roberts got his second goal of diminutive coach said, "We and Vickers hit the open side. Ranger left wing Ted Irvine take a bleep miracle for us to BOSTON - The Boston the series, a slapper from in- came here to win, and we did put his team ahead in the sec- doit."' Bruins aren't dead, but they side the blue line that hit just that. But I'm not pre- Ranger captain Vic Hadfield's dicting a sweep. It will sjill be ond stanza as he converted a Adn Bruin coach Bep Guid- are on the brink of going out olin? . in the quarterfinals of the stick and changed direction a long tough series," Francis Pete Stemkowski pass into a on Giacomin who was moving added. goal as the slowly reacting "They got the hammer and Stanley Cup Playoffs without nails, but we're not in that puting up much of a fight. away from the puck when Boston, as it did Wednesday Plante looked helpless. Irvine and Stemmer com- coffin yet, so they can't close On top of last night's sec- caught the twine. night, got out on top. bined for the third Rangers' the top." ond-straight loss to the New Before Roberts scored, Winger Wayne Cashman, Hodge missed a golden op- who really" hasn't shown the score at the 13:29 mark of the And the Rangers' standout York Rangers (4-2) they must for the second straight game play at least the next two portunity to light the lit, but muscle he is famous for, was middle session with the for- he swung and missed at a cen- able to convert and Esposito tner centering from the left were the Tkaczuk and Stem- games without the Natonal kowski lines in total while Hockey League's leading tering pass from Esposito rebound with Giacomin on his side and the latter diverting great penalty-killing efforts scorer center Phil Esposito. with Villemure out of position.' back and Park and defense- the puck with a one-handed reach with his stick. by Tkaczuk and Fairbairn, "Espo" twisted knee liga- The Rangers' super de- man Dale Rolfe unable to fenseman Brad Park came clear. Roberts' goal left some Park and Rolfe, Glenn Sather, ments when he was hip Bobby Rousseau, Jim Neilson checked by New York de- back up ice with the puck and Cashman's tally came at hope, but the Bruins were not had Bruins' goalie Jacques 7:55, but the New Yorkers able to capitalize. A power and Harris had played major fenseman Ron Harris near the parts: midway point of the final 20 Plante at his mercy, but Bob- came back at 13:20 and tied play in the third period went minutes and had to be helped by Orr dropped back into the the contest. for naught and when Rangers' Boston's Greg Sheppard has from the ice. net and made the save. This time Cashman was the Center Walt Pkaczuk beat done it all in a losing cause, expecially with his en- The Rangers themselves "Imagine that," Krancis culprit:as he gave the puck Plante at 5:37 that was all she thusiasm. may have lost a key figure in said after the contest. "I away to Ranger right winger wrote. the series so far. Goalie Eddie thought that shot was in and Billy Fairbairn at the blue Boston's Derek Sanderson, Game three switches to New Giocomin could possibly have we were up 4-1. line. Fairbairn skated for the the reknowned world traveler York's Madison Square Gar- suffered a pinched nerve in "Before tonight I had seen net and drew the defense his said of his team's chances of den at 8 p.m. with the fourth this right shoulder in a second Orr do everything except play way as linemate Steve Vick- coming back, "We're desper- game o! the best of seven period pileup in the goal goal, and he didtthat in the ers circled behind Orr and ate, but not out of it." series on tap Sunday night at crease. second period." camped on Plante's doorstep. Pondering on what he said 8:35 p.m. Something Snapped "I felt something snap and it felt miserable," Giacomin said. Hodge (Bruin winger Ken Hodge) fell on my shoul- Ashbee Evades Writers der with all his weight, I started feeling better AP WlnpHolo when I got to the bench, but DOGFIGHT FOR PUCK — Bostn Bruins Bobby Orr (4) keeps control of when I got back into the the puck in a battle with New York Rangers Bill Fairbairn during last game, I broke out into a cold night's second NHL playoff game in Boston. Following Flyers'' Victory sweat, my neck started burn- ing and I couldn't concen- trate. I asked the "Cat" PHILADELPHIA (AP) - Barry Ashbee, the star of the in that 3-0 first game defeat. When Ashbee heard of Shero's re- (Ranger coach Emile game, hid in the trainer's room like a petulant kid. mark, he burned. Francis) to take me out be- Ashbee simply refused to talk last night with hockey "Ask him to name names," the veteran defenseman Rodriguez Steals tween periods and let Gilly writers who wanted to question him about his record tying snapped. That's about as far as it went. Ashbee, however, still (goalie Gilles Villemure) three assists in a three-goal second period that helped the was hot 24 hours later over the implication some players had play," Giacomin said. Philadelphia Flyers to a 4-1 victory over the Minnesota North taken the heat of playoff competition. He also wasn't too hap- "Boy he did some job com- Stars last night. py about the manner in which some writers took apart the Fly- ing in cold like that. He wars The victory enabled Philadelphia to tie the National Hock- ers' opening game lack lustre performance. Aaron's Thunder ready to play, eh?" ey League quarter-final series at one game each. The teams Ashbee's three assists in the second period tied a Stanley Giacomin went out at the moved to Minnesota for tomorrow and Sunday's third and Cup playoff record held by 18 other players.. The Flyers took a AUGUSTA. Ga. (AP) - has never played in the Mas- last major victory was the fourth games of the best of seven set. 1-0 lead on a first period goal by-Don Saleski, then wrapped it ters. 14:47 mark of the second peri- Tommy Aaron, a slump-rid- 1964 Masters. The 33-year-old Ashbee stood in the trainer's room in his up as Bill Flett, Bill Barner and Terry Crisp, each with help Aaron, a tall, bespectacled od and Villemure went into den perennial runner-up, The biting, capricious wind birthday suit, refusing entreaties of reporters to come out of from Ashbee, made it 4-0 after two periods. takes a onestroke lead over Georgian who has won only the net for a total of 40 sec- was responsible for many of the players' sanctuary. Apparently he was upset about some In addition to Ashbee, Flyer's goalie Doug Favell had a Jack Nickjaus and a 190- one official title while finish- the skyrocketing scores. onds before Giacomin came things that appeared in print after Philadelphia's opening good night. He turned back 31 of 32 North Stars' shots on goal. pound former baseball pitcher ing second at least a dozen "The wind was fickle," said back. night loss. Dean Prentice at 4:14 of the third period whizzed one past Fa- from Japan today into the times, grabbed the first round young Ben Crenshaw, the The score was 3-1 Rangers Flyers' coach Fred Shero had said his veterans were tight second round of the Masters, lead yesterday by shooting a amateur from Austin, Tex. at this juncture but it quickly vell for Minnesota's only score. shaken by another con- four-under-par 6S. troversy. "I've been playing badly," the latest fuss was ignited Aaron said. "I've been hitting by a 120-pound pepperpot everything good but my Net Title Hopes from Puerto Rico, Chi Chi , woods and irons." TERMITES Rodriguez, who contends he Nicklaus, the 5-2 favorite and some others are getting a seeking his fifth Masters bad deal on caddies. He wants crown, came in dose pursuit SAVE MONEY!! a fairer system. Slipping Away with a rallying 69, that includ- His complaint carried extra ed near-misses for eagles on with bile because it seemed aimed UNIONDALE, N.Y. (AP) - In the second period Cun- the long 13th and 15th holes. Billy Cunningham, Mack Cal- ningham scored IB points to at such Masters untouchables Then, almost at the end of the vin 2nd Joe Caldwell com- help the visitors take their as Nicklaus and Arnold Palm- day. Masahi Ozaki, a strap- SAVE-RITE TERMITE er. "They get the more knowl- bined for 74 points as the lead into the dressing room. ping crew-cut Oriental with a The Cougars, who trailed vir- edgeable caddies," Chi Chi broad smile, came charging in Carolina Cougars defeated the argued. "We should be New York Nets, 112-108, last tually all the way until that CONTROL with a matching 69 to tie Big point, finally went ahead 36-34 allowed to use our touf cad- Jack for second place. night and took a 3-1 lead in Check these ways to Save dies or at least have a blind their American Basketball As- on a layup by Dennis Wuycik "Considering the wind and draw." sociation playoff series. and later, used a free throw 8ave-HN0 Salesmen's commission (•/) Ihe fact I wasn't sure what The fifth game of the best- by Gene Littles to build their Nicklaus and Palmer reac- would come out of the bag, I of-7 East Division semifinals 17-point lead at the half. ted. They said they make all must say I was happy with Save-No franchise fee () will be played tonight in In the third period, Carolina their decisions, the caddies my round," said Nicklaus. (•/} just carry the clubs. Greensboro, N.C. moved in front 69-45 on a Save-No National Advertising Ozaki doesn't speak much jump shot by Steve Jones with All Augusta National cad- Cunningham scored 20 of his [ j/ j English so he passed along his 58. seconds gone. But Carter Save—No Subcontracting of jobs dies are black. Many of the team-leading 29 points in the personal reactions through an scored 17 of his points in the tour caddies, including Chi first half to help the Cougars Save—Operating under only one name [ J1 interpreter. "1 believe 1 have third period as the Nets Chi's Tommy Mascari, are some luck today," he said. "I grab a 62-45 lead at inter- PLUS fast effective service mission and the winners rode closed to 90-82. white. The prestigious tourna- have good spirit now." CoroUrM (113) Niw York IIM) key field goals by Caldwell ment here are just finished He started out, he ex- G F Ti 0 ~ THINK ABOUT IT!! and Calvin to withstand a late Cltfwtl 8 6 72'Bourn a 1 17 defending itself from pressure plained, by driving the ball Curhm 13 3 29;Coner 8 13 29 charge by the Nets. Owens 3 I 7iPoulh 10 4 24 SAVE-RITE TERMITE CONTROL by 18 Congressmen demand- into a trash bag. "It was a Colvln B 7 aifoylor I 5 U ing that a special invitation be Calvin finished with 23 Jon** 1 0 BM » I IS great help for my second Waning 4 4 UiBruns 0 1 I "Why Pay More??" extended to a black player. points and Caldwell, 22. Littles 2 I SiClionM 1 0 2 shot." Under further inter- McClan 0 0 0 Lockey 0 0 0 Lee Elder, because a black rogation, he said he meant he New York made up most of Wuycik 3 0 6 Wshgln 741-8822 295-2030 got a free drop. that 17-point hatftime deficit Totals «s n mi Toiois 39 30106 RED BANK BRICK TOWN behind George Carter and Bil- Carolina . IS 37 29 22 -112 Aaron, Nicklaus and Ozaki 26 -108 ly. Paultz. Carter scored 29 Fouled out—Jones, Corter, Metchlonn! 1 were the only players under Total louls—Carolina 31, Npw York 27 WWMWMMMMMWWiW . HMWWVMMMIMAMIMMWMMM M 70 over the wind-whipped, points and Paultz 24 in the 6.9KO-yard Augusta National game. course and only four others The Nets led by seven managed to crack the par 72. points three times in the first period, the last 28-21 on a jum- They were Bob Dickson and per by Carter with 1:58 re- J.C. Snead. with 70s; drier maining. Jones and the veteran Phil Rodgers, tied at 71. Others in the hand-picked international PANELING SALE field of fc'2 fell back to scores reaching as high as 88, posted GEORGIAFriday J^ PACIFI, ApriC l 6, Thru Monday, April 9 by the amazing 71 year-old (iene Sarazen. Doug Sanders took an W, ANTIQUE BRONZE SAGEBRUSH getting 11 bogeys. "I couldn't figure the wind," he said. "I 'KSsheelficg 56 ;0 199 4«! skeit. J«s 1519 was long or short, left or right Smujlnfed Wood G'u;n WoodVcneDid Coih on every shot." FiiMfionPartde Board S. Cany Plywaul Arnold Palmer skied to a 77. 2 2 OLD MASTER — Two-time Masters winner Gene Reg. Sale Reg. Sale "I'm'disgusted — 1 think Sarazen, 71, swings his putter above his head as Hozelwood' 6.30 3.33 Seville" LUBRICATION - Weathered Spruce" 15.40 . maybe I ought to take some he misses a putt for a par on the second hole dur- Executive Plank" 6.30 3.33 Barcelona" While Beathwood" 16.20 time off and work on my ing yesterday's opening round of the Masters at Siena" 7.00 3.33 Froslwood' Oiled Walnut** 21.00 10.95 I game," said the 43-year-old Augusta, Ga. Sarazen had a bogey six on the hole OIL CHANGE Woodland" 8.30 3.99 Frosty Pink".... Colonial Oak".'. Tommy Aaron fourtime champion, whose and finished the day with an 88. Evening Shodow' 17 00 10.99 5 8.20 3.99 Gunslock" Knotty Ash" 19.00 11.95 5 SPECIAL Cactus" .8.40 3.99 Honey Elm",.. Winchester Walnut 21.00 11.95 • It's time lor a change! We'll Parchment" 8.40 3.99 Thistle' change your motor oil, up to Colonial Hickory". 21.00 12.99 4 Mountain Blue' ...8.80 4 44 five quarts. Replace ell filter. Granada' Oriental Paldao*'.. 4600 13.95 4 Greenbriar" Examine shock absorbers. ...900 4.44 Lemon Birch" Amazon Rosewood •is oo 16.95 4 Check lube In transmission lumblcweed' Knicks Out to Cap Sweep 9.00 4.44 Frontier Birch" Marble Ebony" and dlllerenllal, add as 62.00 24.95 2 needed. Lubrlcata front sus- 'Si BALTIMORK (AP) - The New York Kmcks. playing the thinks that helped the Knicks. pension components, door kind of team game which broushl them the National Basket- and hood hinges. Also free KNOTTY CEDAR GENUINE CEDAR "They concentrated on stopping two miys." Monroe said. brake Insp. Includes parts, oil NOW IN STOCK/rij ball Association title in 1970, are favored to wmplete a four- "•and thai left it open for the other guys." and grease. PANELING .. game Sweep over the Baltimore Bullets tonight in the Eastern All five New York starters scored 16 points or more on CEILING BEAMS STYROFOAM j Reg. S12.16 Tongue & Groove "8 Q( 3'x6"Si?e Conference semifinals. Wednesday and all but Bill Bradley, who topped the Knicks now $8.95 I>6"Asil'd Lengths + tax + lax Lengths to 20' FLOAT BLOCKS \ The Knicks won the first three games ol the besl-of-7 with 23 points, hit at least 50 per cent from the floor. Reg 36 cents II. Reg. S2.00 II. 69' For Your Dock 0 scries handily against a Baltimore team which had battled New York center Willis Reed, who scored 10 of his lfi Exp. April 30,1973 them to a 3-3 tie in regular season play. points in the final quarter, played 36 minutes as he continued REDWOOD FAMOUS NAME BRAND COPPER MAHOGANY PLYWOOD f. In Wednesday night's 103-96 third-game victory, the his comeback from a long series of injuries. LUMBER BOTTOM PAINT Knicks repeatedly found the open man with crisp passes which 'Man, He's Back BOAT PANELS * 't Thuk resulted in easy shots. ,. 'Treed played more like his old self than ever before this 2»4-8 095 Q95 Waterpro Baltimore Coach Gene Shue acknowledged that the Knicks season," Monroe said. "That's the first time I've seen him Reg CC5 1" 8" were executing their plays well and shooting accurately, but make that sweeping hook shot in two years. When that one contended a breakdown on defense was the chief cause of the went in, 1 said to myself, 'Man, he's back'." Bullets' downfall. Reed had his problems on defense, however, as his oppo- "You take your pick, who knows," was the counter com- nent, Klvin Hayes, pumped in 16 of 26 shots and wound up with ment by New York Coach Red Holzman. "But 1 like to think 36 points. But the rest of the Bullets didn't give Hayes much RUSSELL OLOSMOSILE-CADILUC MARINE LUMBER CO. we're doing something right on offense." support. 100 E. Newman Springs Road 1139 OCEAN AVE. 842-3355 SEA BRIGHT Guards Walt Fraaer and Earl Monroe, a former Bullets' A victory tonight would send the Knicks into the confer- Red Bank, New Jersey OPEN DAILY: 7:30 A.M. to 5:30 P.M. Saturday 7:30 A.M. to 5'P M star, have combined for 143 points and 37 assists in the play- ence finals against either the Boston Celtics of the Atlanta 741-0910 offs. They were "held" to M points In game No. 3. but Monroe Hawks. Boston leads that series 2-0. A TTENTION BOA TMEN: OPEN SUNDA Y 9 TO NOON The Daily Register, Red Bank-MWdletowa, NJ. Friday, April t, 1173 V Baseball Season 'New' Marie In Full Throttle Quiets Red Bats By Tie Associated Press _ at Baltimore, New York at rated as key contenders for Boston and Kansas City at Oakland in the AL Western CINCINNATI (AP) - Juan • Both teams muffed early with a double, but was stran- Pittsburgh's Pirates, with California. The Eastern Divi- Division, mainly on the Marichal pitched like a young scoring opportunities in the ded, and Rose and Joe Mor- the ghost of Roberto Clemente sion champion Detroit Tigers muscle of Dick Allen's bat. man and then talked like an windy, 40-degree chill of Riv- gan singled to open the Cin- cinnati fifth only to see Mari- continuing to hover over start Saturday against Cleve- Allen, the league's Most old one yesterday after hurl- erfront Stadium. chal get Bench to hit into an Three Rivers Stadium; are land. Valuable Player last season, ing the San Francisco Giants The Giants left two men on inning-ending double play. • about to see if they really can StgvUlen Converted operates at a self-determined to a 4-1 victory over the de- base in the first and again in Marichal, hoping to rebound get along without "The Great Converted catcheroManny pace with the blessing of Man- fending National League the fourth. from a poor 6-16 showing last One." Sanguillen, who idolized the ager Chuck Tanner and is champion Cincinnati Reds in The Reds had a chance in year when back problems ren- And, the American League late Clemente as a sandlotter working on the first leg of a the 1973 major league base- the first when Pete Rose dered htm ineffective, fin- gives birth to the "designated in Panama, will be in Rob- three-season, 5675,000 deal. ball opener. opened with a single. But ished with a flourish, retiring hitter," an innovation that erto's old right field position "My back is a little stiff," That makes him worth Rose was thrown out ,by Gi- the final 13 Reds he faced. keeps pitchers out of the bat- when the Pirates play the St. $1,388 a game, or about (500 Marichal said after scattering ants center fielder Gary Mad- ter's box and — hopefully — Louis Cardinals. an hour. The 31-year-old Al- seven Cincinnati hits and dox while trying to take third Marichal had only two stri- puts more runs on the score- Clemente died in a plane len, who came to the Sox with watching teammates Bobby on Bobby Tblan's one-out keouts while walking two. board. crash New Year's Eve at the a troubled major league past, Bonds and Chris Speier deliv- single. Then Marichal walked Gullett, relieved by Pedro The baseball season reaches outset of a mercy flight to justified Tanner's trust last er key run-scoring hits in the Johnny Bench and got Tony Borbon in the eighth, allowed near full throttle today with 10 Manugua, Nicaragua, to aid summer by hitting .308 with 37 opener. ' Perez on a fly ball to end the eight hits in his seven-inning openers featuring six 20-game victims of an earthquake. In a home runs and 113 runs batted Marichal had back surgery inning. stint, striking out three and winners and a "play-it-my- rare speed-up vote, the Puerto in. last October, and said he's Perez opened the fourth walking three. way" slugger who earns a Rican great was elected to Oakland won its division by had to prepare himself thor- record $1,388 per game. the Hall of Fame. 5'/4 games over Chicago last oughly both mentally and Cincinnati got the jump on At New York, Cy Young season while Detroit slithered physically this year. everyone yesterday with its winner Steve Carlton of Phila- to a half-game verdict over Better Prepared Wheeler Triples ' traditional early opener, fac- delphia, a 27-game winner the last-finishing Boston Red "1 think I'm better pre- ing the San Francisco Giants with the last place Phillies of Sox in the exciting Eastern pared this season," he said. at Riverfront Stadium. 1972, hurls against 21-12 right- derby. "When you have a bad year, In Falcon Win World Series winner Oak- hander Tom Scaver of the The A's are favored to you, have to work harder. Lattimer broke a Wall land runs its championship Mets in a glittering duel. again edge the White Sox in "During spring training Quentin Wheeler won three record in the 220 with a time flag up the pole tonight and In other National League of- the West, but oddsmakers are sometimes, in the morning events for Monmouth Region- of 22.4. He also won the 100- then the A's start over again ferings, Montreal will be at split on a choice in the East:" when I woke up, my back hurt al to lead his team to an 87-44 track and field victory over yard dash and the high jump. with 21-game winner Jim Chicago, Los Angeles at San It's generally considered any- AP Wlrtjh.l. a little bit, but I've been Ocean Township yesterday. Uuri (Ml HtlmMI (47) "Catfish" Hunter facing Diego and the Atlanta Braves body's race among the Tigers, SLIDING SUCCESS —San Francisco Giant Tito working harder this year than 100-yord d«h — Rocky Prtteplo (S) T- 10 4 Dutch-born Bert Blyleven of — with Hank Aaron 41 homers Red Sox, New York Yankees Fuentes loses his helmet sliding into first base • any other spring." In other meets, Shore Re- TO-vcrd doih - Drew Llrtlt IS) Till IJO-hloh hurdles - Hank AAouer (HI T- the Minnesota Twins. behind Babe Ruth — are at and Baltimore. yesterday in the malor league baseball opener at A partisan crowd of 51,579 gional rocked Holmdel, 84-47, 1M and Wall Township, behind tlO-low hurdles — Bill Summentt IS) T- In other AL beginnings, Chi- home against Houston. . Kansas City's hit-happy Cincinnati. Reds pitcher Don Gullett came over to had little to cheer about as 21.< cago is at Texas, Milwaukee the Giants rallied from a 1-0 Ernie Lattimer, downed Marl- 440-yard run - Llttli (S) T 55 3 The Chicago White Sox are Royals are under a colorful get the late throw. 110.yard run — Roger Crook (HI T- boro, 94-36. 2:13.5 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii new manager, 15-year minor deficit, helping Marichal to his sixth victory against two ont-mttt run — George Helltr (M) T- leaguer Jack McKeon, and Wheeler gave Monmouth S:».l » losses in the opening day ap- two-mile run — Vlnce Plonlomuro (S) he's starting with a hurler victories in the two hurdle TT-IO:».I pearances. mile relay — Hslmdel Schanck. Lo- who worked for him last year events and the high jump. Bello, Cohlll. Bolter T-):55.2 Carlton-Seaver in Class AAA. Yanks, Bosox The Reds took a 1-0 lead in nigh lump - Nick SoDo (SI H S 18 Mike Selletto won the two long lump — Summonle (S) D-2I-4 the second, as Cesar Gero- mo! put — Woyn« Edwaroj (51 D-545 Steve Busby was a gem in sprints for the Spartans. discus - Edwards (SI 0-1421 spring training with an earned nimo doubled to open the in- lovelln - Gordon Kommlre IS) d-ISI? ning, and later scored on los- Bill Summonte and Drew pole vault — Ray Barker IS) O-lO-e Matchup at Shea run average in the 1.00 neigh- Mtnmtvth Kti. (II) Ocim Twi. (44) borhood and will face lire- ing pitcher Don Gullett's sac- Little doubled for Shore. Sum- IM-yofd dash - Mike 5ellello (0) T- NEW YORK (AP) - Steve Carlton, the 1972 Cy Young OpenFlagBids 10.3 balling strikeout king Nolan rifice fly. monte copped the 180 low hur- ftOyord dosh - Selletto 10) T-2I.1 Award winner as the National League's best pitcher, and Tom 120-hlgh hurdles — Qucnlln Whteltr Ryan of the Angels. BOSTON (AP) - The New York Yankees and the Boston But the Giants pulled even dles and the long jump, and (Ml T-li.o Seaver, who won the award in 1969, will oppose each other ItO-low hurdles — Wheeler (Ml 1-10.1 The Yankees, still rocking Red Sox, considered two top contenders for the East Division in the fifth, when Dave Radcr Little took the 220 and the 440. U0-yorti run — Lionel Adaml (Ml T- today when the Philadelphia Phillies and New York Mets open opened with a double and the season at Shea Stadium. from the family-swapping championship, launch the 1973 American League baseball sea- IW-yard run - John Oovls (Ml TJ:M.J son today at Fenway Park. scored on Tito Fuentes' sec- one-mile run — Odlt Hutlmon (M) T- Carlton, known as "the Franchise" in Philadelphia, and Sea- bombshell between left-hand- Callan,Randolph IM ers Fritz Peterson and Mike ond single of the game. two-mile run — Ross Mormews (O) T- ver, the "Tom Terrific" ol a good Mets pitching staff, both A near sellout crowd of more than 30,000 is expected for 10:41.2 Kekich, will go with old pro Takes Lead Win Net Event mile relay — Joe Hayes. Dove Shunn, had top seasons last year. the meeting between the old rivals who battled the Detroit Ti- Rich Keiselmon, Adorns (Ml T-1:4I.« Mel Stottlemyre, 14-18, gers and the Baltimore Orioles in the dramatic division race San Francisco took the lead LINCROFT - Marge Cal- High lump - Wheeler (Ml H-JI The left-handed Carlton won 27 games — 46 per cent of the long ump - Hayes IM) D-lMlli against Boston ace Luis last year. in the seventh, bunching two lan and Loretta Randolph, shot put — Jett Loiod (Ml 0-4MW Phillies' victories — against only 10 losses and posted a 1,98 discus - Sieve Kail 10) D-122 Tiant, 15-6 a year ago. Veteran right-hander Luis Tiant, the league's comeback walks and two hits for three both of Middletown, teamed to lovelln - Fred Wood (O) D 175-1 earned run average with 310 strikeouts. pole voult — Lionel Adams (U) D.9-4 Wilbur Wood, a knuck- player of the year in 1972, and Mel Stottlemyre, the Yankees' runs off Gullett. win the Little Silver Racquet Will To*. 04) MerlMrt (M) Seaver, a right-hander, had a 21-12 record. Rader drew a one-out walk Club's Indoor Women's Round IDO-yard dash — Emit Lartllmer (W) T. Felix Millan will be the new face in the Mets lineup, at leballer who can start every ace right-hander for several years were assigned the honor of 10.3 opening on the mound. and then Marichal also Robin tournament over the 220-yard dash - lotilmer (Wl T22.I second base. He was obtained in a trade with the Atlanta third day, is off a brilliant 24- lM-Wjh hurdles - Fisher (W) T-I7.S Tiant, who last pitched in an opener in 1969 while the walked after being behind 1-2 weekend. 1KH0W hurdles - Fisher (Wl T-tt.O Braves. John Milner, who played in the outfield in 1972, will 17 year and meets veteran 440-yard run — Cornell (Wl T-S4.4 Cleveland Indians, barely made the team a year ago. He final- on the count. The< winners defeated Ufryord run - Lyons IWI T-3:11.3 start at first base. Dick Bosman, 8-10, of the low- one-mile run — Fortt (Wl T-J:07 ly Rangers. ly won a regular starting job in early August and went on to Bonds then rapped a double Cresta Gloge and Kay Mal- two-mile run — Harris (W) T-H:11 New players expected to start for the Phillies are third milt relay - Wall T-l:52.t fashion a 15-6 record with a league-leading 1.91 earned run av- to left-center scoring Rader, Jeus, also of Middletown, in high lump - Lottlmer (Wl H 5-J baseman Cesar Tovar, obtained from Minnesota; center field- Jim Palmer, a 21-game win- erage. and Speier followed Fuentes, the finals, 8-3. long ump — Pat Dully (Ml O-II-1 er Del Unser, obtained from Cleveland, and catcher Bob ner from Baltimore, will pitch irwtpul-DenliMMI D-37-5 ground-out -with a two-run There were 42 entries in the discus - Denlst (Ml D 101-4 Boonc, son of former major league infieldcr Bay Boone. • against Milwaukee's Jerry Stottlemyre slipped to a 14-18 record with the Yankees last lovelln - Fisher (Wl 0-124-1 . single to left. event. pole vault - Pauilg (Ml D9-0 iiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiitiiniiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Bell, 51. year. 60% 55% Pitching Lifts Bucs Again; 50% 46% 40% 35% 30% Lions, Lancers, Devils Win 25% 20% Red Bank Regional got an- single by Sam Peluso. and seven walks to knock the on two-run homers by John 15% other strong pitching perform- A dropped third strike put Gulls out of the park. O'Toole and Bill Becker. 10% ance — this time from Jesse Ben Sevison on first for the Bob Woolley furnished the Joe Ziegler got the win. Jeff 5% .lasso to blank Neptune, 5-0, Bucs in the fourth inning. Get- big hit for the Devils — a St. Amour, the first of five yesterday. tis followed with a single and three-run triple in the five-run Eagle pitchers was the loser. Middletown Township came scored on Brenner's sacrifice sixth inning. Don Slocum broke the AMERICAN MOTORS back to foil Ocean Township, fly. Tony Mauro collected three school strikeout record as sales are up M, and St. John Vianney and Lions Fight Back RBI for the winners, and Joe Wall made a first inning run 56% Shore Regional both pulled Middletown scored four Petrone, John Goclon and Bill stand up (or its win over out the stops to clobber their runs In the sixth inning to Bell all had two RBI. Holmdel. " in the foes. St. John thumped St. overhaul Ocean. John Bedell was the winning Slocum gave up only one New York, Mary's of South Amboy, 16-4, Fred Chalmers led off the pitcher. He worked five and hit, but that came early when New Jersey, and Shore blasted Point session with a single, but the two thirds innings. Frank Csulak singled in the Pleasant Beach, 12-4. next two men fanned. Art Gary Rossi took the defeat. second inning. Connecticut In other games, Wall Town- Kooistra kept the inning alive Bill Foster and Jerry Do- The Knights used the only Metro Area ship beat Holmdel, 1-0; Cen-with a walk and both runners naghue homered to help St. two walks Zoubek gave to (January, 1973) tral Regional edged St. Jo- advanced on a passed ball. John Viarmey post its win score the game's only run. seph's of Toms River, 4- A throwing error by the over St. Mary's of South Am- Mike Lyons and Duke Madsen 3; Manasquan sank Point Ocean shortstop on Brian Car- boy. got the passes to start the Pleasant Boro, 7-3, and Lake- hart's grounder allowed two The game was shortened to first, and moved up on a wild wood set down Toms River runners to cross the plate and five innings when St. Mary's patch. Lyons scored on Mike South, 4-0. tied the game. ran out of pitchers. Hackctt's infield single to Bucs Win Shutout Mike Chevalier singled and Lancers Bombard short. Red Bank won its second stole second and Ken Jones The Lancers got four in the Slocum walked only two. shutout decision in two games drove in both runners with a second with Bill DiNichols Zoubek fanned three. as Jesse Jasso hurled a three- single, doubling home a pair, and Central won its second httter and struck out nine Ocean took a four-run lead Barney DiBenedetto singling game in as many starts by Fliers. in the third inning with three home another. The fourth pushing across a run in the Red Bank jumped right on runs. Bill Gray walked with scored when Mike Kiley ninth inning on dene Flier starting pitcher Jack one out and Nick Fiorello, walked with the bases loaded. Drumright's single which COOL IT NOW! AMC HORNET, MATADOR OB GREMLIN Armstrong with four runs in Chuck Kasky and Bruce Schu- They got another quick four scored Bob Adams who had the first inning. The Bucs got min all singled to account for • in the third on Jerry Do- singled and advanced to sec- five straight hits in the frame, the runs. naghue's homer with one on, ond on a fielder's choice. including a double by Rich Mike Steffer went all the and walks to Kilcy and Jim St. Joseph's had tied the Ayrcs. Skip Gettis ledoff with way to win his first game of Lenahan with the bases jam- game at 3-all with two runs in a single and went to second on the year for the Lions. Joe med. the top of the seventh on an a single by Fred Brenner. Talerico was the loser in re- Bill Foster homered with error and consecutive doubles Ayres' double scored Gettis lief of Fiorillo for the Spar- the bases loaded to cap an by George Voyadicti and Pat and Paul Vcrrelmann's safety tans. eight-run fifth. Rankin. drove in two more. Shore took advantage of The Eagles came back with The final tally came on a Point Beach's sloppy fielding four in the bottom of the fifth CBA Net Gamp Opens June 18 Gremlin LINCROFT - The Chris- High School Box Scores The hottest buys in the country are the cool deals waiting for SEE THE FUU LINE OF AIR CONDITIONED tian Brothers Academy tennis camp, under the direction of you on the iced-three from AMC: 73 Gremlin, 73 Hornet and AMC GREMLINS STARTING AT Had ton* Rat. <» Octal Twp. (4) WldKitown «| wall III Ntlmdtl (0) 73 Matador. Now when you need it with spring and summer Nt»tVM(l» h| ab r h Brother Patrick Martin and Ob r oto r h ab r at r hi oO T- Vlhile Ib 3 0 Glttli« 4 1? SovotH2b 4 I I Carton 7b 3 Lyons 2b 2 1 01 Lombrfll rf 3 0 John O'Shca, will begin June coming up, AMC is comin' on strong with tremendous savings Slclllono IS 3 0 Brenner 3b I I I Gf ay rf 3 0 I1 Chvaler » 4 Matken3o 2 0 iCIndrlccf 3 0 KlKkrbckrcf3 0 Avr«2> 1 1 > Florlllop 3 I JlJwwilb 3 While ss 3 0 I Pomorco is 2 0 18 on four levels. on factory AIR CONDITIONING. You want to be sure you're O'Cormcr It 3 0 Mlshlmlr 3 0 0 Kasky II 4 I 2i Steffer p 2 Prytlwik It 3 0 Klnkode3b 2 0 Arrmtrng p I 0 ..Smlmlt 0 0 0 Scfumln c 4 I 2|Romosss 3 Hockett il lo Golloghr c 3 0 Early registration is recom- getting the best value your money can buy. Right? It's a breeze. Kurtwonp I 0 0 Vorelmonrl 3 I I Vincent 3b 4 0 OlCrwtmem rf 3 Fergusn Ib 3 0 ICsuloklb 3 0 Plscltellorf I 0 OlPeluJOC 3 0 I Hunt tb 3- 0- O| Linked 2 Slocum p 2 0 0 McCommn II? 0 mended due to the limited Just see your AMC dealer today. Fisher o 2 0 of Joiso p 7 0 1 Livngstn cf 2 0 01 Andrews c I Curlexc 3 0 O'Cltodno Ib 2 0 Homm3t> 1 0 IT Johniton Ib 3 0 9 PAneroll ss 3 0 OIKooWrolt 1 Jurew ct 2 0 0'Zoutxkp 2 0 . number of courts and antici- *2298 Evans 2b 2 0 51 Sevlion cf 2 I ! Talerico p I 0 01 Bmgrtnr ph I 0 0 pated enrollment. Players are RA"mtgc_I j> {' Bo/I» pr> _T_0 _0. Total) 31 AII Totals n I 6 Totals 23 I 4 Tolols 73 0 1 expected to sign up by June 1. Totals 24 0 1'ToldH 23 5 7 Ocean Twp.., 103 00O 0-4. Holmdel 000 mo 0-0 Manufacturer's suggested retail price. Dealer preparation, Neptune 000 000 0—0 Mlddlttown 001 104 «-« won loo ooo » - i Groups will meet once a .... 400 100 «-S Oou&les Ferguson optional equipment, state and local taxes not included. Red Bonk Reg SlClllano II. JMMV(U) II. Morr't 0*1 (•> week for eight straight weeks, Double! - Ayres, ob r h| ab American Motor's /}*ufe* PnoUdum. Pic* j§ Fattr % 4 ; IGerlnglb 3 •••IM BMOI (4) Stun R»f. (<> but a program of eight lessons DBnOMolb i I 2iKolak»iliiab? ob r h ob ' n 1 A SIMPLE STRONG GUSB'-NIEE, JUST 101 WORDS. WHEN Si SI. JM4*I'I (31 Central (4) Brkltve si 3 0 0' Goclon 3b I 2 0 in four weeks can also be ar- YOU BUY A NEW 1973 CAR FROM AN AMERICAN MOTORS DEALER, AMERI- ^> Otoole c Sumerskl 2b 4 0 0 Bell Ib 3 CAN MOTORS CORPORATION GUARANTEES TO VOU THAI. [XCEPI FOR ^iy 111 I I ranged. Jordan* Rusialo rf Spiegel c 4 0 l;Lorrowll TIRES IT Will PAY FOR THE HEPAIR OR REPLACEMENT OF ANi PART IT Dngrue,Mr12 3 0 McSorlyu I Rossi p 4 0 0 Pefrone c SUPPLIES THAT IS DEFECTIVE IN MATERIAL OR WORKMANSHIP. THIS NEW YORK /NEW JERSEY Vovodcncf 1 11 Bccktr rf 1 The program will be broken Rankln c ?uw \ \ Ortleylf I 2 0 Bxhll p GUARANTEE IS COOO FOR 12 MONTHS FROM THE DATE THE CAR IS FIRST DINOili 3b 2 3JLIyw»lf 1 Lokersonrf 2 I OWoollryp DIRato Ib I' Olchkw ss 5 0 down into groups of begin-' USED OR 13 000 MILES. WHICHEVER COMES FIRST. All WE REQUIRE IS Yoclus p-ss BuMlU 3 0|SI.Amo<* P 0 FIRgtrold3bO 0 01 Bonlelio » 01 Alello Ib 4 I Cooney p 0 a THAT THE CAR BF PROPTRIY MAINIAINfO AHD CARED'OR UNDER NORMAL Hlapllno 3b O'Drumrghlc 4 I Suikvch Ib 2 0 0; Mouro rf ncrs, advanced beginners, in- CarKrp 0 8 Maiiona tl \ 0 Ompelb U51 AND SEBVICl l« 1HI Hilt UII1TLU SldlES 0« CANADA AtlD THAI OlStnUtnrt 4I 00 Kenny ^p TO termediates and advanced in- CUARAHTEED REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS BE MADE BY AN AMERICAN Gallon ri 1 GotxlpK I I Strncltct 2 0 l|Emelvtf American Ptrnglo ss I 0 [Grclikop 0 0 0 Wilson cf 0 0 .01 Campbell or 0 MOTORS DEAlft 0' Kirster 3b 1 0 5progw!t> I 0 0 RelchrdlK I I o termediates. McDevlttp 0' Harris p 1: 2 A FREE 10ANER CAR FROM ALMOST EVERY ONI OF 0U« Frdntxgri 0 0 Penvdckr 2b I 0 DEALERS ir GUARANTEED REPAIRS TAKE OVERNICHT. 0 Wllke ph 2 0 Totals It It t Totals 22 4 4 Hain dates will be scheduled OiGrbwlKIII SI. John. 044 m -Is Tolols 23 4 3iToololi M 12 It at the end of the course. 3 SPECIAL TRIP INTERRUPTION PROTECTION. Motors 31 3 11;Morefy*H Totals > 31 4 SI. Mary's 000 04 -4 Point Inch Oil 002 —4 4. TOLL FREE HOI HUE TO AMC HEADQUARTERS. lotoll Doubles DINIcholi Short Reg 040 301 »-l2 Classes missed for any other Home runs J. Donaghue. Foster, Doubles — Mouro O'Toole. Btcktr Iilptes — Woolley reasons wilt hot bemade up. blti VoVodjch, «mdich Dealers 28 Jt» Dally Register, Red Bani-Mlddlf Umn, N. J. Friday, April i, 1973 Middletown Golfers Briefly Cop 30th Straight Speaking Middletown's golf team won Horvey Dreldelbll (Ml. 59, d. Ken Ko- Gary Brown ("I. 45, d. Mike Kolodln, olo, M. 4 ond 3 . H. I up. its 30th straight and second IIrodCoaley IH), 51, d. Roy Nlttl. 53,1- Jeuson (S) Cenlrol (•) Lindsay Short this year by blanking Brick Bod MocCleod (Ml «on by forfeit. Bob Kreps (J), 36, d. Frank Murscoe. 40 4 and 2 Township, 5-0, yesterday. Milawon (1) H«t>lune (!) Oovt Kreps (J). 41. d. Glen Logon, 43, 2 In other action. Red Bank Ed Ledtred (M). 42. d. Jeff Horran, 4S, up Stadium Cost Up 3 ond 2. Bill Polllc (J), 38, d. Bob Pormeley, 45, Catholic won a pair, downing Everett Smith (M), O, d. John Kenny, x x 47, 4 ond 3 Mark Stahlnut (J), 41, d. John Loblln, NEW YORK (AP) —The cost to the city for renovation of Rumson-Fair Haven, \ k- h> Tony Padi/ono (w). 41, d. Bob Cox, 46, 5 57, 5 ond 3 ond4 Jim Ball (J), 42, d. Don Irolo, 56, 5 ond Yankee Stadium has risen $6.9 million over the original J21 and Roselle Catholic, 4-1. Pout Frantry IM), 41, d. Wayne Ritoll, 50, 1 up million estimate of a year ago, Mayor John V. Lindsay said Ocean Township got its first yesterday. win by downing Long Branch, He called it a "moderate escalation." 4-1; Marlboro took its second "This will be the finest stadium in the country and very by nipping Holmdel, 3-2; cheap at the price," said Lindsay, who has announced he will Matawan opened with a 3-2 Spartans, Lions not seek a third term this year. win over Neptune; Toms Riv- er South clipped Raritan, 4-1; Asked if he expected his successor to approve any addi- Lakewood squeaked by How- tional costs, Lindsay said: "By the time I'm retired, the pro- ell, 3-2; and Jackson Town-, cess will be so far down the road it will be impossible to re- ship zipped Central Regional, Roll in Tennis verse it." 5-0. Ocean Township and Mid- 2. Gory Rolmorth (Fid. Curt Morton, 6- Talented Middletown turned dletown Township's tennis 1 RonoVStelle (M) d. Ricky Poloy, 4-1, Brewers Add Short in a team total 195 with Spen- teams opened their seasons DOUBLES MILWAUKEE (AP) - The Milwaukee Brewers an- 1. Al Morton and Dick Hater IM) 6. nounced yesterday the addition of veteran Chris Short as a re- cer Foxworth leading the way with easy victories yesterday Jim Gocto and Frrt Stlsky, 4 6, o-4, 6-2. 2. Bruct Kaln and Wesley Koln (F) 0. lief pitcher. with 36. Bart Lyon, all-every- and Red Bank Regional pick- Mark Lord ond Jerry Patterson, 6-3, H. W Bank KM- II) Niptum <«> The American league -team said it had bought Short's con- thing last year, is playing ed up its first win. STOLES number three man on the tract from the Brewers' Evansville farm club and optioned Ocean, led by powerful Tom 1. Rich Notelson (Rl d. Tony tono, 6-0, deep quintet and had the high Wilson, defeated Howell, 5-0, 64 pitcher Lloyd Gladden to the minor leagues. 1. Rolph Clombrone (R) d. Lorry Soutr, 41. and Middletown, with Roger 6-1,4-r 3. NtllElsmon (Rl A. ChuckMon- Mike Davino, another high- Buckley leading the way, momou". &-0,6-O. Jaycees Racing Benefit ly-rated returnee from last downed Raritan, 4-1. DOUBLES 1. Bob Lees ant) Pete Lehman tR) d. NEW EGYPT — The New Jersey Jaycees will sponsor year, paced Red Bank Catho- Red Bank lost only five Jim Marak ond Rich Bahn, 1-0 2. Paul Van Cleve ond Jim MCCobe (R) Auto races al the New Egypt Speedway, Rt. 539, Sunday. lic with 37 in its twin win. games in the entire match to 0. Pol Hochwlcti ond Steve Cojtrell, 6-1, There will be two classes of races, dune buggies and mint- Rich Grote was low man in beat Neptune, 5-0. *"'• OCMfl Twp. (il Howell (•) SlNOLES stocks. All proceeds of the race will go to Camp Jaycee, a Ocean Township's win with In other matches, Manas- summer damp for retarded children and adults living in the 3H, and Mike Geller led Marl- quan nipped Freehold Town- 1. Tom Wilson (O) d. Roy Mordyls, 64, 6-1. state. . j, ship, 3-2; Manalapan eased 2. Kort Zlmmerer (O) d. Tom Mlcklos, boro with 42. 7-5, 7-5. Tony Paduana helped Mata- over Hoffman, 5-0; Toms Riv- 3. Mike Walker (O) d. Igor Rledkln, 6-1,' 6-3. wan win its opener with a 41, er South decked Freehold, 5-0, DOUBLES NFL Rejects Changes 1. Joi Walker ond Tom Walker (O) d. and Larry Gerstcn had a 37 and Toms River North Poul Pushon and Gerry Troutj, 7-4. SCOTTSDALE, Ariz. (AP) — National Football League 2. Steve Gobel ond Brett Moore 10) d. for Lakewood. breezed by Southern Region- Dan Ryan and Nell Tlrorlo, o-t, 0-3. representatives turned down all major rule changes yes> air 4-1. Monalgpan (3) Hotlmon (1) Bob Kreps of Jackson SlNOLES terday, including a proposal establishing a sudden-death peri- Township tied Middletown's' Monaiquan (1) Freehold Twp. (1) , 1. Eor Hegln (AA) d. Jim Powell, 6-1, «- od to decide tie games. • Foxworth for the day's low 9IN6LCS Commissioner Pete Rozelle said the sudden-death period round with a 36. 1. Tom Anderten (Ml d. Mark Meri- 2. Bruce Corell IM) d, Rich Johnson, 6- Iman, e-4, 6-4 2, 6-2. and a proposal to permit twopoint conversions following touch- MlddllUwn Twp. (S) trick Twp. (0) 3. Al Kelzner (M) d. Mike Mtdvor, 6], Spencer Foxworth (M), 34, d. Rick Toll- downs were narrowly defeated by club representatives. ner, 47, 5 and 4 DOUBLES John Common (Ml, 40, d. Joe Wlrth, 45, 1. Mil WelnBenger ond Steve ftelner Another proposal which went down to defeat would have 4 aid 3 (M) d. John Coleman ond Chris Gill, o. moved the goal posts to the end line. Bart Lyon (M), 41. d. Kevin Hughes, 49, 2 and 1 2! John Swyer ond Kevin Lund IM) d. Corry Turkel (Ml, 31, d. Mike Rasltl, Jeff Appleaale ond Greg Wyzykowskl, ?• 43. 4 and 3 Trout Enthusiasts Bob Reynolds (M), 40, d. Vlnnle Smith, MlddliUwnH) Rorllan 0) Leo Fires Aide 47, 3 and 2 SlNOLES HOUSTON (AP) - Manager Leo Durocher of the Houston LOktwood (J) Howill (1) 1. Roger Buckley (M) d. Ross weit- Larry Gerton (L), 37, d. John Welienba- erdorfT 6-O, 61. Astros shuffled his coaching staff yesterday by firing his pitch- cher. 38,1 up 2. Jome Connolly (R) d. Roy Salonl, by ing coach, Jim Owens, who had held the assignment since Bruce Hlmelmon (LI, 38, d. Keith Crow- forfeit. ford, 41,3 and 1 3. Jim Boyd (M) d. Jim.O'Connor, 16, 1967. Ron Hlmelman (L), 40, d. Doug Reni, M. Unite for 73 Fight 42,2 and 1 DOUBLES "Durocher said he wasn't completely happy with the Gary Bumbero (H), 45, d. Brian Stein, V Rich Burdge and Lawson Mansfield (Ml d. Ron McCoullouah and Sob Slsk, pitching situation and thought a change was in order," said 48, 4 and 3 n.60. Trout enthusiasts, unite! many: Capt. Hager's new vessel is Nell Egon (H), 45, d. Bob Gerslon, 46, 2 and I , 2. Chris Pike and Bruce Schulman (Ml Spec Richardson, the baseball club's gerncral manager. It's time to put the annual Manasquan River, Farm- a 73-foot all-aluminum boat, d. Joe Smith ond Ron Savlno, 6-0, 4-1. raid on the state ponds, RBC (4Vi) Rumien-F-H. (Vi> Toms «nr $._1{( Frrthold (0) ingdale to Allentown, 665 powered by twin deisel en- Mike Dovlno (RBC, 37, d. Bill Brlnker- SINGLE'S streams, lakes and rivers. To- hoff, 43, 3 and 2 Trashes Out 69 brook trout, 2,820 rainbow gines. The boat is being built Bill Sharpek (RBC). 39, d. Bill Boyle, 1, Steve Laurla IS) d. Neol Lopal'ln, 6 4, morrow is the day when the in Louisiana and should reach 45, 4 and 3 AUGUSTA, Ga. (AP) - Mashi Ozaki, the former Japanese trout and 1,165 brown trout. Gene Sheehan (RBC), 44, e. Cliff Thom- 2, Poul Heller (S) d. Dove Tobias, 64, waiting ends, and the business Mohawk Pond, Red Bank, Atlantic Highlands by the son, 46, 2 and 1 6.1. baseball player who decided golf offered more yen, litterally Dennis Sheehan (RBC), 44, halved 3, Pete Duff (S) d. Paul Zornowjkl. 6-7, of catching the one that al- 325 rainbow trout and 75 gold- third week of April. Bloke Santa, 43, 6-1. bolted from a trash bag yesterday to challenge for the lead in ways seems to get away can Joe Mlcchelll (RBC), 48, d. Rick Cole- DOUBLES en rainbow Irout. The most important charac- man, 51, I up 1. Vic Rush ond Pat McGuIre IS) d. Bill the first round of the Masters Golf Tournament. be given full attention. Shadow Lake, Red Bank, Golcher ond Mike Tostasl, 75,6-0. teristic of Capt. Hager's new RIO (<) Roieili Catholic (1) 2. Al Monfartl and Jock McGuIre (S) d. Ozaki fired a three-under-par 69 to join Jack Nicklaus in The Bureau of Fisheries re- K5 rainbow trout and 75 gold- Mike Dovlno (R8C), 37, d. Pat Hlgglns, RUM Doughty and Yon Dukowy, 6-3, 6-3. craft is speed. Capt. Hager 47, 5 and 3 Toms Rlur N. (4) Soutturn (I) second place, just one shot off the lead held by Tommy Aaron, ports that more than 217,000 en rainbow trout. Bill Chorpek IBBC). 39, d. Bob Tho- SlNOLES guarantees more time to fish malr, 44, 4 and 3 and then discussed his round — through an Interpreter — with adult trout have been stocked Ramanesson Brook, Holm- Gene Sheehan IRBC), 44, d. Joe Bruno, 1. Tom Keller (S) d. George Aralo, 60, English-speaking writers. in Garden State waters, and and less time riding. About 45, I up Susan M. Cox 6-3. del, 760 brook trout. three hours riding time will be Oennls Sheehon IRBC), 44, d. Mark 2. Cliff Beam (N) d. Bob ScMmld, «1, 6- "I sliced my drive and put the ball in the trash bag on the stocking will continue Stlnson. 47, 2 up i. Hockkocksen Brook, Tinton cut each way on trips to the Dave Mllkowsky (R), 45, d. Jot Mlc- 3. Mike Smith (N) d. Steve Bayne, 61, first hole," Ozaki said-, starting a chain of laughter that lasted throughout the season. The chelll, 48, 2 Old 1 Miss Cox Helps 6-4. Falls, 260 brook trout. Hudson Canyon. DOUBLES throughout the interview as the golfer and interpreter often grand total should amount to Garvey's Pond, Navesink, Ocean Twp. (4) Long Branch (l) 1. Lou Cliento and Sieve Gachino IN) d. had trouble understanding the questions. about 700,000 trout. Rich Grote (LB), 31, d. Jeff PFaragglo, In Relay Victory Bill Keese and Mike Muller, 6.3, 6-2. 425 rainbow trout and 75 gold- The boat will make more 40, 2 ond 1 2. Tom Wiley ond Ken Beam (N) d. "It was a great help for ray second shot," Ozaki added, trips,to the Barnegat Ridge John Stockflsch (O), 46, d. Howard LAMONCA, Iowa — Susan Rich Hortman and Dave Phoro. 9-t. Because of the mild weath- en rainbow trout. Townsend, 4B, 2 ond 1 later explaining it enabled him to take a free drop. and other out of the way Mike Somoho (O), 41, d. Glenn Tucker, M. Cox, daughter of Mr. and er during the winter months, Pine Brook, Tinton Falls, 75 47, 5 and 3 trout rearing conditions have brook trout. places, which until, now were Lorry Kritiman 10), 41, d. Martin Mrs. James M. Cox of Holm- St. Joseph's 5 Welnsteln, 46, 4 and 2 del, was on the winning team been superb, which means Big Brook, Marlboro, 50 considered too far to bother. Jeff Gllmore (0), 43, d. John Wetsch. IS. Hawk Figures It . 2 and I in the Invitational Relay In- Cops Tourney there will be a real bumper brook trout. The boat will carry all nec- BOSTON (AP) - The way Herm Gilliam figures it, the At- T.R. South (4) Porllori(l) door Meet here. crop. Englishtown Mill Pond, essary rental equipment for Martin Chrlsllona (R), 43, d. Mark BRICK TOWNSHIP-St. lanta Hawks are in about the same shape they were a week Gleckner, 48. 2 ond 1 Wayne Yetman Miss Cox ran a segment of Most of the stocking will be Englishtown, 140 brook trout. anglers. (TRS1.49, d. FredGros,49, l-up Joseph's Grammar School ot ago when they began their best-of-seven National Basketball Greg Wooters (TRS), 40, d. Charles HII- the three-leg, 440 relay in 53 concentrated during the first Shark River, Hamilton, 180 dner, 42, 2 and I Keyport won the second an- Association quarter-final playoffs against the Boston Celtics. seconds to help her team take four to five weeks of the sea- brook troul. John Kendrlck (T R S), 44, d. Tom nual Monmouth-Ocean D'Arcongelis, 54,4 and 3 first. She was also on the Strictly speaking, the Hawks' guard is right - "When we son, but there will be bonus Spring Lake, Belmar, 825 Robinson, Joe Coldelro (TRSI, 49, d. Ralph Copr- Knights of Coumbus In- started this series we knew we had four games to win," he lo, 57, 4 ond 2 team which took third in the trout stocking after the initial rainbow trout and 75 golden vitational Basketball Tourna- said. "And it's still four games we have to win now." splashdown. Fishery biolog- Morlboro (3) Holmdel (3) mile relay turning in a 62 sec- brook trout. Mrs. Clayton Mike Geller IM), 42, d. Bill Sleight, 48, ment with a 50-45 win over St. True. ists feel that there is a greater 4 ond 1 ond time for her leg. Capt. Don Hager, skipper of Guy Leigh IH), 53, d. Paul Arlt, 58, 2 Dominic's of Brick Township What Gilliam didn't mention is that tonight the clubs return of fish by anglers if the party boat Sea Fox, a 65- and 1 Miss Cox is a junior at John here. square off here for the third game of the series, and thus far trout are released during the TopAverage F. Kennedy College in Nebr- foot craft out of Atlantic High- Danny Madden of St. Jo- the score is Boston 2, Atlanta 0. early part of the season. aska and is majoring in physi- lands, is building a new ver- HAZLET - Mr. Sam Robin- seph's was named most valu- Hawks Defeated cal education. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Here's the statistics on sion of the Sea Fox, with son, of here, Mrs. Diana Clay- able player in the tournament. where, what kind and how many modifications. ton, Middletown, Mrs. Bessie For 2nd Time St. Rose o( Freehold won Collins, New Monmouth and lllllllllllllllllllllillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII WEST LONG BRANCH - Falcon Girls the consolation game over St. Mrs. Erna Forrest, Leonardo, Monmouth College's golf team Veronica's of Howell. were semi-final winners of the dropped its second match in Run to Victory "Beat Your Average" bowling LITWACK TO RETIRE two outings here yesterday by LAKEWOOD — Monmouth Freehold Entries competition conducted by the PHILADELPHIA (AP) - losing to Montclair State Col- Regional's girls track team Jaycees at MiddletoWn Lanes. lege, 13-5. Temple coach Harry Litwack Tomorrow opened its season by whipping will retire at the end of the Of the 43 bowlers who quali- Mark Pyatak and Ira Shinel Lakewood, 95-19, here yes- 111—PACE 1M17H Big Boy Caleb IMyer) fied Tor the semi-finals, 36 current basketball season after Chance Buller (Komm) S-t were the only Hawk victors. terday. Ortot Reh/rn (Abbotlello) IS Menlclalr State til) Monmouth College 21 years as head coach of the Springfield Smith ICoord) 5-2 Victorious Bobby (Soplenia) ....10-1 qualified for the four positions 1S-1 (5) , Kathy Flores doubled in the True Creed (Ounnloon) 61 Majestic Pride (No Boyl in the finals at Carolier Tom Bardo (MS) to, d. Al Loiur, 117, 3- Owls. Mr Hall A (Camoen) 8-1 7th — PACE 1MSOO0 0 shot put and javelin for the Lehlgh Local (King Jrl 3-1 Lanes, North Brunswick, on Adloj Froit (McCondless) 10-1 Tom Artdole (MS) 85, d. John Klug, Golden Falconettes while Steady Fun (Rothbone) IH Bayshore Duke (Torre) 4-1 May 20. Because 75 per cent IH, 3-0 Wallaby (Oekovllch) IM Remember Jamps (Bresnohon). 4-1 Mork Pyotok [MO ?S, d. Jim O'Brien, Donna Cogan was winning the BY: Weyerhaeuser • U.S. Plywood Gold Medallion IDeMorcol 12 1 Chlnco Done (Thomos) S-l of the Middletown Lanes en- 100, 2-1 Joy G L (Quortler) 1? 1 Neville Frtlght (Dancer) 6-1 Bob Nlkewlti (MS) 86, d. Shelly Rubin, high jump and participating Arton Rooster (D Flllon) SI tries were ladies, three of the Plygems • Georgia Pacific Armfcro Mowot (Torre) IS 1 92,3-0 on two winning relay teams. Jlld— PACE 1M1700 Blitz Marvel (Mella) ....10-1 four final entries were Ira Shinel (MC) 7), d. BUI Corley, 17, 3- Dingle N (Lohmeyer) 31 Denny Dee IRotftx>nt] ....121 John Jonei (MS) 17, d. Eric Carlnwi, The Gleason sisters, Liz and We carry a complete stock of Smoke Stand (0 Flllon) 72 trh - PACE 1MI0OO awarded to them. 933^1 Volley Volo (DulWonl) < l Dashing David (Greene) .31 Kathy, also posted individual takes you into Yordon (Green) 41 Popular EOdle (Lomb) ..1-1 paneling from 2.95 to 14.95 Gornsey Lobell (H Flllon) 1-1 Rusty Coast (Webster) wins and anchored the 880 Rolnh Melody (King Jr) 4 1 Sonnetson (Aboatlello) Yesterday's Results relay team. Gerry counh/ OVER 100 PANELS ON IN STOCK FOR IMMEDIATE Mighty Trim {Bonoccl) 5-1 J J Ross (Schmloel) Frosty Scott (Gomoras) l: 1 Our Prlie IRothbons) lit-PACE IM Purse 1400 T-3:ll.I 7ttl — PACE IM Punt 1100 T-2:0».] Monmouth won every first DISPLAY FULL SIZE PICKUP MO DELIVERY Moot Chief (Duortorolo) IS 1 Adlos Cole Ran (Morone) 81 Rain Time (OeMorcol 9.80 3.JO 3.60 Blythe Victor (Sperendl)..4.60 3.40 2.80 place except the discus which With Ihe GERHY 20 Pound Camp, Ganeso Keystone (Morris) . HI Soldo! iNella) ...10-1. Stout Fello (H Flllon) MO 3.00 Flight Adorlan (Norway) 3.40 3.40 Ihe end of Ihe road is Ihe begin- Jrd — PACE IM 1300 tth- PACE 1M2W0 Pernell Hanover (Bottom) 6.60 Alton Atlas ILeCause) 5.40 went to Gina Long of Lake: Yolos Pride (H Flllon) 5-2 ning of adventure! I! gives you lo- OrOlter N (LoChoncel 5 2 lnd — PACE IM Puno 1400 T-MJ I Eiocta 14 MM Plollnum Wick (No Boy) 7-2 wood. lal camping convenience in a Little Hodge ISperendl) 7 2 Overshot (Grosso) 4.40 3.40 2.40 m — PACE IM Punt 2200 T-2:04.3 Your Choice Pallser (H Flllon) 4 1 Go Go Andy lOlln) 5-1 Menmoutti Reg. 1 ACROSS 27 "...but - 57 Quick bite 26 ASMS STOP (AIAG6IN WORE 1 Land of the chosen" 28 Disposing 1 £0 Fastener V6 SHORE GOT A \ TONGUE AN FETCH hambuig 30 Nonentity 61 Japanese document TERRIBLE BflD ME MY DADBURN 4 Lamonica and 34 Old - scarf 29 Chemical C0U6H THflR,PAW J COUGH DROPS" Namalh 37 Singles in 62 Assuming suffix 11 Defense Stuttgart 64 Barber or 31 Armor line 38 Top- Grange 32 Queen 14 Undermine 39 Walk on 65 Biter: si. 33 Hindu tribe 15 Backer 41 Shrouds 66 Local 34 Facsimile 16 Good serve 42 -asa nurses: abbr. 35 About 17 Retroactive cucumber 67 - timer 36 Filmy 19 Vase 43 Price 68 Later 38 Chew 20 Dinner - 44 Meadow 69 Auricle 40 Maine 21 Bernhardl •15 "The same - DOWN denizen 22 Touch fella" 1 Employers 41 Ethiopian 23 Kind of 4b Gobi 2 Anglo- — prince attack 48 Madame de •• 3 - for 43 Akin 25 English 50 After teacher 46 Thicker racetrack 54 Fabricate 4 Afterthoughts 47 Hue 5 Rooms: abbr, 49 Asian king Hi and Luis Solution to Yesterday's Puzzle: 6 Divan 51 Ingenuous 7 Netters 52 Roman WHOO, Boy/ I'M PLAYIN& S Get away , senator* WHAT'S DAD 0OIN0 6OLF BOTH DA/S 9 Author 53 British TO SAY WHEN HE THIS WEEKEND/ Philip and composer SEES THIS FENDER, family 54 Philippine MOM? 10 Theater Moslem OU /MEAN YOU MlD£ftftZf TO 6£T sign 55 Cain's sib 11 Mispaint 56 "Captain - 12 Off-white 68 Skin: pref. 13 Departed 59 Swiss Children's Letter 18 Scandinavian painter king 62 Listen!" 22'Amid 63 Airport n 24 Estate sign abbr. — dont.Se// rr- i WMn |b b r 3 9 l|0 Bill li TT Mary Worth 14 Hlb 1 1"9 * 17 «Ki JHELBV! VOU /VMD?1 HAVEN'T ; I' AND VOURLADV FAIR. THAT THE OTHER DINERS U^D 50 MUCH FUN . 20 AIL TOGETHER V0U5WAB5 SAT MUTE! . MAV NOW THROW HARD\ |M VEAR5.1 AND WENCHES! SING.' TO THE P1U0W , ROLL* AT U5! DO you 23~ WITH THEM, MEN' MIND,5UZETT£? REAU7 HWE^ C 0 J •i2TTn2n^ 32 33 RIGHT! 1 35 UNLEH VOU 34 36H37 WANT TO BE 0//. 39 to 1 | • ill 1 42 43 45~ 1 1 5-f-p-T -H-Pb 52 S3 54 55 •H58 59 Hei oRT 61 "1 •" The. Wizard of Id •r6M5 pi 64 I68 ••66 'BUNCH .__, FfcffiN l 67 69 K TL/RKI THe I | J IVEPONE ti mT?j '© Your Horoscope, Birthday &4J6 ' FRIDAY, APRIL 6 - Born concepts into consideration some time ago regarding this children with utter serious- 61V& today, you are a hard-working when you have decisions to Saturday. Don't be upset about ness. individual who impresses oth- make, for though you may not friends; they should "come SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) er immediately and contin- like change you recognize its around" soon. — The seriousness of the 6Wr .uously with the consistency importance to progress. 'GEMINI (May 21-June 20) - present situation on the home .with which you keep your You enjoy iniejlsctual ex- Secret hopes and desires may front may not yet have occur- goals before you and, in their ercise of every kind. Most well come true today. You • ed to you. Slow down, catch interest, keep your nose to the particularly, you take plea- can bring old needs out into your breath, think things grindstone. What many sure from grappling with the the open now without endan- through. people do not know, however, problems and questions con- gering the happiness of any- SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22- is that you are an exceedingly cerning those things which one else. Dcc. 21) — Give more of your private person, keeping your- are presently mysteries. The CANCER (June 21-July 22) attention to those who have no" TW6YVF STOPPED self — your real selt — almost occult world excites your imag- — The wise Cancer will use apparent need for it. You may YOt/TtO - completely to yourself. The ination as well as your strictly more care than usual during be surprised to find that youi nature you show to the world intellectual curiosity and you travel this afternoon. Morning opinions are appreciated. is precisely that — that nature must take care, therefore, not hours can be profitably put to CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. you "show." Your own you to confuse what you can ob- use with self-study. 19) — Though you may awak- are very much inclined to serve and know with what you LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) - en with feelings of depression, keep in reserve for loved ones wish, hope or desire. Take care that decisions you you are wise enough to keep and one or two of your closest To find what Is in store for make this morning are not active and, thus, to dlspef the friends. you tomorrow, select your overly influenced by emotions. , mood. Seek new friends. One who needs a sense of birthday and read the corre- Children need to know that AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Fcb. permanence in order to pos- sponding paragraph- Let your you are standing by. 18) — Control, your feeling! sess genuine happiness and a birthday star be your daily VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) - You may well be easily ang- feeling of inner well-being, guide. People around you may' ap-- ered this morning and must Nubbin1 you have little desire to travel ARIES (March 21-April 19) pear more disquieted than be at some pains, therefore, any farther or for any greater — If you have a sense of fit- they really are. Become a- to allow your reason to rule. lenght of time than an ordi- ness about things today, you ware of the intensity — or lack PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20) WlMT JTH TlMEjWR? nary vacation can take you, will make every moment of it — of emotions displayed. — Matters pertaining to the /W WHAT ITM and even less desire for count for two. An excellent health of the young come In TEMPERATURE? LIBRA (Sep. 23-Oct. 22) - change within the limits of time for moving head. M? WHAT ITM... Personal plans for the day for their share of your atten- your career or your domestic TAURUS (April 20-May 20) may have to be changed 16 ac- tion this morning. Guard circle. On the other hand, you — Family concerns may well commodate those of the pub- against emphasizing the nega- easily take the very newest interfere with plans made lic in general. Take needs of tive. Sheinwold's Bridge Advice By ALFRED SHEIMWOLD must pay some attention to to take nine tricks. Register Box 3318, Grand Cen- psychology. This is just a If South had gone after the tral Station, New York, N.J. The average person would highfalutin way of saying that clubs first, East might have 10017.) say that the time to win the the time to get away with switched to spades. The de- murder is before the oppo- South dealer Blondic ninth trick is after your eighth fenders could set up that suit, Neither side vulnerable trick but before your tenth nents can tell what you are and East would get the lead DON'T YOU THINK DOMT THINK trying to do. NORTH L SHOULD EAT A LITTLE YOU SHOULD, BUT trick. Bridge players, how- with the ace of diamonds in SOMETHING SO •_ IT'S ENTIRELY ever, must often win the ninth. First Opportunity time to defeat the contract. 4k 72 UP TO YOU trick at the earliest possible For this reason, South won DAILY QUESTION 5? Q75 moment. the first trick in dummy with Partner deals and bids one O 5 3 1. • AQJ63 West opened the three of the queen of hearts and imme- no-trump, and the next player hearts, and declarer saw that diately returned a low dia- passes. You hold: S-Q J 10 6 4 WEST EAST he could easily win three mond from the dummy. This H-10 8 D-A 8 7 C-K 7 2. What 4 K95 4 QJ 1064 heart tricks, one spade and ei- was an attempt to "steal" the' do you say? V J9632 CJ> 108 ther four or five clubs. If a ninth trick at the first op- Answer: Bid three spades. O J94 O AX7 club finesse lost,' South would portunity. You expect to make game, + K72 have only eight tricks. East quickly played a low since partner's bid shows 16 to SOUTH When you can see only eight diamond, hoping that South 18 points and you have 20 4k An tricks, you must look for a was going to take a losing fi-' points in high cards. Your '"'• A K A way to make your ninth trick. nesse. Instead, ot course,. jump response suggests game 1 0 K 0 10 6 South looked and naturally South won the trick with the in either spades or no-trump. * 1095 saw that diamonds was the king of diamonds and imme- (A Pocket Guide to Bridge, South West Nortli East obvious suit to tackle. diately switched to clubs. written by Alfred Sheinwold, 1 NT I'av, 3 NT Pass East got his king of clubs, Up to this point," everything is is available. (Jet your copy by l'ass Pass very simple, biit now we' but then South was in position sending 50 cents to Red Bank Opening lead — HE, MANAGER,! THIS 15 fiPICULOUSi! W NEED A ^ECKETARi; CHARLIE 'l M S0RRf...OUR I WAS JU5T BROWN...WUNEEP SOMEONE MANA6EK CAN'T , WONDERING IF... J HOW CAM I PITCH A BALL TO 5CREEM WUR CALLERS... 5EE W N0(u...H£'S ] ^f~y GAME WITH PEOPLE COMING S\16K PITCHING! UP TO ME ALLTHE TIME WITH QUESTIONS? The Phantom Ikcllo Bailey ,, THAT IS THE ANCIENT ALTAR YES,SIR, V VERY WELL. WAS TRUTH-- WHERE THE 010 VH\ TEILINC ) YOURfATHERA GOPS STRUCK THE TRUTH./ SAILOR WHOSE ANYONE LIARs. NICKtJAWE WAS MERE A BOTTLE OPENER? 1 j5f 1 i • Npiii H1 -M^^ uHmmioiiimuiiMiutai Old Taboo Against Contemplating Death Seen Fading NEW YORK (AP) - "Since men could not do away with subject. isters and ordinary people. ^ Church, an Episcopal weekly, says some aspects of the new death, they decided not to think about it," observed the 17th Attempts at such a straightforward, analytical approach "Death is not just a single event that comes at the'end of approach imply that death is a casual, relaxed affair and thus century philospher Blaise Pascal. are happening increasingly as church scholars and scientists life," says the Rev. Dr. Howard Spragg, head of the church's misrepresent its anguishing realities. That subtle, old taboo against contemplating or discussing meet and examine viewpoints about the phenomenon. Board of Homeland Ministries which is overseeing the study. "If... these students are finding death 'exciting' and 'dy- death seems to be fading these days, and religious thinkers Death "is basically an event which forces men to confront "The way we feel about death, dying and aging has a .namic', it may be that they are somehow getting hooked on. say the change is a healthy one. the meaning of human existence prior to it," writes the Rev. profound effect on the way we participate in life." as unnatural and phony a set of euphemisms about it as those However, some of them cite falsifying countertendencies Jeffrey G. Sobosan of the University of Notre Dame, in a spe- In several universities, a new academic discipline called euphemisms they are trying to rout," he writes. to glamorize the realities of death in the hew. franker dealing cial issue of the weekly Christian Century on the subject. "thanatology" has emerged. At the University of Cincinnati, The Rev. Dr. Robert M. Cooper of Nashotah House semi- with it. Others note signs ol distorted obsessions with it. At a recent conference at South Bend, Ind., sponsored by students visit funderal homes and cemeteries to get the "feel" nary in Nashota, Wis., says the current stress on allowing A German churchman says that just as pornography and the Indiana Council of Churches and Indiana Catholic Confer- of them. At the University of Minnesota, students have tried patients to die (gently "with dignity" sometimes implies that voyeurism surfaced as the old-lime sexual taboo was being ence, participants were handed blank death certificates to fill out coffins and theoretically planned their own funerals, find- all pain is undignified. overcome, there also are present dangers of a 'pornography out speculating about their own deaths. ing — as one teacher was quoted — that death "is not morbid, of death" and "voyeurism of violence." "The bearing of pain is often noble," he adds. "Yet multi- The aim was to "put people in touch with (heir own feeljj but exciting, dynamic." tudes in our society insist that pain is the greatest evil in life, Such preoccupations have been tiled as a prime ingredient ings about dying." says the Rev. Donald McNeil, a University The purpose, says sociologist Robert Fulton of the Uni- or, put the other way. that pleasure is the greatest good . . . of the contemporary movie screen of Noire Dame theologian versity of Minnesota, is to bring " a new perspective to death But the Christian view is that suffering is fundamental to, Instead of fascination with death or exploitation of it, With a special gram, the United Church of Christ has and to counter some of the euphemistic devices our society being human. The greater evil than pain is to deny that pain, people should consider it openly and honestly, the Rev. Dean launched a major, new study project on aging and dying, to used to hide death and dying." excruciating pain, is radically an ingredient of the human con- Theodore Glaser of Munich told a Lutheran conference on the examine questions about it confronting doctors, patients, min- However, the Rev. Carroll Simcox, editor of the Living dition." HiiiiHiinniiiiuuiiiiiiiiiHimiiiiHiiiJHiiiiiuiiiiimiiMiiiiiiiniiminiiiiiiiii^^ Episcopalians' fDragon Lady' or Typhoid Mary' By LESTER KINSOLVING icals. phantine memory, a gigantic iiiiiiiiniiniiHHMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiifiiiiilt copal headquarters commis- vealed that, if little else, they when Presiding Bishop John These include such reason- filing system and an impres- sioned an unprecedented lis- surely have chutzpah. For in E. Hines' resignation takes ef- AUSTIN, Tex. - Dorothy able publications as The sive instinct for the hier- INSIDE - ten-to-the-grass;roots in- the very teeth of this all-"F" fect. A. Faber, a striking redhead Good News (Methodists) and archical jugular. vestigation. At a cost of report card, they have asked For this column has learned and mother of two who lives The Presbyterian Layman, as She has therefore been able $84,000, a specially trained the financially impoverished that Bishop Hines has ada- here, is becoming widely well as the strident Christian to report an average of at RELIGION task force of 101 people trav- denomination to virtually qua- mantly refused to fire the known in ecclesiastical circles News, which has helped sig- eled 463,365 mites and met least a half dozen major or iiiiiiiiiiniiiniiiiiniiiiiniiiiiiiiniiiiiiiMiiiiH druple their present subsidy leader of another of the na- as "The Episcopal Dragon nificantly in igniting one of minor Episcopal scandal (or with 6,004 diocesan leaders for of $185,000 per annum, be- tional survey's disaster areas Lady" —even though she was history's most bitter libcral- absolutely hilarious boo boos) Episcopalian's circulation has depth level discussion and cause: in the Episcopal Church's na- that a number of Executive once the editor of Heal Ro- conservative civil wars, with- in every issue of The Chal- plummeted to 102,000, among tabulated evaluation of the New Periodical tional program; Brooklyn Council members have al- mances magazine. in the 2.9 million-member Lu- lenge lor rnost of the past dec- the denomination's 3.2 million present national Episcopal "We are most anxious to black militant Leon Modestc. ready asked Hines to fire For Mrs. Faber. a graduate theran Church-Missouri Sy- ade ' members. program. put our accumulated ex- 'Modest Leon' Modeste — without success nod. of the University of Missouri's The unquestionably news- Circulation Climbs Among results of this mas- perience and our professional For "Modest Leon" as re- As Virginia Theological Semi- famed School of Journalism Bishops' View worthy incidents have gener-' The unsubsidized Christian sive survey and evaluation. skills to work on a new kind of vealed in official reports to nary's revered theologian and a veteran daily news- As for The Christian Chal- ally been loftily ignored by Challenge has at the same The Episcopalian has evoked periodical." the Episcopal Executive A.T. Mollegenputsit: paper and wire service report- lenge, most Episcopal bishops the denomination's heavily time climbed to 77,000 - this "strong dissatisfaction" as While this is reminiscent of • Council, has.discriminated "Is there any way to get a er, is editor of The Christian and other clergy regard Mrs.. subsidized official magazine, in addition to four other inde- being "neither a true house the classic lad who having against other minority groups presiding bishop who will fire Challenge. This unofficial and Faber's work as if it were a The Episcopalian. pendent and unsubsidized organ nor an effective church- murdered his parents pleaded in his administration of the $6 Modeste? This is a serious is- independent Episcopal month- diocesan banquet catered by Since Episcopalians are Episcopal periodicals (The wide channel." for mercy because he was an million General Convention sue which no candidate should ly magazine is a pioneer the original Typhoid Mary. generally too sensibly sophis- Living Church, The American Despite this horrendous X orphan, McCorkle &. Co., will Special Program. He has even be allowed to evade when among a growing number of But The Dragon Lady is ticated to appreciate the edi- Church News, The Anglican rating, Episcopalian editor probably be able to continue employed a Black Muslim as Bishop Hines' successor is underground — and con- bulwarked by a hardy and el- torial Pablum resulting from Digest and The Churchman). Henry McCorkle and his band on the Episcopal Church pay- one of his assistants. elected next September in servative — church period- fin sense of humor, an ele- such puerile censorship, the Last fall, the national Epis- of editorial ostriches have re- roll, at least until May of 1974 This column has learned Louisville." Unexpected Power of Faith, Prayer Sustained Them, Ex-Prisoners Say many others of the returned By GEORGE W. CORNELL verses would later prove so prisoners of war regularly memory. AP Religion Writer "Many of the men knew important to him. cited unexpected powers of verses from the Bible and "In reality, the fullest depth faith and prayer that welled In the isolation of the Viet- these were shared, so we of their meaning was not dis- up to sustain them. nam war prisons, minds and were able to compile a good covered until I was in prison," "I developed a daily rou- consciousness turned inward, knowledge of much of the he says. tine," relates Lt. Cmdr. Wil- and there, cut off from the or- Bible," relates Maj. Norman Recalling that prisoners, liam M. Tschudy, of Virginia dinary distractions of life, the McDaniel, of Greensboro, even while in solitary con- • Beach, Va., in remembering American captives made N.C. finement, would whisper that long stretches of solitary a discovery. "There is no greater force Scripture verses to each other confinement in which he be- "For some reason I sudden- than belief in God," he adds. when the guards were not came aware of realities in ly felt I wasn't alone," one of "There were at all times a around, he says he and a himself he had never imag- them recalls. "I don't know desire to worship God. There Catholic in the adjacent cell ined. whether it was the power of were services held, some- had reviewed the Lord's "I shouldn't say I developed prayer or an intervention by times individually, sometimes Prayer together. '.,.. it; it developed itself. When 1 God. There is nothing physi- as a group, and men drew "Then I said, 'Hey,' do you woke up each morning, the cal you can document, but strength from them." have the 23rd Psalm?" Ray first segment of the day was when you experience some- Capt. Ray, in an interview recounts. spent saving my prayers." thing like that, it is real." with the Baptist Press, says "He said he knew part of it A dramatic description of Those recollections of Capt. he had never before realized but wanted to go over it. I did, surprising strength found in James E. Ray, of Conroe, that his early church training and he said, 'Man, that made faith came from Capt. Jere- Tex., and similar accounts by in which he memorized Bible my whole day'." miah A. Denton in Atlanta. He tells of escalating torture to Reglitcr SIMf Phirte get him to betray commu- WESTERMAN IS HONORED — Dr. S. Thomas foreign correspondent, was guest speaker tor the Concert Set nication methods used among Monsignor to Address Westerman, center, was awarded the State of Is- State of Israel Bond Tribute. Joining them are prisoners. After five days in a rael "25th Anniversary Award" ot a reception at Mrs. Westerman; Morris Westerman, left, tather For Sunday "torture rig" he says, he Congregation B'nai Israel, Rumson. Frank Ger- of the award recipient, and Paul Bragar, right, wrote something useless for CDA Dinner Tuesday vasi, second right, a noted journalist, author, and chairman of the affair. his captors "but they didn't At Church buy it." He goes on: HAZLET — Msgr. James F. RED BANK - The Ministry Prayed to God Johnson will be guest speaker of Music and Fine Arts of the "They put me back in the at the 19tlt annual dinner of United Methodist Church will same rig for five more days the Court Fulgens Corona, Church to Host a Workshop present Igor Stravinsky's and that was the time I sim- Catholic Daughters of Amer- "Symphony of Psalms" and ply told God he would just ica, Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. in BED BANK - The Com- workshop on individualized Thursday, followed by an ori- mination's curriculum. Resi- Gabriel Faure's "Requiem" have to take over. I had the Shore Point Inn, tiere. study. mission on Education at the entation session. On Friday, dents from throughout New Sunday night at 7 p.m. under reached the end. I knew that Mrs. Chester Kowalczyk, The program will begin with United Methodist Church, 247 there will be time for observa- Jersey, Pennsylvania, and the direction of Herbert Bur- if I had to write the next time, grand regent of the court, has Broad St., will host an area registration at 7 p.m. tion of classes at the Point Virginia are expected to at- tis, director of Music and Fine I would write something announced that Msgr. John- Road School, Little Silver, tend. Arts. harmful, so I just turned my- son's topic will be "The Fami- and the Red Bank Primary Among the resource people self over to Him. ly and Its Challenges in the School. Other highlights will scheduled to be present is Dr. William Todt will be the or- FIRST UNITARIAN CHURCH gan accompanist, Paul T. "I have never had a prayer 7O's." ol Monmouth County be participation in a learning Franklin Dotts of the board of center and an address by Dr. Brady, pianist and Marjorie answered so spectacularly in A priest for 27 years, he was discipleship,' division of cur- my life. As soon as I got that elevated to the rank of Papal 1475 West Front Street 741-8092 Lincrott Campbell Wyckoff of Prince- riculum resources,-} United Mollenauer, harpist. prayer out, this mantle of Chamberlain in 1964 with the Rev. Haroid R Dean, Minister ton. Methodist Church, Nashville, Miriam Koenig will be the comfort came over me and I title of Reverend Monsignor. Tenn. soprano soloist in the Faure On Saturday, time will be couldn't feel any more pain. Pastor of St. Anthony's 1000 A M. FORMAL SERVICE spent writing curricula for in- Further information is and the baritone solos will be sung by Norman Hart and Even when they beat the hell Church, Northvale, he also 11:30 A.M. INFORMAL SERVICE dividualized instruction. available from Robert W. • Ronald Gardella. out of me and tightened up has served in the Senate of The purpose of the work- Sapp, minister of education at D 'The Chancel Choir of the right to the maximum, I was Priests of the Newark Arch- S EAKER REV HAROLD B. DEAN shop is to train church school the church here. • church will perform the two just as comfortable as if I diocese, and is chairman of workers to' write and:partici- Topic- "5OU£ '.'.'AYS Or LOOKING works. were sitting in a plush auto." the Interfaith Committee on AT THE PASSAGE OF TIME" pate in programs of .indepen- Marriage and Family Life. Msgr. James F. Johnson dent study, based on the deno- Passion Sunday The "Symphony of Psalms" He and others say they be- by Igor Stavinsky is one of the lieve that spiritual help, at- He also is the director of the buted under the direction of Concert Slated best-known choral works by tained through prayer, was Family Life Apostolate, ticket chairman, Mrs. David 1973 FAIR HAVEN-The Christ this 20th century giant. Be- the' basic element in bringing Bloomfield, which conducts Honan, New Monmouth. Mrs. Church United Methodist will cause of its complexity it is them through their ordeal. "I pre-marriage conferences, Wallace Price is chairman of ANNUAL DOG VACCINATION present an Easter Concert, not often performed by was able to sustain life and marriage counceling, and con- the banquet committee. Mrs. Sunday at 4.p.m. The pro- church choirs. The 20 minute hope through the faith I have cerns itself with all aspects of Eugene P. Campbell and Mrs, CLINIC SCHEDULE gram will consist of two Bach work is in three movements in God," Capt. Howard Rut- family life. Gerald Nash are in charge of cantatas; one entitled "My and the text, as the title sug- ledge told his home Baptist Tickets are being distri- decorations. Heat Is Deep Distressed" for gests, is taken from the Book congregation at Clairemont, 7:30 TO 8:30 P.M. solo soprano, strings and oboe of Psalms. Calif. Others told of improvising APRIL 9th MONMOUTH BEACH FIRE HOUSE with Phyllis Gieseler of the The Faure "Requiem" is MONDAY Monmouth Conservatory fac- one of the best-known and worship services, exchanging THE MINISTRY OF TUESDAY APRIL 17h SEA BRIGHT FIRE HOUSE ulty as the featured soloist. most loved choral works from remembered verses of Scrip- MUSIC AND FINE ARTS the French Impressionist pe- ture, and putting together key WEDNESDAY APRIL lith OCEANPORTHRE HOUSE The other, one of Bach's most famous works, "Christ Lay in riod of composition. portions of the Bible through of the WEDNESDAY APRIL 11th PORT-AU-PECK FIRE HOUSE Death's Dark Prison," written THURSDAY APRIL 12th EATONTOWN FIRE HOUSE for choir, strings and organ. Participating in the per- UNITED METHODIST CHURCH FRIDAY APRIL 13th WEST LONG BRANCH FIRE HOUSE # 1 FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH formance will be Susan Dek- 247 BROAD ST. RED BANK snis and Amy Ingram, violin- Atop Tower Hill Red Bank FRIDAY APRIL 13th WEST LONG BRANCH FIRE HOUSE # 2 (Oci»npori Ait) ists, Ralph Wheelock, violist, John .Schelling. cellist and Rev. Charles S. Webster, D.D., ssnor MMIM presents 1:00 TO 2:00 P.M. also Nelle Kinney, organist Rev. Peter J. Fosburg. B.D., w.-n•!*'«/faii»r.on Rev. Blanchard D. Romaine, B D.. .'. Here's the deal you're looking for! presented by RUSSELL Authorized Cadillac Dealer 73 OLDS We've got the prices to prove it! v ,,- , Shop them all — then see a "Russell Man". I' ? It's the right time to buy' }'' X COUPE DeVILLE 1973OU)SMOBIUE "Exceptional buys on an ex- AWAVS/4STEP/1HEAD ceptional automobile, for ex- ceptional people like you! LEASING THE RUSSELL WAY SPECIAL LOW RATES ON OUR EXECUTIVE LEASE PLAN Leasing Plans from 3-26 months RUSSELL LEASING Co. 100 NEWMAN SPRINGS RD..RED BANK 747-5252 It's time to sfop dreaming and start talking with... OLDSMOBILE- CADILLAC Co. 100 NEWMAN SPRINGS ROAD 741-0910 RED BANK DOREMUS MUSTANGS FROM 3697 Available MOST AFFORDABLE FORD* DOREMUS FORD You Know Why 90 Monmouth St. 741*6000 Red Bank Auto* For Sole 32 Tbk 0aHy Register, Red Bank-MJddleUron, N.J. Friday, April«, 1973 Lost ond Found Autos For Sale Autos for Sale Autos for Sole LOST — Cold chorm 'bracelet, oil '•(#• 1971 TEMPEST "WANTED Lost and Found ne charms, retirement N.J. fttil. 1969 COUGAR Automatic transmission. Very low mile 1 H "0% >l«Kln Lost and Found Ci, «ed lank. J29-O7W. Reward. A real thorp cor. cge. 8AILLT BROS., INC, 19 E. Newman Low mllewe. F«»» • ANNOUNCEMENTS u)tT Metallic blue, block lop, while Springs lid.. Red Bonk. 747-teM. eludinuding tocftytocftry ••»• * Mor. n. MonmouMl St. vlclnl'w, Rtd Mr gem Irome eftfemm. trim, save now. 1969 ROADRUNNER - Coupe. 64,000 tost and Found Balk. Reword. 142-9420. Coll tvenlngt IUU. AUTOMOTIVE ml'es 4-speed transmission, 3B3 cu 7100. LOST — mock mini-toy poodle, male. LOST - Poddle. Block ond apricot, with LOST — Large ton ond white puppy, port AM/FM radio. 11200. 741-3S50, coll otter 2. RASSAS 1971 GREMLIN - Blut. Good < Autos For Sale RASSAS S ll e ! hr M l Mew Monmouth Oreo. beautiful morklnosnos. . LLost In Keansburo SI. Bernard. Seven months. Answers lo 1969 PONTIAC FIREBIRD - Green with Four new belted ' . i,I r ,"i Ki-4;j», Reword. Coll WIStW. Oreo. Reword. 49f ••Cindy" Child's pet. Reword. 71/5151 IV70 FORD -- Country Squire llollon block vinyl roof, bucket stats, console. floor Bucket >eoU. JISO. Coll »IM»J«l wogon. Power steering, power disc PONTIAC PONTIAC weefc-doyl otter 4:311 P-i"- -[ Brood St. 741-5IW Red Bonk Power steering and brakes. 31.000 miles J95 Brood 51. 7*1-51J« Red Bo brokes, 390 V4, oulomatic transmission, Eves, until 9 Coll otter 5 p.m., 542-9370. wo-door Autos For Sale Autos For Sale Autos For Sale deluxe luggMe rock, whltewott tires, air USTIN MARINEvesA ,Sedons until 9. Coupes, wll conditioning rodlo. JIMS firm. 4621420. USED CARS - LARGE SELECTIOH 1971 COUGAR - Block with block vinyl MG 1B0O cc. engine, plus Midgets a GUARANTEED. RATCLIFFE PONTIAC root, saddle Interior. AM/FM stereo ra- MGBs A & G MOTORS. 775-3413. 1969 KARMANN GHIA S85O Route 36, Eatonlown. S42-78O0.. dio, new tires and new brakes. Excellent 1M7 VOLKSWAGEN — Like new. condition. 12300. Call 493-2261. Call (609) 693-5814 na CAMARO SS 396 — 375 h.p. Hurst S75O 1«1 FALCON - Station wooon. Good ruj- tour-speed, four Crogar mags, Hooker Call 787-4355 nlna condlllon. MOny molor ports r«- headers, Posl-rear. Very cleon. Best of- WANTED UICK STATION WAGON 1966 - Ne< pploced^slcln^ a »)i5, U1-3K\. . WANTED ter. 6712366 or 671-2368. Porty who needs 100% flnonclng. with no Party who n«ds 100% flnonclng, wltti onsmlsslon. 1875 or best otter. 1M4 VOLKSWASES N - Wltli ,I9M enoln*. money down, on o 1967 MALIBU. V8, 1949 CADILLAC — Coupe DeVille. Full money down, on o 1968 FORD LTD Call 7170316 Ro3io Exctllent runnlno car. J27S. Call Power steering, air conditioning. 19?5. power, iCHmole control, olr AM'FM sler WAGON. Mr conditioning. S1595. For M4-WU. •' WALL LINCOLN-MERCURY Apollo For quick credit O.K. cell OASIS WO- eo, snow tires. Low mileage mint condi quick credit O.K. Call OASIS MOTORS ot 1%1 MUSTANG - WOO. Also 1945 PontiOC Shrewsbury Ave. ot Sycamore TOfcSot (Ml) 731-7100. tlon 872-1157. (»l) 721-7100. LeMons 53,000 mlln, MOO. Botn run ver/ 1967 GTO — Blue, white Interior Shrewsbury, N.J. 1971 MG MIDGET - 27,000 miles. Mich- 1971 EL CAMINO — Radio, heater, vt Good running condition. WOO. ' 747-5400 BOOd. Coll 741 1969 OLDSMOBILE 98 *Our Godfather 2-door hardtop iBrown, matching Interior, dark Bill Jorgenson — Sales Manager! brown vinyl lop, power wlndowi, I power t ealt lactory air condi- tioning. Low mileage. Immacu- Stop in and receive your award late throughout New zero-offset front axle on sedan mod- A fully independent, diagonal-pivot rear RUSSELL els, successfully tested on the C-111 re- axle combines superb road-holding with a BUY A , OLDSMOBILE-CAOILLAC CO. search vehicle, is characterized by precise gentle ride. It will help make you love [ 100 Newmon Springs Rd, Rd Bank steering, quick response, and small turn- roads you used to hate. ing circle. 741-0910 1973 MERCEDES-BENZ ERCURY! 450 SE & 450 SEL ON DISPLAY NOW AT 1972 OLDSMOBILE Delta 88 Royals 2-door hardlop, silver gray black Shrewsbury, N.J. top, matching Interior, Equipped with V-8, automatic, powe steering, factory air, low milt Monmouth County's largest Mercedes-Benz Dealer age. Excellent throughout. 100OGEANPORTAVE. 842-5353 LITTLE SILVER RUSSELL Shrewsbury Ave. 747-5400 New Shrewsbury 741-0910 Auto* For safe r Autos For Sale Autos far Sole Autos For Sale Autos For Sole itAH INC. Thet)aay Register, Hed Baak-Middfetown, N. J. Friday, Apia «, tfW Hmltt .-J PONTIAC CATALINA - Twwioof, I«U (EL AIR — ElaM-cyl •WM Very dean, excellent mechanical condl- 1970 LeMANS Inder automatic tramvnlsslon. Two e/fri WANTED wtietli with snow Nr«. Asking Wpa. Coll Part/ who RMOI IWr% financing, with Motorcycles I Aut*...o: B—t.iRentals. Booft orwt Acc—»ofl»« STATION WAGON 148-7503 after 4 p.m. money down, on a IM9 OOOGE. Automat- ESTSSI' PIHT "*««l»- new polnlos, Sold new ond always serviced by ic, power steering, air conditioning. 11495. TOM'S EORP IW3 BUiac WILDCAT CONVERTIBLE tn. A real btouty. 1964 VOLKSWAGEN - Radio. New tires, For quick credit O.K.. coll OASIS M firm' BFitU trade-in. JI3M .-*•"?.» J»rl» 0««». Including top and new paint. Engine recently rebuilt. Ex RENTACAR ^ 1973 cellent condition. S47S. 741-2322. TORS ot (201) 771-7109. SERVICE DAILY RENTALS AND LEASING INt VOLKSWAGEN BLUE BUG -53,000 19)1 AMC JAVELIN — VI, outomotl 200 HWY 35 244-1400 KEYPORT SPORTSCRAFT mllt^Ow wruir. Atkins »>H0. 5oow RASSAS 1961 CHEVROLET BISCAYN6 - Ex power steering, brokes. air, 14,000 mile Laroest Stock of tlrw and rwr defroster. Coll 34JS3W 1965 GTO CONVERTIBLE - New top. PONTIAC cellent running condition. Six cylinder, Coll after 7, 591-1573 Vomobo Part* In Ntw Jersey 170 SPORTSMAN : Good tires. Clean. Asklno »47S. Coll >3? outomotlc. S75O. Call 3912590. BOATS AND INI CAMARO 7 engine. 4- O0&5 otter 6 p.m. 3*5 Brood St. 741-S1W Re 196» CADILLAC LIMOUSINE — All paw- J & R CYCLE SERVICE buretor, 4-sp« nsmission. Jloss -*. Eves, until 9 196° TRIUMPH — Convertible, red. Very er ond many extrasIras. Good 'condition. Soi ACCESSORIES ted tires. Exct,, 1)00. Coll !»»» FIREBIRD - 350 V-« outomotlc. good condition. Sacrifice, SHOO. In icr mice. 53S-31B! weekdays. 171 W. Front St. Red~6ank U2-O»17 Equipped with: 741-KKO otter t. 1969 AUSTIN AMERICA - Four-Speed vice. 6712647. Power steering, vinyl rool. moj wheels, automatic. 35,000 miles. U0O. 1971 HONDA CB 350 PYRAWA CANOES rtr conditioned. Jliife or best offer. ?«7 1965 AMERICAN — Two-door sedon. SI AND INFLATABLE DINGHIES • Full Canvas 1171[CAMARO RALLYE SPORT - Auto- Call 717-7499. 1953 WILLYS JEEP - Plow. Full metal cylinder, outomoflc. Good condition. ' txctlltnl conaillon. Muil sell. J*». ; mallc, power steerlno. vlnH top, wUe cab. A-l engine and gtor boxes. No rust SCENIC SERVICE CENTER • 50 h.p. Johnson 1971 MUSTANG — V-8. 7471474. 741-MOT Hwy 3d Highlands t 1*7 AUSTIN HEALEY SPRITE -British W25 or best otter. «42 3059. 11 Eiit Fully equipped. 51995. 1967 COUGAR — 2B9 cu. In. tour-speei • Coast Guard Pkg. Racing Green. New top. Tonneau One 1 MOTORCYCLE INSURANCE SMffia&jr* '"•"" owner. Low mlleoae. Slit, 7«-»35 otter J Coll offer 4 p.m., 564-1966 1969 FORD — Ecanollne Club Wagon van. 51,000 miles. Excellent condition. Mu Reaionablc Rolflft ON DISPLAY p.m. v-i, automatic, AM/FM radlD, carpet, ex- sell. S995. 2911697. • 85 AMP Battery. WANTED 1971 TOYOTA — Mark II four-door. Vinyl tra seats. SI 795. I42-OO97. GROSSINGER 4 HELLER AGENCY BLUE JAY, TURNABOUT, 420 hardtop, AM/FM, olr. SII0O. Coll 229-I79J 15WlkoflPI I41-2I0O Red Bonk NEWPORT OAYSAILERS Cables and Controls Party who needsn 100% financing, with 1970 PONTIAC GRAND PRIX - Cream- 1963 BUICK RIVIERA — 50.000 tru • SSnK>e1RUJ °, "" VOLKSWAGEN after 5 p.m. FORD LTD 1972 miles. New exhaust system and tires 5UNFI5H ALBACORE puff. Air. AVUFM stereo. 3J.O0O miles Fully loaded. Hardiop. mi H'ONM 450 PARIMAR DORY SKIFF Includes-Botforn Palnf SOUAREBACK. tllfs. For quick credit Unblemished body and Interior Power MERCEOES BENZ 1962 — 190c engine. Good condition. M99. Call 7414627. O.K. coll OASIS MOTORS Ot (Ml) " Call after 7 p.m. 7B7-7164 Many extras. Mint condition. Swoqlnoano Hrcepress Rigging windows. J259S. Coll 67I-18M. Excellent condition. Best offer. Call $42- 1969 FORD GALAXIE 500 — Four do Coll 7874305 RIGGED, WATER TESTED 7160 after 6 p.m. PONTIAC 1970 — Station wagon. Air con 5AILS TRAILERS FITTINGS 1971 LINCOLN CONTINENTAL — Settle sedan. Good condition. 1850. 1972 HONDA 350 CB - 155 miles. Like -READY TO GO- 1971 PINTO - Tope deck. Four-speed. 1972 OPEL STATION WAGON - 6,000 dltlonlng, power broke:, steering, A-l con- Call 29I-3D4S. estate. Four-door hardtop. Ever/ e«tro In- dltlon. AiKIng 12095. 2641716. brand new. Best offer. 264 53<9, coll be MARSH MARINE >n Gfe orodl n miles. AM/FM radio, air conditioning. 1964 CHEVROLET IMPALA 283 fween 4-6 p.m. NOW $2437 $11» «s5«79 ' °' "'"° «'"• HOOO. Coll M3-39O9. » Bridge Ave., Red Bonk RR Sla. 7414767 TRIUMPH 1967 GT-6 FASTBACK Rebuilt transmission. Very good cond 1973 SUZUKI 12S ALL YOUR SPRING FLAGSHIP GUARANTEE 1963 CHEVY NOVA STATION WAGON — Good running condition. USO. tlon. S395 or best offer. 787 " Dirt bike. Many extras. FITTING OUT NEEDS We certify that every beat and toordVsltlot' sir' * Autos For Sale Autos For Sale Automatic. Rodlo, neater, snow tires. 717-2105 1965 BUICK SYLARK — Air condition!,, W2 447? or I42-4716 engine pachoge, reffm _. — 1150. Call 747SH7. BOATMAN'S SHOP or price. wIlTbe Mty woter Htst- 1966 CADILLAC'^Full power, air condT New shocks, new muffler. S550. Coll 22 MOTORCYCLE INSURANCE — Rick New Jersey's Largest ed, odluited, trlmnwd anal tune 1965 MUSTANG — One owner. Eight cyl- Nojilna. Four-door. New tires. »50. Call 4502 or 741-114;, Steve. Aoeacy, 9 Memorial Pkwy., LonB Brancli. Marine Supply House me proper propeJIir tin Installed inder standard. Very good condition. S500. 1968 MUSTANG — Six cylinder, stonoari Za-ntii. New 1973 rates. 24WI>orfAve. 741-5710 Red Bank Tor correct K.P.M. and maximum 842-0115. JAGUAR 1968 - Model 340. One owner, recent tune-up, etc. Good condition. J79I Open Sun. and Holidays, 9 a.m. • 1 p.m. performance." MOTORCYCLE INSURANCE — Lowe! BUY WHERE THE SERVICE IS OLDSMOBILE — Delta e». 1970. Two-Low mileage. Excellent condition. $2,990. Call 542-5941. rates. All acceptable. REDDEN Coll 471-92S0. BLUE JAY FOR SALE 7 DAYS A WEEK __ door, light blue. Low mlleoge. Air, snows. 19(5 CHEVROLET — Impala. Powe AGENCY, 301 Maple Ave., Red Bank. 741 No. 3473, Olsen built, minimum weight S3»S. See Sat. 741 7M5. 1961 CAMARO - Blue convertible. Six steering, power brakes. Running condl 9100 Hard main, lib, spinnaker. Stainless liee. FLAGSHIP MARINE. 1970 BUICK SKYLARK — Custom con- cylinder, stick shift. Clean. 1895. Call 172 tlon. Needs engine work. S75 or best offer fittings, rlgnlng ond halyards. Top roclno 1970 CZ — Enduro type lib trials. New record. »797. Coil (jol) 291-1127 weekends BOSTON WHALER — vertible. With air. excellent condition. 787-5773. clutch. Needs ad ustmenH. Mult sell 12195 or best offer. Call 787-0395. ito. ond evenlnca, (212) M1-41S00 during week. 1966 FORD FAIRLANE — Convertible. 1966 PLYMOUTH STATION WAGON Make otter. 747-Wli. SPORT CRAFT 1970 CHEVROLET Six cylinder slick. Clean. Very good run- Three seats, roof rock, power sleerlni 1970 YAMAHA U5 — Eicellent condition. 17' WOODEN BOAT - 75 hp. Johnson Glastron — Seacratt " 71 OLDSMOBILE Autos For Sale ning condition. Asking MOO. 739-2943. Automatic. S35O. 671-3147. Racing pipe. S375. motor with trailer. Asking KM. Volvo Coll 717-7844 Monte Carlo Vista Cruiser MURPHY & DAVISON 1967 FIAT 124 — Four-door sedon. Ver 741581! Johnson — OArtC 2-doar hardtop. Gold, black Mercedes-Benz Sales and Service economical. New tires, starter, etc. 1275 197! HONDA CB-175 1972 15' STARCRAFT FIBERCLAS Mercrulser 9 passenger wagon, Brewster Hwy. 9 Freehold 462-5300 »44-2523. 12OC miles. S500. AMERICAN - With 197J (0 h.p. Mercury. vinyl top, black cloth Interi- Green, matching Interior. Fac- All accessories Included. Coll (42-0242. SALES & SERVICE or. Equipped with V-8, auto- " STRAUB BUICK—OPEL AUSTIN HEALEY 3000 1967 — COi 739-O3H3 tory air conditioning, power NINE ACRES of New and Used Cars plelely rebuilt. Mint condition. Looced. 1971 HONDA — CL350. Excellent condi- !«' EVINRUDE "SWEET 16" — 100 h.p. Call 747-3996. Municipal Marine Basin matic, power (leering, lac- windows, 6-way seat, door Hwy U . 2M4UX Kcyport tion, extroJ/ »595. Coll otter 6 p.m. Evlnrude engine, electrjc start, controls, Atlantic Hlahiondts lory air, Excellent through- locks. Excellenl throughout. 67I3J57 two gas tanrs, battery, water skis. 1850 1970 PLYMOUTH FURY III — Fourdoor, Trucks for Sole complete. Call 842 3398 evenings. out. air conditioned, power steering, disc IW2 HABLEr CHOPPER 291-2638 brakes. I12OO. Call Skip, 671-1157. .1962 FALCON VAN — For parts or whol Best ofter over 11300 ENSIGN NO. 600 — Flberglos. 22'/,. Fully t:er. Coll otter 6 p.m. Call 842 4997 rigged. 5NeeoT* 1500 miles. Best oiler. 14' MFG motor ond hordwore. In -wont row, does 741-0910 ^ 741-0910 black vinyl top, blue brocade 1961 FORD — Heavy duty Econollne. Coll 291-2654 With 1970 33 h.p. Evlnrude. U23. Wanted Automotive J27S. 67F-5462 not leok. 1250 Alio it' fierier flberglat Interior. Factory air condi- ____ Call 787-6160. ALL TERRAIN CYCLE — Honda 90. 1972 ovfboord lw». 1125. Coll otter 5 p.m. Wl- tioning. Low mileage. Im- three-wheeled troll cycle. Like new. Coll M-SCOW — New condition. Aluminum 27M. 1969 FORD — Econollne 300 Van. V-8, 842-6822. T maculate. heavy duty suspension. 31,900. trailer. SI450 firm. Call Mr. Rose, at 741- I4 FIBEP.GLA.S — Family Oaytoller. 872-1979 7763 or 747-3114. Pintail Clou. Complete with Seagull out- Mobile Homes If CHRIS CRAFT OUTBOARD - 90 h.p. board and trailer. Good family type best. WE NEED USED CARS 1967 CHEVROLET VAN - Excellent run Mercury, Sleeps two. Wood with flberglos sfOO. Call M«-t«44. nlng condition. Asking J525. Coll 741-9061 MONMOUTH MAZDA GARDEN PARK MOBILE HOMES - bottom. Best offer over $700. Call after 4 75 H.P. JOHNSOM ANOCOHTROL5 RUSSELL WE WILL PAY after 4 p.m. Berhany Rd., off Hwy 35, Hazlet. Walk to p.m. SM4I10. Asbury Park shopping oreos. 2&4-39H. ' HOT firm. Short ihott. OLDSMQBILE-CAOILLAC CO. TOP PRICES 1969 SCOUT — With snow plow. MOPEN SEA SKIFF — Built In 1969. 717-1 III tram 5 lo 7 p.m^ .00 Newman Springs Rd. Red Bonk Excellent condition. S20O0 llrm. MOBILE HOME — 12x50. completely fur- Big Olds V-I. dry. eihVus*VTetellex steer- 842-2505. nlshed, Including washer ond dryer, wall- l»/rj DIXIE FIBERGLAJ —14'/:'.with to-wall carpeting and air conditioner. Call ing. 5W gauge*, plywood Vflth flberolos trailer, convos and complete cover. Alk- 741-0910 TOM'S FORD bottom. Tnlsloal Is tost. Reasonable. 291- Ino MOO. Coll «71-J4W or 47IW4. ^^ Test drive the only ROTARY ENGINE Autos For Sale 5M-3016. After 3. 7S7-SB58. I' PRAM TRAVEL TRAILER - 1971 Silver Eagle ELCO CABIN CRUISER - 34', Chrysler 24'. Air, heater, tub, shower, sleeps 6, like Complete with davits. iVO car sold in the Country. Crown, reduction gear. Very good condi- Cll B4;mo new, many extras. S3.900. 2224559. tion. 291-0746. I960 TWO-BEDROOM MOBILE HOME O'DAY MARINER SAILBOAT — I?',lvMXITBOARO BOAT — Oood condition, 14000 C/B, Trallex trailer, 6 h.p. Johnson. Ex- but needs work, S70O. Heavy 0uty 2-oxf« Phone 787-9060 cellent condition. 671-0140. trailer, USD. WeekOayi after 4 or week- -1973 VOLVO DEMO SALE- GIBRALTER — 10 x 55. Two bedrooms. ends. 1101 Union Ave., Union Beach. 50 CARS IN STOCK Must be moved oft lot. No reasonable of- WANTED — Boat trailer in good condi- 31' ZOBEL SKIFF — Encloted Mrdtcp, fer refused. Coll 264-1034. tion for 12-14' boat. Call evenings. 109 Gray. A-1 condition. 842-2261 2&4-U9S or 171-1435 AT OLD PRICES SAILBOAT — Lightning. One set sails. SAILBOAT — V, centerboord. "71. Und Trailer. Racing lib. Good condition. Two tore* tlmej. 75 1b. muihroom anchor In- Wanted—Automotive spinnakers. S42-4337. cluded. All excellent common. *!». Coll 1973 VOLVO M2 05W. 1973 VOLVO JUNK CARS 100 NEW AND USED SAILBOATS Station Wagon. Automatic, AM 142 EO. Red, 4-speed with 7' TO 24' ON DISPLAY SPORTCRAFT — Boston Wtroler, Glost- Save a minimum of $300. PICKED UP If Albtfrg Typhoon — New and uttd ' ron. Sea Croft . . . OMC. Johnson, Mir- radio. overdrive, AM/FM radio, 4000 Twlnbrook Auto Wrecking 20' Ensenoda — Sleeps four, trollerable. cruiser, Volvo .. . Boat Trailers. miles. 22' Tomer — used 1971, centerboard keel. Euy where the service Is 7 days o weed. Eatontown 542-2235 26' Essex — Two cabins, shoal draft. Pick up your 1OT Tide Own Free. Highest prices paid lor all used cars MONMOUTH SAILING CENTER OVER WHOLESALE! Buyer on premises WEST ST., MONMOUTH BEACH 212 3491 FLAGSHIP MARINE Exclusive Montnouth County Dealer. SAVE at oil times. SAVE TOWN & COUNTRY DODGE NOW IS THE TIME - To have your sails Municipal Marine Basin, Atlantic Hlgh- 56M100 Inspected, repaired, and washed. New s soils and equipment. Canvas repairs made $ GET CASH FOR YOUR FOREIGN — ond new canvas work. Note our new ad- 12' FIBERGLAS FSHERMAN — 7 tl p. MONMOUTH MAZDA Was S4860 Now 423O Was S453Q Now 3945 AND SPORTS CARS AT MONMOUTH dress. Eska outboard. Used one month, tiso 904 Sunset Ave., Asbury Park, N J. MOTORS, INC., Hwy 35. Ealontown. 542- ULMER OF RED BANK eocti. Call 747-1S9S. ' 241141. 30 Bridge Ave.. Red Bank UMj»l BLUE JAY FIBERGLAS SAILBOAT 776-6777 Asbury Park 776-6777 winiiroiier. noes. ANCHORS — Two Danforlhi, one Norm. Coll 3»I-3J«> atler t p.m. hill. Two roldlng yachtsmen choirs, cap- Auto Parts—Repair loin's choir, alcohol stove, Kero-Glmbal JERSEY SPEED SKIFF - 1V71 FI- 965 VOLKSWAGEN ENGINE - J150. lamn, mahogany boarding ladder, pair BERGLAS HULL. FULLY EQUIPPED Aqua-clears, smoll boat compass, never WITH TRAILER AND COVERS. EX- 1973 VOLVO 1963 Volkswogen bus body, S40 or best or- CELLENT CONDITION. NEW ENGINE. 1973 VOLVO fer. 157 Hudson Ave., Red Bank. used. Call K!-35fO. XfJO WITHOUT TRAILER. 13200 WITH 164 EA 4-door automatic, full Sport wagon. Automatic, II" OELANEY SKIFF — 7'/j beam. 95 h.p. TRAILER. CALL AFTER 5P.M. OT-4J58. factory air, Nornberg motor. Head. Mahogany lap. power, air, AM/FM. Autos For Sale Ready for water. Perfect condition. Rea- 1' BOAT AND SIX H.P. EVINRUOE KITSON AM radio, dark green sonable offer. Coll 741-7979. MOTOR — Top shape. Great tor shooting or llshlnfl. CollMi-tttt. Autos For Sale BOAT, TRAILER, MOTOR - Beif rea- SAVE sonable offer. Call between before 11 SAVE$$$ cm., or between 5-1 p.m. s TV ZOBEL SKIFF— Chrysler Crown IIS S h.p. engine. Make on offer. Was S57Z5 Wow 5080 Was 56410 Now 5 740 Coll 747-4732 after ( pjtv 72 OLDSMOBILE Storage and Service LIMITED MARINA SPACE — Available Cutlass Supreme 'or small boats. Rlvervlevt Towers, Red Bonk, NJ. 741-173), Mr. Pr.lm. OVER 40 VOLVOS IN STOCK AT OLD PRICE I 2-door hardtop, blue, while vi- SPECIAL! OK CERTIFIED nyl top, blue vinyl Interior. Factory air conditioning, V-8, BUSINESS NOTICES NO INCREASE HERE automatic, power steering. Ex- 1968 CHEVROLET USED CAR SPECIALS! J cellent throughout. , SLIPCOVERS Impala Sofa, 140. Chair. Ol. You supply me fab- 2-door hardtop, while, ric, we'll da the rest. <3uaronteed work- black lop, matching interi- manihlp. O7I-2U4. RUSSELL or, V-8, automatic, power REMODELING - Pointing, paneling, RED BANK VOLVO steering S750 sheetrocli and taping, concrete block ond 1972 MONTE CARLO S3595 1970 CHEVROLET...... 51995 SINCE 1956 OLDSMOBILE-CADILLACCO, tile work. Free estimates. 717-3721. Gold, automatic, powor steering, Caprice, 4-door hardtop, auto- [ 100 Ntwmtn Spring, M. Ktd »•«* REE SERVICE - Tree ond stump re- moval, topping, pruning, cabling. Prompt power windows, AM-FM radio, vinyl matic transmission, power steer- 119 E. Newman Springs Rd., Red Bank 741-5886 741-0910 RUSSELL free estimates. 542-3272 or M2-9I11. fool, factory air. ing, radio, vinyl roof, air condi- OLDSMOBILECADILUC CO. tioning. [ 100 Newman Springs Rd, Red Bank More Classified 1971 CHEVY II .....52195 741-0910 on Next Page Nova 2 door, automatic trans- Trucks For Sale Trucks For Sale mission, power steering, radio, 1970 MAVERICK. ..S1395 vinyl root, air conditioning. Automatic transmission, radio. 1971 CHEVROLET SZ895 ig70 FORD S1395 Concourse Wagon. 9-passenger, Torino Brougham 4-door hard- automatic, power steering, facto- top, automatic transmission, ry air, radio. power steering, radio, vinyl rool. Apollo 1969 CHEVROLET. ,.$1395 1971 CHEVROLET SZ295 lmpalaV-8, 4-door hardtop, Impala Custom Coupe, automatautomat- automatic transmission, power ic transmission, power steeringsteering, s,eering, radio, vinyl roof, radio, vinyl roof, air conditioning. Countdown Continues! 1Q71 rHEVELLE S2695 1969D0DGE $1495 19/1 LHtVfcLLt W0SD Qarl GT 2door hardtop autQ_ Malibu two-door harcllop. automat- matic transmissioni radjo viny| ic, power sleonng, radio, vinyl rool, rooj factory air. 1971 CHEVROLET 5ZB95 1969 CHEVROLET $1495 CAPE STRAUB, N.J. - Officials at the Montd Carlo two-doo, hardtop. lmPala V"8 2-door hardt0P' auto" automatic, power steering, radio, vi- malic transmission, radio, vinyl nyl rool, factory air. root, air conditioning. Showplace of the Century affirmed a flawless countdown in the new Apollo mission sched- 1968 PONTIAC S995 FULLY-EQUIPPED 1971 TRIUMPH...... $2495 Tempos! w.iqon Automatic trans- TR-6. Radio. Siarp! rtus'.'ijri. Puw.!r bteEjrmg rad'o. uled for liftoff on Thursday, April 12. ^All- with 18-ft. MONITOR systems are go " commented flight director, MINIMAX TRAILER OK CERTIFIED 9 Don Mintoiii "We expect great things out of FULLY-EQUIPPED USED TRUCK SPECIALS B TRfiVCLftLL 1972 CHEVROLET S2895 1967 FORD SB95 this vehicle!" Pickup. V-8, standard, 11,000 Pickup, 6 cylinder, standard, with 29-ft. miles, with aluminum camper 8 II body. Low miles unit. MONITOR TRAILER cab in immaculate condition. An even more optimistic outlook was ex- 1968 CHEVROLET SI095 1965 GMC S995 i i FULLY-EQUIPPED Pickups - Two to choose *i ton. This unit sold with from. Vi ton, 8 It. body, 6-cyl- plow attachment. Ordinal pressed by systems worker Al DeVarti, who 22,000 miles. 4-wheel c.'..e. PICKUP inder, standard. fr S witn 28-11. MONITOR said, Fve already ordered the cigars!" ^ FIFTH-WHEEL TRAILER 1969 FORD S1295 1964 CHEVROLET $395 Vi ton pickup, 8 II. body, Step Van. Runs well. Ideal standard V-8. work vehicle. You will be able to see the Apollo liftoff 2ND PRIZES: 3RD PRIZES: TAKE YOUR PICK TAKE YOUR PICK EXCELLENT TRANSPORTATION CARS • T.aveliU plus 21 't. • Fuliy-«quippad with the naked eye from all parts of Mon- l-ailci • Scout v,i1ti 16 Travelall • A11 - "Priced To Sell" ll trailer • Cimon wneel-dnvi Scout 5 5p*c>4l Pickup w\t\ 1! • Camper Special 1966 CHEVROLET Bel Air, fourdoor blur, S495. mouth County. However, it is recommended I! . Mom lof Tiu c K Pickup 1965 BUICK Two door gray S295 1964 IMPALA van™ mrwmnwo S395 No purchase required Void in Georgia. Maryland, you come up to Straub to see this highly ac- WisijMf! Washington. Wisconsin ani wriereprohifji'ldd 1964 BUICK vwrfcnt S395 pf 1 brftw. LiceniOd dmieis only. IB years and oldei. 1964CHEVR0LET convene, blue S295 claimed space" vehicle! SWEEPSTAKES ENDS MAY 16. HURRY. GET Others to choose from YOUR OFFICIAL RULES AND ENTRY BUNK AT For further details, call 264-4000. SCHWARTZ INTERNATIONAL^ KITSON 141 W. Front SI. Red Bank CHEVROLET 747-0787 Hwv36 542-1000 Eatontown Next to Motor Vehicle Station \ 34 Tbe Dally Begfeter, Red Bank-Mlddletown, N.J. Friday, April C, 1973 Help Wanted neip wanreo 4 Mole and Female Male or Female _ BwUnw Motlct Help Wonted MATURE JELIABLE BSS STATIONARY for four ctiflflftn. iom* rtwyi, »m» •»*• •ft*! WORK - V«r» «wienaW« nrlw», Male or Female IF H£ WANTS $0M£m\H6, t Cell W'lW Will f»r»lrt f«er«i£»l II <»»lrrt. for ENGINEER frit tSlmali call Sl-«m tetwtm J and i Let HIM 6o our ANC New Jerwy Blue Stol HCHIK, hlah pres ».m, WM. IWu Frl. SECRETARY sure boiler maintenance oatch. Ratotlni CLERKVS — Carwal offfct wortu JUKI!. Far Inlervlew ODPOintmenl col some cosh. Must be high school orodwHt, NURSING OFFICE Personnel Office. Monmouth Medlcol Cen hove tromportotlon. Paid vocation* com- ALTERATIONS Mature per»n, ability to wganlie worV t rnim, E«t. «> pany benefits. Apply in perion. Beneficial Oerlcol and receptionist rwpomibUltlev OFFSEFlnonceT, 23PRINTE Brood St.R , Re- dGoo Bonkd futur. e tn Dornwi. porches, stotrs. addfetlont, etc. Diversified typing (SO'wpm). Work with frtt titlmotei. Insured. Reasonable. I do GENERAL OFFICE growing firm. Quality standards. Job re- confidential Information. Excellent per- quires knowledge camera, stripping, plot* TV Job myult. Coll Jim. 7714764. sonnel policy. Contoci Nursing Office, WORKER burning, block ond multi-color printing on •ILL BEAU — Plutnblno and Heatlnc Al- Rivervlew Moipttol. Red Bonk 741 5700. Some IBM keypunch experience nece terations, rww construction ond tabbing. 6xt. 227. An equal opportunity employer alt stocks. Trainee considered. 301-462- wrt Permanenlpoilllor. Medical ond n 6^2 Immediate service Colt days, 7e7-Ot15, llfement benefits. Norwood Distributor PERSON TO CLEAN —One dOV per ht M7-SU2. FULL TlME~CUSTOOiA'N~NE ED~ED"~ 6tt Broodwoy. Long Branch. 222-3804. LANDSCAPING week. Must have own transportation. Ap- For school in Boyshore oreo Send res ply to Box P-BO, The Dolly Register, Red AND LAWN SERVICE to Bo* H 92 The Daily Register. COOK Bonk, N.J. CALL 7*7 -50»? Full or port-time. Apply 1" person, Ru § Runner, 116 Ocean Ave.. 5fQ Bright. GIRL GROOM ^"Experienced, lo core INCOME TAX RETURNS - Builnesiond SWITCHBOARD" OPERATOR- Full for two or three horjpi weekends at top time. All yeor round position. Must be SALES-RETAIL personal returns. Corporation end port- level horse shows. Brolding ability essen- available to work varied hours Apply LUMBER-HARDWARE-PAINT iwrsMpi. Over 20 vs. Middletown oita. tial Solory ond all expenses. Minimum Personnel Oeportmenl. weekdays 9 to I. The following portions ore owolioble: ft "MOroery Trovato, t/a Reliable Tax Ser aoe 17. Call 747-1972 or 741-2OH. vice. Coll for appointment, 67)1 w. Jersey Shore Weflicol Center, Codies time stock, port-time ccshiers. Full be Ave., Neptune. An Equal Opportunity Em- eflts, company discounts. GREETING CARD SERVICE PERSON - " LAWN MAINTENANCE ~~" ployer. Six hours per week (no sales), to service Sod. lert idling, roking, and cutting. Esti- PERGAMENT and reorder Greeting Cords in Hailet De- mate*. M24193 PRObu"C*T"l'ON""wo'R"K'ERS" - For' eiec portmenl Store. 943-6214. tronic components Openings on three Hwy 34 and Poole Ave. Hmlet. N. _ HOUSE PAINTING""~ ~ shifts Will troii. West of West Porn Avr . ASSISTANT BOOKKEEPER — Gol Of Interior ond exterior. Reasonable rates off Hwy 3S. Ookhurst oieo (? minu'ei Help Wanted Help Wonted Help Wanted Help Wanted Guy Friday type. Full time, Mve-doy- Free estimates. Call 787-65?!. walk from buj stop ) Apply in periorf. HAIRDRESSERS week Apply In person, Schwartr Chrysler James W. Ronon, Assoc . inc , 44 Cindy Male and Female Male ond Female Male and Female Male and Female EXPERIENCED ONLY Plymouth, 141 W. Front St., Red Bonk. Lane- Wayside. CARPENTRY Industrial Temporory SALARY OPEN. 671-9770 REGISTERED NURSE — Part-time, II PART TIME - Telephone iohc'iioVs KITCHENS BATHS BASEMENTS WORK NOW RECEPTIONIST/SALESWOMAN M/W - p.m. to 7 a.m. For appointment. AAJItloni. Expert work — tow prices. From Our office Morning ond afternoon Some office work for kitchen coblrn Coll M23W0, Ext. 13. Any Slit Job Fret Estimates hours ovoitobie Salary plus bonut Home NO ACTION? showroom. Little knowledge I nit r lor de LIQUOR STORE — Full time liquor store 5 I L CONTRACTORS UM75I prop/om also ovodable. Call 344 1334 OLSTEN NO TRAINING? LABORERS HELPERS orating would help. Storting solary J12 clerkmanoger. Experienced preferred. LOCAL MOVING E~>TpE~R7E>rC F D OPERATORS - For Apply Cabinet Industries, Hwy 16, Hmlet, Call 264-2*68 until 5 p.m. in. Re women's sportswpor Applv Jonathan Lo Estimates given. Reasonable. INDUSTRIAL WAREHOUSEMEN MAINTENANCE"- For refrigeration I4I-I1-I I KS3 gon, 1 Johnson Ave , Motawon. 566 938J SEE US! LPN OR RN — Parf-llme, 3 p.m, lo 11 WAREHOUSE, FORK LIFT, MATERIAL Full lime, all yeor round position open loi o tr\ For, appointment coll FOR ODD JOBS AND QUICK SERVICE HANDLERS, DRIVERS. OFFICE AND TEMPORARY... NO FEE right Individual. We are row accepting op M2-3600, Ext. 13. ,— Attics ond cellars cleaned. Junh te ""BEAUTICJAN' ALL OTHER SKILLS NEEOED DAYS New Jersey's largest real estate agency has plications in Personnel Dept., Jersey moved, light hauling. No lob too small Ft'll Hmf. Experienced only Top lolorv AND NIGHTS VERY HIGH PAY CAR Shore Medical Center, Corlies Ave., Nep- MATURE BABYSITTER - Two dOV* Coll 7417633 between 3 and /. Renown Beouty Solon. n)2 Hwy 3S, Mtd IS ESSENTIAL. NEVER A FEE TO YOU. Report 7 am. -ready to work lun*. An equol opportunity employer week References. Own transportation. several openings for self-starters and ambitious (1.25 hour. Fair Hwen. Call M2-4W. |TAI| dltlo»n 6M-n». individuals who are seeking high income pro- LANDSCAPE FOREMAN (M/W) types of masonry. Driveways. Col 495 FREE HO5PITALIZATION MANPOWER Some experience necessary. Pay based 01 I PRODUCTION •W. 717-1 tH. fession. If you are interested in unlimited in- ability. Steady lob for the right persoi FOREMAN M/W M7 Rt 3S. Eotontown 5-42 5300 (' j mile 4 W Front Red Bonk MJ-i; Coll evertlnos, 4o2-SlW, MORREAF U LAND DISAPPEARING ATTIC STAIRS — Fui TETN, STUDENTS OVERTT BONOEX OPPORTUNITY north ol the Monmouth Shopping Centsr) come, doesn't it make sense to go with the big- SCAPE SERVICE, Colts Neck Top roted manufacturer of point, con- Mshed and Installed tor only UJ 95. To o Full-time |ob ovoiloblt os Super- WE ALSO HAVE A PERMANENT DEPT Make money during Bff, cell 3«-O»63. DRIVER AND GENERAL WORK - struction materials, ond related Items rt- visor/Administrator for security firm ex- NEVER A FEE TO YOU. gest? For interview call Ed Pepsin, The Bera Spring ond Eoster vacation. ulres capable person for branch plont in FEDERAL. STATE. CITY INCOME perience preferred. S8OO0 0 year to start, Port-time 9 to 2 p.m. Apply Norwood OJs oms River, New Jersey. Automatic Prepared tn your home. plui ou'o or expenses Coll FIDELITY. Agency, Rt. 35, Middletown. 671-1000. frlbutori Inc., 624 Broodwoy, Lon packaging of retail ond Industrial prod- 29IO473 431-0700 DENTAL ~ GOOD "HUMOR Branch. See Frank. ucts. In business 90 years and growing. END BATTERY TROUBLE NOW CAREER OPPORTUNITY Good solary, strong benefits, excellent fu- EXPANOINGMONrv\OUTH COUNTY ture for right person to hondle oil phases Use VX6 battery odditlve ASSISTANT MAN ot production. Mechanical knowledge Hi R DISTRIBUTORS 747 11 REAL ESTATE FIRM - Seeks full time OR GOOD HUMOR GAL real estate salespeople for our new of- Cholrside, experienced, for lorge, mod helpful. Cotl Mr, Doug Wood tor Inter- ern, busy office in Red Bonk oreo. Good • No EXPERIENCE REQUIRED -lew. Nces. Licensed or unlicensed, tf unli • NO EXPENSE TO YOU censed, we will troin and prepare through solory. Call S435120 Help Wanted Help Wanted LAWN MOWING • OR COST TO YOU SCHOOL CROSSING GUARD - In ftn BONDEX INTERNATIONAL our special school Unlimited potential Male and Female Bring your N.J. drivers license 201203W Free estimates 115,000-120 000 first yeor, possible man Male or Female boro of Little Silver. Inquire 6 o.n\. to Coll 291-4320 CAR WASH HELP 585 Shrewsbury Ave., Shrewsbury p.m. Coll 747-5900. ogement in near future Draw ovoitabie Apply Country Sudser Cor Wash Office Temporary DIETARY DEPARTMENT - ts steklnp • POWER RAKE AND VACUUM LAWN Call Poloce Realty Associate!, 9S8-44M or 1VO0 Hwy 35, Middletown. RELIABLE BABYSITTER — In my hom< a fult lime, experienced, food preparation 264-5300. Aik for AAr.Steorn JOBS 1c per «. ft. Fertilizer and lime ova 11 obi What other TYPISTS days. Mature preferred. person. Opportunity lor right individual. wltti this service. 747-5«Si. Call 2&4-V0S6 Apply Personnel Depf., weekdays 9-1, Jer« HAVE FUN - And earn Si40 an hour ser NOW Temporary Service Computerized type-set- sey Shore Medlcol Center, Corlies Ave., FAIRWAY LANDSCAPING — Lawn; cut vicing Fuller Brush customers near home ting company in CAPTAIN — Llcertierj, reliable, ex- Neptune. An equol opportunity employer. fertilizing, seeding, sodding, designing Call 2M-3IT2or SS3-I033. could do this for perienced. Full charge or any related po GOOD PAY FOR LPN pR RN — Full or port time. 3 p.m. Fret estimates. 741-72SS. GOODHUMOR sitlon. 391-0696. r^EEDErJ) — Male singers, olios, lenors. TEMPORARY you? Shrewsbury needs typ- to 11 p.m. shift. Pleose apply Red Bank NIGHTMAN/WOMAN Convalescent Center, 100 Chapln Ave., RETIRED CARPENTER~-~ Seeks "sma basses Contact Mr Smilh ot Si Georges ists. If you can type 1 ond medium sized lobs. Complete tntenc Church. W?-G5v6. After 4 p.m., 842 9469 AAAN FACTORY WORKERS OLSTEN has a plan thot provides cosh, For Kennel. From 6 p.m .-7:30 o Red Bonk. remo \ I (. v3o8 VJMThKe umujDaly wvcgoNa,Begstex, neReda om-nuacutiowBBuk-MMfflettwra, m.jN.J.. rrmayFriday,, AprApriul i(,, js/117i2 <•. , 1 an adverse effect on construc- new construction by the state Another barrier was also ing in those areas. "principally because of the tion in New Jersey." rfw Wrtter Department of Environmental hurdled during 1972 in the A freeze on housing subi- trend established during the Protection have dimmed the state with the total stated val- sides and redevelopment past two years.".However, Still, about those construc- ;)|ecord State Construction Is Expected roadblocktos facEase industrial etion hopesOf, Heymanfn said, Jersey's construction prognosis for the rest of the ue of residential construction grants was announced in Ja- Iwsaiess Beared the £ billion year. exceeding the $1 billion level;;. Di a m nuary by HUD Secretary construction also, though they "There is every reason to be- | tnarkiast year, but although Heymann described residen- Figures indicate the state has George Romney. He said it may be different from those lieve that the remainder of • tt&Br' s^ssus jw^ - - - —-rrrisi Ysss-i- aasws; 1973«S will see a continuatioI n of , state officials maintain an op- tial and industrial construction reached a new high level will continue for 18 months, that hinder residential con- timistic outlook for 1973, in- struction. a strong construction pace increases as "excellent climbing to about $1.3 billion," ment of Environmental Pro- Ross said the program got but the department would ) ',&£.—.tikattans are the amoun t of SSrntTJE ^-i^2i*ERpfll Ektafp TnHavlS -£-J2=SK aaTEKffi MXSSSthroughout the state. growth" for the state. Heymann added. tection. A department spokes- under way in February, be- honor commitments already Public Service Electric & { new construction may fall off. made to local governments. ''There may be a lot of "What is particularly im- man, Cliff Boss, said Morris, fore it could be told in the Gas Co. announced last month i TJ»e latest figures from the portant about the healthy con- Ocean County led the way Industrial construction in it will not accept new custom- things that cpuld be road- ] Monmouth and Ocean County construction industry. "The stateDepartment of Labor dition of the constniction in- in residential construction in ers who will use more than 10 block to construction, even the communities have already re- program is necessary to halt New Jersey last year was and Industry show that both dustry is that it is-providing 1972 with about $142 million in therms an hour. The action is continuing rising price of lum- ceived letters instructing further deterioration of water about $446 million. Heymann restteatial and industrial con- more job opportunities for homes going up. Bergen Coun- being taken because of a natu- ber could be a factor. There them to halt hookups to any ex- quality in streams," Ross said there were 29 million stmctton broke records in construction trade union ty followed with $120 million, square feet of new buildings ral gas shortage. are just too many facts down tensions of present sewage said. "Treatment plants are 1J7J, running about 22 per members," Heymann said. Monmouth County with $92 and additions put up. In terms the horizon road beyond our million and Morris with J63 lines. already overloaded and they According to a PSE&G cent higher than in 1971. La- "As the industry continues to just can't take any more vol- of dollars, Middlesex County spokesman, 10 therms could control for us to say what fu- • bor and industry Commission- demonstrate strength, the million. All except Bergen are led the way with $75 million. ture construction will really slated for construction cut- "We can't tell officials in ume." be used only to run four or er ftonald M. Heymann even number of job opportunities Bergen was second with $52 five average homes or very be like. said the increased activity backs this year. the affected areas to order a should increase." building ban," Ross said, "but Construction" of homes and million and Hudson had $37 small commercial operations. "My optimism is based on continued into the first part of Heymann said the state's million. Heymann acknowledged the where we've been and the in- The cutbacks are due to or- stopping hookups and exten- public housing will also suffer desirable location, the mild ders from the Division or Wa- sions will result in the same in New Jersey because of a Heyman said 1973 should be gas shortage saying he hopes creases that have taken place. However, the announced winter and builders' response ter Resources in the Depart- thing." moratorium on federal spend- a good year in construction, it "will be eased before it has Those numbers are history." federal freeze on housing sub- to buyers' demands were tna- sidles and redevelopment jor contributors to the con- grants and a crackdown on struction increases. Specializing In Real Estate A Concern for Environment Is Urged v Over 20 Years EATONTOWN - As a forcing, or better, persuading, defined as the total relation- needn't be. The trees, water, of property. learning this. Streets curve; group of professionals con- industrial offenders to abide ship between man, other or- birds and peaceful con- "Landscape planning is house placement on lots is % •RESIDENTIAL SALES cerned with the land, its use by the pure air and water ganisms and the environment. templation can be found in a gaining increasing attention varied; in some cases walk- and the maintenance of its standards established for For those who live where it is •HOME APPRAISALS city park as well as rural in public building construc- ways arc at the backs of value, Anthony J. Camassa, their communities. With in- possible to do so, frequent woods. tion, too. Architects fre- houses, winding among trees president of the Monmouth creasing frequency, service contact with nature is one of "Planning to assure city quently work with landscape and away from auto traffic. Member 2 Multiple Listing Services County Board of Realtors, clubs, college fraternities and life's stimulating pastimes—a dwellers the availability of architects at the early Free Home Evaluations says Realtors have "an obli- other community-minded walk through sunny woods, a such facilities is receiving in- stages—often when the site is "Of course, to achieve this gation to assume leadership in groups are organizing cam- restful pause on a grassy creasing attention, and this is being selected—to develop result, planning costs and up- the continuing battle to pre- paigns to clean up a polluted bank overlooking a sparkling as it should be. One evidence surroundings which will bring keep costs will be'sustained. ADAMS AGENCY serve our environment. stream or a trash-laden park. stream. of this concern is the mount- city dwellers in closer contact But do you really object to "Environmental protection And this is all to the good. Trees, Water, Birds ing attention to proper land- with nature in a pleasing way. paying your small share of -. 842-5098 agencies at all levels of gov- "But concern for the envi- "Too often these pleasures scaping. We see more effec- "Other aspects of housing the cost of a flower bed beside Rumson ernment are demonstrating ronment goes beyond such de- are beyond the daily reach of tive use of trees, shrubs and planning deserve environmen- a walkway or the salary of more and more muscle in sirable activities. Ecology is city dwellers, and they other plantings to afford the tal considerations as well. workmen mowing the grass? homeowner privacy and the Public walkways doirt have It's cheaper than driving enjoyment of nature in sur- to be straight stripes of con- through traffic to find an out- roundings of his own choosing. crete, separated by narrow lying spot where nature pro- As a Realtor, I know that at- parkways from streets lined vided the trees and flowers. tractive landscaping also can with parked automobiles.. And it's a much more avail- add substantially to the value And, happily, subdividers are able satisfaction." Victor Melmed Conducting Marketing a home Weekly Real Estate Show The art of buying and sell- the Asbury Park Press. they are eligible for a VA ing property is discussed on The program can be heard loan. If they are, they could "Real Estate Today", a new from 11:15 to 11:30 a.m. every save as much as $1,800 in for sale weekly radio program offered Saturday. The show's host is some cases. by WJLK, the Radio Voice of Victor Melmed, operator of Recent programs have fea- Melmed Realty, Middletown. tured attorney Peter Falvo Listeners are encouraged to explaining contracts and Thinking of call Mr. Melmed while he is clauses, accountant Anthony on the air to answer their real Aliotta discussing real estate is something we do Selling? estate questions. He may be and Income Tax, and psy- reached by calling 774-1310 or chologist, Dr. John Del Russo, Melmed Realty 774-7823. talking about, the psychology offers the \ Mr. Melmed says real es- of buying. Future shows will tate is a, topic that everybody feature, discussions on mul- Homeowner's Sales Kit should explore to some extent. tiple listings, legal searches, every single day. Real estate is generally the termite certifications, certifi- • How to market property most significant investment cate of occupancy, and cus- • Advertising, and that people make, yet it's tom building. how much something they know the least Victor Melmed has also • Qualifying Buyers about, he said. "Most people started a home sellers semi- • Financing don't realize it, but there's nar conducted under the aus- > Checklists for closing thousands of dollars involved pices of Monmouth Adult Edu- in just the closing costs on a cation Commission. The class home. meets on 3 consecutive Call "If they knew more about Wednesdays from 7:30 to 9:30 it, they could save money by p.m. All facets of selling prop- 454 times in 1972, going about it correctly when erty are discussed. Plans to MELMED they buy or sell a home. I expand the seminar are under hope to help them in this re- REALTY way. spect. The home buyers seminar is 671-5650 "For example, 1 could help also offered by MAEC, and to be exact. some buyers to determine if taught by Victor Melmed. The last class had 28 students. "These classes are fun to WE'RE teach, and the questions I get asked keep me from becom- In your lifetime you may have to sell one, two, maybe three homes. ing complacent" said Mr. We, on the other hand, are marketing a different home for sale every single Melmed. GREATER "The, radio program has day of the year. been very rewarding. I get And we have been doing it for many years. the opportunity to meet and THAN EVER learn from experts in various .. Many of your friends and neighbors are turning to us to help them sell fields. We also feel it provides their home for the best price in the fastest time. us the opportunity to meet the public we serve," he added.. We think we know why and would like to give you just three of the THE \ . many reasons. GREATER You Could Marketing a home for sale is undoubtably a complex process. RED BANK Do This... First step is determining the price. Only you can make the final decision on the price of your home but AREA we can help with our 'Market Value Analysis'. Having sold hundreds of homes, many in your neighborhood, MULTIPLE we can help you decide what a fair market price is. LISTING National statistics show that a home just 10% overpriced could take 5 times as long to sell and then at a reduced price. SERVICE! Second in addition to the daily advertising we do in newspapers and magazine, a picture and description of your home will appear But an inexpensive in our newspaper TODAY.which is distributed monthly to 45,000 county 70 MEMBERS TO SERVE YOU residents. Only OUR listings appear in this newspaper therefore a lot of Classified Ad IN MONMOUTH COUNTY is better - people will be looking at your home. LISTED ON PAGE 326 OF THE YELLOW PAGES Third, our 25 Sales Associates are already working with hundreds of 741-6900 customers who are looking for that one special home. Yours could be the one. Call us today and let one of our Sales Did you know 1 % of $50,000 is Associates tell you the rest of our marketing story. $500? If you are thinking of listing real estate for sale, you should be aware that this agency is still plac- ing listings, at full advertising ex^ posure, at the old 6% commission rate. This may make a difference to the economy minded person of be- tween $250 to $1,000 in cost of sale. Please call us, avail yourselves STERLING THOMPSON of our experience and real estate REALTOR counseling. offices in Middletown • Matawan • Marlboro • Hazlet • Howell 's Cove Is SpcuAoiis Tkftlfly Register, fled B«ak-MlMleWffB,.N J. VTUMJ, I MONMOUTH BEACH - rate's Cove," Bragar said. homes. Residents of Mon- one's home and a proportional "The spaciousness of a whole The fully-equipped color- mouth Beach may Join the share,of the surrounding separate house, plus all the coordinated kitchen includes Monmouth Beach Pavillion, a KTOunds, common areas, the advantages of a townhouse wall oven countertop range, beach club. two on-site swimming pools condominium," is what Pi- dishwasher, washer-dryer, All condominium advan- and tennis courts, are an in- rate's Cove, a new community garbage compactor and re- tages, such as ownership of tegral part of Pirate's Cove. by Driftwood Associates in frigerator-freezer. Monmouth Beach, is trying to Beyond the kitchen is a for- create in its one-and two-bed- mal dining room extending room residence units. the full width of the home. "Today's young families are The dining room is one fea- anxious to buy a home," ex- ture not usually found in mod- plained Paul Bragar of the em efficiency homes, but is Paul Bragar Agency, ex- again evidence that Pirate's clusive agents for Pirate's Cove townhouses offer ad- By ANDY LANG one — whicn is perfectly all Cove, "Yet'if an active life- vantages of a regular house. AP Newsfeatures right — avoid driving a nail style leaves little lime for up. A powder room and planned Garden tools are especially through the wood. Most handles keep responsibilities that own- storage space accents the low- subjected to abuse. Home own- are made of hardwood and will ership usually entails, a con- er-level floor plan. ers who meticulously care for split unless a pilot hole is dominium townhouse may be On the second floor, both the tools in their workshops are drilled for the nail. the answer, since all exterior bedrooms contain two double- often careless about main- A wire brush is excellent for maintenance is provided for sized closets. Sliding glass taining the 'equipment used in removing rust and caked dirt by the owners' association," doors from the master bed- and around the garden. from the metal parts of garden Bragar -said. room lead onto a balcony af- Why this is so is difficult to tools. Following with steel Both the one-bedroom and fording a view of the Shrews- explain. Perhaps there is a feel- wooling will restore the original the two-bedroom models are bury River. Also off from the ing that garden tools, having smooth finish. If the rust is two-story homes, the upstair- master bedroom are a double been made for outdoor use, are deep and cannot be entirely re- BUILDERS HEAR PLANNER - Robert Halsey, Haziet. Seated, left to right, are Lee Crawford,! vanity dressing room and the better able to withstand the va- moved, get it as smooth as pos- director of the Monmouth County Planning Board, Middletown Realtor/and Earl Swift, Union Beach,, downstairs design giving an sible, then coat with a rust- master bath. Another bath, garies of the weather. Not so in addresses the first organizational meeting of the qnd Vic Rhodes, Holmdel, builders. ., extra "whole house" effect. most cases. Handles split and inhibiting paint. plus additional hall and linen Monmouth Builders Guild at Shore Point Inn, •teenier SMfflMlif The larger two-bedroom unit, break; spades bend; edges get Preventing rust is simple. especially, features unexpect- closets, complement the re- dull; bolts and rivets come Each time the tool is used, wipe ed, spaciousness. mainder of the upper level. loose; metal rusts. it dry, then wipe it a second Every home has its own An entry foyer with a hall When a wooden handle has time, this time with a rag dip- electric heating and central closet near the front door, split, it usually can be repaired ped in oil. When the tool is to be Builders Guild Is Organized opens onto a living room air conditioning plus hard- by winding tape around it, but put away for a considerable pe- HAZLET-The first orga meetings. A nominating com- reaching over 20 feet in depth. wood floors and finished "build with the land." od followed with Mr. Craw- not before first applying some riod, apply some oil or rust nizational meeting of the Mon- mittee was appointed to "People often think of con- patios. preventive to the metal por- A question and answer peri- ford as moderator waterproof glue to the split por- mouth Builders Guild was present a slate of officers for dominium residences as Pirate's Cove is located on tion and store it in a tool chest tion. In pushing glue into the held at the Shore Point Inn vote at the next meeting of cramped apartments. This is the Shrewsbury River, offer- or box which will keep moist air break, great care must be ex- here. the guild on Monday, May 7, clearly not the case at Pi- ing both riverfront and inland ercised to avoid splitting the from getting to it. Acting master of ceremony at Shore Point Inn. handle even further. A handle Sometimes the rivet that HOW QUICK CAN YOU SELL repaired with both glue and Lee Crawford, Middletown Guest speaker Robert Hal- holds a handle to the metal realtor who helped to organize, sey, director of the county tape will last indefinitely. conies loose. It can be removed the guild, introduced co-chair- If the split extends all the Planning Board, spoke on MY HOUSE? by splitting one end, then pull- men Earl Swift of Union "How Builders Can Best Co- way down the handle or is oth- ing it out. It can be replaced Real Estate Today Beach and Vic Rhodes of operate With Planning Board erwise likely to be difficult to with another rivet, sold at hard- Holmdel, both custom buil- repair, it is best to get a new ware stores and lumber yards, Authorities." THIS QUICK! handle. The cost of one is a lot or a nut and bolt. ' ders in the county. He urged builders to seek Purpose of the guild, ac- high quality development and less than the cost of a new too]*. Shovels, spades and hoes that In making the purchase, be sure cording to Mr. Swift is to aid avoid the problems, such as 3/29/731:15 p.m. Received a call to list a home. are out of shape can be ham' builders in overcoming prob- Red Bank Area to get a handle that fits. If mercd back to usefulness while stream encroachments, that necessary, take the tool to the lems of custom and spot build- have beseiged so many local 3/29/73 6:00 p.m. Interviewed sellers and received placing them on a hard surface. signed listing. store with you. Handles are at- Once this has been done, re- ing by working in cooperation communities. tached in various ways. You with [ocal municipalities. He asked that the county 3/29/73 7:15 p.m. Delivered signed listing to Mul- sharpen the edges, starting first tiple Listing Services. Homes Are Sold can use the same method of with a rough metal file and It was announced that master plan for growth and attachment as the old one, but round table, seminars will be 3/30/73 10:00 a.m. Showed house to prospective BED BANK - Nine sales Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Hedg- finishing with a fine-toothed development not be misused buyers. reported closed in the area by peth of Red Bank have if you decide to use a different file. scheduled at future monthly .and encouraged builders to Russell M. Borus Agency of moved to 19 Harris Park, Red 3/30/73 12:00 p.m. Signed contracts for sale of Fair Haven, member of Red Bank, the estate of Ada B. property. Bank Area Multiple Listing Wilman. Service, Inc., include: Mr. and Mrs. Theodore and we'vo been giving this Mr. and Mrs. Peter H. B. Mascott, from Amblex, Pa., Why Not Upholster the Wall? RED CARPET SERVICE have moved to 49 Crane dimming have moved to since 1873 Little Silver, selling their for- Court, Mtddletown, purchased As spring approaches, more After seaming the fabric trim or the braid and this •will be put directly into the mer residence at 122 Rumson from Mr. and Mrs. Ralph women get into the do-it-your (with a narrow seam) it is should be applied to hide ragged furring strips and should not Road, Rumson, to Ms. Amory Rothbart, now residing in Cali- self act. And one favorite opened by pressing it. When you edges and fastenings. 'reach the wall. I. Haskell of Red Bank. fornia. • project may give a wall a face- are finished seaming it, stretch Furring strips should be fas- If the fabric chosen is ex- ALLAIRE-FARROW AGENCY pensive and the do-it-yourselfer Dr. and Mrs. Carl Sinder- Mr, and Mrs. John D. Jor- lift with fabric. Decorators re- the fabric from furring strip to tened to the wall every foot or has doubts about the project, it M.L.S. REALTORS mahn of Coral Gables, Ha., don have moved to Rumson. fer to it as "upholstering the furring strip or straight across so. These will be the nails in 294 Broad St., Red Bank, 741-3450 Their former residence at 23 wall." the plywood. your wall, so do not use too would be a better investment to have purchased 93 Spruce hire someone to do the job. Drive, Fair Haven, from Mr. Robin Road has been pur- Silk fabrics make beautiful Fabric can be stapled or many. All the other fastenings chased by Mr. and Mrs. Harry backgrounds, and if the wall is tacked to the wall. If one is and Mrs. Robert Moore, who ll e r ecl have moved to Red Bank. R. Davis of Whitesboro, N.Y. short > P «J shouldn't be clumsy with a hammer, it may The estate of Agnes E. Mup „ . ., „ . „ too expensive. But it might be be difficult to hit the little tack. Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. wiser to experiment in a den or Stapling usually works better. IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY ray at 3 Monmouth Ave.,' Dawson have purchased 34 f h ticking, den- A good stapling gun might be ONE AND TWO BEDROOM CONDOMINIUM TOWNHOUSES Rumson, has been purchased amily room wit Lewis Lane, Fair Haven, |m Or sailcloth. The heavier rented at a hardware store, but by Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin from Mr. and Mrs. Walter If. upholstery type fabrics and bro- -if one has much use for it, Popper of Shark River Hills. Conovcr, who now reside in cades are also easy to put up purchasing it might be worth Mr. and Mrs. Albert Miz- Florida. • because they have body. the investment. It may be nec- rahi, formerly of Matawan, One need not fear using essary to tack the fabric to hold have purchased 100 Willow Mr. and Mrs. Ronald J. stripes, but one must have help it in place before stapling it. Road, New Shrewsbury, from Fracalossl of Bclford have so that the fabric is held taut as Thumbtacks are Very good for Mr. and Mrs, Phillip V, Brad- moved to 87 Lewis Lane, Fair it is being applied. that. After the stapling or tack- ford who have moved to Haven, the estate of Emily Decorators usually use fur- ing is completed, an adhesive- Princeton. Stout. ring strips at top, bottom and backed or other braid or trim sides of the wall, stretching the might be added. This should hide the staples or tacks com- tfabria c from one strip to the . (The strips are available pletely. -nber yards.) If there is a If the wall area is small and 3 Windward Moeiefc Splywood wall, the job is even the fabric is heavy, carpet tape plyd The fabric can be may be used to hold the fabric. 1 without the furring After smoothing it into place, Nearing Completion 2SS*strips. tack it with some of the little BARNEGAT - Three mod- T.B.S. expects to start de- First, the wall must be lined thin one-inch wire brads. The els are nearing completion for livering Windward homes this unless a heavy upholstery fab- heads on these are so small you can't see them when they are preview showing late this summer and anticipates 100 ric is used. Some decorators occupancies by December. use inexpensive flannel for this hammered into a nubby fabric. month at Windward here; a If this method is used, other Windward at Barnegat will purpose, tacking it to the strips community of 193 homes on with tiny tacks. (These will not fastening will be unnecessary. Bay Avenue, just off exit 67 of offer models in ranch, bi-level' show later.) The flannel or oth- Any fabric should be well- the Garden State Parkway. and colonial two-story design. er fabric of similar weight The subdivision, which will The homes, utilizing a Nantu- stretched and smoothed where should be seamed, and the the seam might bulge or puck- offer homes in the low-to mid- cket theme, will be available seams opened and flattened be- twenty-thousand price range with five per cent con- er. A wide fabric, requiring fore putting it on the wall so fewer seams, is the easiest to ON THE SHORES OP THE SCENIC SHREWSBURY on heavily wooded lots rang- ventional financing. that there are no bumps. work with. 2 MILES SOUTH OF RUMSON, N.J. ing from a half-acre, is being Fishkind said the homes will The fabric will also need If a wood trim is going to be developed by Eugene L. Fish- have three and four bedrooms seaming. Striped fabrics work used on the wall, the job is kind of Total Building Sys- and are being geared to meet out well because seams can be easier. A sharp razor blade '32.900 '37,900 tems, Inc. of Farmingdale, a the price needs of the young concealed cleverly by manipu- makes a good cutting tool if 5 ROOM, 2 BEDROODROI M TOWNHOUSE subsidiary of The Arundel buyer. lating the stripes. Sometimes fabric edges need trimming af- Corp. of Baltimore, a publicly the selvage can provide the ter it is brought across the wall. owned company. RECORD LAND USE seam leeway. A horizontal Tack the fabric as far as It can Windward at Barnegat is TORONTO (AP) - The stripe will make the wall ap- go on the wall and then run the the fourth subdivision which amount of new land used for.pear longer, a vertical stripe cutting tool down the side of the Near the shores of Pleasure Bay, The T.B.S. is creating in Ocean industrial purposes in the Tor- will provide height if that is wall to remove the excess fab- Shrewsbury and Naveslnk Rivers, homes al m re ric. Over that goes the wood Pirate's Cove stand tall and proud. Elegant County. Other projects in- onto area reached a record last ° important to the room, Condominium residences designed for the ul- clude The Mews at Dover in year. John Hopkins, president timate in gracious living. Dover Township, Burnt Tavern of the Metropolitan Toronto In- Spacious one and two bedroom up and dustrial Commission, said down Townhouses Include all major appli- Manor, a condominium com- ances, central air and part-owneiship in two munity of apartments and "Just over 1,700 acres were uti- lized by industrial developers pools and tennis courts. i townhomes in Brick Town- Pirate's Cove exists as an adventurous com- ship, and The Pennant Club, a for speculative building, new plants and expansion of growing munity with the now concepts and advan- complex of 372 apartments in tages ol condominium ownership. local firms. Jackson Township. DIRECTIONS: From Hew York, go loulh on Gorden Stcrtt Pnrkwoy to Exit 117. Head soulh on Highway 36 to Bcoclt Rood (opposite Monmouth Beach Club). Head west on Beach Rood and turn right onto Rlverdole Avenue. Then straight to ma SERVING MONMOUTH COUNTY Townhouse Treasures at Pirate's cov« on Mead- AND THE NATION ow Avenue. Through Our Move... See Ihese other Driftwood Associates' communities: • Trade-in Program I SEA BRIGHT VILLAGE • Relocation Referral Program OCEAN VIEW TOWERS We sold over At West End Rt. 36 (Ocean Aye) Sea Bright ' Year-round 1 & 2 bedroom condominium apartments Dramatic and contemporary townhouses on the ocean - For complete details $1 MILLION IN on the ocean at West End with balconies which feature for Year-round living. Features Include 2 bedrooms, 2W call an ocean view,- central air conditioning and heat, baths, balconies, Westinghouse kitchens, living rooms REAL ESTATE LAST MONTH! washer, dryer and carpeting In each apartment, and with optional fireplaces, formal dining rooms, laundry landscaped gardens. rooms, private beach, storage areas, and garages. Maka your move to Monmouth County's 1 btdroom •partmtntt Irom M,m From $33,900 Fastest Growing Real Estate Firm. 1 btdroom •partmtnh) from IW.ttO Two OlllcesTo serve you ... DIRECTIONS: OardtnStlMPKwy. to txlH05,«»st on Rt.Mto DIRECTIONS: Parkway to exit 10?, eait on Newmin Springs Fair Haven-Middletown Rt. 71 (Jrd traffic light), turn right and procttd »pprox 4 mllei Rd/to Rt M, right on IS t block to White Rd.. left fo end Our 3rd Olfico will open soon. on Rt. 71 past Monmouth Collagi to Ctdar Av*. Interaction, (Branch Ave.), left on Branch 1 block W RumioA Re)., right on WALKER follow C«d»r Ave. to Octtn Avt., turn left to Avery Ave., turn Rurnson to Rt. 3* * (ocean 4 ml.), right on Rt. 34 I mile to JOHN F. ANDERSON .models. cu; 747.0221 AGENCY Exclusive Agents: The Paul Bragar Agency. Inc. Realtor WALKER 636 River Rd., Fair Haven. 27«0Hwy35, Hailel 794 Broad St., Shrewsbury, N.J. / Phones: 747-0221 870-2040 • 842-6020 SHREWSBURY HOLMDEL 741-4477 739-1515 MEMBER MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE . ' 741-5212 671-3311 J FRIDAY SATURDAY TIL 10 P.M. JUSTCHAKGE SUNDAY 9 A.M (ITEMS PERMITTED BY TIL6P.LAW) M SpecialPurchase - Kitchen-Playroom-Bedroom mstrong PER GALLON VINYL VINYL ONE COAT ONE COAT INLAID LATEX FLAT LATEX WHITE & 20 COLORS NEW PATTERNS & COLORS NEW PATTERNS& COLORS WHITE & 20 COLORS SEMI-GLOSS ENAMEL FOR WALLS & CEILINGS. • NO WAX CAREFREE FLOOR SGRUBBABLE FINISH Easily Installed • EASILY MAINTAINED Easily Cleaned • CALAY* PATTERNS CLEAN UP REG 95 FOR WALLS BKtt WITH B||. WOODWORK, •*•*» 6 FT. WIDTHS 6 FT. WIDTHS WATER MWS GAL ETC. A AC GAL l.f9VALUE 4.99 VALUE Dry-Proof 1OFF I PER GALLON ONE SPANISH NEW! COAT TEXTURE LATEX FINISH INTERIOR REDWOOD Waterproofing STUCCO FINISH FOR REDWOOD WHITE TEXTURED FURNITURE WHITE SIDING, CEMENT FENCES, FLAT WHITE WALL ETC. ONE COAT PAINT FLAT WHITE VALUES J Acrylic Latex TO CALIFORNIA 3.99 REDWOOD FINISH VINYL ASBESTOS PER GALLON 12x12 FLOOR TILES COME EABW \ . IMPORTED FOR BEST SELECTION BRONZE SOLDBV AND THE CASE A AS-1S /,) CRYSTAL f| CHANDELIER I Decorative I and ricri looking SELF STICK FloorTtle m VINYL CARPET ASBESTOS FIRST QUALITY FIRST QUALITY SELF STICK SELF STICK IMPORTED FLOOR TILES CARPET TILES DECORATOR COLORS DECORATOR PATTERN FOAM BACK BRONZE 12x12 ECONO-TILE AND CRYSTAL CHANDELIER SWAG Lighting 8 light chandelier. ALL COMPLETE & Width 2t" Reg. S46.8S READY TO HANG Modal 7244/S. WITH CHAINS INDOOR OUTDOOR HARDWARE CARPETING FIRST QUALITY-DECORATOR COLORS • Burnt Orange • Blue Green 06 EXCLUSIVE! IN STOCK • Spanish Gold 6 FT. • Moorish Red LINEAL • Heather WIDTHS FOOT • Avocado Etc. I LOOM ^ARTIFICIAL STAIR SonrtClS-Wall Tex SHAG TREADS SCRUBBABLE Double Jute Backing. Easy to in- VINYL GRASS FIRST QUALITY stall. Quiet and soil underioot. WALL COVERINGS! Assorted Colors. 1973 CHOICE SECONDS SHAG CARPETS Decorator Patterns ^ CARPET CARPET KITCHEN •CHILDREN'S DECORATOR COLORS ROOM • BATH RUNNER DEN, ETC. 6 FT. WIDTHS WITH SAFETY GRIPPERS INDOOR OUTDOOR ARTIFICIAL TURF ifperfect NON SKID FOAM WATFLL CHOICE OF COLORS BACKING WITH GRASS Li-.E T\- 4.35 to 5.30. MfT* SINGLE ••-SSLO>: ROLL I OUTDOOR 6 FT LINEAL , LINEAL WIDTHS OTHER PATTERNS AVAILABLE AT $2 69 SINGLE fOOT IfOOT FOOT ROLL AND $2.99 SINGLE ROLL rrrmW 4" WHITE VINYL r UTILITY WINDOW •«Wx1/S" PAINT 7" PAIN PAINT ROLLER SHADES • 1BULB8 — 80 WATTS S BRUSH FIRST QUALITY • CANDELABRA OH " REFILLS PEGBOARD EDISON BASE ROLLER &JRAY PLAIH TYPE SET J1M7K", , HAZLET•rnnirnriir : ROUTE #35 AND POOLE AVENUE M.1KM.KIM.M.M.
g W3,0OO. home of this four-bedroom, two-both Rl. No. 34, Strothmore Shopping Plaia E.A. HANLON VETERANS! ranch. Fireplace, Full basement. Beautiful Motawort, N.J. REALTOR WE HAVEN'T FORGOTTEN YOU. shrubbery. Convenient to excellent Three-bedroom, mint condition! custom schools. Let us show you this house today 583-5000 WATERBURY 842-0110 ranch with large ultra-modern kitchen, Estate asking M0.OO0. LISTINGS OF BETTER HOMES - In AGENCY Evenings 741-5119 dlnlna room, full basement with game Kconsburg-Mlddletown-Hazlet-Hotmdel. Reolfor-47 Years of Servlcf-lnsuror LITTLE SILVER room, two-car garage, extras galore HICKEY AGENCY THE SMOLKO AGENCY. 787-0123. a Mgple Avf. 747-3500 Rtd Bank OWNER asking 135,000. Come and see for Realtor "GOLD" yourself! CarVfposslbly last. 37 Beach Rd. Monmouth Beach We Have Buyers! , RUMSON EN.GL.fSH" Coll 222-4QS7 anytime Listings urgently needed in Ihe oreus of Strike It rich with this brand new bl-level Hozlef, Mtddletown, Belford, Leonardo, PAUL P. BOVA etc. Coll George A. .DeLorme, Realtor. NEW! Beoutllul four bedrooms. l'/i baths, large REALTORS WILTED WALLET? kitchen, den with fireplace. Located on 35 Cherry Tree Farm Rd., Mlddletown Quality Realty Associates 548,750 nice quiet street. Unbellevoble find o $16,500 Member Multiple Listing Services Wow! This brand new four-bedroom, 2'/j- 142,500. Coll now, won't loit. 671-2544 Two-bedroom ranch. Excellent starter or 291-3232 both, with full cellar, convenient to retirement home, unbelievably low taxes schools, tennis courts, boat launching CAMASSA AGENCY (only 1422). Call toooy romp, for H8750! See us now — won't RUMSON LEGAL NOTICE lost! . REALTOR MLS Attractive four-bedroom, 3'/i-both home, NOTICE OF SETTLEMENT 741-6336 PAUL P. BOVA OF ACCOUNT 4 Parker Ave. Little Sliver In secluded location on almost four pictu- REALTORS Op«n 7 Days resque acres. Beautiful area tor horses, ESTATE OF ETHEL T. KELLOGG. Priced In low 90's. Call for appointment. 35 Cherry Tree Form'Rd., Middletown DECEA5ED 254 Notice Is hereby given that the accounts ADAMS of the subscriber. Trustee ot the estate WILTSHIRE AGENCY of sold Deceased will be audited and AGENCV-REALTORS $43,900 DAY NIGHT ENGLISH COTTAGE stated by the Surrogote of the County of Open 7 days, 24 hour service If you know Holmdel, we don't have to This home Is just two blocks to schools, Monmouth and reported for settlement Ktgliltr Slow PMIo tell you that this centrally air conditioned, 842-0004 stores and bus line. Superior schools. Liv- to The Monmouth County Court, Pro- 842-5098 four-bedroom, I'/i-both, spacious split, ing room with beamed celling, dinlno FASHIONED WITH CARE - Sixth grade students at the Shrewsbury room, eot-ln kitchen, den, three bed^ bate Division, on Friday, the 4th day of 1)0 Ave. o) 2 Rivers Rurmon with above-ground pool, on professionally A NEW LISTING! May A.O;, 1973, ot 9:00 o'clock a.m.; at landscaped grounds, will go fast at this rooms. Five minutes to river ond ocean Borough School will model their own creations at a fashion show to be FREEHOLD This new Shrewsbury listing Is now va- 145,000. Coll now! the County Court House, Monument and cant ond offers Immediate occupancy. Court Streets, Freehold, New Jersey, at sponsored by the PTA. Among seamstresses are, left to right,'Carol Living room with fireplace, dining room, COZENS REALTORS which time Application will be made for CAPE COD three bedrooms, basement with gome- the allowance of Commissions ond AAcGuiness, 12, Noreen Cassidy, 12, Kim Orfanites, 11, and Lynn Jensen, "PAUL P. BOVA room and workshop. Attached garage. Counsel fees. REALTORS 741-7686 Why haven't you bought It? Very pretty and private recr-yard. Asking Doted March 30th, A.D. 1973. 35 Cherry Tree Farm Rd., Mlddletowri 138,500. Call today! 613 River Rd. Folr Haven, N.J MULTIPLE LISTINGS BANKERS TRUST COMPANY. It's perfect for a young couple lust starl- 671-2544 (By: RUTH OURYEA, Trust Ottlcer), ing out, It's oil you need. Three bedrooms, COZENS REALTORS START OUT RIGHT. . . 2B0 Pork Avenue, V/7 baths, living room, kitchen with dining COLTS NECK 741-768*? In this Ihree-bedroom ronch. Poneted I New York, N.Y. area, and full basement. There ore not Beautifully restored Early-American Co- ing room with llreploce, full dining room Trustee. mony ot this price. 813 River Rd. Fair Haven, N.J and plenty of room. Full basement. Over- Messrs. Rlker, Donilg, lonlat. Four bedrooms, l'/j baths. Prime MULTIPLE LISTINGS si zea lot. A fantastic view. Coll us now.. . Scherer & Brown, area surrounded by mature trees. Original LITTLE SILVER, N.J. This one will be sold tomorrow. Only Attorneys at Low, REDUCED, ONLY W3,K» beamed ceilings and wide board floors. Industrial Safety Program 129,000. KIRWAN CO.. REALTORS, Air- 744 Broad Street, BEN ALPERN An absolute "must" to see ot only J55.WO. OPEN HOUSE port Ploza, Hcalet, N.J. 2M-72O0. 7 days a Newark, NJ. 07102 SAT., APRIL 7 AND SUN. APRIL 8 week 9 lo 8 p.m. April 6 17.25 REALTORS 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. 44 W. Main St. Freehold ILLMENSEE Waterfront properly, over 200', with own MONMOUTH BEACH NOTICE Call 462-6464 dock for at least six boats, and heated MONMOUTH COUNTY AGENCY swimming pool on two plus acres. Four NEW four-bedroom, 2'/2-bath bl-level with SURROGATE'S COURT Will Convene Wednesday bedroom ranch house. 3Vi baths, centra river rights ond view. Municipal beach ESTATE OF WILLIAM J. SMITH, Realtor air conditioning, central vacuum system club. Exceptional schools. 146,900. JR. DECEASED QUALITY all appliances, wood burning fireplace Pursuant to Ihe order of S. THOMAS EATONTOWN - The Mon- first session Wednesday. Sey- director of safety for N.J. Hwy. 34, Colls Neck 462-3172 landscaped. Immediate possession WILTSHIRE AGENCY GAGLIANO, Surrogate of the County of mouth County Safety Council mour Rubenstein, assistant Natural Gas Co., Asbury REAL ESTATE $107,000. DAY NIGHT Monmouth, thfs day made, on the appli- NEED INCOME? 11 Pine Drive (off Seven Bridges Rd.) cation of the undersigned, United States has announced its 19th annual chief of the state Bureau of Park, will preside at a session We mean what we advertise. When you A new two-family listing on a quiet side 842-1907 842-0004 Trust Company of New York, Sole Ex- are looking to buy o home h the Boy shore street In Atlantic Hlghlonds. your home ecutor of the estate of the sold William sessions on industrial accident Engineering and Safety, Tren- Wednesday, April 18. Roger area, first consult our experienced service offers living room with fireplace, dining RIVERFRONT BETTER THAN NEW J. Smith, Jr., deceosed, notice Is hereby team. room, two or three bedrooms. You hove given to the creditors of sold deceased prevention, to convene ton, will discuss "The New Kennedy, area representative the Income from a two-bedroom apart- Victorian chorm with a sandy beach and Colonial with two flreploces, 15x24 den to present to the said Sole Executor ment ftiot also has a fireplace. Basement. ever changing views up and down the No- four bedrooms, three baths, central oil their claims under oath within sir Wednesday in the Civic Audi- Jersey Occupational Safety for the Minnesota Mining and QUALITY S44.5OO. Call right away! veslnk. Convenient Folr Haven location conditioning. Country amid town con months from this dote. The kitchen Is new and has o breakfas venlence. w'SOO. Doted: March 29th, 1973. torium, Monmouth Shopping and Health Act and its Effects Manufacturing Co., Camp REALTY ASSOCIATES COZENS REALTORS area overlooking the water. Oinlng room UNITED STATES TRUST COMPANY tour bedrooms, basement-gamer oom OF NEW YORK Center, from 7:30 until 9 p.m. upon the Employer and Em- Hill, Pa., will discuss "New Rte 36, ad|acent Mermaid Diner Leonardo front and rear porches. Asking $83,000 Borus Agency 741-7686 (By: ROBERT E. HILL, ploye." Traffic Controls - Getting to 291-3232 613 River Rd. Folr Haven, N.J. Call now! REALTORS Trust Officer) Joseph C. Berka, council MULTIPLE LISTINGS 600 River Rd,, Fair Haven 45 Wat) Street and from Work Safely." ' Member 3 Multiple Listing Services COZENS REALTORS 747-4532 New York City, N.Y. president and safety coordina- Richard G. Heckman, chair- NEW RANCH $29,900 RUMSON 741-7686 Sole Executor tor for Bell Laboratories, man of the Monmouth County Presiding at the third ses- Stately seven-bedroom Victorian on Hi Messrs. Drailn, Worshaw; acres. 31x14 living room with two fire- 8U River Rd. Folr Hoven, N.J Auerbach & Rudnick Holmdel, will preside at the Traffic Safety Committee and sion, April 25, will be C. Leslie On a good sized lot In best section of MULTIPLE LISTINGS Four bedrooms. Lots of space. This split 25 Reckless Place KeonsBura. Three bedrooms — family siz- places, three enclosed porches, sun room, will suit your family to a T. Loads of den, gameroom, 3Vj beautiful baths, mod- Red Bank, N.J. Batchelor of the state Bureau ed science kitchen — lots ot closet space closets and lovely setting. Call today. . . Attorneys — wall-to-wall carpet throughout. Sure to ern kitchen with beamed celling. A bar- LITTLE SILVER This one won't lost. KIRWAN CO., REAL- go fast— so call now! gain at 1120,000. TORS, Airport Plaza, Hazlet, N.J. 264- of Engineering and Safety in ROOM FOR HORSES 7200. 7 days • week 9 to 8 p.m. April 6 BUY-RITE REALTY ALLAIRE-FARROW The four + acres Is adaptable lor paddock $7.50 Trenton. James E. O'Neill, di- Realtor and Molls. The four-oedroom, two-both RUMSON — Charmina older Colonial on Variance for Home PUBLIC NOTICE rector of industrial service for BROKER 787-1010 29* Brood St., Red Bark nome. with extras is an unusual opportu- one acre with trees and evergreens. Four nity In Little Silver. Priced below as- An ordinance entitled "AN ORDI- bedrooms, 2'/i baths, two-car garage, out- NANCE AMENDING SECTION 1 OF the National Society for the 'FLORIDA CALLING! ! 741-3450 sessed valuation at (44,900. buildings. Low taxes! W2,5OO. HOWARD AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED "AN OR- No A' is the time to buv (hot home, apcrt- Coll Anytime DEXTER ASSOC, 45 W. River Rd., Rum- Prevention of Blindness Inc., son. 747-2701. DINANCE FIXING THE SALARIES ,munt, duplex or Income properly. Act CHEi^^AKTAREXroo WILTSHIRE AGENCY AND COMPENSATION OF BOROUGH Approved by Zoners ow! ED. CONWAY, Pcolty Inc., 2731. 3 New York, N.Y., will speak on ntal split. Five bedrooms, 2'/? baths, pan- DA/ NIGHT LINCROFT — Spill. ,* acre. Excellent OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES IN THE Soklond Pk. Blvd., Ft. Louderdalc, Fla, ,' eled den, built-in pool with water founiotn. condition. Three bedrooms, l'/j baths, din- BOROUGH OF NEW SHREWSBURY" nonconformity was created "Latest Developments in In- Patio. Two-car garage. Central air. All 842-0004 Ing room, living room. New wall-to-wall, ADOPTED APRIL 6, 1972, AS FREEHOLD TOWNSHIP - new kitchen. 22' family room with tire- AMENDED AND SUPPLEMENTED"' dustrial Eye Protection." applionces and carpeting. Many extras. A 1 The Zoning Board of Adjust- when land was taken from the very special hcmevlmmediote occupancy NEW TUDOR place, 2O screened porch wilri lovely was presented for Introduction ond first view. W4.5O0. 741-4818. reading on March 15, 1973 by Mayor ond property by the state Depart- The final session will be Crochet A Coat to qualified buyer. J54.900. 727-3445. RUMSON Council'oT Brough of New Shrewsbury ment granted one variance KEANSBURG — Two bungalows, one 4 Four bedrooms. 2Vi boths, dining room, TWO FAMILY HOUSE — RED BANK. and on April 5, 1973 wos finally adopted and held decision on three ment of Transportation, ac- moderated by Sidney Sandier, room, one 3-room, on 75'xlOO" lot. WHl den, full basement. Construction will stari Needs some painting and repairs. Con- ond approved, take mortgage. $16,500. 244-27W. In May. Let us show you the lot and the venient location. Five-car garage. Must ROBERT F.HENCK others last night. cording to the applicant. electronics engineer at Ft. plans. Wfl,750 jocrlflceot 519,900. 741-3328. Borough of New Shrewsbury The one-story building does Monmouth, Wednesday, May KEANSBURG — Two bedrooms, den, Jerome S. Reed Walter Ayers was granted a ALLAIRE-FARROW Clerk Realtor large kitchen arid parlor. Aluminum sld- variance to build a one-family not conform to lot size, side, 2. George Matwes, manager' 194 Broad St., Red Bonk Inq. All fenced. 116,900- 642-4435. -April 6 S5.00 front or fear set back require- of safety and medical services COLTS NECK — Rombllna ronch on one house on an odd-shaped lot off 741-3450 acre plus. Five bedrooms, J'/I baths, fami- PUBLIC NOTICE Maher Road. The five-sided ments for the B-5 zone. The for Bamberger's, Newark, Call Anytime ly room with fireplace, built-in barbecue "Pleose take notice that Joseph and n kitchen, central air. two years Helen J. Keating, Creamery Rood, lot does not meet lot size and applicant wants to fully en- will discuss "Women and •young." S77,500. HOWARD DEXTER R.R.!, Colts Neck hove mode o request FO RTH ETET) UCATE b ASSOC, 45 W. River Rd., Rumson. 747- to the Zoning Boord of Adjustment for a width requirments for an R-40 close a presently fenced stor- Safety - On and Off the Job." Man who desires to walk to Monmoul 701. variance to subdivide tract Into two par- College from this beautiful brand ne cels one containing 1.39 acres with zone. age area and add office The public is welcome to all ranch on 3/* acre. Privacy on quiet side frontage of 199.66 feet, the other con- street. 153,000. BEAUTIFUL VIEW taining 260.24 feet ond 9.116 acres. Nei- In granting the variance, space. four sessions. Atlantic Highlands. Viclorion home, can ther lot will conform to frontage re- PAUL BRAGAR be used os two-family. Excellent area. quirements and one lot does not con- the zoners noted that there Realtor M8.OOO. COUNTRY SQUIRE Real Estate, form lo the area requirement. Sold par- Realtor Broker. 291-3336. cel Is In Block 32, Lot 4 and Is located in was no adjacent land avail- 7V4 Brood St. Shrewsbury a Residential A-l zone. A public hearing HAZLfcl — Two bedrooms, big living will be held on April 17, 1973 at 9:15 able for purchase and the lot 747-0221 room, lorge eat-In kitchen. Very well lo- P.M. ot the Colts Neck Township Hall." Fair Haven Zoners cated, *30,0OO. 264-4648. ROBERTSECK has been in existence for Secretary SALT AIR RUMSON — Cope on corner lot. 60x140. Zoning Board of Adjustment many years. Docks, cruisers, sailboats and fish, tf this Living room, kitchen, two bedrooms, un- Is "your thlna" come see this sparkling finished upstairs. Breezeway leading to April 6 S5.00 Held for decision April 19 ranch house. Three bedrooms, two baths, attached aoraoe. Wolklna distance to Grant 7 Variances 'ertect condition. J43.9O0. ichool ond busline. J39-000. B4J2-9169 after 4 " PUBLIC NOTICE" were two applications from '.m. "Pleose take notice thai Frank Yates, Revolutionary Road, Colts Neck has Concept Engineering Con- FAIR HAVEN - The Board home of Michael and Mary Borus Agency KEANSBURG - ThreY-ramily house. made o request to the Zoning Board of sultants of South Amboy. Williams at 12 Hendrickson REALTORS First floor: two four-room apartments. Adjustment for o variance to construct of Adjustment last night ap- 600 River Rd., Fair Hoven Six room second floor. Big walk-In allic, a /u x 4U inground swimming pool sur- The engineering firm asked proved a variance for the Place.; A one-story addition 747-4532 driveway. 150,000. 4v5-0146. rounded by approximately 6 feet ol con- crete. The outside perimeter to meosure for a variance for one lot off remodeling of the Standard to the home of Michael Feeny, NEW CAPE COD $31,900 KEYPORT — Two-story, three bedrooms, approximately 32 x 50' ringed by a 4 foot new modern both, living room, dining high fence. Said swimming DOO! will be Stillwells Corner Road where Awning Co. building at 615 room ond kitchen, basement, two-car ga- 50 McCarter Ave.; a six-foot Quiet section of Keonsburg. Four good located on Block 17. Lot 1 In a Residen- slied bedrooms — two full tiled boths — roge New roof, newly poinied inside and tial A-l lone ond does not meet the re- the front setback on a one- River Road. stockade fence for Mrs. Mau- super eat-In kitchen. Unbelievable value. out. S35,vO0. Principals only, Coll 2647275 quired side yord requirements. A public Don't wall on this one! after 4 p.m. hearing will be held on April 17, 1973 ot family house under construc- Tht; owner, Charles E. Mor- reen Perkins, 97 Parker Ave.; 9:30 P.M. at the Cotls Neck Township RE~D~B~ANlc~— Lovely older Coloniol on Hall." tion is four feet short of the 50 aller Jr., plans to build a an addition to the rear of the BUY-RITE REALTY tree lined slrcet. Three bedrooms, living ROKER room with fireplace, dining room, gome- ROBERTSECK feet required in the R-25 zone. shingled overhang roof; in- home of Mr, and Mrs. James room and ponded sunroorn. "MDve-in" Secretory HAZLET $237900 condition. 537,500. HOWARD DEXTER Zoning Boord of Ad[ustment On a second lot, also off Still- stall simulated brick on the F. Butler of 91 Oak Place, and 30' living room ASSOC., 45 W. River Rd., Rumson. 747- wells Corner Road, the appli- front of the cinder block build- 21' master bedroom 2701. April b iS.oo construction of a 20-foot wood- 100' landscaped lot cant requested a side yard ing, and erect a new sign to Owner liquidating HIGHLANDS — Waterfront home, private PUBLIC NOTICE deck patio at the home of Per- MELMED REALT dock, bulkheaded. Three bedrooms, two "Please take notice the Stonley J. variance for a six-foot in- ORS baths. Principals. S39,9OO. Coll 212-546- iChonck, Jr., 201 Phalanx Rood, Lln- replace two existing signs. ry F. Sennewald of 23 Fair 6673; __ croft has made o reauest tn th* 7™iinn sufficiency. Both defi- Boord of Adjustment for a variance to Haven Road. HAZLET LINCROFT'~New contemporary nestled retain o concrete building which does ciencies resulted from con- The board granted a vari- on wooded ocre. Four-five bedrooms, 2' i not meet required reor yard require- Mini condition, half brick front, split lev- boths, "dream" kitchen, paneled family ance to the Stalder Realty el. Conventional mortgage only. Seven ments. Sold building If located on Block struction errors not dis- CDA TO MEET room with white brick fireplace wall, cen- 35-7, Lot 5 In o Residential A-l zone. A rooms — l'/j boths, three bedrooms, tlv. •ol air. Just listed with us. MV,v90. HOW- Co., Fair Haven, to build a Ing room, new eat.ln kitchen, paneled ac- public hearing will be held April 17, 1973 covered until the foundations KEYPORT - Court St. Jo- ARD DEXTER ASSOC, 4S W. River Rd., ot9:15 P.M. at the Colts Neck Township one-family home on an under- coustlcal celllnged recreotlon room, utili- Rumson. 747-2701. were already built, according seph, Catholic Daughters of ty room, wall-to-wall carpets throughout, Hall. This notice previously published sized lot off Navesink Ave. attached oarage, ond Florida room. for hearing on March 20, 1973 but has to Terrence V. Hiley, project America, will meet Tuesday 140.900. Principals only. 264-5718. WE BUY HOUSES FOR TOP DOLLAR been rescheduled." The lot has a width of 50 feet, In any condition ROBERT SECK director for the applicant. at 7:30 p.m. ih the St. Joseph's Phone-257-7828 Secretary 10 feet short of borough re- LARGE FAIR HAVEN Zoning Boord of Adjustment Both homes are part of a sub- School hall. Crochet jaunly, A-shape .prll 14.50 division being built by Home- quirements. VICTORIAN Lots and Acreage LEGAL NOTICE coat and hat in vivid wool. Seach on Naveslnk River with full rlpa- NOTICE TO BIDDERS town Builders Inc. on a tract lan rights. Four bedrooms, two baths RUAAS'ON Notice Is hereby given that sealed A variance request by Wal- NOTICE TO BIDDERS Smart school partners! Cro- •utly restored. Asking UJ,KK). WATERFRONT 5»,5OO bids will be received by the AdminU- formerly owned by Mrs. Notice is hereby given that sealed bbfr WOODED ACRE 1?8,MO rotor of Ihr Township of Holmdel for ter and Elaine Lake, '265 will be received by Ihe Administrator or chet coast from nock down of CROWELL AGENCY Rood Maintenance Paving Molerlols, Louise Fruden. Third St. to subdivide their the Township ol Holmdel tor "Malnte-< knitting worsted. Has double Townsnip ot Hotmdcl, Monmauth Coun- nance ond Operation of Sewage Treat- 741-4030 HOWARD ty, NJ" ot Township Holl, Crowfords Also held for study was the property to separate a house ment Plant ond Sewerage System for crochet ribs on single crochet Corner Road, Holmdel, NJ at 2:00 p.m. Period Moy 1, 197] to April 30, 19/4" ot '83 River Rd. Fair Haven Prevailing Time on Monday, April 16. application of Samuel and with two apartments from a Township Holl, Crowfords Corner Rood, ground. Pattern filK: sizes 'IA; 1973 ot which lime they shall be opened Holmdel, NJ ot 3:00 p.m. Prevailing MARLBORO DEXTER and read aloud. Florence Robbins of Freehold detached garage with an at- Time on Monday, April 16, 1973 ot which B-K; 10-12 included. BUY DIRECT FROM ASSOCIATES — REALTORS Work shall consist of the furnishing of time they shall be opened ond read BUILDER IS W. River Rd. Rumson ood paving materials ot the plant site. for a 1,800 squre-foot addition tached apartment was denied. aloud. New custom bl-level. Two boths. Large The Specifications ond other Contract and alterations to Robbins Five other variances were The Sped tl cot Ions and Ottier Controct Senrl 75 cents for each pal- recreollon room. Four bedrooms. Many 747-2701 Documents tor the proposed work, pre- Documents for the proposed work, pre- extras li5,000. Othtr homes. 9*6 4102. pared by Leon Si Avaklon, Inc., Con- Electric Co. In. approved. They were: pared by Leon S. Avoklon. Inc., Con- •lorn — add 25 cents foiM'ach ultlng Engineers, ?B3 Woyslde Road, sulting Engineers, 788 Wayside Rood, pattern for first-class mailing LOLTS NECK — Acre plus, live bed- RUMSON Neptune, N J moy be examined ot the of- The wholesale and retail An addition to the one-story Neptune, NJ may be eiomlned at the of- STKKAMUNKD is Ihe rooms, three baths, family room with •eoutifully wooded l'« acre, corner Ridge tlce of the Engineer during business fice of the Engineer during business and special handling. Suml to raised hearth fireplace. Lorge entrance :d, ond Bueno Visto Ave, *35,0OO. Call hours. One copy thereof moy b* obtain- electrical supply store is lo- hours. One copy thereof may be obtoln- word for this and boll, eot-lrt kitchen, formal dining room, vcnlngs (305) S67-2O35. ed by each bidder upon deposit of trie ed by each bidder upon deposit of the Laura Wheeler, lil The Ued laundry room, large basement, large two- (CEANPORT - Three lots, all on paved sum of 510 of which S5 will be refunded cated on a 30,000 square-foot sum of HO CO of which 15.00 will be re- drrss, and the- effect they have car gorofle. Call 946-8991 after 5 p.m. rod. Alt utilities In No fill. lo the bidder upon return of me docu- NOTICE OF SETTLEMENT funded to the bidder upon return of the Bank Register, Nepdlecrafl Principals only. Colt S42-I753. ments In good condition within 5 days nonconforming lot off Rt. !) OF ACCOUNT documents in good condition within 5 on your figure! Choose an otter the opening of the bids, provided undtr dnys offer the opening of the bids, pro- Depl., Box llil. Old Chelsea orb SHRIW5BUR~Y"BMeveiTsiTTsw" that a formal proposal has been sub- adjacent to the jugljandle for to) — Trust for the btrttfll of CLARE vided that a formal proposal hoi been easy-care knit fur spring. Three bedrooms, IB X 20 living room, Commercial Property mitted by the bidder. Deposit checks PRENTICE NEILSON submitted by the bidder. Deposit checks Station, New York, N. Y. large dining room with glaii sliding (iordons Corner Road. The sholl be written to the Order ot Leon S. IVER 500 SQ. FT. OF OFFICE SPACE - shall be written to the Order ol Leon S, (b) — Trust tor tht bantllt of SHEL- Printed Pattern SW32: Half doors, brand new eot-in kitchen, den. at- Avohlan for each set of coumenb. DON ELLSWORTH PRENTICE Avoklon for each tet ot documents. 101)11, Print I'ATTKHX \UM- 1 tached goroge, lorge deck and 'orge tront lus extra Income trom three aportments. Sizes l()U , Vi\' , M''j, Hi -.. porch. Many extras. Coll R42-57I4. uslness section of Red Bank $34,500 Bids must be made on the Standard LEGAL NOTICE (O - Trust far tht tointtlt of SHEILA Bids must be mode on the Standard BKH, KAMI.;, ADDHKSS, 2 2 , & G REALTOR5 988-1111 or 531-0044 roposal torm in o manner designated IC€ SME1L AR Proposol Form In a manner designated MlbbCE'fOWN — Brick eu.tom rnnchT Ihereln ond required by the Specifica- PUBLIC NOTICE therein and required by the Specifica- lS'i. Size 14!^ (bust 117) takes P/ °" Z1R Three bedrooms. l i boths, living room, tions. They shall be enclosed m on "P tease take notice that Will torn R. id) — Truit for tht bantflt of CLARE tions. They iholl be enclosed In an 21,1 yards fid-incli fabric. dining room, eat-In kitchen wilh Formica House On Broad St." opaque seeled envelope addressed fo the and C. Richard Flock, R.D. 7. Flock PRENTICE POTTER opoque seoied envelope oddressed to the NKW1972 Needk-c-raft Cata- Mayor ond Township Committee, Holm- Rood, Coth Neck hove mode a rfount ESTATE OF IERNOH S, PRENTICE, Mayor and TownihlD Committee. cabinets and dishwasher. I oundry room, Red Bank to me Zoning Board ot AdlustmenRor a two-car goroge. Central oir conditioned, Coned professional. Two-way .traffic. Cor- del, NJ beorlncj on it>e outude Ihe nome DECEASED Holmdel, NJ bearing on the outside the log crammed will: I tie most .NKVKNTY-FIVK I'KNT.S of the bidder, his r • « and the nome voMance to construct a 40' x 40' oddlticn Notice Is hereby given that the accounts nome of the bidder, hlj address ond the electronic air filter. Over one ocre. wr property, 200' deep, excellent oreu (or to the east side of present jtoroge, con- J47,S0O. Principals only. 6^9459. _ larking. Very ipoeiou* Colonial Possi- of the contract for. n the bid Is sub- of the subscribers. Trustees of the ei- nome of the contract for which the bid fabulous fiistiifins. acces- for each pattern — add 25 mitted Bids rnuit :<••• . ccomponled by a tinuing present distance from Flock tale or sold Deceased will be audited Is submitted Bids must be accompanied bilities of two levoli for offices. 175,000, Rood as existing storoge. Said storoge RED BANK - 71 E. Bergen PI. Three cerillicate from a '.ufftv company stal- ond stated by the Surrogate of the Coun- by a certificate from o surety compony sories, gifts. Knit, crochet, cents for each pattern fur Air ing that It will provide the specified per- is locted on Block 17, Lot 100 one Is in ty of Monmouth and reported tor settle- stating that it will provide trie spec 11 led bedrooms. Two-car brick veneer garage. a A-l zone. Said odd It I on does not meet .•embroider. Free patterns. Fireplace, recreation room, l''j botfii. PAUL BRAGAR formance ond maintenance bonds in the ment to The Monmouth County Court, performance and maintenance bonds In Mail and Special Handling. Realtoi event that the contract is awarded to Ihe set back requirements. A public hearing Prooote Division, on Friday, thetth da y the event that Ihe controct Is awarded to Swimming pool in ground 1M>4O') Prln- Realtor will be held on April 17, 197] at V0o Ihe bidder. Send SUc. Send lo Marian Martin, 421) clpals only. M2,000, /47-22S3. 794 Brood 5t. Shrewsbury bidder. Of June A.D., 1973, ot 9:00 o'clock cm., P.M. at the Colts Neck Township Hall ' at the County Court House, Monument : Each bid mus! be accomponlrd by a ROBERT SECK Eocti bid must be occompanlrd by a New Instant Crochet Book The Heti Hank Register, Pat- MIDDLE TOWN"— Four-bed r^orrTsp I It certified check for ten percent (10%) of ond Court Streets, Freehold, New Jer- certified check for ten percent (10%) of level, 71/} rooms Including 14'x17" family 747-022i Secretory ley. at which time Application will be , the amount of the bid, drawn upon on In- Zoning Board ol Adjustment the amount of Ihe bid, drown upon on In- — slep-uy-step pictures, pat- tern Dept., 2:U West IStli St., room. Halt acre. Dead end street. Low corporated bonk or trust company, pay- mode for the allowance ot Commissions corporoted bonk or trust compony, pay- S40'S. 67M724. 7UMSON -- Commcrcioi properly, nmT ond Counsel fees. able to the order of the TownshlD of 1 able to the order of Ihe Township of April* terns teach today's way. $1,0(1. New York, N.Y.' 101)11. Print i'ldmgs, approximately I ; ocrei. Colt Hotmdel, as guarantee that In cose the Wi0 Dated April 2nd, A.D. 1973. Holmdel. as over on tee that In cose the THREE-BEDROOM RANCH - Two '/-O674. contract Is awarded the bidder, he will, Complete Instant (lift Book NAME, ADDKKSS with ZIP, controct Is awarded the bidder,- he will, PUBLIC NOTICE RANALD H. MACDONALD, bathi, 21x31 family room, fireplace in liv- ; within 10 days thereafter execute such within 10 days thereafter execute »uch "HWY 35,^MIDDTETOWN" ~ "-~ Please take notice that Edward plot- 103S Fifth Avenue, ing room, central olr conditioning, Wood- tontract ona furnish sotlsfoctory per- New York, N.Y. contract ana furnish satisfactory per- — more than Hit) gifts. Sl.Ofl SIZE AND STYLE NUM- edlol. 1H.S00. MI-nM. !oned highway business. Separate front rowikl, 11B Irving Street, Juiey City ifflce, 2*«23, plu* Iwo-bedroom houie. formance bond. Upon failure to do so, CHEMICAL BANK, formance bond. Upon failure to do so, HAZLET - SevYn-room'Engtlst- split, tx- he shall forfeit Ihe deposit os liquidated has made o reaue*! to the Zoning he shall forfeit the deposit os liquidated Complete Afghan Bonk — BER. .Ivlng room with fireplace, dining room, Board ot Adjustment for a vononce to tro large country style kitchen. Three bed- itchen, full basement. Entrances avail- domoges ond the acceptance of the bid domoges and the acceptance of the bid will he conilngfrtt upon fulfillment of extend one story addition for use of bed* will be contingent upon fulfillment of $1.00 FREE FASHION OFFEK! rooms, den. Air conditioning, Man/ e«- able from office to living room ond bose- rooms, to be constructed of wood frame trot 130,900 Prlnclpuli only. Cull offer J, Ihis requirement by the bidder, The Ihls requirement by the bidder, The ment, AM utilities. iS4,vOo. 24-0 x 16 0, pitch 1x11, exterior to match checks of oil, excepting the 3 lowest bid- "1(1 Jiffy Itugs" Book. Sfle Choose fine pattern from ISO 2W-M67. __ __ checks ol oil. excepting the 3 lowest bid- (successor to New York Trust Compony STEPHEN J. KROL, Realtor ders, will be returned wllhln 4S hours exlsiing shingles and oarage on pre- ders, will be returned wllhln 41 hours Hwy 35 and Laurel Avr Holmdel. N.J, mise! located on Laird Rood. Block 19. and Fulton Trust Company of New Book of 12 Prize Afulians. styles in New Fall-Winter NEW MONMOUTH — Eight-room jpllt. otter the opening of the bids ond the re- after the opening of the bids and the re- 201-671-4614 Open 7doyi maining checks will be relumed accord- lot 6. Present residence Is located In a York), maining checks will be returned accord- Over '/* acre, beoulifutly landscaped. At Residential lone. Addition will not (By: William J. Flmbel, Senior Trust 50c f alalnfj. Send 50c for Catalog. Three bedrooms. Family room. ]'s baths. ing lo low. No interest sholl be allowed ing to law. No Interest shall be allowed upon ony such certified check. meet ilde or Frontage requirement!. A Officer), upon ony such certified check. Quilt Book I — Hi patterns. INSTANT SEWING HOOK Scretnefl porch. Overslie two-car oorog« Real Estate Wanted public hearing will be held April V, 1973 jr/Pork Avenue, Mony extras. Sewers. Close to everything. The Mayor ond Township Committee at 8:45 P.M. at the Colts Neck Township New York. N.Y. The Mayor and Township Committee Owner, M5,000. Coll I71-4IH. 50c sew today, wear tomorrow. OUR LISTINGS SELL reserve the right to reject ony ond oil Hall." Trustees reserve the right to relect ony ond oil WATERFRONT -^~And in-ground pool. 3-4 bids or to waive ony informality of any ROBERTSECK Meuri. Pitney. Hordlft & Klpp. bid* or to wolvt ony Informality or ony Museum Quill Book 2—5(lc $1. INSTANT FASHION bedrooms, 2 "7 bat hi. Bl level. Mini condi- TRY US bid. Secretory Attorneys ot Low, tion. Beautiful water view from redwood JOHN P. WAOINGTON Zoning Board of Ad|ustmen> 570 Brood Street. JOHN P. WADINCTON Book 3, "Quilts For Today's BOOK — Hundreds of fashion Nework, New Jersey 07102 deck and living area. Reasonable tones. ROOK ACENCY Clerk Clerk facts. $1. Principals only. 159,900. 22V-44V4. April * " >iW Aorltft JII.00 ApfU A ' sir.50 Living". 15 patterns. 50c April 6 SI7-7S