Hiram’s Lighthouse PROVIDING MASONIC LIGHT FROM TORONTO EAST DISTRICT SINCE 2003 Grand Lodge Merit Award Winner for District Newsletter - 2008 D.D.G.M.: R.W. Bro. Peter J. Sialtsis Email: -
[email protected] District Secretary: W. Bro. Charles E. Frankland Email: -
[email protected] Toronto East District Website: - www.torontoeastdistrict.com This Week in Toronto East (TWiTE): - 289.482.1294 Grand Lodge Website: - www.grandlodge.on.ca June 1 2015 Contents Page We can no longer have our survival depend upon the Events Calendar 3 claims of how great we were and point with pride to Around and About 5 the greatness of our past brothers. Freemasonry (News & Notices) needs an age of Renaissance in America today to lift Grand Lodge Communication 27 the veil of ignorance of our membership. ... by the Lighthouse Beam 30 - Bro. Thomas W. Jackson, speech to GL of Canada in the Province of Ontario-2011 Administration 32 (It‟s all about US!) From the desk of the D.D.G.M. Greetings Brethren of Toronto East District, As we head into the month of June we can finally embrace the slowly warming weather, the blooming of the flowers and our gardens; and we look forward to the end of what I feel has been a wonderful and productive year of brotherhood in the Toronto East District. As our Masonic year draws to a close, please remember that our labours are nowhere near an end. First and foremost, I want to encourage all of our brethren to attend the upcoming 4th annual Black & White District Gala & Awards Night to be held on June 13, 2015 at the Ajax Convention Centre.