The Trestleboard A publication of Sun City Lodge # 72 F&AM Remember...You Can “Do all the good you can, by all the means you can, in all the ways you can, in all the places you can, at all the times you can, to all the people you can, as long as you can.” - anonymous June 2018 june 2018 Calendar of Events Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 2 Nile Club: 10:30A DeMolay Dance 4P-7A LOP: 1230P Job’s 8A-3P Boy Scouts: 6-8P 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Lodge Trustee10A St. Andrew SC-OES: 730P SCL#72: CMDY: 9A Officers 7P SCL#72: 7P Church MSCRICF 1- 10A-12P Hi-12 8am LOP 12:30P 6PM DeMolay 4-7PM Boy Scouts: 6- Job’s 1-8P 8P 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Church Trust-Trustee 4P Past Mast: 830A Peoria OES SCL#72: 7P Oasis #15 6:30p Private Rental 7:30P 10A-12P Amaranth: 6P Job’s Daughter’s Boy Scouts: 7PM 6-8P Peoria #59 1-3 Amaranth 4-6 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Church Peoria OES Boy Scouts: Skull & Bones Peoria OES 7:30p 6-8P 7P 10A-12P All Day DeMolay 4-7PM #72 Awards 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Job’s 7P Peoria OES Church Stewart Council SC#72 3rd 5P 6:30p Lg Dining Rm 10A-12P Boy Scouts: 6-8P 11-4 SUN CITY # 72 LODGE Your Lodge at a Glance Worshipful Master Craig Montgomery 623-521-5580
[email protected] Senior Warden Mark Nelson 480-253-0969
[email protected] Junior Warden Kevin Baver PM 602-793-4584
[email protected] Secretary Richard Flinton PM 623.972.2217
[email protected] Treasurer Michael Kennedy 623.972.2217
[email protected] Chaplain Arizona Milke Senior Deacon Michael Rial Junior Deacon Corey Chavez Senior Steward Ed Tannheimer Junior Steward Brian Arrowood Marshal Matthew Link Tyler Charles Hardy PM Lodge Trustees - Chairman, Pat Hayes PM Members Steve Wieters PM, Earl Paasch PM, Jan Lilly PM, James Almrud Building Manager Jack Daniel PM 623.972.2217
[email protected] Audit Committee Doug Robertson, George Coxey Banquet / Event Committee, Frank Visceglie Candidate Mentoring Pat Hayes PM, Steve Wieters PM Trust Fund Trustees Chairman Randy Sturdevant Members David Miller, PM, Doug Robertson, Bryan Cooper-Keeble PM.